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PROFESOR(A) Lourdes Díaz Crail, Claudia P. Barrón Díaz
UNIDAD TEMÁTICA 3. Compartir actividades cotidianas
Al finalizar la unidad, el alumno: será capaz de intercambiar, de manera oral y
escrita, información básica de sí mismo y de otros sobre actividades habituales en
el presente.
2. El alumno: intercambia información oral y escrita sobre actividades habituales
propias y de otros.
Expresión **
CL/CA Los alumnos leen y escuchan una conversación en la
que se mencionan actividades cotidianas, posteriormente
contestan algunas preguntas con referencia al texto.
EE Tomando como ejemplo el texto visto, los alumnos crean
una conversación en equipos por escrito con ejemplos de su
propia vida diaria, el profesor apoya con estructura y
EO los alumnos ensayan su conversación dentro del equipo,
guiados por el profesor.
IO Los alumnos presentan su conversación frente al grupo.
IE Los alumnos escriben un email narrando sus actividades
diarias a un amigo.
CONCEPTUAL 2a. Componentes lingüísticos:
 Actividades cotidianas: personales, familiares, escolares,
deportivas y de esparcimiento. **(reciclaje)
 Verbos idiomáticos que indican actividades cotidianas.
 Expresiones de tiempo.
 Presente simple en formas: afirmativa, negativa, e
interrogativa. (Reciclaje)
 Palabras interrogativas: what, when, where, why, who.
PROCEDIMENTAL 2b. Componentes pragmáticos:
Actos de habla/Funciones comunicativas:
 Solicitar información sobre actividades deportivas, familiares
y de esparcimiento.
 Proporcionar información sobre actividades escolares,
deportivas, familiares y de esparcimiento.
 Describir actividades deportivas, familiares y de
Dominio del discurso:
 Enlazar oraciones con: and, but, or.
 Usar mayúsculas para distinguir nombres propios.
 Utilizar signos de puntuación de forma adecuada en una
serie de oraciones.**
ACTITUDINAL 2c. Componentes sociolingüísticos/Habilidades generales:
 Aplicar estrategias de vocabulario: red semántica.
 Respetar turnos de palabra.
 Mostrar tolerancia al abordar el tema de estilos de vida.
 Respetar la ejecución propia y de otros.
 Respetar la expresión de diferencias culturales en actividades
2 sesiones de 2 horas cada una.
“Find someone who” lista de actividades en presente simple para que los
alumnos de manera individual encuentren a la persona que realiza esas
actividades.(10 min)(ANEXO 1)
Escucharán un audio acerca de las actividades diarias de un chico de
preparatoria. Leer y escuchar individualmente. Responderán el ejercicio
relacionado con el audio/lectura. (15 min)(New Let’s Speed Up 1, studet’s
book, p. 66-67) (ANEXO 2)
DESARROLLO En parejas los alumnos escribirán una conversación usando como
muestra la conversación presentada. (20 min)
El profesor monitoreará el trabajo de los alumnos, asistiendo si es
Por turnos las parejas pasarán al frente a presentar sus conversaciones.
(25 min)
Los alumnos escribirán 15 oraciones utilizando diferentes personas y
algunos complementos dados. (20 min) (ANEXO 3)
Los alumnos escucharán una canción (Lucky by Britney Spears) para
completar con verbos en presente simple en la hoja de trabajo que se les
proporcionará previamente. (15 min) (ANEXO 4)
Posteriormente, responderán unas preguntas basadas en la letra de la
canción. (15 min)
Sesión 2
El profesor escribirá algunas preguntas en el pizarrón para que los
alumnos contesten en parejas. Compartirán la información con el grupo
posteriormente. (20 min)
When do you do the laundry?
What do you do at the weekend?
When does your family go shopping for food?
Who do you watch TV with?
Los alumnos leerán un artículo de una revista “A helping hand” (Traveller
elementary, p. 22) y contestarán un ejercicio relacionado con el texto. (20
min) (ANEXO 5)
El profesor les entregará un ejercicio para que completen las oraciones
conjugando los verbos en presente simple individualmente. (10 min)
Los alumnos oirán una conversación acerca de actividades del hogar y
resolverán un ejercicio de opción múltiple de manera individual. (15 min)
(TOP NOTCH Fundamentals, p. 70) (ANEXO 7)
Los alumnos, de manera individual, completarán una tabla para indicar
qué actividades realizan para después preguntarle a un compañero y
completar la información faltante. ( 20 min) (ANEXO 8)
CIERRE Los alumnos escribirán en borrador un email contándole a un amigo sus
actividades diarias, qué deberes realizan en casa y qué hacen el fin de
semana. Los alumnos deberán traer la captura de pantalla del email que
le mandó a su compañero la siguiente clase. (15 min)
Los alumnos escucharán una canción “Chores” by Peterson Farm Boys;
parodia de “Roar” de Katy Perry y ordenarán los párrafos. (10 min)
(ANEXOS 9 a, 9 b, 9 c)
En plenaria comentarán qué actividades escucharon en la canción y su
opinión de ella. (10 min)
Let’s Speed Up 1 student’s book H.Q. Mitchell, MM Publications, 2008
American Headway 1 student book Liz and John Soars, OUP, 2001
English in Mind student’s book 1, Herbert Puchta and Jeff Stranks,
Cambridge 2004.
Top Notch Fundamentals, Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher, Pearson 2006.
Traveller elementary, H. Q. Mitchell, MM Publications 2009.
Watch TV at night
Do homework every day
Read comics
Go to the park at the weekend
Take the dog for a walk
Go out with friends on Friday’s night
Ride a bike
Do the laundry
Watch TV at night
Do homework every day
Read comics
Go to the park at the weekend
Take the dog for a walk
Go out with friends on Friday’s night
Ride a bike
Do the laundry
My friend
My parents
My brother
Clean the windows
Do housework
Do the washing-up
Mop the floor
Every day
On Mondays
On week days
Once a week
Every Friday
Twice a month
At the weekend
My friend
My parents
My brother
Clean the windows
Do housework
Do the washing-up
Mop the floor
Every day
On Mondays
On week days
Once a week
Every Friday
Twice a month
At the weekend
My friend
My parents
My brother
Clean the windows
Do housework
Do the washing-up
Mop the floor
Every day
On Mondays
On week days
Once a week
Every Friday
Twice a month
At the weekend
Anna Bishop is not like other university students. She starts her day early in the
morning. She gets up at 7:30 but she doesn’t got to university. She goes to Mrs Griffin’s
house and they have break fast together. Mrs Griffin is 78 years old and needs help
around the house, but most of all she needs company. Anna does volunteer work and
helps out elderly people.
“I cook, do a bit of housework,
but Mrs Griffin and I also chat or
got to the park. We go there
every day and I help her walk”
she says.
During the week, Anna doean’t
see her friend. When she finishes
work, she goes to university. She
goes home at about 8pm and then
she studies. She has a buy day but
she doesn’t mind. “Mrs Griffin is
like a grandmother to me. I can see
my friends at the weekend.”
Read again and write T for true or F for false.
1. Anna goes to university early in the morning.
2. Anna has breafast with Mrs Griffin.
3. Anna helps Mrs Griffin to cook.
4. Anna goes to the park with Mrs Griffin every day.
5. Anna goes out with friends on weekdays.
Complete the blanks with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. I ________________________________________ (not play) football at the weekend.
I ________________________ (play) tennis.
2. Henry ___________________________ (finish) work at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
3. My parents _________________________ (not cook) on Sunday evenings. They
________________ (go) to a restaurant.
4. Jack ___________________________ (study) from five to seven.
5. Sheila ________________________ (not do) housework on weekdays.
Complete the blanks with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. I ________________________________________ (not play) football at the weekend.
I ________________________ (play) tennis.
2. Henry ___________________________ (finish) work at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
3. My parents _________________________ (not cook) on Sunday evenings. They
________________ (go) to a restaurant.
4. Jack ___________________________ (study) from five to seven.
5. Sheila ________________________ (not do) housework on weekdays.
Listen to a conversation about household chores. Circle the correct choice.
1. Marie ____________.
a. cleans the apartment
b. washes the dishes
2. Paul _____________.
a. takes out the garbage
b. washes the dishes
3. Sue’s brother ______.
a. takes out the garbage
b. does the laundry
4. Jen’s husband ______.
a. washes the dishes
b. takes out the garbage
Listen to a conversation about household chores. Circle the correct choice.
1. Marie ____________.
a. cleans the apartment
b. washes the dishes
2. Paul _____________.
a. takes out the garbage
b. washes the dishes
3. Sue’s brother ______.
a. takes out the garbage
b. does the laundry
4. Jen’s husband ______.
a. washes the dishes
b. takes out the garbage
Complete the chart below to indicate which activities you do. Then talk in pairs and
note down your partner’s answers.
Get up early
Have a big breakfast
Do housework
Go to bed late
Complete the chart below to indicate which activities you do. Then talk in pairs and
note down your partner’s answers.
Get up early
Have a big breakfast
Do housework
Go to bed late
Complete the chart below to indicate which activities you do. Then talk in pairs and
note down your partner’s answers.
Get up early
Have a big breakfast
Do housework
Go to bed late
I used to help feed cattle as a lad
Pitchin' hay in the bunk just like my dad
Now I'm a farmer too, I grow your beef for you
I guess you might not know just what it takes
To help produce those thick and juicy steaks
It starts with guys like me, out on the farm you see
I load the corn, I load the (HAY!)
Then the silage fills it all the way
The wagon churns, I pull ahead
Cattle know that they about to get fed
They hear the noise, they run around (HEY!)
Cattle thunder gonna shake the ground
It smells so good, they see it now
I've got the eye of the bovines, at dinnertime, staring
through the sunshine
Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore
Morning, morning and night
Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
They wanna see me chore
Now the cattle know that I'm their guy
I treat 'em right, keep 'em healthy and alive
I feed to zero, so I'm their hero
The markets go down, the costs go up (HEY!)
The farming life can get so rough
I feed in the cold, I feed in the rain
The weather makes you go insane
It can hold me down, but I'll get up (HEY!)
A true farmer will never give up
I love my job, and I know that
I've got the eye of the bovines, at dinnertime, staring
through the sunshine
Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore
Morning, morning and night
Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
They wanna see me chore
Chore, chore, chore, chore
I've got the eye of consumers, at dinnertime, or standing
in the checkout line
Cause I am a farmer and you'll wanna see me chore
Morning, morning and night
Cause I am a farmer and you'll wanna see me chore
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You'll wanna see me chore
( 4 ) Now the cattle know that I'm their guy
I treat 'em right, keep 'em healthy and alive
I feed to zero, so I'm their hero
( 7 )I've got the eye of consumers, at dinnertime, or
standing in the checkout line
Cause I am a farmer and you'll wanna see me chore
Morning, morning and night
Cause I am a farmer and you'll wanna see me chore
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You'll wanna see me chore
( 2 )I load the corn, I load the (HAY!)
Then the silage fills it all the way
The wagon churns, I pull ahead
Cattle know that they about to get fed
They hear the noise, they run around (HEY!)
Cattle thunder gonna shake the ground
It smells so good, they see it now
( 3 ) [Chorus]
I've got the eye of the bovines, at dinnertime, staring
through the sunshine
Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore
Morning, morning and night
Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
They wanna see me chore
( 1 ) I used to help feed cattle as a lad
Pitchin' hay in the bunk just like my dad
Now I'm a farmer too, I grow your beef for you
I guess you might not know just what it takes
To help produce those thick and juicy steaks
It starts with guys like me, out on the farm you see
( 6 ) [Chorus]
I've got the eye of the bovines, at dinnertime, staring
through the sunshine
Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore
Morning, morning and night
Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
They wanna see me chore
Chore, chore, chore, chore
( 5 ) The markets go down, the costs go up (HEY!)
The farming life can get so rough
I feed in the cold, I feed in the rain
The weather makes you go insane
It can hold me down, but I'll get up (HEY!)
A true farmer will never give up
I love my job, and I know that
( ) Now the cattle know that I'm their guy
I treat 'em right, keep 'em healthy and alive
I feed to zero, so I'm their hero
( )I've got the eye of consumers, at dinnertime, or
standing in the checkout line
Cause I am a farmer and you'll wanna see me chore
Morning, morning and night
Cause I am a farmer and you'll wanna see me chore
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You'll wanna see me chore
( )I load the corn, I load the (HAY!)
Then the silage fills it all the way
The wagon churns, I pull ahead
Cattle know that they about to get fed
They hear the noise, they run around (HEY!)
Cattle thunder gonna shake the ground
It smells so good, they see it now
( ) [Chorus]
I've got the eye of the bovines, at dinnertime, staring
through the sunshine
Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore
Morning, morning and night
Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
They wanna see me chore
( ) I used to help feed cattle as a lad
Pitchin' hay in the bunk just like my dad
Now I'm a farmer too, I grow your beef for you
I guess you might not know just what it takes
To help produce those thick and juicy steaks
It starts with guys like me, out on the farm you see
( ) [Chorus]
I've got the eye of the bovines, at dinnertime, staring
through the sunshine
Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore
Morning, morning and night
Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
They wanna see me chore
Chore, chore, chore, chore
( ) The markets go down, the costs go up (HEY!)
The farming life can get so rough
I feed in the cold, I feed in the rain
The weather makes you go insane
It can hold me down, but I'll get up (HEY!)
A true farmer will never give up
I love my job, and I know that
Los materiales comerciales citados en esta Secuencia Didáctica son utilizados por los profesores del CCH
exclusivamente con fines educativos y sin lucro.

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SD Inglés II U3 A2 CCH Naucalpan Vespertino: Lourdes Díaz y Claudia Barrón

  • 1. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA I.DATOS GENERALES PROFESOR(A) Lourdes Díaz Crail, Claudia P. Barrón Díaz ASIGNATURA INGLÉS 2 SEMESTRE ESCOLAR 2017-2 PLANTEL CCH NAUCALPAN FECHA DE ELABORACIÓN 08/12/16 II.PROGRAMA UNIDAD TEMÁTICA 3. Compartir actividades cotidianas PROPÓSITO(S) DE LA UNIDAD Al finalizar la unidad, el alumno: será capaz de intercambiar, de manera oral y escrita, información básica de sí mismo y de otros sobre actividades habituales en el presente. APRENDIZAJE 2. El alumno: intercambia información oral y escrita sobre actividades habituales propias y de otros. ETAPA PROCESO ADQUISICIÓN: COMPRENSIÓN, EXPRESIÓN O INTERACCIÓN Expresión ** III. HABILIDADES A CUBRIR  COMPRENSIÓN AUDITIVA  COMPRENSIÓN DE LECTURA  EXPRESIÓN ORAL  EXPRESIÓN ESCRITA  INTERACCIÓN ORAL  INTERACCIÓN ESCRITA CL/CA Los alumnos leen y escuchan una conversación en la que se mencionan actividades cotidianas, posteriormente contestan algunas preguntas con referencia al texto. EE Tomando como ejemplo el texto visto, los alumnos crean una conversación en equipos por escrito con ejemplos de su propia vida diaria, el profesor apoya con estructura y vocabulario. EO los alumnos ensayan su conversación dentro del equipo, guiados por el profesor. IO Los alumnos presentan su conversación frente al grupo. IE Los alumnos escriben un email narrando sus actividades diarias a un amigo.
  • 2. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA IV. TEMÁTICAS CONCEPTUAL 2a. Componentes lingüísticos: Léxico:  Actividades cotidianas: personales, familiares, escolares, deportivas y de esparcimiento. **(reciclaje)  Verbos idiomáticos que indican actividades cotidianas.  Expresiones de tiempo. Gramática:  Presente simple en formas: afirmativa, negativa, e interrogativa. (Reciclaje)  Palabras interrogativas: what, when, where, why, who. PROCEDIMENTAL 2b. Componentes pragmáticos: Actos de habla/Funciones comunicativas:  Solicitar información sobre actividades deportivas, familiares y de esparcimiento.  Proporcionar información sobre actividades escolares, deportivas, familiares y de esparcimiento.  Describir actividades deportivas, familiares y de esparcimiento. Dominio del discurso:  Enlazar oraciones con: and, but, or.  Usar mayúsculas para distinguir nombres propios.  Utilizar signos de puntuación de forma adecuada en una serie de oraciones.** ACTITUDINAL 2c. Componentes sociolingüísticos/Habilidades generales:  Aplicar estrategias de vocabulario: red semántica.  Respetar turnos de palabra.  Mostrar tolerancia al abordar el tema de estilos de vida.  Respetar la ejecución propia y de otros.  Respetar la expresión de diferencias culturales en actividades cotidianas.
  • 3. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA V. TIEMPO DIDÁCTICO NÚMERO DE SESIONES 2 sesiones de 2 horas cada una. VI. ACTIVIDADES RECICLAJE DE CONTENIDOS APERTURA Sesión 1 “Find someone who” lista de actividades en presente simple para que los alumnos de manera individual encuentren a la persona que realiza esas actividades.(10 min)(ANEXO 1) Escucharán un audio acerca de las actividades diarias de un chico de preparatoria. Leer y escuchar individualmente. Responderán el ejercicio relacionado con el audio/lectura. (15 min)(New Let’s Speed Up 1, studet’s book, p. 66-67) (ANEXO 2) DESARROLLO En parejas los alumnos escribirán una conversación usando como muestra la conversación presentada. (20 min) El profesor monitoreará el trabajo de los alumnos, asistiendo si es necesario. Por turnos las parejas pasarán al frente a presentar sus conversaciones. (25 min) Los alumnos escribirán 15 oraciones utilizando diferentes personas y algunos complementos dados. (20 min) (ANEXO 3) Los alumnos escucharán una canción (Lucky by Britney Spears) para completar con verbos en presente simple en la hoja de trabajo que se les proporcionará previamente. (15 min) (ANEXO 4) Posteriormente, responderán unas preguntas basadas en la letra de la canción. (15 min)
  • 4. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Sesión 2 El profesor escribirá algunas preguntas en el pizarrón para que los alumnos contesten en parejas. Compartirán la información con el grupo posteriormente. (20 min) When do you do the laundry? What do you do at the weekend? When does your family go shopping for food? Who do you watch TV with? Los alumnos leerán un artículo de una revista “A helping hand” (Traveller elementary, p. 22) y contestarán un ejercicio relacionado con el texto. (20 min) (ANEXO 5) El profesor les entregará un ejercicio para que completen las oraciones conjugando los verbos en presente simple individualmente. (10 min) (ANEXO 6) Los alumnos oirán una conversación acerca de actividades del hogar y resolverán un ejercicio de opción múltiple de manera individual. (15 min) (TOP NOTCH Fundamentals, p. 70) (ANEXO 7) Los alumnos, de manera individual, completarán una tabla para indicar qué actividades realizan para después preguntarle a un compañero y completar la información faltante. ( 20 min) (ANEXO 8) CIERRE Los alumnos escribirán en borrador un email contándole a un amigo sus actividades diarias, qué deberes realizan en casa y qué hacen el fin de semana. Los alumnos deberán traer la captura de pantalla del email que le mandó a su compañero la siguiente clase. (15 min) Los alumnos escucharán una canción “Chores” by Peterson Farm Boys; parodia de “Roar” de Katy Perry y ordenarán los párrafos. (10 min) (ANEXOS 9 a, 9 b, 9 c) En plenaria comentarán qué actividades escucharon en la canción y su opinión de ella. (10 min)
  • 5. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA VII. REFERENCIAS DE APOYO BIBLIOGRAFÍA DE CONSULTA PARA LOS ALUMNOS Let’s Speed Up 1 student’s book H.Q. Mitchell, MM Publications, 2008 American Headway 1 student book Liz and John Soars, OUP, 2001 BIBLIOGRAFÍA DE CONSULTA PARA EL PROFESOR britney-spears.html English in Mind student’s book 1, Herbert Puchta and Jeff Stranks, Cambridge 2004. Top Notch Fundamentals, Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher, Pearson 2006. Traveller elementary, H. Q. Mitchell, MM Publications 2009. COMENTARIOS ADICIONALES VIII. ANEXOS
  • 6. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA ANEXO 1 FIND SOMEONE WHO: Watch TV at night Do homework every day Read comics Go to the park at the weekend Take the dog for a walk Go out with friends on Friday’s night Ride a bike Do the laundry NAME: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ FIND SOMEONE WHO: Watch TV at night Do homework every day Read comics Go to the park at the weekend Take the dog for a walk Go out with friends on Friday’s night Ride a bike Do the laundry NAME: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
  • 8. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA ANEXO 3 I My friend My parents My brother Etc. Clean the windows Cook Do housework Do the washing-up Study Mop the floor Every day On Mondays On week days Once a week Every Friday Twice a month At the weekend I My friend My parents My brother Etc. Clean the windows Cook Do housework Do the washing-up Study Mop the floor Every day On Mondays On week days Once a week Every Friday Twice a month At the weekend I My friend My parents My brother Etc. Clean the windows Cook Do housework Do the washing-up Study Mop the floor Every day On Mondays On week days Once a week Every Friday Twice a month At the weekend
  • 10. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA ANEXO 5 Anna Bishop is not like other university students. She starts her day early in the morning. She gets up at 7:30 but she doesn’t got to university. She goes to Mrs Griffin’s house and they have break fast together. Mrs Griffin is 78 years old and needs help around the house, but most of all she needs company. Anna does volunteer work and helps out elderly people. “I cook, do a bit of housework, but Mrs Griffin and I also chat or got to the park. We go there every day and I help her walk” she says. During the week, Anna doean’t see her friend. When she finishes work, she goes to university. She goes home at about 8pm and then she studies. She has a buy day but she doesn’t mind. “Mrs Griffin is like a grandmother to me. I can see my friends at the weekend.”
  • 11. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Read again and write T for true or F for false. 1. Anna goes to university early in the morning. 2. Anna has breafast with Mrs Griffin. 3. Anna helps Mrs Griffin to cook. 4. Anna goes to the park with Mrs Griffin every day. 5. Anna goes out with friends on weekdays. ANEXO 6 Complete the blanks with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets. 1. I ________________________________________ (not play) football at the weekend. I ________________________ (play) tennis. 2. Henry ___________________________ (finish) work at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. 3. My parents _________________________ (not cook) on Sunday evenings. They ________________ (go) to a restaurant. 4. Jack ___________________________ (study) from five to seven. 5. Sheila ________________________ (not do) housework on weekdays.
  • 12. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Complete the blanks with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets. 1. I ________________________________________ (not play) football at the weekend. I ________________________ (play) tennis. 2. Henry ___________________________ (finish) work at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. 3. My parents _________________________ (not cook) on Sunday evenings. They ________________ (go) to a restaurant. 4. Jack ___________________________ (study) from five to seven. 5. Sheila ________________________ (not do) housework on weekdays. ANEXO 7 Listen to a conversation about household chores. Circle the correct choice. 1. Marie ____________. a. cleans the apartment b. washes the dishes 2. Paul _____________. a. takes out the garbage b. washes the dishes 3. Sue’s brother ______. a. takes out the garbage b. does the laundry 4. Jen’s husband ______. a. washes the dishes b. takes out the garbage
  • 13. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Listen to a conversation about household chores. Circle the correct choice. 1. Marie ____________. a. cleans the apartment b. washes the dishes 2. Paul _____________. a. takes out the garbage b. washes the dishes 3. Sue’s brother ______. a. takes out the garbage b. does the laundry 4. Jen’s husband ______. a. washes the dishes b. takes out the garbage ANEXO 8 Complete the chart below to indicate which activities you do. Then talk in pairs and note down your partner’s answers. YOU YOUR FRIEND Get up early Have a big breakfast Do housework Cook Go to bed late
  • 14. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Complete the chart below to indicate which activities you do. Then talk in pairs and note down your partner’s answers. YOU YOUR FRIEND Get up early Have a big breakfast Do housework Cook Go to bed late Complete the chart below to indicate which activities you do. Then talk in pairs and note down your partner’s answers. YOU YOUR FRIEND Get up early Have a big breakfast Do housework Cook Go to bed late
  • 15. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA ANEXO 9a CHORES BY PETERSON FARM BOYS ORIGIAL LYRICS : I used to help feed cattle as a lad Pitchin' hay in the bunk just like my dad Now I'm a farmer too, I grow your beef for you I guess you might not know just what it takes To help produce those thick and juicy steaks It starts with guys like me, out on the farm you see I load the corn, I load the (HAY!) Then the silage fills it all the way The wagon churns, I pull ahead Cattle know that they about to get fed They hear the noise, they run around (HEY!) Cattle thunder gonna shake the ground It smells so good, they see it now [Chorus] I've got the eye of the bovines, at dinnertime, staring through the sunshine Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore Morning, morning and night Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh They wanna see me chore Now the cattle know that I'm their guy I treat 'em right, keep 'em healthy and alive I feed to zero, so I'm their hero The markets go down, the costs go up (HEY!) The farming life can get so rough I feed in the cold, I feed in the rain The weather makes you go insane It can hold me down, but I'll get up (HEY!) A true farmer will never give up I love my job, and I know that [Chorus] I've got the eye of the bovines, at dinnertime, staring through the sunshine Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore Morning, morning and night Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh They wanna see me chore Chore, chore, chore, chore I've got the eye of consumers, at dinnertime, or standing in the checkout line Cause I am a farmer and you'll wanna see me chore Morning, morning and night Cause I am a farmer and you'll wanna see me chore Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh You'll wanna see me chore
  • 16. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA ANEXO 9b CHORES BY PETERSON FARM BOYS LISTEN TO THE SONG AND PUT THE PARAGRAPHS IN THE CORRECT ORDER ( 4 ) Now the cattle know that I'm their guy I treat 'em right, keep 'em healthy and alive I feed to zero, so I'm their hero ( 7 )I've got the eye of consumers, at dinnertime, or standing in the checkout line Cause I am a farmer and you'll wanna see me chore Morning, morning and night Cause I am a farmer and you'll wanna see me chore Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh You'll wanna see me chore ( 2 )I load the corn, I load the (HAY!) Then the silage fills it all the way The wagon churns, I pull ahead Cattle know that they about to get fed They hear the noise, they run around (HEY!) Cattle thunder gonna shake the ground It smells so good, they see it now ( 3 ) [Chorus] I've got the eye of the bovines, at dinnertime, staring through the sunshine Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore Morning, morning and night Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh They wanna see me chore ( 1 ) I used to help feed cattle as a lad Pitchin' hay in the bunk just like my dad Now I'm a farmer too, I grow your beef for you I guess you might not know just what it takes To help produce those thick and juicy steaks It starts with guys like me, out on the farm you see ( 6 ) [Chorus] I've got the eye of the bovines, at dinnertime, staring through the sunshine Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore Morning, morning and night Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh They wanna see me chore Chore, chore, chore, chore ( 5 ) The markets go down, the costs go up (HEY!) The farming life can get so rough I feed in the cold, I feed in the rain The weather makes you go insane It can hold me down, but I'll get up (HEY!) A true farmer will never give up I love my job, and I know that
  • 17. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA ANEXO 9c CHORES BY PETERSON FARM BOYS LISTEN TO THE SONG AND PUT THE PARAGRAPHS IN THE CORRECT ORDER ( ) Now the cattle know that I'm their guy I treat 'em right, keep 'em healthy and alive I feed to zero, so I'm their hero ( )I've got the eye of consumers, at dinnertime, or standing in the checkout line Cause I am a farmer and you'll wanna see me chore Morning, morning and night Cause I am a farmer and you'll wanna see me chore Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh You'll wanna see me chore ( )I load the corn, I load the (HAY!) Then the silage fills it all the way The wagon churns, I pull ahead Cattle know that they about to get fed They hear the noise, they run around (HEY!) Cattle thunder gonna shake the ground It smells so good, they see it now ( ) [Chorus] I've got the eye of the bovines, at dinnertime, staring through the sunshine Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore Morning, morning and night Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh They wanna see me chore ( ) I used to help feed cattle as a lad Pitchin' hay in the bunk just like my dad Now I'm a farmer too, I grow your beef for you I guess you might not know just what it takes To help produce those thick and juicy steaks It starts with guys like me, out on the farm you see ( ) [Chorus] I've got the eye of the bovines, at dinnertime, staring through the sunshine Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore Morning, morning and night Cause I am a farmer and they wanna see me chore Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh They wanna see me chore Chore, chore, chore, chore ( ) The markets go down, the costs go up (HEY!) The farming life can get so rough I feed in the cold, I feed in the rain The weather makes you go insane It can hold me down, but I'll get up (HEY!) A true farmer will never give up I love my job, and I know that Los materiales comerciales citados en esta Secuencia Didáctica son utilizados por los profesores del CCH exclusivamente con fines educativos y sin lucro.