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April 2008

Volume 39, Issue 6

Staying Loyal To
Photos By: Kara Lewis, Jessie smith, Jordan Dent, Lara Moore, Justin Broglie, & Casey Dunleavey

Photo By Taylor Relich

Ashley Czajkowski



armhouse Coffee, located off of Valley Brook Road, is a quaint getaway, different from the everyday coffee shops of today. Whether
getting a cup of coffee, a bowl ice cream or a delicious pastry, the
customer will not be disappointed. Upon entry, the friendly staff
greets the patron and cheerfully takes the order. Drinks called by names
such as Lucky Lady, White Cloud, and Fall Day Latté are only a few of the
unique treats that can be enjoyed hot or cold. The appealing establishment
is set off the Arrowhead Trail, making it easily accessible. Once inside, the
relaxing environment is a nice place to unwind with friends and enjoy
a conversation. Recently, word has spread about the opening of yet
another Starbucks; this one will be a mere few steps from Farmhouse.
With the Starbucks craze overtaking the United States population,

Farmhouse’s survival may unfortunately be at stake. Currently, Starbucks
has 7,087 company-operated stores within the U.S. (www.starbucks.
com). The new Starbucks is tentatively planned to open this summer,
and it is predicted many will turn to Starbucks to get their caffeine fix.
Fortunately, Farmhouse has its loyal customers, and Starbucks’ opening
will not faze many of them. “I go to Farmhouse every Friday morning
before school,” stated junior Molly Simoens. “I love the hot drinks and
the fruit smoothies; plus, it’s so convenient to go there if I’m on the trail.”
Hopefully, a majority of Peters Township residents
share this same view. Farmhouse must survive Starbucks’
takeover and continue its excellent business. Farmhouse is an
amazing establishment that deserves its place in the community.
Smoke Signals


April 2008

April 2008





Varsity Track vs.
Chartiers Valley 3:30
Varsity Softball vs.
Trinity 4:00



Varsity Baseball vs. Baldwin 4:00



Girls Varsity Lax vs.
Mt Lebanon 8:00





Boys Varsity Tennis vs.
Bethel 3:30






Varsity Track vs.
W. Mifflin & McKeesport

Boys Varsity Tennis vs.
Trinity 3:30

Varsity Softball vs.
Bethel Park 4:00

Varsity Baseball vs. USC

John Madden’s Birthday

Varsity Baseball vs.
Mt. Lebanon 4:00


Peach Cobbler Day

President Abraham
Lincoln was shot on April
14, 1865

Pineapple Upside Down

Boys Varsity Volleyball vs.
Our Lady of Sacred Heart


Boys Varsity Tennis vs.
USC 3:30

School Librarian Day

Varsity Baseball vs.
Bethel Park 7:00


Varsity Track - Big 7 Meet
Boys Varsity Tennis vs.
Montour 3:30

Boys Varsity Baseball vs.
Ambridge 7:30

Varsity Baseball vs
Cannon Mac 7:30



Persian Gulf War
Official Cease Fire, 1991


Varsity Softball vs.
South Park 11:00
Actress Grace Kelly becomes
Princess of Monaco n 1956.

High Five Day

Paul Revere Day

Girls Varsity Lax vs.
Quaker Valley 7:30

Space Shuttle Columbia
First Launched, 1981

Varsity Softball vs.
Keystone Oaks 4:00

Carol Burnett’s Birthday

Boys Varsity Volleyball vs.
Hopewell 7:30

Jessica Alba’s Birthday

Jerry Seinfeld’s Birthday

Barbra Streisand’s

Varsity Baseball vs.
Bethlehem Center 7:00



Varsity Baseball vs
Baldwin 7:00


Girls Varsity Lax vs. Seton
LaSalle 7:30

Varsity Softball vs.
Baldwin 11:30


The first Olympic Games Boy’s Varsity Tennis vs.
opened in Athens, Greece CV 3:30
on April 6, 1896.

Girls Varsity LAX vs.
Bethel Park 7:30




Marlon Brando’s Birthday

Girls Varsity Lax vs.
Fox Chapel 7:30

National Honesty Day

Babe Ruth Day


These two vacation photos are the same, with seven small exceptions. Can you spot them all?

Smoke Signals

Grant Burkhardt

Mrs. Sitler

Puzzle from

1. The palm tree has been trimmed.
2. The Desayuno Completo is now “Complete.”
3: The sign’s sun has grown—or maybe it’s
gone supernova.
4. Cock-a-doodle-doo!
5. Has that stool been overserved? It can’t
stand up straight.
6. The pole picked up a stripe.
7. Watch out for that hole!

Smoke Signals is
Angelina Nepa
produced eight times
during a school year by OPINION EDITORS
the students of Media
Alex Egan
Brian Lewis
II, III, IV Journalism
and extracurricular staff
at Peters Towship High
Bill Berry
School, 264 E. McMurJordan Dent
ray Road, McMurray
PA 15317. Telephone:
724-941-6250 x.5379.
Brianna Lutes
E-mail: sitlern@ptShelby Miller
reviews, and opinAndrea Briggs,
Emily Estep, Gina
ion columns are the
Nepa, Taylor Relich,
expressed opinion of
Bridget Stasenko,
the author and not of
Katie Ellis, Averi
Smoke Signals, its
Clements, Paige
Burris, Mady
advisor or the Peters
Dietrich, StephaTownship School
nie Nitschmann,
District. Member of the Stephanie Cotugno,
Pennsylvania School
Ian Jackson, Dana
Hoelle, Melanie HoffPress Association.
Ashley Czajkowski
Katie Gavlick, Kaylin
Renée Wunderlich
Zawicki, Emily Correal, Shelby Miller,
Brianna Lutes
Katie Gavlick



More Than Gossip: Spring Yields School Violence
Averi Clements
Staff Writer


Throughout history, interscholastic violence has been a prominent, though unfortunate, part of
our society. Most of the cases seem
to turn up in March and April, when
the tension that builds up between
winter recess and spring break can
cause students to turn on their fellow classmates and teachers. Studies show that revenge has been the
motive for over half of school shooters. In fact, over three-fourths held
some sort of grudge – and told other students about their violent plans
( While other schools
take protective measures to prevent
violence within their walls, three universities take time to grieve for the
losses of young and promising students, and investigators search intently for evidence that could convict
the perpetrators.
On Valentine’s Day of this
year, Steven Kazmierczak opened
fire on his fellow Northern Illinois

University classmates, killing
five and injuring eighteen. While
Kazmierczak’s assault did not
appear to be targeted, the evidence surrounding the murder
of Auburn University freshman
Lauren Burk provides a different scenario. Twenty-threeyear-old male Courtney Lockhart confessed to holding Burk
at gunpoint, forcing her into her
car, stealing her bankcard, attempting to rape her, and fatally
shooting her when she tried to
flee. The suspect now faces the
possibility of the death penalty if
convicted. Burk’s car was found
aflame three miles from the spot
where her body was discovered.
Eerily enough, another
college murder took place only
a day after Lauren Burk was discovered by the roadside – the
corpse of the University of North
Carolina student body president

Eve Carson was found in an upscale
residential area, but this time, there
was no verification that the victim was
targeted. Surveillance videos at a local bank showed a man trying to use
her ATM card, which could prove to
be a huge lead in finding her killer.
The suspect, 21-year-old Demario
Atwater, has been charged with firstdegree murder. A second suspect by
the name of Lawrence Lovette Jr. was
also arrested on March 13. The 17year-old is receiving first-degree murder charges for the January shooting
of a Duke University graduate student
in addition to the identical charges for
Carson’s murder.
Authorities will continue to
look for ways to convict those responsible for the gruesome murders
of these two young women, but in the
meantime, news audiences everywhere can only watch and uneasily
await the next school tragedy.

In Your Dreams: The Stages of Dreaming
Stephanie Cotugno

Staff Writer

One-third of a person’s life is
spent dreaming. Shifting from one
stage to another, people experience dreaming in intervals as they
sleep the night away. From Dublin,
Ireland to Hong Kong,
China, everyone in
the world experiences
dreaming. Dreams are
often a response to our
thoughts, activities, and
sensations experienced
throughout the day. As
natural as breathing,
dreaming is an action all
humans encounter every night for
24% of their sleep time. Dreaming
serves as a reflection of what one
has consumed in the preceding day
or two, which scientific studies have
found to be deep states of concentration. Scientific studies have also
found several stages of sleeping
and dreaming that cycle throughout
the night.
The two major stages of
sleep include Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep and Non-Rapid

Eye Movement (NREM). In
one night’s sleep, REM may
occur three to five times per
night including one to two
hour intervals. This is where

deepest stage of sleep NREM happens,
brain waves, heart rate, and breathing
slow along with maintaining a low blood
pressure. “I was surprised to find out
that I am barely alive during the NREM
stage. I can’t believe
I approach the brink
of death every evening when my brain
waves and heart
rate are so slow,”
stated junior Jack
Hareza. At NREM,
sleepwalking occur.
Lastly, dreaming concludes an individual’s sleep.
Everyone dreams, whether
they remember it or not. The majority of dreams occur during REM sleep
because this is the period of time when
the bodies’ muscles are turned off. With
inactive muscles, the body is enabled
to physically respond to vivid dreams.
“The stages of dreaming are very interesting,” stated senior Lindsay Dodds “I
can’t believe that I can have up to seven
dreams in one night. I barely remember

“I can’t believe I approach the brink
of death every evening when my
brain waves and heart rate
are so slow” - Jack Hareza

Andrea Briggs

April 2008

Smoke Signals

Syntax Editor

dreams occur. The first rapid
eye movement period usually
begins about 70 to 90 minutes
after a person falls asleep, periods may conclude after five
minutes or last more than an
hour. This first stage of sleep is
called REM due to the muscles
in the eye reaching a saccade,
the fastest movement of an external part of the human body,
up to 1,000 degrees per second. After this hectic stage, the

A New Type of Phone Bill

Cell phones have quickly been replacing many essential tools – cameras,
mp3 players, GPS, even the US Postal Service – but recently, a new technology
was introduced that may have the cell phone replace one other item: your wallet.
A chip for your cell phone has been invented, allowing the device to be
used as a credit card. Touchless pay stations, similar to the PayPass units currently in use for credit cards, are being set up in shops, and users “swipe” their
phones over the pad, which then reads the data in the chip and withdraws the
requested amount. Japan has already started using this technology, and has installed over 13,000 pay stations in shops around the country. Finland and Korea
are also cashing in on this trend, with many users in their countries.
The phones work using a technology near-field communication (NFC) – a
more refined form of radio-frequency identification (RFID) currently in use with
contactless credit cards. It uses low-frequency radio waves to communicate with
a wireless network and make a transaction. What makes NFC different than the


What In The
If you’re heading to South Pasadena,
California, be sure to bring a bar of soap
– the small town located just outside of
Los Angeles, California has officially
banned swearing. Mayor Michael
Cacciotti stated that it would be a
“reminder [to everyone] to be more civil
[and] elevate the level of discourse.”
Maybe the rest of the cities in the United
States will follow suit and attempt
to clean up their language as well.
Using beet juice and Kool-Aid, Joy
Douglas of Boulder, Colorado died her
white miniature poodle, Cici, pink in
order to call attention to breast cancer.
She was fined $1000 dollars because
it is illegal to dye animals in Boulder.
Douglas is fighting the charges and has
a trial scheduled for a later date in April.
The Vatican has recently announced
that there is a new, “modernized” set
of Seven Deadly Sins in place of the
traditional seven (greed, gluttony, envy,
pride, lust, wrath, and sloth). The new
moral sins are: genetic modification,
human experimentation, polluting the
environment, social injustice, causing
poverty, financial gluttony, and taking
drugs. Why the change? According
to Monsignor Gianfranco Grotti, head
of the Apostolic Penitentiary, people
haven’t been taking responsibility
for their sins and “60% of Italian
Catholics no longer participate in
confession, [which is] considered one
of the most important sacraments.”
A device that was invented to protect
the surfers of Australia, the Shark
Shield, was removed from sale after
a great white shark ate one during
a test. The Shield was supposed to
emit an electric field in order to deter
the sharks but failed miserably. The
reason it didn’t work: it’s only meant to
protect stationary figures, and will not
work if the surfer is moving in any way.
A device that was invented to protect
the surfers of Australia, the Shark
Shield, was removed from sale after
a great white shark ate one during
a test. The Shield was supposed to
emit an electric field in order to deter
the sharks but failed miserably. The
reason it didn’t work: it’s only meant to
protect stationary figures, and will not
work if the surfer is moving in any way.
Compiled by Katie Ellis, Staff Writer

standard RFID is that it works two-ways – the phone not only sends information
to the receiving network, but the network can “talk” with the phone as well.
One of the biggest questions regarding the banking capability of phones
is the security involved. Lost and stolen phones are a definite danger, and makers
are toying with the idea of having customers enter a security code in the phone
itself to allow the transaction to go though. This is similar to the PIN number already in use, but featuring a security code would defeat the point of having touchless deivices.
Japan’s most popular phone service provider has been partnering with
national banks to try to boost the usage of phones with banking capability. Now, in
America, Nokia is working with credit card companies and has released the Nokia
6131 – a phone that allows users full access to NFC technology. A trial run was
enacted in New York during January of 2007, and results showed that the phone
was well received by the public.



April 2008

Smoke Signals



Media Madness at the Café
Katie Ellis

Staff Writer

What is your favorite ice cream
flavor and why?

After many weeks of hard work from both the Library
the windows of the librarians’ offices. “I think it’s cool to
Advisory Committee and the library assistants, the annual
have my photography hanging in the library,” sophomore
Library Arts Café was held the week of March 3rd with a
Amber Doerr commented. “It gives the rest of the school
theme of “A Night Under the Stars.” Thursday featured the
an opportunity to see photographs that they wouldn’t
students representing the Media Department.
necessarily see otherwise.”
The most notable
With the help of Media
of the presentations were
students and the other performers
given by the broadcast
throughout the week, the Library
managed to raise quite a bit of
some of the most creative
money. “The library collected well
student-made videos that
over $1200,” Library Advisory
this school has seen in a
long time; they even gave
stated. “We plan on using about
last year’s “wonder-child”
$1000 in order to expand our
Kevin Noone a run for his
audio book library.” The rest will
money. The commercial for
be used for general maintenance
February’s dodgeball game
and to fund other minor events
was extremely creative;
that the library holds periodically
throughout the year, including
Senior Jordan Dent gives a presentation about the Media
for future events will be just
the Library Luncheons.
Department during the Library Arts Café. Bridget Manning and
as imaginative as this one
Overall, the Library Arts
Jason Chiappino also presented.
and the school will cease to
Café can be considered nothing
see bland or boring ads.
but a success; the students
The photography students were featured in a
loved it, the people involved had fun, and the library
slightly different way; instead of giving a presentation, their
managed to raise some money. Hopefully next year will
art was displayed in various places in the library, mainly on
be just as fantastic.

“Mint Chocolate Chip.”
Kara Lewis, Junior

Bulls Eye! PTHS Thespian Troop Presents:
Annie Get Your Gun
Renée Wunderlich


This year’s classic spring musical,
Annie Get Your Gun, will be playing May,
1, 2, and 3 at 7:00 on opening night, and
7:30 for additional performances. The
play will be directed by Mr. Barry Wood,
Thespian Troupe Founder. Assistant
Director is sophomore Elena Lages,
and Stage Manager is senior Kendra
Lewis. Tickets will be sold prior to all
performances during all lunch periods,
and can be purchased at the door.
The life of Annie Oakley, a
legendary sharp shooter from the hills of
Willow Dell, Ohio, has been magnificently
transformed into a performance of
comedy, suspense, romance, and hope.
Annie Get Your Gun also includes many
well-known songs, such as the famous
“Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better”, a
duet that sings the glories of equality and
female independence in a new age.
“It’s such a beautiful love storyand it’s primarily based on the lives of
Frank and Annie,” said Mr. Wood, “On
the stage they preformed in each other’s
acts, and at the grave, they are buried
side by side.”
In the play (as in history), Annie,
played by senior Becky Rosky, first
appears to the world as a back woods


“Chocolate Chip Cookie
Dough becausei t’s like
cookies and milk in the same
Matthew M. Smith, Senior


country hick competing in a shoot
out at Buffalo Bill’s (freshman
Hardy Kern) Wild West show. Her
opponent: the daring, dashing,
devishly-handsome Frank Butler,
played by senior Carl Mitchell.
Butler’s assistant, Dolly, is played
by senior Natalie Palamides.
Elementary school students
Shane Kolson, Maria Getto, Amanda
Kolson, and Charlie Meyers play
Annie’s ‘lil assistants; Buddy, Jessie,
Nelly, and Little Jake (respectively).
Out-shooting Frank Butler in
Buffalo Bill’s famous contest, Annie
Oakley becomes the new champion
of the Wild West traveling show.
Tension between Frank and Annie
results in the many twists and turns
of two lives that later are entwined
together through chance and fate.
Northrop and Harry Buzzatto play
Sioux Indian Chief Sitting Bull and
show announcer Charlie Davenport.
Other characters include Mac,
played by senior Nathan Meyers,
Foster Wilson by sophomore Dan
DeLuca, and Pawnee Bill by junior
Wesley Groll.

of the general
experiences some
stress every two


of doctor visits are
due to stress related

The chorus (who play
townspeople, Indians, and ritzy
aristocrats) is made up of over 40
thespians, including seniors Alexa
Baxendell, Kyle Bloser, Eli Diamond,
Christine Getto, Katy Hartenbach,
Megan Jacobs, Andrew Marshall,
Angelina Nepa, Thomas Rauch,
Caitlyn Roberson, Gina Wagner,
Jess Ward, and Laura Zini.

“I work at Sarris Candy in the
ice cream section, so I love
all kinds of ice cream!”
Kristen Blatt, Sophomore

“I like Praline Pecan because
it tastes good.”
Tony Lages, Freshman
Image courtesy of

25% of boys in

the US said that
they either refuse or
avoid dealing with
their stress.

68% of teens in
Baltimore said that
homework was their
biggest stressor.

45% of girls in the
US actively try to
reduce or remove
their stress.

April 2008


Mess of Stress: How Stress Makes Students Ill
Attendance during the past few weeks has
been as sporadic as the weather. Students have
been in and out of school, trying to get over colds,
the flu, and menacing mono, then returning to find
enough make-up work to make anyone sick all over
again. Why, when students are supposed to be oozing
vitality, are so many chronically ill? Well, evidence
suggests that high levels of stress can actually result
in physical illness. The American Psychological
Association, for example, notes that two thirds of all
visits to family physicians are due to stress related
Stress is the way that a person’s body reacts
to changes. Since adolescence is a period of intense
change, it makes sense that a typical student’s body
would be under a great deal of stress. But coupled with
heavy workloads that accompany advanced classes,
after-school jobs, and extracurricular activities,
normal teen angst gets magnified a thousand fold.
Bodily signs of stress run the gamut, from headaches
and stomachaches to muscle pain and fatigue. There
is also an emotional toll that manifests in trouble

sleeping, eating, and concentrating. Stress does
not invite illness, but it affects the immune system,
making those under pressure less able to combat
bacteria and viruses.
Many students find themselves victims of
chronic illness. Richard Carlson once humorously
said, “Stress is nothing more than a socially
acceptable form of mental illness.” So how can
students stave off illness? Most teenagers could be
more open with their friends and families, an oftenuntapped support system for rough times. And as
impossible as it seems in the face of college boards
and pressure from teachers, many students need
to set more realistic goals for themselves. Five AP
classes? Fine, but make sure the job at Giant Eagle
does not take up all of the necessary homework
time. If students relax and set a reasonable pace
for themselves, they’ll be healthier and miss less
class. Better yet, they won’t infect their classmates.
As it turns out, an apple a day won’t keep the doctor
away, but a reality check will.

Joining the Military
Bridget Stasenko

Staff Writer

The stereotypical
life after high school is
attending a university/
college, but there are
actually many different
career paths students can
take, including military
service. The military is
composed of diverse
of men and women
from all over the United
States brought together
to achieve one goal:
To Protect Our Nation,
and Fight for Freedom.
When joining the service,
there are a variety of
opportunities depending
on your interests.


ASVAB is the most
important step. The score
earned on the ASVAB
will determine what job
an individual can pursue
in the military.
“Because I did
so well on the ASVAB,
I had hundreds of job
choices, which made
it great because I got
my first choice, a load
master”, said senior Tom
Viau. This exam tests a
ability in four different

We All Scream
for Ice Cream
Layout Team


When it comes to ice cream, Cold Stone
Creamery does it best. They have a unique way
of creating a delicious combination of ice cream
and your favorite topping. They have countless
combinations and flavors of ice cream. Pick a
flavor of ice cream for them to put on the stone
slab, then pick as many mix ins as you want.
Mix ins range from hot fudge, whip cream, and
walnuts to Hershey bars, nerds, and coconut.

Photo Courtesy of

Once you come up with your creation they mix it
up on the stone slab then put it in a cake cone
or bowl. If you are not that creative, they have
their own combinations you can choose from that
will be sure to satisfy your ice cream craving. If
you can’t make the trip to Cold stone, Brusters or
Ritas are equally good choices. Brusters always
has great flavors and serve you decent amounts.
Ritas is great because you can get Italian ice and
their custard is amazing. When it comes to these
three ice cream places, no matter which one you
choose, you won’t be disappointed.

Knowledge, Paragraph
Mathematics Knowledge.
This score counts towards
your Armed
Qualifying Test. This test
will determine whether
or not one is eligible
to enlist in the military.
To be well prepared
for the ASVAB, www.
free practice exams
and tips to succeed.
The ASVAB was offered
at Peters Township in
early December. When
one joins the military,
it is not only an honor,
but comes along with
many benefits. Benefits

include life insurance,
military education, a
resting place, GI Bill, and
so much more.
For more
information on joining
the military, go to

It’s easy to follow the styles
of celebrities and copy their outfits
completely, but developing your own style
and avoiding being a fashion clone sets
your outfits apart from everyone else’s.
Here are some tips to develop your own
First, understand that you’re an
individual; no one is exactly like you. You
don’t want to go online, for example, and
copy the same picture of an outfit Mischa
Barton was seen wearing the other day.
Try setting your own trends, develop a
style that is completely you. Don’t think
that you can’t be fashion savvy enough to
do it. Everyone has to start somewhere,
so study magazines and patterns. If you
like stripes, go online and look for pictures
of striped outfits with other patterns you
normally wouldn’t put stripes with. Then go
out put on pieces of clothing that you love
together and start from there. Start getting
creative and putting pieces together that
normally wouldn’t work together. Start
your own trend!
Next, think about what kind of person
you are. Say you are a cheerful happy
person; you should wear bright colors but
make sure you are comfortable with what
you are wearing. Do not go on the internet
and search for what type of cliché you think
you are. For example don’t search “how to
dress like an indie kid.” Ask other people
how you look in what you wear, have
them answer honestly, and don’t get mad
about their constructive criticism. Make
yourself visually memorable, your natural
beauty can shine through your outfits too.
You can also use your personal style to
camouflage flaws and draw attention to
your best features. Make sure that you
experiment and alter you signature style
pieces, as you grow more confident in
what you wear.

Photo Courtesy of


Stephanie Cotugno

By Mady Dietrich

News Editor


Emily Correal

Av oiding B eing A Fashion

Mad About Fashion

Angelina Nepa


Staff Writer

Walking into Coldstone, I immediately knew
there was no competition. I had tried Rita’s Mango ice
and a Blast from Brusters, but Coldstone offered a deluxe
selection of everything you could possibly want with ice
cream. Depending on how much ice cream you would
like to enjoy, you can pick from three different size cups
or choose from a variety of plain or sprinkled cones. The
parlor offers several ice cream bases along with a ton of
sides that can be added to the ice cream to create the
perfect combination. If a customer cannot decide, just
try one of the Coldstone’s most popular combinations:
Birthday Cake Remix, Chocolate Devotion, and Peanut
Butter Perfection.
Coldstone isn’t as close to Peters as Bruster’s
and Rita’s locations are, but the nearest location is
definitely manageable and worth the ride to Bridgeville’s
Washington Pike Suites. Unlike Rita’s, Coldstone is
open year round, and its stores host birthday parties,
sell signature pies, and offer customers the opportunity
to design their own cake.
Personally, Coldstone is the best creamery in
the area. The twenty-minute ride is a little inconvenient,
but Coldstone is the only ice cream parlor that makes
it easy to create the perfect combination. Also, the
employees are bright and personable, and sing a cute
little tune when customers add something extra to the
tip jar! It is a lot of fun, and a perfect way to satisfy one
of those dessert cravings!

Ice Beats Ice

Melanie Hoffman

Staff Writer

Most people recognize summer by the sun
in the sky, the happy-go-lucky attitudes, and by
the most popular food – ice cream. Three favorite
choices for ice cream are Rita’s Italian Ice, Cold
Stone Creamery, and Bruster’s Ice Cream.
What hot spot cools you down the most?
Rita’s Italian Ice. Rita’s ice offers a different texture
with a delicious taste for an affordable price. For the
best of both worlds – try a gelati. A thick layer of
custard (chocolate, vanilla, or twist) followed by your
choice of ice, with another layer of custard on top.
It’s a great way to cool off a hot summer day.
Although the drive is a bit longer and the
price is steep, Cold Stone Creamery has amazing
ice cream. They provide suggested flavors for you,
such as birthday cake remix, founder’s favorite, all
lovin’ no oreo, or you’re able to choose between a
variety of flavors of ice cream, toppings, and syrups
to make your own.
Finally, Bruster’s is a traditional favorite.
The assortment of flavors and close distance makes
it convenient to take a quick trip and grab a scoop!
Next time you’re sweating on a sweltering
summer day or you just want something to do, cool
down with a mind-boggling scoop from one of these
great places, especially my favorite, Rita’s.

PT Style

You’re stuck in Peters for the break.
What does your week look like?
Working extra
hours to make
more money



Doing what I would do
on a normal weekend


Sleeping in and going out
with friends more

Senior Maggie Soffel and her sister Becca
pose for a picture at a restaurant at the
bay during their vacation in Florida.



45% iPod


So you’re
to the
the one
you can’t

Enjoying the nice spring sun are sophomores Katie Foglia and Shane Deiley
during their walk on the trail.
The Peters
takes a
games on
their trip
to Florida
for a team

What is your ideal
spring break




Ski Resort

Smiling brightly are sophomore best friends
Cori Swoope and Emily Barna on their
Florida getaway vacation during spring

What is your goal
for spring break?

Getting a tan

Catching up on

All photos submitted


In the midst of
an intense
Penguins game,
Shaina Herman
and freshman
Melina Sopko
take a break
from the action.

poses for a
during her
vacation to


April 2008

Brian Lewis


Smoke Signals

The Clinton Dynasty: A Stain on America
Opinion Editor

It continues to amaze me that Senator Hillary Clinton still thinks she has
a chance to win the Democratic Presidential Nomination. With only 10 states left
to hold their primaries, including Pennsylvania, Clinton has almost no chance to
catch Senator Barack Obama in the delegate count. The only way she would be
able to get the nomination is if she essentially defies the will of the voters and
steals the nomination from Obama by capturing the vote of the various party
elders known as Superdelegates.
Of course, for Senator Clinton, stealing
an election would not be unusual for her. Clinton
is perhaps one of the most corrupt politicians in
Washington D.C., and would do anything to hold
onto power. In the past few months she has done
everything she can possibly think of to knock
Senator Obama off his current pedestal. Her
attacks have ranged from using race, religion,
and even trying to steal delegates that Obama
has already won. It didn’t matter to Clinton that all of her attacks have no credible
leg to stand on; she decided to use them anyway. Perhaps the best example
of her willingness to decimate Obama is when she refused to directly answer
a question during a NBC interview when she was asked if she thought Senator
Obama was a Muslim. For the record, he isn’t, but Clinton would much rather play
upon the fear of voters than debate issues.
Perhaps the most troubling aspect of Clinton’s campaign is her injection
of ethnicity into the race for the Presidency. Most of the pundits expected race to
play some factor in the first presidential campaign to include a serious AfricanAmerican contender, but the extent to which it has factored is unseemly and plain
wrong. Though most of the comments have come from low level-advisors, the

biggest blunder of all came from former President Bill Clinton. Just before the
South Carolina primary, Bill Clinton said that he felt that Obama was not all that he
was cracked up to be, and that he owed his amazing campaign to the fact that he
was black, and not because Senator Obama was ready to be President. It didn’t
help the Clintons either when they said it wasn’t so much Dr. Martin Luther King
who advanced civil rights in this country but rather President Lyndon Johnson
instead. Maybe the Clintons should just stick to
failing miserably at running a country rather than
failing their history exams.
One reason that Senator Clinton is so
concerned about getting the nomination is the
preservation of the Clinton legacy. After her
husband’s presidency drowned in scandal, both
Hillary and Bill feel the need to go out on top.
By winning the presidency, Senator Clinton
would be able to ensure that the Clinton dynasty
remains as large as that of the Bush’s, if not larger. This requires her to employ a
win-at-all-costs strategy against Senator Obama. Of course, as one Republican
strategist put it to, ““If the Clinton people knee-cap Obama, it would
be like killing Santa Claus Christmas morning in front of the children. The children
won’t forget or forgive.” Maybe Senator Clinton should consider embracing Santa
Claus before she turns into the Grinch.
In the end, Senator Clinton’s dreams come down to Pennsylvania. If she
manages to defy expectations of a 15-20 point win on April 22, she may very well
have a small but insignificant case to continue on. If she fails to deliver on the
expectations, then it looks like Democrats will finally have a nominee, Senator
Barack Obama.

Dana Hoelle

Alex Egan

“Senator Clinton should consider
embracing Santa Claus before she
turns into the Grinch.”

The Truth About Tanning

Opinion Co-Editor

Staff Writer

Want to banish your pale skin
for a fierce tan? The end of the school
year is looming with events such as
trips to the beach as well as prom.
Many people are starting to consider
the best way to get that bronzed glow,
turning to tanning booths, self-tanner,
or a combination of both. Before you
grab your bathing suit and head to the
tanning bed in pursuit of the perfect tan,
spend a few minutes to learn about the
positive side of tanning. These facts
can help you achieve the look you want
without ruining and stressing your skin.
UVA radiation is what makes
people tan. These rays penetrate the
lower layers of the skin to produce
melanin (the brown pigment that
causes tanning). Melanin is the body’s
way of protecting the skin from burning.
Tanning actually helps you because
it gives you the amount of Vitamin D
needed for the body. It also protects the
body from getting burnt when you’re
in the sun. Getting a base tan before
laying out in the sun is a good way for
you to save yourself from sunburn.
Staying out of tanning beds
may seem like the only logical answer,
but who wants to live like a hermit? The
key is to enjoy tanning beds sensibly,

Food For Thought

finding a balance between going too
much and using them responsibly. To
enjoy tanning while still protecting your
skin, wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen
that will help prevent burning. You
should also take frequent breaks;
tanning every day is neither sensible
nor necessary. “Going tanning once
or twice a week is all you need to get
the look you want,” said Senior Cara
Stiffler. Another way to protect yourself
while tanning is to avoid “accelerators,”
or tanning pills and lotions that claim
to speed up the body’s production of
melanin, and make you darker faster.
There is no actual proof that they will
work, and the FDA does not approve
them. “Accelerators say that will make
you more tan, but in reality they don’t do
anything,” said Junior Brooke Wilson.
It is a lot easier for adults to tell
us to avoid tanning beds than to teach
us how to enjoy tanning appropriately
and responsibly. Next time you decide
to go tanning, just remember to go
wisely at the right level of exposure.
Even when you’re serious about
protecting your skin, you may want
the glow from a tan, so remember
these safe tips, and protect your skin.

Fishtank: Prom Dilemma
By Renée Wunderlich

The majority of students here at PTHS eat the cafeteria food on a daily basis.
It’s safe to say that the majority of the food doesn’t even taste good. (With the exception
of pasta day, paninis, and Good Cookie Wednesdays.) However, not only is this food
we’re eating every day unappetizing, most of it is also unhealthy. Until now, that is.
Thankfully, the school has started to make a small but helpful effort to
make the cafeteria food healthier. We’ve all noticed the new snack machine
by the windows, but has anyone noticed what’s in it? It’s not just another
vending machine filled with candy and soda, it’s filled with a delicious array of
organic food. Although the prices may be a bit higher, it’s well worth it. The
new addition to our cafeteria includes organic teas, sodas, chips, popcorn,
granola bars, and more. It seems to be a big hit with the students, too.
“I think it’s great that we now have healthier choices for snack food,” says senior
Jason Chiappino. “It’s a little expensive, but the food is actually pretty good.”
And not only does the food taste good, it has health benefits that could
help you live a longer life. Organic food is made free of pesticides, which are
the chemicals put on our food to make it last longer. It also contains more
than 50% more nutrients, vitamins, and minerals than the regular produce
we consume on a daily basis. All in all, organic food is a much healthier
option, thanks to it’s lack of pesticides, hormones, fertilizers, antibiotics,
and chemicals that dominate our bodies through the regular food we eat.
“I’m so glad that we finally have a healthier snack machine, even though it isn’t
much” says senior Jordan Dent. “It’s nice to know that I have a few more food
choices that I know doesn’t have a possibility of eventually harming my body.”
Although organic health food hasn’t dominated the cafeteria,
the snack machine is a beneficial improvement to our cafeteria.
It’s definitely one step forward to helping students eat healthier.

Facebook Giveaway

Paige Burris

staff Writer

Big hits like iTunes and
Facebook are about to get bigger.
iTunes sales are already off the charts,
and Facebook is also one of the most
widely used websites for people from
high school and college around the
world. It is not only a great way to
communicate and keep in touch, but
it’s now also a great way to get music.
For 10 weeks, Facebook is
giving away 10 million sample songs
to promote iTunes. On Facebook sites,
there are advertisements on banners
that links to the Apple web site, where
one is able to download the sample
songs. These free songs include
everywhere from alternative rock to
hip-hop, from bands like Cartel and

Granddaddy. Another way to get free
music is It is all
supported by iTunes, and the wrath of
the iPhone since the iPhone is featured
everywhere. Not only is Facebook
featuring the iTunes giveaway, but the
iPhone is also featuring Facebook on
TV commercials and Internet adds.
Most would be willing to pay more for
your iPod or iPhone if they got free
access to the music library. There is
talk going around that it might happen,
and iTunes might finally be free if there
was a monthly subscription. ITunes
is coming on strong with new ideas
almost every month, to make their
company more successful.
April 2008



Think Before You Drink

Gina Nepa


Staff Writer


banned the popular drink, Red Bull, after it was
linked to the death of a basketball player, Ross
Cooney, who consumed four cans before playing a
basketball game. Britain, as well, has investigated
the severe hazards of the drink, and chose to issue
a warning against its use by pregnant women,
energy drinks have been known to contain as much
as 300 milligrams of caffeine, the equivalent to four
cups of coffee, (Mintel Energy Drink Report in 2006).
Marketing for these energy boosters is
geared towards teenagers, seen as an all-around
naïve and exploratory group. The majority of these
consumers fail to look into the side effects of drinking
these cans in extremity. A rather comical website,

Many students trudge through Peters
Township High School, a Rockstar in one hand
and a textbook in the other, usually with a frazzled
look in their eyes. The majority of teenagers who
rapidly gulp down these drinks who don’t consider
the sickening effects these beverages produce.
Energy drinks are advertised as providing
more energy than a typical beverage. However,
there is no scientific basis concluding that consuming
these beverages an individual is more mentally
alert [Marin Institute study.] Though there is also
no proof of energy increase after consumption,
the “high” that occurs in the midst of drinking the
beverage is sure to keep consumers buying package
after package. France, as well as Denmark, has



Brian Lewis


Whats the

What is the

Alex Egan

best part about Spring?
Warm weather, tank tops, driving with the
windows down, and getting the heck out
of here!

Warm weather, the Pirates losing, and
the Yankees beating the snot out of the
Red Sox.

worst part about Spring?

The Penguins getting knocked out of the

Do you have

It rains a lot! But actually, I don’t mind the
rain. So, I guess just the fact that it’s not
summer yet.


Yeah, otherwise we may have put the
effort into a fourth question.

Meghan Jacobs, features a section which
allows a viewer to enter their weight and preferred
energy drink into a search panel. The test then
calculates how many drinks the individual, that
weight, would be able to consume before dying.
“I don’t even like the taste of those things;
they taste like battery acid,” explained sophomore
Jon Kovac. Others favor the taste, and tolerate the
sideeffects, such as adrenaline rushes. “They keep me
going for a while, but after the initial buzz. I usually just
get a headache,” explained sophomore, Mark Hayes.
Short-term effects of regular drinking can include slow
reaction times, increased heartbeat, and dizziness, as
found in a Brown University Health Education Study.

Oh, yeah. I’m surprised we got even three
questions out of this.

We’re All Number One
Guest Contributor

Anyone walking down a hall in PTHS is sure to find
a group of girls chattering away about their weekends, trying
to trump one another with pointless details to make her story
more important. Honestly, who cares?
Narcissism is defined as excessive love or
admiration of oneself. Typically one sees this egocentric
attitude in a child’s toddler years, dwindling as she ages.
Modern technology and parental influences are delaying
this process.
A child is taught from a young age that she is
“special,” driven home by her parents’ indulgent behaviors.
The borderline of rewards and indulgency is thin, thought.
A child needs to learn that while she is special, she doesn’t
need to be rewarded for every accomplishment. As the
child ages, she will continue to expect rewards for miniscule
accomplishments. Just because an adolescent turns 16
doesn’t mean she needs a new Mercedes.
While parents are a large influence in child’s youth,
technology, and the media perpetuate narcissism. Mister
Rogers’ innocent song lyrics in 1976, “You are my friend;
you are special,” have since been misinterpreted to mean
“You are so special; you can do no wrong.” Fred Rogers
meant for the song to display love and caring towards
children. “He knew children could do wrong,” states Hedda
Sharapan, a communications director for his series. Mister
Rogers is later quoted, “I wish from the very beginning I had
said it this way: You are special and so is everyone else in
the world.” The preschool tune “Frère Jacques” also has a
narcissistic lyrical counterpart: “I am special; I am special;
Lock at me!” While a child ages and develops other interests,
one may think she develops more worldly concerns. It is
on the contrary, however, as the concern further envelopes
herself. The advent of social networking websites sought to
connect people globally, but the various site names speak
for themselves: Myspace, YouTube. A student is deeply

upset when she logs in to discover no new comments on
her weekend party pictures, yet could surprisingly care
less when the six o’clock news stories flood the television.
Teenagers and parents of young children may not see these
self-absorbed behaviors as a problem now, but issues are
certainly on the horizon, charging at full speed.
In Sally Kalson’s article, “Collegians Too Special
for Their Own Good,” she states, “narcissists are short on
empathy, long on aggression when criticized, and obsessed
with self-promotion over helping others. They’re also
more likely to lack emotional warmth and have problem
with romantic relationships.” Another article, entitled,
“Study Finds Self-Centeredness, Narcissism Rising Among
Student,” assesses many of the same issues. “Narcissists
are more likely to have romantic relationships that are shortlived, at risk for infidelity, lack emotional warmth, and to
exhibit game-playing, dishonesty, and over-controlling and
violent behaviors.”
So, how do we change this behavior kidnapping the
next generation? The best way is for parents to be more
controlling. A kid doesn’t need friend-figures who financially
provide for her; she needs parents who stand by the
punishments implement. And substituting indulgent prizes
for simple praise wouldn’t hurt, either. Parents also need to
be aware of the other end of the spectrum – a child should
be aware of her importance, but acknowledge others’ too.
An interviewee of Kalson’s, David Hornyak, makes
an observation: “If you’ve ever watched an ‘American Idol’
audition, it’s amazing the number of young people who
truly can’t sing but yet are crushed when Simon gives them
a reality check…This study indicates that students just
automatically assume they’ll succeed without any frame of
reference. They lack critical thinking and self-reflection.”
He’s right. We can’t all be number one.

Jordan Dent
Sports Co-Editor

If an adult were asked what
the best part of being a teenager was,
he or she would most likely respond,
“Everything!” If a teenager were asked
that same question, the response would
probably be, “Nothing.” From this, one
could conclude that teen years are not
appreciated until the back of mom’s
car has been dented, until the number
of nights spent babysitting start to
resemble the number of weekends
spent grounded, until those years are
far gone and all that is left are the
memories that were made.
We must face the fact that
most people do not see the good in
something until that something is long
gone. However, I can see the good of
being a teenager, and I believe that the
best part is knowing that being treated
like a kid is over and the responsibilities
that hop on the wagon along with being
an adult have not yet begun.
Once teenage years have
begun, parents realize their child’s
desire for independence and trust.
Parents start testing their kids with
small acts that build trust and usually
make the teen feel more free and
To an adolescent,
gaining a parent’s trust is like hitting
the lottery. Putting down the Barbie
dolls and picking up the cell phone is
a huge milestone for teenagers, and
from there, teen years just keep getting
While teenagers are given
some responsibilities and things are
asked of them, they do not have the
pressures and stress that adulthood
brings. Unlike most adults, teens
are not handed the tasks of paying a
mortgage, holding a serious, full-time
job, or most importantly, raising a
family. And while we teenagers might
think school is tough; and balancing
friends, sports, and a part-time job is
even tougher, seeing how easy life is
during our teens in necessary.
Fully embracing the teen years
is extremely important, but the problem
for many teenagers is not being able
to find a happy medium between
school, social activities, and family. As
complicated as life can get, teens must
come to appreciate the teenage phase
because in one second, these years
will be over and soon we will come to
find that pictures and yearbooks just
won’t do the justice of actually living
this era of our lives.



Smoke Signals



Who will win the 2008 Stanley Cup?
IJ: The 2008 NHL season has been a
wild one to say the least, and the playoffs
promise to be the same way, because of
the Minnesota Wild. Marian Gaborik is one
of the top players in the game today and
he has the supporting cast to go deep into
the playoffs. My Stanley Cup prediction is
Wild vs. obviously the Pittsburgh Penguins.
TR: There is not really a clear favorite in
the Eastern Conference, though many
people would say there is one in the West
(Red Wings). Personally, I think that the
best team in the West is the San Jose
Sharks, because I saw them play in person
this season, and they hung right with the
Penguins and beat them in the shootout.
Maybe Jeremy Roenick will finally get
to hoist the Cup. I would love to see a
Sharks vs. Pens matchup in the Stanley
Cup, and that is what I think will happen.
The Pens seem like a dark horse in the
East, but I don’t think they are, simply
because they are tremendously resilient.
IJ: How are the Penguins a dark horse,
when they are first in the conference? I hate
when people want to make their team the
underdog even when they aren’t. Anyways…
I like the Sharks too. Roenick is one of the
faces of the league and it would be a shame
if he never raises the cup, but I don’t think
it’ll happen this year. I’m going to argue
with you about our Western Conference
teams, because we agree on the Penguins.
The Wild have a very strong core group of
player with Gaborik, Eric Belanger, Brian
Rolston, Pavol Demitra, and Chris Simon.
They get solid goaltending every night from
Niklas Backstrom. He is one of the great
young goaltenders in the game right now.
TR: That is a real solid group of players,
but the Sharks are better. They are led
by Joe Thornton, Jonathan Cheechoo,
Milan Michalek, and Mike Greir. You
talk about the strong goaltending from
Backstrom, but the Sharks have Evgeni
Nabokov. He is great, and they also
picked up Brian Campbell from Buffallo
at the trade deadline. He gives them a
dominant presence around the blueline.
IJ: Cheechoo is terrible. He isn’t half the
player he was in 2006, and anyone who thinks
he’s better than Maxim Afinogenov is out of
their mind. I do think that Roenick is going
to be on a tear once the playoffs start, but
he is one player. He wants a cup, Thornton
wants a cup, but do they have the supporting
cast to top the Wild when they face-off? I
don’t believe they have the defensive
firepower to keep Gaborik off the score
sheet. The only way the Sharks would top
Minnesota is if Cheechoo can hit a hotstreak.
He is a streaky player and he is the key to
the Shark’s playoff fortunes. If Cheechoo
scores, the Sharks win, but if he doesn’t
they will get dominated by the Wild or the
Red Wings. My prediction… he won’t score.
TR: Are you crazy? Cheechoo is one
player. The Sharks have experience in
the playoffs unlike the Wild and that’s the
key. Gaborik is a top player in the league,
but he hasn’t had much experience.
Cheechoo will score, along with Thornton
and Roenick. The Sharks will come out of
the West and play the Penguins for the
Stanley Cup. I believe in the Sharks, but we
can both agree that the Stanley Cup Finals
is where their dreams will get crushed.
The Penguins will be crowned the Stanley
Cup Champions, no matter who they play.

Taylor Relich

Penguins Primed for Playoffs
Staff Writer

The Pittsburgh Penguins
have almost solidified their spot in
the NHL Playoffs, but there are still
many questions to be answered
before they can hoist the Stanley
Cup. Right now, the Pens are playing
a two-goalie system, alternating
between Ty Conklin and Marc-Andre
Fleury, but Michel Therrien will have
to choose a starting goalie for the
playoffs. The Penguins also have to
figure out what their lines will be for
the post season. It would make sense
if Therrien kept Evgeni Malkin, Ryan
Malone, and Petr Sykora together,
since they have played so well down
the stretch in Crosby’s absence.
notorious this season for changing
lines around, and he is currently
experimenting with the power play
unit. Right-winger Marian Hossa is
back, who the Penguins acquired
from the Atlanta Thrashers along
with fellow right-winger Pascal
Dupuis. Hal Gill, a defenseman from
the Toronto Maple Leafs, was also

Ian Jackson

picked up at the trade deadline. He
will play a key role as a shutdown
defenseman, and will bring a muchneeded physical presence to the
The Penguins have
an array of talent at their disposal right
now. They have two of the league’s
most prolific scorers: Sidney Crosby
and Evgeni Malkin, and the best onetwo punch in goal in the National
Hockey League. The Pens power
play percentage is the third best in
the East, but their penalty kill needs
some work. As a matter of fact, the
entire defense has been struggling in
recent games. The Penguins offense
has carried them this far, but great
defense wins championships.
Looking at last year’s Stanley
Cup winner, the Anaheim Ducks, their
goaltending and defense carried them
past the Ottawa Senators a very strong
offensive team to say the least. The
Penguins’ two goalies have played
tremendous this season, but the
defense has been a little lacking. The

Tennis : Serve it Up

Pens’ defense is bound to improve
with the addition of enforcer Hal
Gill, who is improving as he learns
the Penguins defensive scheme.
currently four points ahead of the
New Jersey Devils for the lead in
the Atlantic division and one point
behind the Montreal Canadiens
for the Eastern Conference lead.
The Pens do not have an easy
schedule coming up, with five
of their last five games against
division opponents. How the Pens
place in the East will be crucial,
not only because of the desire
to have home ice advantage
for as long as possible, but also
because if they place higher in the
Eastern Conference, the odds of
playing Ottawa, Montreal, or New
Jersey decrease immensely. The
Penguins clinched a spot in the
NHL Playoffs on March 26, but
with a few more wins, the Pens
could be looking at a one seed in
the Eastern Conference.

Staff Writer

The Peters Township Tennis team has been
very successful over the past few years. In 2007, the
team sported a fantastic 8-1 record. They were having
a record setting season, until they were knocked out
of the playoffs by Shady Side Academy in the WPIAL
Finals. That may not be the same case this season.
The team has high expectations coming
into 2008. The varsity team is led by Andrew Nixon,
Doug Sepostis, Chris Nixon, Marcus Mortland, Andy
Madalena, and Nick Mortland. Nick Mortland is the only
newcomer in that bunch, and the other five are each
hungry to get to the level that they barely fell short of last
year. Coaches Brandt Bowman and Mr. Repepi lead the
team this year. There is no doubt they will have all their
players reaching their fullest potential.
“Last year, we were pretty disappointed,”
Madalena stated. “But I was only a sophomore so I
knew me could bounce back this season and we plan
on it”

Grant Burkhardt

April 2008

The team is loaded with talent and has great
leadership. That will only increase with the return of
Senior Andrew Nixon. Nixon, who is the brother of
Chris, is the unquestioned leader of the team. He had
a late start to his season due to an injury, but he is now
“We will be good this year. I don’t think that’s even a
question,” Chris Nixon confidently stated. “We have to
be good throughout the season, and then we can be
great come playoff time when Andrew returns.”
Winning the WPIAL championship is not the
ultimate goal for the team, though it would be a great
accomplishment. The main goal of this team is to win the
State Championship. The team has the talent to do so,
with many players on the roster with playoff experience.
They also have the confidence to do so.
“I think we can win states,” Marcus Mortland
confirmed. “Actually I know we can win states.”

Brett Favre: The Common Man’s Hero
News Editor

Players retire all the time,
but none have hit the casual football
fan harder than the retirement of
Packers quarterback, Brett Favre.
Regardless of what we like to
imagine, our favorite players can’t
play forever. Even heroes aren’t
As a whole, the public
enjoys emotion. A huge part of
the appeal of sporting events is
that they can make us stand up
and scream at midnight when
everyone else is asleep. So when
Favre called his retirement press
conference and thanked his family,
friends, and team through streams
of tears, he inadvertently made the
sports world fall in love with him all
over again.
But how did he get to this
Brett Favre is certainly one
of the best quarterbacks in NFL
history. Even while playing with
numerous injuries, Favre never
missed a start in his career. He has
three straight NFL Most Valuable
Player awards, a Super Bowl ring,
and countless passing records as
notches on his sword. However,
his status as a common man’s role

model travels far beyond his longest
Hail Mary pass; he has been an icon
for America’s man since the start of his
With each passing record
that was broken, of added adversity
followed. On the field, he had his first
NFL pass intercepted and returned for
a touchdown. Favre had many offthe-field problems that plagued him
throughout his tenure in Green Bay as
well. In 1996, he was publicly criticized
for his addiction to the narcotic Vicodin.
Then in 1999, he publicly announced
that he was battling Alcoholism.
Then, in 2003, bad luck started
to plague one of the NFL’s most
popular players. America grieved just
as Favre and his family did over the
sudden death of Brett’s dad, Irvin.
How did America’s hero respond? He
played against the Oakland Raiders in
the very next game and had arguably
the greatest four quarters of his
career. He passed for 399 yards and 4
touchdowns while playing with a heavy
More heartache for Favre’s
family was to follow - Brett’s wife,
Deana, was diagnosed with breast
cancer in 2004, and the family house
in Mississippi was badly damaged

by Hurricane Katrina. A phone
call from Favre to his mother
shortly after the hurricane hit
was aired on ESPN. The public
saw part of Brett that was familiar
to them. He was emotionally
affected by what was happening
to his family, and he made many
typical “family man” comments
that enabled the public to further
associate themselves with a toptier celebrity.
Off the field, he has used
his popularity to his advantage.
He is the cover man for Wrangler
Jeans Company, where he
appears in commercials that
show him and other southernstyle men playing a game of
backyard football. He will most
likely continue this chapter of his
career in years to come.
Brett Favre turned into
an American icon because he
played football, and he will stay
one because he is a genuine
human being. He will always
have a special place in the hearts
of the people.
April 2008


Expect the Unexpected: Girl’s Basketball a Playoff Victory
Melanie Hoffman

Staff Writer

The girl’s basketball team has done the
impossible: making it all the way to state playoffs. This is
the first time in the team’s 50 year history that any squad
has made it to playoffs, let alone the state tournament.
The team, led by senior Maura Lacey and junior
Emily Correal, played some unbelievable games to
become a contender from obscurity.
“Our first big win was against Bethel Park in
December and that was a huge jump start to our season,”
said senior forward Carol Sternweis. With an impressive
21-11 record the girls slowly gained the confidence
and respect from other section rivals to win many close
The girls’ willingness to fight through tough games
was what made watching them so worthwhile. In many
of their playoff games, the fourth quarter would come
around with the girls being down. Amazingly, they rallied
together using their aggression to make amazing baskets,
plays, and all-around teamwork from every player on the
court, as well as cheers from the crowd and those on the
The most memorable playoff game was against
Mt. Lebanon, a team the Lady Indians hadn’t defeated
during the regular season. “The playoff game against Mt.
Lebanon was definitely the best of our entire season. We
went into the game, knowing that we had to play hard and

Dana Hoelle

Softball Spring Training


Season to begin soon

2007 WPIAL champions

Boys Volleyball
Looking to improve on loss
against Montour

Boys Tennis
Defeated Moon 5-0

Staff Writer

Every year the Peters
Township girl’s softball team heads
down to Florida for spring training.
This year was no different; the girls
packed their bags for five days of
softball at the Disney Wide World
of Sports Complex. Playing seven
games total, they won all but one,
and beat the number two-ranked
team in the United States.
The Lady Indians are off to
a good start, going 3-0 in regulation
games, not to mention they only
gave up a combined five runs in
the three games they played. “It
was a great chance for us to bond
as a team, and get ready for the
regular season,” said sophomore
Dara Hoelle. They won a game

Bill Berry

we did. It really paid off,” said Lacey. In yet another
fourth quarter comeback, the team came back to win
with a final score of 41-37.
This was a huge game considering the team
advanced to the WPIAL Championships, where a
disappointing loss to Upper Saint Clair left the girl’s
placing second.
When it came back to playing for the PIAA
state title, the team was back on top of their game.
Their first state playoff game against New Castle at
North Hills was a close and intense game with the
lady Indians pulling through with a 56-50 victory. Key
underclassmen players made this win possible with
both Lexi Kamphaus and Samantha Higgins having
a career high scoring games.
The second round of the playoffs resulted in yet
another close game against Schenley. With less
than three minutes left in the quarter the score was
tied at 41. Unfortunately, the girls ended up losing
49-45, ending their run for the title.
All in all, this has been a remarkable, recordbreaking season for the girl’s basketball team. Along
with the many wins, the girl’s all admit to having
bonded over dance parties and songs on the bus.
Maybe with more school support, this will be the first
of many successful seasons.


over the second ranked team in
the country, a squad from Texas.
The score was 6-3, with Shaylee
Ianno pitching six shut out innings,
and Lindsey Hoover hitting a home
run. “Our whole team played great,
and as a result it came out with
the W,” said sophomore Paige
Burris. The win against Texas
was a major advance for the Lady
Indians; defeating the Woodlands,
who have 3 division one players.
The team didn’t just play
softball the whole time at Disney
world; they also had time for
practice and free time to roam the
parks. During their practice time,
they were able to use the batting
cages, and advance their skills

on the field. Team bonding was a
main goal for this trip. Not only did
they go to team dinners, but they
also had a fun time while going to
the various theme parks in Disney.
“I enjoyed hanging out with my
team. It made my trip one that I will
always remember,” said junior Jody
Hard work and dedication
is what the Lady Indians faced while
battling different teams throughout
the United States. Spring training
was a good way to prepare the team
for upcoming games, and rivalries.
Going undefeated in Florida was
a good start for the 2008 softball

Crime Time: The Steelers

4-0 in preseason standings
Good performances against
USC in first two games

Track and Field
Meets begin in early April
Sent several students to
WPIALs in 2007

Staff Writer

Pittsburgh Steeler Cedrick Wilson was arrested
on charges of simple assault, harassment, and disorderly
conduct after an incident involving an ex-girlfriend on
March 20. It was reported that upon entering a restaurant
and spotting his ex, Wilson proceeded to push her and
punch her in the face. Only hours later, the Steelers
released him from his contract. However, the next day,
the woman retracted the punching accusation, claiming
Wilson only pushed her. Wilson is just one of the Steelers
who has found themselves in trouble with the law.
Pro Bowl linebacker James Harrison was
arrested on charges of domestic violence against his
girlfriend. During a fight last month, the 245-pounder
broke down his girlfriend’s door, snapped her phone in
half, and allegedly slapped her in the face. Harrison is yet
to receive any punishment from the Steelers or the NFL.
His preliminary court hearing is scheduled for April 3.
Second-string running back Najeh Davenport
has charges of domestic violence, child endangerment,
and unlawful restraint pending against him. The charges
stem from an incident involving a fight between him and
the mother of his five-year-old son. Police were unable
to make an arrest because they could not determine who
was the aggressor. This is not the first time Davenport has

found himself in trouble. Back in 2002 he was arrested
after defecating in the closet of a girls college dorm
room. The then University of Miami senior agreed to
a plea agreement of 100 hours of community service.
On the charges of domestic violence, Davenport
entered a not guilty plea in a Cleveland court.
Third-year receiver Santonio Holmes was
arrested two times in a span of one month during the
summer prior to his rookie season. The first charge of
disorderly conduct in Miami, Florida was dropped in
exchange for a fine. The more serious of the offenses
was for domestic violence and assault in Columbus,
Ohio. Holmes’ charges were eventually dropped.
Like Holmes, it is rare that the NFL ever punishes
domestic violence offenses. Since 2004, only seven
players have received suspensions for the crime. Each
of their punishments was a mere one game suspension.
The NFL is trying to combat the prevalence
of crime in their league by instituting a Conduct
Management Program for all incoming rookies. The
program mandates players to attend eight one-hour
sessions, teaching them how to deal with life in the NFL.
All 32 teams currently hold a life-skills session every fall.

Girls Lacrosse
Had section win over Mt. Lebo
2007 WPIAL champions

Boys Lacrosse
Games begin in early April
Voices in the Hall
If you could pick anyone to be president, whom would it be?

Mike Stenger ‘08

“Mark Wahlberg, because
he was in the Funky Bunch.”

Laney Smith and Aly Hajzus ‘09
“Mr. Hitchens, because
he’s decisive.”

Chris Nixon ‘10

“Mr. Kuhn, because
he’s the man.”

Sean Sickmund ‘11

“Arnold Shrwarzenegger,
because he’s ripped.”

What is the first thing you would do if you were president?

Jimmy Sams ‘09

Brianna Gove ‘08

“Give everyone a million dollars.”

“Make February 5th
James Anthony Sams Day.”

Megan Junker ‘10

“Have a Dance Party.”

Ryan Minteer ‘11

“Make a National Cookie Day.”

What the teachers have to say...

Mrs. Fletcher

Dr. Dell

“I would make sure everyone
who needed health care
received it.”

“Tony Blair.”



Ms. Daerr

“I would change the
situation over in Iraq.”




Mrs. Gunther



Chelsea Carl
Ali		 Mitchell

If you were running for president, what would be your
campaign slogan?
“Anywhere but here.”
If you were elected president, who would you pick to be
your vice president, and why?
“Prince - he’s just awesome!”
Who do you believe was our best president?
“George Washington.”
Who is your favorite candidate running in the
2008 election?
“I don’t like any of them.”
What U.S president was most like you?
“Bill Clinton.”

If you were running for president, what would be your
campaign slogan?
“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments
should be afraid of their people.”
If you were elected president, who would you pick to be
your vice president, and why?
“Alex Kocher; because we compliment each other well.”
Who do you believe was our best president?
“Thomas Jefferson.”
Who is your favorite candidate running in the
2008 election?
“Ron Paul.”
What U.S president was most like you?
“Thomas Jefferson.”

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April 2008 Smoke Signals Issue 5

  • 1. PTHS April 2008 Volume 39, Issue 6 Staying Loyal To Photos By: Kara Lewis, Jessie smith, Jordan Dent, Lara Moore, Justin Broglie, & Casey Dunleavey Photo By Taylor Relich Farmhouse Ashley Czajkowski F Co-Editor-In-Chief armhouse Coffee, located off of Valley Brook Road, is a quaint getaway, different from the everyday coffee shops of today. Whether getting a cup of coffee, a bowl ice cream or a delicious pastry, the customer will not be disappointed. Upon entry, the friendly staff greets the patron and cheerfully takes the order. Drinks called by names such as Lucky Lady, White Cloud, and Fall Day Latté are only a few of the unique treats that can be enjoyed hot or cold. The appealing establishment is set off the Arrowhead Trail, making it easily accessible. Once inside, the relaxing environment is a nice place to unwind with friends and enjoy a conversation. Recently, word has spread about the opening of yet another Starbucks; this one will be a mere few steps from Farmhouse. With the Starbucks craze overtaking the United States population, Farmhouse’s survival may unfortunately be at stake. Currently, Starbucks has 7,087 company-operated stores within the U.S. (www.starbucks. com). The new Starbucks is tentatively planned to open this summer, and it is predicted many will turn to Starbucks to get their caffeine fix. Fortunately, Farmhouse has its loyal customers, and Starbucks’ opening will not faze many of them. “I go to Farmhouse every Friday morning before school,” stated junior Molly Simoens. “I love the hot drinks and the fruit smoothies; plus, it’s so convenient to go there if I’m on the trail.” Hopefully, a majority of Peters Township residents share this same view. Farmhouse must survive Starbucks’ takeover and continue its excellent business. Farmhouse is an amazing establishment that deserves its place in the community.
  • 2. PT REFERENCE Smoke Signals PTHS April 2008 April 2008 Sunday Tuesday Monday 1 Varsity Track vs. Chartiers Valley 3:30 Varsity Softball vs. Trinity 4:00 Wednesday 2 Varsity Baseball vs. Baldwin 4:00 Thursday SENIOR CRUISE! Girls Varsity Lax vs. Mt Lebanon 8:00 9 4 5 12 Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Bethel 3:30 8 13 15 16 17 Varsity Track vs. W. Mifflin & McKeesport 3:30 Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Trinity 3:30 Varsity Softball vs. Bethel Park 4:00 Varsity Baseball vs. USC 4:00 10 John Madden’s Birthday Varsity Baseball vs. Mt. Lebanon 4:00 14 Peach Cobbler Day 20 President Abraham Lincoln was shot on April 14, 1865 21 Pineapple Upside Down Day Boys Varsity Volleyball vs. Our Lady of Sacred Heart 7:30 22 Boys Varsity Tennis vs. USC 3:30 School Librarian Day Varsity Baseball vs. Bethel Park 7:00 23 Varsity Track - Big 7 Meet 12:30 Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Montour 3:30 Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Ambridge 7:30 Varsity Baseball vs Cannon Mac 7:30 28 29 Persian Gulf War Official Cease Fire, 1991 18 19 Varsity Softball vs. South Park 11:00 Actress Grace Kelly becomes Princess of Monaco n 1956. High Five Day 24 Paul Revere Day 25 Girls Varsity Lax vs. Quaker Valley 7:30 Space Shuttle Columbia First Launched, 1981 Varsity Softball vs. Keystone Oaks 4:00 Carol Burnett’s Birthday Boys Varsity Volleyball vs. Hopewell 7:30 Jessica Alba’s Birthday Jerry Seinfeld’s Birthday Barbra Streisand’s Birthday Varsity Baseball vs. Bethlehem Center 7:00 26 30 Varsity Baseball vs Baldwin 7:00 27 Girls Varsity Lax vs. Seton LaSalle 7:30 Varsity Softball vs. Baldwin 11:30 No SCHOOL! 6 7 The first Olympic Games Boy’s Varsity Tennis vs. opened in Athens, Greece CV 3:30 on April 6, 1896. Girls Varsity LAX vs. Bethel Park 7:30 Saturday Friday 11 3 Marlon Brando’s Birthday Girls Varsity Lax vs. Fox Chapel 7:30 National Honesty Day Babe Ruth Day TROPICAL TREAT These two vacation photos are the same, with seven small exceptions. Can you spot them all? Smoke Signals NEWS EDITOR Grant Burkhardt ADVISERS Mrs. Sitler Puzzle from Answers: 1. The palm tree has been trimmed. 2. The Desayuno Completo is now “Complete.” 3: The sign’s sun has grown—or maybe it’s gone supernova. 4. Cock-a-doodle-doo! 5. Has that stool been overserved? It can’t stand up straight. 6. The pole picked up a stripe. 7. Watch out for that hole! FEATURES EDITOR Smoke Signals is Angelina Nepa produced eight times during a school year by OPINION EDITORS the students of Media Alex Egan Brian Lewis II, III, IV Journalism and extracurricular staff SPORTS EDITOR at Peters Towship High Bill Berry School, 264 E. McMurJordan Dent ray Road, McMurray MARKETING PA 15317. Telephone: EDITORS 724-941-6250 x.5379. Brianna Lutes E-mail: sitlern@ptShelby Miller Commentaries, STAFF WRITERS reviews, and opinAndrea Briggs, Emily Estep, Gina ion columns are the Nepa, Taylor Relich, expressed opinion of Bridget Stasenko, the author and not of Katie Ellis, Averi Smoke Signals, its Clements, Paige Burris, Mady advisor or the Peters Dietrich, StephaTownship School nie Nitschmann, District. Member of the Stephanie Cotugno, Pennsylvania School Ian Jackson, Dana Hoelle, Melanie HoffPress Association. man EDITOR-IN-CHIEF LAYOUT TEAM Ashley Czajkowski Katie Gavlick, Kaylin Renée Wunderlich Zawicki, Emily Correal, Shelby Miller, LAYOUT EDITOR Brianna Lutes Katie Gavlick 2
  • 3. NEWS PTHS More Than Gossip: Spring Yields School Violence Averi Clements Staff Writer Throughout history, interscholastic violence has been a prominent, though unfortunate, part of our society. Most of the cases seem to turn up in March and April, when the tension that builds up between winter recess and spring break can cause students to turn on their fellow classmates and teachers. Studies show that revenge has been the motive for over half of school shooters. In fact, over three-fourths held some sort of grudge – and told other students about their violent plans ( While other schools take protective measures to prevent violence within their walls, three universities take time to grieve for the losses of young and promising students, and investigators search intently for evidence that could convict the perpetrators. On Valentine’s Day of this year, Steven Kazmierczak opened fire on his fellow Northern Illinois University classmates, killing five and injuring eighteen. While Kazmierczak’s assault did not appear to be targeted, the evidence surrounding the murder of Auburn University freshman Lauren Burk provides a different scenario. Twenty-threeyear-old male Courtney Lockhart confessed to holding Burk at gunpoint, forcing her into her car, stealing her bankcard, attempting to rape her, and fatally shooting her when she tried to flee. The suspect now faces the possibility of the death penalty if convicted. Burk’s car was found aflame three miles from the spot where her body was discovered. Eerily enough, another college murder took place only a day after Lauren Burk was discovered by the roadside – the corpse of the University of North Carolina student body president Eve Carson was found in an upscale residential area, but this time, there was no verification that the victim was targeted. Surveillance videos at a local bank showed a man trying to use her ATM card, which could prove to be a huge lead in finding her killer. The suspect, 21-year-old Demario Atwater, has been charged with firstdegree murder. A second suspect by the name of Lawrence Lovette Jr. was also arrested on March 13. The 17year-old is receiving first-degree murder charges for the January shooting of a Duke University graduate student in addition to the identical charges for Carson’s murder. Authorities will continue to look for ways to convict those responsible for the gruesome murders of these two young women, but in the meantime, news audiences everywhere can only watch and uneasily await the next school tragedy. In Your Dreams: The Stages of Dreaming Stephanie Cotugno Staff Writer One-third of a person’s life is spent dreaming. Shifting from one stage to another, people experience dreaming in intervals as they sleep the night away. From Dublin, Ireland to Hong Kong, China, everyone in the world experiences dreaming. Dreams are often a response to our thoughts, activities, and sensations experienced throughout the day. As natural as breathing, dreaming is an action all humans encounter every night for 24% of their sleep time. Dreaming serves as a reflection of what one has consumed in the preceding day or two, which scientific studies have found to be deep states of concentration. Scientific studies have also found several stages of sleeping and dreaming that cycle throughout the night. The two major stages of sleep include Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep and Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM). In one night’s sleep, REM may occur three to five times per night including one to two hour intervals. This is where deepest stage of sleep NREM happens, brain waves, heart rate, and breathing slow along with maintaining a low blood pressure. “I was surprised to find out that I am barely alive during the NREM stage. I can’t believe I approach the brink of death every evening when my brain waves and heart rate are so slow,” stated junior Jack Hareza. At NREM, nightmares and sleepwalking occur. Lastly, dreaming concludes an individual’s sleep. Everyone dreams, whether they remember it or not. The majority of dreams occur during REM sleep because this is the period of time when the bodies’ muscles are turned off. With inactive muscles, the body is enabled to physically respond to vivid dreams. “The stages of dreaming are very interesting,” stated senior Lindsay Dodds “I can’t believe that I can have up to seven dreams in one night. I barely remember “I can’t believe I approach the brink of death every evening when my brain waves and heart rate are so slow” - Jack Hareza Andrea Briggs April 2008 Smoke Signals Syntax Editor dreams occur. The first rapid eye movement period usually begins about 70 to 90 minutes after a person falls asleep, periods may conclude after five minutes or last more than an hour. This first stage of sleep is called REM due to the muscles in the eye reaching a saccade, the fastest movement of an external part of the human body, up to 1,000 degrees per second. After this hectic stage, the A New Type of Phone Bill Cell phones have quickly been replacing many essential tools – cameras, mp3 players, GPS, even the US Postal Service – but recently, a new technology was introduced that may have the cell phone replace one other item: your wallet. A chip for your cell phone has been invented, allowing the device to be used as a credit card. Touchless pay stations, similar to the PayPass units currently in use for credit cards, are being set up in shops, and users “swipe” their phones over the pad, which then reads the data in the chip and withdraws the requested amount. Japan has already started using this technology, and has installed over 13,000 pay stations in shops around the country. Finland and Korea are also cashing in on this trend, with many users in their countries. The phones work using a technology near-field communication (NFC) – a more refined form of radio-frequency identification (RFID) currently in use with contactless credit cards. It uses low-frequency radio waves to communicate with a wireless network and make a transaction. What makes NFC different than the 3 What In The World? If you’re heading to South Pasadena, California, be sure to bring a bar of soap – the small town located just outside of Los Angeles, California has officially banned swearing. Mayor Michael Cacciotti stated that it would be a “reminder [to everyone] to be more civil [and] elevate the level of discourse.” Maybe the rest of the cities in the United States will follow suit and attempt to clean up their language as well. Using beet juice and Kool-Aid, Joy Douglas of Boulder, Colorado died her white miniature poodle, Cici, pink in order to call attention to breast cancer. She was fined $1000 dollars because it is illegal to dye animals in Boulder. Douglas is fighting the charges and has a trial scheduled for a later date in April. The Vatican has recently announced that there is a new, “modernized” set of Seven Deadly Sins in place of the traditional seven (greed, gluttony, envy, pride, lust, wrath, and sloth). The new moral sins are: genetic modification, human experimentation, polluting the environment, social injustice, causing poverty, financial gluttony, and taking drugs. Why the change? According to Monsignor Gianfranco Grotti, head of the Apostolic Penitentiary, people haven’t been taking responsibility for their sins and “60% of Italian Catholics no longer participate in confession, [which is] considered one of the most important sacraments.” A device that was invented to protect the surfers of Australia, the Shark Shield, was removed from sale after a great white shark ate one during a test. The Shield was supposed to emit an electric field in order to deter the sharks but failed miserably. The reason it didn’t work: it’s only meant to protect stationary figures, and will not work if the surfer is moving in any way. A device that was invented to protect the surfers of Australia, the Shark Shield, was removed from sale after a great white shark ate one during a test. The Shield was supposed to emit an electric field in order to deter the sharks but failed miserably. The reason it didn’t work: it’s only meant to protect stationary figures, and will not work if the surfer is moving in any way. Compiled by Katie Ellis, Staff Writer standard RFID is that it works two-ways – the phone not only sends information to the receiving network, but the network can “talk” with the phone as well. One of the biggest questions regarding the banking capability of phones is the security involved. Lost and stolen phones are a definite danger, and makers are toying with the idea of having customers enter a security code in the phone itself to allow the transaction to go though. This is similar to the PIN number already in use, but featuring a security code would defeat the point of having touchless deivices. Japan’s most popular phone service provider has been partnering with national banks to try to boost the usage of phones with banking capability. Now, in America, Nokia is working with credit card companies and has released the Nokia 6131 – a phone that allows users full access to NFC technology. A trial run was enacted in New York during January of 2007, and results showed that the phone was well received by the public.
  • 4. 4 FEATURES PTHS April 2008 Smoke Signals Speak OUT Media Madness at the Café Katie Ellis Staff Writer What is your favorite ice cream flavor and why? After many weeks of hard work from both the Library the windows of the librarians’ offices. “I think it’s cool to Advisory Committee and the library assistants, the annual have my photography hanging in the library,” sophomore Library Arts Café was held the week of March 3rd with a Amber Doerr commented. “It gives the rest of the school theme of “A Night Under the Stars.” Thursday featured the an opportunity to see photographs that they wouldn’t students representing the Media Department. necessarily see otherwise.” The most notable With the help of Media of the presentations were students and the other performers given by the broadcast throughout the week, the Library students, which were managed to raise quite a bit of some of the most creative money. “The library collected well student-made videos that over $1200,” Library Advisory this school has seen in a Co-President Jen Tomayko long time; they even gave stated. “We plan on using about last year’s “wonder-child” $1000 in order to expand our Kevin Noone a run for his audio book library.” The rest will money. The commercial for be used for general maintenance February’s dodgeball game and to fund other minor events was extremely creative; that the library holds periodically hopefully advertisements throughout the year, including Senior Jordan Dent gives a presentation about the Media for future events will be just the Library Luncheons. Department during the Library Arts Café. Bridget Manning and as imaginative as this one Overall, the Library Arts Jason Chiappino also presented. and the school will cease to Café can be considered nothing see bland or boring ads. but a success; the students The photography students were featured in a loved it, the people involved had fun, and the library slightly different way; instead of giving a presentation, their managed to raise some money. Hopefully next year will art was displayed in various places in the library, mainly on be just as fantastic. “Mint Chocolate Chip.” Kara Lewis, Junior Bulls Eye! PTHS Thespian Troop Presents: Annie Get Your Gun Renée Wunderlich Editor-in-Chief This year’s classic spring musical, Annie Get Your Gun, will be playing May, 1, 2, and 3 at 7:00 on opening night, and 7:30 for additional performances. The play will be directed by Mr. Barry Wood, Thespian Troupe Founder. Assistant Director is sophomore Elena Lages, and Stage Manager is senior Kendra Lewis. Tickets will be sold prior to all performances during all lunch periods, and can be purchased at the door. The life of Annie Oakley, a legendary sharp shooter from the hills of Willow Dell, Ohio, has been magnificently transformed into a performance of comedy, suspense, romance, and hope. Annie Get Your Gun also includes many well-known songs, such as the famous “Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better”, a duet that sings the glories of equality and female independence in a new age. “It’s such a beautiful love storyand it’s primarily based on the lives of Frank and Annie,” said Mr. Wood, “On the stage they preformed in each other’s acts, and at the grave, they are buried side by side.” In the play (as in history), Annie, played by senior Becky Rosky, first appears to the world as a back woods GO figure Stress “Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough becausei t’s like cookies and milk in the same treat.” Matthew M. Smith, Senior 75% country hick competing in a shoot out at Buffalo Bill’s (freshman Hardy Kern) Wild West show. Her opponent: the daring, dashing, devishly-handsome Frank Butler, played by senior Carl Mitchell. Butler’s assistant, Dolly, is played by senior Natalie Palamides. Elementary school students Shane Kolson, Maria Getto, Amanda Kolson, and Charlie Meyers play Annie’s ‘lil assistants; Buddy, Jessie, Nelly, and Little Jake (respectively). Out-shooting Frank Butler in Buffalo Bill’s famous contest, Annie Oakley becomes the new champion of the Wild West traveling show. Tension between Frank and Annie results in the many twists and turns of two lives that later are entwined together through chance and fate. Sophomores James Northrop and Harry Buzzatto play Sioux Indian Chief Sitting Bull and show announcer Charlie Davenport. Other characters include Mac, played by senior Nathan Meyers, Foster Wilson by sophomore Dan DeLuca, and Pawnee Bill by junior Wesley Groll. of the general population experiences some stress every two weeks. 90% of doctor visits are due to stress related symptoms. The chorus (who play townspeople, Indians, and ritzy aristocrats) is made up of over 40 thespians, including seniors Alexa Baxendell, Kyle Bloser, Eli Diamond, Christine Getto, Katy Hartenbach, Megan Jacobs, Andrew Marshall, Angelina Nepa, Thomas Rauch, Caitlyn Roberson, Gina Wagner, Jess Ward, and Laura Zini. “I work at Sarris Candy in the ice cream section, so I love all kinds of ice cream!” Kristen Blatt, Sophomore “I like Praline Pecan because it tastes good.” Tony Lages, Freshman Image courtesy of 25% of boys in the US said that they either refuse or avoid dealing with their stress. 68% of teens in Baltimore said that homework was their biggest stressor. 45% of girls in the US actively try to reduce or remove their stress.
  • 5. PTHS April 2008 FEATURES Mess of Stress: How Stress Makes Students Ill Attendance during the past few weeks has been as sporadic as the weather. Students have been in and out of school, trying to get over colds, the flu, and menacing mono, then returning to find enough make-up work to make anyone sick all over again. Why, when students are supposed to be oozing vitality, are so many chronically ill? Well, evidence suggests that high levels of stress can actually result in physical illness. The American Psychological Association, for example, notes that two thirds of all visits to family physicians are due to stress related symptoms. Stress is the way that a person’s body reacts to changes. Since adolescence is a period of intense change, it makes sense that a typical student’s body would be under a great deal of stress. But coupled with heavy workloads that accompany advanced classes, after-school jobs, and extracurricular activities, normal teen angst gets magnified a thousand fold. Bodily signs of stress run the gamut, from headaches and stomachaches to muscle pain and fatigue. There is also an emotional toll that manifests in trouble sleeping, eating, and concentrating. Stress does not invite illness, but it affects the immune system, making those under pressure less able to combat bacteria and viruses. Many students find themselves victims of chronic illness. Richard Carlson once humorously said, “Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness.” So how can students stave off illness? Most teenagers could be more open with their friends and families, an oftenuntapped support system for rough times. And as impossible as it seems in the face of college boards and pressure from teachers, many students need to set more realistic goals for themselves. Five AP classes? Fine, but make sure the job at Giant Eagle does not take up all of the necessary homework time. If students relax and set a reasonable pace for themselves, they’ll be healthier and miss less class. Better yet, they won’t infect their classmates. As it turns out, an apple a day won’t keep the doctor away, but a reality check will. Joining the Military Bridget Stasenko Staff Writer The stereotypical life after high school is attending a university/ college, but there are actually many different career paths students can take, including military service. The military is composed of diverse of men and women from all over the United States brought together to achieve one goal: To Protect Our Nation, and Fight for Freedom. (// When joining the service, there are a variety of opportunities depending on your interests. To join the military, taking the ASVAB is the most important step. The score earned on the ASVAB will determine what job an individual can pursue in the military. “Because I did so well on the ASVAB, I had hundreds of job choices, which made it great because I got my first choice, a load master”, said senior Tom Viau. This exam tests a student’s educational ability in four different areas: Arithmetic Reasoning, Word We All Scream for Ice Cream Layout Team When it comes to ice cream, Cold Stone Creamery does it best. They have a unique way of creating a delicious combination of ice cream and your favorite topping. They have countless combinations and flavors of ice cream. Pick a flavor of ice cream for them to put on the stone slab, then pick as many mix ins as you want. Mix ins range from hot fudge, whip cream, and walnuts to Hershey bars, nerds, and coconut. Photo Courtesy of Once you come up with your creation they mix it up on the stone slab then put it in a cake cone or bowl. If you are not that creative, they have their own combinations you can choose from that will be sure to satisfy your ice cream craving. If you can’t make the trip to Cold stone, Brusters or Ritas are equally good choices. Brusters always has great flavors and serve you decent amounts. Ritas is great because you can get Italian ice and their custard is amazing. When it comes to these three ice cream places, no matter which one you choose, you won’t be disappointed. Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, and Mathematics Knowledge. This score counts towards your Armed Forces Qualifying Test. This test will determine whether or not one is eligible to enlist in the military. To be well prepared for the ASVAB, www. provides free practice exams and tips to succeed. The ASVAB was offered at Peters Township in early December. When one joins the military, it is not only an honor, but comes along with many benefits. Benefits include life insurance, military education, a resting place, GI Bill, and so much more. For more information on joining the military, go to It’s easy to follow the styles of celebrities and copy their outfits completely, but developing your own style and avoiding being a fashion clone sets your outfits apart from everyone else’s. Here are some tips to develop your own style: First, understand that you’re an individual; no one is exactly like you. You don’t want to go online, for example, and copy the same picture of an outfit Mischa Barton was seen wearing the other day. Try setting your own trends, develop a style that is completely you. Don’t think that you can’t be fashion savvy enough to do it. Everyone has to start somewhere, so study magazines and patterns. If you like stripes, go online and look for pictures of striped outfits with other patterns you normally wouldn’t put stripes with. Then go out put on pieces of clothing that you love together and start from there. Start getting creative and putting pieces together that normally wouldn’t work together. Start your own trend! Next, think about what kind of person you are. Say you are a cheerful happy person; you should wear bright colors but make sure you are comfortable with what you are wearing. Do not go on the internet and search for what type of cliché you think you are. For example don’t search “how to dress like an indie kid.” Ask other people how you look in what you wear, have them answer honestly, and don’t get mad about their constructive criticism. Make yourself visually memorable, your natural beauty can shine through your outfits too. You can also use your personal style to camouflage flaws and draw attention to your best features. Make sure that you experiment and alter you signature style pieces, as you grow more confident in what you wear. Photo Courtesy of Craving Coldstone Stephanie Cotugno By Mady Dietrich News Editor Emily Correal Av oiding B eing A Fashion Clone Mad About Fashion Angelina Nepa 5 Staff Writer Walking into Coldstone, I immediately knew there was no competition. I had tried Rita’s Mango ice and a Blast from Brusters, but Coldstone offered a deluxe selection of everything you could possibly want with ice cream. Depending on how much ice cream you would like to enjoy, you can pick from three different size cups or choose from a variety of plain or sprinkled cones. The parlor offers several ice cream bases along with a ton of sides that can be added to the ice cream to create the perfect combination. If a customer cannot decide, just try one of the Coldstone’s most popular combinations: Birthday Cake Remix, Chocolate Devotion, and Peanut Butter Perfection. Coldstone isn’t as close to Peters as Bruster’s and Rita’s locations are, but the nearest location is definitely manageable and worth the ride to Bridgeville’s Washington Pike Suites. Unlike Rita’s, Coldstone is open year round, and its stores host birthday parties, sell signature pies, and offer customers the opportunity to design their own cake. Personally, Coldstone is the best creamery in the area. The twenty-minute ride is a little inconvenient, but Coldstone is the only ice cream parlor that makes it easy to create the perfect combination. Also, the employees are bright and personable, and sing a cute little tune when customers add something extra to the tip jar! It is a lot of fun, and a perfect way to satisfy one of those dessert cravings! Ice Beats Ice Cream Melanie Hoffman Staff Writer Most people recognize summer by the sun in the sky, the happy-go-lucky attitudes, and by the most popular food – ice cream. Three favorite choices for ice cream are Rita’s Italian Ice, Cold Stone Creamery, and Bruster’s Ice Cream. What hot spot cools you down the most? Rita’s Italian Ice. Rita’s ice offers a different texture with a delicious taste for an affordable price. For the best of both worlds – try a gelati. A thick layer of custard (chocolate, vanilla, or twist) followed by your choice of ice, with another layer of custard on top. It’s a great way to cool off a hot summer day. Although the drive is a bit longer and the price is steep, Cold Stone Creamery has amazing ice cream. They provide suggested flavors for you, such as birthday cake remix, founder’s favorite, all lovin’ no oreo, or you’re able to choose between a variety of flavors of ice cream, toppings, and syrups to make your own. Finally, Bruster’s is a traditional favorite. The assortment of flavors and close distance makes it convenient to take a quick trip and grab a scoop! Next time you’re sweating on a sweltering summer day or you just want something to do, cool down with a mind-boggling scoop from one of these great places, especially my favorite, Rita’s.
  • 6. g n i r p S PT Style You’re stuck in Peters for the break. What does your week look like? Working extra hours to make more money 12% 25% Doing what I would do on a normal weekend 63% Sleeping in and going out with friends more frequently Senior Maggie Soffel and her sister Becca pose for a picture at a restaurant at the bay during their vacation in Florida. 11% Homework 45% iPod 44% Cellphone So you’re heading to the beach. What’s the one thing you can’t leave behind? Enjoying the nice spring sun are sophomores Katie Foglia and Shane Deiley during their walk on the trail.
  • 7. The Peters Township Varsity Softball team takes a break between games on their trip to Florida for a team photo. What is your ideal spring break location? 17% Home 50% Beach 33% Ski Resort Smiling brightly are sophomore best friends Cori Swoope and Emily Barna on their Florida getaway vacation during spring break. What is your goal for spring break? 36% Getting a tan 18% Catching up on homework All photos submitted 46% Sleeping In the midst of an intense Penguins game, sophomore Shaina Herman and freshman Melina Sopko take a break from the action. Sophomore Leeza Tselepis poses for a picture during her family vacation to Cancun.
  • 8. 8 OPINION April 2008 Brian Lewis PTHS Smoke Signals The Clinton Dynasty: A Stain on America Opinion Editor It continues to amaze me that Senator Hillary Clinton still thinks she has a chance to win the Democratic Presidential Nomination. With only 10 states left to hold their primaries, including Pennsylvania, Clinton has almost no chance to catch Senator Barack Obama in the delegate count. The only way she would be able to get the nomination is if she essentially defies the will of the voters and steals the nomination from Obama by capturing the vote of the various party elders known as Superdelegates. Of course, for Senator Clinton, stealing an election would not be unusual for her. Clinton is perhaps one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington D.C., and would do anything to hold onto power. In the past few months she has done everything she can possibly think of to knock Senator Obama off his current pedestal. Her attacks have ranged from using race, religion, and even trying to steal delegates that Obama has already won. It didn’t matter to Clinton that all of her attacks have no credible leg to stand on; she decided to use them anyway. Perhaps the best example of her willingness to decimate Obama is when she refused to directly answer a question during a NBC interview when she was asked if she thought Senator Obama was a Muslim. For the record, he isn’t, but Clinton would much rather play upon the fear of voters than debate issues. Perhaps the most troubling aspect of Clinton’s campaign is her injection of ethnicity into the race for the Presidency. Most of the pundits expected race to play some factor in the first presidential campaign to include a serious AfricanAmerican contender, but the extent to which it has factored is unseemly and plain wrong. Though most of the comments have come from low level-advisors, the biggest blunder of all came from former President Bill Clinton. Just before the South Carolina primary, Bill Clinton said that he felt that Obama was not all that he was cracked up to be, and that he owed his amazing campaign to the fact that he was black, and not because Senator Obama was ready to be President. It didn’t help the Clintons either when they said it wasn’t so much Dr. Martin Luther King who advanced civil rights in this country but rather President Lyndon Johnson instead. Maybe the Clintons should just stick to failing miserably at running a country rather than failing their history exams. One reason that Senator Clinton is so concerned about getting the nomination is the preservation of the Clinton legacy. After her husband’s presidency drowned in scandal, both Hillary and Bill feel the need to go out on top. By winning the presidency, Senator Clinton would be able to ensure that the Clinton dynasty remains as large as that of the Bush’s, if not larger. This requires her to employ a win-at-all-costs strategy against Senator Obama. Of course, as one Republican strategist put it to, ““If the Clinton people knee-cap Obama, it would be like killing Santa Claus Christmas morning in front of the children. The children won’t forget or forgive.” Maybe Senator Clinton should consider embracing Santa Claus before she turns into the Grinch. In the end, Senator Clinton’s dreams come down to Pennsylvania. If she manages to defy expectations of a 15-20 point win on April 22, she may very well have a small but insignificant case to continue on. If she fails to deliver on the expectations, then it looks like Democrats will finally have a nominee, Senator Barack Obama. Dana Hoelle Alex Egan “Senator Clinton should consider embracing Santa Claus before she turns into the Grinch.” The Truth About Tanning Opinion Co-Editor Staff Writer Want to banish your pale skin for a fierce tan? The end of the school year is looming with events such as trips to the beach as well as prom. Many people are starting to consider the best way to get that bronzed glow, turning to tanning booths, self-tanner, or a combination of both. Before you grab your bathing suit and head to the tanning bed in pursuit of the perfect tan, spend a few minutes to learn about the positive side of tanning. These facts can help you achieve the look you want without ruining and stressing your skin. UVA radiation is what makes people tan. These rays penetrate the lower layers of the skin to produce melanin (the brown pigment that causes tanning). Melanin is the body’s way of protecting the skin from burning. Tanning actually helps you because it gives you the amount of Vitamin D needed for the body. It also protects the body from getting burnt when you’re in the sun. Getting a base tan before laying out in the sun is a good way for you to save yourself from sunburn. Staying out of tanning beds may seem like the only logical answer, but who wants to live like a hermit? The key is to enjoy tanning beds sensibly, Food For Thought finding a balance between going too much and using them responsibly. To enjoy tanning while still protecting your skin, wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen that will help prevent burning. You should also take frequent breaks; tanning every day is neither sensible nor necessary. “Going tanning once or twice a week is all you need to get the look you want,” said Senior Cara Stiffler. Another way to protect yourself while tanning is to avoid “accelerators,” or tanning pills and lotions that claim to speed up the body’s production of melanin, and make you darker faster. There is no actual proof that they will work, and the FDA does not approve them. “Accelerators say that will make you more tan, but in reality they don’t do anything,” said Junior Brooke Wilson. It is a lot easier for adults to tell us to avoid tanning beds than to teach us how to enjoy tanning appropriately and responsibly. Next time you decide to go tanning, just remember to go wisely at the right level of exposure. Even when you’re serious about protecting your skin, you may want the glow from a tan, so remember these safe tips, and protect your skin. Fishtank: Prom Dilemma By Renée Wunderlich The majority of students here at PTHS eat the cafeteria food on a daily basis. It’s safe to say that the majority of the food doesn’t even taste good. (With the exception of pasta day, paninis, and Good Cookie Wednesdays.) However, not only is this food we’re eating every day unappetizing, most of it is also unhealthy. Until now, that is. Thankfully, the school has started to make a small but helpful effort to make the cafeteria food healthier. We’ve all noticed the new snack machine by the windows, but has anyone noticed what’s in it? It’s not just another vending machine filled with candy and soda, it’s filled with a delicious array of organic food. Although the prices may be a bit higher, it’s well worth it. The new addition to our cafeteria includes organic teas, sodas, chips, popcorn, granola bars, and more. It seems to be a big hit with the students, too. “I think it’s great that we now have healthier choices for snack food,” says senior Jason Chiappino. “It’s a little expensive, but the food is actually pretty good.” And not only does the food taste good, it has health benefits that could help you live a longer life. Organic food is made free of pesticides, which are the chemicals put on our food to make it last longer. It also contains more than 50% more nutrients, vitamins, and minerals than the regular produce we consume on a daily basis. All in all, organic food is a much healthier option, thanks to it’s lack of pesticides, hormones, fertilizers, antibiotics, and chemicals that dominate our bodies through the regular food we eat. “I’m so glad that we finally have a healthier snack machine, even though it isn’t much” says senior Jordan Dent. “It’s nice to know that I have a few more food choices that I know doesn’t have a possibility of eventually harming my body.” Although organic health food hasn’t dominated the cafeteria, the snack machine is a beneficial improvement to our cafeteria. It’s definitely one step forward to helping students eat healthier. Facebook Giveaway Paige Burris staff Writer Big hits like iTunes and Facebook are about to get bigger. iTunes sales are already off the charts, and Facebook is also one of the most widely used websites for people from high school and college around the world. It is not only a great way to communicate and keep in touch, but it’s now also a great way to get music. For 10 weeks, Facebook is giving away 10 million sample songs to promote iTunes. On Facebook sites, there are advertisements on banners that links to the Apple web site, where one is able to download the sample songs. These free songs include everywhere from alternative rock to hip-hop, from bands like Cartel and Granddaddy. Another way to get free music is It is all supported by iTunes, and the wrath of the iPhone since the iPhone is featured everywhere. Not only is Facebook featuring the iTunes giveaway, but the iPhone is also featuring Facebook on TV commercials and Internet adds. Most would be willing to pay more for your iPod or iPhone if they got free access to the music library. There is talk going around that it might happen, and iTunes might finally be free if there was a monthly subscription. ITunes is coming on strong with new ideas almost every month, to make their company more successful.
  • 9. April 2008 PTHS Opinion Think Before You Drink Gina Nepa 9 Staff Writer banned the popular drink, Red Bull, after it was linked to the death of a basketball player, Ross Cooney, who consumed four cans before playing a basketball game. Britain, as well, has investigated the severe hazards of the drink, and chose to issue a warning against its use by pregnant women, ( Sixteen-ounce energy drinks have been known to contain as much as 300 milligrams of caffeine, the equivalent to four cups of coffee, (Mintel Energy Drink Report in 2006). Marketing for these energy boosters is geared towards teenagers, seen as an all-around naïve and exploratory group. The majority of these consumers fail to look into the side effects of drinking these cans in extremity. A rather comical website, Many students trudge through Peters Township High School, a Rockstar in one hand and a textbook in the other, usually with a frazzled look in their eyes. The majority of teenagers who rapidly gulp down these drinks who don’t consider the sickening effects these beverages produce. Energy drinks are advertised as providing more energy than a typical beverage. However, there is no scientific basis concluding that consuming these beverages an individual is more mentally alert [Marin Institute study.] Though there is also no proof of energy increase after consumption, the “high” that occurs in the midst of drinking the beverage is sure to keep consumers buying package after package. France, as well as Denmark, has SHE SAID HE SAID Brian Lewis Springtime Whats the What is the Alex Egan best part about Spring? Warm weather, tank tops, driving with the windows down, and getting the heck out of here! Warm weather, the Pirates losing, and the Yankees beating the snot out of the Red Sox. worst part about Spring? The Penguins getting knocked out of the playoffs. Do you have It rains a lot! But actually, I don’t mind the rain. So, I guess just the fact that it’s not summer yet. senioritis? Yeah, otherwise we may have put the effort into a fourth question. Meghan Jacobs, features a section which allows a viewer to enter their weight and preferred energy drink into a search panel. The test then calculates how many drinks the individual, that weight, would be able to consume before dying. “I don’t even like the taste of those things; they taste like battery acid,” explained sophomore Jon Kovac. Others favor the taste, and tolerate the sideeffects, such as adrenaline rushes. “They keep me going for a while, but after the initial buzz. I usually just get a headache,” explained sophomore, Mark Hayes. Short-term effects of regular drinking can include slow reaction times, increased heartbeat, and dizziness, as found in a Brown University Health Education Study. Oh, yeah. I’m surprised we got even three questions out of this. We’re All Number One Guest Contributor Anyone walking down a hall in PTHS is sure to find a group of girls chattering away about their weekends, trying to trump one another with pointless details to make her story more important. Honestly, who cares? Narcissism is defined as excessive love or admiration of oneself. Typically one sees this egocentric attitude in a child’s toddler years, dwindling as she ages. Modern technology and parental influences are delaying this process. A child is taught from a young age that she is “special,” driven home by her parents’ indulgent behaviors. The borderline of rewards and indulgency is thin, thought. A child needs to learn that while she is special, she doesn’t need to be rewarded for every accomplishment. As the child ages, she will continue to expect rewards for miniscule accomplishments. Just because an adolescent turns 16 doesn’t mean she needs a new Mercedes. While parents are a large influence in child’s youth, technology, and the media perpetuate narcissism. Mister Rogers’ innocent song lyrics in 1976, “You are my friend; you are special,” have since been misinterpreted to mean “You are so special; you can do no wrong.” Fred Rogers meant for the song to display love and caring towards children. “He knew children could do wrong,” states Hedda Sharapan, a communications director for his series. Mister Rogers is later quoted, “I wish from the very beginning I had said it this way: You are special and so is everyone else in the world.” The preschool tune “Frère Jacques” also has a narcissistic lyrical counterpart: “I am special; I am special; Lock at me!” While a child ages and develops other interests, one may think she develops more worldly concerns. It is on the contrary, however, as the concern further envelopes herself. The advent of social networking websites sought to connect people globally, but the various site names speak for themselves: Myspace, YouTube. A student is deeply upset when she logs in to discover no new comments on her weekend party pictures, yet could surprisingly care less when the six o’clock news stories flood the television. Teenagers and parents of young children may not see these self-absorbed behaviors as a problem now, but issues are certainly on the horizon, charging at full speed. In Sally Kalson’s article, “Collegians Too Special for Their Own Good,” she states, “narcissists are short on empathy, long on aggression when criticized, and obsessed with self-promotion over helping others. They’re also more likely to lack emotional warmth and have problem with romantic relationships.” Another article, entitled, “Study Finds Self-Centeredness, Narcissism Rising Among Student,” assesses many of the same issues. “Narcissists are more likely to have romantic relationships that are shortlived, at risk for infidelity, lack emotional warmth, and to exhibit game-playing, dishonesty, and over-controlling and violent behaviors.” So, how do we change this behavior kidnapping the next generation? The best way is for parents to be more controlling. A kid doesn’t need friend-figures who financially provide for her; she needs parents who stand by the punishments implement. And substituting indulgent prizes for simple praise wouldn’t hurt, either. Parents also need to be aware of the other end of the spectrum – a child should be aware of her importance, but acknowledge others’ too. An interviewee of Kalson’s, David Hornyak, makes an observation: “If you’ve ever watched an ‘American Idol’ audition, it’s amazing the number of young people who truly can’t sing but yet are crushed when Simon gives them a reality check…This study indicates that students just automatically assume they’ll succeed without any frame of reference. They lack critical thinking and self-reflection.” He’s right. We can’t all be number one. The Unappreciated Years Jordan Dent Sports Co-Editor If an adult were asked what the best part of being a teenager was, he or she would most likely respond, “Everything!” If a teenager were asked that same question, the response would probably be, “Nothing.” From this, one could conclude that teen years are not appreciated until the back of mom’s car has been dented, until the number of nights spent babysitting start to resemble the number of weekends spent grounded, until those years are far gone and all that is left are the memories that were made. We must face the fact that most people do not see the good in something until that something is long gone. However, I can see the good of being a teenager, and I believe that the best part is knowing that being treated like a kid is over and the responsibilities that hop on the wagon along with being an adult have not yet begun. Once teenage years have begun, parents realize their child’s desire for independence and trust. Parents start testing their kids with small acts that build trust and usually make the teen feel more free and responsible. To an adolescent, gaining a parent’s trust is like hitting the lottery. Putting down the Barbie dolls and picking up the cell phone is a huge milestone for teenagers, and from there, teen years just keep getting better. While teenagers are given some responsibilities and things are asked of them, they do not have the pressures and stress that adulthood brings. Unlike most adults, teens are not handed the tasks of paying a mortgage, holding a serious, full-time job, or most importantly, raising a family. And while we teenagers might think school is tough; and balancing friends, sports, and a part-time job is even tougher, seeing how easy life is during our teens in necessary. Fully embracing the teen years is extremely important, but the problem for many teenagers is not being able to find a happy medium between school, social activities, and family. As complicated as life can get, teens must come to appreciate the teenage phase because in one second, these years will be over and soon we will come to find that pictures and yearbooks just won’t do the justice of actually living this era of our lives.
  • 10. 10 IAN 02 EXTRA POINT IAN JACKSON SPORTS Smoke Signals 03 TAYLOR RELICH Who will win the 2008 Stanley Cup? IJ: The 2008 NHL season has been a wild one to say the least, and the playoffs promise to be the same way, because of the Minnesota Wild. Marian Gaborik is one of the top players in the game today and he has the supporting cast to go deep into the playoffs. My Stanley Cup prediction is Wild vs. obviously the Pittsburgh Penguins. TR: There is not really a clear favorite in the Eastern Conference, though many people would say there is one in the West (Red Wings). Personally, I think that the best team in the West is the San Jose Sharks, because I saw them play in person this season, and they hung right with the Penguins and beat them in the shootout. Maybe Jeremy Roenick will finally get to hoist the Cup. I would love to see a Sharks vs. Pens matchup in the Stanley Cup, and that is what I think will happen. The Pens seem like a dark horse in the East, but I don’t think they are, simply because they are tremendously resilient. IJ: How are the Penguins a dark horse, when they are first in the conference? I hate when people want to make their team the underdog even when they aren’t. Anyways… I like the Sharks too. Roenick is one of the faces of the league and it would be a shame if he never raises the cup, but I don’t think it’ll happen this year. I’m going to argue with you about our Western Conference teams, because we agree on the Penguins. The Wild have a very strong core group of player with Gaborik, Eric Belanger, Brian Rolston, Pavol Demitra, and Chris Simon. They get solid goaltending every night from Niklas Backstrom. He is one of the great young goaltenders in the game right now. TR: That is a real solid group of players, but the Sharks are better. They are led by Joe Thornton, Jonathan Cheechoo, Jeremy Roenick, Patrick Marleau, Milan Michalek, and Mike Greir. You talk about the strong goaltending from Backstrom, but the Sharks have Evgeni Nabokov. He is great, and they also picked up Brian Campbell from Buffallo at the trade deadline. He gives them a dominant presence around the blueline. IJ: Cheechoo is terrible. He isn’t half the player he was in 2006, and anyone who thinks he’s better than Maxim Afinogenov is out of their mind. I do think that Roenick is going to be on a tear once the playoffs start, but he is one player. He wants a cup, Thornton wants a cup, but do they have the supporting cast to top the Wild when they face-off? I don’t believe they have the defensive firepower to keep Gaborik off the score sheet. The only way the Sharks would top Minnesota is if Cheechoo can hit a hotstreak. He is a streaky player and he is the key to the Shark’s playoff fortunes. If Cheechoo scores, the Sharks win, but if he doesn’t they will get dominated by the Wild or the Red Wings. My prediction… he won’t score. TR: Are you crazy? Cheechoo is one player. The Sharks have experience in the playoffs unlike the Wild and that’s the key. Gaborik is a top player in the league, but he hasn’t had much experience. Cheechoo will score, along with Thornton and Roenick. The Sharks will come out of the West and play the Penguins for the Stanley Cup. I believe in the Sharks, but we can both agree that the Stanley Cup Finals is where their dreams will get crushed. The Penguins will be crowned the Stanley Cup Champions, no matter who they play. Taylor Relich Penguins Primed for Playoffs Staff Writer The Pittsburgh Penguins have almost solidified their spot in the NHL Playoffs, but there are still many questions to be answered before they can hoist the Stanley Cup. Right now, the Pens are playing a two-goalie system, alternating between Ty Conklin and Marc-Andre Fleury, but Michel Therrien will have to choose a starting goalie for the playoffs. The Penguins also have to figure out what their lines will be for the post season. It would make sense if Therrien kept Evgeni Malkin, Ryan Malone, and Petr Sykora together, since they have played so well down the stretch in Crosby’s absence. Therrien has been notorious this season for changing lines around, and he is currently experimenting with the power play unit. Right-winger Marian Hossa is back, who the Penguins acquired from the Atlanta Thrashers along with fellow right-winger Pascal Dupuis. Hal Gill, a defenseman from the Toronto Maple Leafs, was also Ian Jackson picked up at the trade deadline. He will play a key role as a shutdown defenseman, and will bring a muchneeded physical presence to the defense. The Penguins have an array of talent at their disposal right now. They have two of the league’s most prolific scorers: Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin, and the best onetwo punch in goal in the National Hockey League. The Pens power play percentage is the third best in the East, but their penalty kill needs some work. As a matter of fact, the entire defense has been struggling in recent games. The Penguins offense has carried them this far, but great defense wins championships. Looking at last year’s Stanley Cup winner, the Anaheim Ducks, their goaltending and defense carried them past the Ottawa Senators a very strong offensive team to say the least. The Penguins’ two goalies have played tremendous this season, but the defense has been a little lacking. The Tennis : Serve it Up Pens’ defense is bound to improve with the addition of enforcer Hal Gill, who is improving as he learns the Penguins defensive scheme. The Penguins are currently four points ahead of the New Jersey Devils for the lead in the Atlantic division and one point behind the Montreal Canadiens for the Eastern Conference lead. The Pens do not have an easy schedule coming up, with five of their last five games against division opponents. How the Pens place in the East will be crucial, not only because of the desire to have home ice advantage for as long as possible, but also because if they place higher in the Eastern Conference, the odds of playing Ottawa, Montreal, or New Jersey decrease immensely. The Penguins clinched a spot in the NHL Playoffs on March 26, but with a few more wins, the Pens could be looking at a one seed in the Eastern Conference. Staff Writer The Peters Township Tennis team has been very successful over the past few years. In 2007, the team sported a fantastic 8-1 record. They were having a record setting season, until they were knocked out of the playoffs by Shady Side Academy in the WPIAL Finals. That may not be the same case this season. The team has high expectations coming into 2008. The varsity team is led by Andrew Nixon, Doug Sepostis, Chris Nixon, Marcus Mortland, Andy Madalena, and Nick Mortland. Nick Mortland is the only newcomer in that bunch, and the other five are each hungry to get to the level that they barely fell short of last year. Coaches Brandt Bowman and Mr. Repepi lead the team this year. There is no doubt they will have all their players reaching their fullest potential. “Last year, we were pretty disappointed,” Madalena stated. “But I was only a sophomore so I knew me could bounce back this season and we plan on it” Grant Burkhardt April 2008 The team is loaded with talent and has great leadership. That will only increase with the return of Senior Andrew Nixon. Nixon, who is the brother of Chris, is the unquestioned leader of the team. He had a late start to his season due to an injury, but he is now “We will be good this year. I don’t think that’s even a question,” Chris Nixon confidently stated. “We have to be good throughout the season, and then we can be great come playoff time when Andrew returns.” Winning the WPIAL championship is not the ultimate goal for the team, though it would be a great accomplishment. The main goal of this team is to win the State Championship. The team has the talent to do so, with many players on the roster with playoff experience. They also have the confidence to do so. “I think we can win states,” Marcus Mortland confirmed. “Actually I know we can win states.” Brett Favre: The Common Man’s Hero News Editor Players retire all the time, but none have hit the casual football fan harder than the retirement of Packers quarterback, Brett Favre. Regardless of what we like to imagine, our favorite players can’t play forever. Even heroes aren’t immortal. As a whole, the public enjoys emotion. A huge part of the appeal of sporting events is that they can make us stand up and scream at midnight when everyone else is asleep. So when Favre called his retirement press conference and thanked his family, friends, and team through streams of tears, he inadvertently made the sports world fall in love with him all over again. But how did he get to this point? Brett Favre is certainly one of the best quarterbacks in NFL history. Even while playing with numerous injuries, Favre never missed a start in his career. He has three straight NFL Most Valuable Player awards, a Super Bowl ring, and countless passing records as notches on his sword. However, his status as a common man’s role model travels far beyond his longest Hail Mary pass; he has been an icon for America’s man since the start of his career. With each passing record that was broken, of added adversity followed. On the field, he had his first NFL pass intercepted and returned for a touchdown. Favre had many offthe-field problems that plagued him throughout his tenure in Green Bay as well. In 1996, he was publicly criticized for his addiction to the narcotic Vicodin. Then in 1999, he publicly announced that he was battling Alcoholism. Then, in 2003, bad luck started to plague one of the NFL’s most popular players. America grieved just as Favre and his family did over the sudden death of Brett’s dad, Irvin. How did America’s hero respond? He played against the Oakland Raiders in the very next game and had arguably the greatest four quarters of his career. He passed for 399 yards and 4 touchdowns while playing with a heavy heart. More heartache for Favre’s family was to follow - Brett’s wife, Deana, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004, and the family house in Mississippi was badly damaged by Hurricane Katrina. A phone call from Favre to his mother shortly after the hurricane hit was aired on ESPN. The public saw part of Brett that was familiar to them. He was emotionally affected by what was happening to his family, and he made many typical “family man” comments that enabled the public to further associate themselves with a toptier celebrity. Off the field, he has used his popularity to his advantage. He is the cover man for Wrangler Jeans Company, where he appears in commercials that show him and other southernstyle men playing a game of backyard football. He will most likely continue this chapter of his career in years to come. Brett Favre turned into an American icon because he played football, and he will stay one because he is a genuine human being. He will always have a special place in the hearts of the people.
  • 11. April 2008 SPORTS Expect the Unexpected: Girl’s Basketball a Playoff Victory Melanie Hoffman Staff Writer The girl’s basketball team has done the impossible: making it all the way to state playoffs. This is the first time in the team’s 50 year history that any squad has made it to playoffs, let alone the state tournament. The team, led by senior Maura Lacey and junior Emily Correal, played some unbelievable games to become a contender from obscurity. “Our first big win was against Bethel Park in December and that was a huge jump start to our season,” said senior forward Carol Sternweis. With an impressive 21-11 record the girls slowly gained the confidence and respect from other section rivals to win many close battles. The girls’ willingness to fight through tough games was what made watching them so worthwhile. In many of their playoff games, the fourth quarter would come around with the girls being down. Amazingly, they rallied together using their aggression to make amazing baskets, plays, and all-around teamwork from every player on the court, as well as cheers from the crowd and those on the bench. The most memorable playoff game was against Mt. Lebanon, a team the Lady Indians hadn’t defeated during the regular season. “The playoff game against Mt. Lebanon was definitely the best of our entire season. We went into the game, knowing that we had to play hard and Dana Hoelle Softball Spring Training Sports Briefs Baseball Season to begin soon 2007 WPIAL champions Boys Volleyball Looking to improve on loss against Montour Boys Tennis Defeated Moon 5-0 Staff Writer Every year the Peters Township girl’s softball team heads down to Florida for spring training. This year was no different; the girls packed their bags for five days of softball at the Disney Wide World of Sports Complex. Playing seven games total, they won all but one, and beat the number two-ranked team in the United States. The Lady Indians are off to a good start, going 3-0 in regulation games, not to mention they only gave up a combined five runs in the three games they played. “It was a great chance for us to bond as a team, and get ready for the regular season,” said sophomore Dara Hoelle. They won a game Bill Berry we did. It really paid off,” said Lacey. In yet another fourth quarter comeback, the team came back to win with a final score of 41-37. This was a huge game considering the team advanced to the WPIAL Championships, where a disappointing loss to Upper Saint Clair left the girl’s placing second. When it came back to playing for the PIAA state title, the team was back on top of their game. Their first state playoff game against New Castle at North Hills was a close and intense game with the lady Indians pulling through with a 56-50 victory. Key underclassmen players made this win possible with both Lexi Kamphaus and Samantha Higgins having a career high scoring games. The second round of the playoffs resulted in yet another close game against Schenley. With less than three minutes left in the quarter the score was tied at 41. Unfortunately, the girls ended up losing 49-45, ending their run for the title. All in all, this has been a remarkable, recordbreaking season for the girl’s basketball team. Along with the many wins, the girl’s all admit to having bonded over dance parties and songs on the bus. Maybe with more school support, this will be the first of many successful seasons. 11 over the second ranked team in the country, a squad from Texas. The score was 6-3, with Shaylee Ianno pitching six shut out innings, and Lindsey Hoover hitting a home run. “Our whole team played great, and as a result it came out with the W,” said sophomore Paige Burris. The win against Texas was a major advance for the Lady Indians; defeating the Woodlands, who have 3 division one players. The team didn’t just play softball the whole time at Disney world; they also had time for practice and free time to roam the parks. During their practice time, they were able to use the batting cages, and advance their skills on the field. Team bonding was a main goal for this trip. Not only did they go to team dinners, but they also had a fun time while going to the various theme parks in Disney. “I enjoyed hanging out with my team. It made my trip one that I will always remember,” said junior Jody Kohne. Hard work and dedication is what the Lady Indians faced while battling different teams throughout the United States. Spring training was a good way to prepare the team for upcoming games, and rivalries. Going undefeated in Florida was a good start for the 2008 softball season. Crime Time: The Steelers Softball 4-0 in preseason standings Good performances against USC in first two games Track and Field Meets begin in early April Sent several students to WPIALs in 2007 Staff Writer Pittsburgh Steeler Cedrick Wilson was arrested on charges of simple assault, harassment, and disorderly conduct after an incident involving an ex-girlfriend on March 20. It was reported that upon entering a restaurant and spotting his ex, Wilson proceeded to push her and punch her in the face. Only hours later, the Steelers released him from his contract. However, the next day, the woman retracted the punching accusation, claiming Wilson only pushed her. Wilson is just one of the Steelers who has found themselves in trouble with the law. Pro Bowl linebacker James Harrison was arrested on charges of domestic violence against his girlfriend. During a fight last month, the 245-pounder broke down his girlfriend’s door, snapped her phone in half, and allegedly slapped her in the face. Harrison is yet to receive any punishment from the Steelers or the NFL. His preliminary court hearing is scheduled for April 3. Second-string running back Najeh Davenport has charges of domestic violence, child endangerment, and unlawful restraint pending against him. The charges stem from an incident involving a fight between him and the mother of his five-year-old son. Police were unable to make an arrest because they could not determine who was the aggressor. This is not the first time Davenport has found himself in trouble. Back in 2002 he was arrested after defecating in the closet of a girls college dorm room. The then University of Miami senior agreed to a plea agreement of 100 hours of community service. On the charges of domestic violence, Davenport entered a not guilty plea in a Cleveland court. Third-year receiver Santonio Holmes was arrested two times in a span of one month during the summer prior to his rookie season. The first charge of disorderly conduct in Miami, Florida was dropped in exchange for a fine. The more serious of the offenses was for domestic violence and assault in Columbus, Ohio. Holmes’ charges were eventually dropped. Like Holmes, it is rare that the NFL ever punishes domestic violence offenses. Since 2004, only seven players have received suspensions for the crime. Each of their punishments was a mere one game suspension. The NFL is trying to combat the prevalence of crime in their league by instituting a Conduct Management Program for all incoming rookies. The program mandates players to attend eight one-hour sessions, teaching them how to deal with life in the NFL. All 32 teams currently hold a life-skills session every fall. Girls Lacrosse Had section win over Mt. Lebo 2007 WPIAL champions Boys Lacrosse Games begin in early April
  • 12. Voices in the Hall If you could pick anyone to be president, whom would it be? Mike Stenger ‘08 “Mark Wahlberg, because he was in the Funky Bunch.” Laney Smith and Aly Hajzus ‘09 “Mr. Hitchens, because he’s decisive.” Chris Nixon ‘10 “Mr. Kuhn, because he’s the man.” Sean Sickmund ‘11 “Arnold Shrwarzenegger, because he’s ripped.” What is the first thing you would do if you were president? Jimmy Sams ‘09 Brianna Gove ‘08 “Give everyone a million dollars.” “Make February 5th James Anthony Sams Day.” Megan Junker ‘10 “Have a Dance Party.” Ryan Minteer ‘11 “Make a National Cookie Day.” What the teachers have to say... Mrs. Fletcher Dr. Dell “I would make sure everyone who needed health care received it.” “Tony Blair.” P T “Ghandi.” Ms. Daerr “I would change the situation over in Iraq.” Minute the Mrs. Gunther Chelsea Carl Ali Mitchell ‘08 ‘08 If you were running for president, what would be your campaign slogan? “Anywhere but here.” If you were elected president, who would you pick to be your vice president, and why? “Prince - he’s just awesome!” Who do you believe was our best president? “George Washington.” Who is your favorite candidate running in the 2008 election? “I don’t like any of them.” What U.S president was most like you? “Bill Clinton.” If you were running for president, what would be your campaign slogan? “People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” If you were elected president, who would you pick to be your vice president, and why? “Alex Kocher; because we compliment each other well.” Who do you believe was our best president? “Thomas Jefferson.” Who is your favorite candidate running in the 2008 election? “Ron Paul.” What U.S president was most like you? “Thomas Jefferson.”