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•   We listen at 125-250 wpm, think at 1000-3000 wpm

•   75% of the time we are distracted, preoccupied or forgetful

•   20% of the time, we remember what we hear

•   More than 35% of businesses think listening is a top skill for

•   Less than 2% of people have had formal education with

Needs of the Speaker…

To be recognized and remembered
To feel valued
To feel appreciated
To feel respected
To feel understood
To feel comfortable about a want or need
Listening is the most powerful form of

   …a way
of saying,
“You are

…creates a desire to
                                            cooperate among
STRONGER                                 people because they
RELATIONSHIPS                              feel accepted and

Listening promotes being heard

…”Seek first to understand, then
be understood.”
  - Stephen Covey
Listening creates acceptance and openness

   …conveys the message that
“I am not judging you.”
                                          Listening leads
                                               to learning

                                          personal growth
                                             and learning
Listening reduces
                                               stress and tension

                                                    confusion and
                                                eliminating related
                                                stress and tension
Listening is CRITICAL in conflict resolution

…much conflict comes from the need to be heard.
Successful resolution depends on being a non-anxious

A Little Book of Listening Skills for the
          52 essential practices for profoundly transforming production,
          profits and people

          AUTHOR: Mark Brady, Ph.D.
          PUBLISHER: Piadeia Press
          DATE OF PUBLICATION: 2006
          NUMBER OF PAGES: 103 pages

Make a Mindmap of 10 Listening Skills
52 Listening Skills

Stop talking so much!

    To stop talking so much is one of the most basic things required to
    become an accomplished listener. During conversations, observe who
    is doing most of the talking, is it you or someone else? The first thing
    to do is to notice yourself; this primary awareness is a good start.

    After awareness comes a possible array of options. First is simply to
    decide to stop talking so much. This may be achieved by asking
    questions such as: “What are your views?” “What is on your mind?”
    Another method of passing conversation is by acknowledging with a
    smile or a nod, this encourages others to talk.

52 Listening Skills

Create a culture of trust

    Effective and meaningful communication exists when there is trust.
    To become a skillful listener, you have to build trust. There are
    different ways to establish trust and the most common is to become
    trustworthy. You achieve this by always putting trust and integrity
    above everything else.

52 Listening Skills

Listen for disrespect

    When a conflict arises, there are usually two things that come
    about. First is the issue, and second, which is not always talked
    about, is the feeling of disrespect that people get from another. As
    long as there is a feeling of disrespect, conflicts are rarely solved.
    The feeling of disrespect must be first addressed before the issue.
    It is because this feeling is the seeming cause of most conflicts.

52 Listening Skills

Listen for mutual purpose

    Lack or loss of mutual
    purpose is the second
    most common cause of
    conflict. Few conflicts will
    be resolved unless there
    is a foundation that will
    reinforce or re-establish
    this. Listening for mutual
    purpose is important in
    the success of both
    business and personal
52 Listening Skills

 Be slow to disagree, argue or

     There is always criticism,
     argument and disagreement in the
     workplace. But when you engage
     in such behavior you cannot hear
     what the other person is trying to
     say. With this behavior you
     continuously try to get your point
     across and become less of a
     listener. Skillful listeners will allow
     others to speak and say what they
     need to say.

52 Listening Skills
 Pay special attention to the need for control

     If two or more people are talking at the same time, there is often a
     subtle power struggle that happens. When such conversations arise,
     it is really an exercise in one-upmanship and competition for control.
     But if you learn to selectively attend to content and emotional tone
     this will allow you to hear the deeper needs that are expressed by
     the speaker.

52 Listening Skills

Get comfortable with silence

    Silence is critical to becoming a skillful listener. It is in silence
    where ideas unfold because people get to think. A listener allows
    others to discover what they think, feel, want and how one can be
    of service. In silence, you not only listen to others but you also
    listen to yourself and discover what it may take to perform more

52 Listening Skills
Listen to be able to take unconflicted action

    Unconfilcted action happens when decision making functions are
    deliberately placed in charge of the “fifth brain.” The “fifth brain” is
    the part of the brain that consists of
    axons, dendrites, synapses, and glial cells that generate a magnetic
    field 5000 times stronger than any of the other four parts of the
    brain contained in our skull.

    Most of the time, vacillation between head and heart prevents
    people from achieving unconflicted action. By deliberately choosing
    to move executive functions to the fifth brain, you have better
    perspective in decision making by dissipating fear.

52 Listening Skills
Don’t be an emotional terrorist

    Emotional reactivity interferes
    with listening and even
    damages relationships. People
    who frequently communicate in
    this manner tend to justify their
    actions. Such way of dealing
    with reactivity only shows little
    understanding of the negative
    effects of this communication

52 Listening Skills
 Avoid “shoulding” on people

    There are times when you
    simply give out advice. As
    well-meaning as you may be,
    advice doesn’t work. Inside
    each person is a wisdom
    that is more reliable,
    insightful and trustworthy
    than any advice from
    someone else. Telling
    people what they should do
    when they do not solicit for
    advice will result to
    interference with internal
    wisdom, or worse you will
    seem to be judgmental or
    disrespectful. A skillful
    listener will continuously
    encourage others to look at
    themselves and to take
52 Listening Skills
Establish support for speaking truth to power

    It is hard to talk to people who hold power over us. Skillful
    listeners know this and are willing to hear another’s truth no
    matter how distressing the truth may be. You must know that
    your power makes it hard for others to speak the truth, which is
    why you should be the one to initiate it. Refrain from ridiculing,
    blaming, shaming, or condemning.

52 Listening Skills
Regularly practice kenosis

    Listening is more than just taking in words-- it requires you to react in
    order to connect with one another. Kenosis meaning “to empty
    oneself” is a state for high level listening. A related meaning of
    kenosis is “revealer.” Listening allows the speaker to discover
    possibilities and see from a larger perspective. Another meaning of
    kenosis is “mediator.” Listeners often become mediators because
    they can help people see the exact nature of the problem.

52 Listening Skills

Listen as practice of

    Presence is a
    result of listening
    to what lies at the
    heart of your work.
    presence is to live
    life in the here and
    now. It invites you
    to let go of your
    own convention
    and it allows you
    to maximize what
    it is to “be here
52 Listening Skills
Avoid letting your story take over their story

    When listening, you often have similar thoughts and
    experiences that make you want to tell your own stories. You
    must resist this impulse because it doesn’t work. When you
    tell your own story, you cut off the speaker and shift the focus
    away from him. When this happens, you change the mood of
    the conversation to something worse. By interrupting, you
    imply that what you have to say is more important, even if
    this is not what you want to project.

52 Listening Skills

Check for meaning

   Meaning comes from inside you. Because of differences in
   knowledge, attitudes and experiences, you often misinterpret
   others’ message. One way to counter this misunderstanding
   is to repeat and paraphrase what you think you hear. Be
   prepared to be wrong because this practice takes time before
   you can get it right.

52 Listening Skills

Be genuinely curious

   Curiosity is something
   that can be learned and
   developed. Try
   remembering how it was
   as a child when
   everything was new and
   fascinating. If you see
   people with the same
   amazement, you
   become more curious
   about them and what
   they have to say.
   Curiosity creates sincere
   interest in the people you
   listen to.

52 Listening Skills
Listen for underlying needs

    Skillful listeners try to look for underlying needs directly or
    indirectly expressed by speakers. To be able to identify such
    need, you can ask questions such as “why do you ask?” or
    “what do need exactly?” Listening helps identify common
    interests. Almost all communication is intended to express
    different needs. A skillful listener constantly tries to listen for
    those needs.

52 Listening Skills
Identify defensiveness: practice non-defensiveness

    When under attack, you often become defensive either by
    becoming silent or violent. When we listen, we can more
    clearly recognize the root of the attack from the speaker. And
    it becomes easier to understand the underlying truths of the
    attack if we practice non-defensiveness.

52 Listening Skills
Listen for differences

    In general, people don’t want to hear differences in opinion or
    way of thinking. Differences make people uncomfortable.
    Skillful listeners however will try to look for these differences
    because these differences interest them as it presents the
    individuality of each and every person. From this process of
    learning to listen for differences we begin to honor the special
    uniqueness of each person.

52 Listening Skills
Listen between the words

   Listen to what is not
   being said as well as to
   what is. Research
   shows that only 10
   percent or even less of
   the information is
   conveyed by words. The
   rest is taken from what
   is not said. Learning to
   listen to what is not
   being said is seen in the
   body language, facial
   expression, tone,
   context, etc. If there is
   something not being
   said, ask colleagues
   and acquaintances what
   they really want to say.
52 Listening Skills
Champion the timid

    The timid voice does not bring
    out the wisdom in each of us
    for many reasons. Some feel
    unsafe to speak while others
    may just not be clear with what
    they want to say. Championing
    the timid voice is creating a
    place where people can speak
    truth to power comfortably.
    People don’t usually know
    what they think unless asked
    for their opinion; which often
    turns out to be surprising to
    both speakers and listeners.

52 Listening Skills
Ask smart questions

   Smart questioning is
   an approach to
   solving problems
   through holistic
   listening and thinking.

52 Listening Skills
Cultivate patience

    Skillful listeners are
    patient. They are willing
    to temporarily suspend
    what they have to say to
    give way to others who
    have something to say.
    They can control self
    expression and let
    others continue to
    express their point. With
    practice and the
    understanding of the
    benefits of patience, a
    person can learn to
    cultivate patience within.

52 Listening Skills
Be mindful of age, race and gender bias

    More often than not, we subconsciously filter what people are
    saying with gender bias, race and age. Skillful listeners are
    conscious of these biases and they correct any deficits in
    their listening accordingly. We listen better when we listen to
    the hearts and minds of people and not their age, race or
    gender bias.

52 Listening Skills
Break the “I” habit

    The word “I” creates problems by always shifting the topic to
    yourselves. Thus, creating a barrier in learning anything new
    from conversations. It hinders creative partnership, teamwork
    and finding new ways to fulfill other’s needs. The word “you
    “ will open up a new world in conversations that are limited by

52 Listening Skills
Ask specific, clarifying questions

    We often assume we understand what is being said to us, but more
    likely is that we do not understand these things in the way the
    speaker wanted to point out. First thoughts are like first drafts in
    writing, they require a god editor to clarify the intent of the text or, in
    this case, the words. As listeners, try asking questions to clarify
    these vague ideas and find ways to get the speaker to be specific.

52 Listening Skills

Say what’s useful; say
    what’s true

    The approach of a
    skilled listener is to be
    factual, true and
    beneficial to others.
    Being a skilled listener
    is also being able to
    understand what others
    are able to or ready to
    hear, in addition to
    being truthful.

52 Listening Skills
Inspire and encourage robust dialogue

    Robust dialogue often occurs in a culture of accountability. Robust
    mindedness that originates from open mindedness and no ulterior
    motives sets the atmosphere where ideas can be freely expressed.

52 Listening Skills
Practice strategic questioning

    Strategic questions are asked to reveal ambiguity and open
    up other options and solutions. Strategic questions invite
    growth and new possibilities. These questions assume
    human equality and are respectful to people and their
    individual capacity to grow in healthy ways. They intend to
    support human personal and professional transformation.

52 Listening Skills

The ears can be ready when the heart’s just not

    Things that we can’t face have great power over us whether we are
    aware of it or not. These are the taboo topics that we often avoid for
    whatever reason. What it has to do with skillful listening is that we
    have to acknowledge its existence and acknowledge that it makes
    you feel uncomfortable. When other people raise it up for
    discussion, they are most likely not trying to cause you pain.

52 Listening Skills
Continually minimize distractions

    Eliminating or reducing distractions is a requirement to become a
    skillful listener. Distractions both internal and external must be dealt
    with to become a skillful listener. Examples of both internal and
    external distractions are phone calls, personal concerns, ambient
    noises, etc.

52 Listening Skills

Practice taking crap

    When someone is
    sending or projecting
    negative energy, do
    not face the negative
    energy head-on but
    instead stand up,
    move around,
    become a moving
    target for the bad
    energy but never lose
    control. It is important
    not to face someone’s
    negative energy with
    your own negative
    energy. This will prove
    to be an extremely
    worthwhile and   

    beneficial practice.
52 Listening Skills
Learn to say “no”

    Saying no can be very difficult, but to say no is better that to simply
    say “yes” just because you are afraid to say “no.” When someone
    requests for you to listen, it is just fair to ask for time and think it
    over. It is only until such time when you can say “no” that people
    will believe that your “yes” means “yes” and your “no” means “no.”

52 Listening Skills
Don’t interrupt unnecessarily

    When we listen to others, there are things they say that activate us
    to speak up in some way. These impulses of ours must be controlled
    to become a skillful listener. When we interrupt a speaker, we send
    out the message that what you have to say is more important than
    what the speaker is saying. By learning how to control our tongue,
    we considerably improve our listening skills.

52 Listening Skills

Give up the need to be right

    Many conversations end up in head-to-head arguments on who is
    wrong and who is right. Skillful listeners recognize the benefits of not
    always having to prove themselves right. The insatiable need of
    always having to be right creates a fear of being wrong. Skillful
    listeners initiate, invite and help manage it for themselves and others
    as skillfully as possible.

Listening skills

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Listening skills

  • 2. FAST FACTS • We listen at 125-250 wpm, think at 1000-3000 wpm • 75% of the time we are distracted, preoccupied or forgetful • 20% of the time, we remember what we hear • More than 35% of businesses think listening is a top skill for success • Less than 2% of people have had formal education with listening
  • 4. WHY BE A GOOD LISTENER? Needs of the Speaker… To be recognized and remembered To feel valued To feel appreciated To feel respected To feel understood To feel comfortable about a want or need
  • 5. Listening is the most powerful form of acknowledgment …a way of saying, “You are important. ”
  • 6. …creates a desire to LISTENING BUILDS cooperate among STRONGER people because they RELATIONSHIPS feel accepted and acknowledged.
  • 7. Listening promotes being heard …”Seek first to understand, then be understood.” - Stephen Covey
  • 8. Listening creates acceptance and openness …conveys the message that “I am not judging you.”
  • 9. o/904027338/ Listening leads to learning …openness encourages personal growth and learning
  • 10. Listening reduces stress and tension …minimizes confusion and misunderstanding, eliminating related stress and tension 861
  • 11. Listening is CRITICAL in conflict resolution …much conflict comes from the need to be heard. Successful resolution depends on being a non-anxious presence.
  • 12. A Little Book of Listening Skills for the Workplace 52 essential practices for profoundly transforming production, profits and people AUTHOR: Mark Brady, Ph.D. PUBLISHER: Piadeia Press DATE OF PUBLICATION: 2006 NUMBER OF PAGES: 103 pages Make a Mindmap of 10 Listening Skills
  • 13. 52 Listening Skills Stop talking so much! To stop talking so much is one of the most basic things required to become an accomplished listener. During conversations, observe who is doing most of the talking, is it you or someone else? The first thing to do is to notice yourself; this primary awareness is a good start. After awareness comes a possible array of options. First is simply to decide to stop talking so much. This may be achieved by asking questions such as: “What are your views?” “What is on your mind?” Another method of passing conversation is by acknowledging with a smile or a nod, this encourages others to talk.
  • 14. 52 Listening Skills Create a culture of trust Effective and meaningful communication exists when there is trust. To become a skillful listener, you have to build trust. There are different ways to establish trust and the most common is to become trustworthy. You achieve this by always putting trust and integrity above everything else.
  • 15. 52 Listening Skills Listen for disrespect When a conflict arises, there are usually two things that come about. First is the issue, and second, which is not always talked about, is the feeling of disrespect that people get from another. As long as there is a feeling of disrespect, conflicts are rarely solved. The feeling of disrespect must be first addressed before the issue. It is because this feeling is the seeming cause of most conflicts.
  • 16. 52 Listening Skills Listen for mutual purpose Lack or loss of mutual purpose is the second most common cause of conflict. Few conflicts will be resolved unless there is a foundation that will reinforce or re-establish this. Listening for mutual purpose is important in the success of both business and personal relationships.
  • 17. 52 Listening Skills Be slow to disagree, argue or criticize There is always criticism, argument and disagreement in the workplace. But when you engage in such behavior you cannot hear what the other person is trying to say. With this behavior you continuously try to get your point across and become less of a listener. Skillful listeners will allow others to speak and say what they need to say.
  • 18. 52 Listening Skills Pay special attention to the need for control If two or more people are talking at the same time, there is often a subtle power struggle that happens. When such conversations arise, it is really an exercise in one-upmanship and competition for control. But if you learn to selectively attend to content and emotional tone this will allow you to hear the deeper needs that are expressed by the speaker.
  • 19. 52 Listening Skills Get comfortable with silence Silence is critical to becoming a skillful listener. It is in silence where ideas unfold because people get to think. A listener allows others to discover what they think, feel, want and how one can be of service. In silence, you not only listen to others but you also listen to yourself and discover what it may take to perform more fully.
  • 20. 52 Listening Skills Listen to be able to take unconflicted action Unconfilcted action happens when decision making functions are deliberately placed in charge of the “fifth brain.” The “fifth brain” is the part of the brain that consists of axons, dendrites, synapses, and glial cells that generate a magnetic field 5000 times stronger than any of the other four parts of the brain contained in our skull. Most of the time, vacillation between head and heart prevents people from achieving unconflicted action. By deliberately choosing to move executive functions to the fifth brain, you have better perspective in decision making by dissipating fear.
  • 21. 52 Listening Skills Don’t be an emotional terrorist Emotional reactivity interferes with listening and even damages relationships. People who frequently communicate in this manner tend to justify their actions. Such way of dealing with reactivity only shows little understanding of the negative effects of this communication process.
  • 22. 52 Listening Skills Avoid “shoulding” on people There are times when you simply give out advice. As well-meaning as you may be, advice doesn’t work. Inside each person is a wisdom that is more reliable, insightful and trustworthy than any advice from someone else. Telling people what they should do when they do not solicit for advice will result to interference with internal wisdom, or worse you will seem to be judgmental or disrespectful. A skillful listener will continuously encourage others to look at themselves and to take
  • 23. 52 Listening Skills Establish support for speaking truth to power It is hard to talk to people who hold power over us. Skillful listeners know this and are willing to hear another’s truth no matter how distressing the truth may be. You must know that your power makes it hard for others to speak the truth, which is why you should be the one to initiate it. Refrain from ridiculing, blaming, shaming, or condemning.
  • 24. 52 Listening Skills Regularly practice kenosis Listening is more than just taking in words-- it requires you to react in order to connect with one another. Kenosis meaning “to empty oneself” is a state for high level listening. A related meaning of kenosis is “revealer.” Listening allows the speaker to discover possibilities and see from a larger perspective. Another meaning of kenosis is “mediator.” Listeners often become mediators because they can help people see the exact nature of the problem.
  • 25. 52 Listening Skills Listen as practice of presence Presence is a result of listening to what lies at the heart of your work. Practicing presence is to live life in the here and now. It invites you to let go of your own convention and it allows you to maximize what it is to “be here now.”.
  • 26. 52 Listening Skills Avoid letting your story take over their story When listening, you often have similar thoughts and experiences that make you want to tell your own stories. You must resist this impulse because it doesn’t work. When you tell your own story, you cut off the speaker and shift the focus away from him. When this happens, you change the mood of the conversation to something worse. By interrupting, you imply that what you have to say is more important, even if this is not what you want to project.
  • 27. 52 Listening Skills Check for meaning Meaning comes from inside you. Because of differences in knowledge, attitudes and experiences, you often misinterpret others’ message. One way to counter this misunderstanding is to repeat and paraphrase what you think you hear. Be prepared to be wrong because this practice takes time before you can get it right.
  • 28. 52 Listening Skills Be genuinely curious Curiosity is something that can be learned and developed. Try remembering how it was as a child when everything was new and fascinating. If you see people with the same amazement, you become more curious about them and what they have to say. Curiosity creates sincere interest in the people you listen to.
  • 29. 52 Listening Skills Listen for underlying needs Skillful listeners try to look for underlying needs directly or indirectly expressed by speakers. To be able to identify such need, you can ask questions such as “why do you ask?” or “what do need exactly?” Listening helps identify common interests. Almost all communication is intended to express different needs. A skillful listener constantly tries to listen for those needs.
  • 30. 52 Listening Skills Identify defensiveness: practice non-defensiveness When under attack, you often become defensive either by becoming silent or violent. When we listen, we can more clearly recognize the root of the attack from the speaker. And it becomes easier to understand the underlying truths of the attack if we practice non-defensiveness.
  • 31. 52 Listening Skills Listen for differences In general, people don’t want to hear differences in opinion or way of thinking. Differences make people uncomfortable. Skillful listeners however will try to look for these differences because these differences interest them as it presents the individuality of each and every person. From this process of learning to listen for differences we begin to honor the special uniqueness of each person.
  • 32. 52 Listening Skills Listen between the words Listen to what is not being said as well as to what is. Research shows that only 10 percent or even less of the information is conveyed by words. The rest is taken from what is not said. Learning to listen to what is not being said is seen in the body language, facial expression, tone, context, etc. If there is something not being said, ask colleagues and acquaintances what they really want to say.
  • 33. 52 Listening Skills Champion the timid The timid voice does not bring out the wisdom in each of us for many reasons. Some feel unsafe to speak while others may just not be clear with what they want to say. Championing the timid voice is creating a place where people can speak truth to power comfortably. People don’t usually know what they think unless asked for their opinion; which often turns out to be surprising to both speakers and listeners.
  • 34. 52 Listening Skills Ask smart questions Smart questioning is an approach to solving problems through holistic listening and thinking.
  • 35. 52 Listening Skills Cultivate patience Skillful listeners are patient. They are willing to temporarily suspend what they have to say to give way to others who have something to say. They can control self expression and let others continue to express their point. With practice and the understanding of the benefits of patience, a person can learn to cultivate patience within. .
  • 36. 52 Listening Skills Be mindful of age, race and gender bias More often than not, we subconsciously filter what people are saying with gender bias, race and age. Skillful listeners are conscious of these biases and they correct any deficits in their listening accordingly. We listen better when we listen to the hearts and minds of people and not their age, race or gender bias. /
  • 37. 52 Listening Skills Break the “I” habit The word “I” creates problems by always shifting the topic to yourselves. Thus, creating a barrier in learning anything new from conversations. It hinders creative partnership, teamwork and finding new ways to fulfill other’s needs. The word “you “ will open up a new world in conversations that are limited by “I.”
  • 38. 52 Listening Skills Ask specific, clarifying questions We often assume we understand what is being said to us, but more likely is that we do not understand these things in the way the speaker wanted to point out. First thoughts are like first drafts in writing, they require a god editor to clarify the intent of the text or, in this case, the words. As listeners, try asking questions to clarify these vague ideas and find ways to get the speaker to be specific.
  • 39. 52 Listening Skills Say what’s useful; say what’s true The approach of a skilled listener is to be factual, true and beneficial to others. Being a skilled listener is also being able to understand what others are able to or ready to hear, in addition to being truthful.
  • 40. 52 Listening Skills . Inspire and encourage robust dialogue Robust dialogue often occurs in a culture of accountability. Robust mindedness that originates from open mindedness and no ulterior motives sets the atmosphere where ideas can be freely expressed.
  • 41. 52 Listening Skills Practice strategic questioning Strategic questions are asked to reveal ambiguity and open up other options and solutions. Strategic questions invite growth and new possibilities. These questions assume human equality and are respectful to people and their individual capacity to grow in healthy ways. They intend to support human personal and professional transformation.
  • 42. 52 Listening Skills The ears can be ready when the heart’s just not Things that we can’t face have great power over us whether we are aware of it or not. These are the taboo topics that we often avoid for whatever reason. What it has to do with skillful listening is that we have to acknowledge its existence and acknowledge that it makes you feel uncomfortable. When other people raise it up for discussion, they are most likely not trying to cause you pain.
  • 43. 52 Listening Skills Continually minimize distractions Eliminating or reducing distractions is a requirement to become a skillful listener. Distractions both internal and external must be dealt with to become a skillful listener. Examples of both internal and external distractions are phone calls, personal concerns, ambient noises, etc.
  • 44. 52 Listening Skills Practice taking crap When someone is sending or projecting negative energy, do not face the negative energy head-on but instead stand up, move around, become a moving target for the bad energy but never lose control. It is important not to face someone’s negative energy with your own negative energy. This will prove to be an extremely worthwhile and beneficial practice.
  • 45. 52 Listening Skills Learn to say “no” Saying no can be very difficult, but to say no is better that to simply say “yes” just because you are afraid to say “no.” When someone requests for you to listen, it is just fair to ask for time and think it over. It is only until such time when you can say “no” that people will believe that your “yes” means “yes” and your “no” means “no.”
  • 46. 52 Listening Skills Don’t interrupt unnecessarily When we listen to others, there are things they say that activate us to speak up in some way. These impulses of ours must be controlled to become a skillful listener. When we interrupt a speaker, we send out the message that what you have to say is more important than what the speaker is saying. By learning how to control our tongue, we considerably improve our listening skills.
  • 47. 52 Listening Skills Give up the need to be right Many conversations end up in head-to-head arguments on who is wrong and who is right. Skillful listeners recognize the benefits of not always having to prove themselves right. The insatiable need of always having to be right creates a fear of being wrong. Skillful listeners initiate, invite and help manage it for themselves and others as skillfully as possible.