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Functions, Limits and Continuity-1
 Function
 Domain and Range
 Some Standard Real Functions
 Algebra of Real Functions
 Even and Odd Functions
 Limit of a Function; Left Hand and Right Hand Limit
 Algebraic Limits : Substitution Method, Factorisation Method,
Rationalization Method
 Standard Result
Session Objectives
If f is a function from a set A to a set B, we represent it by
ƒ : A B→
If A and B are two non-empty sets, then a rule which associates
each element of A with a unique element of B is called a function
from a set A to a set B.
( )y = ƒ x .
x A to y B,∈ ∈If f associates then we say that y is the image of the
element x under the function or mapping and we write
Real Functions: Functions whose co-domain, is a subset of R
are called real functions.
Domain and Range
The set of the images of all the elements under the mapping
or function f is called the range of the function f and represented
by f(A).
( ) ( ){ }The range of f or ƒ A = ƒ x : x A∈ ( )and ƒ A B⊆
The set A is called the domain of the function and the set B is
called co-domain.
ƒ : A B→
IfaA,thenfaiscalledthevalueoffata. ∈
Domain and Range (Cont.)
For example: Consider a function f from the set of natural
numbers N to the set of natural numbers N
i.e. f : N →N given by f(x) = x2
Domain is the set N itself as the function is defined for all values of N.
Range is the set of squares of all natural numbers.
Range = {1, 4, 9, 16 . . . }
Example– 1
Find the domain of the following functions:
( ) ( ) 2
i f x = 9- x ( ) 2
ii f(x)=
x -3x+2
( ) 2
Solution: We have f x = 9- x
( )The function f x is defined for
[ ]-3 x 3 x -3, 3⇒ ≤ ≤ ⇒ ∈
( ) ( )2 2
9- x 0 x -9 0 x-3 x+3 0≥ ⇒ ≤ ⇒ ≤
Domain of f = -3, 3∴   
( ) 2
Solution: ii We have f(x)=
x -3x+2
The function f(x) is not defined for the values of x for which the
denominator becomes zero
Hence, domain of f = R – {1, 2}
Example– 1 (ii)
( ) ( )2
i.e. x -3x+2=0 x-1 x-2 =0 x =1, 2⇒ ⇒
Example- 2
[ )Hence, range of f = 0 , ∞
Find the range of the following functions:
( ) ( )i f x = x-3 ( ) ( )ii f x = 1 + 3cos2x
( ) ( )Solution: i We have f x = x-3
( )f x is defined for all x R.
Domain of f = R
| x - 3 | 0 for all x R≥ ∈
| x - 3 | for all x R0⇒ ≤ < ∞ ∈
( )f x for all x R0⇒ ≤ < ∞ ∈
-1 ≤ cos2x ≤ 1 for all x∈R
⇒-3 ≤ 3cos2x ≤ 3 for all x∈R
⇒-2 ≤ 1 + 3cos2x ≤ 4 for all x∈R
⇒ -2 ≤ f(x) ≤ 4
Hence , range of f = [-2, 4]
Example – 2(ii)
( ) ( )Solution : ii We have f x = 1 + 3cos2x
( )Domain of cosx is R. f x is defined for all x R
Domain of f = R
∴ ∈
Some Standard Real Functions
(Constant Function)
( )
A function f : R R is defined by
f x = c for all x R, where c is a real number.fixed
(0, c) f(x) = c
Domain = R
Range = {c}
Domain = R
Range = R
Identity Function
( )
A function I : R R is defined by
I x = x for all x R
I(x) = x
Modulus Function
( )
A function f : R R is defined by
x, x 0
f x = x =
-x, x < 0
f(x) = xf(x) = - x
Domain = R
Range = Non-negative real numbers
y = sinx
– π O
2 π
– 2 π π
– π
– 1
2 π
– 2 π π
y = |sinx|
Greatest Integer Function
= greatest integer less than or equal to x.
( )
A function f : R R is defined by
f x = x for all x R
∈  
For example : 2.4 = 2, -3.2 = -4 etc.      
Algebra of Real Functions
1 2Let ƒ :D R and g:D R be two functions. Then,→ →
1 2Addition: ƒ + g: D D R such that∩ →
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2ƒ + g x = ƒ x + g x for all x D D∈ ∩
1 2Subtraction: ƒ - g:D D R such that∩ →
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2ƒ - g x = ƒ x - g x for all x D D∈ ∩
Multiplication by a scalar: For any real number k, the function kf is
defined by
( ) ( ) ( ) 1kƒ x = kƒ x such that x D∈
Algebra of Real Functions (Cont.)
1 2Product : ƒg: D D R such that∩ →
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2ƒg x = ƒ x g x for all x D D∈ ∩
( ){ }1 2
Quotient : D D - x : g x = 0 R such that
: ∩ →
( )
( )
( )
( ){ }1 2
ƒ xƒ
x = for all x D D - x : g x = 0
g g x
 
∈ ∩ ÷
 
Composition of Two Functions
1 2Let ƒ :D R and g:D R be two functions. Then,→ →
( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )
2fog:D R such that
fog x = ƒ g x , Range of g Domain of ƒ
( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )
1gof :D R such that
gof x =g f x , Range of f Domain of g
Let f : R → R+
such that f(x) = ex
and g(x) : R+
→ R such
that g(x) = log x, then find
(i) (f+g)(1) (ii) (fg)(1)
(iii) (3f)(1) (iv) (fog)(1) (v) (gof)(1)
(i) (f+g)(1) (ii) (fg)(1) (iii) (3f)(1)
= f(1) + g(1) =f(1)g(1) =3 f(1)
= e1
+ log(1) =e1
log(1) =3 e1
= e + 0 = e x 0 =3 e
= e = 0
Example - 3
Solution :
(iv) (fog)(1) (v) (gof)(1)
= f(g(1)) = g(f(1))
= f(log1) = g(e1
= f(0) = g(e)
= e0
= log(e)
=1 = 1
Find fog and gof if f : R → R such that f(x) = [x]
and g : R → [-1, 1] such that g(x) = sinx.
Solution: We have f(x)= [x] and g(x) = sinx
fog(x) = f(g(x)) = f(sinx) = [sin x]
gof(x) = g(f(x)) = g ([x]) = sin [x]
Example – 4
Even and Odd Functions
Even Function : If f(-x) = f(x) for all x, then
f(x) is called an even function.
Example: f(x)= cosx
Odd Function : If f(-x)= - f(x) for all x, then
f(x) is called an odd function.
Example: f(x)= sinx
Example – 5
( ) 2
Solution : We have f x = x - | x |
( ) ( )2
f -x = -x - | -x |∴
( ) 2
f -x = x - | x |⇒
( ) ( )f -x = f x⇒
( )f x is an even function.∴
Prove that is an even function.
x - | x |
Example - 6
Let the function f be f(x) = x3
- kx2
+ 2x, x∈R, then
find k such that f is an odd function.
The function f would be an odd function if f(-x) = - f(x)
⇒ (- x)3
- k(- x)2
+ 2(- x) = - (x3
- kx2
+ 2x) for all x∈R
⇒ 2kx2
= 0 for all x∈R
⇒ k = 0
⇒ -x3
- kx2
- 2x = - x3
+ kx2
- 2x for all x∈R
Limit of a Function
(x - 9) (x - 3)(x +3)
If x 3, f(x) = = = (x +3)
x - 3 (x - 3)
x 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.99 3.01 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
f(x) 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.99 6.01 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5
x - 9
f(x) = is defined for all x except at x = 3.
x - 3
As x approaches 3 from left hand side of the number
line, f(x) increases and becomes close to 6
-x 3
lim f(x) = 6i.e.
Limit of a Function (Cont.)
Similarly, as x approaches 3 from right hand side
of the number line, f(x) decreases and becomes
close to 6
+x 3
i.e. lim f(x) = 6
x takes the values
2.9999 ……. 9221 etc.
x 3≠
Left Hand Limit
-x 3
x takes the values 3.1
3.00000000000257 etc.
x 3≠
Right Hand Limit
+x 3
Existence Theorem on Limits
( ) ( ) ( )- +x a x a x a
lim ƒ x exists iff lim ƒ x and lim ƒ x exist and are equal.
→ → →
( ) ( ) ( )- +x a x a x a
lim ƒ x exists lim ƒ x = lim ƒ xi.e.
→ → →
Example – 7
Which of the following limits exist:
( ) x 0
i lim
[ ]5
(ii) lim x
( ) ( )
Solution : i Let f x =
( ) ( ) ( )- h 0 h 0 h 0x 0
0 - h -h
LHL at x = 0 = lim f x = limf 0 - h =lim =lim = -1
0 - h h→ → →→
( ) ( ) ( )+ h 0 h 0 h 0x 0
0 + h h
RHL at x = 0 = lim f x = limf 0 + h =lim =lim = 1
0 + h h→ → →→
( ) ( )- +
x 0 x 0
lim f x lim f x
→ →
≠Q x 0
lim does not exist.
Example - 7 (ii)
( ) [ ]Solution:(ii) Let f x = x
( ) h 0 h 05
5 5 5
LHL at x = = lim f x =limf -h =lim -h =2
2 2 2− → →
     
 ÷  ÷       
( ) h 0 h 05
5 5 5
RHL at x = = lim f x =limf +h =lim +h =2
2 2 2+ → →
     
 ÷  ÷       
( ) ( )5 5
x x
2 2
lim f x lim f x− +
→ →
=Q [ ]5
lim x exists.
Properties of Limits
( )
x a x a x a
i lim [f(x) g(x)]= lim f(x) lim g(x) = m n
→ → →
± ± ±
( )
x a x a
ii lim [cf(x)]= c. lim f(x) = c.m
→ →
( ) ( )
x a x a x a
iii lim f(x). g(x) = lim f(x) . lim g(x) = m.n
→ → →
( )
x a
x a
x a
lim f(x)
f(x) m
iv lim = = , provided n 0
g(x) lim g(x) n
If and
where ‘m’ and ‘n’ are real and finite then
x a
lim g(x)= n
→x a
lim f(x)= m
The limit can be found directly by substituting the value of x.
Algebraic Limits (Substitution Method)
( )2
x 2
For example : lim 2x +3x + 4
( ) ( )2
= 2 2 +3 2 + 4 = 8+6+ 4 =18
2 2
x 2
x +6 2 +6 10 5
lim = = =
x+2 2+2 4 2→
Algebraic Limits (Factorization Method)
When we substitute the value of x in the rational expression it
takes the form
2x 3
x -3x+2x-6
x (x-3)+1(x-3)→
2x 3
(x +1)(x-3)→
2 2x 3
x-2 3-2 1
=lim = =
10x +1 3 +1→
3 2x 3
x -x-6 0
For example: lim form
0x -3x +x-3→
 
  
Algebraic Limits (Rationalization Method)
When we substitute the value of x in the rational expression it
takes the form
, etc.
[ ]
2 2
2 2x 4
x -16 ( x +9 +5)
=lim × Rationalizing the denominator
( x +9 -5) ( x +9 +5)→
2x 4
x -16
=lim ×( x +9 +5)
(x +9-25)→
2x 4
x -16
=lim ×( x +9 +5)
x -16→
2 2
x 4
=lim( x +9 +5) = 4 +9 +5 = 5+5=10
2x 4
x -16 0
For example: lim form
0x +9 -5→
 
  
Standard Result
n n
x a
x - a
lim = n a
x - a→
If n is any rational number, then
 
 
 
x 5
x -125
Evaluate: lim
x -7x+10→
( )
2 2x 5 x 5
x - 5x -125
Solution: lim =lim
x -7x+10 x -5x-2x-10→ →
Example – 8 (i)
x 5
(x-5)(x +5x+25)
x 5
(x +5x+25)
5 +5×5+25 25+25+25
= = =25
5-2 3
x 3
1 1
Evaluate: lim (x -9) +
x+3 x-3→
 
  
x 3
1 1
Solution: lim (x -9) +
x+3 x-3→
 
  
x 3
 
 
 
Example – 8 (ii)
x 3
=lim 2x
x a
a+2x - 3x
3a+x -2 x→
x a
a+2x - 3x
Solution: lim
3a+x -2 x→
[ ]x a
a+2x - 3x 3a+x +2 x
=lim × Rationalizing the denominator
3a+x -2 x 3a+x +2 x→
Example – 8 (iii)
x a
a+2x - 3x
=lim × 3a+x +2 x
3a+x- 4x→
[ ]x a
3a+x +2 x a+2x + 3x
=lim × a+2x - 3x× Rationalizing thenumerator
3(a- x) a+2x + 3x→
x a
3a+x +2 x a+2x-3x
=lim ×
3(a- x)a+2x + 3x→
Solution Cont.
x a
3a+x +2 x a- x
=lim ×
3(a- x)a+2x + 3x→
x a
3a+x +2 x 1
=lim ×
3a+2x + 3x→
3a+a+2 a 1 2 a+2 a 1
= × = ×
3 3a+2a+ 3a 3a+ 3a
4 a 1 2
= × =
32 3a 3 3
2x 1
3+x - 5- x
Evaluate: lim
x -1→
2x 1
3+x - 5- x
Solution: lim
x -1→
[ ]2x 1
3+x - 5- x 3+x + 5- x
=lim × Rationalizing the numerator
x -1 3+x + 5- x→
Example – 8 (iv)
2x 1
3+x-5+x 1
=lim ×
x -1 3+x + 5-x→ x 1
2(x-1) 1
=lim ×
(x-1)(x+1) 3+x + 5- x→
( ) ( )x 1
x+1 3+x + 5- x→
2 1
= =
42( 4 + 4)
( ) ( )
1+1 3+1+ 5-1
5 5
x a
x -a
If lim = 405, find all possible values of a.
5 5
x a
x -a
Solution: We have lim = 405
Example – 8 (v)
n n
5-1 n-1
x a
x -a
5 a = 405 lim = na
 
⇒  ÷
 
a =81⇒
a=± 3⇒
Thank you

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functions limits and continuity

  • 3.  Function  Domain and Range  Some Standard Real Functions  Algebra of Real Functions  Even and Odd Functions  Limit of a Function; Left Hand and Right Hand Limit  Algebraic Limits : Substitution Method, Factorisation Method, Rationalization Method  Standard Result Session Objectives
  • 4. Function If f is a function from a set A to a set B, we represent it by ƒ : A B→ If A and B are two non-empty sets, then a rule which associates each element of A with a unique element of B is called a function from a set A to a set B. ( )y = ƒ x . x A to y B,∈ ∈If f associates then we say that y is the image of the element x under the function or mapping and we write Real Functions: Functions whose co-domain, is a subset of R are called real functions.
  • 5. Domain and Range The set of the images of all the elements under the mapping or function f is called the range of the function f and represented by f(A). ( ) ( ){ }The range of f or ƒ A = ƒ x : x A∈ ( )and ƒ A B⊆ The set A is called the domain of the function and the set B is called co-domain. ƒ : A B→ () Valueofafunction: IfaA,thenfaiscalledthevalueoffata. ∈
  • 6. Domain and Range (Cont.) For example: Consider a function f from the set of natural numbers N to the set of natural numbers N i.e. f : N →N given by f(x) = x2 Domain is the set N itself as the function is defined for all values of N. Range is the set of squares of all natural numbers. Range = {1, 4, 9, 16 . . . }
  • 7. Example– 1 Find the domain of the following functions: ( ) ( ) 2 i f x = 9- x ( ) 2 x ii f(x)= x -3x+2 ( ) 2 Solution: We have f x = 9- x ( )The function f x is defined for [ ]-3 x 3 x -3, 3⇒ ≤ ≤ ⇒ ∈ ( ) ( )2 2 9- x 0 x -9 0 x-3 x+3 0≥ ⇒ ≤ ⇒ ≤ Domain of f = -3, 3∴   
  • 8. ( ) 2 x Solution: ii We have f(x)= x -3x+2 The function f(x) is not defined for the values of x for which the denominator becomes zero Hence, domain of f = R – {1, 2} Example– 1 (ii) ( ) ( )2 i.e. x -3x+2=0 x-1 x-2 =0 x =1, 2⇒ ⇒
  • 9. Example- 2 [ )Hence, range of f = 0 , ∞ Find the range of the following functions: ( ) ( )i f x = x-3 ( ) ( )ii f x = 1 + 3cos2x ( ) ( )Solution: i We have f x = x-3 ( )f x is defined for all x R. Domain of f = R ∈ ∴ | x - 3 | 0 for all x R≥ ∈ | x - 3 | for all x R0⇒ ≤ < ∞ ∈ ( )f x for all x R0⇒ ≤ < ∞ ∈
  • 10. -1 ≤ cos2x ≤ 1 for all x∈R ⇒-3 ≤ 3cos2x ≤ 3 for all x∈R ⇒-2 ≤ 1 + 3cos2x ≤ 4 for all x∈R ⇒ -2 ≤ f(x) ≤ 4 Hence , range of f = [-2, 4] Example – 2(ii) ( ) ( )Solution : ii We have f x = 1 + 3cos2x ( )Domain of cosx is R. f x is defined for all x R Domain of f = R ∴ ∈ ∴ Q
  • 11. Some Standard Real Functions (Constant Function) ( ) A function f : R R is defined by f x = c for all x R, where c is a real number.fixed → ∈ O Y X (0, c) f(x) = c Domain = R Range = {c}
  • 12. Domain = R Range = R Identity Function ( ) A function I : R R is defined by I x = x for all x R → ∈ X Y O 450 I(x) = x
  • 13. Modulus Function ( ) A function f : R R is defined by x, x 0 f x = x = -x, x < 0 → ≥   f(x) = xf(x) = - x O X Y Domain = R Range = Non-negative real numbers
  • 14. y = sinx – π O y 2 π 1 x – 2 π π – π O y – 1 2 π 1 x – 2 π π y = |sinx| Example
  • 15. Greatest Integer Function = greatest integer less than or equal to x. ( ) A function f : R R is defined by f x = x for all x R → ∈   For example : 2.4 = 2, -3.2 = -4 etc.      
  • 16. Algebra of Real Functions 1 2Let ƒ :D R and g:D R be two functions. Then,→ → 1 2Addition: ƒ + g: D D R such that∩ → ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2ƒ + g x = ƒ x + g x for all x D D∈ ∩ 1 2Subtraction: ƒ - g:D D R such that∩ → ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2ƒ - g x = ƒ x - g x for all x D D∈ ∩ Multiplication by a scalar: For any real number k, the function kf is defined by ( ) ( ) ( ) 1kƒ x = kƒ x such that x D∈
  • 17. Algebra of Real Functions (Cont.) 1 2Product : ƒg: D D R such that∩ → ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2ƒg x = ƒ x g x for all x D D∈ ∩ ( ){ }1 2 ƒ Quotient : D D - x : g x = 0 R such that g : ∩ → ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ){ }1 2 ƒ xƒ x = for all x D D - x : g x = 0 g g x   ∈ ∩ ÷  
  • 18. Composition of Two Functions 1 2Let ƒ :D R and g:D R be two functions. Then,→ → ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) 2fog:D R such that fog x = ƒ g x , Range of g Domain of ƒ → ⊆ ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) 1gof :D R such that gof x =g f x , Range of f Domain of g → ⊆
  • 19. Let f : R → R+ such that f(x) = ex and g(x) : R+ → R such that g(x) = log x, then find (i) (f+g)(1) (ii) (fg)(1) (iii) (3f)(1) (iv) (fog)(1) (v) (gof)(1) (i) (f+g)(1) (ii) (fg)(1) (iii) (3f)(1) = f(1) + g(1) =f(1)g(1) =3 f(1) = e1 + log(1) =e1 log(1) =3 e1 = e + 0 = e x 0 =3 e = e = 0 Example - 3 Solution : (iv) (fog)(1) (v) (gof)(1) = f(g(1)) = g(f(1)) = f(log1) = g(e1 ) = f(0) = g(e) = e0 = log(e) =1 = 1
  • 20. Find fog and gof if f : R → R such that f(x) = [x] and g : R → [-1, 1] such that g(x) = sinx. Solution: We have f(x)= [x] and g(x) = sinx fog(x) = f(g(x)) = f(sinx) = [sin x] gof(x) = g(f(x)) = g ([x]) = sin [x] Example – 4
  • 21. Even and Odd Functions Even Function : If f(-x) = f(x) for all x, then f(x) is called an even function. Example: f(x)= cosx Odd Function : If f(-x)= - f(x) for all x, then f(x) is called an odd function. Example: f(x)= sinx
  • 22. Example – 5 ( ) 2 Solution : We have f x = x - | x | ( ) ( )2 f -x = -x - | -x |∴ ( ) 2 f -x = x - | x |⇒ ( ) ( )f -x = f x⇒ ( )f x is an even function.∴ Prove that is an even function. 2 x - | x |
  • 23. Example - 6 Let the function f be f(x) = x3 - kx2 + 2x, x∈R, then find k such that f is an odd function. Solution: The function f would be an odd function if f(-x) = - f(x) ⇒ (- x)3 - k(- x)2 + 2(- x) = - (x3 - kx2 + 2x) for all x∈R ⇒ 2kx2 = 0 for all x∈R ⇒ k = 0 ⇒ -x3 - kx2 - 2x = - x3 + kx2 - 2x for all x∈R
  • 24. Limit of a Function 2 (x - 9) (x - 3)(x +3) If x 3, f(x) = = = (x +3) x - 3 (x - 3) ≠ x 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.99 3.01 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 f(x) 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.99 6.01 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 2 x - 9 f(x) = is defined for all x except at x = 3. x - 3 As x approaches 3 from left hand side of the number line, f(x) increases and becomes close to 6 -x 3 lim f(x) = 6i.e. →
  • 25. Limit of a Function (Cont.) Similarly, as x approaches 3 from right hand side of the number line, f(x) decreases and becomes close to 6 +x 3 i.e. lim f(x) = 6 →
  • 26. x takes the values 2.91 2.95 2.9991 .. 2.9999 ……. 9221 etc. x 3≠ Left Hand Limit x 3 Y O X -x 3 lim →
  • 27. x takes the values 3.1 3.002 3.000005 …….. 3.00000000000257 etc. x 3≠ Right Hand Limit 3 X Y O x +x 3 lim →
  • 28. Existence Theorem on Limits ( ) ( ) ( )- +x a x a x a lim ƒ x exists iff lim ƒ x and lim ƒ x exist and are equal. → → → ( ) ( ) ( )- +x a x a x a lim ƒ x exists lim ƒ x = lim ƒ xi.e. → → → ⇔
  • 29. Example – 7 Which of the following limits exist: ( ) x 0 x i lim x→ [ ]5 x 2 (ii) lim x → ( ) ( ) x Solution : i Let f x = x ( ) ( ) ( )- h 0 h 0 h 0x 0 0 - h -h LHL at x = 0 = lim f x = limf 0 - h =lim =lim = -1 0 - h h→ → →→ ( ) ( ) ( )+ h 0 h 0 h 0x 0 0 + h h RHL at x = 0 = lim f x = limf 0 + h =lim =lim = 1 0 + h h→ → →→ ( ) ( )- + x 0 x 0 lim f x lim f x → → ≠Q x 0 x lim does not exist. x→ ∴
  • 30. Example - 7 (ii) ( ) [ ]Solution:(ii) Let f x = x ( ) h 0 h 05 x 2 5 5 5 LHL at x = = lim f x =limf -h =lim -h =2 2 2 2− → → →        ÷  ÷        ( ) h 0 h 05 x 2 5 5 5 RHL at x = = lim f x =limf +h =lim +h =2 2 2 2+ → → →        ÷  ÷        ( ) ( )5 5 x x 2 2 lim f x lim f x− + → → =Q [ ]5 x 2 lim x exists. → ∴
  • 31. Properties of Limits ( ) x a x a x a i lim [f(x) g(x)]= lim f(x) lim g(x) = m n → → → ± ± ± ( ) x a x a ii lim [cf(x)]= c. lim f(x) = c.m → → ( ) ( ) x a x a x a iii lim f(x). g(x) = lim f(x) . lim g(x) = m.n → → → ( ) x a x a x a lim f(x) f(x) m iv lim = = , provided n 0 g(x) lim g(x) n → → → ≠ If and where ‘m’ and ‘n’ are real and finite then x a lim g(x)= n →x a lim f(x)= m →
  • 32. The limit can be found directly by substituting the value of x. Algebraic Limits (Substitution Method) ( )2 x 2 For example : lim 2x +3x + 4 → ( ) ( )2 = 2 2 +3 2 + 4 = 8+6+ 4 =18 2 2 x 2 x +6 2 +6 10 5 lim = = = x+2 2+2 4 2→
  • 33. Algebraic Limits (Factorization Method) When we substitute the value of x in the rational expression it takes the form 0 . 0 2 2x 3 x -3x+2x-6 =lim x (x-3)+1(x-3)→ 2x 3 (x-3)(x+2) =lim (x +1)(x-3)→ 2 2x 3 x-2 3-2 1 =lim = = 10x +1 3 +1→ 2 3 2x 3 x -x-6 0 For example: lim form 0x -3x +x-3→     
  • 34. Algebraic Limits (Rationalization Method) When we substitute the value of x in the rational expression it takes the form 0 , etc. 0 ∞ ∞ [ ] 2 2 2 2x 4 x -16 ( x +9 +5) =lim × Rationalizing the denominator ( x +9 -5) ( x +9 +5)→ 2 2 2x 4 x -16 =lim ×( x +9 +5) (x +9-25)→ 2 2 2x 4 x -16 =lim ×( x +9 +5) x -16→ 2 2 x 4 =lim( x +9 +5) = 4 +9 +5 = 5+5=10 → 2 2x 4 x -16 0 For example: lim form 0x +9 -5→     
  • 35. Standard Result n n n-1 x a x - a lim = n a x - a→ If n is any rational number, then 0 form 0      
  • 36. 3 2 x 5 x -125 Evaluate: lim x -7x+10→ ( ) 333 2 2x 5 x 5 x - 5x -125 Solution: lim =lim x -7x+10 x -5x-2x-10→ → Example – 8 (i) 2 x 5 (x-5)(x +5x+25) =lim (x-2)(x-5)→ 2 x 5 (x +5x+25) =lim x-2→ 2 5 +5×5+25 25+25+25 = = =25 5-2 3
  • 37. 2 x 3 1 1 Evaluate: lim (x -9) + x+3 x-3→      2 x 3 1 1 Solution: lim (x -9) + x+3 x-3→      x 3 x-3+x+3 =lim(x+3)(x-3) (x+3)(x-3)→       Example – 8 (ii) =2×3=6 x 3 =lim 2x →
  • 38. x a a+2x - 3x Evaluate:lim 3a+x -2 x→ x a a+2x - 3x Solution: lim 3a+x -2 x→ [ ]x a a+2x - 3x 3a+x +2 x =lim × Rationalizing the denominator 3a+x -2 x 3a+x +2 x→ Example – 8 (iii) x a a+2x - 3x =lim × 3a+x +2 x 3a+x- 4x→ [ ]x a 3a+x +2 x a+2x + 3x =lim × a+2x - 3x× Rationalizing thenumerator 3(a- x) a+2x + 3x→
  • 39. x a 3a+x +2 x a+2x-3x =lim × 3(a- x)a+2x + 3x→ Solution Cont. x a 3a+x +2 x a- x =lim × 3(a- x)a+2x + 3x→ x a 3a+x +2 x 1 =lim × 3a+2x + 3x→ 3a+a+2 a 1 2 a+2 a 1 = × = × 3 3a+2a+ 3a 3a+ 3a 4 a 1 2 = × = 32 3a 3 3
  • 40. 2x 1 3+x - 5- x Evaluate: lim x -1→ 2x 1 3+x - 5- x Solution: lim x -1→ [ ]2x 1 3+x - 5- x 3+x + 5- x =lim × Rationalizing the numerator x -1 3+x + 5- x→ Example – 8 (iv) 2x 1 3+x-5+x 1 =lim × x -1 3+x + 5-x→ x 1 2(x-1) 1 =lim × (x-1)(x+1) 3+x + 5- x→ ( ) ( )x 1 2 =lim x+1 3+x + 5- x→ 2 1 = = 42( 4 + 4) ( ) ( ) 2 = 1+1 3+1+ 5-1
  • 41. 5 5 x a x -a If lim = 405, find all possible values of a. x-a→ 5 5 x a x -a Solution: We have lim = 405 x-a→ Example – 8 (v) n n 5-1 n-1 x a x -a 5 a = 405 lim = na x-a→   ⇒  ÷   Q 4 a =81⇒ a=± 3⇒