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                Driving a High-Performance
                McDonald’s Leverages Its Global Performance
                Management Practices
                —Leighanne Levensaler, Principal Analyst | October 2007

                IN THIS CASE STUDY
                In 2003, leading food service retailer McDonald’s Corporation
 FOCUS:         faced an unprecedented set of business challenges, including
                extraordinary competition, a sagging share price and a wave of
 PLANNING       anti-American sentiment in the global marketplace. To improve
& STRATEGY      performance and deepen customer relationships, the company
                committed to a turn-around plan with clear objectives. Senior
  CONTENT       management recognized that, to be successful, it needed to instill a
                culture that matched the company’s strategic aspirations.
  LEARNING      At McDonald’s, company culture is not taken for granted nor is it
                offered as “lip service” to the employees – it is proactively managed.
  LEARNING      Well-known as a company with a strong culture supporting internal
TECHNOLOGY      development and mobility, McDonald’s recognized that it needed to:

 ANALYTICS &    •   Improve global management practices to align employees to the
MEASUREMENT         business strategy;

  TALENT        •   Ensure that every employee is held accountable for improving
MANAGEMENT          performance; and,

                •   Share top talent as a truly global practice.


In partnership with senior management, the global HR design group
                                                                                      KEY POINT
further enhanced the Performance Development System (PDS) – a
set of global performance management practices designed to build                “People have always
alignment, hold employees accountable, and identify, develop and                been McDonald’s legacy.
reward talent consistently around the world.                                    I also appreciate the fact

This case study describes how one of the world’s most successful                that, in an organization
companies and most recognizable brands drives a high-performance                like McDonald’s, people
culture, and proactively manages talent on a global scale.                      and profitability are

Highlights include:                                                             inexorably linked. You
                                                                                cannot have one without
•   The business drivers for implementing PDS;
                                                                                the other.”
•   The key components of PDS;                                                              – McDonald’s
                                                                                        Corporation chief
•   Process step descriptions with example evaluation scales; and,
                                                                                         executive officer
•   Best-practice guidance and lessons learned for organizations that
    are designing and implementing integrated performance
    management initiatives.


                     TABLE OF CONTENTS
                     Company Overview                                            4

                     The Business Environment                                    6

                        The Challenges That Occurred                             7

                              Talent Management at McDonald’s                    7

                     Performance Development System                              8

                        Overview                                                 8

                        Key Components of PDS                                    9

                              Individual Performance Plan                       10

                              Individual Development Plan                       11

                              Mid-Year Review                                   11

                              Year-End Review                                   12

                              Performance Calibration Roundtable                13

                              Talent Review Roundtable                          15

                        Compensation Decisions                                  15

                     Plan to Win and Performance Development System             15

                     Global Versus Local Perspectives                           16

                     Governing PDS                                              16

                     Technology                                                 17

                     Lessons Learned and Best Practices                         18

                     Looking Forward                                            20

                     Conclusion                                                 20

                     Appendix I: Table of Figures                               22

                     About Us                                                   23

                     About This Research                                        23


   Company Overview

McDonald’s is the leading global foodservice retailer with more than
30,000 local restaurants serving more than 52 million people in more than
100 countries each day. One of the world’s most well-known and valuable
brands, the company holds a leading share in the globally branded quick-
service restaurant segment of the informal eating-out market in virtually
every country in which it does business. The world goes to McDonald’s
for some of its favorite foods – World-Famous French Fries, Big Mac,
Quarter Pounder, Chicken McNuggets and Egg McMuffin.

    Figure 1: At a Glance

    Company Name: McDonald’s Corporation
    Company Type: Public (NYSE: MCD)
    Industry: Leisure – Restaurants and Cafes – Fast Food and Quick Service
    Founded: May 15, 1940 in San Bernardino, California
    Employees: 447,000 (2005) (1.6 million in the global McDonald’s System)
    Headquarters: Oak Brook, Illinois, U.S.
    Locations: U.S., Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Africa,
    Latin America and Canada
    Founder: Ray Kroc, corporate founder
    2006 Revenue: $21.60 billion
    2006 Net Income: $3.54 billion

                                                   Source: Bersin & Associates, 2007.

To the world, the McDonald’s brand means something more than a
hamburger and fries. With the successful expansion of McDonald’s
into many international markets, the company became a symbol of
globalization and the spread of the American way of life. Communities
around the world benefit from its deep links to businesses, charities and
civic organizations.


    Figure 2: At a Glance (cont’d)

    Jobs and Opportunities

    •    Twenty of the top 50 worldwide managers started in McDonald’s
         restaurants, including the current CEO.
    •    Sixty-seven thousand McDonald’s restaurant managers and assistant
         managers started as restaurant staff.
    •    McDonald’s is the only restaurant organization to receive credit
         recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE).


    •    McDonald’s invests more than $1 billion annually in training.
    •    Hamburger University® has had more than 275,000 graduates
         worldwide, with some eligible for college credits.
    •    “Best Place to Work for Minorities” – Fortune Magazine, 2005.
    •    “Corporate 100, Best Places to Work for Latinos” – Hispanic Magazine, 2005.

    Community Commitment

    •    McDonald’s franchisees are local business owners and entrepreneurs.
    •    Ronald McDonald Houses® are homes away from home for families
         with seriously ill children – with more than 265 Ronald McDonald
         Houses in 28 countries worldwide.
    •    Ronald McDonald Care Mobile™ program is a fleet of state-of-the-art
         vehicles that deliver cost-effective medical, dental and educational
         services directly to underserved children in their own neighborhoods.

                                                      Source: Bersin & Associates, 2007.

The “McDonald’s System” provides employment and growth opportunities
                                                                                                 KEY POINT
for more than 1.6 million people around the world. The business is
managed as seven distinct geographic segments or major markets:                            “If we are going to go

•   United States;                                                                         anywhere, we’ve got
                                                                                           to have talent. And, I’m
•   Europe;
                                                                                           going to put my money
•   Asia-Pacific;                                                                          in talent.”

•   The Middle East;                                                                         – McDonald’s corporate
                                                                                                  founder, Ray Kroc
•   Africa;

•   Latin America; and,

•   Canada.

BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL                                         5

In 2005, McDonald’s celebrated its 50th anniversary – a celebration
that highlighted the unique opportunities McDonald’s has created
for millions of people over the past half century. Estimates are that
one in 10 people in the U.S. at some point in their lives have worked
“under the arches.” At McDonald’s, people can learn what it takes to
succeed – many move on to careers in other fields, taking with them
essential workplace skills and values, while others move up within
the organization to roles in the corporate home office, within their
restaurants or out in the field.

   The Business Environment

In 2003, McDonald’s stock price was significantly lower than it had been
in a decade. Competition was intense and growing anti-Americanism in
the global marketplace brought significant challenges to expansion efforts.
Senior management was focused on improving company performance
and supporting initiatives that would deepen customer connections.

McDonald’s launched a revitalization plan called the “Plan to Win” –
which serves as the global business strategy and framework for deepening
those customer connections. The plan has five areas of focus – People,
Products, Place, Price and Promotion. The global “People Principles”
provide a framework for people-related programs and practices
worldwide. This reflects the company’s commitment to an inclusive,
supportive workplace environment – and to recognizing and rewarding
good performance. Global performance management was viewed as one
of the initiatives that could help to drive a high-performance culture, and
deliver better company and individual performance.

In early 2007, McDonald’s CEO reaffirmed McDonald’s commitment to
“Plan to Win,” stating that it,

           “... is the foundation for our current and future success. In
        fact, since we began our revitalization in 2003, we’ve grown
          systemwide sales by almost 40 percent, an increase in revenues
       by $6 billion. We’ve delivered double-digit increases in our average
            annual earnings per share. Our share price has nearly tripled
         and we are serving six million additional customers every day.”


The Challenges That Occurred
McDonald’s global performance management practices did not share                    A N A LY S I S
a common set of standards and, as a result, it was difficult for the
company to systematically identify and reward its top talent. Managers          In most organizations,
lacked a common understanding of what “high performance” should                 the “talent” is currently
mean. For example, the five-point rating scale represented different            defined as a set of key
things in the various locations around the world. Also, candid                  directors and executives.
conversations were not occurring between employees and managers.                Over time, Bersin &

To drive a high-performance culture, the company needed to:                     Associates believes
                                                                                that organizations will
•   Better differentiate performance at the individual level;
                                                                                redefine talent and
•   Support managers in giving their employees open and honest                  associated practices
    feedback; and,                                                              to encompass all
                                                                                employees, including
•   Tie rewards to the highest performance.
                                                                                contingent and contract
With the support of the McDonald’s leadership team, the global HR               workers.
design group redesigned and launched the Performance Development
System (PDS).

    Talent Management at McDonald’s

    At McDonald’s, talent management ensures that the company
    has the leadership talent in place to drive business success both
    today and in the future. Talent management within McDonald’s
    has an overall goal with three main objectives:

    1. Every key position has a high-performing,
       committed leader;

    2. A deep, diverse pool of replacement talent is available for
       every leadership position; and,

    3. The company’s culture demands and supports learning
       and development.


    Performance Development System

PDS is designed to drive the performance and development of
McDonald’s employees, with several important purposes:

•   Provide a structure to align individual performance goals with
    business strategies;

•   Foster individual growth and enable sustained performance;

•   Support performance evaluations that are based on results achieved               KEY POINT
    (e.g., what gets done) and demonstration of performance drivers
    (e.g., how it gets done);                                                   McDonald’s founder Ray
                                                                                Kroc once said, “Take
•   Provide a process for identifying employees who are ready for
    advancement; and,                                                           good care of those who
                                                                                work for you and you
•   Allow for a differentiation in performance assessments which, in
                                                                                will float to greatness
    turn, allow for differentiation in distribution of rewards.
                                                                                on their achievements.”
This is a “system” because it is integrated with other programs and
systems within McDonald’s. From an HR standpoint, it links into
talent management, compensation, recruitment, and learning and
development (L&D). Employees and managers are responsible for
understanding and implementing PDS.


  Figure 3: Example of of an Integrated Talent Management Processaround Performance Management
     Figure 3: Example an Integrated Talent Management Process around Performance Management

                              Sourcing            2                             3
                             & Recruiting
                                                         Competencies                      Management
                                                          to Succeed

                                         Gaps in Operational
                                          Gaps in Operational                       Skills Gaps
                                           Roles and Skills
                                           Roles and Skills
                            1                                                                          4
                Talent Strategy                                                                    Learning &
                  & Planning                                        Gaps in Leadership            Development

                                       Recommendations                                   HiPo’s and

                                7                               Candidates

                          Compensation                                                         Succession

                                                                                                      Source: Bersin & Associates, 2007.

Key Components of PDS
The key components of PDS include:

1. Individual Performance Plan;

2. Individual Development Plan;

3. Mid-Year Review;

4. Performance Calibration Roundtable;

5. Year-End Review; and,

6. Talent Review Roundtable.

BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL                                                         9

  Figure 4: 4: Establishing the Individual Performance Plan
    Figure Establishing the Individual Performance Plan

       Manager and Employee Roles

       When                   Managers                         Employees                  Managers and

       December–              Communicate the                  Develop individual         Meet to review,
       January                following information to         performance plans,         modify and
                              employees: current year          including performance      approve individual
                              objectives, measures and         objectives, measures       performance plans.
                              targets for the workgroup.       and targets.

                                                                                              Source: McDonald’s, 2007.

The PDS timetable begins with the creation of business strategies and
their alignment with individual performance plans, and ends with year-
end reviews and strategic people-planning.

Individual Performance Plan

The Individual Performance Plan (IPP) helps employees focus on the                           KEY POINT
objectives that matter most in supporting McDonald’s priorities. This
plan is the foundation that allows accurate assessment of performance                  “Cascading goals” is the
and the differentiation of performance levels among employees.                         process of adopting goals
Beginning in December, managers work with employees to create an                       at different levels within
IPP as a tool to align their objectives for the coming year with that
                                                                                       a company to ensure
of the business unit, department, and team strategies and initiatives.
                                                                                       alignment between the
These objectives should be “SMART” (Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
                                                                                       organization’s objectives
Relevant and Time-bound). One or two of these objectives should be
for personal development, reflecting the areas in which employees                      to individuals’ activities

intend to take specific action steps to develop their skills, knowledge                and goals.
or experience. Those who manage people should also have one or
two “people development” objectives. During the year, employees are
responsible for meeting the objectives and are encouraged to document
their achievements. Managers are responsible for providing feedback,
coaching and support to their employees throughout the year.

BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL                                       10

   Figure 5: 5: McDonald’s Individual Performance Plan and Year-End Assessment
    Figure McDonald’s Individual Performance Plan and Year-End Assessment

     Individual Performance Plan and Year-End Assessment
     Individual Performance Plan

     Information about you (Employee completes)
     Name                                                                                                Title
                                                                                                                                                      Rating Scale
     Region/Division/Department                                                                          Band                                         Descriptions
                                                                                                                                                          ----- S el ec t -----

     Person you report to                                                                                Performance period

     Date of mid-year review                                                                           Date of year-end review

     Results achieved (Manager completes at year-end using the ratings from the Performance Calibration Roundtable )
     4   Exceptional Results Accomplishments were significantly beyond target performance levels. Contributions to business unit, team, or department result s were exceptional.
     3   Significant Results Accomplishments met and sometimes exceeded target performance levels. All requirements and expectations of the job were fulfilled.
     2   Some Improvement Required Accomplishments met some but not all target levels and/or basic job requirements were not consistently met. Performance is unsa tisfactory and improvement is required.
     1   Unacceptable Few objectives were met and basic job requirements were not maintained. Performance improvement must be achieved.

     Objectives and accomplishments (Employee completes)
     Write objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). You and your manager should work together to develop goals, dates for completion, and ways to measure
     achievement of your objectives. For the mid-year review and year-end review, enter accomplishments for each of your objectives.
     Objectives that support your teams          business                 Date to                Measur ement                                  Accomplishment
     strategies (List 3 to 5)                                             complete

                                                                                                                 Team Objectives
                                                                                                                  and Individual
     Objectives that support your individual development
     (List 1 or 2 based on performance drivers or functional

     Rating                              Exceptional Results              Significant Results               Some Improvement Required                   Unacceptable

     Page 1 of 6In the U.S., at McDonalds, employment is at will. This means that employees are free to terminate their employment at any time, for any reason, and McDonalds reserves the same right.
     2.20.03    The president of McDonalds is the only person who may make an exception to this, and it must be in writing and signed by the president. McDonalds reserves the right to amend or modify the
                policies and procedures described in this guide at any time without prior notice. The information and processes contained in this guide do not create any contractual obligation between McDonalds
                and its employees.
                The legal import of PDS varies from country to country. If you want more information concerning the legal import of PDS in your country, please contact your local HR Department Head.
                '2003 McDonalds Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Individual Development Plan

The Individual Development Plan (IDP) focuses on core and leadership
competencies, and job-specific or functional competencies that
employees need in order to be successful in their current or future
positions. The IDP should identify the plan for an employee’s career
aspirations. The goal is to have employees thinking about the skills they
want to acquire and how to continuously improve.

Mid-Year Review

Mid-year reviews take place by the end of July of each year. During
this review, an employee and his / her manager review year-to-date

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    Figure 6: 6: Examples of Individual Performance Plan Objectives
     Figure Examples of Individual Performance Plan Objectives

        Objective                                Date to Complete               Measurement

        Lower product costs by directly          December 31                    Realize a product cost savings of
        identifying and contributing a                                          $350 per store.
        project cost savings.

        Find ways to improve administrative      End of 4th quarter             Redesign process flow for expense
        processes and reduce the                                                vouchers to reduce cycle time from
        amount of the manager’s time                                            8 days to 5 days.
        devoted to administration.

        Obtain a lower cost on one office        Monthly during the             Total office supplies expense not to
        supply item each month.                  2003 fiscal year               exceed $10,000 for the 2003 fiscal

                                                                                                   Source: McDonald’s, 2007.

performance progress on objectives and his / her demonstration of the
performance drivers. This is the time to revise annual goals based on
shifting business priorities.

Year-End Review

At the end of the year, employees submit their accomplishments to their
managers. Each employee and his / her manager have a face-to -face
meeting to ensure the manager understands the accomplishments and
can present them at the calibration roundtable. These accomplishments
are rated and, along with employee’s performance drivers ratings, are used
in the year-end performance review and to assess advancement potential.

In January of the following year, employees are evaluated on their
overall contribution for the year. Two major areas are considered:

•   Results achieved on performance objectives or the “What”
    (75 percent weight); and,

•   The display of McDonald’s performance drivers or the “How”
    (25 percent weight).

McDonald’s performance drivers include:

BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL                                           12

•   Sets clear objectives with results accountability;
                                                                                               A N A LY S I S
•   Coaches and values people;
                                                                                         To create and sustain a
•   Acts in the best interests of the system;                                            high-performance culture,

•   Communicates effectively;                                                            an organization must have
                                                                                         meaningful differentiation
•   Embraces change, creativity and innovation; and,                                     among employees.

•   Has strategic focus.                                                                 Many use the “20-70-
                                                                                         10” distribution to rank
These ratings are combined to determine an overall performance rating.
                                                                                         employee performance
Figure 7 shows the rating levels, along with the distribution guidelines.
                                                                                         – to identify top talent,
Managers review the year-end IPP and assign a preliminary rating on results              give promotions, decide
achieved, performance drivers and overall performance for each employee.                 on merit increases, offer
                                                                                         specific development
In late January, managers attend a performance calibration roundtable
                                                                                         interventions or for
and talent review roundtable during which they meet with their
peers and common supervisor. They discuss and share input on
employees’ performance for the previous year in order to arrive at a
final performance rating for each employee. Performance calibration
roundtables and talent review roundtables may be combined.

Performance Calibration Roundtable

The purpose of the performance calibration roundtable meeting is
to improve the overall quality and fairness of the ratings by ensuring

    Figure 7: Overall Performance Ratings
     Figure 7: Overall Performance Ratings

       Numeric                 Label                                            Distribution

       4                       Exceptional Performance                          20 percent

       3                       Significant Performance                          70 percent

       2                       Some Improvement Required                        10 percent (divided between
                                                                                Some Improvement Required
       1                       Unacceptable Performance                         and Unacceptable Performance)

                                                                                                Source: McDonald’s, 2007.

BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL                                         13

that a common standard is being applied. Performance calibration
                                                                                            BEST PRACTICE
roundtables offer the following advantages.

•    Rating inflation will be minimized by having the roundtable                         For companies using a
     members discuss what the various rating scales mean.                                standard distribution
                                                                                         for performance ratings,
•    A diverse group in the roundtable brings different perspectives
     about each employee's performance over the past year.                               performance is evaluated
                                                                                         as both absolute and
•    Through group discussions, the members will ensure that all
                                                                                         relative. Performance
     employees are considered on results achieved and on each
                                                                                         calibration roundtables
     performance driver.
                                                                                         are an essential
                                                                                         practice to determine
                                                                                         an employee’s relative
                                                                                         distribution placement.

    Figure 8: Four Classifications of of the Readiness for Advancement Process
      Figure 8: Four Classifications the Readiness for Advancement Process

        RN                          RF                         NP                        CL

        Ready Now                   Ready Future               New to Position           Current Level

        Describes employees         Describes employees        Describes employees       Describes employees
        who are capable             who, assuming              who have been             who, at the time of the
        of immediate                development continues,     promoted or hired into    assessment, are not
        consideration for a         are expected to            the organization          viewed as being ready
        promotion to a              be capable within          within the last           for a promotion to
        position of significantly   2 years or less of         12 months for whom it     a position of
        greater responsibility      consideration for a        is too early to assess    significantly greater
        in the specific function    promotion to a position    their potential for the   responsibility within
        within the business to      of significantly           next level of             2 years or less. This
        which their                 greater responsibility     responsibility.           category includes
        development is being        in the specific                                      many outstanding
        directed.                   functions within the                                 performers (“aces in
                                    business to which                                    their places”) as well
                                    their development is                                 as individuals with no
                                    being directed.                                      interest in advancement
                                                                                         at this time.

                                                                                               Source: McDonald’s, 2007.

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Talent Review Roundtable

At the same time a manager assesses overall performance, he / she
determines an employee’s readiness for advancement. At a talent review
roundtable, managers identify and discuss employees who are ready for                A N A LY S I S
advancement, agree on specific action plans for those employees and
finalize ratings. To enable comprehensive discussions during the talent         Many companies (due
review roundtables, managers should also collect information about              to their size or timetable
each employee’s strengths, development needs, development action plan,          constraints) combine the
career aspirations, mobility, recommended moves and turnover risk.              performance calibration
                                                                                and talent review sessions
Approximately 25 percent of employees will fall in the “Ready Now” and
                                                                                into one event – although
“Ready Future” categories.
                                                                                a common theme we
Some additional talent review roundtable meetings are conducted by the          hear is the desire to
lead functional executives at the home office in order to assess readiness      separate the events.
for advancement of senior directors or officers in their functions.

Compensation Decisions
When ratings are finalized after the calibration roundtables, managers
use a web-based tool to make their compensation decisions and
allocations. Each manager is given a sum or pool of available
funds to allocate among his / her reports. Managers submit their
recommendations for bonus and merit increases, along with the
performance ratings. This information is bubbled up to higher levels
in the organization to ensure there are enough funds available.
By March 1, increases and bonuses are granted.

   Plan to Win and Performance
   Development System
Now in its fourth year, Plan to Win continues to keep McDonald’s
efforts focused on the right things. PDS incorporates corporate goals
that ultimately cascade from Plan to Win for performance planning and
objective-setting. This ensures company alignment and helps to drive
individual accountability for Plan to Win.


    Global Versus Local Perspectives

In order to sustain success in global performance management, global               BEST PRACTICE
efforts must be balanced with local perspectives. Given that each market
and organization within McDonald’s is unique, the company applied               In complex, global
the “Freedom within a Framework” philosophy to PDS that is used by              corporations, the
other key systems. The framework identifies what is negotiable and what         “Freedom within a
it is not negotiable. For example, the revised four-point rating scale and
                                                                                Framework” philosophy
performance drivers (including their definitions) are non-negotiables.
                                                                                is essential to successfully
Conducting a performance calibration roundtable to finalize ratings is
a strong recommendation, but in some cultures it may not work. HR               deploying and managing

business partners help to translate PDS to be in-line with the operating        enterprisewide programs.
environment, while abiding by local laws, regulations and procedures.

    Governing PDS

Beginning with the initial redesign effort, the global HR design group
has worked hard to ensure executive support, to collaborate on strategy
and design with HR business partners from the major markets, and to
seek input from line managers and employees on PDS.

•   McDonald’s Human Resource Leadership Council (HRLC)                            BEST PRACTICE
    provides the overall strategic direction and ensures investment
    for PDS.                                                                    Leverage key
                                                                                competencies across all
•   The Talent Management Department is the primary team
    accountable for PDS strategy and design.                                    talent-related programs
                                                                                to reinforce your
•   Global HR Business Partners support and localize execution of
                                                                                organization’s desired
    PDS within the major markets.
Additionally, the global leader for PDS initiated an advisory team of line
managers that meets once a month to incorporate different perspectives.
This advisory team represents the line managers who use PDS everyday
– and who see first-hand what is and what is not working. (Officers
sometimes do not hear or interpret the feedback the same way the line
managers would interpret it directly from employees.) To assemble this


team, HR generalists around the world were asked to identify managers
and directors who would have a passion for giving feedback and who
would be excited to be part of the team. In terms of giving input for
future changes, this team is just as critical as the HRLC.

Global governance of the execution of PDS is a challenge without a
web-based performance management system. Ultimately, it is up to the
HR business partners in the various countries to monitor compliance
and report outcomes. They look at the 20-70-10 distribution and
how the organizations are doing in terms of meeting expectations. At
the home office and in U.S., HR business partners are able to use the
compensation system to analyze a wide range of information. They
look at data about diversity in terms of the distribution of ratings and
compensation. Additionally, they look at whether people are truly using
the full range for compensation. But this type of data is not captured
on a global basis since compensation practices and systems vary from
country to country.

Employees provide direct input to PDS through the annual employee
opinion survey – which is reviewed by the talent management group to
continuously improve PDS.


PDS is currently administered through a combination of Microsoft
Word and Excel templates, email, and several regional compensation
management systems. When asked about the lack of a web-based
system, the global lead for PDS said,

          “It is a disabler that PDS is not a web-based system – but
                 not a deal-breaker. It is more important that people
                are engaged in the process and are executing on their
                                                  performance plans.”

Still, the company realizes that technology can further enhance PDS
and related initiatives, such as the talent review process and merit
pay. The global lead for PDS hopes to achieve many benefits with
technology, including:


•   Realizing greater efficiencies in the process;

•   Providing the ability to monitor compliance and ensure the effective
    use of the system and global consistency; and,

•   Enhancing the experience for managers and employees.

In 2007, foundational activities are being conducted to prepare
for the implementation of an integrated system supporting critical
talent management functions, including performance evaluations,
development planning, talent readiness / succession management and
merit-pay allocation.

    Lessons Learned and Best Practices

Through several years of global experience with PDS, McDonald’s has
learned many lessons and offers some wisdom (whether you are looking
to redesign your company’s performance management approach or you
are attempting to expand it).

•   Be prepared that it will take multiple years before people really
    understand and embrace the system. At the time of its inception,
    PDS represented significant changes to many existing approaches
    for annual performance evaluation around the world. Many people
    were very fearful of a perceived forced distribution at McDonald’s
    – they were concerned that PDS would force people out of the
    company unwillingly. Communication and change management
    are essential to dispelling misconceptions like this one, reducing
    fear of change and ensuring successful adoption. Remember to
    continuously focus on change management. It is equally important
    to communicate why and how the current process is changing, as
    well as how it is not changing.

•   Keep it simple. These things can get complex. You forget that,
    for HR, this is the main part of the job. It might seem simple but,
    for a line manager (whose functional area is architecture), people
    development is just another thing they have on their plates. It is
    important to make sure managers understand that developing and


    managing their direct reports is a key responsibility of their jobs no
    matter what their jobs are.

•   Include both the “What” and the “How” as part of the overall
    performance rating. The two major areas to consider are the
    performance results (or the “What” an employee accomplishes) and
    the performance drivers (or the “How” the employee accomplishes
    them). The “What” helps you evaluate if the behavior is consistent
    with your culture and company values.

•   Implement performance calibration roundtables. These
    are critical to get managers on the same page as to what high
    performance looks like. If the managers are doing it in a vacuum,
    it is really hard for them to ever change their mental models. For
    example, it is not the amount of hours a person spends in the office
    or how hard he / she works – it is the results he / she achieves.

•   Start with the officers of the company. In year one, McDonald’s
    only rolled out PDS to the company’s officers. In order to ensure
    success in the global implementation at the staff level, the company
    felt it was essential to get that group’s buy-in and support. Officers
    were able to communicate why this was the right system for
    McDonald’s and even championed the change management
    kick-off sessions.

•   Reinforce the concept of shared accountability for managing
    performance. Define the manager’s role as a coach who provides
    tools, information and direction as needed. Expect employees to
    drive the process and take ownership for their own performance.
    Use the performance management process as a key way to engage
    people in the business and as a mechanism for helping them
    understand how to improve performance and impact
    business results.

•   Provide opportunities for ongoing performance support and
    training on performance management. When McDonald’s
    launched PDS, the company set up change management sessions
    and just-in-time training around the world. After the initial launch,
    all new managers and employees are introduced to PDS during
    the new employee orientation program. Within the first month
    of employment, new employees are invited to attend brown-bag


    sessions on PDS. In addition to PDS documentation, McDonald’s
    offers an e-learning module for both the employee and manager,
    which documents the step-by-step annual process. How managers
    evaluate performance results and drivers is critical to employee
    satisfaction and engagement. For a successful performance
    management process to work, managers must feel proficient and
    confident in the process.

    Looking Forward

McDonald’s is committed to continuously improving its performance
and talent management practices. Near-term plans include phasing out
the current performance drivers and using the competencies from the
core competency model to support the individual performance and
development plans. To ensure effective change management, the global
HR design group will work with the HRLC and the global HR business
partners on the communications and deployment strategy. Additionally,
the governance groups will continue supporting the global HR design
group in development of a technology strategy, business case and
deployment approach.


This case study provides a mature model of a business-driven talent
management initiative. To transform into a high-performance
culture, McDonald’s:

•   Analyzed its performance management practices; and,

•   Designed an integrated approach to support the organization to:

    o Identify,

    o Develop,


    o Reward talent, and

    o Devote significant resources to global governance and
      change management.

Today, the company is delivering the strongest business results in
the last 30 years. PDS is a critical enabler to this success by ensuring
alignment of individual performance goals with the business strategy
and continuously cultivating ready talent for the future.

“i’m lovin it™”


   Appendix I: Table of Figures

Figure 1: At a Glance                                                                               4

Figure 2: At a Glance (cont’d)                                                                      5

Figure 3: Bersin & Associates Integrated Talent Management Process around Performance Management    9

Figure 4: Establishing the Individual Performance Plan                                             10

Figure 5: McDonald’s Individual Performance Plan and Year-End Assessment                           11

Figure 6: Examples of Individual Performance Plan Objectives                                       12

Figure 7: Overall Performance Ratings                                                              13

Figure 8: Four Classifications of the Readiness for Advancement Process                            14


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                              Bersin & Associates is the only research and advisory consulting firm focused
                              solely on WhatWorks® research in enterprise learning and talent management.
                              With more than 25 years of experience in enterprise learning, technology and
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                              services to help learning and HR managers and executives improve operational
                              effectiveness and business impact.

                              Bersin & Associates research members gain access to a comprehensive library
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                              Bersin & Associates can be reached at or at
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                              About This Research
                              Copyright© 2007 Bersin & Associates. All rights reserved. WhatWorks® and
                              related names such as Rapid e-Learning: WhatWorks® and The High Impact
                              Learning Organization® are registered trademarks of Bersin & Associates. No
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                              Bersin & Associates analysts.


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103107 cs mc_donalds_ll_final

  • 1. CASE STUDY BERSIN & ASSOCIATES Driving a High-Performance Culture McDonald’s Leverages Its Global Performance Management Practices —Leighanne Levensaler, Principal Analyst | October 2007 IN THIS CASE STUDY In 2003, leading food service retailer McDonald’s Corporation FOCUS: faced an unprecedented set of business challenges, including extraordinary competition, a sagging share price and a wave of PLANNING anti-American sentiment in the global marketplace. To improve & STRATEGY performance and deepen customer relationships, the company committed to a turn-around plan with clear objectives. Senior CONTENT management recognized that, to be successful, it needed to instill a DEVELOPMENT culture that matched the company’s strategic aspirations. LEARNING At McDonald’s, company culture is not taken for granted nor is it PROGRAMS offered as “lip service” to the employees – it is proactively managed. LEARNING Well-known as a company with a strong culture supporting internal TECHNOLOGY development and mobility, McDonald’s recognized that it needed to: ANALYTICS & • Improve global management practices to align employees to the MEASUREMENT business strategy; TALENT • Ensure that every employee is held accountable for improving MANAGEMENT performance; and, • Share top talent as a truly global practice. BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL
  • 2. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE In partnership with senior management, the global HR design group KEY POINT further enhanced the Performance Development System (PDS) – a set of global performance management practices designed to build “People have always alignment, hold employees accountable, and identify, develop and been McDonald’s legacy. reward talent consistently around the world. I also appreciate the fact This case study describes how one of the world’s most successful that, in an organization companies and most recognizable brands drives a high-performance like McDonald’s, people culture, and proactively manages talent on a global scale. and profitability are Highlights include: inexorably linked. You cannot have one without • The business drivers for implementing PDS; the other.” • The key components of PDS; – McDonald’s Corporation chief • Process step descriptions with example evaluation scales; and, executive officer • Best-practice guidance and lessons learned for organizations that are designing and implementing integrated performance management initiatives. BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 2
  • 3. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE TABLE OF CONTENTS Company Overview 4 The Business Environment 6 The Challenges That Occurred 7 Talent Management at McDonald’s 7 Performance Development System 8 Overview 8 Key Components of PDS 9 Individual Performance Plan 10 Individual Development Plan 11 Mid-Year Review 11 Year-End Review 12 Performance Calibration Roundtable 13 Talent Review Roundtable 15 Compensation Decisions 15 Plan to Win and Performance Development System 15 Global Versus Local Perspectives 16 Governing PDS 16 Technology 17 Lessons Learned and Best Practices 18 Looking Forward 20 Conclusion 20 Appendix I: Table of Figures 22 About Us 23 About This Research 23 BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL
  • 4. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE Company Overview McDonald’s is the leading global foodservice retailer with more than 30,000 local restaurants serving more than 52 million people in more than 100 countries each day. One of the world’s most well-known and valuable brands, the company holds a leading share in the globally branded quick- service restaurant segment of the informal eating-out market in virtually every country in which it does business. The world goes to McDonald’s for some of its favorite foods – World-Famous French Fries, Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Chicken McNuggets and Egg McMuffin. Figure 1: At a Glance Company Name: McDonald’s Corporation Company Type: Public (NYSE: MCD) Industry: Leisure – Restaurants and Cafes – Fast Food and Quick Service Restaurants Founded: May 15, 1940 in San Bernardino, California Employees: 447,000 (2005) (1.6 million in the global McDonald’s System) Headquarters: Oak Brook, Illinois, U.S. Locations: U.S., Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Canada Founder: Ray Kroc, corporate founder 2006 Revenue: $21.60 billion 2006 Net Income: $3.54 billion Website: Source: Bersin & Associates, 2007. To the world, the McDonald’s brand means something more than a hamburger and fries. With the successful expansion of McDonald’s into many international markets, the company became a symbol of globalization and the spread of the American way of life. Communities around the world benefit from its deep links to businesses, charities and civic organizations. BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 4
  • 5. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE Figure 2: At a Glance (cont’d) Jobs and Opportunities • Twenty of the top 50 worldwide managers started in McDonald’s restaurants, including the current CEO. • Sixty-seven thousand McDonald’s restaurant managers and assistant managers started as restaurant staff. • McDonald’s is the only restaurant organization to receive credit recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE). People • McDonald’s invests more than $1 billion annually in training. • Hamburger University® has had more than 275,000 graduates worldwide, with some eligible for college credits. • “Best Place to Work for Minorities” – Fortune Magazine, 2005. • “Corporate 100, Best Places to Work for Latinos” – Hispanic Magazine, 2005. Community Commitment • McDonald’s franchisees are local business owners and entrepreneurs. • Ronald McDonald Houses® are homes away from home for families with seriously ill children – with more than 265 Ronald McDonald Houses in 28 countries worldwide. • Ronald McDonald Care Mobile™ program is a fleet of state-of-the-art vehicles that deliver cost-effective medical, dental and educational services directly to underserved children in their own neighborhoods. Source: Bersin & Associates, 2007. The “McDonald’s System” provides employment and growth opportunities KEY POINT for more than 1.6 million people around the world. The business is managed as seven distinct geographic segments or major markets: “If we are going to go • United States; anywhere, we’ve got to have talent. And, I’m • Europe; going to put my money • Asia-Pacific; in talent.” • The Middle East; – McDonald’s corporate founder, Ray Kroc • Africa; • Latin America; and, • Canada. BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 5
  • 6. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE In 2005, McDonald’s celebrated its 50th anniversary – a celebration that highlighted the unique opportunities McDonald’s has created for millions of people over the past half century. Estimates are that one in 10 people in the U.S. at some point in their lives have worked “under the arches.” At McDonald’s, people can learn what it takes to succeed – many move on to careers in other fields, taking with them essential workplace skills and values, while others move up within the organization to roles in the corporate home office, within their restaurants or out in the field. The Business Environment In 2003, McDonald’s stock price was significantly lower than it had been in a decade. Competition was intense and growing anti-Americanism in the global marketplace brought significant challenges to expansion efforts. Senior management was focused on improving company performance and supporting initiatives that would deepen customer connections. McDonald’s launched a revitalization plan called the “Plan to Win” – which serves as the global business strategy and framework for deepening those customer connections. The plan has five areas of focus – People, Products, Place, Price and Promotion. The global “People Principles” provide a framework for people-related programs and practices worldwide. This reflects the company’s commitment to an inclusive, supportive workplace environment – and to recognizing and rewarding good performance. Global performance management was viewed as one of the initiatives that could help to drive a high-performance culture, and deliver better company and individual performance. In early 2007, McDonald’s CEO reaffirmed McDonald’s commitment to “Plan to Win,” stating that it, “... is the foundation for our current and future success. In fact, since we began our revitalization in 2003, we’ve grown systemwide sales by almost 40 percent, an increase in revenues by $6 billion. We’ve delivered double-digit increases in our average annual earnings per share. Our share price has nearly tripled and we are serving six million additional customers every day.” BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 6
  • 7. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE The Challenges That Occurred McDonald’s global performance management practices did not share A N A LY S I S a common set of standards and, as a result, it was difficult for the company to systematically identify and reward its top talent. Managers In most organizations, lacked a common understanding of what “high performance” should the “talent” is currently mean. For example, the five-point rating scale represented different defined as a set of key things in the various locations around the world. Also, candid directors and executives. conversations were not occurring between employees and managers. Over time, Bersin & To drive a high-performance culture, the company needed to: Associates believes that organizations will • Better differentiate performance at the individual level; redefine talent and • Support managers in giving their employees open and honest associated practices feedback; and, to encompass all employees, including • Tie rewards to the highest performance. contingent and contract With the support of the McDonald’s leadership team, the global HR workers. design group redesigned and launched the Performance Development System (PDS). Talent Management at McDonald’s At McDonald’s, talent management ensures that the company has the leadership talent in place to drive business success both today and in the future. Talent management within McDonald’s has an overall goal with three main objectives: 1. Every key position has a high-performing, committed leader; 2. A deep, diverse pool of replacement talent is available for every leadership position; and, 3. The company’s culture demands and supports learning and development. BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 7
  • 8. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE Performance Development System Overview PDS is designed to drive the performance and development of McDonald’s employees, with several important purposes: • Provide a structure to align individual performance goals with business strategies; • Foster individual growth and enable sustained performance; • Support performance evaluations that are based on results achieved KEY POINT (e.g., what gets done) and demonstration of performance drivers (e.g., how it gets done); McDonald’s founder Ray Kroc once said, “Take • Provide a process for identifying employees who are ready for advancement; and, good care of those who work for you and you • Allow for a differentiation in performance assessments which, in will float to greatness turn, allow for differentiation in distribution of rewards. on their achievements.” This is a “system” because it is integrated with other programs and systems within McDonald’s. From an HR standpoint, it links into talent management, compensation, recruitment, and learning and development (L&D). Employees and managers are responsible for understanding and implementing PDS. BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 8
  • 9. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE Figure 3: Example of of an Integrated Talent Management Processaround Performance Management Figure 3: Example an Integrated Talent Management Process around Performance Management Sourcing 2 3 Known Performance & Recruiting Competencies Management to Succeed Gaps in Operational Gaps in Operational Skills Gaps Roles and Skills Roles and Skills 1 4 Talent Strategy Learning & & Planning Gaps in Leadership Development Pipeline Compensation Recommendations HiPo’s and Succession Planning Leadership 7 Candidates 5 Compensation Succession Planning 6 Leadership Development Source: Bersin & Associates, 2007. Key Components of PDS The key components of PDS include: 1. Individual Performance Plan; 2. Individual Development Plan; 3. Mid-Year Review; 4. Performance Calibration Roundtable; 5. Year-End Review; and, 6. Talent Review Roundtable. BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 9
  • 10. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE Figure 4: 4: Establishing the Individual Performance Plan Figure Establishing the Individual Performance Plan Manager and Employee Roles When Managers Employees Managers and Employees December– Communicate the Develop individual Meet to review, January following information to performance plans, modify and employees: current year including performance approve individual objectives, measures and objectives, measures performance plans. targets for the workgroup. and targets. Source: McDonald’s, 2007. The PDS timetable begins with the creation of business strategies and their alignment with individual performance plans, and ends with year- end reviews and strategic people-planning. Individual Performance Plan The Individual Performance Plan (IPP) helps employees focus on the KEY POINT objectives that matter most in supporting McDonald’s priorities. This plan is the foundation that allows accurate assessment of performance “Cascading goals” is the and the differentiation of performance levels among employees. process of adopting goals Beginning in December, managers work with employees to create an at different levels within IPP as a tool to align their objectives for the coming year with that a company to ensure of the business unit, department, and team strategies and initiatives. alignment between the These objectives should be “SMART” (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, organization’s objectives Relevant and Time-bound). One or two of these objectives should be for personal development, reflecting the areas in which employees to individuals’ activities intend to take specific action steps to develop their skills, knowledge and goals. or experience. Those who manage people should also have one or two “people development” objectives. During the year, employees are responsible for meeting the objectives and are encouraged to document their achievements. Managers are responsible for providing feedback, coaching and support to their employees throughout the year. BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 10
  • 11. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE Figure 5: 5: McDonald’s Individual Performance Plan and Year-End Assessment Figure McDonald’s Individual Performance Plan and Year-End Assessment Individual Performance Plan and Year-End Assessment Individual Performance Plan Information about you (Employee completes) Name Title Rating Scale Region/Division/Department Band Descriptions ----- S el ec t ----- Person you report to Performance period Date of mid-year review Date of year-end review Results achieved (Manager completes at year-end using the ratings from the Performance Calibration Roundtable ) 4 Exceptional Results Accomplishments were significantly beyond target performance levels. Contributions to business unit, team, or department result s were exceptional. 3 Significant Results Accomplishments met and sometimes exceeded target performance levels. All requirements and expectations of the job were fulfilled. 2 Some Improvement Required Accomplishments met some but not all target levels and/or basic job requirements were not consistently met. Performance is unsa tisfactory and improvement is required. 1 Unacceptable Few objectives were met and basic job requirements were not maintained. Performance improvement must be achieved. Objectives and accomplishments (Employee completes) Write objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). You and your manager should work together to develop goals, dates for completion, and ways to measure achievement of your objectives. For the mid-year review and year-end review, enter accomplishments for each of your objectives. Objectives that support your teams business Date to Measur ement Accomplishment strategies (List 3 to 5) complete Team Objectives and Individual Objectives that support your individual development Objectives (List 1 or 2 based on performance drivers or functional competencies) Rating Exceptional Results Significant Results Some Improvement Required Unacceptable Page 1 of 6In the U.S., at McDonalds, employment is at will. This means that employees are free to terminate their employment at any time, for any reason, and McDonalds reserves the same right. 2.20.03 The president of McDonalds is the only person who may make an exception to this, and it must be in writing and signed by the president. McDonalds reserves the right to amend or modify the policies and procedures described in this guide at any time without prior notice. The information and processes contained in this guide do not create any contractual obligation between McDonalds and its employees. The legal import of PDS varies from country to country. If you want more information concerning the legal import of PDS in your country, please contact your local HR Department Head. '2003 McDonalds Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Individual Development Plan The Individual Development Plan (IDP) focuses on core and leadership competencies, and job-specific or functional competencies that employees need in order to be successful in their current or future positions. The IDP should identify the plan for an employee’s career aspirations. The goal is to have employees thinking about the skills they want to acquire and how to continuously improve. Mid-Year Review Mid-year reviews take place by the end of July of each year. During this review, an employee and his / her manager review year-to-date BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 11
  • 12. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE Figure 6: 6: Examples of Individual Performance Plan Objectives Figure Examples of Individual Performance Plan Objectives Objective Date to Complete Measurement Lower product costs by directly December 31 Realize a product cost savings of identifying and contributing a $350 per store. project cost savings. Find ways to improve administrative End of 4th quarter Redesign process flow for expense processes and reduce the vouchers to reduce cycle time from amount of the manager’s time 8 days to 5 days. devoted to administration. Obtain a lower cost on one office Monthly during the Total office supplies expense not to supply item each month. 2003 fiscal year exceed $10,000 for the 2003 fiscal year. Source: McDonald’s, 2007. performance progress on objectives and his / her demonstration of the performance drivers. This is the time to revise annual goals based on shifting business priorities. Year-End Review At the end of the year, employees submit their accomplishments to their managers. Each employee and his / her manager have a face-to -face meeting to ensure the manager understands the accomplishments and can present them at the calibration roundtable. These accomplishments are rated and, along with employee’s performance drivers ratings, are used in the year-end performance review and to assess advancement potential. In January of the following year, employees are evaluated on their overall contribution for the year. Two major areas are considered: • Results achieved on performance objectives or the “What” (75 percent weight); and, • The display of McDonald’s performance drivers or the “How” (25 percent weight). McDonald’s performance drivers include: BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 12
  • 13. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE • Sets clear objectives with results accountability; A N A LY S I S • Coaches and values people; To create and sustain a • Acts in the best interests of the system; high-performance culture, • Communicates effectively; an organization must have meaningful differentiation • Embraces change, creativity and innovation; and, among employees. • Has strategic focus. Many use the “20-70- 10” distribution to rank These ratings are combined to determine an overall performance rating. employee performance Figure 7 shows the rating levels, along with the distribution guidelines. – to identify top talent, Managers review the year-end IPP and assign a preliminary rating on results give promotions, decide achieved, performance drivers and overall performance for each employee. on merit increases, offer specific development In late January, managers attend a performance calibration roundtable interventions or for and talent review roundtable during which they meet with their downsizing. peers and common supervisor. They discuss and share input on employees’ performance for the previous year in order to arrive at a final performance rating for each employee. Performance calibration roundtables and talent review roundtables may be combined. Performance Calibration Roundtable The purpose of the performance calibration roundtable meeting is to improve the overall quality and fairness of the ratings by ensuring Figure 7: Overall Performance Ratings Figure 7: Overall Performance Ratings Numeric Label Distribution Rating 4 Exceptional Performance 20 percent 3 Significant Performance 70 percent 2 Some Improvement Required 10 percent (divided between Some Improvement Required 1 Unacceptable Performance and Unacceptable Performance) Source: McDonald’s, 2007. BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 13
  • 14. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE that a common standard is being applied. Performance calibration BEST PRACTICE roundtables offer the following advantages. • Rating inflation will be minimized by having the roundtable For companies using a members discuss what the various rating scales mean. standard distribution for performance ratings, • A diverse group in the roundtable brings different perspectives about each employee's performance over the past year. performance is evaluated as both absolute and • Through group discussions, the members will ensure that all relative. Performance employees are considered on results achieved and on each calibration roundtables performance driver. are an essential practice to determine an employee’s relative distribution placement. Figure 8: Four Classifications of of the Readiness for Advancement Process Figure 8: Four Classifications the Readiness for Advancement Process RN RF NP CL Ready Now Ready Future New to Position Current Level Describes employees Describes employees Describes employees Describes employees who are capable who, assuming who have been who, at the time of the of immediate development continues, promoted or hired into assessment, are not consideration for a are expected to the organization viewed as being ready promotion to a be capable within within the last for a promotion to position of significantly 2 years or less of 12 months for whom it a position of greater responsibility consideration for a is too early to assess significantly greater in the specific function promotion to a position their potential for the responsibility within within the business to of significantly next level of 2 years or less. This which their greater responsibility responsibility. category includes development is being in the specific many outstanding directed. functions within the performers (“aces in business to which their places”) as well their development is as individuals with no being directed. interest in advancement at this time. Source: McDonald’s, 2007. BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 14
  • 15. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE Talent Review Roundtable At the same time a manager assesses overall performance, he / she determines an employee’s readiness for advancement. At a talent review roundtable, managers identify and discuss employees who are ready for A N A LY S I S advancement, agree on specific action plans for those employees and finalize ratings. To enable comprehensive discussions during the talent Many companies (due review roundtables, managers should also collect information about to their size or timetable each employee’s strengths, development needs, development action plan, constraints) combine the career aspirations, mobility, recommended moves and turnover risk. performance calibration and talent review sessions Approximately 25 percent of employees will fall in the “Ready Now” and into one event – although “Ready Future” categories. a common theme we Some additional talent review roundtable meetings are conducted by the hear is the desire to lead functional executives at the home office in order to assess readiness separate the events. for advancement of senior directors or officers in their functions. Compensation Decisions When ratings are finalized after the calibration roundtables, managers use a web-based tool to make their compensation decisions and allocations. Each manager is given a sum or pool of available funds to allocate among his / her reports. Managers submit their recommendations for bonus and merit increases, along with the performance ratings. This information is bubbled up to higher levels in the organization to ensure there are enough funds available. By March 1, increases and bonuses are granted. Plan to Win and Performance Development System Now in its fourth year, Plan to Win continues to keep McDonald’s efforts focused on the right things. PDS incorporates corporate goals that ultimately cascade from Plan to Win for performance planning and objective-setting. This ensures company alignment and helps to drive individual accountability for Plan to Win. BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 15
  • 16. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE Global Versus Local Perspectives In order to sustain success in global performance management, global BEST PRACTICE efforts must be balanced with local perspectives. Given that each market and organization within McDonald’s is unique, the company applied In complex, global the “Freedom within a Framework” philosophy to PDS that is used by corporations, the other key systems. The framework identifies what is negotiable and what “Freedom within a it is not negotiable. For example, the revised four-point rating scale and Framework” philosophy performance drivers (including their definitions) are non-negotiables. is essential to successfully Conducting a performance calibration roundtable to finalize ratings is a strong recommendation, but in some cultures it may not work. HR deploying and managing business partners help to translate PDS to be in-line with the operating enterprisewide programs. environment, while abiding by local laws, regulations and procedures. Governing PDS Beginning with the initial redesign effort, the global HR design group has worked hard to ensure executive support, to collaborate on strategy and design with HR business partners from the major markets, and to seek input from line managers and employees on PDS. • McDonald’s Human Resource Leadership Council (HRLC) BEST PRACTICE provides the overall strategic direction and ensures investment for PDS. Leverage key competencies across all • The Talent Management Department is the primary team accountable for PDS strategy and design. talent-related programs to reinforce your • Global HR Business Partners support and localize execution of organization’s desired PDS within the major markets. culture. Additionally, the global leader for PDS initiated an advisory team of line managers that meets once a month to incorporate different perspectives. This advisory team represents the line managers who use PDS everyday – and who see first-hand what is and what is not working. (Officers sometimes do not hear or interpret the feedback the same way the line managers would interpret it directly from employees.) To assemble this BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 16
  • 17. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE team, HR generalists around the world were asked to identify managers and directors who would have a passion for giving feedback and who would be excited to be part of the team. In terms of giving input for future changes, this team is just as critical as the HRLC. Global governance of the execution of PDS is a challenge without a web-based performance management system. Ultimately, it is up to the HR business partners in the various countries to monitor compliance and report outcomes. They look at the 20-70-10 distribution and how the organizations are doing in terms of meeting expectations. At the home office and in U.S., HR business partners are able to use the compensation system to analyze a wide range of information. They look at data about diversity in terms of the distribution of ratings and compensation. Additionally, they look at whether people are truly using the full range for compensation. But this type of data is not captured on a global basis since compensation practices and systems vary from country to country. Employees provide direct input to PDS through the annual employee opinion survey – which is reviewed by the talent management group to continuously improve PDS. Technology PDS is currently administered through a combination of Microsoft Word and Excel templates, email, and several regional compensation management systems. When asked about the lack of a web-based system, the global lead for PDS said, “It is a disabler that PDS is not a web-based system – but not a deal-breaker. It is more important that people are engaged in the process and are executing on their performance plans.” Still, the company realizes that technology can further enhance PDS and related initiatives, such as the talent review process and merit pay. The global lead for PDS hopes to achieve many benefits with technology, including: BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 17
  • 18. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE • Realizing greater efficiencies in the process; • Providing the ability to monitor compliance and ensure the effective use of the system and global consistency; and, • Enhancing the experience for managers and employees. In 2007, foundational activities are being conducted to prepare for the implementation of an integrated system supporting critical talent management functions, including performance evaluations, development planning, talent readiness / succession management and merit-pay allocation. Lessons Learned and Best Practices Through several years of global experience with PDS, McDonald’s has learned many lessons and offers some wisdom (whether you are looking to redesign your company’s performance management approach or you are attempting to expand it). • Be prepared that it will take multiple years before people really understand and embrace the system. At the time of its inception, PDS represented significant changes to many existing approaches for annual performance evaluation around the world. Many people were very fearful of a perceived forced distribution at McDonald’s – they were concerned that PDS would force people out of the company unwillingly. Communication and change management are essential to dispelling misconceptions like this one, reducing fear of change and ensuring successful adoption. Remember to continuously focus on change management. It is equally important to communicate why and how the current process is changing, as well as how it is not changing. • Keep it simple. These things can get complex. You forget that, for HR, this is the main part of the job. It might seem simple but, for a line manager (whose functional area is architecture), people development is just another thing they have on their plates. It is important to make sure managers understand that developing and BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 18
  • 19. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE managing their direct reports is a key responsibility of their jobs no matter what their jobs are. • Include both the “What” and the “How” as part of the overall performance rating. The two major areas to consider are the performance results (or the “What” an employee accomplishes) and the performance drivers (or the “How” the employee accomplishes them). The “What” helps you evaluate if the behavior is consistent with your culture and company values. • Implement performance calibration roundtables. These are critical to get managers on the same page as to what high performance looks like. If the managers are doing it in a vacuum, it is really hard for them to ever change their mental models. For example, it is not the amount of hours a person spends in the office or how hard he / she works – it is the results he / she achieves. • Start with the officers of the company. In year one, McDonald’s only rolled out PDS to the company’s officers. In order to ensure success in the global implementation at the staff level, the company felt it was essential to get that group’s buy-in and support. Officers were able to communicate why this was the right system for McDonald’s and even championed the change management kick-off sessions. • Reinforce the concept of shared accountability for managing performance. Define the manager’s role as a coach who provides tools, information and direction as needed. Expect employees to drive the process and take ownership for their own performance. Use the performance management process as a key way to engage people in the business and as a mechanism for helping them understand how to improve performance and impact business results. • Provide opportunities for ongoing performance support and training on performance management. When McDonald’s launched PDS, the company set up change management sessions and just-in-time training around the world. After the initial launch, all new managers and employees are introduced to PDS during the new employee orientation program. Within the first month of employment, new employees are invited to attend brown-bag BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 19
  • 20. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE sessions on PDS. In addition to PDS documentation, McDonald’s offers an e-learning module for both the employee and manager, which documents the step-by-step annual process. How managers evaluate performance results and drivers is critical to employee satisfaction and engagement. For a successful performance management process to work, managers must feel proficient and confident in the process. Looking Forward McDonald’s is committed to continuously improving its performance and talent management practices. Near-term plans include phasing out the current performance drivers and using the competencies from the core competency model to support the individual performance and development plans. To ensure effective change management, the global HR design group will work with the HRLC and the global HR business partners on the communications and deployment strategy. Additionally, the governance groups will continue supporting the global HR design group in development of a technology strategy, business case and deployment approach. Conclusion This case study provides a mature model of a business-driven talent management initiative. To transform into a high-performance culture, McDonald’s: • Analyzed its performance management practices; and, • Designed an integrated approach to support the organization to: o Identify, o Develop, BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 20
  • 21. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE o Reward talent, and o Devote significant resources to global governance and change management. Today, the company is delivering the strongest business results in the last 30 years. PDS is a critical enabler to this success by ensuring alignment of individual performance goals with the business strategy and continuously cultivating ready talent for the future. “i’m lovin it™” BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 21
  • 22. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE Appendix I: Table of Figures Figure 1: At a Glance 4 Figure 2: At a Glance (cont’d) 5 Figure 3: Bersin & Associates Integrated Talent Management Process around Performance Management 9 Figure 4: Establishing the Individual Performance Plan 10 Figure 5: McDonald’s Individual Performance Plan and Year-End Assessment 11 Figure 6: Examples of Individual Performance Plan Objectives 12 Figure 7: Overall Performance Ratings 13 Figure 8: Four Classifications of the Readiness for Advancement Process 14 BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 22
  • 23. DRIVING A HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE About Us Bersin & Associates is the only research and advisory consulting firm focused solely on WhatWorks® research in enterprise learning and talent management. With more than 25 years of experience in enterprise learning, technology and HR business processes, Bersin & Associates provides actionable, research-based services to help learning and HR managers and executives improve operational effectiveness and business impact. Bersin & Associates research members gain access to a comprehensive library of best practices, case studies, benchmarks and in-depth market analyses designed to help executives and practitioners make fast, effective decisions. Member benefits include: in-depth advisory services, access to proprietary webcasts and industry user groups, strategic workshops, and strategic consulting to improve operational effectiveness and business alignment. More than 3,500 organizations in a wide range of industries benefit from Bersin & Associates research and services. Bersin & Associates can be reached at or at (510) 654-8500. About This Research Copyright© 2007 Bersin & Associates. All rights reserved. WhatWorks® and related names such as Rapid e-Learning: WhatWorks® and The High Impact Learning Organization® are registered trademarks of Bersin & Associates. No materials from this study can be duplicated, copied, republished, or re-used without written permission from Bersin & Associates. The information and forecasts contained in this report reflect the research and studied opinions of Bersin & Associates analysts. BERSIN & ASSOCIATES © OCTOBER 2007 • NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION • LICENSED MATERIAL 23