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Assignment Brief to Break Down Unit 5 Health and Social...
BTEC Extended Diploma Level 3 Assignment Brief
Course Title: Extended Diploma Level 3 in Health and Social Care
Unit : 5 Assignment Title: Anatomy & Physiology
Scenario/Vocational Context:
This unit introduces core knowledge of cellular structure and function, and the organisation of the
body as a whole, and then builds on this to develop a more detailed knowledge of the fine anatomy
and physiology of the systems involved in energy metabolism.
Functional Skills Development: This assignment will give you the opportunity to develop skills in
Level 2 English, Math's and ICT. The functional skills being improved will be identified at the end
of each task.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this unit a learner should:
1 Know the ... Show more content on ...
Task 3 (P5, M2, D2)
P5: In the form of a
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Positive Airway Pressure Essay
Positive airway pressure (PAP) is the standard treatment for patients with moderate–to–severe
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA); a sleep–related breathing disorder (SRBD) characterized by episodic
complete or partial upper airway occlusion during sleep.1 Over the past years, the relationship
between SRBD and cardiac arrhythmias have been thoroughly investigated.2–7 Previous studies
have shown that obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) predisposes to clinically significant
nocturnal impairment of the cardiac autonomic function and such impairment correlated with the
severity of OSAS.8–11 The respiratory event–related cyclic hypoxemia and arousal characteristic of
OSA causes dysregulation in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in the form of enhanced
sympathetic activity, such impairment is thought to be the substrate ... Show more content on ...
Material and Methods
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Autonomic Nervous System Analysis
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a branch of the central nervous system (CNS) that divides
into two divisions. The sympathetic (SNS), fight or flight division, and the parasympathetic (PNS),
rest and digest division both seek to regulate involuntary visceral motor control by transmitting their
signals from the CNS to cardiac muscles, the heart and blood vessels; smooth muscles, the stomach
and intestines; and glands, sweat and salivary. The SNS increases heart rate by transmitting its
impulses onto short, myelinated preganglionic neurons that trigger the release of acetylcholine
(ACh) onto nicotinic cholinergic receptors found on the postganglionic cell. The impulse then
travels along long, unmyelinated adrenergic postganglionic neurons, ... Show more content on ...
Baroreflex failure syndrome is a rear cardiovascular disease that prevents afferent baroreceptor
nerve cells from monitoring and regulation blood pressure. Baroreceptors respond to high blood
pressure by increasing their firing rate, decreasing sympathetic outflow, heart rate, and contractility.
This causes an increase in parasympathetic outflow from the vagus nerve, which causes
vasodilation, a decrease in mean arterial pressure, and lowers blood pressure. Baroreceptors that are
found within the carotid sinus and aortic arch, and travel along the glossopharyngeal and vagus
nerves. They send their sensory input about blood pressure to the cardio–regulatory center of the
medulla oblongata, and a sympathetic response leads norepinephrine (NE) to bind to beta–
adrenergic receptors on autorhythmic cells to increase Na+ permeability through funny channels,
and Ca2+ permeability through T–type channels. This triggers a faster drift, a less negative
membrane potential, and increases the rate of sinoatrial (SA) node firing, and signal conductance.
The exact mechanism for initiation of the disease is still unknown, but recent studies have
hypothesized that the syndrome degrades neurons on both sides of the solitary tract located in the
medulla, and triggers cell necrosis of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. This cranial nerve
damage impairs the
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The Importance Of Yoga And Mental Health
Yoga and mental health are two topics that are often put in relation to each other. What if just taking
one hour of the day to stretch and meditate could increase your mood? We ask the question, does
yoga affect the mental health and wellness of a person? Yoga is a practice rooted in Indian
philosophy that was expected to relieve pain, stress, depression and other physical and mental health
issues. Mental health is based off of psychological, emotional, and social well–being. Meditation is
also integrated in some psychology interventions, which promotes a mind–body intervention
(Hendriks, 2017). Studies have shown why people practice yoga and all of its benefits. From
spiritual enlightenment to alternative medicine and rehabilitation, yoga is becoming a hot topic in
the health field. Lisa Diamond, a nurse practitioner and coach for health and wellness, studied yoga
as a way for her patients to incorporate self–management into their care. From a more biological
approach, yoga is viewed as a method for stress management and anxiety relief. Yoga activates the
autonomic nervous system and endocrine system, the autonomic system controls involuntary actions
in the body while the endocrine releases hormones in response (Diamond, 2012). The autonomic
system is split into the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems which are both greatly affected by
yoga. The sympathetic system controls the "fight or flight" response and get the heart pumping
under stress; parasympathetic works
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Preparation Of Bone Marrow Cell Extract
The aim of this study is to do initial characterization in bone marrow cell extract (BM soup). Our
results demonstrated that 1) BM soup contains many kinds of protein factors secreted by bone
marrow cells, such as growth factors, cytokines; 2) proteins are the active ingredients responsible for
its therapeutic action.
To reduce the irradiation damage of salivary glands, many approaches are being tested. The best
approaches are to spare salivary glands from the high dose co–irradiation as much as possible with
either advanced techniques, such as IMRT and proton [29], or gland transfer[30]. However, still
about 40% of patients receiving IMRT are suffering from hypofunction of salivary gland [31], and
gland transfer could not be applied for ... Show more content on ...
In this study, only soluble components of cell lysate from whole bone marrow cells were used. All
types of BM cells were lysed and numerous paracrine factors were included in BM soup. Our results
showed that BM soup protects salivary gland cells and restores organ function. This indicated that
transplanted intact bone marrow cells might cross–talk with local tissue by all or some of these
components to exert their curative effects. These findings are in agreement with studies on
myocardial infarction treatment by Yeghiazarians group [26]. They reported that injection of bone
marrow cell extract resulted in comparable benefit with intact BM cells. In addition, they also tested
the human BM cell extract and fractionated BM cell extract in mouse model and found that human
BM extract was able to improve the cardiac function without immune rejection[28], but fractionated
BM extract showed limited effects comparing with the whole BM cells[40]. Given all that, BM soup
showed comparable benefit on tissue regeneration with intact cell transplantation, and even better in
terms of immune rejection or tumorigenecity.
To further confirm protein factors are the active ingredients, BM soup was digested by proteinase K,
namely deactivated BM soup, and injected into the mice receiving irradiation on head and neck area.
Proteinase K is commonly used to destroy the proteins
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Blood Pressure Regulation
Blood pressure regulation and changes occurring after increase in blood pressure
Each time the heart pumps, it sends blood all over the body to supply organs and tissues with
oxygen and nutrients. The strength of the force created as the heart pumps blood into the vessels
together with the vessels' resistance to the blood flow is defined as the body's blood pressure
(Darovic, 2002). A normal range blood pressure (BP) must be between 100–130mmHg systolic
(when the heart is beating) and 60–90mmHg diastolic pressure (between heart beats) (Sherwood,
1997). Many factors can change blood pressure, including exercise and diet. The regulation of BP
within the body is tightly maintained by nerves, hormones and renal control in relation to three ...
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These signal messengers will rapidly communicate with the autonomic neural system, in order to
decrease sympathetic influence on the heart and blood vessels and increase parasympathetic activity,
so that mean arterial blood pressure returns to its normal. By releasing the neurotransmitter
acetylcholine (Ach), parasympathetic nerves will decrease the frequency of the action potentials of
the sinoatrial (SA) and the atrioventricular (AV) nodes, found in the heart. This mechanism will
decrease cardiac output by reducing the number of heart beats and the organ's force of contractions
(Milnor, 1990). Parasympathetic activity will also expand vessels, decreasing their resistance to
blood flow and therefore decreasing total peripheral resistance. As veins get wider, they will retain
blood causing a reduction in venous return to the heart. Decreased amount of blood in the ventricles
at the end of diastole (period between contractions of the heart) will consequently decrease cardiac
output and blood pressure (Constanzo, 2012).
Electrolytes such as sodium and chloride are essential as they help to maintain body's water balance.
However, excessive dietary intake of salt increases the amount of water retained by the body and as
a result increases blood volume (Thomas and Bishop, 2007). When the heart senses the rise in blood
volume, atrial and brain–type natriuretic peptides (ANP and BNP) are synthesized and released. The
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Comparing The Autonomic Nervous System And Neurons
The autonomic nervous system controls cardiac, smooth muscle and the glandular tissue. It is vital
in emergency and nonemergency (rest /digest). It is responsible for nearly all voluntary muscle
movements as well as for processing sensory information that arrives via external stimuli including
hearing, touch, and sight. The autonomic nervous system contains 2 subdivisions which are the
sympathetic and parasympathetic. The general action of the sympathetic nervous system is to
mobilise the body's first or flight response (how the body reacts to perceive danger) by preparing the
body to put out energy and to protect it from effects of injury. However, the parasympathetic
nervous system restores the body a state of calm. It is a slow system and ... Show more content on ...
Neurons communicate at structures called synapses. Typical neuron consists of a large number of
extension called dendrites that ties neurotransmitter chemical migrating across the synaptic gaps
separating neuron. There are usually like a spikes extending out from cell body. Cell body (soma)
contains Nucleus, cytoplasm organelles and is the metabolic centre of the cell, Brings information to
the neuron. One extension is different from all the others, and is called the axon. The purpose of the
axon is to transit an electro chemical signal to other neurons. The longer axons are covered with a
myelin sheath, the purpose of myelin sheath is to protect and insulate axons, and enhance their
transmission of electrical impulses. At the end of the axon is terminal buttons, it releases
neurotransmitters (Appendix, Fig1). Neurotransmitters play a role in the way human behave, learn
and sleep and some pay in mental illness.When they are released from the neurotransmitter vesicles
of the presynaptic membrane, the normal movement of molecules is directed to receptor sites
situated on the postsynaptic membrane. However, in some disease, the flow of the neurotransmitter
is imperfect. Neurotransmitters are: Acetylcholine and norepinephrine (excitatory
neurotransmitters); dopamine, serotonin and gamma amino butyric
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Bruno Is Not Dead
Bruno is not dead. His voice still rings in my head, his scent of cacao and dirt still linger in my nose.
I wish I could touch him and wrap my arms around torso, and tell him how sorry I am. But I cannot,
I am a coward. I am afraid of looking at my son. I know that he is still around, I can feel him
following me. I can feel his cold stare lurking behind me, I can feel the guilt he put upon me.
Whenever you lose something, a necklace, your keys or whatever. Everyone tells you to look in the
last place you saw it. You search everywhere, but without luck it is nowhere. The last place I was
able to talk to Bruno was in my office, where I now spend the last of my crippling days.
Earlier this month I decided that there was something wrong ... Show more content on ...
This was the same boy who would read an entire adventure book in less than a few days. This was
the boy who would go on adventures all over Berlin. This was the boy who was so full of life.
Bruno's eyes looked empty like soulless pits of gray, his body grew thinner in fact so did his face.
His skin looked sick and pale and his head was still bald. Looking at him made me weak.
Bruno almost looked like a Jew.
Every time I visited the gas chambers there Bruno sat, staring at me almost as if he wanted to tell me
something. Today, I worked up the courage to go up to Bruno and he said no words.
He just stared at me, with fear in his eyes. He looked at me the way my soldiers looked at me. He
said nothing but his voice continued to occupy my thoughts.
Swallowing the giant lump in my throat, I invited him into the house. When we did arrive Bruno
went inside of the house and grabbed a blanket he placed it on the ground in the garden and he sat
down, he patted the spot next to his inviting me to sit down.
We lied down there for hours until it grew dark, Bruno refused to speak the whole time we were
there he would point out clouds and constellations but no words. We spent an hour in silence just
staring at the moon. Bruno pointed at a shooting star. "Did you make a wish?" I asked. He nodded
his head.
"What did you wish for?"
He shook his head and gave a cheeky smile.
"It might be time for us to go
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Reflection About Anxiety
Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom. What can be at first a seemingly random chain of auditory
reverberations has had the most profound effect on who I am. To hear the frequency and timbre of
this string of vibrations hit my cochlea, or to play it in my mind using my auditory loop, elicits the
exact same autonomic arousal that hit me the first time I grasp its meaning. This quote has been with
me everywhere. The first moment I gave speech to a crowd for over a hundred (Osher Foundation
scholarship), the words were dancing in the back of my mind. The first time I met my principle
investigator and mentor Karen Dobkins, the quote was on the tip of my tongue. Even, the exact
moment my eyes met my future wife for the first time I whispered it under my breath. To feel the
effects of the sympathetic nervous system, the biting cold of a cortisol rush, is to know the cursed
taste of freedom – of being human. Anxiety simply means that you are alive. I recall the first time I
had heard the words. It was a cold Californian evening in October. I was sitting up the bench, alone,
overlooking the idyllic suburban highways. Soren Kierkegaard's The Concept of anxiety has and
always will be my favorite book. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Although never fully
diagnosed, I did take prescription medicine for a while. Somehow, I convinced myself that my
elevated levels of anxiety was a hinderance. I had always been a gifted student, being placed in
advanced math courses and reading at a
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The Effect Of Breath Holding On The Heart Rate Essay
Experiment A:
The main purpose of this experiment, was to demonstrate and understand the effect of breath–
holding on the heart rate (apnoea).
Bradycardia effect refers to a decrease in heart rate and this would have been the ideal outcome of
our experiment (breath–holding), by demonstrating the cardiovascular control centre responding to
the breath–hold via the chemoreceptors; hence leading to an activation of an increase in
parasympathetic nerve activity to the heart.
The decrease in the heart rate would result in both the Finger pulse Transducer – connected to the
test subject's index finger– and the Polar Heart Rate monitor picking up on the changed heart rate.
Likewise, in our experiment, the Bradycardia effect was observed after apnoea during our
experiment when measured with the FPT. However, when measured with the PHRM, a slight
increase in Robert's (test subject) heart rate was observed during the 1st 15 seconds of the Breath–
hold. Nevertheless, bradycardia effect was seen for the PHRM during the second 15 seconds of
Apnoea, meaning that our PHRM measurement (which lightly different from the "idea" expected
outcome) may have been disrupted by testing environments, that contributed to the results of the
A common contributing factor to an increase of Heart rate rather than a decrease, is excitement
and/or anxiety (due to being unfamiliar to breath–holding as this is the first experiment) felt by the
test subject which leads to the stimulation of the
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Essay On Socioeconomic Status
Article 6
Sloan, R. P., Huang, M. H., Sidney, S., Liu, K., Williams, O. D., & Seeman, T. (2005).
Socioeconomic status and health: Is parasympathetic nervous system activity an intervening
mechanism? International Journal of Epidemiology, 34(2), 309–315. doi:10.1093/ije/dyh381 This
paper brings in the idea that socioeconomic status has a huge impact on health. They suggest that the
PNS being properly regulated is an important contributing factor. Through their research, they found
that education, sex, age, race, and income are factors that affect the regulation of the cardiac
component of the PNS. Additionally, lower levels of cardiac autonomic regulation can predict
unfavorable outcomes with regards to heart troubles. They found that by ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, the emotional state of an individual plays an important role on the magnitude of the
startle response. They suggest that those with GAD be given treatments involved in helping focus
their attention outward. This could help those individuals have less anxiety, decreased negative
emotional states, a decreased startle response, and less worry. This article is relevant to my research
because it discusses an example of how the ANS dysfunction affects some individuals, specifically
those with GAD. It discusses a simple, yet possible, solution that disorders like this can be treated
by focusing on real world events compared to internal emotions.
Article 8
Reeves, J. W., Fisher, A. J., Newman, M. G., & Granger, D. A. (2016). Sympathetic and
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal asymmetry in generalized anxiety disorder. Psychophysiology,
53(6), 951–957. doi:10.1111/psyp.12634 This article discusses the correlation between the
Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal (HPA) axis, the SNS, and GAD. By studying cortisol levels in
various individuals, they find that cortisol activity can influence the SNS which, when suppressed,
can mediate GAD. Those with GAD are pathological worriers which can continuously stimulate the
HPA axis. The HPA axis plays a role in adaptive physiological functioning. While balancing the
HPA axis and SNS has been know to be beneficial, it can also be related to maladaptive behavior
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Urinary Incontinence Management Using Gibbs Reflective...
This reflection case study will be discussing urinary continence management using Gibbs reflective
framework (Gibbs,1988). This will include what is urinary incontinence management, the
pathophysiology of urinary incontinence after stroke, how continence affect patient and current
clinical practice and the role of the nurse and multi–disciplinary team within continence
management. Also using the evidence based research and national guidelines.
In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council,(NMC, 2015) The Code Professional
standards of practice and behaviour for nurses and midwives on clause 5 Respect people's right to
privacy and confidentiality safeguarding patient information, no names or places will be disclosed.
Therefore, throughout the following reflective case study, the patient will be referred to as Mariam.
Mariam background is 60 year old lady admitted with left sided weakness and facial droop. Once
confirmed stroke using the Recognition of Stroke in the Emergency Room (ROSIER) scale.
Catangui (2015) states ROSIER scale is used to distinguish whether the patient is having a stroke or
stroke mimics e.g. seizures or brain tumours. Computed tomography CT brain showed ischemic
stroke. Ischaemic stroke is lack of sufficient blood supply to perfuse the brain/ cerebral tissue due to
narrowing or blocked arteries in the brain (Morrison, 2014). According to Stroke Association (2015)
statics shows that 1520000 strokes occur in the United Kingdom.
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The Importance Of Productive Breaks
Productive Distractions: Improving Your Efficiency by Taking More (and Smarter) Breaks
(Psst...Too busy to read the full article? Scroll to the bottom for four quick tips to boost your
productivity immediately!) In today's fast–paced, efficiency–centric workplace, the term "break"
might as well be a four–letter word. Too often commitment to one's work is measured in hours
instead of accomplishments, and any time spent away from your workstation can conjure
accusations of unprofessionalism, short attention spans, or wasted money. Time spent away from
your workstation can invite accusations of a lack of focus and wasting of company resources, while
longer hours are universally celebrated as key to company commitment and success. ... Show more
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This second group of outlier players seemed to utilize that handful of seconds to disengage from the
game completely. Instead of remaining tense and alert, they turned their back to the net, strutted to
the sideline in a matador–esque posture, and then put their full attention on picking strings on their
racket to test the tension. When he compared the records of players who stayed mentally "engaged"
during breaks versus those who "disengaged" and occupied themselves with a new task, he found
the latter had statistically higher win rates. The theory Loher hatched to explain the discrepancy in
performances was one of energy conservation. Even though both groups of players physically
stopped during their breaks, the tennis players who stayed mentally engaged during breaks were still
playing the game in their head even when "resting", never truly switching gears, while the athletes
who were able to disengage and focus on a different task––even if only for ten seconds or less––
returned to play with a mental edge that allowed them to consistently best their opponents by the
end of the match. Dr. Loehr has since taken his ideas about the importance of ritual and variety in
downtime well beyond the sphere of sports, advocating that professionals from all fields take
frequent breaks then return to the task at hand to give their all in high–energy work "sprints" rather
than unbroken
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Contemporary Attachment Theory : Epigenetics, Right Brain,...
Contemporary Attachment Theory: Epigenetics, Right Brain, and Regulation
An interdisciplinary move toward consilience, along with advances in developmental,
neurobiological, and epigenetic research, has expanded Bowlby's fundamental ideas into
increasingly complex, refinements of contemporary attachment theory, that include findings from
epigenetics, and brain, especially right brain, development while illuminating auto regulatory
Epigenetics. Contemporary attachment theorists now view the organization of brain systems as an
outcome of the interaction between environmental influence and genetically coded programs for the
formation of structures and connections among structures (Fox & Calkins, 2003). That is to say that
the environment literally effects structural, and thus functional, growth by inducing the expression
of genes responsible for the unfolding of those structures and their collective interconnections. As
Schore (1997) so eloquently explains:
The onset and offset of sensitive periods, "unique windows of organism–environment interaction,"
are now attributed to the activation and expression of families of programed genes which
synchronously turn on and off during infancy, thereby controlling the transient enhanced expression
of enzymes of biosynthetic pathways which allow for growth in particular brain regions. In light of
the established principles that early postnatal development represents an experiential shaping of
genetic potential, a new
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The Cells And Skeletal Muscle
Neurons and Skeletal Muscle
The human body uses unspecialised sperm cells which come from egg cell from the female or sperm
cell form the male (zygote) then they specialise into neuron and skeletal muscle or any other type of
cell. The stem cells are the building blocks they go through a various process called stem cells
differentiation which allows them to be specialise.
The zygote turns into a morula which is called a totipotent; totipotent is a whole organism which can
turn into multiple types of cells.
The totipotent cells then turn into a blastocyst by many types of cell division, which forms a lot of
cells in side.
The cells that are placed inside are called pulripotent (inner mass cells) the cues decide if the
pulripotent is internal by switching on the genes which decide what type of cell it is.
Which then becomes a unipotent; this is when it becomes specialised cell that makes up the body.
This is called differentiation so it's when unspecialised cells for different types of function, this is
what gives people or organism an advantage so they can cope with environment.
Neurons cells are differentiated cells. The stem cells either become a motor neurone, sensory
Neurone or relay neurone. These cells are specialised for the function by they why they are
structured and found in the body. As you can see the pictures on the right it shows the structure of
the all the neuron cells, and the direction of which the impulse are sent. The synaptic knob is the
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Pathology Of The Autonomic Nervous System
In this report, the symptoms of this patient will be diagnosed, and the causes of them discussed with
reference to the physiology and pharmacology of the autonomic nervous system.
The Autonomic Nervous System
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the part of the motor division of the peripheral nervous
system (PNS) that controls involuntary processes in the body (Wieczorek, 2014). Such functions
include control of heart rate, gland activity, smooth muscle contraction and constriction of blood
vessels (Biology–, 2014). The ANS is divided into two branches, the sympathetic nervous
system (SN) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PN). The SN is responsible for the "fight–or–
flight" response, which results in increased preparedness for vigorous activity in response to
exercise or emergency. The PN acts antagonistically to the SN, in that it produces the opposite
effects to those of the SN. Under normal circumstances, the PN is dominant, and allows processes
such as digestion and defecation to occur, while also conserving energy (, 2014). Most
of the visceral organs of the body are innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic neurones,
with the exceptions being sweat glands and the smooth muscle of blood vessels– they are only
innervated by sympathetic nerve fibres (Wieczorek, 2014).
In the ANS, a number of different neurotransmitters and receptors are present. In both the PN and
SN, the neurotransmitter at the ganglia is
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Anosmia Chapter 3 Activity
I decided to research Anosmia to do my chapter 3 activity over. Anosmia is a condition that affects
olfaction and the olfactory system. The olfactory system is our sense of smell, and consists of the
olfactory epithelium; olfactory receptor cells; olfactory bulbs; Amygdala; The olfactory cortex, the
limbic system; the thalamus; and the orbitofrontal cortex. Odors travel through the nasal passages
and reach the olfactory epithelium. The olfactory epithelium has around 10 million olfactory
receptor cells that detect the odor that travels up the nasal cavity. The olfactory bulb receives the
information from the cells and sends them to the Amygdala and the olfactory cortex. The
information is then sent to the limbic system from the olfactory cortex. After the information is sent
to the limbic system it is sent to the thalamus and onto the orbitofrontal cortex, where the
information is processed. ... Show more content on ...
There can be many causes of this condition, like age and even smoking cigarettes. Some causes
come from some temporary conditions like an infection or a cold. Some pre–existing conditions can
also cause this condition, like Schizophrenia or Multiple Sclerosis. Ironically Anosmia can be also
be caused by chemicals that are smelled. Some people do not need treatment because their sense of
smell comes back. The treatment for Anosmia will be different depending on the cause. Some
treatments include steroids, surgery, and some herbal
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Autonomic Nervous System Research Paper
The vital organs of the body are controlled through a layered approach in which successive levels of
integration and organisation are done from the bottom up. The bottom of the chain has the target
tissues, that is, the organs of the body that are innervated by the autonomic nervous system. During
constant external conditions, these tissue have the ability to operate, without help, due to the
presence of intrinsic, reflex control mechanisms. However, when there is a change in the external
environment, there is a need of a system that can detect these changes and notify the vital organs to
respond accordingly. The next level comprises of the ganglion, collection of cell bodies, of the
autonomic nervous system. These display a certain amount ... Show more content on ...
Hypothalamus also receives inputs descending from the cortex and the limbic system. These inputs
lead to significant changes in the overall functioning of the body, especially during the times of
stress. Every vital organ has the ability to regulate its function during alteration in the external
environment. The most prominent example of this is the change in heart rate during times of stress.
The heart has the ability to control its own pumping action by regulating the contraction rate. This
regulatory action is an intrinsic property of the heart, also known as the Frank–Starling mechanism.
According to this, a response is carried out by the heart as a result of the inherent property of the
cardiac muscle. This inherent property allows the cardiac muscles to contract more upon excessive
stretching in times of stress. This leads to more flow of blood into the heart, which leads to more
filling of the arterial chambers before each beat. This in turn causes the ventricles to fill in more
leading to more stretch on the ventricular walls. This way the heart keeps up with the growing
demand of blood by the body by change in its coordinated
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Case Study Of Honda Two Wheeler
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The present purchaser markets are excessively focused. For
augmenting the benefit and extending the piece of the overall industry, the organizations utilize
different endeavors for accomplishing their destinations. There likewise exist solid shopper support
developments everywhere throughout the world. The greater part of the organizations attempt to
change over potential client into a standard client. For this, they endeavor to give most extreme
advantages and accommodation to the clients through the magnificent usage of asset. The change of
a potential client into a general client isn't a simple undertaking. They need to mix different
promoting blends in various ways. SCOPE OF THE STUDY The examination concentrates ... Show
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The examination relies upon fundamental data gathering. The discretionary data was accumulated
from the articles, journals, every day paper and destinations. The examination is driven on the
introduce of an invaluable case procedure for 250 respondents. The example gauge includes
differing sorts of buyer who are potential customers of Honda Two Wheeler like agents,
understudies, and master et cetera RESEARCH DESIGN The outline is associated with sureness
finding study which requires ace and n nbhjjmimaginative orchestrating, vigilant examination and
target comprehension of the disclosures, so the arrangement for the examination is clear
examination. STATISTICALTOOLS USED After the consummation of information the gathered
information is classified and broke down and the connection between various factors have been
evaluated with the assistance of Simple rate strategy, weighted normal and Liker's scale procedure.
SOURCES OF DATA source of optional information : The optional information required for the
investigation were gathered from; Journals
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Theme Of Justice In Boxer And Saints
The sheer complexity of justice, which Gene Luen Yang conveys throughout Boxers and Saints,
creates an obscure understanding for when it is truly served. Still, the theme that justice is solely
attained by those who show sympathy towards others is perpetually illustrated throughout both
novels. Yang demonstrates that one's compassion is determined by the reader's sense of justice,
which is prevalent if a character dies to save another. Therefore, the answer to the philosophical
question, 'Is justice ever achieved?', is merely dependent upon the compassion shown by a character,
as is the reader's sense of justice regarding it. Essentially, Yang proves that no matter how one
begins their fight, justice is served as long as they end it portraying the greatest act of compassion:
saving someone's life even if it means losing their own.
Throughout Boxers and Saints, Bao provokes numerous deaths in order to save his own life, thus
ending the story an unjustified character. This is proven when his father begs him not to leave, but
he does so anyways. Bao believes that he is rescuing his father from a damaged state and that this
justifies his desertion; however, his indifference towards his "vow to always respect [his] father's
wishes" (Boxers 66) leads to his father's death as "[he] refuse[s] to eat" (Boxers 261). By inflicting
injustice upon his father, Bao proves his lack of compassion. He further displays injustice when he
allows Ch'in, his inner conscience, to negatively
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Sympathy For A By Mrs Hale And Mrs. Hale
Sympathy for a Murderess In a time when women were thought of as airheaded and unconcerned
with matters of importance by men, a woman's compassion and intuition can hold incredible power.
"In a Jury of Her Peers", Minnie Wright is judged by her peers, and by their knowledge of her prior
life, her current circumstances, and forced destitution, she is found innocent. In the story, Mrs. Hale
and Mrs. Peters accompany their husbands to the Wright home in a quest to find evidence
implicating Minnie Wright in the murder of her husband. From the moment they enter the home,
Mrs. Hale is sympathetic to Minnie Wright. When the county attorney looks over Minnie Wrights
kitchen and states, "Not much of a housekeeper, would you say ladies?" Mrs. Hale's stiff reply is,
"There's a great deal of work to be done on a farm." Although Mrs. Peters begins the story with a
firm stance of support for her husband saying, "Of course it's no more than their duty," in response
to Mrs. Hales comment about the men snooping. However; as the story progresses, Mrs. Peters
views begin to match with Mrs. Hale. Being home makers themselves, it is hard for the women not
to notice how poorly accommodated Minnie has been in her material items. Mrs. Peters goes about
the task for which she came, retrieving the clothing items Minnie requested. Soon, Mrs. Hale
exclaims, "Wright was close!" realizing, after examining the shabby, old, and patched clothing, that
Mr. Wright did not allow such basic purchases as
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Periodontal Disease Essay
The substance that is measured objectively and evaluated as an indicator of normal biologic
processes, pathogenic processes, and pharmacological responses to a therapeutic intervention, acts
as biomarkers 122 And using a combination of host and site specific markers provid accurately
assesses to periodontal disease status, because of the complex, multifaceted nature of periodontal
disease, it is highly unlikely that a single biomarker will prove to be a stand alone measure for
periodontal disease diagnosis. 127–131 GCF as a biomarker: To defeat some of the troubles
associated with the measurement of conventional clinical indices, many examiners have explore to
active components of GCF and use it to detect more reliable methods of diagnosing periodontal
treatment needs and success. 132 Gingival crevicular fluid is an inflammatory exudate from the
small vessels blood supply of gingival, that crosses inflamed periodontal tissues and end route
collects molecules of potential interest from the local inflammatory reaction, the constituents of the
fluid are derived from a different of sources, Include molecules from blood, and contributions from
cells and tissues of the periodontium as the vasculature, epithelium, nonmineralized and mineralized
connective tissues, and the inflammatory and immune cells that have infiltrated into the periodontal
tissues which about 70–80% granulocytes, 10–20% monocytes/macrophages, 5% mast cells and 5%
T lymphocytes. The diagnostic
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Autonomic Nervous System
Organs of the body, such as the heart, intestines, and stomach, are regulated by the autonomic
nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is known as the involuntary division of the nervous
system which consists of autonomic neurons that innervates cardiac muscle, smooth muscles, and
exocrine glands. The autonomic nervous system plays an essential role to keep the internal
environment of the body in proper balance, known as homeostasis. Regulation of blood pressure,
gastrointestinal responses to food, contraction of the urinary bladder, focusing of the eyes, and
thermoregulation are just a few homeostatic functions that are regulated by the autonomic nervous
system There are two divisions: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
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Comparing Journey, North Coast And The Meatworks
Discoveries are everywhere in everyday life and they can impact the way we see the world, either
positively or negatively. Because of this, it can be noted that "Not all discoveries are welcomed". We
can explore this philosophy through the examination of various techniques found within both Robert
Gray's 'Journey, North Coast' and 'The Meatworks', as well Leo Matsuda's animated short film,
'Inner workings'. These three texts, although all having visual processes of discovery, offer
juxtaposing perspectives on the acceptance (or lack of) towards discoveries. Discoveries can be
confronting and provocative. From this, we can be exposed to disturbing images that make us
question our societal values. In 'The Meatworks', Gray quickly establishes this unwelcoming nature
of discoveries through the explicitly derogatory description of the abattoirs processes and it's
accompanied workers. This is evident through the use of provocative imagery in "arm–thick
corkscrews, grinding around inside it, meat or not". From this depiction, we are exposed to the
merciless treatment of the of the +pigs as they lose their identity. The fact that the machine never
stops grinding whether there is meat in there or not denotes such a sense of insensitivity towards the
process, causing the reader to feel distressed and guilty of the slaughter. A degree of insensitivity is
also presented to the reader through the recurring motif of blood, an idea that is central to the poem.
"Stench of blood...chomping
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Hector And The Search For Happiness Essay
Hector and the Search for Happiness Hector and the Search for Happiness is a motivational film. It
is based on the novel Le Voyage d'Hector ou La Recherche du Bonheur written by Francois Lelord
and published by Editions Odile Jacob. The film is directed by Peter Chelsom and was released in
2014. Producers of the film are Phil Hunt, Compton Ross, and Christian Angermayer .This film is
produced by Judy Tossell and Klaus Dohle, Christine Haebarler, and Trish Dolman. It is produced
with the participation of Telefilm Canapa and the support of Medienboard Berlin–Brandenborg
GMGH, German Federal Film Board (FFA) and German Federal Film Fund (DFFF). The
Screenplay is made by Maria Von Heland and Tinker Linsay. This film is edited by Claus Wehlisch.
... Show more content on ...
The film of Hector and the Search for Happiness has a captivating plot which makes us want to
watch it until the end. Since in his research Hector goes to three places and each place has their own
moral value, this film is suitable for your soul. One of the places that Hector visits is China. In the
movie, China is described as a wonderful country, which has unique culture. The second place is
Africa, with glorious savannah and wild animals. Next, in Los Angeles, Hector obtains some
happiness meanings and feels what happiness is. There are many good films. However, Hector and
the Search for Happiness stands out from other movies for its inspirational plotline and enthralling
moral value. Even though, this film has many positive sides, there is a blatant weakness of this film.
There are some adulterated scenes involving Hector and Ying Li. Hence, it is not proper for
children. Another weakness of this film is its violent scenes. Hector, at the beginning of this film, is
not very capable in handling his emotion. Therefore, he lashes out with swearing and throwing
things around. Overall, this film is one of a kind for
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Autonomic Nervous System
The two divisions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic
(PNS), function in a complementary and integrated manner to maintain homeostasis. The output of
the autonomic nervous system is quick in comparison to the endocrine system functions. In most
cases, these systems have opposite effects, where one initiates a physiological response and the
other inhibits. The nerves of this system regulate vital internal functions which are generally
performed without conscious control (Khan Academy, 2014).
The output of the ANS effects smooth, cardiac muscle and glandular tissue (Betts et al, 2013)
The sympathetic division is associated with the "fight or flight" response, dominating in stressful
situations ... Show more content on ...
The synapse at the axon terminal of the postganglionic neuron and the target effector cell (in the
form of muscle or gland) uses epinephrine/norepinephrine (adrenaline/noradrenaline) (AK Lectures,
The parasympathetic division however, is concerned with "rest and digest" responses and when
active, reverses the effects of the SNS. The PNS system increases blood flow to digestive organs and
excretory system and decreases the blood flow to skeletal tissue (an opposite effect to the SNS) (AK
Lectures, 2014) Salivary secretion is increased and gastric motility is stimulated to facilitate
digestion (McCorry, 2007). The PNS either originates at the start of the spinal cord or at the end
(Khan Academy, 2014). The preganglionic neuron is of long structure and uses acetylcholine to
transmit signals to the shorter postganglionic neuron. The postganglionic neuron continues to use
acetylcholine to transmit to the target effector cell (AK Lectures, 2014)
Question 2 (1.3)
Using Illustrations, and a short commentary, describe the sensory and motor neuron.
Figure 1– A Motor Neuron (Biologymad, n.d.)
Figure 2– A Sensory Neuron (Biologymad, n.d.)
Sensory neurons are unipolar (Betts et al, 2013) Sensory (afferent) neurons transmit impulses from
sensory receptors to the CNS and Motor (efferent) neurons transmit impulses from the CNS to
effector muscle and
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Arthur Miller's Focus
y Arthur Miller "Focus", by Arthur Miller, raises many complex issues with its plot and its
characters' interaction with one another. The book deals with a man named Mr. Newman, who lives
his whole life as a xenophobic white Christian and feels that " his kind are above the rest of society".
When he gets a pair of glasses, his appearance changes, and he looks like a Jew. This results in
many changes in the life of Mr. Newman. Being treated as a "Jew" takes a toll on his daily life. Of
the many characters in this story, only one of them, Mr. Finkelstein, is a true Jew. He is the subject
of much hatred in his neighborhood, which is filled with anti–Semitic people. When Mr. Newman
begins to experience a small portion of this hatred too, he turns ... Show more content on ...
He begins to see that he had acted the same way, before he got his glasses. This realization leads Mr.
Newman to wonder if he really wants to try to reintegrate into Christian society. "Focus" has a
complex plot in which a man is forced to deal with the problem of becoming what he most fears, a
less than " normal" person. One of the messages that I feel this story is trying to send is that people
who are different are not necessarily bad. The protagonist never had a real conversation or even
spent any time with a Jew, so therefore he did not really know anything about these people. It is
because of this that he becomes very scared of being a Jew. I feel that the effect would have been the
same had Mr. Newman somehow become black or Hispanic, for the author is just using the Jew as a
symbol of a person different than the "normal" white Christian. When people have no distinct
contact with a group of people who has different beliefs, they become fearful and anxious and even
develop a hatred. Therefore, people must come face to face with the element of society which they
fear most, in order that they realize that people are generally the same
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Alcohol Syncope
Abstract Alcohol consumption may be linked to syncopal events. The mechanism by which alcohol
may induce syncope is not well understood. Impairment of the response to orthostatic stress may be
involved. A growing body of medical evidence suggests that short–term alcohol consumption elicits
hypotension during orthostatic stress because of impairment of vasoconstriction. These findings
have implications for understanding of hemodynamic effects of alcohol and, in particular, for
understanding syncopal events that occur in association with alcohol intake. A 27–year–old African
American female with a previous syncopal event following alcohol consumption was brought to the
Emergency Department by ambulance after a witnessed ... Show more content on ...
It results in dizziness or syncope from transient diminished cerebral perfusion.
Case Report A 27–year–old, well–appearing African American female was brought to the
Emergency Department by Emergency Medical Services after a witnessed syncopal episode. The
only medical history is a previous alcohol–induced syncope 2 years ago. The patient does not have
any past surgical history. The patient only drinks socially. She does not smoke, and she denied any
drug use. The patient lives with mother, and works as a nursing assistant in a nursing home. The
patient admitted to drinking "a shot of vodka" approximately 10 minutes prior to syncopal episode.
The patient fell upon standing and hit the back of her head on the floor. Patient's significant other
who witnessed the syncopal event reported that loss of consciousness (LOC) lasted about 2 minutes.
EMS was consequently called. According to EMS, the patient was still on the floor, alert and
oriented only to self upon their arrival. She was lethargic. The patient did not remember passing out.
She was subsequently transported to the Emergency department. Patient did improve remarkably on
the way to the hospital. Upon arrival to the Emergency Department, patient was alert and
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Similarities And Differences Between Ballet And Yoga
According to Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies, 8 million people, who are in United States
of America, take a ballet class one time at the minimum past a year in 2002. In addition, the average
number of frequency of ballet is 1.7 times in a year (Center for Arts, 1). On the other hand,
according to CISION of January 13, 2016, over 3.6 million people attend a yoga class in 2016. The
amounts of student, who want to learn yoga, are getting growing 20.4 million from 2012 (Yoga, 1).
Therefore, there are similar and dissimilar points between ballet and yoga. Ballet and yoga are
categorized by cardiorespiratory exercise. What is cardiorespiratory exercise? Cardiorespiratory
exercise is that people, who do cardiorespiratory exercise, need to take oxygen when their body
generates energy and burn their fat or carbohydrate. Additionally, exercise level is from beginning to
intermediate so they can keep exercise for long time per one time such as, swimming, ballet, and
yoga. University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) has dance performance major and students can take
ballet class three times a week. The class starts from nine o'clock to ten twenty–five in the morning.
Even if people are not dance performance major, they can take the class.
Moreover, UCO students can take yoga class at wellness center at UCO. There are two classes a day
from Mondays to Thursdays during semester and the classes are about fifty minutes per a class.
Ballet and yoga have benefits through
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Sunken Ship
The Last Suffering Ship Reflection
Dustin Teuton
AUG 25, 2014
Robert DuBose
The Last Suffering Ship Reflection
The illness has taken its first life and people are starting to panic. By this point the crew has done all
they can do to get the repairs done pushing them self to exhaustion. The nurses and helpers are
tenting to all the patients and distributing the vaccine as fast as possible and to the right patients. I
believe the way they are only giving half doses out and waiting to see who doesn't show signs of
getting better before giving the full dose is working and an affective way to calm more people down.
I would try and isolate patients from non–sick passengers as much as possible to help prevent
spread. For ... Show more content on ...
Rhonda the nurse is doing a great job taking care of the patients. She might be rude and angry at
times but when you don't get much sleep and are working so hard with patients that are constantly
whining and bugging you trying to get something out of you that you cant give them, yeah your
going to be grumpy. She is doing her job and being very firm with her patients by not letting them
coax her into anything that would disrupt her work. Putting out chores for the passengers to do like
cleaning and even helping wherever they can will help not only keep the ship clean and possibly get
I fixed faster, it will also take their minds off of the issue at hand and possibly even release some
stress they have built up. The passengers need to be doing something other then just sitting around
watching people get sick. Once you can get people to start helping out around the boat you will have
less aggravation and stress build up. So we get back to shore and the media wants to interview the
leading doctor (Me). Handling the media is a big deal and takes very good and clear talking. You
need to present yourself professionally and sympathetic to the passengers. Trying not to say to much
into detail about what happened is key too. You don't want to leak bad things to the media so they
can blow it up making you and the ship–liner look bad. The
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The 2000 Meter Row Essay
Case study: The 2000–Meter Row: A Case in Homeostasis
Study Questions–
At the start:
#1. What is responsible for raising Jim's heart and respiratory rate and stimulating sweat just before
the race?
When the race is almost ready to begin, Jim's nervous system sends signals to his heart causing his
respiratory rate to increase. Since Jim's heart and respiratory rate increases this causes him to
breathe more rapidly and causes him to sweat to maintain a normal body temperature.
#2. Why is the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system active just before the race?
When Jim is about to start the race he feels the pressure and the stress of having to do his best which
makes his autonomic nervous system more active due to the ... Show more content on ...
Jim's body has slowed down and was giving 80% body effort while ignoring the pain.
#2. What changes in Jim's muscles promote unloading of O2 from hemoglobin for use by the
muscles cells?
When Jim's muscles and cells are feeling the burning sensation this is caused by the O2 from
hemoglobin when these cells are being used excessively. He used up his hemoglobin by vigorously
rowing the boat up to its maximum speed. This causes the muscles to use his oxygen within the cells
so the body could maintain homeostasis.
#3. Why do Jim's muscles feel like they are burning?
The reason that Jim's muscles are feeling the burning sensation is because they are experiencing
sensory info from his nervous system. This feeling is due to the increase of activity and fatigue
occurring because he over exerted his body. Also his body has been using his glycogen within the
cells which make lactic acid which causes the burn Jim is experiencing.
#4. What conflict is produced between Jim's need to keep his body cool and his need to remove
nitrogenous wastes from his blood? What did he do before the race to help alleviate this conflict?
The conflict between keeping his body cool and his need to remove nitrogenous wastes is hydration
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The Controllers Of The Air Controllers
Tenerife Air Controllers As mentioned, the air controllers on staff on Sunday, March 27, 1977 was
light. This airport was small and on a normal day did not have a lot of air traffic. The airport was not
equipped to handle the amount of planes, or the large planes because they were not the appropriate
size nor did they have the proper dimensions to allow the large planes to make the appropriate
maneuvers. There was no ground radar, there was no ground lights, clouds are moving in and
minimizing visibility, and they had to work in their second language. Why did the controllers ever
feel it was safe to guide planes they were unfamiliar with completely blind? Why did they not
ground the planes when the fog moved in? Controllers are in charge of ensuring the planes safely
land and take off by managing the order of takeoff and each plane's direction. If they cannot see
them how are they able to effectively do this?
Leadership Style Van Zanten's leadership style not only affected the performance of his own team,
but impacted his decisions, Pan Am cockpit crew, the controllers and all the passengers on both
planes. He did not appear to be focused on people during his decision–making at Tenerife, and it is
not questionable if there was ever a focus on people. He is very task concerned, and in the case of
Tenerife very focused on himself and hitting the Dutch law deadline, which caused him to not focus
fully on the task of flying his plane safely off of Tenerife. On a normal day
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How Different Activities Like Exercise, Postural Changes,...
The purpose of lab six, is demonstrate how different activities like exercise, postural changes, and
cognitive thinking change arterial pressure as well as heart rate. Blood pressure, which is
abbreviated as BP is the force that is placed onto vessel walls by the blood that it contains. In
healthy individuals, BP should be 120/80 mmHg, but recent research has shown that healthy
individuals BP should be lower than 120/80 mmHg. The first number, in this case 120 is known as
the systolic number. The systolic number is known as the amount of pressure placed onto the vessel
wall by blood during ventricular contraction. When someone is taking another persons blood
pressure, this is the first sound that the person will hear. This is because the blood vessel opened up
enough to allow blood to begin passing through. The second number, 80 represents the diastolic
number. The diastolic number represents when the vessel is relaxing and blood is getting through
without any extra force. Also, this number is represented by the last sound an individual hears in
their stethoscope. Aside from BP, heart rate also known as pulse rate, is the number of times a
persons heart beats in a minute. (Marieb & Hoehn, 2014, pp. 708–710).
Another important concept is mean arterial pressure, which is abbreviated as MAP. This pressure
propels blood to body tissues and in the average pressure that is pushed onto the walls of arteries by
blood. (Marieb & Hoehn, 2014, p. 709). MAP can be determined by
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The Autonomic Nervous System
Sleep is necessary for basic health and survival. It plays a large role in an individual's mental,
emotional, and physiological welfare and functioning. After years of sleep research focusing on
sleep–wake cycles, evidence points to the conclusion that sleep deprivation has detrimental
consequences, not only on rodents, but humans as well (Cheng et al., 2015). In the past century, the
average amount of time that adults sleep has decreased significantly. Consequently, sleep problems
have become an epidemic, taking their toll on the health of adult populations in numerous ways. The
National Sleep Foundation (NSF) conducted a Gallup Poll in March 2002 in which American
lifestyles, sleep habits, and sleep problems were surveyed. The results ... Show more content on ...
Monitoring HRV can provide information about the function of the autonomic nervous system. HRV
is a non–invasive index of the neural control of the heart (Acharya, Sing, Ping & Chua, 2004).
Although it is difficult to establish a particular standard normal heart rate for a given individual,
most individuals have a typical range from 60 to 100 beats per minute (Fox et al., 2007). However,
the interval between each heartbeat constantly varies. High frequency variability in RR reflects
parasympathetic activation, while a slower variability in RR reflects a combination of both
parasympathetic and sympathetic modulation along with non–autonomic factors. When interpreting
HRV data, there are several components in the power spectrum that can have fluctuating ranges. A
power spectrum is a plot of the portion of a signal's power or energy per unit time, falling within
given frequency bands. The three major bands of the power spectrum in HRV are high frequency
(HF), low frequency (LF), and very low frequency (VLF). A HF peak typically ranges between 0.15
Hz to 0.4 Hz, while a LF peak ranges from 0.06 to 0.15 Hz. A VLF peak is below .05 Hz (Kamath &
Fallen, 1993). The LF is associated with blood pressure control and reflects sympathetic activity.
The HF is correlated with respiratory sinus arrhythmia and reflects parasympathetic activity
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Autonomic Nervous And Endocrine System Analysis
Both the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system help to maintain homeostasis within
the body. They work together to affect multiple bodily functions, including reproduction, growth and
metabolism (Patel, 2014).
The hypothalamus is a gland that connects the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system.
It links the two systems together. It receives messages from all over the body and is responsible for
coordinating with the autonomic nervous system to make necessary changes (Martini, Nath,
Bartholomew, 2015; Patel, 2014).
One example of how these systems may work together occurs when a person faces a threatening
situation, such as being robbed. The autonomic nervous system sends signals to the brain that the
body may be
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The Autonomic Nervous System ( Sns ) Division Of The...
Autonomics and Stress
The autonomic nervous system, which is the division of the central nervous system that is not
consciously controlled but regulates bodily functions, is influenced by stress. Stress can be defined
as a stimulus that interrupts homeostasis within the body, either physiologically or psychologically.
The influence that it has is innovation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) division of the
ANS, and can include changes to skin conductance, heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature and
respiratory rate1. Under SNS activation, caused by stress, heart rate, skin temperature, respiratory
rate, blood pressure and skin conductance will all increase1,2. This experiment aimed to choose a
stressor that would influence autonomic measures and record the response. The choice of stressor
used in this experiment was invasion of an individual's personal space, measured via skin
conductance and heart rate. There is known to be a linear relationship between discomfort or tension
and the invasion of personal space3 and this experiment aimed to test this response via autonomic
parameters. For example the skin conductance measure would indicate sweat; if conductance
increases there is less skin resistance due to the increase in sweat from SNS innovation, caused by
the stressor1. The cardiovascular responses observed could be due to an inhibition of
parasympathetic activity, activation of SNS or a mixture of both2,3. The null hypothesis for this
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Disadvantages Of Intestine
Improve your health by knowing more about the intestine.
Intestine is the key to one's beauty and health as well as ageing.
The intestine is not just an organ that handles digestion, nutrient absorption and excretion.
Intestine problems are often associated with constipation.
Constipation can cause stomach to bulge and many people are concerned about it. However, this is
just one example caused by the deteriorating intestinal environment.
Other than digestion, nutrient absorption and excretion, the intestine has other functions which are
less known. Such functions are closely related to the whole human body.
This is why when one's intestinal environment deteriorates, it does not simply cause stomachache
and constipation.
Making use of this ... Show more content on ...
Euglena is used in many ways these days. What is euglena?
It is a micro–algae with both plant and animal characteristics.
Euglena is a type of micro–algae, about 0.05mm long, that thrives in freshwater. It has existed since
500 million years ago.
It is a rare living organism where it can carry out photosynthesis like a plant. At the same time, it has
the ability to move on it's own like an animal.
Euglena is loaded with a rich variety of nutrients.
Nutrients from both plant and animal sources can be found in euglena. In addition, since euglena
does not have a hard cellulose cell wall, its nutrients are easily digested and absorbed by the human
DHA, EPA amino acids found in animal sources.
Vitamins, minerals found in plant sources.
Euglena holds vast potential for use as a resource and a food ingredient.
It can be used as a food ingredient that contains excellent characteristics and rich in nutrients. It can
also be used as a bio–fuel, thus offering endless future possibilities for the Earth.
Raw ingredient used is the Euglena gracilis EX45 developed by euglena Co., Ltd. exclusively for
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Character Analysis of Under the Feet of Jesus by Helena...
"Finding One's Self in Times of Trouble": An explication of the Helena Maria Viramontes' novel
Under the Feet of Jesus.
Helena Maria Viramontes' Under the Feet of Jesus portrays the maturing of Estrella, a young Latina
that seems to awaken in many different aspects of her life. The author's use of Estrella give the book
its strength and potency. Estrella is an affectionate character, which is at the center of all the
important issues. She is used a symbol to represent the small amount of strength that lingers at a
person's weakest point. Estrella, throughout the entire novel, serves as the strong base for the family
and through the setting established, the audience is able to see her grow in her social, political,
economical, and ... Show more content on ...
The book's main appeal and power is the author's use of Estrella, who serves as the focal point of all
the large issues. In one particular scene, we see Estrella playing with one a naked doll. Estrella asks
the naked doll if she was okay and then shook the doll's head "No". This conversation with the doll
can be seen as the sense of denial that takes place in a child's mind that is not allowed to openly
express herself, her fears, her anxieties, and her hopes. She allows the doll to represent her honest
feelings about the lifestyle of living she is placed in. She is a unique and interesting individual, who
will not grow up to be knocked down by economic issues, difficult labor, and especially men.
She is being raised in a world where women are expected to suffer silently and to be at the mercy of
their men. However, men were not expected to return this slave–like behavior for the women. This
setting of the novel allows the reader to see exactly how treacherous life can be. This suffering is so
present in Estrella's family's lives, yet she somehow is able to bring the family along no matter how
difficult the situation may be. She is still trapped in between two very different worlds: "She tried to
remember which side she was on and which side of the wire mesh she was safe in" (59). Her mother
may be taken over by a world of suffering, but she is not so beaten that she cannot pass some of her
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Autonomic Nervous System and Obj
Chapter 9 Motivation and Emotion MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Motives activate behavior and propel
the organism a.|to flee.|c.|toward goals.| b.|to respond.|d.|to drives.| ANS: C DIF: 2 REF: 9–188 OBJ:
1 MSC: TYPE: Factual 2. The study of motivation is an attempt to understand __________ a
behavior occurs. a.|why|c.|when| b.|how|d.|all of these| ANS: A DIF: 1 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 1 MSC:
TYPE: Factual NOT: BTC 3. Psychologists define hypothetical states that activate behavior and
propel one towards goals as a.|needs.|c.|drives.| b.|motives.|d.|incentives.| ANS: B DIF: 1 REF: 9–
188 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Factual 4. Motives are described as hypothetical states because a.|they
cannot be seen or measured directly.| b.|they cannot be measured.| ... Show more content on ...
a.|drive|c.|compulsion| b.|impulse|d.|incentive| ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE:
Factual 21. Lower car insurance rates serve as a(n) __________ for good driving.
a.|incentive|c.|stimulus| b.|drive|d.|motive| ANS: A DIF: 2 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Applied
22. Instinctual behavior is indicative of a.|unlearned responses.|c.|species–specific responses.|
b.|genetically transmitted behaviors.|d.|all of these| ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 2 MSC:
TYPE: Conceptual 23. The evolutionary perspective describes behaviors that a.|come naturally to a
species.|c.|are nurtured.| b.|must be learned.|d.|require environmental experience.| ANS: A DIF: 1
REF: 9–188 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE: Factual 24. The observation that birds reared in isolation from
other birds have the capacity to build nests without observation or learning experience provides
evidence for the a.|nurture theory.|c.|needs theory.| b.|evolutionary perspective.|d.|learning theory.|
ANS: B DIF: 2 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE: Conceptual 25. William McDougall (1908)
compiled a list of 12 human _________ that included hunger, sex, and self–assertion.
a.|impulses|c.|incentives| b.|releasers|d.|instincts| ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE:
Factual 26. Research regarding human instincts agrees with all of the following EXCEPT: a.|Human
behavior is biologically influenced but not controlled.| b.|There are 12 basic human instincts.| c.|The
question regarding human
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  • 3. Positive Airway Pressure Essay Introduction Positive airway pressure (PAP) is the standard treatment for patients with moderate–to–severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA); a sleep–related breathing disorder (SRBD) characterized by episodic complete or partial upper airway occlusion during sleep.1 Over the past years, the relationship between SRBD and cardiac arrhythmias have been thoroughly investigated.2–7 Previous studies have shown that obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) predisposes to clinically significant nocturnal impairment of the cardiac autonomic function and such impairment correlated with the severity of OSAS.8–11 The respiratory event–related cyclic hypoxemia and arousal characteristic of OSA causes dysregulation in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in the form of enhanced sympathetic activity, such impairment is thought to be the substrate ... Show more content on ... Material and Methods Study ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Autonomic Nervous System Analysis The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a branch of the central nervous system (CNS) that divides into two divisions. The sympathetic (SNS), fight or flight division, and the parasympathetic (PNS), rest and digest division both seek to regulate involuntary visceral motor control by transmitting their signals from the CNS to cardiac muscles, the heart and blood vessels; smooth muscles, the stomach and intestines; and glands, sweat and salivary. The SNS increases heart rate by transmitting its impulses onto short, myelinated preganglionic neurons that trigger the release of acetylcholine (ACh) onto nicotinic cholinergic receptors found on the postganglionic cell. The impulse then travels along long, unmyelinated adrenergic postganglionic neurons, ... Show more content on ... Baroreflex failure syndrome is a rear cardiovascular disease that prevents afferent baroreceptor nerve cells from monitoring and regulation blood pressure. Baroreceptors respond to high blood pressure by increasing their firing rate, decreasing sympathetic outflow, heart rate, and contractility. This causes an increase in parasympathetic outflow from the vagus nerve, which causes vasodilation, a decrease in mean arterial pressure, and lowers blood pressure. Baroreceptors that are found within the carotid sinus and aortic arch, and travel along the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. They send their sensory input about blood pressure to the cardio–regulatory center of the medulla oblongata, and a sympathetic response leads norepinephrine (NE) to bind to beta– adrenergic receptors on autorhythmic cells to increase Na+ permeability through funny channels, and Ca2+ permeability through T–type channels. This triggers a faster drift, a less negative membrane potential, and increases the rate of sinoatrial (SA) node firing, and signal conductance. The exact mechanism for initiation of the disease is still unknown, but recent studies have hypothesized that the syndrome degrades neurons on both sides of the solitary tract located in the medulla, and triggers cell necrosis of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. This cranial nerve damage impairs the ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Importance Of Yoga And Mental Health Yoga and mental health are two topics that are often put in relation to each other. What if just taking one hour of the day to stretch and meditate could increase your mood? We ask the question, does yoga affect the mental health and wellness of a person? Yoga is a practice rooted in Indian philosophy that was expected to relieve pain, stress, depression and other physical and mental health issues. Mental health is based off of psychological, emotional, and social well–being. Meditation is also integrated in some psychology interventions, which promotes a mind–body intervention (Hendriks, 2017). Studies have shown why people practice yoga and all of its benefits. From spiritual enlightenment to alternative medicine and rehabilitation, yoga is becoming a hot topic in the health field. Lisa Diamond, a nurse practitioner and coach for health and wellness, studied yoga as a way for her patients to incorporate self–management into their care. From a more biological approach, yoga is viewed as a method for stress management and anxiety relief. Yoga activates the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system, the autonomic system controls involuntary actions in the body while the endocrine releases hormones in response (Diamond, 2012). The autonomic system is split into the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems which are both greatly affected by yoga. The sympathetic system controls the "fight or flight" response and get the heart pumping under stress; parasympathetic works ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Preparation Of Bone Marrow Cell Extract The aim of this study is to do initial characterization in bone marrow cell extract (BM soup). Our results demonstrated that 1) BM soup contains many kinds of protein factors secreted by bone marrow cells, such as growth factors, cytokines; 2) proteins are the active ingredients responsible for its therapeutic action. To reduce the irradiation damage of salivary glands, many approaches are being tested. The best approaches are to spare salivary glands from the high dose co–irradiation as much as possible with either advanced techniques, such as IMRT and proton [29], or gland transfer[30]. However, still about 40% of patients receiving IMRT are suffering from hypofunction of salivary gland [31], and gland transfer could not be applied for ... Show more content on ... In this study, only soluble components of cell lysate from whole bone marrow cells were used. All types of BM cells were lysed and numerous paracrine factors were included in BM soup. Our results showed that BM soup protects salivary gland cells and restores organ function. This indicated that transplanted intact bone marrow cells might cross–talk with local tissue by all or some of these components to exert their curative effects. These findings are in agreement with studies on myocardial infarction treatment by Yeghiazarians group [26]. They reported that injection of bone marrow cell extract resulted in comparable benefit with intact BM cells. In addition, they also tested the human BM cell extract and fractionated BM cell extract in mouse model and found that human BM extract was able to improve the cardiac function without immune rejection[28], but fractionated BM extract showed limited effects comparing with the whole BM cells[40]. Given all that, BM soup showed comparable benefit on tissue regeneration with intact cell transplantation, and even better in terms of immune rejection or tumorigenecity. To further confirm protein factors are the active ingredients, BM soup was digested by proteinase K, namely deactivated BM soup, and injected into the mice receiving irradiation on head and neck area. Proteinase K is commonly used to destroy the proteins ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Blood Pressure Regulation Blood pressure regulation and changes occurring after increase in blood pressure Each time the heart pumps, it sends blood all over the body to supply organs and tissues with oxygen and nutrients. The strength of the force created as the heart pumps blood into the vessels together with the vessels' resistance to the blood flow is defined as the body's blood pressure (Darovic, 2002). A normal range blood pressure (BP) must be between 100–130mmHg systolic (when the heart is beating) and 60–90mmHg diastolic pressure (between heart beats) (Sherwood, 1997). Many factors can change blood pressure, including exercise and diet. The regulation of BP within the body is tightly maintained by nerves, hormones and renal control in relation to three ... Show more content on ... These signal messengers will rapidly communicate with the autonomic neural system, in order to decrease sympathetic influence on the heart and blood vessels and increase parasympathetic activity, so that mean arterial blood pressure returns to its normal. By releasing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (Ach), parasympathetic nerves will decrease the frequency of the action potentials of the sinoatrial (SA) and the atrioventricular (AV) nodes, found in the heart. This mechanism will decrease cardiac output by reducing the number of heart beats and the organ's force of contractions (Milnor, 1990). Parasympathetic activity will also expand vessels, decreasing their resistance to blood flow and therefore decreasing total peripheral resistance. As veins get wider, they will retain blood causing a reduction in venous return to the heart. Decreased amount of blood in the ventricles at the end of diastole (period between contractions of the heart) will consequently decrease cardiac output and blood pressure (Constanzo, 2012). Electrolytes such as sodium and chloride are essential as they help to maintain body's water balance. However, excessive dietary intake of salt increases the amount of water retained by the body and as a result increases blood volume (Thomas and Bishop, 2007). When the heart senses the rise in blood volume, atrial and brain–type natriuretic peptides (ANP and BNP) are synthesized and released. The ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Comparing The Autonomic Nervous System And Neurons The autonomic nervous system controls cardiac, smooth muscle and the glandular tissue. It is vital in emergency and nonemergency (rest /digest). It is responsible for nearly all voluntary muscle movements as well as for processing sensory information that arrives via external stimuli including hearing, touch, and sight. The autonomic nervous system contains 2 subdivisions which are the sympathetic and parasympathetic. The general action of the sympathetic nervous system is to mobilise the body's first or flight response (how the body reacts to perceive danger) by preparing the body to put out energy and to protect it from effects of injury. However, the parasympathetic nervous system restores the body a state of calm. It is a slow system and ... Show more content on ... Neurons communicate at structures called synapses. Typical neuron consists of a large number of extension called dendrites that ties neurotransmitter chemical migrating across the synaptic gaps separating neuron. There are usually like a spikes extending out from cell body. Cell body (soma) contains Nucleus, cytoplasm organelles and is the metabolic centre of the cell, Brings information to the neuron. One extension is different from all the others, and is called the axon. The purpose of the axon is to transit an electro chemical signal to other neurons. The longer axons are covered with a myelin sheath, the purpose of myelin sheath is to protect and insulate axons, and enhance their transmission of electrical impulses. At the end of the axon is terminal buttons, it releases neurotransmitters (Appendix, Fig1). Neurotransmitters play a role in the way human behave, learn and sleep and some pay in mental illness.When they are released from the neurotransmitter vesicles of the presynaptic membrane, the normal movement of molecules is directed to receptor sites situated on the postsynaptic membrane. However, in some disease, the flow of the neurotransmitter is imperfect. Neurotransmitters are: Acetylcholine and norepinephrine (excitatory neurotransmitters); dopamine, serotonin and gamma amino butyric ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Bruno Is Not Dead ONE Bruno is not dead. His voice still rings in my head, his scent of cacao and dirt still linger in my nose. I wish I could touch him and wrap my arms around torso, and tell him how sorry I am. But I cannot, I am a coward. I am afraid of looking at my son. I know that he is still around, I can feel him following me. I can feel his cold stare lurking behind me, I can feel the guilt he put upon me. Whenever you lose something, a necklace, your keys or whatever. Everyone tells you to look in the last place you saw it. You search everywhere, but without luck it is nowhere. The last place I was able to talk to Bruno was in my office, where I now spend the last of my crippling days. Earlier this month I decided that there was something wrong ... Show more content on ... This was the same boy who would read an entire adventure book in less than a few days. This was the boy who would go on adventures all over Berlin. This was the boy who was so full of life. Bruno's eyes looked empty like soulless pits of gray, his body grew thinner in fact so did his face. His skin looked sick and pale and his head was still bald. Looking at him made me weak. Bruno almost looked like a Jew. TWO Every time I visited the gas chambers there Bruno sat, staring at me almost as if he wanted to tell me something. Today, I worked up the courage to go up to Bruno and he said no words. He just stared at me, with fear in his eyes. He looked at me the way my soldiers looked at me. He said nothing but his voice continued to occupy my thoughts. Swallowing the giant lump in my throat, I invited him into the house. When we did arrive Bruno went inside of the house and grabbed a blanket he placed it on the ground in the garden and he sat down, he patted the spot next to his inviting me to sit down. We lied down there for hours until it grew dark, Bruno refused to speak the whole time we were there he would point out clouds and constellations but no words. We spent an hour in silence just staring at the moon. Bruno pointed at a shooting star. "Did you make a wish?" I asked. He nodded his head. "What did you wish for?" He shook his head and gave a cheeky smile. "It might be time for us to go ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Reflection About Anxiety Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom. What can be at first a seemingly random chain of auditory reverberations has had the most profound effect on who I am. To hear the frequency and timbre of this string of vibrations hit my cochlea, or to play it in my mind using my auditory loop, elicits the exact same autonomic arousal that hit me the first time I grasp its meaning. This quote has been with me everywhere. The first moment I gave speech to a crowd for over a hundred (Osher Foundation scholarship), the words were dancing in the back of my mind. The first time I met my principle investigator and mentor Karen Dobkins, the quote was on the tip of my tongue. Even, the exact moment my eyes met my future wife for the first time I whispered it under my breath. To feel the effects of the sympathetic nervous system, the biting cold of a cortisol rush, is to know the cursed taste of freedom – of being human. Anxiety simply means that you are alive. I recall the first time I had heard the words. It was a cold Californian evening in October. I was sitting up the bench, alone, overlooking the idyllic suburban highways. Soren Kierkegaard's The Concept of anxiety has and always will be my favorite book. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Although never fully diagnosed, I did take prescription medicine for a while. Somehow, I convinced myself that my elevated levels of anxiety was a hinderance. I had always been a gifted student, being placed in advanced math courses and reading at a ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Effect Of Breath Holding On The Heart Rate Essay Experiment A: The main purpose of this experiment, was to demonstrate and understand the effect of breath– holding on the heart rate (apnoea). Bradycardia effect refers to a decrease in heart rate and this would have been the ideal outcome of our experiment (breath–holding), by demonstrating the cardiovascular control centre responding to the breath–hold via the chemoreceptors; hence leading to an activation of an increase in parasympathetic nerve activity to the heart. The decrease in the heart rate would result in both the Finger pulse Transducer – connected to the test subject's index finger– and the Polar Heart Rate monitor picking up on the changed heart rate. Likewise, in our experiment, the Bradycardia effect was observed after apnoea during our experiment when measured with the FPT. However, when measured with the PHRM, a slight increase in Robert's (test subject) heart rate was observed during the 1st 15 seconds of the Breath– hold. Nevertheless, bradycardia effect was seen for the PHRM during the second 15 seconds of Apnoea, meaning that our PHRM measurement (which lightly different from the "idea" expected outcome) may have been disrupted by testing environments, that contributed to the results of the experiment. A common contributing factor to an increase of Heart rate rather than a decrease, is excitement and/or anxiety (due to being unfamiliar to breath–holding as this is the first experiment) felt by the test subject which leads to the stimulation of the ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Essay On Socioeconomic Status Article 6 Sloan, R. P., Huang, M. H., Sidney, S., Liu, K., Williams, O. D., & Seeman, T. (2005). Socioeconomic status and health: Is parasympathetic nervous system activity an intervening mechanism? International Journal of Epidemiology, 34(2), 309–315. doi:10.1093/ije/dyh381 This paper brings in the idea that socioeconomic status has a huge impact on health. They suggest that the PNS being properly regulated is an important contributing factor. Through their research, they found that education, sex, age, race, and income are factors that affect the regulation of the cardiac component of the PNS. Additionally, lower levels of cardiac autonomic regulation can predict unfavorable outcomes with regards to heart troubles. They found that by ... Show more content on ... Additionally, the emotional state of an individual plays an important role on the magnitude of the startle response. They suggest that those with GAD be given treatments involved in helping focus their attention outward. This could help those individuals have less anxiety, decreased negative emotional states, a decreased startle response, and less worry. This article is relevant to my research because it discusses an example of how the ANS dysfunction affects some individuals, specifically those with GAD. It discusses a simple, yet possible, solution that disorders like this can be treated by focusing on real world events compared to internal emotions. Article 8 Reeves, J. W., Fisher, A. J., Newman, M. G., & Granger, D. A. (2016). Sympathetic and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal asymmetry in generalized anxiety disorder. Psychophysiology, 53(6), 951–957. doi:10.1111/psyp.12634 This article discusses the correlation between the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal (HPA) axis, the SNS, and GAD. By studying cortisol levels in various individuals, they find that cortisol activity can influence the SNS which, when suppressed, can mediate GAD. Those with GAD are pathological worriers which can continuously stimulate the HPA axis. The HPA axis plays a role in adaptive physiological functioning. While balancing the HPA axis and SNS has been know to be beneficial, it can also be related to maladaptive behavior ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Urinary Incontinence Management Using Gibbs Reflective... This reflection case study will be discussing urinary continence management using Gibbs reflective framework (Gibbs,1988). This will include what is urinary incontinence management, the pathophysiology of urinary incontinence after stroke, how continence affect patient and current clinical practice and the role of the nurse and multi–disciplinary team within continence management. Also using the evidence based research and national guidelines. In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council,(NMC, 2015) The Code Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses and midwives on clause 5 Respect people's right to privacy and confidentiality safeguarding patient information, no names or places will be disclosed. Therefore, throughout the following reflective case study, the patient will be referred to as Mariam. Patient Mariam background is 60 year old lady admitted with left sided weakness and facial droop. Once confirmed stroke using the Recognition of Stroke in the Emergency Room (ROSIER) scale. Catangui (2015) states ROSIER scale is used to distinguish whether the patient is having a stroke or stroke mimics e.g. seizures or brain tumours. Computed tomography CT brain showed ischemic stroke. Ischaemic stroke is lack of sufficient blood supply to perfuse the brain/ cerebral tissue due to narrowing or blocked arteries in the brain (Morrison, 2014). According to Stroke Association (2015) statics shows that 1520000 strokes occur in the United Kingdom. Mariam ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Importance Of Productive Breaks Productive Distractions: Improving Your Efficiency by Taking More (and Smarter) Breaks (Psst...Too busy to read the full article? Scroll to the bottom for four quick tips to boost your productivity immediately!) In today's fast–paced, efficiency–centric workplace, the term "break" might as well be a four–letter word. Too often commitment to one's work is measured in hours instead of accomplishments, and any time spent away from your workstation can conjure accusations of unprofessionalism, short attention spans, or wasted money. Time spent away from your workstation can invite accusations of a lack of focus and wasting of company resources, while longer hours are universally celebrated as key to company commitment and success. ... Show more content on ... This second group of outlier players seemed to utilize that handful of seconds to disengage from the game completely. Instead of remaining tense and alert, they turned their back to the net, strutted to the sideline in a matador–esque posture, and then put their full attention on picking strings on their racket to test the tension. When he compared the records of players who stayed mentally "engaged" during breaks versus those who "disengaged" and occupied themselves with a new task, he found the latter had statistically higher win rates. The theory Loher hatched to explain the discrepancy in performances was one of energy conservation. Even though both groups of players physically stopped during their breaks, the tennis players who stayed mentally engaged during breaks were still playing the game in their head even when "resting", never truly switching gears, while the athletes who were able to disengage and focus on a different task––even if only for ten seconds or less–– returned to play with a mental edge that allowed them to consistently best their opponents by the end of the match. Dr. Loehr has since taken his ideas about the importance of ritual and variety in downtime well beyond the sphere of sports, advocating that professionals from all fields take frequent breaks then return to the task at hand to give their all in high–energy work "sprints" rather than unbroken ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Contemporary Attachment Theory : Epigenetics, Right Brain,... Contemporary Attachment Theory: Epigenetics, Right Brain, and Regulation An interdisciplinary move toward consilience, along with advances in developmental, neurobiological, and epigenetic research, has expanded Bowlby's fundamental ideas into increasingly complex, refinements of contemporary attachment theory, that include findings from epigenetics, and brain, especially right brain, development while illuminating auto regulatory functions. Epigenetics. Contemporary attachment theorists now view the organization of brain systems as an outcome of the interaction between environmental influence and genetically coded programs for the formation of structures and connections among structures (Fox & Calkins, 2003). That is to say that the environment literally effects structural, and thus functional, growth by inducing the expression of genes responsible for the unfolding of those structures and their collective interconnections. As Schore (1997) so eloquently explains: The onset and offset of sensitive periods, "unique windows of organism–environment interaction," are now attributed to the activation and expression of families of programed genes which synchronously turn on and off during infancy, thereby controlling the transient enhanced expression of enzymes of biosynthetic pathways which allow for growth in particular brain regions. In light of the established principles that early postnatal development represents an experiential shaping of genetic potential, a new ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Cells And Skeletal Muscle Neurons and Skeletal Muscle The human body uses unspecialised sperm cells which come from egg cell from the female or sperm cell form the male (zygote) then they specialise into neuron and skeletal muscle or any other type of cell. The stem cells are the building blocks they go through a various process called stem cells differentiation which allows them to be specialise. The zygote turns into a morula which is called a totipotent; totipotent is a whole organism which can turn into multiple types of cells. The totipotent cells then turn into a blastocyst by many types of cell division, which forms a lot of cells in side. The cells that are placed inside are called pulripotent (inner mass cells) the cues decide if the pulripotent is internal by switching on the genes which decide what type of cell it is. Which then becomes a unipotent; this is when it becomes specialised cell that makes up the body. This is called differentiation so it's when unspecialised cells for different types of function, this is what gives people or organism an advantage so they can cope with environment. Neurons cells are differentiated cells. The stem cells either become a motor neurone, sensory Neurone or relay neurone. These cells are specialised for the function by they why they are structured and found in the body. As you can see the pictures on the right it shows the structure of the all the neuron cells, and the direction of which the impulse are sent. The synaptic knob is the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Pathology Of The Autonomic Nervous System Introduction In this report, the symptoms of this patient will be diagnosed, and the causes of them discussed with reference to the physiology and pharmacology of the autonomic nervous system. The Autonomic Nervous System The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the part of the motor division of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) that controls involuntary processes in the body (Wieczorek, 2014). Such functions include control of heart rate, gland activity, smooth muscle contraction and constriction of blood vessels (Biology–, 2014). The ANS is divided into two branches, the sympathetic nervous system (SN) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PN). The SN is responsible for the "fight–or– flight" response, which results in increased preparedness for vigorous activity in response to exercise or emergency. The PN acts antagonistically to the SN, in that it produces the opposite effects to those of the SN. Under normal circumstances, the PN is dominant, and allows processes such as digestion and defecation to occur, while also conserving energy (, 2014). Most of the visceral organs of the body are innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic neurones, with the exceptions being sweat glands and the smooth muscle of blood vessels– they are only innervated by sympathetic nerve fibres (Wieczorek, 2014). In the ANS, a number of different neurotransmitters and receptors are present. In both the PN and SN, the neurotransmitter at the ganglia is ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Anosmia Chapter 3 Activity I decided to research Anosmia to do my chapter 3 activity over. Anosmia is a condition that affects olfaction and the olfactory system. The olfactory system is our sense of smell, and consists of the olfactory epithelium; olfactory receptor cells; olfactory bulbs; Amygdala; The olfactory cortex, the limbic system; the thalamus; and the orbitofrontal cortex. Odors travel through the nasal passages and reach the olfactory epithelium. The olfactory epithelium has around 10 million olfactory receptor cells that detect the odor that travels up the nasal cavity. The olfactory bulb receives the information from the cells and sends them to the Amygdala and the olfactory cortex. The information is then sent to the limbic system from the olfactory cortex. After the information is sent to the limbic system it is sent to the thalamus and onto the orbitofrontal cortex, where the information is processed. ... Show more content on ... There can be many causes of this condition, like age and even smoking cigarettes. Some causes come from some temporary conditions like an infection or a cold. Some pre–existing conditions can also cause this condition, like Schizophrenia or Multiple Sclerosis. Ironically Anosmia can be also be caused by chemicals that are smelled. Some people do not need treatment because their sense of smell comes back. The treatment for Anosmia will be different depending on the cause. Some treatments include steroids, surgery, and some herbal ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Autonomic Nervous System Research Paper The vital organs of the body are controlled through a layered approach in which successive levels of integration and organisation are done from the bottom up. The bottom of the chain has the target tissues, that is, the organs of the body that are innervated by the autonomic nervous system. During constant external conditions, these tissue have the ability to operate, without help, due to the presence of intrinsic, reflex control mechanisms. However, when there is a change in the external environment, there is a need of a system that can detect these changes and notify the vital organs to respond accordingly. The next level comprises of the ganglion, collection of cell bodies, of the autonomic nervous system. These display a certain amount ... Show more content on ... Hypothalamus also receives inputs descending from the cortex and the limbic system. These inputs lead to significant changes in the overall functioning of the body, especially during the times of stress. Every vital organ has the ability to regulate its function during alteration in the external environment. The most prominent example of this is the change in heart rate during times of stress. The heart has the ability to control its own pumping action by regulating the contraction rate. This regulatory action is an intrinsic property of the heart, also known as the Frank–Starling mechanism. According to this, a response is carried out by the heart as a result of the inherent property of the cardiac muscle. This inherent property allows the cardiac muscles to contract more upon excessive stretching in times of stress. This leads to more flow of blood into the heart, which leads to more filling of the arterial chambers before each beat. This in turn causes the ventricles to fill in more leading to more stretch on the ventricular walls. This way the heart keeps up with the growing demand of blood by the body by change in its coordinated ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Case Study Of Honda Two Wheeler STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The present purchaser markets are excessively focused. For augmenting the benefit and extending the piece of the overall industry, the organizations utilize different endeavors for accomplishing their destinations. There likewise exist solid shopper support developments everywhere throughout the world. The greater part of the organizations attempt to change over potential client into a standard client. For this, they endeavor to give most extreme advantages and accommodation to the clients through the magnificent usage of asset. The change of a potential client into a general client isn't a simple undertaking. They need to mix different promoting blends in various ways. SCOPE OF THE STUDY The examination concentrates ... Show more content on ... The examination relies upon fundamental data gathering. The discretionary data was accumulated from the articles, journals, every day paper and destinations. The examination is driven on the introduce of an invaluable case procedure for 250 respondents. The example gauge includes differing sorts of buyer who are potential customers of Honda Two Wheeler like agents, understudies, and master et cetera RESEARCH DESIGN The outline is associated with sureness finding study which requires ace and n nbhjjmimaginative orchestrating, vigilant examination and target comprehension of the disclosures, so the arrangement for the examination is clear examination. STATISTICALTOOLS USED After the consummation of information the gathered information is classified and broke down and the connection between various factors have been evaluated with the assistance of Simple rate strategy, weighted normal and Liker's scale procedure. SOURCES OF DATA source of optional information : The optional information required for the investigation were gathered from; Journals ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Theme Of Justice In Boxer And Saints The sheer complexity of justice, which Gene Luen Yang conveys throughout Boxers and Saints, creates an obscure understanding for when it is truly served. Still, the theme that justice is solely attained by those who show sympathy towards others is perpetually illustrated throughout both novels. Yang demonstrates that one's compassion is determined by the reader's sense of justice, which is prevalent if a character dies to save another. Therefore, the answer to the philosophical question, 'Is justice ever achieved?', is merely dependent upon the compassion shown by a character, as is the reader's sense of justice regarding it. Essentially, Yang proves that no matter how one begins their fight, justice is served as long as they end it portraying the greatest act of compassion: saving someone's life even if it means losing their own. Throughout Boxers and Saints, Bao provokes numerous deaths in order to save his own life, thus ending the story an unjustified character. This is proven when his father begs him not to leave, but he does so anyways. Bao believes that he is rescuing his father from a damaged state and that this justifies his desertion; however, his indifference towards his "vow to always respect [his] father's wishes" (Boxers 66) leads to his father's death as "[he] refuse[s] to eat" (Boxers 261). By inflicting injustice upon his father, Bao proves his lack of compassion. He further displays injustice when he allows Ch'in, his inner conscience, to negatively ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Sympathy For A By Mrs Hale And Mrs. Hale Sympathy for a Murderess In a time when women were thought of as airheaded and unconcerned with matters of importance by men, a woman's compassion and intuition can hold incredible power. "In a Jury of Her Peers", Minnie Wright is judged by her peers, and by their knowledge of her prior life, her current circumstances, and forced destitution, she is found innocent. In the story, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters accompany their husbands to the Wright home in a quest to find evidence implicating Minnie Wright in the murder of her husband. From the moment they enter the home, Mrs. Hale is sympathetic to Minnie Wright. When the county attorney looks over Minnie Wrights kitchen and states, "Not much of a housekeeper, would you say ladies?" Mrs. Hale's stiff reply is, "There's a great deal of work to be done on a farm." Although Mrs. Peters begins the story with a firm stance of support for her husband saying, "Of course it's no more than their duty," in response to Mrs. Hales comment about the men snooping. However; as the story progresses, Mrs. Peters views begin to match with Mrs. Hale. Being home makers themselves, it is hard for the women not to notice how poorly accommodated Minnie has been in her material items. Mrs. Peters goes about the task for which she came, retrieving the clothing items Minnie requested. Soon, Mrs. Hale exclaims, "Wright was close!" realizing, after examining the shabby, old, and patched clothing, that Mr. Wright did not allow such basic purchases as ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Periodontal Disease Essay The substance that is measured objectively and evaluated as an indicator of normal biologic processes, pathogenic processes, and pharmacological responses to a therapeutic intervention, acts as biomarkers 122 And using a combination of host and site specific markers provid accurately assesses to periodontal disease status, because of the complex, multifaceted nature of periodontal disease, it is highly unlikely that a single biomarker will prove to be a stand alone measure for periodontal disease diagnosis. 127–131 GCF as a biomarker: To defeat some of the troubles associated with the measurement of conventional clinical indices, many examiners have explore to active components of GCF and use it to detect more reliable methods of diagnosing periodontal treatment needs and success. 132 Gingival crevicular fluid is an inflammatory exudate from the small vessels blood supply of gingival, that crosses inflamed periodontal tissues and end route collects molecules of potential interest from the local inflammatory reaction, the constituents of the fluid are derived from a different of sources, Include molecules from blood, and contributions from cells and tissues of the periodontium as the vasculature, epithelium, nonmineralized and mineralized connective tissues, and the inflammatory and immune cells that have infiltrated into the periodontal tissues which about 70–80% granulocytes, 10–20% monocytes/macrophages, 5% mast cells and 5% T lymphocytes. The diagnostic ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Autonomic Nervous System Organs of the body, such as the heart, intestines, and stomach, are regulated by the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is known as the involuntary division of the nervous system which consists of autonomic neurons that innervates cardiac muscle, smooth muscles, and exocrine glands. The autonomic nervous system plays an essential role to keep the internal environment of the body in proper balance, known as homeostasis. Regulation of blood pressure, gastrointestinal responses to food, contraction of the urinary bladder, focusing of the eyes, and thermoregulation are just a few homeostatic functions that are regulated by the autonomic nervous system There are two divisions: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Comparing Journey, North Coast And The Meatworks Discoveries are everywhere in everyday life and they can impact the way we see the world, either positively or negatively. Because of this, it can be noted that "Not all discoveries are welcomed". We can explore this philosophy through the examination of various techniques found within both Robert Gray's 'Journey, North Coast' and 'The Meatworks', as well Leo Matsuda's animated short film, 'Inner workings'. These three texts, although all having visual processes of discovery, offer juxtaposing perspectives on the acceptance (or lack of) towards discoveries. Discoveries can be confronting and provocative. From this, we can be exposed to disturbing images that make us question our societal values. In 'The Meatworks', Gray quickly establishes this unwelcoming nature of discoveries through the explicitly derogatory description of the abattoirs processes and it's accompanied workers. This is evident through the use of provocative imagery in "arm–thick corkscrews, grinding around inside it, meat or not". From this depiction, we are exposed to the merciless treatment of the of the +pigs as they lose their identity. The fact that the machine never stops grinding whether there is meat in there or not denotes such a sense of insensitivity towards the process, causing the reader to feel distressed and guilty of the slaughter. A degree of insensitivity is also presented to the reader through the recurring motif of blood, an idea that is central to the poem. "Stench of blood...chomping ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Hector And The Search For Happiness Essay Hector and the Search for Happiness Hector and the Search for Happiness is a motivational film. It is based on the novel Le Voyage d'Hector ou La Recherche du Bonheur written by Francois Lelord and published by Editions Odile Jacob. The film is directed by Peter Chelsom and was released in 2014. Producers of the film are Phil Hunt, Compton Ross, and Christian Angermayer .This film is produced by Judy Tossell and Klaus Dohle, Christine Haebarler, and Trish Dolman. It is produced with the participation of Telefilm Canapa and the support of Medienboard Berlin–Brandenborg GMGH, German Federal Film Board (FFA) and German Federal Film Fund (DFFF). The Screenplay is made by Maria Von Heland and Tinker Linsay. This film is edited by Claus Wehlisch. ... Show more content on ... The film of Hector and the Search for Happiness has a captivating plot which makes us want to watch it until the end. Since in his research Hector goes to three places and each place has their own moral value, this film is suitable for your soul. One of the places that Hector visits is China. In the movie, China is described as a wonderful country, which has unique culture. The second place is Africa, with glorious savannah and wild animals. Next, in Los Angeles, Hector obtains some happiness meanings and feels what happiness is. There are many good films. However, Hector and the Search for Happiness stands out from other movies for its inspirational plotline and enthralling moral value. Even though, this film has many positive sides, there is a blatant weakness of this film. There are some adulterated scenes involving Hector and Ying Li. Hence, it is not proper for children. Another weakness of this film is its violent scenes. Hector, at the beginning of this film, is not very capable in handling his emotion. Therefore, he lashes out with swearing and throwing things around. Overall, this film is one of a kind for ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Autonomic Nervous System The two divisions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic (PNS), function in a complementary and integrated manner to maintain homeostasis. The output of the autonomic nervous system is quick in comparison to the endocrine system functions. In most cases, these systems have opposite effects, where one initiates a physiological response and the other inhibits. The nerves of this system regulate vital internal functions which are generally performed without conscious control (Khan Academy, 2014). The output of the ANS effects smooth, cardiac muscle and glandular tissue (Betts et al, 2013) The sympathetic division is associated with the "fight or flight" response, dominating in stressful situations ... Show more content on ... The synapse at the axon terminal of the postganglionic neuron and the target effector cell (in the form of muscle or gland) uses epinephrine/norepinephrine (adrenaline/noradrenaline) (AK Lectures, 2014) The parasympathetic division however, is concerned with "rest and digest" responses and when active, reverses the effects of the SNS. The PNS system increases blood flow to digestive organs and excretory system and decreases the blood flow to skeletal tissue (an opposite effect to the SNS) (AK Lectures, 2014) Salivary secretion is increased and gastric motility is stimulated to facilitate digestion (McCorry, 2007). The PNS either originates at the start of the spinal cord or at the end (Khan Academy, 2014). The preganglionic neuron is of long structure and uses acetylcholine to transmit signals to the shorter postganglionic neuron. The postganglionic neuron continues to use acetylcholine to transmit to the target effector cell (AK Lectures, 2014) Question 2 (1.3) Using Illustrations, and a short commentary, describe the sensory and motor neuron. Figure 1– A Motor Neuron (Biologymad, n.d.) Figure 2– A Sensory Neuron (Biologymad, n.d.) (200) Sensory neurons are unipolar (Betts et al, 2013) Sensory (afferent) neurons transmit impulses from sensory receptors to the CNS and Motor (efferent) neurons transmit impulses from the CNS to effector muscle and
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  • 54. Arthur Miller's Focus y Arthur Miller "Focus", by Arthur Miller, raises many complex issues with its plot and its characters' interaction with one another. The book deals with a man named Mr. Newman, who lives his whole life as a xenophobic white Christian and feels that " his kind are above the rest of society". When he gets a pair of glasses, his appearance changes, and he looks like a Jew. This results in many changes in the life of Mr. Newman. Being treated as a "Jew" takes a toll on his daily life. Of the many characters in this story, only one of them, Mr. Finkelstein, is a true Jew. He is the subject of much hatred in his neighborhood, which is filled with anti–Semitic people. When Mr. Newman begins to experience a small portion of this hatred too, he turns ... Show more content on ... He begins to see that he had acted the same way, before he got his glasses. This realization leads Mr. Newman to wonder if he really wants to try to reintegrate into Christian society. "Focus" has a complex plot in which a man is forced to deal with the problem of becoming what he most fears, a less than " normal" person. One of the messages that I feel this story is trying to send is that people who are different are not necessarily bad. The protagonist never had a real conversation or even spent any time with a Jew, so therefore he did not really know anything about these people. It is because of this that he becomes very scared of being a Jew. I feel that the effect would have been the same had Mr. Newman somehow become black or Hispanic, for the author is just using the Jew as a symbol of a person different than the "normal" white Christian. When people have no distinct contact with a group of people who has different beliefs, they become fearful and anxious and even develop a hatred. Therefore, people must come face to face with the element of society which they fear most, in order that they realize that people are generally the same ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Alcohol Syncope Abstract Alcohol consumption may be linked to syncopal events. The mechanism by which alcohol may induce syncope is not well understood. Impairment of the response to orthostatic stress may be involved. A growing body of medical evidence suggests that short–term alcohol consumption elicits hypotension during orthostatic stress because of impairment of vasoconstriction. These findings have implications for understanding of hemodynamic effects of alcohol and, in particular, for understanding syncopal events that occur in association with alcohol intake. A 27–year–old African American female with a previous syncopal event following alcohol consumption was brought to the Emergency Department by ambulance after a witnessed ... Show more content on ... It results in dizziness or syncope from transient diminished cerebral perfusion. Case Report A 27–year–old, well–appearing African American female was brought to the Emergency Department by Emergency Medical Services after a witnessed syncopal episode. The only medical history is a previous alcohol–induced syncope 2 years ago. The patient does not have any past surgical history. The patient only drinks socially. She does not smoke, and she denied any drug use. The patient lives with mother, and works as a nursing assistant in a nursing home. The patient admitted to drinking "a shot of vodka" approximately 10 minutes prior to syncopal episode. The patient fell upon standing and hit the back of her head on the floor. Patient's significant other who witnessed the syncopal event reported that loss of consciousness (LOC) lasted about 2 minutes. EMS was consequently called. According to EMS, the patient was still on the floor, alert and oriented only to self upon their arrival. She was lethargic. The patient did not remember passing out. She was subsequently transported to the Emergency department. Patient did improve remarkably on the way to the hospital. Upon arrival to the Emergency Department, patient was alert and ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Similarities And Differences Between Ballet And Yoga According to Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies, 8 million people, who are in United States of America, take a ballet class one time at the minimum past a year in 2002. In addition, the average number of frequency of ballet is 1.7 times in a year (Center for Arts, 1). On the other hand, according to CISION of January 13, 2016, over 3.6 million people attend a yoga class in 2016. The amounts of student, who want to learn yoga, are getting growing 20.4 million from 2012 (Yoga, 1). Therefore, there are similar and dissimilar points between ballet and yoga. Ballet and yoga are categorized by cardiorespiratory exercise. What is cardiorespiratory exercise? Cardiorespiratory exercise is that people, who do cardiorespiratory exercise, need to take oxygen when their body generates energy and burn their fat or carbohydrate. Additionally, exercise level is from beginning to intermediate so they can keep exercise for long time per one time such as, swimming, ballet, and yoga. University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) has dance performance major and students can take ballet class three times a week. The class starts from nine o'clock to ten twenty–five in the morning. Even if people are not dance performance major, they can take the class. Moreover, UCO students can take yoga class at wellness center at UCO. There are two classes a day from Mondays to Thursdays during semester and the classes are about fifty minutes per a class. Ballet and yoga have benefits through ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Sunken Ship The Last Suffering Ship Reflection Dustin Teuton PHL/251 AUG 25, 2014 Robert DuBose The Last Suffering Ship Reflection The illness has taken its first life and people are starting to panic. By this point the crew has done all they can do to get the repairs done pushing them self to exhaustion. The nurses and helpers are tenting to all the patients and distributing the vaccine as fast as possible and to the right patients. I believe the way they are only giving half doses out and waiting to see who doesn't show signs of getting better before giving the full dose is working and an affective way to calm more people down. I would try and isolate patients from non–sick passengers as much as possible to help prevent spread. For ... Show more content on ... Rhonda the nurse is doing a great job taking care of the patients. She might be rude and angry at times but when you don't get much sleep and are working so hard with patients that are constantly whining and bugging you trying to get something out of you that you cant give them, yeah your going to be grumpy. She is doing her job and being very firm with her patients by not letting them coax her into anything that would disrupt her work. Putting out chores for the passengers to do like cleaning and even helping wherever they can will help not only keep the ship clean and possibly get I fixed faster, it will also take their minds off of the issue at hand and possibly even release some stress they have built up. The passengers need to be doing something other then just sitting around watching people get sick. Once you can get people to start helping out around the boat you will have less aggravation and stress build up. So we get back to shore and the media wants to interview the leading doctor (Me). Handling the media is a big deal and takes very good and clear talking. You need to present yourself professionally and sympathetic to the passengers. Trying not to say to much into detail about what happened is key too. You don't want to leak bad things to the media so they can blow it up making you and the ship–liner look bad. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The 2000 Meter Row Essay Case study: The 2000–Meter Row: A Case in Homeostasis Study Questions– At the start: #1. What is responsible for raising Jim's heart and respiratory rate and stimulating sweat just before the race? When the race is almost ready to begin, Jim's nervous system sends signals to his heart causing his respiratory rate to increase. Since Jim's heart and respiratory rate increases this causes him to breathe more rapidly and causes him to sweat to maintain a normal body temperature. #2. Why is the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system active just before the race? When Jim is about to start the race he feels the pressure and the stress of having to do his best which makes his autonomic nervous system more active due to the ... Show more content on ... Jim's body has slowed down and was giving 80% body effort while ignoring the pain. #2. What changes in Jim's muscles promote unloading of O2 from hemoglobin for use by the muscles cells? When Jim's muscles and cells are feeling the burning sensation this is caused by the O2 from hemoglobin when these cells are being used excessively. He used up his hemoglobin by vigorously rowing the boat up to its maximum speed. This causes the muscles to use his oxygen within the cells so the body could maintain homeostasis. #3. Why do Jim's muscles feel like they are burning? The reason that Jim's muscles are feeling the burning sensation is because they are experiencing sensory info from his nervous system. This feeling is due to the increase of activity and fatigue occurring because he over exerted his body. Also his body has been using his glycogen within the cells which make lactic acid which causes the burn Jim is experiencing. #4. What conflict is produced between Jim's need to keep his body cool and his need to remove nitrogenous wastes from his blood? What did he do before the race to help alleviate this conflict? The conflict between keeping his body cool and his need to remove nitrogenous wastes is hydration vs. ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. The Controllers Of The Air Controllers Tenerife Air Controllers As mentioned, the air controllers on staff on Sunday, March 27, 1977 was light. This airport was small and on a normal day did not have a lot of air traffic. The airport was not equipped to handle the amount of planes, or the large planes because they were not the appropriate size nor did they have the proper dimensions to allow the large planes to make the appropriate maneuvers. There was no ground radar, there was no ground lights, clouds are moving in and minimizing visibility, and they had to work in their second language. Why did the controllers ever feel it was safe to guide planes they were unfamiliar with completely blind? Why did they not ground the planes when the fog moved in? Controllers are in charge of ensuring the planes safely land and take off by managing the order of takeoff and each plane's direction. If they cannot see them how are they able to effectively do this? Leadership Style Van Zanten's leadership style not only affected the performance of his own team, but impacted his decisions, Pan Am cockpit crew, the controllers and all the passengers on both planes. He did not appear to be focused on people during his decision–making at Tenerife, and it is not questionable if there was ever a focus on people. He is very task concerned, and in the case of Tenerife very focused on himself and hitting the Dutch law deadline, which caused him to not focus fully on the task of flying his plane safely off of Tenerife. On a normal day ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. How Different Activities Like Exercise, Postural Changes,... The purpose of lab six, is demonstrate how different activities like exercise, postural changes, and cognitive thinking change arterial pressure as well as heart rate. Blood pressure, which is abbreviated as BP is the force that is placed onto vessel walls by the blood that it contains. In healthy individuals, BP should be 120/80 mmHg, but recent research has shown that healthy individuals BP should be lower than 120/80 mmHg. The first number, in this case 120 is known as the systolic number. The systolic number is known as the amount of pressure placed onto the vessel wall by blood during ventricular contraction. When someone is taking another persons blood pressure, this is the first sound that the person will hear. This is because the blood vessel opened up enough to allow blood to begin passing through. The second number, 80 represents the diastolic number. The diastolic number represents when the vessel is relaxing and blood is getting through without any extra force. Also, this number is represented by the last sound an individual hears in their stethoscope. Aside from BP, heart rate also known as pulse rate, is the number of times a persons heart beats in a minute. (Marieb & Hoehn, 2014, pp. 708–710). Another important concept is mean arterial pressure, which is abbreviated as MAP. This pressure propels blood to body tissues and in the average pressure that is pushed onto the walls of arteries by blood. (Marieb & Hoehn, 2014, p. 709). MAP can be determined by ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. The Autonomic Nervous System Sleep is necessary for basic health and survival. It plays a large role in an individual's mental, emotional, and physiological welfare and functioning. After years of sleep research focusing on sleep–wake cycles, evidence points to the conclusion that sleep deprivation has detrimental consequences, not only on rodents, but humans as well (Cheng et al., 2015). In the past century, the average amount of time that adults sleep has decreased significantly. Consequently, sleep problems have become an epidemic, taking their toll on the health of adult populations in numerous ways. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) conducted a Gallup Poll in March 2002 in which American lifestyles, sleep habits, and sleep problems were surveyed. The results ... Show more content on ... Monitoring HRV can provide information about the function of the autonomic nervous system. HRV is a non–invasive index of the neural control of the heart (Acharya, Sing, Ping & Chua, 2004). Although it is difficult to establish a particular standard normal heart rate for a given individual, most individuals have a typical range from 60 to 100 beats per minute (Fox et al., 2007). However, the interval between each heartbeat constantly varies. High frequency variability in RR reflects parasympathetic activation, while a slower variability in RR reflects a combination of both parasympathetic and sympathetic modulation along with non–autonomic factors. When interpreting HRV data, there are several components in the power spectrum that can have fluctuating ranges. A power spectrum is a plot of the portion of a signal's power or energy per unit time, falling within given frequency bands. The three major bands of the power spectrum in HRV are high frequency (HF), low frequency (LF), and very low frequency (VLF). A HF peak typically ranges between 0.15 Hz to 0.4 Hz, while a LF peak ranges from 0.06 to 0.15 Hz. A VLF peak is below .05 Hz (Kamath & Fallen, 1993). The LF is associated with blood pressure control and reflects sympathetic activity. The HF is correlated with respiratory sinus arrhythmia and reflects parasympathetic activity ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Autonomic Nervous And Endocrine System Analysis Both the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system help to maintain homeostasis within the body. They work together to affect multiple bodily functions, including reproduction, growth and metabolism (Patel, 2014). The hypothalamus is a gland that connects the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system. It links the two systems together. It receives messages from all over the body and is responsible for coordinating with the autonomic nervous system to make necessary changes (Martini, Nath, Bartholomew, 2015; Patel, 2014). One example of how these systems may work together occurs when a person faces a threatening situation, such as being robbed. The autonomic nervous system sends signals to the brain that the body may be ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Autonomic Nervous System ( Sns ) Division Of The... Autonomics and Stress Introduction: The autonomic nervous system, which is the division of the central nervous system that is not consciously controlled but regulates bodily functions, is influenced by stress. Stress can be defined as a stimulus that interrupts homeostasis within the body, either physiologically or psychologically. The influence that it has is innovation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) division of the ANS, and can include changes to skin conductance, heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature and respiratory rate1. Under SNS activation, caused by stress, heart rate, skin temperature, respiratory rate, blood pressure and skin conductance will all increase1,2. This experiment aimed to choose a stressor that would influence autonomic measures and record the response. The choice of stressor used in this experiment was invasion of an individual's personal space, measured via skin conductance and heart rate. There is known to be a linear relationship between discomfort or tension and the invasion of personal space3 and this experiment aimed to test this response via autonomic parameters. For example the skin conductance measure would indicate sweat; if conductance increases there is less skin resistance due to the increase in sweat from SNS innovation, caused by the stressor1. The cardiovascular responses observed could be due to an inhibition of parasympathetic activity, activation of SNS or a mixture of both2,3. The null hypothesis for this experiment ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Disadvantages Of Intestine Improve your health by knowing more about the intestine. Intestine is the key to one's beauty and health as well as ageing. The intestine is not just an organ that handles digestion, nutrient absorption and excretion. Intestine problems are often associated with constipation. Constipation can cause stomach to bulge and many people are concerned about it. However, this is just one example caused by the deteriorating intestinal environment. Other than digestion, nutrient absorption and excretion, the intestine has other functions which are less known. Such functions are closely related to the whole human body. This is why when one's intestinal environment deteriorates, it does not simply cause stomachache and constipation. Making use of this ... Show more content on ... Euglena is used in many ways these days. What is euglena? It is a micro–algae with both plant and animal characteristics. Euglena is a type of micro–algae, about 0.05mm long, that thrives in freshwater. It has existed since 500 million years ago. It is a rare living organism where it can carry out photosynthesis like a plant. At the same time, it has the ability to move on it's own like an animal. Euglena is loaded with a rich variety of nutrients. Nutrients from both plant and animal sources can be found in euglena. In addition, since euglena does not have a hard cellulose cell wall, its nutrients are easily digested and absorbed by the human body. DHA, EPA amino acids found in animal sources. Vitamins, minerals found in plant sources. Euglena holds vast potential for use as a resource and a food ingredient. It can be used as a food ingredient that contains excellent characteristics and rich in nutrients. It can also be used as a bio–fuel, thus offering endless future possibilities for the Earth. Raw ingredient used is the Euglena gracilis EX45 developed by euglena Co., Ltd. exclusively for Naturally ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Character Analysis of Under the Feet of Jesus by Helena... "Finding One's Self in Times of Trouble": An explication of the Helena Maria Viramontes' novel Under the Feet of Jesus. Helena Maria Viramontes' Under the Feet of Jesus portrays the maturing of Estrella, a young Latina that seems to awaken in many different aspects of her life. The author's use of Estrella give the book its strength and potency. Estrella is an affectionate character, which is at the center of all the important issues. She is used a symbol to represent the small amount of strength that lingers at a person's weakest point. Estrella, throughout the entire novel, serves as the strong base for the family and through the setting established, the audience is able to see her grow in her social, political, economical, and ... Show more content on ... The book's main appeal and power is the author's use of Estrella, who serves as the focal point of all the large issues. In one particular scene, we see Estrella playing with one a naked doll. Estrella asks the naked doll if she was okay and then shook the doll's head "No". This conversation with the doll can be seen as the sense of denial that takes place in a child's mind that is not allowed to openly express herself, her fears, her anxieties, and her hopes. She allows the doll to represent her honest feelings about the lifestyle of living she is placed in. She is a unique and interesting individual, who will not grow up to be knocked down by economic issues, difficult labor, and especially men. She is being raised in a world where women are expected to suffer silently and to be at the mercy of their men. However, men were not expected to return this slave–like behavior for the women. This setting of the novel allows the reader to see exactly how treacherous life can be. This suffering is so present in Estrella's family's lives, yet she somehow is able to bring the family along no matter how difficult the situation may be. She is still trapped in between two very different worlds: "She tried to remember which side she was on and which side of the wire mesh she was safe in" (59). Her mother may be taken over by a world of suffering, but she is not so beaten that she cannot pass some of her fighting ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Autonomic Nervous System and Obj Chapter 9 Motivation and Emotion MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Motives activate behavior and propel the organism a.|to flee.|c.|toward goals.| b.|to respond.|d.|to drives.| ANS: C DIF: 2 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Factual 2. The study of motivation is an attempt to understand __________ a behavior occurs. a.|why|c.|when| b.|how|d.|all of these| ANS: A DIF: 1 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Factual NOT: BTC 3. Psychologists define hypothetical states that activate behavior and propel one towards goals as a.|needs.|c.|drives.| b.|motives.|d.|incentives.| ANS: B DIF: 1 REF: 9– 188 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Factual 4. Motives are described as hypothetical states because a.|they cannot be seen or measured directly.| b.|they cannot be measured.| ... Show more content on ... a.|drive|c.|compulsion| b.|impulse|d.|incentive| ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Factual 21. Lower car insurance rates serve as a(n) __________ for good driving. a.|incentive|c.|stimulus| b.|drive|d.|motive| ANS: A DIF: 2 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 1 MSC: TYPE: Applied 22. Instinctual behavior is indicative of a.|unlearned responses.|c.|species–specific responses.| b.|genetically transmitted behaviors.|d.|all of these| ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE: Conceptual 23. The evolutionary perspective describes behaviors that a.|come naturally to a species.|c.|are nurtured.| b.|must be learned.|d.|require environmental experience.| ANS: A DIF: 1 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE: Factual 24. The observation that birds reared in isolation from other birds have the capacity to build nests without observation or learning experience provides evidence for the a.|nurture theory.|c.|needs theory.| b.|evolutionary perspective.|d.|learning theory.| ANS: B DIF: 2 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE: Conceptual 25. William McDougall (1908) compiled a list of 12 human _________ that included hunger, sex, and self–assertion. a.|impulses|c.|incentives| b.|releasers|d.|instincts| ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 9–188 OBJ: 2 MSC: TYPE: Factual 26. Research regarding human instincts agrees with all of the following EXCEPT: a.|Human behavior is biologically influenced but not controlled.| b.|There are 12 basic human instincts.| c.|The question regarding human ... Get more on ...