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UOP COM 295 Final NEW (3 Sets)
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COM 295 Final NEW (3 Sets)
Score 25/30
1 The career summary section of a rĂŠsumĂŠ should provide the
candidate's ________.
objective for the job search
memberships, awards, certifications and licensure, and
list of personal references
major accomplishments, abilities, and attributes
2 Javier is an editorial manager at a publishing company. He
wants to give one of his supervisors an "Employee of the Year"
award. Which of the following supervisors should he choose if
he is looking for an employee with a strong sense of caring?
Jenny, who helps her employees develop the skills that will
allow them to advance
Jon, who sets short- and long-term deadlines for every project
and meets them promptly
Paul, who is the best copy editor and proofreader in the
Ayesha, who always takes on extra work to help the
department meet its deadlines
3 Performing at the highest standards, not just for oneself, but
for the team, for the supervisor, for the consumer, and for the
company's shareholders, indicates a sense of _________.
4 Your coworker LaRita has asked you to review her slide
presentation. You notice that it is difficult to recognize and
process the most important ideas and information. To help her
fix this, what will you recommend that she change?
She should limit her text to five words per line and three to
four lines per slide.
She should include a compelling image every few slides.
She should choose dark backgrounds and text colors.
She should use bold or italics to highlight key ideas.
5 Lori is using secondary research to develop a business report.
How can she write her report in a way that demonstrates
originality in thought?
Generate her own conclusions and recommendations
Use the most current documentation guidelines
Adopt a methodical approach to decision making
Cite all her research sources
6 Your rĂŠsumĂŠ should tell a story of:
the value can provide to a company
everything you have learned and done in your previous job
how you plan to improve your areas of weakness
your educational accomplishments
7 In order to focus your presentation on people, you should:
make individuals and groups the subject of your sentences
use a lot of "I" statements
include as many photographs as possible in your slides
avoid using presentation software or other technology
8 In the context of developing persuasive messages, which of
the following is most likely to help you demonstrate a voice of
adopting the tone of mass advertising such as over-the-top
developing strong ideas in the interest of your audience
focusing only on logical appeals
using only emotional appeals in your persuasive messages
9 Rick is trying to schedule a video teleconference with
colleagues at several locations. To do so, he needs to coordinate
their schedules and also check to see if the company needs to
invest in any additional resources to make it happen. By
addressing coordination and resource issues, he is dealing
10 A mistake that many job applicants make while creating
rĂŠsumĂŠs is:
trying to display everything they do well
highlighting only a few of their abilities and attributes
neglecting to include areas they need to improve on
forgetting to include their hobbies and other interests
11 Bao is conducting a study that compares the cost of keeping
print messages on file versus storing digital messages in the
cloud. What aspect of communications relates to the storage of
12 A colleague asks you for advice on how to understand the
audience of his persuasive message. Which of the following
pieces of advice will you offer?
Wait until the message is perfected before choosing the right
Focus on their values and not their needs.
Consider the psychological principles that impact people's
Ask as few questions as possible to avoid annoying them.
13 Which of the following should contain all your research
sources and should be provided at the end of your report?
the executive summary
the reference list
table of contents
14 Which of the following is useful advice on conducting
business across cultures with those who have limited English
Use slang and jargon instead of literal language as much as
Allow those with limited English ability enough time to process
their thoughts into English.
Speak at your normal, regular pace instead of speaking slowly
as this may be viewed as disrespectful.
Determine a person's level of communication proficiency
within the first few moments of your interactions with them.
15 _____ is the process of converting meaning into messages
composed of words and nonverbal signals.
16 Which of the following is a trait of individualists?
They communicate directly to efficiently deal with work tasks
and outcomes.
They stay in relationships even when they are no longer
mutually satisfying.
They tend to follow the perceived dreams and goals of the
group as a matter of duty.
They tend to stay in contact with and work through extended
17 Which of the following is typically included in the reviewing
stage of writing an effective business message?
ensuring the communication is fair
identifying the primary message and key points
setting a positive and other-oriented tone
finding the needs of the audience
18 In the context of persuasive messages, validating your
readers means that you are:
overcoming objections by providing counterpoints
providing solid reasons why your product, service, or idea
benefits readers
demonstrating a business need—a gap between what is and
what could be
recognizing and appreciating others' needs and preferences as
19 _____ noise occurs when communicators apply different
meanings to the same words or phrases.
20 Which of the following is true of documenting secondary
research sources?
Writers can use a variety of documentation systems, including
MLA and APA styles.
Ideas that are summarized do not require documentation.
The only thing that has to be documented is a direct quotation.
Statements that are paraphrased do not require
21 Gregor, who works at a textbook company, has put together
a presentation proposing that the company save money by
getting its images from less expensive stock photo sites. Gregor
needs to present his idea to the executive committee.
Considering the content of his presentation, which of the
following people on the committee should he most try to
The marketing director
The editorial director
The design director
The production editor
22 Which of the following is an example of projected cognitive
Rico assumes that all cultures are inferior to his culture.
Bill assumes that the cultural stereotypes shown in the popular
media are true.
Deirdre assumes that other cultural groups have the same
values as hers.
Elana assumes that no two cultures are alike in terms of values
and norms.
23 In order to design your slides to facilitate ease of processing,
you should:
use complex charts for complex information
limit your text to ten words per line
use at least one compelling image on every slide
provide as much information as possible on every slide
24 Vanessa has been assigned the task of creating an effective
business message aimed at improving the productivity of the
employees in her company. In the process of creating the
business message, she studies the background of the
employees, their needs, and priorities. To which step of the
planning process for developing influential messages does
Vanessa's action typically belong?
Idea development
Audience analysis
Message structuring
Message review
25 Which of the following is true of competence?
It is often evaluated by one's track record of achievements.
It increases when individuals focus on connecting with others.
It has grown less important in the post-trust era.
It is innate and cannot be gained through experience.
26 Which of the following facilitates a one-stop work space
containing project and meeting information, shared files, and
communication platforms?
social networking
written messages
27 By doing audience analysis, Radika discovers that the people
she will be giving her sales presentation to know very little
about her product. Because of this, she is likely to decide to:
spend more presentation time informing the audience
involve them in her presentation
eliminate bulleted and numbered lists from her slides
use only emotional appeals in her presentation
28 One of the first tasks to accomplish when developing a
presentation is to:
use headings to create a storyboard
gather content for an effective review
develop effective slides
understand the needs of your audience
29 Which of the following is an example of psychological noise?
Jenna's boss does not take her complaint seriously because
construction noise prevented him from hearing it.
Jenna's boss does not take her complaint seriously because he
thinks teenagers always exaggerate.
Jenna's boss does not understand that when she says a product
is "bad," she means she likes it.
Jenna's boss does not understand what she tells him because
his hearing aid battery dies.
30 Which of the following is typically included in the drafting
stage of writing an effective business message?
setting a positive and other-oriented tone
ensuring that the communication is fair
identifying the primary message and key points
finding the needs of the audience
1. A colleague asks you for advice on how to understand the
audience of his persuasive message. Which of the following
pieces of advice will you offer?
o Consider the psychological principles that impact people’s
decisions. (Page 241)
o Ask as few questions as possible to avoid annoying them.
o Wait until the message is perfected before choosing the right
o Focus on their values and not their needs.
2. Javier is an editorial manager at a publishing company. He
wants to give one of his supervisors an “Employee of the Year”
award. Which of the following supervisors should he choose if
he is looking for an employee with a strong sense of caring?
o Paul, who is the best copy editor and proofreader in the
o Ayesha, who always takes on extra work to help the
department meet its deadlines
o Jon, who sets short- and long-term deadlines for every
project and meets them promptly
o Jenny, who helps her employees develop the skills that will
allow them to advance. (Page 199)
3. Bao is conducting a study that compares the cost of
keeping print messages on file versus storing digital messages
in the cloud. What aspect of communications relates to the
storage of messages?
o coordination
o planning
o permanence (Page 36)
o constraint
4. Which of the following is true of documenting secondary
research sources?
o Statements that are paraphrased do not require
o Ideas that are summarized do not require documentation.
o The only thing that has to be documented is a direct
o Writers can use a variety of documentation systems,
including MLA and APA styles. (Page 382)
5. Rick is trying to schedule a video teleconference with
colleagues at several locations. To do so, he needs to coordinate
their schedules and also check to see if the company needs to
invest in any additional resources to make it happen. By
addressing coordination and resource issues, he is dealing
o richness
o immediacy
o constraint (Page 36)
o control
6. Lori is using secondary research to develop a business
report. How can she write her report in a way that
demonstrates originality in thought?
o Cite all her research sources
o Adopt a methodical approach to decision making
o Generate her own conclusions and recommendations (Page
o Use the most current documentation guidelines
7. In the context of developing persuasive messages, which of
the following is most likely to help you demonstrate a voice of
o using only emotional appeals in your persuasive messages
o adopting the tone of mass advertising such as over-the-top
o focusing only on logical appeals
o developing strong ideas in the interest of your audience
(Page 243)
8. Which of the following should contain all your research
sources and should be provided at the end of your report?
o The executive summary
o Table of contents
o Citations
o The reference list (Page 382)
9. Which of the following is an example of psychological
o Jenna’s boss does not take her complaint seriously because
construction noise prevented him from hearing it.
o Jenna’s boss does not take her complaint seriously because
he thinks teenagers always exaggerate (Page 28)
o Jenna’s boss does not understand what she tells him because
his hearing aid battery dies.
o Jenna’s boss does not understand that when she says a
product is ‘bad’ she means she likes it.
10. One of the first tasks to accomplish when developing a
presentation is to:
o Use headings to create a storyboard
o Develop effective slides
o Gather content for an effective review
o Understand the needs of your audience (Page 420)
11. Which of the following is an example of projected cognitive
o Rico assumes that all cultures are inferior to his culture.
o Bill assumes that the cultural stereotypes shown in the
popular media are true.
o Elana assumes that no two cultures are alike in terms of
values and norms.
o Deirdre assumes that other cultural groups have the same
values as hers. (Page 92)
12. Your coworker LaRita has asked you to review her slide
presentation. You notice that it is difficult to recognize and
process the most important ideas and information. To help her
fix this, what will you recommend that she change?
o She should choose dark backgrounds and text colors.
o She should use bold or italics to highlight key ideas (Page 429
& Page 439)
o She should include a compelling image every few slides.
o She should limit her text to five words per line and three to
four lines per slide.
13. In order to focus your presentation on people, you should:
o Avoid using presentation software or other technology
o Include as many photographs as possible on your slides
o Use a lot of “I” statements
o Make individuals and groups the subject of your sentences
(Page 448)
14. A mistake that many job applicants make while creating
resumes is:
o Trying to display everything they do well (Page 470)
o Neglecting to include areas they need to improve on
o Highlighting only a few of their abilities and attributes
o Forgetting to include their hobbies and other interests
15. By doing audience analysis, Radika discovers that the
people she will be giving her sales presentation to know very
little about her product. Because of this, she is likely to decide
o Use only emotional appeals in her presentation
o Spend more presentation time informing the audience
o Involve them in her presentation
o Eliminate bulleted and numbered lists from her slides
16. Which of the following is typically included in the drafting
stage of writing an effective business message?
o Setting a positive and other-oriented tone (Page 119)
o Ensuring that the communication is fair
o Finding the needs of the audience
o Identifying the primary message and key points
17. In order to design your slides to facilitate ease of
processing, you should:
o Limit your text to ten words per line (Page 429)
o Provide as much information as possible on every slide
o Use at least one compelling image on every slide
o Use complex charts for complex information
18. __________ is the process of converting meaning into messages
composed of words and nonverbal signals.
o Filtering
o Translating
o Decoding
o Encoding (Page 26)
19. Vanessa has been assigned the task of creating an effective
business message aimed at improving the productivity of the
employees in her company. In the process of creating the
business message, she studies the background of the
employees, their needs, and priorities. To which step of the
planning process for developing influential messages does
Vanessa’s action typically belong?
o Message review
o Message structuring
o Idea development
o Audience analysis (Page 120)
20. In the context of persuasive messages, validating your
readers means that you are:
o Recognizing and appreciating others’ needs and preferences
as legitimate (Page 245)
o Providing solid reasons why your product, service, or idea
benefits readers
o Demonstrating a business need – a gap between what is and
what could be
o Overcoming objections by providing counterpoints
21. Which of the following is typically included in the
reviewing state of writing an effective business message?
o Ensuring the communication is fair (Page 119)
o Identifying the primary message and key points
o Setting a positive and other-oriented tone
o Finding the needs of the audience
22. ________ noise occurs when communicators apply different
meanings to the same words or phrases.
o Physical
o Semantic (Page 28)
o Cognitive
o Psychological
23. Performing at the highest standards, not just for oneself,
but for the team, for the supervisor, for the consumer, and for
the company’s shareholders, indicates a sense of _________.
o Accountability (Page 8)
o Individuality
o Future-orientation
o Opportunity
24. Your resume should tell a story of:
o Everything you have learned and one in your previous job
o Your educational accomplishments
o How you plan to improve your areas of weakness
o The value you can provide to a company (Page 470)
25. Which of the following is useful advice on conducting
business across cultures with those who have limited English
o Use slang and jargon instead of literal language as much as
o Determine a person’s level of communication proficiency
within the first few moments of your interactions with them.
o Allow those with limited English ability enough time to
process their thoughts into English. (Page 94)
o Speak at your normal, regular pace instead of speaking
slowly as this may be viewed as disrespectful.
26. Which of the following facilitates a one-stop work space
containing project and meeting information, shared files, and
communication platforms?
o Written messages
o Social networking (Page 38)
o Webinar
o Texting
27. Which of the following is true of competence?
o It increases when individuals focus on connecting with
o It is innate and cannot be gained through experience.
o It is often evaluated by one’s track record of achievements.
(Page 274)
o It has grown less important in the post-trust era.
28. Gregor, who works at a textbook company, has put together
a presentation proposing that the company save money by
getting its images from less expensive stock, photo sites.
Gregor needs to present his idea to the executive committee.
Considering the content of his presentation, which of the
following people on the committee should he most try to
o The design director
o The production editor
o The marketing director (Page 358)
o The editorial director
29. Which of the following is a trait of individualists?
o They communicate directly to efficiently deal with work
tasks and outcomes. (Page 95)
o They tend to stay in contact with and work through extended
o They stay in relationships even when they are no longer
mutually satisfying.
o They tend to follow the perceived dreams and goals of the
group as a matter of duty.
30. The career summary section of a resume should provide
the candidate’s ________.
o Objective for the job search
o Major accomplishments, abilities, and attributes. (Page 470)
o Memberships, awards, certifications and licensure, and
o List of personal references.
Vanessa has been assigned the task of creating an effective
business message aimed at improving the productivity of the
employees in her company. In the process of creating the
business message, she studies the background of the
employees, their needs, and priorities. To which step of the
planning process for developing influential messages does
Vanessa's action typically belong?
Idea development
Message review
Message structuring
Audience analysis
Gregor, who works at a textbook company, has put together a
presentation proposing that the company save money by
getting its images from less expensive stock photo sites. Gregor
needs to present his idea to the executive committee.
Considering the content of his presentation, which of the
following people on the committee should he most try to
• The design director
•The marketing director
•The production editor
•The editorial director
Which of the following facilitates a one-stop work space
containing project and meeting information, shared files, and
communication platforms?
•written messages
•social networking
Rick is trying to schedule a video teleconference with
colleagues at several locations. To do so, he needs to coordinate
their schedules and also check to see if the company needs to
invest in any additional resources to make it happen. By
addressing coordination and resource issues, he is dealing
The career summary section of a rĂŠsumĂŠ should provide the
•major accomplishments, abilities, and attributes
•objective for the job search
•memberships, awards, certifications and licensure, and
•list of personal references
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Uop com 295 final new (3 sets)

  • 1. UOP COM 295 Final NEW (3 Sets) Check this A+ tutorial guideline at final-latest For more classes visit COM 295 Final NEW (3 Sets) Score 25/30 1 The career summary section of a rĂŠsumĂŠ should provide the candidate's ________. objective for the job search memberships, awards, certifications and licensure, and activities list of personal references major accomplishments, abilities, and attributes 2 Javier is an editorial manager at a publishing company. He wants to give one of his supervisors an "Employee of the Year"
  • 2. award. Which of the following supervisors should he choose if he is looking for an employee with a strong sense of caring? Jenny, who helps her employees develop the skills that will allow them to advance Jon, who sets short- and long-term deadlines for every project and meets them promptly Paul, who is the best copy editor and proofreader in the department Ayesha, who always takes on extra work to help the department meet its deadlines 3 Performing at the highest standards, not just for oneself, but for the team, for the supervisor, for the consumer, and for the company's shareholders, indicates a sense of _________. accountability individuality opportunity future-orientation 4 Your coworker LaRita has asked you to review her slide presentation. You notice that it is difficult to recognize and
  • 3. process the most important ideas and information. To help her fix this, what will you recommend that she change? She should limit her text to five words per line and three to four lines per slide. She should include a compelling image every few slides. She should choose dark backgrounds and text colors. She should use bold or italics to highlight key ideas. 5 Lori is using secondary research to develop a business report. How can she write her report in a way that demonstrates originality in thought? Generate her own conclusions and recommendations Use the most current documentation guidelines Adopt a methodical approach to decision making Cite all her research sources 6 Your rĂŠsumĂŠ should tell a story of: the value can provide to a company everything you have learned and done in your previous job how you plan to improve your areas of weakness
  • 4. your educational accomplishments 7 In order to focus your presentation on people, you should: make individuals and groups the subject of your sentences use a lot of "I" statements include as many photographs as possible in your slides avoid using presentation software or other technology 8 In the context of developing persuasive messages, which of the following is most likely to help you demonstrate a voice of competence? adopting the tone of mass advertising such as over-the-top appeals developing strong ideas in the interest of your audience focusing only on logical appeals using only emotional appeals in your persuasive messages 9 Rick is trying to schedule a video teleconference with colleagues at several locations. To do so, he needs to coordinate
  • 5. their schedules and also check to see if the company needs to invest in any additional resources to make it happen. By addressing coordination and resource issues, he is dealing with: constraint richness immediacy control 10 A mistake that many job applicants make while creating rĂŠsumĂŠs is: trying to display everything they do well highlighting only a few of their abilities and attributes neglecting to include areas they need to improve on forgetting to include their hobbies and other interests
  • 6. 11 Bao is conducting a study that compares the cost of keeping print messages on file versus storing digital messages in the cloud. What aspect of communications relates to the storage of messages? permanence planning coordination constraint 12 A colleague asks you for advice on how to understand the audience of his persuasive message. Which of the following pieces of advice will you offer? Wait until the message is perfected before choosing the right audience. Focus on their values and not their needs. Consider the psychological principles that impact people's decisions. Ask as few questions as possible to avoid annoying them. 13 Which of the following should contain all your research sources and should be provided at the end of your report? the executive summary
  • 7. citations the reference list table of contents 14 Which of the following is useful advice on conducting business across cultures with those who have limited English ability? Use slang and jargon instead of literal language as much as possible. Allow those with limited English ability enough time to process their thoughts into English. Speak at your normal, regular pace instead of speaking slowly as this may be viewed as disrespectful. Determine a person's level of communication proficiency within the first few moments of your interactions with them. 15 _____ is the process of converting meaning into messages composed of words and nonverbal signals. Filtering Translating Encoding
  • 8. Decoding 16 Which of the following is a trait of individualists? They communicate directly to efficiently deal with work tasks and outcomes. They stay in relationships even when they are no longer mutually satisfying. They tend to follow the perceived dreams and goals of the group as a matter of duty. They tend to stay in contact with and work through extended networks. 17 Which of the following is typically included in the reviewing stage of writing an effective business message? ensuring the communication is fair identifying the primary message and key points setting a positive and other-oriented tone finding the needs of the audience
  • 9. 18 In the context of persuasive messages, validating your readers means that you are: overcoming objections by providing counterpoints providing solid reasons why your product, service, or idea benefits readers demonstrating a business need—a gap between what is and what could be recognizing and appreciating others' needs and preferences as legitimate 19 _____ noise occurs when communicators apply different meanings to the same words or phrases. Cognitive Psychological Physical Semantic 20 Which of the following is true of documenting secondary research sources? Writers can use a variety of documentation systems, including MLA and APA styles.
  • 10. Ideas that are summarized do not require documentation. The only thing that has to be documented is a direct quotation. Statements that are paraphrased do not require documentation 21 Gregor, who works at a textbook company, has put together a presentation proposing that the company save money by getting its images from less expensive stock photo sites. Gregor needs to present his idea to the executive committee. Considering the content of his presentation, which of the following people on the committee should he most try to influence? The marketing director The editorial director The design director The production editor 22 Which of the following is an example of projected cognitive similarity? Rico assumes that all cultures are inferior to his culture.
  • 11. Bill assumes that the cultural stereotypes shown in the popular media are true. Deirdre assumes that other cultural groups have the same values as hers. Elana assumes that no two cultures are alike in terms of values and norms. 23 In order to design your slides to facilitate ease of processing, you should: use complex charts for complex information limit your text to ten words per line use at least one compelling image on every slide provide as much information as possible on every slide 24 Vanessa has been assigned the task of creating an effective business message aimed at improving the productivity of the employees in her company. In the process of creating the business message, she studies the background of the employees, their needs, and priorities. To which step of the planning process for developing influential messages does Vanessa's action typically belong? Idea development
  • 12. Audience analysis Message structuring Message review 25 Which of the following is true of competence? It is often evaluated by one's track record of achievements. It increases when individuals focus on connecting with others. It has grown less important in the post-trust era. It is innate and cannot be gained through experience. 26 Which of the following facilitates a one-stop work space containing project and meeting information, shared files, and communication platforms? texting webinar social networking written messages
  • 13. 27 By doing audience analysis, Radika discovers that the people she will be giving her sales presentation to know very little about her product. Because of this, she is likely to decide to: spend more presentation time informing the audience involve them in her presentation eliminate bulleted and numbered lists from her slides use only emotional appeals in her presentation 28 One of the first tasks to accomplish when developing a presentation is to: use headings to create a storyboard gather content for an effective review develop effective slides understand the needs of your audience 29 Which of the following is an example of psychological noise? Jenna's boss does not take her complaint seriously because construction noise prevented him from hearing it.
  • 14. Jenna's boss does not take her complaint seriously because he thinks teenagers always exaggerate. Jenna's boss does not understand that when she says a product is "bad," she means she likes it. Jenna's boss does not understand what she tells him because his hearing aid battery dies. 30 Which of the following is typically included in the drafting stage of writing an effective business message? setting a positive and other-oriented tone ensuring that the communication is fair identifying the primary message and key points finding the needs of the audience SET 2 1. A colleague asks you for advice on how to understand the audience of his persuasive message. Which of the following pieces of advice will you offer?
  • 15. o Consider the psychological principles that impact people’s decisions. (Page 241) o Ask as few questions as possible to avoid annoying them. o Wait until the message is perfected before choosing the right audience. o Focus on their values and not their needs. 2. Javier is an editorial manager at a publishing company. He wants to give one of his supervisors an “Employee of the Year” award. Which of the following supervisors should he choose if he is looking for an employee with a strong sense of caring? o Paul, who is the best copy editor and proofreader in the department
  • 16. o Ayesha, who always takes on extra work to help the department meet its deadlines o Jon, who sets short- and long-term deadlines for every project and meets them promptly o Jenny, who helps her employees develop the skills that will allow them to advance. (Page 199) 3. Bao is conducting a study that compares the cost of keeping print messages on file versus storing digital messages in the cloud. What aspect of communications relates to the storage of messages? o coordination o planning o permanence (Page 36)
  • 17. o constraint 4. Which of the following is true of documenting secondary research sources? o Statements that are paraphrased do not require documentation. o Ideas that are summarized do not require documentation. o The only thing that has to be documented is a direct quotation. o Writers can use a variety of documentation systems, including MLA and APA styles. (Page 382) 5. Rick is trying to schedule a video teleconference with colleagues at several locations. To do so, he needs to coordinate
  • 18. their schedules and also check to see if the company needs to invest in any additional resources to make it happen. By addressing coordination and resource issues, he is dealing with: o richness o immediacy o constraint (Page 36) o control 6. Lori is using secondary research to develop a business report. How can she write her report in a way that demonstrates originality in thought? o Cite all her research sources o Adopt a methodical approach to decision making
  • 19. o Generate her own conclusions and recommendations (Page 382) o Use the most current documentation guidelines 7. In the context of developing persuasive messages, which of the following is most likely to help you demonstrate a voice of competence? o using only emotional appeals in your persuasive messages o adopting the tone of mass advertising such as over-the-top appeals o focusing only on logical appeals o developing strong ideas in the interest of your audience (Page 243)
  • 20. 8. Which of the following should contain all your research sources and should be provided at the end of your report? o The executive summary o Table of contents o Citations o The reference list (Page 382) 9. Which of the following is an example of psychological noise? o Jenna’s boss does not take her complaint seriously because construction noise prevented him from hearing it. o Jenna’s boss does not take her complaint seriously because he thinks teenagers always exaggerate (Page 28)
  • 21. o Jenna’s boss does not understand what she tells him because his hearing aid battery dies. o Jenna’s boss does not understand that when she says a product is ‘bad’ she means she likes it. 10. One of the first tasks to accomplish when developing a presentation is to: o Use headings to create a storyboard o Develop effective slides o Gather content for an effective review o Understand the needs of your audience (Page 420)
  • 22. 11. Which of the following is an example of projected cognitive similarity? o Rico assumes that all cultures are inferior to his culture. o Bill assumes that the cultural stereotypes shown in the popular media are true. o Elana assumes that no two cultures are alike in terms of values and norms. o Deirdre assumes that other cultural groups have the same values as hers. (Page 92) 12. Your coworker LaRita has asked you to review her slide presentation. You notice that it is difficult to recognize and process the most important ideas and information. To help her fix this, what will you recommend that she change?
  • 23. o She should choose dark backgrounds and text colors. o She should use bold or italics to highlight key ideas (Page 429 & Page 439) o She should include a compelling image every few slides. o She should limit her text to five words per line and three to four lines per slide. 13. In order to focus your presentation on people, you should: o Avoid using presentation software or other technology o Include as many photographs as possible on your slides o Use a lot of “I” statements
  • 24. o Make individuals and groups the subject of your sentences (Page 448) 14. A mistake that many job applicants make while creating resumes is: o Trying to display everything they do well (Page 470) o Neglecting to include areas they need to improve on o Highlighting only a few of their abilities and attributes o Forgetting to include their hobbies and other interests 15. By doing audience analysis, Radika discovers that the people she will be giving her sales presentation to know very little about her product. Because of this, she is likely to decide to:
  • 25. o Use only emotional appeals in her presentation o Spend more presentation time informing the audience o Involve them in her presentation o Eliminate bulleted and numbered lists from her slides 16. Which of the following is typically included in the drafting stage of writing an effective business message? o Setting a positive and other-oriented tone (Page 119) o Ensuring that the communication is fair o Finding the needs of the audience
  • 26. o Identifying the primary message and key points 17. In order to design your slides to facilitate ease of processing, you should: o Limit your text to ten words per line (Page 429) o Provide as much information as possible on every slide o Use at least one compelling image on every slide o Use complex charts for complex information 18. __________ is the process of converting meaning into messages composed of words and nonverbal signals.
  • 27. o Filtering o Translating o Decoding o Encoding (Page 26) 19. Vanessa has been assigned the task of creating an effective business message aimed at improving the productivity of the employees in her company. In the process of creating the business message, she studies the background of the employees, their needs, and priorities. To which step of the planning process for developing influential messages does Vanessa’s action typically belong? o Message review o Message structuring
  • 28. o Idea development o Audience analysis (Page 120) 20. In the context of persuasive messages, validating your readers means that you are: o Recognizing and appreciating others’ needs and preferences as legitimate (Page 245) o Providing solid reasons why your product, service, or idea benefits readers o Demonstrating a business need – a gap between what is and what could be o Overcoming objections by providing counterpoints
  • 29. 21. Which of the following is typically included in the reviewing state of writing an effective business message? o Ensuring the communication is fair (Page 119) o Identifying the primary message and key points o Setting a positive and other-oriented tone o Finding the needs of the audience 22. ________ noise occurs when communicators apply different meanings to the same words or phrases. o Physical o Semantic (Page 28) o Cognitive
  • 30. o Psychological 23. Performing at the highest standards, not just for oneself, but for the team, for the supervisor, for the consumer, and for the company’s shareholders, indicates a sense of _________. o Accountability (Page 8) o Individuality o Future-orientation o Opportunity 24. Your resume should tell a story of:
  • 31. o Everything you have learned and one in your previous job o Your educational accomplishments o How you plan to improve your areas of weakness o The value you can provide to a company (Page 470) 25. Which of the following is useful advice on conducting business across cultures with those who have limited English ability? o Use slang and jargon instead of literal language as much as possible o Determine a person’s level of communication proficiency within the first few moments of your interactions with them.
  • 32. o Allow those with limited English ability enough time to process their thoughts into English. (Page 94) o Speak at your normal, regular pace instead of speaking slowly as this may be viewed as disrespectful. 26. Which of the following facilitates a one-stop work space containing project and meeting information, shared files, and communication platforms? o Written messages o Social networking (Page 38) o Webinar o Texting 27. Which of the following is true of competence?
  • 33. o It increases when individuals focus on connecting with others. o It is innate and cannot be gained through experience. o It is often evaluated by one’s track record of achievements. (Page 274) o It has grown less important in the post-trust era. 28. Gregor, who works at a textbook company, has put together a presentation proposing that the company save money by getting its images from less expensive stock, photo sites. Gregor needs to present his idea to the executive committee. Considering the content of his presentation, which of the following people on the committee should he most try to influence? o The design director o The production editor
  • 34. o The marketing director (Page 358) o The editorial director 29. Which of the following is a trait of individualists? o They communicate directly to efficiently deal with work tasks and outcomes. (Page 95) o They tend to stay in contact with and work through extended networks. o They stay in relationships even when they are no longer mutually satisfying. o They tend to follow the perceived dreams and goals of the group as a matter of duty.
  • 35. 30. The career summary section of a resume should provide the candidate’s ________. o Objective for the job search o Major accomplishments, abilities, and attributes. (Page 470) o Memberships, awards, certifications and licensure, and activities o List of personal references. SET 3 Vanessa has been assigned the task of creating an effective business message aimed at improving the productivity of the employees in her company. In the process of creating the business message, she studies the background of the employees, their needs, and priorities. To which step of the planning process for developing influential messages does Vanessa's action typically belong?
  • 36. Idea development Message review Message structuring Audience analysis -----------------------------------------------------------
  • 37. Gregor, who works at a textbook company, has put together a presentation proposing that the company save money by getting its images from less expensive stock photo sites. Gregor needs to present his idea to the executive committee. Considering the content of his presentation, which of the following people on the committee should he most try to influence? • The design director •The marketing director •The production editor •The editorial director ---------------------- Which of the following facilitates a one-stop work space containing project and meeting information, shared files, and communication platforms?
  • 38. •texting •written messages •social networking •Webinar ---------------------------------------------- Rick is trying to schedule a video teleconference with colleagues at several locations. To do so, he needs to coordinate their schedules and also check to see if the company needs to invest in any additional resources to make it happen. By addressing coordination and resource issues, he is dealing with: •constraint •immediacy
  • 39. •richness •Control ------------------------ The career summary section of a rĂŠsumĂŠ should provide the candidate's •major accomplishments, abilities, and attributes •objective for the job search •memberships, awards, certifications and licensure, and activities •list of personal references -------------------------------