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FMP Problem Solving
Erin Stephenson -
Why carry out contingency planning?
A contingency plan, is a backup plan used in the ‘event of a disaster that
disrupts production’. The goal of these plans is to safeguard data, minimize
disruption and keep everyone as safe as possible. With lockdown
restrictions and also me having to shield due to family’s health conditions,
keeping safe is a massive priority which needs to be continuously
considered throughout this work. A benefit which comes from contingency
planning is that is prevents panic. A well documented contingency plan
allows the team to ‘move quickly into recovery mode’. When everyone
knows where to go and what to do, order can be maintained. Averting panic
allows people to focus efforts other alternatives. Devising a contingency plan
is a methodical process. Actually sitting down to create a contingency plan
means looking at the big picture rather than a series of disconnected steps.
Within every project, there is always the possibility
of meeting problems in certain areas. It is
important that I am able to specify the problems
and be able to come up with a plan to
prevent/solve them. In this PowerPoint, I will look
at practical and technical problems as well as the
theoretical problems that could occur whilst
carrying out my project.
Practical and Technical Problems
• In this project one of the main pieces of equipment I will be using is my iPad for
procreate when creating my graphics. Whilst I am using my own tablet and
software, there is always the possibility of physical damage. Should I not be able
to use my iPad with procreate installed on it, I do also own a Huion tablet which
can be paired with my MacBook. The largest difference between the Huion tablet
and the iPad is that the iPad has software installed into it (Procreate) whereas the
tablet has to be paired with the laptop and to then be used with a software such
as Photoshop.
• As my iPad will be used very frequently throughout my project, this piece of
equipment need heavily looking after. An issue that I can face, as with many
pieces of technology is battery life and usage. A way I can prevent the iPad from
dying constantly is keeping up maintenance. As this model of iPad is relatively
new, the performance for the tablet is at the best it can be. By only charging it
when necessary, this will keep it at its high standard.
• An issue I could face regarding my laptop is the loss/corruption of data. This is the piece of
equipment I need to be taking extra care off as it is the most used out of all my devices. This issue
could occur if the work isn’t saving correctly, or also if the battery is dying before the work is able to
upload. To prevent this issue is ensuring my production work (mainly adobe files) are stored on an
USB/hard-drive (multiple if possible) and as for my written work and PowerPoints storing them on
OneDrive so that I can access my files across multiple devices.
• An equipment issue I could have regarding equipment is tripods. The purpose behind a tripod is to
maintain stability of a camera as well as supporting the weight without having to rely on hands.
However one issue that commonly occurs when it comes to tripods is the placement of uneven legs.
This occurs when something can get into the leg, preventing it from moving any further of if it is an
older tripod, rusting. To prevent this from happening, I will be keeping up good maintenance of the
tripod especially if I will be using it outside.
• In terms of lighting (artificial such as soft boxes), an issue that could happen is overheating and
therefore blowing the bulbs. When working in a studio also that has no windows for heat to escape,
the temperature will increase which can also make crew uncomfortable. To stop this from
happening, I will only be turning the lighting on when necessary (which will also conserve power).
• An issue I could potentially face whilst carrying out production is my DSLR’s battery life.
This is an issue I need to take into consideration as if the battery life fails on me, I am
unable to continue a large part of my production work. To try and keep this problem to a
minimum one thing I can be doing is always making sure to have with me a spare battery
as the first back up plan and if I am taking the photos from home, keep the battery charger
close by also. Another factor which helps conserve battery life is keeping up maintenance.
For example, keeping it in the carrying case if I am to be changing locations rather than
just using the main strap.
• Relating to camera issues, another problem that could happen is losing all the images
stored on it. This is an issue that can happen very frequently and something I need to
heavily consider as without my images, I have lost a large part of my work. One way I can
resolve this issue is after every ‘shoot’ backing up the images/data onto my laptop via a
hard-drive/USB that way there are multiple versions of the work.
Storage/Backing Up (Protect your data)
• My main source of storage that I will be using throughout this project is my one drive folder located
in my laptop. The reason as to why I will mainly be using this is because it allows automatic saving
to be an option, which helps with the concern of work being lost/unsaved. This will mainly be helpful
for the document aspects of my work (such as this PowerPoint and others). One thing I need to be
careful when using OneDrive is that it is synced by the internet, and so I will also be incorporating
my USB to store other versions because as the majority of college is present, this can cause a lag
in wifi and therefore could cause issues when saving so by having that extra external storage, it
reduces the risk of losing work.
• When using Adobe software such as Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator, when storing those
specific files such as .psd I will be using my ‘creative cloud’ storage as it will allow me to access my
adobe files on multiple devices. Similar to my OneDrive, my USB will be used as well so that my
internal storage on my laptop doesn’t get full to the point of where it will slow my softwares.
• If there is any possibility of my files being corrupted or damaged, I will also have a 256GB memory
stick which I can use as another source for backing up. By having multiple sources to keep my work
on, I will always have a copy of my production work.
• Keeping this all in mind, I feel confident that I will not loose any progress or files as I am using
different ways to save my work and have multiple copies of each piece/
• One thing working from home is that I will be relying off of my own power,
Wi-Fi etc for my project. With the weather constantly changing from
sunshine to snow, this can affect the strength of the power within my home
which is something I need to take into consideration when working. There
is the possibility of power cutting out, falling terribly behind which as a
result can affect time management. To try and keep this issue to a
minimum, one thing I can be doing is working during hours in which not as
many people are occupying the Wi-Fi, even if it is at 2am!
• A potential issue that can happen if I am not watchful of my laptop’s battery
is it crashing in middle of work due to lack of power. Given this event, I
can’t fully prepare for if this were to happen. But I can however regularly
save my work and ensure that if it does crash, I have a recent backup file
and also versions saved on my USB drive which I can go back to when
• Whilst I do have experience in photoshop through
previous projects, there are some areas in which I am
not as talented on. To help me build up those skills to
the best of my ability, I will be carrying out thorough
experimentation and learning on the techniques both
during college hours and outside of them. By dedicating
extra time to craft this skill, it will help me down the line
of my project as I will already know the main
It is important to consider the potential technical software problems because if it is a large scale issue
then it can affect my final production. However if it is a smaller scale issue, it could potentially cause a
‘domino effect’ throughout production as I would have to be considering more alternatives. Because of
this, I need to be considering solutions to problems I can face with software and cause minimal stress.
• An issue that could occur whilst I am carrying out my production would be my software crashing. If
this does occur, there is the possibility of work being deleted and losing all of the production work.
To prevent this issue happening and causing as much damage, I can make sure I am backing up to
One Drive. But one flaw with using OneDrive is that you have to have access to the internet in order
to access and save files, so a USB/Hard-drive is another alternative I need to be working into my
production also.
• Another issue I can face is the response of the software I am using, for example slow system
response times, as a result taking longer for the work to be carried out. One thing I can be doing to
prevent this issue is restarting the software which will allow it to return to its ‘best condition from
Software – Adobe Creative Cloud
With the adobe creative cloud, there are many benefits, but there are also
downfalls and disadvantages when it comes to using these types of software
• One issue I could have when working with the Adobe Creative Cloud is their
saving/backing up. They offer their own version of storage, very similar to OneDrive
however it does have its flaws. A potential issue with using Adobe CC is that it doesn’t
save every change made. A quick solution to this issue is multiple saving which means
distributing the files among different saving options (USB, Hard-Drive, OneDrive, Cloud
• With Adobe, there is one large flaw and this is if there is an issue on one software, it
affects them all. One solution that helps this issue is restarting the creative cloud. As my
login is only verified to one device, I need to make sure that I am carrying out updates
when necessary, making sure that all the correct preferences are ticked when using the
Theoretical Problems
Health Conditions
• An issue that might occur whilst I am carrying out my project is suffering from
migraines and headaches. This is an issue I need to take into consideration as it
is something I frequently suffer from, more so when I am spending hours staring
at a screen. To try and prevent this from happening as often, I can follow through
a few method that will decrease them. One thing I can do to prevent this issue
happening is taking breaks in between screen time, for example in between every
hour take a five minute breather. During college days, this is naturally introduced
as after revery hour and a half, you take a fifteen minute break away from
screens. Another thing I can do to prevent me getting migraines during working
hours is to keep the screen brightness down (which will also help the battery life)
as well as turning on ‘night shift’ which gives a yellow tint, taking out any bright
colours that can cause strain on the eyes. But night shift will only be useful when
writing documents as I don’t want this turned on when editing photos or that will
affect the final result/product as I will be working with a different ‘look’ than the
Working Outside
As I am planning to be potentially be taking some photos outside, I need to consider the
issues I could face with working outside.
Something I need to consider is the weather as I don’t want to be taking photos in the rain
as that can cause damage to my equipment (camera, tripod) as well as the clothing pieces.
One thing that can help me in case my equipment does get damaged in production is
insurance, as the majority of photos
Around the time in which I’m filming, the weather has a higher chance of being brighter and
sunnier in comparison to if I was filming in the winter months. If I am basing my predictions
of last years weather, the sunny days and minimal rain was great, and will be ideal for when
I am carrying out production outside.
Crew & Cast
As there is the chance of us still being in lockdown during production, I heavily need to consider my
crew dynamics and how it is going to run.
With the lockdown potentially being carried on, one issue I might run into is having limited to no cast
for my photos and with my product being fashion focused, this is a large issue with a high chance of
happening. The model I am planning on using is relatively close size to me in terms of clothing so if I
am unable to shoot with them during production, I will have to rely on myself, with this it also means
introducing someone else to take photos, most likely a family member which comes with issues of its
own. If I were to have to introduce a new camera person, I have to understand and consider that we
both wont have the same skills, this could mean bringing in different techniques to get best shots. If I
were to include a family member behind the camera an issue I could potentially face is the shots not
being in focus. This could happen as they might have shaky hands so to try and prevent this issue
something I need to do before carrying out production is teaching my main crew (as well as backup
crew) different camera techniques and how to deal with them. If they are not able to hold the camera
manually, I can always incorporate tripods into my equipment which will ensure still shots.
Crew & Cast
• If I am planning on using some of my family members to help me as we are in the same
household I need to consider health conditions relating to them. A prime example of this is
my mother’s health with her being on a form of medication that can cause her to get tired
easily. Considering this, it wouldn’t be ideal to have her helping me out with camera work
as that would involve being stood in a stationary position for lengths of time.
• As I am less likely to be using my mum to help me with my camerawork, I will want to be
using my stepdad to help out. With him I need to take in mind that he is self-employed
running his own business so I have to work my production not only around his working
hours, but when he isn’t too worn out from work. As the business is backing onto the
house, he is always available at hand but the working hours for him and his staff is 7:30-
5pm Monday through Friday every week with the exception being bank holidays for which
they only work until 12pm on the Friday.
• Taking this into mind, this will help me build up a schedule that will be able to work him in
as well as my mum at some opportunities.
• Even though I will not be using any animals exclusively in my work I need
to be considering how my pets will effect my production, more so with me
carrying out a lot of it at home.
• The only pet we have in my household is a dog however I have the
responsibilities of: walking him, refilling his food and water bowls as well
as the general idea of keeping him entertained (with the most effective
method of this being playing fetch with a tennis ball in the paddock).
• Going over my responsibilities of my pet is important as I will need to
consider these ‘jobs’ when creating my schedule as I will have to take
breaks to walk and play with the dog which could mean a change of
location and overall cutting down on production time.
• As I am wanting to take some of my photos ‘en route’ I will need to be considering
my transport options and potential issues that will come with it. The main
transport I will be using throughout production will be my car. I need to be
considering fuel costs as well as transportation time as this will eat into my
production time. Roughly to fill up my car which will last me around 2 weeks of
journeys is around £30 so I need to consider putting money aside in my budget
for it. If I am unable to take my car to my locations, another form of transport I
need to consider is taking the bus which is more of a riskier approach. This is
because with COVID guidelines in place, there are only limited spaces on the
bus, and also some are running at different times to try and space them out more.
My car would be the best option when going from place to place as it means I'm
not mixing households, but it is also more reliable as I don’t have to worry about
leaving at a specific time, meaning I can plan my schedule more accordingly.
Locations – Out of home
• One location I am wanting to use in my production is
the Malton area (including Old Malton).
• On average this journey would take roughly 20 minutes
by car with minimal traffic. If I was to be travelling to
that location on a busier day (or for example during
busy hours) this could take up to an hour and I need to
be considering this into my planning as time
management is a large portion of having a successful
• I also need to consider if there is the likelihood of
roadworks taking place, having to as a result take a
different route, potentially taking longer to reach the
Locations - Home
• Another location I will be using to carry out my work is my house, even
though I wont have a lot of spare time it is important to consider my other
‘work sections’ – specifically my bedroom and home office.
• These rooms will be vital when carrying out work outside college hours,
which is very likely to happen due to me wanting to create a wide variety of
• Out of all the rooms I will be potentially using, the ‘home office’ area is
most likely as there is little to no distractions compared to my bedroom
which has elements such as my LED’S, TV, Nintendo Switch that can
easily divert my attention, more so if I am spending hours carrying out
work (for example rotoscoping a detailed image with multiple keyframes).
Finance – Camera Equipment
• When considering the finance aspect of my planning, this is where I need to go in-depth as I
will have to set myself a limit that I will not be wanting to go over.
• A piece of equipment that I will be needing to have still shots of any photos I am taking is a
tripod, and the best option would be one that is workable with both my phone and camera; as
a result being more cost effective. Another aspect I need to cover with equipment is delivery
and so that is why for the majority of gear I need, it will be bought through Amazon as I can
get next day delivery as well as a guarantee which also means if there is something wrong
with the equipment I can return and get an alternative exchange as a replacement.
• Another piece of equipment that will help me if I am having to shoot by myself is a timer which
can connect from my phone (this will not only save time but will allow me to take photos easier
and more effective). There are many options available online however the one I have chosen
to purchase came to £13.49 and is powered by a battery. However one fault to these remotes
is the size of them as with them being so small, this also means they can be very easily lost. A
way to prevent this potential issue is wrapping something around it so that I can wrap the
remote around my hand, so there is less chance of me dropping it and possibly causing
damage to the equipment, this solution can also help if I am using a high quality camera that
can at times be very hard to handle hand-held, more so for longer periods of time.
Finance – Making a budget
One thing that is key in my planning process is my budgeting as
with one wrong purchase, I can be completely back peddling so it
is important to consider how I am going to spread my expenses
among equipment, locations and other aspects of my work. I
need to be very careful of what I prioritise in terms of spending as
due to me still being on furlough I am already starting off with a
tight budget.
Health & Safety Hazard Solution
Spilling a liquid (most likely water) onto equipment – this can
result in my equipment not only being physically and internally
damaged but also me potentially getting an electrical shock
To prevent this from happening, I would make sure all liquids are
secured in their containers with a cap but also keeping them a
safe distance from any electrical equipment.
An issue that I can face from extensive screen time is eye strain
and also migraines which I do suffer from. This is most likely
caused from looking at the screen for long durations of time and
also having the screen brightness being very high.
One thing I will do to stop this from happening is turning the
screen brightness down to a lower level which will reduce the
strain. I can also make sure I am wearing my glasses which help
prevent migraines for me. Something else I can do to stop this
from happening is taking regular breaks during work so I am not
always staring at the screen.
Something that isn’t a massive issue, but can cause strain is my
body posture whilst working as the majority of my production
time will be sitting at a desk. A reason as to why I am
considering this as an issue is because I could be lent over far
forwards which can cause serious damage if I don’t prevent this
A way in which I can stop this happening is taking breaks to
stretch throughout production which will keep all the joints
moving and not stuck in an uncomfortable position. Something
else I can be doing is making sure my desk chair is at an
appropriate height, supporting my back and keeping my posture
in a good position.
Considering health and safety throughout my production, I need
to be remembering my surroundings and awareness when
taking the photos. One of my locations does include traffic and a
constant flow of cars moving.
To make sure I am staying safe at these different locations I will
make sure my camera is always stored safely when moving
FMP - Experiments
Technical Problems – PhotoShop Tutorials
It is important to take a closer look at
PhotoShop tutorials and the potential issues
because without learning new techniques first
before starting production, my work will be
displayed as simple and not showing my
skills and ability.
Procreate – Rotoscoping
One technique I am wanting to incorporate into my production work is
rotoscoping. Even though I have previously used this skill in Photoshop, I
have never used it in Procreate.
The reason as to why I am wanting to use this technique in Procreate
instead of Photoshop is because I believe the Procreate process will be
easier due to me being able to draw directly onto the image instead of
keyframing each point, also making the process easier in some elements.
Procreate - Using different brushes
One brush I found helpful when carrying out these
was this brush shown on the left called…
With procreate there are many different settings
that allow you to change how the brush works
making it extremely adaptable and unique to your
own art style.
Rotoscoping - Process
Here is the picture I am rotoscoping
for reference
1. The first step I carried out for this experiment is outlining all the key
points of the drawing. The easiest way to carry this out was by using
the SCRIPT brush with the streamline set to 100%. The reason as to
why I have changed this setting to the max is because it allows me to
get in the right grooves and curves of the outline.
2. The next step I did was outline the
remaining ‘characters’. When doing this
one step I carried out was drawing the
characters as separate layers so that way I
can move around the individual outlines to
anywhere on the canvas. However one
thing I needed to remember when drawing
these characters under separate layers is
to make sure there is a complete outline
because if not, when I fill them in, it will
take over the full canvas instead of the
specific section.
The reason as to why I have chosen to
rotoscope Pokémon characters is because they
have very defined shapes. This will allow me to
build up my skills because I am starting off with
an image that has clear/easy to outline shapes.
Rotoscoping - Process
3. After finishing the separate outlines for each character, I then went in on the light and dark
portions of them. However unlike the other outlines I did in black this time, I did the outlines
in the colour I was filling them in with. As I have decided to focus on the darker, shadow
portions of the work here as the sections are smaller. In order to get it as precise as
possible, I would zoom in and then go over the outlines.
4. Once outlining and filling in all the shadows of
each character, I can then fill in any remaining
touches and the main portions of each layer,
this is quite an easy and less time consuming
step as i don’t really have to give anything an
outline, all I am doing is dragging the colour
onto the chosen area to fill.
As a large portion of the work I am wanting
to create is fashion/style focused, I wanted
to try drawing out different items of clothing.
Even though I am not rotoscoping directly, I
am still using the same techniques and
The Pro’s & Con’s to this experiment
• Rotoscoping is great as it means
you can replicate and image but
also add your own style
• Very easy to carry out, doesn’t
take up too much time (depending
on the detail in the photo)
• Can be limited in creativity
• Harder to do without a stylus
• If you are taking it directly
from an image, sometimes
the quality isn’t the best and
can as a result affect the final
This experiment is very similar to one I carried out in
my factual unit however I have taken a different
approach this time and went more creative in terms
of the colours, style chosen.
This technique is a great way to colour grade
photography and make it look more ‘artistic’. An
inspiration behind this technique is the
BROCKHAMPTON album cover art and how they
make the photos appear if they are under a heat
sensor. It can also be used however to completely
alter an image.
Process recorded and uploaded to Youtube
Here is a screenshot showing the Gradient Map in
photoshop. In order to get this screen you click on
adjustments > gradient map and it will appear.
Automatically the gradient map shows more of a pink
spectrum however that can be adjusted very easily.
In order to change the gradient you select the facing
down arrow linked to it and then the gradient editor
will appear where you can change the light and dark
points and what colour they will represent.
Here is an example of a picture in which I added this effect to. As you
can see on the gradient the shadows and darker parts of the image are
on this sage green side whereas the light points have been replaced by
this mix between yellow and orange. This effect could be useful to use
in my final product as I can alter a very simple image and add a more
appealing touch to it.
The midpoint of the gradient is also
something you can adjust. By sliding
it from left to right you can choose
which colour will be more prominent
and stand out.
The Pro’s & Con’s to this experiment
• Can alter an image, make it
more eye catching
• Completely shift the ‘mood’ of
the picture
• If the original photos are
contrasting, this effect can
help them fit better together
• Sometimes the gradients
don’t work well with the
image, for example it can
confuse the shadows and
highlights therefore not
blending as well between the
One trend being frequently seen in the
explore page on Instagram is creative
colleges with the technique of freehand
cropping used to make each image in the
collage stand out. And there are also a few
ways in which this can be done. On the left
you can see one which I carried out in
procreate and one in Good Notes. A clear
difference between the two is that in
procreate you can be more precise and
closer to the fine lines whereas in Good
Notes it is a bit more difficult as the way in
which you do this is by freehand cropping but
you cant zoom in so a rough outline has to
be done instead.
Good Notes
The Pro’s & Con’s to this experiment
• Great for planning (mood
boards, style sheets etc)
• Quick and easy (not too time
• Not always as precise
• Doesn’t look the most
• Not always as smooth lines,
would only work with iPad
using Apple Pencil
Here is an image showing a variety of ways in which this effect can be used to
alter text and make it more captivating
The first step I carried out is creating my
canvas to a size in which I will be able to see
the full text and still in a great quality.
Then I typed in my text, using the ruler tool I
placed it in the centre and then chose which font
style I want to use. As I am using mainly sans
serif fonts and my ‘animation (after effects text
work) will be mostly of that style due to it making
the effects come out better. Something I also did
to help the original text stand out before I start
warping it is making the text bold, this will make
the word ‘photography’ easy to read and see.
For more of a safe, backup plan I have duplicated
the text layer so that if anything goes wrong, I have
a backup layer in the background. I have turned the
eye off so it is not visible and will only use it if
Now I started to alter the text into the style I want for this
Once having my
text with the
desired look, I then
opened up the
liquify tool and
started warping the
text. A benefit to
this effect in
photoshop is that
you can change
the text in so many
ways, the one thing
you do have to be
careful of however
is that if you pull it
in one direction too
much, the pixels
can lose their hold
and as a result,
part of the text
Before and After
The Pro’s & Con’s to this experiment
• Can make text appear more
• Creative addition text
• Can be manipulated in
several ways, not limited for
• Can go from one extreme to
another = slightly to massively
warped, due to personal
• Sometimes when using liquify
the pixels can adjust causing
them to disappear, messing
up the whole effect altogether.
You can prevent this but a lot
of the time when it happens, it
will takeaway a large chunk of
the text that isn’t very

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(7) problem solving

  • 2. Why carry out contingency planning? A contingency plan, is a backup plan used in the ‘event of a disaster that disrupts production’. The goal of these plans is to safeguard data, minimize disruption and keep everyone as safe as possible. With lockdown restrictions and also me having to shield due to family’s health conditions, keeping safe is a massive priority which needs to be continuously considered throughout this work. A benefit which comes from contingency planning is that is prevents panic. A well documented contingency plan allows the team to ‘move quickly into recovery mode’. When everyone knows where to go and what to do, order can be maintained. Averting panic allows people to focus efforts other alternatives. Devising a contingency plan is a methodical process. Actually sitting down to create a contingency plan means looking at the big picture rather than a series of disconnected steps.
  • 3. Within every project, there is always the possibility of meeting problems in certain areas. It is important that I am able to specify the problems and be able to come up with a plan to prevent/solve them. In this PowerPoint, I will look at practical and technical problems as well as the theoretical problems that could occur whilst carrying out my project.
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  • 12. Equipment • In this project one of the main pieces of equipment I will be using is my iPad for procreate when creating my graphics. Whilst I am using my own tablet and software, there is always the possibility of physical damage. Should I not be able to use my iPad with procreate installed on it, I do also own a Huion tablet which can be paired with my MacBook. The largest difference between the Huion tablet and the iPad is that the iPad has software installed into it (Procreate) whereas the tablet has to be paired with the laptop and to then be used with a software such as Photoshop. • As my iPad will be used very frequently throughout my project, this piece of equipment need heavily looking after. An issue that I can face, as with many pieces of technology is battery life and usage. A way I can prevent the iPad from dying constantly is keeping up maintenance. As this model of iPad is relatively new, the performance for the tablet is at the best it can be. By only charging it when necessary, this will keep it at its high standard.
  • 13. Equipment • An issue I could face regarding my laptop is the loss/corruption of data. This is the piece of equipment I need to be taking extra care off as it is the most used out of all my devices. This issue could occur if the work isn’t saving correctly, or also if the battery is dying before the work is able to upload. To prevent this issue is ensuring my production work (mainly adobe files) are stored on an USB/hard-drive (multiple if possible) and as for my written work and PowerPoints storing them on OneDrive so that I can access my files across multiple devices. • An equipment issue I could have regarding equipment is tripods. The purpose behind a tripod is to maintain stability of a camera as well as supporting the weight without having to rely on hands. However one issue that commonly occurs when it comes to tripods is the placement of uneven legs. This occurs when something can get into the leg, preventing it from moving any further of if it is an older tripod, rusting. To prevent this from happening, I will be keeping up good maintenance of the tripod especially if I will be using it outside. • In terms of lighting (artificial such as soft boxes), an issue that could happen is overheating and therefore blowing the bulbs. When working in a studio also that has no windows for heat to escape, the temperature will increase which can also make crew uncomfortable. To stop this from happening, I will only be turning the lighting on when necessary (which will also conserve power).
  • 14. Equipment • An issue I could potentially face whilst carrying out production is my DSLR’s battery life. This is an issue I need to take into consideration as if the battery life fails on me, I am unable to continue a large part of my production work. To try and keep this problem to a minimum one thing I can be doing is always making sure to have with me a spare battery as the first back up plan and if I am taking the photos from home, keep the battery charger close by also. Another factor which helps conserve battery life is keeping up maintenance. For example, keeping it in the carrying case if I am to be changing locations rather than just using the main strap. • Relating to camera issues, another problem that could happen is losing all the images stored on it. This is an issue that can happen very frequently and something I need to heavily consider as without my images, I have lost a large part of my work. One way I can resolve this issue is after every ‘shoot’ backing up the images/data onto my laptop via a hard-drive/USB that way there are multiple versions of the work.
  • 15. Storage/Backing Up (Protect your data) • My main source of storage that I will be using throughout this project is my one drive folder located in my laptop. The reason as to why I will mainly be using this is because it allows automatic saving to be an option, which helps with the concern of work being lost/unsaved. This will mainly be helpful for the document aspects of my work (such as this PowerPoint and others). One thing I need to be careful when using OneDrive is that it is synced by the internet, and so I will also be incorporating my USB to store other versions because as the majority of college is present, this can cause a lag in wifi and therefore could cause issues when saving so by having that extra external storage, it reduces the risk of losing work. • When using Adobe software such as Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator, when storing those specific files such as .psd I will be using my ‘creative cloud’ storage as it will allow me to access my adobe files on multiple devices. Similar to my OneDrive, my USB will be used as well so that my internal storage on my laptop doesn’t get full to the point of where it will slow my softwares. • If there is any possibility of my files being corrupted or damaged, I will also have a 256GB memory stick which I can use as another source for backing up. By having multiple sources to keep my work on, I will always have a copy of my production work. • Keeping this all in mind, I feel confident that I will not loose any progress or files as I am using different ways to save my work and have multiple copies of each piece/
  • 16. Power • One thing working from home is that I will be relying off of my own power, Wi-Fi etc for my project. With the weather constantly changing from sunshine to snow, this can affect the strength of the power within my home which is something I need to take into consideration when working. There is the possibility of power cutting out, falling terribly behind which as a result can affect time management. To try and keep this issue to a minimum, one thing I can be doing is working during hours in which not as many people are occupying the Wi-Fi, even if it is at 2am! • A potential issue that can happen if I am not watchful of my laptop’s battery is it crashing in middle of work due to lack of power. Given this event, I can’t fully prepare for if this were to happen. But I can however regularly save my work and ensure that if it does crash, I have a recent backup file and also versions saved on my USB drive which I can go back to when needed.
  • 17. Ability • Whilst I do have experience in photoshop through previous projects, there are some areas in which I am not as talented on. To help me build up those skills to the best of my ability, I will be carrying out thorough experimentation and learning on the techniques both during college hours and outside of them. By dedicating extra time to craft this skill, it will help me down the line of my project as I will already know the main techniques.
  • 18. Software It is important to consider the potential technical software problems because if it is a large scale issue then it can affect my final production. However if it is a smaller scale issue, it could potentially cause a ‘domino effect’ throughout production as I would have to be considering more alternatives. Because of this, I need to be considering solutions to problems I can face with software and cause minimal stress. • An issue that could occur whilst I am carrying out my production would be my software crashing. If this does occur, there is the possibility of work being deleted and losing all of the production work. To prevent this issue happening and causing as much damage, I can make sure I am backing up to One Drive. But one flaw with using OneDrive is that you have to have access to the internet in order to access and save files, so a USB/Hard-drive is another alternative I need to be working into my production also. • Another issue I can face is the response of the software I am using, for example slow system response times, as a result taking longer for the work to be carried out. One thing I can be doing to prevent this issue is restarting the software which will allow it to return to its ‘best condition from start-up’.
  • 19. Software – Adobe Creative Cloud With the adobe creative cloud, there are many benefits, but there are also downfalls and disadvantages when it comes to using these types of software • One issue I could have when working with the Adobe Creative Cloud is their saving/backing up. They offer their own version of storage, very similar to OneDrive however it does have its flaws. A potential issue with using Adobe CC is that it doesn’t save every change made. A quick solution to this issue is multiple saving which means distributing the files among different saving options (USB, Hard-Drive, OneDrive, Cloud etc.) • With Adobe, there is one large flaw and this is if there is an issue on one software, it affects them all. One solution that helps this issue is restarting the creative cloud. As my login is only verified to one device, I need to make sure that I am carrying out updates when necessary, making sure that all the correct preferences are ticked when using the software.
  • 21. Health Conditions • An issue that might occur whilst I am carrying out my project is suffering from migraines and headaches. This is an issue I need to take into consideration as it is something I frequently suffer from, more so when I am spending hours staring at a screen. To try and prevent this from happening as often, I can follow through a few method that will decrease them. One thing I can do to prevent this issue happening is taking breaks in between screen time, for example in between every hour take a five minute breather. During college days, this is naturally introduced as after revery hour and a half, you take a fifteen minute break away from screens. Another thing I can do to prevent me getting migraines during working hours is to keep the screen brightness down (which will also help the battery life) as well as turning on ‘night shift’ which gives a yellow tint, taking out any bright colours that can cause strain on the eyes. But night shift will only be useful when writing documents as I don’t want this turned on when editing photos or that will affect the final result/product as I will be working with a different ‘look’ than the viewer.
  • 22. Working Outside As I am planning to be potentially be taking some photos outside, I need to consider the issues I could face with working outside. Something I need to consider is the weather as I don’t want to be taking photos in the rain as that can cause damage to my equipment (camera, tripod) as well as the clothing pieces. One thing that can help me in case my equipment does get damaged in production is insurance, as the majority of photos Around the time in which I’m filming, the weather has a higher chance of being brighter and sunnier in comparison to if I was filming in the winter months. If I am basing my predictions of last years weather, the sunny days and minimal rain was great, and will be ideal for when I am carrying out production outside.
  • 23. Crew & Cast As there is the chance of us still being in lockdown during production, I heavily need to consider my crew dynamics and how it is going to run. With the lockdown potentially being carried on, one issue I might run into is having limited to no cast for my photos and with my product being fashion focused, this is a large issue with a high chance of happening. The model I am planning on using is relatively close size to me in terms of clothing so if I am unable to shoot with them during production, I will have to rely on myself, with this it also means introducing someone else to take photos, most likely a family member which comes with issues of its own. If I were to have to introduce a new camera person, I have to understand and consider that we both wont have the same skills, this could mean bringing in different techniques to get best shots. If I were to include a family member behind the camera an issue I could potentially face is the shots not being in focus. This could happen as they might have shaky hands so to try and prevent this issue something I need to do before carrying out production is teaching my main crew (as well as backup crew) different camera techniques and how to deal with them. If they are not able to hold the camera manually, I can always incorporate tripods into my equipment which will ensure still shots.
  • 24. Crew & Cast • If I am planning on using some of my family members to help me as we are in the same household I need to consider health conditions relating to them. A prime example of this is my mother’s health with her being on a form of medication that can cause her to get tired easily. Considering this, it wouldn’t be ideal to have her helping me out with camera work as that would involve being stood in a stationary position for lengths of time. • As I am less likely to be using my mum to help me with my camerawork, I will want to be using my stepdad to help out. With him I need to take in mind that he is self-employed running his own business so I have to work my production not only around his working hours, but when he isn’t too worn out from work. As the business is backing onto the house, he is always available at hand but the working hours for him and his staff is 7:30- 5pm Monday through Friday every week with the exception being bank holidays for which they only work until 12pm on the Friday. • Taking this into mind, this will help me build up a schedule that will be able to work him in as well as my mum at some opportunities.
  • 25. Pets • Even though I will not be using any animals exclusively in my work I need to be considering how my pets will effect my production, more so with me carrying out a lot of it at home. • The only pet we have in my household is a dog however I have the responsibilities of: walking him, refilling his food and water bowls as well as the general idea of keeping him entertained (with the most effective method of this being playing fetch with a tennis ball in the paddock). • Going over my responsibilities of my pet is important as I will need to consider these ‘jobs’ when creating my schedule as I will have to take breaks to walk and play with the dog which could mean a change of location and overall cutting down on production time.
  • 26. Transport • As I am wanting to take some of my photos ‘en route’ I will need to be considering my transport options and potential issues that will come with it. The main transport I will be using throughout production will be my car. I need to be considering fuel costs as well as transportation time as this will eat into my production time. Roughly to fill up my car which will last me around 2 weeks of journeys is around £30 so I need to consider putting money aside in my budget for it. If I am unable to take my car to my locations, another form of transport I need to consider is taking the bus which is more of a riskier approach. This is because with COVID guidelines in place, there are only limited spaces on the bus, and also some are running at different times to try and space them out more. My car would be the best option when going from place to place as it means I'm not mixing households, but it is also more reliable as I don’t have to worry about leaving at a specific time, meaning I can plan my schedule more accordingly.
  • 27. Locations – Out of home • One location I am wanting to use in my production is the Malton area (including Old Malton). • On average this journey would take roughly 20 minutes by car with minimal traffic. If I was to be travelling to that location on a busier day (or for example during busy hours) this could take up to an hour and I need to be considering this into my planning as time management is a large portion of having a successful product. • I also need to consider if there is the likelihood of roadworks taking place, having to as a result take a different route, potentially taking longer to reach the location. York -> Malton
  • 28. Locations - Home • Another location I will be using to carry out my work is my house, even though I wont have a lot of spare time it is important to consider my other ‘work sections’ – specifically my bedroom and home office. • These rooms will be vital when carrying out work outside college hours, which is very likely to happen due to me wanting to create a wide variety of work. • Out of all the rooms I will be potentially using, the ‘home office’ area is most likely as there is little to no distractions compared to my bedroom which has elements such as my LED’S, TV, Nintendo Switch that can easily divert my attention, more so if I am spending hours carrying out work (for example rotoscoping a detailed image with multiple keyframes).
  • 30. Finance – Camera Equipment • When considering the finance aspect of my planning, this is where I need to go in-depth as I will have to set myself a limit that I will not be wanting to go over. • A piece of equipment that I will be needing to have still shots of any photos I am taking is a tripod, and the best option would be one that is workable with both my phone and camera; as a result being more cost effective. Another aspect I need to cover with equipment is delivery and so that is why for the majority of gear I need, it will be bought through Amazon as I can get next day delivery as well as a guarantee which also means if there is something wrong with the equipment I can return and get an alternative exchange as a replacement. • Another piece of equipment that will help me if I am having to shoot by myself is a timer which can connect from my phone (this will not only save time but will allow me to take photos easier and more effective). There are many options available online however the one I have chosen to purchase came to £13.49 and is powered by a battery. However one fault to these remotes is the size of them as with them being so small, this also means they can be very easily lost. A way to prevent this potential issue is wrapping something around it so that I can wrap the remote around my hand, so there is less chance of me dropping it and possibly causing damage to the equipment, this solution can also help if I am using a high quality camera that can at times be very hard to handle hand-held, more so for longer periods of time.
  • 31. Finance – Making a budget One thing that is key in my planning process is my budgeting as with one wrong purchase, I can be completely back peddling so it is important to consider how I am going to spread my expenses among equipment, locations and other aspects of my work. I need to be very careful of what I prioritise in terms of spending as due to me still being on furlough I am already starting off with a tight budget.
  • 32. Health & Safety Hazard Solution Spilling a liquid (most likely water) onto equipment – this can result in my equipment not only being physically and internally damaged but also me potentially getting an electrical shock To prevent this from happening, I would make sure all liquids are secured in their containers with a cap but also keeping them a safe distance from any electrical equipment. An issue that I can face from extensive screen time is eye strain and also migraines which I do suffer from. This is most likely caused from looking at the screen for long durations of time and also having the screen brightness being very high. One thing I will do to stop this from happening is turning the screen brightness down to a lower level which will reduce the strain. I can also make sure I am wearing my glasses which help prevent migraines for me. Something else I can do to stop this from happening is taking regular breaks during work so I am not always staring at the screen. Something that isn’t a massive issue, but can cause strain is my body posture whilst working as the majority of my production time will be sitting at a desk. A reason as to why I am considering this as an issue is because I could be lent over far forwards which can cause serious damage if I don’t prevent this issue. A way in which I can stop this happening is taking breaks to stretch throughout production which will keep all the joints moving and not stuck in an uncomfortable position. Something else I can be doing is making sure my desk chair is at an appropriate height, supporting my back and keeping my posture in a good position. Considering health and safety throughout my production, I need to be remembering my surroundings and awareness when taking the photos. One of my locations does include traffic and a constant flow of cars moving. To make sure I am staying safe at these different locations I will make sure my camera is always stored safely when moving around.
  • 34. Technical Problems – PhotoShop Tutorials It is important to take a closer look at PhotoShop tutorials and the potential issues because without learning new techniques first before starting production, my work will be displayed as simple and not showing my skills and ability.
  • 35. Procreate – Rotoscoping One technique I am wanting to incorporate into my production work is rotoscoping. Even though I have previously used this skill in Photoshop, I have never used it in Procreate. The reason as to why I am wanting to use this technique in Procreate instead of Photoshop is because I believe the Procreate process will be easier due to me being able to draw directly onto the image instead of keyframing each point, also making the process easier in some elements.
  • 36. Procreate - Using different brushes One brush I found helpful when carrying out these was this brush shown on the left called… With procreate there are many different settings that allow you to change how the brush works making it extremely adaptable and unique to your own art style.
  • 37. Rotoscoping - Process Here is the picture I am rotoscoping for reference 1. The first step I carried out for this experiment is outlining all the key points of the drawing. The easiest way to carry this out was by using the SCRIPT brush with the streamline set to 100%. The reason as to why I have changed this setting to the max is because it allows me to get in the right grooves and curves of the outline. 2. The next step I did was outline the remaining ‘characters’. When doing this one step I carried out was drawing the characters as separate layers so that way I can move around the individual outlines to anywhere on the canvas. However one thing I needed to remember when drawing these characters under separate layers is to make sure there is a complete outline because if not, when I fill them in, it will take over the full canvas instead of the specific section. The reason as to why I have chosen to rotoscope Pokémon characters is because they have very defined shapes. This will allow me to build up my skills because I am starting off with an image that has clear/easy to outline shapes.
  • 38. Rotoscoping - Process 3. After finishing the separate outlines for each character, I then went in on the light and dark portions of them. However unlike the other outlines I did in black this time, I did the outlines in the colour I was filling them in with. As I have decided to focus on the darker, shadow portions of the work here as the sections are smaller. In order to get it as precise as possible, I would zoom in and then go over the outlines. 4. Once outlining and filling in all the shadows of each character, I can then fill in any remaining touches and the main portions of each layer, this is quite an easy and less time consuming step as i don’t really have to give anything an outline, all I am doing is dragging the colour onto the chosen area to fill.
  • 39.
  • 40. As a large portion of the work I am wanting to create is fashion/style focused, I wanted to try drawing out different items of clothing. Even though I am not rotoscoping directly, I am still using the same techniques and tools.
  • 41. The Pro’s & Con’s to this experiment • Rotoscoping is great as it means you can replicate and image but also add your own style • Very easy to carry out, doesn’t take up too much time (depending on the detail in the photo) • Can be limited in creativity • Harder to do without a stylus • If you are taking it directly from an image, sometimes the quality isn’t the best and can as a result affect the final drawing.
  • 42. This experiment is very similar to one I carried out in my factual unit however I have taken a different approach this time and went more creative in terms of the colours, style chosen. This technique is a great way to colour grade photography and make it look more ‘artistic’. An inspiration behind this technique is the BROCKHAMPTON album cover art and how they make the photos appear if they are under a heat sensor. It can also be used however to completely alter an image. Process recorded and uploaded to Youtube
  • 43. Here is a screenshot showing the Gradient Map in photoshop. In order to get this screen you click on adjustments > gradient map and it will appear. Automatically the gradient map shows more of a pink spectrum however that can be adjusted very easily. In order to change the gradient you select the facing down arrow linked to it and then the gradient editor will appear where you can change the light and dark points and what colour they will represent.
  • 44. Here is an example of a picture in which I added this effect to. As you can see on the gradient the shadows and darker parts of the image are on this sage green side whereas the light points have been replaced by this mix between yellow and orange. This effect could be useful to use in my final product as I can alter a very simple image and add a more appealing touch to it. The midpoint of the gradient is also something you can adjust. By sliding it from left to right you can choose which colour will be more prominent and stand out.
  • 45. The Pro’s & Con’s to this experiment • Can alter an image, make it more eye catching • Completely shift the ‘mood’ of the picture • If the original photos are contrasting, this effect can help them fit better together • Sometimes the gradients don’t work well with the image, for example it can confuse the shadows and highlights therefore not blending as well between the colour
  • 46. One trend being frequently seen in the explore page on Instagram is creative colleges with the technique of freehand cropping used to make each image in the collage stand out. And there are also a few ways in which this can be done. On the left you can see one which I carried out in procreate and one in Good Notes. A clear difference between the two is that in procreate you can be more precise and closer to the fine lines whereas in Good Notes it is a bit more difficult as the way in which you do this is by freehand cropping but you cant zoom in so a rough outline has to be done instead. Good Notes Procreate
  • 47. The Pro’s & Con’s to this experiment • Great for planning (mood boards, style sheets etc) • Quick and easy (not too time consuming) • Not always as precise • Doesn’t look the most professional • Not always as smooth lines, would only work with iPad using Apple Pencil
  • 48. Here is an image showing a variety of ways in which this effect can be used to alter text and make it more captivating
  • 49. The first step I carried out is creating my canvas to a size in which I will be able to see the full text and still in a great quality.
  • 50. Then I typed in my text, using the ruler tool I placed it in the centre and then chose which font style I want to use. As I am using mainly sans serif fonts and my ‘animation (after effects text work) will be mostly of that style due to it making the effects come out better. Something I also did to help the original text stand out before I start warping it is making the text bold, this will make the word ‘photography’ easy to read and see. For more of a safe, backup plan I have duplicated the text layer so that if anything goes wrong, I have a backup layer in the background. I have turned the eye off so it is not visible and will only use it if necessary.
  • 51. Now I started to alter the text into the style I want for this warp.
  • 52. Once having my text with the desired look, I then opened up the liquify tool and started warping the text. A benefit to this effect in photoshop is that you can change the text in so many ways, the one thing you do have to be careful of however is that if you pull it in one direction too much, the pixels can lose their hold and as a result, part of the text disappears.
  • 54. The Pro’s & Con’s to this experiment • Can make text appear more ‘cooler’ • Creative addition text • Can be manipulated in several ways, not limited for creativity • Can go from one extreme to another = slightly to massively warped, due to personal preference. • Sometimes when using liquify the pixels can adjust causing them to disappear, messing up the whole effect altogether. You can prevent this but a lot of the time when it happens, it will takeaway a large chunk of the text that isn’t very appealing.