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Megan Bowen
Professor Cozen
Comm 146
Interest Paper- Mental Health in Student Athletes
I am a communication major so must take this class to fulfill my
requirements for the course, however, this class will set me up
to understand the in-depth reasoning behind communication.
The only rhetoric class I have taken in the past is rhetoric in
English, not communication; I learnt about Plato, Socrates and
all the pervious rhetors that formed the basis on how we
communicate today. You could argue that learning it in English
and now in communication it could be very similar or the same,
but we aren’t focusing on what they wrote or spoke of but why
and how. In this paper I chose to analyze a TedX talk from a
student athlete Victoria Garrick called ‘Athletes and mental
Health: The hidden opponent’, it discusses the challenges that
she faced with mental health, and the struggles maintaining a
top sport on a colligate team. The reasons behind this are based
on the broad ideas and opinions people have on student athletes
and mental health separately and together.
College athletics is a huge industry, an incredible
achievement to get into a division 1 college on an athletic
scholarship, but behind all this there are some dark truths. The
TedX talk from Victoria Garrick explains these truths from an
athlete’s perspective, this is conflicting to the ideas that an
average student or outsider has, it explains what is happening
behind closed doors. This artifact was gripping to me, it is
something that I completely relate too; the artifact itself is a
more personal approach to understand what is happening in
regard to mental health in student athletes than just reading an
article online. To me personally it is easier to find an artifact
that I can easily relate too, something that is grossly
underappreciated and classed as embarrassing, such a topic as
mental health. There were no obstacles in retrieving artifacts for
this interest, it is such a broad area that I am interested in
finding more information about. There are artifacts everywhere
about topics such as this, articles, speeches, documentaries, all
gripping a relatable.
In this class I am aware that I have much to learn,
understand the way in which we communicate and why, the best
ways to communicate, and the best evidence and artifacts to
find for a specific topic. Finding an artifact for a topic that you
are deeply invested in is different than having to find one that
your heart isn’t in. With regards to this paper I am already
thinking about ideas of where I can focus my information on
next, where can I understand different political views behind
this topic? What are the families of these student athletes going
through? Mental health and student athletes separately. With
regards to this class I would like to be able to find these sources
and write about them in a way that grips a reader and helps me
understand the reasoning behind such communication methods.
Megan Bowen
Professor Cozen
Context paper
Artifacts have been used for many years to portray certain
messages. Types of artifacts include tattoos, clothes, images,
movies and physical objects that represent and convey to other
people the kind of person he or she is. This paper will focus on
the elements, purpose, and influence of frozen an animated
movie on the community.
Different elements in Frozen have been used for communication
which includes sounds, words, and images. The film has taken
advantage of imagery, auditory and visual models that explain
the advancement of human knowledge. The elements explain the
cognitive theory supporting multimedia learning which reflects
the understanding that humans have evolved and can convey
messages through media films. The film targets children but can
also be viewed by adults who prefer watching animated shows.
The underlying issue in the movie is the fact that it focuses on
the differences between two sisters who defy all odds and show
sibling love at the end (Riley, 2014). For example in the story
after their Elsa's power makes her flee her kingdom and goes to
the mountains but Princess Anna goes through the storm created
by Elsa to find her and bring her home.
The story of the film gained public recognition as it showed the
strengths of a woman and that women can be successful with no
man. This is depicted by the lead roles in the movie that is Elsa
and Anna. It also depicts the notion that marriage is not
everything and that casting family and communities side in
pursuit of a soulmate might not have a happy ending (Riley,
2014). When Anna meets a guy who proposes when they have
just met she nags Elsa about marrying him and in anger Elsa
fails to control her powers and leaves the throne. The author of
frozen, influences the kind of message that the audience
perceives the film. He reflects on the tradition and ethnicity of
the people of Arrandale along with portraying the importance of
sibling love. Others have viewed the film as a portrait of
feminism due to two lead roles given to Princess Anna and Elsa.
But most people didn't get the message of the song which was
interpreted by one of the frozen directors, Jennifer Lee. The
song "Let it Go" according to Lee depicts a touch on issues such
as divorce, cancer, and autism (Konnikova, 2014).
The stories' purpose was to identify with individuals in the
society who are flawed and have no one to turn to the film gives
them a ray of hope. Most people that have watched Frozen have
identified with Elsas' problems and connecting to them which
gives this movie a psychological purpose. Some identified with
Elsa through gender and identity others through social
acceptance and emotional stress. (Konnikova, 2014).
The film has changed views of Disney animated movies which
most people viewed to have a female actress who journeyed to
get her soul mate which is according to most past Disney films
even kids that hate films with princesses have watched frozen.
The timing of the movie has also had its significance, it was
released when the world was fighting for women empowerment
and the hype that occurred before its release contributed to its
success (Fritz, 2014). The film relates to most Disney movies in
various ways; dead parents, a princess searching for her true
love, royal association and also a comic relief character in the
The film lead actresses Anna and Elsa identify with most youths
in the society today. Many girls run away from home to get
attached to the one guy they met either on the media or in their
adventure and the guy ends up as a bad person. This idea relates
to Princess Anna who meets a guy during the coronation of
Elsa. While for Elsa's case most teenagers identify with her
through stress, depression, and loneliness.
In conclusion, artifacts are objects in the society that convey
certain messages to society these include, tattoos, clothes,
jewelry, movies, and poems. Frozen is an animated film that
depicts family and sibling love is important.
Fritz, B. (2014). "A Charmed Life for Disney's 'Frozen'". The
Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original on December
16, 2014. Retrieved May 28, 2014. This past weekend, as the
movie's domestic total hit $317.7 million, "Frozen" surpassed
"The Lion King" to become the highest-grossing Disney-
produced animated film of all time, not accounting for inflation
or re-releases.
"Frozen". British Film Institute. Archived from the original on
2013. Retrieved November 30, 2013.
Konnikova, M. (2014). How “Frozen” took over the world. The
New Yorker.
Riley, N. S. (2014). The mixed messages of Disney’s “Frozen”.
The New York post.
COMM142 Outline
Park(ing) Day Outline via Rhetoric and Performance
In the in-person iteration of this class, we would have covered
rhetoric and performance as an additional lens through
which to analyze communication artifacts. The linked event,
which is now an international day, would have been our
primary case study. While we will not be able to discuss the
details of what this approach entails, recognizing that the
main features consider how mobile bodies argue or are argued
about (body politics), how communication functions in
moments of transition and uncertainty (social drama), and how
communication is a public phenomenon of including and
excluding social practices and norms (public culture) should be
sufficient for continuing to use this example as a sample
outline. Utilizing this “method,” those three components would
be what you examine in your analysis. Other methods
would guide your analysis through other components: from
strategies of disruption (feminist) to objectives and features
(narrative). For any method you choose, your essay will follow
the same general format, including application of a
method through its procedures.
I. Introduction
a. Introduce the reader to the topic
i. Source that states how, in many downtowns, about 70% of
space is committed to car traffic
ii. Source on urban space as contested terrain of uses/issues
b. Research Question (RQ): How might people re-envision their
built environments?
c. Thesis: Park(ing) Day, as performed, is an embodied
counternarrative to the construction and use of
public open space.
II. Description of artifact
a. Park(ing) Day background
ii. Purpose = open-ended and playful (topical sources:
“manifesto” + essay by a founder)
b. Situating Park(ing) Day within topics (other sources) [note
these as “keywords” used in searches]
i. Transportation
ii. Open space (and uses within urban environments)
iii. Civic participation (and communication)
III. Description/justification of method
a. Culture as in process and always adapting and changing [a
key assumption of the method]
b. Sources on performance (why is this method valuable?) + re-
imagining uses of space
IV. Analysis: [Note: An analysis could follow aspects of all
three sections, OR three features in one section]
a. Body Politics: Park(ing) Day uses bodies in open space as an
argument for rethinking how we build
spaces that move people; how do we know, and rethink, our
environments through our bodies?
i. Examples in participating: producing a park(ing) installation
ii. Examples in participating: accepting an invite to engage with
the installation
iii. Parkcycle (mobile, pedal-powered park): from participating
anew in parking spots to
participating anew on roads (space of circulation)
b. Social Drama: Park(ing) Day creates and reflects tensions
that exist when attempting to produce
alternatives to car culture.
i. Various interests in rethinking car culture (public transit-
dependent [financial],
environmental, civic engagement)
ii. Various dependencies on car culture (parking, lack of public
transit, cultural expectations to
drive, sprawl built around cars)
iii. Responses to the event (positive and negative)
c. Public Culture: As public interactions produce and reproduce
cultural norms, Park(ing) Day attempts
to challenge certain norms by producing the space for particular
kinds of practices.
i. Civic dimension of social life: car culture as instrumental vs.
dominates space
ii. Staged event to open up different modes of
iii. Local laws that enable and prevent certain uses: producing
space within those limits
V. Conclusion
a. A bodily counternarrative to producing urban spaces,
Park(ing) Day delights and annoys
b. Park(ing) Day flips the expected use of space and reflects
different viewpoints on how best to use
public space
c. The event suggests that public space is constantly produced
and can be produced in new ways (back
to method) + is a potential template for how people might re-
envision their built environments in
other ways (back to RQ)
Final Paper Rubric
Paper: 200 points (21.3% of final grade)
Due Date: BY May 14th, 1:00pm, upload to Canvas
For the final paper, you will write an approximately 10-page
essay (body of essay: 2,500 – 4,000
words, no more or less; Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, 12-
point font, double-spaced)
critically analyzing the second artifact(s) you choose to work
with during the semester. The
paper will be due by the end of our finals class period:
Thursday, May 14th at 1:00pm.
Your analysis may build off of previous explorations in any of
your write-ups, and should utilize
the proposal and context paper as somewhat of a partial draft.
Make sure that you edit any
portion from your previous work so it reads cohesively. You
will be graded on: cohesion,
clarity, and logical flow; an argument that justifies the choice
of artifact and the choice of
method; situating your artifact and analysis in its historical
context and larger scholarly
conversations; and grammar. The purpose of this assignment,
like the last paper, is for you to
practice your ability to put forth a clear argument, this time in a
more in-depth manner.
Grading Criteria:
The essay will be graded on the following: justification and
development of each portion; clarity
of your arguments and essay flow; and grammar. More
specifically, speak to the following
questions (the points distribution are estimates):
Development (60 points): Does your paper address each part of
the critical essay?
Do the descriptions of your artifact and method give enough
background, so that
an unfamiliar reader can understand your analysis?
Do you justify why the artifact and method are important?
Do you situate your artifact within its larger context?
Do you argue effectively that this is an important artifact to
Do you build a case that your method is an effective way to
analyze this artifact?
Does the method allow the analysis to cover the key points of
and frequency? (In other words, does anything seem glaringly
Is the analysis about half (or more) of the paper?
Do you situate your artifact, method, and analysis within a
larger literature, citing
enough useful sources and explaining how you add to this
Clarity (100 points): Does each part of the essay flow logically
into the next?
Do your research question, analysis, and conclusion all build
the general claim
you are making?
Is it clear how and why you are utilizing each source? Do you
cite something
when making a claim that requires backing?
Do you build a coherent link between your artifact, its context,
the method you
choose, and your analysis?
Does your analysis lead to a conclusion that contributes to
rhetorical theory?
Grammar and Style (40 points): Are there a minimal number of
grammatical mistakes?
Do you properly cite sources when you quote or paraphrase
someone else’s
points? Do you include a page number? Is there a reference
page, and is it consistent?
Do you follow the formatting rules outlined at the beginning of
this rubric?
Final Paper Rubric 2
COMM142, Spring 2020
Final Presentation
The final presentation is now canceled.
Additional Information
Include all of the parts of an essay according to Foss: first, an
introduction, including your
research question/thesis, the contribution, and the significance;
second, a description and
justification of the artifact and its context; third, a description
of the method that also argues for
its use; fourth, the analysis, or the application of the method to
the artifact and a report of its
findings; and fifth, a conclusion, including what your analysis
might contribute to rhetorical
As with the short paper, you do not need separate section
headings. That said, since this is a
longer paper, section headings can help organize your thoughts
and claims, and fully develop
each section. Therefore, I do recommend that you follow section
headings as described by Foss,
but at minimum, make sure you include an introduction and
conclusion and cover necessary
information for a description (and context) of the artifact(s),
description (and justification/
contributing insights) of method, and analysis. Again, craft an
essay that flows from one portion
to the next, and try to order it in a way that enhances the clarity
of your analysis; the analysis
should still be about half (or more) of your paper.
Make sure you also cover the following:
Properly cite all of your sources. This includes proper citation
within the body of the text
(e.g., endnotes are fine for Chicago style; pages and years are
necessary for APA) as well
as consistent formatting in your references/endnotes section. I
am most interested in
consistency. Make sure that: a) every piece of information is
present in your reference
section (author, titles, publishing, year, pages, editors,
translators, etc.); and b) the format
stays the same for each type of publication. See OWL Purdue
for more information.
Include sufficient sources. You are expected to incorporate
theories from the course in
your analysis to explain some of the cultural themes present in
your artifact. You must
have at least five (5) academic sources. You are welcome to add
more but are not
required. These sources should reflect a collection of method
and topic. Any necessary
contextual sources (e.g., critical reviews of a film you analyze)
are supplemental sources.
You may utilize the sources from your context paper and
annotated bibliography towards
satisfying these requirements.
Note: There is often some confusion on how to find academic
sources that talk
about method, especially the later methods that fit under
ideological criticism.
These are more difficult because they are more open-ended.
Often, the
theoretical basis can act as sources to describe the method.
Translation, through
an example: in the essay on the 1963 Birmingham Campaign,
Johnson (now a
recommended reading) identifies the theory of “image events”
to explain the
rhetorical force of this particular event. The visual rhetoric of
image events, as a
theory to make sense of how rhetoric circulates, is the lens used
to analyze images
from the campaign and its aftermath. Here, method sources can
also be theory
sources: the academic conversation that links visual images and
the spread of
Final Paper Rubric 3
COMM142, Spring 2020
messages/ideologies. In such ideological criticisms, the types of
(feminist, Marxist, structuralist/semiotic, etc.) can act as the
method: that is, the
lens/framework/units of analysis through which to examine
Overall, ask yourself: How am I framing the way I am going
about, or
approaching, my analysis? Through the metaphor criticism
Through feminist criticism? From there, find sources that also
use a similar
methodological frame.
For topic, ask yourself: Has anyone written on my artifact? If
not, has anyone
written on an area related to my artifact? For instance, say you
want to analyze a
protest song. See if anyone has written about that song. See
what is out there
about protest songs in general. If it is war-related, see what
exists in war protest
songs. See what exists in the rhetoric of protest (songs or not).
See what exists on
the rhetoric of music (protest or not). These are all possible
avenues. (See Foss’
section, “Identifying the Literature to Review,” especially the
first paragraph on
page 14, for further information.)
You may incorporate aspects of other methods, but follow one
framework as your main focus.
Make sure that you have one, overarching claim (or thesis
statement, or answer to a research
question), where the method is the guiding lens through which
your analysis develops that claim.
Clarify, if incorporating other methods, how you are making use
of your methodological tools
to contain your focus.
Keeping Yourself Organized
First of all, refer to the suggestions offered in the Paper One
Rubric on outlines, descriptions, and
sources. Also note that the tutoring center is still taking Zoom
appointments. As long as it occurs
by our last week of instruction, you may also send me an outline
or a couple pages to review.
Please turn in the essay by the end of our final exam period.
You are welcome to turn the
paper in early. Follow the listed word count, which should make
the body of the paper 8-12
pages double-sided. (Originally, the expectation was 9-12
pages. I will accept 8 pages due to
extenuating circumstances. Any shorter would be insufficient,
but 8 should be fine.)

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  • 1. 2 Megan Bowen 02/04/2020 Professor Cozen Comm 146 Interest Paper- Mental Health in Student Athletes I am a communication major so must take this class to fulfill my requirements for the course, however, this class will set me up to understand the in-depth reasoning behind communication. The only rhetoric class I have taken in the past is rhetoric in English, not communication; I learnt about Plato, Socrates and all the pervious rhetors that formed the basis on how we communicate today. You could argue that learning it in English and now in communication it could be very similar or the same, but we aren’t focusing on what they wrote or spoke of but why and how. In this paper I chose to analyze a TedX talk from a student athlete Victoria Garrick called ‘Athletes and mental Health: The hidden opponent’, it discusses the challenges that she faced with mental health, and the struggles maintaining a top sport on a colligate team. The reasons behind this are based on the broad ideas and opinions people have on student athletes and mental health separately and together. College athletics is a huge industry, an incredible achievement to get into a division 1 college on an athletic scholarship, but behind all this there are some dark truths. The TedX talk from Victoria Garrick explains these truths from an athlete’s perspective, this is conflicting to the ideas that an average student or outsider has, it explains what is happening behind closed doors. This artifact was gripping to me, it is something that I completely relate too; the artifact itself is a
  • 2. more personal approach to understand what is happening in regard to mental health in student athletes than just reading an article online. To me personally it is easier to find an artifact that I can easily relate too, something that is grossly underappreciated and classed as embarrassing, such a topic as mental health. There were no obstacles in retrieving artifacts for this interest, it is such a broad area that I am interested in finding more information about. There are artifacts everywhere about topics such as this, articles, speeches, documentaries, all gripping a relatable. In this class I am aware that I have much to learn, understand the way in which we communicate and why, the best ways to communicate, and the best evidence and artifacts to find for a specific topic. Finding an artifact for a topic that you are deeply invested in is different than having to find one that your heart isn’t in. With regards to this paper I am already thinking about ideas of where I can focus my information on next, where can I understand different political views behind this topic? What are the families of these student athletes going through? Mental health and student athletes separately. With regards to this class I would like to be able to find these sources and write about them in a way that grips a reader and helps me understand the reasoning behind such communication methods. 1 2 Megan Bowen Professor Cozen 04/13/2020 Context paper Artifacts have been used for many years to portray certain messages. Types of artifacts include tattoos, clothes, images, movies and physical objects that represent and convey to other
  • 3. people the kind of person he or she is. This paper will focus on the elements, purpose, and influence of frozen an animated movie on the community. Different elements in Frozen have been used for communication which includes sounds, words, and images. The film has taken advantage of imagery, auditory and visual models that explain the advancement of human knowledge. The elements explain the cognitive theory supporting multimedia learning which reflects the understanding that humans have evolved and can convey messages through media films. The film targets children but can also be viewed by adults who prefer watching animated shows. The underlying issue in the movie is the fact that it focuses on the differences between two sisters who defy all odds and show sibling love at the end (Riley, 2014). For example in the story after their Elsa's power makes her flee her kingdom and goes to the mountains but Princess Anna goes through the storm created by Elsa to find her and bring her home. The story of the film gained public recognition as it showed the strengths of a woman and that women can be successful with no man. This is depicted by the lead roles in the movie that is Elsa and Anna. It also depicts the notion that marriage is not everything and that casting family and communities side in pursuit of a soulmate might not have a happy ending (Riley, 2014). When Anna meets a guy who proposes when they have just met she nags Elsa about marrying him and in anger Elsa fails to control her powers and leaves the throne. The author of frozen, influences the kind of message that the audience perceives the film. He reflects on the tradition and ethnicity of the people of Arrandale along with portraying the importance of sibling love. Others have viewed the film as a portrait of feminism due to two lead roles given to Princess Anna and Elsa. But most people didn't get the message of the song which was interpreted by one of the frozen directors, Jennifer Lee. The song "Let it Go" according to Lee depicts a touch on issues such as divorce, cancer, and autism (Konnikova, 2014). The stories' purpose was to identify with individuals in the
  • 4. society who are flawed and have no one to turn to the film gives them a ray of hope. Most people that have watched Frozen have identified with Elsas' problems and connecting to them which gives this movie a psychological purpose. Some identified with Elsa through gender and identity others through social acceptance and emotional stress. (Konnikova, 2014). The film has changed views of Disney animated movies which most people viewed to have a female actress who journeyed to get her soul mate which is according to most past Disney films even kids that hate films with princesses have watched frozen. The timing of the movie has also had its significance, it was released when the world was fighting for women empowerment and the hype that occurred before its release contributed to its success (Fritz, 2014). The film relates to most Disney movies in various ways; dead parents, a princess searching for her true love, royal association and also a comic relief character in the stories. The film lead actresses Anna and Elsa identify with most youths in the society today. Many girls run away from home to get attached to the one guy they met either on the media or in their adventure and the guy ends up as a bad person. This idea relates to Princess Anna who meets a guy during the coronation of Elsa. While for Elsa's case most teenagers identify with her through stress, depression, and loneliness. In conclusion, artifacts are objects in the society that convey certain messages to society these include, tattoos, clothes, jewelry, movies, and poems. Frozen is an animated film that depicts family and sibling love is important.
  • 5. Reference Fritz, B. (2014). "A Charmed Life for Disney's 'Frozen'". The Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original on December 16, 2014. Retrieved May 28, 2014. This past weekend, as the movie's domestic total hit $317.7 million, "Frozen" surpassed "The Lion King" to become the highest-grossing Disney- produced animated film of all time, not accounting for inflation or re-releases. "Frozen". British Film Institute. Archived from the original on 2013. Retrieved November 30, 2013. Konnikova, M. (2014). How “Frozen” took over the world. The New Yorker. Riley, N. S. (2014). The mixed messages of Disney’s “Frozen”. The New York post. COMM142 Outline Park(ing) Day Outline via Rhetoric and Performance In the in-person iteration of this class, we would have covered rhetoric and performance as an additional lens through which to analyze communication artifacts. The linked event, which is now an international day, would have been our primary case study. While we will not be able to discuss the details of what this approach entails, recognizing that the main features consider how mobile bodies argue or are argued about (body politics), how communication functions in moments of transition and uncertainty (social drama), and how communication is a public phenomenon of including and excluding social practices and norms (public culture) should be sufficient for continuing to use this example as a sample outline. Utilizing this “method,” those three components would
  • 6. be what you examine in your analysis. Other methods would guide your analysis through other components: from strategies of disruption (feminist) to objectives and features (narrative). For any method you choose, your essay will follow the same general format, including application of a method through its procedures. I. Introduction a. Introduce the reader to the topic i. Source that states how, in many downtowns, about 70% of space is committed to car traffic ii. Source on urban space as contested terrain of uses/issues b. Research Question (RQ): How might people re-envision their built environments? c. Thesis: Park(ing) Day, as performed, is an embodied counternarrative to the construction and use of public open space. II. Description of artifact a. Park(ing) Day background ii. Purpose = open-ended and playful (topical sources: “manifesto” + essay by a founder) b. Situating Park(ing) Day within topics (other sources) [note these as “keywords” used in searches] i. Transportation ii. Open space (and uses within urban environments) iii. Civic participation (and communication) III. Description/justification of method
  • 7. a. Culture as in process and always adapting and changing [a key assumption of the method] b. Sources on performance (why is this method valuable?) + re- imagining uses of space IV. Analysis: [Note: An analysis could follow aspects of all three sections, OR three features in one section] a. Body Politics: Park(ing) Day uses bodies in open space as an argument for rethinking how we build spaces that move people; how do we know, and rethink, our environments through our bodies? i. Examples in participating: producing a park(ing) installation ii. Examples in participating: accepting an invite to engage with the installation iii. Parkcycle (mobile, pedal-powered park): from participating anew in parking spots to participating anew on roads (space of circulation) b. Social Drama: Park(ing) Day creates and reflects tensions that exist when attempting to produce alternatives to car culture. i. Various interests in rethinking car culture (public transit- dependent [financial], environmental, civic engagement) ii. Various dependencies on car culture (parking, lack of public transit, cultural expectations to drive, sprawl built around cars) iii. Responses to the event (positive and negative) c. Public Culture: As public interactions produce and reproduce cultural norms, Park(ing) Day attempts
  • 8. to challenge certain norms by producing the space for particular kinds of practices. i. Civic dimension of social life: car culture as instrumental vs. dominates space ii. Staged event to open up different modes of engagement/participation iii. Local laws that enable and prevent certain uses: producing space within those limits V. Conclusion a. A bodily counternarrative to producing urban spaces, Park(ing) Day delights and annoys b. Park(ing) Day flips the expected use of space and reflects different viewpoints on how best to use public space c. The event suggests that public space is constantly produced and can be produced in new ways (back to method) + is a potential template for how people might re- envision their built environments in other ways (back to RQ) Final Paper Rubric Paper: 200 points (21.3% of final grade) Due Date: BY May 14th, 1:00pm, upload to Canvas For the final paper, you will write an approximately 10-page essay (body of essay: 2,500 – 4,000 words, no more or less; Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, 12-
  • 9. point font, double-spaced) critically analyzing the second artifact(s) you choose to work with during the semester. The paper will be due by the end of our finals class period: Thursday, May 14th at 1:00pm. Your analysis may build off of previous explorations in any of your write-ups, and should utilize the proposal and context paper as somewhat of a partial draft. Make sure that you edit any portion from your previous work so it reads cohesively. You will be graded on: cohesion, clarity, and logical flow; an argument that justifies the choice of artifact and the choice of method; situating your artifact and analysis in its historical context and larger scholarly conversations; and grammar. The purpose of this assignment, like the last paper, is for you to practice your ability to put forth a clear argument, this time in a more in-depth manner. Grading Criteria: The essay will be graded on the following: justification and development of each portion; clarity of your arguments and essay flow; and grammar. More specifically, speak to the following questions (the points distribution are estimates): Development (60 points): Does your paper address each part of the critical essay? Do the descriptions of your artifact and method give enough background, so that an unfamiliar reader can understand your analysis? Do you justify why the artifact and method are important?
  • 10. Do you situate your artifact within its larger context? Do you argue effectively that this is an important artifact to study? Do you build a case that your method is an effective way to analyze this artifact? Does the method allow the analysis to cover the key points of intensity and frequency? (In other words, does anything seem glaringly omitted?) Is the analysis about half (or more) of the paper? Do you situate your artifact, method, and analysis within a larger literature, citing enough useful sources and explaining how you add to this conversation? Clarity (100 points): Does each part of the essay flow logically into the next? Do your research question, analysis, and conclusion all build the general claim you are making? Is it clear how and why you are utilizing each source? Do you cite something when making a claim that requires backing? Do you build a coherent link between your artifact, its context, the method you choose, and your analysis? Does your analysis lead to a conclusion that contributes to rhetorical theory? Grammar and Style (40 points): Are there a minimal number of grammatical mistakes?
  • 11. Do you properly cite sources when you quote or paraphrase someone else’s points? Do you include a page number? Is there a reference page, and is it consistent? Do you follow the formatting rules outlined at the beginning of this rubric? Final Paper Rubric 2 COMM142, Spring 2020 Final Presentation The final presentation is now canceled. Additional Information Coverage Include all of the parts of an essay according to Foss: first, an introduction, including your research question/thesis, the contribution, and the significance; second, a description and justification of the artifact and its context; third, a description of the method that also argues for its use; fourth, the analysis, or the application of the method to the artifact and a report of its findings; and fifth, a conclusion, including what your analysis might contribute to rhetorical theory. As with the short paper, you do not need separate section headings. That said, since this is a longer paper, section headings can help organize your thoughts and claims, and fully develop
  • 12. each section. Therefore, I do recommend that you follow section headings as described by Foss, but at minimum, make sure you include an introduction and conclusion and cover necessary information for a description (and context) of the artifact(s), description (and justification/ contributing insights) of method, and analysis. Again, craft an essay that flows from one portion to the next, and try to order it in a way that enhances the clarity of your analysis; the analysis should still be about half (or more) of your paper. Make sure you also cover the following: Properly cite all of your sources. This includes proper citation within the body of the text (e.g., endnotes are fine for Chicago style; pages and years are necessary for APA) as well as consistent formatting in your references/endnotes section. I am most interested in consistency. Make sure that: a) every piece of information is present in your reference section (author, titles, publishing, year, pages, editors, translators, etc.); and b) the format stays the same for each type of publication. See OWL Purdue for more information. Include sufficient sources. You are expected to incorporate theories from the course in your analysis to explain some of the cultural themes present in your artifact. You must have at least five (5) academic sources. You are welcome to add more but are not required. These sources should reflect a collection of method and topic. Any necessary contextual sources (e.g., critical reviews of a film you analyze) are supplemental sources. You may utilize the sources from your context paper and
  • 13. annotated bibliography towards satisfying these requirements. Note: There is often some confusion on how to find academic sources that talk about method, especially the later methods that fit under ideological criticism. These are more difficult because they are more open-ended. Often, the theoretical basis can act as sources to describe the method. Translation, through an example: in the essay on the 1963 Birmingham Campaign, Johnson (now a recommended reading) identifies the theory of “image events” to explain the rhetorical force of this particular event. The visual rhetoric of image events, as a theory to make sense of how rhetoric circulates, is the lens used to analyze images from the campaign and its aftermath. Here, method sources can also be theory sources: the academic conversation that links visual images and the spread of Final Paper Rubric 3 COMM142, Spring 2020 messages/ideologies. In such ideological criticisms, the types of criticism (feminist, Marxist, structuralist/semiotic, etc.) can act as the method: that is, the lens/framework/units of analysis through which to examine messages. Overall, ask yourself: How am I framing the way I am going
  • 14. about, or approaching, my analysis? Through the metaphor criticism procedures? Through feminist criticism? From there, find sources that also use a similar methodological frame. For topic, ask yourself: Has anyone written on my artifact? If not, has anyone written on an area related to my artifact? For instance, say you want to analyze a protest song. See if anyone has written about that song. See what is out there about protest songs in general. If it is war-related, see what exists in war protest songs. See what exists in the rhetoric of protest (songs or not). See what exists on the rhetoric of music (protest or not). These are all possible avenues. (See Foss’ section, “Identifying the Literature to Review,” especially the first paragraph on page 14, for further information.) Method You may incorporate aspects of other methods, but follow one framework as your main focus. Make sure that you have one, overarching claim (or thesis statement, or answer to a research question), where the method is the guiding lens through which your analysis develops that claim. Clarify, if incorporating other methods, how you are making use of your methodological tools to contain your focus. Keeping Yourself Organized First of all, refer to the suggestions offered in the Paper One
  • 15. Rubric on outlines, descriptions, and sources. Also note that the tutoring center is still taking Zoom appointments. As long as it occurs by our last week of instruction, you may also send me an outline or a couple pages to review. Submission Please turn in the essay by the end of our final exam period. You are welcome to turn the paper in early. Follow the listed word count, which should make the body of the paper 8-12 pages double-sided. (Originally, the expectation was 9-12 pages. I will accept 8 pages due to extenuating circumstances. Any shorter would be insufficient, but 8 should be fine.)