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Manifest Destiny & its
Territorial Expansion
• Expansion dominated American diplomacy and politics in
  the 1840s.
• Settlers swarmed the Oregon County aggravating
  relations with G.B.
• A desire to annex Texas increased tensions with Mexico.
  [Mexico felt Texas was their province in revolt]
• Covetous eyes were cast on California as well erupted in
• Victory over Mexico and expansion increased the tension
  between slave owners and abolitionists leading to the
  Civil War in 1860
President Harrison
• Newly elected president Harrison was
  shocked by the amount of hard-ciderites
  descending upon the White House in
  1841 demanding Whig spoilsmen

• The real leaders of the Whigs referred to
  “Old Tippecanoe” as an impressive
  figure head

• Cabinet consisted of:
  •   Daniel Webster- Secretary of State

• Also had Henry Clay, the Whig party
  leader, as the most powerful presence in
  the Senate. Both tried to usurp the

• President Harrison was forced to rebuke
  Clay, pointedly telling him that he was
  the president of the United States

• The schemes of Webster and
  Clay hit a fatal snag as Harrison
  contract pneumonia

• Wearied by official functions
  and plagued by office seekers-
  Harrison died only 4 weeks into

• John Tyler- Vice President to
  Henry Harrison; successor as
  President following Harrison's
The Accession of “Tyler
• 6 ft tall, slender, blue-eyed, and
  fair-haired with classical features

• Tyler was from VA and old school

• Gracious, kind yet stubborn

• Earlier resigned from the Senate
  rather than accept distasteful
  instruction from the VA legislature
                                        Taylor’s enemies portrayed
• A lone-wolf who abandoned             him as a Democrat, but
  Jacksonian democracy for Whig
                                        Taler was more of a Whig
  principles, he did not tolerate
                                        minority who valued
  dictatorial policies
                                        Jeffersonian states rights
Policies of Tyler
• vetoed Banks of United States
• lowered tariff.
• Instituted financial reform
  • The independent treasury system was ended
  • A bill for a "Fiscal Bank," which would establish a new Bank of the United
    States went through Congress, but President Tyler vetoed it
  • The Whigs presented a "Fiscal Corporation" but the president again
    vetoed it.
  • President Tyler was rejected by his former Whig Party.

• Referred to as “His Accidency” and “Executive Ass”
• Tyler signed the Tariff of 1842 which was a protective Whig tariff
  • Raised tariffs to pre-Compromise of 1833 rates
A War of Words with
• During the 19th Century, there was much hatred of Britain.
• Anti-British protests came from the two Anglo-American
  wars, and Jacksonian Democrats
• British travelers wrote of American tobacco spitting, slave
  auctioneering, lynching, eye gouging and other unsavory
  features of America
• This sparked the "Third War with England."
• This war was only fought with paper broadsides.
• In 1837, there was a small rebellion in Canada.
• It failed because it was supported by few Canadians and it
  could not enforce unpopular laws in the face of popular
Yankee Doodle did What?!

• Britain lent America money to pay for canals and
  railroads however when the Panic of 1837 hit-
  several states defaulted on their loans.

• Englishmen then added a new stanza to Yankee
  •   Yankee Doodle borrows cash,
  •   Yankee Doodle spends it,
  •   And then he snaps his fingers at
  •   The jolly flat [simpleton] who lends it
The Land of
Liberty, 1847
. British
reflected the
s view of
culture, politic
s, and
that was
common in
early 19th
The times get physical
            • In 1837, the American ship, the
              Caroline, was sunk by a British

            • Washington officials made
              ineffective protests against the

            • In 1841, British officials in the
              Bahamas offered asylum to 130
              Virginia slaves who had rebelled
              and captured the American ship

            • Britain had abolished slavery
              within its empire in 1833, raising
              southern fears that its Caribbean
              possessions would become
              Canada-like havens for escaped
Manipulating the Maine
• In 1842, the British wanted to build a road westward from
  the seaport of Halifax to Quebec, running through
  disputed territory.
• Aroostook War [began 1839] Series of clashes between
  American and Canadian lumberjacks in the disputed
  territory of Maine, resolved when a permanent boundary
  was agreed upon in 1842.
• The London Foreign Office sent Lord Ashburton to
  Washington to settle the dispute
• He and Daniel Webster negotiated and gave the
  Americans 7,000mi2 of the 12,000mi2 of land in dispute.
Maine Boundary
Settlement, 1842
I am- Iron ORE!
• British got less land but won
  the desired Halifax-Québec

• The Caroline affair was also
  patched up

• As a bonus, the British, in
  adjusting to the U.S.-
  Canadian boundary farther
  west, surrendered 6,500 sq.

• Area contained priceless
  Mesabi iron ore in
The Lone Star of Texas
              Shines Alone
• In the 8 years since
  1836, Mexico considered Texas
  as a province in revolt and
  refused to recognize Texas's

• Mexico threatened war if the
  America protected Texas.

• Texas made treaties with
  France, Holland, and Belgium.

• Britain wanted to have relations
  with Texas because Britain could
  try to make Texas tear America

•    Britain wanted Texas as an
    independent ally.
Covert Ops
      • Britain used Texas as a puppet as a
        smokescreen diversion

      • The purpose was for foreign powers to
        move into the Americas and challenge
        the insolent Monroe Doctrine

      • French schemers were also attracted
        to this divide and conquer stratagem

      • British abolitionists were trying to
        influence Texas to inflame the South

      • Texas land was one of the great
        cotton-producing areas of the future

      • An independent Texas would relieve
        British looms of their dependence on
        American fiber- a supply that could be
        cut off in time of crisis because of
        embargo and war
Texas or Disunion!
• Texas became a leading issue in the presidential
  campaign of 1844.
• The foes of expansion assailed annexation, while
  southern hotheads cried: “Texas or Disunion!”
• Pro-expansion Democrats under James K. Polk
  finally triumphed over the Whigs under Henry
  Clay, the hardy perennial candidate.
• Lame duck president Tyler thereupon interpreted the
  narrow Democratic victory, with dubious
  accuracy, as a “mandate” to acquire Texas
The Belated Texas
• Tyler wanted to shepherd Texas into the
  Union to end his troubled administration on
  a high note.

• Whigs worried that Texas in the Union
  would be exactly what the South wanted to
  increase “slave power”

• Tyler despaired of securing the needed ⅔’s
  Senate vote for a treaty.

• Therefore he arranged for annexation by a
  joint resolution.
Highway to the Danger
            • Mexico angrily charged
              that the Americans had
              despoiled it of Texas

            • While true in 1836, not in
              1845- since Texas was not

            • 1845 the Lone Star
              Republic became a danger
              zone, inviting foreign
              intrigue that menaced
Uncle Sam’s Song to Miss
• If Mexy back’d by secret foes,

• Still talks of getting you, gal;

• Why we can lick ‘em all you

• And then annex ‘em too, gal.

                             President Tyler signed a resolution in 1845 that invited
                             Texas to become the 28th state in America.
Oregon Fever Populates
• Four nations claimed Oregon Country at one time:
  •   Spain
  •   Russia
  •   Britain
  •   U.S.A

• Spain dropped out of America with the Florida Treaty of 1819
• Russia dropped out with the treaties of 1824 and 1825.
• Britain controlled the portion north of the Columbia River.
• By 1846, about 5,000 Americans settled south of the Columbia River.
• The British had a lesser population but it did not want to give up its claims
  to the Columbia River.
• The disputed territory in Oregon Country became an issue in the election
  of 1844.
St. Louis- 1846 by Henry
Manifest Destiny

John L. O’Sullivan influential columnist remembered for his use of the
 phrase- “Manifest Destiny” to advocate the annexation of Texas and
A Mandate for Manifest
• In the election of 1844, the Whig party chose Henry
  Clay, and the Democrats chose James K. Polk.
• James K. Polk was the Speaker of the House of
  Representatives for four years and governor of
  Tennessee for two terms.
• Campaign of 1844 was in part an expression of Manifest
  Destiny- [1840s & 1850s] Belief that the United States
  was destined by God to spread its “empire of liberty”
  across North America. Served as a justification for
  mid- 19th century expansion
• Expansionist democrats were swayed by Manifest
  Destiny and their platforms included: “Reannexation of
  Texas” and “Reoccupation of Oregon”
The Slogans
• Fifty-four forty or fight- [1846] slogan adopted by mid-19th
  century expansionists who advocated the occupation of
  the Oregon territory, jointly held by Britain and the United
  States. Though President Polk had pledged to seize all of
  Oregon to 54°40’, he settled on the 49th parallel as a
  compromise with the British

• Condemned Clay as a “corrupt bargainer”- a dissolute
  character and slave owner [even though Polk owned slaves]

• Whigs: “Polk, Slavery, and Texas or Clay, Union and Liberty”

• Also spread a lie that a gang of Tennessee slaves had been
  seen on their way to a southern market branded with J.K.P

• Clay wrote confusing letters personally favoring annexing
  slaveholding Texas and postponement- straddling both sides to
  get votes
Election of 1844
• “Dark Horse” Polk beat Clay 170
  Votes to 105 in the Electoral
• Liberty Party- [1844-1848]
  Antislavery party that ran
  candidates in the 1840 and
  1844 elections before merging
  with the Free Soil party.
  Supporters of the Liberty
  Party sought the eventual
  abolition of slavery, but in the
  short term hoped to halt the
  expansion of slavery into the
  territories and abolish the
  domestic slave trade. [gained
  16,000 votes]
“Young Hickory"
       • said he would protect Texas

       • he avoided the issue of slavery.

       • Polk had four main goals for his presidency

       • 1. A lower tariff.

       • Robert J. Walker- Secretary of Treasury to
         James Polk; devised the Walker Tariff of
         1846, a tariff-for-revenue bill that reduced
         the rates of the Tariff of 1842 from 32% to

       • 2. The second goal of Polk was to restore
         the independent treasury, which the Whigs
         dropped in 1841 because the Whigs won
         the presidency.

       • 3./4. The third and fourth goals of Polk
         were the acquisition of California and the
         settlement of the Oregon dispute without
Oregon Dispute
        • Reoccupation of the whole of
          Oregon had changed to a
          compromise settling on the 49th

        • The British minister in Washington
          spurned this olive branch even
          though Britain came up with the
          line of 49°

        • Polk then threw the decision to the

        • Antislavery groups complained:
          “Why all of Texas but not all of

        • Expansionist Sen. Benton of
          Missouri’s reply: “Great Britain is
          powerful and Mexico is weak”
Misunderstandings with
• Polk and the U.S. due to Manifest   • Mexico had defaulted on most of
  Destiny began to covet California     its payments

• The population of California in     • Mexico also recalled its minister
  1845 consisted of Spanish-            from Washington after Texas’
  Mexicans and Indians                  annexation

• Polk wanted to buy California       • Texas and Mexico also argued
  (The Bear Flag Republic) from         about boundaries, Mexico
  Mexico                                believing Texas ended at the
                                        Nueces River, but Texas stating it
• relations with Mexico were poor       ended at the Rio Grande
  due to the annexation of Texas.
                                      • Polk felt a moral obligation to
• U.S. had claims against Mexico        defend Texas
  for $3 million in damages to
  American citizens and their
California on my mind
• Ill-founded rumors of Britain
  wanting to buy or seize
  California became a thorn in the
  side of the Monroe Doctrine

• Polk sent John Slidell to Mexico
  City in 1845 to buy California for
  $25 million

• the offer was rejected.

• The proud Mexican people
  would not even allow Slidwell to
  present his “insulting”
American Blood on
        American Soil
• On January 13, 1846, Polk ordered 4,000 men
  under General Zachary Taylor to the Rio Grande.
• On May 9, 1846, Polk asked Congress to declare
  war on Mexico of the basis of unpaid claims and
  Slidell's rejection of the purchasing of California
• 2 cabinet members stated they would feel better if
  Mexico opened fire first
• As fate would have it- on April 23rd, 1846- Mexican
  troops crossed the Rio Grande and attacked
  General Taylor’s command with 16 being killed or
This means war!
• Polk sent a war message to
  Congress declaring despite “all
  our efforts” to avoid a clash-
  hostilities erupted and the
  shedding of “American blood
  upon the American soil” must be

• A patriotic Congress declared war

• Volunteers yelled: “Ho for the
  halls of the Montezumas” and
  “Mexico or death!”

• Whigs even joined in, however
  turned against it calling it “Jimmy
  Polk’s war”
Spot Resolutions
• Polk felt justified in bending   • Spot resolutions– [1846]
  the truth if it pushed a           Measures introduced by
  reluctant public into war          Illinois congressman
• Polk neglected to mention          Lincoln, questioning
  that the spilled American          President James K. Polk’s
  blood had been on soil that        justification for war with
  Mexico had good reason to          Mexico. Lincoln requested
  believe was theirs                 that Polk clarify precisely
                                     where Mexican forces had
• Whig                               attacked American troops
  Congressmen, Abraham
  Lincoln from Illinois            • “spotty Lincoln” and his
  introduced resolutions that        antislavery supporters, many
  requested information as to        Whigs, branded the
  the precise “spot” where           president a liar- “Polk the
  blood was shed.                    Mendacious”
The Truth of the matter
• Did Polk provoke war?
  • California was imperative to Polk’s program
  • Mexico would not sell it at any price
  • Only options: force or wait for internal American revolt

• Grievances against Mexico were tolerable
  • America endured worse, but in 1846 patience was thin
  • Polk pushed the quarrel into a bloody showdown

• Both sides were spoiling for a fight
  • Expansionists and South wanted to teach Mexico a lesson
  • Mexicans wanted to humiliate “the bullies of the North”
  • Boasted of invading U.S., freeing the black slaves and
    lassoing whole regiments of Americans
  • Hoped to get British involved due to the Oregon disputes

• Both sides viewed each other as the aggressor
The Mastering of Mexico
  Generals in Mexican-American
General Stephen W. Kearny- led
1,700 troops to Santa Fe.
           General Zachary
Taylor- won many victories
including a great victory over a
large Mexican force at Buena
Vista ; future President
 General Winfield Scott-
succeeded in battling his way up
to Mexico City by September
1847; 1st choice of President
Abraham Lincoln to lead the
Union army in the Civil War.
Let the games begin:

• Polk wanted California, not war. But when
  the war came, he hoped that America could
  pull out with California.

• The dethroned Mexican dictator Santa
  Anna, then exiled with his teenage Bride in
  Cuba stated if the American blockade
  squadron let him into Mexico he would sell
  out his country

• Polk agreed, however Santa Anna double-
  crossed America and rallied his countrymen
  to a desperate defense of their soil
Major Campaigns of the
     Mexican War
Battle of Buena Vista

• Battle of Buena Vista [1846] Key American
  victory against Mexican forces in the Mexican-
  American War. Elevated Gen. Zachary Taylor to
  national prominence and helped secure his
  success in the 1848 presidential election

• Taylor’s force was weakened [5,000 men] however
  he repulsed Santa Anna’s 20,000 march-weary
Fighting Mexico for
• Polk was anxious to end the war as soon as he could secure
  his territorial goals
• He sent the chief clerk of the State Dept., Nicholas P.
  Trist, along with Gen. Scott’s invading army.
• Trist and Scott arranged an armistice with Santa Anna at a cost
  of $10,000.
• Santa Anna pocketed the money and used the time to bolster
  his defenses
• A disgusted Polk recalled Trist
• Trist replied with a 65 page letter explaining why he was not
  coming home infuriating Polk more
Treaty of Guadalupe
• Trist signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on
  February 2, 1848
• Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo- ended the war with
  Mexico. Mexico agreed to cede territory reaching
  north-west from Texas to Oregon in exchange for
  $18.25 million in cash and assumed debts
• Included California; Treaty approved by Senate 38 to 14
• Southerners realized that the South would do well not to
  want all of Mexico because Mexico was anti-slavery.
• The treaty was opposed by those who wanted all of
  Mexico and those who wanted none of it.
Profit and Loss in Mexico
• The Mexican War provided field experience for the
  officers destined to become generals in the Civil War,
  • Captain Robert E. Lee
  • Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant.

• The Mexican War brought about the conflict of slavery
  between the states.
• David Wilmot- proposed the amendment that stated that
  the territory from Mexico should remain slave-free.
• This Wilmot Amendment never passed the Senate
  because the Southern members did not want to be
  robbed of possible slave states to arise in the future from
  the land gain in the Treaty of Guadalupe.
Wilmot Proviso
• Wilmot Proviso [1846]- Amendment that sought to prohibit
  slavery from territories acquired from Mexico, introduced by
  Pennsylvania congressman David Wilmot, the failed
  amendment ratcheted up tensions between North and South
  over the issue of slavery.

• The opening shots of the Mexican War were the opening shots of
  the Civil War

• President Polk left the nation the splendid physical heritage of
  California and the Southwest, but also the ugly moral heritage of
  the slavery dispute

• Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Mexico will poison us”

• John C. Calhoun- “Mexico is to us the forbidden fruit… the penalty
  of eating it would be to subject our institutions to political death”

• Mexico would later take satisfaction in knowing their territory
  would be a venomous apple of discord called Santa Anna’s
A mandate for Manifest destiny
Cartoon lampoons proslavery Democratic presidential candidate Lewis
  Cass as a veritable war machine, bent on the conquest of territory
          ranging from New Mexico to Cuba and even Peru

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17.manifest destiny &_its_legacy

  • 1. Manifest Destiny & its Legacy 1841-1848
  • 2.
  • 3. Territorial Expansion • Expansion dominated American diplomacy and politics in the 1840s. • Settlers swarmed the Oregon County aggravating relations with G.B. • A desire to annex Texas increased tensions with Mexico. [Mexico felt Texas was their province in revolt] • Covetous eyes were cast on California as well erupted in warfare • Victory over Mexico and expansion increased the tension between slave owners and abolitionists leading to the Civil War in 1860
  • 4. President Harrison • Newly elected president Harrison was shocked by the amount of hard-ciderites descending upon the White House in 1841 demanding Whig spoilsmen • The real leaders of the Whigs referred to “Old Tippecanoe” as an impressive figure head • Cabinet consisted of: • Daniel Webster- Secretary of State • Also had Henry Clay, the Whig party leader, as the most powerful presence in the Senate. Both tried to usurp the presidency • President Harrison was forced to rebuke Clay, pointedly telling him that he was the president of the United States
  • 5. Schemers • The schemes of Webster and Clay hit a fatal snag as Harrison contract pneumonia • Wearied by official functions and plagued by office seekers- Harrison died only 4 weeks into office • John Tyler- Vice President to Henry Harrison; successor as President following Harrison's death
  • 6. The Accession of “Tyler Too” • 6 ft tall, slender, blue-eyed, and fair-haired with classical features • Tyler was from VA and old school • Gracious, kind yet stubborn • Earlier resigned from the Senate rather than accept distasteful instruction from the VA legislature Taylor’s enemies portrayed • A lone-wolf who abandoned him as a Democrat, but Jacksonian democracy for Whig Taler was more of a Whig principles, he did not tolerate minority who valued dictatorial policies Jeffersonian states rights
  • 7. Policies of Tyler • vetoed Banks of United States • lowered tariff. • Instituted financial reform • The independent treasury system was ended • A bill for a "Fiscal Bank," which would establish a new Bank of the United States went through Congress, but President Tyler vetoed it • The Whigs presented a "Fiscal Corporation" but the president again vetoed it. • President Tyler was rejected by his former Whig Party. • Referred to as “His Accidency” and “Executive Ass” • Tyler signed the Tariff of 1842 which was a protective Whig tariff • Raised tariffs to pre-Compromise of 1833 rates
  • 8. A War of Words with Britain • During the 19th Century, there was much hatred of Britain. • Anti-British protests came from the two Anglo-American wars, and Jacksonian Democrats • British travelers wrote of American tobacco spitting, slave auctioneering, lynching, eye gouging and other unsavory features of America • This sparked the "Third War with England." • This war was only fought with paper broadsides. • In 1837, there was a small rebellion in Canada. • It failed because it was supported by few Canadians and it could not enforce unpopular laws in the face of popular opposition.
  • 9. Yankee Doodle did What?! • Britain lent America money to pay for canals and railroads however when the Panic of 1837 hit- several states defaulted on their loans. • Englishmen then added a new stanza to Yankee Doodle: • Yankee Doodle borrows cash, • Yankee Doodle spends it, • And then he snaps his fingers at • The jolly flat [simpleton] who lends it
  • 10. The Land of Liberty, 1847 . British cartoon reflected the contemptuou s view of American culture, politic s, and diplomacy that was common in early 19th century Britain
  • 11. The times get physical • In 1837, the American ship, the Caroline, was sunk by a British force. • Washington officials made ineffective protests against the attack. • In 1841, British officials in the Bahamas offered asylum to 130 Virginia slaves who had rebelled and captured the American ship Creole. • Britain had abolished slavery within its empire in 1833, raising southern fears that its Caribbean possessions would become Canada-like havens for escaped
  • 12. Manipulating the Maine Maps • In 1842, the British wanted to build a road westward from the seaport of Halifax to Quebec, running through disputed territory. • Aroostook War [began 1839] Series of clashes between American and Canadian lumberjacks in the disputed territory of Maine, resolved when a permanent boundary was agreed upon in 1842. • The London Foreign Office sent Lord Ashburton to Washington to settle the dispute • He and Daniel Webster negotiated and gave the Americans 7,000mi2 of the 12,000mi2 of land in dispute.
  • 14. I am- Iron ORE! • British got less land but won the desired Halifax-Québec route. • The Caroline affair was also patched up • As a bonus, the British, in adjusting to the U.S.- Canadian boundary farther west, surrendered 6,500 sq. miles. • Area contained priceless Mesabi iron ore in Minnesota
  • 15. The Lone Star of Texas Shines Alone • In the 8 years since 1836, Mexico considered Texas as a province in revolt and refused to recognize Texas's independence. • Mexico threatened war if the America protected Texas. • Texas made treaties with France, Holland, and Belgium. • Britain wanted to have relations with Texas because Britain could try to make Texas tear America apart. • Britain wanted Texas as an independent ally.
  • 16. Covert Ops • Britain used Texas as a puppet as a smokescreen diversion • The purpose was for foreign powers to move into the Americas and challenge the insolent Monroe Doctrine • French schemers were also attracted to this divide and conquer stratagem • British abolitionists were trying to influence Texas to inflame the South • Texas land was one of the great cotton-producing areas of the future • An independent Texas would relieve British looms of their dependence on American fiber- a supply that could be cut off in time of crisis because of embargo and war
  • 17. Texas or Disunion! • Texas became a leading issue in the presidential campaign of 1844. • The foes of expansion assailed annexation, while southern hotheads cried: “Texas or Disunion!” • Pro-expansion Democrats under James K. Polk finally triumphed over the Whigs under Henry Clay, the hardy perennial candidate. • Lame duck president Tyler thereupon interpreted the narrow Democratic victory, with dubious accuracy, as a “mandate” to acquire Texas
  • 18. The Belated Texas Nuptials • Tyler wanted to shepherd Texas into the Union to end his troubled administration on a high note. • Whigs worried that Texas in the Union would be exactly what the South wanted to increase “slave power” • Tyler despaired of securing the needed ⅔’s Senate vote for a treaty. • Therefore he arranged for annexation by a joint resolution.
  • 19. Highway to the Danger Zone • Mexico angrily charged that the Americans had despoiled it of Texas • While true in 1836, not in 1845- since Texas was not Mexico’s • 1845 the Lone Star Republic became a danger zone, inviting foreign intrigue that menaced Americans
  • 20. Uncle Sam’s Song to Miss Texas • If Mexy back’d by secret foes, • Still talks of getting you, gal; • Why we can lick ‘em all you know • And then annex ‘em too, gal. President Tyler signed a resolution in 1845 that invited Texas to become the 28th state in America.
  • 21. Oregon Fever Populates Oregon • Four nations claimed Oregon Country at one time: • Spain • Russia • Britain • U.S.A • Spain dropped out of America with the Florida Treaty of 1819 • Russia dropped out with the treaties of 1824 and 1825. • Britain controlled the portion north of the Columbia River. • By 1846, about 5,000 Americans settled south of the Columbia River. • The British had a lesser population but it did not want to give up its claims to the Columbia River. • The disputed territory in Oregon Country became an issue in the election of 1844.
  • 22. St. Louis- 1846 by Henry Lewis
  • 23. Manifest Destiny John L. O’Sullivan influential columnist remembered for his use of the phrase- “Manifest Destiny” to advocate the annexation of Texas and Oregon
  • 24. A Mandate for Manifest Destiny • In the election of 1844, the Whig party chose Henry Clay, and the Democrats chose James K. Polk. • James K. Polk was the Speaker of the House of Representatives for four years and governor of Tennessee for two terms. • Campaign of 1844 was in part an expression of Manifest Destiny- [1840s & 1850s] Belief that the United States was destined by God to spread its “empire of liberty” across North America. Served as a justification for mid- 19th century expansion • Expansionist democrats were swayed by Manifest Destiny and their platforms included: “Reannexation of Texas” and “Reoccupation of Oregon”
  • 25. The Slogans • Fifty-four forty or fight- [1846] slogan adopted by mid-19th century expansionists who advocated the occupation of the Oregon territory, jointly held by Britain and the United States. Though President Polk had pledged to seize all of Oregon to 54°40’, he settled on the 49th parallel as a compromise with the British • Condemned Clay as a “corrupt bargainer”- a dissolute character and slave owner [even though Polk owned slaves] • Whigs: “Polk, Slavery, and Texas or Clay, Union and Liberty” • Also spread a lie that a gang of Tennessee slaves had been seen on their way to a southern market branded with J.K.P • Clay wrote confusing letters personally favoring annexing slaveholding Texas and postponement- straddling both sides to get votes
  • 26. Election of 1844 • “Dark Horse” Polk beat Clay 170 Votes to 105 in the Electoral College • Liberty Party- [1844-1848] Antislavery party that ran candidates in the 1840 and 1844 elections before merging with the Free Soil party. Supporters of the Liberty Party sought the eventual abolition of slavery, but in the short term hoped to halt the expansion of slavery into the territories and abolish the domestic slave trade. [gained 16,000 votes]
  • 27. “Young Hickory" • said he would protect Texas • he avoided the issue of slavery. • Polk had four main goals for his presidency – • 1. A lower tariff. • Robert J. Walker- Secretary of Treasury to James Polk; devised the Walker Tariff of 1846, a tariff-for-revenue bill that reduced the rates of the Tariff of 1842 from 32% to 25%. • 2. The second goal of Polk was to restore the independent treasury, which the Whigs dropped in 1841 because the Whigs won the presidency. • 3./4. The third and fourth goals of Polk were the acquisition of California and the settlement of the Oregon dispute without violence.
  • 28. Oregon Dispute • Reoccupation of the whole of Oregon had changed to a compromise settling on the 49th parallel • The British minister in Washington spurned this olive branch even though Britain came up with the line of 49° • Polk then threw the decision to the Senate • Antislavery groups complained: “Why all of Texas but not all of Oregon?” • Expansionist Sen. Benton of Missouri’s reply: “Great Britain is powerful and Mexico is weak”
  • 29. Misunderstandings with Mexico • Polk and the U.S. due to Manifest • Mexico had defaulted on most of Destiny began to covet California its payments • The population of California in • Mexico also recalled its minister 1845 consisted of Spanish- from Washington after Texas’ Mexicans and Indians annexation • Polk wanted to buy California • Texas and Mexico also argued (The Bear Flag Republic) from about boundaries, Mexico Mexico believing Texas ended at the Nueces River, but Texas stating it • relations with Mexico were poor ended at the Rio Grande due to the annexation of Texas. • Polk felt a moral obligation to • U.S. had claims against Mexico defend Texas for $3 million in damages to American citizens and their property
  • 30. California on my mind • Ill-founded rumors of Britain wanting to buy or seize California became a thorn in the side of the Monroe Doctrine • Polk sent John Slidell to Mexico City in 1845 to buy California for $25 million • the offer was rejected. • The proud Mexican people would not even allow Slidwell to present his “insulting” proposition
  • 31. American Blood on American Soil • On January 13, 1846, Polk ordered 4,000 men under General Zachary Taylor to the Rio Grande. • On May 9, 1846, Polk asked Congress to declare war on Mexico of the basis of unpaid claims and Slidell's rejection of the purchasing of California • 2 cabinet members stated they would feel better if Mexico opened fire first • As fate would have it- on April 23rd, 1846- Mexican troops crossed the Rio Grande and attacked General Taylor’s command with 16 being killed or wounded
  • 32. This means war! • Polk sent a war message to Congress declaring despite “all our efforts” to avoid a clash- hostilities erupted and the shedding of “American blood upon the American soil” must be avenged • A patriotic Congress declared war • Volunteers yelled: “Ho for the halls of the Montezumas” and “Mexico or death!” • Whigs even joined in, however turned against it calling it “Jimmy Polk’s war”
  • 33. Spot Resolutions • Polk felt justified in bending • Spot resolutions– [1846] the truth if it pushed a Measures introduced by reluctant public into war Illinois congressman Abraham • Polk neglected to mention Lincoln, questioning that the spilled American President James K. Polk’s blood had been on soil that justification for war with Mexico had good reason to Mexico. Lincoln requested believe was theirs that Polk clarify precisely where Mexican forces had • Whig attacked American troops Congressmen, Abraham Lincoln from Illinois • “spotty Lincoln” and his introduced resolutions that antislavery supporters, many requested information as to Whigs, branded the the precise “spot” where president a liar- “Polk the blood was shed. Mendacious”
  • 34. The Truth of the matter • Did Polk provoke war? • California was imperative to Polk’s program • Mexico would not sell it at any price • Only options: force or wait for internal American revolt • Grievances against Mexico were tolerable • America endured worse, but in 1846 patience was thin • Polk pushed the quarrel into a bloody showdown • Both sides were spoiling for a fight • Expansionists and South wanted to teach Mexico a lesson • Mexicans wanted to humiliate “the bullies of the North” • Boasted of invading U.S., freeing the black slaves and lassoing whole regiments of Americans • Hoped to get British involved due to the Oregon disputes • Both sides viewed each other as the aggressor
  • 35. The Mastering of Mexico Generals in Mexican-American War: General Stephen W. Kearny- led 1,700 troops to Santa Fe. General Zachary Taylor- won many victories including a great victory over a large Mexican force at Buena Vista ; future President General Winfield Scott- succeeded in battling his way up to Mexico City by September 1847; 1st choice of President Abraham Lincoln to lead the Union army in the Civil War.
  • 36. Let the games begin: • Polk wanted California, not war. But when the war came, he hoped that America could pull out with California. • The dethroned Mexican dictator Santa Anna, then exiled with his teenage Bride in Cuba stated if the American blockade squadron let him into Mexico he would sell out his country • Polk agreed, however Santa Anna double- crossed America and rallied his countrymen to a desperate defense of their soil
  • 37. Major Campaigns of the Mexican War
  • 38. Battle of Buena Vista • Battle of Buena Vista [1846] Key American victory against Mexican forces in the Mexican- American War. Elevated Gen. Zachary Taylor to national prominence and helped secure his success in the 1848 presidential election • Taylor’s force was weakened [5,000 men] however he repulsed Santa Anna’s 20,000 march-weary troops.
  • 39. Fighting Mexico for Peace • Polk was anxious to end the war as soon as he could secure his territorial goals • He sent the chief clerk of the State Dept., Nicholas P. Trist, along with Gen. Scott’s invading army. • Trist and Scott arranged an armistice with Santa Anna at a cost of $10,000. • Santa Anna pocketed the money and used the time to bolster his defenses • A disgusted Polk recalled Trist • Trist replied with a 65 page letter explaining why he was not coming home infuriating Polk more
  • 40. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo • Trist signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on February 2, 1848 • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo- ended the war with Mexico. Mexico agreed to cede territory reaching north-west from Texas to Oregon in exchange for $18.25 million in cash and assumed debts • Included California; Treaty approved by Senate 38 to 14 • Southerners realized that the South would do well not to want all of Mexico because Mexico was anti-slavery. • The treaty was opposed by those who wanted all of Mexico and those who wanted none of it.
  • 41. Profit and Loss in Mexico • The Mexican War provided field experience for the officers destined to become generals in the Civil War, • Captain Robert E. Lee • Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant. • The Mexican War brought about the conflict of slavery between the states. • David Wilmot- proposed the amendment that stated that the territory from Mexico should remain slave-free. • This Wilmot Amendment never passed the Senate because the Southern members did not want to be robbed of possible slave states to arise in the future from the land gain in the Treaty of Guadalupe.
  • 42. Wilmot Proviso • Wilmot Proviso [1846]- Amendment that sought to prohibit slavery from territories acquired from Mexico, introduced by Pennsylvania congressman David Wilmot, the failed amendment ratcheted up tensions between North and South over the issue of slavery. • The opening shots of the Mexican War were the opening shots of the Civil War • President Polk left the nation the splendid physical heritage of California and the Southwest, but also the ugly moral heritage of the slavery dispute • Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Mexico will poison us” • John C. Calhoun- “Mexico is to us the forbidden fruit… the penalty of eating it would be to subject our institutions to political death” • Mexico would later take satisfaction in knowing their territory would be a venomous apple of discord called Santa Anna’s revenge
  • 43. A mandate for Manifest destiny Cartoon lampoons proslavery Democratic presidential candidate Lewis Cass as a veritable war machine, bent on the conquest of territory ranging from New Mexico to Cuba and even Peru