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Immigration Restriction Law of 1924 Essay
The immigration act of 1924 was really the first permanent limitation on immigration. This
limitation was like a quota system that only aloud two percent instead of the three percent of each
foreign born group living in the United states in 1890. Like it say in Document A "Under the act of
1924 the number of each nationality who may be admitted annually is limited to two per cent of the
population of such nationality resident in the United States according to the census of 1890." Using
the 1890 census instead of newer up–to–date ones they excluded a lot of new immigrants from
Southern and Eastern Europe that came by in resent years (This is shown awfully well in Document
B). This acts annual quota changed from 358,000 in 1921 to 164,000 ... Show more content on ...
He also talks about how we should just close the doors and were fine the way we are but of course
during WW I and II, the United States recruited thousands of temporary workers from Mexico to
harvest the crops. We had labor short farms and we needed other countries to come help us with
Their was also considerable amount of pressure from such groups as the KKK and other white
groups. These were the most prejudice people that were in America at the time. Document J shows
says it the best when Hiram W. Evans said "we of the Klan admit that we are intolerant and narrow
in a certain sense.....We are intolerant of everything that strikes at the foundation of out race, our
country, or our freedom or worship.....We are prejudiced against any attempt to use the privileges
and opportunities which aliens hold only through out generosity." He say that they should only have
privileges because the white Americans give it to them and that is so wrong to ever say or even
believe. The KKK really just feared the new immigrants that they would take power over the
protestant white males.
The other aspect is that the new immigrants were just walking all over American rule and not caring
about laws and things. It states in Document F "We must rid our minds of the notion that America is
some kind of world
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Lupus Informative Speech
Grace Spottswood, 1–30–15, Watermelon Lupus: Imagine skiing down the slopes and watching all
of the happy people enjoying their ski trip, and wondering, why do I feel so sick? Imagine going to
countless doctors' appointments, and being treated for anxiety and facial migraines. No one believes
your symptoms are real, but you know something isn't right. After five years of suffering, you are
finally diagnosed with an incurable disease. Somehow you feel relief. This mystery disease is called
lupus, an autoimmune disease which makes the body unable to tell healthy tissue from unhealthy
tissue. The body then attacks the healthy tissue to get rid of what it believes is unhealthy tissue, this
mistake causes the body to inflict pain on itself. No new drug to treat lupus has been created in 50
years, yet 2 million people in America, and 5 million people worldwide are suffering from this
disease ("Lupus: Causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment"). I believe that more research should
be done to eventually find a cure for lupus. Lupus has no known cause, which makes it so hard to
treat. Doctors believe lupus can be caused in two ... Show more content on ...
Depending on your specific case of lupus, lifestyle changes just may be enough to control your
symptoms. Doctors suggest exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding smoking. If
lifestyle changes aren't helpful for your case of lupus, medicines can be prescribed by your doctor to
depress your symptoms. However no "magic medicine" will rid your body completely of this
disease. Today, a new drug called Belimumab is in a clinical trial to treat lupus. It needs the
approval of the FDA for release to the wide population of lupus patients. If this drug is approved, it
will be the first new drug on the market to treat lupus in fifty years. Hopefully, since some research
on lupus is being done, more medicines will be found, and more people
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The Immigration Act Of 1924
Equality of Immigrants When you to go to the airport you see many different people. Either they are
dressed differently, talk differently ,or even just look different. These people are mostly likely
Immigrants, an Immigrant is a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. These
people come from all over the world and migrate due to a multitude of push and pull factors. Certain
push factors would be unemployment, lack of security and poor safety, war, and more. However a
certain place may offer better opportunities such as Fertile land, better climate, greater wealth,
Political security etc. Due to the country 's status of wealth, their immigration records may flux.
You sometimes hear people say that they were born in America so they are a native but in the words
of Franklin D. Roosevelt "Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are
descended from immigrants and revolutionists." According to The Immigration Act of 1924 article,
the U.S. government had limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the country through a
national origins quota. The quota provided immigration visas to two percent of the total number of
people of each nationality in the United States as of the 1890 national census. It completely
excluded immigrants from Asia. This act allowed the U.S. to grow because the Immigrants who
came brought business. For instance a migrant worker bring business by allowing more trade with
their home countries and if they
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Sense Of Belonging Essay
Sense of belonging and interpersonal connectivity is widely researched topics in psychology, but
researches have disagreed on the significance of sense of belonging (Ma, 2003). Likewise, sense of
belonging has been defined in various ways. According to Vallerand, sense of belonging has to do
with the feeling of connectivity with others in the same environment, often involves the
identification of one's self with a particular group. When a sense of belonging is well established
among students, they feel accepted, loved and respected, which influence their self–image and
beliefs (Booker, 2004; Goodenow, 1993). Baumeister and Leary (1995) acknowledged that sense of
belonging has two features: contact and interactions on a regular basis and the ... Show more content
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The feeling of belonging might have a direct impact on students' motivation and academic
achievement (Goodenow, 1993a). For example, when a sense of belonging is achievable within the
student's social interactions, there is a belief and determination which drives them to seek to prove
their worth both outside and within the academic setting (Goodenow, 1993a). Several studies
revealed that there is a significant relationship between sense of belonging and students' academic
performance (Booker, 2006; Akar vural et al., 2013). Students' academic effort and school success
are affected not only by individual differences in skill or ability but are also influenced by social
relationships at school. Goodenow investigated the relationship between the sense of belonging
among students and their expectations, harbored values, motivation level, and achievement in
several studies. The researcher also examined the relationship between sense of school membership,
expectancy of success, value, and effort . Findings in both studies showed that there was a strong
correlation between sense of accession, success expectation and overall input in efforts
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Over-dependence on Technology Essay
Regina Fleck has an iPhone 7 and she admits, "I no longer feel frustrated or impatient. That emotion
now manifests in me as a desire to check my e–mail." (Tran). All around the world, technology has
taken over the lives of many, especially children. Each year younger children are being introduced
to new technology to help them learn and grow, but the effects of this may be different from what is
expected. Rather than seeing growth, the overuse of technology is leading to many issues, including
a decline in creativity, less active lifestyles, and difficulty falling asleep. The growing
overdependence on and overuse of technology is affecting young children both mentally and
Throughout the world, but in America especially, ... Show more content on ...
Also, the parents are the ones who are buying the games and the food that the children eat, so it can't
be blamed on the children. Others believe that the ads and commercials are nearly irresistible to
children, and parents are just trying to keep their children happy. Whatever the case, the major cause
of it is the technology (Browning).
Another source of the overdependence of technology in children is school. At school, they are
introduced to technology at a very young age, sometimes even in preschool. Children are introduced
to calculators at a very young age, helping them with math problems they should be able to do in
their heads. The teachers are encouraging it so the students don't take the time to learn how to do it
out and then struggle when they have no calculator. Also, children today are proven to have much
worse handwriting than in the past. They are now expected to type English essays and in elementary
school; many aren't taught cursive but rather how to use computers. For example, in 2009, 97
percent of teachers had at least one computer in their room, and out of that, 93 percent of the
computers were connected to the Internet (Gray, Thomas, Lewis). Intelligence is continuously
decreasing due to all of the shortcuts children now are able to take advantage of. In some aspects,
the advancements are really aiding students. They have almost any information they can imagine
wherever they go, just by going to Google. Typing is neat and
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Analysis Of A Perfect Day For Bananafish
Michael Connelly, a published author once said that, "You can't patch a wounded soul with a band–
aid". By saying that, Connelly is explaining that with mental illnesses you can't just fix the
symptoms, you have to fix the problem it will only get worse. A Perfect Day for Bananafish by J.D.
Salinger tells about a man named Seymour who suffers from PTSD who comes home from war and
goes on a honeymoon with his wife to Florida, where he ultimately kills himself, reasons for this
include, that he wants to relieve himself of the pain, he needs help that he is not getting, and he is
isolated from his wife and her world. One of the reasons Seymour kills himself is because he wants
to end his suffering. In the short story, when discussing bananafish, Seymour states, "'they swim into
a hole where there's a lot of bananas. They're very ordinary–looking fish when they swim in. But
once they get in, they behave like pigs. Why, I've known some bananafish to swim into a banana
hole and eat as many as seventy–eight bananas.' ... Naturally, after that they're so fat they can't get
out of the whole again ... [then] they die" (Salinger 14). The bananafish keep eating and eating until
they are so fat they die. Seymour is like this in the way that he keeps digging himself deeper and
deeper into the hole of reclusiveness and depression until he just exploded and died. Another reason
for Seymour's suicide is that he not getting the help that he needs to function in society. When this
story takes
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Brant Case Analysis Essay
Question 1: When comparing performance during the first five months of 2004 with performance in
2003, which warehouse shows the most improvement?
St. Louis is the only one showing any improvement, using cost per unit shipped as the performance
criterion. The cost for the first five months of 2003 was $9.97 and for the first five months of 2004,
it fell to $9.07.
Question 2: When comparing performance during the first five months of 2004 with performance in
2003, which warehouse shows the poorest change in performance?
The worst change is the company's own warehouse (located in Fargo), where costs per unit shipped
increased 31%. Among the public warehouses used, Denver was the worst in terms of cost per unit
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J.Q. assumes that the proportion of costs occurring during the first five months of 2003 should be in
the same proportion in 2004. (1) (2) (3) (4) Warehouse location | % 2003 costs occurring in first five
months | Actual costs for first five months of 2004 ($) | Projected total costs in 2004 ($) | Projected
costs in the last six months of 2004 ($) | Atlanta | 22.88 | 40,228 | 175,822 | 116,204 | Boston | 44.00
| 29,416 | 66,885 | 32,085 | Chicago | 53.43 | 141,222 | 264,312 | 105,556 | Denver | 35.00 | 14,900 |
42,571 | 23,714 | Fargo | 54.00 | 9,605 | 17,787 | 7,012 | Los Angeles | 72.20 | 93,280 | 129,197 |
30,781 | Portland | 49.30 | 42,616 | 86,442 | 37,559 | St. Louis | 44.80 | 19,191 | 42,837 | 20,265 | The
projected costs in 2004 (column 3) are calculated by dividing the actual costs for the first five
months of 2004 (column 2) by the percent of 2003 costs that occurred in the first five months
(column 1). For example, Atlanta's actual 2004 costs of $40,228 divided by 2003's 22.88% yields
projected 2004 costs of approximately $175,822.
The projected costs in the last six months of 2004 (column 4) are calculated by subtracting the
actual costs for the first five months of 2004 (column 2) from 2004's projected total costs (column
3). This gives us the projected costs for the last seven months of 2004. However, we are only
interested in the last six months of 2004, so
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Simplicity By William Zinsser
William Zinsser is an American writer who wrote an informational guide to writing. He made a
decision to revise a specific chapter called Simplicity. In the year 1980, the first version of
Simplicity was created, then came 1998 followed up by 2006. In the first version, 1980, Zinsser
created a long and wordy paper. He used specific examples but included details that were
unnecessary. This is ironic because the paper is about how writers can write unnecessary words and
phrases creating complicated sentences. He was not inclusive of gender, naming men as writers and
only using wives as examples of distraction. This draft had a complete count of 20 paragraphs. The
1998 version had few changes when compared to the 1980's version. There ... Show more content
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(Paragraph 2–2006) He changed viscous language to clotted language. This makes sense, he used a
more commonly used word to this time period making it readable to a younger generation of readers
and writers. (Paragraph 2–2006) He took out "–on Christmas Eve or any other eve–," this made
sense because it was an extra unneeded detail. The sentence made complete sense just as "what
father or mother can put together a child's toy from the instructions on the box?". In paragraph 4 he
changed what was originally "the president of a major university" in versions from 1980 and 98 to
"the president of my university" in the 2006 version, making a personal connection with the reader.
(Paragraph 8– 2006) He completely redid the paragraph. In the 1980 and 1994 version, the 8th
paragraph was completely unneeded and included a story that seemed unrelated to the topic of
writing. It started as "I love to be alone". The 2006 version of this paragraph wasn't completely off
topic from the original. I still believe this paragraph isn't needed, even with the shortening. With the
2006 version he has taken out the "he's" and switched to "they". This allows women to feel
included, making it more likely for a female to enjoy the writing. It felt noninclusive in the first two
versions. In the newest version (paragraph 10) he included devices relevant to that time period.
Instead of saying "he," he said a man or woman could be distracted by many forces
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Paris 1924 Olympics
Paris' 1924 Olympic was different than any other previous Olympics. Sport had become a
universally popular activity, particularly as a spectator event, and around 1,000 journalists were
present in Paris to report back around the world. There were 44 nations and 3,089 athletes took part,
and although the Games are seen as being the first truly modern Olympics, they were not complete,
as only 135 of the competitors were women. Most of the athletes were hosted in the first ever
Olympic village, a village of temporary wooden constructions that had been put up alongside the
stadium. A couple of Paris' 1924 Olympic legacies have been retained. The Paris Olympic Stadium
was the venue which hosted the opening and closing ceremony of Paris' 1924 Olympics.
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Inward FDI and Innovation in the Indian Service Sector
Inward FDI and innovation in the Indian service sector Bikramjit Sinha This section analyses the
linkage between inward FDI flows and innovation activity in Indian service sector. The focus is on
service sector since there has been unprecedented inflow of FDI in services in recent years. FDI in
Services In 2000, share of FDI in services to total FDI inflows in India was just 1.8% and afterwards
it grew steadily to reach a record all–time high of 34.7% during 2006 but declined afterwards. Of
the cumulative FDI in services during 2000–2010, financial services accounted for bulk of the
inflows (41.7%) followed by banking services (9.6%), and both non–financial services and R&D
sharing 9.5% each (Table 1). Share of financial services, ... Show more content on
RTL intensity of services BEs was almost equal with R&D intensity and stood at 0.5% over the
reference period. Within the services, RTL intensity of financial services was higher than the total
service RTL intensity (Fig. 3). On an average 0.6% of the BEs were engaged in procuring
knowledge from foreign countries which has from 1.2% in 2001 to 0.57% in 2010 (Table 2). FRTL
intensity was highest during 2002 (0.4%) which after passing through a fluctuating trend culminates
to all–time low of 0.05% in 2009, probably coinciding with the recent global recession. Only
financial services, outsourcing and other services are acquiring technology from abroad. FRTL
intensity of only outsourcing services was higher than the sectoral intensity all along the reference
period (Fig. 4). T3 32 0.8 Financial Others 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 Outsourcing SERVICES Fig 4. Trend of FRTL intensity in the services sector To
sum up, the trend of share of FDI inflows in different services to total FDI in services does not go
well with the corresponding innovation pattern (Table 3). Financial and banking sector, recipients of
maximum FDI flows hardly show any innovation activity. Table 3: Selected innovation indicators of
the services sector during 2001–2010 Sub–sector Financial Non–Financial Banking
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List of Important Topics for Essays
LIST OF IMPORTANT TOPICS FOR ESSAYS It is the list of those essays which has been asked in
previous css exams and intend to b most important. By practicing those essays u can achieve robust
grip in essay. the following essays may not repeat but surely play crucial role to enlarge idea that
how a css essay paper formatted. 01. Dilemma of the water and energy crisis in Pakistan (2003) 02.
Art critics and reviewers (2003) 03. Alleviation of poverty (2005) 04. Persecuted poor women
(2005) 05. Foreign direct investment (F.D.I) in Pakistan (2006) 06. Global warming (2006) 07.
Personalization of Pakistani politics (2006) 08. Formal and casual dressing codes (2003) 09.
Liberalism (2006) 10. Existentialism (2003) 11. Socio–economic challenges ... Show more content
on ...
Young habits die–hard (2003) 04. We grow too old soon and too late smart (2006) 05. Every art is
an imitation of nature (2000) 06. "Brain like heart" go where they are appreciated (2006) 07. Every
solution breeds new problem (2006) 08. "of all the needs a book has, the chief need is that it be
readable" (2000) 09. Turn not thy check in scorn toward folk nor walk with pertness in the land (
Al–Quran) (2001) 10. Education ahs for its object the formation of character (2000) 11. Justice
delayed is justice denied (2001) 12. And who is saved from narrow–mindedness.......such are they
who are successful ( Al–Quran ) (1999) 13. Man was born free and every where he is in chains
(1996) 14. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes (2001) 15. None but the brave
deserve the fair (1997) 16. Self–conceit may lead to self destruction (2001) 17. Who eats the fruit
should at least plant the seed (2001) 18. The cream rises to the top, so does the scum (1999) 19. Man
gets what he strives for ( Al–Quran ) (1996) 20. It is not only fine feather the makes fine birds
(2001) 21. For forms, of government , Lets fools contest, whatever is administered best is best
(1999) 22. The manner in which it is given is worth more than the gift (1997) 23. I disapprove what
u say but i ll defend to death your right to say it (1996) 24. The best plea to find a helping hand is at
the end of your arms (2001) 25. How can a man indulge in
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Violence Numbers in the Middle East
While the rest of the world appears to be seeing decreasing levels of violence, it appears the Middle
East has yet to experience this same trend. The past couple of decades have seen either a decrease in
violence and types of violence that the West has not experienced for a time. This then brings the
questions, is the Middle East more violent or is nothing more than Islamophobia. One way to
answer this question is to look at the numbers. In Pinker's, The Better Angels of our Nature, he
compares the number of interstate conflicts with the number of Islamic conflicts. By this graph, it
can be clearly seen that since the 1990s, the number of interstate conflicts has been decreasing, but
the number of Islamic conflicts has not. With the use of this data, he shows that the Middle East has
not been following the trends of less violence as compared with the rest of the world. However, is
this data alone to say that the Middle East is more violent? There are a number of issues need to be
looked at besides conflict. These include other types of violence. A type of violence that can be
quantified is homicide rates. In comparing homicide rates from the Middle East with other areas of
the world like Western powers of the United States, Canada, and England an interesting set of date
emerge. Data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) from the years 1999–
2011 will be used. United States 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2011 Rate 5.6 5.5
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Differences Between Entrepreneurship And Leadership
Entrepreneurship scholars have highlighted the differences between entrepreneurial leaders and
other leaders in three domains. First, entrepreneurial leaders possess inherent characteristics that
differentiate them from other leaders and motivate and enable them to enter the challenging process
of leading entrepreneurial activities (Chen, 2007; Kuratko, 2007; Fernald et al., 2005; Gupta et al.,
2004; Nicholson, 1998). Entrepreneurial characteristics which are most referred to with respect to
both entrepreneurial leaders and organisations are innovativeness, proactiveness and risk taking
(Chen, 2007; Kuratko, 2007; Gupta et al., 2004; Covin & Slevin, 1991). Innovativeness is the ability
and tendency of entrepreneurial leaders to think creatively ... Show more content on
For example, Fernald et al. (2005) argue that most of the tasks and roles of entrepreneurs are
leadership–based and Cogliser and Brigham (2004) emphasise that organisational leaders require
entrepreneurial competencies to deal with the difficulties and impediments in the environment of
current organisations. Specifically, scholars argue that entrepreneurial leaders' competencies in
anticipating the future, exploring new opportunities, creating novel ideas and providing an
environment for staff that encourages and supports generating and implementing new ideas help
organisational leaders face problems and achieve their vision (Burns, 2005; Gupta et al., 2004).
Various factors such as personal characteristics, organisational and task performance demands and
environmental factors affect the process of influencing followers that makes leadership as a highly
challenging role for entrepreneurial leaders (Leitch et al., in press; Kempster & Cope, 2010;
Kempster, 2009, 2006). Despite these differences, however, there are also key similarities between
entrepreneurial leadership and the terms that construct the concept: entrepreneurship and leadership.
For example, Fernald et al. (2005) argue that most of the tasks and roles of entrepreneurs are
leadership–based and Cogliser and Brigham (2004) emphasise that organisational leaders require
entrepreneurial competencies to deal with the difficulties and impediments in the environment of
current organisations. Specifically, scholars argue that entrepreneurial leaders' competencies in
anticipating the future, exploring new opportunities, creating novel ideas and providing an
environment for staff that encourages and supports generating and implementing new ideas help
organisational leaders face problems and achieve their vision (Burns, 2005; Gupta et
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Analysis Of The Catcher In The Rye By J. D. Salinger
A lost sixteen year old boy deals with death and trying to find his place in the world. Despite
growing up in a privileged white household, Holden Caulfield is still crippled with feeling invisible.
In Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, he makes Holden come to life by creating a personality that is
easily relatable to rebellious teenage boys. And though this work caused much controversy, Salinger
was able to capture the struggles of not wanting to grow up and the preservation of innocence. In
The Catcher in the Rye, J.D Salinger creates a character that reflects his own difficulties growing up
in a privileged white household in the 1950s while struggling with the the difficult realities of the
adult world and finding his place in the it. ... Show more content on ...
It's so phony" (Salinger 115). Holden is different from most teenage boys, he is overwhelmed with
the feelings of loss when he does not even know who he is yet. At one point, Holden feels like he is
disappearing into the adult world. To guarantee his place in the it, Holden calls out to Allie "don't let
me disappear. Please Allie" (Salinger 213). His fear of conformity is another reason why this book
was so controversial. Parents felt threatened by Salinger's views on a non conformist society and
contradicted their beliefs (Weinstein 125). People did not want to listen to Salinger's views on
society, because he threatened the new, stable, 1950's American society. In the meantime, teenagers
during this time were becoming more rebellious and defiant. Holden exemplified the kid that
parents did not want their child to turn into or the kid that they did not want their child hanging
with. He is described to be a "troubled teen trying to work his way through adolescence in a world
peopled by phonies" (Kahane). The phonies of the world are those people who surrendered their
individuality to conform to society's definition of normal. Holden's rebellious nature is a result of
defying the social norms and pressures of his time. He is thought to be a dangerous thinker who
would endanger the new America. And because of his beliefs, he feels he is
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The Immigration Act Of 1924
Throughout history, immigration has remained a complex and influential piece of presidential
policy–from the Age of Mass Migration, which led to the Immigration Act of 1924, to present day
policy, which may result in the construction of a border wall. The debate on immigration remains
contentious, inspiring emotional and empirical arguments by politicians and the public alike. Many
of these aspects are discussed and defined within Abramitzky, Boustan, and Eriksson's paper "A
Nation of Immigrants: Assimilation and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration" and
Peri's paper "Immigrants, Productivity, and Labor Markets," which analyze American immigration,
both past and present. From these papers, it is evident that adopting a nativist ... Show more content
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It does not, however, confirm the belief in the frequency that appears to drive support of the Trump
administration's immigration policy.
Although events such as San Bernardino in 2015 provide anecdotal evidence of immigrants
committing acts of extreme violence, these events are extremely rare. Nonetheless, tragedies such as
these inevitably grab headlines and capture the attention of millions of Americans across the
country. Tragedies such as the attack in San Bernardino hold strong emotional appeal to proponents
for restrictive immigration policy. However, these rare and uncontrollable events should not provide
the base of logic for America's national immigration policy as they are not a proxy for immigrant
behavior as a whole. Various statistics regarding crime among immigrants may reveal an underlying
reason for lower crime rates, which is that the majority of immigrants understand the implications of
committing a crime and know that it would not be in their best interest as a new member of the
country they wish to call home. Natives, moreover, have crime rates five times that of immigrants.
This demonstrates the potential positive externalities that immigrants contribute to the social sphere
by lowering the crime rate and acting as models within urban America.
Concern over the effect immigrants have on the earnings prospects of natives has been another
major contributor in fueling a more nativist immigration policy.
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Immigration Act Of 1924 Dbq Essay
Since the beginning of times up until present time the United States Congress has always passed
laws to limit immigrants rights. Immigrants who came to America for a better life have gone
through many struggles due to the restrictions against them. Precedently, with the Chinese
Exclusion Act, which prohibited Chinese immigrants to enter the United States. Another act was the
Gentlemen's Agreement Act between Japan and America, where Japan agreed to limit immigration,
only if President Theodore Roosevelt agreed to limit restrictions on Japanese immigrants. Then in
1924, Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1924. The act limited the number of aliens that are
allowed in the U.S. Congress passed this act because they felt that immigrant threaten America's
"old ways." Congress wanted American to be "pure" again, by doing so, they had to get rid of many
immigrants. The factors that led to Congress to pass the Immigration Act were to maintain American
traditions, maintain jobs for American citizens, and repair the income. ... Show more content on ...
Immigrants came to the United States for a better life, civil rights and better economic opportunities.
"... the one great reason for coming to is that they believe that on the wage they can receive in
America they can establish a higher standard that the one they were accustomed to" (document C).
For this very reason, many immigrants came to America and took native citizens jobs. This seemed
to be a problem because it left many American citizens without jobs. (O.I) Since immigrants would
work for a lower wage, employers didn't mind hiring them, since they're saving money. However,
this made the national income worse since a substantial number of legal citizens did not have jobs.
America's job market and national income was very low and didn't improve, causing an individuals
personal income to lower as well (document
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The Sense Of Belonging And Interpersonal Connectivity
The sense of belonging and interpersonal connectivity is a widely researched topic in psychology,
but controversies have been surrounding it among different researchers (Ma, 2003). Also, it has been
defined in various ways . According to Vallerand, sense of belonging has to do with the feeling of
connectivity with others in the same environment, often involving identifying oneself with a
particular group. When the sense of belonging is deeply rooted within a group, one feels accepted,
loved and respected in self– image, personally and what they believe in (Booker, 2004; Goodenow,
1993). Baumeister and Leary (1995) acknowledged that sense of belonging has two features: contact
and interactions at regular basis and the context of love and care. Baumeister and Leary said that
"human beings have a pervasive drive to form and maintain at least a minimum quantity of lasting,
positive, and significant interpersonal relationships" (Baumeister & Leary, 1995, p. 497). The sense
of belonging has a lasting effect on one's personality in respect with emotions and other cognitive
processes (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). When the sense of belonging is at its lowest, students are
prone to being engulfed by solitary thoughts, feel lonely and lose interest in many social interaction
opportunities (Goodenow, 1993). This in turn is attributed to dwindling academic performance, as
the students don't feel accepted and motivated within the social parameters around them
(Goodenow, 1993). Considerable
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The Immigration Act Of 1924: Article Analysis
According to the "Office of The Historian" article The Immigration Act of 1924 was a way for
congress to restrain the number of immigrants coming to the US each year. This act restricted people
who came from the "asiatic barred zone" to enter the United States and many had to past a series of
tests to be allowed through such as the ability to read.
In the article "Prohibition" it reveals that the 18th Amendment outlawed the making of, transporting
and selling of alcohol in the United States, which was difficult to administer. This law was meant to
help improve things such as crime, but it instead brought the opposite. With the increase of violence,
crime, and bootlegging, Prohibition ended in 1933 with the 21st Amendment added.
Nicola Sacco
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Immigration Act Of 1924 Research Paper
SUBJECT: Immigration act of 1924 PROBLEM: In the early 1920s the United States addressed the
quick rising immigration population by creating the Immigration act of 1924. The immigration Act
limited the number of European, African, and completely ban the migration of Asians and Arab
immigrants. The American people after World War One had a strong patriotism for their country and
did not easily accept new ethic groups. The fear of Communism also contributed to the dislike of
new immigrants amongst the American people. The American people also felt that immigrants took
jobs away from American citizens and were uncomfortable with the idea of more job competition.
BACKGROUND The Red Scare Post war Recession New found patriotism High
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Theme Of Materialism In A Perfect Day For Bananafish
A marriage between a man and a woman is scared. You vow to have and to hold, for better, for
worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. This is the conflict
seen in the short story, "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" by J.D. Salinger. We are provided with
Muriel Glass, the wife that disregards her vows and is more into materialism than the importance of
Seymour Glass, her husband and his emotional well being upon returning from World War II. In this
story materialism as I am using it, is the meaning of being so consumed in physical appearance or
the acquisition of wealth, accompanied with the appetite of material possessions, rather than with
spiritual values. We see the illustration of how the personality of being materialist versus on one that
relies on emotional wellbeing clash and collide. Obtaining a personality like the one of Muriel
generates a blindness to what truly is important in life, especially in a successful marriage.
Focusing on the Muriel Glass as the main issue, we see a numerous amount of evidence as to why
she is so self centered. Most important so incredibly into being materialist that she totally ignores
signs that her husband needs her emotional support through this tough time. The first signs we see to
prove that Muriel is into physical appearance is on page three where J.D. Salinger writes, "She
washed her comb and brush. She took the spot out of the skirt of her beige suit. She moved the
button on her Saks blouse. She tweezed out two freshly surfaced hairs in her mole." With that we
get the knowledge of someone who is definitely vain. We now know that Muriel uses up her time to
look impressive and make sure she is clean–cut. Another critical sign that she is very object
orientated is on page eleven during, the telephone conversation with her mother in which she states,
"You remember that awful dinner dress we saw in Bonwit's window? ... She had it on. And all hips."
(Salinger) The indication from this is that she judges others based on what they are wearing.
Concluding, that she is into clothing and how it is worn, especially how others wear it. We even get
the sense that she is into luxurious items because Bonwits was a luxury department store in
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Protecting The Innocence By F. D. Salinger
Rigoberto Nunez
S. Dusang
English 3 AP
26 April 2015
Protecting the Innocence; An Overview of The Catcher in the Rye During the nineteen fifties, as the
population of the United States hurdled in a whirlpool of amiss, a writer sought to conserve
innocence as teenagers move into adulthood. The change from their teenage years to adulthood
made them question religion, friendships, and fate. J. D. Salinger saw this as a potential pitfall for
teens; therefore, he adopts a unique writing style to which they can relate to. Sol and Miriam
Salinger's son, Jerome David Salinger, was born on January 1st, 1919 in New York ("Salinger").
Supported by her Jewish husband, a successful meat and cheese importer, Miriam was able to raise
Salinger and his two older siblings in the fashionable apartment district of upper Manhattan
(French). In 1934 Salinger attended Valley Forge Military academy, where he grasped literature and
began writing short stories (French). In spite of later being drafted to be in the military during World
War II, Salinger wrote numerous works which inspired the lives of countless Americans. Through
his use of point of view, characterization, and symbolism, Salinger aims towards conserving
teenagers' innocence as they move into adulthood in The Catcher in the Rye.
Holden, the teenage protagonist of the novel, experiences an ongoing battle with the adult world and
the cruelty associated with it. Holden respects those who represent or protect innocence, and is
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The Immigration Act Of 1924
America is no foreigner to immigrants. From the pilgrims who came searching for religious
liberation to African slaves that had lost their liberty, America's history has been shaped by the
influx of immigrants from different parts of the world. As America grew, it became, and still is, a
promised land for many. As a result, immigration has become a pivotal topic in the American culture
and with time, the dynamics of immigration has changed due to a shifting of focus between different
immigrant groups. From the Chinese exclusion act in 1882 to the Immigration Act of 1924, which
restricted Eastern European immigrants' access to the USA, different groups of people have been the
principal focus of immigration reform (HISTORY Corporation, 2009). Since the early–20th century
to present, the main group of focus with immigration reform has been Hispanics, mainly Mexicans.
From deportation to discrimination, many Mexicans have struggled in the hands of immigration
laws. This pain is evident in the cultural marks Mexicans have left in American Culture. A prime
example of such mark is within the Chicano movement. Beginning in the 1960s, the Chicano
movement aimed to address the social injustices that the Mexican population faced in America.
(Mendoza, 2001). From reinstatement of land rights to voter and political rights, these social
injustices propelled the Chicano movement to fight for civil rights. This passion fueled multiple
artistic expressions and many Chicano artists mirrored
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Southwestern University Case Study Essay
Southwestern University Case Study Summary: Southwestern University is a state college in
Stephenville, Texas. The college is known for its Football and have been in the top 20 in the
rankings since the appointment of legendary Bo Pitterno in 2001 as the Head coach for the team.
The coach requested to upgrade the stadium or construct a new stadium to accommodate the large
fan base. This request was heard by the SWU's president, Dr Joel Wisner, who decided that they
would upgrade the stadium based on a forecast of when the current stadium would max out.
Problem: Southwestern University is experiencing a quickly expanding football program. As a
result, attendance for home games is increasing and approaching capacity. It is in the best interest of
SWU to forecast attendance to aid them in deciding when the best time to expand the present
stadium, which now holds 54,000. Data: The following data is from the past six seasons, 2002–
2007. Game Year – Game – Opponent Attendance 2002–1 Baylor 34200 2002–2 Texas 39800
2002–3 LSU 38200 2002–4 Arkansas 26900 2002–5 USC 35100 2003–1 Oklahoma 36100 2003–2
Nebraska 40200 2003–3 UCLA 39100 2003–4 Nevada 25300 2003–5 Ohio State 36200 2004–1
TCU 35900 2004–2 Texas Tech 46500 2004–3 Alaska 43100 2004–4 Arizona 27900 2004–5 Rice
39200 2005–1 Arkansas 41900 2005–2 Missouri 46100 2005–3 Florida 43900 2005–4 Miami 30100
2005–5 Duke 40500 2006–1 Indiana 42500 2006–2 North Texas 48200 2006–3 Texas A&M 44200
2006–4 Southern 33900 2006–5
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Section 505 (Cr)
There are currently 50 titles listed. 21 CFR Chapter 1 is relevant for FDA. The sequence of citation
for a CFR is as follows– Title, CFR, Chapter, Part, Section. Chapter 1 of 21st CFR contains a total
of 12 subchapters and 1299 parts. These cover detailed guidance on regulated requirements for
foods, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, tobacco products, radiation emitting products, vaccines,
blood, biologics and veterinary medicines, all subject to regulation by the FDA. Section 505 (b) (1)
of the FD&C act is applicable for new investigational drugs while Section 505 (b) (2) of the FD&C
act for approval of drugs that are already existing and are being used. Application under 505 (b) (1)
states the requirement of extensive data to prove the
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Materialism Is The Only Form Of Distraction From True Bliss
"Materialism is the only form of distraction from true bliss."– Douglas Horton. At the beginning of
"A Perfect Day for Bananafish", J.D. Salinger concentrates on the deranged Seymour Glass, who,
after being released from the Army hospital, isolates himself from blinded consumers. Seymour
returns to his family after World War II, only to become aware of the nauseating phoniness of the
world. Seymour attempts to rid his family of the superficial American dream with "The trees. That
business with the window. Those horrible things he [Seymour] said to Granny about her plans for
passing away. What he did with all those lovely pictures from Bermuda–everything'", but this
proves futile as he is just considered insane. Muriel, Seymour's wife, ... Show more content on ...
All those whom Seymour knows––Muriel and her family, the psychiatrist, and Sybil's mother––
reflect the oppressive adult world where true value is lost. On the contrary, the innocence and value
is still visible and pure within children. Salinger uses a young Sybil to symbolize the human
condition for Seymour. By speaking with Sybil, Seymour reconnects to the innocent, childlike state,
but this is short lived for when she leaves him, he is forced to submerge himself back into Muriel's
superficial life. Though briefly bringing Seymour hope and happiness, Sybil already resembles the
tarnishing spirit of man after she returns to the 'real world' of superficial paradise from the
imaginative dream Seymour and her have established: "'Goodbye,' said Sybil, and ran without regret
in the direction of the hotel" (Salinger 9). Salinger uses Sybil in reference to Greek mythology "like
the sibyls of old, she is the unconscious oracle through whom prophecy is revealed, the instrument
of truth; what she reveals to Seymour is the finality of that unbridgeable gap between human
aspiration and human possibility. Seymour's suicide is his summing up" (Lane). In the end,
Seymour's search for opportunity and innocence proves futile and his final attempt for true bliss or
nirvana imminent. Salinger often associates the phoniness of adulthood and materialism with the
constant complication of true communication. For the motif of
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The Problems And Challenges Of Performance Management
Part 3 Empirical chapter
Discussion of the Problems and Challenges of performance management
Performance management mostly is not successful as expected in the public sector. According to
Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary for Scotland (2005) a thematic inspection of
performance management noted that though performance management was "substantially
developed", a long way is still needed to go before everyone was responsible for providing a good
service and "many areas of performance management in the early stages of implementation existed
as well". There are many implementation reasons causing these problems, for instance, the reduction
of government spending (Gianakis, 2002), or purely a tool for management rather than a tool for ...
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Technical problems refers to the indicators and the data, information collection, interpretation and
analysis. They are preponderantly difficult problems (Pollanen, 2005; Adcroft and Willis, 2005) and
especially in terms of data quality (Black et al., 2001), the choice of indicators (Black et al., 2001;
Bevan and Hood, 2006; Carvalho et al., 2006), validation (Evans, 2004; Carlin, 2004), reporting
(Pollanen, 2005; Adcroft and Willis, 2005) and usage and interpretation (Neely et al., 1995; Wilcox
and Bourne, 2003). Nevertheless, organisations are focusing on improving the technical problems of
their indicators (Pollitt, 2005). Secondly, systems problems are related to the "bigger picture" issues,
i.e. integrating performance systems into the original systems (Gianakis, 2002), a lack of strategic
view which encourages short–term thinking (Neely et al., 1995), the ambiguity of performance
objectives (Pollanen, 2005), sub–optimisation (Neely et al., 1995; Pollitt, 2000; Gianakis, 2002;
Adcroft and Willis, 2005) and the cost of performance management (Train and Williams, 2000;
Holzer and Yang, 2004; Pollanen, 2005). The third kind of problem are the significant people issues
and their involvement inside the PM system among inter multiple stakeholders (Black et al., 2001;
Wang and Berman, 2001; Gianakis, 2002; McAdam et al., 2005). These issues can be caused by a
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The Teapot Dome Scandal Of 1923-1924
1. The Teapot Dome Scandal of 1923–1924 was about Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall when he
accepted bribes to lease government property to private oil companies. This was a big deal after he
handed a Wyoming oil reserve to the Mammoth Oil Company. This case was huge because he was
the first cabinet member to ever go to jail.
2. More than 1 million Blacks moved from the South during the Great Migration of the 1920s to the
north because of more job opportunities, education, men could vote, and they wanted to get away
from the violence of lynching and segregation.
3. The Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was a Black Nationalist group led by
Marcus Garvey. He founded the UNIA in Jamaica in 1914. The UNIA consisted of ordinary ... Show
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Alfred E. Smith was elected governor of New York. During his governorship, he was the leader of
progressive reform and civil rights. He was also the first Roman Catholic to run for president.
9. The stock market crash of 1929 was caused by the rapid increase of debt and large bank loans.
10. President Hoover fail to effectively deal with the economic crisis because he didn't really know
what to do. All his efforts seemed to fail. Many Americans thought that Hoover wasn't doing
anything to fight the economic crisis but he was. He tried voluntarism, exhortation, and limited
government intervention.
11. The bonus army of 1932 was a group of World War 1 veterans and their families who gathered at
Washington DC demanding cash for their services. President Hoover opposed the bonus bill because
he was concerned about the federal budget.
12. Franklin Roosevelt defeated President Hoover in the election of 1932 because he promised to
use the power of the federal government to fight and decrease the economic crisis. He also
supported direct relief payments for the unemployed people. He promised reform.
13. The Twentieth Amendment to the US Constitution set the inauguration day as January 20th,
congress shall meet once every year on January 3rd, if anything happens to the president–elect, the
vice president shall take his
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Immigration To America After 1924
Immigration The United States has the most open immigration policy in the world according to the
Center for Immigration Studies. Immigration is regulated by the federal government since 1875, and
the immigration service was established in 1891 to handle the increase in immigration into the
United States. The amount of people immigrating to the United States continued to increase, so
Congress introduced a new immigration policy called the National Origins Quota system which was
passed in 1921 and revised in 1924. This new law limited the amount of people immigration into the
United States by giving each nationality a quota based on its representation in the U.S census, and in
1924 the Border Patrol was created as a part of the Immigration service. Over the next 40 years after
1924 there was little immigration, during the Great Depression net immigration actually dropped
below zero. After World War II immigration continued to remain low because of the National
Origins Quota system, and in 1952 the National Origins Quota system and all of the other
immigration and naturalization laws were combined into the Immigration and Nationality Act. The
national origins system was replaced by Preference system in 1965 which was created to unite
immigrant families and attract skilled immigrants to America; now people who are immigrating to
America mostly come from Asia and Latin America, the new preference system created in 1965 also
limited the visas that
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The 1920-1924: A Booming Nation
1920–1924: A Booming Nation The years between 1920 and 1924 were the beginning of a new era
in American History. The early 1920s are remembered for the new freedoms and prosperity of a
rising nation. America took on a new morale, and life was slowly but surely getting easier. This
period of history introduced new technologies, scientific advancements, and the new laws of a
changing government. Also, entertainment, especially music and arts, were ever changing. Imagine
life without a car. For America owning a car was becoming a reality in the early 1920s. More and
more families were buying cars, and the horse and buggy was becoming obsolete because of a man
named Henry Ford. By June 4, 1924, Ford Motor Company had rolled its ten–millionth car off the
assembly line after being started as recently as 1913 ("Ford"). ... Show more content on ...
Walking into typical middle class American family home, one would probably find a washing
machine, vacuum, and maybe a refrigerator. A refrigerator was not very common because they were
a brand new technology that was fairly expensive. For example, the price of a Kelvinator fridge in
1922 was $714 ("History of").
One of the most important scientific strides in the 1920s was the broadcast of the first radio station.
In November of 1920 KDKA of Pittsburgh produced the world's first commercial radio broadcast,
announcing Warren G. Harding the 29th president of the United States (Skretvedt). This
development marked a turning point in American life. Radio because a prominent form of
entertainment and communication and help shape the U.S. in the
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A Perfect Day For Bananafish By Salinger
In A Perfect Day for Bananafish it starts out with the wife of a veteran talking to her mother. The
wife and husband took a vacation by themselves. While talking to her mother, Muriel's mother is
worried about her because she doesn't think Muriel is safe, and should be with him. The mother
thinks Seymour, the husband, is unstable after the war. After Muriel insures her mother Seymour
and her are fine. Seymour is on the beach relaxing, when a little girl, he knows, comes up to him to
talk to him. While talking Seymour tells the little girls about bananafish, and how they go into a
hole that has bananas and eats them all. But they eat so many that they can't get out and die in there.
After the little girl says she finds one Seymour says it's ... Show more content on ...
One author states in the quotations "Such innocence and freedom from the hypocrisy of adulthood
has vanished from his own life" ("A Perfect Day for Bananafish"). This author is uncovering when
people get older they lose how innocent and free they were as a child. They get too consumed in
how society makes adults seem, they want to be just like that. So they lose themselves in order to fit
in. To show what happens when some people realize this and can not handle it "Then he went over
and sat down on the unoccupied twin bed, look at the girl, aimed the pistol, and fired a bullet
through his right temple" (Salinger ). The author is illustrating that he started to get pulled into
adulthood. When someone gets pulled into adulthood they feel the only way to grow up is to follow
what everyone else is doing and not follow what they want to do themselves. Seymour mostly hangs
out with children because he can see the innocence and purity inside of them. After the war he
realizes he was starting to lose his own childhood innocence and freedom and did not want that to
happen. Since he felt that way, he thought the only way to fix it and not get pulled into society was
to kill himself. The author seems to be exploring the idea that as people get older they start to be
sucked into the idea of how they should look and act. Nobody keeps their innocence from a child
and do what they want to do. Seymour is disappointed at that
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The No Child Left Behind Act
Traditionally, educators have been held to some degree of expectation regarding student learning
and increasing student aptitude; however, public expectations increased to a new level as a result of
the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act [NCLB] (2002). NCLB was passed to ensure
educational equity and increased academic achievement for all students. The legislation charged
school district leaders with holding schools accountable for alignment with national and/or state
standards that often mandated significant gains in student academic achievement, particularly for
low–performing student populations, and that is measured by student performance on high–stakes
tests. The test results created the data analyzed to design ... Show more content on
Effective leadership has been identified as a critical component for guiding school improvement;
however, leaders who fail to establish a vision supported by thorough analysis of student
performance data will be unlikely to focus instructional changes in critically needed areas.
The use of various types of technology, timely turn around of data reports, different levels of access
to data sets, time restrictions and insufficient technology skills training (Lachat & Smith, 2005;
Marsh et al., 2006; Wayman et al., 2006; Wayman, Jimerson, & Cho, 2011) are conflicting variables
that confound creation of a clear vision and stable infrastructure for the implementation of sound
technological practices. Many technology–related issues can contribute to confusion rather than
focus on the critical areas needing improvement.
Additional challenges with successfully examining multiple assessments include the lack of skills,
know–how, and professional development for understanding the implications of data results and the
lack of guidance in developing timely and appropriate responses for modifications in pedagogy
(Wayman, 2005; Marsh et al., 2006). Some researchers argue these are a direct consequence of data
as a less than significant part of school cultures (Ingram, Louis, & Schroeder, 2004; Lachat &
Smith, 2005). Assessments are beneficial to provide a current review of
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mini case solution
The keys to the company's future value and growth are profitability (ROE) and the reinvestment of
retained earnings. Retained earnings are determined by dividend payout. The spreadsheet sets ROE
at 15% for the five years from 2006 to 2010. If Reeby Sports will lose its competitive edge by 2011,
then it cannot continue earning more than its 10% cost of capital. Therefore ROE is reduced to 10%
starting in 2011. The payout ratio is set at .30 from 2006 onwards. Notice that the long–term growth
rate, which settles in between 2011 and 2012, is ROE × ( 1 – dividend payout ratio ) = .10 × (1 –
.30) = .07. The spreadsheet allows you can vary ROE and the dividend payout ratio separately for
2006–2010 and for 2011–2012. But let's start with ... Show more content on ...
Notice that the PV in 2004 remains at $16.82. This makes sense, since the value of a firm should not
depend on the investment horizon chosen for valuation. We have reduced ROE to the 10% cost of
capital after 2010, assuming that the company will have exhausted valuable growth opportunities by
that date. With PVGO = 0, PV = EPS/r. So we could discard the constant–growth DCF formula and
just divide EPS in 2011 by the cost of capital: The keys to the company's future value and growth
are profitability (ROE) and the reinvestment of retained earnings. Retained earnings are determined
by dividend payout. The spreadsheet sets ROE at 15% for the five years from 2006 to 2010. If
Reeby Sports will lose its competitive edge by 2011, then it cannot continue earning more than its
10% cost of capital. Therefore ROE is reduced to 10% starting in 2011. The payout ratio is set at .30
from 2006 onwards. Notice that the long–term growth rate, which settles in between 2011 and 2012,
is ROE × ( 1 – dividend payout ratio ) = .10 × (1 – .30) = .07. The spreadsheet allows you can vary
ROE and the dividend payout ratio separately for 2006–2010 and for 2011–2012. But let's start with
the initial input values. To calculate share value, we have to estimate a horizon
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What Is The Theme Of The Catcher In The Rye
The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, is one of the most controversial novels ever written. It has
been banned and unbanned many times and has been constantly cited for its foul language, lacking
plot, and unclear morals. While the novel may have flaws, one would be hard–pressed to find the
perfect novel. It is also important to understand the context under which the novel was written and
the ideas and feelings the author was trying to convey. Once these are understood, it becomes
increasingly clear that J.D. Salinger's novel, The Catcher in the Rye, definitely still has a place in
school curricula for its unique style. Many teenagers today struggle with depression or any
condition lying on that spectrum, and one of the greatest senses of comfort one can have is the
knowledge that they are not alone in their struggles. Despite being drunk, Mr. Antolini eloquently
highlights this point when talking to Holden later in the novel: Many, many men have been just as
troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their
troubles. You'll learn from them – if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer,
someone will learn something from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn't
education. It's history. It's poetry." (Salinger 189) During one of their most impressionable stages of
life, a connection with Holden's feelings can be invaluable for teenagers when they hit their lows.
It's not often that
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The Leopold and Loeb Case of 1924 Essay
The Leopold and Loeb case of 1924 is nationally recognized to be the first of its kind. It was a crime
committed by two wealthy teenage boys, Richard Leopold and Nathan Loeb, who committed
murder with what seemed like no motive at all. This case was a catalyst for social interpretation as
journalists played a major part in the discovery of details of the crime. Often time mixing fact with
fiction, this case was talked about well beyond the years after it was laid to rest. Throughout the
years there has been lots of speculation as to why Leopold and Loeb did what they did and many
topics have been discussed; all the way from modern childhood to homosexuality. This case delved
into every aspect of the boy's lives and revealed new truths ... Show more content on ...
One journalist stated, "The problem of sensationalism resolves itself largely into a question of
balance ." One major reason why sensationalism was a huge factor in this case was because there
was no outright probable motive for the murder of Bobby Frank. People could not grasp that the
boys committed such a heinous crime just to fulfill psychological desires. This was a splinter in the
case that affected popular culture, crime, and law. Almost every other culprit in US history had a
motive for their crimes, and it confused the public masses and made it difficult to understand the
crime because this time there was none. Leopold and Loeb had no reason to kidnap and kill Bobby
Frank. They both came from wealthy families and did not need the ransom money they were asking
for. They were seen as unlikely killers and this created a problem to the public. If these two boys
could kill for no reason at all, could other children do the same thing? The exploitation of the case
turned from sensationalism to dangers of modern youth slowly but progressively. The journalist's
began to see that the case was losing its popularity and believed they needed to create a reflection of
modern life. In the beginning the journalists started exploiting the case like every other case by
showing the Frank family–to the public–– in their fragile state as they came to terms with the loss of
their son. This usually sparked interest in the public to feel sorrow for
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Kellogg's Company
The Kellogg's Company has several different kinds of foods. They have breakfast foods as well as
crackers snacks, vegetarian foods and organic foods as well as frozen foods. The Kellogg's
Company is worldwide. A lot of people love the Kellogg's food lines. These foods are good if you
are running late for school, work or an appointment; you can just grab them and go.
Kellogg's Company
Looking into the year–over–year statements I have used the Kellogg's Company annual statements
for three years and December 31 2007 Reclassified USD, January 3 2009, January 2 2010 and
January 1 2011. The year–over–year change had very little change to it.
Income Statement:
The revenue for the ... Show more content on ...
Kellogg's has established themselves as the leader with health–conscious innovative breakfast
choices such as Special K, All Bran and nineteen cereals (Kellogg's). While expanding yet Kellogg's
has come up with vegetarian–based food groups, Worthington Foods founded in 1999 and the
organic–based food, Kasha Company had been founded in 2000 (Kellogg's).
Over the years of 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 20010 the Kellogg's net sales were up by four
percent, the operating profit was up by three percent, net income attributable to Kellogg's Company
was up by five percent, basic per share accounts were up by seven percent, the diluted per share
amount was up seven percent, dividends paid per share were up by eight percent and the earnings
per share (diluted) were also up seven percent. In conclusion the Kellogg's company is a big known
company around the world; they have lots and lots of food, I never realized how many different
items that they had until I had chosen to use them for a project. It is easy to just grab a pop–tart in
the mornings for the kids as you run them to the bus stop. Kellogg's also has other foods such as
snack foods for the kids to grab. A lot of people probably eat Kellogg's foods about every day and
probably don't even realize that they are eating them. They do have a lot of good foods.
Kellogg's Company
Bloomberg Business week Kellogg CO (K: New York) (2011) Retrieved on May 22, 2011 from:
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Immigration Act Of 1924
We have all heard the phrase, In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. This phrase refers to when
Christopher Columbus discovered the "Americas". Historically the Native Americans were the first
to settle in the "Americas" thousands of years ago. The United States of America was founded on
Immigration. At this very time there are roughly 42.1 million immigrants, which is around 13% of
the 322 million people that live in the United States (Census Bureau). Immigration in the United
States has been a controversial and sensitive subject for quite some time.
In 1856 there was a record written by William Bromwell, who was with the Department of the State,
that documented for 36 years all incoming immigrants as far as where they came from and how
many people there ... Show more content on ...
This was the first comprehensive law that outlined who could and who could not enter the United
States legally (Immigration). After this act was integrated there was an issue of how many people
were entering this country alongside who was allowed to enter. In 1924 there was another act passed
that limited the number of people that were allowed to immigrate to this country and also a
national–origin quota was implemented (Immigration).
In 1952 the Immigration and Nationality Act was put into place to remove restrictions on Asian
immigration but still upholding immigration quotas that were established with the Immigration Act
of 1924 (Immigration). There was an amendment to this act in 1965. This act was written to rid the
quotas of countries of origin.
For years immigration has been a sensitive and highly discussed topic in the news. People are
illegally coming into this country. Immigrants who come to this country illegally are putting
themselves and their family's lives at risk in doing so. Immigration from Mexico is a great example
of this. People are unsafely crossing the border from Mexico to the United States and are dying as a
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Immigration Policy Of 1924
Immigration is the act of coming to a country of which one is not a native to, usually for permanent
residence. The immigration policy of the united states is very extensive and complicated. The
immigration policy has been disputed by many, those who agree with it and those who do not agree
with it. I for one disagree with the immigration policy ranging from Job displacement, all the way to
the border security, even the Pathway to Citizenship. In 1924 the original priority of border control
was to prevent terrorists and terrorists weapons, including weapons of mass destruction, from
entering the United States, but due to the influx of many illegal aliens trying to escape to a new life,
border control has changed their priorities. Border control
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Robert Clancy's Immigration Act Of 1924
Robert H. Clancy, a Republican congressman from Detroit, Michigan who attended the University
of Michigan. He was one of the six persons who voted against the approval of the Immigration Act
of 1924. During Clancy's speech on April 8, 1924 he addressed the Congress, in particular the
people who voted for the ratification of the Immigration Act of 1924, which was May 26, 1924.
First and foremost, the Immigration Act of 1924 limited the amount of immigrants allowed into the
United States due to the fear of radicalism, especially after the Red Scare of 1919 occurred when the
anarchists bombed the United States. The Americans who supported the, so called Johnson–Reed
Act believed that Anglo–Saxton superiority and the jobs meant for Americans
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The Labour Uprising Of 1924- A Probe Essay
THE LABOUR UPRISING OF 1924– A PROBE Aashima Chargotra1, Nitin Chandel2, Ph.D.
Research Scholar, Department of History, University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Cellular: 9797693019 Abstract: – This study analyses the labour
uprising in the Jammu and Kashmir State and its varied repercussions. For the first time the
labourers stirred in an open revolt against the oppressive behaviour of the officials and protested
against the working conditions of the factory. This paper is an endeavour to depict the labour unrest
due to genre glitches of labourers like poverty, backwardness, illiteracy, insufficiency of wages,
corruption of the officials and oppression of the scrutinizing staff. The article enumerates the
significance of the agitation, modes of protests, meetings, petitions, grievances and tussle for their
rights which equip grounds for other labour movements in the state. The Muslim organisation inside
and outside the state support and promulgates its compass till it burst in the form of labour uprising.
A brief sketch of the evolution of class consciousness among the labourers had been established
which set an example for the downtrodden masses to fight for their rights. The agitation was an
eruption against the existing economic organisation of the state and their anguish against the
princely rule of the state. Key words: – Labour, Silk, Factory, wages, officials and grievances.
INTRODUCTION: – The Non–Cooperation
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Immigration Restriction Law Of 1924 Essay

  • 1. Immigration Restriction Law of 1924 Essay The immigration act of 1924 was really the first permanent limitation on immigration. This limitation was like a quota system that only aloud two percent instead of the three percent of each foreign born group living in the United states in 1890. Like it say in Document A "Under the act of 1924 the number of each nationality who may be admitted annually is limited to two per cent of the population of such nationality resident in the United States according to the census of 1890." Using the 1890 census instead of newer up–to–date ones they excluded a lot of new immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe that came by in resent years (This is shown awfully well in Document B). This acts annual quota changed from 358,000 in 1921 to 164,000 ... Show more content on ... He also talks about how we should just close the doors and were fine the way we are but of course during WW I and II, the United States recruited thousands of temporary workers from Mexico to harvest the crops. We had labor short farms and we needed other countries to come help us with workers. Their was also considerable amount of pressure from such groups as the KKK and other white groups. These were the most prejudice people that were in America at the time. Document J shows says it the best when Hiram W. Evans said "we of the Klan admit that we are intolerant and narrow in a certain sense.....We are intolerant of everything that strikes at the foundation of out race, our country, or our freedom or worship.....We are prejudiced against any attempt to use the privileges and opportunities which aliens hold only through out generosity." He say that they should only have privileges because the white Americans give it to them and that is so wrong to ever say or even believe. The KKK really just feared the new immigrants that they would take power over the protestant white males. The other aspect is that the new immigrants were just walking all over American rule and not caring about laws and things. It states in Document F "We must rid our minds of the notion that America is some kind of world ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. The Immigration Act Of 1924 Equality of Immigrants When you to go to the airport you see many different people. Either they are dressed differently, talk differently ,or even just look different. These people are mostly likely Immigrants, an Immigrant is a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. These people come from all over the world and migrate due to a multitude of push and pull factors. Certain push factors would be unemployment, lack of security and poor safety, war, and more. However a certain place may offer better opportunities such as Fertile land, better climate, greater wealth, Political security etc. Due to the country 's status of wealth, their immigration records may flux. You sometimes hear people say that they were born in America so they are a native but in the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt "Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists." According to The Immigration Act of 1924 article, the U.S. government had limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the country through a national origins quota. The quota provided immigration visas to two percent of the total number of people of each nationality in the United States as of the 1890 national census. It completely excluded immigrants from Asia. This act allowed the U.S. to grow because the Immigrants who came brought business. For instance a migrant worker bring business by allowing more trade with their home countries and if they ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Brant Case Analysis Essay CASE: BRANT FREEZER COMPANY Question 1: When comparing performance during the first five months of 2004 with performance in 2003, which warehouse shows the most improvement? St. Louis is the only one showing any improvement, using cost per unit shipped as the performance criterion. The cost for the first five months of 2003 was $9.97 and for the first five months of 2004, it fell to $9.07. Question 2: When comparing performance during the first five months of 2004 with performance in 2003, which warehouse shows the poorest change in performance? The worst change is the company's own warehouse (located in Fargo), where costs per unit shipped increased 31%. Among the public warehouses used, Denver was the worst in terms of cost per unit ... Show more content on ... J.Q. assumes that the proportion of costs occurring during the first five months of 2003 should be in the same proportion in 2004. (1) (2) (3) (4) Warehouse location | % 2003 costs occurring in first five months | Actual costs for first five months of 2004 ($) | Projected total costs in 2004 ($) | Projected costs in the last six months of 2004 ($) | Atlanta | 22.88 | 40,228 | 175,822 | 116,204 | Boston | 44.00 | 29,416 | 66,885 | 32,085 | Chicago | 53.43 | 141,222 | 264,312 | 105,556 | Denver | 35.00 | 14,900 | 42,571 | 23,714 | Fargo | 54.00 | 9,605 | 17,787 | 7,012 | Los Angeles | 72.20 | 93,280 | 129,197 | 30,781 | Portland | 49.30 | 42,616 | 86,442 | 37,559 | St. Louis | 44.80 | 19,191 | 42,837 | 20,265 | The projected costs in 2004 (column 3) are calculated by dividing the actual costs for the first five months of 2004 (column 2) by the percent of 2003 costs that occurred in the first five months (column 1). For example, Atlanta's actual 2004 costs of $40,228 divided by 2003's 22.88% yields projected 2004 costs of approximately $175,822. The projected costs in the last six months of 2004 (column 4) are calculated by subtracting the actual costs for the first five months of 2004 (column 2) from 2004's projected total costs (column 3). This gives us the projected costs for the last seven months of 2004. However, we are only interested in the last six months of 2004, so ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Simplicity By William Zinsser William Zinsser is an American writer who wrote an informational guide to writing. He made a decision to revise a specific chapter called Simplicity. In the year 1980, the first version of Simplicity was created, then came 1998 followed up by 2006. In the first version, 1980, Zinsser created a long and wordy paper. He used specific examples but included details that were unnecessary. This is ironic because the paper is about how writers can write unnecessary words and phrases creating complicated sentences. He was not inclusive of gender, naming men as writers and only using wives as examples of distraction. This draft had a complete count of 20 paragraphs. The 1998 version had few changes when compared to the 1980's version. There ... Show more content on ... (Paragraph 2–2006) He changed viscous language to clotted language. This makes sense, he used a more commonly used word to this time period making it readable to a younger generation of readers and writers. (Paragraph 2–2006) He took out "–on Christmas Eve or any other eve–," this made sense because it was an extra unneeded detail. The sentence made complete sense just as "what father or mother can put together a child's toy from the instructions on the box?". In paragraph 4 he changed what was originally "the president of a major university" in versions from 1980 and 98 to "the president of my university" in the 2006 version, making a personal connection with the reader. (Paragraph 8– 2006) He completely redid the paragraph. In the 1980 and 1994 version, the 8th paragraph was completely unneeded and included a story that seemed unrelated to the topic of writing. It started as "I love to be alone". The 2006 version of this paragraph wasn't completely off topic from the original. I still believe this paragraph isn't needed, even with the shortening. With the 2006 version he has taken out the "he's" and switched to "they". This allows women to feel included, making it more likely for a female to enjoy the writing. It felt noninclusive in the first two versions. In the newest version (paragraph 10) he included devices relevant to that time period. Instead of saying "he," he said a man or woman could be distracted by many forces ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Paris 1924 Olympics Paris' 1924 Olympic was different than any other previous Olympics. Sport had become a universally popular activity, particularly as a spectator event, and around 1,000 journalists were present in Paris to report back around the world. There were 44 nations and 3,089 athletes took part, and although the Games are seen as being the first truly modern Olympics, they were not complete, as only 135 of the competitors were women. Most of the athletes were hosted in the first ever Olympic village, a village of temporary wooden constructions that had been put up alongside the stadium. A couple of Paris' 1924 Olympic legacies have been retained. The Paris Olympic Stadium was the venue which hosted the opening and closing ceremony of Paris' 1924 Olympics. ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Inward FDI and Innovation in the Indian Service Sector Inward FDI and innovation in the Indian service sector Bikramjit Sinha This section analyses the linkage between inward FDI flows and innovation activity in Indian service sector. The focus is on service sector since there has been unprecedented inflow of FDI in services in recent years. FDI in Services In 2000, share of FDI in services to total FDI inflows in India was just 1.8% and afterwards it grew steadily to reach a record all–time high of 34.7% during 2006 but declined afterwards. Of the cumulative FDI in services during 2000–2010, financial services accounted for bulk of the inflows (41.7%) followed by banking services (9.6%), and both non–financial services and R&D sharing 9.5% each (Table 1). Share of financial services, ... Show more content on ... RTL intensity of services BEs was almost equal with R&D intensity and stood at 0.5% over the reference period. Within the services, RTL intensity of financial services was higher than the total service RTL intensity (Fig. 3). On an average 0.6% of the BEs were engaged in procuring knowledge from foreign countries which has from 1.2% in 2001 to 0.57% in 2010 (Table 2). FRTL intensity was highest during 2002 (0.4%) which after passing through a fluctuating trend culminates to all–time low of 0.05% in 2009, probably coinciding with the recent global recession. Only financial services, outsourcing and other services are acquiring technology from abroad. FRTL intensity of only outsourcing services was higher than the sectoral intensity all along the reference period (Fig. 4). T3 32 0.8 Financial Others 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Outsourcing SERVICES Fig 4. Trend of FRTL intensity in the services sector To sum up, the trend of share of FDI inflows in different services to total FDI in services does not go well with the corresponding innovation pattern (Table 3). Financial and banking sector, recipients of maximum FDI flows hardly show any innovation activity. Table 3: Selected innovation indicators of the services sector during 2001–2010 Sub–sector Financial Non–Financial Banking ... Get more on ...
  • 11. List of Important Topics for Essays LIST OF IMPORTANT TOPICS FOR ESSAYS It is the list of those essays which has been asked in previous css exams and intend to b most important. By practicing those essays u can achieve robust grip in essay. the following essays may not repeat but surely play crucial role to enlarge idea that how a css essay paper formatted. 01. Dilemma of the water and energy crisis in Pakistan (2003) 02. Art critics and reviewers (2003) 03. Alleviation of poverty (2005) 04. Persecuted poor women (2005) 05. Foreign direct investment (F.D.I) in Pakistan (2006) 06. Global warming (2006) 07. Personalization of Pakistani politics (2006) 08. Formal and casual dressing codes (2003) 09. Liberalism (2006) 10. Existentialism (2003) 11. Socio–economic challenges ... Show more content on ... Young habits die–hard (2003) 04. We grow too old soon and too late smart (2006) 05. Every art is an imitation of nature (2000) 06. "Brain like heart" go where they are appreciated (2006) 07. Every solution breeds new problem (2006) 08. "of all the needs a book has, the chief need is that it be readable" (2000) 09. Turn not thy check in scorn toward folk nor walk with pertness in the land ( Al–Quran) (2001) 10. Education ahs for its object the formation of character (2000) 11. Justice delayed is justice denied (2001) 12. And who is saved from narrow–mindedness.......such are they who are successful ( Al–Quran ) (1999) 13. Man was born free and every where he is in chains (1996) 14. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes (2001) 15. None but the brave deserve the fair (1997) 16. Self–conceit may lead to self destruction (2001) 17. Who eats the fruit should at least plant the seed (2001) 18. The cream rises to the top, so does the scum (1999) 19. Man gets what he strives for ( Al–Quran ) (1996) 20. It is not only fine feather the makes fine birds (2001) 21. For forms, of government , Lets fools contest, whatever is administered best is best (1999) 22. The manner in which it is given is worth more than the gift (1997) 23. I disapprove what u say but i ll defend to death your right to say it (1996) 24. The best plea to find a helping hand is at the end of your arms (2001) 25. How can a man indulge in ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Violence Numbers in the Middle East While the rest of the world appears to be seeing decreasing levels of violence, it appears the Middle East has yet to experience this same trend. The past couple of decades have seen either a decrease in violence and types of violence that the West has not experienced for a time. This then brings the questions, is the Middle East more violent or is nothing more than Islamophobia. One way to answer this question is to look at the numbers. In Pinker's, The Better Angels of our Nature, he compares the number of interstate conflicts with the number of Islamic conflicts. By this graph, it can be clearly seen that since the 1990s, the number of interstate conflicts has been decreasing, but the number of Islamic conflicts has not. With the use of this data, he shows that the Middle East has not been following the trends of less violence as compared with the rest of the world. However, is this data alone to say that the Middle East is more violent? There are a number of issues need to be looked at besides conflict. These include other types of violence. A type of violence that can be quantified is homicide rates. In comparing homicide rates from the Middle East with other areas of the world like Western powers of the United States, Canada, and England an interesting set of date emerge. Data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) from the years 1999– 2011 will be used. United States 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Rate 5.6 5.5 ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Differences Between Entrepreneurship And Leadership Entrepreneurship scholars have highlighted the differences between entrepreneurial leaders and other leaders in three domains. First, entrepreneurial leaders possess inherent characteristics that differentiate them from other leaders and motivate and enable them to enter the challenging process of leading entrepreneurial activities (Chen, 2007; Kuratko, 2007; Fernald et al., 2005; Gupta et al., 2004; Nicholson, 1998). Entrepreneurial characteristics which are most referred to with respect to both entrepreneurial leaders and organisations are innovativeness, proactiveness and risk taking (Chen, 2007; Kuratko, 2007; Gupta et al., 2004; Covin & Slevin, 1991). Innovativeness is the ability and tendency of entrepreneurial leaders to think creatively ... Show more content on ... For example, Fernald et al. (2005) argue that most of the tasks and roles of entrepreneurs are leadership–based and Cogliser and Brigham (2004) emphasise that organisational leaders require entrepreneurial competencies to deal with the difficulties and impediments in the environment of current organisations. Specifically, scholars argue that entrepreneurial leaders' competencies in anticipating the future, exploring new opportunities, creating novel ideas and providing an environment for staff that encourages and supports generating and implementing new ideas help organisational leaders face problems and achieve their vision (Burns, 2005; Gupta et al., 2004). Various factors such as personal characteristics, organisational and task performance demands and environmental factors affect the process of influencing followers that makes leadership as a highly challenging role for entrepreneurial leaders (Leitch et al., in press; Kempster & Cope, 2010; Kempster, 2009, 2006). Despite these differences, however, there are also key similarities between entrepreneurial leadership and the terms that construct the concept: entrepreneurship and leadership. For example, Fernald et al. (2005) argue that most of the tasks and roles of entrepreneurs are leadership–based and Cogliser and Brigham (2004) emphasise that organisational leaders require entrepreneurial competencies to deal with the difficulties and impediments in the environment of current organisations. Specifically, scholars argue that entrepreneurial leaders' competencies in anticipating the future, exploring new opportunities, creating novel ideas and providing an environment for staff that encourages and supports generating and implementing new ideas help organisational leaders face problems and achieve their vision (Burns, 2005; Gupta et ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Analysis Of The Catcher In The Rye By J. D. Salinger A lost sixteen year old boy deals with death and trying to find his place in the world. Despite growing up in a privileged white household, Holden Caulfield is still crippled with feeling invisible. In Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, he makes Holden come to life by creating a personality that is easily relatable to rebellious teenage boys. And though this work caused much controversy, Salinger was able to capture the struggles of not wanting to grow up and the preservation of innocence. In The Catcher in the Rye, J.D Salinger creates a character that reflects his own difficulties growing up in a privileged white household in the 1950s while struggling with the the difficult realities of the adult world and finding his place in the it. ... Show more content on ... It's so phony" (Salinger 115). Holden is different from most teenage boys, he is overwhelmed with the feelings of loss when he does not even know who he is yet. At one point, Holden feels like he is disappearing into the adult world. To guarantee his place in the it, Holden calls out to Allie "don't let me disappear. Please Allie" (Salinger 213). His fear of conformity is another reason why this book was so controversial. Parents felt threatened by Salinger's views on a non conformist society and contradicted their beliefs (Weinstein 125). People did not want to listen to Salinger's views on society, because he threatened the new, stable, 1950's American society. In the meantime, teenagers during this time were becoming more rebellious and defiant. Holden exemplified the kid that parents did not want their child to turn into or the kid that they did not want their child hanging with. He is described to be a "troubled teen trying to work his way through adolescence in a world peopled by phonies" (Kahane). The phonies of the world are those people who surrendered their individuality to conform to society's definition of normal. Holden's rebellious nature is a result of defying the social norms and pressures of his time. He is thought to be a dangerous thinker who would endanger the new America. And because of his beliefs, he feels he is ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Immigration Act Of 1924 Throughout history, immigration has remained a complex and influential piece of presidential policy–from the Age of Mass Migration, which led to the Immigration Act of 1924, to present day policy, which may result in the construction of a border wall. The debate on immigration remains contentious, inspiring emotional and empirical arguments by politicians and the public alike. Many of these aspects are discussed and defined within Abramitzky, Boustan, and Eriksson's paper "A Nation of Immigrants: Assimilation and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration" and Peri's paper "Immigrants, Productivity, and Labor Markets," which analyze American immigration, both past and present. From these papers, it is evident that adopting a nativist ... Show more content on ... It does not, however, confirm the belief in the frequency that appears to drive support of the Trump administration's immigration policy. Although events such as San Bernardino in 2015 provide anecdotal evidence of immigrants committing acts of extreme violence, these events are extremely rare. Nonetheless, tragedies such as these inevitably grab headlines and capture the attention of millions of Americans across the country. Tragedies such as the attack in San Bernardino hold strong emotional appeal to proponents for restrictive immigration policy. However, these rare and uncontrollable events should not provide the base of logic for America's national immigration policy as they are not a proxy for immigrant behavior as a whole. Various statistics regarding crime among immigrants may reveal an underlying reason for lower crime rates, which is that the majority of immigrants understand the implications of committing a crime and know that it would not be in their best interest as a new member of the country they wish to call home. Natives, moreover, have crime rates five times that of immigrants. This demonstrates the potential positive externalities that immigrants contribute to the social sphere by lowering the crime rate and acting as models within urban America. Concern over the effect immigrants have on the earnings prospects of natives has been another major contributor in fueling a more nativist immigration policy. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Immigration Act Of 1924 Dbq Essay Since the beginning of times up until present time the United States Congress has always passed laws to limit immigrants rights. Immigrants who came to America for a better life have gone through many struggles due to the restrictions against them. Precedently, with the Chinese Exclusion Act, which prohibited Chinese immigrants to enter the United States. Another act was the Gentlemen's Agreement Act between Japan and America, where Japan agreed to limit immigration, only if President Theodore Roosevelt agreed to limit restrictions on Japanese immigrants. Then in 1924, Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1924. The act limited the number of aliens that are allowed in the U.S. Congress passed this act because they felt that immigrant threaten America's "old ways." Congress wanted American to be "pure" again, by doing so, they had to get rid of many immigrants. The factors that led to Congress to pass the Immigration Act were to maintain American traditions, maintain jobs for American citizens, and repair the income. ... Show more content on ... Immigrants came to the United States for a better life, civil rights and better economic opportunities. "... the one great reason for coming to is that they believe that on the wage they can receive in America they can establish a higher standard that the one they were accustomed to" (document C). For this very reason, many immigrants came to America and took native citizens jobs. This seemed to be a problem because it left many American citizens without jobs. (O.I) Since immigrants would work for a lower wage, employers didn't mind hiring them, since they're saving money. However, this made the national income worse since a substantial number of legal citizens did not have jobs. America's job market and national income was very low and didn't improve, causing an individuals personal income to lower as well (document ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Sense Of Belonging And Interpersonal Connectivity The sense of belonging and interpersonal connectivity is a widely researched topic in psychology, but controversies have been surrounding it among different researchers (Ma, 2003). Also, it has been defined in various ways . According to Vallerand, sense of belonging has to do with the feeling of connectivity with others in the same environment, often involving identifying oneself with a particular group. When the sense of belonging is deeply rooted within a group, one feels accepted, loved and respected in self– image, personally and what they believe in (Booker, 2004; Goodenow, 1993). Baumeister and Leary (1995) acknowledged that sense of belonging has two features: contact and interactions at regular basis and the context of love and care. Baumeister and Leary said that "human beings have a pervasive drive to form and maintain at least a minimum quantity of lasting, positive, and significant interpersonal relationships" (Baumeister & Leary, 1995, p. 497). The sense of belonging has a lasting effect on one's personality in respect with emotions and other cognitive processes (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). When the sense of belonging is at its lowest, students are prone to being engulfed by solitary thoughts, feel lonely and lose interest in many social interaction opportunities (Goodenow, 1993). This in turn is attributed to dwindling academic performance, as the students don't feel accepted and motivated within the social parameters around them (Goodenow, 1993). Considerable ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Immigration Act Of 1924: Article Analysis According to the "Office of The Historian" article The Immigration Act of 1924 was a way for congress to restrain the number of immigrants coming to the US each year. This act restricted people who came from the "asiatic barred zone" to enter the United States and many had to past a series of tests to be allowed through such as the ability to read. In the article "Prohibition" it reveals that the 18th Amendment outlawed the making of, transporting and selling of alcohol in the United States, which was difficult to administer. This law was meant to help improve things such as crime, but it instead brought the opposite. With the increase of violence, crime, and bootlegging, Prohibition ended in 1933 with the 21st Amendment added. Nicola Sacco ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Immigration Act Of 1924 Research Paper SUBJECT: Immigration act of 1924 PROBLEM: In the early 1920s the United States addressed the quick rising immigration population by creating the Immigration act of 1924. The immigration Act limited the number of European, African, and completely ban the migration of Asians and Arab immigrants. The American people after World War One had a strong patriotism for their country and did not easily accept new ethic groups. The fear of Communism also contributed to the dislike of new immigrants amongst the American people. The American people also felt that immigrants took jobs away from American citizens and were uncomfortable with the idea of more job competition. BACKGROUND The Red Scare Post war Recession New found patriotism High ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Theme Of Materialism In A Perfect Day For Bananafish A marriage between a man and a woman is scared. You vow to have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. This is the conflict seen in the short story, "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" by J.D. Salinger. We are provided with Muriel Glass, the wife that disregards her vows and is more into materialism than the importance of Seymour Glass, her husband and his emotional well being upon returning from World War II. In this story materialism as I am using it, is the meaning of being so consumed in physical appearance or the acquisition of wealth, accompanied with the appetite of material possessions, rather than with spiritual values. We see the illustration of how the personality of being materialist versus on one that relies on emotional wellbeing clash and collide. Obtaining a personality like the one of Muriel generates a blindness to what truly is important in life, especially in a successful marriage. Focusing on the Muriel Glass as the main issue, we see a numerous amount of evidence as to why she is so self centered. Most important so incredibly into being materialist that she totally ignores signs that her husband needs her emotional support through this tough time. The first signs we see to prove that Muriel is into physical appearance is on page three where J.D. Salinger writes, "She washed her comb and brush. She took the spot out of the skirt of her beige suit. She moved the button on her Saks blouse. She tweezed out two freshly surfaced hairs in her mole." With that we get the knowledge of someone who is definitely vain. We now know that Muriel uses up her time to look impressive and make sure she is clean–cut. Another critical sign that she is very object orientated is on page eleven during, the telephone conversation with her mother in which she states, "You remember that awful dinner dress we saw in Bonwit's window? ... She had it on. And all hips." (Salinger) The indication from this is that she judges others based on what they are wearing. Concluding, that she is into clothing and how it is worn, especially how others wear it. We even get the sense that she is into luxurious items because Bonwits was a luxury department store in ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Protecting The Innocence By F. D. Salinger Rigoberto Nunez S. Dusang English 3 AP 26 April 2015 Protecting the Innocence; An Overview of The Catcher in the Rye During the nineteen fifties, as the population of the United States hurdled in a whirlpool of amiss, a writer sought to conserve innocence as teenagers move into adulthood. The change from their teenage years to adulthood made them question religion, friendships, and fate. J. D. Salinger saw this as a potential pitfall for teens; therefore, he adopts a unique writing style to which they can relate to. Sol and Miriam Salinger's son, Jerome David Salinger, was born on January 1st, 1919 in New York ("Salinger"). Supported by her Jewish husband, a successful meat and cheese importer, Miriam was able to raise Salinger and his two older siblings in the fashionable apartment district of upper Manhattan (French). In 1934 Salinger attended Valley Forge Military academy, where he grasped literature and began writing short stories (French). In spite of later being drafted to be in the military during World War II, Salinger wrote numerous works which inspired the lives of countless Americans. Through his use of point of view, characterization, and symbolism, Salinger aims towards conserving teenagers' innocence as they move into adulthood in The Catcher in the Rye. Holden, the teenage protagonist of the novel, experiences an ongoing battle with the adult world and the cruelty associated with it. Holden respects those who represent or protect innocence, and is ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Immigration Act Of 1924 America is no foreigner to immigrants. From the pilgrims who came searching for religious liberation to African slaves that had lost their liberty, America's history has been shaped by the influx of immigrants from different parts of the world. As America grew, it became, and still is, a promised land for many. As a result, immigration has become a pivotal topic in the American culture and with time, the dynamics of immigration has changed due to a shifting of focus between different immigrant groups. From the Chinese exclusion act in 1882 to the Immigration Act of 1924, which restricted Eastern European immigrants' access to the USA, different groups of people have been the principal focus of immigration reform (HISTORY Corporation, 2009). Since the early–20th century to present, the main group of focus with immigration reform has been Hispanics, mainly Mexicans. From deportation to discrimination, many Mexicans have struggled in the hands of immigration laws. This pain is evident in the cultural marks Mexicans have left in American Culture. A prime example of such mark is within the Chicano movement. Beginning in the 1960s, the Chicano movement aimed to address the social injustices that the Mexican population faced in America. (Mendoza, 2001). From reinstatement of land rights to voter and political rights, these social injustices propelled the Chicano movement to fight for civil rights. This passion fueled multiple artistic expressions and many Chicano artists mirrored ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Southwestern University Case Study Essay Southwestern University Case Study Summary: Southwestern University is a state college in Stephenville, Texas. The college is known for its Football and have been in the top 20 in the rankings since the appointment of legendary Bo Pitterno in 2001 as the Head coach for the team. The coach requested to upgrade the stadium or construct a new stadium to accommodate the large fan base. This request was heard by the SWU's president, Dr Joel Wisner, who decided that they would upgrade the stadium based on a forecast of when the current stadium would max out. Problem: Southwestern University is experiencing a quickly expanding football program. As a result, attendance for home games is increasing and approaching capacity. It is in the best interest of SWU to forecast attendance to aid them in deciding when the best time to expand the present stadium, which now holds 54,000. Data: The following data is from the past six seasons, 2002– 2007. Game Year – Game – Opponent Attendance 2002–1 Baylor 34200 2002–2 Texas 39800 2002–3 LSU 38200 2002–4 Arkansas 26900 2002–5 USC 35100 2003–1 Oklahoma 36100 2003–2 Nebraska 40200 2003–3 UCLA 39100 2003–4 Nevada 25300 2003–5 Ohio State 36200 2004–1 TCU 35900 2004–2 Texas Tech 46500 2004–3 Alaska 43100 2004–4 Arizona 27900 2004–5 Rice 39200 2005–1 Arkansas 41900 2005–2 Missouri 46100 2005–3 Florida 43900 2005–4 Miami 30100 2005–5 Duke 40500 2006–1 Indiana 42500 2006–2 North Texas 48200 2006–3 Texas A&M 44200 2006–4 Southern 33900 2006–5 ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Section 505 (Cr) There are currently 50 titles listed. 21 CFR Chapter 1 is relevant for FDA. The sequence of citation for a CFR is as follows– Title, CFR, Chapter, Part, Section. Chapter 1 of 21st CFR contains a total of 12 subchapters and 1299 parts. These cover detailed guidance on regulated requirements for foods, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, tobacco products, radiation emitting products, vaccines, blood, biologics and veterinary medicines, all subject to regulation by the FDA. Section 505 (b) (1) of the FD&C act is applicable for new investigational drugs while Section 505 (b) (2) of the FD&C act for approval of drugs that are already existing and are being used. Application under 505 (b) (1) states the requirement of extensive data to prove the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Materialism Is The Only Form Of Distraction From True Bliss "Materialism is the only form of distraction from true bliss."– Douglas Horton. At the beginning of "A Perfect Day for Bananafish", J.D. Salinger concentrates on the deranged Seymour Glass, who, after being released from the Army hospital, isolates himself from blinded consumers. Seymour returns to his family after World War II, only to become aware of the nauseating phoniness of the world. Seymour attempts to rid his family of the superficial American dream with "The trees. That business with the window. Those horrible things he [Seymour] said to Granny about her plans for passing away. What he did with all those lovely pictures from Bermuda–everything'", but this proves futile as he is just considered insane. Muriel, Seymour's wife, ... Show more content on ... All those whom Seymour knows––Muriel and her family, the psychiatrist, and Sybil's mother–– reflect the oppressive adult world where true value is lost. On the contrary, the innocence and value is still visible and pure within children. Salinger uses a young Sybil to symbolize the human condition for Seymour. By speaking with Sybil, Seymour reconnects to the innocent, childlike state, but this is short lived for when she leaves him, he is forced to submerge himself back into Muriel's superficial life. Though briefly bringing Seymour hope and happiness, Sybil already resembles the tarnishing spirit of man after she returns to the 'real world' of superficial paradise from the imaginative dream Seymour and her have established: "'Goodbye,' said Sybil, and ran without regret in the direction of the hotel" (Salinger 9). Salinger uses Sybil in reference to Greek mythology "like the sibyls of old, she is the unconscious oracle through whom prophecy is revealed, the instrument of truth; what she reveals to Seymour is the finality of that unbridgeable gap between human aspiration and human possibility. Seymour's suicide is his summing up" (Lane). In the end, Seymour's search for opportunity and innocence proves futile and his final attempt for true bliss or nirvana imminent. Salinger often associates the phoniness of adulthood and materialism with the constant complication of true communication. For the motif of ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Problems And Challenges Of Performance Management Part 3 Empirical chapter Discussion of the Problems and Challenges of performance management Performance management mostly is not successful as expected in the public sector. According to Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary for Scotland (2005) a thematic inspection of performance management noted that though performance management was "substantially developed", a long way is still needed to go before everyone was responsible for providing a good service and "many areas of performance management in the early stages of implementation existed as well". There are many implementation reasons causing these problems, for instance, the reduction of government spending (Gianakis, 2002), or purely a tool for management rather than a tool for ... Show more content on ... Technical problems refers to the indicators and the data, information collection, interpretation and analysis. They are preponderantly difficult problems (Pollanen, 2005; Adcroft and Willis, 2005) and especially in terms of data quality (Black et al., 2001), the choice of indicators (Black et al., 2001; Bevan and Hood, 2006; Carvalho et al., 2006), validation (Evans, 2004; Carlin, 2004), reporting (Pollanen, 2005; Adcroft and Willis, 2005) and usage and interpretation (Neely et al., 1995; Wilcox and Bourne, 2003). Nevertheless, organisations are focusing on improving the technical problems of their indicators (Pollitt, 2005). Secondly, systems problems are related to the "bigger picture" issues, i.e. integrating performance systems into the original systems (Gianakis, 2002), a lack of strategic view which encourages short–term thinking (Neely et al., 1995), the ambiguity of performance objectives (Pollanen, 2005), sub–optimisation (Neely et al., 1995; Pollitt, 2000; Gianakis, 2002; Adcroft and Willis, 2005) and the cost of performance management (Train and Williams, 2000; Holzer and Yang, 2004; Pollanen, 2005). The third kind of problem are the significant people issues and their involvement inside the PM system among inter multiple stakeholders (Black et al., 2001; Wang and Berman, 2001; Gianakis, 2002; McAdam et al., 2005). These issues can be caused by a ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Teapot Dome Scandal Of 1923-1924 1. The Teapot Dome Scandal of 1923–1924 was about Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall when he accepted bribes to lease government property to private oil companies. This was a big deal after he handed a Wyoming oil reserve to the Mammoth Oil Company. This case was huge because he was the first cabinet member to ever go to jail. 2. More than 1 million Blacks moved from the South during the Great Migration of the 1920s to the north because of more job opportunities, education, men could vote, and they wanted to get away from the violence of lynching and segregation. 3. The Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was a Black Nationalist group led by Marcus Garvey. He founded the UNIA in Jamaica in 1914. The UNIA consisted of ordinary ... Show more content on ... Alfred E. Smith was elected governor of New York. During his governorship, he was the leader of progressive reform and civil rights. He was also the first Roman Catholic to run for president. 9. The stock market crash of 1929 was caused by the rapid increase of debt and large bank loans. 10. President Hoover fail to effectively deal with the economic crisis because he didn't really know what to do. All his efforts seemed to fail. Many Americans thought that Hoover wasn't doing anything to fight the economic crisis but he was. He tried voluntarism, exhortation, and limited government intervention. 11. The bonus army of 1932 was a group of World War 1 veterans and their families who gathered at Washington DC demanding cash for their services. President Hoover opposed the bonus bill because he was concerned about the federal budget. 12. Franklin Roosevelt defeated President Hoover in the election of 1932 because he promised to use the power of the federal government to fight and decrease the economic crisis. He also supported direct relief payments for the unemployed people. He promised reform. 13. The Twentieth Amendment to the US Constitution set the inauguration day as January 20th, congress shall meet once every year on January 3rd, if anything happens to the president–elect, the vice president shall take his ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Immigration To America After 1924 Immigration The United States has the most open immigration policy in the world according to the Center for Immigration Studies. Immigration is regulated by the federal government since 1875, and the immigration service was established in 1891 to handle the increase in immigration into the United States. The amount of people immigrating to the United States continued to increase, so Congress introduced a new immigration policy called the National Origins Quota system which was passed in 1921 and revised in 1924. This new law limited the amount of people immigration into the United States by giving each nationality a quota based on its representation in the U.S census, and in 1924 the Border Patrol was created as a part of the Immigration service. Over the next 40 years after 1924 there was little immigration, during the Great Depression net immigration actually dropped below zero. After World War II immigration continued to remain low because of the National Origins Quota system, and in 1952 the National Origins Quota system and all of the other immigration and naturalization laws were combined into the Immigration and Nationality Act. The national origins system was replaced by Preference system in 1965 which was created to unite immigrant families and attract skilled immigrants to America; now people who are immigrating to America mostly come from Asia and Latin America, the new preference system created in 1965 also limited the visas that ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The 1920-1924: A Booming Nation 1920–1924: A Booming Nation The years between 1920 and 1924 were the beginning of a new era in American History. The early 1920s are remembered for the new freedoms and prosperity of a rising nation. America took on a new morale, and life was slowly but surely getting easier. This period of history introduced new technologies, scientific advancements, and the new laws of a changing government. Also, entertainment, especially music and arts, were ever changing. Imagine life without a car. For America owning a car was becoming a reality in the early 1920s. More and more families were buying cars, and the horse and buggy was becoming obsolete because of a man named Henry Ford. By June 4, 1924, Ford Motor Company had rolled its ten–millionth car off the assembly line after being started as recently as 1913 ("Ford"). ... Show more content on ... Walking into typical middle class American family home, one would probably find a washing machine, vacuum, and maybe a refrigerator. A refrigerator was not very common because they were a brand new technology that was fairly expensive. For example, the price of a Kelvinator fridge in 1922 was $714 ("History of"). One of the most important scientific strides in the 1920s was the broadcast of the first radio station. In November of 1920 KDKA of Pittsburgh produced the world's first commercial radio broadcast, announcing Warren G. Harding the 29th president of the United States (Skretvedt). This development marked a turning point in American life. Radio because a prominent form of entertainment and communication and help shape the U.S. in the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. A Perfect Day For Bananafish By Salinger In A Perfect Day for Bananafish it starts out with the wife of a veteran talking to her mother. The wife and husband took a vacation by themselves. While talking to her mother, Muriel's mother is worried about her because she doesn't think Muriel is safe, and should be with him. The mother thinks Seymour, the husband, is unstable after the war. After Muriel insures her mother Seymour and her are fine. Seymour is on the beach relaxing, when a little girl, he knows, comes up to him to talk to him. While talking Seymour tells the little girls about bananafish, and how they go into a hole that has bananas and eats them all. But they eat so many that they can't get out and die in there. After the little girl says she finds one Seymour says it's ... Show more content on ... One author states in the quotations "Such innocence and freedom from the hypocrisy of adulthood has vanished from his own life" ("A Perfect Day for Bananafish"). This author is uncovering when people get older they lose how innocent and free they were as a child. They get too consumed in how society makes adults seem, they want to be just like that. So they lose themselves in order to fit in. To show what happens when some people realize this and can not handle it "Then he went over and sat down on the unoccupied twin bed, look at the girl, aimed the pistol, and fired a bullet through his right temple" (Salinger ). The author is illustrating that he started to get pulled into adulthood. When someone gets pulled into adulthood they feel the only way to grow up is to follow what everyone else is doing and not follow what they want to do themselves. Seymour mostly hangs out with children because he can see the innocence and purity inside of them. After the war he realizes he was starting to lose his own childhood innocence and freedom and did not want that to happen. Since he felt that way, he thought the only way to fix it and not get pulled into society was to kill himself. The author seems to be exploring the idea that as people get older they start to be sucked into the idea of how they should look and act. Nobody keeps their innocence from a child and do what they want to do. Seymour is disappointed at that ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The No Child Left Behind Act Traditionally, educators have been held to some degree of expectation regarding student learning and increasing student aptitude; however, public expectations increased to a new level as a result of the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act [NCLB] (2002). NCLB was passed to ensure educational equity and increased academic achievement for all students. The legislation charged school district leaders with holding schools accountable for alignment with national and/or state standards that often mandated significant gains in student academic achievement, particularly for low–performing student populations, and that is measured by student performance on high–stakes tests. The test results created the data analyzed to design ... Show more content on ... Effective leadership has been identified as a critical component for guiding school improvement; however, leaders who fail to establish a vision supported by thorough analysis of student performance data will be unlikely to focus instructional changes in critically needed areas. The use of various types of technology, timely turn around of data reports, different levels of access to data sets, time restrictions and insufficient technology skills training (Lachat & Smith, 2005; Marsh et al., 2006; Wayman et al., 2006; Wayman, Jimerson, & Cho, 2011) are conflicting variables that confound creation of a clear vision and stable infrastructure for the implementation of sound technological practices. Many technology–related issues can contribute to confusion rather than focus on the critical areas needing improvement. Additional challenges with successfully examining multiple assessments include the lack of skills, know–how, and professional development for understanding the implications of data results and the lack of guidance in developing timely and appropriate responses for modifications in pedagogy (Wayman, 2005; Marsh et al., 2006). Some researchers argue these are a direct consequence of data as a less than significant part of school cultures (Ingram, Louis, & Schroeder, 2004; Lachat & Smith, 2005). Assessments are beneficial to provide a current review of ... Get more on ...
  • 32. mini case solution The keys to the company's future value and growth are profitability (ROE) and the reinvestment of retained earnings. Retained earnings are determined by dividend payout. The spreadsheet sets ROE at 15% for the five years from 2006 to 2010. If Reeby Sports will lose its competitive edge by 2011, then it cannot continue earning more than its 10% cost of capital. Therefore ROE is reduced to 10% starting in 2011. The payout ratio is set at .30 from 2006 onwards. Notice that the long–term growth rate, which settles in between 2011 and 2012, is ROE × ( 1 – dividend payout ratio ) = .10 × (1 – .30) = .07. The spreadsheet allows you can vary ROE and the dividend payout ratio separately for 2006–2010 and for 2011–2012. But let's start with ... Show more content on ... Notice that the PV in 2004 remains at $16.82. This makes sense, since the value of a firm should not depend on the investment horizon chosen for valuation. We have reduced ROE to the 10% cost of capital after 2010, assuming that the company will have exhausted valuable growth opportunities by that date. With PVGO = 0, PV = EPS/r. So we could discard the constant–growth DCF formula and just divide EPS in 2011 by the cost of capital: The keys to the company's future value and growth are profitability (ROE) and the reinvestment of retained earnings. Retained earnings are determined by dividend payout. The spreadsheet sets ROE at 15% for the five years from 2006 to 2010. If Reeby Sports will lose its competitive edge by 2011, then it cannot continue earning more than its 10% cost of capital. Therefore ROE is reduced to 10% starting in 2011. The payout ratio is set at .30 from 2006 onwards. Notice that the long–term growth rate, which settles in between 2011 and 2012, is ROE × ( 1 – dividend payout ratio ) = .10 × (1 – .30) = .07. The spreadsheet allows you can vary ROE and the dividend payout ratio separately for 2006–2010 and for 2011–2012. But let's start with the initial input values. To calculate share value, we have to estimate a horizon ... Get more on ...
  • 33. What Is The Theme Of The Catcher In The Rye The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, is one of the most controversial novels ever written. It has been banned and unbanned many times and has been constantly cited for its foul language, lacking plot, and unclear morals. While the novel may have flaws, one would be hard–pressed to find the perfect novel. It is also important to understand the context under which the novel was written and the ideas and feelings the author was trying to convey. Once these are understood, it becomes increasingly clear that J.D. Salinger's novel, The Catcher in the Rye, definitely still has a place in school curricula for its unique style. Many teenagers today struggle with depression or any condition lying on that spectrum, and one of the greatest senses of comfort one can have is the knowledge that they are not alone in their struggles. Despite being drunk, Mr. Antolini eloquently highlights this point when talking to Holden later in the novel: Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them – if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn't education. It's history. It's poetry." (Salinger 189) During one of their most impressionable stages of life, a connection with Holden's feelings can be invaluable for teenagers when they hit their lows. It's not often that ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Leopold and Loeb Case of 1924 Essay The Leopold and Loeb case of 1924 is nationally recognized to be the first of its kind. It was a crime committed by two wealthy teenage boys, Richard Leopold and Nathan Loeb, who committed murder with what seemed like no motive at all. This case was a catalyst for social interpretation as journalists played a major part in the discovery of details of the crime. Often time mixing fact with fiction, this case was talked about well beyond the years after it was laid to rest. Throughout the years there has been lots of speculation as to why Leopold and Loeb did what they did and many topics have been discussed; all the way from modern childhood to homosexuality. This case delved into every aspect of the boy's lives and revealed new truths ... Show more content on ... One journalist stated, "The problem of sensationalism resolves itself largely into a question of balance ." One major reason why sensationalism was a huge factor in this case was because there was no outright probable motive for the murder of Bobby Frank. People could not grasp that the boys committed such a heinous crime just to fulfill psychological desires. This was a splinter in the case that affected popular culture, crime, and law. Almost every other culprit in US history had a motive for their crimes, and it confused the public masses and made it difficult to understand the crime because this time there was none. Leopold and Loeb had no reason to kidnap and kill Bobby Frank. They both came from wealthy families and did not need the ransom money they were asking for. They were seen as unlikely killers and this created a problem to the public. If these two boys could kill for no reason at all, could other children do the same thing? The exploitation of the case turned from sensationalism to dangers of modern youth slowly but progressively. The journalist's began to see that the case was losing its popularity and believed they needed to create a reflection of modern life. In the beginning the journalists started exploiting the case like every other case by showing the Frank family–to the public–– in their fragile state as they came to terms with the loss of their son. This usually sparked interest in the public to feel sorrow for ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Kelloggs Abstract Kellogg's Company The Kellogg's Company has several different kinds of foods. They have breakfast foods as well as crackers snacks, vegetarian foods and organic foods as well as frozen foods. The Kellogg's Company is worldwide. A lot of people love the Kellogg's food lines. These foods are good if you are running late for school, work or an appointment; you can just grab them and go. COMPANY Kellogg's Company Looking into the year–over–year statements I have used the Kellogg's Company annual statements for three years and December 31 2007 Reclassified USD, January 3 2009, January 2 2010 and January 1 2011. The year–over–year change had very little change to it. Income Statement: The revenue for the ... Show more content on ... Kellogg's has established themselves as the leader with health–conscious innovative breakfast choices such as Special K, All Bran and nineteen cereals (Kellogg's). While expanding yet Kellogg's has come up with vegetarian–based food groups, Worthington Foods founded in 1999 and the organic–based food, Kasha Company had been founded in 2000 (Kellogg's). Over the years of 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 20010 the Kellogg's net sales were up by four percent, the operating profit was up by three percent, net income attributable to Kellogg's Company was up by five percent, basic per share accounts were up by seven percent, the diluted per share amount was up seven percent, dividends paid per share were up by eight percent and the earnings per share (diluted) were also up seven percent. In conclusion the Kellogg's company is a big known company around the world; they have lots and lots of food, I never realized how many different items that they had until I had chosen to use them for a project. It is easy to just grab a pop–tart in the mornings for the kids as you run them to the bus stop. Kellogg's also has other foods such as snack foods for the kids to grab. A lot of people probably eat Kellogg's foods about every day and probably don't even realize that they are eating them. They do have a lot of good foods. COMPANY Kellogg's Company References Bloomberg Business week Kellogg CO (K: New York) (2011) Retrieved on May 22, 2011 from: ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Immigration Act Of 1924 We have all heard the phrase, In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. This phrase refers to when Christopher Columbus discovered the "Americas". Historically the Native Americans were the first to settle in the "Americas" thousands of years ago. The United States of America was founded on Immigration. At this very time there are roughly 42.1 million immigrants, which is around 13% of the 322 million people that live in the United States (Census Bureau). Immigration in the United States has been a controversial and sensitive subject for quite some time. In 1856 there was a record written by William Bromwell, who was with the Department of the State, that documented for 36 years all incoming immigrants as far as where they came from and how many people there ... Show more content on ... This was the first comprehensive law that outlined who could and who could not enter the United States legally (Immigration). After this act was integrated there was an issue of how many people were entering this country alongside who was allowed to enter. In 1924 there was another act passed that limited the number of people that were allowed to immigrate to this country and also a national–origin quota was implemented (Immigration). In 1952 the Immigration and Nationality Act was put into place to remove restrictions on Asian immigration but still upholding immigration quotas that were established with the Immigration Act of 1924 (Immigration). There was an amendment to this act in 1965. This act was written to rid the quotas of countries of origin. For years immigration has been a sensitive and highly discussed topic in the news. People are illegally coming into this country. Immigrants who come to this country illegally are putting themselves and their family's lives at risk in doing so. Immigration from Mexico is a great example of this. People are unsafely crossing the border from Mexico to the United States and are dying as a ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Immigration Policy Of 1924 Immigration is the act of coming to a country of which one is not a native to, usually for permanent residence. The immigration policy of the united states is very extensive and complicated. The immigration policy has been disputed by many, those who agree with it and those who do not agree with it. I for one disagree with the immigration policy ranging from Job displacement, all the way to the border security, even the Pathway to Citizenship. In 1924 the original priority of border control was to prevent terrorists and terrorists weapons, including weapons of mass destruction, from entering the United States, but due to the influx of many illegal aliens trying to escape to a new life, border control has changed their priorities. Border control ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Robert Clancy's Immigration Act Of 1924 Robert H. Clancy, a Republican congressman from Detroit, Michigan who attended the University of Michigan. He was one of the six persons who voted against the approval of the Immigration Act of 1924. During Clancy's speech on April 8, 1924 he addressed the Congress, in particular the people who voted for the ratification of the Immigration Act of 1924, which was May 26, 1924. First and foremost, the Immigration Act of 1924 limited the amount of immigrants allowed into the United States due to the fear of radicalism, especially after the Red Scare of 1919 occurred when the anarchists bombed the United States. The Americans who supported the, so called Johnson–Reed Act believed that Anglo–Saxton superiority and the jobs meant for Americans ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Labour Uprising Of 1924- A Probe Essay THE LABOUR UPRISING OF 1924– A PROBE Aashima Chargotra1, Nitin Chandel2, Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of History, University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Cellular: 9797693019 Abstract: – This study analyses the labour uprising in the Jammu and Kashmir State and its varied repercussions. For the first time the labourers stirred in an open revolt against the oppressive behaviour of the officials and protested against the working conditions of the factory. This paper is an endeavour to depict the labour unrest due to genre glitches of labourers like poverty, backwardness, illiteracy, insufficiency of wages, corruption of the officials and oppression of the scrutinizing staff. The article enumerates the significance of the agitation, modes of protests, meetings, petitions, grievances and tussle for their rights which equip grounds for other labour movements in the state. The Muslim organisation inside and outside the state support and promulgates its compass till it burst in the form of labour uprising. A brief sketch of the evolution of class consciousness among the labourers had been established which set an example for the downtrodden masses to fight for their rights. The agitation was an eruption against the existing economic organisation of the state and their anguish against the princely rule of the state. Key words: – Labour, Silk, Factory, wages, officials and grievances. INTRODUCTION: – The Non–Cooperation ... Get more on ...