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Assessment or Evaluation of oneself or one's actions and attitudes, in particular, of one's performance at a job or learning task considered in relation to an objective standard. 
Origins of Business Excellence 
2Deming Application Prize (Japan,1951) Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (USA,1987) European Quality Award “EFQM” (Europe,1991) TQM
3Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award 
In an effort to improve quality management practices and the competitiveness of U.S. firms, President Ronald Reagan signed the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Improvement Act on August 20, 1987. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) was created to promote quality awareness, identify the requirements for quality excellence, and share information about successful quality strategies and benefits.
Enhance competitiveness & performance of U.S. organizations Identify & recognize role-model organizations Establish criteria for evaluating improvement efforts Disseminate & share best practices 
4Aims of Malcolm Baldrige Award
Categories of Organizations Manufacturing (1988) Service (1988) Small Business (manufacturing or service) (1988) Education (for-profit & nonprofit) (1999) Health Care (for-profit & nonprofit) (1999) Nonprofit, including charities & government agencies (2007) 
The Baldrige Criteria are built on the following set of interrelated core values and concepts: 
1.Visionary leadership 
2.Customer-driven excellence 
3.Organizational and personal learning 
4.Valuing workforce members and partners 
6.Focus on the future 
7.Managing for innovation 
8.Management by fact 
9.Societal responsibility 
10.Focus on results and creating value 
11.Systems perspective 
7Visionary Leadership 
Your organization’s senior leaders should set a vision for the organization, create a customer focus, demonstrate clear and 
visible organizational values and ethics, and set high expectations for the workforce. The vision, values, and expectations should balance the needs of all your stakeholders . 
Your leaders should also ensure the creation of strategies , 
systems, and methods for achieving performance excellence , 
stimulating innovation, building knowledge and capabilities , 
and ensuring organizational sustainability.
Customer-Driven Excellence 
Your customers are the ultimate judges of performance and 
quality. Thus, your organization must take into account 
all product and service features and characteristics and 
all modes of customer access and support that contribute 
value to your customers. Such behavior leads to customer 
acquisition, satisfaction, preference, and loyalty; positive 
referrals; and, ultimately, the sustainability of your business . 
Customer-driven excellence has both current and future 
components: understanding today’s customer desires 
and anticipating future customer desiresand marketplace potential.
9Organizational and Personal LearningOrganizational learning includes both continuous improvement of existing approaches and significant change or innovation, leading to new goals,approaches, products, and markets. 
The success of your workforce members-including your leaders-depends increasingly on their having opportunities to learn and to practice new skills. If your organization relies on volunteers, their personal learning is also important, and you should consider their learning and skill development .
10Valuing Workforce Members and Partners 
An organization’s success depends increasingly on an engaged workforce that benefits from meaningful work,clear organizational direction, and accountability for performance. That engaged workforce must also have a safe, trusting, and cooperative environment. 
Additionally,the successful organization capitalizes on the diverse backgrounds, knowledge, skills, creativity, and motivation of its workforce and partners.
11AgilitySuccess in today’s ever-changing, globally competitive environment demands agility,a capacity for rapid change and for flexibility in operations. Organizations face evershorter cycles for introducing new/improved products and services, and nonprofit and government organizations are increasingly being asked to respond rapidly to new or emerging social issues.
12Focus on The Future 
Ensuring an organization’s sustainability requires an understanding of the short-and longer-term factors that affect the organization and its marketplace. Identification of key external environmental factors is important even though their outcomes may be less predictable.
13Managing for Innovation 
Innovation means making meaningful change to improve your organization’s products,services,programs,processes, 
operations, and business model, with the purpose of creating new value for stakeholders . 
Innovation should lead your organization to new dimensions of performance. Innovation requires a supportive environment, a process for identifying strategic opportunities, and the pursuit of intelligent risks.
14Management by Fact 
Organizations depend on the measurement and analysis of performance. Measurements should derive from business needs and strategy, and they should provide critical data 
and information about key processes, outputs, results, and outcomes. Organizations need many types of data and information for performance management. 
Performance measurement should include measurement of customer, product, and process performance; comparisons of operational, market, and competitive performance; supplier, workforce, partner, cost, and financial performance;governance and compliance results; and accomplishment of strategic objectives.
15Societal ResponsibilityYour organization’sleaders should stress ethical behavior,responsibilities to the public, and the consideration of societal well-being and benefit. Leaders should be role models for your organization and its workforce in focusing on ethics and the protection of public health, safety, and the environment.
16Focus on Results and Creating Value 
Your organization’sperformance measurements need to focus on key results. Results should be used to create and balance value for your key stakeholders-your customers, workforce, stockholders, suppliers, and partners; the public; and the community . 
By creating value for key stakeholders, your organization builds loyalty, contributes to growing the economy, and contributes to society.
17Systems Perspective 
Successfully managing overall performance requires organization-specific synthesis, alignment, and integration. 
Synthesis means looking at your organization as a whole and builds on key business attributes,including your core competencies,strategic objectives,action plans,and work systems. 
Alignment means using the key linkages among the requirements in the Criteria categories to ensure consistency of plans,processes,measures,and actions . 
Integration builds on alignment, so that the individual components of your performance management system operate in a fully interconnected manner and deliver anticipated results.
18Organizational Profile 
The Organizational Profile is the most appropriate starting point for self-assessment and for writing an application. 
The Organizational Profile is a snapshot of your organization, the key influences on how it operates, and the key challenges it faces. 
Organizational DescriptionOrganizational Situation
19Organizational DescriptionWhat are your key organizational characteristics? 
Describe your operating environment and your key relationships with customers, suppliers, partners, and stakeholders. 
OrganizationalEnvironment1-Product Offerings2-Vision and Mission3-Workforce Profile4-Assets5-Regulatory RequirementsOrganizationalRelationships1-Organizational Structure2-Customers andStakeholders3-Suppliers and Partners
20OrganizationalSituationWhat is your organization’s strategic situation? 
Describe your competitive environment, your key strategic challenges and advantages, and your system for performance improvement. CompetitiveEnvironment1-Competitive Position 2-Competitiveness Changes 3-Comparative Data OrganizationalRelationshipsPerformance Improvement System
Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence Items and Point Values 
The Leadership category asks how senior leaders’personal actions guide and sustain your organization.It also asks about your organization’sgovernance system; how your organization fulfills its legal, ethical, and societal responsibilities; and how it supports its key communities.
23Senior Leadership 
How do your senior leaders lead? 
Describe how senior leaders ’personal actions guide and sustain your organization. Describe how senior leaders create an environment for customer engagement, innovation, and high performance. Describe how senior leaders communicate with your workforce and key customers. 
VisionValuesMission1-Vision and Values2-Promoting Legal and Ethical Behavior 3-Creating a SustainableOrganizationCommunicationand Organizational Performance1-Communication2-Focus on Action
24Governance and Societal Responsibilities 
How do you govern and fulfill your societal responsibilities? 
Describe your organization’s approach to responsible governance and leadership improvement. Describe how you ensure legal and ethical behavior, fulfill your societal responsibilities, and support your key communities. OrganizationalGovernance1-Governance System2-Performance EvaluationLegal and EthicalBehavior1-Legal and Regulatory Behavior 2-Ethical BehaviorSocietal Responsibilitiesand Support of Key Communities1-Societal Well-Being 2-Community Support
25Strategic Planning 
The Strategic Planning category asks how your organization develops strategic objectives and action plans, implements them, changes them if circumstances require, and measures progress.
26Strategy Development 
How do you develop your strategy? 
Describe how your organization establishes a strategy to address its strategic challenges and leverage its 
strategic advantages and strategic opportunities. Describe how your organization makes Key Work 
System decisions. Summarize your organization’s key work systems and its key strategic objectives and their 
related goals. StrategyDevelopmentProcess1-Strategic Planning Process2-Innovation 3-Strategy Considerations4-Work Systemsand Core Competencies StrategicObjectives1-Key Strategic Objectives2-Strategic Objective Considerations
Strategy Implementation 
How do you implement your strategy? 
Describe how you convert your strategic objectives into action plans. Summarize your action plans, how 
you deploy them, and your key measures or indicators of progress. Project your future performance on these Measures or indicators relative to key comparisons. StrategyDevelopmentProcess1-Action Plan Development2-Action Plan Implementation 3-Resource Allocation4-Workforce Plans 5-Performance Measures 6-Action Plan Modification Performance Projections
Customer Focus 
The Customer Focus category asks how your organization engages its customers for long-term marketplace success, including how your organization listens to the voice of the customer, builds customer relationships, and uses customer 
information to improve and to identify opportunities for innovation. 
29Voice of the Customer 
How do you obtain information from your customers? 
Describe how you listen to your customers and gain information on their satisfaction, dissatisfaction,and engagement. CustomerListening1-Listening toCurrent Customers 2-Listening to Potential CustomersDetermination of Customer Satisfactionand Engagement1-Satisfactionand Engagement2-Satisfaction Relative to Competitors3-Dissatisfaction
Customer Engagement 
How do you serve customers’ needs to engage them and build relationships? 
Describe how you determine product offerings and communication mechanisms to support your customers. Describe how you build customer relationships. 
30ProductOfferings and CustomerSupport1-Product Offerings 2-Customer Support 3-Customer Segmentation BuildingCustomerRelationships1-RelationshipManagement2-Complaint Management
31Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management 
The Measurement, analysis, and Knowledge Management category asks how your organization selects, gathers, analyzes, manages, and improves its data, information, and knowledge assets; how it learns; and how it manages information technology. The category also asks how your organization uses review findings to improve its performance.
32Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement of Organizational Performance 
How do you measure, analyze, and then improve organizational performance? PerformanceMeasurement1-PerformanceMeasures 2-Comparative Data 3-Customer Data4-Measurement Agility PerformanceMeasurementPerformanceImprovement1-Best Practices 2-Future Performance 3-ContinuousImprovement and Innovation 
Describe how you measure, analyze, review, and improve organizational performance by using data and information at all levels and in all parts of your organization.
33Knowledge Management, Information, and Information Technology 
How do you manage your organizational knowledge assets, information, and information technology? 
Describe how your organization manages and grows its knowledge assets and learns. Describe how you ensure the quality and availability of the data, information, software, and hardware needed by your workforce, suppliers, partners, collaborators, and customers. OrganizationalKnowledge1-KnowledgeManagement2-OrganizationalLearningData, Informationand InformationTechnology1-Data, Informationand Information Technology2-Data and Information Availability3-Hardware and Software Properties 4-Emergency Availability
34Workforce Focus 
The Workforce Focus category asks how your organization assesses workforce capability and capacity needs and builds a workforce environment conducive to high performance. The category also asks how your organization engages, manages, and develops your workforce to utilize its full potential in alignment with your organization’s overall mission, strategy, and action plans.
35Workforce Environment 
How do you build an effective and supportive workforce environment? 
Describe how you manage workforce capability and capacity to accomplish your organization’s work. Describe how you maintain a supportive and secure work climate. WorkforceCapabilityand Capacity1-Capabilityand Capacity and InformationTechnology2-New WorkforceMembers3-Work Accomplishment Properties 4-Workforce ChangeManagement WorkforceClimate1-WorkplaceEnvironment2-WorkforceBenefits and Policies
Workforce Engagement 
How do you engage your workforce to achieve organizational and personal success? 
Describe how you develop workforce members, managers, and leaders to achieve high performance , Including how you engage them in improvement and innovation. WorkforcePerformance1-Elementsof Engagement 2-OrganizationalCulture3-PerformanceManagement Assessmentof WorkforceEngagement1-Assessment of Engagement 2-Correlationwith Business resultsWorkforceandLeaderDevelopment1-Learning andDevelopment System 2-Effectiveness ofLearning and Development3-Career Progression
37Operations Focus 
The Operations Focus category asks how your organization designs, manages, and improves its products and work 
Processes and improves operational effectiveness to deliver customer value and achieve organizational success and sustainability.
38Work Processes 
How do you design, manage, and improve your key products and work processes? 
Describe how you design, manage, and improve your key work processes to deliver products that achieve customer value and organizational success and sustainability. Summarize your organization’s key work processes. Productand ProcessDesign1-Design Concepts2-Product and ProcessRequirements ProcessManagement1-ProcessImplementation2-Support Processes 3-Product andProcessImprovement
39Operational Effectiveness 
How do you ensure effective management of your operations on an ongoing basis and for the future? 
Describe how you control costs, manage your supply chain, offer a safe workplace, prepare for potential emergencies, and innovate for the future to ensure effective operations and deliver customer value. Cost ControlSupply-ChainManagementSafetyand EmergencyPreparedness1-Safety 2-Emergency Preparedness InnovationManagement
The results category asks about your organization’s performance and improvement in all key areas-product and process results, customer-focused results, workforce-focused results , leadership and governance results , and financial and 
market results. The category asks about performance levels relative to those of competitors and other organizations with 
similar product offerings.
41Product and Process Results 
What are your product performance and process effectiveness results? Summarize your key product performance and process effectiveness and efficiency results. Include results for processes that directly serve your customers and that impact your operations and supply chain. Segment your results by product offerings, customer groups and market segments, and process types and locations, as appropriate. Include appropriate comparative data. Customer-FocusedProduct andProcess resultsWork ProcessEffectivenessResults1-Process Effectivenessand Efficiency2-EmergencyPreparednessSupply-ChainManagement results
42Customer-Focused Results 
What are your customer-focused performance results? 
Summarize your key customer- focused results, including those for customer satisfaction and engagement. 
Segment your results by product offerings, customer groups, and market segments, as appropriate. Include appropriate comparative data. Customer-FocusedResults1-CustomerSatisfaction2-CustomerEngagement
43Workforce-Focused Results 
What are your workforce-focused performance results? 
Summarize your key workforce- focused results, including results for your workforce environment and for workforce engagement. Segment your results to address the diversity of your workforce and to address 
your workforce groups and segments, as appropriate. Include appropriate comparative data. WorkforceResults1-WorkforceCapabilityand Capacity2-Workforce Climate 3-Workforce Engagement4-Workforce Development
44Leadership and Governance Results 
What are your senior leadership and governance results? 
Summarize your key senior leadership and governance results, including those for fiscal accountability, legal compliance, ethical behavior, societal responsibility, support of key communities, and strategy achievement. Segment your results by organizational units, as appropriate. Include appropriate comparative data. Leadership, Governance, and SocietalResponsibilityResults1-Leadership2-Governance 3-Law and Regulation4-Ethics 5-SocietyStrategy ImplementationResults
45Financial and Market Results 
What are your financial and marketplace performance results? 
Summarize your key financial and marketplace performance results by market segments or customer groups, as appropriate. Include appropriate comparative data. Financial andMarket Results1-FinancialPerformance 2-MarketplacePerformance

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Malcolm Baldrige Award Self-Assessment

  • 2. SELF-ASSESSMENT Assessment or Evaluation of oneself or one's actions and attitudes, in particular, of one's performance at a job or learning task considered in relation to an objective standard. 1
  • 3. Origins of Business Excellence 2Deming Application Prize (Japan,1951) Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (USA,1987) European Quality Award “EFQM” (Europe,1991) TQM
  • 4. 3Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award In an effort to improve quality management practices and the competitiveness of U.S. firms, President Ronald Reagan signed the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Improvement Act on August 20, 1987. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) was created to promote quality awareness, identify the requirements for quality excellence, and share information about successful quality strategies and benefits.
  • 5. Enhance competitiveness & performance of U.S. organizations Identify & recognize role-model organizations Establish criteria for evaluating improvement efforts Disseminate & share best practices 4Aims of Malcolm Baldrige Award
  • 6. Categories of Organizations Manufacturing (1988) Service (1988) Small Business (manufacturing or service) (1988) Education (for-profit & nonprofit) (1999) Health Care (for-profit & nonprofit) (1999) Nonprofit, including charities & government agencies (2007) 5
  • 7. The Baldrige Criteria are built on the following set of interrelated core values and concepts: 1.Visionary leadership 2.Customer-driven excellence 3.Organizational and personal learning 4.Valuing workforce members and partners 5.Agility 6.Focus on the future 7.Managing for innovation 8.Management by fact 9.Societal responsibility 10.Focus on results and creating value 11.Systems perspective 6
  • 8. 7Visionary Leadership Your organization’s senior leaders should set a vision for the organization, create a customer focus, demonstrate clear and visible organizational values and ethics, and set high expectations for the workforce. The vision, values, and expectations should balance the needs of all your stakeholders . Your leaders should also ensure the creation of strategies , systems, and methods for achieving performance excellence , stimulating innovation, building knowledge and capabilities , and ensuring organizational sustainability.
  • 9. Customer-Driven Excellence 8 Your customers are the ultimate judges of performance and quality. Thus, your organization must take into account all product and service features and characteristics and all modes of customer access and support that contribute value to your customers. Such behavior leads to customer acquisition, satisfaction, preference, and loyalty; positive referrals; and, ultimately, the sustainability of your business . Customer-driven excellence has both current and future components: understanding today’s customer desires and anticipating future customer desiresand marketplace potential.
  • 10. 9Organizational and Personal LearningOrganizational learning includes both continuous improvement of existing approaches and significant change or innovation, leading to new goals,approaches, products, and markets. The success of your workforce members-including your leaders-depends increasingly on their having opportunities to learn and to practice new skills. If your organization relies on volunteers, their personal learning is also important, and you should consider their learning and skill development .
  • 11. 10Valuing Workforce Members and Partners An organization’s success depends increasingly on an engaged workforce that benefits from meaningful work,clear organizational direction, and accountability for performance. That engaged workforce must also have a safe, trusting, and cooperative environment. Additionally,the successful organization capitalizes on the diverse backgrounds, knowledge, skills, creativity, and motivation of its workforce and partners.
  • 12. 11AgilitySuccess in today’s ever-changing, globally competitive environment demands agility,a capacity for rapid change and for flexibility in operations. Organizations face evershorter cycles for introducing new/improved products and services, and nonprofit and government organizations are increasingly being asked to respond rapidly to new or emerging social issues.
  • 13. 12Focus on The Future Ensuring an organization’s sustainability requires an understanding of the short-and longer-term factors that affect the organization and its marketplace. Identification of key external environmental factors is important even though their outcomes may be less predictable.
  • 14. 13Managing for Innovation Innovation means making meaningful change to improve your organization’s products,services,programs,processes, operations, and business model, with the purpose of creating new value for stakeholders . Innovation should lead your organization to new dimensions of performance. Innovation requires a supportive environment, a process for identifying strategic opportunities, and the pursuit of intelligent risks.
  • 15. 14Management by Fact Organizations depend on the measurement and analysis of performance. Measurements should derive from business needs and strategy, and they should provide critical data and information about key processes, outputs, results, and outcomes. Organizations need many types of data and information for performance management. Performance measurement should include measurement of customer, product, and process performance; comparisons of operational, market, and competitive performance; supplier, workforce, partner, cost, and financial performance;governance and compliance results; and accomplishment of strategic objectives.
  • 16. 15Societal ResponsibilityYour organization’sleaders should stress ethical behavior,responsibilities to the public, and the consideration of societal well-being and benefit. Leaders should be role models for your organization and its workforce in focusing on ethics and the protection of public health, safety, and the environment.
  • 17. 16Focus on Results and Creating Value Your organization’sperformance measurements need to focus on key results. Results should be used to create and balance value for your key stakeholders-your customers, workforce, stockholders, suppliers, and partners; the public; and the community . By creating value for key stakeholders, your organization builds loyalty, contributes to growing the economy, and contributes to society.
  • 18. 17Systems Perspective Successfully managing overall performance requires organization-specific synthesis, alignment, and integration. Synthesis means looking at your organization as a whole and builds on key business attributes,including your core competencies,strategic objectives,action plans,and work systems. Alignment means using the key linkages among the requirements in the Criteria categories to ensure consistency of plans,processes,measures,and actions . Integration builds on alignment, so that the individual components of your performance management system operate in a fully interconnected manner and deliver anticipated results.
  • 19. 18Organizational Profile The Organizational Profile is the most appropriate starting point for self-assessment and for writing an application. The Organizational Profile is a snapshot of your organization, the key influences on how it operates, and the key challenges it faces. Organizational DescriptionOrganizational Situation
  • 20. 19Organizational DescriptionWhat are your key organizational characteristics? Describe your operating environment and your key relationships with customers, suppliers, partners, and stakeholders. OrganizationalEnvironment1-Product Offerings2-Vision and Mission3-Workforce Profile4-Assets5-Regulatory RequirementsOrganizationalRelationships1-Organizational Structure2-Customers andStakeholders3-Suppliers and Partners
  • 21. 20OrganizationalSituationWhat is your organization’s strategic situation? Describe your competitive environment, your key strategic challenges and advantages, and your system for performance improvement. CompetitiveEnvironment1-Competitive Position 2-Competitiveness Changes 3-Comparative Data OrganizationalRelationshipsPerformance Improvement System
  • 22. Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence Items and Point Values 21
  • 23. 22Leadership The Leadership category asks how senior leaders’personal actions guide and sustain your organization.It also asks about your organization’sgovernance system; how your organization fulfills its legal, ethical, and societal responsibilities; and how it supports its key communities.
  • 24. 23Senior Leadership How do your senior leaders lead? Describe how senior leaders ’personal actions guide and sustain your organization. Describe how senior leaders create an environment for customer engagement, innovation, and high performance. Describe how senior leaders communicate with your workforce and key customers. VisionValuesMission1-Vision and Values2-Promoting Legal and Ethical Behavior 3-Creating a SustainableOrganizationCommunicationand Organizational Performance1-Communication2-Focus on Action
  • 25. 24Governance and Societal Responsibilities How do you govern and fulfill your societal responsibilities? Describe your organization’s approach to responsible governance and leadership improvement. Describe how you ensure legal and ethical behavior, fulfill your societal responsibilities, and support your key communities. OrganizationalGovernance1-Governance System2-Performance EvaluationLegal and EthicalBehavior1-Legal and Regulatory Behavior 2-Ethical BehaviorSocietal Responsibilitiesand Support of Key Communities1-Societal Well-Being 2-Community Support
  • 26. 25Strategic Planning The Strategic Planning category asks how your organization develops strategic objectives and action plans, implements them, changes them if circumstances require, and measures progress.
  • 27. 26Strategy Development How do you develop your strategy? Describe how your organization establishes a strategy to address its strategic challenges and leverage its strategic advantages and strategic opportunities. Describe how your organization makes Key Work System decisions. Summarize your organization’s key work systems and its key strategic objectives and their related goals. StrategyDevelopmentProcess1-Strategic Planning Process2-Innovation 3-Strategy Considerations4-Work Systemsand Core Competencies StrategicObjectives1-Key Strategic Objectives2-Strategic Objective Considerations
  • 28. Strategy Implementation How do you implement your strategy? 27 Describe how you convert your strategic objectives into action plans. Summarize your action plans, how you deploy them, and your key measures or indicators of progress. Project your future performance on these Measures or indicators relative to key comparisons. StrategyDevelopmentProcess1-Action Plan Development2-Action Plan Implementation 3-Resource Allocation4-Workforce Plans 5-Performance Measures 6-Action Plan Modification Performance Projections
  • 29. Customer Focus The Customer Focus category asks how your organization engages its customers for long-term marketplace success, including how your organization listens to the voice of the customer, builds customer relationships, and uses customer information to improve and to identify opportunities for innovation. 28
  • 30. 29Voice of the Customer How do you obtain information from your customers? Describe how you listen to your customers and gain information on their satisfaction, dissatisfaction,and engagement. CustomerListening1-Listening toCurrent Customers 2-Listening to Potential CustomersDetermination of Customer Satisfactionand Engagement1-Satisfactionand Engagement2-Satisfaction Relative to Competitors3-Dissatisfaction
  • 31. Customer Engagement How do you serve customers’ needs to engage them and build relationships? Describe how you determine product offerings and communication mechanisms to support your customers. Describe how you build customer relationships. 30ProductOfferings and CustomerSupport1-Product Offerings 2-Customer Support 3-Customer Segmentation BuildingCustomerRelationships1-RelationshipManagement2-Complaint Management
  • 32. 31Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management The Measurement, analysis, and Knowledge Management category asks how your organization selects, gathers, analyzes, manages, and improves its data, information, and knowledge assets; how it learns; and how it manages information technology. The category also asks how your organization uses review findings to improve its performance.
  • 33. 32Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement of Organizational Performance How do you measure, analyze, and then improve organizational performance? PerformanceMeasurement1-PerformanceMeasures 2-Comparative Data 3-Customer Data4-Measurement Agility PerformanceMeasurementPerformanceImprovement1-Best Practices 2-Future Performance 3-ContinuousImprovement and Innovation Describe how you measure, analyze, review, and improve organizational performance by using data and information at all levels and in all parts of your organization.
  • 34. 33Knowledge Management, Information, and Information Technology How do you manage your organizational knowledge assets, information, and information technology? Describe how your organization manages and grows its knowledge assets and learns. Describe how you ensure the quality and availability of the data, information, software, and hardware needed by your workforce, suppliers, partners, collaborators, and customers. OrganizationalKnowledge1-KnowledgeManagement2-OrganizationalLearningData, Informationand InformationTechnology1-Data, Informationand Information Technology2-Data and Information Availability3-Hardware and Software Properties 4-Emergency Availability
  • 35. 34Workforce Focus The Workforce Focus category asks how your organization assesses workforce capability and capacity needs and builds a workforce environment conducive to high performance. The category also asks how your organization engages, manages, and develops your workforce to utilize its full potential in alignment with your organization’s overall mission, strategy, and action plans.
  • 36. 35Workforce Environment How do you build an effective and supportive workforce environment? Describe how you manage workforce capability and capacity to accomplish your organization’s work. Describe how you maintain a supportive and secure work climate. WorkforceCapabilityand Capacity1-Capabilityand Capacity and InformationTechnology2-New WorkforceMembers3-Work Accomplishment Properties 4-Workforce ChangeManagement WorkforceClimate1-WorkplaceEnvironment2-WorkforceBenefits and Policies
  • 37. Workforce Engagement How do you engage your workforce to achieve organizational and personal success? 36 Describe how you develop workforce members, managers, and leaders to achieve high performance , Including how you engage them in improvement and innovation. WorkforcePerformance1-Elementsof Engagement 2-OrganizationalCulture3-PerformanceManagement Assessmentof WorkforceEngagement1-Assessment of Engagement 2-Correlationwith Business resultsWorkforceandLeaderDevelopment1-Learning andDevelopment System 2-Effectiveness ofLearning and Development3-Career Progression
  • 38. 37Operations Focus The Operations Focus category asks how your organization designs, manages, and improves its products and work Processes and improves operational effectiveness to deliver customer value and achieve organizational success and sustainability.
  • 39. 38Work Processes How do you design, manage, and improve your key products and work processes? Describe how you design, manage, and improve your key work processes to deliver products that achieve customer value and organizational success and sustainability. Summarize your organization’s key work processes. Productand ProcessDesign1-Design Concepts2-Product and ProcessRequirements ProcessManagement1-ProcessImplementation2-Support Processes 3-Product andProcessImprovement
  • 40. 39Operational Effectiveness How do you ensure effective management of your operations on an ongoing basis and for the future? Describe how you control costs, manage your supply chain, offer a safe workplace, prepare for potential emergencies, and innovate for the future to ensure effective operations and deliver customer value. Cost ControlSupply-ChainManagementSafetyand EmergencyPreparedness1-Safety 2-Emergency Preparedness InnovationManagement
  • 41. 40Results The results category asks about your organization’s performance and improvement in all key areas-product and process results, customer-focused results, workforce-focused results , leadership and governance results , and financial and market results. The category asks about performance levels relative to those of competitors and other organizations with similar product offerings.
  • 42. 41Product and Process Results What are your product performance and process effectiveness results? Summarize your key product performance and process effectiveness and efficiency results. Include results for processes that directly serve your customers and that impact your operations and supply chain. Segment your results by product offerings, customer groups and market segments, and process types and locations, as appropriate. Include appropriate comparative data. Customer-FocusedProduct andProcess resultsWork ProcessEffectivenessResults1-Process Effectivenessand Efficiency2-EmergencyPreparednessSupply-ChainManagement results
  • 43. 42Customer-Focused Results What are your customer-focused performance results? Summarize your key customer- focused results, including those for customer satisfaction and engagement. Segment your results by product offerings, customer groups, and market segments, as appropriate. Include appropriate comparative data. Customer-FocusedResults1-CustomerSatisfaction2-CustomerEngagement
  • 44. 43Workforce-Focused Results What are your workforce-focused performance results? Summarize your key workforce- focused results, including results for your workforce environment and for workforce engagement. Segment your results to address the diversity of your workforce and to address your workforce groups and segments, as appropriate. Include appropriate comparative data. WorkforceResults1-WorkforceCapabilityand Capacity2-Workforce Climate 3-Workforce Engagement4-Workforce Development
  • 45. 44Leadership and Governance Results What are your senior leadership and governance results? Summarize your key senior leadership and governance results, including those for fiscal accountability, legal compliance, ethical behavior, societal responsibility, support of key communities, and strategy achievement. Segment your results by organizational units, as appropriate. Include appropriate comparative data. Leadership, Governance, and SocietalResponsibilityResults1-Leadership2-Governance 3-Law and Regulation4-Ethics 5-SocietyStrategy ImplementationResults
  • 46. 45Financial and Market Results What are your financial and marketplace performance results? Summarize your key financial and marketplace performance results by market segments or customer groups, as appropriate. Include appropriate comparative data. Financial andMarket Results1-FinancialPerformance 2-MarketplacePerformance
  • 47.