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Thomas Henry Huxley
       1825 - 1895
The Young Surgeon
      Son of a schoolmaster
      Self-taught after only two years of
      Studied medicine at Charing Cross
      Published first paper in 1845 and
      passed first portion of M.B. degree
      Surgeons assistant on HMS
      Rattlesnake (1846 - ‘50)
The Young Huxley
      1849: “On the anatomy and the
      affinities of the family of
      1850: FRS at age 25
      1851: Royal Society Medal
      Scientific journalism & lecturing
      1854; Professor of Natural
      History at Royal School of Mines.
      Married Henrietta Heathorn
On Vestiges

  The “once attractive and still
  notorious work of fiction …
  shown to be a mass of
  pretentious nonsense” yet
  survived due to the “utter
  ignorance of the public mind as
  to the methods of science and
  the criterion of truth.”
As “Gentleman of Science”
         1855: Fullerian Professor at Royal
         1863: Hunterian Professor at Royal
         College of Surgeons
         1869: President, British Association
         for the Advancement of Science
         1869: Founds Nature
         1872: President, Geological Society
         1883: President, Royal Society
As Mentor

 Michael Foster (Physiology,
 E. Ray Lankester (Zoology, UCL)
 William Flower (Director,
 Natural History Museum)
 St. George Jackson Mivart
Public Intellectual
      1862: Royal Commissioner
      1870: London School Board
      1881: Inspector of Fisheries
      1892: Privy Councillor

      Ongoing public debates with
      Disraeli, Gladstone, Balfour ...
Professionalization of science
Prevalence of morphological
studies in British zoology
Popularization of science
Adult education programs
Coiner of ‘agnostic’
Atheists were as reprehensible as
religious dogmatists
Mitigated skepticism
Critic of deriving morality from
“Bones and Stones and Such-
        like Things”
          Mechanics Institute lectures
          Lecture “On A Piece of Chalk”
             Chalk, fossils and evolution
             versus special creation
          Science as trained and organized
          common sense
          Science will set you free!
“Pope Darwin”

    A secular state run by the
    scientifically trained
    Importance of naturalistic
    explanations (as exemplified by
    Evolution as “a good stick with
    which to beat the clergy”

Lecture at Royal Institute
“On certain zoological arguments commonly adduced
in favour of the hypothesis of the progressive
development of animal life in time”
Against Chambers, Lamarck and transmutation itself
Introduced to Darwin’s ideas by CD himself
Natural Selection
“How extremely stupid not to
have thought of that”
Utility of natural selection as
an hypothesis versus it as
“[U]ntil selection and breeding
can be seen to give rise to
varieties which are infertile
with each other, natural
selection cannot be proved.”

“The empirical evidence you call for is both impossible
in practical terms, and in any event unnecessary. It's the
same as asking to see every step in the transformation
(or the splitting) of one species into another. My way so
many issues are clarified and problems solved; no other
theory does nearly so well.”

  Evolution as hypothesis
  rather than theory (Feb 1860)
  Evolution as a theory well
  supported by empirical
  evidence (1880)
  Humans, birds, and horses
John Tyndall
     “Belfast Address” 1874
     Despite Huxley’s warning,
     advocated materialism within
     Darwinian theory “rejected the
     notion of creative power”
     Religion as "mischievous if
     permitted to intrude on the
     region of objective knowledge,
     over which it holds no command".
Assaulting the Pall Mall
The X Club

Monthly meetings between 1864 and 1892
Tyndall, Hooker, Herbert Spencer, and others.
Rise to power in BAAS, Royal Society, Royal College of
Treatment of Henry Charlton Bastain and St. George
Jackson Mivart
Dinosaurs & Birds

     Problems with Owen’s depictions
     of Iguanodon
     Archaeopteryx as bird (Owen 1863)
     Birds evolved from small
     carnivorous dinosaurs (Huxley
O.C. Marsh
The Hippocampus Controversy
Arzani 1564
Owen 1857
   Humans were a separate sub-
   class of Mammalia.
   Study of ....
      South American monkey
      Negro (Tiedemann)
      Chimpanzee (van der Kolk
      & Vrolik)
Owen 1857
   “I cannot shut my eyes to the
   significance of that all-pervading
   similitude of structure - every
   tooth, every bone, strictly
   homologous - which makes the
   determination of the difference
   [between man and ape] the
   anatomist’s difficulty”
   Removed from Rede Lecture,
   Cambridge, 1859
Owen 1857

   Projection of the posterior
   Presence of posterior horn
   Presence of hippocampus
   A “grand paper; but I
   cannot swallow Man
   making a division as
   distinct from a
   Chimpanzee, and an
   ornithorhynchus from a
   Horse: I wonder what a
   Chimpanzee w[oul]d say
   to this?”

 “[B]efore I have done with
 that mendacious humbug I will
 nail him out, like a kite to a
 barn door, an example to all
 evil doers.”
 “On the Theory of the
 Vertebrate Skull” (June ’58)
BAAS 1860
Huxley was asked (and declined) to comment on a
paper discussing Darwin’s ideas
Owen: “the brain of the gorilla was more different
from that of man than from that of the lowest primate
particularly because only man had a posterior lobe, a
posterior horn, and a hippocampus minor.”
Huxley: politely "denied altogether that the difference
between the brain of the gorilla and man was so great"
BAAS 1860
 Death of son, Noel, requires
 Charles Kingsley to calm THH.
 Paper in Natural History Review
 argued Owen was “guilty of
 falsehood” (January 1861)
 “The Relation of Man to the Rest
 of the Animal Kingdom” (School
 of Mines, May 1861)
Paul du Chaillu - 1856 to ’59
Owen 1861
   “The Gorilla and the
   Negro” (March)
   Only humans have a
   hippocampus minor “as
   defined in human anatomy.”
   The issue was one of
   interpretation, not facts.
   Resultant exchange lead THH
   to declare ...

 “Life is too short to occupy
 oneself with the slaying of the
 slain more than once.”
Darwin to Hooker
        “Owen occupied an entirely
        untenable position ... The fact is he
        made a prodigious blunder in
        commencing the attack, and now
        his only chance is to be silent and
        let people forget the exposure. I
        do not believe that in the whole
        history of science there is a case
        of any man of reputation getting
        himself into such a contemptible
        position. He will be the laughing-
        stock of all the continental
      Am I satyr or man?
                                              Pray tell me who can,
                                      And settle my place in the scale.
                                              A man in ape's shape,
                                                An anthropoid ape,
                                      Or monkey deprived of his tail?

                                                  The Vestiges taught,
                                             That all came from naught
                                 By "development," so called, "progressive;"
                                               That insects and worms
                                                 Assume higher forms
                                          By modification excessive.

“Monkeyana” - Punch - May 1861
Then Darwin set forth
                                           In a book of much worth,
                                 The importance of "nature's selection;"
                                            How the struggle for life
                                                 Is a laudable strife,
                                  And results in "specific distinction."

                                             Let pigeons and doves
                                            Select their own loves,
                                   And grant them a million of ages,
                                          Then doubtless you'll find
                                          They've altered their kind,
                                 And changed into prophets and sages.

“Monkeyana” - Punch - May 1861
Then Huxley and Owen,
                                             With rivalry glowing,
                                 With pen and ink rush to the scratch;
                                           'Tis Brain versus Brain,
                                           Till one of them's slain,
                                  By JOVE! it will be a good match!

                                            Says Owen, you can see
                                           The brain of Chimpanzee
                                       Is always exceedingly small,
                                         With the hindermost "horn"
                                               Of extremity shorn,
                                     And no "Hippocampus" at all.

“Monkeyana” - Punch - May 1861
Next Huxley replies,
                                               That Owen he lies,
                                   And garbles his Latin quotation;
                                         That his facts are not new,
                                           His mistakes not a few,
                                    Detrimental to his reputation.

                                           "To twice slay the slain,
                                             By dint of the Brain,
                                 (Thus Huxley concludes his review)
                                             Is but labour in vain,
                                            Unproductive of gain,
                                   And so I shall bid you 'Adieu'!"

“Monkeyana” - Punch - May 1861
“Monkeyana” - Punch - May 1861   Sir Phillip Egerton
William Henry Flower -
refutes Owen’s three features
based on dissection of 16
van der Kolk & Vrolik - the
orang utan had the three
Huxley - Owen was “lying and
“Is it not high time that the annual
passage of barbed words between
Professor Owen and Professor
Huxley, on the cerebral distinction
between men and monkeys, should
cease? ... Continued on its present
footing, it becomes a hindrance
and an injury to science, a joke for
the populace, and a scandal to the
scientific world.”
              British Medical Journal
“The Great Hippopotamus Test”
Charles Kingsley - The Water Babies - 1862/3
Professor Ptthmllnsprts “held very strange theories about a good many things. He
had even got up once at the British Association, and declared that apes had
hippopotamus majors in their brains just as men have. Which was a shocking thing
to say; for, if it were so, what would become of the faith, hope, and charity of
immortal millions? You may think that there are other more important differences
between you and an ape, such as being able to speak, and make machines, and
know right from wrong, and say your prayers, and other little matters of that
kind; but that is a child’s fancy, my dear. Nothing is to be depended on but the
great hippopotamus test. If you have a hippopotamus major in your brain, you are
no ape, though you had four hands, no feet, and were more apish than the apes of
all aperies. But if a hippopotamus major is ever discovered in one single ape’s
brain, nothing will save your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-
great-great-greater-greatest-grandmother from having been an ape too. No, my
dear little man; always remember that the one true, certain, final, and all-important
difference between you and an ape is, that you have a hippopotamus major in your
brain, and it has none; and that, therefore, to discover one in its brain will be a
very wrong and dangerous thing, at which every one will be very much shocked,
as we may suppose they were at the professor.—Though really, after all, it don’t
much matter; because—as Lord Dundreary and others would put it—nobody but
men have hippopotamuses in their brains; so, if a hippopotamus was discovered in
an ape’s brain, why it would not be one, you know, but something else.”
Obaysch - 1851
And from the foot of the throne there
               swum away, out and into the sea, millions of
               new-born creatures, of more shapes and
               colours than man ever dreamed. And they
               were Mother Carey’s children, whom she
               makes out of the sea-water all day long.

               He expected, of course – like some grown
               people who ought to know better – to find
               her snipping, piecing, fitting, stitching,
               cobbling, basting, filing, planing, hammering,
               turning, polishing, moulding, measuring,
               chiselling, clipping, and so forth as men do
               when they go to work to make anything.

               But instead of that, she sat quite still with
               her chin upon her hand, looking down into
               the sea with two great grand blue eyes, as
               blue as the sea itself.
Mother Carey
Tom said:

               ‘‘I hear you are very busy.’’

               ‘‘I am never more busy than I am now,’’ she
               said without stirring a finger.

               ‘‘I heard, ma’am, that you were always
               making new beasts out of old.’’

               ‘‘So people fancy. But I am not going to
               trouble myself to make things, my little
               dear. I sit here and make them make

Mother Carey
Evidence as to Mans Place in Nature (1863)
Owen 1866

   On the Anatomy of Vertebrates
   The three structures were in
   apes only “under modified
   form and low grades of
Evolution and Ethics
       “There are two very different
       questions which people fail to
       discriminate. One is whether
       evolution accounts for morality, the
       other whether the principle of
       evolution in general can be adopted
       as an ethical principle. The first, of
       course, I advocate, and have
       constantly insisted upon. The second
       I deny, and reject all so-called
       evolutional ethics based upon it.”
Rise in secularization
Rise in power of scientific community to self-define
knowledge and to control popularization
Increased professionalization
Dilution of influence of Oxford and Cambridge on
Acceptance of “evolution” (common descent) but not
“Darwinism” (natural selection)
Aldous Huxley   Julian Huxley

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11 huxley

  • 1. Thomas Henry Huxley 1825 - 1895
  • 2. The Young Surgeon Son of a schoolmaster Self-taught after only two years of schooling Studied medicine at Charing Cross Hospital Published first paper in 1845 and passed first portion of M.B. degree Surgeons assistant on HMS Rattlesnake (1846 - ‘50)
  • 3. The Young Huxley 1849: “On the anatomy and the affinities of the family of Medusae” 1850: FRS at age 25 1851: Royal Society Medal Scientific journalism & lecturing 1854; Professor of Natural History at Royal School of Mines. Married Henrietta Heathorn
  • 4. On Vestiges 1854 The “once attractive and still notorious work of fiction … shown to be a mass of pretentious nonsense” yet survived due to the “utter ignorance of the public mind as to the methods of science and the criterion of truth.”
  • 5. As “Gentleman of Science” 1855: Fullerian Professor at Royal Institute 1863: Hunterian Professor at Royal College of Surgeons 1869: President, British Association for the Advancement of Science 1869: Founds Nature 1872: President, Geological Society 1883: President, Royal Society
  • 6. As Mentor Michael Foster (Physiology, Cambridge) E. Ray Lankester (Zoology, UCL) William Flower (Director, Natural History Museum) St. George Jackson Mivart (Heretic)
  • 7. Public Intellectual 1862: Royal Commissioner 1870: London School Board 1881: Inspector of Fisheries 1892: Privy Councillor Ongoing public debates with Disraeli, Gladstone, Balfour ...
  • 8. Huxley Professionalization of science Prevalence of morphological studies in British zoology Popularization of science Adult education programs Coiner of ‘agnostic’ Atheists were as reprehensible as religious dogmatists Mitigated skepticism Critic of deriving morality from nature
  • 9. “Bones and Stones and Such- like Things” Mechanics Institute lectures Lecture “On A Piece of Chalk” Chalk, fossils and evolution versus special creation Science as trained and organized common sense Science will set you free!
  • 10. “Pope Darwin” A secular state run by the scientifically trained Importance of naturalistic explanations (as exemplified by Darwinism) Evolution as “a good stick with which to beat the clergy”
  • 11. 1855 Lecture at Royal Institute “On certain zoological arguments commonly adduced in favour of the hypothesis of the progressive development of animal life in time” Against Chambers, Lamarck and transmutation itself Introduced to Darwin’s ideas by CD himself
  • 12. Natural Selection “How extremely stupid not to have thought of that” Utility of natural selection as an hypothesis versus it as “truth” “[U]ntil selection and breeding can be seen to give rise to varieties which are infertile with each other, natural selection cannot be proved.”
  • 13. Darwin “The empirical evidence you call for is both impossible in practical terms, and in any event unnecessary. It's the same as asking to see every step in the transformation (or the splitting) of one species into another. My way so many issues are clarified and problems solved; no other theory does nearly so well.”
  • 14. Evolution Evolution as hypothesis rather than theory (Feb 1860) Evolution as a theory well supported by empirical evidence (1880) Humans, birds, and horses
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. John Tyndall “Belfast Address” 1874 Despite Huxley’s warning, advocated materialism within evolutionism Darwinian theory “rejected the notion of creative power” Religion as "mischievous if permitted to intrude on the region of objective knowledge, over which it holds no command".
  • 19. The X Club Monthly meetings between 1864 and 1892 Tyndall, Hooker, Herbert Spencer, and others. Rise to power in BAAS, Royal Society, Royal College of Surgeons Treatment of Henry Charlton Bastain and St. George Jackson Mivart
  • 20. Dinosaurs & Birds Problems with Owen’s depictions of Iguanodon Archaeopteryx as bird (Owen 1863) Birds evolved from small carnivorous dinosaurs (Huxley 1868)
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  • 32. Owen 1857 Humans were a separate sub- class of Mammalia. Study of .... South American monkey Negro (Tiedemann) Chimpanzee (van der Kolk & Vrolik)
  • 33. Owen 1857 “I cannot shut my eyes to the significance of that all-pervading similitude of structure - every tooth, every bone, strictly homologous - which makes the determination of the difference [between man and ape] the anatomist’s difficulty” Removed from Rede Lecture, Cambridge, 1859
  • 34. Owen 1857 Projection of the posterior lobe Presence of posterior horn Presence of hippocampus minor.
  • 35.
  • 36. Darwin A “grand paper; but I cannot swallow Man making a division as distinct from a Chimpanzee, and an ornithorhynchus from a Horse: I wonder what a Chimpanzee w[oul]d say to this?”
  • 37. Huxley “[B]efore I have done with that mendacious humbug I will nail him out, like a kite to a barn door, an example to all evil doers.” “On the Theory of the Vertebrate Skull” (June ’58)
  • 38. BAAS 1860 Huxley was asked (and declined) to comment on a paper discussing Darwin’s ideas Owen: “the brain of the gorilla was more different from that of man than from that of the lowest primate particularly because only man had a posterior lobe, a posterior horn, and a hippocampus minor.” Huxley: politely "denied altogether that the difference between the brain of the gorilla and man was so great"
  • 40. Huxley Death of son, Noel, requires Charles Kingsley to calm THH. (1860) Paper in Natural History Review argued Owen was “guilty of falsehood” (January 1861) “The Relation of Man to the Rest of the Animal Kingdom” (School of Mines, May 1861)
  • 41. Paul du Chaillu - 1856 to ’59
  • 42. Owen 1861 “The Gorilla and the Negro” (March) Only humans have a hippocampus minor “as defined in human anatomy.” The issue was one of interpretation, not facts. Resultant exchange lead THH to declare ...
  • 43. Huxley “Life is too short to occupy oneself with the slaying of the slain more than once.”
  • 44. Darwin to Hooker “Owen occupied an entirely untenable position ... The fact is he made a prodigious blunder in commencing the attack, and now his only chance is to be silent and let people forget the exposure. I do not believe that in the whole history of science there is a case of any man of reputation getting himself into such a contemptible position. He will be the laughing- stock of all the continental anatomists.”
  • 45.       Am I satyr or man?       Pray tell me who can, And settle my place in the scale.       A man in ape's shape,       An anthropoid ape, Or monkey deprived of his tail?       The Vestiges taught,       That all came from naught By "development," so called, "progressive;"       That insects and worms       Assume higher forms By modification excessive. “Monkeyana” - Punch - May 1861
  • 46. Then Darwin set forth       In a book of much worth, The importance of "nature's selection;"       How the struggle for life       Is a laudable strife, And results in "specific distinction."       Let pigeons and doves       Select their own loves, And grant them a million of ages,       Then doubtless you'll find       They've altered their kind, And changed into prophets and sages. “Monkeyana” - Punch - May 1861
  • 47. Then Huxley and Owen,       With rivalry glowing, With pen and ink rush to the scratch;       'Tis Brain versus Brain,       Till one of them's slain, By JOVE! it will be a good match!       Says Owen, you can see       The brain of Chimpanzee Is always exceedingly small,       With the hindermost "horn"       Of extremity shorn, And no "Hippocampus" at all. “Monkeyana” - Punch - May 1861
  • 48. Next Huxley replies,       That Owen he lies, And garbles his Latin quotation;       That his facts are not new,       His mistakes not a few, Detrimental to his reputation.       "To twice slay the slain,       By dint of the Brain, (Thus Huxley concludes his review)       Is but labour in vain,       Unproductive of gain, And so I shall bid you 'Adieu'!" “Monkeyana” - Punch - May 1861
  • 49. “Monkeyana” - Punch - May 1861 Sir Phillip Egerton
  • 50. 1862 William Henry Flower - refutes Owen’s three features based on dissection of 16 species. van der Kolk & Vrolik - the orang utan had the three features Huxley - Owen was “lying and shuffling”
  • 51. 1862 “Is it not high time that the annual passage of barbed words between Professor Owen and Professor Huxley, on the cerebral distinction between men and monkeys, should cease? ... Continued on its present footing, it becomes a hindrance and an injury to science, a joke for the populace, and a scandal to the scientific world.” British Medical Journal
  • 53. Charles Kingsley - The Water Babies - 1862/3
  • 54. Professor Ptthmllnsprts “held very strange theories about a good many things. He had even got up once at the British Association, and declared that apes had hippopotamus majors in their brains just as men have. Which was a shocking thing to say; for, if it were so, what would become of the faith, hope, and charity of immortal millions? You may think that there are other more important differences between you and an ape, such as being able to speak, and make machines, and know right from wrong, and say your prayers, and other little matters of that kind; but that is a child’s fancy, my dear. Nothing is to be depended on but the great hippopotamus test. If you have a hippopotamus major in your brain, you are no ape, though you had four hands, no feet, and were more apish than the apes of all aperies. But if a hippopotamus major is ever discovered in one single ape’s brain, nothing will save your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great- great-great-greater-greatest-grandmother from having been an ape too. No, my dear little man; always remember that the one true, certain, final, and all-important difference between you and an ape is, that you have a hippopotamus major in your brain, and it has none; and that, therefore, to discover one in its brain will be a very wrong and dangerous thing, at which every one will be very much shocked, as we may suppose they were at the professor.—Though really, after all, it don’t much matter; because—as Lord Dundreary and others would put it—nobody but men have hippopotamuses in their brains; so, if a hippopotamus was discovered in an ape’s brain, why it would not be one, you know, but something else.”
  • 56. And from the foot of the throne there swum away, out and into the sea, millions of new-born creatures, of more shapes and colours than man ever dreamed. And they were Mother Carey’s children, whom she makes out of the sea-water all day long. He expected, of course – like some grown people who ought to know better – to find her snipping, piecing, fitting, stitching, cobbling, basting, filing, planing, hammering, turning, polishing, moulding, measuring, chiselling, clipping, and so forth as men do when they go to work to make anything. But instead of that, she sat quite still with her chin upon her hand, looking down into the sea with two great grand blue eyes, as blue as the sea itself. Mother Carey
  • 57. Tom said: ‘‘I hear you are very busy.’’ ‘‘I am never more busy than I am now,’’ she said without stirring a finger. ‘‘I heard, ma’am, that you were always making new beasts out of old.’’ ‘‘So people fancy. But I am not going to trouble myself to make things, my little dear. I sit here and make them make themselves.’’ Mother Carey
  • 58. Evidence as to Mans Place in Nature (1863)
  • 59.
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  • 63.
  • 64. Owen 1866 On the Anatomy of Vertebrates The three structures were in apes only “under modified form and low grades of development.”
  • 65. Evolution and Ethics “There are two very different questions which people fail to discriminate. One is whether evolution accounts for morality, the other whether the principle of evolution in general can be adopted as an ethical principle. The first, of course, I advocate, and have constantly insisted upon. The second I deny, and reject all so-called evolutional ethics based upon it.”
  • 66. Changes Rise in secularization Rise in power of scientific community to self-define knowledge and to control popularization Increased professionalization Dilution of influence of Oxford and Cambridge on education Acceptance of “evolution” (common descent) but not “Darwinism” (natural selection)
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 69. Aldous Huxley Julian Huxley

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