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The location of which this type of photography has been set in a countryside field. As you can see the that
this image has been placed at a particular angle to show of to have some sense of where about’s in the
countryside or in the city centre. As you can see on the photograph they have made it on an low and shifted
angle which is looking upwards because to emphasis firstly the sheep which are both jumping around and
secondly the actually location so which you can get a visual image of it. Of which the location of the ground
and the background are both blurred because the photographer wants to diverse your eyes on to the main
feature in the photo as in this case the lambs are the main feature. For this photograph which they have
chosen simple effect is to blur everything else which is behind the lambs and make the lambs stand out by
making the individual faces more lighter and some lighter parts on there legs as well. As they use the darker
parts of the body shadow themselves of where the light has not lightened them.
The colours scheme is simple
and also with these types of
colours from the background
and from the lambs it gives the
actually photograph more of a
countryside gloss to it. The
colour scheme which they
have used are different types
of green shades, brown shades
and a vanilla, white.
However they do use one
colour that strikes out most
from this photograph is the
red paint from the lambs
The photograph is presented
in a sort of hierarchy order
which the lamb on the left is
jumping into mid air, the
second lamb is is stood
normally on it’s four legs as
stood up high and last lamb is
bowing down going towards
more the grass then as it
usually stands.
This will attract the audience by seeing the different levels of the lambs of
how it looks like a transformation from the different stages, before it jumped
upwards. As this would catch peoples eye because how hilarious the lamb
position looks while is jumping. On the other hand it would attract people
who like farm animals. Which would attract people who would want to buy
this photograph.
Existing Product
A for this photograph which is located a flower called a Daisy. This flower is more located anywhere really
but somewhere near to the low ground. But the main location on this image is the flower head. With the
flower head to be the main image of the location of where the bumble bee is the colours balance each other
out by making the same colours from the flower of yellow, white. These colours have been reflected on to
the bumble bee as well, as you can see the colour yellow has been also imprinted on to the bumble pollen
on each sides of it’s legs. The yellow colour has been made much brighter overall than the rest of the colours
which have chosen. As this yellow colour has been made much brighter than other colours because to over
power the further colours, also that the other colours would have just made the image look boring and then
no one will buy it so that’s why they have put a quite a hint of yellow in there to make it more known to the
audience and to appeal to them. The angle that has been angled as this gives the audience a view of the
main feature of the bumble bee and location of which it has been set on a flower head. The angle has been
titled to get the front view of the bumble bees face and also looking on to of the bee as well. The flower has
been angled as if it was titled itself to one side. As it gives the effect of the bumble bee looks like its going to
cling on for its life. Also with this effect they have used the colour white from the plant that has been
transferred on to the bumble bees stripes. The reason why they have taken from this angle because of
lighting over looking the the plant to make it brighter on one side of the petals. So then it would define the
bumble bee to make it seem much darker to make a difference compared to the plant to manly stand out.
Referring back to the colours they
have chosen are more nature colours
with the greens, white and yellow.
Which these colours are very
important as it in townies with in the
theme which its trying to go for.
This makes the the audience want to buy
this type of photograph because it’s like
no over photograph of bumble bee of
how it has been viewed from a particular
angle and how the light differs on to the
Existing ProductWith in this product which will be similar to my own by how they have made the portfolio of the individual sizes of
the pictures per page seem to be different sizes. As you can see here they have used medium size image on the left
hand side with this type of image doesn’t fill up most of the space on the page. So this shows that it has got a
boarder around the main image and also with this type of photograph they have made the photograph with curved
edges around it made into a shape. Compared to the picture on the right hand side they have made the picture to
cover the whole page so that they want to focus the audience more on the actual image instead anything else
around the edges. Also with the image on the left hand side has also has got a sub heading at the bottom to tell
about what it’s about. With this sub heading of the text has been made to the colour red because to make it more
noticeable against the white background. Both of the pictures they have chosen the effect to go for a black and
white. As this effect makes such a big differences to these individual images by the way you want to place the black
and white colours through the page. One right hand side of the picture they have made in to the image an extra
colour red hidden into the image this makes the image seem more diverse just a normal black and white image. The
lightness has been changed between these two images because on the left hand side which it is much more
brighter especially on the white parts, in these parts they define their faces with the there glasses on which have
been changed colour to be black colour, also with the background colour to be black. They have used the colour
black because to make the people on the photograph to make the white of the faces of audience to stand out from
the black, also that they have used the colour black inside the 3D glasses, define it by using a dark shadow so that
wouldn’t blend into the faces. As you can this angle looks like it would have been taken on a straight flat angle as if
they only want to focus on their faces, as well a bit titled downwards as if someone was over looking you. As you
see both of these pictures look like they have been located in two different positions, as you see one on the right
hand side it seems like they have took this in a cinema. However with the other one on left hand side they have
made the location to make it seem puzzling to think of what its meant to be. As this portfolio will appeal to my
audience by the different variations of sizes of the images because of the looks things from small, medium and
large, also the shapes around the edges to entice the audience from different groups.
Existing Product
From this historical product from the period in 1990 they have chosen the photograph to be looking through
an old polaroid camera as its looking through the actually picture. However around the polaroid camera the
actually photograph of the landscape has been blurred for a reason because to make it not focused on that
specific part of the photograph. So this effect that has been chosen on this type of photograph to the kind of
blurred background, the clouds have been made hints of shadows of darkness at the bottom and then along
the top of them made much brighter than it looks like a sun it’s shinning on to the very tops of the clouds.
At the bottom behind the polaroid camera it looks much darker but not to dark but not to light either. As you
zoom in and look in to the polaroid camera you see the clearer view of the photograph. However the
photograph on the camera looks much different to the image behind it. When you look through the middle
part of the camera you get more quality of the photo and to more of a zoomed in photo. As this part of the
photograph appeals to the audience by getting a different photo instead of a same photo repeated twice so
this makes the audience more interested in your own product. As you can see these two photographs have
been taken outside in a mountain's area with a river flowing through it. As this location of where the picture
is set looks like the middle of nowhere of live, its just countryside based landscape. In the setting of the
place the colours which have been chosen quite bland colours that which they all compliment each other. As
you can see around the polaroid camera the setting of the lighting is more brighter and light up more
compared to the inside of the polaroid camera seems much darker because of the exposure to the lighting.
As this appeals to the audience by making them want to see the picture into more depth of the mountains
area and to get an diverse image of it. This make you think more about the photograph because they have
made the actual setting of place around the polaroid camera and then actual picture in a different spectrum
of the viewing of photograph and the different sizes of the two photographs. This makes
you want to see more in to the picture.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products
The common features that I have found in my research from my products are colours, lighting and contrasts,
angles and effects to the photograph. Firstly the colours that have been chosen through out the photographs
are a mixture of colours of dark and light ones, depending on the type photograph which have been taken. As
the colours of light and dark depending on the lighting and the angle the way in the position it has been taken.
This is because lighting angle is important because then you wouldn’t get the different variations of colours
that you do in these photographs. As the angle also changes the brightness and the colour. The different angles
show for the specific photograph of which the photographer is taking the picture of. Lastly the different effects
that have gone throughout the photographs, some of the photographs are shown in black & white and one
other colour and also some plain simple effects. So it made it look like they have not alliterated nothing with
the photograph.
• What aspects of the research will you include within
your on work?
The aspects from my research will include in my final project is by adding the following colours, lighting and
contrast, angle and effects. The reason that I have chosen these effects to be in final project because in my
research which I have seen all of these photographs with all of these effects have made the photographs much
exciting to look at and a bit more atmosphere. To make you want to look at the photographs. So literally all the
of these aspects have one difference to the photographs that have made an individual difference.
Questionnaire Analysis
• Observation: From this most of my audience is 16 - 19 years old of about 90% and the other 10% is
the age group of 20+.
• What this says about my audience: From 90% tells me that the age group of my
audience is 16 – 19 years old I should reflect my project on to this age group than any other audience.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal my product
which is spring photography to the audience by to see what they would like to see in a spring photography
project that would attract them to my kind of project. This is my main audience than any other age group
audience that which I shouldn’t apply it to them.
• Observation: From this chart it tells me that my genders of male and female. Firstly males
are 80% and females are 20%.
• What this says about my audience: This chart says about my audience about the
genders that they are most of them are male than female. This says about my audience that they
are most likely to be males to see my work. But this doesn’t give a fair for both genders
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to
this type of audience by gathering up a mixture of photographs from different spectrums from
spring photography to see which the most likely choice that male audience would like to see and
some half of the female audience as well.
• Observation: From the chart it tells me from the five different types of photography that
are, landscapes is 50%, flowers is 20 %, animals is 20%, insects is 20% and all of these 60%.
• What this says about my audience: This tells me about my audience is
that most of my audience want to see a variation of spring photography, of the different types to
specifically features that I have picked out such as landscapes, flowers, animals and insects.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My
Product would appeal to this type of audience doing a mixture of all the features of which I have said in
the question so then, I would have a variety for my audience. Also by having the most liked feature
photograph featured more than once in my album and the having least liked photograph won’t appear
that much in the album as much.
• Observation: The chart tells us what type of effects would you like to see and the audience
suggested with the black and white is 10%, colour is 10% and then mixture of both these types of effects in
mixed through out was 80%.
• What this says about my audience: This says about my audience is that they
would rather like to see different types of effects in colour and black and white going through out the my
portfolio in my photographs. Than rather just seeing one effect going straight through the portfolio.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product
while appeal this type of audience by appealing putting a variation of black and white, colour effects going
through photographs. On some of photographs I might put both of the effects on to some photographs.
• Observation: With this chart I wanted to find out if it would be good idea to pull out one of the
main colours from the photographs but only for the close up photographs, the percentage of them said yes
was 80% and the other people who said no were 20%.
• What this says about my audience: This tells me about my audience from
this question that they would like to see only one colour that was specific in the photograph as this was most of
my audience.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:My product will
appeal to this kind of audience by just doing this in a couple of my photos of the close ups for these specific
images. The reason because it doesn’t look like everyone is keen to see in it all of photographs of just one main
colour than the rest.
• Observation: The chart tells us if they would like to see a mini sub-heading to each individual
photo as some of the audience said yes was 60% and no was 40%.
• What this says about my audience: This says about my audience is that
most of my audience would like to see mini sub-headings for each photograph to make it seem different too
just plain with a just photograph in my portfolio.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: As I will appeal
to this to my audience by putting in the mini sub-heading around the portfolio to go with most of the
• Observation: From my chart it tells us most of people would like to see before and after
photographs before it has been photoshopped is 70% and the people who didn’t want to see before and after
pictures of how I have changed the photograph is 30%.
• What this says about my audience: This says about my audience is that most
of my audience is that they would like to see photo’s of before of the photograph have been photoshopped.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I would appeal it
to my own audience by appealing the before and after photos for the most effective photographs which would
be change the most in the photoshoped stage.
• Observation: From my chart it tells us what types of landscapes of photos would you like to see,
for sunsets is 40%, for different coloured going through the sky is 10%, for looking through plants and tress is
20% and all of these is 60%.
• What this says about my audience: This says about my audience is that they
would like to see a mixture of everything of effects that would see in the sky but the most specific feature they
would like to see on the landscape is the sunset.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product would
appeal to this audience by mostly putting a mixed variation of landscapes by putting the most liked landscape
most frequent and then other photographs which the audience wouldn’t mostly like to see as much but
however I will put a couple through out the portfolio.
Audience research
• Observation: From my chart it tells us how many photographs would you like to see per page, 1-2
per page is 50%, 2-4 per page is 10%, 3-5 per page is 30% and more per page is 10%.
• What this says about my audience: This tells about my audience they
would rather like to see 1 to 2 picture per page or 3 to 5 per page as these two numbers of pictures per
page are higher than the rest they would seem more appropriate for my audience of what they want to
see per page.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product
would appeal to my audience by putting a limited amount of picture per page but I would choose one of the
most liked choice of of how many pictures per page I should put from my chart.
Interview 1
• What would you like to see in a spring photography portfolio and why?
– Bunnies and lambs because they are springy
– Easter inspired themes because everyone likes Easter
– Sun because it is a nice thing to see after winter
– Daisy because they display kindness and new life
– Daffodils because they’re a good symbol of spring
• Why would you like to see before and after photos before it has been
– to see the difference and compare the work that you have gone with the previous un-
photoshopped picture
• Why would you like to see a mixture of effects like black and white and
– Because it sometimes helps you notice the simplicity and detail in things
Interview 1
• Observation: From my first interview the feedback that I have got from that I
was a variation of themes related to Easter with the types of animals that have been
chosen like lambs and bunnies. Also with the flowers and different types of landscapes
or brightness of how they say it relates to spring. Also about looking at this interview is
that they would like to see the transformation from before and after the photo has
been photoshopped.
• What this says about my audience: This tells about my
audience is that they like a wide variation of mixture of things, which they would relate
to spring to them. Also this says about my audience they would like to see the obvious
features from using the the different colour effects that would define the photograph.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
This would make my product appeal to my audience by enhancing this particular parts
of my audience what they think they should see in my portfolio that would be specifically to
that particular group of my audience.
Interview 2
• What would you like to see in a spring photography portfolio and why?
• Peak district because it looks outstanding when there is good weather and it
always grabs my attention, so if there is a picture of the peak district on your
portfolio it would defiantly stand out.
Why would you like to see before and after photos before it has been
• I would like to see before and after transformations so I can see ideas that I
would not of thought of.
• Why would you like to see a mixture of effects like black and white and
• So I can see ideas that I would not of thought of.
Interview 2
• Observation: From my second interview the specific features that would like
to see in there eyes as amazing as to grab there attention in landscape photography as
they have said as Peak District. The two other things are the transformation of how the
photograph has changed and then same thing with this for the different types of
• What this says about my audience: This says about my
audience is that they would like to see mostly landscapes than anything else with the
clear sky's as well. However nothing else on the any other subjects like animals and
more on that type of area.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
This will appeal to my product by my audience by putting in more of photography images
that were considering such as landscapes but in different areas of where the setting is and
like sun settings.
Audience Profile
Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience
Age Range
16 - above • I have chosen this age range because Spring
photography that I will take photographs of
would be in different genres. As this I have
thought of a wide range for different ages.
Both female and
• Both female and male will appeal to my
product by there is such a wide range of
photos that appeal to both genders.
Achiever • This would appeal to my audience by they
would advertise my own photography and
just focus on one specific part of the
Social Status
(B) Middle Class • This social class will appeal to my audience
by how professional it would look like and
would managerial for the different seasons.
Research Evaluation
Research Evaluation
• Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the
strengths and weaknesses of each method
– Product Research
The strengths from product research are that they have given me a different
perspective for how I should take the picture at a certain angle from a similar product
of an image. However with the weaknesses of the method it doesn’t give you any
different ideas to the ones before so then you cannot change it the way you want to.
– Questionnaires
The strengths from questionnaires are that they have wide spread of different variation
of question that can be good and bad to do with my product. However the weakness to
with my questionnaires is that you can get answers that you wouldn’t like to see in my
– Interviews
In the interviews my strengths are that they are specifically one to one as this is good
because they can give there own specific opinions to want I want to know about my
portfolio. However on the hand there is a weaknesses by it takes such a long time to
get a specific information from a one person for the questions.
Research Evaluation
– What sort of a response did you get?
The responses that I have got is a wide mixture from all of my questions that I had set
out for my audience. Most of my responses I have got good feedback from my
audience I have got to which what they wanted to see from spring portfolio. However
with each each individual response that I had got with my questions it changed. As this
helped me with my spring portfolio by how I made it more towards than just for me.
– How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage
I have distributed my survey by when I had finished off my survey I had sent it off to
Josh by email, by doing this by linking my address for the survey. As Josh did this he
put it onto blackboard so that everyone in the class could contribute to my own
survey. As this was an advantage because I could get different varied information from
different kinds of people and see what they thought about if I should have done the
following that I had said in the questions. However the disadvantages are that they
didn’t put down the information that what I wanted to see in my portfolio.

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2. research

  • 2. Existing Product The location of which this type of photography has been set in a countryside field. As you can see the that this image has been placed at a particular angle to show of to have some sense of where about’s in the countryside or in the city centre. As you can see on the photograph they have made it on an low and shifted angle which is looking upwards because to emphasis firstly the sheep which are both jumping around and secondly the actually location so which you can get a visual image of it. Of which the location of the ground and the background are both blurred because the photographer wants to diverse your eyes on to the main feature in the photo as in this case the lambs are the main feature. For this photograph which they have chosen simple effect is to blur everything else which is behind the lambs and make the lambs stand out by making the individual faces more lighter and some lighter parts on there legs as well. As they use the darker parts of the body shadow themselves of where the light has not lightened them. The colours scheme is simple and also with these types of colours from the background and from the lambs it gives the actually photograph more of a countryside gloss to it. The colour scheme which they have used are different types of green shades, brown shades and a vanilla, white. However they do use one colour that strikes out most from this photograph is the red paint from the lambs body’s. The photograph is presented in a sort of hierarchy order which the lamb on the left is jumping into mid air, the second lamb is is stood normally on it’s four legs as stood up high and last lamb is bowing down going towards more the grass then as it usually stands. This will attract the audience by seeing the different levels of the lambs of how it looks like a transformation from the different stages, before it jumped upwards. As this would catch peoples eye because how hilarious the lamb position looks while is jumping. On the other hand it would attract people who like farm animals. Which would attract people who would want to buy this photograph.
  • 3. Existing Product A for this photograph which is located a flower called a Daisy. This flower is more located anywhere really but somewhere near to the low ground. But the main location on this image is the flower head. With the flower head to be the main image of the location of where the bumble bee is the colours balance each other out by making the same colours from the flower of yellow, white. These colours have been reflected on to the bumble bee as well, as you can see the colour yellow has been also imprinted on to the bumble pollen on each sides of it’s legs. The yellow colour has been made much brighter overall than the rest of the colours which have chosen. As this yellow colour has been made much brighter than other colours because to over power the further colours, also that the other colours would have just made the image look boring and then no one will buy it so that’s why they have put a quite a hint of yellow in there to make it more known to the audience and to appeal to them. The angle that has been angled as this gives the audience a view of the main feature of the bumble bee and location of which it has been set on a flower head. The angle has been titled to get the front view of the bumble bees face and also looking on to of the bee as well. The flower has been angled as if it was titled itself to one side. As it gives the effect of the bumble bee looks like its going to cling on for its life. Also with this effect they have used the colour white from the plant that has been transferred on to the bumble bees stripes. The reason why they have taken from this angle because of lighting over looking the the plant to make it brighter on one side of the petals. So then it would define the bumble bee to make it seem much darker to make a difference compared to the plant to manly stand out. Referring back to the colours they have chosen are more nature colours with the greens, white and yellow. Which these colours are very important as it in townies with in the theme which its trying to go for. This makes the the audience want to buy this type of photograph because it’s like no over photograph of bumble bee of how it has been viewed from a particular angle and how the light differs on to the image.
  • 4. Existing ProductWith in this product which will be similar to my own by how they have made the portfolio of the individual sizes of the pictures per page seem to be different sizes. As you can see here they have used medium size image on the left hand side with this type of image doesn’t fill up most of the space on the page. So this shows that it has got a boarder around the main image and also with this type of photograph they have made the photograph with curved edges around it made into a shape. Compared to the picture on the right hand side they have made the picture to cover the whole page so that they want to focus the audience more on the actual image instead anything else around the edges. Also with the image on the left hand side has also has got a sub heading at the bottom to tell about what it’s about. With this sub heading of the text has been made to the colour red because to make it more noticeable against the white background. Both of the pictures they have chosen the effect to go for a black and white. As this effect makes such a big differences to these individual images by the way you want to place the black and white colours through the page. One right hand side of the picture they have made in to the image an extra colour red hidden into the image this makes the image seem more diverse just a normal black and white image. The lightness has been changed between these two images because on the left hand side which it is much more brighter especially on the white parts, in these parts they define their faces with the there glasses on which have been changed colour to be black colour, also with the background colour to be black. They have used the colour black because to make the people on the photograph to make the white of the faces of audience to stand out from the black, also that they have used the colour black inside the 3D glasses, define it by using a dark shadow so that wouldn’t blend into the faces. As you can this angle looks like it would have been taken on a straight flat angle as if they only want to focus on their faces, as well a bit titled downwards as if someone was over looking you. As you see both of these pictures look like they have been located in two different positions, as you see one on the right hand side it seems like they have took this in a cinema. However with the other one on left hand side they have made the location to make it seem puzzling to think of what its meant to be. As this portfolio will appeal to my audience by the different variations of sizes of the images because of the looks things from small, medium and large, also the shapes around the edges to entice the audience from different groups.
  • 5. Existing Product From this historical product from the period in 1990 they have chosen the photograph to be looking through an old polaroid camera as its looking through the actually picture. However around the polaroid camera the actually photograph of the landscape has been blurred for a reason because to make it not focused on that specific part of the photograph. So this effect that has been chosen on this type of photograph to the kind of blurred background, the clouds have been made hints of shadows of darkness at the bottom and then along the top of them made much brighter than it looks like a sun it’s shinning on to the very tops of the clouds. At the bottom behind the polaroid camera it looks much darker but not to dark but not to light either. As you zoom in and look in to the polaroid camera you see the clearer view of the photograph. However the photograph on the camera looks much different to the image behind it. When you look through the middle part of the camera you get more quality of the photo and to more of a zoomed in photo. As this part of the photograph appeals to the audience by getting a different photo instead of a same photo repeated twice so this makes the audience more interested in your own product. As you can see these two photographs have been taken outside in a mountain's area with a river flowing through it. As this location of where the picture is set looks like the middle of nowhere of live, its just countryside based landscape. In the setting of the place the colours which have been chosen quite bland colours that which they all compliment each other. As you can see around the polaroid camera the setting of the lighting is more brighter and light up more compared to the inside of the polaroid camera seems much darker because of the exposure to the lighting. As this appeals to the audience by making them want to see the picture into more depth of the mountains area and to get an diverse image of it. This make you think more about the photograph because they have made the actual setting of place around the polaroid camera and then actual picture in a different spectrum of the viewing of photograph and the different sizes of the two photographs. This makes you want to see more in to the picture.
  • 6. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? The common features that I have found in my research from my products are colours, lighting and contrasts, angles and effects to the photograph. Firstly the colours that have been chosen through out the photographs are a mixture of colours of dark and light ones, depending on the type photograph which have been taken. As the colours of light and dark depending on the lighting and the angle the way in the position it has been taken. This is because lighting angle is important because then you wouldn’t get the different variations of colours that you do in these photographs. As the angle also changes the brightness and the colour. The different angles show for the specific photograph of which the photographer is taking the picture of. Lastly the different effects that have gone throughout the photographs, some of the photographs are shown in black & white and one other colour and also some plain simple effects. So it made it look like they have not alliterated nothing with the photograph. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? The aspects from my research will include in my final project is by adding the following colours, lighting and contrast, angle and effects. The reason that I have chosen these effects to be in final project because in my research which I have seen all of these photographs with all of these effects have made the photographs much exciting to look at and a bit more atmosphere. To make you want to look at the photographs. So literally all the of these aspects have one difference to the photographs that have made an individual difference.
  • 8. Audience research • Observation: From this most of my audience is 16 - 19 years old of about 90% and the other 10% is the age group of 20+. • What this says about my audience: From 90% tells me that the age group of my audience is 16 – 19 years old I should reflect my project on to this age group than any other audience. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will appeal my product which is spring photography to the audience by to see what they would like to see in a spring photography project that would attract them to my kind of project. This is my main audience than any other age group audience that which I shouldn’t apply it to them.
  • 9. Audience research • Observation: From this chart it tells me that my genders of male and female. Firstly males are 80% and females are 20%. • What this says about my audience: This chart says about my audience about the genders that they are most of them are male than female. This says about my audience that they are most likely to be males to see my work. But this doesn’t give a fair for both genders • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this type of audience by gathering up a mixture of photographs from different spectrums from spring photography to see which the most likely choice that male audience would like to see and some half of the female audience as well.
  • 10. Audience research • Observation: From the chart it tells me from the five different types of photography that are, landscapes is 50%, flowers is 20 %, animals is 20%, insects is 20% and all of these 60%. • What this says about my audience: This tells me about my audience is that most of my audience want to see a variation of spring photography, of the different types to specifically features that I have picked out such as landscapes, flowers, animals and insects. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My Product would appeal to this type of audience doing a mixture of all the features of which I have said in the question so then, I would have a variety for my audience. Also by having the most liked feature photograph featured more than once in my album and the having least liked photograph won’t appear that much in the album as much.
  • 11. Audience research • Observation: The chart tells us what type of effects would you like to see and the audience suggested with the black and white is 10%, colour is 10% and then mixture of both these types of effects in mixed through out was 80%. • What this says about my audience: This says about my audience is that they would rather like to see different types of effects in colour and black and white going through out the my portfolio in my photographs. Than rather just seeing one effect going straight through the portfolio. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product while appeal this type of audience by appealing putting a variation of black and white, colour effects going through photographs. On some of photographs I might put both of the effects on to some photographs.
  • 12. Audience research • Observation: With this chart I wanted to find out if it would be good idea to pull out one of the main colours from the photographs but only for the close up photographs, the percentage of them said yes was 80% and the other people who said no were 20%. • What this says about my audience: This tells me about my audience from this question that they would like to see only one colour that was specific in the photograph as this was most of my audience. • How will your product appeal to this audience:My product will appeal to this kind of audience by just doing this in a couple of my photos of the close ups for these specific images. The reason because it doesn’t look like everyone is keen to see in it all of photographs of just one main colour than the rest.
  • 13. Audience research • Observation: The chart tells us if they would like to see a mini sub-heading to each individual photo as some of the audience said yes was 60% and no was 40%. • What this says about my audience: This says about my audience is that most of my audience would like to see mini sub-headings for each photograph to make it seem different too just plain with a just photograph in my portfolio. • How will your product appeal to this audience: As I will appeal to this to my audience by putting in the mini sub-heading around the portfolio to go with most of the photographs.
  • 14. Audience research • Observation: From my chart it tells us most of people would like to see before and after photographs before it has been photoshopped is 70% and the people who didn’t want to see before and after pictures of how I have changed the photograph is 30%. • What this says about my audience: This says about my audience is that most of my audience is that they would like to see photo’s of before of the photograph have been photoshopped. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I would appeal it to my own audience by appealing the before and after photos for the most effective photographs which would be change the most in the photoshoped stage.
  • 15. Audience research • Observation: From my chart it tells us what types of landscapes of photos would you like to see, for sunsets is 40%, for different coloured going through the sky is 10%, for looking through plants and tress is 20% and all of these is 60%. • What this says about my audience: This says about my audience is that they would like to see a mixture of everything of effects that would see in the sky but the most specific feature they would like to see on the landscape is the sunset. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product would appeal to this audience by mostly putting a mixed variation of landscapes by putting the most liked landscape most frequent and then other photographs which the audience wouldn’t mostly like to see as much but however I will put a couple through out the portfolio.
  • 16. Audience research • Observation: From my chart it tells us how many photographs would you like to see per page, 1-2 per page is 50%, 2-4 per page is 10%, 3-5 per page is 30% and more per page is 10%. • What this says about my audience: This tells about my audience they would rather like to see 1 to 2 picture per page or 3 to 5 per page as these two numbers of pictures per page are higher than the rest they would seem more appropriate for my audience of what they want to see per page. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product would appeal to my audience by putting a limited amount of picture per page but I would choose one of the most liked choice of of how many pictures per page I should put from my chart.
  • 18. Interview 1 • What would you like to see in a spring photography portfolio and why? – Bunnies and lambs because they are springy – Easter inspired themes because everyone likes Easter – Sun because it is a nice thing to see after winter – Daisy because they display kindness and new life – Daffodils because they’re a good symbol of spring • Why would you like to see before and after photos before it has been photoshopped? – to see the difference and compare the work that you have gone with the previous un- photoshopped picture • Why would you like to see a mixture of effects like black and white and colour? – Because it sometimes helps you notice the simplicity and detail in things
  • 19. Interview 1 • Observation: From my first interview the feedback that I have got from that I was a variation of themes related to Easter with the types of animals that have been chosen like lambs and bunnies. Also with the flowers and different types of landscapes or brightness of how they say it relates to spring. Also about looking at this interview is that they would like to see the transformation from before and after the photo has been photoshopped. • What this says about my audience: This tells about my audience is that they like a wide variation of mixture of things, which they would relate to spring to them. Also this says about my audience they would like to see the obvious features from using the the different colour effects that would define the photograph. • How will your product appeal to this audience: This would make my product appeal to my audience by enhancing this particular parts of my audience what they think they should see in my portfolio that would be specifically to that particular group of my audience.
  • 20. Interview 2 • What would you like to see in a spring photography portfolio and why? • Peak district because it looks outstanding when there is good weather and it always grabs my attention, so if there is a picture of the peak district on your portfolio it would defiantly stand out. Why would you like to see before and after photos before it has been photoshopped? • I would like to see before and after transformations so I can see ideas that I would not of thought of. • Why would you like to see a mixture of effects like black and white and colour? • So I can see ideas that I would not of thought of.
  • 21. Interview 2 • Observation: From my second interview the specific features that would like to see in there eyes as amazing as to grab there attention in landscape photography as they have said as Peak District. The two other things are the transformation of how the photograph has changed and then same thing with this for the different types of effects. • What this says about my audience: This says about my audience is that they would like to see mostly landscapes than anything else with the clear sky's as well. However nothing else on the any other subjects like animals and more on that type of area. • How will your product appeal to this audience: This will appeal to my product by my audience by putting in more of photography images that were considering such as landscapes but in different areas of where the setting is and like sun settings.
  • 22. Audience Profile Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience Age Range 16 - above • I have chosen this age range because Spring photography that I will take photographs of would be in different genres. As this I have thought of a wide range for different ages. Gender Both female and male • Both female and male will appeal to my product by there is such a wide range of photos that appeal to both genders. Psychographic Achiever • This would appeal to my audience by they would advertise my own photography and just focus on one specific part of the portfolio. Social Status (B) Middle Class • This social class will appeal to my audience by how professional it would look like and would managerial for the different seasons.
  • 24. Research Evaluation • Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method – Product Research The strengths from product research are that they have given me a different perspective for how I should take the picture at a certain angle from a similar product of an image. However with the weaknesses of the method it doesn’t give you any different ideas to the ones before so then you cannot change it the way you want to. – Questionnaires The strengths from questionnaires are that they have wide spread of different variation of question that can be good and bad to do with my product. However the weakness to with my questionnaires is that you can get answers that you wouldn’t like to see in my portfolio. – Interviews In the interviews my strengths are that they are specifically one to one as this is good because they can give there own specific opinions to want I want to know about my portfolio. However on the hand there is a weaknesses by it takes such a long time to get a specific information from a one person for the questions.
  • 25. Research Evaluation – What sort of a response did you get? The responses that I have got is a wide mixture from all of my questions that I had set out for my audience. Most of my responses I have got good feedback from my audience I have got to which what they wanted to see from spring portfolio. However with each each individual response that I had got with my questions it changed. As this helped me with my spring portfolio by how I made it more towards than just for me. – How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage I have distributed my survey by when I had finished off my survey I had sent it off to Josh by email, by doing this by linking my address for the survey. As Josh did this he put it onto blackboard so that everyone in the class could contribute to my own survey. As this was an advantage because I could get different varied information from different kinds of people and see what they thought about if I should have done the following that I had said in the questions. However the disadvantages are that they didn’t put down the information that what I wanted to see in my portfolio.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a historical product (pre-1990) similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Discuss the existing product research, surveys and interviews
  6. Discuss the responses you got from your survey Discuss distributing your evaluation digitally