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PROFESORAS Colón Núñez Guadalupe
González Hernández Nadia
Jiménez Torres Edna
FECHA DE ELABORACIÓN diciembre de 2017
UNIDAD TEMÁTICA Unidad 1. Compartir experiencias pasadas
El alumno será capaz de interactuar con otros para describir y compartir
experiencias y sucesos cotidianos y pasados, así como sugerencias,
planes y pre- dicciones, de manera oral y escrita.
4. Interactúa para compartir información sobre sucesos del pasado, de
manera oral y escrita.
Interacción Oral
Interacción Escrita
CONCEPTUAL Componentes lingüísticos:
• Actividades de la vida diaria, tiempo libre, viajes, compras,
alimentos y bebidas, clima.
• Expresiones de tiempo en pasado.
• Pasado simple.
• Pasado continuo.
PROCEDIMENTAL Componentes pragmáticos:
Actos de habla/Funciones comunicativas:
• Describir eventos relevantes.
• Narrar una historia del pasado propia o de otros.
• Preguntar y responder sobre situaciones del pasado e historias
Dominio del discurso:
• Enlazar oraciones con: when, while; and, but, or, also.
• Enlazar oraciones con: first, second, then, after that, finally.
• Enlazar ideas con: to begin with, in addition, to sum up.
• Ordenar las ideas de forma coherente.
ACTITUDINAL Componentes sociolingüísticos/Habilidades generales:
• Aplicar estrategia: repetición y clarificación.
• Respetar los turnos de palabra.
• Aplicar estrategia: tolerancia a la incertidumbre.
• Respetar las experiencias y sucesos expresados por otros.
• Automonitorear la ejecución oral y escrita.
2 sesiones (aprox. 100 minutos c/u)
I. El profesor dará la bienvenida a la clase y les planteará la siguiente
pregunta: Why do we take pictures? Y les pedirá que comenten sus
respuestas en equipos de tres integrantes.
II. Con el mismo equipo, a los alumnos se les dará la imagen de una
fotografía famosa, para que en entre ellos analicen la imagen
respondiendo a estas preguntas:
Who appears in it?
What do you think was happening?
How were they feeling?
III. Posteriormente los estudiantes verán el video:
The Stories Behind the Most Iconic Photographs Ever Taken
Y tendrán que numerar las fotografías por orden de aparición. En dicho
video están incluidas las imágenes con las que trabajaron en la actividad
previa, así que también podrán corroborar sus respuestas.
IV. Los alumnos verán nuevamente el video y esta vez relacionarán el
número de cada imagen con la /las frases que correspondan a la
información dada en el video. El profesor les ayudará a verificar sus
CIERRE V. Los alumnos verán una fotografía (en su material) y se les pedirá que
imaginen la historia detrás de esta imagen
VI. Los alumnos leerán un breve texto donde el autor de la imagen “The
VII. Los alumnos trabajarán en pares y escucharán la versión de cada uno
de los protagonistas de la imagen anterior y completarán su parte de
la transcripción. EL profesor pedirá a unos cuantos equipos que lean la
conversación completa para toda la clase.
Para la siguiente sesión, los alumnos y el profesor(a) deberán traer una
fotografía propia (impresa o digital) para usar en clase.
I. Después de saludar a la clase, en plenaria el profesor presentará
una fotografía y hará preguntas acerca de esta. El profesor debe
dar tiempo a que los alumnos respondan después de cada
II. El profesor dará la instrucción de trabajar en parejas. Para esta
actividad los alumnos tendrán una hoja con seis fotografías con su
respectivo título. Las fotografías que los alumnos tengan en su hoja
serán las mismas, sin embargo, el orden será diferente. Alumno A,
elegirá una fotografía en secreto. El Alumno B, comenzará a hacerle
preguntas a su compañero acerca de la fotografía. Por ejemplo: How
many people are in the picture? What are they doing? Etc. (las mismas
que el profesor presentó al inicio de la sesión). Después de hacer las
preguntas, el alumno B podrá decir cuál es la fotografía que su
compañero eligió. Los alumnos irán tomando turnos.
III. El alumno realizará una pequeña lectura relacionada a una de las
fotografías que aparecen en el texto. En este texto también se pueden
ver las palabras: To begin with, in addition and to sum up, las cuales
están indicadas en los componentes pragmáticos.
IV. Después de leer el texto los alumnos responderán un ejercicio de
compresión, TRUE / FALSE. Una vez revisado el ejercicio de TRUE
/FALSE, los alumnos trabajarán en parejas e intentarán decir la historia
del texto con sus propias palabras y tratando de utilizar las palabras to
begin with, in addition, y to sum up.
V. Phone time!
El Profesor mostrara su fotografía y animará a los estudiantes a que
le hagan preguntas acerca de la misma.
Posteriormente los organizará en tríos para que entre ellos se envíen
sus fotografías y las comenten vía WhatsApp.
• Murphy, R. (2007). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press
• Oxenden, C., Latham-Koenig, C., Seligson, P.(1997). New English
File Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book
• Barreto, A., Corona, C., Fascinetto, S., Luja, L., Mejía, A., Medina,
G.,….Vázquez, L. (20115). Programas de Estudio, Área de Talleres y
Comunicación Inglés I-IV UNAM. Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades.
• Oxenden, C., Latham-Koenig, C., Seligson, P.(1997). New English
File Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book
• The Stories Behind the Most Iconic Photographs Ever Taken
o Stand in the Schoolhouse Door
o Vivian Malone and James Hood
o Chasing Eclipses for 100 years
o Stunning Fossils
o Che Guevara and Fidel Castro
o Baby lift operation
o French women
o West Berlín Family
En caso de no contar con la infraestructura o con teléfonos con la
aplicación WhatsApp, la actividad podrá ser adaptada usando la plantilla
incluida en el anexo.
English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente
Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez
I. Discuss in trios the following question:
Why do we take photographs?
II. The teacher will give you a famous photo. Discuss the photo with your team.
• Who appears in it?
• What do you think was happening?
• How were they feeling?
III. Watch the video The Stories Behind the Most Iconic Photographs Ever Taken
( and order the photos. Number them from
1 to10.
_______________ __________ ____________ __________ ___________
___________ ____________ _________ __________ __________
IV. Watch the video again and match the following sentences with the correct photo according to
what you listen. Write the correct number in the parenthesis.
• the photographer took this photo the day World War
II finished ( )
• he was trying to enjoy his 72nd
birthday ( )
• she felt depressed ( )
• he was at a memorial service when the
photographer took the photo ( )
• he was jumping when the photographer took the
photo ( )
• she was the sister of the photographer ( )
• this photo became one of the most famous of an
iconic actress ( )
• she was living as a refugee in Pakistan ( )
• he was feeling anger and pain ( )
• this photo changed how people see the most
distinguished genius in the world ( )
• she was studying chimpanzees in Congo ( )
• they were running from an explosion ( )
• the photographer didn’t direct her. He was just a
witness ( )
• soldiers were running and kissing every girl on the
streets ( )
• assistants were throwing water and angry cats ( )
English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente
Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez
V. The complete picture. Look at this photo and try to guess:
What were they doing?
Where were they?
What was happening in that moment?
“Lovers”, 1957
VI. Now read the photographer’s memories about the moment when he took this picture
Taken and adapted from: Oxenden, C., Latham-Koenig, C., Seligson, P.(1997) New
English File Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book
English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente
Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez
VII. Listen to the actual Lovers.
Marinette and Henri retell the story behind this picture. Listen again and complete the blanks in your part of the
transcription; then read the full conversation with your partner.
We didn’t know that our picture was so famous until thirty years later. One day I _________ __________in the café when
the man from the bookshop next door __________ in. He ___________ ____________ a new book which had a photo on
the cover. Suddenly I said, “I don’t believe it! That’s Henri and I we __________ young!”
I remember that afternoon at the Bastille very well. When the man took that photo, we were arguing! Henri __________
____________ very near me. I was saying, “Henri, don’t stand so near me, there is somebody behind us.”
Henri […]
People who know this photo always think of us as the eternal lovers, like Romeo and Juliet. But life isn’t like that. It’s very
difficult to stay in love when you see your husband every day at home and you see him every day at work too. And I’m
very hard-working but Henri is still a dreamer. Ah, those were the days…
Marinette […]
We ________ _____________ that the photographer _________ ____________ a photo of us. We _________
_____________. I can’t remember exactly what we were arguing about. I think I ________ ____________ to kiss Marinette
and she didn’t want to. Or I think maybe we were arguing about our wedding – we got married a few months after the
man ___________ the photo.
Marinette […]
English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente
Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez
II. Look at the picture the teacher will present. Answers the following question:
• What were they doing?
• Where were they?
• How did they feel?
• What do you think happened after the picture?
• How many people were there?
English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente
Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez
III. Guess who. Choose one picture and answer your partner’s questions related to it. S/ he has
to guess what photo you are describing
Che Guevara and Fidel Castro in 1960 Residents of West Berlin, 1961
French women, 1944 School children, 1963
English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente
Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez
Diplodocus skeleton, 1940 “Baby Lift” operation, 1975
IV. Read about this moment in American History
Stand in the Schoolhouse Door
Black people in the United States have struggled through the years
to earn their place in American society. To begin with, they fought
for their freedom. It was not until 1861 that slavery was abolished.
After that, black people fought for equality. For many years, they
were denied the right to vote. In addition, they had to fight
In 1963, three African-Americans with perfect qualifications - Vivian Malone Jones, Dave McGlathery and James Hood –
applied for admission at the University of
Alabama but they were rejected. In early June
a federal district judge ordered that they be
It was on June 11, 1963, when Governor
George Wallace tried to stop two black
students from registering for classes at the
University of Alabama. […]
Wallace stepped aside after President John F.
Kennedy ordered the Alabama National Guard
to intervene.
General Henry Graham commanded Wallace to step aside, saying: 'Sir, it is my sad duty to ask you to step aside under the
orders of the President of the United States.'
Today, black students, alumni and university leaders continuously speak about how the “Stand in the Schoolhouse Door”
paved the way for their experience at University of Alabama.
To sum up, the events of that year are relevant to black history because not only do they exemplify the struggle African
Americans were living but also their determination to fight for what they believed.
English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente
Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez
Adapted from
After reading the text and decide if the following sentences are true or false
1. Slavery ended in 1865 ________
2. The university rejected black students because they weren’t qualified ________
3. The school principal was blocking the doors of the university ________
4. The president ordered that the students were admitted ________
5. The events of June 11th
1963 weren’t relevant for black history ________
V. Work with a partner and retell the story from the text. Use the connectors:
• To begin with
• In addition
• To sum up
English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente
Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez
VI. Read the questions to your partner and check s/he gives you the most appropriate answer. Then, listen to
your partner’s questions and choose the most appropriate answer.
1. Where were they? We were celebrating my grandmother’s birthday
2. What was she doing? I took it last weekend, at the park near my house.
3. Did you take the photo? It was sunny but windy, too.
4. What did he do after? Just the girl next to me. I didn’t know the other guys.
5. How were you feeling? No, it wasn’t. it was a normal day
6. Who were you with? She was eating snake. It looked very disgusting!
VIII. Read the questions to your partner and check s/he gives you the most appropriate answer. Then, listen to your
partner’s questions and choose the most appropriate answer.
1. When did you take the photo? I was feeling very excited. It was my first time abroad
2. Was it a special event? No, I didn’t. My boyfriend took it.
3. Were the people in the photo your friends? They were in Canada, in the Niagara Falls.
4. What were you and your family doing? After the photo, we went to eat
5. How was the weather like that day? She was swimming in the sea.
6. What was your sister eating when you took this
I was with my mother, father and my siblings.
English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente
Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez
VII. Phone time! Work in trios and show your picture to your teammates and answer to their question
about your pic.
Use your phone end your photo to a classmate and start a conversation. S/he will ask you questions about
it. Then, look at the photo of your partner and ask him / her questions about it. Look at the following
Look at the teacher’s photo and ask him / her questions to find out more information related to it.
English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente
Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez
Nice photo! When did
you take it?
Thank you! I
took it on my
What were you
I was visiting the
Pyramids in

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Sd inglés iv u1 a4 colón gonzález jiménez

  • 1. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA I.DATOS GENERALES PROFESORAS Colón Núñez Guadalupe González Hernández Nadia Jiménez Torres Edna ASIGNATURA Inglés IV SEMESTRE ESCOLAR 2018-2 PLANTEL Oriente FECHA DE ELABORACIÓN diciembre de 2017 II.PROGRAMA UNIDAD TEMÁTICA Unidad 1. Compartir experiencias pasadas PROPÓSITO(S) DE LA UNIDAD El alumno será capaz de interactuar con otros para describir y compartir experiencias y sucesos cotidianos y pasados, así como sugerencias, planes y pre- dicciones, de manera oral y escrita. APRENDIZAJE 4. Interactúa para compartir información sobre sucesos del pasado, de manera oral y escrita. ETAPA PROCESO ADQUISICIÓN: COMPRENSIÓN, EXPRESIÓN O INTERACCIÓN Interacción III. HABILIDADES A CUBRIR • COMPRENSIÓN AUDITIVA • COMPRENSIÓN DE LECTURA • EXPRESIÓN ORAL • EXPRESIÓN ESCRITA • INTERACCIÓN ORAL • INTERACCIÓN ESCRITA Interacción Oral Interacción Escrita IV. TEMÁTICAS CONCEPTUAL Componentes lingüísticos: Léxico: • Actividades de la vida diaria, tiempo libre, viajes, compras, alimentos y bebidas, clima.
  • 2. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA • Expresiones de tiempo en pasado. Gramática: • Pasado simple. • Pasado continuo. PROCEDIMENTAL Componentes pragmáticos: Actos de habla/Funciones comunicativas: • Describir eventos relevantes. • Narrar una historia del pasado propia o de otros. • Preguntar y responder sobre situaciones del pasado e historias relevantes. Dominio del discurso: • Enlazar oraciones con: when, while; and, but, or, also. • Enlazar oraciones con: first, second, then, after that, finally. • Enlazar ideas con: to begin with, in addition, to sum up. • Ordenar las ideas de forma coherente. ACTITUDINAL Componentes sociolingüísticos/Habilidades generales: • Aplicar estrategia: repetición y clarificación. • Respetar los turnos de palabra. • Aplicar estrategia: tolerancia a la incertidumbre. • Respetar las experiencias y sucesos expresados por otros. • Automonitorear la ejecución oral y escrita. V. TIEMPO DIDÁCTICO NÚMERO DE SESIONES 2 sesiones (aprox. 100 minutos c/u) VI. ACTIVIDADES SESIÓN 1 APERTURA I. El profesor dará la bienvenida a la clase y les planteará la siguiente pregunta: Why do we take pictures? Y les pedirá que comenten sus respuestas en equipos de tres integrantes. DESARROLLO II. Con el mismo equipo, a los alumnos se les dará la imagen de una fotografía famosa, para que en entre ellos analicen la imagen respondiendo a estas preguntas:
  • 3. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Who appears in it? What do you think was happening? How were they feeling? III. Posteriormente los estudiantes verán el video: The Stories Behind the Most Iconic Photographs Ever Taken Y tendrán que numerar las fotografías por orden de aparición. En dicho video están incluidas las imágenes con las que trabajaron en la actividad previa, así que también podrán corroborar sus respuestas. IV. Los alumnos verán nuevamente el video y esta vez relacionarán el número de cada imagen con la /las frases que correspondan a la información dada en el video. El profesor les ayudará a verificar sus respuestas. CIERRE V. Los alumnos verán una fotografía (en su material) y se les pedirá que imaginen la historia detrás de esta imagen VI. Los alumnos leerán un breve texto donde el autor de la imagen “The Lovers” VII. Los alumnos trabajarán en pares y escucharán la versión de cada uno de los protagonistas de la imagen anterior y completarán su parte de la transcripción. EL profesor pedirá a unos cuantos equipos que lean la conversación completa para toda la clase. Para la siguiente sesión, los alumnos y el profesor(a) deberán traer una fotografía propia (impresa o digital) para usar en clase. SESIÓN 2 APERTURA I. Después de saludar a la clase, en plenaria el profesor presentará una fotografía y hará preguntas acerca de esta. El profesor debe dar tiempo a que los alumnos respondan después de cada pregunta. DESARROLLO II. El profesor dará la instrucción de trabajar en parejas. Para esta actividad los alumnos tendrán una hoja con seis fotografías con su respectivo título. Las fotografías que los alumnos tengan en su hoja serán las mismas, sin embargo, el orden será diferente. Alumno A, elegirá una fotografía en secreto. El Alumno B, comenzará a hacerle preguntas a su compañero acerca de la fotografía. Por ejemplo: How many people are in the picture? What are they doing? Etc. (las mismas que el profesor presentó al inicio de la sesión). Después de hacer las
  • 4. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA preguntas, el alumno B podrá decir cuál es la fotografía que su compañero eligió. Los alumnos irán tomando turnos. III. El alumno realizará una pequeña lectura relacionada a una de las fotografías que aparecen en el texto. En este texto también se pueden ver las palabras: To begin with, in addition and to sum up, las cuales están indicadas en los componentes pragmáticos. IV. Después de leer el texto los alumnos responderán un ejercicio de compresión, TRUE / FALSE. Una vez revisado el ejercicio de TRUE /FALSE, los alumnos trabajarán en parejas e intentarán decir la historia del texto con sus propias palabras y tratando de utilizar las palabras to begin with, in addition, y to sum up. CIERRE V. Phone time! El Profesor mostrara su fotografía y animará a los estudiantes a que le hagan preguntas acerca de la misma. Posteriormente los organizará en tríos para que entre ellos se envíen sus fotografías y las comenten vía WhatsApp. VII. REFERENCIAS DE APOYO BIBLIOGRAFÍA DE CONSULTA PARA LOS ALUMNOS • Murphy, R. (2007). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press • Oxenden, C., Latham-Koenig, C., Seligson, P.(1997). New English File Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book BIBLIOGRAFÍA Y DE CONSULTA PARA EL PROFESOR • Barreto, A., Corona, C., Fascinetto, S., Luja, L., Mejía, A., Medina, G.,….Vázquez, L. (20115). Programas de Estudio, Área de Talleres y Comunicación Inglés I-IV UNAM. Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades. • Oxenden, C., Latham-Koenig, C., Seligson, P.(1997). New English File Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book CYBERGRAFÍA Y OTRAS REFERENCIAS DIGITALES • The Stories Behind the Most Iconic Photographs Ever Taken o Stand in the Schoolhouse Door
  • 5. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA o Vivian Malone and James Hood integrated-university-of-alabama-dies-at-70/2013/01/18/c990b724- 6198-11e2-9940-6fc488f3fecd_story.html?utm_term=.8ee1f174efff o Chasing Eclipses for 100 years solar-lunar-history/ o Stunning Fossils national-fossil-day-paleontology-science/ o Che Guevara and Fidel Castro fidel-castro-fishing-x-644261/ o Baby lift operation aviones-que-evacuaban-bebes-huerfanos-de-vietnam/389858-3 o French women historic-photographs-give-breathtaking-glimpse-of-the-past-part-i o West Berlín Family 9692-7e1db700364e CCOMENTARIOS ADICIONALES En caso de no contar con la infraestructura o con teléfonos con la aplicación WhatsApp, la actividad podrá ser adaptada usando la plantilla incluida en el anexo. VIII. ANEXOS
  • 6. English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez I. Discuss in trios the following question: Why do we take photographs? II. The teacher will give you a famous photo. Discuss the photo with your team. • Who appears in it? • What do you think was happening? • How were they feeling? III. Watch the video The Stories Behind the Most Iconic Photographs Ever Taken ( and order the photos. Number them from 1 to10. _______________ __________ ____________ __________ ___________ ___________ ____________ _________ __________ __________ IV. Watch the video again and match the following sentences with the correct photo according to what you listen. Write the correct number in the parenthesis. • the photographer took this photo the day World War II finished ( ) • he was trying to enjoy his 72nd birthday ( ) • she felt depressed ( ) • he was at a memorial service when the photographer took the photo ( ) • he was jumping when the photographer took the photo ( ) • she was the sister of the photographer ( ) • this photo became one of the most famous of an iconic actress ( ) • she was living as a refugee in Pakistan ( ) • he was feeling anger and pain ( ) • this photo changed how people see the most distinguished genius in the world ( ) • she was studying chimpanzees in Congo ( ) • they were running from an explosion ( ) • the photographer didn’t direct her. He was just a witness ( ) • soldiers were running and kissing every girl on the streets ( ) • assistants were throwing water and angry cats ( )
  • 7. English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez V. The complete picture. Look at this photo and try to guess: What were they doing? Where were they? What was happening in that moment? “Lovers”, 1957 VI. Now read the photographer’s memories about the moment when he took this picture Taken and adapted from: Oxenden, C., Latham-Koenig, C., Seligson, P.(1997) New English File Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book
  • 8. English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez VII. Listen to the actual Lovers. Marinette and Henri retell the story behind this picture. Listen again and complete the blanks in your part of the transcription; then read the full conversation with your partner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marinette We didn’t know that our picture was so famous until thirty years later. One day I _________ __________in the café when the man from the bookshop next door __________ in. He ___________ ____________ a new book which had a photo on the cover. Suddenly I said, “I don’t believe it! That’s Henri and I we __________ young!” I remember that afternoon at the Bastille very well. When the man took that photo, we were arguing! Henri __________ ____________ very near me. I was saying, “Henri, don’t stand so near me, there is somebody behind us.” Henri […] People who know this photo always think of us as the eternal lovers, like Romeo and Juliet. But life isn’t like that. It’s very difficult to stay in love when you see your husband every day at home and you see him every day at work too. And I’m very hard-working but Henri is still a dreamer. Ah, those were the days… Henri Marinette […] We ________ _____________ that the photographer _________ ____________ a photo of us. We _________ _____________. I can’t remember exactly what we were arguing about. I think I ________ ____________ to kiss Marinette and she didn’t want to. Or I think maybe we were arguing about our wedding – we got married a few months after the man ___________ the photo. Marinette […]
  • 9. English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez SESSION 2 II. Look at the picture the teacher will present. Answers the following question: • What were they doing? • Where were they? • How did they feel? • What do you think happened after the picture? • How many people were there?
  • 10. English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez III. Guess who. Choose one picture and answer your partner’s questions related to it. S/ he has to guess what photo you are describing STUDENT A Che Guevara and Fidel Castro in 1960 Residents of West Berlin, 1961 French women, 1944 School children, 1963
  • 11. English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez Diplodocus skeleton, 1940 “Baby Lift” operation, 1975 IV. Read about this moment in American History Stand in the Schoolhouse Door Black people in the United States have struggled through the years to earn their place in American society. To begin with, they fought for their freedom. It was not until 1861 that slavery was abolished. After that, black people fought for equality. For many years, they were denied the right to vote. In addition, they had to fight segregation. In 1963, three African-Americans with perfect qualifications - Vivian Malone Jones, Dave McGlathery and James Hood – applied for admission at the University of Alabama but they were rejected. In early June a federal district judge ordered that they be admitted. It was on June 11, 1963, when Governor George Wallace tried to stop two black students from registering for classes at the University of Alabama. […] Wallace stepped aside after President John F. Kennedy ordered the Alabama National Guard to intervene. General Henry Graham commanded Wallace to step aside, saying: 'Sir, it is my sad duty to ask you to step aside under the orders of the President of the United States.' Today, black students, alumni and university leaders continuously speak about how the “Stand in the Schoolhouse Door” paved the way for their experience at University of Alabama. To sum up, the events of that year are relevant to black history because not only do they exemplify the struggle African Americans were living but also their determination to fight for what they believed.
  • 12. English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez Adapted from After reading the text and decide if the following sentences are true or false 1. Slavery ended in 1865 ________ 2. The university rejected black students because they weren’t qualified ________ 3. The school principal was blocking the doors of the university ________ 4. The president ordered that the students were admitted ________ 5. The events of June 11th 1963 weren’t relevant for black history ________ V. Work with a partner and retell the story from the text. Use the connectors: • To begin with • In addition • To sum up
  • 13. English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez VI. Read the questions to your partner and check s/he gives you the most appropriate answer. Then, listen to your partner’s questions and choose the most appropriate answer. STUDENT A QUESTIOS FOR B ANSWERS FOR B’S QUESTIONS 1. Where were they? We were celebrating my grandmother’s birthday 2. What was she doing? I took it last weekend, at the park near my house. 3. Did you take the photo? It was sunny but windy, too. 4. What did he do after? Just the girl next to me. I didn’t know the other guys. 5. How were you feeling? No, it wasn’t. it was a normal day 6. Who were you with? She was eating snake. It looked very disgusting! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Read the questions to your partner and check s/he gives you the most appropriate answer. Then, listen to your partner’s questions and choose the most appropriate answer. STUDENT B QUESTIONS FOR A ASWERS TO A’S QUESTIONS 1. When did you take the photo? I was feeling very excited. It was my first time abroad 2. Was it a special event? No, I didn’t. My boyfriend took it. 3. Were the people in the photo your friends? They were in Canada, in the Niagara Falls. 4. What were you and your family doing? After the photo, we went to eat 5. How was the weather like that day? She was swimming in the sea. 6. What was your sister eating when you took this photo? I was with my mother, father and my siblings.
  • 14. English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez VII. Phone time! Work in trios and show your picture to your teammates and answer to their question about your pic. Use your phone end your photo to a classmate and start a conversation. S/he will ask you questions about it. Then, look at the photo of your partner and ask him / her questions about it. Look at the following example: Look at the teacher’s photo and ask him / her questions to find out more information related to it.
  • 15. English IV: Unit 1. 4 Share Past Experiences Plantel Oriente Interaction Colón, González y Jiménez VIII. Nice photo! When did you take it? Thank you! I took it on my last vacations. What were you doing? I was visiting the Pyramids in Teotihuacan.