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BSP4064 Introduction to Marketing
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Cardiff School of Management
Introduction to Marketing
Writ 1
Assignment due by 4pm Monday 27
February 2017 Using
‘TurnItIn’ Feedback: 4-weeks
Individual report: 100 marks (30% of module marks, a detailed breakdown of marks will be
given of the assignment in seminars)
This assessment is a continuation from your first assessment (group presentation). You are
required to prepare an individual 1,800 word report on the following.
You are a marketing executive and the organisation you work for is looking to expand their
market. This can be achieved either through introducing a new product (product
development), extending an existing product (product extension), or targeting a new
consumer market with an existing product (market development). In order to fulfil this task
you must:
a. Briefly introduce the company
b. Briefly identify the marketing environment
c. Identify and justify one option that has most potential for growth using Ansoff’s matrix
d. Undertake a Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning analysis for the proposed growth
e. Develop a marketing mix for the proposed growth (you can use either the P’s, C’s or E’s)
Assessment Guidance:
1. When choosing an organisation you can ONLY choose an organisation that operates
within the market from your assessment 1 (group presentation). There must NOT be
any duplication of chosen organisations within your presentation group. There are no
restrictions as to which organisation you can choose. However, before you decide on
your chosen organisation, undertake some research to make sure that there is enough
information available to you. The organisation can be from anywhere around the
world. However, the organisation you pick must be a REAL, tangible organisation
and one that is currently in business.
2. Use the findings from the group presentation to briefly discuss the marketing
environment of your chosen organisation. In detail identify and justify one possible
area for growth for your chosen organisation
Assignment Guidance:
This is a 1,800 word assignment (+ or – 10%), assignments that go over the word count
WILL have marks deducted.
If you just research using just the recommended text from the reading list and/or base your
essays on the lecture material alone you will not gain high marks.
If you wish to gain higher marks you will need to engage in further reading using not just
textbooks and but also articles, and you should read around the topics.
You must acknowledge ALL your source(s) and all work should be correctly referenced
using the Harvard system, with a complete reference list at the end of the paper. A guide is on
Moodle there are no excuses.
You may include appendices, however, they serve only as a point of reference and NOT
another way to write more. Please note, marks will not be given for appendices
If you wish to include an images and/or relevant theoretical models to assist you in your
explanation then do so. Please note that inclusion of any images or models will NOT be
attributed any marks.
Tutors will NOT read or comment on any draft or finished assignments before the hand in
date, however, there will be plenty of opportunities to discuss your work with tutors.
However, there will be plenty of opportunity for you to discuss your work with your tutors.
Your assignment should be word-processed, clearly marked with the module name, module
code and module leader.
Your work should not contain your name only your student number.
Marks for each assessment criterion will be awarded with reference to the standard Cardiff
Metropolitan University marking criteria.
Marking Criteria
A Briefly introduce the company
5 marks
 who they are, what they sell, luxury brand
B Briefly identify the marketing environment
15 marks
 The main factors of the marketing environment that affect the
organisation. Please note this should be main factors and be relatable
to your organisation
C Identify and justify one option that has most potential for growth using 20 marks
Ansoff’s matrix
 Using the information from section B this should allow you identify a
growth opportunity and justify this
D Undertake a Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning analysis for the 25 marks
proposed growth
E Develop a marketing mix for the proposed growth 25 marks
F Correct use of the Harvard referencing system and at least 6 academic 10 marks
references Systematic, logical approach to writing.
 For example, textbooks or academic journals but NOT lecture
presentation material or general websites. All material, including
charts, diagrams and statistics should be referenced using the Harvard
100 marks
N.B. Just because marks have not been attributed to the introduction and conclusion it does
not reduce the importance of these components and should not be ignored.
Learning outcomes:
 Understand the influence of the organisation’s aims, strategy, culture and resources and the
broader business environments.
 Utilise a range of tools and techniques to analyse and evaluate markets, market opportunities
and market segments.
 Use market and financial data to set and monitor marketing objectives and prices.
 Develop tactical level marketing plans which define marketing mixes appropriate to the
marketplace, target group and market conditions.
Deliverables and submission:
All work is to be submitted through ‘TurnItIn’ to Introduction to Marketing folder found on
Moodle no later than 4pm Monday 27
February 2017.
Key skills:
This assignment contributes evidence towards attainment of the following key skills:
 Communication
 Problem solving
 Improving own learning and performance
Note that re-sits may be capped at 40%
The coursework will be marked and graded in accordance with the mark allocations shown
above. Marks for each assessment criterion will be awarded with reference to the standard
Cardiff Metropolitan University marking criteria
Please note that if you do not submit work this is classed as a non-attempt, a mark of 0 will
be given and you will be required to resit the work in the resit period in the summer where
your mark will be capped at 40% unless there are approved mitigating circumstances by the
All marks are subject to agreement at the Examination Board
A General Guide to Writing Assignments
Assignments are a key component of the assessment of your studies but many
assignments that contain good thoughts and ideas are ruined (and get less marks) because
of basic preparation and writing errors. The following are some tips on the mechanics of
writing assignments. These should always be read in conjunction with the student
handbook and other instructions given by your lecturers.
If you are having problems ASK FOR HELP early rather than the day before an
assignment is due.
For ease of handling for the marker, follow these instructions:
 The front cover should contain the module name, who the essay is for, the title and
your student number.
 Make sure the pages in your assignment are numbered
 Use 1.5 or double spacing, left justification and single sided.
 Your margins should usually be at least 2.5 cm all round.
 Use at least a 12 pt font that can be easily read (Arial or times are usual).
 Spell checks your work and proof-read for editing and grammar mistakes.
Some sentence constructions frequently cause problems. These problems are discussed
a) Capitalisation
There is a tendency to use capital letters when they are not required. Only use capitals at
the start of a sentence or for the names of people and organisations.
E.g. ...the Civil Rights Movement… becomes ...the civil rights movement....
b) Spacing
As a rule, all items of punctuation should have one space after them, except punctuation
that ends sentences (for example full stops). These items of punctuation have two spaces
after them.
 Note that this spacing rules do not apply to brackets
 The two spaces after full stops also apply in referencing after the author’s initials.
c) Exclamation marks (!)
The use of exclamation marks in academic writing is very rare, but when you do use
them make sure that you only use one - students often use double exclamation marks at
the end of a sentence to indicate intensity but this is unnecessary
d) Colons (:)
Colons are often used to introduce a quote, a list of items, or to separate clauses in a
sentence when the second enlarges or explains the first. Remember that colons never end
a sentence so you should not capitalise the next word and that you should not put a space
between the colon and the word ahead of it.
e) Apostrophes (’)
Apostrophes can be used in two ways - as a contraction where part of a word is left out
or where two words run together to form one word - or to denote possession.
f) As a contraction
It is very rare to use contractions in academic writing, please do not use them.
 It should be do not, not don’t.
 It should be cannot, not can’t
g) Informal language
Please do not use informal language or slang, using the correct words will give your
work a level of professionalism
 E.g. Children should never be classed as kids
h) Quoting material
Your work should not be full of direct quotes, this demonstrates either a lack of
understanding, a rushed assessment or a lazy approach to academic writing. Use
direct quotes sparingly and paraphrase instead.
Referencing (taken from Cite it Right)
The following is taken from Pears, R and Shields, G. (2013) Cite them Right (9
ed.) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Using the Harvard System to reference in the main body of work
To refer to Use the general format For example
A single author (Surname, date) (Saunders, 2008)
Two authors (Surname and Surname, (Saunders and Cooper,
date) 2009)
Three or more authors (Surname et al., date) (Slack et al., 2000)
Citing multiple sources (Surname, date; Surname, (Baker, 1996; Lewis, 1998;
date) in alphabetical order Thornhill, 2000)
Different authors with the (Surname, Initial, date) (Smith, J, 2008)
same surname
Different editions of the (Surname, date; date) in (Lewis, 2001; 2003)
same work by the same ascending date order
Different publications by
the same author from the
same year
An author referred to by
another author where the
original has not been read
(secondary reference)
A corporate author
A direct quotation
(Surname, date letter),
make sure the letter is
consistent throughout
(Surname, date; cited
by Surname, date)
(Corporate name, date)
(Surname or Corporate
name, date, page number)
(Forster, 1991a); (Forster,
(Granovetter 1974; cited by
Saunders, 2008)
(Hanson Trust plc, 2000)
“The Harvard method….has
a number of advantages
over other methods” (Bell,
2010, p. 51)
No identifiable
No identifiable date
No identifiable author
An Internet site, if the
author is identifiable
An Internet site, if the
author isn’t identifiable
An Internet site, if the
author and title aren’t
(Title of the article,
in italics, date)
(Surname, no date)
(Title of the articles,
in italics, no date)
(Surname, date)
(Site title, date)
(URL, date)
In a ground breaking survey
(Health of the nation,
(Saunders, no date)
(Health of the nation, no
(Thornbridge, 2013)
(BBC News, 2010)
g, 2012)
Using the Harvard System to reference in the reference list or bibliography
To reference Use the general format For Example
Books and Book (first Surname, Initials and Saunders, MNK and Cooper,
Chapters in books edition) Surname, Initials. (date) SA. (1993) Understanding
Title, Publisher, Place of Business Statistics, DP
publication Publications Ltd, London
Book (other than Surname, Initials. (date) Morris, C. (1999) Quantitative
first edition) Title (? Edn), Publisher, approaches to Business Studies
Place of publication (5
edn), Financial Times
Pitman Publishing, London
Book (no obvious Corporate name or Mintel Marketing Intelligence
author) Publication name (date) (1998) Designerwear: Mintel
Title, Publisher, Place of Marketing Intelligence Report,
publication Mintel International Group
Ltd., London
Chapter in a book Surname, Initials. (Date) Robson, C. (2002) Real World
Title, Publisher, Place of Research (2
edn), Blackwell,
publication, Chapter ? Oxford, Chapter 3.
Chapter in an Surname, Initials. (date) Craig, PB. (1991) ‘Designing
edited book ‘Chapter title’, in and using mail questionnaires’
Surname, Initials and in Smith, NC and Dainty, P
Surname, Initials (eds), (eds) The Management
Title, Publisher, Place of Research Handbook,
Publication: page numbers Routledge: London, pp. 181 –
Journal Articles Journal Article Surname, Initials. (date) Storey, J, Cressey, P, Morris, T
‘title of article’, Journal and Wilkinson, A. (1997)
Name, volume number, ‘Changing employment
part number, pages practices in UK banking: case
studies’, Personnel Review,
26:1, 24 – 42
Journal article (no Corporate name or Local Government Chronicle
obvious author) Publication name (date) (1993) ‘Westminster poised for
‘title of article’, Journal return to AMA fold’ Local
name, volume number, Government Chronicle, 5
part number, pages November, p. 5
Government Parliamentary Country of origin (date) Great Britain (1994) Criminal
publications papers including Title, Publisher, Place of Justice and Public Order Act
acts and bills publication 1994, HMSO, London
Others (with As for books As for books
Others (no Department name or Department of Trade and
obvious authors) Committee name (date) Industry (1992) The Single
Title, Publisher, Place of Market: Europe Open for
publication Professions, UK
Implementation, HMSO,
To reference Use the general For Example
Newspapers, including Newspaper article Surname, Initials Roberts, D. (1998) ‘BAe sells
CD-ROM databases (date) ‘Title of property wing for £301m’, The
article’, Newspaper Daily Telegraph, London, 10
name, place of October, p. 31
printing, day, month,
Newspaper article Newspaper name Guardian (1992) ‘Fraud trial at
(no obvious (date) ‘Title of Britannia Theme Park’, The
author) article’, Newspaper Guardian, Manchester, 5
name, place of February, p. 4
printing, day, month,
Newspaper article Newspaper name or Financial Times (1998)
(from CD-ROM Surname, Initials ‘Recruitment: lessons in
database) (date) ‘Title of article’ leadership: moral issues are
Newspaper name increasingly pertinent to the
(CD-ROM), day, military and top corporate
month, pages ranks’, Financial Times (CD-
ROM), London, 11 March,
Other CD-ROM Title of CD-ROM or Encarta 98 Encyclopaedia
publications Surname, Initials (1997) (CD-ROM), Microsoft,
(date) (CD-ROM), Redmond, WA
Publisher, Place of
Unpublished Surname, Initials. Saunders, MNK, Thornhill, A
conference papers (date) ’Title of papers’ and Lewis, P. (2001)
paper presented at the ‘Employees’ reactions to the
Conference name, management of change: an
days, month, location exploration from an
of conference organizational justice
framework’, paper presented
at the eighth Annual
International Conference on
Advances in Management, 11 –
14 July, Athens
Letters, personal Letter Surname, Initials. MacClelland, S. (1998)
emails and electronic (date) ‘Unpublished ‘Unpublished letter:
conferences/bulletin Personal email letter: Subject matter’ Reviewer’s feedback’
boards Surname, Initials. MacClelland, S. (1998)
Electronic (date) ‘Subject matter’ ‘Reviewer’s feedback’ (email
conference/Bullet (email to the author) to the author) (online)
in Boards (online)
Surname, Initials. Jones, K. (1999) 101 reasons
(date) Subject matter, why we need the pound,
name of electronic Britain and European
conference/bulletin Monetary Union [online]
board [online]
To reference Use the general format For Example
Internet items Journal article Surname, Initials. Illingworth, N. (2001) ‘The
excluding emails published on the (date) ‘Title of article’, Internet matters: exploring the
internet journal name, volume use of the Internet as a
number, part number research tool’, Sociological
[online] (Accessed on Research Online 6:2, [online]
day month year) (Accessed on 20 March 2002)
Available from: Available from:
www.remainder of full
internet address llingworth.html
Internet Site title (date) ‘Title of Chartered Institute of
site/specific site page within site where Personnel and Development
pages applicable’ [online] [online] (Accessed on January
(Accessed on day 2002) Available from:
month year) Available
from: www.remainder
of full internet address
Internet article Surname, Initials and Jones A and Smith A (eds)
Surname Initials (date) (2001) ‘What exactly is the
‘Title of article’ Labour Force Survey? [online]
[online] (Accessed on (Accessed on 20 December
day month year) 2001) Available from:
Available from:
www.remainder of full ownloads.theme_labour/what_
internet address exactly_is_LFS1.pdf
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Cadbury company.............................................................................................................2
2. Marketing environment.................................................................................................................................2
3. Ansoff’s matrix ................................................................................................................................................4
4. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning analysis for the proposed growth ...................................5
5. Marketing mix strategy .................................................................................................................................7
Reference ...................................................................................................................................................................9
1. Introduction to Cadbury company
Cadbury was first founded in 1824 by John Cadbury as a grocery selling many things including
cocoa and drinking chocolate in Birmingham, UK. The grocery gradually expanded its variety of
chocolate offerings and only became the chocolate manufacturer in 1866 with the launch of
Cadbury Cocoa Essence, the first unadulterated cocoa brand in UK at that time. In response to
the rivalry from Swiss chocolate manufacturers, Cadbury has used its innovative chocolate
processing technique to launch new milk chocolate bars under the brand name “Cadbury Dairy
Milk” since 1905 which contains more milk than any chocolate bars of competitors in the Britain
market. The Cadbury Dairy Milk which is made from fresh milk sourced in the UK and fair trade
cocoa beans and designed in form of unwrapped blocks that can be broken into small pieces has
received instant success right from its first launch and become the flagship product range of
Cadbury on global market (Cadbury website, n.d). Particularly in UK, Cadbury Daily Milk has
been honored as the best-selling milk chocolate brand for years and possessed a great deal of
fans (Food Manufacture UK, 2014). Upon nearly 200 years of development and success,
Cadbury has become the world’s leading chocolate confectionary company with a wide variety
of chocolate offerings sold in over 40 countries over the world in which U.K, Australia, India
and China are the four biggest country markets. With regard of design, Cadbury caters chocolate
bars, chocolate eggs for Easter, chocolate crunchy, candies, bites and buttons in bags and boxes
as well as chocolate drinks. Besides, Cadbury offers different tastes such as milk chocolate, fruit,
milk with oreo, caramel, oat crunch, etc.. Four major markets of Cadbury Dairy Milk include
U.K., Australia, India and China. The company has been taken over by Mondelez International
which is a giant American multinational corporation specializing in confectionery, food, and
beverage since 2010. (Cadbury website, n.d).
2. Marketing environment
Macro environment factors
Obesity has been increasingly concerned among both Britain citizens and governments as the
main cause of severe health issues in the country (Mintel, 2015). So as to improve public health,
UK government has established a governmental body named Publish Heath Responsibility Deal
which has been implementing many aggressive legal actions and launching appealing social
campaigns that aim to either enforce and encourage businesses to give hands for combating
obesity in the society. Cadbury’s competitors such as Mars and Nestle have also actively opted in
these campaigns as a way to show their corporate social responsibly. These social campaigns
also direct Britain customers towards healthy eating. Especially, the ‘Healthy lives, healthy
people’ campaign launched by the UK Chartered Institute of Environmental Health directly
alerts British citizens about the downside of confectionery products which contain high levels of
sugar that is the main cause of obesity and severe related diseases (Public Health England, 2014).
In addition, ‘fat tax’ which is imposed on the level of sugar in confectionary products is highly
likely to be passed in very near future. This policy is expected to enforce confectionary
companies to reformulate their ingredients towards healthier way (Keynote, 2015). Moreover,
the latest Food and Drink labeling regulation stipulates that confectionary companies have
obligations to present trustworthy information about the amount of fat, salt, sugar and calories on
the packages together with suitable and healthy intake references (Keynote, 2015). Besides,
empirical studies have revealed that British customers are getting more and more health
conscious. According to a survey conducted by Healthy Lifestyles UK in 2015, about 34% of
people in the UK notice carefully the nutritional information provided on products’ packages
when they are considering and comparing different brands (Public Health England, 2014). In
addition, more and more Britain customers are following healthy eating trends (Mintel, 2015).
Healthy eating is not only a way to combat obesity and maintain good health but also a type of a
trending lifestyle with many fad diets such as the 5:2 Diet, the Alkaline Diet and the M-Plan
Diet, etc. The common features of all healthy eating diets are reducing fat and sugar in daily
meals while improving intakes of fibers and vitamins and fibers so as to lose weight and keep fit.
Moreover, the number of weight loss surgery cases has dropped significantly in the UK, instead,
healthy eating has become even more popular as a safe method for natural weight loss (Mintel,
2014). As a chocolate confectionary company, Cadbury has faced major threats from all of above
macro environment factors. On the other view, healthy eating trend can be an opportunity for
Cadbury if this company has an appropriate marketing strategy to adapt this market trend
(Mintel, 2016)
Microenvironment factors
According to Mintel (2016), UK chocolate market has been featured by relatively flat volume
sales with very high competition from key players including Mars and Nestle and Ferrero.
Besides, buying chocolate as a treat for oneself and gifting are still two most important reasons
for purchasing chocolates. With regards to customers’ trends, more emphasis can be put on a
daily treat by enjoying smaller amounts of more premium chocolate products as a part of a
balanced diet. As a result, increasing demand for lighter or smaller, healthier and more premium
chocolate offerings creates great opportunities for Cadbury
In response to healthy eating trends, both Mars and Nestle have implemented product
modification towards healthier by reformulating ingredients to lower fat and raise fiber contains
as well as redesigning products with smaller package or thinner that are positioned as “light” and
3. Ansoff’s matrix
The Ansoff Matrix, also known as Ansoff Box is a marketing analysis technique that is used by
marketers to identify and pursue growth opportunities as well as enable companies to develop
suitable strategies so as to reap benefits from such opportunities by considering suggested
implications for business growth which are marketing penetration (i.e. marketing existing
products more effectively to existing customers); market development (i.e. marketing existing
products to new markets); product development (i.e. launching new products to appeal existing
customers) and diversification (i.e. launching new products to new markets) (Ansoff, 1957)
Figure 1: Ansoff Matrix
In this case, Product Development strategy is recommended to Cadbury upon the findings from
the marketing environment analysis for some reasons. Firstly, since healthy eating trend has
become a new trend across different customer segments and other major competitors are
modifying their products in response to this trend, Cadbury should obviously adapt it and make
healthy eating an opportunity rather than a threat. Besides, customer demand has also changed
towards a lighter, smaller, healthier and more luxury chocolate as a treat to themselves that is
also an opportunity to push Cadbury towards Product Development strategy.
Specifically,so as to defend the leadership in UK chocolate market, increase sales and market
share by adapting market trends toward healthy eating and smaller but more premium chocolate
offerings, Mondelez ‘s R & D team should develop a new product named Cadbury Matcha Tea
Chocolate in which organic Japanese Matcha Tea which is famous for multiple benefits for
health is matched with traditional British fresh milk and free trade cacao beans. Cadbury Matcha
Tea Chocolate which contains less fat and less sugar while more vitamins, more fibers and
especially high in antioxidants will be launched to Cadbury’s existing market including both
teenagers and adults aged from 16 to 45 years old who are increasingly health conscious
4. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning analysis for the proposed growth
The market for Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate is segmented based on demographic,
psychographic and behavioristic factors. Upon each segment, target customers will be selected as
- Demographic factors: teenagers and adults aged from 16 to 45, both male and female
- Psychographic factors: People who are health conscious, interested in healthy eating diets
- Behavioristic factors: People who want to eat chocolate as a treat to themselves but still
want to either keep fit or lose weight or maintain a good health condition with a balanced
Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate aims to be positioned in the customers’ minds as the premium
chocolate offerings which is the healthiest chocolate product in the market. The following
perceptual map presents the desired position of Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate in customers’
minds upon two criteria which are price and healthiness over chocolate brands of three other key
competitors including Mars, Ferrero and Nestle in which Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate is
perceived as the most expensive and also the healthiest chocolate.
Figure 2: Perceptual map for UK’s chocolate brands
5. Marketing mix
strategy Product
A new product range branded Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate will be launched with three levels
of product as follows:
Core product: A delicious and permissible treat for one self or gift giving which is good for
Actual product:
- Design: Chocolate bar with rounded corners to enhance the mouth-feel which can be
broken in 3 small pieces covered in Green and Black packages
- Weight: 45 gram/ bar
- Ingredients: British fresh milk, free trade cacao beans and organic Matcha Green Tea
sourced from Japan
- Color: Black chocolate covering with the fusion of milk and matcha green tea inside
- Taste: The fusion of bitter cacao and tea and light sweet milk
- Flavour: Rich in tea and chocolate match
- Rich in vitamins, fibers and antioxidants
- Energy: 150 kcal/ bar
- Fat: 7 gram
- Saturates: 4 gram
- Sugar: 12 gram
- Salt: 0.06 gram
Augmented product: After enjoying Cadbury Matcha tea Chocolate, customers will surprisingly
find that their breath is fresher due to the good effect of matcha tea
Skimming price strategy will be applied for this premium Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate. The
initial price for a 45 gram bar will be 5 British pounds which is slightly higher than any
chocolate bar in the market
Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate will be distributed through current distribution channels of
Cadbury in UK including groceries, convenience stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets, canteens in
working buildings, schools and universities, automatic selling machines throughout the UK,
hotels and online retailers.
Since the Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate is a totally new product in the market, advertising and
sales promotion are chosen as two main promotional strategies in which advertising helps build
brand awareness about the new product and sales promotion helps trigger initial sales.
- TV commercials and Youtube advertisements will be designed so as to draw customer
attention and raise their awareness about how healthy and delicious the new product is
- Such TV commercials and Youtube videos will be then shared on social networks such as
Facebook, Twitter and Istagram
- Point of sales advertising: Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate will be sold right at the check-
out in supermarkets, groceries, convenience stores and hypermarkets with small
billboards featuring how the new product is healthy and delicious when it combines tea
and chocolate
Sales promotion:
Some limited free trials will be given freely in some universities, high schools and working
buildings so as to build customer awareness as well as collect primary data for test marketing at
the beginning phase of the new product development so that Cadbury can understand how
customers react to the new product and what should be modified to make the product better sell.
Some discounts are also offered but within a limited time frame
Advertisements of Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate will be designed upon the AIDA model:
- To get target customers’ attention: celebrity endorsement with famous stars who has
inspired people by their perfect bodies and eating diets will be featured
- To create customers’ interest: since relevance can decide whether customers are
interested in the products advertised (Sahar, G.; Seyed Yahyah, D. & Kambiz, S., 2012),
the advertising message will be “Indulge yourself in a healthier way” which are relevant
to target customers who are healthy conscious but still love chocolate
- To make customers desire to have it, the advertisements will feature the unique selling
points of the products in terms of its healthy and unique ingredients as well as announce
the sales promotion program
- To trigger urgent buying actions, discounts are only offered in limited time period and
with limited amount
Ansoff, I. H. (1957). Strategies for Diversification. Harvard Business Review. Vol 35 (5), pp.
Cadbury website (n.d). The story. [Online]. Available at <
story#1800-1850 >. [Accessed on 10
Feb 2017]
Food Manufacture UK (2014). Top 10 UK chocolate brands: IRI. [Online]. Available at <
chocolate-sales >. [Accessed on 10
Feb 2017]
Kotler, P. & Amstrong, G. (2011). Principles of Marketing, 14th ed. Pearson
Keynote (2015). UK Confectionary. [Online]. Available at <
report/food/confectionery >. [Accessed on 9
Feb 2017]
Mintel (2015). Chocolate Confectionery - UK - May 2015: The Consumer – Attitudes towards
Chocolate Confectionery. [Online]. Available at <
confectionery-uk-may-2015> . [Accessed on 9
Feb 2017]
Mintel (2015). Chocolate Confectionery - UK - May 2015: Brand Communication and
Promotion. [Online]. Available at <
2015>. [Accessed on 9
Feb 2017]
Mintel (2015). Chocolate Confectionery - UK - May 2015: Companies and Products. [Online].
Available at <>. [Accessed on 9
Feb 2017]
Mintel (2015). Chocolate Confectionery - UK - April 2014: Consumer – Reasons for Buying
Chocolate Confectionery. [Online]. Available at <
confectionery-uk-april-2014 >. [Accessed on 9
Feb 2017]
Mintel (2014). Chocolate Confectionery - UK - April 2014: Trend Application. [Online].
Available at < >. [Accessed on
Feb 2017]
Mintel (2013). Dieting Trends - UK - November 2013. Market Drivers. [Online]. Available at
<> . [Accessed on 10
Feb 2017]
Public Health Institute (2014) . Obesity and Environment. [Online]. Available at
_and_environment_March2014.pdf>. [Accessed on 10
Feb 2017]
Sahar, G.; Seyed Yahyah, D. & Kambiz, S. (2012). Explain the effectiveness of advertising using
the AIDA model. Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. Vol 4(2), pp.926-940
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  • 1. BSP4064 Introduction to Marketing ASSESSMENT 2 WRIT 1 Cardiff Metropolitan University Cardiff School of Management BSP4064 Introduction to Marketing Writ 1 Assignment due by 4pm Monday 27 th February 2017 Using ‘TurnItIn’ Feedback: 4-weeks Individual report: 100 marks (30% of module marks, a detailed breakdown of marks will be given of the assignment in seminars) This assessment is a continuation from your first assessment (group presentation). You are required to prepare an individual 1,800 word report on the following. You are a marketing executive and the organisation you work for is looking to expand their market. This can be achieved either through introducing a new product (product development), extending an existing product (product extension), or targeting a new consumer market with an existing product (market development). In order to fulfil this task you must: a. Briefly introduce the company -1 b. Briefly identify the marketing environment -2 c. Identify and justify one option that has most potential for growth using Ansoff’s matrix -2 d. Undertake a Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning analysis for the proposed growth e. Develop a marketing mix for the proposed growth (you can use either the P’s, C’s or E’s) Assessment Guidance: 1. When choosing an organisation you can ONLY choose an organisation that operates within the market from your assessment 1 (group presentation). There must NOT be any duplication of chosen organisations within your presentation group. There are no restrictions as to which organisation you can choose. However, before you decide on your chosen organisation, undertake some research to make sure that there is enough information available to you. The organisation can be from anywhere around the world. However, the organisation you pick must be a REAL, tangible organisation and one that is currently in business.
  • 2. 2. Use the findings from the group presentation to briefly discuss the marketing environment of your chosen organisation. In detail identify and justify one possible area for growth for your chosen organisation Assignment Guidance: This is a 1,800 word assignment (+ or – 10%), assignments that go over the word count WILL have marks deducted. If you just research using just the recommended text from the reading list and/or base your essays on the lecture material alone you will not gain high marks. If you wish to gain higher marks you will need to engage in further reading using not just textbooks and but also articles, and you should read around the topics. You must acknowledge ALL your source(s) and all work should be correctly referenced using the Harvard system, with a complete reference list at the end of the paper. A guide is on Moodle there are no excuses. You may include appendices, however, they serve only as a point of reference and NOT another way to write more. Please note, marks will not be given for appendices If you wish to include an images and/or relevant theoretical models to assist you in your explanation then do so. Please note that inclusion of any images or models will NOT be attributed any marks. Tutors will NOT read or comment on any draft or finished assignments before the hand in date, however, there will be plenty of opportunities to discuss your work with tutors. However, there will be plenty of opportunity for you to discuss your work with your tutors. Your assignment should be word-processed, clearly marked with the module name, module code and module leader. Your work should not contain your name only your student number. Marks for each assessment criterion will be awarded with reference to the standard Cardiff Metropolitan University marking criteria.
  • 3. Marking Criteria A Briefly introduce the company -1 5 marks  who they are, what they sell, luxury brand B Briefly identify the marketing environment -2 15 marks  The main factors of the marketing environment that affect the organisation. Please note this should be main factors and be relatable to your organisation C Identify and justify one option that has most potential for growth using 20 marks Ansoff’s matrix -2  Using the information from section B this should allow you identify a growth opportunity and justify this D Undertake a Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning analysis for the 25 marks proposed growth E Develop a marketing mix for the proposed growth 25 marks F Correct use of the Harvard referencing system and at least 6 academic 10 marks references Systematic, logical approach to writing.  For example, textbooks or academic journals but NOT lecture presentation material or general websites. All material, including charts, diagrams and statistics should be referenced using the Harvard system. 100 marks N.B. Just because marks have not been attributed to the introduction and conclusion it does not reduce the importance of these components and should not be ignored. Learning outcomes:  Understand the influence of the organisation’s aims, strategy, culture and resources and the broader business environments.  Utilise a range of tools and techniques to analyse and evaluate markets, market opportunities and market segments.  Use market and financial data to set and monitor marketing objectives and prices.  Develop tactical level marketing plans which define marketing mixes appropriate to the marketplace, target group and market conditions.
  • 4. Deliverables and submission: All work is to be submitted through ‘TurnItIn’ to Introduction to Marketing folder found on Moodle no later than 4pm Monday 27 th February 2017. Key skills: This assignment contributes evidence towards attainment of the following key skills:  Communication  Problem solving  Improving own learning and performance Note that re-sits may be capped at 40% The coursework will be marked and graded in accordance with the mark allocations shown above. Marks for each assessment criterion will be awarded with reference to the standard Cardiff Metropolitan University marking criteria Please note that if you do not submit work this is classed as a non-attempt, a mark of 0 will be given and you will be required to resit the work in the resit period in the summer where your mark will be capped at 40% unless there are approved mitigating circumstances by the university. All marks are subject to agreement at the Examination Board
  • 5. A General Guide to Writing Assignments Assignments are a key component of the assessment of your studies but many assignments that contain good thoughts and ideas are ruined (and get less marks) because of basic preparation and writing errors. The following are some tips on the mechanics of writing assignments. These should always be read in conjunction with the student handbook and other instructions given by your lecturers. If you are having problems ASK FOR HELP early rather than the day before an assignment is due. Layout: For ease of handling for the marker, follow these instructions:  The front cover should contain the module name, who the essay is for, the title and your student number.  Make sure the pages in your assignment are numbered  Use 1.5 or double spacing, left justification and single sided.  Your margins should usually be at least 2.5 cm all round.  Use at least a 12 pt font that can be easily read (Arial or times are usual).  Spell checks your work and proof-read for editing and grammar mistakes. Some sentence constructions frequently cause problems. These problems are discussed below: a) Capitalisation There is a tendency to use capital letters when they are not required. Only use capitals at the start of a sentence or for the names of people and organisations. E.g. ...the Civil Rights Movement… becomes ...the civil rights movement.... b) Spacing As a rule, all items of punctuation should have one space after them, except punctuation that ends sentences (for example full stops). These items of punctuation have two spaces after them.  Note that this spacing rules do not apply to brackets  The two spaces after full stops also apply in referencing after the author’s initials.  c) Exclamation marks (!) The use of exclamation marks in academic writing is very rare, but when you do use them make sure that you only use one - students often use double exclamation marks at the end of a sentence to indicate intensity but this is unnecessary d) Colons (:) Colons are often used to introduce a quote, a list of items, or to separate clauses in a sentence when the second enlarges or explains the first. Remember that colons never end a sentence so you should not capitalise the next word and that you should not put a space between the colon and the word ahead of it.
  • 6. e) Apostrophes (’) Apostrophes can be used in two ways - as a contraction where part of a word is left out or where two words run together to form one word - or to denote possession. f) As a contraction It is very rare to use contractions in academic writing, please do not use them. E.g.  It should be do not, not don’t.  It should be cannot, not can’t  g) Informal language Please do not use informal language or slang, using the correct words will give your work a level of professionalism  E.g. Children should never be classed as kids h) Quoting material Your work should not be full of direct quotes, this demonstrates either a lack of understanding, a rushed assessment or a lazy approach to academic writing. Use direct quotes sparingly and paraphrase instead. Referencing (taken from Cite it Right) The following is taken from Pears, R and Shields, G. (2013) Cite them Right (9 th ed.) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Using the Harvard System to reference in the main body of work To refer to Use the general format For example A single author (Surname, date) (Saunders, 2008) Two authors (Surname and Surname, (Saunders and Cooper, date) 2009) Three or more authors (Surname et al., date) (Slack et al., 2000) Citing multiple sources (Surname, date; Surname, (Baker, 1996; Lewis, 1998; date) in alphabetical order Thornhill, 2000) Different authors with the (Surname, Initial, date) (Smith, J, 2008) same surname Different editions of the (Surname, date; date) in (Lewis, 2001; 2003) same work by the same ascending date order
  • 7. author Different publications by the same author from the same year An author referred to by another author where the original has not been read (secondary reference) A corporate author A direct quotation (Surname, date letter), make sure the letter is consistent throughout (Surname, date; cited by Surname, date) (Corporate name, date) (Surname or Corporate name, date, page number) (Forster, 1991a); (Forster, 1991b) (Granovetter 1974; cited by Saunders, 2008) (Hanson Trust plc, 2000) “The Harvard method….has a number of advantages over other methods” (Bell, 2010, p. 51) No identifiable author/editor No identifiable date No identifiable author An Internet site, if the author is identifiable An Internet site, if the author isn’t identifiable An Internet site, if the author and title aren’t identifiable (Title of the article, in italics, date) (Surname, no date) (Title of the articles, in italics, no date) (Surname, date) (Site title, date) (URL, date) In a ground breaking survey (Health of the nation, 2011)… (Saunders, no date) (Health of the nation, no date) (Thornbridge, 2013) (BBC News, 2010) (http://www.onlinehealth.or g, 2012)
  • 8. Using the Harvard System to reference in the reference list or bibliography To reference Use the general format For Example Books and Book (first Surname, Initials and Saunders, MNK and Cooper, Chapters in books edition) Surname, Initials. (date) SA. (1993) Understanding Title, Publisher, Place of Business Statistics, DP publication Publications Ltd, London Book (other than Surname, Initials. (date) Morris, C. (1999) Quantitative first edition) Title (? Edn), Publisher, approaches to Business Studies Place of publication (5 th edn), Financial Times Pitman Publishing, London Book (no obvious Corporate name or Mintel Marketing Intelligence author) Publication name (date) (1998) Designerwear: Mintel Title, Publisher, Place of Marketing Intelligence Report, publication Mintel International Group Ltd., London Chapter in a book Surname, Initials. (Date) Robson, C. (2002) Real World Title, Publisher, Place of Research (2 nd edn), Blackwell, publication, Chapter ? Oxford, Chapter 3. Chapter in an Surname, Initials. (date) Craig, PB. (1991) ‘Designing edited book ‘Chapter title’, in and using mail questionnaires’ Surname, Initials and in Smith, NC and Dainty, P Surname, Initials (eds), (eds) The Management Title, Publisher, Place of Research Handbook, Publication: page numbers Routledge: London, pp. 181 – 9 Journal Articles Journal Article Surname, Initials. (date) Storey, J, Cressey, P, Morris, T ‘title of article’, Journal and Wilkinson, A. (1997) Name, volume number, ‘Changing employment part number, pages practices in UK banking: case studies’, Personnel Review, 26:1, 24 – 42 Journal article (no Corporate name or Local Government Chronicle obvious author) Publication name (date) (1993) ‘Westminster poised for ‘title of article’, Journal return to AMA fold’ Local name, volume number, Government Chronicle, 5 part number, pages November, p. 5 Government Parliamentary Country of origin (date) Great Britain (1994) Criminal publications papers including Title, Publisher, Place of Justice and Public Order Act acts and bills publication 1994, HMSO, London Others (with As for books As for books authors) Others (no Department name or Department of Trade and obvious authors) Committee name (date) Industry (1992) The Single
  • 9. Title, Publisher, Place of Market: Europe Open for publication Professions, UK Implementation, HMSO, London To reference Use the general For Example format Newspapers, including Newspaper article Surname, Initials Roberts, D. (1998) ‘BAe sells CD-ROM databases (date) ‘Title of property wing for £301m’, The article’, Newspaper Daily Telegraph, London, 10 name, place of October, p. 31 printing, day, month, pages Newspaper article Newspaper name Guardian (1992) ‘Fraud trial at (no obvious (date) ‘Title of Britannia Theme Park’, The author) article’, Newspaper Guardian, Manchester, 5 name, place of February, p. 4 printing, day, month, pages Newspaper article Newspaper name or Financial Times (1998) (from CD-ROM Surname, Initials ‘Recruitment: lessons in database) (date) ‘Title of article’ leadership: moral issues are Newspaper name increasingly pertinent to the (CD-ROM), day, military and top corporate month, pages ranks’, Financial Times (CD- ROM), London, 11 March, p.32 Other CD-ROM Title of CD-ROM or Encarta 98 Encyclopaedia publications Surname, Initials (1997) (CD-ROM), Microsoft, (date) (CD-ROM), Redmond, WA Publisher, Place of publication Unpublished Surname, Initials. Saunders, MNK, Thornhill, A conference papers (date) ’Title of papers’ and Lewis, P. (2001) paper presented at the ‘Employees’ reactions to the Conference name, management of change: an days, month, location exploration from an of conference organizational justice framework’, paper presented at the eighth Annual International Conference on Advances in Management, 11 – 14 July, Athens
  • 10. Letters, personal Letter Surname, Initials. MacClelland, S. (1998) emails and electronic (date) ‘Unpublished ‘Unpublished letter: conferences/bulletin Personal email letter: Subject matter’ Reviewer’s feedback’ boards Surname, Initials. MacClelland, S. (1998) Electronic (date) ‘Subject matter’ ‘Reviewer’s feedback’ (email conference/Bullet (email to the author) to the author) (online) in Boards (online) Surname, Initials. Jones, K. (1999) 101 reasons (date) Subject matter, why we need the pound, name of electronic Britain and European conference/bulletin Monetary Union [online] board [online] To reference Use the general format For Example Internet items Journal article Surname, Initials. Illingworth, N. (2001) ‘The excluding emails published on the (date) ‘Title of article’, Internet matters: exploring the internet journal name, volume use of the Internet as a number, part number research tool’, Sociological [online] (Accessed on Research Online 6:2, [online] day month year) (Accessed on 20 March 2002) Available from: Available from: www.remainder of full internet address llingworth.html Internet Site title (date) ‘Title of Chartered Institute of site/specific site page within site where Personnel and Development pages applicable’ [online] [online] (Accessed on January (Accessed on day 2002) Available from: month year) Available from: www.remainder of full internet address Internet article Surname, Initials and Jones A and Smith A (eds) Surname Initials (date) (2001) ‘What exactly is the ‘Title of article’ Labour Force Survey? [online] [online] (Accessed on (Accessed on 20 December day month year) 2001) Available from: Available from: www.remainder of full ownloads.theme_labour/what_ internet address exactly_is_LFS1.pdf
  • 11. Table of Contents 1. Introduction to Cadbury company.............................................................................................................2 2. Marketing environment.................................................................................................................................2 3. Ansoff’s matrix ................................................................................................................................................4 4. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning analysis for the proposed growth ...................................5 5. Marketing mix strategy .................................................................................................................................7 Reference ...................................................................................................................................................................9 1
  • 12. 1. Introduction to Cadbury company Cadbury was first founded in 1824 by John Cadbury as a grocery selling many things including cocoa and drinking chocolate in Birmingham, UK. The grocery gradually expanded its variety of chocolate offerings and only became the chocolate manufacturer in 1866 with the launch of Cadbury Cocoa Essence, the first unadulterated cocoa brand in UK at that time. In response to the rivalry from Swiss chocolate manufacturers, Cadbury has used its innovative chocolate processing technique to launch new milk chocolate bars under the brand name “Cadbury Dairy Milk” since 1905 which contains more milk than any chocolate bars of competitors in the Britain market. The Cadbury Dairy Milk which is made from fresh milk sourced in the UK and fair trade cocoa beans and designed in form of unwrapped blocks that can be broken into small pieces has received instant success right from its first launch and become the flagship product range of Cadbury on global market (Cadbury website, n.d). Particularly in UK, Cadbury Daily Milk has been honored as the best-selling milk chocolate brand for years and possessed a great deal of fans (Food Manufacture UK, 2014). Upon nearly 200 years of development and success, Cadbury has become the world’s leading chocolate confectionary company with a wide variety of chocolate offerings sold in over 40 countries over the world in which U.K, Australia, India and China are the four biggest country markets. With regard of design, Cadbury caters chocolate bars, chocolate eggs for Easter, chocolate crunchy, candies, bites and buttons in bags and boxes as well as chocolate drinks. Besides, Cadbury offers different tastes such as milk chocolate, fruit, milk with oreo, caramel, oat crunch, etc.. Four major markets of Cadbury Dairy Milk include U.K., Australia, India and China. The company has been taken over by Mondelez International which is a giant American multinational corporation specializing in confectionery, food, and beverage since 2010. (Cadbury website, n.d). 2. Marketing environment Macro environment factors Obesity has been increasingly concerned among both Britain citizens and governments as the main cause of severe health issues in the country (Mintel, 2015). So as to improve public health, UK government has established a governmental body named Publish Heath Responsibility Deal which has been implementing many aggressive legal actions and launching appealing social campaigns that aim to either enforce and encourage businesses to give hands for combating 2
  • 13. obesity in the society. Cadbury’s competitors such as Mars and Nestle have also actively opted in these campaigns as a way to show their corporate social responsibly. These social campaigns also direct Britain customers towards healthy eating. Especially, the ‘Healthy lives, healthy people’ campaign launched by the UK Chartered Institute of Environmental Health directly alerts British citizens about the downside of confectionery products which contain high levels of sugar that is the main cause of obesity and severe related diseases (Public Health England, 2014). In addition, ‘fat tax’ which is imposed on the level of sugar in confectionary products is highly likely to be passed in very near future. This policy is expected to enforce confectionary companies to reformulate their ingredients towards healthier way (Keynote, 2015). Moreover, the latest Food and Drink labeling regulation stipulates that confectionary companies have obligations to present trustworthy information about the amount of fat, salt, sugar and calories on the packages together with suitable and healthy intake references (Keynote, 2015). Besides, empirical studies have revealed that British customers are getting more and more health conscious. According to a survey conducted by Healthy Lifestyles UK in 2015, about 34% of people in the UK notice carefully the nutritional information provided on products’ packages when they are considering and comparing different brands (Public Health England, 2014). In addition, more and more Britain customers are following healthy eating trends (Mintel, 2015). Healthy eating is not only a way to combat obesity and maintain good health but also a type of a trending lifestyle with many fad diets such as the 5:2 Diet, the Alkaline Diet and the M-Plan Diet, etc. The common features of all healthy eating diets are reducing fat and sugar in daily meals while improving intakes of fibers and vitamins and fibers so as to lose weight and keep fit. Moreover, the number of weight loss surgery cases has dropped significantly in the UK, instead, healthy eating has become even more popular as a safe method for natural weight loss (Mintel, 2014). As a chocolate confectionary company, Cadbury has faced major threats from all of above macro environment factors. On the other view, healthy eating trend can be an opportunity for Cadbury if this company has an appropriate marketing strategy to adapt this market trend (Mintel, 2016) Microenvironment factors According to Mintel (2016), UK chocolate market has been featured by relatively flat volume sales with very high competition from key players including Mars and Nestle and Ferrero. Besides, buying chocolate as a treat for oneself and gifting are still two most important reasons 3
  • 14. for purchasing chocolates. With regards to customers’ trends, more emphasis can be put on a daily treat by enjoying smaller amounts of more premium chocolate products as a part of a balanced diet. As a result, increasing demand for lighter or smaller, healthier and more premium chocolate offerings creates great opportunities for Cadbury In response to healthy eating trends, both Mars and Nestle have implemented product modification towards healthier by reformulating ingredients to lower fat and raise fiber contains as well as redesigning products with smaller package or thinner that are positioned as “light” and “diet”. 3. Ansoff’s matrix The Ansoff Matrix, also known as Ansoff Box is a marketing analysis technique that is used by marketers to identify and pursue growth opportunities as well as enable companies to develop suitable strategies so as to reap benefits from such opportunities by considering suggested implications for business growth which are marketing penetration (i.e. marketing existing products more effectively to existing customers); market development (i.e. marketing existing products to new markets); product development (i.e. launching new products to appeal existing customers) and diversification (i.e. launching new products to new markets) (Ansoff, 1957) Figure 1: Ansoff Matrix 4
  • 15. In this case, Product Development strategy is recommended to Cadbury upon the findings from the marketing environment analysis for some reasons. Firstly, since healthy eating trend has become a new trend across different customer segments and other major competitors are modifying their products in response to this trend, Cadbury should obviously adapt it and make healthy eating an opportunity rather than a threat. Besides, customer demand has also changed towards a lighter, smaller, healthier and more luxury chocolate as a treat to themselves that is also an opportunity to push Cadbury towards Product Development strategy. Specifically,so as to defend the leadership in UK chocolate market, increase sales and market share by adapting market trends toward healthy eating and smaller but more premium chocolate offerings, Mondelez ‘s R & D team should develop a new product named Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate in which organic Japanese Matcha Tea which is famous for multiple benefits for health is matched with traditional British fresh milk and free trade cacao beans. Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate which contains less fat and less sugar while more vitamins, more fibers and especially high in antioxidants will be launched to Cadbury’s existing market including both teenagers and adults aged from 16 to 45 years old who are increasingly health conscious 4. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning analysis for the proposed growth 5
  • 16. The market for Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate is segmented based on demographic, psychographic and behavioristic factors. Upon each segment, target customers will be selected as follows: - Demographic factors: teenagers and adults aged from 16 to 45, both male and female - Psychographic factors: People who are health conscious, interested in healthy eating diets - Behavioristic factors: People who want to eat chocolate as a treat to themselves but still want to either keep fit or lose weight or maintain a good health condition with a balanced diet. Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate aims to be positioned in the customers’ minds as the premium chocolate offerings which is the healthiest chocolate product in the market. The following perceptual map presents the desired position of Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate in customers’ minds upon two criteria which are price and healthiness over chocolate brands of three other key competitors including Mars, Ferrero and Nestle in which Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate is perceived as the most expensive and also the healthiest chocolate. Figure 2: Perceptual map for UK’s chocolate brands 6
  • 17. 5. Marketing mix strategy Product A new product range branded Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate will be launched with three levels of product as follows: Core product: A delicious and permissible treat for one self or gift giving which is good for health Actual product: - Design: Chocolate bar with rounded corners to enhance the mouth-feel which can be broken in 3 small pieces covered in Green and Black packages - Weight: 45 gram/ bar - Ingredients: British fresh milk, free trade cacao beans and organic Matcha Green Tea sourced from Japan - Color: Black chocolate covering with the fusion of milk and matcha green tea inside - Taste: The fusion of bitter cacao and tea and light sweet milk - Flavour: Rich in tea and chocolate match - Rich in vitamins, fibers and antioxidants - Energy: 150 kcal/ bar - Fat: 7 gram - Saturates: 4 gram - Sugar: 12 gram - Salt: 0.06 gram Augmented product: After enjoying Cadbury Matcha tea Chocolate, customers will surprisingly find that their breath is fresher due to the good effect of matcha tea Price Skimming price strategy will be applied for this premium Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate. The initial price for a 45 gram bar will be 5 British pounds which is slightly higher than any chocolate bar in the market 7
  • 18. Place Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate will be distributed through current distribution channels of Cadbury in UK including groceries, convenience stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets, canteens in working buildings, schools and universities, automatic selling machines throughout the UK, hotels and online retailers. Promotion Since the Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate is a totally new product in the market, advertising and sales promotion are chosen as two main promotional strategies in which advertising helps build brand awareness about the new product and sales promotion helps trigger initial sales. Advertising: - TV commercials and Youtube advertisements will be designed so as to draw customer attention and raise their awareness about how healthy and delicious the new product is - Such TV commercials and Youtube videos will be then shared on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Istagram - Point of sales advertising: Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate will be sold right at the check- out in supermarkets, groceries, convenience stores and hypermarkets with small billboards featuring how the new product is healthy and delicious when it combines tea and chocolate Sales promotion: Some limited free trials will be given freely in some universities, high schools and working buildings so as to build customer awareness as well as collect primary data for test marketing at the beginning phase of the new product development so that Cadbury can understand how customers react to the new product and what should be modified to make the product better sell. Some discounts are also offered but within a limited time frame Advertisements of Cadbury Matcha Tea Chocolate will be designed upon the AIDA model: - To get target customers’ attention: celebrity endorsement with famous stars who has inspired people by their perfect bodies and eating diets will be featured 8
  • 19. - To create customers’ interest: since relevance can decide whether customers are interested in the products advertised (Sahar, G.; Seyed Yahyah, D. & Kambiz, S., 2012), the advertising message will be “Indulge yourself in a healthier way” which are relevant to target customers who are healthy conscious but still love chocolate - To make customers desire to have it, the advertisements will feature the unique selling points of the products in terms of its healthy and unique ingredients as well as announce the sales promotion program - To trigger urgent buying actions, discounts are only offered in limited time period and with limited amount Reference Ansoff, I. H. (1957). Strategies for Diversification. Harvard Business Review. Vol 35 (5), pp. 114-115 Cadbury website (n.d). The story. [Online]. Available at < story#1800-1850 >. [Accessed on 10 th Feb 2017] Food Manufacture UK (2014). Top 10 UK chocolate brands: IRI. [Online]. Available at < chocolate-sales >. [Accessed on 10 th Feb 2017] Kotler, P. & Amstrong, G. (2011). Principles of Marketing, 14th ed. Pearson Keynote (2015). UK Confectionary. [Online]. Available at < report/food/confectionery >. [Accessed on 9 th Feb 2017] Mintel (2015). Chocolate Confectionery - UK - May 2015: The Consumer – Attitudes towards Chocolate Confectionery. [Online]. Available at < confectionery-uk-may-2015> . [Accessed on 9 th Feb 2017] Mintel (2015). Chocolate Confectionery - UK - May 2015: Brand Communication and Promotion. [Online]. Available at < 2015>. [Accessed on 9 th Feb 2017] 9
  • 20. Mintel (2015). Chocolate Confectionery - UK - May 2015: Companies and Products. [Online]. Available at <>. [Accessed on 9 th Feb 2017] Mintel (2015). Chocolate Confectionery - UK - April 2014: Consumer – Reasons for Buying Chocolate Confectionery. [Online]. Available at < confectionery-uk-april-2014 >. [Accessed on 9 th Feb 2017] Mintel (2014). Chocolate Confectionery - UK - April 2014: Trend Application. [Online]. Available at < >. [Accessed on 10 th Feb 2017] Mintel (2013). Dieting Trends - UK - November 2013. Market Drivers. [Online]. Available at <> . [Accessed on 10 th Feb 2017] Public Health Institute (2014) . Obesity and Environment. [Online]. Available at < _and_environment_March2014.pdf>. [Accessed on 10 th Feb 2017] Sahar, G.; Seyed Yahyah, D. & Kambiz, S. (2012). Explain the effectiveness of advertising using the AIDA model. Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. Vol 4(2), pp.926-940 10
  • 21. Bạn đang tìm dịch vụ tin cậy để làm giúp ASSIGNMENT, DISSERTATION ? Nhóm mình gồm các cựu sinh viên: Đã tốt nghiệp xuất sắc Có 5 năm kinh nghiệm viết bài Phương châm chất lượng luôn được ưu tiên hàng đầu với chi phí hợp lý. Liên hệ với mình : 24/7 qua Email : các bạn vào đây tham khảo bài mình đã làm #assignmenthelp #dissertationhelp #SPSS Kết nối với mình để nhận được nhiều giá trị hơn nữa Facebook: