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101 Ideas to Make Banking
More Fun

Tuesday 19 November 13
1. Put comedy routines into your
on-hold messages.
People hate waiting on hold because usually pre-recorded
messages are cold, canned rhetoric — “Your call is
important to us. Someone will be with you shortly. Thank
you for your patience. Do you need a new auto
loan?” Ugh. Fun brands entertain callers that they have to
put on hold. You could tell people the same things you
normally would, you could just do it with some
personality, style and flair. Southwest Airlines had an onhold routine loaded with humorous bits about low fares,
fun destinations, baggage fees, etc. It actually made
sitting on hold a pleasant experience. In fact, some callers
would ask to beput back on hold so they could hear the
punchlines to some of the jokes!
Tuesday 19 November 13
2. Put Easter eggs on your website.
An Easter egg is an intentional inside joke, hidden
message, or similar feature — a surprise bonus, something
that’s fun to find. For instance, loyal customers of In-andOut Burger know there’s a   secret menu.   Coast Capital
Savings used to have a virtual greeter named “Julie” on
their website who would answer questions from users. If
you asked about “checking accounts,” it would trigger a
video response from Julie. But if you asked Julie to tell you
a joke, she would. These days, video game designers know
that Easter eggs are mandatory in every title they release.
Take a page from their gamification playbook and hide
some fun little gems on your website.
Tuesday 19 November 13
3. Put some fun into your ATM
HSBC printed origami folding instructions on the back of its
ATM receipts. You could print jokes, cartoons or fun facts.
That’s what fun brands do: they are always looking for
ways to liven up mundane processes and objects. How can
you get consumers to see something that’s usually rote
and boring as fresh and innovative? You should always be
looking for ways to get people to stop and say, “Heh, that’s
neat! Never seen that before!”
Tuesday 19 November 13
4. Poke fun at your disclosures
and compliance jargon.
Most financial institutions try to hide their legal copy — almost as
if they were ashamed of it — by burying it in microscopic type at
the very bottom of layouts. But there’s no reason to hide (is
there?). Be playful with disclosures, and prove that they don’t
have to be dull and stuffy just because the law requires them.
Don’t be afraid to put a giant callout on your layouts that
screams, “Here’s the fine print!” Or you could refer to disclosures
as “some stuff our lawyers want you to know.” Put some jokey
stuff in your fine print: “Our free checking account may contain
peanuts, but we doubt it. Not switching to [Your Bank] may result
in itching, redness and occasional fainting. If conditions persist,
see a physician or call [Your Phone Number]. No fur-bearing
animals were harmed in the creation of these marketing

Tuesday 19 November 13
5. Gamify banking.
To make banking fun, you need to be an imaginative
of   gamification.   As
Netbanker suggests, you can create a program that allows
your customers/members to play financial games and keep
score against themselves and peers. They can earn points,
improvements, savings gains, debt reductions and other
measures of financial fitness and goal achievement.
Tuesday 19 November 13
6. Online scavenger hunt.
Get people to explore your online channels (e.g., website,
Facebook) with a scavenger hunt. Ask participants to find
the answers to five questions. This is a great way to get
people to poke around a relaunched/redesigned website.
One credit union did this and doubled their web traffic.
Tuesday 19 November 13
7. Lost wallets.
There are all kinds of ways to have fun with “lost” wallets.
Get some branded wallets, load them with coupons for
your financial products, then drop them around various
public locations. You could put cash in them, with a little
note from the CEO. You could put clues for a scavenger
hunt or trivia game inside. Or you could make them
resemble a real person’s wallet, then film how people react
when they find the wallets? Do they return the wallets? Do
they keep the cash?
Tuesday 19 November 13
8. ATM bonus.
Randomly swap out a few $20s with $50s or $100s in one
ATM (or more). To get the biggest bang for your buck,
announce when, where and for how long the ATM(s) will be
loaded with bonus hundreds, then alert the press. That’s
what Industrial Credit Union didwhen they wanted to draw
attention to a new branch location they opened.
Tuesday 19 November 13
9. Have employees tell jokes.
When flying Southwest Airlines, it’s not unusual to hear
employees trying their hand at standup comedy or singing
songs — “Yes, there is a smoking section on this flight.
Please feel free to step out on the wing if you need to light
up.” You could even have employees wear buttons that say,
“Wanna hear a joke?”
Tuesday 19 November 13
10. Exploit a pop culture meme.
Cultural fads make great marketing fodder. Back in 2008
when the “LOL Cats” meme was a viral phenomenon, one
credit union gave away cheeseburgers to college kids who
opened new accounts, using a photo of a fat cat with the
headline, “I can has cheezburger?” Every now and then a
dance routine like the   Harlem Shake   comes along. Fun
banks  and   credit unions   will perform their own rendition
and share it on YouTube.
Tuesday 19 November 13
11. Make your recruitment ads fun.
You can use your help wanted ads to position your
organization with a fun personality and attract the kind of
talent you need. That’s what Coast Capital did back in 2008
with this creative ad sporting the headline, “Wanted:
Marketing People. Also, Donuts” – lol
Tuesday 19 November 13
12. Poke fun at your competitors.
There’s nothing like getting dumped. On Valentine’s Day. That’s
what NAB, one of Australia’s four biggest banks, did to its rivals
Commonwealth, ANZ and Westpac. Using an elaborate mix of
marketing media, NAB announced that it would be “breaking up”
with its competitors. The day after Valentine’s Day, NAB
delivered   an open letter to competitors   that reads like a Dear
John letter. NAB said it had “moved on” by abolishing fees,
offering better interest rates, improving access to ATMs, and
supporting local businesses when other banks wouldn’t. The
lengthy “break up” letter was published in every major
newspaper. You don’t have to go quite as far as NAB. You can
just come up with a witty headline, like PFCU did below for this
bus wrap.
Tuesday 19 November 13
13. Develop an interactive game.
BB&T, a regional bank in the U.S., promoted leadership
skills in a game for iPads, iPhones and other mobile
devices. And Barclays in the UK built 56 Sage Street, which
is perhaps the single best online interactive game ever
developed by a financial institution.
Tuesday 19 November 13
14. Be a student of fun brands.
Keep an eye on brands like Virgin Money, Southwest
Airlines, Old Spice, Charmin, Tangerine (ne ING Direct),
Taco Bell, Disney, JetBlue, Oreo and Wonderful Pistachios,
just to name a few. If you see another brand doing
something fun, add the idea to your “fun file.”
Tuesday 19 November 13
15. Offline scavenger hunt.
Eastern Bank hid some GoPro video cameras in secret
locations around their market, then gave consumers clues
to find them on the bank’s Facebook page. It earned the
bank some great free press, and spiked traffic to their
website by 20%.
Tuesday 19 November 13
16. Make a billboard out of dollar
bills or loose change.
Vancity sorted over 60,000 pennies — now out of
circulation in Canada — by color and tarnish level, then
glued them to   a massive billboard to create a
mosaic   masterpiece. ING Direct glued loose change to   a
street level display and let people pick off all the coins to
reveal the message: “Tired of being nickel and dimed?”
Tuesday 19 November 13
17. Have fun in your drivethrough lanes.
Michigan First Credit Union asked members in the drivethrough lanes at one of its branches if they would like
some entertainment. Those that said yes were treated to a
dance routine from seven high school aged performers
who boogied down to C&C Music Factory’s hit “Gonna Make
You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)” around their cars. Then
on another day, those who wanted their drive-through
“entertainment” got treated to a free performance from a
mariachi band.
Tuesday 19 November 13
18. Flash mob.
A flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in
a public place, perform an unusual act, often a dance
routine or musical performance. Here’s   one that Wells
Fargo did in Times Square back in 2011.
Tuesday 19 November 13
19. Use toy cars to sell auto loans.
Put a miniature toy-sized kid car in your branch parking
lot. You can use either a vintage one from a second-hand
store like Town & Country Credit Union (below), or you can
pick one up at Toys-R-Us. Chain the thing to a bolt stuck
in the concrete if you don’t want to see it disappear. Then
put a sign next to it about your current auto loan
promotion/rates. Every single person who walks by will
stop to check it out.
Tuesday 19 November 13
20. Money tree.
You’ve probably heard the expression, “Money doesn’t
grow on trees.” Well in Australia, that doesn’t seem to be
the case, where one bank placed a tree full of $5 notes in
Syndey’s Fleet Park, then used hidden cameras to record
people’s reactions. You’d think people would mob the tree
and strip it bare, but they didn’t.   Summit Credit Union
repeated the stunt   in 2010 with similar results. It’s a
fascinating psychology experiment that yield great PR
Tuesday 19 November 13
21. Reward desired behaviors with
fun prizes.
You’ve heard the expression “you get what you give.”
That’s how it works when you want people to change
behaviors. If you want someone to take action or do
something differently than they have in the past, you’re
going to have to incent/reward those behaviors. For
instance, if you’re launching mobile check deposits, build a
promotion where some winner(s) win “Double Deposits.” If
you want to increase credit/debit card activity, create a
promotion where you randomly select and pay for
purchases. If you want people to change ingrained habits,
you’re going to have to make it fun.
Tuesday 19 November 13
22. Send your competitor a
Coast Capital Savings asked people to sign a giant 8′x10′
greeting card   that “congratulated” big banks for the $3
billion in fees that they charge Canadians annually. The
Canadian institution had their “I Love Fees” street team
collecting signatures on the mock greeting card at various
public locations.
Tuesday 19 November 13
23. Cash mobs.
Cash mobs play off the idea of flash mobs, but instead of
performing a song and dance routine, a group of folks get
together and flood a local, independent business, each
ready to spend about $20. A number of financial
institutions are   having fun with cash mobs,which help
position them as supportive of small businesses.
Tuesday 19 November 13
24. Candid camera gag.
Here’s a great gag from NAB, the undisputed king of guerilla marketing in
the banking world. Luke, a typical consumer, strolls through the local mall
on a sunny afternoon when he stumbles upon a pair of football tickets
apparently lost by another shopper. Luke takes the tickets to the nearby
“Lost Property” desk. “I found these laying on the ground over there,” he
explains, handing the tickets over. “Well that’s honest of you,” says the agent
staffing the Lost Property kiosk. “What’s your name?” “Luke,” he says.
Moments later, as Luke continues his stroll through the mall, he sees his
name and face plastered everywhere — on posters and video displays. He’s
even on the news. “Is this the new face of honesty?” asks one poster sporting
Luke’s photo. A massive 20-foot display in the center of the mall screams,
“Thanks for your honesty!” As if that weren’t enough, a baker inside the mall
has decorated a cake in his honor. “Honest Luke,” it says in blue, sugary
letters. The campaign stressed the bank’s integrity and approach to financial
matters, with a particular focus on a new credit card with no strings or
hidden fees.
Tuesday 19 November 13
25. Random acts of kindness.
In the spirit of the film “Pay it Forward,” send street teams
out to perform   guerilla good deeds   for unsuspecting
citizens in your community. You can pick up the tab for a
family’s dinner, or surprise a local fire department with a
free lunch, or pay for someone’s gas.
Tuesday 19 November 13
26. Host an ice-cream eating
In the spring of 2013, Magnify Credit Union invited Joey
Chestnut, the number-one ranked eater in the world, to
compete at the   Magnify Credit Union World Ice CreamEating Championship.   Prizes ranged from $100 up to
$2,000 for first.
Tuesday 19 November 13
27. Interactive floor mats.
These things are a blast.   Objects are projected onto the
floor, where motion detectors interpret people’s actions,
allowing them to interact with the objects. You can kick
things like soccer balls. Swipe things off the screen like
sand. It’s loads of fun, and something financial marketers
can easily make relevant to banking (e.g., coins, piggy
banks, etc.)
Tuesday 19 November 13
28. Hand out free money.
Consumers love cash, so start handing out free money in
public. Just be sure to bring your camera, because you’re
going to have some great material for TV stations and viral
YouTube campaigns. Businesses in every other industry
give away their inventory, so why not banks and credit
unions? Invite people in for some “free samples from the
Tuesday 19 November 13
29. Hire fun and funny people.
If you want to build your brand and your internal culture
around the concept of “fun,” that means you’re going to
need fun people on board. It shouldn’t be very difficult
finding questions HR can ask in interviews to screen
prospective job seekers and see how fun and/or witty they
Tuesday 19 November 13
30. Punch the pig.
When a PNC customer is banking online, they can just
“punch” a little piggy bank icon that pops up from time to
time. Whenever they “Punch the Pig,” money transfers from
checking to savings in a pre-defined amount specified by
the customer. For smartphone users, the “punch” is
actually a “shake”. Users can decide how often the pig pops
up or choose to let PNC surprise them randomly.
Tuesday 19 November 13
31. Bake breakfast biscuits for
business customers.
Countybank cooked up a clever campaign targeting
businesses in the bank’s area. They offered new business
customers a free biscuit breakfast for up to 13 people
delivered to the firm’s doorstep as long as the business
was willing to meet with a Countybank representative.
Tuesday 19 November 13
32. Break a world record.
Commonwealth Bank assembled 935 people wearing Aussie team
colors to break the Guinness World Record for “most people
wearing the same team uniform in a photo.” This stunt,organized
by Commonwealth as part of the 2012 Olympics, reminds
financial marketers that there is a lot more to PR than just
pounding out corporate press releases. Commonwealth managed
to get themselves on the front page of every paper, on the
homepage of every new website, and on every news broadcast in
Australia. And what did it cost them? Basically nothing. All they
had to do was invite a bunch of Aussies to a barbie, then give
them beer and jerseys.
Standard Chartered Bank went one step further (actually many
steps further) when they became the first bank on earth to have
someone use their mobile banking app at the peak of Mt. Everest.
Tuesday 19 November 13
33. Savings lottery.
People love to gamble. So if someone wants to sock some
money away for a while, why not do it at a bank or credit
union where they have a random shot at winning a few
thousand extra bucks? A savings account lottery is a fun,
innovative way to capture consumers’ attention and
encourage positive savings behaviors while generating new
account activity for financial institutions. Just make
sure prize-linked savings schemes are legal in your area.
Tuesday 19 November 13
34. Make a friendly bet with a
Challenge a competitor with a wager. It could be a local
rival — say a bank vs. a credit union. Or it could be a nonthreatening institution in another part of the country (even
the world). When Notre Dame’s football team played
Alabama for the national championship, two credit unions
— Notre Dame FCU and Alabama Credit Union — competed
to see who could get the most credit card applications by
game time. The loser had to pay $10,000 to the charity of
the winner’s choosing.
Tuesday 19 November 13
35. Whirlwind of money machine.
There are few amusements at live events as alluring
as those booths that blow cash around. Lucky consumers
get to step inside for a predetermined amount of time and
snatch all the cash they can from the monetary whirlwind.
It’s fun for everyone, and relatively easy to control your
Tuesday 19 November 13
36. Give away ice cream.
When Umpqua Bank opens a new branch, they send out a
branded ice cream truck to hand out free frozen treats to
everyone within a five-mile radius of the new location. The
bank also has an   “Icicle Tricycle”   that they take to
community events.
Tuesday 19 November 13
37. Make your window displays
Using motion tracking, pedestrians can interact with LCD
screens mounted in your branch window displays. Citizens
Bank did this with an interesting nature theme, and Grow
Financial had   a virtual “grab-the-cash” game   that
passersby could play.
Tuesday 19 November 13
38. Fun and exciting giveaways.
Whenever you have a contest or sweepstakes, you can
make your prizes fun. OnPoint Credit Union used an allyou-can-grab supermarket sweepstakes   where winners
had three minutes to stuff everything they could fit into a
shopping cart.
Tuesday 19 November 13
39. Find a funny spokesperson.
USA Federal Credit Union used “Spike,” a bulldog to deliver
all manner of amusing headlines. And Georgia United
used “Aunt Sophie” — a cute little old lady — as their sassy,
no-nonsense and unexpected spokesperson. Another
credit union created“BubbaLuv.”   And E*Trade has been
using its talking baby spokes-infant for nearly a decade.
Tuesday 19 November 13
40. End of the world loans.
One credit union decided to have fun with the Mayan
prediction that the world would end on December 21,
2012. If that indeed happened, the credit union promised
to forgive any of its members new auto loans. And if the
world didn’t end, then members would be stuck with a
killer rate on a great auto loan.
Tuesday 19 November 13
41. Stage a protest.
There’s a lot that people can get mad about in banking. So
why not stage a protest for them. President’s Choice (a
supermarket in Canada with a financial arm) had its
employees march in front of their locations with protest
signs that said “Stop Paying Bank Fees.” Members of the
press and various supporting materials were also on hand.
Tuesday 19 November 13
42. Send a bunch of barf bags in
the mail.
Eastern Financial Florida Credit Union   ran a barf bag
promotion   back in 2006, the headline, “Is Your Bank
Making You Sick?”
Tuesday 19 November 13
43. Keep your internal culture fun.
If you want to create a fun banking experience for
consumers, you’re going to have to maintain a fun internal
culture. You should “walk your talk” with employees. Don’t
tell them to have fun; show them how to have fun. (Hint:
Rows of lifeless, depersonalized cubicles are not conducive
to a fun workplace.)
Tuesday 19 November 13
44. Don’t block access to social
media sites.
Social media is fun, and it’s a part of our everyday lives.
Only a fun-hating organization would block access to
social media sites. And besides, everyone has a
smartphone these days, so isn’t it kind of pointless?
Tuesday 19 November 13
45. Funny commercials.
Talking babies and talking animals are always funny fodder
in ad land. First Direct used a platypus. First Tech Credit
Union used talking squirrels in its commercials. And who
can forget the devious comedy in   this series of TV
spots   from Ally starring hapless kids?GEICO’s crazy
commercials prove that you can be funny doing just about
anything you feel like.
Tuesday 19 November 13
46. Send anniversary cards.
You can fight attrition by acknowledging people’s tenure.
Start with their first anniversary — even just a simple card
saying thanks. Loyal customers (or members) might get a
yummy treat sent to them on their fifth anniversary. On
their tenth, they might get a gift card. In the years in
between, you could send amusing reminders about the
advantages, benefits and savings they’ve realized in the
last year by being a customer.
Tuesday 19 November 13
47. Have fun in social channels.
If there is anywhere that you can let your hair down, it’s on
Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Don’t be afraid to do
create unusual content for your social channels — photos,
tweets, cartoons, jokes, videos, etc. If you can’t have fun
here, then the “fun strategy” probably isn’t for you.
Conversely, don’t try to build a fun brand if your CEO or
compliance people force you to play it safe and straight in
social channels. You can’t say, “Hey, we’re all about fun,” if
you’re not having any fun on Facebook.
Tuesday 19 November 13
48. Make your direct mail “lumpy.”
Whenever you print a direct mail piece, always be looking to do
something more than just your standard 6×9 postcard or 8.5×11
letter with a #10 envelope. If you have to send out a standard
letter/envelope, at least stick something “lumpy” inside — like a
pen. The post office will let you mail just about anything you can
stick a stamp on, so they don’t care if you put “lumpy” stuff in
your envelopes. Sure you’ll pay a bit more for postage, but you’ll
also get a much higher response rate. And it’s fun for the
recipient, almost like they are getting a little gift in the mail. With
DM, you should always introduce one or more tricks/techniques
to make the piece more fun and engaging — a die cut, unusual
fold, unusual paper/texture, pop-up, foil, translucent envelope,
Tuesday 19 November 13
49. Trivia games.
There are any number of ways to structure fun trivia
contests. One question or many. One big prize or lots of
little ones. Online, offline, on Facebook or Twitter.
Tuesday 19 November 13
50. Funny = complete honesty and
utter truths.
The next time you listen to a stand-up comedian as they
work through their routine, pay close attention to the
things that make you laugh the hardest. Those will
invariably be the subject matter you feel holds the most
truth. Comedians love taking unspoken truths and turning
them into punch lines.
Tuesday 19 November 13
51. Make inside jokes only locals
would think are funny.
The Bank of Ann Arbor ran a playful series of billboards
mocking its competitors’ lack of local knowledge. The
billboards feature user-submitted slogans along with the
names of those selected as winners in the bank’s “Build-ABillboard” Facebook contest.   “Non-local banks think
Briarwood is where Peter Rabbit lives,” read one (translation
for non-locals: Briarwood is Ann Arbor’s big mall).
Tuesday 19 November 13
52. Make conspicuous displays
from cash/coins.
People are fascinated by money — stacks and piles of it.
It’s just fun to look at. This bus shelter display is made
from special 3M security glass and real coins. The headline:
“Millionaires take the bus.” The copy: “Taking mass transit
versus driving saves roughly $5,000 per year. If those
savings are invested over a typical 45-year career, you’ll
retire a million dollars wealthier.”
Tuesday 19 November 13
53. Run a teaser campaign.
A teaser campaign is an advertising campaign which
typically consists of a series of small, cryptic, challenging
advertisements that anticipate a larger, full-blown
campaign for a product launch or otherwise important
event. In the teaser billboard below, the bank starts off with
a nearly all-white billboard. “What is it?” people wonder.
“Who’s it for?” Then over the course of the next few days,
more and more of the billboard is shown to reveal the
Tuesday 19 November 13
54. Make a viral video.
Psshhaw, you scoff? “Banks can’t make a viral video,” you
say? Not true. This three-minute video from TC Bank has
been viewed over 4.7 million times.
Tuesday 19 November 13
55. Go guerilla.
Guerilla is one of the most effective tools in the marketer’s
arsenal, and yet it is nearly completely ignored by most
financial institutions. There is no better way to get
mountains of free PR than pulling of a   good guerilla
marketing stunts.   Study non-traditional campaigns and
turn yourself into a guerilla marketing commando. If you
want to make banking fun — on a budget — the bang for
the buck (i.e., ROI) on guerilla can’t be beat.
Tuesday 19 November 13
56. Beer brainstorming sessions.
If you’re running low on ideas to make banking fun,
replenish your creative juices with beer. Get everyone
together on a Friday afternoon, or have an offsite overnight
retreat. When you’re looking for fresh ideas, it helps to
break away from your stale surroundings.
Tuesday 19 November 13
57. Kill a lame product/program.
One way to make banking more fun is to eliminate
headaches, hassles and roadblocks. If you’ve got a product
or program you know annoys consumers, kill it. It’s only
going to get in your way as you try to build a fun brand.
Tuesday 19 November 13
58. Create a mascot.
If you have a financial education program for kids, a
mascot is a fun and engaging way to bring your message to
life. You can find 25 different ideas for mascots that other
banks and credit unions are already using here.
Tuesday 19 November 13
59. Play with money.
Western Sun FCU made these printed pieces — a third of a
$100 bill — and left them around public places for people
to find. It really doesn’t matter what they printed on the
insides of this nifty little marketing trick. People probably
read the entire message no matter what it said.
Tuesday 19 November 13
60. Use billboards.
It’s not that billboards are a tremendously effective
advertising medium (although they can be). It’s that
billboards give financial marketers excellent opportunities
to express their fun, fresh take on banking. Good outdoor
advertising makes use of its environmental context. Great
billboards will become local pop culture sensations.
Tuesday 19 November 13
61. Send unusual thank yous.

Tuesday 19 November 13
62. Have fun during Halloween.
The Financial Brand assembled this gallery of 10 frightfully
fun, freaky and fang-tastic Halloween promotions from
credit unions.
Tuesday 19 November 13
63. Online guessing game.
Take a page out of First National Bank’s marketing
playbook. They came up with a brilliantly simple Facebook
promotion that’s a spin on the age-old guessing game
made popular at county fairs in the 20th century — e.g.,
guess how many pennies are in this jar. They took a picture
of some piles of cash, posted it on Facebook, and invited
participants to guess the total sum. The closest guess won
a cash prize.
Tuesday 19 November 13
64. Interactive ads.
Technology now exists that allows mobile users to point
their smartphone at an ad and it will trigger an interactive
video. Imagine how much fun it would be to bring your
next ad to life — literally. Commonwealth Bank has run a
mobile-driven, augmented reality advertisement   in key
Australian markets. The ad, placed in a number of
Australian newspapers, invites readers to download the
CommBank 3D reader app so they can explore Cherryford
Hill, an interactive virtual town.
Tuesday 19 November 13
65. Funny messages on outdoor
branch signage.
Some local businesses are famous for the amusing
messages they rotate on their monument and pole signs.
Tuesday 19 November 13
66. Throw pies in your CEO’s face.
This is great for charity campaigns. One credit union held
an internal contest for staff. Any employee who made a
donation was entered into a drawing for various prizes,
including a “Pie in the Face Contest.” Winners were allowed
to throw a pie in the faces of two credit union executives.
Six members of the senior team volunteered to take a pie
in the face.
Tuesday 19 November 13
67. Free hugs.
Sound silly? Maybe it is. But isn’t that part of having fun? A
credit union in Australia hired street teams to   give away
hugs around Sydney when it relaunched its brand under the
theme “Generous Banking.”
Tuesday 19 November 13
68. Be dog-friendly.
Dogs are fun, playful — man’s best friend. You can put
water bowls out in front of your branches for your patrons’
canine companions. You can give out dog treats in your
drive-through lanes. You can have a dog mascot, like
Sunova Credit Union that has   a St. Bernhard in every
branch. You can also support local dog charities.
Tuesday 19 November 13
69. Celebrate Christmas.
Cowards hide behind political correctness, while bold
brands have all the fun. And Christmas is fun! Innovations
FCU performed a brilliant 3-minute lip-dub performance of
“Jingle Bells” — shot all in one take. Innovations posted the
video posted to its YouTube channel, where it’s been
viewed over 16,000 times — not shabby for a credit union
with only 18,000 members and $157 million in assets.
Tuesday 19 November 13
70. Offer crazy debit/credit card
Element FCU offers zombie debit cards, and DBS Bank in
Singapore offers a sprawling series of wild card designs
including one called “Deep In The Valley” you have to see to
Tuesday 19 November 13
71. Celebrate birthdays.
Send your customers (or members) special birthday
greetings. Simply acknowledging them on their birthday
with an email or direct mail piece will score points. But you
can also include a special birthday gift or offer.
Tuesday 19 November 13
72. Have a stamina contest.
Here’s an idea for an auto loan promotion: everyone who
asks about an auto loan is entered into a drawing. Ten
winners are assembled at one of your branches on a
Saturday where they lay one hand on a new vehicle you’ll
award to the last person to be touching the vehicle. You
could also run this kind of contest at a state or county fair.
BofA ran a similar promotion where contestants had to
keep their hand on a branded-jersey to see who would win
season tickets for their favorite NFL team —   “Last Fan
Tuesday 19 November 13
73. Come up with a fun slogan.
If you’re going to be the “fun bank” (or “fun credit union”),
you might as well make some noise about it. Consider
changing your institution’s branding tagline to something
that celebrates your focus on making financial matters fun.
Tuesday 19 November 13
74. Put a big smile on your brand
Refresh your brand identity with a bright, vibrant, playful
design. Make your brand identity something that
consumers enjoy looking at and have fun interacting with
— something they look forward to. Let your creativity and
imagination run wild. Copy should be light, clever and
friendly. And be brutally honest, because nothing is funnier
than the cold, hard truth.
Tuesday 19 November 13
75. Offline guessing game.
Make a display with some assortment of bills and ask
branch visitors to guess the amount. Be sure to tell the
public about the contest and give the promotion adequate
marketing support. Alternate version: put the display in a
shopping mall for increased exposure and PR value.
Tuesday 19 November 13
76. Make your headlines funny.
Every headline on every marketing piece your organization
creates is an opportunity to express your fun personality.
Tuesday 19 November 13
77. Wrap your vehicles in graphics.
A key part of making banking fun is to make yourself look
as unbanklike as possible. Stuffy bankers drive Cadillacs.
Fun banks drive something interesting and unexpected,
then wrap them in cool, festive graphics.
Tuesday 19 November 13
78. Custom website backgrounds.
A few financial institutions let visitors to their websites pick
custom background images. Salem Five Bank gives
users   32 different photos to choose from   — all equally
stunning. Some financial institutions solicit images from
their customers.
Tuesday 19 November 13
79. Dorm room makeover contest.
How can banks and credit unions push checking accounts
and other financial products on college kids who have
other priorities?   How about a $5,000 dream dorm room
makeover?What college-age student doesn’t want that?
Everyone can remember the first time they laid eyes on
campus housing. They are dull, lifeless, functional spaces
painted an antiseptic shade of white. Bor-ring!
Tuesday 19 November 13
80. Movie night in branches.
There are quite a few financial institutions that have
designed their branches to double as community meeting
spaces. Yes, they can use the space to host financial
education seminars, but that’s predictable — not fun
either. Umpqua is one bank that uses branches for family
movie nights. They show age-appropriate films for kids
who wear pajamas while eating up the bank’s popcorn and
other treats.
Tuesday 19 November 13
81. Tie a banker to a light pole.
A bank in Australia duct-taped one of their own bankers to
a light pole in a busy town square. As passersby asked the
hapless banker if he needed help, he’d say that someone
was “already on the way,” then explain that he had been
kidnapped by a rival bank who left him stranded up on the
pole as retaliation for having such amazing rates and
service. “We’ve had so many good things happen this past
year, that the other banks… well, it’s just plain jealousy.”
It’s a lighthearted, playful, unexpected and fairly
inexpensive gag — another fantastic PR opportunities.
Tuesday 19 November 13
82. Hold a TV commercial contest.
Invite the general public to film commercials for your
organization and/or its products. Give aspiring filmmakers
video clips and other visual resources they can incorporate
into their productions. Prizes can include things like video
cameras, TVs, and trips to Hollywood.
Tuesday 19 November 13
83. Name the branch promotion.
If you build a new branch location, why not let your
customers (or members) suggest names for it? You can
award prizes for the best suggestions.
Tuesday 19 November 13
84. Fight the zombie menace.
Michigan Community Credit Union uses the undead to
revive consumer interest in auto loans. They have a
massive multi-channel engagement campaign that includes
a lead-generating microsite,   The
highlight of the campaign is   a crazy “choose-your-ownadventure” style interactive YouTube video   that allows
users to select different scenarios. It’s really well done and
lots of fun. You can buy the whole campaign from the folks
at CU*Grow for few thousand bucks.
Tuesday 19 November 13
85. Pull an April Fools prank.
Pulling a good April Fools prank is tough. You can walk a
fine line between a good ruse and something that pisses
people off. It’s best to poke fun at yourself — create a fake
product, or make up a phony funny milestone. The best
April Fools gimmicks are just plausible enough to rope
people in. You can find some excellent examples here.
Tuesday 19 November 13
86. Make your employee intranet
Delta Community Credit Union’s creative and branded
employee intranet is affectionately named “Simon.” Simon
is the portal for all employee communications — the guy
who knows what’s going on inside the credit union.
Employees can access a calendar of events, employee
birthdays, HR suggestion box, training information, games,
project fact sheets, timesheets, updates on charitable
fundraising activities, HR policies and procedures, and
more. But Simon is more than just an intranet. He is a fullfledged internal spokesman and mascot, complete with a
costume and foam head.
Tuesday 19 November 13
87. Giant corn maze.
O Bee Credit Union partnered with a local newspaper and
the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions
to create a massive, 6-acre financial education maze made
from corn. The credit union’s name, “O BEE,” was the
centerpiece of “The Amazing Money Maze.”
Tuesday 19 November 13
88. Put people on billboards.
Nothing makes a billboard more noticeable or memorable
than when a real person is on it, like the ads below for ING
Italy (below). One slant on the human billboard concept is
to put a person up until a certain goal or milestone is
achieved — e.g., until a certain sized charitable donation is
reached, or until you hit $10 million in new home loans. If
it isn’t feasible to put a real person on a billboard, think
about how you could use a mannequin, like the First
Community rebranding billboard (bottom).
Tuesday 19 November 13
89. Hurl some tomatoes.
For a 24-hour period, Heritage ran   a live, interactive
“takeover” banner ad. When a visitor clicked on the banner,
they were prompted to enter their name, suburb and
answer this question: “Do you love your big bank?” Their
answer choices were “yes,” “no” and “when pigs fly.” Once
the information was supplied, they were routed to a live
broadcast studio and introduced to “Heritage Man,” the ongoing star of Heritage’s TV commercials. Behind him were
three targets on a wall with the answer choices: Yes, No
and When Pigs Fly. Heritage Man would greet them by
name, engage in some light-hearted banter, then hurl a
tomato at the appropriate target.
Tuesday 19 November 13
90. Build a parade float.
Tuesday 19 November 13
91. Hold a financial fitness
First Tech Credit Union selected households to compete for
a $10,000 grand prize. The prize went to the household
that achieved the most financial success in four predetermined categories: debt reduction, increase in savings,
increase in overall net worth, and overall level of
participation in the program.
Tuesday 19 November 13
92. Buy a blimp.
We’re not talking about
buying a Goodyear-sized
about something much
more modest — in the
10-foot range. You can
use these blimps at
various community and
sporting events to drop
prizes on people. 

Sunova Credit Union and a bank in Eastern Europe have
both used remote controlled airships to bomb consumers
with gifts.
Tuesday 19 November 13
Garanti Bank in Turkey used a remote-controlled hot air balloon
and a small, one-person glider to air drop gifts on citizens. The
packages contained a small stuffed animal attached to a small
branded parachute.
Tuesday 19 November 13
93. March Madness.
America goes bananas for the NCAA basketball
championships. It’s okay to use the idea of “March
Madness” — using plays-on-words and the concept of
brackets — just   don’t use the actual trademarked term
“March Madness” or you’ll find yourself in deep legal doo
doo. 66 FCU held a “Battle of the Brackets” promotion built
around a standard “pick-your-teams” contest. Grand prize:
a 60” HDTV.
Tuesday 19 November 13
94. A cage for video game duels.
In 2009, Guitar Hero was all the rage. One credit union
targeting college students took a step van and converted it
into a two-player mobile video game arcade — seethrough, with windows on three sides —   a Guitar Hero
fighting cage.   The credit union took the truck to events
thick with college kids — concerts, campus events, etc. —
where staffers would hand out frisbees, t-shirts and other
fare with soft promotional value.
Tuesday 19 November 13
95. Name the goldfish promotion.
You could put a goldfish in every branch and let your
patrons submit suggestions for its name. Of you could do
an online version on Facebook where you post a photo of a
fat cat and have a “Name the Fat Cat Banker” contest.
Everyone loves making fun of fat cat bankers.
Tuesday 19 November 13
96. Have crazy or unusual job
Connex Credit Union created a new position called the Vice
President of Unbanking. What can you come up with?
Tuesday 19 November 13
97. Be courageous.
You aren’t going to have any real fun at your financial
institution if you aren’t willing to take some chances. The
best brands are built by those who are brave enough to do
something new and different. Just accept that everything
you try won’t always work out the way you (or your CEO)
Tuesday 19 November 13
98. Celebrate with staff.
Throw an employee party when you hit major milestones —
reaching $1 billion in assets for instance, completing a core
conversion, launching a new product, attaining 50,000
mobile banking app downloads, your 10 millionth pageview
on your website, etc. This makes the internal work
atmosphere more enjoyable while also connoting to
employees that the organization is strong, vital and “going
Tuesday 19 November 13
99. Make financial education fun
for kids.
Derived from ING Direct’s “Orange” brand,   Planet
Orange provides learning activities and games designed to
teach kids (grades one to six) financial responsibility.
Although not quite as entertaining as Spongebob or Ben
10, Planet Orange nevertheless succeeds in delivering
much-needed financial literacy in an interesting package —
suitable for today’s media-saturated kids.
Tuesday 19 November 13
100. Ask consumers, “How would
you make banking fun?”
Once people have a feel for how much you like having fun,
open it up to them. Ask folks what ideas they have for
making banking a more fun, less sucky experience.
Tuesday 19 November 13
101. Keep reading The Financial
If you want a steady stream of fresh and original ideas that
bring a little levity to banking services, there’s no better
source than The Financial Brand. We publish over 500
articles every year, recapping the most interesting, unusual
and unique promotions in the financial sector. Subscribe to
the email newsletter and get new ideas delivered straight to
your inbox every week.
Tuesday 19 November 13

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101 Ideas To Make Banking More Fun

  • 1. 101 Ideas to Make Banking More Fun Resource: Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 2. 1. Put comedy routines into your on-hold messages. People hate waiting on hold because usually pre-recorded messages are cold, canned rhetoric — “Your call is important to us. Someone will be with you shortly. Thank you for your patience. Do you need a new auto loan?” Ugh. Fun brands entertain callers that they have to put on hold. You could tell people the same things you normally would, you could just do it with some personality, style and flair. Southwest Airlines had an onhold routine loaded with humorous bits about low fares, fun destinations, baggage fees, etc. It actually made sitting on hold a pleasant experience. In fact, some callers would ask to beput back on hold so they could hear the punchlines to some of the jokes! Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 3. 2. Put Easter eggs on your website. An Easter egg is an intentional inside joke, hidden message, or similar feature — a surprise bonus, something that’s fun to find. For instance, loyal customers of In-andOut Burger know there’s a   secret menu.   Coast Capital Savings used to have a virtual greeter named “Julie” on their website who would answer questions from users. If you asked about “checking accounts,” it would trigger a video response from Julie. But if you asked Julie to tell you a joke, she would. These days, video game designers know that Easter eggs are mandatory in every title they release. Take a page from their gamification playbook and hide some fun little gems on your website. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 4. 3. Put some fun into your ATM receipts. HSBC printed origami folding instructions on the back of its ATM receipts. You could print jokes, cartoons or fun facts. That’s what fun brands do: they are always looking for ways to liven up mundane processes and objects. How can you get consumers to see something that’s usually rote and boring as fresh and innovative? You should always be looking for ways to get people to stop and say, “Heh, that’s neat! Never seen that before!” Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 5. 4. Poke fun at your disclosures and compliance jargon. Most financial institutions try to hide their legal copy — almost as if they were ashamed of it — by burying it in microscopic type at the very bottom of layouts. But there’s no reason to hide (is there?). Be playful with disclosures, and prove that they don’t have to be dull and stuffy just because the law requires them. Don’t be afraid to put a giant callout on your layouts that screams, “Here’s the fine print!” Or you could refer to disclosures as “some stuff our lawyers want you to know.” Put some jokey stuff in your fine print: “Our free checking account may contain peanuts, but we doubt it. Not switching to [Your Bank] may result in itching, redness and occasional fainting. If conditions persist, see a physician or call [Your Phone Number]. No fur-bearing animals were harmed in the creation of these marketing materials.” Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 6. 5. Gamify banking. To make banking fun, you need to be an imaginative student of   gamification.   As Jim Bruene at Netbanker suggests, you can create a program that allows your customers/members to play financial games and keep score against themselves and peers. They can earn points, honors, badges and discounts for credit-score improvements, savings gains, debt reductions and other measures of financial fitness and goal achievement. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 7. 6. Online scavenger hunt. Get people to explore your online channels (e.g., website, Facebook) with a scavenger hunt. Ask participants to find the answers to five questions. This is a great way to get people to poke around a relaunched/redesigned website. One credit union did this and doubled their web traffic. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 8. 7. Lost wallets. There are all kinds of ways to have fun with “lost” wallets. Get some branded wallets, load them with coupons for your financial products, then drop them around various public locations. You could put cash in them, with a little note from the CEO. You could put clues for a scavenger hunt or trivia game inside. Or you could make them resemble a real person’s wallet, then film how people react when they find the wallets? Do they return the wallets? Do they keep the cash? Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 9. 8. ATM bonus. Randomly swap out a few $20s with $50s or $100s in one ATM (or more). To get the biggest bang for your buck, announce when, where and for how long the ATM(s) will be loaded with bonus hundreds, then alert the press. That’s what Industrial Credit Union didwhen they wanted to draw attention to a new branch location they opened. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 10. 9. Have employees tell jokes. When flying Southwest Airlines, it’s not unusual to hear employees trying their hand at standup comedy or singing songs — “Yes, there is a smoking section on this flight. Please feel free to step out on the wing if you need to light up.” You could even have employees wear buttons that say, “Wanna hear a joke?” Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 11. 10. Exploit a pop culture meme. Cultural fads make great marketing fodder. Back in 2008 when the “LOL Cats” meme was a viral phenomenon, one credit union gave away cheeseburgers to college kids who opened new accounts, using a photo of a fat cat with the headline, “I can has cheezburger?” Every now and then a dance routine like the   Harlem Shake   comes along. Fun banks  and   credit unions   will perform their own rendition and share it on YouTube. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 12. 11. Make your recruitment ads fun. You can use your help wanted ads to position your organization with a fun personality and attract the kind of talent you need. That’s what Coast Capital did back in 2008 with this creative ad sporting the headline, “Wanted: Marketing People. Also, Donuts” – lol Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 13. 12. Poke fun at your competitors. There’s nothing like getting dumped. On Valentine’s Day. That’s what NAB, one of Australia’s four biggest banks, did to its rivals Commonwealth, ANZ and Westpac. Using an elaborate mix of marketing media, NAB announced that it would be “breaking up” with its competitors. The day after Valentine’s Day, NAB delivered   an open letter to competitors   that reads like a Dear John letter. NAB said it had “moved on” by abolishing fees, offering better interest rates, improving access to ATMs, and supporting local businesses when other banks wouldn’t. The lengthy “break up” letter was published in every major newspaper. You don’t have to go quite as far as NAB. You can just come up with a witty headline, like PFCU did below for this bus wrap. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 14. 13. Develop an interactive game. BB&T, a regional bank in the U.S., promoted leadership skills in a game for iPads, iPhones and other mobile devices. And Barclays in the UK built 56 Sage Street, which is perhaps the single best online interactive game ever developed by a financial institution. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 15. 14. Be a student of fun brands. Keep an eye on brands like Virgin Money, Southwest Airlines, Old Spice, Charmin, Tangerine (ne ING Direct), Taco Bell, Disney, JetBlue, Oreo and Wonderful Pistachios, just to name a few. If you see another brand doing something fun, add the idea to your “fun file.” Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 16. 15. Offline scavenger hunt. Eastern Bank hid some GoPro video cameras in secret locations around their market, then gave consumers clues to find them on the bank’s Facebook page. It earned the bank some great free press, and spiked traffic to their website by 20%. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 17. 16. Make a billboard out of dollar bills or loose change. Vancity sorted over 60,000 pennies — now out of circulation in Canada — by color and tarnish level, then glued them to   a massive billboard to create a mosaic   masterpiece. ING Direct glued loose change to   a street level display and let people pick off all the coins to reveal the message: “Tired of being nickel and dimed?” Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 18. 17. Have fun in your drivethrough lanes. Michigan First Credit Union asked members in the drivethrough lanes at one of its branches if they would like some entertainment. Those that said yes were treated to a dance routine from seven high school aged performers who boogied down to C&C Music Factory’s hit “Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)” around their cars. Then on another day, those who wanted their drive-through “entertainment” got treated to a free performance from a mariachi band. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 19. 18. Flash mob. A flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual act, often a dance routine or musical performance. Here’s   one that Wells Fargo did in Times Square back in 2011. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 20. 19. Use toy cars to sell auto loans. Put a miniature toy-sized kid car in your branch parking lot. You can use either a vintage one from a second-hand store like Town & Country Credit Union (below), or you can pick one up at Toys-R-Us. Chain the thing to a bolt stuck in the concrete if you don’t want to see it disappear. Then put a sign next to it about your current auto loan promotion/rates. Every single person who walks by will stop to check it out. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 21. 20. Money tree. You’ve probably heard the expression, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” Well in Australia, that doesn’t seem to be the case, where one bank placed a tree full of $5 notes in Syndey’s Fleet Park, then used hidden cameras to record people’s reactions. You’d think people would mob the tree and strip it bare, but they didn’t.   Summit Credit Union repeated the stunt   in 2010 with similar results. It’s a fascinating psychology experiment that yield great PR opportunities. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 22. 21. Reward desired behaviors with fun prizes. You’ve heard the expression “you get what you give.” That’s how it works when you want people to change behaviors. If you want someone to take action or do something differently than they have in the past, you’re going to have to incent/reward those behaviors. For instance, if you’re launching mobile check deposits, build a promotion where some winner(s) win “Double Deposits.” If you want to increase credit/debit card activity, create a promotion where you randomly select and pay for purchases. If you want people to change ingrained habits, you’re going to have to make it fun. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 23. 22. Send your competitor a message. Coast Capital Savings asked people to sign a giant 8′x10′ greeting card   that “congratulated” big banks for the $3 billion in fees that they charge Canadians annually. The Canadian institution had their “I Love Fees” street team collecting signatures on the mock greeting card at various public locations. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 24. 23. Cash mobs. Cash mobs play off the idea of flash mobs, but instead of performing a song and dance routine, a group of folks get together and flood a local, independent business, each ready to spend about $20. A number of financial institutions are   having fun with cash mobs,which help position them as supportive of small businesses. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 25. 24. Candid camera gag. Here’s a great gag from NAB, the undisputed king of guerilla marketing in the banking world. Luke, a typical consumer, strolls through the local mall on a sunny afternoon when he stumbles upon a pair of football tickets apparently lost by another shopper. Luke takes the tickets to the nearby “Lost Property” desk. “I found these laying on the ground over there,” he explains, handing the tickets over. “Well that’s honest of you,” says the agent staffing the Lost Property kiosk. “What’s your name?” “Luke,” he says. Moments later, as Luke continues his stroll through the mall, he sees his name and face plastered everywhere — on posters and video displays. He’s even on the news. “Is this the new face of honesty?” asks one poster sporting Luke’s photo. A massive 20-foot display in the center of the mall screams, “Thanks for your honesty!” As if that weren’t enough, a baker inside the mall has decorated a cake in his honor. “Honest Luke,” it says in blue, sugary letters. The campaign stressed the bank’s integrity and approach to financial matters, with a particular focus on a new credit card with no strings or hidden fees. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 26. 25. Random acts of kindness. In the spirit of the film “Pay it Forward,” send street teams out to perform   guerilla good deeds   for unsuspecting citizens in your community. You can pick up the tab for a family’s dinner, or surprise a local fire department with a free lunch, or pay for someone’s gas. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 27. 26. Host an ice-cream eating contest. In the spring of 2013, Magnify Credit Union invited Joey Chestnut, the number-one ranked eater in the world, to compete at the   Magnify Credit Union World Ice CreamEating Championship.   Prizes ranged from $100 up to $2,000 for first. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 28. 27. Interactive floor mats. These things are a blast.   Objects are projected onto the floor, where motion detectors interpret people’s actions, allowing them to interact with the objects. You can kick things like soccer balls. Swipe things off the screen like sand. It’s loads of fun, and something financial marketers can easily make relevant to banking (e.g., coins, piggy banks, etc.) Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 29. 28. Hand out free money. Consumers love cash, so start handing out free money in public. Just be sure to bring your camera, because you’re going to have some great material for TV stations and viral YouTube campaigns. Businesses in every other industry give away their inventory, so why not banks and credit unions? Invite people in for some “free samples from the vault.” Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 30. 29. Hire fun and funny people. If you want to build your brand and your internal culture around the concept of “fun,” that means you’re going to need fun people on board. It shouldn’t be very difficult finding questions HR can ask in interviews to screen prospective job seekers and see how fun and/or witty they are. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 31. 30. Punch the pig. When a PNC customer is banking online, they can just “punch” a little piggy bank icon that pops up from time to time. Whenever they “Punch the Pig,” money transfers from checking to savings in a pre-defined amount specified by the customer. For smartphone users, the “punch” is actually a “shake”. Users can decide how often the pig pops up or choose to let PNC surprise them randomly. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 32. 31. Bake breakfast biscuits for business customers. Countybank cooked up a clever campaign targeting businesses in the bank’s area. They offered new business customers a free biscuit breakfast for up to 13 people delivered to the firm’s doorstep as long as the business was willing to meet with a Countybank representative. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 33. 32. Break a world record. Commonwealth Bank assembled 935 people wearing Aussie team colors to break the Guinness World Record for “most people wearing the same team uniform in a photo.” This stunt,organized by Commonwealth as part of the 2012 Olympics, reminds financial marketers that there is a lot more to PR than just pounding out corporate press releases. Commonwealth managed to get themselves on the front page of every paper, on the homepage of every new website, and on every news broadcast in Australia. And what did it cost them? Basically nothing. All they had to do was invite a bunch of Aussies to a barbie, then give them beer and jerseys. Standard Chartered Bank went one step further (actually many steps further) when they became the first bank on earth to have someone use their mobile banking app at the peak of Mt. Everest. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 34. 33. Savings lottery. People love to gamble. So if someone wants to sock some money away for a while, why not do it at a bank or credit union where they have a random shot at winning a few thousand extra bucks? A savings account lottery is a fun, innovative way to capture consumers’ attention and encourage positive savings behaviors while generating new account activity for financial institutions. Just make sure prize-linked savings schemes are legal in your area. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 35. 34. Make a friendly bet with a competitor. Challenge a competitor with a wager. It could be a local rival — say a bank vs. a credit union. Or it could be a nonthreatening institution in another part of the country (even the world). When Notre Dame’s football team played Alabama for the national championship, two credit unions — Notre Dame FCU and Alabama Credit Union — competed to see who could get the most credit card applications by game time. The loser had to pay $10,000 to the charity of the winner’s choosing. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 36. 35. Whirlwind of money machine. There are few amusements at live events as alluring as those booths that blow cash around. Lucky consumers get to step inside for a predetermined amount of time and snatch all the cash they can from the monetary whirlwind. It’s fun for everyone, and relatively easy to control your risk/exposure/costs. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 37. 36. Give away ice cream. When Umpqua Bank opens a new branch, they send out a branded ice cream truck to hand out free frozen treats to everyone within a five-mile radius of the new location. The bank also has an   “Icicle Tricycle”   that they take to community events. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 38. 37. Make your window displays interactive. Using motion tracking, pedestrians can interact with LCD screens mounted in your branch window displays. Citizens Bank did this with an interesting nature theme, and Grow Financial had   a virtual “grab-the-cash” game   that passersby could play. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 39. 38. Fun and exciting giveaways. Whenever you have a contest or sweepstakes, you can make your prizes fun. OnPoint Credit Union used an allyou-can-grab supermarket sweepstakes   where winners had three minutes to stuff everything they could fit into a shopping cart. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 40. 39. Find a funny spokesperson. USA Federal Credit Union used “Spike,” a bulldog to deliver all manner of amusing headlines. And Georgia United used “Aunt Sophie” — a cute little old lady — as their sassy, no-nonsense and unexpected spokesperson. Another credit union created“BubbaLuv.”   And E*Trade has been using its talking baby spokes-infant for nearly a decade. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 41. 40. End of the world loans. One credit union decided to have fun with the Mayan prediction that the world would end on December 21, 2012. If that indeed happened, the credit union promised to forgive any of its members new auto loans. And if the world didn’t end, then members would be stuck with a killer rate on a great auto loan. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 42. 41. Stage a protest. There’s a lot that people can get mad about in banking. So why not stage a protest for them. President’s Choice (a supermarket in Canada with a financial arm) had its employees march in front of their locations with protest signs that said “Stop Paying Bank Fees.” Members of the press and various supporting materials were also on hand. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 43. 42. Send a bunch of barf bags in the mail. Eastern Financial Florida Credit Union   ran a barf bag promotion   back in 2006, the headline, “Is Your Bank Making You Sick?” Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 44. 43. Keep your internal culture fun. If you want to create a fun banking experience for consumers, you’re going to have to maintain a fun internal culture. You should “walk your talk” with employees. Don’t tell them to have fun; show them how to have fun. (Hint: Rows of lifeless, depersonalized cubicles are not conducive to a fun workplace.) Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 45. 44. Don’t block access to social media sites. Social media is fun, and it’s a part of our everyday lives. Only a fun-hating organization would block access to social media sites. And besides, everyone has a smartphone these days, so isn’t it kind of pointless? Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 46. 45. Funny commercials. Talking babies and talking animals are always funny fodder in ad land. First Direct used a platypus. First Tech Credit Union used talking squirrels in its commercials. And who can forget the devious comedy in   this series of TV spots   from Ally starring hapless kids?GEICO’s crazy commercials prove that you can be funny doing just about anything you feel like. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 47. 46. Send anniversary cards. You can fight attrition by acknowledging people’s tenure. Start with their first anniversary — even just a simple card saying thanks. Loyal customers (or members) might get a yummy treat sent to them on their fifth anniversary. On their tenth, they might get a gift card. In the years in between, you could send amusing reminders about the advantages, benefits and savings they’ve realized in the last year by being a customer. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 48. 47. Have fun in social channels. If there is anywhere that you can let your hair down, it’s on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Don’t be afraid to do create unusual content for your social channels — photos, tweets, cartoons, jokes, videos, etc. If you can’t have fun here, then the “fun strategy” probably isn’t for you. Conversely, don’t try to build a fun brand if your CEO or compliance people force you to play it safe and straight in social channels. You can’t say, “Hey, we’re all about fun,” if you’re not having any fun on Facebook. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 49. 48. Make your direct mail “lumpy.” Whenever you print a direct mail piece, always be looking to do something more than just your standard 6×9 postcard or 8.5×11 letter with a #10 envelope. If you have to send out a standard letter/envelope, at least stick something “lumpy” inside — like a pen. The post office will let you mail just about anything you can stick a stamp on, so they don’t care if you put “lumpy” stuff in your envelopes. Sure you’ll pay a bit more for postage, but you’ll also get a much higher response rate. And it’s fun for the recipient, almost like they are getting a little gift in the mail. With DM, you should always introduce one or more tricks/techniques to make the piece more fun and engaging — a die cut, unusual fold, unusual paper/texture, pop-up, foil, translucent envelope, etc. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 50. 49. Trivia games. There are any number of ways to structure fun trivia contests. One question or many. One big prize or lots of little ones. Online, offline, on Facebook or Twitter. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 51. 50. Funny = complete honesty and utter truths. The next time you listen to a stand-up comedian as they work through their routine, pay close attention to the things that make you laugh the hardest. Those will invariably be the subject matter you feel holds the most truth. Comedians love taking unspoken truths and turning them into punch lines. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 52. 51. Make inside jokes only locals would think are funny. The Bank of Ann Arbor ran a playful series of billboards mocking its competitors’ lack of local knowledge. The billboards feature user-submitted slogans along with the names of those selected as winners in the bank’s “Build-ABillboard” Facebook contest.   “Non-local banks think Briarwood is where Peter Rabbit lives,” read one (translation for non-locals: Briarwood is Ann Arbor’s big mall). Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 53. 52. Make conspicuous displays from cash/coins. People are fascinated by money — stacks and piles of it. It’s just fun to look at. This bus shelter display is made from special 3M security glass and real coins. The headline: “Millionaires take the bus.” The copy: “Taking mass transit versus driving saves roughly $5,000 per year. If those savings are invested over a typical 45-year career, you’ll retire a million dollars wealthier.” Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 54. 53. Run a teaser campaign. A teaser campaign is an advertising campaign which typically consists of a series of small, cryptic, challenging advertisements that anticipate a larger, full-blown campaign for a product launch or otherwise important event. In the teaser billboard below, the bank starts off with a nearly all-white billboard. “What is it?” people wonder. “Who’s it for?” Then over the course of the next few days, more and more of the billboard is shown to reveal the advertiser. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 55. 54. Make a viral video. Psshhaw, you scoff? “Banks can’t make a viral video,” you say? Not true. This three-minute video from TC Bank has been viewed over 4.7 million times. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 56. 55. Go guerilla. Guerilla is one of the most effective tools in the marketer’s arsenal, and yet it is nearly completely ignored by most financial institutions. There is no better way to get mountains of free PR than pulling of a   good guerilla marketing stunts.   Study non-traditional campaigns and turn yourself into a guerilla marketing commando. If you want to make banking fun — on a budget — the bang for the buck (i.e., ROI) on guerilla can’t be beat. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 57. 56. Beer brainstorming sessions. If you’re running low on ideas to make banking fun, replenish your creative juices with beer. Get everyone together on a Friday afternoon, or have an offsite overnight retreat. When you’re looking for fresh ideas, it helps to break away from your stale surroundings. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 58. 57. Kill a lame product/program. One way to make banking more fun is to eliminate headaches, hassles and roadblocks. If you’ve got a product or program you know annoys consumers, kill it. It’s only going to get in your way as you try to build a fun brand. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 59. 58. Create a mascot. If you have a financial education program for kids, a mascot is a fun and engaging way to bring your message to life. You can find 25 different ideas for mascots that other banks and credit unions are already using here. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 60. 59. Play with money. Western Sun FCU made these printed pieces — a third of a $100 bill — and left them around public places for people to find. It really doesn’t matter what they printed on the insides of this nifty little marketing trick. People probably read the entire message no matter what it said. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 61. 60. Use billboards. It’s not that billboards are a tremendously effective advertising medium (although they can be). It’s that billboards give financial marketers excellent opportunities to express their fun, fresh take on banking. Good outdoor advertising makes use of its environmental context. Great billboards will become local pop culture sensations. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 62. 61. Send unusual thank yous. Everyone likes cake! Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 63. 62. Have fun during Halloween. The Financial Brand assembled this gallery of 10 frightfully fun, freaky and fang-tastic Halloween promotions from credit unions. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 64. 63. Online guessing game. Take a page out of First National Bank’s marketing playbook. They came up with a brilliantly simple Facebook promotion that’s a spin on the age-old guessing game made popular at county fairs in the 20th century — e.g., guess how many pennies are in this jar. They took a picture of some piles of cash, posted it on Facebook, and invited participants to guess the total sum. The closest guess won a cash prize. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 65. 64. Interactive ads. Technology now exists that allows mobile users to point their smartphone at an ad and it will trigger an interactive video. Imagine how much fun it would be to bring your next ad to life — literally. Commonwealth Bank has run a mobile-driven, augmented reality advertisement   in key Australian markets. The ad, placed in a number of Australian newspapers, invites readers to download the CommBank 3D reader app so they can explore Cherryford Hill, an interactive virtual town. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 66. 65. Funny messages on outdoor branch signage. Some local businesses are famous for the amusing messages they rotate on their monument and pole signs. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 67. 66. Throw pies in your CEO’s face. This is great for charity campaigns. One credit union held an internal contest for staff. Any employee who made a donation was entered into a drawing for various prizes, including a “Pie in the Face Contest.” Winners were allowed to throw a pie in the faces of two credit union executives. Six members of the senior team volunteered to take a pie in the face. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 68. 67. Free hugs. Sound silly? Maybe it is. But isn’t that part of having fun? A credit union in Australia hired street teams to   give away hugs around Sydney when it relaunched its brand under the theme “Generous Banking.” Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 69. 68. Be dog-friendly. Dogs are fun, playful — man’s best friend. You can put water bowls out in front of your branches for your patrons’ canine companions. You can give out dog treats in your drive-through lanes. You can have a dog mascot, like Sunova Credit Union that has   a St. Bernhard in every branch. You can also support local dog charities. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 70. 69. Celebrate Christmas. Cowards hide behind political correctness, while bold brands have all the fun. And Christmas is fun! Innovations FCU performed a brilliant 3-minute lip-dub performance of “Jingle Bells” — shot all in one take. Innovations posted the video posted to its YouTube channel, where it’s been viewed over 16,000 times — not shabby for a credit union with only 18,000 members and $157 million in assets. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 71. 70. Offer crazy debit/credit card designs. Element FCU offers zombie debit cards, and DBS Bank in Singapore offers a sprawling series of wild card designs including one called “Deep In The Valley” you have to see to believe. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 72. 71. Celebrate birthdays. Send your customers (or members) special birthday greetings. Simply acknowledging them on their birthday with an email or direct mail piece will score points. But you can also include a special birthday gift or offer. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 73. 72. Have a stamina contest. Here’s an idea for an auto loan promotion: everyone who asks about an auto loan is entered into a drawing. Ten winners are assembled at one of your branches on a Saturday where they lay one hand on a new vehicle you’ll award to the last person to be touching the vehicle. You could also run this kind of contest at a state or county fair. BofA ran a similar promotion where contestants had to keep their hand on a branded-jersey to see who would win season tickets for their favorite NFL team —   “Last Fan Standing.” Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 74. 73. Come up with a fun slogan. If you’re going to be the “fun bank” (or “fun credit union”), you might as well make some noise about it. Consider changing your institution’s branding tagline to something that celebrates your focus on making financial matters fun. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 75. 74. Put a big smile on your brand identity. Refresh your brand identity with a bright, vibrant, playful design. Make your brand identity something that consumers enjoy looking at and have fun interacting with — something they look forward to. Let your creativity and imagination run wild. Copy should be light, clever and friendly. And be brutally honest, because nothing is funnier than the cold, hard truth. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 76. 75. Offline guessing game. Make a display with some assortment of bills and ask branch visitors to guess the amount. Be sure to tell the public about the contest and give the promotion adequate marketing support. Alternate version: put the display in a shopping mall for increased exposure and PR value. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 77. 76. Make your headlines funny. Every headline on every marketing piece your organization creates is an opportunity to express your fun personality. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 78. 77. Wrap your vehicles in graphics. A key part of making banking fun is to make yourself look as unbanklike as possible. Stuffy bankers drive Cadillacs. Fun banks drive something interesting and unexpected, then wrap them in cool, festive graphics. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 79. 78. Custom website backgrounds. A few financial institutions let visitors to their websites pick custom background images. Salem Five Bank gives users   32 different photos to choose from   — all equally stunning. Some financial institutions solicit images from their customers. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 80. 79. Dorm room makeover contest. How can banks and credit unions push checking accounts and other financial products on college kids who have other priorities?   How about a $5,000 dream dorm room makeover?What college-age student doesn’t want that? Everyone can remember the first time they laid eyes on campus housing. They are dull, lifeless, functional spaces painted an antiseptic shade of white. Bor-ring! Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 81. 80. Movie night in branches. There are quite a few financial institutions that have designed their branches to double as community meeting spaces. Yes, they can use the space to host financial education seminars, but that’s predictable — not fun either. Umpqua is one bank that uses branches for family movie nights. They show age-appropriate films for kids who wear pajamas while eating up the bank’s popcorn and other treats. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 82. 81. Tie a banker to a light pole. A bank in Australia duct-taped one of their own bankers to a light pole in a busy town square. As passersby asked the hapless banker if he needed help, he’d say that someone was “already on the way,” then explain that he had been kidnapped by a rival bank who left him stranded up on the pole as retaliation for having such amazing rates and service. “We’ve had so many good things happen this past year, that the other banks… well, it’s just plain jealousy.” It’s a lighthearted, playful, unexpected and fairly inexpensive gag — another fantastic PR opportunities. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 83. 82. Hold a TV commercial contest. Invite the general public to film commercials for your organization and/or its products. Give aspiring filmmakers video clips and other visual resources they can incorporate into their productions. Prizes can include things like video cameras, TVs, and trips to Hollywood. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 84. 83. Name the branch promotion. If you build a new branch location, why not let your customers (or members) suggest names for it? You can award prizes for the best suggestions. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 85. 84. Fight the zombie menace. Michigan Community Credit Union uses the undead to revive consumer interest in auto loans. They have a massive multi-channel engagement campaign that includes a lead-generating microsite,   The highlight of the campaign is   a crazy “choose-your-ownadventure” style interactive YouTube video   that allows users to select different scenarios. It’s really well done and lots of fun. You can buy the whole campaign from the folks at CU*Grow for few thousand bucks. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 86. 85. Pull an April Fools prank. Pulling a good April Fools prank is tough. You can walk a fine line between a good ruse and something that pisses people off. It’s best to poke fun at yourself — create a fake product, or make up a phony funny milestone. The best April Fools gimmicks are just plausible enough to rope people in. You can find some excellent examples here. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 87. 86. Make your employee intranet fun. Delta Community Credit Union’s creative and branded employee intranet is affectionately named “Simon.” Simon is the portal for all employee communications — the guy who knows what’s going on inside the credit union. Employees can access a calendar of events, employee birthdays, HR suggestion box, training information, games, project fact sheets, timesheets, updates on charitable fundraising activities, HR policies and procedures, and more. But Simon is more than just an intranet. He is a fullfledged internal spokesman and mascot, complete with a costume and foam head. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 88. 87. Giant corn maze. O Bee Credit Union partnered with a local newspaper and the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions to create a massive, 6-acre financial education maze made from corn. The credit union’s name, “O BEE,” was the centerpiece of “The Amazing Money Maze.” Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 89. 88. Put people on billboards. Nothing makes a billboard more noticeable or memorable than when a real person is on it, like the ads below for ING Italy (below). One slant on the human billboard concept is to put a person up until a certain goal or milestone is achieved — e.g., until a certain sized charitable donation is reached, or until you hit $10 million in new home loans. If it isn’t feasible to put a real person on a billboard, think about how you could use a mannequin, like the First Community rebranding billboard (bottom). Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 90. 89. Hurl some tomatoes. For a 24-hour period, Heritage ran   a live, interactive “takeover” banner ad. When a visitor clicked on the banner, they were prompted to enter their name, suburb and answer this question: “Do you love your big bank?” Their answer choices were “yes,” “no” and “when pigs fly.” Once the information was supplied, they were routed to a live broadcast studio and introduced to “Heritage Man,” the ongoing star of Heritage’s TV commercials. Behind him were three targets on a wall with the answer choices: Yes, No and When Pigs Fly. Heritage Man would greet them by name, engage in some light-hearted banter, then hurl a tomato at the appropriate target. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 91. 90. Build a parade float. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 92. 91. Hold a financial fitness challenge. First Tech Credit Union selected households to compete for a $10,000 grand prize. The prize went to the household that achieved the most financial success in four predetermined categories: debt reduction, increase in savings, increase in overall net worth, and overall level of participation in the program. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 93. 92. Buy a blimp. We’re not talking about buying a Goodyear-sized blimp. We’re talking about something much more modest — in the 10-foot range. You can use these blimps at various community and sporting events to drop prizes on people.  Sunova Credit Union and a bank in Eastern Europe have both used remote controlled airships to bomb consumers with gifts. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 94. Garanti Bank in Turkey used a remote-controlled hot air balloon and a small, one-person glider to air drop gifts on citizens. The packages contained a small stuffed animal attached to a small branded parachute. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 95. 93. March Madness. America goes bananas for the NCAA basketball championships. It’s okay to use the idea of “March Madness” — using plays-on-words and the concept of brackets — just   don’t use the actual trademarked term “March Madness” or you’ll find yourself in deep legal doo doo. 66 FCU held a “Battle of the Brackets” promotion built around a standard “pick-your-teams” contest. Grand prize: a 60” HDTV. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 96. 94. A cage for video game duels. In 2009, Guitar Hero was all the rage. One credit union targeting college students took a step van and converted it into a two-player mobile video game arcade — seethrough, with windows on three sides —   a Guitar Hero fighting cage.   The credit union took the truck to events thick with college kids — concerts, campus events, etc. — where staffers would hand out frisbees, t-shirts and other fare with soft promotional value. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 97. 95. Name the goldfish promotion. You could put a goldfish in every branch and let your patrons submit suggestions for its name. Of you could do an online version on Facebook where you post a photo of a fat cat and have a “Name the Fat Cat Banker” contest. Everyone loves making fun of fat cat bankers. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 98. 96. Have crazy or unusual job titles. Connex Credit Union created a new position called the Vice President of Unbanking. What can you come up with? Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 99. 97. Be courageous. You aren’t going to have any real fun at your financial institution if you aren’t willing to take some chances. The best brands are built by those who are brave enough to do something new and different. Just accept that everything you try won’t always work out the way you (or your CEO) hoped. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 100. 98. Celebrate with staff. Throw an employee party when you hit major milestones — reaching $1 billion in assets for instance, completing a core conversion, launching a new product, attaining 50,000 mobile banking app downloads, your 10 millionth pageview on your website, etc. This makes the internal work atmosphere more enjoyable while also connoting to employees that the organization is strong, vital and “going places.” Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 101. 99. Make financial education fun for kids. Derived from ING Direct’s “Orange” brand,   Planet Orange provides learning activities and games designed to teach kids (grades one to six) financial responsibility. Although not quite as entertaining as Spongebob or Ben 10, Planet Orange nevertheless succeeds in delivering much-needed financial literacy in an interesting package — suitable for today’s media-saturated kids. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 102. 100. Ask consumers, “How would you make banking fun?” Once people have a feel for how much you like having fun, open it up to them. Ask folks what ideas they have for making banking a more fun, less sucky experience. Tuesday 19 November 13
  • 103. 101. Keep reading The Financial Brand. If you want a steady stream of fresh and original ideas that bring a little levity to banking services, there’s no better source than The Financial Brand. We publish over 500 articles every year, recapping the most interesting, unusual and unique promotions in the financial sector. Subscribe to the email newsletter and get new ideas delivered straight to your inbox every week. Tuesday 19 November 13