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By Dr. Peter Hammond
By Dr. Peter Hammond
By Dr. Peter Hammond
Even before February 1840,
when Queen Victoria married Prince Albert,
Britain and Germany
- The Best of Friends
Britain and Germany enjoyed the closest of ties
in friendship,
marriage, Faith and culture.
Britain and Germany
- The Best of Friends
Allies at War
Historically British and German soldiers were the staunchest of allies.
The great Battle of Waterloo was won by the alliance of British and
German troops under the Duke of Wellington and Marshall Blücher,
against their traditional enemies the French.
Queen Victoria herself was a descendant of Hanoverian kings and a
daughter of a princess of Saxony. She couldn’t have been more German
herself. Prince Albert of Saxony was of course also thoroughly German.
Victoria and Alfred
Anglo Saxons
Both the Angles and the Saxons,
after whom the Anglo-Saxons are named, came from Germany.
Christmas Trees
It was Prince Albert who
introduced the German tradition
of Christmas trees to England.
Cultural Exchange
The cultural exchange from Germany to England
during the 19th century was unrivalled.
German composers
were the most
highly esteemed
throughout the
British Isles:
and Wagner.
Germans read Sherlock Holmes
and were enthusiastic Gilbert and Sullivan fans.
Cricket was introduced to Germany as early as 1850.
By 1914, there were at least 14 Cricket teams in Berlin alone.
Lawn tennis was introduced from England to
Germany by the 1890s,
and the Berlin – Wannsee Golf club
opened in 1895.
Thomas Cook’s first foreign tourism packages were to
Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
By the early 1900s, the English were emulating their German cousins
by taking part in hiking tours with such German innovations as
rucksacks, alpenstocks and Tyrolean hats.
The fashion for dressing children in sailor suits originated in the 1840s
when Queen Victoria began dressing her sons in naval costumes. This
soon spread throughout the European Royal families.
Inventions and Trade
The Great Exhibition in Hyde Park in 1851 was
organised by Prince Albert.
Not only were British industrial products put on display, but there were
more than 1,500 exhibitors from Germany.
Throughout the 1800s, a torrent of German inventions and
manufactured goods flowed into Britain.
Germany was Britain’s main source of imports, and Germany was
the most receptive overseas market to English goods.
British homes were filled with Dresden China.
Leica cameras,
and Voigtlander cameras,
Zeiss binoculars.
and Adler and Olympia typewriters.
Fluorescent lamps,
the Geiger counter,
radio waves
the Geiger counter,
radio waves.
and X-rays were German discoveries which dominated
the British market.
Over 100,000 British children went to bed with teddy bears
made by Steiff
(after having played with their German made train sets, or china dolls).
provided British
with their most
Almost every
German home
used Oxford
golden syrup,
And Wedgewood china.
Many of the trains and steam ships in Germany were built in Britain.
Germany dominated the optical
industry and it was particularly
Austrian Johann Voigtländer
whose cameras and lenses
dominated the market.
Voigtländer was the one who introduced the English fashion of wearing
monocles to Austria and Germany.
Many German names are so familiar in Britain that they are almost
considered indigenous. E.G.: Nivea face cream).
Osram light
Agfa film
Asprin from Bayer,
Persil washing powder,
AEG (Allgemeine Elektricitats-Gelsellschaft),
BASF (Baden Aniline Soda Factory).
the microphone in 1885
Emile Berliner invented
And in 1887 Emile Berliner invented the gramophone
Rudolph Diesel invented the engine that bears his name
and which powered
the British Navy.
In the 1850s, William Siemens opened
the British branch of the Siemens
electrical engineering company.
Siemens manufactured telegraph and telephone cables
Siemens laid the thousands of miles of under-sea
telegraph and telephone cables,
that made Britain the hub of a global empire and London the centre of
international finances.
Julius Reuter set up an office in the stock exchange and founded the
organisation that added news and information to this cable network.
From 1851, many of the British
children spent the day attending a
new type of elementary school
imported from Germany, the
Frederick Froebel had
introduced the Kindergarten
system to
Germany in 1837.
At the first International Chess Tournament organised in London, 1851,
the British were shocked when their top chess champion, Howard
Staunton (whose name is given to the design of the modern chess set)
was beaten by the German competitor, Adolf Anderssen.
Many noted that the seeds of later rivalry between Great Britain and
Germany were sown in 1851, when British manufacturers realised what
major competition they had from German industry,
and when their chess champion could be beaten.
However, nobody in the 19th century would have ever predicted
war between Britain and Germany.
Family Ties
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert almost exclusively
spoke German to each other.
Family Ties
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert almost exclusively
spoke German to each other.
Princess Victoria, the daughter
of the English Queen,
was wife of Crown Prince
Friederich Wilhelm of Germany.
Mutual Support
As late as December 1898, when war between Britain and France was a
distinct possibility, Kaiser Wilhem II assured the British ambassador that:
If ever England were in serious danger, Germany would certainly come
to her assistance. Europe was not conceivable without England, he said.
The Best of
In 1890, an English newspaper
interviewed Chancellor
Bismarck who noted that
war between England and
Germany was
wildly improbable.
The British Foreign Secretary,
Sir Edward Grey, in 1912,
predicted that any differences
between Britain and Germany
would never assume
dangerous proportions.
Even as late at August 1914, the British Ambassador to Berlin,
Sir Edward Goschen, described British relations with Germany
as more friendly and cordial than they have been in years.
A Special Relationship
Politically, diplomatically and militarily, Britain was closer to
Germany than any other country in the world.
Throughout the 19th century, war between Britain and Germany was
Throughout the 19th century the British and Germany people
cherished their special relationship based on common
heritage, kingship, blood and Protestant Faith.
A Shot That Shattered Civilization
Tragically generations of friendship and mutual respect were shattered
as the heir to the Austrian throne was
shot and assassinated
by an 18 year old Bosnian Serb student in Sarajevo.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie were
both murdered
How did a terrorist act in Sarajevo
sever the special relationship between Britain and Germany
that had endured for centuries?
It is understandable that Austria was going to do something
about their troublesome neighbour Serbia,
who had been encouraging and hosting revolutionaries and terrorists
against the Austrian Hungarian Empire.
However, as Austria gave an ultimatum to Serbia, the Russian Empire
mobilised against Austria and guaranteed full support to Serbia.
This led to Germany mobilising in support of its Austrian ally
against Russia.
The French were allied to Russia and were spoiling for a fight
to reverse the humiliating military defeat they had suffered
at the hands of Germany in 1870.
Strangely, King Edward
VII had allied Britain to
France and Russia,
probably out of spite for
his parents, Queen
Victoria and Prince
So, Britain ended up
on the side of its
traditional enemies,
France and Russia,
and against its
closest ally,
Cutting the Cord
On 4th August 1914, as Europe began mobilising for the most disastrous
war in history
Cutting the Cord
Britain’s first act of war was not military,
but aimed at communication.
The steam cable vessel Telconia, was anchored in the North Sea under
cover of darkness to trawl for cables on the seabed.
By dawn her engineers had located and cut all five German cables,
to France, Spain, Tenerife and the two cables to New York.
A War of Words
The severing of these transatlantic links heralded the
beginning of a war of words.
The deep wounds inflicted by the
propaganda war would last far
beyond the ending of
the First World War and
created a climate of mistrust and
suspicion that poisoned
Anglo-German relations for over a
Cutting the transatlantic cables also signaled the start of
a new kind of war, a war of propaganda.
Separating Family and Friends
It cut the ties that had bound Britain and Germany closer
than any other two nations on earth for over 100 years.
The torrent of lies and deceit
unleashed by clandestine public
relations campaigns continue to
inspire hate and prejudice in
Hollywood films to this day.
Under Lloyd George,
a secret British
propaganda agency
was set up
which secretly enlisted
the active support
of virtually
every great British
writer, then alive,
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Arnold Bennet
John Buchan,
John Masefield,.
G.K. Chesterton,
Thomas Hardy,
Rudyard Kipling
and H.G. Wells.
A Legacy of Deceit
Pens were dipped in the poison of lies and directed against their recent
close friends in Germany.
British Military Intelligence not only mobilised
the literary big guns for its propaganda campaigns,
but manufactured
the most outrageous atrocity stories
to attribute to their new enemies.
The legacy of bitterness and disillusionment created by this clandestine
propaganda war had far-reaching devastating consequences for world
history throughout the 20th century.
Media Manipulation
David Lloyd
George was the
Chancellor of
the Exchequer at
the beginning of
the war.
He was one of the first politicians to understand how the media game
was played and he shamelessly exploited the press for personal and
professional advantage.
In 1911, Lloyd George had championed the National Insurance Act, an
important foundation stone of the welfare state.
To push this highly controversial act through against strong resistance,
Lloyd George sponsored media manipulation to mobilise public opinion.
It was possibly the first time that a modern, democratically elected
government had spent public money setting up an organisation
specifically to manipulate public opinion.
The National Insurance Commission set up by Lloyd George was the first
government public relations machine producing newspaper articles,
pamphlets and nationwide lectures in favour of legislation.
Lloyd George’s appointed
leader of this commission was
a fellow Liberal Member of
Parliament, and a journalist,
Charles Masterman.
So it was in 1914,
Lloyd George
turned again
to Charles Masterman
to set up the British
War Propaganda Bureau,
based in Wellington
House, London.
On 2 September, Masterman invited Britain’s top literary talent to a
secret meeting at Wellington House.
Promoting War
The authors were requested to produce books,
articles and pamphlets promoting British war aims.
The Bureau would arrange
to have these books
published through normal
commercial publishing
Oxford University Press,
Thomas Nelson,
Hodder and Stoughton,
McMillan, etc.
and guarantee
their financial success.
Endorsing War
These well-known authors were also requested to sign
full page advertisements to appear in New York Newspapers,
denouncing Germany and appealing for American support.
All these would be secretly financed
by Wellington House.
Top Secret
This clandestine disinformation operation was so effective
that it was only by 1935 that the existence
of the War Propaganda Bureau became known.
Conflict of Interest
John Buchan,
author of
espionage tales
such as
The 39 Steps
and Director of
Thomas Nelson
Publishing House,
ended up as
Director of the
Ministry of
Managing the Media
On 11 September 1914, Masterman held a meeting with all the editors
of leading newspapers and formed the Neutral Press Committee to
ensure that all British newspapers towed the line, advanced British war
aims and disseminated British propaganda overseas.
In May 1915, the British War Propaganda Bureau produced the
notorious Report on the Alleged German Outrages.
This report was reported to be an independent and objective official
review under the chairmanship of Viscount Bryce, former British
Ambassador to the United States.
It was in fact nothing but a piece
of black propaganda loaded with
fictitious atrocities and
outrageous lies.
Yet many of its claims, such as the
bayonetting of babies, raping of
nuns and chopping off of children’s
hands and feet in Belgium,
ended up in school
history textbooks!
The British War
Propaganda Bureau
over 1,100 pamphlets
a vast number of books
To Arms! by Arthur Conan Doyle,
The Barbarism in Berlin by G.K. Chesterton,
The New Army by Rudyard Kipling,
The Two Maps of Europe by Hillarie Belloc,
Liberty, a Statement of the
British Case and
War Scenes on the Western Front Line by Arnold Bennet.
Is England Apathetic? by Gilbert Parker,.
by John Masefield
The Old Front Line
by John Masefield
A Sheaf
by John Galsworthy.
and Another Sheaf
by John Galsworthy.
H.G. Wells produced The Research
Magnificent and Mr Britling
Sees it Through.
War Mania
Most memorably, H.G. Wells produced
The War that Will End War
The War that Will
End War
John Buchan produced flag waving propaganda such as:
The Battle of the Somme.
John Buchan also produced
The Battle of Jutland.
Buchan’s greatest hit was his
espionage adventure:
The 39 Steps.
This book helped generate spy
mania throughout Britain .
Buchan followed this up
in 1916, with
An example of the distortions published by Buchan was his Illustrated
History of the War published in 1915, which claimed that the Germans
were on the verge of defeat having lost 1.3 million soldiers,
compared to less than 100,000 British lives lost!
Fiction vs Fiction
Arthur Conan Doyle brought
the world’s most famous
detective out of retirement to
turn Sherlock Holmes
deductive powers to trapping
Von Bork – a fictitious German
spy in England.
Engineering Public Opinion
Because the press was in
on the deception, the
public and most members
of the British government
remained in the dark and
accepted the ever growing
torrent of anti-German
literature as spontaneous
expressions of journalists,
authors and historians.
German Propaganda
In response the German Foreign Office set up and funded the Central
Office for Foreign Services under the direction of Matthias Erzberger,
the leader of the Catholic Centre Party.
The Foreign services office was primarily concerned with collecting and
studying printed works from abroad, and later published German
newspapers and magazines for distribution abroad, including
The Continental Times, Kriegs-Chronik (War Chronicle), and
The Great War in Pictures.
Pictures for Propaganda
Each photograph was captioned in up to six languages, including English.
Also the weekly Illustrated War-Courier.
The German Foreign Services Office
was especially keen on publishing
photographs because visual
propaganda needed no translation
and pictures could
touch the emotions directly and
present evidence of their case.
Later in the war they would also
distribute films.
Building up Morale
In Berlin German writers,
journalists and artists
were encouraged
to extol German courage,
and military prowess
and to expose English treachery,
cowardice and failure.
Demoralising the Enemy
The propaganda machines in Britain and Germany aimed to
demoralize the enemy armed forces and civilian populations by
damaging press reports and by dropping leaflets from the air.
Aside from bolstering their own
population with positive propaganda,
the Bureau targeted the enemy
population for negative propaganda.
Anti-German pamphlets,
leaflets and newspapers were
distributed in Germany
and Austria.
Aircraft and balloons dropped propaganda leaflets over enemy areas.
Propaganda was directly posted to selected addresses through enemy
mails. German and Austrian postage stamps were forged.
Moral Blockade
Along with the British Navy’s starvation blockade
of Germany, came a moral Blockade
through propaganda in neutral countries.
German General
Erich Ludendorff wrote in his
post-war memoirs:
We were hypnotised by
the enemy propaganda
as a rabbit is by a snake.
It was exceptionally
clever, and conceived on
a great scale.
It worked by strong mass suggestion, kept in the closest touch with the
military situation, and was unscrupulous as to the means it used…
Encouraging One’s
Own Forces
Secondly they aimed to inspire their
own civilian populations, gaining
moral support for the war, inspiring
young men to enlist and fight,
and encouraging greater industrial
and agricultural production.
Enlisting Sympathy and Support
from Neutrals
The third goal of these propaganda departments was to gain the
support of neutral countries. In this respect, both Britain and Germany
had the same primary propaganda target – The United States.
Germany’s goal was to persuade
the US to remain neutral
and Britain’s goal was to
persuade the USA to
military involvement
on the allied side.
From an American point of view, the most dramatic event leading to the
US entry into World War I,
was the sinking of the RMS Lusitania, on the 7th May 1915.
On 4 February 1915, the German government had announced that, in
retaliation for the British Navy’s blockade of German ports, the
Kriegsmarine were going to launch a counter-blockade against the
British Isles, using submarine warfare.
From 18 February onwards, every enemy merchant vessel in the waters
surrounding the British Isles would be targeted.
Neutral vessels were warned that
they could be exposed to danger in
this war zone, in view of the misuse
of neutral flags ordered by the
British government on 31 January.
First Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Winston Churchill, had encouraged British
merchant vessels to fly the flags of neutral countries.
Naval personal were also urged to wear civilian clothing to lure German
submarines to the surface where they would be vulnerable to being
destroyed by concealed surface guns.
Winston Churchill declared that the Royal Navy blockade of Germany
was meant to starve the whole population – men, women and children,
old and young, wounded and sound – into submission.
In addition to the Royal Navy battleships and cruisers, the British
mined vast sections of the North Sea to imperil even neutral ships
that may be trading cargo with their enemy.
Historian John Coogan noted: By sowing mines in international waters,
Britain deliberately replaced the belligerent right of Visit and Search in
the North Sea, with a new rule:
Explode and Sink!
Up until the First World War, food intended for civilian use was not
considered contraband by anyone. Therefore the starvation blockade
of Germany was in violation of International Law.
However, American president Woodrow Wilson refused to draw any
connection between the German warning of submarine warfare
and the British hunger blockade of Germany
using both surface fleet and sea mines.
On 29 March 1915, the British steam ship Falava was sunk by a German
U-Boat. According to British propaganda, the German captain had fired
without warning, killing 110 people, including one American.
Investigations later established that the German captain had given
the Falava three warnings, and had fired only after
a British war ship had appeared on the horizon.
The Falava was carrying 13 tonnes of ammunition.
Nevertheless, President Wilson sent a warning to the German
government that the United States would protect American citizens
even if they were sailing on ships belonging to belligerents
involved in open war!
This was a dramatic change in policy. During previous wars, for example,
during the Japanese – Russian war of 1905, the American government
had warned its citizens that they travelled in war zones at their own risk.
The RMS Lusitania of the Cunard line was known to be carrying
thousands of cases of ammunition for the British Army.
The German government published
warnings in major American newspapers
not to book passage on the Lusitania and
cautioning American travellers that the
waters around the British Isles were a
war zone.
Those travelling on ships of Great Britain and her
Allies, did so at their own risk.
Documents, which had been sealed
for 60 years, were only released in
1975, detailing how First Lord of
the Admiralty, Winston
Churchill, had conspired to
bring about the sinking of the
Lusitania in order to enable the
American government to
convince their isolationist
population of the need for
America to enter the war on
Britain’s side.
Radio signals from the Admiralty even instructed the Lusitania to change
course, deliberately leading it into the known location of German
U-20 Captain, Walter Schwieger fired a single torpedo
in order to give the passengers and crew of the ship sufficient
time to lower the life boats and abandon ship.
He was stunned to see the tremendous explosion caused
by the single torpedo..
The vast cargo of ammunition had clearly been ignited from that single
torpedo and the ship sunk in minutes.
1,195 of the ship’s 1,959 passengers perished,
including over 100 of the Americans on board.
The sinking of the Lusitania was fully exploited by the Propaganda
Bureaus of Britain and of the United States.
The American Secretary of State,
William Jennings Bryan, reminded
the president that the investigation
confirmed that over 5,000 cases of
ammunition and shells had been
on board the liner and that the
German government had
repeatedly offered to end
submarine warfare in exchange
for the elimination of the
Starvation Blockade of Germany.
Secretary of State Bryan challenged Wilson’s double standards:
“Why be shocked at the drowning of a few people,
if there is to be no objection to starving a nation?”
The German government suspended their submarine operations, but
Woodrow Wilson demanded further that American ships had the right
to travel on armed, belligerent merchant ships, carrying ammunitions of
war through a declared war zone to Britain without the right of the
German Navy to interfere with this.
Convinced that he was part of an administration hell-bent on war,
Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan, resigned.
Although President Woodrow Wilson spoke of submarine warfare as a
war against all mankind, historian Thomas Fleming points out that the
United States Navy adopted the same policy as the German Navy
during World War II.
The US Navy launched more submarines than Germany and throughout
its involvement in WWII,
adopted a surprise attack approach against all enemy surface ships,
torpedoing, without warning, even fishing vessels.
Similarly, what the
US government
condemned as a
war crime,
Japan bombing the
Chinese city of
the US Army Air Force undertook as a matter of policy, bombing the
cities of Germany in so called Strategic Bombing Offensives and
Saturation Bombing Campaigns.
The British Navy’s Hunger Blockade of Germany continued for 4 months
after the end of WWI, 11 November 1918.
Hundreds-of-thousands of non-combatants perished from cold and
hunger because of that blockade during the winter
following the Armistice.
It has been pointed out by historians that the Congress of Vienna,
1814-1815, which concluded the 25 years of French Revolution
and Napoleonic Wars, produced a peace settlement
that endured for a full century.
The Congress of Vienna was worked out by European powers
without any American assistance.
However, the Versailles Treaty, with all the meddling by American
president, Woodrow Wilson, who claimed to want to make the world
safe for democracy, spectacularly failed.
The punitive and vindictive Versailles Treaty guaranteed an even more
terrible conflict would erupt two decades later,
leading to the deaths of tens-of-millions more,
and a massive expansion of communist control
over Eastern and Central Europe.
The sinking of the Lusitania provides another tragic example of
the deadly consequences of deception and propaganda.
Breaking the Stalemate
As the militaries were locked in stalemate on the Western front,
the propaganda war became decisive.
No Photographs of Dead Soldiers!
One of the first rules that Masterman enforced on British reporters was
that there were to be absolutely no photographs published of the war,
except those taken by official photographers appointed by the Bureau.
There were to be no pictures of dead soldiers published.
No Cameras Allowed!
Realising that
of the war
could be
very dangerous
to civilian morale,
the prohibition
of cameras
was enforced
very seriously.
No officer or soldier was permitted to be in possession of a camera.
Technically, owning and using a camera in an operational area
could be punishable by death by firing squad.
However, as anyone who has visited World War I Museums such as
Hill 60 near Ypres, can see hundreds of contemporary photographs
which British soldiers risked taking that survived the war.
Artists for War Propaganda
In 1916, Masterman recruited a talented artist, Murihead
Bone, to paint more idealised depictions of the war.
These pencil and charcoal
sketches were so successful
that some
90 war artists were
including William Orphen
and William Rothenstein.
The most memorable
propaganda image from WWI,
that of General Kitchener
Your country wants you!
was actually ineffective.
Voluntary recruitment fell so far below the levels needed for 1915, that
the British government was obliged to introduce conscription.
Targeting America
The primary target for British propaganda - the United States, was
successfully recruited to join the allied war effort.
In fact so effective was the British propaganda in the USA, that even
when the US government had declared war on Germany,
the general perception among Americans was that America would
only need to provide food, weapons and ammunition for
the already victorious English, French and Russian armies.
It came as a shock to the Senate
Majority Democratic leader that
the US would have to send an army
to Europe! Thomas Fleming
Leading newspapers such as the New York Tribune and the Los Angeles
Times assured their readers that no American army was needed in
Europe…. Everyone thought that the war was as good as won.
All the virtually
victorious English,
French and Russians
needed from the United
States was large
amounts of food,
weapons and
ammunition, paid for by
American loans….
Fleming attributed this state of
ignorance on the effectiveness of the
British War Propaganda Bureau.
With the cutting of the German telegraph cables,
and the effective censorship, America newsmen only knew
of the war from the British and French side.
As early as 1916, a US congressman had inserted into the congressional
record, a complaint that the US had been deluged with stories puffing
British and French battlefield superiority. Speakers by the hundreds
toured America telling the same lie.
British propaganda sought to
seize the moral high ground by
accusing their German enemy
of atrocious behaviour.
Although Belgium had military alliances with
France and Britain, the Germans were
accused of violating Belgium neutrality.
Germany pointed out that Belgium chose to
put itself on the side of France…
Belgium was one great
fortified camp against
Germany. In fact the
French and British
military had begun
pouring into Belgium,
30 July, before
Germany responded.
There could have been no one in Britain, and
very few in the United States, who did not hear, or read, of the
British Propaganda Bureau’s fabrications of German soldiers killing
women and children indiscriminately, raping nuns, cutting off the
hands and feet of children and bayonetting babies.
When Myth Becomes History
The fact was that the German army was the most disciplined army
in the world.
Despite many challenges, including
from American Lawyer,
Clarence Darrow, offering US $1,000
to anyone who could substantiate
one of these atrocities,
not one documented case
could ever be shown.
Yet the
processed these
urban myths
into permanent
historical fact
by one of
the most
and ruthless
ever assembled.
War Hysteria
The notorious report on the
alleged German outrages was
published simultaneously
in 30 languages in May 1915.
Although completely
discredited after the war,
it was widely accepted at
the time in Britain,
America and in many
neutral countries
Margaret Cole wrote of the war hysteria and A barrage of untrue and
idiotic atrocity story about children with their hands cut off by Germans,
priests tied upside down to the clappers of their own bells,
dead bodies boiled down for fat, and the like.
The Absence of Evidence
Irving Cobb, an American reporter for the Hearst press, reported that
while many had stories to tell of German atrocities in Belgium,
he wasn’t able to find a single eye-witness.
It had always happened to someone else,
in another town.
Robert Graves, a young British officer on the Western front wrote
In his memoirs Good Bye to All That: Propaganda reports of atrocities,
it was agreed, were ridiculous. We no longer believed
the highly coloured account of German atrocities in Belgium.
War on Two Fronts
As historian A. J. P. Taylor pointed out, by Germany being forced to fight
a war on two fronts, with Russia in the East and Britain and France in
the West, the German rail network was compelled to mobilise the
millions of soldiers necessary to neutralise these threats on both the
eastern and western fronts according to a very rigid time table.
The German government had requested the Belgian government to
allow passage for the German military
to counter the French mobilisation against it.
As the German chancellor,
Bethmann Hollweg, explained to
the British ambassador, this was
a matter of life and death to
A Fight for Survival
The German Army was not an expeditionary force crossing the channel
to some other land mass. They were fighting for their life against the
two greatest armies in the world at that time: France and Russia.
Those who had first hand knowledge rejected the propaganda entirely.
The better educated sections of Britain regarded such accounts
with suspicion.
The uninformed majority of the
public gullibly assumed
that the reports they were being fed
were true and accurate.
As a result of the propaganda war of
words, Germans came to be
perceived by the newspaper reading
public in France, Britain and the USA
as militaristic, brutal, bestial
Fabricated Atrocities
In 1917, Masterman published A Corpse Conversion Factory which
claimed that the Germans were loading the bodies of dead soldiers
onto railway carriages to be transported to a factory
where they were to be melted down for soap!
Historians were later able to trace the story back to its source, which
was that the bodies of dead horses were being processed. The Times of
London then twisted the story to involve human corpses.
Falsehood in
War Time
In 1928, British
Member of Parliament,
Arthur Ponsonby, published
in War Time.
In 200 pages, he
detailed examples of
the blatant lies and
black propaganda
published by British
departments and
newspapers between
1914 and 1918.
One of the memorable
examples exposed by
Ponsonby by tracking down
the sources of these atrocity
stories included the fate of
the priests in Antwerp.
The Priests
in Antwerp
In November 1914, the
Cologne Daily News reported:
When the fall of Antwerp became
known, the church bells
were rung.
This referred to the celebrating of
the German victory.
This item was the picked up by the
French Le Matin with a deliberate
distortion, claiming that according to
the Cologne Daily News:
The Clergy at Antwerp were compelled
to ring the church bells
when the fortress was taken.
The Times of London then picked
up this story and embellished it
further: According to what Le
Matin has heard from Cologne by
Paris, the unfortunate Belgium
priest who refused to ring the
church bells when Antwerp was
taken, have been driven away
from their places.
The Italian Corriere Della Sera then quoted the Times as reporting that:
The unfortunate Belgium priests who refused to ring the church bells
when Antwerp was taken have been sentenced to hard labour.!
Le Matin in France then reported
that according to this Italian
newspaper: It is confirmed that the
barbaric conquerors of Antwerp
punished the unfortunate Belgium
priests for their heroic refusal
to ring the church bells by hanging
them upside down
as live clappers to the bells with
their heads down!!!
This farcical games of Chinese
whispers as newspaper editors in
France, Italy and England all sought
to outdo one another
with more bizarre, one upmanship.
Bizarre Inventions
One of the most vicious posters of
WWI shows as German nurse
standing beside a wounded British
soldier, lying in his poor makeshift
sick bed pleading for water.
According to the caption:
Wounded and a prisoner,
our soldier cries for water.
A German sister pours it
on the ground before his
eyes. There is no woman
in Britain who would do it.
There is no woman in
who will forget it!
Doubtless there was no
women in Germany who
would do it either. No such
incident ever occurred.
It was manufactured
in one of the malicious minds
Wellington House.
As MP Arthur Ponsonby declared: If lies were only used to deceive the
enemy in the game of war, it would not be worth troubling about.
But, as the purpose of
most of them is to fan
indignation and induce
the flower of the
countries youth to be
ready to make the
supreme sacrifice, it
becomes a serious
Propaganda Kills
As Ponsonby’s documentation in Falsehood in War Time so eloquently
demonstrated: Lies in propaganda kill innocent people.
Reported atrocities of the enemy inspire counter atrocities
by one’s own forces.
Atrocious behaviour is justified by lies about atrocious behaviour
allegedly done by one’s opponents.
Destructive Lies
Some historians have noted that the harm caused by the propaganda
war proved to be even more damaging than the personal agony and
destruction caused by trench fighting, unrestricted submarine warfare
and aerial bombing of civilian targets.
These created lasting physical and emotional trauma for individuals
and lasting enmity between the nations.
But the indelible memory of
atrocity stories that had taken
place only in the imaginations of
British propaganda agents
proved to be stronger and more
persistent than any facts.
…the power of myths over
facts was the real legacy
of the First War, and it
was to prove one of the
most important influences
on future Anglo-German
relations from both the
British and the German
points of view.
Versailles Extortion
The British propaganda office achieved its final victory
after the war was over.
The Versailles Peace Treaty signed in 1919, sought to pin war guilt
exclusively on Germany.
This made possible the extortion of ruinous reparations.
• Under The Influence
• What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?
PO Box 74
Newlands, 7725
Cape Town
South Africa

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The Best of Enemies

  • 1. The BEST of ENEMIES By Dr. Peter Hammond
  • 2.
  • 3. By Dr. Peter Hammond
  • 4. The BEST of ENEMIES By Dr. Peter Hammond
  • 5.
  • 6. Even before February 1840, when Queen Victoria married Prince Albert, Britain and Germany - The Best of Friends
  • 7. Britain and Germany enjoyed the closest of ties in friendship, marriage, Faith and culture. Britain and Germany - The Best of Friends
  • 8. Allies at War Historically British and German soldiers were the staunchest of allies. The great Battle of Waterloo was won by the alliance of British and German troops under the Duke of Wellington and Marshall Blücher, against their traditional enemies the French.
  • 9. Queen Victoria herself was a descendant of Hanoverian kings and a daughter of a princess of Saxony. She couldn’t have been more German herself. Prince Albert of Saxony was of course also thoroughly German. Victoria and Alfred
  • 10. Anglo Saxons Both the Angles and the Saxons, after whom the Anglo-Saxons are named, came from Germany.
  • 11. Christmas Trees It was Prince Albert who introduced the German tradition of Christmas trees to England.
  • 12. Cultural Exchange The cultural exchange from Germany to England during the 19th century was unrivalled.
  • 13. German composers were the most highly esteemed throughout the British Isles: Beethoven
  • 14. Bach,
  • 24. and were enthusiastic Gilbert and Sullivan fans.
  • 25. Cricket was introduced to Germany as early as 1850. By 1914, there were at least 14 Cricket teams in Berlin alone.
  • 26. Lawn tennis was introduced from England to Germany by the 1890s, and the Berlin – Wannsee Golf club opened in 1895.
  • 27. Tourism Thomas Cook’s first foreign tourism packages were to Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
  • 28. By the early 1900s, the English were emulating their German cousins by taking part in hiking tours with such German innovations as rucksacks, alpenstocks and Tyrolean hats.
  • 29. Fashions The fashion for dressing children in sailor suits originated in the 1840s when Queen Victoria began dressing her sons in naval costumes. This soon spread throughout the European Royal families.
  • 30. Inventions and Trade The Great Exhibition in Hyde Park in 1851 was organised by Prince Albert.
  • 31. Not only were British industrial products put on display, but there were more than 1,500 exhibitors from Germany.
  • 32.
  • 33. Throughout the 1800s, a torrent of German inventions and manufactured goods flowed into Britain. Germany was Britain’s main source of imports, and Germany was the most receptive overseas market to English goods.
  • 34. British homes were filled with Dresden China.
  • 38. and Adler and Olympia typewriters.
  • 39. Fluorescent lamps, the Geiger counter, radio waves
  • 42. and X-rays were German discoveries which dominated the British market.
  • 43. Over 100,000 British children went to bed with teddy bears made by Steiff (after having played with their German made train sets, or china dolls).
  • 44. Germany provided British manufacturers with their most profitable market. Almost every German home used Oxford marmalade
  • 48. Many of the trains and steam ships in Germany were built in Britain.
  • 49. Germany dominated the optical industry and it was particularly Austrian Johann Voigtländer whose cameras and lenses dominated the market.
  • 50. Voigtländer was the one who introduced the English fashion of wearing monocles to Austria and Germany.
  • 51. Many German names are so familiar in Britain that they are almost considered indigenous. E.G.: Nivea face cream).
  • 57. BASF (Baden Aniline Soda Factory).
  • 58. the microphone in 1885 Emile Berliner invented
  • 59. And in 1887 Emile Berliner invented the gramophone
  • 60.
  • 61. Rudolph Diesel invented the engine that bears his name Diesel
  • 62. and which powered the British Navy.
  • 63.
  • 64. In the 1850s, William Siemens opened the British branch of the Siemens electrical engineering company. Siemens
  • 65. Siemens manufactured telegraph and telephone cables
  • 66.
  • 67. Siemens laid the thousands of miles of under-sea telegraph and telephone cables,
  • 68. that made Britain the hub of a global empire and London the centre of international finances.
  • 69. Reuter Julius Reuter set up an office in the stock exchange and founded the organisation that added news and information to this cable network.
  • 70. Kindergarten From 1851, many of the British children spent the day attending a new type of elementary school imported from Germany, the Kindergarten.
  • 71. Frederick Froebel had introduced the Kindergarten system to Germany in 1837.
  • 72. Chess At the first International Chess Tournament organised in London, 1851, the British were shocked when their top chess champion, Howard Staunton (whose name is given to the design of the modern chess set)
  • 73. was beaten by the German competitor, Adolf Anderssen.
  • 74. Rivalry Many noted that the seeds of later rivalry between Great Britain and Germany were sown in 1851, when British manufacturers realised what major competition they had from German industry,
  • 75. and when their chess champion could be beaten.
  • 76. However, nobody in the 19th century would have ever predicted war between Britain and Germany.
  • 77. Family Ties Queen Victoria and Prince Albert almost exclusively spoke German to each other.
  • 78. Family Ties Queen Victoria and Prince Albert almost exclusively spoke German to each other.
  • 79. Princess Victoria, the daughter of the English Queen, was wife of Crown Prince Friederich Wilhelm of Germany.
  • 80. Mutual Support As late as December 1898, when war between Britain and France was a distinct possibility, Kaiser Wilhem II assured the British ambassador that: If ever England were in serious danger, Germany would certainly come to her assistance. Europe was not conceivable without England, he said.
  • 81. The Best of Friends In 1890, an English newspaper interviewed Chancellor Bismarck who noted that war between England and Germany was wildly improbable.
  • 82. The British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey, in 1912, predicted that any differences between Britain and Germany would never assume dangerous proportions.
  • 83. Even as late at August 1914, the British Ambassador to Berlin, Sir Edward Goschen, described British relations with Germany as more friendly and cordial than they have been in years.
  • 84. A Special Relationship Politically, diplomatically and militarily, Britain was closer to Germany than any other country in the world.
  • 85. Throughout the 19th century, war between Britain and Germany was inconceivable.
  • 86. Throughout the 19th century the British and Germany people cherished their special relationship based on common heritage, kingship, blood and Protestant Faith.
  • 87. A Shot That Shattered Civilization Tragically generations of friendship and mutual respect were shattered as the heir to the Austrian throne was
  • 88.
  • 89. shot and assassinated by an 18 year old Bosnian Serb student in Sarajevo.
  • 90.
  • 91. Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie were both murdered
  • 92. How did a terrorist act in Sarajevo
  • 93. sever the special relationship between Britain and Germany that had endured for centuries?
  • 94. Serbia It is understandable that Austria was going to do something about their troublesome neighbour Serbia,
  • 95. who had been encouraging and hosting revolutionaries and terrorists against the Austrian Hungarian Empire.
  • 96. Russia However, as Austria gave an ultimatum to Serbia, the Russian Empire mobilised against Austria and guaranteed full support to Serbia.
  • 97. Germany This led to Germany mobilising in support of its Austrian ally against Russia.
  • 98. France The French were allied to Russia and were spoiling for a fight to reverse the humiliating military defeat they had suffered at the hands of Germany in 1870.
  • 99. Edward’s Spitefulness Strangely, King Edward VII had allied Britain to France and Russia, probably out of spite for his parents, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.
  • 100. So, Britain ended up on the side of its traditional enemies, France and Russia, and against its traditionally closest ally, Germany.
  • 101.
  • 102. Cutting the Cord On 4th August 1914, as Europe began mobilising for the most disastrous war in history
  • 103. Cutting the Cord Britain’s first act of war was not military, but aimed at communication.
  • 104. The steam cable vessel Telconia, was anchored in the North Sea under cover of darkness to trawl for cables on the seabed.
  • 105. By dawn her engineers had located and cut all five German cables, to France, Spain, Tenerife and the two cables to New York.
  • 106. A War of Words The severing of these transatlantic links heralded the beginning of a war of words.
  • 107. The deep wounds inflicted by the propaganda war would last far beyond the ending of the First World War and created a climate of mistrust and suspicion that poisoned Anglo-German relations for over a generation.
  • 108. Cutting the transatlantic cables also signaled the start of a new kind of war, a war of propaganda.
  • 109. Separating Family and Friends It cut the ties that had bound Britain and Germany closer than any other two nations on earth for over 100 years.
  • 110. The torrent of lies and deceit unleashed by clandestine public relations campaigns continue to inspire hate and prejudice in Hollywood films to this day.
  • 111. Propaganda War Under Lloyd George, a secret British propaganda agency was set up which secretly enlisted the active support of virtually every great British writer, then alive, including: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • 119. A Legacy of Deceit Pens were dipped in the poison of lies and directed against their recent close friends in Germany.
  • 120. British Military Intelligence not only mobilised the literary big guns for its propaganda campaigns, but manufactured the most outrageous atrocity stories to attribute to their new enemies.
  • 121. The legacy of bitterness and disillusionment created by this clandestine propaganda war had far-reaching devastating consequences for world history throughout the 20th century.
  • 122. Media Manipulation David Lloyd George was the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the beginning of the war.
  • 123. He was one of the first politicians to understand how the media game was played and he shamelessly exploited the press for personal and professional advantage.
  • 124. In 1911, Lloyd George had championed the National Insurance Act, an important foundation stone of the welfare state.
  • 125. To push this highly controversial act through against strong resistance, Lloyd George sponsored media manipulation to mobilise public opinion.
  • 126. It was possibly the first time that a modern, democratically elected government had spent public money setting up an organisation specifically to manipulate public opinion.
  • 127. The National Insurance Commission set up by Lloyd George was the first government public relations machine producing newspaper articles, pamphlets and nationwide lectures in favour of legislation.
  • 128. Lloyd George’s appointed leader of this commission was a fellow Liberal Member of Parliament, and a journalist, Charles Masterman.
  • 129. Wellington House So it was in 1914, that Lloyd George turned again to Charles Masterman to set up the British War Propaganda Bureau, based in Wellington House, London.
  • 130. On 2 September, Masterman invited Britain’s top literary talent to a secret meeting at Wellington House.
  • 131. Promoting War The authors were requested to produce books, articles and pamphlets promoting British war aims.
  • 132. The Bureau would arrange to have these books published through normal commercial publishing houses: Oxford University Press, Thomas Nelson, Hodder and Stoughton, McMillan, etc. and guarantee their financial success.
  • 133. Endorsing War These well-known authors were also requested to sign full page advertisements to appear in New York Newspapers, denouncing Germany and appealing for American support.
  • 134. All these would be secretly financed by Wellington House.
  • 135. Top Secret This clandestine disinformation operation was so effective that it was only by 1935 that the existence of the War Propaganda Bureau became known.
  • 136. Conflict of Interest John Buchan, author of espionage tales such as The 39 Steps and Director of Thomas Nelson Publishing House, ended up as Director of the Ministry of Information.
  • 137. Managing the Media On 11 September 1914, Masterman held a meeting with all the editors of leading newspapers and formed the Neutral Press Committee to ensure that all British newspapers towed the line, advanced British war aims and disseminated British propaganda overseas.
  • 138. Disinformation In May 1915, the British War Propaganda Bureau produced the notorious Report on the Alleged German Outrages.
  • 139. This report was reported to be an independent and objective official review under the chairmanship of Viscount Bryce, former British Ambassador to the United States.
  • 140. It was in fact nothing but a piece of black propaganda loaded with fictitious atrocities and outrageous lies.
  • 141. Yet many of its claims, such as the bayonetting of babies, raping of nuns and chopping off of children’s hands and feet in Belgium, ended up in school history textbooks!
  • 142. Rewriting Reality The British War Propaganda Bureau produced over 1,100 pamphlets and a vast number of books including:
  • 143. To Arms! by Arthur Conan Doyle,
  • 144. The Barbarism in Berlin by G.K. Chesterton,
  • 145. The New Army by Rudyard Kipling,
  • 146. The Two Maps of Europe by Hillarie Belloc,
  • 147.
  • 148. Liberty, a Statement of the British Case and
  • 149. War Scenes on the Western Front Line by Arnold Bennet.
  • 150. Is England Apathetic? by Gilbert Parker,.
  • 152. The Old Front Line by John Masefield
  • 153. A Sheaf by John Galsworthy.
  • 154. and Another Sheaf by John Galsworthy.
  • 155. H.G. Wells produced The Research Magnificent and Mr Britling Sees it Through.
  • 156. War Mania Most memorably, H.G. Wells produced The War that Will End War
  • 157. The War that Will End War
  • 158. John Buchan produced flag waving propaganda such as: The Battle of the Somme.
  • 159. John Buchan also produced The Battle of Jutland.
  • 160. Buchan’s greatest hit was his espionage adventure: The 39 Steps. This book helped generate spy mania throughout Britain .
  • 161. Buchan followed this up in 1916, with Greenmantle.
  • 162. Distortion An example of the distortions published by Buchan was his Illustrated History of the War published in 1915, which claimed that the Germans were on the verge of defeat having lost 1.3 million soldiers, compared to less than 100,000 British lives lost!
  • 163.
  • 164. Fiction vs Fiction Arthur Conan Doyle brought the world’s most famous detective out of retirement to turn Sherlock Holmes deductive powers to trapping Von Bork – a fictitious German spy in England.
  • 165. Engineering Public Opinion Because the press was in on the deception, the public and most members of the British government remained in the dark and accepted the ever growing torrent of anti-German literature as spontaneous expressions of journalists, authors and historians.
  • 166. German Propaganda In response the German Foreign Office set up and funded the Central Office for Foreign Services under the direction of Matthias Erzberger, the leader of the Catholic Centre Party.
  • 167. The Foreign services office was primarily concerned with collecting and studying printed works from abroad, and later published German newspapers and magazines for distribution abroad, including The Continental Times, Kriegs-Chronik (War Chronicle), and The Great War in Pictures.
  • 168. Pictures for Propaganda Each photograph was captioned in up to six languages, including English. Also the weekly Illustrated War-Courier.
  • 169.
  • 170.
  • 171.
  • 172.
  • 173. The German Foreign Services Office was especially keen on publishing photographs because visual propaganda needed no translation and pictures could touch the emotions directly and present evidence of their case.
  • 174. Later in the war they would also distribute films.
  • 175. Building up Morale In Berlin German writers, journalists and artists were encouraged to extol German courage, self-sacrifice and military prowess
  • 176. and to expose English treachery,
  • 178.
  • 179.
  • 180.
  • 181. Demoralising the Enemy The propaganda machines in Britain and Germany aimed to demoralize the enemy armed forces and civilian populations by damaging press reports and by dropping leaflets from the air.
  • 182. Aside from bolstering their own population with positive propaganda, the Bureau targeted the enemy population for negative propaganda.
  • 183. Anti-German pamphlets, leaflets and newspapers were distributed in Germany and Austria.
  • 184. Aircraft and balloons dropped propaganda leaflets over enemy areas. Propaganda was directly posted to selected addresses through enemy mails. German and Austrian postage stamps were forged.
  • 185. Moral Blockade Along with the British Navy’s starvation blockade of Germany, came a moral Blockade through propaganda in neutral countries.
  • 186. German General Erich Ludendorff wrote in his post-war memoirs: We were hypnotised by the enemy propaganda as a rabbit is by a snake. It was exceptionally clever, and conceived on a great scale.
  • 187. It worked by strong mass suggestion, kept in the closest touch with the military situation, and was unscrupulous as to the means it used…
  • 188. Encouraging One’s Own Forces Secondly they aimed to inspire their own civilian populations, gaining moral support for the war, inspiring young men to enlist and fight,
  • 189. and encouraging greater industrial and agricultural production.
  • 190.
  • 191. Enlisting Sympathy and Support from Neutrals The third goal of these propaganda departments was to gain the support of neutral countries. In this respect, both Britain and Germany had the same primary propaganda target – The United States.
  • 192. Germany’s goal was to persuade the US to remain neutral and Britain’s goal was to persuade the USA to military involvement on the allied side.
  • 193.
  • 194. From an American point of view, the most dramatic event leading to the US entry into World War I,
  • 195. was the sinking of the RMS Lusitania, on the 7th May 1915.
  • 196. On 4 February 1915, the German government had announced that, in retaliation for the British Navy’s blockade of German ports, the Kriegsmarine were going to launch a counter-blockade against the British Isles, using submarine warfare.
  • 197. From 18 February onwards, every enemy merchant vessel in the waters surrounding the British Isles would be targeted.
  • 198. Neutral vessels were warned that they could be exposed to danger in this war zone, in view of the misuse of neutral flags ordered by the British government on 31 January.
  • 199. First Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Winston Churchill, had encouraged British merchant vessels to fly the flags of neutral countries.
  • 200. Naval personal were also urged to wear civilian clothing to lure German submarines to the surface where they would be vulnerable to being destroyed by concealed surface guns.
  • 201. Winston Churchill declared that the Royal Navy blockade of Germany was meant to starve the whole population – men, women and children, old and young, wounded and sound – into submission.
  • 202. In addition to the Royal Navy battleships and cruisers, the British mined vast sections of the North Sea to imperil even neutral ships that may be trading cargo with their enemy.
  • 203. Historian John Coogan noted: By sowing mines in international waters, Britain deliberately replaced the belligerent right of Visit and Search in the North Sea, with a new rule:
  • 205. Up until the First World War, food intended for civilian use was not considered contraband by anyone. Therefore the starvation blockade of Germany was in violation of International Law.
  • 206. However, American president Woodrow Wilson refused to draw any connection between the German warning of submarine warfare and the British hunger blockade of Germany using both surface fleet and sea mines.
  • 207. On 29 March 1915, the British steam ship Falava was sunk by a German U-Boat. According to British propaganda, the German captain had fired without warning, killing 110 people, including one American.
  • 208. Investigations later established that the German captain had given the Falava three warnings, and had fired only after a British war ship had appeared on the horizon. The Falava was carrying 13 tonnes of ammunition.
  • 209. Nevertheless, President Wilson sent a warning to the German government that the United States would protect American citizens even if they were sailing on ships belonging to belligerents involved in open war!
  • 210. This was a dramatic change in policy. During previous wars, for example, during the Japanese – Russian war of 1905, the American government had warned its citizens that they travelled in war zones at their own risk.
  • 211. The RMS Lusitania of the Cunard line was known to be carrying thousands of cases of ammunition for the British Army.
  • 212. The German government published warnings in major American newspapers not to book passage on the Lusitania and cautioning American travellers that the waters around the British Isles were a war zone.
  • 213. Those travelling on ships of Great Britain and her Allies, did so at their own risk.
  • 214. Documents, which had been sealed for 60 years, were only released in 1975, detailing how First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill, had conspired to bring about the sinking of the Lusitania in order to enable the American government to convince their isolationist population of the need for America to enter the war on Britain’s side.
  • 215. Radio signals from the Admiralty even instructed the Lusitania to change course, deliberately leading it into the known location of German U-Boats.
  • 216. U-20 Captain, Walter Schwieger fired a single torpedo
  • 217. in order to give the passengers and crew of the ship sufficient time to lower the life boats and abandon ship.
  • 218. He was stunned to see the tremendous explosion caused by the single torpedo..
  • 219. The vast cargo of ammunition had clearly been ignited from that single torpedo and the ship sunk in minutes.
  • 220.
  • 221.
  • 222. 1,195 of the ship’s 1,959 passengers perished, including over 100 of the Americans on board.
  • 223. The sinking of the Lusitania was fully exploited by the Propaganda Bureaus of Britain and of the United States.
  • 224. The American Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan, reminded the president that the investigation confirmed that over 5,000 cases of ammunition and shells had been on board the liner and that the German government had repeatedly offered to end submarine warfare in exchange for the elimination of the Starvation Blockade of Germany.
  • 225. Secretary of State Bryan challenged Wilson’s double standards: “Why be shocked at the drowning of a few people, if there is to be no objection to starving a nation?”
  • 226. The German government suspended their submarine operations, but Woodrow Wilson demanded further that American ships had the right to travel on armed, belligerent merchant ships, carrying ammunitions of war through a declared war zone to Britain without the right of the German Navy to interfere with this.
  • 227. Convinced that he was part of an administration hell-bent on war, Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan, resigned.
  • 228. Although President Woodrow Wilson spoke of submarine warfare as a war against all mankind, historian Thomas Fleming points out that the United States Navy adopted the same policy as the German Navy during World War II.
  • 229. The US Navy launched more submarines than Germany and throughout its involvement in WWII,
  • 230. adopted a surprise attack approach against all enemy surface ships, torpedoing, without warning, even fishing vessels.
  • 231. Similarly, what the US government condemned as a war crime, Japan bombing the Chinese city of Shanghai,
  • 232. the US Army Air Force undertook as a matter of policy, bombing the cities of Germany in so called Strategic Bombing Offensives and Saturation Bombing Campaigns.
  • 233. The British Navy’s Hunger Blockade of Germany continued for 4 months after the end of WWI, 11 November 1918.
  • 234. Hundreds-of-thousands of non-combatants perished from cold and hunger because of that blockade during the winter following the Armistice.
  • 235. It has been pointed out by historians that the Congress of Vienna, 1814-1815, which concluded the 25 years of French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, produced a peace settlement that endured for a full century.
  • 236. The Congress of Vienna was worked out by European powers without any American assistance.
  • 237. However, the Versailles Treaty, with all the meddling by American president, Woodrow Wilson, who claimed to want to make the world safe for democracy, spectacularly failed.
  • 238. The punitive and vindictive Versailles Treaty guaranteed an even more terrible conflict would erupt two decades later,
  • 239. leading to the deaths of tens-of-millions more,
  • 240. and a massive expansion of communist control over Eastern and Central Europe.
  • 241.
  • 242. The sinking of the Lusitania provides another tragic example of the deadly consequences of deception and propaganda.
  • 243. Breaking the Stalemate As the militaries were locked in stalemate on the Western front, the propaganda war became decisive.
  • 244. No Photographs of Dead Soldiers! One of the first rules that Masterman enforced on British reporters was that there were to be absolutely no photographs published of the war, except those taken by official photographers appointed by the Bureau. There were to be no pictures of dead soldiers published.
  • 245. No Cameras Allowed! Realising that unrestricted photography of the war could be very dangerous to civilian morale, the prohibition of cameras was enforced very seriously.
  • 246. No officer or soldier was permitted to be in possession of a camera. Technically, owning and using a camera in an operational area could be punishable by death by firing squad.
  • 247. However, as anyone who has visited World War I Museums such as Hill 60 near Ypres, can see hundreds of contemporary photographs which British soldiers risked taking that survived the war.
  • 248. Artists for War Propaganda In 1916, Masterman recruited a talented artist, Murihead Bone, to paint more idealised depictions of the war.
  • 249.
  • 250. These pencil and charcoal sketches were so successful that some 90 war artists were employed, including William Orphen and William Rothenstein.
  • 251. Recruitment The most memorable propaganda image from WWI, that of General Kitchener announcing: Your country wants you! was actually ineffective.
  • 252. Voluntary recruitment fell so far below the levels needed for 1915, that the British government was obliged to introduce conscription.
  • 253. Targeting America The primary target for British propaganda - the United States, was successfully recruited to join the allied war effort.
  • 254. In fact so effective was the British propaganda in the USA, that even when the US government had declared war on Germany, the general perception among Americans was that America would only need to provide food, weapons and ammunition for the already victorious English, French and Russian armies.
  • 255. Deception It came as a shock to the Senate Majority Democratic leader that the US would have to send an army to Europe! Thomas Fleming observed:
  • 256. Leading newspapers such as the New York Tribune and the Los Angeles Times assured their readers that no American army was needed in Europe…. Everyone thought that the war was as good as won.
  • 257. All the virtually victorious English, French and Russians needed from the United States was large amounts of food, weapons and ammunition, paid for by American loans….
  • 258. Illusion Fleming attributed this state of ignorance on the effectiveness of the British War Propaganda Bureau.
  • 259. With the cutting of the German telegraph cables, and the effective censorship, America newsmen only knew of the war from the British and French side.
  • 260. As early as 1916, a US congressman had inserted into the congressional record, a complaint that the US had been deluged with stories puffing British and French battlefield superiority. Speakers by the hundreds toured America telling the same lie.
  • 261. Smear Campaigns British propaganda sought to seize the moral high ground by accusing their German enemy of atrocious behaviour.
  • 262. Although Belgium had military alliances with France and Britain, the Germans were accused of violating Belgium neutrality. Germany pointed out that Belgium chose to put itself on the side of France…
  • 263. Belgium was one great fortified camp against Germany. In fact the French and British military had begun pouring into Belgium, 30 July, before Germany responded.
  • 264. Fabrications There could have been no one in Britain, and very few in the United States, who did not hear, or read, of the British Propaganda Bureau’s fabrications of German soldiers killing women and children indiscriminately, raping nuns, cutting off the hands and feet of children and bayonetting babies.
  • 265. When Myth Becomes History The fact was that the German army was the most disciplined army in the world.
  • 266. Despite many challenges, including from American Lawyer, Clarence Darrow, offering US $1,000 to anyone who could substantiate one of these atrocities, not one documented case could ever be shown.
  • 267. Yet the Propaganda Bureau processed these urban myths into permanent historical fact by one of the most sophisticated and ruthless propaganda machines ever assembled.
  • 268. War Hysteria The notorious report on the alleged German outrages was published simultaneously in 30 languages in May 1915.
  • 269. Although completely discredited after the war, it was widely accepted at the time in Britain, America and in many neutral countries
  • 270. Margaret Cole wrote of the war hysteria and A barrage of untrue and idiotic atrocity story about children with their hands cut off by Germans, priests tied upside down to the clappers of their own bells, dead bodies boiled down for fat, and the like.
  • 271. The Absence of Evidence Irving Cobb, an American reporter for the Hearst press, reported that while many had stories to tell of German atrocities in Belgium, he wasn’t able to find a single eye-witness.
  • 272. It had always happened to someone else, in another town.
  • 273. Robert Graves, a young British officer on the Western front wrote
  • 274. In his memoirs Good Bye to All That: Propaganda reports of atrocities, it was agreed, were ridiculous. We no longer believed the highly coloured account of German atrocities in Belgium.
  • 275. War on Two Fronts As historian A. J. P. Taylor pointed out, by Germany being forced to fight a war on two fronts, with Russia in the East and Britain and France in the West, the German rail network was compelled to mobilise the millions of soldiers necessary to neutralise these threats on both the eastern and western fronts according to a very rigid time table.
  • 276. The German government had requested the Belgian government to allow passage for the German military to counter the French mobilisation against it.
  • 277. As the German chancellor, Bethmann Hollweg, explained to the British ambassador, this was a matter of life and death to Germany.
  • 278. A Fight for Survival The German Army was not an expeditionary force crossing the channel to some other land mass. They were fighting for their life against the two greatest armies in the world at that time: France and Russia.
  • 279. Suspicion Those who had first hand knowledge rejected the propaganda entirely. The better educated sections of Britain regarded such accounts with suspicion.
  • 280. The uninformed majority of the public gullibly assumed that the reports they were being fed were true and accurate.
  • 281. As a result of the propaganda war of words, Germans came to be perceived by the newspaper reading public in France, Britain and the USA as militaristic, brutal, bestial barbarians.
  • 282. Fabricated Atrocities In 1917, Masterman published A Corpse Conversion Factory which claimed that the Germans were loading the bodies of dead soldiers onto railway carriages to be transported to a factory where they were to be melted down for soap!
  • 283. Historians were later able to trace the story back to its source, which was that the bodies of dead horses were being processed. The Times of London then twisted the story to involve human corpses.
  • 284. Falsehood in War Time In 1928, British Member of Parliament, Arthur Ponsonby, published Falsehood in War Time.
  • 285. In 200 pages, he detailed examples of the blatant lies and black propaganda published by British government departments and newspapers between 1914 and 1918.
  • 286. One of the memorable examples exposed by Ponsonby by tracking down the sources of these atrocity stories included the fate of the priests in Antwerp.
  • 287. The Priests in Antwerp In November 1914, the Cologne Daily News reported: When the fall of Antwerp became known, the church bells were rung. This referred to the celebrating of the German victory.
  • 288. This item was the picked up by the French Le Matin with a deliberate distortion, claiming that according to the Cologne Daily News: The Clergy at Antwerp were compelled to ring the church bells when the fortress was taken.
  • 289. The Times of London then picked up this story and embellished it further: According to what Le Matin has heard from Cologne by Paris, the unfortunate Belgium priest who refused to ring the church bells when Antwerp was taken, have been driven away from their places.
  • 290. The Italian Corriere Della Sera then quoted the Times as reporting that: The unfortunate Belgium priests who refused to ring the church bells when Antwerp was taken have been sentenced to hard labour.!
  • 291. Le Matin in France then reported that according to this Italian newspaper: It is confirmed that the barbaric conquerors of Antwerp punished the unfortunate Belgium priests for their heroic refusal to ring the church bells by hanging them upside down as live clappers to the bells with their heads down!!!
  • 292. This farcical games of Chinese whispers as newspaper editors in France, Italy and England all sought to outdo one another with more bizarre, one upmanship.
  • 293. Bizarre Inventions One of the most vicious posters of WWI shows as German nurse standing beside a wounded British soldier, lying in his poor makeshift sick bed pleading for water.
  • 294. According to the caption: Wounded and a prisoner, our soldier cries for water. A German sister pours it on the ground before his eyes. There is no woman in Britain who would do it. There is no woman in Britain who will forget it!
  • 295. Malicious Doubtless there was no women in Germany who would do it either. No such incident ever occurred. It was manufactured in one of the malicious minds in Wellington House.
  • 296. As MP Arthur Ponsonby declared: If lies were only used to deceive the enemy in the game of war, it would not be worth troubling about.
  • 297. But, as the purpose of most of them is to fan indignation and induce the flower of the countries youth to be ready to make the supreme sacrifice, it becomes a serious matter.
  • 298. Propaganda Kills As Ponsonby’s documentation in Falsehood in War Time so eloquently demonstrated: Lies in propaganda kill innocent people.
  • 299. Reported atrocities of the enemy inspire counter atrocities by one’s own forces.
  • 300. Atrocious behaviour is justified by lies about atrocious behaviour allegedly done by one’s opponents.
  • 301. Destructive Lies Some historians have noted that the harm caused by the propaganda war proved to be even more damaging than the personal agony and destruction caused by trench fighting, unrestricted submarine warfare and aerial bombing of civilian targets.
  • 302. These created lasting physical and emotional trauma for individuals and lasting enmity between the nations.
  • 303. But the indelible memory of atrocity stories that had taken place only in the imaginations of British propaganda agents proved to be stronger and more persistent than any facts.
  • 304. …the power of myths over facts was the real legacy of the First War, and it was to prove one of the most important influences on future Anglo-German relations from both the British and the German points of view.
  • 305. Versailles Extortion The British propaganda office achieved its final victory after the war was over.
  • 306. The Versailles Peace Treaty signed in 1919, sought to pin war guilt exclusively on Germany.
  • 307. This made possible the extortion of ruinous reparations.
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  • 331. The BEST of ENEMIES
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  • 361. • Under The Influence
  • 362. • What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?
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  • 370. REFORMATION SOCIETY PO Box 74 Newlands, 7725 Cape Town South Africa E-mail: Web:

Editor's Notes

  1. The 'Great Transept' of the Crystal Palace on opening day May 1851
  2. Atlantic cables
  3. Archduke Franz with his wife
  4. Assassination Of Archduke Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand
  5. ‘The War Illustrated’
  6. Illustrated War Courier
  7. Kriegs-Chronik (War Chronicle)
  8. Fanciful illustrations depicting the German capture of Antwerp
  9. Kriegs-Chronik (War Chronicle)
  10. Propaganda poster
  11. Propaganda poster - a distraught mother and her five starving children around a table.
  12. standing in front of a woman and her children; in bottom left hand corner is a bloody hand holding a bomb.
  13. Lusitania wreck site
  14. Europe between the two WW’s
  15. Muirhead Bone 'The Dugout' 1916
  16. map of versailles
  17. New European boundaries imposed by the Treaty of Versailles
  18. Europe between the two WW’s
  19. German U-Boats destroyed under the Armistice Terms at Kaiser Docks, Danzig
  20. circa 1919 - German Military aircraft being dismantled and scrapped after the First World War, according to the terms of the Versailles Treaty.
  21. Propagana map showing Germany with her army surrounded by France and her 'chained allies'
  22. Crippled ex-officer begging in Berlin 1923
  23. Worthless Money!
  24. quick-lesson_money
  25. Inflation Crisis
  26. Lenin addressing workers
  27. Lenin