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PROFESOR(A) Camacho Zavala Yolisveht
SEMESTRE ESCOLAR Cuarto semestre
PLANTEL Naucalpan
UNIDAD TEMÁTICA Unidad 1. Compartir experiencias pasadas.
Al finalizar la unidad el alumno será capaz de intercambiar información para
contrastar sucesos concluidos y aquellos que se estaban desarrollando en el
pasado, de manera oral y escrita.
1. El alumno reconocerá sucesos que se estaban desarrollando en el pasado, en
textos orales y escritos.
• COMPRENSIÓN AUDITIVA ➢ Escucha las opiniones de sus compañeros al hablar de
diversas imágenes.
➢ Escucha un audio donde identifica estructuras del pasado
• COMPRENSIÓN DE LECTURA ➢ Lee en voz alta un texto que contiene las estructuras del
pasado simple y el pasado continuo.
• EXPRESIÓN ORAL ➢ Expresa sus opiniones sobre las imágenes presentadas.
➢ Expresa sus opiniones sobre el uso de la gramática.
• EXPRESIÓN ESCRITA ➢ Identifica y clasifica oraciones en pasado simple y en
pasado continuo.
➢ Identifica el orden de los sucesos.
CONCEPTUAL Componentes lingüísticos:
• Actividades de la vida diaria, tiempo libre, viajes, compras,
alimentos y bebidas, clima.
• Expresiones de tiempo: all day/night, yesterday,
morning/evening, last night, entre otras.
• Pasado continuo en forma: afirmativa, negativa e
• Reglas de formación del sufijo- ing en pasado continuo.
• Pasado simple.
PROCEDIMENTAL Componentes pragmáticos:
Dominio del discurso:
•Aplicar lecturas de ojeada, selectiva y búsqueda: tema
general y datos específicos.
• Aplicar escucha global y selectiva: tema general y datos
• Identificar oraciones enlazadas con: when y while.
ACTITUDINAL Componentes sociolingüísticos/Habilidades generales:
• Dirigir la atención al contraste entre acciones terminadas y
acciones inconclusas.
• Aplicar estrategias: tolerancia a la incertidumbre en textos
orales y escritos.
2 sesiones, cada una de 2 horas.
El profesor coloca en el pizarrón imágenes de diferentes actividades (anexo
uno) y pide a los estudiantes que las observen poniendo especial atención al
número de personas, al tipo de actividad que estaban realizando en un
momento determinadoy a las expresiones de las mismas. (10 min.)
El profesor retira las imágenes y pide a los alumnos que en grupos de 4,
respondan las siguientes preguntas de las imágenes que fueron relevantes
para ellos, el profesor monitorea la actividad.(20 min)
1. How many people were there in the picture?
2. Were they happy? How were they feeling?
3. What was the activity the people were doing?
4. Did you do any of those activities yesterday? When?
El profesor hace una revisión de las preguntas de manera grupalde
algunas imágenes al azar enfatizando el uso del pasado simple y del
pasado continuo. (15 min.)
DESARROLLO Los alumnos clasificanoraciones sobreactividades en pasado simple y en
pasado continuo en una tabla (anexo 2), el profesor enfatiza el uso del verbo
“To be” en la formación de la estructura del pasado continuo mientras revisa
la actividad con el grupo.(15min.)
Mygrandma and mymotherwerecookingturkeyfor Christmas lastyear.
Shedanced ballet in theschoolyesterday.
Los alumnos deducen las reglas de formación del sufijo –ing- tomando en
cuenta las oraciones del ejercicio anterior y completando el cuadro 2 del
anexo 2, después compara sus respuestas con la de otros compañeros. (15
Los alumnos leen y escuchan una historia que describe lo que estaba pasando
cuando una pareja fue fotografiada (anexo 3), al mismo tiempo deben
subrayar las oraciones que identifican en pasado continuo y checan sus
respuestas con el profesor.(15 min.)
Los alumnos pasan al pizarrón a escribir tres ejemplos de oraciones positivas
encontradas en el texto en pasado continuo, el profesor hace preguntas para
obtener información sobre el orden de las oraciones y escribe las mismas
oraciones en negativo, después pregunta por el orden de las mismas y pide
ejemplos. (15 min.)
Los alumnos completan un texto en parejas (anexo 4), identifican las
oraciones negativas y positivas en contexto, después el profesor y los alumnos
revisan las respuestas de manera grupal. (15 min)
Sesión 2
El profesor escribe preguntas relacionadas con la lectura en el pizarrón y pide
a los alumnos que las copien en su cuaderno, en equipos de tres los alumnos
leen en voz alta por turnos nuevamente la lectura “A momentin history” y
después seleccionan las respuestas correctas (20 min)
When were the US elections? On November 4th / On November 6th.
Who did he want to photograph? Barack´s family / Barack Obama and his family
What did he forget? His passport/ His press pass
What was everybody waiting for? The transmission of the event/ the election
Who was he trying to get closer to? Barack Obama/ the journalist.
Were people sitting on the grass? Yes, they were/ No, they weren’t.
Were people holding hands and smiling? Yes, they were/ No, they weren´t.
El profesor revisa de manera grupal las respuestas de los alumnos y enfatiza el
orden de las preguntas en pasado continuo. (5 min)
Los alumnos leen las preguntas planteadas en el anexo 5 y escogen las
respuestas que se aproximan a su información personal, después comentan sus
respuestas en parejas.(15 min)
Los alumnos observan la historia de las elecciones de los estados unidos
realizadas en el 2016 a través de un video y ponen atención a la secuencia de
los sucesos. (5 min)
Los alumnos ordenan los sucesos que se presentan en el video en una hoja de
trabajo que el profesor les proporciona (anexo 6), posteriormente comparan
sus respuestas con un compañero. El profesor proyecta el video nuevamente
para que los alumnos se autoevalúen.(20 min)
El profesor pregunta cuál es la traducción de las palabras en negritas en la
actividad anterior y explica el uso de las mismas. (10 min)
When he was president, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were trying to
win the elections.
While Clinton and Trump were preparing their campaign, Barack was
making peace with Cuba.
Los alumnos identifican y encierran when o while en oraciones que se
están desarrollando al mismo tiempo en el pasado, cuando terminan de
encerrar las respuestas, las comparan con un compañero y
posteriormente el profesor provee las respuestas correctas (Anexo 7). (20
min )
CIERRE Los alumnos separan y clasifican las oraciones anteriores en una tabla (Anexo
8) de acuerdo a su estructura, el profesor dibuja la tabla en el pizarrón para
que los alumnos la completen cuando hayan terminado y hagan la revisión del
ejercicio. (15 min)
Los alumnos trabajan en pareja, leen y unen las oraciones de la tabla anterior
utilizando when o while, los alumnos coevaluan su desempeño. (10 min)
Latham-Koenig, C. (2013). American English Filepre-intermediate.
ReinoUnido: Oxford University Press.
Latham-Koenig, C. (2008). American English File pre-intermediate. ReinoUnido:
Oxford University Press.
Past simple vs Past continuous, recuperadoenYotube:
Learning English BBC World service: When and while grammar
Imágenes recuperadasen:
Cooking my mother’s gravy
Friends meeting Local coffee shop having fun
Ballet dancers
Anime guy with guitar
Cesar’s way
The Best Sports for Kids Who Have Low Muscle Tone
Avoid allergies and study better with hypnotherapy
How much time should students get to eat lunch?
Arte Mosaico Ravenna
El archivo de audio lo puedes solicitar a la siguiente dirección de correo
Anexo 1
Anexo 2
Instructions: Put the following sentences in the correct column.
• My grandma and my mother were cooking
turkey for Christmas last year.
• She was dancing ballet in the school
• He played the guitar very well two days ago.
• The dogs weren´t running in the park last
• She didn’t know the answer in her last test.
• They laughed a lot about the movie.
• The boy wasn’t using the metro.
• The friends didn’t watch a movie last
weekend. The kid was swimming in a pool
last summer.
• The children ate their lunch in the morning.
• Students were doing a difficult exam
Past simple Past Continuous
Put the verbs above in the correct place, take into account the examples and the rules.
Spelling rules for the –ing form.
Base form Verb+ ing Spelling
Clean Cleaning add- ing
Leave Leaving Eliminate “e” and add “ing”
Plan Planning One vowel+ one consonant
=double consonant + ing.
Answer key
Instructions: Put the following sentences in the correct column.
Past simple Past Continuous
He played the guitar very well two days ago My grandma and my mother were cooking turkey
for Christmas last year.
The friends didn’t watch a movie last weekend. She was dancing ballet in the school yesterday.
The children ate their lunch in the morning. The dogs weren´t running in the park last week.
She didn’t know the answer in her last test. The boy wasn’t using the metro.
They laughed a lot about the movie. Students were doing a difficult exam yesterday.
Put the verbs above in the correct place, take into account the examples and the rules.
Spelling rules for the –ing form.
Base form Verb+ ing Spelling
add- ing
Eliminate “e” and add “ing”
Planning One vowel+ one consonant
=double consonant + ing.
Anexo 3
Listen, read and underline the sentences in
past continuous.
M= Marinette, H= Henri.
M We didn’t know that our picture was so
famous until 30 years later. One day I was
working in the café when the man from the
bookstore next door came in. He was holding
a new book, which had a photo on the cover.
Suddenly I said, “I don’t believe it”! That’s Henri and I when we were very young!”
I remember that afternoon at the Bastille very well. When the man took that photo, we
were arguing! Henri was standing very near me. I was saying, “Henri, don´t stand so
near me, there is somebody behind us”
H We didn´t know that the photographer was taking a photo of us. We were arguing.
I can´t remember exactly what we were arguing about. I think I was trying to kiss
Marinette and she didn´t want to. Or I think maybe we were arguing about our wedding-
we got married a few months after the man took the photo.
M People who know this photo always think of us as the eternal lovers, like Romeo
and Juliet. But life isn´t like that. It´s very difficult to stay in love when you see your
husband every day at home, and you see him every day at work, too. And I’m very
hardworking, but Henri is still a dreamer. Ah, those were the days…
Created by Latham-Koenig, C.
Answer key
Listen, read and underline the sentences in past continuous.
M= Marinette, H= Henri.
M We didn’t know that our picture was so famous until 30 years later. One day I was
working in the café when the man from the bookstore next door came in. He was holding
a new book, which had a photo on the cover. Suddenly I said, “I don’t believe it”! That’s
Henri and I when we were very young!”
I remember that afternoon at the Bastille very well. When the man took that photo, we
were arguing!Henri was standing very near me. I was saying, “Henri, don´t stand so
near me, there is somebody behind us”
H We didn´t know that the photographer was taking a photo of us. We were arguing.
I can´t remember exactly what we were arguing about. I think I was trying to kiss
Marinette and she didn´t want to. Or I think maybe we were arguing about our wedding-
we got married a few months after the man took the photo.
M People who know this photo always think of us as the eternal lovers, like Romeo
and Juliet. But life isn´t like that. It´s very difficult to stay in love when you see your
husband every day at home, and you see him every day at work, too. And I’m very
hardworking, but Henri is still a dreamer. Ah, those were the days.
Anexo 4
Complete the following text inserting the information provided.
A moment in history
On 4th November I arrived In Chicago late in the evening. I wanted to photograph Barack
Obama and his family in the Convention Center, but when I got there I discovered that I didn’t
have my press pass and I couldn´t go inside. I walked around the park outside the center and
everybody 1. ____________for the transmission of the event. I 2._________to get closer to the
journalists, but there were many people. People 3. ___________ Barack very excited, while I
was a little sad because of my press pass.
Although, it was November the weather was cool. The atmosphere was amazing. People 4.
__________on the grass because they were really tense and nervous. Some of them 5.
______________hands and smiling. I took this photo when it was the election results, and that
moment was the best. I 6. ___________Obama’s victory through the faces of all these people.
Adapted by Yolisveht Camacho.
1. was trying 2. was waiting 3. was watching 4. were shouting
5. weren’t sitting 6. were quietly holding
Answer key
A moment in history
On 4th November I arrived In Chicago late in the evening. I wanted to photograph Barack
Obama and his family in the Convention Center, but when I got there I discovered that I didn’t
have my press pass and I couldn´t go inside. I walked around the park outside the center and
everybody was waiting for the transmission of the event. I was trying to get closer to the
journalists, but there were many people. People were shouting Barack very excited, while I was
a little sad because of my press pass.
Although, it was November the weather was cool. The atmosphere was amazing. People
weren´t sitting on the grass because they were really tense and nervous. Some of them were
quietly holding hands and smiling. I took this photo when it was the election results, and that
moment was the best. I was watching Obama’s victory through the faces of all these people.
Anexo 5
Choose the information that is closer to your answers.
What were you doing
yesterday at ten
I was sleeping on my bed I was doing my
I was studying in the
What were you doing
last Saturday at nine
I was watching TV. I was having a party. I was listening to
Were you checking
your social networks
yesterday at night?
Yes, I was checking my
social networks.
No, I wasn’t checking
my social networks.
Yes, I was checking
them but just for 5
Was your mother
watching TV at 10
p.m yesterday?
Yes, she was watching
TV at 10 p.m.
No, she wasn´t watching
TV at 10.
No, She wasn’t at
home yesterday.
Where were you
staying in your last
I was staying in a hotel. I was staying in my
grandma’s house.
I was staying at home.
Anexo 6
Instruction: Reorder the Barack Obama’s story.
1. Everyone wanted his home, the white house.
2. One day he was the president of the USA, but suddenly it was the election time.
3. While I was president, Trump was planning to build a wall between the USA and Mexico.
4. When he was president, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were trying to win the
5. While I was meeting the president of Cuba, Barack’s secretary called him and told him
Trump had won the elections. I was very sad.
6. While Clinton and Trump were preparing their campaign, Barack was making peace with
7. Donald Trump stood up for the Republican Party, while Hillary Clinton defended the
Democratic Party.
8. In the end, Trump beat Clinton.
Answer key
Instruction: Reorder the Barack Obama’s story.
1. One day he was the president of the USA, but suddenly it was the election time.
2. Everyone wanted his home, the white house.
3. When he was president, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were trying to win the
4. Donald Trump stood up for the Republican Party, while Hillary Clinton defended the
Democratic Party.
5. While I was president, Trump was planning to build a wall between the USA and Mexico.
6. While Clinton and Trump were preparing their campaign, Barack was making peace with
7. While I was meeting the president of Cuba, Barack’s secretary called him and told him
Trump had won the elections. I was very sad.
8. In the end, Trump beat Clinton.
Past simple vs Past continuos
Anexo 7
Choose while or when depending on the context.
1. What were you doing when /while you broke your leg?
2. I was watching TV when/ while he called me.
3. When/ While we were having a picnic, it started to rain.
4. What were you doing when/ while the earthquake started?
5. We were watching a movie when/ while the screen went black.
6. When/ While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.
7. Sam was waiting for us when/ while we got off the plain.
8. I was studying when/while she was making dinner.
9. I wasn’t paying attention when/while I was doing the exam, so I failed it.
10.You were not listening to me when/ while I told you to turn the oven off.
Answer key
Choose while or when depending on the context.
1. What were you doing when /while you broke your leg?
2. I was watching TV when/ while he called me.
3. When/ whilewe were having a picnic, It started to rain.
4. What were you doingwhen/ while the earthquake started?
5. We were watching a movie when/ while the screen went Black.
6. When/ whileJohn was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.
7. Sam was waiting for us when/ while we got off the plain.
8. I was studying when/whileshe was making dinner.
9. I wasn’t paying attention when/while I was doing the exam, so I failed it.
10.You were not listening to me when/ while I told you to turn the oven off.
Anexo 8
Classify the previous sentences in the following chart.
Past simple Past Continuous
Answer Key
Classify the previous sentences in the following chart.
Past simple Past Continuous
you broke your leg? What were you doing
he called me. I was watching TV
It started to rain. we were having a picnic
the earthquake started? What were you doing
the screen went Black. We were watching a movie
someone stole his car. John was sleeping last night
Sam was waiting for us we got off the plain.
I was studying she was making dinner.
I wasn’t paying attention I was doing the exam, so I failed it.
You were not listening to me I told you to turn the oven off.
Si tienes problemas para conseguir los materiales que aquí te sugerimos, favor de
ponerte en contacto con los autores de este trabajo en el siguiente correo
Los materiales comerciales citados en esta Secuencia Didáctica son utilizados
por los profesores del CCH exclusivamente con fines educativos y sin lucro.

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Sd ing iv u1 a1 yolisveht

  • 1. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA I.DATOS GENERALES PROFESOR(A) Camacho Zavala Yolisveht ASIGNATURA Inglés IV SEMESTRE ESCOLAR Cuarto semestre PLANTEL Naucalpan FECHA DE ELABORACIÓN Diciembre 2017 II.PROGRAMA UNIDAD TEMÁTICA Unidad 1. Compartir experiencias pasadas. PROPÓSITO(S) DE LA UNIDAD Al finalizar la unidad el alumno será capaz de intercambiar información para contrastar sucesos concluidos y aquellos que se estaban desarrollando en el pasado, de manera oral y escrita. APRENDIZAJE 1. El alumno reconocerá sucesos que se estaban desarrollando en el pasado, en textos orales y escritos. ETAPA PROCESO ADQUISICIÓN: COMPRENSIÓN, EXPRESIÓN O INTERACCIÓN Comprensión III. HABILIDADES A CUBRIR • COMPRENSIÓN AUDITIVA ➢ Escucha las opiniones de sus compañeros al hablar de diversas imágenes. ➢ Escucha un audio donde identifica estructuras del pasado continuo. • COMPRENSIÓN DE LECTURA ➢ Lee en voz alta un texto que contiene las estructuras del pasado simple y el pasado continuo. • EXPRESIÓN ORAL ➢ Expresa sus opiniones sobre las imágenes presentadas. ➢ Expresa sus opiniones sobre el uso de la gramática. • EXPRESIÓN ESCRITA ➢ Identifica y clasifica oraciones en pasado simple y en pasado continuo. ➢ Identifica el orden de los sucesos. IV. TEMÁTICAS
  • 2. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA CONCEPTUAL Componentes lingüísticos: Léxico: • Actividades de la vida diaria, tiempo libre, viajes, compras, alimentos y bebidas, clima. • Expresiones de tiempo: all day/night, yesterday, morning/evening, last night, entre otras. Gramática: • Pasado continuo en forma: afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. • Reglas de formación del sufijo- ing en pasado continuo. • Pasado simple. PROCEDIMENTAL Componentes pragmáticos: Dominio del discurso: •Aplicar lecturas de ojeada, selectiva y búsqueda: tema general y datos específicos. • Aplicar escucha global y selectiva: tema general y datos específicos. • Identificar oraciones enlazadas con: when y while. ACTITUDINAL Componentes sociolingüísticos/Habilidades generales: • Dirigir la atención al contraste entre acciones terminadas y acciones inconclusas. • Aplicar estrategias: tolerancia a la incertidumbre en textos orales y escritos. V. TIEMPO DIDÁCTICO NÚMERO DE SESIONES 2 sesiones, cada una de 2 horas. VI. ACTIVIDADES APERTURA Sesión 1 El profesor coloca en el pizarrón imágenes de diferentes actividades (anexo uno) y pide a los estudiantes que las observen poniendo especial atención al número de personas, al tipo de actividad que estaban realizando en un momento determinadoy a las expresiones de las mismas. (10 min.)
  • 3. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA El profesor retira las imágenes y pide a los alumnos que en grupos de 4, respondan las siguientes preguntas de las imágenes que fueron relevantes para ellos, el profesor monitorea la actividad.(20 min) 1. How many people were there in the picture? 2. Were they happy? How were they feeling? 3. What was the activity the people were doing? 4. Did you do any of those activities yesterday? When? El profesor hace una revisión de las preguntas de manera grupalde algunas imágenes al azar enfatizando el uso del pasado simple y del pasado continuo. (15 min.) DESARROLLO Los alumnos clasificanoraciones sobreactividades en pasado simple y en pasado continuo en una tabla (anexo 2), el profesor enfatiza el uso del verbo “To be” en la formación de la estructura del pasado continuo mientras revisa la actividad con el grupo.(15min.) Ejemplos: Mygrandma and mymotherwerecookingturkeyfor Christmas lastyear. Shedanced ballet in theschoolyesterday. Los alumnos deducen las reglas de formación del sufijo –ing- tomando en cuenta las oraciones del ejercicio anterior y completando el cuadro 2 del anexo 2, después compara sus respuestas con la de otros compañeros. (15 min.) Los alumnos leen y escuchan una historia que describe lo que estaba pasando cuando una pareja fue fotografiada (anexo 3), al mismo tiempo deben subrayar las oraciones que identifican en pasado continuo y checan sus respuestas con el profesor.(15 min.) Los alumnos pasan al pizarrón a escribir tres ejemplos de oraciones positivas encontradas en el texto en pasado continuo, el profesor hace preguntas para obtener información sobre el orden de las oraciones y escribe las mismas oraciones en negativo, después pregunta por el orden de las mismas y pide ejemplos. (15 min.) Los alumnos completan un texto en parejas (anexo 4), identifican las oraciones negativas y positivas en contexto, después el profesor y los alumnos revisan las respuestas de manera grupal. (15 min)
  • 4. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Sesión 2 El profesor escribe preguntas relacionadas con la lectura en el pizarrón y pide a los alumnos que las copien en su cuaderno, en equipos de tres los alumnos leen en voz alta por turnos nuevamente la lectura “A momentin history” y después seleccionan las respuestas correctas (20 min) Ejemplo: When were the US elections? On November 4th / On November 6th. Who did he want to photograph? Barack´s family / Barack Obama and his family What did he forget? His passport/ His press pass What was everybody waiting for? The transmission of the event/ the election results Who was he trying to get closer to? Barack Obama/ the journalist. Were people sitting on the grass? Yes, they were/ No, they weren’t. Were people holding hands and smiling? Yes, they were/ No, they weren´t. El profesor revisa de manera grupal las respuestas de los alumnos y enfatiza el orden de las preguntas en pasado continuo. (5 min) Los alumnos leen las preguntas planteadas en el anexo 5 y escogen las respuestas que se aproximan a su información personal, después comentan sus respuestas en parejas.(15 min) Los alumnos observan la historia de las elecciones de los estados unidos realizadas en el 2016 a través de un video y ponen atención a la secuencia de los sucesos. (5 min) Los alumnos ordenan los sucesos que se presentan en el video en una hoja de trabajo que el profesor les proporciona (anexo 6), posteriormente comparan sus respuestas con un compañero. El profesor proyecta el video nuevamente para que los alumnos se autoevalúen.(20 min) El profesor pregunta cuál es la traducción de las palabras en negritas en la actividad anterior y explica el uso de las mismas. (10 min) Ejemplos: When he was president, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were trying to win the elections. While Clinton and Trump were preparing their campaign, Barack was
  • 5. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA making peace with Cuba. Los alumnos identifican y encierran when o while en oraciones que se están desarrollando al mismo tiempo en el pasado, cuando terminan de encerrar las respuestas, las comparan con un compañero y posteriormente el profesor provee las respuestas correctas (Anexo 7). (20 min ) CIERRE Los alumnos separan y clasifican las oraciones anteriores en una tabla (Anexo 8) de acuerdo a su estructura, el profesor dibuja la tabla en el pizarrón para que los alumnos la completen cuando hayan terminado y hagan la revisión del ejercicio. (15 min) Los alumnos trabajan en pareja, leen y unen las oraciones de la tabla anterior utilizando when o while, los alumnos coevaluan su desempeño. (10 min) VII. REFERENCIAS DE APOYO BIBLIOGRAFÍA DE CONSULTA PARA LOS ALUMNOS Latham-Koenig, C. (2013). American English Filepre-intermediate. ReinoUnido: Oxford University Press. BIBLIOGRAFÍA DE CONSULTA PARA EL PROFESOR Latham-Koenig, C. (2008). American English File pre-intermediate. ReinoUnido: Oxford University Press. Past simple vs Past continuous, recuperadoenYotube: Learning English BBC World service: When and while grammar .shtml Imágenes recuperadasen: Cooking my mother’s gravy 3_101122_xx_thanksgivingtn.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg Friends meeting Local coffee shop having fun local-coffee-shop-and-having-fun-319001165.jpg Ballet dancers dancers.jpg Anime guy with guitar
  • 6. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Cesar’s way problems-solved.jpg?itok=dfjLgMLf The Best Sports for Kids Who Have Low Muscle Tone photo/getty/article/149/197/121045831.jpg Shutterstock Avoid allergies and study better with hypnotherapy apps/imrs.php?src= 2019/WashingtonPost/2015/05/12/Interactivity/Images/iStock_000032914962_XXXLargeb.jpg&w=1484 How much time should students get to eat lunch? Arte Mosaico Ravenna 1957.jpg?w=500&h=334 COMENTARIOS ADICIONALES El archivo de audio lo puedes solicitar a la siguiente dirección de correo
  • 8. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Anexo 2 Instructions: Put the following sentences in the correct column. • My grandma and my mother were cooking turkey for Christmas last year. • She was dancing ballet in the school yesterday. • He played the guitar very well two days ago. • The dogs weren´t running in the park last week. • She didn’t know the answer in her last test. • They laughed a lot about the movie. • The boy wasn’t using the metro. • The friends didn’t watch a movie last weekend. The kid was swimming in a pool last summer. • The children ate their lunch in the morning. • Students were doing a difficult exam yesterday. Past simple Past Continuous Put the verbs above in the correct place, take into account the examples and the rules. Spelling rules for the –ing form. Base form Verb+ ing Spelling Clean Cleaning add- ing Leave Leaving Eliminate “e” and add “ing” Plan Planning One vowel+ one consonant =double consonant + ing.
  • 9. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Answer key Instructions: Put the following sentences in the correct column. Past simple Past Continuous He played the guitar very well two days ago My grandma and my mother were cooking turkey for Christmas last year. The friends didn’t watch a movie last weekend. She was dancing ballet in the school yesterday. The children ate their lunch in the morning. The dogs weren´t running in the park last week. She didn’t know the answer in her last test. The boy wasn’t using the metro. They laughed a lot about the movie. Students were doing a difficult exam yesterday. Put the verbs above in the correct place, take into account the examples and the rules. Spelling rules for the –ing form. Base form Verb+ ing Spelling Clean cook do Cleaning Cooking doing add- ing Leave dance use Leaving Dance Use Eliminate “e” and add “ing” Plan run Planning One vowel+ one consonant =double consonant + ing.
  • 10. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Anexo 3 Listen, read and underline the sentences in past continuous. M= Marinette, H= Henri. M We didn’t know that our picture was so famous until 30 years later. One day I was working in the café when the man from the bookstore next door came in. He was holding a new book, which had a photo on the cover. Suddenly I said, “I don’t believe it”! That’s Henri and I when we were very young!” I remember that afternoon at the Bastille very well. When the man took that photo, we were arguing! Henri was standing very near me. I was saying, “Henri, don´t stand so near me, there is somebody behind us” H We didn´t know that the photographer was taking a photo of us. We were arguing. I can´t remember exactly what we were arguing about. I think I was trying to kiss Marinette and she didn´t want to. Or I think maybe we were arguing about our wedding- we got married a few months after the man took the photo. M People who know this photo always think of us as the eternal lovers, like Romeo and Juliet. But life isn´t like that. It´s very difficult to stay in love when you see your husband every day at home, and you see him every day at work, too. And I’m very hardworking, but Henri is still a dreamer. Ah, those were the days… Created by Latham-Koenig, C. Answer key Listen, read and underline the sentences in past continuous. M= Marinette, H= Henri. M We didn’t know that our picture was so famous until 30 years later. One day I was working in the café when the man from the bookstore next door came in. He was holding a new book, which had a photo on the cover. Suddenly I said, “I don’t believe it”! That’s Henri and I when we were very young!” I remember that afternoon at the Bastille very well. When the man took that photo, we were arguing!Henri was standing very near me. I was saying, “Henri, don´t stand so near me, there is somebody behind us” H We didn´t know that the photographer was taking a photo of us. We were arguing. I can´t remember exactly what we were arguing about. I think I was trying to kiss Marinette and she didn´t want to. Or I think maybe we were arguing about our wedding- we got married a few months after the man took the photo. M People who know this photo always think of us as the eternal lovers, like Romeo and Juliet. But life isn´t like that. It´s very difficult to stay in love when you see your husband every day at home, and you see him every day at work, too. And I’m very hardworking, but Henri is still a dreamer. Ah, those were the days.
  • 11. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Anexo 4 Complete the following text inserting the information provided. A moment in history On 4th November I arrived In Chicago late in the evening. I wanted to photograph Barack Obama and his family in the Convention Center, but when I got there I discovered that I didn’t have my press pass and I couldn´t go inside. I walked around the park outside the center and everybody 1. ____________for the transmission of the event. I 2._________to get closer to the journalists, but there were many people. People 3. ___________ Barack very excited, while I was a little sad because of my press pass. Although, it was November the weather was cool. The atmosphere was amazing. People 4. __________on the grass because they were really tense and nervous. Some of them 5. ______________hands and smiling. I took this photo when it was the election results, and that moment was the best. I 6. ___________Obama’s victory through the faces of all these people. Adapted by Yolisveht Camacho. 1. was trying 2. was waiting 3. was watching 4. were shouting 5. weren’t sitting 6. were quietly holding
  • 12. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Answer key A moment in history On 4th November I arrived In Chicago late in the evening. I wanted to photograph Barack Obama and his family in the Convention Center, but when I got there I discovered that I didn’t have my press pass and I couldn´t go inside. I walked around the park outside the center and everybody was waiting for the transmission of the event. I was trying to get closer to the journalists, but there were many people. People were shouting Barack very excited, while I was a little sad because of my press pass. Although, it was November the weather was cool. The atmosphere was amazing. People weren´t sitting on the grass because they were really tense and nervous. Some of them were quietly holding hands and smiling. I took this photo when it was the election results, and that moment was the best. I was watching Obama’s victory through the faces of all these people. Anexo 5 Choose the information that is closer to your answers. Questions What were you doing yesterday at ten o’clock? I was sleeping on my bed I was doing my homework I was studying in the school. What were you doing last Saturday at nine p.m.? I was watching TV. I was having a party. I was listening to music. Were you checking your social networks yesterday at night? Yes, I was checking my social networks. No, I wasn’t checking my social networks. Yes, I was checking them but just for 5 minutes. Was your mother watching TV at 10 p.m yesterday? Yes, she was watching TV at 10 p.m. No, she wasn´t watching TV at 10. No, She wasn’t at home yesterday. Where were you staying in your last vacations? I was staying in a hotel. I was staying in my grandma’s house. I was staying at home.
  • 13. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Anexo 6 Instruction: Reorder the Barack Obama’s story. 1. Everyone wanted his home, the white house. 2. One day he was the president of the USA, but suddenly it was the election time. 3. While I was president, Trump was planning to build a wall between the USA and Mexico. 4. When he was president, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were trying to win the elections. 5. While I was meeting the president of Cuba, Barack’s secretary called him and told him Trump had won the elections. I was very sad. 6. While Clinton and Trump were preparing their campaign, Barack was making peace with Cuba. 7. Donald Trump stood up for the Republican Party, while Hillary Clinton defended the Democratic Party. 8. In the end, Trump beat Clinton. Answer key Instruction: Reorder the Barack Obama’s story. 1. One day he was the president of the USA, but suddenly it was the election time. 2. Everyone wanted his home, the white house. 3. When he was president, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were trying to win the elections. 4. Donald Trump stood up for the Republican Party, while Hillary Clinton defended the Democratic Party. 5. While I was president, Trump was planning to build a wall between the USA and Mexico. 6. While Clinton and Trump were preparing their campaign, Barack was making peace with Cuba. 7. While I was meeting the president of Cuba, Barack’s secretary called him and told him Trump had won the elections. I was very sad. 8. In the end, Trump beat Clinton. Past simple vs Past continuos
  • 14. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Anexo 7 Choose while or when depending on the context. 1. What were you doing when /while you broke your leg? 2. I was watching TV when/ while he called me. 3. When/ While we were having a picnic, it started to rain. 4. What were you doing when/ while the earthquake started? 5. We were watching a movie when/ while the screen went black. 6. When/ While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car. 7. Sam was waiting for us when/ while we got off the plain. 8. I was studying when/while she was making dinner. 9. I wasn’t paying attention when/while I was doing the exam, so I failed it. 10.You were not listening to me when/ while I told you to turn the oven off. Answer key Choose while or when depending on the context. 1. What were you doing when /while you broke your leg? 2. I was watching TV when/ while he called me. 3. When/ whilewe were having a picnic, It started to rain. 4. What were you doingwhen/ while the earthquake started? 5. We were watching a movie when/ while the screen went Black. 6. When/ whileJohn was sleeping last night, someone stole his car. 7. Sam was waiting for us when/ while we got off the plain. 8. I was studying when/whileshe was making dinner. 9. I wasn’t paying attention when/while I was doing the exam, so I failed it. 10.You were not listening to me when/ while I told you to turn the oven off.
  • 15. SECUENCIA DIDÁCTICA Anexo 8 Classify the previous sentences in the following chart. Past simple Past Continuous Answer Key Classify the previous sentences in the following chart. Past simple Past Continuous you broke your leg? What were you doing he called me. I was watching TV It started to rain. we were having a picnic the earthquake started? What were you doing the screen went Black. We were watching a movie someone stole his car. John was sleeping last night Sam was waiting for us we got off the plain. I was studying she was making dinner. I wasn’t paying attention I was doing the exam, so I failed it. You were not listening to me I told you to turn the oven off.
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