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Initial Plans
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Initial Reaction
• My initial reaction for the FMP would be that I am looking forward to this because I am able to make
anything within limit which I want to, which ranges from Magazines to Video games, My initial thought
towards what I want to make would have to be clothing as I find clothing interested and stylish depending
on what kind of genre which go for. I feel like I would make somewhat urban clothing as It is something
which I really like, because I can make all of the designs on Photoshop which I am quite good as it is the
main reason in which I wanted to go towards the print section of the FMP. Something else which I thought
when seeing the FMP for the first time would have to be that I feel like this is going to be the most
interesting rotation out of all of the rotations as I feel like this is something which I can get on with
because I really enjoy making designs for anything but I feel like with clothing I would make something
which would stand out and also something which I like, I wouldn't want to make something which I didn't
like the look of or the process of designing. Also with clothing everyone has there own opinion of different
styles of clothing, which is each to there own but when making the clothing I will have to take into
consideration everyone's opinions, Also something else would be that you can make many different
designs for a single piece of clothing or accessory. With this FMP I feel like it could show something which I
have a real passion for because clothing is one thing which I really enjoy, in comparison to other things
which we have done throughout this year because although I liked what we have made in the past its not
something which I could enjoy making in the future, as the video game rotation although interesting
wasn’t something which I see myself doing in the future. Also something else which I think that I could
make would be a graphics portfolio as I chose this course as I enjoyed graphics above any other subject
which I had done before, so If I where to make a portfolio I could use existing things which I have made
beforehand, which would massively help me, But overall my opinion to this FMP would be that I am
hoping that I chose something which could help in the future when wanting to do other things. Also
another passions which could help with this FMP would have to be Graphics because I like the aspect of
creating something from scratch and making it something large which people can view at any time, Also I
like making things which is the main passion for my graphics work.
Mind Map
Initial ideas
My first idea for my FMP would have to be clothing as It is
something which I am quite passionate about, And I feel like
this is quite fun to make, With the clothing something which I
would want make would be T-Shirts as they are the one thing
the majority of people see when looking at someone, And
that’s the main reason which I feel like clothing could be a
good option for my FMP. With T-Shirts there would be many
different ways in which you could get your design or text on it
which include Screen Printing which can all be done my hand
with very little effort needed to make them but at the same
time look very nice because they have a modern look at the
same time as quite plain because you can have imprints which
where not intended to be there but give a certain look to them
which makes them stand out. Another way in which I know of
making T-Shirts would have to be Sublimation Printing which
uses heat to transfer onto the certain material and you can
have it all over the T-Shirt such as any kind of camouflage
effect which will be all over not just in one section. Also with
this clothing section everyone has there own opinion on
clothing, which Is good because not everyone where's the
exact same type of clothing everyone has there own style to
clothing which is personal to them not one has the exact same
style as each other. Also with clothing you can have either very
high end clothes which are very expensive and are only worn
by the small percentage of people with enough money and
other people where clothes which are good price and at the
same time very nice and modern, which the majority of people
have access to due to the pricing of the clothes.
Another Idea for my FMP would have to be the Graphics Portfolio as it is something
which I have a strong passion for, so with this I think I would have to select something
which I feel strong about which could be sports and then design an array of things which
could vary between Football Kits and then a new design for a club badge. The reason in
which I would go for sports because it would be combining to things which I really enjoy.
Also with the graphics portfolio It could show my imagination and the variety of different
things which I show the detail which I can put into my work. With the portfolio there
would be different genres of things not just one because although it would make sense if
they where to link together I feel like sticking to one subject would limit my ability.
Something which I would need to make sure to do If I where to make the graphics
portfolio would have to be that I would need an original idea because copyright would be
an issue, Also with the graphics portfolio I could link it to merchandise because if I where
to make a design which I think people would like I could turn it into a real thing, which
would be a really good thing because my ideas could become a reality. The final thing to
do with the graphics portfolio would be the different colours which I could use because
some colours contrast with each other where as others are polar opposites, With that In
mind I could pretty much chose any genre out there because every thing has colour in it
which would be useful for my portfolio.
The final idea which I have for my FMP would be a combination
of DVD cases and CD cases because music is a huge thing to me
and I feel like there would be certain genres which I think I
would have a lot of fun creating as I would have to make up my
own band to make the cover around, which I think could be
really fun because It would be similar to the merchandise
because it is creating something brand new and fun. Within the
case I would need to make sure to include the song playlist at
the back to show the kind of songs which are on it and also I
would have to have detail on the back about the band or artist.
With many cases I would need to try and make mine unique,
Also with the cases I could have different ones which would
appear in different locations depending on the country as each
individual country has a different language so I would need to
create multiple of each in different languages so everyone could
view the music.
Mind Map
For my main idea for the FMP I have chosen to go for clothing for my print rotation, as It Is
something which I have a strong passion for and maybe in the future something which I will
want to go into as a job or University. Something which I plan for the clothing will be the
design for them because I will have something which I feel passionate about as I don’t want
to have something which I don’t like on the clothing, with the clothing I am going to pick a
genre which I could put onto my clothing which could vary between many different things,
Also with the brand of the clothing I will have to come up with something which hasn’t
already been used It will be a completely brand new name, which I will need to think of over
the next couple of week before we start production. With the clothing which I will make I
will need to take into consideration of the audience which I will have to aim towards as I
want to have an array of different clothes which vary in price from expensive and cheap
which would help the brand because I want the audience to have full accessibility to the
content which I have to offer to the public. Also with me choosing clothing I will have to
think about the different ways in which I can get what I need, which would be the printing of
the pattern of design onto the t shirt because I will need to think of ways which I can get the
design onto the t-shirt. A brand which I am hoping to take inspiration for would have to be
either Supreme or Off-White as they are very high end and fashionable clothing.
Mood BoardFor this section of the mood board I have chosen very high end clothing which
includes (Bape, Supreme and Gucci) the reason which I have chosen to talk
about high end clothing would be because this is the kind of work which you
aim towards either creating or owning as they are owned by the small
percentage have the money to afford these, which is good at the same time
as bad as they are seen as hard to get item as they only sell a few amount at a
certain time. These brand have all come from the bottom to the top but at the
same time as growing their brand they have massively increased the cost of
each item which they have to offer to their audience, There are three brands
here which consist of (Supreme, Off-White and Bape) which are all considered
as hype beast clothing because people only buy them because of the brand
and wanting to show of which its nice to have the clothes but as a lot of
people have some of these brands you are not special if you have. A
staggering figure for some of these clothes would have to be that some of the
Supreme clothes can be upwards of $2000 for a jacket which is absurd. But I
feel like in my opinion this is bad its what the rest of people are trying to do,
which gives me the idea that I should aim my brand towards a more expensive
style which I like because If I where to make a brand to any of these would be
amazing. Something else about these clothes which stand out would be that
they are very flashy and stand out which I think is a good idea to do because
you don’t want your brand to blend in with the rest of them, because I would
want my to stand out at all times. These brands have each given me different
inspirations because they have done collaborations which are very good
because it grabs the attention of both brands audiences and pulls them
towards the other which they have collaborated with, the inspiration would
have to be that you can start from the bottom and make your way up the
ladder to become an iconic brand for the future, and also making your own
style of clothing as although each of these are similar in the fact that they are
high end they are different in the way which you can style each different thing
because you can mismatch with different other high end brands. As well these
brands are visually appealing because they are brightly coloured and also have
an array of different things on them which are different from others such as
with Off-White they have a shoe collection which are completely different
from any other shoes in the world. But with brands such as Gucci everyone
already knows them and they almost seem outdated even though they bring
new things out very often.
Mood Board
All of these brands have one thing in common which would be that they are
all based around sports except vans, the reasons in which they are all about
sports would be that there is a huge audience for sports equipment,
although it is mainly for sports they have some clothing which is for non-
sports type, the clothing on the left hand side are pretty much al the same
because they are simplistic which only include the logo for there brand and
also the name of the brand which are usually in a bold font which are used
to stand out, and also although they are very simplistic a lot of clothing is
made to be simple. With each of these brands there is a huge competition
because they have aimed there clothing towards the same audience which
is a struggle for up and coming brands because they will always be
overpowered by brands such as Nike and Adidas. Because there audience
don’t really give any chance for other brands as they are all so heavily into
these brands. The clothing which each of these companies sell have a
variety of different prices depending on stock and the size of a specific piece
of clothing, I feel like the reason which they have done this will be to make
sure that they appear to both audiences which have money to spend of
expensive things and then others which don’t really want to spend lots of
money on one piece of clothing .These brands give me some kind of
inspiration towards the kind of clothing which I have planned for my FMP,
the main inspiration would be that you can make simple and effective
clothing which will be received well to the audience which you are aiming
towards. But with the visuals I don’t think that I can take much from them
because they are plain colours with bold text, where as for mine I am
hoping to have more colour and design In mine because with the last
rotation I have made my products quite simple but for this one I am hoping
to put lots of detail into it. Something else which I will try and take from
these brands would be that they vary in the pricing of what they have for
offer, so when I make my clothing I will need to make sure that I have both
expensive and moderately priced clothing, as I can appeal to different kinds
of audiences and not block out a certain type of people.
Mood BoardThese brands all have one similarity, its not the look of the product it
would be the cost as they are very cheap in comparison to the other
brands which I have shown before hand in my other mood boards,
the reason in which I have chosen to have these among the others
would be because although they look some what nice they are very
cheap in comparison to the others. These brands show that you
don’t have to spend lots of money to have nice clothes because you
can spend very little and still have nice clothes, one comparison
which you can see between them would be the designs as they have
put nice designs on them at a very cheap cost, and also at the same
time as having detail in some of there clothes they have some very
simplistic designs such as the straight lines which is very simple and
easy to make. In comparison to others, these brands compared to
the initial brands are completely different in the way which they are
portrayed to their audience because with supreme it is for the high
end customer where as this Primark t shirt Is for the less wealthy
people who don’t have money to splash on clothes. Out of the three
brands I feel like this is the most owned out of them because not
many people can afford the majority of clothing for the first couple
of brands which I have shown. I don’t really think that I will take
much inspiration from these brands because they are nice because
they are cheaply made and low quality, Even though I don’t really
like them they give what is intended for the audience. With the
product which I am hoping to make I don’t think will be similar to
this because I am hoping to have a look which stands out more to
the audience and doesn’t blend in with the other brands which are
out there, I wont really take much from these brands because they
are very simplistic
Vintage and Casual
For these clothing the one which the majority of people
would chose to wear regularly would have to be the casual
clothing which is very simple but work very well with each
other. With the casual clothing you can see that it is either
bright or dull depending on the style, as you can see in the
first image of the man wearing causal clothing he has very
bright and vibrant colours which kind of links in with wanting
there style to stand out as it is something which is different
from the results which I had concluded from the survey which
I have taken, which I didn't really expect because some casual
clothing stand out more than others. With casual clothing it is
something very simplistic in the fact that you can pretty much
chuck anything on which look well together and it could be
put under the casual style of clothing.
The other style which I have included in this mood board
would be vintage clothing which is a very individual clothing
style as not many people wear this type of clothing unless
they like the style or have a connection to the vintage
clothing, vintage is also in the same category as retro because
they are pretty much the exact same just depending on the
era in which the clothes are from. With Retro and vintage for
an article to be seen as one of them it has to be at least +10
years old, but with some of the newer clothing they have just
recreated a really old piece of clothing and bringing it out as
vintage and retro.
With these shoes above you can see that they are bringing
back old articles of clothing but they are remastering them to
make them more suitable and comfortable because of the
technology which they have brought out in the last 20years,
these shoes are 20 years old so they have done a lot to
recreate them. The reason which they have chosen to bring
out older classics would be because a lot of people really
liked them and I feel they wanted the audience to have what
they wanted. This is something which is very cool because I
like companies bringing out older fashionable clothing to the
younger audience who may not have ever known about
them before hand.
Mood Board Analysis
Is there any repetition in the images you have collected?
Repeated colours/images styles/fonts/tone/mood
• In these images there are quite a lot of repetition in the clothing in the way which they have put there branding on the
clothes because they have made them very bold and simple fonts and also only a few of them have gone with a colour
scheme which isn't black and white, also the style in they are quite similar because they either have designs on them or they
are simple with no detail on them. The brands which I have chosen I made sure that I put them in order of the accessibility
of them because with the first brands are very expensive, and then they get cheaper as I have them in each different mood
board, Something which I think mainly repeats itself throughout the different brands would have to be that they are all very
simplistic in the way which they designed because although people will buy them they are very simple.
• How will your mood board influence your final product?
• This mood board will majorly influence my final product because I will need to make sure that my product
will have a range of expensive and cheaper clothes, I will try and do this because it will be accessible for all
audiences without having any restrictions. Another thing which will influence my product will be the
aesthetics of the clothing because you can see whether or not it is detailed or plain people will buy it
depending on the kind of brand which will be something which I will hope for because I want it to be a
good brand and not to people to hesitate when thinking about the buying the product they should already
want to buy it when it is released.

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1. initial plans

  • 2. Initial Reaction • My initial reaction for the FMP would be that I am looking forward to this because I am able to make anything within limit which I want to, which ranges from Magazines to Video games, My initial thought towards what I want to make would have to be clothing as I find clothing interested and stylish depending on what kind of genre which go for. I feel like I would make somewhat urban clothing as It is something which I really like, because I can make all of the designs on Photoshop which I am quite good as it is the main reason in which I wanted to go towards the print section of the FMP. Something else which I thought when seeing the FMP for the first time would have to be that I feel like this is going to be the most interesting rotation out of all of the rotations as I feel like this is something which I can get on with because I really enjoy making designs for anything but I feel like with clothing I would make something which would stand out and also something which I like, I wouldn't want to make something which I didn't like the look of or the process of designing. Also with clothing everyone has there own opinion of different styles of clothing, which is each to there own but when making the clothing I will have to take into consideration everyone's opinions, Also something else would be that you can make many different designs for a single piece of clothing or accessory. With this FMP I feel like it could show something which I have a real passion for because clothing is one thing which I really enjoy, in comparison to other things which we have done throughout this year because although I liked what we have made in the past its not something which I could enjoy making in the future, as the video game rotation although interesting wasn’t something which I see myself doing in the future. Also something else which I think that I could make would be a graphics portfolio as I chose this course as I enjoyed graphics above any other subject which I had done before, so If I where to make a portfolio I could use existing things which I have made beforehand, which would massively help me, But overall my opinion to this FMP would be that I am hoping that I chose something which could help in the future when wanting to do other things. Also another passions which could help with this FMP would have to be Graphics because I like the aspect of creating something from scratch and making it something large which people can view at any time, Also I like making things which is the main passion for my graphics work.
  • 3. Mind Map Initial ideas My first idea for my FMP would have to be clothing as It is something which I am quite passionate about, And I feel like this is quite fun to make, With the clothing something which I would want make would be T-Shirts as they are the one thing the majority of people see when looking at someone, And that’s the main reason which I feel like clothing could be a good option for my FMP. With T-Shirts there would be many different ways in which you could get your design or text on it which include Screen Printing which can all be done my hand with very little effort needed to make them but at the same time look very nice because they have a modern look at the same time as quite plain because you can have imprints which where not intended to be there but give a certain look to them which makes them stand out. Another way in which I know of making T-Shirts would have to be Sublimation Printing which uses heat to transfer onto the certain material and you can have it all over the T-Shirt such as any kind of camouflage effect which will be all over not just in one section. Also with this clothing section everyone has there own opinion on clothing, which Is good because not everyone where's the exact same type of clothing everyone has there own style to clothing which is personal to them not one has the exact same style as each other. Also with clothing you can have either very high end clothes which are very expensive and are only worn by the small percentage of people with enough money and other people where clothes which are good price and at the same time very nice and modern, which the majority of people have access to due to the pricing of the clothes. Branding Another Idea for my FMP would have to be the Graphics Portfolio as it is something which I have a strong passion for, so with this I think I would have to select something which I feel strong about which could be sports and then design an array of things which could vary between Football Kits and then a new design for a club badge. The reason in which I would go for sports because it would be combining to things which I really enjoy. Also with the graphics portfolio It could show my imagination and the variety of different things which I show the detail which I can put into my work. With the portfolio there would be different genres of things not just one because although it would make sense if they where to link together I feel like sticking to one subject would limit my ability. Something which I would need to make sure to do If I where to make the graphics portfolio would have to be that I would need an original idea because copyright would be an issue, Also with the graphics portfolio I could link it to merchandise because if I where to make a design which I think people would like I could turn it into a real thing, which would be a really good thing because my ideas could become a reality. The final thing to do with the graphics portfolio would be the different colours which I could use because some colours contrast with each other where as others are polar opposites, With that In mind I could pretty much chose any genre out there because every thing has colour in it which would be useful for my portfolio. The final idea which I have for my FMP would be a combination of DVD cases and CD cases because music is a huge thing to me and I feel like there would be certain genres which I think I would have a lot of fun creating as I would have to make up my own band to make the cover around, which I think could be really fun because It would be similar to the merchandise because it is creating something brand new and fun. Within the case I would need to make sure to include the song playlist at the back to show the kind of songs which are on it and also I would have to have detail on the back about the band or artist. With many cases I would need to try and make mine unique, Also with the cases I could have different ones which would appear in different locations depending on the country as each individual country has a different language so I would need to create multiple of each in different languages so everyone could view the music. Colour schemesStyle Pricing People Genre Printing Genre People
  • 4. Mind Map For my main idea for the FMP I have chosen to go for clothing for my print rotation, as It Is something which I have a strong passion for and maybe in the future something which I will want to go into as a job or University. Something which I plan for the clothing will be the design for them because I will have something which I feel passionate about as I don’t want to have something which I don’t like on the clothing, with the clothing I am going to pick a genre which I could put onto my clothing which could vary between many different things, Also with the brand of the clothing I will have to come up with something which hasn’t already been used It will be a completely brand new name, which I will need to think of over the next couple of week before we start production. With the clothing which I will make I will need to take into consideration of the audience which I will have to aim towards as I want to have an array of different clothes which vary in price from expensive and cheap which would help the brand because I want the audience to have full accessibility to the content which I have to offer to the public. Also with me choosing clothing I will have to think about the different ways in which I can get what I need, which would be the printing of the pattern of design onto the t shirt because I will need to think of ways which I can get the design onto the t-shirt. A brand which I am hoping to take inspiration for would have to be either Supreme or Off-White as they are very high end and fashionable clothing.
  • 5. Mood BoardFor this section of the mood board I have chosen very high end clothing which includes (Bape, Supreme and Gucci) the reason which I have chosen to talk about high end clothing would be because this is the kind of work which you aim towards either creating or owning as they are owned by the small percentage have the money to afford these, which is good at the same time as bad as they are seen as hard to get item as they only sell a few amount at a certain time. These brand have all come from the bottom to the top but at the same time as growing their brand they have massively increased the cost of each item which they have to offer to their audience, There are three brands here which consist of (Supreme, Off-White and Bape) which are all considered as hype beast clothing because people only buy them because of the brand and wanting to show of which its nice to have the clothes but as a lot of people have some of these brands you are not special if you have. A staggering figure for some of these clothes would have to be that some of the Supreme clothes can be upwards of $2000 for a jacket which is absurd. But I feel like in my opinion this is bad its what the rest of people are trying to do, which gives me the idea that I should aim my brand towards a more expensive style which I like because If I where to make a brand to any of these would be amazing. Something else about these clothes which stand out would be that they are very flashy and stand out which I think is a good idea to do because you don’t want your brand to blend in with the rest of them, because I would want my to stand out at all times. These brands have each given me different inspirations because they have done collaborations which are very good because it grabs the attention of both brands audiences and pulls them towards the other which they have collaborated with, the inspiration would have to be that you can start from the bottom and make your way up the ladder to become an iconic brand for the future, and also making your own style of clothing as although each of these are similar in the fact that they are high end they are different in the way which you can style each different thing because you can mismatch with different other high end brands. As well these brands are visually appealing because they are brightly coloured and also have an array of different things on them which are different from others such as with Off-White they have a shoe collection which are completely different from any other shoes in the world. But with brands such as Gucci everyone already knows them and they almost seem outdated even though they bring new things out very often.
  • 6. Mood Board All of these brands have one thing in common which would be that they are all based around sports except vans, the reasons in which they are all about sports would be that there is a huge audience for sports equipment, although it is mainly for sports they have some clothing which is for non- sports type, the clothing on the left hand side are pretty much al the same because they are simplistic which only include the logo for there brand and also the name of the brand which are usually in a bold font which are used to stand out, and also although they are very simplistic a lot of clothing is made to be simple. With each of these brands there is a huge competition because they have aimed there clothing towards the same audience which is a struggle for up and coming brands because they will always be overpowered by brands such as Nike and Adidas. Because there audience don’t really give any chance for other brands as they are all so heavily into these brands. The clothing which each of these companies sell have a variety of different prices depending on stock and the size of a specific piece of clothing, I feel like the reason which they have done this will be to make sure that they appear to both audiences which have money to spend of expensive things and then others which don’t really want to spend lots of money on one piece of clothing .These brands give me some kind of inspiration towards the kind of clothing which I have planned for my FMP, the main inspiration would be that you can make simple and effective clothing which will be received well to the audience which you are aiming towards. But with the visuals I don’t think that I can take much from them because they are plain colours with bold text, where as for mine I am hoping to have more colour and design In mine because with the last rotation I have made my products quite simple but for this one I am hoping to put lots of detail into it. Something else which I will try and take from these brands would be that they vary in the pricing of what they have for offer, so when I make my clothing I will need to make sure that I have both expensive and moderately priced clothing, as I can appeal to different kinds of audiences and not block out a certain type of people.
  • 7. Mood BoardThese brands all have one similarity, its not the look of the product it would be the cost as they are very cheap in comparison to the other brands which I have shown before hand in my other mood boards, the reason in which I have chosen to have these among the others would be because although they look some what nice they are very cheap in comparison to the others. These brands show that you don’t have to spend lots of money to have nice clothes because you can spend very little and still have nice clothes, one comparison which you can see between them would be the designs as they have put nice designs on them at a very cheap cost, and also at the same time as having detail in some of there clothes they have some very simplistic designs such as the straight lines which is very simple and easy to make. In comparison to others, these brands compared to the initial brands are completely different in the way which they are portrayed to their audience because with supreme it is for the high end customer where as this Primark t shirt Is for the less wealthy people who don’t have money to splash on clothes. Out of the three brands I feel like this is the most owned out of them because not many people can afford the majority of clothing for the first couple of brands which I have shown. I don’t really think that I will take much inspiration from these brands because they are nice because they are cheaply made and low quality, Even though I don’t really like them they give what is intended for the audience. With the product which I am hoping to make I don’t think will be similar to this because I am hoping to have a look which stands out more to the audience and doesn’t blend in with the other brands which are out there, I wont really take much from these brands because they are very simplistic
  • 8. Vintage and Casual clothing For these clothing the one which the majority of people would chose to wear regularly would have to be the casual clothing which is very simple but work very well with each other. With the casual clothing you can see that it is either bright or dull depending on the style, as you can see in the first image of the man wearing causal clothing he has very bright and vibrant colours which kind of links in with wanting there style to stand out as it is something which is different from the results which I had concluded from the survey which I have taken, which I didn't really expect because some casual clothing stand out more than others. With casual clothing it is something very simplistic in the fact that you can pretty much chuck anything on which look well together and it could be put under the casual style of clothing. The other style which I have included in this mood board would be vintage clothing which is a very individual clothing style as not many people wear this type of clothing unless they like the style or have a connection to the vintage clothing, vintage is also in the same category as retro because they are pretty much the exact same just depending on the era in which the clothes are from. With Retro and vintage for an article to be seen as one of them it has to be at least +10 years old, but with some of the newer clothing they have just recreated a really old piece of clothing and bringing it out as vintage and retro. With these shoes above you can see that they are bringing back old articles of clothing but they are remastering them to make them more suitable and comfortable because of the technology which they have brought out in the last 20years, these shoes are 20 years old so they have done a lot to recreate them. The reason which they have chosen to bring out older classics would be because a lot of people really liked them and I feel they wanted the audience to have what they wanted. This is something which is very cool because I like companies bringing out older fashionable clothing to the younger audience who may not have ever known about them before hand.
  • 9. Mood Board Analysis Is there any repetition in the images you have collected? Repeated colours/images styles/fonts/tone/mood • In these images there are quite a lot of repetition in the clothing in the way which they have put there branding on the clothes because they have made them very bold and simple fonts and also only a few of them have gone with a colour scheme which isn't black and white, also the style in they are quite similar because they either have designs on them or they are simple with no detail on them. The brands which I have chosen I made sure that I put them in order of the accessibility of them because with the first brands are very expensive, and then they get cheaper as I have them in each different mood board, Something which I think mainly repeats itself throughout the different brands would have to be that they are all very simplistic in the way which they designed because although people will buy them they are very simple. • How will your mood board influence your final product? • This mood board will majorly influence my final product because I will need to make sure that my product will have a range of expensive and cheaper clothes, I will try and do this because it will be accessible for all audiences without having any restrictions. Another thing which will influence my product will be the aesthetics of the clothing because you can see whether or not it is detailed or plain people will buy it depending on the kind of brand which will be something which I will hope for because I want it to be a good brand and not to people to hesitate when thinking about the buying the product they should already want to buy it when it is released.

Editor's Notes

  1. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What could you make? What are you good at? Your opinions? Can be a list of bullet points of reactions- does not have to be full prose. Can be hand drawn and scanned in.
  2. or hand drawn-scanned using college printers exploring 3 potential ideas
  3. or hand drawn-scanned using college printers exploring your final idea
  4. Collection of images related to your product/inspirational/visually interesting At least 15 needed
  5. Collection of images related to your product/inspirational/visually interesting At least 15 needed
  6. Collection of images related to your product/inspirational/visually interesting At least 15 needed