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A Systematic Comparison of 
Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence 
Tomography and Fundus Autofluorescence 
in Patients with Geographic Atrophy 
Ramzi G. Sayegh, MD,1 Christian Simader, MD,1 Ulrike Scheschy, MD,1 Alessio Montuoro, Dipl.Ing,1 
Christopher Kiss, MD,1 Stefan Sacu, MD,1 David P. Kreil, PhD,2 Christian Prünte, MD,1 
Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, MD1 
Purpose: To evaluate spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) in providing reliable and 
reproducible parameters for grading geographic atrophy (GA) compared with fundus autofluorescence (FAF) 
images acquired by confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (cSLO). 
Design: Prospective observational study. 
Participants: A total of 81 eyes of 42 patients with GA. 
Methods: Patients with atrophic age-related macular degeneration (AMD) were enrolled on the basis of total 
GA lesion size ranging from 0.5 to 7 disc areas and best-corrected visual acuity of at least 20/200. A novel 
combined cSLO-SD-OCT system (Spectralis HRA-OCT, Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany) was 
used to grade foveal involvement and to manually measure disease extent at the level of the outer neurosensory 
layers and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) at the site of GA lesions. Two readers of the Vienna Reading Center 
graded all obtained volume stacks (2020 degrees), and the results were correlated to FAF. 
Main Outcome Measures: Choroidal signal enhancements and alterations of the RPE, external limiting 
membrane (ELM), and outer plexiform layer by SD-OCT. These parameters were compared with the lesion 
measured with severely decreased FAF. 
Results: Foveal involvement or sparing was definitely identified in 75 of 81 eyes based on SD-OCT by both 
graders (inter-grader agreement: 0.6, P  0.01). In FAF, inter-grader agreement regarding foveal involvement 
was lower (48/81 eyes, inter-grader agreement: 0.3, P  0.01). Severely decreased FAF was measured over 
a mean area of 8.97 mm2 for grader 1 (G1) and 9.54 mm2 for grader 2 (G2), consistent with the mean SD-OCT 
quantification of the sub-RPE choroidal signal enhancement (8.9 mm2 [G1] 9.4 mm2 [G2]) and ELM loss with 
8.7 mm2 (G1) 10.2 mm2 (G2). In contrast, complete morphologic absence of the RPE layer by SD-OCT was 
significantly smaller than the GA size in FAF (R20.400). Inter-reader agreement was highest regarding complete 
choroidal signal enhancement (0.98) and ELM loss (0.98). 
Conclusions: Absence of FAF in GA lesions is consistent with morphologic RPE loss or advanced RPE 
disruption and is associated with alterations of the outer retinal layers as identified by SD-OCT. Lesion size is 
precisely determinable by SD-OCT, and foveal involvement is more accurate by SD-OCT than by FAF. 
Financial Disclosure(s): Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the references. 
Ophthalmology 2011;118:1844–1851 © 2011 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. 
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects an esti-mated 
30 to 50 million individuals worldwide1 and is the 
most common cause of legal blindness among elderly indi-viduals 
in developed countries.2,3 Despite the fact that a 
minority of patients affected by AMD have the neovascular 
form, no effective “treatment for the neovascular form” is 
available to reduce or reverse visual loss associated with 
atrophic AMD.4,5 Geographic atrophy (GA), a late stage 
development of AMD, occurs in 20% of patients with 
preexisting clinical hallmarks of this degenerative dis-ease. 
5–8 The natural course of GA, unlike the neovascular 
form of AMD, progresses slowly and usually involves vi-sual 
loss, primarily due to retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) 
degeneration and neurosensory retinal atrophy resulting in 
absolute and relative scotoma affecting the central vision 
Retinal pigment epithelium cell death may result from 
the accumulation of lipofuscin, a toxic by-product of pho-toreceptor 
shedding, which accumulates in the lysosomal 
compartment of RPE cells.11,13 As a part of the aging 
process, the clearing ratio of lipofuscin in the RPE cell 
diminishes and can impair normal cell metabolism. This 
1844 © 2011 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology ISSN 0161-6420/11/$–see front matter 
Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.ophtha.2011.01.043
Sayegh et al  SD-OCT and Fundus Autofluorescence in GA 
eventually leads to cell death by induction of a reductive 
chronic inflammatory condition involving complement fac-tor 
H.14 Fundus autofluorescence (FAF) is predominantly 
based on the fluorescent characteristics and distribution of 
lipofuscin within the RPE layer.13 Because metabolically 
altered or lost RPE, as in dry AMD or GA, has different 
fluorescent properties than physiologic RPE, autofluores-cence 
patterns could be used to identify pathophysiologic 
mechanisms in dry or atrophic AMD.15 Such changes in the 
FAF pattern of the RPE can be captured by a noninvasive in 
vivo retinal imaging technique using confocal scanning 
laser ophthalmoscopy (cSLO).13,16 The origins of atrophic 
processes in AMD and GA, however, are not entirely un-derstood. 
The evolution of optical coherence tomography (OCT) 
from time-domain OCT to spectral-domain OCT (SD-OCT) 
has greatly influenced AMD research and clinical knowl-edge. 
19,20 Currently, the benefit of OCT imaging particu-larly 
applies to a realistic analysis of the antiexudative effect 
of intravitreal antiangiogenic drugs in neovascular 
Compared with the diagnostic breakthrough in neovas-cular 
AMD, the role of OCT/SD-OCT with regard to GA in 
AMD is not clear. Several studies have compared FAF and 
SD-OCT with a specific focus on morphologic fea-tures. 
24–27 Only limited data are available on the potential 
of SD-OCT to determine lesion size and the clinical repro-ducibility 
of planimetric measurements. Definite criteria to 
assess whether SD-OCT is indeed suitable for precisely 
localizing and delineating the lesion area have not yet been 
defined, and the predictive value of SD-OCT features in GA 
progression remains unclear.25,28 Because the alteration and 
loss of neurosensory elements at the retinal level seem to 
determine visual prognosis in dry AMD,11 SD-OCT in 
patients with GA seems essential if these changes are to be 
followed and evaluated. The present study evaluates the 
capacity of high-resolution, raster scanning SD-OCT to 
provide dependable and reproducible parameters for grad-ing 
atrophic disease in comparison with FAF currently in 
use as an anatomic end point parameter in several clinical 
trials. Such parameters would be of utmost value for diag-nosing 
and monitoring disease progression in patients with 
GA. Specific SD-OCT protocols would permit clinicians, 
investigators, and especially OCT reading centers to reli-ably 
evaluate the extent of preexisting lesions and the pro-gression 
rate of this late-stage dry AMD and objectively 
assess the efficacy of novel treatment strategies. 
Patients and Methods 
This prospective non-interventional case series was performed at 
the Department of Ophthalmology at the Medical University of 
Vienna, Austria. The protocol and procedure followed the tenets of 
the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was ob-tained 
from each individual before inclusion in the study. 
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria and Follow-Up 
Eighty-one eyes of 42 patients with severe vision loss due to GA 
secondary to AMD were enrolled in the study and followed ac-cording 
to a standardized protocol in a prospective manner. For 
inclusion in the study, patients had to be at least 55 years of age 
and to have no signs of choroidal neovascularization in biomicros-copy 
or OCT in either eye. If there was any doubt, fluorescein 
angiography was performed. The macular condition was deter-mined 
by biomicroscopy, OCT, and FAF. The study eyes had to 
have a minimum GA lesion size of half a disc area and a maximum 
lesion size of 7 disc areas, as estimated by biomicroscopy and 
FAF, and the lesion had to fit in the SD-OCT volume scan. 
Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) had to be 20/200. Clear 
ocular media were required to provide good imaging quality. 
Patients with history of any ocular disease that might confound 
assessment of the retina were excluded. At each visit, patients 
underwent BCVA testing obtained using Early Treatment Diabetic 
Retinopathy Study charts, slit-lamp examination, biomicroscopy, 
color fundus photography, SD-OCT, and FAF. 
Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence 
Tomography and Fundus Autofluorescence 
Imaging Procedures 
Imaging modalities analyzed in this study included SD-OCT and a 
cSLO visualizing FAF, both integrated in the Spectralis HRA-OCT 
(Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). The cSLO 
device uses blue light with excitation at 488 nm to illuminate the 
fundus and detects emitted fluorescence signals from cellular ele-ments 
of retinal and RPE layers between 500 and 700 nm. A 
grayscale FAF image with a frame size of 3030 degrees was 
acquired in a high-speed mode with a resolution of 768768 
pixels. For this specific study, non-normalized FAF data acquisi-tion 
was used and brightness and contrast were manually adjusted 
during data acquisition for better visualization of the intensity 
distribution in the posterior pole. Fundus autofluorescence imaging 
was obtained by recording a 7-second video in the FAF mode of 
the Spectralis HRA-OCT. One image comprising a mean FAF 
intensity was calculated out of 15 frames. 
The SD-OCT device uses a superluminescence diode emitting 
a scan beam at a wavelength of 870 nm. The retina is scanned at 
a speed of 40 000 A-scans per second with an axial resolution of 
3.9 m and a transversal resolution of 14 m. The eye tracker and 
automatic real-time averaging modes of the Spectralis SD-OCT 
system were used throughout the study. The eye tracker enables 
each OCT scan to be registered and locked to a reference image. 
Therefore, the Spectralis-OCT software can identify the previous 
scan location and scan the identical area. The automatic real-time 
averaging mode, when activated, allows for adjustment of the 
recorded frames to obtain averaged B-scans, which enhances im-age 
quality by reducing movement artifacts and optimizes the 
signal-to-noise ratio. The SD-OCT imaging protocol comprised 49 
B-scans per volume scan of 2020 degrees, and each scan was 
averaged with 30 frames per B-scan. If the lesion size was not 
entirely displayed in the volume scan, the protocol allowed for 
enlarging the scan area. If acquisition of the scan was not possible 
because of the patient’s inability to comply, both the number of 
frames acquired for each B-scan and the number of B-scans in the 
volume scan were reduced. A minimum of 25 B-scans per volume 
scan with a minimum of 20 frames per B-scan were obtained. The 
distance between the SD-OCT B-scans is 120 m when acquiring 
a volume stack of 49 scans and 240 m when acquiring a volume 
stack of 25 B-scans. These distances are automatically registered 
in the XML file generated by the Spectralis SD-OCT software. The 
raster scan position for SD-OCT was centered in a manner anal-ogous 
to the FAF imaging to delineate the complete extent of the 
Ophthalmology Volume 118, Number 9, September 2011 
Planimetric Measurements of Geographic 
Atrophy Lesions by Spectral-Domain 
Optical Coherence Tomography 
To planimetrically measure areas in SD-OCT scans and subse-quently 
compare them with FAF, we developed a program (OCT-Tool 
Kit) that is able to read and display data generated by the 
Spectralis XML Data Export Interface. Marking an area of interest 
is performed by manually drawing a line in the B-scan image and 
projecting it to the en face image. The mean distance from 1 
B-scan to the next was used as the width of the line when 
projecting it to the en face image. The software uses the calibration 
(XML file) and the manually marked data to calculate the size of 
the areas marked in the B-scans. Defined neurosensory retinal and 
RPE layers were measured individually and included choroidal 
signal enhancement below the RPE layer, the presence or absence 
of the RPE cell layer, the outer plexiform layer (OPL), and the 
external limiting membrane (ELM). The nomenclature of the ret-inal 
layers in the SD-OCT B-scans is in accordance with Schmidt- 
Erfurth et al.19 
Comparison of Geographic Atrophy 
Features Between Spectral-Domain Optical 
Coherence Tomography and Fundus 
To correlate SD-OCT with FAF findings, the same 2 independent 
readers from the Vienna Reading Center (VRC) measuring the 
lesion size in FAF separately graded the obtained SD-OCT B-scan 
baseline data obtained from the entire lesion area using the OCT 
planimetric protocol according to the areas of interest: For each 
OCT B-scan, the complete and questionable presence of choroidal 
signal enhancement, referred to as area 1 and area 2, respectively, 
were graded. Complete choroidal signal enhancement was defined 
as a consistent signal enhancement throughout the choroidea that 
can be definitively determined by the reader; questionable choroi-dal 
signal enhancement was defined as choroidal signal enhance-ment 
that cannot be graded as choroidal signal enhancement with 
certainty. Furthermore, the sum of both areas was referred to as 
area 1/2 (Figs 1–3). Complete loss of the RPE was defined as area 
3, incomplete loss of the RPE layer was defined as area 4, and 
complete loss of both areas was defined as area 3/4 (Figs 1–3). 
Complete loss of the RPE was defined as a complete reduction of 
the RPE layer to a thin line with no hyperreflective elements in the 
RPE layer. Incomplete loss of the RPE was defined as a partial 
reduction of the RPE layer when compared with normal RPE 
With regard to atrophy of the neurosensory layers of the retina, 
a thinning and shifting of the OPL toward the RPE layer was 
labeled as area 5, and loss of the OPL was defined as area 6. Loss 
of the ELM was defined as area 7 (Fig 2). 
The OCT-Tool Kit summarizes the measurements and indicates 
planimetric values for each specific area of interest, which can then 
be compared and correlated to the FAF measurement values. The 
defined areas demonstrating GA features were then correlated with 
Evaluation of Lesion Size by Fundus 
The GA lesion size in the FAF images was measured manually by 
2 readers from the VRC using the Spectralis software “Heidelberg 
Eye Explorer” region overlay device. Fundus autofluorescence 
images were enlarged, and the GA area, represented as an area of 
hypofluorescence in FAF, was delineated using an external stylus 
(Wacom Bamboo Pen  Touch; Wacom Technology Corp., Van-couver, 
WA). Those results served as reference values when 
comparing the dimension of GA in FAF with the areas of interest 
in SD-OCT B-scans. 
Identification of Foveal Sparing in Fundus 
Autofluorescence and Spectral-Domain 
Optical Coherence Tomography 
Furthermore, we examined whether SD-OCT and FAF were equiv-alent 
with respect to identifying foveal sparing or foveal involve-ment 
in the GA process. An adequate grading system was estab-lished, 
and the 2 readers from the VRC independently graded the 
SD-OCT B-scans and FAF images at baseline according to this 
predetermined grading system. 
The grading system was established according to the level of 
disease progression: grade 1  fovea definitely involved; grade 
2  fovea probably involved; grade 3  fovea probably spared; 
and grade 4  fovea definitely spared. In SD-OCT, the fovea was 
graded as fovea definitely involved when the RPE in the fovea was 
altered causing choroidal signal enhancement. In FAF, the fovea 
was defined as definitely involved when the grayscale image in 
FAF had similar intensity values in the region of the supposed 
fovea and in the region of GA in the rest of the posterior pole. 
When in doubt, the graders were asked to grade the fovea as 
probably involved or spared. 
Statistical Analysis 
Data analysis was performed in an established statistical environ-ment 
(R version 2.9.2). First-order descriptive statistics were com-puted 
to provide a simple characterization of the measured values. 
To relate grader classifications of SD-OCT or FAF images to 
BCVA values, a linear logistic model was fit, also testing for a 
grader effect and any left/right bias. Left/right bias was insignifi-cant 
for all tests and was thus removed from the models. To 
quantify inter-grader concordance concerning the grading of the 
foveal involvement,  coefficients for the reliability of nominal 
data were computed. The original  coefficient as computed by 
Cohen29 and the = coefficient for pooled classification propor-tions30 
were similar and significant with comparable P values. In 
addition, we report the  coefficient adjusted for prevalence 
according to Byrt et al.31 
Linear regression analysis was used to examine alternative 
potential relationships of the different areas of interest in SD-OCT 
compared with FAF. Non-transformed measurements were used, 
because they yielded better model fits than models of square-root 
or log-transformed data. In multivariate analysis of variance, the 
least significant factors were trimmed iteratively until all remain-ing 
factors were significant (P  0.05). Univariate regression 
achieved only a marginally worse model fit; therefore, the focus 
was set on reporting the best univariate models. 
For the correlation of graded GA areas with BCVA, all visual 
acuity values were converted to logarithm of minimal angle of 
resolution for statistical analysis. Univariate models on linear and 
log scales, with arbitrary and zero offsets, were considered. The 
best model fit for area 3 was achieved on a linear scale with zero 
offset, and for all other variables, best model fits were achieved on 
the log scale with zero offset, that is, by fitting a power law with 
no scaling factor. Correlation values are each given for the linear 
regression fit of the linear or log-transformed data. 
Sayegh et al  SD-OCT and Fundus Autofluorescence in GA 
Figure 1. Graded area of hypofluorescence measured in fundus autofluo-rescence 
(FAF) representing the area of geographic atrophy (GA). 
Included Study Eyes 
Eighty-one eyes of 42 patients (16 men and 26 women; mean age 80 
years, range 55–89 years) were included in this prospective study. All 
patients presented bilateral GA. Of the potential total number of 84 
study eyes, 3 fellow eyes were excluded because of poor retinal 
imaging quality due to advanced cataract. Of the 81 included eyes, 41 
were right eyes and 40 were left eyes. Mean BCVA at baseline among 
the 81 study eyes was 20/51 Snellen equivalents. 
Determination of Foveal Sparing by 
Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence 
Tomography and Fundus Autofluorescence, and 
Correlation with Best-Corrected Visual Acuity 
For all 81 eyes, foveal involvement by the atrophic process was 
independently assessed from SD-OCT and FAF images. Grading 
results for both imaging methods are summarized in Table 1 (avail-able 
at, and examples are shown in Figure 4. 
Logistic regression indicated a highly significant relation between the 
BCVA and the grading of SD-OCT measurements (P2108). This 
finding shows that clear results could be obtained by SD-OCT. 
Independence of the results of the operators was tested by including a 
grader effect in the logistic regression model. There was no significant 
grader bias (P0.54) and little random variation (’0.6, P0.01; 
’’0.9). This is reflected in the high inter-individual agreement between 
graders (Table 2, available at, where congruent 
SD-OCT gradings were obtained for 75 of 81 eyes: grade 1 (definite 
involvement) for 70 eyes and grade 4 (definite sparing) for 5 eyes. In 
these groups, mean BCVA values were 20/61 and 20/26, respectively. In 
6 eyes, graders were discordant regarding involvement or sparing of the 
fovea by the atrophic process. Mean BCVA was 20/27 in this group. 
Figure 2. Areas of interest graded in spectral-domain optical coherence 
tomography (SD-OCT) (from top to bottom): area 1  complete choroi-dal 
signal enhancement; area 2  questionable choroidal signal enhance-ment; 
area 3  complete absence of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE); 
area 4  incomplete loss of RPE; area 5  subsidence of the outer 
plexiform layer (OPL); area 6  loss of the OPL; area 7  loss of the 
external limiting membrane (ELM). 
Ophthalmology Volume 118, Number 9, September 2011 
Figure 3. Combined areas of interest in spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). A, Combined areas 1 and 2 representing complete 
and questionable choroidal signal enhancement. B, Combined areas 3 and 4 representing complete absence of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and 
incomplete loss of RPE. 
The BCVA was significantly related to grading of FAF mea-surements 
(P  5104). For FAF, the grader effect in the logis-tic 
regression model was marginally significant (P  0.08), sug-gesting 
a possible operator bias. Little random variation was 
observed (’0.3, P  0.01; ’’0.4). Inter-individual agree-ment 
between graders, with consistent FAF gradings, was obtained 
for 48 of 81 eyes. In 40 eyes, definite foveal involvement (grade 1) 
was identified, with a mean BCVA of 20/74, whereas in 5 eyes the 
fovea was identified as probably involved (grade 2, BCVA  
20/38). Finally, in 3 eyes the graders considered the fovea to be 
probably spared (grade 3, mean BCVA of 20/27). For the remain-ing 
33 eyes, there was inter-grader disagreement: grade 1 versus 
grade 2 for 18 eyes (mean BCVA  20/42), grade 1 versus grade 
3 for 8 eyes (BCVA  20/77), and grade 2 versus grade 3 for 7 
eyes (BCVA  20/29). In general, there was an inconclusive 
relationship between the FAF-based identification of foveal in-volvement 
and BCVA within each group and between groups 
(Table 2, available at 
Determination of Geographic Atrophy Lesion Size 
Based on Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence 
Tomography Grading and Fundus 
Autofluorescence Planimetry 
The results of the evaluation of GA features in absolute planim-etric 
values (Table 3, available at were sim-ilar 
for both graders regarding complete choroidal signal enhance-ment 
through increased transmission of light in the absence of 
melanin (area 1),32 subsidence of the OPL (area 5), loss of the 
ELM (area 7) by SD-OCT, and absence of FAF by cSLO. Lesion 
size values referring to complete loss of RPE (area 3) were 
approximately half the dimension of the areas mentioned above, 
including absence of FAF. For areas 3 and 4, comprising complete 
and incomplete RPE loss from SD-OCT measurements, similar 
FAF results indicating GA with complete loss of RPE fluorescence 
were obtained. 
Complete choroidal signal enhancement was probably closest 
to representing the area of GA in SD-OCT B-scans measured in a 
larger area than complete RPE loss or advanced alteration of the 
RPE based on RPE morphology in SD-OCT. The total extent of 
complete and incomplete RPE loss, however, was consistent with 
the size of the area of complete choroidal signal enhancement and 
complete loss of FAF. The areas of ELM loss and OPL shifting 
were consistent with the sum of the areas of complete RPE loss 
and advanced alteration of RPE morphology (Table 3, available at In all eyes, both graders were able to pre-cisely 
measure a larger area of complete (area 1) and a smaller area 
of questionable choroidal signal enhancement of incomplete loss 
of RPE and loss of the ELM. 
Comparison of Fundus Autofluorescence and 
Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography 
We tested a multivariate model relating the area measured in FAF 
by the graders to the areas graded in SD-OCT. The least significant 
factors were trimmed iteratively until all remaining analysis of 
variance factors were significant (P  0.05). The obtained multi-variate 
model explaining FAF as a function of the graded area 1 
(complete choroidal signal enhancement) and area 7 (loss of the 
ELM) achieved an adjusted R20.961. The best univariate model 
for the FAF was with area 1, obtaining a comparable fit quality 
with an adjusted R20.958. These findings justify focusing on the 
presentation of the correlations corresponding to multiple univar-iate 
models (Table 4, available at The 
matching scatter plots comparing the results of SD-OCT gradings 
with the FAF are shown in Figure 5. Although all areas exhibited 
a significant non-zero correlation, only the graded area 1 (complete 
Sayegh et al  SD-OCT and Fundus Autofluorescence in GA 
Figure 4. Grading of the foveal involvement of the atrophic process in fundus autofluorescence (FAF) and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography 
(SD-OCT). A, In FAF fovea probably involved, in SD-OCT fovea definitely spared. B, In FAF fovea probably spared, in SD-OCT fovea definitely spared. 
C, In FAF fovea definitely involved, in SD-OCT fovea definitely involved. 
choroidal signal enhancement), area 5 (OPL shifting), and area 7 
(loss of the ELM) in SD-OCT had a strong correlation with the 
hypofluorescent area measured in FAF. In particular, area 1 rep-resenting 
the area of complete choroidal signal enhancement in the 
SD-OCT B-scans correlated best and was also less dependant on 
grader variability (data not shown). 
The area of complete choroidal signal enhancement in SD-OCT 
B-scans correlated strongly with the area of OPL shifting and with 
ELM loss. Moreover, the sum of the areas of complete and 
questionable choroidal signal enhancement correlated highly with 
the sum of the areas of complete and incomplete RPE loss (Table 
5, available at 
Inter-grader Reproducibility of Grading 
The inter-grader reproducibility of the FAF and SD-OCT measure-ments 
of lesion size were best for FAF, followed closely by 
complete choroidal signal enhancement and loss of the ELM 
(Table 6 and Fig 6, available at 
Correlation of Best-Corrected Visual Acuity, 
Fundus Autofluorescence, and Spectral-Domain 
Optical Coherence Tomography Lesion Size 
Between the Two Graders 
The BCVA correlated significantly with all graded areas as shown 
in Table 7 (available at 
This prospective study represents the first analysis of com-plete 
SD-OCT volume stacks to determine the potential of 
SD-OCT versus FAF for monitoring patients with GA, partic- 
Figure 5. Agreement between area of hypofluorescence measured in fundus autofluorescence (FAF) representing the area of geographic atrophy (GA) and the 
graded areas of interest in spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Area 1 represents the area of complete choroidal signal enhancement, area 
3 represents the area of complete absence of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), Area 4 (A4) represents the area of incomplete loss of RPE, area 5 represents the 
area of outer plexiform layer (OPL) subsidence, and area 7 represents the area of loss of the external limiting membrane (ELM). FAF  fundus autofluorescence. 
Ophthalmology Volume 118, Number 9, September 2011 
ularly with respect to identifying the foveal condition and 
relevant grading parameters for precisely measuring GA. 
Lujan et al28 compared the size of GA in SD-OCT and 
FAF in 5 eyes by superimposing both imaging modalities 
and delineating the borders of the disease without analyzing 
the retinal layer morphology. The findings indicated that it 
is in principle possible to assess the size of an atrophic GA 
lesion in SD-OCT, but retinal morphology was not an issue. 
Choroidal signal enhancements and alterations at the 
level of RPE, ELM, and OPL are characteristic morphologic 
changes in GA that we assumed might be helpful in accurately 
measuring the lesion size. The aim of our study was to deter-mine 
which of these pathologic changes should be graded to 
obtain equivalent planimetric measurements in FAF. 
Although general grading reproducibility was good for both 
methods, foveal sparing was identified by SD-OCT with a 
higher certainty and inter-grader agreement than with FAF. 
This could be due to the presence of yellow macular pigment 
in the neurosensory retina at the fovea that blocks the blue 
excitation light of FAF imaging. Moreover, the grayscale im-ages 
obtained by FAF merely reflect the overall autofluores-cence 
of the RPE and the quantity of fluorophores within the 
RPE cells, if present. Neither the resolution nor the quantifi-cation 
of FAF values allow for precise delineation regarding 
the parameter “foveal localization,” and the fovea is frequently 
located within the junctional zone of RPE disease, which, as 
our study also shows, is generally problematic for FAF eval-uation. 
Furthermore, foveal depression can easily be deter-mined 
by SD-OCT. Therefore, screening for decreased FAF in 
the central fovea may be difficult without complementary 
extensions, such as near-infrared reflectance imaging. Conclu-sions 
regarding foveal involvement or sparing based on FAF 
alone must therefore be drawn cautiously.27 
The agreement of outcomes between grader 1 and grader 2 
regarding the parameters graded by SD-OCT highlight the 
feasibility of objectively grading well-defined parameters in 
SD-OCT. A significant correlation of these SD-OCT–based 
results with the GA area measured in FAF proves that both 
methods can be used to consistently quantify the extent of this 
There were significant correlations of varying strength 
between the area of interest and the visual acuity, which can 
be explained by the fact that the size of the GA does not 
entirely determine the BCVA in GA, because there is often 
foveal sparing. As the GA area expands, the probability of 
foveal involvement increases.17,27 Furthermore, the results 
obtained and presented in Table 1 (available at http://aao-journal. 
org) show that mean BCVA among patients with 
definite fovea involvement ranged between 20/57 and 20/ 
77. This indicates that BCVA in patients with central GA 
may be higher than generally assumed. 
The results of our study showed that the definite RPE 
loss graded in SD-OCT and FAF was only weakly corre-lated 
(R240%; Table 4, available at 
This correlation increased to 97% when we added the areas 
of definite RPE loss to that of uncertain RPE alteration with 
moderate RPE loss. We presume that this issue underlines 
the importance of the junctional zone in GA because this 
zone is the site of disease activity and will be the target for 
any effective therapeutic strategy. The interest in this area is 
reflected by the large number of scientific publica-tions. 
25,26,33,34 In the study by Bearelly et al,25 SD-OCT 
images of the junction zone in patients with GA were 
analyzed to determine whether RPE loss or photoreceptor 
loss is the first sign of GA progression. The authors stated 
that if this were the case, then the frequency of photorecep-tor 
loss outside the GA margin would have been higher. In 
the present study, we analyzed the alterations of the photo-receptor 
layer in complete B-scans and concluded that pho-toreceptor 
alterations seem to be more extensive than com-plete 
RPE alterations. A longitudinal study in this field is 
necessary to provide more detailed insight, and the lack of 
longitudinal data is a limitation of this study. Fundus auto-fluorescence 
does not allow for accurate mapping of the fine 
borders of a disease that is characterized by different stages 
of progression and cannot differentiate between an absent or 
a diseased RPE in the same manner as SD-OCT, which 
allows for viewing and grading all retinal layers. 
Most noteworthy is the finding that not only RPE absence 
correlates closely with neurosensory alterations, but that even 
in junctional zones where RPE cells are still present but are 
beginning to undergo morphologic changes, retinal layers such 
as the ELM and OPL are severely affected. It remains contro-versial 
whether the primary origin of atrophic AMD is the RPE 
or neuronal elements such as photoreceptors.35,36 The fact that 
RPE atrophy occurs at the novel macular site after 360-degree 
translocation36 suggests that photoreceptor disease is the pri-mary 
stimulus for subsequent RPE death. 
In conclusion, spectral-domain OCT seems to be an 
appropriate imaging modality for evaluating the extent of 
GA lesions. The retinal scanning time in SD-OCT and FAF 
relevant to obtaining gradable material is dependent on the 
patient and physician. Manual grading of the B-scans, how-ever, 
is time-consuming and should be replaced by auto-mated 
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Footnotes and Financial Disclosures 
Originally received: January 8, 2010. 
Final revision: January 13, 2011. 
Accepted: January 13, 2011. 
Available online: April 15, 2011. Manuscript no. 2010-46. 
1 Department of Ophthalmology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria. 
2 Chair of Bioinformatics, Department of Biotechnology, Boku University 
Vienna, Austria. 
Financial Disclosure(s): 
The author(s) have made the following disclosure(s): Christian Prünte, 
MD, has a financial relationship with Novartis Pharma, Alcon Pharma, and 
Bayer. None of the authors have a proprietary interest in any of the 
products mentioned in this study. 
Parts of the study were presented at: the DOG annual meeting, September 
26, 2009, Leipzig, Germany (paper presentation) 
Christian Simader, MD, Department of Ophthalmology, Medical Uni-versity 
of Vienna, Austria, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, Vienna, Austria. 

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A Systematic Comparison of Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography and Fundus Autofluorescence in Patients with Geographic Atrophy

  • 1. A Systematic Comparison of Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography and Fundus Autofluorescence in Patients with Geographic Atrophy Ramzi G. Sayegh, MD,1 Christian Simader, MD,1 Ulrike Scheschy, MD,1 Alessio Montuoro, Dipl.Ing,1 Christopher Kiss, MD,1 Stefan Sacu, MD,1 David P. Kreil, PhD,2 Christian Prünte, MD,1 Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, MD1 Purpose: To evaluate spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) in providing reliable and reproducible parameters for grading geographic atrophy (GA) compared with fundus autofluorescence (FAF) images acquired by confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (cSLO). Design: Prospective observational study. Participants: A total of 81 eyes of 42 patients with GA. Methods: Patients with atrophic age-related macular degeneration (AMD) were enrolled on the basis of total GA lesion size ranging from 0.5 to 7 disc areas and best-corrected visual acuity of at least 20/200. A novel combined cSLO-SD-OCT system (Spectralis HRA-OCT, Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany) was used to grade foveal involvement and to manually measure disease extent at the level of the outer neurosensory layers and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) at the site of GA lesions. Two readers of the Vienna Reading Center graded all obtained volume stacks (2020 degrees), and the results were correlated to FAF. Main Outcome Measures: Choroidal signal enhancements and alterations of the RPE, external limiting membrane (ELM), and outer plexiform layer by SD-OCT. These parameters were compared with the lesion measured with severely decreased FAF. Results: Foveal involvement or sparing was definitely identified in 75 of 81 eyes based on SD-OCT by both graders (inter-grader agreement: 0.6, P 0.01). In FAF, inter-grader agreement regarding foveal involvement was lower (48/81 eyes, inter-grader agreement: 0.3, P 0.01). Severely decreased FAF was measured over a mean area of 8.97 mm2 for grader 1 (G1) and 9.54 mm2 for grader 2 (G2), consistent with the mean SD-OCT quantification of the sub-RPE choroidal signal enhancement (8.9 mm2 [G1] 9.4 mm2 [G2]) and ELM loss with 8.7 mm2 (G1) 10.2 mm2 (G2). In contrast, complete morphologic absence of the RPE layer by SD-OCT was significantly smaller than the GA size in FAF (R20.400). Inter-reader agreement was highest regarding complete choroidal signal enhancement (0.98) and ELM loss (0.98). Conclusions: Absence of FAF in GA lesions is consistent with morphologic RPE loss or advanced RPE disruption and is associated with alterations of the outer retinal layers as identified by SD-OCT. Lesion size is precisely determinable by SD-OCT, and foveal involvement is more accurate by SD-OCT than by FAF. Financial Disclosure(s): Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the references. Ophthalmology 2011;118:1844–1851 © 2011 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects an esti-mated 30 to 50 million individuals worldwide1 and is the most common cause of legal blindness among elderly indi-viduals in developed countries.2,3 Despite the fact that a minority of patients affected by AMD have the neovascular form, no effective “treatment for the neovascular form” is available to reduce or reverse visual loss associated with atrophic AMD.4,5 Geographic atrophy (GA), a late stage development of AMD, occurs in 20% of patients with preexisting clinical hallmarks of this degenerative dis-ease. 5–8 The natural course of GA, unlike the neovascular form of AMD, progresses slowly and usually involves vi-sual loss, primarily due to retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) degeneration and neurosensory retinal atrophy resulting in absolute and relative scotoma affecting the central vision field.9–12 Retinal pigment epithelium cell death may result from the accumulation of lipofuscin, a toxic by-product of pho-toreceptor shedding, which accumulates in the lysosomal compartment of RPE cells.11,13 As a part of the aging process, the clearing ratio of lipofuscin in the RPE cell diminishes and can impair normal cell metabolism. This 1844 © 2011 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology ISSN 0161-6420/11/$–see front matter Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.ophtha.2011.01.043
  • 2. Sayegh et al SD-OCT and Fundus Autofluorescence in GA eventually leads to cell death by induction of a reductive chronic inflammatory condition involving complement fac-tor H.14 Fundus autofluorescence (FAF) is predominantly based on the fluorescent characteristics and distribution of lipofuscin within the RPE layer.13 Because metabolically altered or lost RPE, as in dry AMD or GA, has different fluorescent properties than physiologic RPE, autofluores-cence patterns could be used to identify pathophysiologic mechanisms in dry or atrophic AMD.15 Such changes in the FAF pattern of the RPE can be captured by a noninvasive in vivo retinal imaging technique using confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (cSLO).13,16 The origins of atrophic processes in AMD and GA, however, are not entirely un-derstood. 17,18 The evolution of optical coherence tomography (OCT) from time-domain OCT to spectral-domain OCT (SD-OCT) has greatly influenced AMD research and clinical knowl-edge. 19,20 Currently, the benefit of OCT imaging particu-larly applies to a realistic analysis of the antiexudative effect of intravitreal antiangiogenic drugs in neovascular AMD.21–23 Compared with the diagnostic breakthrough in neovas-cular AMD, the role of OCT/SD-OCT with regard to GA in AMD is not clear. Several studies have compared FAF and SD-OCT with a specific focus on morphologic fea-tures. 24–27 Only limited data are available on the potential of SD-OCT to determine lesion size and the clinical repro-ducibility of planimetric measurements. Definite criteria to assess whether SD-OCT is indeed suitable for precisely localizing and delineating the lesion area have not yet been defined, and the predictive value of SD-OCT features in GA progression remains unclear.25,28 Because the alteration and loss of neurosensory elements at the retinal level seem to determine visual prognosis in dry AMD,11 SD-OCT in patients with GA seems essential if these changes are to be followed and evaluated. The present study evaluates the capacity of high-resolution, raster scanning SD-OCT to provide dependable and reproducible parameters for grad-ing atrophic disease in comparison with FAF currently in use as an anatomic end point parameter in several clinical trials. Such parameters would be of utmost value for diag-nosing and monitoring disease progression in patients with GA. Specific SD-OCT protocols would permit clinicians, investigators, and especially OCT reading centers to reli-ably evaluate the extent of preexisting lesions and the pro-gression rate of this late-stage dry AMD and objectively assess the efficacy of novel treatment strategies. Patients and Methods This prospective non-interventional case series was performed at the Department of Ophthalmology at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria. The protocol and procedure followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was ob-tained from each individual before inclusion in the study. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria and Follow-Up Eighty-one eyes of 42 patients with severe vision loss due to GA secondary to AMD were enrolled in the study and followed ac-cording to a standardized protocol in a prospective manner. For inclusion in the study, patients had to be at least 55 years of age and to have no signs of choroidal neovascularization in biomicros-copy or OCT in either eye. If there was any doubt, fluorescein angiography was performed. The macular condition was deter-mined by biomicroscopy, OCT, and FAF. The study eyes had to have a minimum GA lesion size of half a disc area and a maximum lesion size of 7 disc areas, as estimated by biomicroscopy and FAF, and the lesion had to fit in the SD-OCT volume scan. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) had to be 20/200. Clear ocular media were required to provide good imaging quality. Patients with history of any ocular disease that might confound assessment of the retina were excluded. At each visit, patients underwent BCVA testing obtained using Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study charts, slit-lamp examination, biomicroscopy, color fundus photography, SD-OCT, and FAF. Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography and Fundus Autofluorescence Imaging Procedures Imaging modalities analyzed in this study included SD-OCT and a cSLO visualizing FAF, both integrated in the Spectralis HRA-OCT (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). The cSLO device uses blue light with excitation at 488 nm to illuminate the fundus and detects emitted fluorescence signals from cellular ele-ments of retinal and RPE layers between 500 and 700 nm. A grayscale FAF image with a frame size of 3030 degrees was acquired in a high-speed mode with a resolution of 768768 pixels. For this specific study, non-normalized FAF data acquisi-tion was used and brightness and contrast were manually adjusted during data acquisition for better visualization of the intensity distribution in the posterior pole. Fundus autofluorescence imaging was obtained by recording a 7-second video in the FAF mode of the Spectralis HRA-OCT. One image comprising a mean FAF intensity was calculated out of 15 frames. The SD-OCT device uses a superluminescence diode emitting a scan beam at a wavelength of 870 nm. The retina is scanned at a speed of 40 000 A-scans per second with an axial resolution of 3.9 m and a transversal resolution of 14 m. The eye tracker and automatic real-time averaging modes of the Spectralis SD-OCT system were used throughout the study. The eye tracker enables each OCT scan to be registered and locked to a reference image. Therefore, the Spectralis-OCT software can identify the previous scan location and scan the identical area. The automatic real-time averaging mode, when activated, allows for adjustment of the recorded frames to obtain averaged B-scans, which enhances im-age quality by reducing movement artifacts and optimizes the signal-to-noise ratio. The SD-OCT imaging protocol comprised 49 B-scans per volume scan of 2020 degrees, and each scan was averaged with 30 frames per B-scan. If the lesion size was not entirely displayed in the volume scan, the protocol allowed for enlarging the scan area. If acquisition of the scan was not possible because of the patient’s inability to comply, both the number of frames acquired for each B-scan and the number of B-scans in the volume scan were reduced. A minimum of 25 B-scans per volume scan with a minimum of 20 frames per B-scan were obtained. The distance between the SD-OCT B-scans is 120 m when acquiring a volume stack of 49 scans and 240 m when acquiring a volume stack of 25 B-scans. These distances are automatically registered in the XML file generated by the Spectralis SD-OCT software. The raster scan position for SD-OCT was centered in a manner anal-ogous to the FAF imaging to delineate the complete extent of the lesion. 1845
  • 3. Ophthalmology Volume 118, Number 9, September 2011 Planimetric Measurements of Geographic Atrophy Lesions by Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography To planimetrically measure areas in SD-OCT scans and subse-quently compare them with FAF, we developed a program (OCT-Tool Kit) that is able to read and display data generated by the Spectralis XML Data Export Interface. Marking an area of interest is performed by manually drawing a line in the B-scan image and projecting it to the en face image. The mean distance from 1 B-scan to the next was used as the width of the line when projecting it to the en face image. The software uses the calibration (XML file) and the manually marked data to calculate the size of the areas marked in the B-scans. Defined neurosensory retinal and RPE layers were measured individually and included choroidal signal enhancement below the RPE layer, the presence or absence of the RPE cell layer, the outer plexiform layer (OPL), and the external limiting membrane (ELM). The nomenclature of the ret-inal layers in the SD-OCT B-scans is in accordance with Schmidt- Erfurth et al.19 Comparison of Geographic Atrophy Features Between Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography and Fundus Autofluorescence To correlate SD-OCT with FAF findings, the same 2 independent readers from the Vienna Reading Center (VRC) measuring the lesion size in FAF separately graded the obtained SD-OCT B-scan baseline data obtained from the entire lesion area using the OCT planimetric protocol according to the areas of interest: For each OCT B-scan, the complete and questionable presence of choroidal signal enhancement, referred to as area 1 and area 2, respectively, were graded. Complete choroidal signal enhancement was defined as a consistent signal enhancement throughout the choroidea that can be definitively determined by the reader; questionable choroi-dal signal enhancement was defined as choroidal signal enhance-ment that cannot be graded as choroidal signal enhancement with certainty. Furthermore, the sum of both areas was referred to as area 1/2 (Figs 1–3). Complete loss of the RPE was defined as area 3, incomplete loss of the RPE layer was defined as area 4, and complete loss of both areas was defined as area 3/4 (Figs 1–3). Complete loss of the RPE was defined as a complete reduction of the RPE layer to a thin line with no hyperreflective elements in the RPE layer. Incomplete loss of the RPE was defined as a partial reduction of the RPE layer when compared with normal RPE appearance. With regard to atrophy of the neurosensory layers of the retina, a thinning and shifting of the OPL toward the RPE layer was labeled as area 5, and loss of the OPL was defined as area 6. Loss of the ELM was defined as area 7 (Fig 2). The OCT-Tool Kit summarizes the measurements and indicates planimetric values for each specific area of interest, which can then be compared and correlated to the FAF measurement values. The defined areas demonstrating GA features were then correlated with BCVA. Evaluation of Lesion Size by Fundus Autofluorescence The GA lesion size in the FAF images was measured manually by 2 readers from the VRC using the Spectralis software “Heidelberg Eye Explorer” region overlay device. Fundus autofluorescence images were enlarged, and the GA area, represented as an area of hypofluorescence in FAF, was delineated using an external stylus (Wacom Bamboo Pen Touch; Wacom Technology Corp., Van-couver, WA). Those results served as reference values when comparing the dimension of GA in FAF with the areas of interest in SD-OCT B-scans. Identification of Foveal Sparing in Fundus Autofluorescence and Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Furthermore, we examined whether SD-OCT and FAF were equiv-alent with respect to identifying foveal sparing or foveal involve-ment in the GA process. An adequate grading system was estab-lished, and the 2 readers from the VRC independently graded the SD-OCT B-scans and FAF images at baseline according to this predetermined grading system. The grading system was established according to the level of disease progression: grade 1 fovea definitely involved; grade 2 fovea probably involved; grade 3 fovea probably spared; and grade 4 fovea definitely spared. In SD-OCT, the fovea was graded as fovea definitely involved when the RPE in the fovea was altered causing choroidal signal enhancement. In FAF, the fovea was defined as definitely involved when the grayscale image in FAF had similar intensity values in the region of the supposed fovea and in the region of GA in the rest of the posterior pole. When in doubt, the graders were asked to grade the fovea as probably involved or spared. Statistical Analysis Data analysis was performed in an established statistical environ-ment (R version 2.9.2). First-order descriptive statistics were com-puted to provide a simple characterization of the measured values. To relate grader classifications of SD-OCT or FAF images to BCVA values, a linear logistic model was fit, also testing for a grader effect and any left/right bias. Left/right bias was insignifi-cant for all tests and was thus removed from the models. To quantify inter-grader concordance concerning the grading of the foveal involvement, coefficients for the reliability of nominal data were computed. The original coefficient as computed by Cohen29 and the = coefficient for pooled classification propor-tions30 were similar and significant with comparable P values. In addition, we report the coefficient adjusted for prevalence according to Byrt et al.31 Linear regression analysis was used to examine alternative potential relationships of the different areas of interest in SD-OCT compared with FAF. Non-transformed measurements were used, because they yielded better model fits than models of square-root or log-transformed data. In multivariate analysis of variance, the least significant factors were trimmed iteratively until all remain-ing factors were significant (P 0.05). Univariate regression achieved only a marginally worse model fit; therefore, the focus was set on reporting the best univariate models. For the correlation of graded GA areas with BCVA, all visual acuity values were converted to logarithm of minimal angle of resolution for statistical analysis. Univariate models on linear and log scales, with arbitrary and zero offsets, were considered. The best model fit for area 3 was achieved on a linear scale with zero offset, and for all other variables, best model fits were achieved on the log scale with zero offset, that is, by fitting a power law with no scaling factor. Correlation values are each given for the linear regression fit of the linear or log-transformed data. 1846
  • 4. Sayegh et al SD-OCT and Fundus Autofluorescence in GA Figure 1. Graded area of hypofluorescence measured in fundus autofluo-rescence (FAF) representing the area of geographic atrophy (GA). Results Included Study Eyes Eighty-one eyes of 42 patients (16 men and 26 women; mean age 80 years, range 55–89 years) were included in this prospective study. All patients presented bilateral GA. Of the potential total number of 84 study eyes, 3 fellow eyes were excluded because of poor retinal imaging quality due to advanced cataract. Of the 81 included eyes, 41 were right eyes and 40 were left eyes. Mean BCVA at baseline among the 81 study eyes was 20/51 Snellen equivalents. Determination of Foveal Sparing by Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography and Fundus Autofluorescence, and Correlation with Best-Corrected Visual Acuity For all 81 eyes, foveal involvement by the atrophic process was independently assessed from SD-OCT and FAF images. Grading results for both imaging methods are summarized in Table 1 (avail-able at, and examples are shown in Figure 4. Logistic regression indicated a highly significant relation between the BCVA and the grading of SD-OCT measurements (P2108). This finding shows that clear results could be obtained by SD-OCT. Independence of the results of the operators was tested by including a grader effect in the logistic regression model. There was no significant grader bias (P0.54) and little random variation (’0.6, P0.01; ’’0.9). This is reflected in the high inter-individual agreement between graders (Table 2, available at, where congruent SD-OCT gradings were obtained for 75 of 81 eyes: grade 1 (definite involvement) for 70 eyes and grade 4 (definite sparing) for 5 eyes. In these groups, mean BCVA values were 20/61 and 20/26, respectively. In 6 eyes, graders were discordant regarding involvement or sparing of the fovea by the atrophic process. Mean BCVA was 20/27 in this group. Figure 2. Areas of interest graded in spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) (from top to bottom): area 1 complete choroi-dal signal enhancement; area 2 questionable choroidal signal enhance-ment; area 3 complete absence of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE); area 4 incomplete loss of RPE; area 5 subsidence of the outer plexiform layer (OPL); area 6 loss of the OPL; area 7 loss of the external limiting membrane (ELM). 1847
  • 5. Ophthalmology Volume 118, Number 9, September 2011 Figure 3. Combined areas of interest in spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). A, Combined areas 1 and 2 representing complete and questionable choroidal signal enhancement. B, Combined areas 3 and 4 representing complete absence of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and incomplete loss of RPE. The BCVA was significantly related to grading of FAF mea-surements (P 5104). For FAF, the grader effect in the logis-tic regression model was marginally significant (P 0.08), sug-gesting a possible operator bias. Little random variation was observed (’0.3, P 0.01; ’’0.4). Inter-individual agree-ment between graders, with consistent FAF gradings, was obtained for 48 of 81 eyes. In 40 eyes, definite foveal involvement (grade 1) was identified, with a mean BCVA of 20/74, whereas in 5 eyes the fovea was identified as probably involved (grade 2, BCVA 20/38). Finally, in 3 eyes the graders considered the fovea to be probably spared (grade 3, mean BCVA of 20/27). For the remain-ing 33 eyes, there was inter-grader disagreement: grade 1 versus grade 2 for 18 eyes (mean BCVA 20/42), grade 1 versus grade 3 for 8 eyes (BCVA 20/77), and grade 2 versus grade 3 for 7 eyes (BCVA 20/29). In general, there was an inconclusive relationship between the FAF-based identification of foveal in-volvement and BCVA within each group and between groups (Table 2, available at Determination of Geographic Atrophy Lesion Size Based on Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Grading and Fundus Autofluorescence Planimetry The results of the evaluation of GA features in absolute planim-etric values (Table 3, available at were sim-ilar for both graders regarding complete choroidal signal enhance-ment through increased transmission of light in the absence of melanin (area 1),32 subsidence of the OPL (area 5), loss of the ELM (area 7) by SD-OCT, and absence of FAF by cSLO. Lesion size values referring to complete loss of RPE (area 3) were approximately half the dimension of the areas mentioned above, including absence of FAF. For areas 3 and 4, comprising complete and incomplete RPE loss from SD-OCT measurements, similar FAF results indicating GA with complete loss of RPE fluorescence were obtained. Complete choroidal signal enhancement was probably closest to representing the area of GA in SD-OCT B-scans measured in a larger area than complete RPE loss or advanced alteration of the RPE based on RPE morphology in SD-OCT. The total extent of complete and incomplete RPE loss, however, was consistent with the size of the area of complete choroidal signal enhancement and complete loss of FAF. The areas of ELM loss and OPL shifting were consistent with the sum of the areas of complete RPE loss and advanced alteration of RPE morphology (Table 3, available at In all eyes, both graders were able to pre-cisely measure a larger area of complete (area 1) and a smaller area of questionable choroidal signal enhancement of incomplete loss of RPE and loss of the ELM. Comparison of Fundus Autofluorescence and Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Values We tested a multivariate model relating the area measured in FAF by the graders to the areas graded in SD-OCT. The least significant factors were trimmed iteratively until all remaining analysis of variance factors were significant (P 0.05). The obtained multi-variate model explaining FAF as a function of the graded area 1 (complete choroidal signal enhancement) and area 7 (loss of the ELM) achieved an adjusted R20.961. The best univariate model for the FAF was with area 1, obtaining a comparable fit quality with an adjusted R20.958. These findings justify focusing on the presentation of the correlations corresponding to multiple univar-iate models (Table 4, available at The matching scatter plots comparing the results of SD-OCT gradings with the FAF are shown in Figure 5. Although all areas exhibited a significant non-zero correlation, only the graded area 1 (complete 1848
  • 6. Sayegh et al SD-OCT and Fundus Autofluorescence in GA Figure 4. Grading of the foveal involvement of the atrophic process in fundus autofluorescence (FAF) and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). A, In FAF fovea probably involved, in SD-OCT fovea definitely spared. B, In FAF fovea probably spared, in SD-OCT fovea definitely spared. C, In FAF fovea definitely involved, in SD-OCT fovea definitely involved. choroidal signal enhancement), area 5 (OPL shifting), and area 7 (loss of the ELM) in SD-OCT had a strong correlation with the hypofluorescent area measured in FAF. In particular, area 1 rep-resenting the area of complete choroidal signal enhancement in the SD-OCT B-scans correlated best and was also less dependant on grader variability (data not shown). The area of complete choroidal signal enhancement in SD-OCT B-scans correlated strongly with the area of OPL shifting and with ELM loss. Moreover, the sum of the areas of complete and questionable choroidal signal enhancement correlated highly with the sum of the areas of complete and incomplete RPE loss (Table 5, available at Inter-grader Reproducibility of Grading Measurements The inter-grader reproducibility of the FAF and SD-OCT measure-ments of lesion size were best for FAF, followed closely by complete choroidal signal enhancement and loss of the ELM (Table 6 and Fig 6, available at Correlation of Best-Corrected Visual Acuity, Fundus Autofluorescence, and Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Lesion Size Between the Two Graders The BCVA correlated significantly with all graded areas as shown in Table 7 (available at Discussion This prospective study represents the first analysis of com-plete SD-OCT volume stacks to determine the potential of SD-OCT versus FAF for monitoring patients with GA, partic- Figure 5. Agreement between area of hypofluorescence measured in fundus autofluorescence (FAF) representing the area of geographic atrophy (GA) and the graded areas of interest in spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Area 1 represents the area of complete choroidal signal enhancement, area 3 represents the area of complete absence of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), Area 4 (A4) represents the area of incomplete loss of RPE, area 5 represents the area of outer plexiform layer (OPL) subsidence, and area 7 represents the area of loss of the external limiting membrane (ELM). FAF fundus autofluorescence. 1849
  • 7. Ophthalmology Volume 118, Number 9, September 2011 ularly with respect to identifying the foveal condition and relevant grading parameters for precisely measuring GA. Lujan et al28 compared the size of GA in SD-OCT and FAF in 5 eyes by superimposing both imaging modalities and delineating the borders of the disease without analyzing the retinal layer morphology. The findings indicated that it is in principle possible to assess the size of an atrophic GA lesion in SD-OCT, but retinal morphology was not an issue. Choroidal signal enhancements and alterations at the level of RPE, ELM, and OPL are characteristic morphologic changes in GA that we assumed might be helpful in accurately measuring the lesion size. The aim of our study was to deter-mine which of these pathologic changes should be graded to obtain equivalent planimetric measurements in FAF. Although general grading reproducibility was good for both methods, foveal sparing was identified by SD-OCT with a higher certainty and inter-grader agreement than with FAF. This could be due to the presence of yellow macular pigment in the neurosensory retina at the fovea that blocks the blue excitation light of FAF imaging. Moreover, the grayscale im-ages obtained by FAF merely reflect the overall autofluores-cence of the RPE and the quantity of fluorophores within the RPE cells, if present. Neither the resolution nor the quantifi-cation of FAF values allow for precise delineation regarding the parameter “foveal localization,” and the fovea is frequently located within the junctional zone of RPE disease, which, as our study also shows, is generally problematic for FAF eval-uation. Furthermore, foveal depression can easily be deter-mined by SD-OCT. Therefore, screening for decreased FAF in the central fovea may be difficult without complementary extensions, such as near-infrared reflectance imaging. Conclu-sions regarding foveal involvement or sparing based on FAF alone must therefore be drawn cautiously.27 The agreement of outcomes between grader 1 and grader 2 regarding the parameters graded by SD-OCT highlight the feasibility of objectively grading well-defined parameters in SD-OCT. A significant correlation of these SD-OCT–based results with the GA area measured in FAF proves that both methods can be used to consistently quantify the extent of this disease. There were significant correlations of varying strength between the area of interest and the visual acuity, which can be explained by the fact that the size of the GA does not entirely determine the BCVA in GA, because there is often foveal sparing. As the GA area expands, the probability of foveal involvement increases.17,27 Furthermore, the results obtained and presented in Table 1 (available at http://aao-journal. org) show that mean BCVA among patients with definite fovea involvement ranged between 20/57 and 20/ 77. This indicates that BCVA in patients with central GA may be higher than generally assumed. The results of our study showed that the definite RPE loss graded in SD-OCT and FAF was only weakly corre-lated (R240%; Table 4, available at This correlation increased to 97% when we added the areas of definite RPE loss to that of uncertain RPE alteration with moderate RPE loss. We presume that this issue underlines the importance of the junctional zone in GA because this zone is the site of disease activity and will be the target for any effective therapeutic strategy. The interest in this area is reflected by the large number of scientific publica-tions. 25,26,33,34 In the study by Bearelly et al,25 SD-OCT images of the junction zone in patients with GA were analyzed to determine whether RPE loss or photoreceptor loss is the first sign of GA progression. The authors stated that if this were the case, then the frequency of photorecep-tor loss outside the GA margin would have been higher. In the present study, we analyzed the alterations of the photo-receptor layer in complete B-scans and concluded that pho-toreceptor alterations seem to be more extensive than com-plete RPE alterations. A longitudinal study in this field is necessary to provide more detailed insight, and the lack of longitudinal data is a limitation of this study. Fundus auto-fluorescence does not allow for accurate mapping of the fine borders of a disease that is characterized by different stages of progression and cannot differentiate between an absent or a diseased RPE in the same manner as SD-OCT, which allows for viewing and grading all retinal layers. Most noteworthy is the finding that not only RPE absence correlates closely with neurosensory alterations, but that even in junctional zones where RPE cells are still present but are beginning to undergo morphologic changes, retinal layers such as the ELM and OPL are severely affected. It remains contro-versial whether the primary origin of atrophic AMD is the RPE or neuronal elements such as photoreceptors.35,36 The fact that RPE atrophy occurs at the novel macular site after 360-degree translocation36 suggests that photoreceptor disease is the pri-mary stimulus for subsequent RPE death. 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Financial Disclosure(s): The author(s) have made the following disclosure(s): Christian Prünte, MD, has a financial relationship with Novartis Pharma, Alcon Pharma, and Bayer. None of the authors have a proprietary interest in any of the products mentioned in this study. Parts of the study were presented at: the DOG annual meeting, September 26, 2009, Leipzig, Germany (paper presentation) Correspondence: Christian Simader, MD, Department of Ophthalmology, Medical Uni-versity of Vienna, Austria, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, Vienna, Austria. E-mail: 1851