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Detailed Paradigm in Philosophy of Education

    Philosophy                Philosophers                    Philosophical Principles                Aim of Education               Methods of Education Curriculum             Personal Assessment

Eastern Philosophy   No exact known founder rather it    Indian philosophies which             To provide information about the       Emphasis on oral traditions(like      The eastern philosophy focused
                      just came out as a way of life     includes Hinduism, Buddhism          forces of nature so that one could     yoga, nirvana, rituals, meditations   on their respective principles and
                     base on definite set of doctrines   and Jainism                                 best deal with them              etc.) and the reading of sacred      rules particularly in Asian country.
                           on Indian philosophy                                                                                                   literature                The nature and practices served
                                                         People, Wealth and education as                                                                                    as their medium for enlightment
                       Kung Fu-Xi, Meng-Xi, Lao-Xi,      the three essential element s of                                                                                   and salvations. These will be the
                       Lao-Xi, Xuang-Xi and Mo-Xi        any country                          Acquisition of knowledge towards       Used sacred books for Judaism,             basis for their way of life.
                                                                                               spiritual salvation and fulfillment       Islam, and Christianity
                                                         Golden Mean

                                                         Practice the virtues of li, vi,       Moral and spiritual formation of        They prefer passive learning
                                                         Hsiao, and cheng-ming                          the people

                                                         Taoism (natural simplicity,                                                   Emphasis on conformity and
                                                         effortless action, spontaneity and                                             originality on some rules.

                                                         Practice the virtue of wei-wu-wei


                         Influence by Confucius,         Imprint in the areas of social
                       Buddhism, neo-Confucianism        structure, government
                     and Western philosophers as well    organization and ethics for
                         as Taoism on Japanese           Confucianism
                                                         The Buddhism influence on the
                                                         impact of psychology,
                                                         metaphysics and aesthetics

                                                         Understanding of virtue and the
                                                         nature of the social self,
                                                         metaphysical and epistemological
                                                         influence of neo-Confucianism
The epistemology, social
                                             philosophy and philosophical
                                             anthropology are the fundamental
                                             issues of Western philosophy

                                             Zen Buddhism(proposes to
                                             discipline the mind and seeks the
                                             freedom of the mind)

           Muhammad (the prophet of Allah)   Teachings from Quran which
           Abu Bakr                          leads to total support

           God and Abraham                   Revolves around the study and
                                             observance of God’s laws and
                                             commandments as written in

           Government from Rome to           Teachings of Christianity based
           Constantinople                    on the life of Jesus Christ and
                                             govern human relationship based
                                             on universal brotherhood

           Martin Luther and Huldrych        They are the Western Christianity
           Zwingli                           emphasizing on corruptions such
                                             as simony, Episcopal vacancies
                                             and the sale of indulgences

                                             Incorporate doctrinal changes
                                             such sola fides and sola scriptura

Idealism   Plato                             To reminisce our knowledge of        Focused on the search for truth,      Guide the learner along the      In order to search for the truth
                                             the real world and free               self-realization and character    correct path towards the Infinite   and reality, the idealist leads to
                                             themselves from a concern with                 development              in order to open the soul to God        revolve the process on
                                             matter so they can advance                                                                                   knowledge and idea where all
                                             towards the God                      Attainment of the true knowledge   Encourage to ask questions and        matter depends. The virtue,
                                                                                        found in spiritual world     provide a suitable environment      order, synthesis and Universal
                                                                                                                       for learning/Self-education       laws are the foundation of true
           Socrates                          To know the good is to do the                                                                                          knowledge
                                             good and knowledge is a virtue;                                          Stress classical studies/teach
                                             hence, ignorance is a vice                                                     students to think
St. Augustine of HIppo   Lead people back to an                Developed curriculum centered
                         awareness of a union with the         around five studies: mathematics
                         source from which all things          and physics, literature and art,
                         come                                  biology, grammar and history

Rene Descartes           To search for the idea that is true
                         and indubitable, this will also
                         serve as the foundation of all

                         He used the method of Universal
                         Skepticism and the idea of
                         “Cogito, ergo sum”

George Berkeley          All existence depends on some
                         mind to know it. If there are no
                         minds, then nothing would exist
                         unless they are perceived by
                         God(Material Realism)

Immanuel Kant            Real knowledge is possible
                         What the human mind can
                         perceive is the phenomenon but
                         not the noumenon

Friedrich Hegel          Nature is the otherness of idea,
                         its opposite, or we may say, the
                         difference between value and fact

                         The final stage of synthesis of
                         idea and nature is spirit, and this
                         is where the Final Absolute is

Josiah Royce             Purposes are incomplete without
                         an external world in which they
                         are idealized, and the external
                         world is meaningless unless it is
                         the fulfillment of such purposes
Realism     Aristotle                The purpose of humanity is to         Self-preservation                             Lecture method            The realization of all the influence
                                      use the ability to think                                                                                         of idealist from a well-defined
                                                                            To help individual understand           Rhythmic flow of education:     process, preparation, association,
                                      Balance is central                    and know the world in order to          Stage of romance, Stage of      generalization and application. In
                                                                            use it to ensure our own survival         precision, and Stage of        lieu with these the mind accept
                                      The chief good is happiness but                                                     generalization                the real happiness from the
                                      happiness is dependent upon a         The practical side of education                                                environment or nature
                                      virtuous and well-ordered soul        and their concept of practical           Formal Steps of learning:
                                                                            includes moral and character             preparation, presentation,
                                                                            development                            association, systematization-
             St. Thomas Aquinas       All truths were eternally in God                                             generalization and application
                                                                            Prepare both boys and girls for
                                      Emphasis in the education of the      concrete duties of practical living       Supports competency,
                                      soul                                  upon three camps: Verbal              accountability and performance-
                                                                            realism, Social realism, and                 based teaching
                                                                            Sense/Scientific realism
             Francis Bacon            To rid our minds of various idols
                                      before, which clod our thinking:
                                      Idol of the Den, Idol of the Tribe,
                                      Idol of the Marketplace and Idol
                                      of the Theater

                                      Breaking away from dead ideas
                                      of the past and begin by using
                                      the method of induction

             Alfred North Whitehead   Believed that reality is a process

                                      Reconcile some aspects of
                                      idealism with realism

             Bertrand Russell         Universal is characterized by
                                      pattern but this can be verified
                                      with precision and analyzed

Pragmatism   Heraclitus of Ephesus    The idea of opposites; the soul       Education is a necessity of life      They used core approach method       The development comes to
                                      and water, water and earth, day                                                                                 individual changes upon their
                                      and light, winter and summer,         Education should not be looked          Activity-oriented approach,          respective thinking and
                                      etc. Constituted for him as the       upon as preparation for life but as   motivation, experimental method    capacities. Even if they are too
                                                                            life itself                                 and project method           permissive, there’s a chance for
stages in the process of eternal     Education is growth , it should be   Believed in diversified curriculum   the learner to incorporate all the
                                  change pervading all things          something that assists social              and flexible methods                     necessities

Protagoras of Abdera and          Described reality as fire and held
Gorgias of Sicily(The Sophists)   that all things are exchange for
                                  fire and fire for all things

                                  Developed the idea that nothing
                                  could be certainly known to be

                                  Skepticism and agnosticism

                                  Nothing exists, if anything did
                                  exist it cannot be known and if
                                  something can be known it would
                                  remain a secret since the known
                                  thing cannot be communicated

                                  All things change as knowledge
                                  came all from sense of

                                  Man is the measure of all things

Francis Bacon                     Inductive method and the idea
                                  that science as a social pursuit

                                  Believed that the consequences
                                  that follow the application of a
                                  moral belief determine the truth
                                  or falsity

Jean Jacques Rousseau             Individuals were basically good
                                  but corrupted by civilization

                                  Connection between nature and
Attention to the nature of child
                         development and his belief in the
                         inherent goodness of people set
                         the stage for contemporary child-
                         centered education

Auguste Comte            Naturalism which regards laws
                         and relations as fundamental
                         rather than physical or spiritual

                         The three stages of progress:
                         theological, metaphysical and

                         Regarded the mathematics as
                         the basis of all the sciences

Charles Sanders Peirce   True knowledge of anything
                         depends upon verification of our
                         ideas in actual experience

                         Resolved the problem of dualism
                         of mind and matter

William James            The idea of workability upon the
                         truth of an idea. Truth is not
                         absolute and immutable; rather it
                         is made in actual, real-life events

                         There is no truth, reality, or
                         Absolute, but as his study of
                         experience revealed to him, the
                         universe is open-ended,
                         pluralistic and in process

John Dewey               Believed that there were no
                         absolute or universals and his
                         primary datum was experience
Naturalism       Jean Jacques Rousseau   It is an approach that proceeds      Preservation of the natural         Emphasized physical education        Even if the naturalism is limited
                                            from an analysis of reality in       goodness and virtue of the          and health training                  for a large number of learners it is
                                            terms of natural forces (heredity,   individual and the formation of a                                        still adaptable to all individuals
                                            environment, physical drives)        society based upon the natural      Tutorial system                      because of its uniqueness in the
                                                                                 individual rights                                                        natural phenomenon. No huge
                                            Natural laws of human                                                    Emphasis on making the child the     hassle may encounter because of
                                            development, free from all that      Natural rights                      center of the educational process    its impact in the nature and
                                            was artificial                                                                                                personal drives

                                            Man is by nature good and

Reconstructionism   Theodore Brameld        Social change involves both a        Emphasized the need for change      Directed toward arousing interest    There’s a need to reform the
                                            reconstruction of education and                                                  in public activism           school and society by means of
                                            the use of education in               Make educators engage                                                   the preceding philosophies which
                                            reconstructing the society           themselves in the educational       Teachers must be free from their     make the society as its best and
                                                                                 reforms                             own passivity and from their fears   modern. Everyone should involve
                                            They are pragmatic and promote                                             about their participation for      in some social responsibilities
                                            scientific method, problem           The world community,                             change                  and social needs for continuous
                                            solving, naturalism and              brotherhood and democracy are                                            reform
                                            humanism                             the three ideals tin order to        Emphasis on truth, brotherhood
                                                                                 organize reform in school and        and justice as world curriculum
                                                                                                                         Studies the world history

                                                                                                                         They want teacher to be
                                                                                                                       internationally oriented and
                                                                                                                       humanitarian in their outlook

                                                                                                                      Involved in both community and
                                                                                                                                world affairs

  Progressivism     John Dewey              Education should focus on the        Emphasis is placed on the           Students’ interests and questions    The main purpose is child-
                                            whole child; rather than on the      process on how comes to know                                             centered so it is possible to
                                            content or on the teacher                                                                                     connect the interest in the
                                                                                 Always held that the school                                              environment for further progress
                                            Students should test ideas by        should improve the way of life of
                                            active experimentation               our citizens through experiencing
                                                                                 freedom and democracy in
Believed that the learner is a
                           problem solver and thinker, who
                           make meaning through his/her
                           individual experiences

Futurism   Alvin Toffler   Technology is a major force          To transform the organizational   Mobile education                     The rise of modernization starting
                           behind the accelerative thrust       structure of the educational                                           on the present conditions down to
                                                                system                            Super-industrial education           future trends. This is to lessen
                           Impart knowledge to a child of                                                                              the heavy task of human on
                           how long things last                 Revolutionize its curriculum      Abstractions of textbook in formal   physical materials and promote
                                                                                                  application in life                  globalization.
                           Continuing urbanization and          Encourage a more future-focused
                           geographical mobility                orientation

                           Focus from the present to the

Marxism    Karl Marx       Believed that human society must     Solidarity                         Physical science and grammar        The development of technology
                           move from Capitalism to                                                  should be the only subjects        and skilled individual occurs in
                           Socialism and eventually to          Perspective social                        taught in school             this period. Industrialization takes
                           Communism                            transformation                                                         a lot of focused for social
                                                                                                      Advocated technical and          consciousness.
                           Focused that materialism should                                              industrial education
                           be used in arranging the practical   Mold a socialist consciousness
                           affairs of humanity and civil        and socialist society

                           Postulated the idea of surplus

           Francis Bacon   Maintained that science is a tool
                           for creating new knowledge for

           Thomas Hobbes   Believed that science is the
                           process of discovering and
                           studying the laws of motion and
                           their effect on material bodies
John Locke                Initiated the philosophy of
                                        progress which human nature is
                                        basically malleable and can be
                                        shaped and formed

              Etienne Condillac         Imposed the doctrine of
                                        sensationalism, maintained that
                                        human activities and thinking
                                        processes are matters of
                                        experience and habit (whole
                                        development of humanity
                                        depends on education and

              Claude Adrien Helvetius   Education can be used to bring
                                        about human perfection

              Henri Saint-Simon         Upheld industrialization and
                                        pushed for the scientific study of
                                        industry / Industrial doctrine

              Charles Fourier           Human perfectability/ Perfection
                                        by Association

              Robert Owen’s             Sowing the seeds of a
                                        cooperative social system

              David Ricardo             Believed that productive labor is
                                        one of the primary bases of

Rationalism   Socrates                  To designate any mode of             To free the intellect from all         Focused on intellectual training   The idea of rationalist contributed
                                        thought in which human reason        repression imposed by the            (creative thinking and reason and    on the true value of the mind over
              Rene Descartes            holds the place of supreme           shackles of religious, social, and   the use of the inductive method in   the distinct power of it. This will
                                        criterion of truth                   political authoritarianism                making generalization)          make the individuals a servant of
              Gottfried Liebniz                                                                                                                        their own
                                        Understand the world, they first     Enable the individuals to control
              Immanuel Kant             need to understand themselves        all aspects of his life guided by
Established the principle of pre-   Create an aristocracy of family,
                                       established harmony, in order to    position, church, and blood
                                       account for apparent causality in
                                       the world                           Envisioned an education only for
                                                                           the upper classes
                                       Human person is an autonomous
                                       self-regulating will capable of
                                       making moral decisions

 Perennialism   Robert Hutchins        Has a conservative/traditional      Truth is universal and does not           Subject-centered              Greatly influence by realism so
                Realism philosophers   view of human nature and            depend on the circumstances of                                          therefore searched for the truth
                                       education                           place, time or person                 Uses mastered discipline          on human nature and education.
                                                                                                                                                   They were also constantly
                                       Truth is universal and              Good education involves a                                               universal on the understanding of
                                       unchanging, and therefore, a        search for and an understanding                                         rationalist.
                                       good education is also universal    of the truth
                                       and constant
                                                                           Truth can be found in the great
                                                                           work of civilization

                                                                           Education is a liberal exercise
                                                                           which develop the intellect

                                                                           Develop the power of thought

Postmodernism   Friedrich Nietzsche    Originally a reaction to            Response to the dilemmas posed       Critical theory, philosophy,       The relation and reaction on the
                                       modernism                           by modern education in             architecture, art, literature, and   society, economy, family,
                                                                           sustaining the concept of                       culture                 education and truth are more
                                       Referring to non-art aspects of     knowledge, truth, and the good                                          transparent. Little by little , the
                                       history that were influenced by                                        Postmodern approach/pedagogy         wide-ranging set of developments
                                       the new movement (evolutions in     Level of knowledge production                                           occur in this period for such
                                       society, economy, and culture)                                                                              conflict is largely influence
                                                                           Contributed much to our
                                                                           developing less prejudiced
Empiricism     Avicenna                Emphasizes the role of                Asserts that the mind is not a              Experimentation               We can claim the fact that
                John Locke              experience, especially sensory        blank slate at birth therefore                                            empiricism and rationalism are
                George Berkeley         perception, in the formation of       obtained from experience and the                                          self-contradictory in the sense
                David Hume              ideas, while discounting the          senses                                                                    that knowledge must be based on
                                        notion of innate ideas                                                                                          the experience upon perception
                                                                                                                                                        and experimentation before we
                                        To know-how or procedural                                                                                       conclude or say it is true and real
                                        knowledge, rather than
                                        propositional knowledge

                                        Developed further the theory of
                                        tabula rasa

                                        Knowledge is entirely dependent
                                        on sensations for all its materials
                                        other than the notions we have of
                                        God and ourselves

                                        Necessary connection between
                                        cause and effect is based on
                                        habit and custom rather than
                                        reason or observation

                                        There is no pure reason and that
                                        all knowledge is a posteriori and
                                        derives from sense experience by

Phenomenology   Edmund Husserl          Phenomena is more important           Emphasizes the possibility as a     Construct an educational method       Provides the learner a better way
                                        than the ideas                        goal in education (human being is       that provides openness            of prevailing nature of education
                Martin Heidegger                                              always in a state of becoming)                                            and guide them to internalize the
                                        Subject-object relationship                                                    Involves methodology             knowledge for their own.
                Maurice Merleau-Ponty                                         Learners construct the best life-                                         Preparing them on the present
                                        Zuden Sachen Selbst and               world’s possible (not rooted on       Teacher may make authority          and future plans rather than the
                                        Absolute                              the past but the present and            claims over the learner           previous point
                                        Vorauzzetzungslosigkeit(back to       future)
                                        the things themselves and                                                   Learner has the authority thru
                                        presuppositionlessness)               Understand and comprehend           interpretations / standpoint of the
                                                                              lived-experiences                                 learner
“Being there” in the world is a                                         Transmission of cherished values
                                                  continuous being who thinks                                                        and ideas
                                                  about the meaning of everything
                                                  because he/she is a thinking
                                                  being / Average everydayness

                                                  Human consciousness itself is a
                                                  product of the world (possess nor
                                                  embraces) but without which it
                                                  cannot exist

Existentialism   Soren Kierkegaard                Devoted towards developing           Call us to examine our personal    Positivism on learners upon their   The existentialist promotes
                                                  individuality and the individual’s   lives and break away from               own education and life         subjectivity for
                 Martin Buber                     relationship with God                superficial beliefs and                                                totality/individualism. Every
                                                                                       uncommitted action                 Teacher should be a student and     learner is a guide of their own
                 Jean-Paul sarte                  The “I-Thou” relationship                                                  every student is a teacher       and not an end of it. There’s a
                                                  between each and every               Focused on the individual’s                                            broad participations of the
                 Carl Rogers                      individual to have empathy           reality and not on his             Humanities among the individuals    individual to attain the
                                                  (teacher and students)               conceptuality                                                          uniqueness and essence of them
                                                  Believed that existence precedes     Encourage individuals to ask
                                                  essence                              questions as to who am I? where
                                                                                       am I going? Why am I here? ,
                                                  Believed in emphatic                 etc.
                                                  understanding on teachers and
                                                  learner.                             Focus on less fortunate
                                                                                       individuals than the gifted ones

                                                                                       Examine the perverted and ugly
                                                                                       side of life

 Humanism        Scholars of Renaissance Period   Interest in human nature through     Develop individual personality       Focus on art, nature, music,      The classical way of stressing the
                                                  the revival of the classics                                                literature and architecture      present nature is the main duty of
                                                                                       To get the most possible out of                                        the humanist to exist.
                                                  Emphasizes on humanistic             life                                                                   Involvement in social cultures
                                                  education ( Italian or Individual                                                  Moral duty               and interest in human nature
                                                  Humanism and Northern or             Focus on social development                                            leads them to social reform upon
                                                  Social Humanism )                    rather than individual happiness                                       social relationship
Waldorf System of Education   Rudolf Steiner                   Learning is interdisciplinary,        Emphasizes learning through           Anthroposophical view of human          Waldorf Education is the
                                                               integrates practical, artistic, and   practical activities                  being in child development baesd        modernized system of education
                                                               intellectual elements and is                                                          on their ages                 governing to its own and unique
                                                               coordinated with natural rhythms                                                                                    way of instructions. The practical
                                                               of everyday life                      Allows for individual variations in     Uses imitation and example            side is emphasizing to establish
                                                                                                     the pace of learning                                                          the preparedness of the learners
                                                               Provide young people the basis                                                Oral language development             for real interactions. These are
                                                               with which to develop into free,      Stimulate the healthy                                                         quit applicable for autonomous
                                                               moral, and integrated individuals     development of the child’s own         Arts(Eurythmy), music, drama           schools.
                                                               and to aid every child in the         imagination                                      and crafts
                                                               unfolding of his or her unique
                                                               destiny                                                                         Uses the concept of four
                                                                                                                                            temperaments to help the child
                                                               Waldorf are not directed by a                                                          interpret
                                                               principal/head teacher but rather
                                                               by a number of groups(college                                                      Specialist teachers
                                                               teachers, board of trustees and
                                                               parents)                                                                      Government-funded Waldorf

                                                                                                                                              Bounded with oral tradition

       Essentialism           Rooted in Idealism and realism   To fit the man to perform justly,     Emphasize the necessity of                Instructional authority for         Essentialism distinguished the
                              philosophers                     skillfully and magnanimously in       teaching pupils how to think                       teachers                   learners the capabilities to grasp
                                                               all the offices, both private and     systematically and effectively                                                upon the subject matter because
                                                               public, of peace and of war                                                          Fixed curriculum               they are essential. On the basis
                                                                                                                                                                                   of good instruction the teacher-
                                                                                                     Revival of efforts in the direction   Intellectual disciplines( literature,   student relationship will take a
                                                               Intellectual disciplines are the      of teaching the fundamental tools         mathematics, history, etc)          smooth flow of interaction on
                                                               necessary foundations of modern       of learning as the most                                                       motivating the force of learning
                                                               life                                  indispensable type of education

       Behaviorism            John Watson                      Behavior is caused by                 To shape the behavior                        Independent reality              It is effectively recommended to
                                                               environmental conditions                                                                                            control the behavior of the
                              B.F. Skinner                                                                                                       Materialistic in nature           individuals by studying the
                                                               We can understand human               Control the child’s environment to                                            particulars behavior of the
                                                               behavior by a meticulous study of     have a kind of person we so                                                   environment to reinforced the
                                                               particular behaviors                  desire                                                                        change in behavior
Senses do not only gain
knowledge of the world but they
also function as instruments in
guiding activity for successful
maintenance of life

Changing behavior is to change
contingencies (culture, social

---------- nothing follows ---------------

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Philosophy of Edcuation

  • 1. Detailed Paradigm in Philosophy of Education Philosophy Philosophers Philosophical Principles Aim of Education Methods of Education Curriculum Personal Assessment Eastern Philosophy No exact known founder rather it Indian philosophies which To provide information about the Emphasis on oral traditions(like The eastern philosophy focused just came out as a way of life includes Hinduism, Buddhism forces of nature so that one could yoga, nirvana, rituals, meditations on their respective principles and base on definite set of doctrines and Jainism best deal with them etc.) and the reading of sacred rules particularly in Asian country. on Indian philosophy literature The nature and practices served People, Wealth and education as as their medium for enlightment Kung Fu-Xi, Meng-Xi, Lao-Xi, the three essential element s of and salvations. These will be the Lao-Xi, Xuang-Xi and Mo-Xi any country Acquisition of knowledge towards Used sacred books for Judaism, basis for their way of life. spiritual salvation and fulfillment Islam, and Christianity Golden Mean Practice the virtues of li, vi, Moral and spiritual formation of They prefer passive learning Hsiao, and cheng-ming the people Taoism (natural simplicity, Emphasis on conformity and effortless action, spontaneity and originality on some rules. compassion) Practice the virtue of wei-wu-wei Ulititarian Influence by Confucius, Imprint in the areas of social Buddhism, neo-Confucianism structure, government and Western philosophers as well organization and ethics for as Taoism on Japanese Confucianism philosophy The Buddhism influence on the impact of psychology, metaphysics and aesthetics Understanding of virtue and the nature of the social self, metaphysical and epistemological influence of neo-Confucianism
  • 2. The epistemology, social philosophy and philosophical anthropology are the fundamental issues of Western philosophy Zen Buddhism(proposes to discipline the mind and seeks the freedom of the mind) Muhammad (the prophet of Allah) Teachings from Quran which Abu Bakr leads to total support God and Abraham Revolves around the study and observance of God’s laws and commandments as written in Torah Government from Rome to Teachings of Christianity based Constantinople on the life of Jesus Christ and govern human relationship based on universal brotherhood Martin Luther and Huldrych They are the Western Christianity Zwingli emphasizing on corruptions such as simony, Episcopal vacancies and the sale of indulgences Incorporate doctrinal changes such sola fides and sola scriptura Idealism Plato To reminisce our knowledge of Focused on the search for truth, Guide the learner along the In order to search for the truth the real world and free self-realization and character correct path towards the Infinite and reality, the idealist leads to themselves from a concern with development in order to open the soul to God revolve the process on matter so they can advance knowledge and idea where all towards the God Attainment of the true knowledge Encourage to ask questions and matter depends. The virtue, found in spiritual world provide a suitable environment order, synthesis and Universal for learning/Self-education laws are the foundation of true Socrates To know the good is to do the knowledge good and knowledge is a virtue; Stress classical studies/teach hence, ignorance is a vice students to think
  • 3. St. Augustine of HIppo Lead people back to an Developed curriculum centered awareness of a union with the around five studies: mathematics source from which all things and physics, literature and art, come biology, grammar and history Rene Descartes To search for the idea that is true and indubitable, this will also serve as the foundation of all knowledge. He used the method of Universal Skepticism and the idea of “Cogito, ergo sum” George Berkeley All existence depends on some mind to know it. If there are no minds, then nothing would exist unless they are perceived by God(Material Realism) Immanuel Kant Real knowledge is possible What the human mind can perceive is the phenomenon but not the noumenon Friedrich Hegel Nature is the otherness of idea, its opposite, or we may say, the difference between value and fact The final stage of synthesis of idea and nature is spirit, and this is where the Final Absolute is encountered Josiah Royce Purposes are incomplete without an external world in which they are idealized, and the external world is meaningless unless it is the fulfillment of such purposes
  • 4. Realism Aristotle The purpose of humanity is to Self-preservation Lecture method The realization of all the influence use the ability to think of idealist from a well-defined To help individual understand Rhythmic flow of education: process, preparation, association, Balance is central and know the world in order to Stage of romance, Stage of generalization and application. In use it to ensure our own survival precision, and Stage of lieu with these the mind accept The chief good is happiness but generalization the real happiness from the happiness is dependent upon a The practical side of education environment or nature virtuous and well-ordered soul and their concept of practical Formal Steps of learning: includes moral and character preparation, presentation, development association, systematization- St. Thomas Aquinas All truths were eternally in God generalization and application Prepare both boys and girls for Emphasis in the education of the concrete duties of practical living Supports competency, soul upon three camps: Verbal accountability and performance- realism, Social realism, and based teaching Sense/Scientific realism Francis Bacon To rid our minds of various idols before, which clod our thinking: Idol of the Den, Idol of the Tribe, Idol of the Marketplace and Idol of the Theater Breaking away from dead ideas of the past and begin by using the method of induction Alfred North Whitehead Believed that reality is a process Reconcile some aspects of idealism with realism Bertrand Russell Universal is characterized by pattern but this can be verified with precision and analyzed mathematically Pragmatism Heraclitus of Ephesus The idea of opposites; the soul Education is a necessity of life They used core approach method The development comes to and water, water and earth, day individual changes upon their and light, winter and summer, Education should not be looked Activity-oriented approach, respective thinking and etc. Constituted for him as the upon as preparation for life but as motivation, experimental method capacities. Even if they are too life itself and project method permissive, there’s a chance for
  • 5. stages in the process of eternal Education is growth , it should be Believed in diversified curriculum the learner to incorporate all the change pervading all things something that assists social and flexible methods necessities renewal Protagoras of Abdera and Described reality as fire and held Gorgias of Sicily(The Sophists) that all things are exchange for fire and fire for all things Developed the idea that nothing could be certainly known to be true Skepticism and agnosticism Nothing exists, if anything did exist it cannot be known and if something can be known it would remain a secret since the known thing cannot be communicated All things change as knowledge came all from sense of perception Man is the measure of all things Francis Bacon Inductive method and the idea that science as a social pursuit Believed that the consequences that follow the application of a moral belief determine the truth or falsity Jean Jacques Rousseau Individuals were basically good but corrupted by civilization Connection between nature and experience
  • 6. Attention to the nature of child development and his belief in the inherent goodness of people set the stage for contemporary child- centered education Auguste Comte Naturalism which regards laws and relations as fundamental rather than physical or spiritual substance The three stages of progress: theological, metaphysical and positive Regarded the mathematics as the basis of all the sciences Charles Sanders Peirce True knowledge of anything depends upon verification of our ideas in actual experience Resolved the problem of dualism of mind and matter William James The idea of workability upon the truth of an idea. Truth is not absolute and immutable; rather it is made in actual, real-life events There is no truth, reality, or Absolute, but as his study of experience revealed to him, the universe is open-ended, pluralistic and in process John Dewey Believed that there were no absolute or universals and his primary datum was experience
  • 7. Naturalism Jean Jacques Rousseau It is an approach that proceeds Preservation of the natural Emphasized physical education Even if the naturalism is limited from an analysis of reality in goodness and virtue of the and health training for a large number of learners it is terms of natural forces (heredity, individual and the formation of a still adaptable to all individuals environment, physical drives) society based upon the natural Tutorial system because of its uniqueness in the individual rights natural phenomenon. No huge Natural laws of human Emphasis on making the child the hassle may encounter because of development, free from all that Natural rights center of the educational process its impact in the nature and was artificial personal drives Man is by nature good and virtuous Reconstructionism Theodore Brameld Social change involves both a Emphasized the need for change Directed toward arousing interest There’s a need to reform the reconstruction of education and in public activism school and society by means of the use of education in Make educators engage the preceding philosophies which reconstructing the society themselves in the educational Teachers must be free from their make the society as its best and reforms own passivity and from their fears modern. Everyone should involve They are pragmatic and promote about their participation for in some social responsibilities scientific method, problem The world community, change and social needs for continuous solving, naturalism and brotherhood and democracy are reform humanism the three ideals tin order to Emphasis on truth, brotherhood organize reform in school and and justice as world curriculum society Studies the world history They want teacher to be internationally oriented and humanitarian in their outlook Involved in both community and world affairs Progressivism John Dewey Education should focus on the Emphasis is placed on the Students’ interests and questions The main purpose is child- whole child; rather than on the process on how comes to know centered so it is possible to content or on the teacher connect the interest in the Always held that the school environment for further progress Students should test ideas by should improve the way of life of active experimentation our citizens through experiencing freedom and democracy in schools
  • 8. Believed that the learner is a problem solver and thinker, who make meaning through his/her individual experiences Futurism Alvin Toffler Technology is a major force To transform the organizational Mobile education The rise of modernization starting behind the accelerative thrust structure of the educational on the present conditions down to system Super-industrial education future trends. This is to lessen Impart knowledge to a child of the heavy task of human on how long things last Revolutionize its curriculum Abstractions of textbook in formal physical materials and promote application in life globalization. Continuing urbanization and Encourage a more future-focused geographical mobility orientation Focus from the present to the future Marxism Karl Marx Believed that human society must Solidarity Physical science and grammar The development of technology move from Capitalism to should be the only subjects and skilled individual occurs in Socialism and eventually to Perspective social taught in school this period. Industrialization takes Communism transformation a lot of focused for social Advocated technical and consciousness. Focused that materialism should industrial education be used in arranging the practical Mold a socialist consciousness affairs of humanity and civil and socialist society society Postulated the idea of surplus value Francis Bacon Maintained that science is a tool for creating new knowledge for advancement Thomas Hobbes Believed that science is the process of discovering and studying the laws of motion and their effect on material bodies
  • 9. John Locke Initiated the philosophy of progress which human nature is basically malleable and can be shaped and formed Etienne Condillac Imposed the doctrine of sensationalism, maintained that human activities and thinking processes are matters of experience and habit (whole development of humanity depends on education and environment) Claude Adrien Helvetius Education can be used to bring about human perfection Henri Saint-Simon Upheld industrialization and pushed for the scientific study of industry / Industrial doctrine Charles Fourier Human perfectability/ Perfection by Association Robert Owen’s Sowing the seeds of a cooperative social system David Ricardo Believed that productive labor is one of the primary bases of wealth Rationalism Socrates To designate any mode of To free the intellect from all Focused on intellectual training The idea of rationalist contributed thought in which human reason repression imposed by the (creative thinking and reason and on the true value of the mind over Rene Descartes holds the place of supreme shackles of religious, social, and the use of the inductive method in the distinct power of it. This will criterion of truth political authoritarianism making generalization) make the individuals a servant of Gottfried Liebniz their own Understand the world, they first Enable the individuals to control Immanuel Kant need to understand themselves all aspects of his life guided by reason
  • 10. Established the principle of pre- Create an aristocracy of family, established harmony, in order to position, church, and blood account for apparent causality in the world Envisioned an education only for the upper classes Human person is an autonomous self-regulating will capable of making moral decisions Perennialism Robert Hutchins Has a conservative/traditional Truth is universal and does not Subject-centered Greatly influence by realism so Realism philosophers view of human nature and depend on the circumstances of therefore searched for the truth education place, time or person Uses mastered discipline on human nature and education. They were also constantly Truth is universal and Good education involves a universal on the understanding of unchanging, and therefore, a search for and an understanding rationalist. good education is also universal of the truth and constant Truth can be found in the great work of civilization Education is a liberal exercise which develop the intellect Develop the power of thought Postmodernism Friedrich Nietzsche Originally a reaction to Response to the dilemmas posed Critical theory, philosophy, The relation and reaction on the modernism by modern education in architecture, art, literature, and society, economy, family, sustaining the concept of culture education and truth are more Referring to non-art aspects of knowledge, truth, and the good transparent. Little by little , the history that were influenced by Postmodern approach/pedagogy wide-ranging set of developments the new movement (evolutions in Level of knowledge production occur in this period for such society, economy, and culture) conflict is largely influence Contributed much to our developing less prejudiced understandings
  • 11. Empiricism Avicenna Emphasizes the role of Asserts that the mind is not a Experimentation We can claim the fact that John Locke experience, especially sensory blank slate at birth therefore empiricism and rationalism are George Berkeley perception, in the formation of obtained from experience and the self-contradictory in the sense David Hume ideas, while discounting the senses that knowledge must be based on notion of innate ideas the experience upon perception and experimentation before we To know-how or procedural conclude or say it is true and real knowledge, rather than propositional knowledge Developed further the theory of tabula rasa Knowledge is entirely dependent on sensations for all its materials other than the notions we have of God and ourselves Necessary connection between cause and effect is based on habit and custom rather than reason or observation There is no pure reason and that all knowledge is a posteriori and derives from sense experience by induction Phenomenology Edmund Husserl Phenomena is more important Emphasizes the possibility as a Construct an educational method Provides the learner a better way than the ideas goal in education (human being is that provides openness of prevailing nature of education Martin Heidegger always in a state of becoming) and guide them to internalize the Subject-object relationship Involves methodology knowledge for their own. Maurice Merleau-Ponty Learners construct the best life- Preparing them on the present Zuden Sachen Selbst and world’s possible (not rooted on Teacher may make authority and future plans rather than the Absolute the past but the present and claims over the learner previous point Vorauzzetzungslosigkeit(back to future) the things themselves and Learner has the authority thru presuppositionlessness) Understand and comprehend interpretations / standpoint of the lived-experiences learner
  • 12. “Being there” in the world is a Transmission of cherished values continuous being who thinks and ideas about the meaning of everything because he/she is a thinking being / Average everydayness Human consciousness itself is a product of the world (possess nor embraces) but without which it cannot exist Existentialism Soren Kierkegaard Devoted towards developing Call us to examine our personal Positivism on learners upon their The existentialist promotes individuality and the individual’s lives and break away from own education and life subjectivity for Martin Buber relationship with God superficial beliefs and totality/individualism. Every uncommitted action Teacher should be a student and learner is a guide of their own Jean-Paul sarte The “I-Thou” relationship every student is a teacher and not an end of it. There’s a between each and every Focused on the individual’s broad participations of the Carl Rogers individual to have empathy reality and not on his Humanities among the individuals individual to attain the (teacher and students) conceptuality uniqueness and essence of them Student-centered Believed that existence precedes Encourage individuals to ask essence questions as to who am I? where am I going? Why am I here? , Believed in emphatic etc. understanding on teachers and learner. Focus on less fortunate individuals than the gifted ones Examine the perverted and ugly side of life Humanism Scholars of Renaissance Period Interest in human nature through Develop individual personality Focus on art, nature, music, The classical way of stressing the the revival of the classics literature and architecture present nature is the main duty of To get the most possible out of the humanist to exist. Emphasizes on humanistic life Involvement in social cultures education ( Italian or Individual Moral duty and interest in human nature Humanism and Northern or Focus on social development leads them to social reform upon Social Humanism ) rather than individual happiness social relationship
  • 13. Waldorf System of Education Rudolf Steiner Learning is interdisciplinary, Emphasizes learning through Anthroposophical view of human Waldorf Education is the integrates practical, artistic, and practical activities being in child development baesd modernized system of education intellectual elements and is on their ages governing to its own and unique coordinated with natural rhythms way of instructions. The practical of everyday life Allows for individual variations in Uses imitation and example side is emphasizing to establish the pace of learning the preparedness of the learners Provide young people the basis Oral language development for real interactions. These are with which to develop into free, Stimulate the healthy quit applicable for autonomous moral, and integrated individuals development of the child’s own Arts(Eurythmy), music, drama schools. and to aid every child in the imagination and crafts unfolding of his or her unique destiny Uses the concept of four temperaments to help the child Waldorf are not directed by a interpret principal/head teacher but rather by a number of groups(college Specialist teachers teachers, board of trustees and parents) Government-funded Waldorf method Bounded with oral tradition Essentialism Rooted in Idealism and realism To fit the man to perform justly, Emphasize the necessity of Instructional authority for Essentialism distinguished the philosophers skillfully and magnanimously in teaching pupils how to think teachers learners the capabilities to grasp all the offices, both private and systematically and effectively upon the subject matter because public, of peace and of war Fixed curriculum they are essential. On the basis of good instruction the teacher- Revival of efforts in the direction Intellectual disciplines( literature, student relationship will take a Intellectual disciplines are the of teaching the fundamental tools mathematics, history, etc) smooth flow of interaction on necessary foundations of modern of learning as the most motivating the force of learning life indispensable type of education Behaviorism John Watson Behavior is caused by To shape the behavior Independent reality It is effectively recommended to environmental conditions control the behavior of the B.F. Skinner Materialistic in nature individuals by studying the We can understand human Control the child’s environment to particulars behavior of the behavior by a meticulous study of have a kind of person we so environment to reinforced the particular behaviors desire change in behavior
  • 14. Senses do not only gain knowledge of the world but they also function as instruments in guiding activity for successful maintenance of life Changing behavior is to change contingencies (culture, social environment) ---------- nothing follows ---------------