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(Normal & Abnormal)
Shalini N. Barad,
Assistant Professor,
Appasaheb Birnale College of Pharmacy.
• Metabolism: All biochemical changes that occur
in biological system are grouped together as
metabolism. OR
• Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions
(Anabolic & Catabolic) that occur in living
organisms to maintain life.
• Imp role played by it are as follow:
1) Chemical energy is obtained from fuel molecules.
2) Dietary nutrients are utilized as building block for
the synthesis of new molecule.
3) Building blocks are assembled into proteins,
nucleic acid, etc.
• It is of 2 type:- Catabolism & Anabolism
1) Catabolism : It’s a process of degradation of
complex matter into simple form thus generating
energy & metabolites that provide metabolic fuel &
building block for the cell.
• During catabolism energy is released & conserved
in the form of ATP & NADH, NADPH & FADH2 &
rest is loss in the form of heat.
2) Anabolism: It’s a biosynthetic phase, uses energy
to construct components of cells such as proteins
and nucleic acids.
• It require all energy input from ATP, NADH, etc.
• All the biochemical reaction of cell is catalyzed by
number of enzyme & other factor.
• Abnormal Metabolism: A metabolic disorder occurs
when the normal metabolism process fails due to
deficiency of enzymes Or other factor like Vit. &
• It may be due to— genetic defect,
-- dietary deficiencies or
-- disease conditions
• Eg— In liver disease, the bile salt formation is
decreased which leads to lipid malabsorption
• Carbohydrate are most commonly used for
production of energy in all biological system.
• In Higher animal, carbohydrate are completely
oxidized to CO2 & H2O.
• This process require oxygen , hence it is known as
aerobic breakdown.
Carbohydrate Metabolism:--
• ATP & it metabolic role:
• The metabolic energy exchange is carried out
through common intermediate Adenosine
triphosphate (ATP).It is present in all living cell.
• It has strong tendency to hydrolyze to ADP & PO4,
during this energy is liberated & make available for
biological activities.
• Role
• ATP functions as a carrier of energy, as all biological
activities which require energy are ATP dependent.
This energy is given to various cellular processes in
chemical form.
• ATP ------→ ADP + Pi + Energy (7.3 K cal)
• ATP transports chemical energy within cells for
• ATP is used by enzymes and structural proteins in many
cellular processes, including biosynthetic reactions,
motility, and cell division
• ATP is used as a substrate in signal transduction.
• Phosphorylation of ADP to ATP require energy & take
place in mitochondria hence iis called Power house of
• ATP ------→ ADP + Pi + Energy (7.3 Kcal)
• Mitochondria mostly
• ADP + Pi + Energy (7.3 Kcal) ------→ ATP
• Major pathway of Carbohydrate Metabolism:-
1) Glycolysis— It involve sequential reaction which
convert glucose into pyruvate / Lactate.
2) Krebs cycle— It involve oxidation of acetyl CoA to
CO2. It is last common pathway for carbohydrate,
Fats/ amino acids, through acetyl CoA.
3) Glycogenesis: It is the process of conversion of
glucose into glycogen in the liver.
4) Glycogenolysis: The breakdown of glycogen into
glucose is called as glycogenolysis.
5) Gluconeogenesis: It is the process of synthesis of
glucose from non-carbohydrate sources such as
amino acids, lactic acid and glycerol, etc.
6) Pentose Phosphate pathway (HMP shunt): It
is alternative pathway for glycolysis & kreb
cycle for oxidation of glucose.
7) Uronic acid pathway: It is also alternative
pathway for oxidation of glucose, in which
glucose is converted into glucuronic acid,
• Explain pathway of glycolysis in detail.
• Glycolysis is also known as Embden – Meyerhof
pathway (EM pathway).
• Glycolysis take place in presence of oxygen i.e.
aerobic condition/ in absence of oxygen i.e.
anaerobic condition.
• Pyruvic acid is end product in aerobic condition
• Lactic acid is end product in anaerobic condition,
energy obtained is anaerobically hence process is
called anaerobic fermentation.
• Overall reaction— Anaerobic
• C6H12O6 + 2ADP + 2Pi -----→ 2 lactic acid + 2 ATP +
• Aerobic
Glucose + 2NAD+ + 2 ADP + 2 Pi → 2 Pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2
NADH + 2 H2O
• Reaction involved in glycolysis:
It’s a main pathway for glucose oxidation
1. Phosphorylation of glucose to glucose 6 phosphate in
presence of enzyme hexokinase & ATP & Mg
2. Isomerisation of Glucose-6-phosphate to
fructose-6-phosphate in presence of Phosphohexose
3. Phosphorylation of fructose-6-phosphate to
fructose-1,6-diphosphate in presence of
phosphofructokinase, ATP & Mg.
4. Cleavage of fructose-1,6-diphosphate to dihydroxy-
acetone phosphate & Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate in
presence of aldolase.
These 2 products are interconvertible in presence of
triose phosphate isomerase
5. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate further undergoes
oxidation to 1,3-diphosphoglycerate in presence of
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase &
6. Transformation of 1,3-diphosphoglycerate to 3-
phosphoglycerate in presence of phosphoglycerate
kinase, Mg & ADP. PO4 from
1,3-diphosphoglycerate is transferred to ADP
forming ATP.
7. 3- phosphoglycerate changes to
2-phosphoglycerate in presence of
phosphoglycerate mutase
8. Loss of water molecule from 2-phosphoglycerate
results into formation of phosphoenol pyruvic acid
in presence of enolase
9. Loss of phosphate from phosphoenol pyruvic acid
results into formation of Enol pyruvic acid in
presence of pyruvate kinase, Mg & ADP. PO4 from
phosphoenol pyruvic acid is transferred to ADP
forming ATP.
11.pyruvic acid under aerobic conditions enter TCA
cycle in mitochondria.
Pyruvic acid forms main end product of glycolysis
in those tissues which are supplied with sufficient
12. But tissues where oxygen is not supplied, lactic
acid is formed as an end product of glycolysis by
reduction in presence of lactate dehydrogenase &
isomerase 5
(2) Aerobic
• Energetic of glycolysis—
• Total ATP formed in aerobic condition-
• Reaction ATP formed
1) Glyceraldehyde-3-PO4 → 6
2) 1,3-diphosphoglycerate → 2
3) Phosphoenol pyruvate → 2
Total= 10
• ATP consumed in
• Reaction ATP Consumed
1) Glucose → 1
2) Fructose-6-phosphate → 1
F-1,6-di PO4
Total = 2
❑ Net ATP synthesized in Aerobic glycolysis = 8.
• Total ATP formed in anaerobic condition-
• Reaction ATP formed
1) Glyceraldehyde-3-PO4 → 1,3-diphosphoglycerate 6
2) 1,3-diphosphoglycerate → 3-phosphoglycerate 2
3) Phosphoenol pyruvate → Pyruvate 2
Total = 10
• ATP consumed in
• Reaction ATP
1) Glucose → G-6-PO4 1
2) Fructose-6-phosphate → F-1,6-di PO4 1
3) Pyruvate → Lactate 6
Total = 8
❑ Net ATP synthesized in anaerobic glycolysis = 2
TCA Cycle
• Kreb’s cycle/ Citric acid cycle/ Tricarboxylic acid
cylcle: (C3 cycle/ TCA)
• It’s a central pathway for release of energy from acetyl
CoA which is produced from glycolysis, catabolism of
fatty acids or amino acids.
• The cycle mostly occurs in mitochondria because
enzyme required for reaction are present in
mitochondrial matrix.
1. Condensation of acetyl CoA obtained from pyruvic
acid with oxaloacetate to form citric acid in presence
of citrate synthase
2. Conversion of citric acid to cis aconitate in presence of
aconitase & Fe2+
3. Cis acotinic acid accepts water to give isocitric acid in
presence of acotinase & Fe2
4. Isocitric acid undergoes oxidation in presence of isocitric
dehydrogenase & NAD+ to give Oxalosuccinic acid
5. Decarboxylation of oxalosuccinic acid to alpha ketoglutaric
acid in presence of isocitrate dehydrogenase, Mg/ Mn
6. Oxidative decarboxylation of alpha ketoglutaric acid to
succinyl CoA in presence of alpha ketoglutarate
dehydrogenase, CoA-SH, NAD+, Mg
7. Succinyl Coa gets converted to succinic acid in presence of
succinate thiokinase, GDP, Mg
8. Succinic acid undergoes dehydrogenation in presence of
succinate dehydrogenase, FAD+ to form fumaric acid
9. Fumaric acid takes up water molecule in presence of
fumarase to form maleic acid
10. Maleic acid undergoes oxidation in presence of malate
dehydrogenase, NAD+ to form oxaloacetic acid.
11. Cycle gets repeated again by entrance of another molecule
of Acetyl CoA
• Energetic of TCA cycle:
• Reation ATP molecule formed
1) Isocitrate→ Oxalosuccinate 3
2) α Ketoglutarate→ succinyl CoA 3
3) Succinyl CoA→ succinate 1
4) Succinate→ fumarate 2
5) Malate →oxaloacetate 3
Total - 12
• As one molecule of glucose give 2 molecule of
pyruvate so total no. of ATP formed in TCA cycle =
12 X 2 = 24
• Total ATP formed in aerobic oxidation
Cycle ATP formed
1) From TCA cycle = 24
2) From glycolysis = 8
3) From 2 Pyruvate → 2 Acetyl CoA= 6
Total= 38
• Total CO2 formed= 3 molecule
• Total H2O formed = 2 molecule.
• What is the importance of electron transport & oxidative
phosphorylation in carbohydrate metabolism?
• Most of the free energy released during the oxidation of
glucose to CO2
is retained in the reduced co-enzymes NADH
and FADH2
generated during glycolysis and the citric acid
• During respiration, electrons are released from NADH and
and eventually are transferred to O2
, forming H2
according to the following overall reactions:
• NADH + H+
+ ½ O2
= NAD+
+ H2
+ ½ O2
= FAD + H2
• Importance :
1. To transfer electrons from NADH and FADH2
to the oxygen so
as to form water.
2 .These electrons are used to power ATP production.
• The conc. of glucose is maintained constant in blood
i.e. 80-100 mg which is regulated by hormonal
mechanism irrespective of dietary carbohydrate
• Hormones like insulin & glucagon regulate blood
glucose level. It is called as homeostasis of blood
glucose. Both the hormone are present in pancreas.
• Insulin= it reduces glucose level by synthesizing
glycogen & reduce gluconeogenesis.
• If pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin/
produce ineffective form of insulin →blood glucose
increases → Diabetes mellitus .
• During this glucose is seen in urine.
• Hyperglycemia= It is rise in blood glucose level →
due to DM / malfunctioning of liver.
• Hypoglycemia= Blood sugar level is low →Due to
starvation →Due to excess intake of drugs
• Define & explain Glycogenesis. Give importance of the process.
• Definition Of Glycogenesis:
• It is the process of conversion of glucose into glycogen in the liver. It
takes place in the cytosol , requires ATP and UTP, besides glucose.
• Importance of glycogenesis:
1. Excess of glucose is utilised to form glycogen which is stored in liver
and muscles reserved for muscular activities.
2. Helps to maintain blood glucose level.
3. In case of carbohydrate starvation stored glycogen is converted to
glucose to give energy.
• Explanation: Diagrammatic presentation can also be considered
• 1. Synthesis on UDP – Glucose
• 2. Requirement of primer to initiate glycogenesis.
• 3. Glycogen synthesis by Glycogen synthase.
• 4. Formation of branches in glycogen.
• Abnormal Metabolism –
1. Diabetes mellitus: It is metabolic disorder in
which body is unable to utilize glucose.
• It is of two types— i) Insulin dependent DM
ii) Non-insulin dependent DM.
• It is characterized by following symptoms
1) Hyperglycemia 2) Polyphagia
3) Glycosuria 4) Polyuria
5) Polydipsia 6) Ketosis
7) Marked loss of weight 8)Light color of urine.
• Treatment:
i) DM can be treated by anti-diabetic drugs. Or by
administering insulin SC.
II) Patient is advised to take high protein diet and low
carbohydrate diet and exercise.
2. Pentosuria— pentose sugar is less utilized & are
seen in urine.
3. Galactosemia— due to deficiency of enzyme
galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase
galactokinase, galactose cannot be converted into
glucose, which lead to galactosemia.
4. Fructosemia—defective metabolism of fructose
develop high conc. of fructose in blood is called as
• Co-enzyme Name
1) Vitamin B1= TPP
--(Thiamine pyrophosphate) = 1 ATP
2) Vitamin B3= NAD
—( nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) &
NADP--( nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
phosphate )
3)Vit B2= Riboflavin
FMN-- (Flavin mononucleotide ) and
FAD-- (Flavin adenine dinucleotide)
4) GTT– Guanine Tri- Phosphate= 1 ATP
• Dietary protein provide fixed amt of nitrogen
proteins are hydrolyzed to amino acids & are
absorbed in GIT.
• A series of proteolytic enzymes are involved in
hydrolysis of proteins to amino acids.
Protein Metabolism
• Catabolism of amino group of amino acid:
1) Deamination—
• This is 1st
step in metabolic breakdown of amino
• It involve removal α-amino group of amino acid
to α-keto acid in presence of oxidase enzyme.
• The chief site of deamination is in liver.
• At physiological pH the 99% NH3 is in the ionic
• NH3 is toxic & it is used for synthesis of urea to
reduce toxicity.
• Elimination of –NH2 functional group as NH3 by
oxidase enzyme is called as oxidative deamination.
2) transamination in protein catabolism.
• In transamination, the NH2 group on one molecule
is exchanged with the C =O group on the other
• The amino acid becomes α-keto acid, and
the α-keto acid becomes an amino acid.
• In this example α-ketoglutaric acid becomes
glutamic acid, amino acid becomes α-keto acid.
• This reaction is reversible.
• It is important for redistribution of amino group and
production of non-essential amino acid as per the
requirement of the cell.
3) Oxidative deamination:
• An amino acid is converted into the
corresponding α-keto acid by the removal of the
amine functional group as ammonia and the amine
functional group is replaced by the ketone group.
• The ammonia eventually goes into the urea cycle.
• The main sites for this reaction are liver and
• The reaction is catalysed by amino acid oxidase
• Reaction:
❑ Describe biosynthetic pathway of urea in
• Excess of nitrogen resulting from aa catabolism is
excreted in the form of urea.
• Urea thrown out of the body through urine.
• Urea cycle occurs mainly in liver, but also in & kidney.
1)Molecule of ammonia, CO2 & phosphate are
condensed to form ‘Carbamoyl phosphate’ in presence
of enzyme ‘carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase.
2) Carbamoyl phosphate transferred to ornithine forms
citrulline in presence of an enzyme ornithine
• This reaction takes place in mitochondria.
• The citruline formed in this reaction enters in
cytoplasm & the next reactions take place in cytoplasm
3) Citrulline condenses with Aspartate to form
argininosuccinate. The reaction is catalysed by an
enzyme Arginosuccinate synthetase.
4) Arginosuccinate is now cleaved into ‘arginine’ &
‘fumarate’ by the enzyme ‘arginosuccinase’.
Fumarate formed may be converted to oxaloacetate
via the actions of enzymes ‘fumerase’& malate
dehydrogenase & then transmitted to regenerate
5) Finally arginine is cleaved into ornithine & urea by
the enzyme arginase.
• With this reaction cycle is completed & ornithine
molecule accepts molecule of carbamoyl phosphate
to repeat the cycle.
• The overall equation of the urea cycle is:
NH3 + CO2 + aspartate + 3 ATP + 2 H2O → urea +
fumarate + 2 ADP + 4 Pi + AMP.
• Abnormal Metabolism Of Protein: (Inborn Error)
1) Phenylketonuria (Phenylketonuria):
• Genetic disorder related to phenylalanine
• Phenylalanine is precursor for biosynthesis of
• In catabolism of phenylalanine, 1st
phenylalanine hydroxylase convert
phenylalanine------🡪 Tyrosine.
• The inherited deficiency of this enzyme result in
accumulation of phenylalanine, & is excreted as
phenyl pyruvate.
• This condition is called Phenylketonuria.
• It affect young children associated with severe
mental retardation.
• Write in short about Alkaptonuria.
• Alkaptonuria:
• This is a metabolic disorder of phenylalanine due to
lack of enzyme homogentisate deoxygenase
resulting into accumulation of homogentisate,
which is excreted via urine.
• Homogentisate gets oxidized to corresponding
quinone which polymerizes to give black or brown
pigment ‘alkaptone’ & this colours urine.
• In cartilage and connective tissues, homogentisate
gets polymerized and results into arthritis.
3) Hyper-ammonemia:
• Deficiency of urea cycle enzymes result into
accumulation of citrulline, argininosuccinate,
arginine in liver.
• It reduces formation of urea, due to this NH3 in
blood increases.
• Mostly it result into death, but it can be controlled
by feeding low nitrogen diet & 2-oxoacid part of
essential a.a which will reduce NH3 conc.
4) Hartnup’s Disease:
• It is metabolic disorder of tryptophan catabolism.
• Deficiency of Tryptophan pyrrolase result into
accumulation of tryptophan & its derivative
indoleacetic acid, indole pyruvic acid, etc.
5) Hypervalinemia:
• In it Valine transaminase enzyme deficiency results
in accumulation of valine in blood called
6) Maple Syrup Urine disease:
• It is metabolic disorder branched amino acid.
• Deficiency of α-keto dehydrogenase result in
accumulation of branched α-keto acid & they are
excreted via. urine
Thank you

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  • 1. METABOLIS (Normal & Abnormal) Shalini N. Barad, Assistant Professor, Appasaheb Birnale College of Pharmacy.
  • 2. • Metabolism: All biochemical changes that occur in biological system are grouped together as metabolism. OR • Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions (Anabolic & Catabolic) that occur in living organisms to maintain life. • Imp role played by it are as follow: 1) Chemical energy is obtained from fuel molecules. 2) Dietary nutrients are utilized as building block for the synthesis of new molecule. 3) Building blocks are assembled into proteins, nucleic acid, etc. • It is of 2 type:- Catabolism & Anabolism
  • 3. 1) Catabolism : It’s a process of degradation of complex matter into simple form thus generating energy & metabolites that provide metabolic fuel & building block for the cell. • During catabolism energy is released & conserved in the form of ATP & NADH, NADPH & FADH2 & rest is loss in the form of heat.
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  • 5. 2) Anabolism: It’s a biosynthetic phase, uses energy to construct components of cells such as proteins and nucleic acids. • It require all energy input from ATP, NADH, etc. • All the biochemical reaction of cell is catalyzed by number of enzyme & other factor. • Abnormal Metabolism: A metabolic disorder occurs when the normal metabolism process fails due to deficiency of enzymes Or other factor like Vit. & minerals. • It may be due to— genetic defect, -- dietary deficiencies or -- disease conditions
  • 6. • Eg— In liver disease, the bile salt formation is decreased which leads to lipid malabsorption syndrome. • Carbohydrate are most commonly used for production of energy in all biological system. • In Higher animal, carbohydrate are completely oxidized to CO2 & H2O. • This process require oxygen , hence it is known as aerobic breakdown. Carbohydrate Metabolism:--
  • 7. • ATP & it metabolic role: • The metabolic energy exchange is carried out through common intermediate Adenosine triphosphate (ATP).It is present in all living cell. • It has strong tendency to hydrolyze to ADP & PO4, during this energy is liberated & make available for biological activities. • Role • ATP functions as a carrier of energy, as all biological activities which require energy are ATP dependent. This energy is given to various cellular processes in chemical form.
  • 8.
  • 9. • ATP ------→ ADP + Pi + Energy (7.3 K cal) • ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism • ATP is used by enzymes and structural proteins in many cellular processes, including biosynthetic reactions, motility, and cell division • ATP is used as a substrate in signal transduction. • Phosphorylation of ADP to ATP require energy & take place in mitochondria hence iis called Power house of cell. • ATP ------→ ADP + Pi + Energy (7.3 Kcal) • Mitochondria mostly • ADP + Pi + Energy (7.3 Kcal) ------→ ATP
  • 10. • Major pathway of Carbohydrate Metabolism:- 1) Glycolysis— It involve sequential reaction which convert glucose into pyruvate / Lactate. 2) Krebs cycle— It involve oxidation of acetyl CoA to CO2. It is last common pathway for carbohydrate, Fats/ amino acids, through acetyl CoA. 3) Glycogenesis: It is the process of conversion of glucose into glycogen in the liver. 4) Glycogenolysis: The breakdown of glycogen into glucose is called as glycogenolysis. 5) Gluconeogenesis: It is the process of synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources such as amino acids, lactic acid and glycerol, etc.
  • 11. 6) Pentose Phosphate pathway (HMP shunt): It is alternative pathway for glycolysis & kreb cycle for oxidation of glucose. 7) Uronic acid pathway: It is also alternative pathway for oxidation of glucose, in which glucose is converted into glucuronic acid, pentoses.
  • 12. • Explain pathway of glycolysis in detail. • Glycolysis is also known as Embden – Meyerhof pathway (EM pathway). • Glycolysis take place in presence of oxygen i.e. aerobic condition/ in absence of oxygen i.e. anaerobic condition. • Pyruvic acid is end product in aerobic condition • Lactic acid is end product in anaerobic condition, energy obtained is anaerobically hence process is called anaerobic fermentation. • Overall reaction— Anaerobic • C6H12O6 + 2ADP + 2Pi -----→ 2 lactic acid + 2 ATP + 2H2O
  • 13. • Aerobic Glucose + 2NAD+ + 2 ADP + 2 Pi → 2 Pyruvate + 2 ATP + 2 NADH + 2 H2O • Reaction involved in glycolysis: It’s a main pathway for glucose oxidation 1. Phosphorylation of glucose to glucose 6 phosphate in presence of enzyme hexokinase & ATP & Mg 2. Isomerisation of Glucose-6-phosphate to fructose-6-phosphate in presence of Phosphohexose isomerase 3. Phosphorylation of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-diphosphate in presence of phosphofructokinase, ATP & Mg. 4. Cleavage of fructose-1,6-diphosphate to dihydroxy- acetone phosphate & Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate in presence of aldolase. These 2 products are interconvertible in presence of triose phosphate isomerase
  • 14. 5. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate further undergoes oxidation to 1,3-diphosphoglycerate in presence of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase & NAD+ 6. Transformation of 1,3-diphosphoglycerate to 3- phosphoglycerate in presence of phosphoglycerate kinase, Mg & ADP. PO4 from 1,3-diphosphoglycerate is transferred to ADP forming ATP. 7. 3- phosphoglycerate changes to 2-phosphoglycerate in presence of phosphoglycerate mutase 8. Loss of water molecule from 2-phosphoglycerate results into formation of phosphoenol pyruvic acid in presence of enolase
  • 15. 9. Loss of phosphate from phosphoenol pyruvic acid results into formation of Enol pyruvic acid in presence of pyruvate kinase, Mg & ADP. PO4 from phosphoenol pyruvic acid is transferred to ADP forming ATP. 11.pyruvic acid under aerobic conditions enter TCA cycle in mitochondria. Pyruvic acid forms main end product of glycolysis in those tissues which are supplied with sufficient Oxygen 12. But tissues where oxygen is not supplied, lactic acid is formed as an end product of glycolysis by reduction in presence of lactate dehydrogenase & NADH
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  • 20. • Energetic of glycolysis— • Total ATP formed in aerobic condition- • Reaction ATP formed 1) Glyceraldehyde-3-PO4 → 6 1,3-diphosphoglycerate 2) 1,3-diphosphoglycerate → 2 3-phosphoglycerate 3) Phosphoenol pyruvate → 2 Pyruvate Total= 10
  • 21. • ATP consumed in • Reaction ATP Consumed 1) Glucose → 1 G-6-PO4 2) Fructose-6-phosphate → 1 F-1,6-di PO4 Total = 2 ❑ Net ATP synthesized in Aerobic glycolysis = 8.
  • 22. • Total ATP formed in anaerobic condition- • Reaction ATP formed 1) Glyceraldehyde-3-PO4 → 1,3-diphosphoglycerate 6 2) 1,3-diphosphoglycerate → 3-phosphoglycerate 2 3) Phosphoenol pyruvate → Pyruvate 2 Total = 10 • ATP consumed in • Reaction ATP Consumed 1) Glucose → G-6-PO4 1 2) Fructose-6-phosphate → F-1,6-di PO4 1 3) Pyruvate → Lactate 6 Total = 8 ❑ Net ATP synthesized in anaerobic glycolysis = 2
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  • 25. • Kreb’s cycle/ Citric acid cycle/ Tricarboxylic acid cylcle: (C3 cycle/ TCA) • It’s a central pathway for release of energy from acetyl CoA which is produced from glycolysis, catabolism of fatty acids or amino acids. • The cycle mostly occurs in mitochondria because enzyme required for reaction are present in mitochondrial matrix. 1. Condensation of acetyl CoA obtained from pyruvic acid with oxaloacetate to form citric acid in presence of citrate synthase 2. Conversion of citric acid to cis aconitate in presence of aconitase & Fe2+ 3. Cis acotinic acid accepts water to give isocitric acid in presence of acotinase & Fe2
  • 26. 4. Isocitric acid undergoes oxidation in presence of isocitric dehydrogenase & NAD+ to give Oxalosuccinic acid 5. Decarboxylation of oxalosuccinic acid to alpha ketoglutaric acid in presence of isocitrate dehydrogenase, Mg/ Mn 6. Oxidative decarboxylation of alpha ketoglutaric acid to succinyl CoA in presence of alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, CoA-SH, NAD+, Mg 7. Succinyl Coa gets converted to succinic acid in presence of succinate thiokinase, GDP, Mg 8. Succinic acid undergoes dehydrogenation in presence of succinate dehydrogenase, FAD+ to form fumaric acid 9. Fumaric acid takes up water molecule in presence of fumarase to form maleic acid 10. Maleic acid undergoes oxidation in presence of malate dehydrogenase, NAD+ to form oxaloacetic acid. 11. Cycle gets repeated again by entrance of another molecule of Acetyl CoA
  • 27. • Energetic of TCA cycle: • Reation ATP molecule formed 1) Isocitrate→ Oxalosuccinate 3 2) α Ketoglutarate→ succinyl CoA 3 3) Succinyl CoA→ succinate 1 4) Succinate→ fumarate 2 5) Malate →oxaloacetate 3 Total - 12 • As one molecule of glucose give 2 molecule of pyruvate so total no. of ATP formed in TCA cycle = 12 X 2 = 24
  • 28. • Total ATP formed in aerobic oxidation Cycle ATP formed 1) From TCA cycle = 24 2) From glycolysis = 8 3) From 2 Pyruvate → 2 Acetyl CoA= 6 Total= 38 • Total CO2 formed= 3 molecule • Total H2O formed = 2 molecule.
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  • 30. • What is the importance of electron transport & oxidative phosphorylation in carbohydrate metabolism? • Most of the free energy released during the oxidation of glucose to CO2 is retained in the reduced co-enzymes NADH and FADH2 generated during glycolysis and the citric acid cycle. • During respiration, electrons are released from NADH and FADH2 and eventually are transferred to O2 , forming H2 O according to the following overall reactions: • NADH + H+ + ½ O2 = NAD+ + H2 O • FADH2 + ½ O2 = FAD + H2 O • Importance : 1. To transfer electrons from NADH and FADH2 to the oxygen so as to form water. 2 .These electrons are used to power ATP production.
  • 31. • The conc. of glucose is maintained constant in blood i.e. 80-100 mg which is regulated by hormonal mechanism irrespective of dietary carbohydrate content. • Hormones like insulin & glucagon regulate blood glucose level. It is called as homeostasis of blood glucose. Both the hormone are present in pancreas. • Insulin= it reduces glucose level by synthesizing glycogen & reduce gluconeogenesis. • If pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin/ produce ineffective form of insulin →blood glucose increases → Diabetes mellitus . • During this glucose is seen in urine.
  • 32. • Hyperglycemia= It is rise in blood glucose level → due to DM / malfunctioning of liver. • Hypoglycemia= Blood sugar level is low →Due to starvation →Due to excess intake of drugs
  • 33. • Define & explain Glycogenesis. Give importance of the process. • Definition Of Glycogenesis: • It is the process of conversion of glucose into glycogen in the liver. It takes place in the cytosol , requires ATP and UTP, besides glucose. • Importance of glycogenesis: 1. Excess of glucose is utilised to form glycogen which is stored in liver and muscles reserved for muscular activities. 2. Helps to maintain blood glucose level. 3. In case of carbohydrate starvation stored glycogen is converted to glucose to give energy. • Explanation: Diagrammatic presentation can also be considered • 1. Synthesis on UDP – Glucose • 2. Requirement of primer to initiate glycogenesis. • 3. Glycogen synthesis by Glycogen synthase. • 4. Formation of branches in glycogen.
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  • 35. • Abnormal Metabolism – 1. Diabetes mellitus: It is metabolic disorder in which body is unable to utilize glucose. • It is of two types— i) Insulin dependent DM ii) Non-insulin dependent DM. • It is characterized by following symptoms 1) Hyperglycemia 2) Polyphagia 3) Glycosuria 4) Polyuria 5) Polydipsia 6) Ketosis 7) Marked loss of weight 8)Light color of urine.
  • 36. • Treatment: i) DM can be treated by anti-diabetic drugs. Or by administering insulin SC. II) Patient is advised to take high protein diet and low carbohydrate diet and exercise. 2. Pentosuria— pentose sugar is less utilized & are seen in urine. 3. Galactosemia— due to deficiency of enzyme galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase galactokinase, galactose cannot be converted into glucose, which lead to galactosemia. 4. Fructosemia—defective metabolism of fructose develop high conc. of fructose in blood is called as fructosemia.etc
  • 37. • Co-enzyme Name 1) Vitamin B1= TPP --(Thiamine pyrophosphate) = 1 ATP 2) Vitamin B3= NAD —( nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) & NADP--( nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate ) 3)Vit B2= Riboflavin FMN-- (Flavin mononucleotide ) and FAD-- (Flavin adenine dinucleotide) 4) GTT– Guanine Tri- Phosphate= 1 ATP 2 ATP 3 ATP
  • 38. • Dietary protein provide fixed amt of nitrogen proteins are hydrolyzed to amino acids & are absorbed in GIT. • A series of proteolytic enzymes are involved in hydrolysis of proteins to amino acids. Protein Metabolism
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  • 41. • Catabolism of amino group of amino acid: 1) Deamination— • This is 1st step in metabolic breakdown of amino acid. • It involve removal α-amino group of amino acid to α-keto acid in presence of oxidase enzyme. • The chief site of deamination is in liver.
  • 42. • At physiological pH the 99% NH3 is in the ionic form. • NH3 is toxic & it is used for synthesis of urea to reduce toxicity. • Elimination of –NH2 functional group as NH3 by oxidase enzyme is called as oxidative deamination.
  • 43. 2) transamination in protein catabolism. • In transamination, the NH2 group on one molecule is exchanged with the C =O group on the other molecule. • The amino acid becomes α-keto acid, and the α-keto acid becomes an amino acid. • In this example α-ketoglutaric acid becomes glutamic acid, amino acid becomes α-keto acid. • This reaction is reversible. • It is important for redistribution of amino group and production of non-essential amino acid as per the requirement of the cell.
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  • 45. 3) Oxidative deamination: • An amino acid is converted into the corresponding α-keto acid by the removal of the amine functional group as ammonia and the amine functional group is replaced by the ketone group. • The ammonia eventually goes into the urea cycle. • The main sites for this reaction are liver and kidney. • The reaction is catalysed by amino acid oxidase enzymes. • Reaction:
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  • 47. ❑ Describe biosynthetic pathway of urea in body. • Excess of nitrogen resulting from aa catabolism is excreted in the form of urea. • Urea thrown out of the body through urine. • Urea cycle occurs mainly in liver, but also in & kidney. 1)Molecule of ammonia, CO2 & phosphate are condensed to form ‘Carbamoyl phosphate’ in presence of enzyme ‘carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase. 2) Carbamoyl phosphate transferred to ornithine forms citrulline in presence of an enzyme ornithine transcarbamoylase. • This reaction takes place in mitochondria. • The citruline formed in this reaction enters in cytoplasm & the next reactions take place in cytoplasm
  • 48. 3) Citrulline condenses with Aspartate to form argininosuccinate. The reaction is catalysed by an enzyme Arginosuccinate synthetase. 4) Arginosuccinate is now cleaved into ‘arginine’ & ‘fumarate’ by the enzyme ‘arginosuccinase’. Fumarate formed may be converted to oxaloacetate via the actions of enzymes ‘fumerase’& malate dehydrogenase & then transmitted to regenerate aspartate. 5) Finally arginine is cleaved into ornithine & urea by the enzyme arginase. • With this reaction cycle is completed & ornithine molecule accepts molecule of carbamoyl phosphate to repeat the cycle. • The overall equation of the urea cycle is: NH3 + CO2 + aspartate + 3 ATP + 2 H2O → urea + fumarate + 2 ADP + 4 Pi + AMP.
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  • 52. • Abnormal Metabolism Of Protein: (Inborn Error) 1) Phenylketonuria (Phenylketonuria): • Genetic disorder related to phenylalanine metabolism. • Phenylalanine is precursor for biosynthesis of Tyrosine. • In catabolism of phenylalanine, 1st enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase convert phenylalanine------🡪 Tyrosine. • The inherited deficiency of this enzyme result in accumulation of phenylalanine, & is excreted as phenyl pyruvate. • This condition is called Phenylketonuria.
  • 53. • It affect young children associated with severe mental retardation. •
  • 54. • Write in short about Alkaptonuria. • Alkaptonuria: • This is a metabolic disorder of phenylalanine due to lack of enzyme homogentisate deoxygenase resulting into accumulation of homogentisate, which is excreted via urine. • Homogentisate gets oxidized to corresponding quinone which polymerizes to give black or brown pigment ‘alkaptone’ & this colours urine. • In cartilage and connective tissues, homogentisate gets polymerized and results into arthritis.
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  • 56. 3) Hyper-ammonemia: • Deficiency of urea cycle enzymes result into accumulation of citrulline, argininosuccinate, arginine in liver. • It reduces formation of urea, due to this NH3 in blood increases. • Mostly it result into death, but it can be controlled by feeding low nitrogen diet & 2-oxoacid part of essential a.a which will reduce NH3 conc. 4) Hartnup’s Disease: • It is metabolic disorder of tryptophan catabolism.
  • 57. • Deficiency of Tryptophan pyrrolase result into accumulation of tryptophan & its derivative indoleacetic acid, indole pyruvic acid, etc. 5) Hypervalinemia: • In it Valine transaminase enzyme deficiency results in accumulation of valine in blood called hypervalinemia. 6) Maple Syrup Urine disease: • It is metabolic disorder branched amino acid. • Deficiency of α-keto dehydrogenase result in accumulation of branched α-keto acid & they are excreted via. urine