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Essay on A Report On Schindlers List
A Report On Schindlers List
Thomas Keneally's Schindler's List is the historical account of Oskar Schindler and his heroic
actions in the midst of the horrors of World War II Poland. Schindler's List recounts the life of Oskar
Schindler, and how he comes to Poland in search of material wealth but leaves having saved the
lives of over 1100 Jews who would most certainly have perished. The novel focuses on how
Schindler comes to the realization that concentration and forced labor camps are wrong, and that
many people were dying through no fault of their own. This realization did not occur overnight, but
gradually came to be as the business man in Oskar Schindler turned into the savior of the Jews that
had brought him so much wealth. ... Show more content on ...
This turns out to be timely for Schindler as now he is able to get very cheap labor. The next few
years would go well for Schindler and his factory for they turned a great profit. In fact he made so
much money that he is quoted as saying, "I've made more money than I could possibly spend in a
lifetime.'; His workers were also very happy. This is because "Schindler's Jews'; were treated as
humans as opposed to being treated as animals. For them, working in Schindler's factory was an
escape from the ghetto and from much German cruelty. They loved Schindler so much that his
factory became known as a haven throughout the Jewish community. However, things began to go
sour for Schindler, when the Germans ordered the liquidation of the ghettoes. Soon all of the Jews in
the Cracow ghetto were relocated to the Plaszow labor camp. By this time Schindler had grown so
affectionate toward his Jewish workers that he refused to hire Poles, and instead sought of a way to
keep using the Jews that he had grown so accustomed to. As the Cracow Jews were relocated to the
Plaszow labor camp, Oskar Schindler came into direct dealings with the camp's director, Amon
Goeth. He did not like Amon, but he tried to get in on his best side in order to keep using his Jews in
his factory. Amon agreed to let Schindler use them, and thus saving his Jews from some of the
harshness of the Plaszow labor camp. As the war began to go
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Oskar Schindler : A Member Of The Nazi Party
Oskar Schindler is widely known as a member of the Nazi Party who saved the lives of 1,200 Jews
during the Holocaust. He is the subject of the novel Schindler's Ark, and the film based on it,
Schindler's List. He was born on April 28th, 1908 into a Catholic German family and was raised in
Zwittau, in the Sudetenland. Oskar had a younger sister named Elfriede who he loved dearly, his
father was Johann "Hans" Schindler, the owner of a farm machinery business while his mother,
Louisa, was a homemaker. Although he did graduate from high school he did not attend college but
went to trade school instead but then decided to leave in 1924, taking odd jobs and trying to find a
new direction in life. By 1928, he met and married Emilie Pelzl and soon after was called into
military service, serving in the Czechoslovakian Army for eighteen months where he rose to the
rank of Lance–Corporal. After his military service, he began working as a sales manager for
Moravian Electrotechnic which went bankrupt shortly afterwards, leaving Schindler unemployed. In
1935, when Oskar was 27 years old, his father abandoned his mother, there was no divorce. Three
years later she died alone and Oskar was devastated, refusing to speak to his father at her funeral. It
was during this period when Oskar surprised his friends and family by wearing a Swastika. He had
joined the Nazi party as it was good for business and he wanted to make a lot of money. In Europe
the political landscape was experiencing
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Schindlers List Essay
Schindler's List
Oskar Schindler was a wealthy German industrialist, who made much of his wealth by employing
Jewish men and women in his various factories. In the movie " Schindler's List," it starts off with
Schindler in a restaurant with many high ranking Nazi officers eating there. He starts off by buying
a officer a bottle of expensive wine, but it does not end there. Before the night is gone he has
boughten dinner for all of the officers. This is how he made friends, friends with power.
At this point the War was already underway and Schindler seized an oppurtunity to make money.
Thinking ahead he hires a Jewish accountant that he believes is very qualified for that ... Show more
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For each person on the list he has also listed their specialty.
Later he starts another fastory, but this time the workers make bullets and shells. Once again he uses
Jews as the workers but this time he is making no profit because the shells the workers make don't
work. Schindler adjusted the machines to do so.
By this time the war was almost over, so Schindler tookto the road like many other Nazi officials. At
his departure all his workers are present and they give him a paper with all their signatures with a
short letter in case he is captures by one of the allied powers. From there he starts to breakdown
saying that he could have saved more lives by selling his car and gold nazi pin. Soon he gets into his
car and starts to journey to another place. At the very end of the movie it shows all the "Schindler
Jews" and they all place a rose on his tomb.
I believe that the Holocaust should never happen again. This story, which was first told in a book
called " Schindler's ArK," had a great affect on me because it was so graphic and I will and hopefull
never see anything like it again for the rest of my life. For that reason it will also be a lasting one.
The small girl in the red coat that Schindler was watching was only one of four places in the movie
that had color. I believe
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Oskar Schindler Comparison
Oskar Schindler was as you would call it, the protagonist of the film. He was the man looking to
make a fortune off the German invasion in Poland, he could be considered as callous or greedy. As
you are introduced to Schindler you see him picking out each part of his outfit. The suit, tie, shoes
and pants. Right down to the pin and how much money was in his pocket. This came off to me as
being a narcasist, or pompass. Schindler began as a womanizing and immoral man who only cared
about his personal gain. He was not faithful to his wife and had many mistresses. His wife Emilie
did not live with him for most of their marriage because of it,and when she walked in on him and
the mistress she was very upset and annoyed by Shindler. Schindler, who ... Show more content on ...
Goeth finds a sanctioned outlet for his cruelty in the Nazi military and is representative of the
mindless evil of the Third Reich and its "final solution." He views Jews as vermin, creatures
unworthy of possessing basic human rights. He kills often and without hesitation or provocation.
Unlike Schindler, Goeth never strays into goodness. However, the lack of change in his basic nature
does not render him a one–dimensional character; Goeth is a complicated and conflicted man, as
well. He lusts after his Jewish maid, Helen Hirsch, and actor Ralph Fiennes skillfully conveys both
the strength and ambivalence of this passion. Goeth attempts to seduce Helen, and when she shows
no reaction, he turns on her, blames her for trying to tempt him, calls her names, and beats her
savagely. Later, when Schindler wants to buy Helen to put her on his list, Goeth refuses. He tells
Schindler he will never let her go, that he wants to bring her back to Vienna and grow old with her.
Schindler tells him it can never be, and Goeth, exhibiting his conflicting feelings, replies that he
would never subject Helen to Auschwitz, but would shoot her in the head, "mercifully," instead.
Goeth's twisted idea of a merciful end for Helen epitomizes both his inner conflict and essential
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Oskar Schindler Research Paper
Oskar Schindler Born in Svitavy, Moravia on April 28, 1908. Schindler was born to an ethnic
Catholic German family. He and his family remained in Svitavy during the interwar period. He
gained Czech citizenship after the Morvania joined the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918. In 1928 he
married Emilie Pelzel. He also had many jobs like working at his father's farm machinery business
in Svitavy, opening a driving school, selling government property in Brno. He also served in the
Czech army in 1938 he became the rank of lance corporal in the reserve. Also in 1938 Schindler
joined the Nazi party after Germany annexed the Sudetenland. He worked with the office of the
military Foreign Intelligence. However, in the film, Schindler's list, Schindler is depicted as a
dynamic character who is all about himself and no one else.
At the beginning of the film, Schindler is a ... Show more content on ...
He moved to Argentina in 1948 where he went bankrupt again. His marriage failed and finally
returned to Germany in 1957 where he had many failed business attempts. Schindler was then
honored as one of the Righteous Among Nations at Israel's Yad Vashem memorial to the victims of
the Holocaust, an honor awarded by Israel to non–Jews who saved the Jews during the Holocaust at
a risk to their own lives. Schindler was the first Nazi party member to be recognized with a tree
planted in his name at the Yad Vashem Memorial in Jerusalem. He was also honored with the
German Federal Cross of Merit and with the Papal Order of St. Sylvester. Oskar Schindler died
October 9, 1974, at the age of 66. He was buried in the Catholic cemetery at Mount Zion in
Jerusalem. He is the only member of the Nazi party buried at that location. Many stones normally
rest on top of his grave as a sign of gratitude, inscribed on his gravestone it reads "The
Unforgettable Lifesaver of 1200 Persecuted
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Oskar Schindler: Industrialist Spy
Oskar Schindler: Industrialist Spy
During the Second World War, the Holocaust was enacted by a severely evil man named Adolf
Hitler; but the country that supported him had many rebels that went against his teachings.
Industrialist spy, Oskar Schindler, assisted in saving many Jewish lives and aiding them during the
Holocaust. Schindler gave up his life and his money for the well being of others. Oskar Schindler's
family, job, and education impacted who he became and the effect he had in the Holocaust by giving
aid to the surrounding Jewish communities he impacted. Oskar Schindler was born on April 28,
1908 in Svitavy, Moravia. He was the eldest of two kids and his family was German and Catholic.
His dad, Hans Schindler, was a farm equipment ... Show more content on ...
As Adolf Hitler rose to power Schindler joined a pro–Nazi organization to get information for the
German Military. Oskar Schindler was sentenced to death by the Czech authorities for spying, but
was released because Sudetenland became part of Germany. In September 1939 Schindler decided
to leave his wife and go to Krakow to gain money from World War I, which started when Germany
invaded Poland. After, he became very involved in the black market, and using charm and gifts, he
bribed high–ranked German officers. He took on a Jewish enamelware and renamed it Deutsche
Emailwarenfabrik. He hired Jewish workers to help produce goods for the German military. The
Jewish workers were taken by the SS to be deported to Auschwitz but Schindler ran down to the
train and argued with the soldiers that he needs the Jewish workers to work in the factory. Oskar
Schindler was successful and saved his workers from being deported to Auschwitz. Schindler made
a deal with Goth that allowed him to relocate his factory and make a list of Jews that he thought
were essential to have working. With some help he made a list of 1,100 Jewish workers and it was
approved. He then instructed them to make defective weapons that would not pass inspection
because he did not want to support the German's war effort. The Jewish workers spent the rest of the
war in the factory safe
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Shindler At Schindler Analysis
I think at first, Schindler was just doing it to get money and to please himself, but once he realized
the true meaning of the final solution, he really did try hard to save as many as possible, and (as
shown at the end of the movie) he feels like he didn't do enough when in reality he did something
truly amazing. At the beginning, the role of Itzhak Stern was to get the loans that Schindler needed
to buy a building and start a company that would help him get money. Stern was the accountant of
the previous business that owned the building that Schindler wanted, so Schindler thought that Stern
would be the best person to go to get the building. Stern, after helping Schindler get the money
required to buy the building, tells Schindler that he ... Show more content on ...
Stern continuously mentions various Jews who are on the Nazis' "radars" and Schindler gives Stern
items to bribe the Nazi who is in charge of sending prisoners to businesses and such to get those
Jews for Schindler's business. I think Schindler made the decision to rescue Jews after the
liquidization in the ghettos, but it took him a while to get everything sorted out mentally and
physically. I think having Stern inside the camp really fuels him to rescue as many as possible
because he had an inside look at what was really happening inside and who really needed rescuing.
Goeth uses terms such as "vermin" and "rats" to show that he doesn't see Jews as humans, just as
other things that inhabit the earth. My friends and I don't really use words to separate ethics groups
from one another, we just call them what they are (black, white, Hispanic, Jewish, Christian, etc.) I
have a very wide (ethnic–wise) group of friends, so we don't really take offense to others calling us
what we really
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Oskar Schindler Research Paper
Oskar Schindler Good Morning Class, Oskar Schindler was a German spy that saved around 1,200
Jews during the Holocaust. The Holocaust was "the mass murder of some 6 million European Jews"
during World War 2 (History, 2015). Oskar was born on the 28 of April 1908 and had a mother a dad
and a Sister. Oskar grew up in Zwittau, Moravia. Oskar had several other jobs before he joined the
intelligence service of Nazi, in 1936. In 1938 Oskar found out information that the troops were
moving. Then Oskar got arrested for espionage. Espionage is "the term is generally associated with
state spying on potential or actual enemies primarily for military purposes" (Wikipedia, 2015).
However he was released under the Munich agreement in 1938. One example
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Reasons For Oskar Schindler
Why would Oskar Schindler, a soldier trained by the nazis flip against his own government.
Well to properly answer this question we've to seem at Mr. Schindlers life to know his thought
method. By gazing all of this we are going to be able to see why Oskar would commit such a
treasonable act. sure facts and aspects of his life can simply lead America to a conclusion.
Oskar Schindler born in Zwittau geographic region on Apr the twenty eighth nineteen zero eight in a
very home impressed together with his folks deep spiritual beliefs. His neighbors were a person
family by the name of the Rabbi family. that they had 2 sons with whom Oskar became best friends
with. The family were one in all the richest families in his home city, however thanks to the deep
economic ... Show more content on ...
once somebody remembers that the primary German divisions invaded geographic region in 1939.
maybe it absolutely was as a result of he saw such a large amount of prospects witch the war
brought in its wake., he followed on the heels of the SS once the Germans invaded European nation.
Oskar got on smart terms with the the native German native police. Oskar was a libertine and a
significant alcoholic, however he systematically risked his own life to save lots of his "Schindler
Jews" from the death camps. Schindler was recruited by the German
Intelligence agency to gather data regarding POLES and was extremely reputable for his efforts–a
proven fact that was to play a decisive Roll later within the war for Schindler once he required his
He left his spouse Emilie in Zwittau and captive to Crakow, wherever he took over a person families
housing bribes within the form of cash and nonlegal black product underpopulated a world of sin.
He exploits with lady square measure the things of a berroom
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Oskar Schindler Research Paper
The Holocaust was a dark time in the world for the many millions of Jews who were suffering in
anguish. However, through this dark time, one man by the name of Oskar Schindler was able to be a
light unto those who needed his aid. Born in 1908 in the Austro–Hungarian Empire, Schindler lived
to be 66 years old before his death in October of 1974 ("Oskar Schindler Biography"). During this
time, he provided safe and humane jobs for over 1200 Jews during the Holocaust, saving both their
and their future descendants lives. He not only rescued them from their death sentence, but treated
them as what they actually were... human beings.
Oskar Schindler may have struggled with academics, but was always confident with his people
skills. It all started at his German–Catholic–Language grade school, in the Sudetenland, where he
was known for making friends and for being popular (Crowe, David M). Although he ... Show more
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After his death, Schindler was mourned across four continents (Bülow,Louis). In 1993, the movie
Schindler's List was filmed in his honor (Bülow,Louis). People were so encouraged by him, they
made this movie to memorialize him and the Jews who were not able to be rescued. His story
became so popular with people not only for the lives he saved but also for his flaws; they made him
a very relatable person. Louis Bülow wrote, "No matter why, no matter that he was an alcoholic and
a shameless womanisor of the worst sort what matters to the Schindler–Jews is that he surfaced from
the chaos of madness and risked everything for them.To more than 1200 Jews Schindler was all that
stood between them and death at the hands of the Nazis" (Bülow,Louis). This is basically saying that
even though he may have done some bad things his compassion for the Jews will always be
honored. His story impacted the lives of so many all over the world, and he will always be
remembered for what he has
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Oskar Schindler Research Paper
Oskar Schindler is a hero for saving over one thousand Jews, he used his position and money to save
the Jews. Nobody really knows why he saved the Jews but they are happy that he did. We can't
imagine what all the Jews went through.
Oskar saved 1,200 Jews. He had two shops but, he only let them work at Emalia. In 1944 he had
1,700 workers and 1,000 of them were Jews. As Elie Wiesel once said in (Night) "At Auschwitz,
there was only one way you got out. Through the chimney". "During the liquidation of the Karakaw
ghetto in March 1943, Schindler allowed his workers to stay at his factory overnight".
Oskar saw how bad "the Jews" were being treated so he stepped up and did something about it. He
spent 4 million German marks to save the Jews from
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Oskar Schindler Argumentative Essay
What do you think of about a man who cheated, bribed, and associated with sadists and killers?
What if I said that same used those skills to save more than a thousand Jewish during the Holocaust?
That is who Oskar Schindler was. He grew up in Germany, and was hired as a Nazi. However, when
he saw what the Nazis were doing to the helpless Jewish, he made his own factory where Jews that
worked for him would never get hit, yelled at, or murdered. Oskar Schindler is a hero because of his
humanitarian efforts. He was an unquestionably a commendable man because he risked his life to
save countless Jews, hired them to work in his factory, and fed them well. Along with that, he gave
them proper medical treatment in his factory, and then finally managed to help them all escape
safely after Hitler committed suicide. ... Show more content on ...
After Oskar gets hired as a Nazi, he "arrives in Krakow, and starts working in factories, hiring Jews.
He becomes aware of the killings, gives information to Jewish underground organizations Oskar
manages to open 'subcamp' at his factory where conditions are much better" (Roberts 99). If
Schindler was caught doing this, he would have been captured, and put into a concentration camp
himself. Oskar Schindler also risked his life many times when he traveled to different countries and
managed to smuggle Jews to work in his factory: "Schindler's journey to Budapest and his
smuggling of the Zionists were activities that if Schindler had been caught, he would have been
charged of treason and would have been imprisoned in a concentration camp to torture and murder
him" (McConnell 206). Oskar Schindler was an unforgettable man that put his life in danger to save
as many defenseless Jews as possible. When he rescued the men and women in the camps, he gave
them jobs at his
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Oskar Schindler Argumentative Essay
Over 11 million people died in the holocaust, and more than 7 million of them were Jewish. Oskar
Schindler was an entrepreneur who sacrificed himself for a cause he believed was unjust. He spent
most of his life around Germany in Europe. During the Holocaust, he saved over 1,200 people from
the gas chambers. There are some people who don't think of him as a hero, but as a man looking to
make an easy dollar. In my opinion Oskar Schindler was a hero of the highest class and deserves all
the credit he received for his actions. When Oskar was born in 1908, no one could've guessed he
would have such an impact on the world.
When Oskar was a young boy, he adored his father and strived to be like him. His Father and
Mother were both German, even though he was born in Zwittau, Hungary. His Father, Johann,
owned a farm machinery business that Oskar eventually worked at. He had one sister, named
Elfriede, who was seven years younger than him. After Oskar attended primary and secondary
school, he enrolled in a technical school. He was expelled from the school in 1924 for forging his
report card. After later graduating from a different school, he worked for his father for several years.
In 1928, he married his lifelong friend Emilie and he immediately stopped working for his father but
started looking for more ... Show more content on ...
When Oskar moved to Krakow at the beginning of WWI, and hired hundreds of Jews to work at his
factory it was much cheaper than hiring regular workers. He didn't have to pay them and only had to
feed them 1 time while they were at work. This made his business extremely profitable. The one
problem with that theory is that Schindler all though very profitable spent nearly all of his profits
bribing Nazi officers so they would let his Jews live. Oskar nearly went broke from spending so
much money on
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Who Is Oskar Schindler A Hero
Standing in front of his people, the "SchindlerJuden", Oskar Schindler gave a heartfelt farewell as a
Russian armada pushes towards them. A man who saved hundreds, Oskar Schindler, was a man of
business he was a man of money, but even men of money can have a change of heart. Schindler
went from enemy spy to savior and that's why to me he is an awe–inspiring hero because he was
seen as a human he made many mistakes but in the end, he saved many Jewish people. Schindler
was born April 28, 1908, in Zwittau, Moravia, Austria–Hungary (now Svitavy, Czech Republic). His
father's name was Hans Schindler, he was a farm equipment manufacturer and Louisa Schindler was
the homemaker. Schindler home life was rough his father was a heavy drinker and a womanizer. ...
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He preferred to take his chances with the approaching U.S. forces instead. A couple of days later, the
twelve hundred or so Schindlerjuden ("Shindler's Jews") were freed by a lone Russian officer who
rode up to the factory on horseback.Schindler's life after the war was similar to that before the war,
which was marked by a string of failed business ventures, overspending, plenty of drinking, and
love affairs. In 1949, Schindler moved to Argentina and purchased a farm. By 1957, however,
Schindler had gone bankrupt and was relying on the charity of the Jewish organization B'nai B'rith
to survive. Schindler abandoned his wife and returned to West Germany. He started a cement
business in Frankfurt, Germany, but it failed in 1961. From then on, he lived mostly off funds
provided by the Schindlerjuden as well as a small pension.The same year Schindler lost his cement
business, he was invited to visit Israel for the first time. Many of his countrymen were angry with
him for saving Jews and testifying in court against Nazi war criminals. Every spring for the rest of
his life, he returned to Israel for several weeks to bask in the admiration of the Schindlerjuden and
their offspring, whom he regarded with great affection as his own family. Shortly after Schindler's
fifty–fourth birthday in 1962, he was officially declared a "Righteous Gentile (non–Jew)" and
invited to plant a tree on the Avenue of the Righteous leading up to Jerusalem's Yad Vashem
Museum. Upon his death from heart and liver problems in 1974, he was granted his request to be
buried in Israel. About five hundred Schindlerjuden attended his funeral and watched as his body
was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Schindler's life was turned
into a movie based off the book "Schindler's List" also called "Schindler's
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Oskar Schindler Research Paper
Oskar Schindler was born on April 28, 1908 in the city of Zwittau, Moravia to a Catholic family.
The area is now part of the Czech Republic, but in 1908, this land was part of the Austrian–
Hungarian Empire. Oskar was born to Hans and Louisa Schindler, his father was a factory owner,
while his mother was a housewife. Despite the 7 year age gap between him and his sister Elfriede,
they had a very strong bond. Mid 1920's he joined his father in the family's induralist business. In
1928, Oskar met Emilie Pelzl who later became the love of his life and wife. At the time, he also left
his father's company to work with an electrical company. After the Great Depression, Oskar and his
family became bankrupt. He did what he had to do, as did many others, and joined ... Show more
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He befriended members of the SS, and German army, only to later benefit him. Schindler wanted to
buy a factory, but needed investors. Oskar then met Itzhak Sterk a Jewish accountant who would
help his business flourish. With the war factor he knew a large profit could be made. In 1940, his
factory opened and many came to work for Schindler, making him millions of dollars, When the
1943 liquidation of the Krakow ghetto occurred, Schindler lost all of his workers. That is when he
met Amon Goeth, the man in charge of the final liquidation and commander at Plaszow. He bribed
Amon with goods from the black market to allow to him to have his own labor camp within his
factory. Schindler then began to realize the ways of the Nazis were inhumane and unjust. Oskar
knew he had to do something to help. Then, Schindler's List was created with over 1,2000 names.
Schindler spent whatever he had buying back Jews and bribing German officials to keep them safe.
He saved over 1200 lives by generating this list, many would have not survived the horrors of the
Holocaust without this man. All it took was one man to make a difference in
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Oskar Schindler Comparison Essay
Comparing Oskar Schindler throughout Schindler's List Oskar Schindler was credited to saving
more than a thousand Jewish people's lives by having them work at his factory, but he didn't always
have the desire to save the Jews. Actually, throughout the whole movie he wore a Nazi pin on his
shirt. While the movie progresses Schindler goes from having the same viewpoint as the Nazis to
eventually siding with the Jews. Going through Schindler's miraculous change of heart is very
inspiring, and Schindler's List should be seen by all to understand such a terrible time in our world's
history. At the beginning of the movie, Schindler is seen getting ready to go to a party with the SS
officers and other people affiliated with the Nazis. He gets his money and all of his other fancy
things ready to go to the party, and lastly he fastens the Nazi pin on to his suit jacket. At the time, he
seemed to wear this pin proudly and supported the Nazi party. Another time Schindler's Nazi side
shows at the beginning of the movie, is when Stern brought in the man with one arm to thank
Schindler for giving him a ... Show more content on ...
That was the point when he realized what the Nazi party was doing to the Jews. Another time he saw
things were getting bad is when Stern forgot his work permit and almost got transported to the
camps. That is when Schindler started to make a change. First, he did it subtly by giving the Jews
water in the cattle cars and saying he was just washing them off or when he snuck chocolate to
Helen in the basement. After that, he started showing his support for the Jews even more like when
he kissed the Jewish girl on his birthday. Then, when he saw the crematorium he decided he had
enough and brought over a thousand Jews to work at his factory. He even started giving up
everything he had just to save the lives of the Jews that worked at his
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Oskar Schindler Biography
Oskar schindler
He was a Nazi but instead of killing Jews, He was saving the lives of 1,200 Jews. His name was
Oskar Schindler. Oskar Schindler was a man who was a part of the Nazi party. He disagreed with
what they were doing so he saved many Jews. Oskar Schindler was a hero that employed Jews in his
factory so they didn't have to go to the concentration camps during World War Ⅱ.
Oskar Schindler was born in 1908 in the city of Zwittau, Moravia. When Oskar was 12 he worked
for his dad selling farm equipment but when he got married to a woman named Emilie. There were
problems between the two men in the relationship. So Oskar left his father's job and worked at a
Moravian electric company as a sales manager. At this time Adolf Hitler and his party rose to power.
"On September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland, prompting Great Britain and France to declare war
on Germany" (Encyclopedia of World Biography) . Oskar went to poland because he wanted to
make money off the encounter. Soon the city krakow, poland became the center location of the nazis
that were located in poland. Oskar tried to ... Show more content on ...
They all were all ordered to go to the train station. When the first group arrived at the train station.
Oskar hurried over to the station and argued with the SS officers telling them how important they
were to the effort of the war. Once he convinced the officers to let him take the Jew back to his
factory Oskar escorted them there safely. Early next year the nazis commanded a final clean up of
the Krakow ghetto. There was a rule that jews who were healthy and could work hard were sent to
Plaszow a forced labor camp just outside of the city. The rest were sent to death camps or killed
right there. The commander announced all local industries would have to move inside Plaszow.
Oskar said establishing a mini–labor camp within his factory that would continue to employ his own
workers. Oskar bribed him to
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Oskar Schindler Film Analysis
Saving more than one–thousand Jews during World War One, Oskar Schindler is a true hero who's
story got told through a movie. From 1933 to 1945 people's lives would drastically change. But
thanks to Schindler many people and many blood lines are still continued. The director, Steven
Spielberg, does an amazing job in creating a time machine for people to go back in time and see
exactly what had happened during this time. Spielberg uses color, music, and camera angles to make
an amazing film.
Spielberg uses color to add emphasis and emotion to the film. Schindler's List begins in color while
a candle is burning. When the candle is completely burned down the film switches to black and
white meaning that the scene is changing to the past rather than the present. The black and white
gives emotion and shows contrast throughout the film. One example is when the one armed man is
shot. The black blood against the pure white snow is a contrast between the good and the evil that
occurs during the Holocaust. Also the use of dark and dull colors gives off emotion , whereas bright
colors give off happy and excited feelings. Even though the majority of the film is in black and
white, one scene portrays a little girl wearing a bright red coat. The use of this bright color shows
the innocence of all the victims involved in the Holocaust, and also symbolizes and foreshadows the
death and blood shed that is to come. At the end of the film, bodies are being burned and the same
little girl in
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Oskar Schindler Sociology
This movie is about a man name named Oskar Schindler who spent many of millions of dollars to
save Jews. The Jews he saved ended up being called Schindler's Jews which was somewhere
between 1,000 to 2,000 Jews who he saved. He saved these Jews by buying a bankrupt company and
hired these Jews to work in his factory. He was a man who brided Nazi officers to make sure that the
Jews that he wanted were not deported and killed in a death camp. He used many different Jews
administers to make sure that the list was the way that he wanted it and to make sure that he had all
the Jews he wanted were on there. When he knew that Germany was losing the war he made sure
that the Jewish workers that were working for him at the time were moved to his factory to the what
is known today as the Czech Republic to make sure that none of his Jews were killed.
The movie relates many chapters thought out the movie such as when Schindler was worried about
the Jews packed into the cattle cars and he went and got a firehose and sprayed ... Show more
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I think that what Hitler did to the Jews was considered genocide because he killed them because he
thought that they were the reason why Germany lost World War 1. I think that it was just something
that has to do with the ethnicity of Jews being the minority group and the Nazis being the dominant
group. I think that what Hitler was trying to do was he trying to do an ethnic cleansing to make sure
that the Aryans were the dominant ethnic group. He also made the Jews do a population transfer
because he made them move into ghettos and concentration camps. I also think that he was trying to
do something like segregation but it ended up going in his favor and not in the favor of the Jews. I
also think that Hitler compartmentalized and worried more about the Jews than any other ethnic
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Shindler's List And Schindler Comparison
Throughout the film Schindler's List, the characters Oskar Schindler and Amon Goeth grew
increasingly different. In the beginning, Goeth and Schindler were both power hungry and
egotistical. However, as the movie continues, several notable instances demonstrate the
juxtaposition between the men. In Schindler's List, the evidence that marks Goeth as a static
character and Schindler as a dynamic character is apparent. While Schindler evolves from a
narcissist to a hero, Goeth remains a savage. One incident that proves this can be the conversation
between the two men regarding power, which reveals how Goeth's plan of power rests on fear
whereas Schindler's rests on admiration and respect. Goeth's megalomaniacal character is exposed
during the
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Oskar Schindler Greed
The Jews Messiah
While he may have used Jews as cheap labor during WWII, Oskar Schindler is remembered as a
businessman who helped Jews during the Holocaust, intervened repeatedly on their behalf through
bribes and personal diplomacy, displayed compassion and empathy for the jews and his human
kindness overcame his greed.
Oskar Schindler was born in Svitavy, Czech Republic on April 28, 1908. In 1928, he met Emilie
Pelzl, not far after he married her and was assigned into the military. In the 1930s, Schindler Joined
a pro–Nazi organization, he then became a "spy" for the German Military. September 1939,
Germany invaded poland, which started WWII. Schindler arrived in Krakow, Poland mid–October,
Searching for a way to make profit. He then Found that the enamelware and ... Show more content
on ...
While he started with 45 employees, his factories grew with more than 1,700 workers in 1944.
Originally Oskar assigned jewish workers because he would have to pay less than hiring regular
workers. Over time he found reasons to hire more and more jewish workers, regardless of their
abilities. Nearly half of the employees were Jewish and where known as Schindlerjuden. Short for
Schindler Workers. By the Spring of 1940, the Nazi started to act different toward the Jews.
Schindler was ordered to pay his jewish employees' wages directly to the SS rather than to the
workers themselves. Work–essentials Jews were forced to leave the city by the Nazis. June, 1942 the
Krakow Jews were relocated to labor camps. Some of Oskar Schindler's workers were ordered to go
to the train stations, including his office manager. Oskar flew to the station and was trying to
negotiate with the Nazis on how Important his workers were to him and his business. Then, he
started to name some of his friends from the Nazi party that he met in poland. He was finally able to
return them safely back to the
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Schindlers list Essay
Oscar Schindler
Oskar Schindler would never have been anyone's ideal savior, especially for the Jewish community.
He was an open member of the Nazi party, a womanizer, a gambler, an alcoholic, and was extremely
money hungry, but was successfully able to rescue and save from death over twelve hundred Jewish
men and women. Schindler was born on April 28th, 1908 in Zwittua, Czechoslavakia. He was born
Catholic and into a wealthy family, but started early on a life of sin. In 1930 he moved to Poland in
hopes of becoming a success in business. As the Holocaust was just in its' beginnings, he was able to
get his hands on an enamel wear factory on Lapowa Street in in Krakow. This was one of the
factories that used to owned and ran by a Jewish ... Show more content on ...
The "Schindlerjuden" were always treated humanely. They were a;ways fed, never beaten, and none
were ever killed. He told the officers that the skills his workers possessed were "essential" to the
factory and were necessary to keep it running. Although Schindler was considered a war hero, after
the war he had difficulty keeping a good business and was not exactly held in high favor among
certain people. In 1949, after the war, he, his wife Emilie, and his mistress moved to Argentina.
While staying in Argentina, he attempted to keep a nutria farm and also opened a cement factory in
Germany. In order to run a successful factory or farm, he needed free labor which he lacked and
therefore both businesses were a failure. After those failed attempts, he decided to go into film and
became a film producer. That effort also ended in failure. In 1958, Schindler left noth his wife and
mistress and moved back to Germany. He then called upon his "Schindlerjuden" to help him in his
period of financial distress. They sent him money and support. In the early 1960's, he took a break
from his poverty and visited Israel. All the survivors and their families welcomed him with
warmness, love, and gratitude. After this visit, he continually made one six–week visit to Israel
every year, which was fully paid for by his "Schindlerjuden". Many of Oskar Schindler's efforts
were not appreciated until he was deceased. In praise, many
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A Hero: Oskar Schindler Essay
How is a hero defined? A quote from ERAGON and it is about what a true hero is "He threw him–
self in front of Eragon, his mouth open in a soundless snarl. The dagger struck him with a soft
thump, and he landed heavily on his shoulder" (Eragon 266). This is an example of a true hero.
Brom could have save himself and leave Eragon to die, but he chose to get the dagger in his side.
Brom did not care if he died, only that Eragon live this is what a true hero is. To many people, Oskar
Schindler is one of the greatest heroes because he saved many Jewish lives during the Holocaust.
First this is about Oskar Schindler life and death.
Oskar Schindler was born on the year of 1908 in April on 28 in Svitavy in Moravia Ca province of
the Austro ... Show more content on ...
Then he found out about how the Nazis treated the Jewish people. Oskar was so disgusted by the
sheer cruelty that the Jewish people when through. In the beginning after he found out Oskar began
to save as mining Jews people went through. Oskar also made sure that no ammunition was
produced or was to be used in the war. Oskar also made his factory was a place a refuge for the
Jewish people (1). Next it will be about how Oskar treated the Jewish people.
Oskar Schindler treated the Jewish people nicer and better that the Nazi treated the Jewish people.
Oskar did not beat the Jewish people when they did something wrong. The Nazis would beat the
Jewish people if they did something wrong. Oskar did not kill the Jewish people at all. The Nazis
would kill the Jewish people if they could not work, and if they were too young or too old. Oskar
treated the Jewish people nicer by feeding them more. Oskar also made sure the Jewish people were
not murdered or deported. Oskar made the Jewish people a place where they could live, and also
moved his factory to save his Jewish workers (2, 3, and 5). Oskar Schindler was kind to the Jewish
people. Following is about how Oskar Schindler paid the Jewish people.
During the Holocaust Oskar Schindler paid the Jewish people and started to think about the
treatment of Jewish people. Oskar Schindler paid women $4,000 more than men. Oskar paid men
$14,000 U.S. dollars. Oskar Schindler paid women $18,000 US dollars. Oskar
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Oskar Schindler Research Paper
Oskar Schindler was a man who, during the Holocaust, managed to assist over one thousand Jewish
people escape from a deadly persecution. Schindler accomplished something that was socially
unacceptable at the time; he prevailed against a system that showed no weakness. Schindler
manipulated hundreds of men and women during the Holocaust in order to accomplish the
unthinkable, and saved those he should have greatly despised. Oskar Schindler was able to complete
everything he did because of his personal background.
Throughout his life, Oskar Schindler never faced issues concerning money. As time progressed,
Schindler began using his money for the wellbeing of those who faced injustice and incrimination,
despite the fact that they had done nothing wrong. Due to Schindler's proposition, he used his
resources to obtain the necessary profit to save over one thousand Jewish people.Early in his adult
life, Schindler received his earnings and kept them all to himself. As time passed in Schindler's life,
he began to utilize his money to protect those he should have abused. Schindler fought for what he
believed in, and used wit to majorly affect the Nazi Party. ... Show more content on
Although Schindler was a member of the Nazi party, he understood the fact that the actions of the
Nazis were wrong and deserved immediate abolishment. Schindler managed to restore the Jewish
people's faith in humanity by employing them in his factories. Schindler's factories produced goods
necessary for the war efforts of World War II. Since the Jews worked in Schindler's factories, they
could not face persecution or transportation to concentration camps. The Jews could not face
execution due to the fact that they were necessary war efforts. This greatly affected the Nazi Party,
and their proposal to annihilate all Jewish people was
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Research Paper On Oskar Schindler
Oskar Schindler grew up in a prosperous Catholic family with all the privileges money could buy.
He grew up to be a German industrialist, spy, and a member of the Nazi Party, who outwitted Hitler
and the Nazis to save more Jews than any other from the deathly events of World War॥. With the
help of his wife, Emilie Schindler, Oskar Schindler saved the lives of 1,200 Jews during the
Holocaust by employing them in his ammunition and enamelware factories, spending millions
bribing the SS, and eventually risking his life to rescue the Schindler–Jews ("The Oscar Schindler
Story") Oskar Schindler was not one to pass up an opportunity to make some money. He marched
into Poland with the SS and dove head first into the black market. He soon began to make friends
with the Gestapo, the secret state police, by softening them up with women, money and alcohol. His
newfound connections helped him to acquire a factory, which he ran with the cheapest labor around,
Jews. At first, it seemed like he was another German money–driven industrialist but somewhere
along the way something changed. In December 1939, as the German–occupied Poland was being
torn up by the events of the Holocaust, Schindler took his first steps in becoming a Holocaust hero.
"If you saw a dog going to be crushed under a car," he said later of his wartime actions, "wouldn't
you help him?"("Oskar Schindler," Jewish Virtual Library).
Schindler, a money–hungry, fast–talking, womanizing, Nazi investor, bought Jewish
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Schindlers List Questions/Essay
Schindlers List
1) I believe the author; Steven Spielberg, intended to send a message concerning the human rights
all humans have, and attempt to further enhance our understanding of the justice system, and its
importance. With the amount of discriminations going on in the past few hundred years, I believe
the message was to better inform the population of today about the truth and to help them respect the
value of difference and life. 2) Like I mentioned in the first question, I believe the point of this story,
was to better inform the population of today about the conflicts that went on long ago, and the effect
it has on us today. It was a devastating time period concerning many deaths of a discriminated race,
and with this ... Show more content on ...
5) Throughout the entire struggle of Jews within the movie, Oskar Schindler provided them with
hope and reason to live. With no aide going for them, they originally felt hopeless and in a way
already dead. But given the courageous acts brought from Oskar, whether it was the creation of his
factories to gain profit and give employment, or the amount of Jews he personally bought to save
them from the camp. He provided them with life, and saved approximately 1,200 Jews. 6)
Throughout the war, Oskar Schindler's pot & pans factory provided him with a great amount of
wealth in his pocket. Over time, with the increasing amount of ammunition needed, he received
more profit given more exports. Though, in the end he didn't gain much, apart of the guilty feeling
he felt towards the death of many Jews. Do to the fact he was part of the German Party, he would
have been shot do his criminal acts towards the war. Even though his acts were more courageous
than any others throughout the Holocaust. 7) Like I mentioned within the first two questions, I
believe that the author intended this story to inform the modern world the truth of the holocaust.
Using the fact that the events actually happened, and the discrimination issues we are having today,
the author was able to efficiently cause a great impact within the viewers. I know personally, being
very interested in those types of historical events, that the movie was very moving, and gravely
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Examples Of Selflessness In Schindler By Shindler
Schindler is a hunted war criminal for the Jews he used for slave labor. So, in one of the last scenes,
as Schindler and his wife prepares to flee from the state, the Schindler Jews gave Schindler a gold
ring, engraved with the quotation, "whoever saves one life saves the entire world" from the Talmud,
the book of Jewish law. The former workers know there is no way they can repay Schindler for
saving their lives, but they want him to know that by saving them, he in turn saved humanity. The
quotation that supports one person can make a difference. If one person shows humanity to another,
they demonstrate the continuing existence of humanity in society. Selflessness, and kindness must
exist and as long as one good person exists, good will still
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schindlers list Essay
Schindlers List is a movie that takes place during WWII. The movie begins in Krakow, Poland just
after the collapse of the Polish army, and at the beginning of the German occupation. Oskar
Schindler, a tall handsome womanizer arrives in the city looking to open a factory in order to gain
profits from the war. At the time, Jewish people were no long permitted to own a business, so Oskar
obtains a factory from a Jewish man named Itzhak Stern, and makes Stern his accountant and
manager. The two men form a strange relationship, with Oskar taking advantage of Sterns talent,
and Stern distrustingly but obediently following Schindlers orders. Schindler goes to the Jewish
ghetto to get the rich Jewish people to invest into his factory, and to get ... Show more content on ...
The word quicky spread that in the factory, no Jews died. Schindler was unaware of this fact until on
day, a young Jewish woman disguised herself, and asked Schindler to hire her parents who were in a
labor camp. He was appalled by this request and fearful of what could happent to him if he
employed them. His anger scared the girl out of his office, however a few days later the girl was
rejoicing when she saw her parents being transfered into his factory by German officials. Several
days later, all of the Jews in the camps were asked to take off all of their clothes and then they were
put through numerous exams to determine if they were sick, or healthy enough to work. They were
then separated, with the weak Jews put in the gas chambers, and the healthy Jews sent to work.
With the Russians nearing, Germans must devise a plan to avoid them. They plan to move the Jews
to a different camp, further into Poland. Schindler wants to save the Jews, and he realizes that he is
running out of time. He makes a deal with Amon Geoth to "buy" the Jews. Schindler and Stern
devise a list, from memory, of 1100 Jewish workers. These Jews are give to Schindler who then
releases them to go their own way. The grateful Jews melt their gold fillings to create a ring, which
they present as a gift to Schindler. Although he accepts the ring, he is regretful that he did not do
more to
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Oskar Schindler: Hero Of The Holocaust
Oskar Schindler
Oskar Schindler is considered an amazing hero of the Holocaust and is noteworthy because he
rescued a lot of Jews, changed his Nazi beliefs, and was recognized by the state of Israel as one of
the "Righteous Among the Nation." He was a German industrialist who had such a huge impact on
modern society, he protected the jews from the wrath of the Nazi Party and preserved generation of
Jewish families.
He was born into a Catholic family with German origins in a small town in Austria–Hungary ( later
Zwittau, Czechoslovakia) on April 28th, 1908 and he grew up in Zwittau, Moravia. He had a
younger sister named Elfriede and he is Son of an uneducated alcoholic who sold electric motors for
a father and an elegant and pleasant woman as a mother. He died on October 9th, 1974 in Frankfurt,
Germany due to heart and liver problems. He had ... Show more content on ...
The businessman also managed to keep the SS guards out of the camp, a tactic that allowed him to
protect the Jews from hard labor. To avoid suspicion, he falsified employment records, claiming that
many of the Jews were laborers with essential skills for the war effort. Schindler rescued
approximately 1,200 Jews from the Nazi concentration camps. Schindler convinced the Nazis to
allow him to set up a factory at Brunnlitz, the "factory" was merely a cover. As the Soviet Army
approached Czechoslovakia, Schindler escaped from Moravia to western Germany with little more
than his life and the clothes he wore. His assets were now in Soviet–controlled territory, and as a
former Nazi he had little hope of regaining them. He and his wife survived with the help of Jewish
organizations and members of his "list." They funded the Schindlers' 1949 emigration to Argentina,
where he became a nutria (otter) rancher. This venture failed, as did his attempt in the late 1950s to
operate a cement factory in
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Oskar Schindler Essay
The Holocaust was a dark time in world history. Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and more were killed
and cremated by the hands of the Nazis. There were a few, however, that fought the views of Adolf
Hitler and attempted to save some of the victims of his cruelty. One of the greatest of these is Oskar
Schindler. Oskar Schindler has been described as a crook, an alcoholic, and an insatiable womanizer.
All of this may very well be true, but this factory owner was a hero to many Jewish men, women,
and children. When those Jews were shipped to the concentration camp Plazsow, he would make the
famed Schindler's list. This list was a promise, a promise to those who were on it, that they would
not die at the hands of the Nazis. Since he was known to ... Show more content on
On a business trip with his father he visited the farming village of Alt–Molstein in the Bohemian
countryside. They stopped at the Pelzl farm where he became infatuated with the farmer's daughter
Emilie. She was beautiful, educated, and was very religious just like his mother, Louisa. With talk of
marriage, neither father was very pleased. However Herr Pelzl, Emilie's father, reluctantly agreed
and promised Oskar a dowry of one hundred thousand Czech crowns and the couple were married in
March. 1928 only six months after they first met. Schindler worked in his family business until he
one day accepted a job as a sales manager in Czechoslovakia. He soon joined the Nazi Party and
began working as a spy for the Germans.In 1939 he was arrested by the Czechs and was condemned
to death. However, his life was saved when the Nazis soon took over Czechoslovakia. Also in 1939,
the Germans invaded Poland and Word War II began. Schindler acquired a bankrupt factory that
made enamel coated pots and pans. He hired Itzhak Stern to be his accountant. Schindler bribed his
way into getting army contracts and his factory soon began supplying the German army. The Jews
were soon forced into the Krakow ghetto, Where living conditions were horrible. Many of the Jews
that lived here worked
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Oskar Schindler Research Paper
Oskar Schindler
On April 28, 1908 in Svitavy, Moravia (a province of the Austro–Hungarian Monarchy) Oskar
Schindler was born. Schindler might be a familiar name as he was a hero to many Jews and played a
big role in saving 1,200 Jewish lives in the deportation to Auschwitz in World War 2. An opportunist
businessman with a taste for the finer things in life, he seemed an unlikely candidate to become a
wartime rescuer (United States Memorial Museum).
Oskar was a man who had many talents and jobs. He had worked in his father's farm machinery
company, had a driving school in Sumperk, and sold government property in Brno. In 1938 he had
served in the Czechoslovak army and was able to achieve the rank of lance corporal. In 1936
Schindler then started to work the Amt Auslands (Office of the Military Foreign Intelligence) and
joined the German Armed Forces. In the month of February 1939 he then joined ... Show more
content on ...
He requested to be buried in Jerusalem and is now resting on Mount Zion.
"Schindler's list" was then turned into a movie to tell the story of his heroic act. It helped create
more fame to his kindness and is now known around the world and his bravery will not be forgotten.
Oskar Schindler will be a great addition to be new exhibit to the United States Holocaust Memorial
Museum. It is one of the important events in the history of the genocide of Jews during World War
2. I feel his story and the survival of 1,000 and more Jews story should be spread and told.
It would be an educational to many people who visit the museum to learn about him. It would teach
people the backstory of his courageousness and the Jewish lives that were saved from murder at the
largest killing center (Auschwitz). It created a front and even though he could get in trouble and
could face serious consequences he still went through with it. It is an encouraging story and can
show something positive that happened in the
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Schindler Thesis
Schindler risked his life to save the Jews, as his growing compassion towards the Jews took over
him; he is a human being, who is sensitive to the suffering of others, which is why witnessing such
horror changed his character significantly. Drinking and partying were ideals of Schindler's lifestyle,
yet he left all of it to help people he had no personal connection towards; he spent all his money in
efforts to save the Jews, and still wanted to save more. In the last scene of the movie, Schindler is
distraught and heartbroken, as he looks towards his car stating, "This car. Goeth would have bought
this car. Why did I keep the car? Ten people right there. Ten people. Ten more people."; even in his
final moments with the Jews, he believes he could have saved more, even though, he had saved
1100 single handedly. Therefore, his motive was humanity, as no one can idly stand by as
individuals are stripped of their lives and slaughtered like animals; you are no less of an animal if
you can kill and torture without feeling. Witnessing the unprecedented suffering and unwarranted
horrors of ... Show more content on ...
This turning point in the movie, marks the moment Schindler is forced to confront the horror of the
Jewish life during the Holocaust; he realizes his hand in the horror of destruction of the Jewish race,
as he had used their misery for his own profit and benefit. During the cremation of bodies at
Plaszow, Schindler spots the girl in the red coat being wheeled away on a wagon, on top a pile of
dead bodies; in this moment he realizes the effects of his doings. In this moment, a major shift in his
attitude is prominent, as he is impacted by seeing the dead body of an innocent child; her death
symbolizes the death of
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Oskar Schindler Outline
Oskar Schindler
Mackenzie Britain
World War Ⅱwas one of the most gruesome wars ever to be fought. Millions of lives were lost.
People lost families, homes, and just pretty much everything. Oskar Schindler saved many lives
during World War Ⅱ. He brought hope for the Jews.
April 8, 1908, Schindler was born in Zwittau, Austria– Hungary. He was a catholic man who grew
up in a very wealthy family. Over the years he became a salesman and married Emilie Schindler. He
was the type of man that loved to make money, and he did by joining the SS on his way to Poland.
He seemed like any other "normal" man, making his wealth.
December 1939, Oskar changed his mind, he had a plan to help the Jews while he was in the Nazi
party. He said, "If you saw ... Show more content on ...
He employed Jewish workers to make sure that they were safe from the other camps. If he saw skill
in them, that's how he knew they were worthy. Schindler would spend every dime to make sure that
his worker got more than what the Jews at other camps received.
The Holocaust escalated, beating and killing Jews every day. Schindler invested money into his own
"camp" where Jews were sent and he would pay the nazi party off. He made sure that they were fed,
not beaten and had something to call home. Schindler would arrange a list of 900 Jews to work for
him. He referred to them as "his children." He created this camp so he could save many. He thought
that it was wrong of one man to kill another. Oscar had a soft heart for the Jews. Others did not
agree with this such as his fellow generals. Many Jews thought he was the true hero. He gave them
hope and somewhere to call home.
August, 1939, Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin signed the German–Soviet Nonaggression Pact which
cause the allies to worry. Hitler planned to invade Poland and he got his wish on September 1, 1939
from the west. Only two days later, France and Great Britain declared war on Germany. On the 17,
the Soviet troops invaded the east side. Poland was controlled by early
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Is Oskar Schindler A Hero
Heroes are made not born. Just like it happened with Oskar Schindler in the Holocaust. In the film
"Schindler's List", Steven Spielberg demonstrates how a person can change his personality and
make a difference in the world. Spielberg supports his theme by describing Oskar Schindler, a
businessman who saved thousands of people, specifically Jews, from being killed in the Holocaust
by putting them to work in a factory. At the beginning of the movie Schindler was a selfish man but
towards the end he becomes an altruistic person. Oskar Schindler becomes a hero over the course of
his life because he realizes that innocent people were getting killed and harmed and ends up saving
their lives.
During the Holocaust, Germans formed ghettos, places ... Show more content on ...
Schindler managed to save 1,100 people from the suffering. For many, Schindler was a true hero,
though he wasn't born a perfect man. Think about firefighters, police officers, or criminal judges,
they are not born with a gun or a gavel in their hands, they had a triggering point in their lives that
led them to be the persons they are now. Likewise, author Elie Wiesel was a prisoner in
concentration camp. When Wiesel finally got out of the concentration camp, he realized that Jewish
people were being ignored by the world and this was his triggering point to become a hero through
writing. In his "Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech" Wiesel says, "...that the world did know and
remained silent. And that's why I swore never be silent whenever and wherever human beings
endure suffering and humiliation". For many Wiesel was a hero too, because he inspire others,
through his writings, to not be indifferent to human grieving. In my own experience all heros have a
turning point in their lives that led them to become an altruistic person. For example my turning
point was when I use to have cancer. When I overcame cancer, it made me realize that I could be an
inspiration for others to fight for their dreams, and for that reason I was a hero for many of my
friends and family. Just like I did, Schindler became a hero because he had a triggering point that
one way or another shaped him into a
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Why Was Oskar Schindler A Hero
Oskar Schindler, a German businessman became an unlikely hero when he saved eleven hundred
Jews in Poland and Czechoslovakia from death at the hands of the Nazis during World War Two.
Though he was in the Nazi party himself, he employed all these Jews to work in his factory to keep
them safe from being deported into death camps. Some say he is an opportunist just out there to
make the extra dollar; many others say that he is a hero that did this amazing act just from the
kindness of his heart. who he was, what he did, why he did it, and finally why he is considered a
hero. Schindler was born on April 28, 1908, Svitavy, Czech Republic, where he spent his childhood;
his father was an alcoholic and his mother died at a young age, though that didn't slow Schindler
down ... Show more content on ...
Soon after the war began Schindler completely abandoned his selfish desires of gaining wealth and
power and started building factories in Poland so he can start employing Jewish workers, which
saved them from being killed. Though from doing this started to get the SS's attention and
eventually led him to being arrested twice. Even from all these obstacles, Schindler still did not give
up and kept all his factories running and kept them as a haven for the Jews. Schindler managed to
remain on excellent terms with German officials through expensive gifts and bribery. On the other
hand Schindler stood out and bravely defied his German allies for something he strongly believed
was right. In 1941 German–occupied Poland was a country bursting with racism and hatred against
Jews. The
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Oskar Schindler Research Paper
Schindler's List
"The list is an absolute good. The list is life." –Itzhak Stern. This quote describes the 1,100 Jews that
Schindler save. The list gave all 1,100 Jews life, after 6 million others were killed because of Amon
Goeth and the SS Soldiers. Schindler was a businessman who was insensitive, cruel, money hungry
and a womanizer. He forced Jews out of their homes, jobs, and forced them to work in his factory.
Schindler's List is about the life of Oskar Schindler who saves Jews during the Second World War,
from the Nazi's. Schindler once was a part of the Nazi party. He realizes what the Nazis are trying to
do to the European Jews and he did whatever he could to save as many as he could. He used his
connections with people to bring certain Jews to work for him in his factory.
Itzhak Stern was a Jewish accountant, who helped Schindler make money for his factory. Stern had
a big part in why Schindler changed how he felt about the Jews. Stern was a very intelligent man,
who had ideas on how to help save the Jews, but he ... Show more content on ...
Hearing about what Goeth was doing. He began to help Stern save his Jewish friends by giving up
his expensive lighter in exchange that Rabbi Lewartow, that Goeth tried to kill, will come over to
Schindler's factory. Schindler gave Stern his cigarette holder, which was worth a lot in exchange for
the little Jewish boy that was going to be killed by Goeth. Schindler's factory became a safe heaven.
Because he was saving Jews from Goeth. Schindler got a visit from a young woman by the name of
Regina Perlman, who wanted him to bring her parents from Russia to his factory, so they would not
be killed because of how old they were. Schindler didn't agree at first but after talking to Stern he
brought her parents to work in his factory, he gave up his watch as an exchange for them. Schindler
tried to move his Jews to his factory and found out that they were sent to a different camp. He had to
buy some of his Jews
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The Schindler 's List Critique
Schindler's List Critique On December 12th 1993, famed film director Steven Spielberg released a
movie unlike anything the world had ever seen. Predominantly filmed in black and white, the
docudrama had a running time of more than three hours. These elements, not exactly being crowd
pleasers, did not foretell its incredible success. Schindler's List, set in Poland and cast by the
thousands, became the foremost Hollywood movie that not only attempted, but successfully
depicted, the Holocaust in all its enormity. Up until that point the Holocaust had remained a subject
that was considered taboo, horrific, and therefore impossible to portray on film. Despite the
unavoidable flaws that follow creating a taboo subject into a movie, Spielberg defied all odds in
directing an award–winning movie that brought an unspeakable subject to the surface to be
discussed and understood. Through the use of cinematic effects such as black and white film and
parallel editing Spielberg effectively portrays the story of Schindler and his role in the Holocaust. In
Schindler's List, Spielberg effectively employs the use of black and white cinematography with
flashes of color to lend the film a more realistic, and therefore credible quality. Cameraman Janusz
Kaminski expands on this concept in the Peter Ettedgui book, Cinematography saying, "With
Schindler's list, Roman Vishniac's timeless photographs of the Jewish community in eastern Europe
were an important influence. The idea was to make the
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The Story Of Schindler 's List
The novel Schindler's List written by Thomas Keneally and the film recreated by the award winning
director Steven Spielberg is known to be one of the most "amazing portrayals of the Holocaust"
(Marks and Torry). Many stated that when the novel was written, "Thomas Kineally wrote
something much more powerful than just a biography, not only did he tell the story of a great
Holocaust hero, but also at the same time it described dreadful horrors of World War II" (Marks and
Torry). The story of Schindler's List is about Oskar Schindler's life during the War, he was a Nazi
who ended up saving over 1,000 Jews from concentration camps and was one of the largest heroes
of the Holocaust. One of the major motifs in Schindler's List is the girl in the red coat, which is
portrayed a bit differently in the film and the novel. There is also a difference in how the theme is
portrayed in the novel compared to the film throughout Schindler's transformation. Schindler's
transformation as a person is one of the largest occurrences that are showed within both the novel
and film. Schindler's List is a widely respected Holocaust story in the industry that turned an
unknown novel into an award winning film. Schindler 's transformation from a man who is only
seeking self–satisfaction and gain to a man of righteousness and heroism is vital to the plot of the
film and novel. "Schindler 's maturation process parallels Spielberg 's. Schindler inaugurates his
persona in the initial cabaret sequence by
... Get more on ...
Oskar Schindler Hero
When you think of a World War II hero, you might think of a soldier who fought for his country and
our freedom. Of course, anyone who fought in World War II should be considered a hero but there
are many non–military heroes from that time too. Oskar Schindler is one of those people. He was a
German industrialist, a spy, and member of the Nazi Party who is responsible for saving 1,200 Jews
lives during the Holocaust by giving them jobs in his enamelware and ammunitions factories.
Schindler was born April 28th, 1908, into a Sudeten German family in Zwittau, Moravia, Austria–
Hungary. His father was Johann "Hans" Schindler, who owned a farm machinery business. His
mother was Franziska "Fanny" Schindler. He had a sister named, Elfriede, who was born in 1915.
After attending primary and secondary school, Schindler enrolled in a technical school but he was
expelled in 1924 for forging his report card. He later graduated, but did not take the Abitur exams
that he would have needed to go to college. Instead he took classes in Brno in several different
trades, including chauffeuring and machinery. He also worked for his dad for three years. Schindler
loved motorcycles and bought a ... Show more content on ...
They moved in with Oskar's parents and lived in the upstairs rooms, where they lived for the next
seven years. Not long after him and Emilie got married Schindler quit working for his father and
took several other jobs such as a position at Moravian Electrotechnic and also managed a driving
school. Schindler was in the Czech army for 18 months, where he rose to the rank of Lance–
Corporal in the Tenth Infantry Regiment of the 31st Army. After that he went back to Moravian
Electrotechnic. At around the same time that company went bankrupt and his father's farm
machinery business closed around the same time which left Schindler unemployed for a year. In
1931, he got a job with Jarslav Simek Bank of Prague in 1931, where he worked for about seven
... Get more on ...

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Essay On A Report On Schindlers List

  • 1. Essay on A Report On Schindlers List A Report On Schindlers List Thomas Keneally's Schindler's List is the historical account of Oskar Schindler and his heroic actions in the midst of the horrors of World War II Poland. Schindler's List recounts the life of Oskar Schindler, and how he comes to Poland in search of material wealth but leaves having saved the lives of over 1100 Jews who would most certainly have perished. The novel focuses on how Schindler comes to the realization that concentration and forced labor camps are wrong, and that many people were dying through no fault of their own. This realization did not occur overnight, but gradually came to be as the business man in Oskar Schindler turned into the savior of the Jews that had brought him so much wealth. ... Show more content on ... This turns out to be timely for Schindler as now he is able to get very cheap labor. The next few years would go well for Schindler and his factory for they turned a great profit. In fact he made so much money that he is quoted as saying, "I've made more money than I could possibly spend in a lifetime.'; His workers were also very happy. This is because "Schindler's Jews'; were treated as humans as opposed to being treated as animals. For them, working in Schindler's factory was an escape from the ghetto and from much German cruelty. They loved Schindler so much that his factory became known as a haven throughout the Jewish community. However, things began to go sour for Schindler, when the Germans ordered the liquidation of the ghettoes. Soon all of the Jews in the Cracow ghetto were relocated to the Plaszow labor camp. By this time Schindler had grown so affectionate toward his Jewish workers that he refused to hire Poles, and instead sought of a way to keep using the Jews that he had grown so accustomed to. As the Cracow Jews were relocated to the Plaszow labor camp, Oskar Schindler came into direct dealings with the camp's director, Amon Goeth. He did not like Amon, but he tried to get in on his best side in order to keep using his Jews in his factory. Amon agreed to let Schindler use them, and thus saving his Jews from some of the harshness of the Plaszow labor camp. As the war began to go ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Oskar Schindler : A Member Of The Nazi Party Oskar Schindler is widely known as a member of the Nazi Party who saved the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust. He is the subject of the novel Schindler's Ark, and the film based on it, Schindler's List. He was born on April 28th, 1908 into a Catholic German family and was raised in Zwittau, in the Sudetenland. Oskar had a younger sister named Elfriede who he loved dearly, his father was Johann "Hans" Schindler, the owner of a farm machinery business while his mother, Louisa, was a homemaker. Although he did graduate from high school he did not attend college but went to trade school instead but then decided to leave in 1924, taking odd jobs and trying to find a new direction in life. By 1928, he met and married Emilie Pelzl and soon after was called into military service, serving in the Czechoslovakian Army for eighteen months where he rose to the rank of Lance–Corporal. After his military service, he began working as a sales manager for Moravian Electrotechnic which went bankrupt shortly afterwards, leaving Schindler unemployed. In 1935, when Oskar was 27 years old, his father abandoned his mother, there was no divorce. Three years later she died alone and Oskar was devastated, refusing to speak to his father at her funeral. It was during this period when Oskar surprised his friends and family by wearing a Swastika. He had joined the Nazi party as it was good for business and he wanted to make a lot of money. In Europe the political landscape was experiencing ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Schindlers List Essay Schindler's List Oskar Schindler was a wealthy German industrialist, who made much of his wealth by employing Jewish men and women in his various factories. In the movie " Schindler's List," it starts off with Schindler in a restaurant with many high ranking Nazi officers eating there. He starts off by buying a officer a bottle of expensive wine, but it does not end there. Before the night is gone he has boughten dinner for all of the officers. This is how he made friends, friends with power. At this point the War was already underway and Schindler seized an oppurtunity to make money. Thinking ahead he hires a Jewish accountant that he believes is very qualified for that ... Show more content on ... For each person on the list he has also listed their specialty. Later he starts another fastory, but this time the workers make bullets and shells. Once again he uses Jews as the workers but this time he is making no profit because the shells the workers make don't work. Schindler adjusted the machines to do so. By this time the war was almost over, so Schindler tookto the road like many other Nazi officials. At his departure all his workers are present and they give him a paper with all their signatures with a short letter in case he is captures by one of the allied powers. From there he starts to breakdown saying that he could have saved more lives by selling his car and gold nazi pin. Soon he gets into his car and starts to journey to another place. At the very end of the movie it shows all the "Schindler Jews" and they all place a rose on his tomb. I believe that the Holocaust should never happen again. This story, which was first told in a book called " Schindler's ArK," had a great affect on me because it was so graphic and I will and hopefull never see anything like it again for the rest of my life. For that reason it will also be a lasting one. The small girl in the red coat that Schindler was watching was only one of four places in the movie that had color. I believe ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Oskar Schindler Comparison Oskar Schindler was as you would call it, the protagonist of the film. He was the man looking to make a fortune off the German invasion in Poland, he could be considered as callous or greedy. As you are introduced to Schindler you see him picking out each part of his outfit. The suit, tie, shoes and pants. Right down to the pin and how much money was in his pocket. This came off to me as being a narcasist, or pompass. Schindler began as a womanizing and immoral man who only cared about his personal gain. He was not faithful to his wife and had many mistresses. His wife Emilie did not live with him for most of their marriage because of it,and when she walked in on him and the mistress she was very upset and annoyed by Shindler. Schindler, who ... Show more content on ... Goeth finds a sanctioned outlet for his cruelty in the Nazi military and is representative of the mindless evil of the Third Reich and its "final solution." He views Jews as vermin, creatures unworthy of possessing basic human rights. He kills often and without hesitation or provocation. Unlike Schindler, Goeth never strays into goodness. However, the lack of change in his basic nature does not render him a one–dimensional character; Goeth is a complicated and conflicted man, as well. He lusts after his Jewish maid, Helen Hirsch, and actor Ralph Fiennes skillfully conveys both the strength and ambivalence of this passion. Goeth attempts to seduce Helen, and when she shows no reaction, he turns on her, blames her for trying to tempt him, calls her names, and beats her savagely. Later, when Schindler wants to buy Helen to put her on his list, Goeth refuses. He tells Schindler he will never let her go, that he wants to bring her back to Vienna and grow old with her. Schindler tells him it can never be, and Goeth, exhibiting his conflicting feelings, replies that he would never subject Helen to Auschwitz, but would shoot her in the head, "mercifully," instead. Goeth's twisted idea of a merciful end for Helen epitomizes both his inner conflict and essential ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Oskar Schindler Research Paper Oskar Schindler Born in Svitavy, Moravia on April 28, 1908. Schindler was born to an ethnic Catholic German family. He and his family remained in Svitavy during the interwar period. He gained Czech citizenship after the Morvania joined the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918. In 1928 he married Emilie Pelzel. He also had many jobs like working at his father's farm machinery business in Svitavy, opening a driving school, selling government property in Brno. He also served in the Czech army in 1938 he became the rank of lance corporal in the reserve. Also in 1938 Schindler joined the Nazi party after Germany annexed the Sudetenland. He worked with the office of the military Foreign Intelligence. However, in the film, Schindler's list, Schindler is depicted as a dynamic character who is all about himself and no one else. At the beginning of the film, Schindler is a ... Show more content on ... He moved to Argentina in 1948 where he went bankrupt again. His marriage failed and finally returned to Germany in 1957 where he had many failed business attempts. Schindler was then honored as one of the Righteous Among Nations at Israel's Yad Vashem memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, an honor awarded by Israel to non–Jews who saved the Jews during the Holocaust at a risk to their own lives. Schindler was the first Nazi party member to be recognized with a tree planted in his name at the Yad Vashem Memorial in Jerusalem. He was also honored with the German Federal Cross of Merit and with the Papal Order of St. Sylvester. Oskar Schindler died October 9, 1974, at the age of 66. He was buried in the Catholic cemetery at Mount Zion in Jerusalem. He is the only member of the Nazi party buried at that location. Many stones normally rest on top of his grave as a sign of gratitude, inscribed on his gravestone it reads "The Unforgettable Lifesaver of 1200 Persecuted ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Oskar Schindler: Industrialist Spy Oskar Schindler: Industrialist Spy During the Second World War, the Holocaust was enacted by a severely evil man named Adolf Hitler; but the country that supported him had many rebels that went against his teachings. Industrialist spy, Oskar Schindler, assisted in saving many Jewish lives and aiding them during the Holocaust. Schindler gave up his life and his money for the well being of others. Oskar Schindler's family, job, and education impacted who he became and the effect he had in the Holocaust by giving aid to the surrounding Jewish communities he impacted. Oskar Schindler was born on April 28, 1908 in Svitavy, Moravia. He was the eldest of two kids and his family was German and Catholic. His dad, Hans Schindler, was a farm equipment ... Show more content on ... As Adolf Hitler rose to power Schindler joined a pro–Nazi organization to get information for the German Military. Oskar Schindler was sentenced to death by the Czech authorities for spying, but was released because Sudetenland became part of Germany. In September 1939 Schindler decided to leave his wife and go to Krakow to gain money from World War I, which started when Germany invaded Poland. After, he became very involved in the black market, and using charm and gifts, he bribed high–ranked German officers. He took on a Jewish enamelware and renamed it Deutsche Emailwarenfabrik. He hired Jewish workers to help produce goods for the German military. The Jewish workers were taken by the SS to be deported to Auschwitz but Schindler ran down to the train and argued with the soldiers that he needs the Jewish workers to work in the factory. Oskar Schindler was successful and saved his workers from being deported to Auschwitz. Schindler made a deal with Goth that allowed him to relocate his factory and make a list of Jews that he thought were essential to have working. With some help he made a list of 1,100 Jewish workers and it was approved. He then instructed them to make defective weapons that would not pass inspection because he did not want to support the German's war effort. The Jewish workers spent the rest of the war in the factory safe ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Shindler At Schindler Analysis I think at first, Schindler was just doing it to get money and to please himself, but once he realized the true meaning of the final solution, he really did try hard to save as many as possible, and (as shown at the end of the movie) he feels like he didn't do enough when in reality he did something truly amazing. At the beginning, the role of Itzhak Stern was to get the loans that Schindler needed to buy a building and start a company that would help him get money. Stern was the accountant of the previous business that owned the building that Schindler wanted, so Schindler thought that Stern would be the best person to go to get the building. Stern, after helping Schindler get the money required to buy the building, tells Schindler that he ... Show more content on ... Stern continuously mentions various Jews who are on the Nazis' "radars" and Schindler gives Stern items to bribe the Nazi who is in charge of sending prisoners to businesses and such to get those Jews for Schindler's business. I think Schindler made the decision to rescue Jews after the liquidization in the ghettos, but it took him a while to get everything sorted out mentally and physically. I think having Stern inside the camp really fuels him to rescue as many as possible because he had an inside look at what was really happening inside and who really needed rescuing. Goeth uses terms such as "vermin" and "rats" to show that he doesn't see Jews as humans, just as other things that inhabit the earth. My friends and I don't really use words to separate ethics groups from one another, we just call them what they are (black, white, Hispanic, Jewish, Christian, etc.) I have a very wide (ethnic–wise) group of friends, so we don't really take offense to others calling us what we really ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Oskar Schindler Research Paper Oskar Schindler Good Morning Class, Oskar Schindler was a German spy that saved around 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust. The Holocaust was "the mass murder of some 6 million European Jews" during World War 2 (History, 2015). Oskar was born on the 28 of April 1908 and had a mother a dad and a Sister. Oskar grew up in Zwittau, Moravia. Oskar had several other jobs before he joined the intelligence service of Nazi, in 1936. In 1938 Oskar found out information that the troops were moving. Then Oskar got arrested for espionage. Espionage is "the term is generally associated with state spying on potential or actual enemies primarily for military purposes" (Wikipedia, 2015). However he was released under the Munich agreement in 1938. One example ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Reasons For Oskar Schindler Why would Oskar Schindler, a soldier trained by the nazis flip against his own government. Well to properly answer this question we've to seem at Mr. Schindlers life to know his thought method. By gazing all of this we are going to be able to see why Oskar would commit such a treasonable act. sure facts and aspects of his life can simply lead America to a conclusion. Oskar Schindler born in Zwittau geographic region on Apr the twenty eighth nineteen zero eight in a very home impressed together with his folks deep spiritual beliefs. His neighbors were a person family by the name of the Rabbi family. that they had 2 sons with whom Oskar became best friends with. The family were one in all the richest families in his home city, however thanks to the deep economic ... Show more content on ... once somebody remembers that the primary German divisions invaded geographic region in 1939. maybe it absolutely was as a result of he saw such a large amount of prospects witch the war brought in its wake., he followed on the heels of the SS once the Germans invaded European nation. Oskar got on smart terms with the the native German native police. Oskar was a libertine and a significant alcoholic, however he systematically risked his own life to save lots of his "Schindler Jews" from the death camps. Schindler was recruited by the German Intelligence agency to gather data regarding POLES and was extremely reputable for his efforts–a proven fact that was to play a decisive Roll later within the war for Schindler once he required his contacts. He left his spouse Emilie in Zwittau and captive to Crakow, wherever he took over a person families housing bribes within the form of cash and nonlegal black product underpopulated a world of sin. He exploits with lady square measure the things of a berroom ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Oskar Schindler Research Paper The Holocaust was a dark time in the world for the many millions of Jews who were suffering in anguish. However, through this dark time, one man by the name of Oskar Schindler was able to be a light unto those who needed his aid. Born in 1908 in the Austro–Hungarian Empire, Schindler lived to be 66 years old before his death in October of 1974 ("Oskar Schindler Biography"). During this time, he provided safe and humane jobs for over 1200 Jews during the Holocaust, saving both their and their future descendants lives. He not only rescued them from their death sentence, but treated them as what they actually were... human beings. Oskar Schindler may have struggled with academics, but was always confident with his people skills. It all started at his German–Catholic–Language grade school, in the Sudetenland, where he was known for making friends and for being popular (Crowe, David M). Although he ... Show more content on ... After his death, Schindler was mourned across four continents (Bülow,Louis). In 1993, the movie Schindler's List was filmed in his honor (Bülow,Louis). People were so encouraged by him, they made this movie to memorialize him and the Jews who were not able to be rescued. His story became so popular with people not only for the lives he saved but also for his flaws; they made him a very relatable person. Louis Bülow wrote, "No matter why, no matter that he was an alcoholic and a shameless womanisor of the worst sort what matters to the Schindler–Jews is that he surfaced from the chaos of madness and risked everything for them.To more than 1200 Jews Schindler was all that stood between them and death at the hands of the Nazis" (Bülow,Louis). This is basically saying that even though he may have done some bad things his compassion for the Jews will always be honored. His story impacted the lives of so many all over the world, and he will always be remembered for what he has ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Oskar Schindler Research Paper Oskar Schindler is a hero for saving over one thousand Jews, he used his position and money to save the Jews. Nobody really knows why he saved the Jews but they are happy that he did. We can't imagine what all the Jews went through. Oskar saved 1,200 Jews. He had two shops but, he only let them work at Emalia. In 1944 he had 1,700 workers and 1,000 of them were Jews. As Elie Wiesel once said in (Night) "At Auschwitz, there was only one way you got out. Through the chimney". "During the liquidation of the Karakaw ghetto in March 1943, Schindler allowed his workers to stay at his factory overnight". Oskar saw how bad "the Jews" were being treated so he stepped up and did something about it. He spent 4 million German marks to save the Jews from ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Oskar Schindler Argumentative Essay What do you think of about a man who cheated, bribed, and associated with sadists and killers? What if I said that same used those skills to save more than a thousand Jewish during the Holocaust? That is who Oskar Schindler was. He grew up in Germany, and was hired as a Nazi. However, when he saw what the Nazis were doing to the helpless Jewish, he made his own factory where Jews that worked for him would never get hit, yelled at, or murdered. Oskar Schindler is a hero because of his humanitarian efforts. He was an unquestionably a commendable man because he risked his life to save countless Jews, hired them to work in his factory, and fed them well. Along with that, he gave them proper medical treatment in his factory, and then finally managed to help them all escape safely after Hitler committed suicide. ... Show more content on ... After Oskar gets hired as a Nazi, he "arrives in Krakow, and starts working in factories, hiring Jews. He becomes aware of the killings, gives information to Jewish underground organizations Oskar manages to open 'subcamp' at his factory where conditions are much better" (Roberts 99). If Schindler was caught doing this, he would have been captured, and put into a concentration camp himself. Oskar Schindler also risked his life many times when he traveled to different countries and managed to smuggle Jews to work in his factory: "Schindler's journey to Budapest and his smuggling of the Zionists were activities that if Schindler had been caught, he would have been charged of treason and would have been imprisoned in a concentration camp to torture and murder him" (McConnell 206). Oskar Schindler was an unforgettable man that put his life in danger to save as many defenseless Jews as possible. When he rescued the men and women in the camps, he gave them jobs at his ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Oskar Schindler Argumentative Essay Over 11 million people died in the holocaust, and more than 7 million of them were Jewish. Oskar Schindler was an entrepreneur who sacrificed himself for a cause he believed was unjust. He spent most of his life around Germany in Europe. During the Holocaust, he saved over 1,200 people from the gas chambers. There are some people who don't think of him as a hero, but as a man looking to make an easy dollar. In my opinion Oskar Schindler was a hero of the highest class and deserves all the credit he received for his actions. When Oskar was born in 1908, no one could've guessed he would have such an impact on the world. When Oskar was a young boy, he adored his father and strived to be like him. His Father and Mother were both German, even though he was born in Zwittau, Hungary. His Father, Johann, owned a farm machinery business that Oskar eventually worked at. He had one sister, named Elfriede, who was seven years younger than him. After Oskar attended primary and secondary school, he enrolled in a technical school. He was expelled from the school in 1924 for forging his report card. After later graduating from a different school, he worked for his father for several years. In 1928, he married his lifelong friend Emilie and he immediately stopped working for his father but started looking for more ... Show more content on ... When Oskar moved to Krakow at the beginning of WWI, and hired hundreds of Jews to work at his factory it was much cheaper than hiring regular workers. He didn't have to pay them and only had to feed them 1 time while they were at work. This made his business extremely profitable. The one problem with that theory is that Schindler all though very profitable spent nearly all of his profits bribing Nazi officers so they would let his Jews live. Oskar nearly went broke from spending so much money on ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Who Is Oskar Schindler A Hero Standing in front of his people, the "SchindlerJuden", Oskar Schindler gave a heartfelt farewell as a Russian armada pushes towards them. A man who saved hundreds, Oskar Schindler, was a man of business he was a man of money, but even men of money can have a change of heart. Schindler went from enemy spy to savior and that's why to me he is an awe–inspiring hero because he was seen as a human he made many mistakes but in the end, he saved many Jewish people. Schindler was born April 28, 1908, in Zwittau, Moravia, Austria–Hungary (now Svitavy, Czech Republic). His father's name was Hans Schindler, he was a farm equipment manufacturer and Louisa Schindler was the homemaker. Schindler home life was rough his father was a heavy drinker and a womanizer. ... Show more content on ... He preferred to take his chances with the approaching U.S. forces instead. A couple of days later, the twelve hundred or so Schindlerjuden ("Shindler's Jews") were freed by a lone Russian officer who rode up to the factory on horseback.Schindler's life after the war was similar to that before the war, which was marked by a string of failed business ventures, overspending, plenty of drinking, and love affairs. In 1949, Schindler moved to Argentina and purchased a farm. By 1957, however, Schindler had gone bankrupt and was relying on the charity of the Jewish organization B'nai B'rith to survive. Schindler abandoned his wife and returned to West Germany. He started a cement business in Frankfurt, Germany, but it failed in 1961. From then on, he lived mostly off funds provided by the Schindlerjuden as well as a small pension.The same year Schindler lost his cement business, he was invited to visit Israel for the first time. Many of his countrymen were angry with him for saving Jews and testifying in court against Nazi war criminals. Every spring for the rest of his life, he returned to Israel for several weeks to bask in the admiration of the Schindlerjuden and their offspring, whom he regarded with great affection as his own family. Shortly after Schindler's fifty–fourth birthday in 1962, he was officially declared a "Righteous Gentile (non–Jew)" and invited to plant a tree on the Avenue of the Righteous leading up to Jerusalem's Yad Vashem Museum. Upon his death from heart and liver problems in 1974, he was granted his request to be buried in Israel. About five hundred Schindlerjuden attended his funeral and watched as his body was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Schindler's life was turned into a movie based off the book "Schindler's List" also called "Schindler's ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Oskar Schindler Research Paper Oskar Schindler was born on April 28, 1908 in the city of Zwittau, Moravia to a Catholic family. The area is now part of the Czech Republic, but in 1908, this land was part of the Austrian– Hungarian Empire. Oskar was born to Hans and Louisa Schindler, his father was a factory owner, while his mother was a housewife. Despite the 7 year age gap between him and his sister Elfriede, they had a very strong bond. Mid 1920's he joined his father in the family's induralist business. In 1928, Oskar met Emilie Pelzl who later became the love of his life and wife. At the time, he also left his father's company to work with an electrical company. After the Great Depression, Oskar and his family became bankrupt. He did what he had to do, as did many others, and joined ... Show more content on ... He befriended members of the SS, and German army, only to later benefit him. Schindler wanted to buy a factory, but needed investors. Oskar then met Itzhak Sterk a Jewish accountant who would help his business flourish. With the war factor he knew a large profit could be made. In 1940, his factory opened and many came to work for Schindler, making him millions of dollars, When the 1943 liquidation of the Krakow ghetto occurred, Schindler lost all of his workers. That is when he met Amon Goeth, the man in charge of the final liquidation and commander at Plaszow. He bribed Amon with goods from the black market to allow to him to have his own labor camp within his factory. Schindler then began to realize the ways of the Nazis were inhumane and unjust. Oskar knew he had to do something to help. Then, Schindler's List was created with over 1,2000 names. Schindler spent whatever he had buying back Jews and bribing German officials to keep them safe. He saved over 1200 lives by generating this list, many would have not survived the horrors of the Holocaust without this man. All it took was one man to make a difference in ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Oskar Schindler Comparison Essay Comparing Oskar Schindler throughout Schindler's List Oskar Schindler was credited to saving more than a thousand Jewish people's lives by having them work at his factory, but he didn't always have the desire to save the Jews. Actually, throughout the whole movie he wore a Nazi pin on his shirt. While the movie progresses Schindler goes from having the same viewpoint as the Nazis to eventually siding with the Jews. Going through Schindler's miraculous change of heart is very inspiring, and Schindler's List should be seen by all to understand such a terrible time in our world's history. At the beginning of the movie, Schindler is seen getting ready to go to a party with the SS officers and other people affiliated with the Nazis. He gets his money and all of his other fancy things ready to go to the party, and lastly he fastens the Nazi pin on to his suit jacket. At the time, he seemed to wear this pin proudly and supported the Nazi party. Another time Schindler's Nazi side shows at the beginning of the movie, is when Stern brought in the man with one arm to thank Schindler for giving him a ... Show more content on ... That was the point when he realized what the Nazi party was doing to the Jews. Another time he saw things were getting bad is when Stern forgot his work permit and almost got transported to the camps. That is when Schindler started to make a change. First, he did it subtly by giving the Jews water in the cattle cars and saying he was just washing them off or when he snuck chocolate to Helen in the basement. After that, he started showing his support for the Jews even more like when he kissed the Jewish girl on his birthday. Then, when he saw the crematorium he decided he had enough and brought over a thousand Jews to work at his factory. He even started giving up everything he had just to save the lives of the Jews that worked at his ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Oskar Schindler Biography Oskar schindler He was a Nazi but instead of killing Jews, He was saving the lives of 1,200 Jews. His name was Oskar Schindler. Oskar Schindler was a man who was a part of the Nazi party. He disagreed with what they were doing so he saved many Jews. Oskar Schindler was a hero that employed Jews in his factory so they didn't have to go to the concentration camps during World War Ⅱ. Oskar Schindler was born in 1908 in the city of Zwittau, Moravia. When Oskar was 12 he worked for his dad selling farm equipment but when he got married to a woman named Emilie. There were problems between the two men in the relationship. So Oskar left his father's job and worked at a Moravian electric company as a sales manager. At this time Adolf Hitler and his party rose to power. "On September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland, prompting Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany" (Encyclopedia of World Biography) . Oskar went to poland because he wanted to make money off the encounter. Soon the city krakow, poland became the center location of the nazis that were located in poland. Oskar tried to ... Show more content on ... They all were all ordered to go to the train station. When the first group arrived at the train station. Oskar hurried over to the station and argued with the SS officers telling them how important they were to the effort of the war. Once he convinced the officers to let him take the Jew back to his factory Oskar escorted them there safely. Early next year the nazis commanded a final clean up of the Krakow ghetto. There was a rule that jews who were healthy and could work hard were sent to Plaszow a forced labor camp just outside of the city. The rest were sent to death camps or killed right there. The commander announced all local industries would have to move inside Plaszow. Oskar said establishing a mini–labor camp within his factory that would continue to employ his own workers. Oskar bribed him to ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Oskar Schindler Film Analysis Saving more than one–thousand Jews during World War One, Oskar Schindler is a true hero who's story got told through a movie. From 1933 to 1945 people's lives would drastically change. But thanks to Schindler many people and many blood lines are still continued. The director, Steven Spielberg, does an amazing job in creating a time machine for people to go back in time and see exactly what had happened during this time. Spielberg uses color, music, and camera angles to make an amazing film. Spielberg uses color to add emphasis and emotion to the film. Schindler's List begins in color while a candle is burning. When the candle is completely burned down the film switches to black and white meaning that the scene is changing to the past rather than the present. The black and white gives emotion and shows contrast throughout the film. One example is when the one armed man is shot. The black blood against the pure white snow is a contrast between the good and the evil that occurs during the Holocaust. Also the use of dark and dull colors gives off emotion , whereas bright colors give off happy and excited feelings. Even though the majority of the film is in black and white, one scene portrays a little girl wearing a bright red coat. The use of this bright color shows the innocence of all the victims involved in the Holocaust, and also symbolizes and foreshadows the death and blood shed that is to come. At the end of the film, bodies are being burned and the same little girl in ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Oskar Schindler Sociology This movie is about a man name named Oskar Schindler who spent many of millions of dollars to save Jews. The Jews he saved ended up being called Schindler's Jews which was somewhere between 1,000 to 2,000 Jews who he saved. He saved these Jews by buying a bankrupt company and hired these Jews to work in his factory. He was a man who brided Nazi officers to make sure that the Jews that he wanted were not deported and killed in a death camp. He used many different Jews administers to make sure that the list was the way that he wanted it and to make sure that he had all the Jews he wanted were on there. When he knew that Germany was losing the war he made sure that the Jewish workers that were working for him at the time were moved to his factory to the what is known today as the Czech Republic to make sure that none of his Jews were killed. The movie relates many chapters thought out the movie such as when Schindler was worried about the Jews packed into the cattle cars and he went and got a firehose and sprayed ... Show more content on ... I think that what Hitler did to the Jews was considered genocide because he killed them because he thought that they were the reason why Germany lost World War 1. I think that it was just something that has to do with the ethnicity of Jews being the minority group and the Nazis being the dominant group. I think that what Hitler was trying to do was he trying to do an ethnic cleansing to make sure that the Aryans were the dominant ethnic group. He also made the Jews do a population transfer because he made them move into ghettos and concentration camps. I also think that he was trying to do something like segregation but it ended up going in his favor and not in the favor of the Jews. I also think that Hitler compartmentalized and worried more about the Jews than any other ethnic ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Shindler's List And Schindler Comparison Throughout the film Schindler's List, the characters Oskar Schindler and Amon Goeth grew increasingly different. In the beginning, Goeth and Schindler were both power hungry and egotistical. However, as the movie continues, several notable instances demonstrate the juxtaposition between the men. In Schindler's List, the evidence that marks Goeth as a static character and Schindler as a dynamic character is apparent. While Schindler evolves from a narcissist to a hero, Goeth remains a savage. One incident that proves this can be the conversation between the two men regarding power, which reveals how Goeth's plan of power rests on fear whereas Schindler's rests on admiration and respect. Goeth's megalomaniacal character is exposed during the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Oskar Schindler Greed The Jews Messiah While he may have used Jews as cheap labor during WWII, Oskar Schindler is remembered as a businessman who helped Jews during the Holocaust, intervened repeatedly on their behalf through bribes and personal diplomacy, displayed compassion and empathy for the jews and his human kindness overcame his greed. Oskar Schindler was born in Svitavy, Czech Republic on April 28, 1908. In 1928, he met Emilie Pelzl, not far after he married her and was assigned into the military. In the 1930s, Schindler Joined a pro–Nazi organization, he then became a "spy" for the German Military. September 1939, Germany invaded poland, which started WWII. Schindler arrived in Krakow, Poland mid–October, Searching for a way to make profit. He then Found that the enamelware and ... Show more content on ... While he started with 45 employees, his factories grew with more than 1,700 workers in 1944. Originally Oskar assigned jewish workers because he would have to pay less than hiring regular workers. Over time he found reasons to hire more and more jewish workers, regardless of their abilities. Nearly half of the employees were Jewish and where known as Schindlerjuden. Short for Schindler Workers. By the Spring of 1940, the Nazi started to act different toward the Jews. Schindler was ordered to pay his jewish employees' wages directly to the SS rather than to the workers themselves. Work–essentials Jews were forced to leave the city by the Nazis. June, 1942 the Krakow Jews were relocated to labor camps. Some of Oskar Schindler's workers were ordered to go to the train stations, including his office manager. Oskar flew to the station and was trying to negotiate with the Nazis on how Important his workers were to him and his business. Then, he started to name some of his friends from the Nazi party that he met in poland. He was finally able to return them safely back to the ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Schindlers list Essay Oscar Schindler Oskar Schindler would never have been anyone's ideal savior, especially for the Jewish community. He was an open member of the Nazi party, a womanizer, a gambler, an alcoholic, and was extremely money hungry, but was successfully able to rescue and save from death over twelve hundred Jewish men and women. Schindler was born on April 28th, 1908 in Zwittua, Czechoslavakia. He was born Catholic and into a wealthy family, but started early on a life of sin. In 1930 he moved to Poland in hopes of becoming a success in business. As the Holocaust was just in its' beginnings, he was able to get his hands on an enamel wear factory on Lapowa Street in in Krakow. This was one of the factories that used to owned and ran by a Jewish ... Show more content on ... The "Schindlerjuden" were always treated humanely. They were a;ways fed, never beaten, and none were ever killed. He told the officers that the skills his workers possessed were "essential" to the factory and were necessary to keep it running. Although Schindler was considered a war hero, after the war he had difficulty keeping a good business and was not exactly held in high favor among certain people. In 1949, after the war, he, his wife Emilie, and his mistress moved to Argentina. While staying in Argentina, he attempted to keep a nutria farm and also opened a cement factory in Germany. In order to run a successful factory or farm, he needed free labor which he lacked and therefore both businesses were a failure. After those failed attempts, he decided to go into film and became a film producer. That effort also ended in failure. In 1958, Schindler left noth his wife and mistress and moved back to Germany. He then called upon his "Schindlerjuden" to help him in his period of financial distress. They sent him money and support. In the early 1960's, he took a break from his poverty and visited Israel. All the survivors and their families welcomed him with warmness, love, and gratitude. After this visit, he continually made one six–week visit to Israel every year, which was fully paid for by his "Schindlerjuden". Many of Oskar Schindler's efforts were not appreciated until he was deceased. In praise, many ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. A Hero: Oskar Schindler Essay How is a hero defined? A quote from ERAGON and it is about what a true hero is "He threw him– self in front of Eragon, his mouth open in a soundless snarl. The dagger struck him with a soft thump, and he landed heavily on his shoulder" (Eragon 266). This is an example of a true hero. Brom could have save himself and leave Eragon to die, but he chose to get the dagger in his side. Brom did not care if he died, only that Eragon live this is what a true hero is. To many people, Oskar Schindler is one of the greatest heroes because he saved many Jewish lives during the Holocaust. First this is about Oskar Schindler life and death. Oskar Schindler was born on the year of 1908 in April on 28 in Svitavy in Moravia Ca province of the Austro ... Show more content on ... Then he found out about how the Nazis treated the Jewish people. Oskar was so disgusted by the sheer cruelty that the Jewish people when through. In the beginning after he found out Oskar began to save as mining Jews people went through. Oskar also made sure that no ammunition was produced or was to be used in the war. Oskar also made his factory was a place a refuge for the Jewish people (1). Next it will be about how Oskar treated the Jewish people. Oskar Schindler treated the Jewish people nicer and better that the Nazi treated the Jewish people. Oskar did not beat the Jewish people when they did something wrong. The Nazis would beat the Jewish people if they did something wrong. Oskar did not kill the Jewish people at all. The Nazis would kill the Jewish people if they could not work, and if they were too young or too old. Oskar treated the Jewish people nicer by feeding them more. Oskar also made sure the Jewish people were not murdered or deported. Oskar made the Jewish people a place where they could live, and also moved his factory to save his Jewish workers (2, 3, and 5). Oskar Schindler was kind to the Jewish people. Following is about how Oskar Schindler paid the Jewish people. During the Holocaust Oskar Schindler paid the Jewish people and started to think about the treatment of Jewish people. Oskar Schindler paid women $4,000 more than men. Oskar paid men $14,000 U.S. dollars. Oskar Schindler paid women $18,000 US dollars. Oskar ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Oskar Schindler Research Paper Oskar Schindler was a man who, during the Holocaust, managed to assist over one thousand Jewish people escape from a deadly persecution. Schindler accomplished something that was socially unacceptable at the time; he prevailed against a system that showed no weakness. Schindler manipulated hundreds of men and women during the Holocaust in order to accomplish the unthinkable, and saved those he should have greatly despised. Oskar Schindler was able to complete everything he did because of his personal background. Throughout his life, Oskar Schindler never faced issues concerning money. As time progressed, Schindler began using his money for the wellbeing of those who faced injustice and incrimination, despite the fact that they had done nothing wrong. Due to Schindler's proposition, he used his resources to obtain the necessary profit to save over one thousand Jewish people.Early in his adult life, Schindler received his earnings and kept them all to himself. As time passed in Schindler's life, he began to utilize his money to protect those he should have abused. Schindler fought for what he believed in, and used wit to majorly affect the Nazi Party. ... Show more content on ... Although Schindler was a member of the Nazi party, he understood the fact that the actions of the Nazis were wrong and deserved immediate abolishment. Schindler managed to restore the Jewish people's faith in humanity by employing them in his factories. Schindler's factories produced goods necessary for the war efforts of World War II. Since the Jews worked in Schindler's factories, they could not face persecution or transportation to concentration camps. The Jews could not face execution due to the fact that they were necessary war efforts. This greatly affected the Nazi Party, and their proposal to annihilate all Jewish people was ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Research Paper On Oskar Schindler Oskar Schindler grew up in a prosperous Catholic family with all the privileges money could buy. He grew up to be a German industrialist, spy, and a member of the Nazi Party, who outwitted Hitler and the Nazis to save more Jews than any other from the deathly events of World War॥. With the help of his wife, Emilie Schindler, Oskar Schindler saved the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his ammunition and enamelware factories, spending millions bribing the SS, and eventually risking his life to rescue the Schindler–Jews ("The Oscar Schindler Story") Oskar Schindler was not one to pass up an opportunity to make some money. He marched into Poland with the SS and dove head first into the black market. He soon began to make friends with the Gestapo, the secret state police, by softening them up with women, money and alcohol. His newfound connections helped him to acquire a factory, which he ran with the cheapest labor around, Jews. At first, it seemed like he was another German money–driven industrialist but somewhere along the way something changed. In December 1939, as the German–occupied Poland was being torn up by the events of the Holocaust, Schindler took his first steps in becoming a Holocaust hero. "If you saw a dog going to be crushed under a car," he said later of his wartime actions, "wouldn't you help him?"("Oskar Schindler," Jewish Virtual Library). Schindler, a money–hungry, fast–talking, womanizing, Nazi investor, bought Jewish ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Schindlers List Questions/Essay Schindlers List 1) I believe the author; Steven Spielberg, intended to send a message concerning the human rights all humans have, and attempt to further enhance our understanding of the justice system, and its importance. With the amount of discriminations going on in the past few hundred years, I believe the message was to better inform the population of today about the truth and to help them respect the value of difference and life. 2) Like I mentioned in the first question, I believe the point of this story, was to better inform the population of today about the conflicts that went on long ago, and the effect it has on us today. It was a devastating time period concerning many deaths of a discriminated race, and with this ... Show more content on ... 5) Throughout the entire struggle of Jews within the movie, Oskar Schindler provided them with hope and reason to live. With no aide going for them, they originally felt hopeless and in a way already dead. But given the courageous acts brought from Oskar, whether it was the creation of his factories to gain profit and give employment, or the amount of Jews he personally bought to save them from the camp. He provided them with life, and saved approximately 1,200 Jews. 6) Throughout the war, Oskar Schindler's pot & pans factory provided him with a great amount of wealth in his pocket. Over time, with the increasing amount of ammunition needed, he received more profit given more exports. Though, in the end he didn't gain much, apart of the guilty feeling he felt towards the death of many Jews. Do to the fact he was part of the German Party, he would have been shot do his criminal acts towards the war. Even though his acts were more courageous than any others throughout the Holocaust. 7) Like I mentioned within the first two questions, I believe that the author intended this story to inform the modern world the truth of the holocaust. Using the fact that the events actually happened, and the discrimination issues we are having today, the author was able to efficiently cause a great impact within the viewers. I know personally, being very interested in those types of historical events, that the movie was very moving, and gravely ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Examples Of Selflessness In Schindler By Shindler Schindler is a hunted war criminal for the Jews he used for slave labor. So, in one of the last scenes, as Schindler and his wife prepares to flee from the state, the Schindler Jews gave Schindler a gold ring, engraved with the quotation, "whoever saves one life saves the entire world" from the Talmud, the book of Jewish law. The former workers know there is no way they can repay Schindler for saving their lives, but they want him to know that by saving them, he in turn saved humanity. The quotation that supports one person can make a difference. If one person shows humanity to another, they demonstrate the continuing existence of humanity in society. Selflessness, and kindness must exist and as long as one good person exists, good will still ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. schindlers list Essay Schindlers List is a movie that takes place during WWII. The movie begins in Krakow, Poland just after the collapse of the Polish army, and at the beginning of the German occupation. Oskar Schindler, a tall handsome womanizer arrives in the city looking to open a factory in order to gain profits from the war. At the time, Jewish people were no long permitted to own a business, so Oskar obtains a factory from a Jewish man named Itzhak Stern, and makes Stern his accountant and manager. The two men form a strange relationship, with Oskar taking advantage of Sterns talent, and Stern distrustingly but obediently following Schindlers orders. Schindler goes to the Jewish ghetto to get the rich Jewish people to invest into his factory, and to get ... Show more content on ... The word quicky spread that in the factory, no Jews died. Schindler was unaware of this fact until on day, a young Jewish woman disguised herself, and asked Schindler to hire her parents who were in a labor camp. He was appalled by this request and fearful of what could happent to him if he employed them. His anger scared the girl out of his office, however a few days later the girl was rejoicing when she saw her parents being transfered into his factory by German officials. Several days later, all of the Jews in the camps were asked to take off all of their clothes and then they were put through numerous exams to determine if they were sick, or healthy enough to work. They were then separated, with the weak Jews put in the gas chambers, and the healthy Jews sent to work. With the Russians nearing, Germans must devise a plan to avoid them. They plan to move the Jews to a different camp, further into Poland. Schindler wants to save the Jews, and he realizes that he is running out of time. He makes a deal with Amon Geoth to "buy" the Jews. Schindler and Stern devise a list, from memory, of 1100 Jewish workers. These Jews are give to Schindler who then releases them to go their own way. The grateful Jews melt their gold fillings to create a ring, which they present as a gift to Schindler. Although he accepts the ring, he is regretful that he did not do more to ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Oskar Schindler: Hero Of The Holocaust Oskar Schindler Oskar Schindler is considered an amazing hero of the Holocaust and is noteworthy because he rescued a lot of Jews, changed his Nazi beliefs, and was recognized by the state of Israel as one of the "Righteous Among the Nation." He was a German industrialist who had such a huge impact on modern society, he protected the jews from the wrath of the Nazi Party and preserved generation of Jewish families. He was born into a Catholic family with German origins in a small town in Austria–Hungary ( later Zwittau, Czechoslovakia) on April 28th, 1908 and he grew up in Zwittau, Moravia. He had a younger sister named Elfriede and he is Son of an uneducated alcoholic who sold electric motors for a father and an elegant and pleasant woman as a mother. He died on October 9th, 1974 in Frankfurt, Germany due to heart and liver problems. He had ... Show more content on ... The businessman also managed to keep the SS guards out of the camp, a tactic that allowed him to protect the Jews from hard labor. To avoid suspicion, he falsified employment records, claiming that many of the Jews were laborers with essential skills for the war effort. Schindler rescued approximately 1,200 Jews from the Nazi concentration camps. Schindler convinced the Nazis to allow him to set up a factory at Brunnlitz, the "factory" was merely a cover. As the Soviet Army approached Czechoslovakia, Schindler escaped from Moravia to western Germany with little more than his life and the clothes he wore. His assets were now in Soviet–controlled territory, and as a former Nazi he had little hope of regaining them. He and his wife survived with the help of Jewish organizations and members of his "list." They funded the Schindlers' 1949 emigration to Argentina, where he became a nutria (otter) rancher. This venture failed, as did his attempt in the late 1950s to operate a cement factory in ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Oskar Schindler Essay The Holocaust was a dark time in world history. Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and more were killed and cremated by the hands of the Nazis. There were a few, however, that fought the views of Adolf Hitler and attempted to save some of the victims of his cruelty. One of the greatest of these is Oskar Schindler. Oskar Schindler has been described as a crook, an alcoholic, and an insatiable womanizer. All of this may very well be true, but this factory owner was a hero to many Jewish men, women, and children. When those Jews were shipped to the concentration camp Plazsow, he would make the famed Schindler's list. This list was a promise, a promise to those who were on it, that they would not die at the hands of the Nazis. Since he was known to ... Show more content on ... On a business trip with his father he visited the farming village of Alt–Molstein in the Bohemian countryside. They stopped at the Pelzl farm where he became infatuated with the farmer's daughter Emilie. She was beautiful, educated, and was very religious just like his mother, Louisa. With talk of marriage, neither father was very pleased. However Herr Pelzl, Emilie's father, reluctantly agreed and promised Oskar a dowry of one hundred thousand Czech crowns and the couple were married in March. 1928 only six months after they first met. Schindler worked in his family business until he one day accepted a job as a sales manager in Czechoslovakia. He soon joined the Nazi Party and began working as a spy for the Germans.In 1939 he was arrested by the Czechs and was condemned to death. However, his life was saved when the Nazis soon took over Czechoslovakia. Also in 1939, the Germans invaded Poland and Word War II began. Schindler acquired a bankrupt factory that made enamel coated pots and pans. He hired Itzhak Stern to be his accountant. Schindler bribed his way into getting army contracts and his factory soon began supplying the German army. The Jews were soon forced into the Krakow ghetto, Where living conditions were horrible. Many of the Jews that lived here worked ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Oskar Schindler Research Paper Oskar Schindler On April 28, 1908 in Svitavy, Moravia (a province of the Austro–Hungarian Monarchy) Oskar Schindler was born. Schindler might be a familiar name as he was a hero to many Jews and played a big role in saving 1,200 Jewish lives in the deportation to Auschwitz in World War 2. An opportunist businessman with a taste for the finer things in life, he seemed an unlikely candidate to become a wartime rescuer (United States Memorial Museum). Oskar was a man who had many talents and jobs. He had worked in his father's farm machinery company, had a driving school in Sumperk, and sold government property in Brno. In 1938 he had served in the Czechoslovak army and was able to achieve the rank of lance corporal. In 1936 Schindler then started to work the Amt Auslands (Office of the Military Foreign Intelligence) and joined the German Armed Forces. In the month of February 1939 he then joined ... Show more content on ... He requested to be buried in Jerusalem and is now resting on Mount Zion. "Schindler's list" was then turned into a movie to tell the story of his heroic act. It helped create more fame to his kindness and is now known around the world and his bravery will not be forgotten. Oskar Schindler will be a great addition to be new exhibit to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. It is one of the important events in the history of the genocide of Jews during World War 2. I feel his story and the survival of 1,000 and more Jews story should be spread and told. It would be an educational to many people who visit the museum to learn about him. It would teach people the backstory of his courageousness and the Jewish lives that were saved from murder at the largest killing center (Auschwitz). It created a front and even though he could get in trouble and could face serious consequences he still went through with it. It is an encouraging story and can show something positive that happened in the ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Schindler Thesis Schindler risked his life to save the Jews, as his growing compassion towards the Jews took over him; he is a human being, who is sensitive to the suffering of others, which is why witnessing such horror changed his character significantly. Drinking and partying were ideals of Schindler's lifestyle, yet he left all of it to help people he had no personal connection towards; he spent all his money in efforts to save the Jews, and still wanted to save more. In the last scene of the movie, Schindler is distraught and heartbroken, as he looks towards his car stating, "This car. Goeth would have bought this car. Why did I keep the car? Ten people right there. Ten people. Ten more people."; even in his final moments with the Jews, he believes he could have saved more, even though, he had saved 1100 single handedly. Therefore, his motive was humanity, as no one can idly stand by as individuals are stripped of their lives and slaughtered like animals; you are no less of an animal if you can kill and torture without feeling. Witnessing the unprecedented suffering and unwarranted horrors of ... Show more content on ... This turning point in the movie, marks the moment Schindler is forced to confront the horror of the Jewish life during the Holocaust; he realizes his hand in the horror of destruction of the Jewish race, as he had used their misery for his own profit and benefit. During the cremation of bodies at Plaszow, Schindler spots the girl in the red coat being wheeled away on a wagon, on top a pile of dead bodies; in this moment he realizes the effects of his doings. In this moment, a major shift in his attitude is prominent, as he is impacted by seeing the dead body of an innocent child; her death symbolizes the death of ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Oskar Schindler Outline Oskar Schindler Mackenzie Britain English World War Ⅱwas one of the most gruesome wars ever to be fought. Millions of lives were lost. People lost families, homes, and just pretty much everything. Oskar Schindler saved many lives during World War Ⅱ. He brought hope for the Jews. April 8, 1908, Schindler was born in Zwittau, Austria– Hungary. He was a catholic man who grew up in a very wealthy family. Over the years he became a salesman and married Emilie Schindler. He was the type of man that loved to make money, and he did by joining the SS on his way to Poland. He seemed like any other "normal" man, making his wealth. December 1939, Oskar changed his mind, he had a plan to help the Jews while he was in the Nazi party. He said, "If you saw ... Show more content on ... He employed Jewish workers to make sure that they were safe from the other camps. If he saw skill in them, that's how he knew they were worthy. Schindler would spend every dime to make sure that his worker got more than what the Jews at other camps received. The Holocaust escalated, beating and killing Jews every day. Schindler invested money into his own "camp" where Jews were sent and he would pay the nazi party off. He made sure that they were fed, not beaten and had something to call home. Schindler would arrange a list of 900 Jews to work for him. He referred to them as "his children." He created this camp so he could save many. He thought that it was wrong of one man to kill another. Oscar had a soft heart for the Jews. Others did not agree with this such as his fellow generals. Many Jews thought he was the true hero. He gave them hope and somewhere to call home. August, 1939, Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin signed the German–Soviet Nonaggression Pact which cause the allies to worry. Hitler planned to invade Poland and he got his wish on September 1, 1939 from the west. Only two days later, France and Great Britain declared war on Germany. On the 17, the Soviet troops invaded the east side. Poland was controlled by early ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Is Oskar Schindler A Hero Heroes are made not born. Just like it happened with Oskar Schindler in the Holocaust. In the film "Schindler's List", Steven Spielberg demonstrates how a person can change his personality and make a difference in the world. Spielberg supports his theme by describing Oskar Schindler, a businessman who saved thousands of people, specifically Jews, from being killed in the Holocaust by putting them to work in a factory. At the beginning of the movie Schindler was a selfish man but towards the end he becomes an altruistic person. Oskar Schindler becomes a hero over the course of his life because he realizes that innocent people were getting killed and harmed and ends up saving their lives. During the Holocaust, Germans formed ghettos, places ... Show more content on ... Schindler managed to save 1,100 people from the suffering. For many, Schindler was a true hero, though he wasn't born a perfect man. Think about firefighters, police officers, or criminal judges, they are not born with a gun or a gavel in their hands, they had a triggering point in their lives that led them to be the persons they are now. Likewise, author Elie Wiesel was a prisoner in concentration camp. When Wiesel finally got out of the concentration camp, he realized that Jewish people were being ignored by the world and this was his triggering point to become a hero through writing. In his "Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech" Wiesel says, "...that the world did know and remained silent. And that's why I swore never be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation". For many Wiesel was a hero too, because he inspire others, through his writings, to not be indifferent to human grieving. In my own experience all heros have a turning point in their lives that led them to become an altruistic person. For example my turning point was when I use to have cancer. When I overcame cancer, it made me realize that I could be an inspiration for others to fight for their dreams, and for that reason I was a hero for many of my friends and family. Just like I did, Schindler became a hero because he had a triggering point that one way or another shaped him into a ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Why Was Oskar Schindler A Hero Oskar Schindler, a German businessman became an unlikely hero when he saved eleven hundred Jews in Poland and Czechoslovakia from death at the hands of the Nazis during World War Two. Though he was in the Nazi party himself, he employed all these Jews to work in his factory to keep them safe from being deported into death camps. Some say he is an opportunist just out there to make the extra dollar; many others say that he is a hero that did this amazing act just from the kindness of his heart. who he was, what he did, why he did it, and finally why he is considered a hero. Schindler was born on April 28, 1908, Svitavy, Czech Republic, where he spent his childhood; his father was an alcoholic and his mother died at a young age, though that didn't slow Schindler down ... Show more content on ... Soon after the war began Schindler completely abandoned his selfish desires of gaining wealth and power and started building factories in Poland so he can start employing Jewish workers, which saved them from being killed. Though from doing this started to get the SS's attention and eventually led him to being arrested twice. Even from all these obstacles, Schindler still did not give up and kept all his factories running and kept them as a haven for the Jews. Schindler managed to remain on excellent terms with German officials through expensive gifts and bribery. On the other hand Schindler stood out and bravely defied his German allies for something he strongly believed was right. In 1941 German–occupied Poland was a country bursting with racism and hatred against Jews. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Oskar Schindler Research Paper Schindler's List "The list is an absolute good. The list is life." –Itzhak Stern. This quote describes the 1,100 Jews that Schindler save. The list gave all 1,100 Jews life, after 6 million others were killed because of Amon Goeth and the SS Soldiers. Schindler was a businessman who was insensitive, cruel, money hungry and a womanizer. He forced Jews out of their homes, jobs, and forced them to work in his factory. Schindler's List is about the life of Oskar Schindler who saves Jews during the Second World War, from the Nazi's. Schindler once was a part of the Nazi party. He realizes what the Nazis are trying to do to the European Jews and he did whatever he could to save as many as he could. He used his connections with people to bring certain Jews to work for him in his factory. Itzhak Stern was a Jewish accountant, who helped Schindler make money for his factory. Stern had a big part in why Schindler changed how he felt about the Jews. Stern was a very intelligent man, who had ideas on how to help save the Jews, but he ... Show more content on ... Hearing about what Goeth was doing. He began to help Stern save his Jewish friends by giving up his expensive lighter in exchange that Rabbi Lewartow, that Goeth tried to kill, will come over to Schindler's factory. Schindler gave Stern his cigarette holder, which was worth a lot in exchange for the little Jewish boy that was going to be killed by Goeth. Schindler's factory became a safe heaven. Because he was saving Jews from Goeth. Schindler got a visit from a young woman by the name of Regina Perlman, who wanted him to bring her parents from Russia to his factory, so they would not be killed because of how old they were. Schindler didn't agree at first but after talking to Stern he brought her parents to work in his factory, he gave up his watch as an exchange for them. Schindler tried to move his Jews to his factory and found out that they were sent to a different camp. He had to buy some of his Jews ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Schindler 's List Critique Schindler's List Critique On December 12th 1993, famed film director Steven Spielberg released a movie unlike anything the world had ever seen. Predominantly filmed in black and white, the docudrama had a running time of more than three hours. These elements, not exactly being crowd pleasers, did not foretell its incredible success. Schindler's List, set in Poland and cast by the thousands, became the foremost Hollywood movie that not only attempted, but successfully depicted, the Holocaust in all its enormity. Up until that point the Holocaust had remained a subject that was considered taboo, horrific, and therefore impossible to portray on film. Despite the unavoidable flaws that follow creating a taboo subject into a movie, Spielberg defied all odds in directing an award–winning movie that brought an unspeakable subject to the surface to be discussed and understood. Through the use of cinematic effects such as black and white film and parallel editing Spielberg effectively portrays the story of Schindler and his role in the Holocaust. In Schindler's List, Spielberg effectively employs the use of black and white cinematography with flashes of color to lend the film a more realistic, and therefore credible quality. Cameraman Janusz Kaminski expands on this concept in the Peter Ettedgui book, Cinematography saying, "With Schindler's list, Roman Vishniac's timeless photographs of the Jewish community in eastern Europe were an important influence. The idea was to make the ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Story Of Schindler 's List The novel Schindler's List written by Thomas Keneally and the film recreated by the award winning director Steven Spielberg is known to be one of the most "amazing portrayals of the Holocaust" (Marks and Torry). Many stated that when the novel was written, "Thomas Kineally wrote something much more powerful than just a biography, not only did he tell the story of a great Holocaust hero, but also at the same time it described dreadful horrors of World War II" (Marks and Torry). The story of Schindler's List is about Oskar Schindler's life during the War, he was a Nazi who ended up saving over 1,000 Jews from concentration camps and was one of the largest heroes of the Holocaust. One of the major motifs in Schindler's List is the girl in the red coat, which is portrayed a bit differently in the film and the novel. There is also a difference in how the theme is portrayed in the novel compared to the film throughout Schindler's transformation. Schindler's transformation as a person is one of the largest occurrences that are showed within both the novel and film. Schindler's List is a widely respected Holocaust story in the industry that turned an unknown novel into an award winning film. Schindler 's transformation from a man who is only seeking self–satisfaction and gain to a man of righteousness and heroism is vital to the plot of the film and novel. "Schindler 's maturation process parallels Spielberg 's. Schindler inaugurates his persona in the initial cabaret sequence by ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Oskar Schindler Hero When you think of a World War II hero, you might think of a soldier who fought for his country and our freedom. Of course, anyone who fought in World War II should be considered a hero but there are many non–military heroes from that time too. Oskar Schindler is one of those people. He was a German industrialist, a spy, and member of the Nazi Party who is responsible for saving 1,200 Jews lives during the Holocaust by giving them jobs in his enamelware and ammunitions factories. Schindler was born April 28th, 1908, into a Sudeten German family in Zwittau, Moravia, Austria– Hungary. His father was Johann "Hans" Schindler, who owned a farm machinery business. His mother was Franziska "Fanny" Schindler. He had a sister named, Elfriede, who was born in 1915. After attending primary and secondary school, Schindler enrolled in a technical school but he was expelled in 1924 for forging his report card. He later graduated, but did not take the Abitur exams that he would have needed to go to college. Instead he took classes in Brno in several different trades, including chauffeuring and machinery. He also worked for his dad for three years. Schindler loved motorcycles and bought a ... Show more content on ... They moved in with Oskar's parents and lived in the upstairs rooms, where they lived for the next seven years. Not long after him and Emilie got married Schindler quit working for his father and took several other jobs such as a position at Moravian Electrotechnic and also managed a driving school. Schindler was in the Czech army for 18 months, where he rose to the rank of Lance– Corporal in the Tenth Infantry Regiment of the 31st Army. After that he went back to Moravian Electrotechnic. At around the same time that company went bankrupt and his father's farm machinery business closed around the same time which left Schindler unemployed for a year. In 1931, he got a job with Jarslav Simek Bank of Prague in 1931, where he worked for about seven ... Get more on ...