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Chapter 1 The History of Hydroponics
Initially, it can be very strange to see that hydroponics is actually an age old technique. In fact,
when people are first introduced to hydroponic technology, they often assume that hydroponics
must be a new concept. But I found out that indeed it was an ancient form of production. The
facts were interesting and poured through. Now, hydroponics is high-tech; so we live in a high-
tech world it stands to reason. The average farmer is approaching old age quickly, in fact the
average age is 60 years old. At this time in their lives growing crops like they had when they
were 20 years old is not going to happen. In fact they have to develop a new way to farm, and for
the future impending food shortage hydroponics is the answer. It’s growing plants in less space
and with less of a detrimental effect on our resources.

Although hydroponics has become very high-tech, the application of growing plants in water is
at least as old as the pyramids. In fact, I found out that it has been traced back to the 600 BC,
with one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World. It was known the world around as the
Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Many believe that that the Hanging Gardens, were the first
successful attempt by people at growing plants in water rather than in soil. It had to be so, the
climate of Ancient Babylon was dry and arid-the soil less than fertile. There was also a series of
hieroglyphic records along the nile that date to around 200BCE.

These records vaguely describe plants being grown in water only.

The Mexica or Aztecs of Central America were innovative, in fact they too dabbled in
hydroponics before Europeans drifted into their world. These people have a very interesting
beginning, the site of their permanent home was modern day Mexico City, however in ancient
times it was literally a water fortress, with boats leading the way to an elaborate standing
structure in the middle of a lake. They had been driven there by a hostile tribe who was in search
of arable land on which to grow food crops. The Aztecs settled near the marshy shores of Lake
Tenochtitlan. Since this fresh water lake was surrounded by marshes and rising hills, the Aztecs
(Mexica) were faced with the problem of trying to find a place to grow food. Where else would
they find such a well fortified land? The Aztecs constructed large rafts out of reeds and thrushes
they found near the lake.

They floated these rafts in the water and covered them with soil which they dredged up from the
bottom of the shallow lake. They then planted their precious food crops on these floating islands
that they called chinampas. Guess what they found that when the plants matured, their roots grew
through the soil and dangled in the water! Some remnants of the Chinampas can still be found
today in Central Mexico. Thus, they were the earliest inhabitants in South/Central America to
have utilized the process of hydroponics in order to create a sustainable and lucrative crop

Let’s move to Asia, again I was studying and researching everything I possibly could. I found
that here the Chinese developed their own hanging gardens in the 11th century. It was Marco
Polo who arrived on the scene exploring new heights and developing ties that would ultimately
lead him to his Silk Route--a bridge between Europe and the Orient. However, he noticed an
unusual site in China. He personally documented a floating garden which was another example
of hydroponics in history.

Let’s fast forward here to the 1600’s where a Belgian Jan van Helmont derived that plants obtain
substances for growth from water. He figured it out by planting a 5 lb. willow shoot in a tube
containing 200 lbs. of dried soil. After 5 years of regular watering with rainwater, he found the
willow shoot increased in weight by 160 lbs., but the soil lost less than 2 ounces.

Everything just took off from there. In 1699, plants were grown in water containing various
amounts of soil by John Woodward, a fellow of the Royal Society of England. Mr. Woodward
found that the greatest growth occurred in the water which contained the most soil. He concluded
that plant growth was a result of certain substances and minerals in the water, derived from the
soil. This mixture of water and soil was the first scientific hydroponic nutrient solution.

Then I found out that European plant physiologists established many things in the decades that
followed Woodward’s research. It was truly amazing! They proved that water is absorbed by
plant roots, that it passes through the plants stem system and that it escapes into the air through
pores in the leaves. They also showed that plant roots take up minerals from either soil or water
and that leaves draw carbon dioxide from the air. They also demonstrated that plant roots take up
oxygen. But, the determination of precisely what it was that the plants were taking up was
delayed until the modern theory of chemistry made great advances in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries.

Then, in 1792 English scientist Joseph Priestly discovered that plants placed in a chamber filled
with carbon dioxide (CO2)will gradually absorb the carbon dioxide and give off oxygen (O2).
They were on the road to moving toward the right road; developing hydroponics. It happened
two years later when Jean Ingen-Housz demonstrated that plants in a chamber filled with carbon
dioxide could replace the gas with oxygen within several hours if the chamber was placed in
sunlight. He then was observed that the plant was responsible for this transformation, eluding to
the first concept of photosynthesis.
Fast forward now to the early 1800’s and the 1920’s, when phenomenal discoveries and
developments were achieved in many laboratory studies of plant physiology and plant nutrition.
It was then in 1925, that the greenhouse industry expressed interest in the newly acquired
knowledge in “Nutriculture,” as hydroponics was called at that time. Between 1925 - 1935,
extensive development took place in converting the laboratory techniques of nutriculture to
large-scale crop production. It was then that the industry began to become super-powered.

The advent of it was phenomenal as you could imagine the possibilities that go hand in hand
with it. In recent times, the late 1920’s and early 1930’s, Dr. William F. Gericke, at the
University of California, Berkeley, focused his research on growing practical crops for large
scale commercial applications. During this time, he coined the term, “hydroponics,” which was
derived from two Greek words, hydro meaning water and ponos meaning labor, literally “water-
working.” His work and research is considered the basis for all forms of hydroponic growing
used to- day.
As a result of Dr. Gericke’s experimentation with using hydroponic for commercial crop
production, he was photographed with tomato plants that exceeded 25 ft. in height. At that time it
was pretty huge in the crop industry and it still is-imagine 25 ft high tomato plants. These
photographs appeared in newspapers throughout the country and created both excitement and
skepticism in the general public. Promoters and equipment manufacturers proceeded to cash in
on the media-hype by selling impractical and mostly unproductive equipment and materials to
people hoping to duplicate Dr. Gericke’s results.

In reality, Dr. Gericke’s newly developed hydroponic growing system was far too scientific and
complex for most potential commercial growers.During the late 1940’s, a more practical
hydroponic method was developed by Robert B. and Alice P. Withrow, working at Purdue
University. Their system alternately flooded and drained a container holding gravel and the plant
roots. This provided the plants with the optimum amount of both nutrient solution and air while
the gravel provided support for the plant.

Then, in 1945, the US Air Force built one of the first large hydroponic farms on Ascension
Island in the South Atlantic, followed by additional hydroponic farms on the islands of Iwo Jima
and Okinawa in the Pacific, using crushed volcanic rock as the growing medium, and on Wake
Island, west of Hawaii, using gravel as the growing medium. These hydroponic farms helped fill
the need for a supply of fresh vegetables for troops stationed in these areas.

During this time, a large hydroponic facility was established in Habbaniya, Iraq, Bahrain and the
Persian Gulf, to support troops stationed near large oil reserves. It was then that the American
Army and Royal Air Force built hydroponic units at various military bases to help feed troops.As
you can imagine the advent of it was simply amazing-feeding troops by means of hydroponic
production was certainly something futuristic. In 1952, the US Army’s special hydroponics
branch grew over 8,000,000 lbs. of fresh produce to fulfill military demand. Also established at
this time was one of the world’s largest hydroponic farms in Chofu, Japan, consisting of 22
Following the success of hydroponics in W.W.II, several large commercial hydroponic farms
were built in the US, most of which were in Florida. Due to poor construction and management,
many of these farms were unsuccessful. Because no soil was needed and, with proper
management, optimum results could be achieved, the excitement over hydroponics continued
and its use expanded throughout the world, specifically in Italy, Spain, France, England,
Germany, Sweden, the USSR and Israel. Areas with little rainfall, poor or no soil and difficult
access were ideal for hydroponic culture. So then between 1945 - 1960’s both individuals and
garden equipment manufacturers were designing hydroponic units for home use. Of course like
all things some were quite efficient while others failed. Mostly due to poor growing media,
unsuitable construction materials, poor construction and improper environmental control.

Okay so they tried again-even with many failures, the idea of creating the ultimate growing
system intrigued many, and research and design continued in the field of hydroponic culture.
Why shouldn’t it have? The possibilities are incredible with hydroponics! In the mid-1970’s
another media blitz about the miracles achieved with hydroponic technology hit the United
States. In many instances, hydroponics was considered a get rich quick scheme and a large
number of hopeful investors lost money on failed hydroponic farms. These failures were mostly
because of the lack of information on growing techniques and nutrient formulas, exorbitantly
priced growing and greenhouse systems, the high cost of operation due to non-energy-saving
greenhouse designs and poor management.

So, even though the potential of hydroponic culture is incredible, commercial hydroponics in the
US was held back. They wanted to make sure that the systems were easy to use, create and
maintain. They also wanted to make them available under those guises. With the advent of high-
tech plastics and simpler system design, this came about in the late 1970’s.Energy saving poly
greenhouse covers, the PVC (or similar) pipe used in the feed systems, the nutrient injectors,
pumps and reservoir tanks are all made of types of plastic that weren’t available prior to the

The small and large hydroponic farms were established in the late 1970’s and 1980’s, it was
proven that with proper management, hydroponic culture could grow premium produce and be a
profitable venture.It made sense, and as hydroponics attracted more interest, complete plant
nutrient formulas and hydroponic greenhouse systems were designed and marketed and environ-
mental control systems were developed to help to growers provide the ideal environment in
addition to the ideal plant diet.

In the UK there is a long interconnected timeline of history that evolved from Marco Polo’s silk
route and more. The UK has utilized the trade for some time and because of that it is one of the
premier sources for literature and learning.

So then I decided to calculate some figures-why? Because I knew that you too would be
interested in this amazing journey of hydroponics. So I found out that worldwide there are over
30,000 acres in commercial hydroponic production, mainly in fancy lettuce, tomatoes,
cucumbers, peppers, cut flowers and herbs. Hydroponics is a 4-billion-dollar-a-year industry and
growing rapidly. In Spain, Holland, Australia, Canada, and other countries hydroponic culture
makes up a sizable percentage of the agriculture market. In the United States the application of
commercial hydroponics is just recently booming.It was with the construction of several 40 and
60 acres hydroponic tomato facilities in recent years, total acreage in hydroponic production in
the US is between 800-1,000 acres.

Most of the hydroponic facilities in the US are family or small business operations, with the
exception of several large corporate farms.The demand for premium produce is so high in the US
that the number of current hydroponic farms cannot meet the demand. Every day, hundreds of
thousands of pounds of hydroponic tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are flown in from Canada,
Europe and Mexico.

So besides the addition to the commercial applications of hydroponics, there are many home
gardeners that maintain hydroponic systems. Because more crops can be grown in a small space,
it is environmentally friendly and grows premium produce, hydroponic culture lends itself well
to a small garden. You can actually take the hydroponic garden to a new level. A hydroponic
garden can be set up indoors, in a windowsill, a patio, balcony or roof top, making gardening
available to those who do not have a traditional yard or access to fertile soil.
There were many schools that are using hydroponics in science courses.Many schools are now
using hydroponics to teach plant science, plant structure, plant nutrition and chemistry. The
hands-on learning allows students to apply abstract concepts to real-world technology while
encouraging responsibility in caring for the plants. Not only is hydroponics popular in schools
and in some small areas because it offers world wide hydroponics.

World wide, hydroponics has become a well established, popular method of growing food crops.

So in arid regions such as Mexico, the Middle East, India and north Africa hydroponic culture is
helping to feed growing populations. Nearly every country in the world uses hydroponic culture
on some scale. Hydroponic produce is strictly considered a premium or gourmet product. In
others, hydroponic technology is utilized for producing staple crops and grain. Hydroponic
technology is even used by some zoos in the US for producing animal feed its just that easy, and
awesome. Hydroponics is obviously money saving as you do not have to get the soil at a certain
nutrient level in order to produce. It’s based in water, and it makes plants grow phenomenally

I even found out that the US Navy is growing fresh vegetables on submarines in highly
specialized recirculating hydroponic systems to help supply fresh vegetables for the crew! I also
read somewhere that NASA is experimenting with recirculating hydroponic systems to be used
to feed people in space. Many experiments have been conducted in laboratories and on recent
space shuttle missions. So in another decade or so we are going to be eating on the moon from
hydroponic systems.

With today’s technology, a small hydroponic grower with just 7,000 square ft. of greenhouse
space (that’s 1/8th of an acre) can grow as much as 50,000 lbs. of hydroponic tomatoes annually.
As a concept, hydroponics has been around since the pyramids. As a science, it is quite new and
it’s also exciting. Hydroponics has only been used in commercial production for approximately
50 years. In that time, it has been applied to both indoor and outdoor farms, growing premium
produce, feeding third world countries and applications in the space program.
What’s in the future?

Well as we become more and more advanced refining the technology the field will become more
productive. People around the world will no longer no hunger perhaps, and people will be able to
grow their own food in space. Other areas where hydroponics could be used in the future include
growing seedlings for reforestation, establishing orchards, growing ornamental crops, flowers
and shrubs and integration with aquaculture where the plants purify the water the fish are living

Chapter 2
Introduction To The
Hydroponics Industry
Okay, so the future is bright with hydroponics and its a good thing too because if we have not
come as far as we are now then we may have found ourselves facing a food crisis without the
ability to produce anything. I found out also that with hydroponic technology and a controlled
environment greenhouse, you have the ability to grow premium quality produce using a
minimum of space, water and fertilizer. That’s right you can grow it in your windowsill, or
laundry room-it depends on your light source among other things. Hydroponics is an intensive
form of agriculture that can fulfill the demand for premium produce and provide the you with a
profitable business. Which works out great considering that it takes a limited amount of space,
little startup costs in comparison to traditional growing methods and it is a “green” mode of

There are hydroponic growers throughout the United States and worldwide. Of over 30,000 acres
in hydroponic production around the world, about 800 of those acres are in the US. Most of the
hydroponic facilities in the US are family or small business operations that cover 1/8 - 1 acre,
produce premium hydroponic produce and sell it locally. The smaller operations generally have
the advantage of offering vine ripened, locally grown produce with minimal transportation cost
and damage. It is in this niche, offering premium produce to a local marketplace, that a
hydroponic grower with less than a 1/2 acre in production can earn an excellent profit. Smaller
growers can establish themselves near the marketplace, eliminating the problems and costs of
long-distance transportation. Most of the hydroponic farmers in the US deliver all the produce
they grow within a 1 - 4 hour radius of their greenhouse.

The US has several smaller growers-as well as there are several large hydroponic facilities that
cover as many as 60 or more acres and produce large quantities of hydroponic tomatoes, peppers,
cucumbers and lettuce. Often this produce is shipped throughout the US to help fill the growing
demand for hydroponic produce. Currently there are jumbo jets, trains and trucks that bring
hydroponic produce daily into the United States from Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico
and Canada.But it’s better to have your own local site because the items that come from abroad
(U.S and Internationally) are going to have to travel far, it’s going to get hot, smashed and
broiled before it even arrives to the store and then they throw half of it away because of Bemis
spots. The waste is incredible and the quality of the hydroponically grown product is disgusting.
Both US and Internationally grown hydroponic produce that suffer the rough handling of long-
distance transportation is usually of a lesser quality and sells for a lower price that that of a
smaller hydroponic farmer who caters to specialty stores and farmers markets near to their
operation. That’s where you come in, maybe you are mid-life or young and you are looking to
produce your own crops. Well, like I have said it’s all too common to go the expensive route
which is traditionally grown crops, but hydroponics is a developing field and it allows you to
grow much more than before. Let’s explore this shall we?

Quality of food
The premium quality of most hydroponic produce is due to several things. First it is the
controlled environment and then a high grade nutrients and precise control of the nutrient feed.
These ratios can accelerate vine ripening time without having herbicides and pesticides in your
back pocket.
Advantages of Hydroponic Produce
There are so many advantages that it’s hard to think of them all. But basically if you
decide to grow your plants with this method then you will not have to deal with any:
*soil borne disease
 *hydroponics uses up to 1/10 of the water that is used to grow equivalent amounts of
field produce
 •hydroponics uses less fertilizer than is often used to grow equivalent amounts of field
 •extended growing season
•intensive production in a small space
Even if you live in a high rise apartment hydroponics is always an option and another thing you
do not have to be extremely mobile to farm in this manner as long as the items are in a place in
such a way that you can get to them.

What’s the Most Popular Crops?

Right now in the U.S the most popular crops are tomatoes. Then the runners up are fancy lettuce
and leaf crops, third cucumbers and fourth herbs, peppers and flowers. Ironically, there is more
hydroponic produce flown into the US from Holland, Canada and Mexico than is grown here. I
feel that it is time to take up the slack and get it moving. As more and more growers are
established in the US, this will change. You can grow hydroponic produce at a lower cost and
offer fresher, better quality for a fraction of the cost that traditional growing methods offer. There
is nothing worse than sticking your neck out for a bank loan and getting nothing in return except
for a sore neck and an overcharged and heightened loan. They call them loan sharks for a reason-
they will take it all and then demand more. This is not something that I personally would want to
get myself involved in.
Productivity of Commercial Systems

In the past decade or so, productivity has really burgeoned-the field of hydroponics is ripe for the
picking. There was no pun intended there! Commercial tomato growers who once hoped to
annually pick 20 pounds of tomatoes per plant are now picking as much as 35-40 pounds
annually, amazing! So let’s analyze the specs here--in a 12,000 square foot greenhouse, a tomato
grower can grow 4,0000—5,000 pounds of tomatoes every week! See that’s where we get the
idea that we can avoid a coming crisis. Lettuce growers are picking mature heads of lettuce in
under 5 weeks and, with 20,000 square feet of growing space, can produce nearly 3,000 heads
per week. The cost of establishing a commercial hydroponic greenhouse operation is quite
reasonable when considering the potential profit and the intensive volume of high-quality
produce that can be grown on a small lot. Plus when you consider the cost of a traditional
method of growing there is a huge difference.

The addition of new equipment such as electronic monitoring systems, nutrient dosing systems,
row bed heating, CO2 generators and insect screening have greatly increased the overall
poundage many growers are harvesting. So these are options that you may want to take into
account as you go through this venture. They increase the amount of production--threefold and
they offer a lot more to the potential buyer.
Methods of Hydroponic Production

Hydroponics literally means “water working.” but, in practical use, it means growing plants in a
nutrient rich solution without soil. Soil is not necessary for plant growth, it’s only an early form
of production that has been part of the global crop history since the time the first nomad planted
a corn kernel. The science of hydroponics proves that soil isn’t required for plant growth but the
elements, minerals and nutrients that soil contains are. Soil is simply the holder of the nutrients, a
place where the plant roots traditionally live and a base of support for the plant structure. By
eliminating the soil, you eliminate soil borne disease and weeds and gain precise control over the
plant’s nutritional diet. In a hydroponic solution, you provide the exact nutrients your plants need
in precisely the correct ratios so they can develop stress-free, mature faster and, at harvest, are
the highest quality possible.

In commercial production, the two primary growing methods are drip (also known as substrate)
and NFT (Nutrient Film Technique). The are a number of variations of these methods and also
several others including the float system, ebb and flow system, aquaponics, aeroponics and
passive. The biggest difference between the drip and NFT systems is the use of a growing
medium. In a drip system, the plant roots are in a growing medium such as perlite or rockwool
and the nutrient solution is dripped onto the medium to keep it moist. In an NFT system, the
plant roots are in a channel where a thin film of nutrient solution passes, keeping them moist but
not water-logged. Recently I was reading about NASA researchers who were looking into onion
production in fact it was quite fascinating. We can create a plethora of vegetables with this
method of farming.

The drip system is often used in commercial hydroponic facilities that grow long term crops like
tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, onions and more. In this system, the nutrient solution is
delivered to the plants through drip emitters on a timed system. They then schedule these
emitters' to run for approximately 10 minutes of every hour depending on the stage of
development of the plant and the amount of available light. The drip cycle flushes the growing
medium, providing the plants with fresh nutrients, water and oxygen. They don’t need the soil
because of this method, because they get all that they need from that format.

In a commercial drip system, the plant roots are most commonly grown in a medium of perlite or
rockwool.        The biggest variables in a drip system are in the growing medium and the
container that holds that medium. Perlite is often bagged in thin, plastic sleeves. Holes are cut in
the bag and plants, usually 3-4, are set in with the roots growing down into the perlite. Recently,
a bucket system has been developed to contain perlite for drip systems. Each bucket holds loose
perlite and one or two plants. In either of these methods, a slot or hole is cut in the container to
allow excess nutrient solution to run out. A drain line below the bag or bucket collects the
Another method of a drip system that is becoming popular for lettuce and herb production is the
perlite tray, usually about 24 inches wide by 10—14 feet long. An aluminum tray, coated with a
non-toxic material, is filled with perlite and set on a gentle slope of 1-inch to 10-feet. The
nutrient solution is continuously dripped in at the higher end of the tray and allow to trickle
through the perlite to the other end. Essentially, this system is a combination of drip and NFT
In most drip systems, injectors are used to add nutrient concentrates to water when the feed cycle
starts. In this case, there is no need for a large nutrient reservoir tank or the periodic dumping of
used nutrient. These are the most common in the world and they are used by small and lagre

NFT (Nutrient Film Technique)

In this technique NFT (also known Nutrient Film Technique); the plants are grown in channels
(also called gullies) which the nutrient solution is pumped through. The plant roots are kept
moist by the thin film of nutrient solution as it passes by. Ideally, the bottom of the roots are
exposed to the nutrient solution while the top are kept moist but not water-logged. It’s basically
like a channel or stream that feeds the line with dissolved nutrients which then recirculates on a
consistent basis.
Most NFT channels are fed continuously at a rate of approximately 1 liter per minute. Since the
plant roots are not in a growing medium, it is crucial that they are kept moist at all times. In most
NFT systems, the nutrient solution is mixed in a primary reservoir, cycled through the channels
and back to the reservoir. With the development of on-demand dosing equipment, a nutrient
reservoir can automatically be adjusted and, with proper aeration and pH adjustment, can
effortlessly be kept fresh for weeks at a time.

NFT is ideal for lettuce, leafy crops, herbs, onions, tomatoes and more, all of which are short
term crops. Larger NFT channels are used for long term crops such as tomatoes and cucumbers
in many locations around the world. One great benefit of NFT, especially for leafy crops, is that
with no growing medium and no soil, the crop is clean and no washing is necessary.
Growers, chefs, grocers and consumers all appreciate this. They can simply grab it and go-unless
they are worried about pesticides. But there is really no worry if they recive the produce form a
local grower.
NFT channels are usually set up on waist-high stands that slope slightly to allow the nutrient
solution to drain to one end. Although round pipes have been used in NFT production, most
growers have found flat bottomed channels or gullies provide greater surface area for root
development and oxygen uptake, resulting in better, faster plant development.
Float systems take advantage the surface of the nutrient solution. Most float systems are long,
rectangular reservoirs built out of cement or wood and lined with a durable, poly liner. Holes are
cut in a foam board which floats on the surface of the water and plants in net pots are set in the
holes. The plant roots dangle in heavily aerated nutrient solution.
In areas where raw materials are limited and manufactured hydroponic systems and compo-
nents are not available, the float system can be an economical means of hydroponic crop
Ebb and Flow
The Ebb and Flow (also know as flood and drain) method of hydroponics simply floods a
growing area for 5 or 10 minutes and then the nutrient solution drains away. The nutrient solu-
tion is stored in a reservoir that can be located under the grow table. Ebb and Flow is common in
hobby systems but not often found in commercial production.            In an Ebb and Flow system,
the plant roots are usually grown in a medium of perlite, rockwool or expanded clay pebbles.
In hydroponics, you mix a specific nutrient formula in solu- tion which is fed to the plants. In
aquaponics, you combine aquaculture (fish farming) with hydroponic production. The nutrient-
rich waste water from the fish tanks is pumped through plant grow beds. Although not as precise
as a hydroponic fertilizer mix, the effluent from a fish tank is high in nitrogen and many other
elements and most plants will do quite well in aquaponics.
The key to aquaponics is the establishment of a healthy bacteria population. Beneficial bacteria
that naturally occur in the soil, air and water convert ammonia (the primary form of fish waste)
to nitrate and then to nitrate, which the plants readily uptake. In consuming the nitrate and other
nutrients in an aquaponic system, the plants help to purify the water.
Although the combination of hydroponics and aquaculture is quite new, the interest in this tech-
nology is booming. Aquaculturists who normally have to buy
expensive water purification equipment to purify the water see aquaponics as a great way to
clean the water and end up with another, very marketable crop. Hydroponic growers see the
value in a natural source of nutrients, already in solution.
The water from a fish tank can be pumped through any hydroponic grow bed in place of a
hydroponic fertilizer solution. For commercial aquaponic production, designs that show great
promise include the float system, NFT and ebb and flow.
Aeroponics is the method of growing where the plant roots are constantly misted with a nutrient
solution. Designs include an A-frame with boards on each side, plant plugs set in each side and a
mister between the boards spraying the roots. A round, large diameter PVC pipe set vertically
with plant plugs all they way around and a mister mounted inside is another way to set up an
aeroponic system. Although aeroponics is a unique way of growing, it is not a common means of
commercial production.
Passive hydroponic systems are sometimes used by hobbyists. A passive system does not useHow
To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business      17
pumps or timers to flood the root zone. The roots usually dangle into the nutrient solution and
draw what they need. A passive system is generally slower growing and not as productive as the
other methods discussed.

Hydroponic Growing Mediums:
In a traditional garden, plant roots are in the soil. They support the plant and search for food and
water. In hydroponics, we sometimes use a growing medium in place of soil to help support the
plant and to absorb the nutrient solution. The roots of a hydroponic plant do not work as hard as
those of a plant grown in soil because their needs are readily met by the nutrient solution we feed
Ideal mediums are chemically inert, porous, clean and able to drain freely.
Since the beginning of hydroponics, many materials have been used as hydroponic growing
mediums, some of which include vermiculite, saw dust, sand and peat moss. More recently,
rockwool, perlite and expanded clay pebbles are available and excellent choices for hydro-
ponics. Descriptions of today’s popular growing mediums, perlite, rockwool and expanded clay
pebbles follow.
Perlite is derived from volcanic rock which has been heated to extremely high temperatures. It
explodes like popcorn, resulting in the porous, white medium we use in hydroponics.
In addition to uses in hydroponics, perlite is also used in many commercial potting soil mixes
and in non-horticultural areas including construction and as a packing material. . Perlite can be
used loose, in pots or bagged in thin plastics sleeves (referred to as grow bags because the plants
are grown right in the bags). Plants in perlite grow bags are usually set up on a drip feed system
and each standard bag holds 3 or 4 long term plants.
Rockwool is derived from basalt rock. It too is heated to high temperatures but then is spun into
fibers resembling insulation. These fibers are spun into cubes and slabs for hydroponic
The cubes are commonly used for plant propagation and the slabs are used similarly to the perlite
grow bags. A plant is set onto the rockwool slab and grown there. The plant roots grow down
into the slab. Rockwool slabs usually hold 3 or 4 large plants.

Expanded Clay Pebbles
Many hobby hydroponic gardeners use expanded clay pebbles for their growing medium because
they have a neutral pH and excellent capillary action. For commercial applications, ex- panded
clay pebbles are generally considered too costly.

The field of hydroponics is something that will not only produce much more than a tradtional
field can but it will also cut costs. You won’t have to pay for soil testing, soil itself, added
minerals and more. There will be less of a cost regarding your laboy and in many cases people
have used alternate power sources to create a truly earth friendly or “green” environment. Argots
2012 showcased recently the relationship that solar power and hydroponics had in a matched
relationship. The festival takes place each year in Barbados, where the sun beats hot. One of
2012’s exhibits showcased photovoltaic panels that converts the suns rays into electricity which
lit the lights and powered the pumps to operate the hydroponic greenhouse. It is amazing the
power we can harvest naturally from the earth around us. Plus, the cost is driven down and the
Federal government is even giving tax breaks to people who invest in “green” power sources.

Chapter 3 Investigating Feasibility
When determining if a hydroponic greenhouse business is right for you, it is important to do
some research to help you make the decision. After all you need to know if you can fit the
business on your property (which I’m sure you can), you will want to know about the size of the
structure you have to build and the feasibility of the structure in your current living conditions.
Remember, even if you are not a huge corporation you will still be able to grow some produce in
your apartment with relative ease. But, if you are considering this innovative technique as an
alternative to what you have now then by all means read on.
I think that you should first: Talk To Other Growers
People who already grow with hydroponics will tell it to you straight. They speak with an
enlightenment that a newbie could never handle. They will let you know all about the ups and
downs of growing and how to succeed. They have already battled in the trenches and this is the
perfect time to talk them. This is an excellent source of information about the hydroponics
business can come from people who are already in it. A hydroponic farmer can provide valuable
insight and share experiences about the hydroponics business. The questions will be something
that should hit the matter head on. They should be straightforward and raise questions that will
affect your business.

If you cannot locate any growers in your area, you may want to contact several greenhouse
manufacturers and hydroponic equipment suppliers and ask if they can give you names of
hydroponic growers that you could talk to. It’s easy to find them, look online and type
“hydroponic growers” and add your locale. I bet you will have at least one hundred hits.
In most cases you will find some growers are more open with information than others. It is a
good idea to talk with a variety of growers, listen to what they have to say and then proceed.

But what are you going to talk with them about right?

When meeting with a hydroponic grower, you should find out:
•Do they feel it is a profitable business?
•What crops are they growing?
 •What hydroponic methods are they using?
 •Does their growing system suit their needs?
•     How do they market their produce?
•     Where do they purchase growing supplies from?
•     Are they happy with their supplier?
•     What would they do different if they had the opportunity to start over?

You should also determine if there is room in the local marketplace for additional hydroponic
growers. If not, are there other areas to market your produce within a reasonable driving distance
-or- is there another crop that you could grow and market in your area? Think about your locale,
the temperate area and the seasonal sensations that most people cannot wait for. You can provide
a veritable crowd with numerous amounts of items from a locked treasure trove.
Remember to Always Research Market Prices
To help determine the price you will sell your produce at, study your projected expenses and
necessary profit for the business to be worthwhile. Also ask produce brokers, your greenhouse
manufacturer, grocers, other growers and produce co-ops what similar products are selling for in
your area.

As a general rule, your produce will be higher priced than field produce. If you are growing
a premium quality product, many consumers will pay a higher price because they want the best
they can buy. It is important not to undercut yourself when pricing your product.
Cost of both production and of the end product varies dramatically throughout the United States.

In the Midwest, average wholesale prices range around $1.30/lb for hydroponic tomatoes. On the
East and West Coast, they go as high as $2.75/lb.
National Average UK prices

Produce prices go as high as $1.34 US

The prices are driven up depending on several situations including the latest flood that affected
the UK’s spring crops. In fact almost each piece of produce was raised 3.5% compared to the
global average. So even though you are working on an average price always take into account
that there are many factors that will affect the growth rate.

Talk to Grocers
Take a walk into the grocery store take the time to visit the produce section. You will want to talk
to local grocers to get an idea of where you can sell your produce. Plus they will be able to talk
to you a little more about the average prices and how they have seen them raise in recent years.
Why? Because of the shortage of food and the increasing age of the average farmer.

Prior to meeting with a grocer or produce manager, it is a good idea to tour their produce
department and familiarize yourself with what they offer and the price range they sell in. Also
note whether they currently sell premium, hydroponic or organic produce. Observe their
customers to see what they look for in fresh produce. Take a closer look at the produce in these
section, examine them and look at the differences.

It is recommended that you have your promotional materials, business cards and a sample of
what you will be growing with you when you visit a grocer y store. You will need to make an
appointment with the produce manager of the store you hope to sell to. If you are not yet
growing, you may want to purchase a few cases of hydroponic produce from another grower so
that you have a sample of what you plan to grow.

Discuss your plans with the produce manager, tell him what you plan to grow and when you
anticipate you will be in production. It is not likely that you will get a guarantee but, if the grocer
is excited about the product he will probably be willing to try it when you come into production.
There are many options in this phase of your growth. I suggest you take your time.
Another Option: Contact Greenhouse Manufacturers & Hydroponic Equipment Suppliers

One of the best sources of information on hydroponic growing, industry needs, produce
marketing, greenhouse structures, hydroponic systems and growing techniques is from
greenhouse and hydroponic equipment suppliers. Most greenhouse and hydroponic suppliers also
offer an extensive line of books on greenhouse and hydroponic culture. You can view all of this
information online at various sites including: Hydroponics Growth chart and more.

A request for literature will often provide a wealth of information.
Take the time to study the literature and books to learn what you can about the hydroponic
produce business, hydroponic growing techniques and greenhouse management. There are some
great authors out there that have personal experience embedded in each and every chapter of
their novel. It’s a great match actually and because of that they can provide you with a great
background into the research. Hydroponics is still a standard part of all research.
Reference Material
There are several excellent books on hydroponics. If you are serious about getting into this
business, these books will be a small investment in your success. I found them all over the web
and you will be able soar when you start your business.

Hydroponic Food Production
by Howard M Resh, Ph.D. With 462 pages of information, this is possibly the most definitive
guide to soilless culture ever published.
Hydroponic Home Food Gardens
by Howard M Resh, Ph.D. Learn how to grow more food per square foot; avoid pest problems;
automate your garden; extend your growing season. 152 pages
Gardening Indoors
by: George Van Patten Easy, complete “how-to” guide on high-tech indoor and outdoor
gardening - packed with drawings, examples, step-by-step instructions and expert advice.
Commercial Hydroponics
by John Mason This is an excellent book with many color photos of commercial hydroponic
Home Hydroponics
by Lem Jones with Paul and Cay Beardsley This book covers the basics that all hydroponic
gardeners need to know.
Tomato Diseases; A Practical Guide for Seedsman, Growers and Agricultural Advisors
by Jon C Watterson, Plant Pathologist This book contains excellent documentation and color
pictures of tomato plant diseases.
Secrets To a Successful Greenhouse Business
by T.M. Taylor A complete guide to starting and operating a profitable greenhouse business.
Hydroponic Gardening
by Raymond Bridwell This classic book on modern soilless culture shows you how to prepare
and grow a hydroponic garden.
How To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business 22
The Encyclopedia of Hydroponic Gardening CD-Rom
by Nelson/Pade Multimedia This interactive CD-Rom with video, pictures and text, covers over
100 topics on hydroponic gardening.
Hobby Hydroponics
by Nelson/Pade Multimedia A colorful 30 minute video covering the basics of hydroponic
Hydroponic Farming Video
by Nelson/Pade Multimedia An informative video coving all phases of commercial hydroponic
Aquaponics Journal
The Aquaponics Journal is a bi-monthly magazine dedicated to gardeners and fish culturists who
utilize the unique technologies of aquaponics, aquaculture and hydroponics.
With each issue of the Aquaponics Journal, readers discover the newest technologies and
research on aquaponics, aquaculture and hydroponics, meet fascinating people who successfully
use these methods of growing and learn tips, tricks and techniques that can be employed in
various growing systems. In addition, new products are showcased and a calendar of events
updates readers on pertinent conferences, trade shows and expos, classes and training programs.
For a subscription, call 209-742-6869 or visit the aquaponics web- site at
Practical Hydroponics and Greenhouse Magazine
Practical Hydroponics and Greenhouse Magazine is published in Australia but available in the
US and worldwide. You can subscribe at the website or by
contacting Casper Publications, PO Box 225, Narabeen, NSW 2101 Australia, phone # +61
(02)9905 9933
The Hydroponic Society of America
The Hydroponic Society of America was established in 1980 to help promote hydroponics and
disseminate information from and to all sectors of the industry. Members include re- searchers,
commercial growers, educators, students and hobbyists. The quarterly publication, The Soilless
Grower, contains both practical and cutting-edge information and is included with membership.
In addition, the HSA sponsors an annual conference on hy- droponics. You can contact the
Hydroponic Society of America at 510-232-2323 or PO Box 1183. El Cerrito, CA 94539. The
HSA website is at:
How To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business 23
Hydroponics Merchants Association
The Hydroponic Merchants Association is an organization consisting of retailers, manufac-
turers and individuals in the hydroponics industry. Members are provided with support and
promotional materials. In addition, the HMA sponsors an annual conference for members. The
Hydroponic Merchants Association can be contacted by phone at 703-392-5890 or mail at 10210
Leatherleaf Court, Manassas, VA, USA 20111-4245 or e-mail at
The HMA’s website is at:
World Wide Web
There is an abundance of information about hydroponics on the Internet. In any search en- gine,
type “hydroponics” and you’ll find hundreds of websites about soilless plant culture. A list of
some that we find helpful follows.
Aquatic Eco Systems, Inc American Hydroponics Auburn U Horticultural Dept CEA-Grown
Hydroponic Crop Physiology Lab’s Hydro Crop Production / Hydroponics CropKing, Inc
De Ruiter Seeds, Inc General Hydroponics Handy Guide Hydroponic Links Harvest Moon
Hydroponics Hydroponic Society of America Nelson/Pade Multimedia The Trellis, Garden
Links Pacific NW Garden Supply Worm’s Way
Other Business Information Sources
Other sources for information relating to an agricultural enterprise and starting a business
•     your local Chamber of Commerce
•     local business associations
•      The US Department of Agriculture
•     Your     County
•     Farm     Advisor
•     Universities
•     University Extension Agents

Remember to take your time when you seek out additional information. Keep a copy of
everything that you feel is pertinent to you and your business.

Chapter 4 Making a Business Plan
Successful projects begin with an accurate market analysis and a sound business plan. Prior to
embarking on any business venture, it is important to prepare a business plan. A business plan is
your opportunity to clearly understand your goals, potential cash flow, estimated earnings and
work requirements. If you are trying to get any kind of financing, a well-written business plan is

The purposes of a business plan include:
•    defining a new business
•    defining agreements between partners
•    supporting a loan application
•    define objectives and means of achieving those objectives
•    evaluating a new product, promotion or expansion
•    setting a value on the business for legal or sale purposes

Preparing a business plan is an organized, logical way to look at all of the important aspects of a
business. A good plan saves far more time than it takes to complete and should be reviewed and
updated on a regular basis.
A business plan should be used to set concrete tasks, responsibilities, and deadlines.
Tips for Better Business Plans
•       All businesses, not just new or large businesses, need business planning. A business plan
sets goals and priorities, providing a forum for regular review and course corrections.
•       Long-winded business plans don’t get read. Today, the maximum number of pages a
business plan should contain is 50.
•       Useful business plans contain concrete programs to achieve specific, measurable
•       Good business plans assign tasks to people or departments and set milestones and
deadlines for tracking implementation.

Included in this package is a sample business plan for a fictitious hydroponic produce company,
HydroPro. You can use this sample as a guide when writing your own business plan, but be sure
to research all expenses and information to ensure it is ac- curate and based on your location and
situation. It’s extremely useful and will save you a ton of time.

There are several excellent software programs that walk you through building a business plan.
Investing in one of these is an investment in time-saving, planning and organization.
 My favorite is: Business Plan Pro, by Palo Alto Software, (541) 683-6162.

Start-Up and Ongoing Expenses
Part of preparing a business plan for a new venture is determining the estimated cost of starting
your business and determining the estimated expenses and income.
Start-Up Costs
Be sure your estimated start-up costs include:
•purchasing the greenhouse and hydroponic equipment •          applicable sales tax • freight to get
the greenhouse and equipment to your location •       any additional equipment not included in the
greenhouse package (if any) • add-on equipment such as a generator, shade cloths, insect
screening •     purchase of computer and office related equipment • site preparation •        the
cost of construction of your greenhouse •      building permits
Operating Expenses
Be sure your estimated expenses include:
•       propane or natural gas and electricity •      fertilizer •    consumables and growing
supplies •      pest and disease control
•       labor • maintenance • packaging materials • marketing and promotional costs •
        delivery expenses / vehicle • insurance •     office expenses •       cost of loan/financing
•       laboratory analysis
Labor Distribution
The amount of labor to run your hydroponic greenhouse will vary depending on the growing
system you use, the type of crops you are growing and the size of your operation. Your
hydroponic equipment supplier should be able to give you an idea of how much work will be
involved with your particular growing system.

Prior to beginning your operation, you should outline your business activity by using an
organization chart to define responsibilities of each member. This is important whether you are a
family, a partnership or a corporation. If you plan to hire labor, be sure to talk to your accountant
or business advisor to acquire the proper workers regulations and forms from the state and
federal government.
Be sure to think about all areas of the business that need attention, including:
•     Greenhouse maintenance
•      Plant culturing
•      Picking and packing
•      Nutrient mixing and analysis
•     Marketing
•     Delivery
•     Administration and bookkeeping
•     How To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business

Chapter 5 Financial Planning
The first step to creating your business is to make sure that your financials are in place. Proper
financial planning is crucial when establishing any business. Most experts recommend that you
start with enough extra capital to operate your business for a year and provide for your personal
expenses for 6 months without income. Starting a business without ample capitol is a sure path to
failure. Why go through all of the research, coordination, and learning the history of an area
without making sure that you have no capital to work with?

The consistency of reworking your finances is really going to take you to a new level. Take into
consideration operating costs and include all of your expenditures in them. This includes the cost
of additional labor, over head, consumables and equipment maintenance. It also may include
crop insurance and advertising costs and eventually the cost to replace equipment. This is where
you should determine whether it is profitable.

Configure the cost and the benefits to your operation. What I did was include all times and fully
allowed for the costs that will make this venture attainable.This include the cost of doing all that
is necessity and then consider the interest and repayment of the loan as well. The operating costs
should be project to at least five years ahead. Unfortunately there is a strong tendency to
underestimate the cost factors and to overestimate the yields and prices. It was simple to start
learning, the hard part is configuring the cost analysis. Most people that have never grown a
thing in their life or have no experience growing commercially can not garner a full appreciation
for the time that any crop demands. In fact, let’s assess it now.In a 365 day year--crops require
daily attention. This will impact your life tremendously in every way imaginable. In fact, let’s
not get too whimsical just yet, you still have to plan for the future investment.

Sources of Financing
It is difficult if not impossible to secure financing for a hydroponic venture from a banking
institution without equity in property or other assets, a history of success in business or both.
If you are applying for financing, do not approach a bank, financial institution or potential
investor without a business plan. The business plan should always include the cost/benefit
analysis and your operating costs. In addition make sure to research the financials for your area,
the UK offers business grants for some startups and the US offers a series of government loans
for new agricultural startups.
But of course your local bank is a good place to start when looking for financing. If you have
adequate equity in your home, it is likely that they will be able to assist you.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is another option for financing a new business.
Information is available at 1-800-827-5722. The SBA can be reached online at
The Money Store is working directly with the SBA to assist businesses in acquiring funding.
They can be contacted at 1-800-722-3066.
Farm Credit Services (FCS) is an ag lending cooperative serving states in the Midwest. They
specialize in lending services to farm related enterprises. For information call 1-800- 444-3276.
Consolidated Farm Service Agency (CFSA), formerly the Farmer’s Home Administration, offers
programs where greenhouses may qualify. These include: Farm Ownership Loans (PA62), Non-
farm Enterprise Loans (PA1231), and Limited Resource Farm Loans (PA1398). Call 202-720-
8207 for more information.
In the UK:
Business loans in the UK:
Business Grants Uk:
There are other mortgage lenders and alternative financing solutions you can find on the Web,
which include:
Venture Capital Alternative Financing prod/sources.html

Chapter 6 Selecting Your Location
A good location is part of the success of any business. When choosing the site for your
operation, consider these factors:
Reside on or near greenhouse
Ideally, it should be on a parcel where you or a person responsible for the operation resides. If
there is a problem in the greenhouse, a power outage or some other misfortune, you will need to
be there or could potentially loose your crop. If you live on the same property as the greenhouse,
you are more likely to be aware of any problems. Most larger operations have someone who
lives on site not only to maintenance the facility but to keep on top of any security breaches that
could occur. You know those kids could consider smashing up the greenhouse when they get
tired of cow tipping. Greenhouse growing has a long history, and since that is true there has been
a lot of research done on it.
Greenhouse should be near the marketplace
Your greenhouse should be near the marketplace where you intend to sell your produce. Your
primary focus will be on running your greenhouse. If too much time is spent on delivery, your
greenhouse will suffer. In most average sized operations, a 4 hour radius is the maximum driving
distance that is considered reasonable. Retail growing and selling is the easiest area to break into
and is the best place to get your prices settled correctly. On average a population base of about
6,500 people will marginally support one retail greenhouse outlet. When evaluating your
potential customer base, consider The size of your community trade area, not just the since of the
town or city.
Look for a flat parcel, open to sunlight
A hydroponic greenhouse business can be started on a parcel as small as an acre. If you plan to
expand, you may want to have a larger parcel. The location that your greenhouse will sit needs to
be flat and open to direct sunlight. You should avoid a location that has heavy tree cover,
mountains or anything else that would hinder direct sunlight.You should also avoid a location
that is surrounded by field crops or heavy vegetation. These are areas that may harbor pest
insects or plant disease.
Adequate water source and disposal required
You need to have an adequate water source for your greenhouse operation. Once you’ve chosen a
hydroponic system you should have a comprehensive water analysis done by a reputable
agricultural lab to be sure it is adequate for hydroponic crop production. Most water that isn’t
suitable can be purified using reverse osmosis or an ozone purification system.
Determine whether or not the system you are using creates any waste water or excess nutrient
solution.       If so, you will need to have an adequate disposal system. Depending on local
ordinances, this can range from using the excess nutrient for irrigating your lawn or garden to
having to remove it from the premises and dispose of it.

Deciding on how much greenhouse space is needed requires that one must first figure out who
your customer will be. Who is going to be your customer? Is it just the local market? Or is it
going to be someone else. For instance, if you wanted to make $24,000 a year on bedding plants
and poinsettias (one-third) of the money. The figure you can make $2.00 per flat profit on
bedding plants and $1.00 per pot on poinsettias to earn your $24,000. Okay so now you have
something to think about right? Most bedding plant growers have an early and a late crop, thus
producing two turns of their space each spring. This means that if you have 4000 flats would be
grown in the first turn and 4000 in that second turn. These are just some specs that you want to
think about--remember we want you to know all the avenues you are getting into.It’s the most
rewarding thing ever.

Chapter 7 Selecting A Crop
It is important to research your marketplace to determine what crops there are a demand for.
There are niche markets that some growers fill with specialty herbs or ethnic vegetables but most
hydroponic growers produce common vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce. The
difference between what most hydroponic growers and most field growers produce is quality. In
your hydroponic greenhouse you can grow premium quality produce which will bring a premium
price, even with common vegetables.

If you want to grow a variety of crops, it is best to start with one, and add the others one at a
time. Each crop has different nutritional and environmental needs and cultivation techniques. To
avoid confusion or improper care for a crop, wait until you master one before starting another.
Following is information on a variety of crops you may consider for your hydroponic
Vine ripened tomatoes-when choosing a crop, many new growers choose tomatoes. The primary
reasons for this are (1) a premium quality tomato is quite easy to market and brings a high price
(2) tomato plants can produce up to 35-40 pounds per plant under optimum conditions.
Most commercial hydroponic tomato growers plant one crop annually. The time from when they
seed until they start picking tomatoes is between 90 and 120 days, depending on variety and
conditions. In most climates in the US, growers will start their plants in November or December,
during the lowest light periods, begin picking in March or April and continue picking until the
following November or December. This schedule provides income for 7-8 months of the year, so
budgeting is important.

On a weekly basis, the grower of indeterminate tomato plants needs to perform several culturing
techniques on each plant including clipping, suckering, leaf pruning, cluster pruning, leaning and
lowering and harvesting. The tomato flowers also need to be pollinated. A grower can do this by
hand on a daily basis or bring in a special hive of bees that reside in the greenhouse and pollinate
the flowers. The bees do a better job of pollinating and save someone the labor of doing it by

Tomatoes need a minimum of 8 hours of light per day during fruiting periods. In most climates in
the US, it is not feasible to produce during the winter months without artificial lighting and, in
many cases, it is too costly to purchase and operate artificial lights in a
commercial application. This is the reason most hydroponic tomato growers use the winter
months to propagate their plants. The lower light conditions are adequate for propagation and
early plant development, but not for fruiting.

The varieties most commercial growers use are specially bred for greenhouse production. They
are hybrids and have specific needs that must be met. The advantage of these varieties is that
they have excellent taste and aroma and the plants produce high poundage.
Recently, cluster tomatoes have become very popular. They are varieties of tomatoes that ripen
uniformly and are harvested by removing the whole truss. Cluster tomatoes are also referred to as
“tomatoes on the vine.”

Most of the field tomatoes sold to grocery stores throughout the US are picked green,
warehoused until they are needed and then gassed to turn them red. Unfortunately, they are never
really ripe, which is why they are off-color and have no flavor. When you approach grocers and
show them a tomato that is truly red and tastes and smells like a tomato, they love it.
Tomatoes that are vine ripened have a much longer shelf life than those that are green- picked as
long as they are not refrigerated. A vine ripened tomato should ideally be kept between 58o - 65o
F. Temperatures lower than 55o F will quickly loss flavor. When stored correctly, a vine ripened
tomato should keep for 2 - 3 weeks.

Because of the longer shelf life, most tomato growers need to deliver only once a week.
Remember there are also a ton of places to get seeds from. Ornamental edibles, stokes seeds,
Richters, Burpee and more.

When you first start out we suggest you state with smaller varieties like patio tomatoes and bush
beans. You can harvest so much produce form these plants. When pruning these plants they will
grow larger than soil plants and they can keep on growing.

Fancy Lettuce
The demand for fresh lettuce and lettuce mixes is rapidly growing. The US Department of
Agriculture reported the worldwide sales of packaged cut lettuce reached $1.2 billion in 1997. If
you are in an area where fresh, high quality leaf crops are hard to find, you should consider a
lettuce operation. Hydroponic lettuce growers usually sell a fresh bagged mix or a whole leaf
crop, including the root base to keep it fresh.
Fancy Lettuce is usually grown in an NFT (nutrient film technique) system. Since fancy lettuce
grows from seedling to harvest in 4-12 weeks, the chance of plant disease, fungus or pests are
greatly reduced.          Hydroponically grown lettuce is far superior to field grown and, unlike
field-grown, is free of grit and sand. Leafy lettuces or head lettuce will do well in hydroponic
culture. Most lettuce growers select hybrid varieties developed for good flavor and quick
Since there is no fruiting involved with leaf crops and the time from seedling to harvesting is
quite short (as little as 30 days), most leaf crop growers operate year round. With sequenced
cluster tomato planting, leaf crops can be picked continually. Another advantage of lettuce is that
it will grow well in cooler temperatures than tomatoes or cucumbers. For greenhouse growers,
that means lower heating costs. In locations with somewhat steady outdoor temperatures many
NFT lettuce growers eliminate the greenhouse altogether and grow the lettuce outdoors.

The labor in a lettuce operation is in the seeding, handling and harvesting of the plants. Because
lettuce is quite perishable, it needs to be delivered several times a week, if not daily.

Hydroponic cucumbers are also a popular crop. Most hydroponic cucumber growers produce the
European seedless varieties, bred for greenhouse production, great taste and higher yields. They
are an excellent tasting cucumber with a skin that is very tender and sweet. The skin is so tender
that most growers wrap the cucumbers individually to prevent punctures and scratches.
Cucumbers grow in similar conditions to tomatoes and are sometimes grown in the same
greenhouse. These two crops complement each other nicely. The culturing of a cucumber plant is
similar to that of a tomato plant.
Most hydroponic cucumber growers plant two crops annually. The time from seed to first harvest
is less than tomatoes, at approximately six weeks. A cucumber grower will usually pick from
those same plants for another 3 – 31/2 months and then replant.
Both cucumbers and tomatoes are usually grown in a substrate system with either perlite or
rockwool as the growing medium and a drip irrigation system for feeding. They can also be
grown in NFT and ebb and flow systems.
Cucumbers keep well and can be delivered once a week.

The market for both colored, sweet bell and hot peppers in the US is excellent. At this point,
almost all of the large colored bell peppers that are sold in the US come from Holland, Europe
and Mexico.
Peppers are usually grown in a substrate system, with drip irrigation for feed because of the
longer duration of the crop. They can also be grown in NFT and ebb and flow systems.
The amount of information available on pepper culture is somewhat limited and, even though the
demand is there, there are very few pepper growers in the US.         Part of the reason may be due
to the sizes that are
European Cucumbers
How To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business 33
imported. The US gets virtually all of the large colored bell peppers while the smaller pep- pers
stay in the local marketplace where they are grown. For a US grower, the large peppers would be
easy to market but the smaller peppers could be a problem.
Specialty Herbs, Ethnic Vegetables and Flowers
Specialty herbs, ethnic vegetables and flowers are also options in a hydroponic greenhouse but
each requires a specialty market. If you have an outlet to sell specialty items in large quantities,
they may be an excellent choice.
Another option for a hydroponic grower would be to specialize just in herbs. Culinary herbs that
do well in hydroponics include:
•     Basil • Cilantro •      Parsley •       Chives •        Oregano •       Marjoram • Sage

Bell Peppers
Other produce that you might consider growing includes a variety of pepper plants. Green Bell
Peppers grow great in a hydroponic environment. In fact, Bell peppers highly complement the
tomatoes. In a traditional growing scenario they each work with another. For many reasons when
a tomato plant is traditionally planted farmers place bell peppers nearby thereby helping them to
grow harmoniously. It’s been proven many times over and still to this day is a a lucrative mode
of creating a hydroponically induced harmony. Yes, so I am saying place bell peppers near
tomatoes if you can.
 In order to begin you have to prepare the seed bed. They should be started in porous netting and
it should allow for a root system to flourish. These hydroponic peppers can grow extremely large
so they need all of the root structure support you can give them. Also using styrofoam or other
modes will have them stay upright as they grow. Once you have this plant the seeds so that they
rest in the solution its important also to remember that mostly all hydroponic plants will grow
large and these peppers are no exception.

The water will have to be aerated and you should have the right amount of light as well. In fact,
when you are creating the perfect structure for your plants make sure that you are taking into
account all that the plants need. Best pepper production comes from a warmer environment and
the peepers will grow more uniformly and sweeter if they are in a hot house. The warm air gets
the vegetable’s juices flowing, and the climate changes that most outside pepper plants endure
shows up insidiously. This means that your peppers grown indoors will be well rounded, juicier,
fleshier and healthier than any others you will find.

Carrots and other subterranean vegetables can be grown hydroponics as well. You will need a
few extras to grow them though. For instance perlite, and vermiculite will help the plant with
water retention and it’s something to look into for your other crops. You will need a deep
container to plant these root crops in. The bottom should have a way to sieve the water through--
holes placed in it. They need to be at least 12 inches deep and then at least 12 inches wide. The
container needs to sit the first one in for water retention purposes is also an necessity. The
carrots will germinate in 6-10 days. Carrots belong to the world of subterranean hydroponics-so
you see you can literally grow anything you would need with hydroponics!
If only researchers from the 18th century could see the developments that we have now. The only
problem is that most people do not even realize the ease of care and the relative crop production
that can come from growing these plants in a hydroponic environment. But the governments
know it, NASA scientists understand it-therefore it should not be too hard to tackle it in your
own greenhouse. That is if you are purchasing the correct one. The process of growing these
plants iwht simply mineral solutions and water is truly an innovation. I really hope you take
advantage of it, once you do you will see the heights that it can take you.

Chapter 8 Purchasing a Greenhouse
There are two options for starting a hydroponic greenhouse can start a new one or
purchase an operating business. Since commercial hydroponics is often a successful business,
there are not too many operations for sale. If you find one, be sure to do your homework and
research. Find out why it is for sale and if the growing system used was efficient and productive.
The bottom line is that in greenhouses without sufficient heat you will be trying to garden in the
winder and heating costs will rise--it will defeat the purpose of even beginning this business in
the first place. Also consider that for heating costs you can purchase heaters--gas, electric and
propane to place in the greenhouse, and it may be more lucrative overall (but I seriously doubt it)
to lay lines for a heating system in the structure.

Occasionally people find an old greenhouse structure for sale and want to convert it to
hydroponic use. In most cases, this isn’t cost effective for the following reasons:
•       The cost of a new greenhouse structure may be less than the cost of buying and repairing
the old one.
•       The newer greenhouses are more energy efficient and will cost you less to operate. •
        Piecing together the hydroponic equipment may cost you more than if you purchased a
complete greenhouse package that included the hydroponic system.
When shopping for a supplier, you will find greenhouse manufacturers and companies that sell
complete hydroponic greenhouse packages.
If you are building from the ground up, ideally you should work with someone who sells the
greenhouse and all of the environmental control and hydroponic equipment as a package. Look
for a company that will support you when you purchase the equipment as well as during
construction and on through production. Having a reliable company to call when you have a
problem is worth a great deal. That support, especially in your first year, may mean the
difference between prosperity and failure.

Just take into consideration what we discussed, heating, the cost of a new structure (which is
many cases is cheaper than repairing an older version) and of course knowing that you have
vested yourself in this business with careful consideration into every aspect of growing and
Chapter 9 Greenhouse Construction
After you have considered not only your motivation for the business and the cit it’s time
to consider the fact that a greenhouse business is one of the fasted growing of its kind.
In fact, people everywhere want their landscapes to be filled with life, or fruitful year
round. New greenhouses, nurses, and landscape companies use the structures and so
do hydroponic growers.
There are two greenhouse styles to consider. The detached or freestanding houses or
ridge and furrow or gutter connected houses. The detached greenhouses stand
independently and many times may be constructed using different types of greenhouse.
Also the access from the work area to the greenhouse is often going to be through a
central, covered corridor or uncovered aisle. This style is the most common for growers
who are starting with 10,000 square feet or less and they want to add more in as they
grow their business.The great part about this style is that you can create a house with
its own unique cooling/heating system, it’s own personalty and of course using several
houses aids in creating unique systems for growing.

Now the ridge and furrow types are connected by a gutter, they are also sometimes
created with internal walls that separate sections of the greenhouse where crops that
require several types of environment or internal walls separate individually. These
sections are also going to be a problem for some because of that simple structure.

The most common greenhouse structure is the Quonset which is a house essentially
constructed with arched rafters that are covered with one or two layers of flexible
materials. The only one disadvantage of polyethylene is that it is subject to ultraviolet light
degradation and must be replaced every 2 to 3 years. The cost of construction for detached
houses is lower than the cost for other greenhouse types, usually $2.75 to $3.25 per square foot
excluding heating, cooling, and benches. Many new businesses start with one or more houses
that are 25 to 40 feet wide and 90 to 100 feet long. However, this type of construction can be
applied to either the detached or the ridge and furrow styles.
Many greenhouse construction companies offer packages for constructing Quonset greenhouses.
These commonly come with either steel or aluminum bows and the manufacturer specifies the
bow spacing depending on the structural strength of the bow material. However, before
purchasing, select the frame based on load-bearing requirements. This will be determined by
whether or not the structure will support equipment or crops. Hanging the heat- ing system,
irrigation equipment, or hanging bas- kets from the framing will increase the load-bearing
requirement. The end walls are often constructed of wood or metal framing covered in
polyethylene or rigid plastic with aluminum doors for access. The side walls are often wood or
metal with special fasteners for holding the polyethylene in place. The foundation for a Quonset
greenhouse is usually a concrete footing poured at intervals dictated by the bow spacing.
Polyethylene manufactured for greenhouse application comes in 20- to 50-foot widths, 1 to 8
millimeters thick. It costs $0.12 to $0.18 per square foot. Two layers of polyethylene are
frequently ap- plied to greenhouses to reduce heating demand. Double-layer polyethylene houses
generally cost 30 to 40 percent less to heat than do single layer houses. The two layers are kept
air-inflated using a 100 to 150 ft.3/min. squirrel cage blower mounted to the inside plastic layer.
Purchase 4-mil plastic for
the inside layer and 4- or 6-mil plastic for the outside. Use 6-mil polyethylene for single layer
applications. Polyethylene can be installed on wood portions of a greenhouse by nailing wood
batten strips over the film into the foundation boards and end walls. However, because
polyethylene will require replacing frequently, investing in special fasteners will make the job
easier. Fastening systems are available for single- or double-layer applications.

A second commonly applied greenhouse type is the even span, gable roof. This type of
construction is appropriate where rigid glazing materials will be used such as glass or rigid
plastics. The cost of construction for glass-covered, detached- style houses is higher than for
Quonset types, usually $5.50 to $7.50 per square foot excluding heating, cooling, and benches.
However, these structures are more permanent and require less maintenance. Gable construction
with rigid glazing is a good choice when plans are long-term and the business is well capitalized.
This type of construction can also be applied to either the detached or the ridge and furrow

Gable houses on the other hand use galvanized steel, aluminum, or a combination of the two
materials for constructing the frame. The weight of glazing material, the weight of equipment
attached to the frame, snow and wind loads, and the width of the greenhouse will have an impact
on the type and size of materials chosen, size and spacing of support posts, and the design and
construction of trusses. Glass is very heavy and re- quires strong support while rigid plastics are
lighter requiring less support.
Prior To Building Your Greenhouse
It is important to contact your building department and look into zoning ordinances prior to
beginning construction. Building or construction permits may be required.
If you are skilled with basic tools and have some mechanical abilities, you can build your
greenhouse yourself. You can also hire a contractor to construct your greenhouse. If you hire a
contractor, be sure they are competent, licensed and insured.
To operate an environmentally controlled hydroponic greenhouse you will need electrical
service, water and natural gas or liquid propane at the site. Be sure your electrical service and
natural gas or LP lines are sized correctly for your operation, with room for expansion.
Your greenhouse site needs to be level or at a slight grade depending on the greenhouse
manufacturer’s specifications and the type of growing system you’ve selected.
When your pad is ready, you will need to gravel or cement it. Cement will provide a cleaner and
easier surface to walk and work on but gravel is less expensive. If using a row crop system, you
cement just the walkways and leave gravel rows for the plants. Each gravel row will need a
buried drain tile to collect excess nutrient run off. A collection tank for excess run-off will also
need to be installed. Nutrient reservoirs are usually buried at one end of the greenhouse. If your
system uses a reservoir, keep this in mind when planning the layout of your walkways and floor
If you’ve purchased a greenhouse package, it will arrive as many separate components. Be sure
to inventory all of the parts as you unpack the system and confirm that everything you ordered is
Familiarize yourself with the parts, instructions and blue prints before you begin construction
and then store the parts in the order that you will need them.
Greenhouse Construction
While building your greenhouse, be sure to contact the greenhouse manufacturer if you have
questions. Plan ahead and study the blueprints.         If you are building over a weekend, get any
questions answered on Friday, prior to the weekend so you are not delayed.
Level Pad
Cemented walkways, frame posts
How To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business 36
Depending on the style of greenhouse you are building, you will either install grounds stakes or
wall posts. The frame is usually screwed or bolted together. Again, follow the manufacturers
instructions carefully to avoid mistakes in construction.
If you will be growing row crops such as toma- toes or cucumbers that need support, you will
also have to cement in the plant support posts. This can be done before or after the frame is
In most cases, your greenhouse will be orientated north and south. The north wall of your
greenhouse is framed out in wood, insulated and sealed because there is no direct sunlight that
comes from the north. Your cooling fans, door and heaters are usually framed into the north wall
of the greenhouse.
The south wall is usually made of a clear plastic to allow sunlight in. If you are using an
evaporative cooling system, it is usually installed in the south wall.
If you are using poly covers, they are pulled or rolled over the frame and secured in place with a
snap locking device. A double poly cover can be used for better heat retention in the winter and
more efficient cooling in the summer. When covering your greenhouse with a poly cover, do it
on a calm day with as much help as possible.
The hydroponic growing system that you choose should be installed to the manufacturer’s
specifications. The two most common commercial hydroponic systems are the drip system and
the NFT system.
A drip system is usually set up to feed the root base of the plant on a timed basis. The plant roots
are grown in a media such as perlite or rockwool. The media serves as a place for the roots to
live and is porous, allowing it to absorb nutrient solution. In a drip system, there is usually 2, 3 or
4 plants per bag or slab. By isolating the plants roots into small groups, you lesson the chance of
a root borne disease spreading throughout your greenhouse.
This makes a substrate system ideal for long term crops.
If you are using a substrate system with drip emitters, you will have nutrient concentrate tanks,
an injector system, and drip irrigation lines to install. The perlite bags or rockwool slabs need to
be laid in the rows.
Benches may be constructed from a variety of materials and arranged in many different ways. Careful
planning can result in 70 to 80 percent of floor area devoted to crops with fixed benches and up to 90
percent utilization with rolling or movable benches. Rolling benches are designed to open an 18- to 24-
inch aisle of work space at any location along a row of benches.
Supports for benches should be strong enough to hold a large number of plants and the largest container
size anticipated. Wood, metal pipe, or con- crete blocks have been used as bench supports. The bench
surface should be strong enough to support plants without sagging, but open to provide water

drainage and air movement. Spruce or redwood lath and 1-inch square, 14-gauge welded-wire fabric or
expanded steel mesh make a strong, long lasting, open bench top. Bench height should be 32 to 36 inches
and width should be 3 feet if against a wall or up to 6 feet if accessible from both sides. Benches can be
purchased from a manufacturer in a variety of sizes and construction types.
The purposes of ventilation are to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen, to remove hot air, and to lower
relative humidity. Forced-air ventilation relies on electric fans controlled by a thermostat and a louvered
intake vent. Fans pull cool air into the greenhouse from the outside through an in- take vent and warm,
inside air is pushed out. Fans should be mounted in a waterproof housing with exterior, air-activated
louvers to protect electrical components from inclement weather and to keep cold air out during the
winter. It is important to install a screen over the inside of fans to prevent injury. There should be a
distance equal to at least 1.5 times the fan diameter between the fans and adjacent structures. The intake
vent on the wall opposite the fans can have an air-activated or motorized louver. Fan capacity should be
large enough to exchange the air in a greenhouse at least once per minute. Recommendations for warm
climates call for a fan capacity to remove 12 to 17 cubic feet of air per minute per square foot of floor
Natural ventilation has made a comeback in the South in recent years in the form of retractable-roof
greenhouses and Quonset houses with roll-up side walls. Retractable-roof greenhouses come in a variety
of types while roll-up side walls on Quonset houses are relatively simple. In both cases, the idea is to
move as much of the greenhouse structure out of the way as possible to expose crops to natural conditions
during warm weather.
One of the best ways to cool a greenhouse in the summer is to reduce light intensity. How much reduction
to provide depends on the heat load in the greenhouse and the light requirements of the crops grown.
Greenhouse whitewash and shade cloth are popular choices. Greenhouse whitewash is a special kind of
latex paint that is diluted in water and sprayed on the covering surface. This material is designed to be
applied in the spring and gradually degrade by the action of rain and sun so that little remains by fall.
Shade cloth is a black, green, or white woven fabric of polypropylene that is applied over the outside of
the covering. Shade cloth can be purchased with various weave densities that result in 20 to 80 percent
light reduction. For many greenhouse applications, 30 to 50 per- cent light reduction should be sufficient.
Evaporative cooling relies on air passing through a porous pad saturated with water. The evaporating
water removes heat from the green- house. Fan-and-pad systems consist of a cellulose pad the length of
one wall and at least 2 feet tall with water supplied to keep the pad wet during operation. Fans along the
opposite wall draw out- side air through the pads. Fan-and-pad systems cool more efficiently when the
relative humidity is low, a condition that is infrequent in Southeastern summers. However, a 5 to 10
degree reduction over the outside temperature can be achieved with a well-designed system.
Two popular heating systems for greenhouses are forced-air unit heaters that burn propane or natural gas
and hot water or steam central boilers that burn fuel grade oil. Unit heaters cost less in initial investment
($.30 to $.50 per square foot) than central boilers ($1.00 to $2.50 per square foot), but cost more to
operate ($1.00 per square foot versus $.60 per square foot). Unit heaters are easier to install and require
less maintenance than central boilers require, but even heat distribution can be a problem. Central boilers
provide even heat and combustion takes place away from the greenhouse, but installation can be time
consuming. Generally, unit heaters are more appropriate for small greenhouse ranges and central boilers
for larger ranges.
Unit heaters burn gas in a firebox and heated air rises through the inside of a thin-walled heat exchanger
on its way to the exhaust chimney. A fan draws air in from the greenhouse, across the outside of the heat
exchanger and into the green- house. Thus, most of the heat is removed from the exhaust before it exits
the structure. The exhaust chimney must be sufficiently tall to maintain an up- ward draft and extend
above the greenhouse roof. An 8- to 12-foot chimney is usually sufficient. Open flame heaters must be
vented to the outside and be provided a fresh air supply for complete combustion. Fresh air must be
provided by an unobstructed chimney to avoid carbon dioxide buildup and production of ethylene, both
detrimental to plants.
Two warm-air distribution systems are popular for unit heaters: convection tubes and horizontal airflow.
A convection tube is a polyethylene tube connected to the air outlet of the unit heater, running the length
of the greenhouse and sealed at the other end. Warm air is distributed in the green- house through rows of
2- to 3-inch diameter holes on each side of the tube. Horizontal airflow relies on a number of horizontally
mounted fans 2 to 3 feet above the plants that circulate heat throughout the house. This system as well as
convection tubes may also be used at times when heating is not required, especially at night, to reduce
relative humidity and discourage diseases.
Central boilers burn fuel in a fire box to heat water to 180 degrees F or to steam in a heat ex- changer.
Exhaust smoke passes through a flue to a chimney that vents exhaust to the outside. The heated water or
steam is delivered to the green- house to exchange heat with the air through pipe coils, unit heaters, or a
combination of both.
Climate Control
Traditionally, the operation of heating, ventilating, and cooling equipment has been controlled by
thermostats at plant level located close to the center of the greenhouse. This system is still used
effectively in small operations, especially those with detached greenhouses. For accurate control,
thermostats should be shaded from direct sunlight, preferably by mounting them in a plastic or wood box
ventilated by a small blower. Thermostats have the advantages of being simple, inexpensive, and easy to
install, but may be inaccurate and lack co- ordination with environmental control equipment.
Step controllers and dedicated microprocessors overcome the limitations of thermostats by providing
more complex staging of heating and cooling systems and by coordinating the activities of heating,
cooling, and ventilating equipment. These units generally cost from $800 to $2,500. Greenhouse
environmental control computers add additional levels of control over greenhouse equipment along with
weather sensing, environmental data logging and plotting, and other functions.

So after learning the intricate nature of creating and constructing your greenhouse I just want to make
sure you are still with us here. Right? Okay, now moving on we are going to talk about lifestyle and day
to day operations.

Chapter 10 Day-to-Day Operation
No matter what crop you grow there daily, weekly, monthly and annual chores involved the
operation a hydroponic, controlled environment greenhouse. Fortunately, a controlled
environment greenhouse is an excellent environment to work in. While working you are
surrounded by lush, healthy plants that, if treated right, will bear your annual income.
Operating a hydroponic greenhouse does not require hard, difficult labor. It does, however,
require vigilance, dedication and careful observation. This means that your entire lifestyle will
Daily, most commercial hydroponic growers test and monitor the pH and nutrient concentrations
of the source hydroponic solution and the solution of the reservoir. In addition, temperature,
humidity and light levels are monitored. Based on the test results, the stage of growth of the
plants and the amount of light available, alterations in fertilizer concentrations or ratios may be
An efficient grower will record all of this information. This data is helpful when assessing the
overall health of the crop, diagnosing problems and ascertaining what factors may have
positively or negatively affected their crop. Entering this data in a spread sheet program is an
excellent way to maintain a record that you can easily access and study. This data can be
valuable in years to come when a grower is making decisions about feed solution concentrations
and the effects on a crop.
The most important job of a commercial grower is to be observant, meticulous and organized.
When a grower is in the greenhouse, they must closely look at the plants to see if there are any
changes, pests or disease that could threaten their crop.       Daily observation is crucial in the
greenhouse and is the key to prevention of crop threatening problems.
A commercial greenhouse is a factory. Anyone considering starting in the greenhouse business
needs a basic understanding of the greenhouse production process.
If a new person asks what they need to know about greenhouse production, they are usually told
about watering, fertilizing, insects and diseases—everything involved with the actual growing of
the plants. All of these activities are important in producing a quality plant. But, they are only a
part of the production process. The care as needed activities represent only a minor portion of the
labor required to produce a plant. Watering labor is minimal especially with automatic irrigation.
Fertilizer is applied through the irrigation lines. With good basic cultural practices, insect and
disease control does not require large blocks of time. The activities
Operations Management
we think of as growing our product, the care as needed activities, typically account for only
about 25 percent of the total labor required in producing our product. Yet, these are the activities
most growers concentrate on.
Potting, those activities involved with bringing all inputs together and onto the greenhouse
bench, accounts for another 20 to 25 percent of total direct labor. These are all production
activities. They are all accomplished before we begin to grow our product. The manner in which
they are done has a strong influence on the efficiency of the care as need- ed activities and the
quality of
the final product. Inconsistent media mixing, potting the plant too deep or too shallow and non-
uniform spacing of plants on the bench will all affect labor utilization during care as needed
In many greenhouse firms, labor activities associated with harvest are the most poorly managed.
By harvest, the product has been produced, and we are no longer growing anything. As plant
people, our focus has been on growing. Approximately 50 per- cent (+/-) of all direct labor is
used in harvest activities. The area of greatest labor expense is often the area least managed, at
as far as labor efficiency is concerned. Growers often fail to manage the labor used in the
systems of selecting, grooming, moving, handling, staging and delivering the plants.
In commercial greenhouse production, labor is everything. If you manage labor you manage
profit. Labor is by far the single largest cost of production. If it is not properly managed, costs of
production will increase and quality will decrease.

Plant Culturing
In addition to the daily monitoring of a crop, there are many culturing chores that a grower
performs to ensure the highest quality fruit and vegetables and the largest quantity harvest. With
a long-term fruiting crop, such as tomatoes, there is more daily culturing chores than with a
short-term crop, such as lettuce.
How To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business 39

Lettuce and Herb Production
Most lettuce and herb growers seed into an inert grow-cube in a nursery area and, when the
seedling is of sufficient size, transplant it into an NFT tray or gully. Lettuce is a fast maturing
crop and the efforts of a hydroponic lettuce grower are focused on seeding, trans- planting and
harvesting. An operation harvesting 3,000 heads of let- tuce per week will also need to seed and
transplant 3,300 plants to maintain continuous production. Over-seeding by 10% ensures a
sufficient quantity of seedlings for transplanting.
Monitoring and adjusting the nutrient solution is important in an NFT system with a nutrient
solution reservoir. Traditionally, an NFT grower made these adjustments manually but now new
dosing units accurately and automatically adjust pH and EC (concentration) of the reser- voir.

Tomato and Cucumber Production
In a typical tomato operation, during seed germination and through the first 4-6 weeks of plant
development, the work load is minimal. A tomato crop can be seeded in a very small space. The
seedlings are transplanted into the greenhouse when they are 2-4 weeks old. As the plants grow,
culturing chores are added as needed.
Most commercial tomato growers plant an indeterminate variety that they culture for about one
year. The grower will begin harvesting about 100 days after seeding and continue har- vesting for
8-9 months.
In fruiting crops, there are five primary culturing jobs that need to be done every week. These
jobs include:

When the tomato plants are set out in the greenhouse, they will need to be supported. The type of
support system used varies from grower to grower but most are some variation of string and clip
support where main support wires are strung above the plant rows. From the main wires a string
is hung down to each plant and then the plant is clipped to it. Tomato plants can grow as much as
one foot per week so the clipping process needs to be done every week.
Sucker Pruning
When the tomato plants are four or five weeks old suckers, or side branches, begin to grow at
every leaf axial. In the greenhouse, you groom the plant to one main stem. Therefore you remove
each of the side branches, leaving only the main stem and leaves. From this point on, sucker
pruning will need to be done once a week. A sucker is removed by firmly grasping the sucker
and bending it one way and then back the other.
Cluster Pruning
To ensure an even fruit load on the plant and larger tomatoes overall, a hydroponic grower must
cluster prune. Cluster pruning begins when your first tomatoes have set and are approximately
the size of a pea. When cluster pruning, you remove the misshapen, smallest and weakest fruit,
leaving the largest to develop. Most tomato growers prune the clusters to 3 or 4 tomatoes,
depending on the season and the current fruit load. Most growers will cluster prune their tomato
plants once a week.

Leaf Pruning
As a tomato plant matures, the lower leaves can be removed to encourage fresh new growth at
the top of the plant. The lower leaves easily break off when pressure is applied at the base of the

Leaning and Lowering
An indeterminate tomato variety can grow to lengths of 25 feet or more. To keep the growing
part of the plant within reach, growers lean and lower the whole plant. When the plants are
leaned and lowered, the top 6 feet, which is the producing part, is left vertical while the
remaining stem is laid horizontally alongside the length of the bed.

Other Greenhouse Jobs
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
Ebook on Hydroponics
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Ebook on Hydroponics

  • 1. Chapter 1 The History of Hydroponics Initially, it can be very strange to see that hydroponics is actually an age old technique. In fact, when people are first introduced to hydroponic technology, they often assume that hydroponics must be a new concept. But I found out that indeed it was an ancient form of production. The facts were interesting and poured through. Now, hydroponics is high-tech; so we live in a high- tech world it stands to reason. The average farmer is approaching old age quickly, in fact the average age is 60 years old. At this time in their lives growing crops like they had when they were 20 years old is not going to happen. In fact they have to develop a new way to farm, and for the future impending food shortage hydroponics is the answer. It’s growing plants in less space and with less of a detrimental effect on our resources. Although hydroponics has become very high-tech, the application of growing plants in water is at least as old as the pyramids. In fact, I found out that it has been traced back to the 600 BC, with one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World. It was known the world around as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Many believe that that the Hanging Gardens, were the first successful attempt by people at growing plants in water rather than in soil. It had to be so, the climate of Ancient Babylon was dry and arid-the soil less than fertile. There was also a series of hieroglyphic records along the nile that date to around 200BCE. These records vaguely describe plants being grown in water only. The Mexica or Aztecs of Central America were innovative, in fact they too dabbled in hydroponics before Europeans drifted into their world. These people have a very interesting beginning, the site of their permanent home was modern day Mexico City, however in ancient times it was literally a water fortress, with boats leading the way to an elaborate standing structure in the middle of a lake. They had been driven there by a hostile tribe who was in search of arable land on which to grow food crops. The Aztecs settled near the marshy shores of Lake Tenochtitlan. Since this fresh water lake was surrounded by marshes and rising hills, the Aztecs (Mexica) were faced with the problem of trying to find a place to grow food. Where else would they find such a well fortified land? The Aztecs constructed large rafts out of reeds and thrushes they found near the lake. They floated these rafts in the water and covered them with soil which they dredged up from the bottom of the shallow lake. They then planted their precious food crops on these floating islands that they called chinampas. Guess what they found that when the plants matured, their roots grew through the soil and dangled in the water! Some remnants of the Chinampas can still be found today in Central Mexico. Thus, they were the earliest inhabitants in South/Central America to have utilized the process of hydroponics in order to create a sustainable and lucrative crop structure. Let’s move to Asia, again I was studying and researching everything I possibly could. I found that here the Chinese developed their own hanging gardens in the 11th century. It was Marco Polo who arrived on the scene exploring new heights and developing ties that would ultimately lead him to his Silk Route--a bridge between Europe and the Orient. However, he noticed an
  • 2. unusual site in China. He personally documented a floating garden which was another example of hydroponics in history. Let’s fast forward here to the 1600’s where a Belgian Jan van Helmont derived that plants obtain substances for growth from water. He figured it out by planting a 5 lb. willow shoot in a tube containing 200 lbs. of dried soil. After 5 years of regular watering with rainwater, he found the willow shoot increased in weight by 160 lbs., but the soil lost less than 2 ounces. Everything just took off from there. In 1699, plants were grown in water containing various amounts of soil by John Woodward, a fellow of the Royal Society of England. Mr. Woodward found that the greatest growth occurred in the water which contained the most soil. He concluded that plant growth was a result of certain substances and minerals in the water, derived from the soil. This mixture of water and soil was the first scientific hydroponic nutrient solution. Then I found out that European plant physiologists established many things in the decades that followed Woodward’s research. It was truly amazing! They proved that water is absorbed by plant roots, that it passes through the plants stem system and that it escapes into the air through pores in the leaves. They also showed that plant roots take up minerals from either soil or water and that leaves draw carbon dioxide from the air. They also demonstrated that plant roots take up oxygen. But, the determination of precisely what it was that the plants were taking up was delayed until the modern theory of chemistry made great advances in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Then, in 1792 English scientist Joseph Priestly discovered that plants placed in a chamber filled with carbon dioxide (CO2)will gradually absorb the carbon dioxide and give off oxygen (O2). They were on the road to moving toward the right road; developing hydroponics. It happened two years later when Jean Ingen-Housz demonstrated that plants in a chamber filled with carbon dioxide could replace the gas with oxygen within several hours if the chamber was placed in sunlight. He then was observed that the plant was responsible for this transformation, eluding to the first concept of photosynthesis. Fast forward now to the early 1800’s and the 1920’s, when phenomenal discoveries and developments were achieved in many laboratory studies of plant physiology and plant nutrition. It was then in 1925, that the greenhouse industry expressed interest in the newly acquired knowledge in “Nutriculture,” as hydroponics was called at that time. Between 1925 - 1935, extensive development took place in converting the laboratory techniques of nutriculture to large-scale crop production. It was then that the industry began to become super-powered. The advent of it was phenomenal as you could imagine the possibilities that go hand in hand with it. In recent times, the late 1920’s and early 1930’s, Dr. William F. Gericke, at the University of California, Berkeley, focused his research on growing practical crops for large scale commercial applications. During this time, he coined the term, “hydroponics,” which was derived from two Greek words, hydro meaning water and ponos meaning labor, literally “water- working.” His work and research is considered the basis for all forms of hydroponic growing used to- day.
  • 3. As a result of Dr. Gericke’s experimentation with using hydroponic for commercial crop production, he was photographed with tomato plants that exceeded 25 ft. in height. At that time it was pretty huge in the crop industry and it still is-imagine 25 ft high tomato plants. These photographs appeared in newspapers throughout the country and created both excitement and skepticism in the general public. Promoters and equipment manufacturers proceeded to cash in on the media-hype by selling impractical and mostly unproductive equipment and materials to people hoping to duplicate Dr. Gericke’s results. In reality, Dr. Gericke’s newly developed hydroponic growing system was far too scientific and complex for most potential commercial growers.During the late 1940’s, a more practical hydroponic method was developed by Robert B. and Alice P. Withrow, working at Purdue University. Their system alternately flooded and drained a container holding gravel and the plant roots. This provided the plants with the optimum amount of both nutrient solution and air while the gravel provided support for the plant. Then, in 1945, the US Air Force built one of the first large hydroponic farms on Ascension Island in the South Atlantic, followed by additional hydroponic farms on the islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa in the Pacific, using crushed volcanic rock as the growing medium, and on Wake Island, west of Hawaii, using gravel as the growing medium. These hydroponic farms helped fill the need for a supply of fresh vegetables for troops stationed in these areas. During this time, a large hydroponic facility was established in Habbaniya, Iraq, Bahrain and the Persian Gulf, to support troops stationed near large oil reserves. It was then that the American Army and Royal Air Force built hydroponic units at various military bases to help feed troops.As you can imagine the advent of it was simply amazing-feeding troops by means of hydroponic production was certainly something futuristic. In 1952, the US Army’s special hydroponics branch grew over 8,000,000 lbs. of fresh produce to fulfill military demand. Also established at this time was one of the world’s largest hydroponic farms in Chofu, Japan, consisting of 22 hectares. Following the success of hydroponics in W.W.II, several large commercial hydroponic farms were built in the US, most of which were in Florida. Due to poor construction and management, many of these farms were unsuccessful. Because no soil was needed and, with proper management, optimum results could be achieved, the excitement over hydroponics continued and its use expanded throughout the world, specifically in Italy, Spain, France, England, Germany, Sweden, the USSR and Israel. Areas with little rainfall, poor or no soil and difficult access were ideal for hydroponic culture. So then between 1945 - 1960’s both individuals and garden equipment manufacturers were designing hydroponic units for home use. Of course like all things some were quite efficient while others failed. Mostly due to poor growing media, unsuitable construction materials, poor construction and improper environmental control. Okay so they tried again-even with many failures, the idea of creating the ultimate growing system intrigued many, and research and design continued in the field of hydroponic culture. Why shouldn’t it have? The possibilities are incredible with hydroponics! In the mid-1970’s another media blitz about the miracles achieved with hydroponic technology hit the United States. In many instances, hydroponics was considered a get rich quick scheme and a large number of hopeful investors lost money on failed hydroponic farms. These failures were mostly
  • 4. because of the lack of information on growing techniques and nutrient formulas, exorbitantly priced growing and greenhouse systems, the high cost of operation due to non-energy-saving greenhouse designs and poor management. So, even though the potential of hydroponic culture is incredible, commercial hydroponics in the US was held back. They wanted to make sure that the systems were easy to use, create and maintain. They also wanted to make them available under those guises. With the advent of high- tech plastics and simpler system design, this came about in the late 1970’s.Energy saving poly greenhouse covers, the PVC (or similar) pipe used in the feed systems, the nutrient injectors, pumps and reservoir tanks are all made of types of plastic that weren’t available prior to the 1970’s. The small and large hydroponic farms were established in the late 1970’s and 1980’s, it was proven that with proper management, hydroponic culture could grow premium produce and be a profitable venture.It made sense, and as hydroponics attracted more interest, complete plant nutrient formulas and hydroponic greenhouse systems were designed and marketed and environ- mental control systems were developed to help to growers provide the ideal environment in addition to the ideal plant diet. In the UK there is a long interconnected timeline of history that evolved from Marco Polo’s silk route and more. The UK has utilized the trade for some time and because of that it is one of the premier sources for literature and learning. So then I decided to calculate some figures-why? Because I knew that you too would be interested in this amazing journey of hydroponics. So I found out that worldwide there are over 30,000 acres in commercial hydroponic production, mainly in fancy lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cut flowers and herbs. Hydroponics is a 4-billion-dollar-a-year industry and growing rapidly. In Spain, Holland, Australia, Canada, and other countries hydroponic culture makes up a sizable percentage of the agriculture market. In the United States the application of commercial hydroponics is just recently booming.It was with the construction of several 40 and 60 acres hydroponic tomato facilities in recent years, total acreage in hydroponic production in the US is between 800-1,000 acres. Most of the hydroponic facilities in the US are family or small business operations, with the exception of several large corporate farms.The demand for premium produce is so high in the US that the number of current hydroponic farms cannot meet the demand. Every day, hundreds of thousands of pounds of hydroponic tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are flown in from Canada, Europe and Mexico. So besides the addition to the commercial applications of hydroponics, there are many home gardeners that maintain hydroponic systems. Because more crops can be grown in a small space, it is environmentally friendly and grows premium produce, hydroponic culture lends itself well to a small garden. You can actually take the hydroponic garden to a new level. A hydroponic garden can be set up indoors, in a windowsill, a patio, balcony or roof top, making gardening available to those who do not have a traditional yard or access to fertile soil.
  • 5. There were many schools that are using hydroponics in science courses.Many schools are now using hydroponics to teach plant science, plant structure, plant nutrition and chemistry. The hands-on learning allows students to apply abstract concepts to real-world technology while encouraging responsibility in caring for the plants. Not only is hydroponics popular in schools and in some small areas because it offers world wide hydroponics. World wide, hydroponics has become a well established, popular method of growing food crops. So in arid regions such as Mexico, the Middle East, India and north Africa hydroponic culture is helping to feed growing populations. Nearly every country in the world uses hydroponic culture on some scale. Hydroponic produce is strictly considered a premium or gourmet product. In others, hydroponic technology is utilized for producing staple crops and grain. Hydroponic technology is even used by some zoos in the US for producing animal feed its just that easy, and awesome. Hydroponics is obviously money saving as you do not have to get the soil at a certain nutrient level in order to produce. It’s based in water, and it makes plants grow phenomenally larger. I even found out that the US Navy is growing fresh vegetables on submarines in highly specialized recirculating hydroponic systems to help supply fresh vegetables for the crew! I also read somewhere that NASA is experimenting with recirculating hydroponic systems to be used to feed people in space. Many experiments have been conducted in laboratories and on recent space shuttle missions. So in another decade or so we are going to be eating on the moon from hydroponic systems. With today’s technology, a small hydroponic grower with just 7,000 square ft. of greenhouse space (that’s 1/8th of an acre) can grow as much as 50,000 lbs. of hydroponic tomatoes annually. As a concept, hydroponics has been around since the pyramids. As a science, it is quite new and it’s also exciting. Hydroponics has only been used in commercial production for approximately 50 years. In that time, it has been applied to both indoor and outdoor farms, growing premium produce, feeding third world countries and applications in the space program. What’s in the future? Well as we become more and more advanced refining the technology the field will become more productive. People around the world will no longer no hunger perhaps, and people will be able to grow their own food in space. Other areas where hydroponics could be used in the future include growing seedlings for reforestation, establishing orchards, growing ornamental crops, flowers and shrubs and integration with aquaculture where the plants purify the water the fish are living in. Chapter 2 Introduction To The
  • 6. Hydroponics Industry Okay, so the future is bright with hydroponics and its a good thing too because if we have not come as far as we are now then we may have found ourselves facing a food crisis without the ability to produce anything. I found out also that with hydroponic technology and a controlled environment greenhouse, you have the ability to grow premium quality produce using a minimum of space, water and fertilizer. That’s right you can grow it in your windowsill, or laundry room-it depends on your light source among other things. Hydroponics is an intensive form of agriculture that can fulfill the demand for premium produce and provide the you with a profitable business. Which works out great considering that it takes a limited amount of space, little startup costs in comparison to traditional growing methods and it is a “green” mode of production. There are hydroponic growers throughout the United States and worldwide. Of over 30,000 acres in hydroponic production around the world, about 800 of those acres are in the US. Most of the hydroponic facilities in the US are family or small business operations that cover 1/8 - 1 acre, produce premium hydroponic produce and sell it locally. The smaller operations generally have the advantage of offering vine ripened, locally grown produce with minimal transportation cost and damage. It is in this niche, offering premium produce to a local marketplace, that a hydroponic grower with less than a 1/2 acre in production can earn an excellent profit. Smaller growers can establish themselves near the marketplace, eliminating the problems and costs of long-distance transportation. Most of the hydroponic farmers in the US deliver all the produce they grow within a 1 - 4 hour radius of their greenhouse. The US has several smaller growers-as well as there are several large hydroponic facilities that cover as many as 60 or more acres and produce large quantities of hydroponic tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and lettuce. Often this produce is shipped throughout the US to help fill the growing demand for hydroponic produce. Currently there are jumbo jets, trains and trucks that bring hydroponic produce daily into the United States from Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and Canada.But it’s better to have your own local site because the items that come from abroad (U.S and Internationally) are going to have to travel far, it’s going to get hot, smashed and broiled before it even arrives to the store and then they throw half of it away because of Bemis spots. The waste is incredible and the quality of the hydroponically grown product is disgusting. Both US and Internationally grown hydroponic produce that suffer the rough handling of long- distance transportation is usually of a lesser quality and sells for a lower price that that of a smaller hydroponic farmer who caters to specialty stores and farmers markets near to their operation. That’s where you come in, maybe you are mid-life or young and you are looking to produce your own crops. Well, like I have said it’s all too common to go the expensive route which is traditionally grown crops, but hydroponics is a developing field and it allows you to grow much more than before. Let’s explore this shall we? Quality of food The premium quality of most hydroponic produce is due to several things. First it is the controlled environment and then a high grade nutrients and precise control of the nutrient feed.
  • 7. These ratios can accelerate vine ripening time without having herbicides and pesticides in your back pocket. Advantages of Hydroponic Produce There are so many advantages that it’s hard to think of them all. But basically if you decide to grow your plants with this method then you will not have to deal with any: *soil borne disease *hydroponics uses up to 1/10 of the water that is used to grow equivalent amounts of field produce •hydroponics uses less fertilizer than is often used to grow equivalent amounts of field Produce •extended growing season •intensive production in a small space Even if you live in a high rise apartment hydroponics is always an option and another thing you do not have to be extremely mobile to farm in this manner as long as the items are in a place in such a way that you can get to them. What’s the Most Popular Crops? Right now in the U.S the most popular crops are tomatoes. Then the runners up are fancy lettuce and leaf crops, third cucumbers and fourth herbs, peppers and flowers. Ironically, there is more hydroponic produce flown into the US from Holland, Canada and Mexico than is grown here. I feel that it is time to take up the slack and get it moving. As more and more growers are established in the US, this will change. You can grow hydroponic produce at a lower cost and offer fresher, better quality for a fraction of the cost that traditional growing methods offer. There is nothing worse than sticking your neck out for a bank loan and getting nothing in return except for a sore neck and an overcharged and heightened loan. They call them loan sharks for a reason- they will take it all and then demand more. This is not something that I personally would want to get myself involved in. Productivity of Commercial Systems In the past decade or so, productivity has really burgeoned-the field of hydroponics is ripe for the picking. There was no pun intended there! Commercial tomato growers who once hoped to annually pick 20 pounds of tomatoes per plant are now picking as much as 35-40 pounds annually, amazing! So let’s analyze the specs here--in a 12,000 square foot greenhouse, a tomato grower can grow 4,0000—5,000 pounds of tomatoes every week! See that’s where we get the idea that we can avoid a coming crisis. Lettuce growers are picking mature heads of lettuce in under 5 weeks and, with 20,000 square feet of growing space, can produce nearly 3,000 heads per week. The cost of establishing a commercial hydroponic greenhouse operation is quite reasonable when considering the potential profit and the intensive volume of high-quality produce that can be grown on a small lot. Plus when you consider the cost of a traditional method of growing there is a huge difference. The addition of new equipment such as electronic monitoring systems, nutrient dosing systems, row bed heating, CO2 generators and insect screening have greatly increased the overall poundage many growers are harvesting. So these are options that you may want to take into
  • 8. account as you go through this venture. They increase the amount of production--threefold and they offer a lot more to the potential buyer. Methods of Hydroponic Production Hydroponics literally means “water working.” but, in practical use, it means growing plants in a nutrient rich solution without soil. Soil is not necessary for plant growth, it’s only an early form of production that has been part of the global crop history since the time the first nomad planted a corn kernel. The science of hydroponics proves that soil isn’t required for plant growth but the elements, minerals and nutrients that soil contains are. Soil is simply the holder of the nutrients, a place where the plant roots traditionally live and a base of support for the plant structure. By eliminating the soil, you eliminate soil borne disease and weeds and gain precise control over the plant’s nutritional diet. In a hydroponic solution, you provide the exact nutrients your plants need in precisely the correct ratios so they can develop stress-free, mature faster and, at harvest, are the highest quality possible. In commercial production, the two primary growing methods are drip (also known as substrate) and NFT (Nutrient Film Technique). The are a number of variations of these methods and also several others including the float system, ebb and flow system, aquaponics, aeroponics and passive. The biggest difference between the drip and NFT systems is the use of a growing medium. In a drip system, the plant roots are in a growing medium such as perlite or rockwool and the nutrient solution is dripped onto the medium to keep it moist. In an NFT system, the plant roots are in a channel where a thin film of nutrient solution passes, keeping them moist but not water-logged. Recently I was reading about NASA researchers who were looking into onion production in fact it was quite fascinating. We can create a plethora of vegetables with this method of farming. Drip The drip system is often used in commercial hydroponic facilities that grow long term crops like tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, onions and more. In this system, the nutrient solution is delivered to the plants through drip emitters on a timed system. They then schedule these emitters' to run for approximately 10 minutes of every hour depending on the stage of development of the plant and the amount of available light. The drip cycle flushes the growing medium, providing the plants with fresh nutrients, water and oxygen. They don’t need the soil because of this method, because they get all that they need from that format. In a commercial drip system, the plant roots are most commonly grown in a medium of perlite or rockwool. The biggest variables in a drip system are in the growing medium and the container that holds that medium. Perlite is often bagged in thin, plastic sleeves. Holes are cut in the bag and plants, usually 3-4, are set in with the roots growing down into the perlite. Recently, a bucket system has been developed to contain perlite for drip systems. Each bucket holds loose perlite and one or two plants. In either of these methods, a slot or hole is cut in the container to allow excess nutrient solution to run out. A drain line below the bag or bucket collects the excess. Another method of a drip system that is becoming popular for lettuce and herb production is the perlite tray, usually about 24 inches wide by 10—14 feet long. An aluminum tray, coated with a non-toxic material, is filled with perlite and set on a gentle slope of 1-inch to 10-feet. The
  • 9. nutrient solution is continuously dripped in at the higher end of the tray and allow to trickle through the perlite to the other end. Essentially, this system is a combination of drip and NFT techniques. In most drip systems, injectors are used to add nutrient concentrates to water when the feed cycle starts. In this case, there is no need for a large nutrient reservoir tank or the periodic dumping of used nutrient. These are the most common in the world and they are used by small and lagre greenhouses. NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) In this technique NFT (also known Nutrient Film Technique); the plants are grown in channels (also called gullies) which the nutrient solution is pumped through. The plant roots are kept moist by the thin film of nutrient solution as it passes by. Ideally, the bottom of the roots are exposed to the nutrient solution while the top are kept moist but not water-logged. It’s basically like a channel or stream that feeds the line with dissolved nutrients which then recirculates on a consistent basis. Most NFT channels are fed continuously at a rate of approximately 1 liter per minute. Since the plant roots are not in a growing medium, it is crucial that they are kept moist at all times. In most NFT systems, the nutrient solution is mixed in a primary reservoir, cycled through the channels and back to the reservoir. With the development of on-demand dosing equipment, a nutrient reservoir can automatically be adjusted and, with proper aeration and pH adjustment, can effortlessly be kept fresh for weeks at a time. NFT is ideal for lettuce, leafy crops, herbs, onions, tomatoes and more, all of which are short term crops. Larger NFT channels are used for long term crops such as tomatoes and cucumbers in many locations around the world. One great benefit of NFT, especially for leafy crops, is that with no growing medium and no soil, the crop is clean and no washing is necessary. Growers, chefs, grocers and consumers all appreciate this. They can simply grab it and go-unless they are worried about pesticides. But there is really no worry if they recive the produce form a local grower. NFT channels are usually set up on waist-high stands that slope slightly to allow the nutrient solution to drain to one end. Although round pipes have been used in NFT production, most growers have found flat bottomed channels or gullies provide greater surface area for root development and oxygen uptake, resulting in better, faster plant development. Float Float systems take advantage the surface of the nutrient solution. Most float systems are long, rectangular reservoirs built out of cement or wood and lined with a durable, poly liner. Holes are cut in a foam board which floats on the surface of the water and plants in net pots are set in the holes. The plant roots dangle in heavily aerated nutrient solution. In areas where raw materials are limited and manufactured hydroponic systems and compo- nents are not available, the float system can be an economical means of hydroponic crop production. Ebb and Flow The Ebb and Flow (also know as flood and drain) method of hydroponics simply floods a growing area for 5 or 10 minutes and then the nutrient solution drains away. The nutrient solu-
  • 10. tion is stored in a reservoir that can be located under the grow table. Ebb and Flow is common in hobby systems but not often found in commercial production. In an Ebb and Flow system, the plant roots are usually grown in a medium of perlite, rockwool or expanded clay pebbles. Aquaponics In hydroponics, you mix a specific nutrient formula in solu- tion which is fed to the plants. In aquaponics, you combine aquaculture (fish farming) with hydroponic production. The nutrient- rich waste water from the fish tanks is pumped through plant grow beds. Although not as precise as a hydroponic fertilizer mix, the effluent from a fish tank is high in nitrogen and many other elements and most plants will do quite well in aquaponics. The key to aquaponics is the establishment of a healthy bacteria population. Beneficial bacteria that naturally occur in the soil, air and water convert ammonia (the primary form of fish waste) to nitrate and then to nitrate, which the plants readily uptake. In consuming the nitrate and other nutrients in an aquaponic system, the plants help to purify the water. Although the combination of hydroponics and aquaculture is quite new, the interest in this tech- nology is booming. Aquaculturists who normally have to buy expensive water purification equipment to purify the water see aquaponics as a great way to clean the water and end up with another, very marketable crop. Hydroponic growers see the value in a natural source of nutrients, already in solution. The water from a fish tank can be pumped through any hydroponic grow bed in place of a hydroponic fertilizer solution. For commercial aquaponic production, designs that show great promise include the float system, NFT and ebb and flow. Aeroponics Aeroponics is the method of growing where the plant roots are constantly misted with a nutrient solution. Designs include an A-frame with boards on each side, plant plugs set in each side and a mister between the boards spraying the roots. A round, large diameter PVC pipe set vertically with plant plugs all they way around and a mister mounted inside is another way to set up an aeroponic system. Although aeroponics is a unique way of growing, it is not a common means of commercial production. Passive Passive hydroponic systems are sometimes used by hobbyists. A passive system does not useHow To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business 17 pumps or timers to flood the root zone. The roots usually dangle into the nutrient solution and draw what they need. A passive system is generally slower growing and not as productive as the other methods discussed. Hydroponic Growing Mediums: In a traditional garden, plant roots are in the soil. They support the plant and search for food and water. In hydroponics, we sometimes use a growing medium in place of soil to help support the plant and to absorb the nutrient solution. The roots of a hydroponic plant do not work as hard as those of a plant grown in soil because their needs are readily met by the nutrient solution we feed them. Ideal mediums are chemically inert, porous, clean and able to drain freely. Since the beginning of hydroponics, many materials have been used as hydroponic growing mediums, some of which include vermiculite, saw dust, sand and peat moss. More recently, rockwool, perlite and expanded clay pebbles are available and excellent choices for hydro-
  • 11. ponics. Descriptions of today’s popular growing mediums, perlite, rockwool and expanded clay pebbles follow. Perlite Perlite is derived from volcanic rock which has been heated to extremely high temperatures. It explodes like popcorn, resulting in the porous, white medium we use in hydroponics. In addition to uses in hydroponics, perlite is also used in many commercial potting soil mixes and in non-horticultural areas including construction and as a packing material. . Perlite can be used loose, in pots or bagged in thin plastics sleeves (referred to as grow bags because the plants are grown right in the bags). Plants in perlite grow bags are usually set up on a drip feed system and each standard bag holds 3 or 4 long term plants. Rockwool Rockwool is derived from basalt rock. It too is heated to high temperatures but then is spun into fibers resembling insulation. These fibers are spun into cubes and slabs for hydroponic production. The cubes are commonly used for plant propagation and the slabs are used similarly to the perlite grow bags. A plant is set onto the rockwool slab and grown there. The plant roots grow down into the slab. Rockwool slabs usually hold 3 or 4 large plants. Expanded Clay Pebbles Many hobby hydroponic gardeners use expanded clay pebbles for their growing medium because they have a neutral pH and excellent capillary action. For commercial applications, ex- panded clay pebbles are generally considered too costly. The field of hydroponics is something that will not only produce much more than a tradtional field can but it will also cut costs. You won’t have to pay for soil testing, soil itself, added minerals and more. There will be less of a cost regarding your laboy and in many cases people have used alternate power sources to create a truly earth friendly or “green” environment. Argots 2012 showcased recently the relationship that solar power and hydroponics had in a matched relationship. The festival takes place each year in Barbados, where the sun beats hot. One of 2012’s exhibits showcased photovoltaic panels that converts the suns rays into electricity which lit the lights and powered the pumps to operate the hydroponic greenhouse. It is amazing the power we can harvest naturally from the earth around us. Plus, the cost is driven down and the Federal government is even giving tax breaks to people who invest in “green” power sources. Chapter 3 Investigating Feasibility When determining if a hydroponic greenhouse business is right for you, it is important to do some research to help you make the decision. After all you need to know if you can fit the business on your property (which I’m sure you can), you will want to know about the size of the structure you have to build and the feasibility of the structure in your current living conditions. Remember, even if you are not a huge corporation you will still be able to grow some produce in your apartment with relative ease. But, if you are considering this innovative technique as an alternative to what you have now then by all means read on. I think that you should first: Talk To Other Growers
  • 12. People who already grow with hydroponics will tell it to you straight. They speak with an enlightenment that a newbie could never handle. They will let you know all about the ups and downs of growing and how to succeed. They have already battled in the trenches and this is the perfect time to talk them. This is an excellent source of information about the hydroponics business can come from people who are already in it. A hydroponic farmer can provide valuable insight and share experiences about the hydroponics business. The questions will be something that should hit the matter head on. They should be straightforward and raise questions that will affect your business. If you cannot locate any growers in your area, you may want to contact several greenhouse manufacturers and hydroponic equipment suppliers and ask if they can give you names of hydroponic growers that you could talk to. It’s easy to find them, look online and type “hydroponic growers” and add your locale. I bet you will have at least one hundred hits. In most cases you will find some growers are more open with information than others. It is a good idea to talk with a variety of growers, listen to what they have to say and then proceed. But what are you going to talk with them about right? When meeting with a hydroponic grower, you should find out: •Do they feel it is a profitable business? •What crops are they growing? •What hydroponic methods are they using? •Does their growing system suit their needs? • How do they market their produce? • Where do they purchase growing supplies from? • Are they happy with their supplier? • What would they do different if they had the opportunity to start over? You should also determine if there is room in the local marketplace for additional hydroponic growers. If not, are there other areas to market your produce within a reasonable driving distance -or- is there another crop that you could grow and market in your area? Think about your locale, the temperate area and the seasonal sensations that most people cannot wait for. You can provide a veritable crowd with numerous amounts of items from a locked treasure trove. Remember to Always Research Market Prices To help determine the price you will sell your produce at, study your projected expenses and necessary profit for the business to be worthwhile. Also ask produce brokers, your greenhouse manufacturer, grocers, other growers and produce co-ops what similar products are selling for in your area. As a general rule, your produce will be higher priced than field produce. If you are growing a premium quality product, many consumers will pay a higher price because they want the best they can buy. It is important not to undercut yourself when pricing your product. Cost of both production and of the end product varies dramatically throughout the United States. In the Midwest, average wholesale prices range around $1.30/lb for hydroponic tomatoes. On the East and West Coast, they go as high as $2.75/lb.
  • 13. National Average UK prices Produce prices go as high as $1.34 US The prices are driven up depending on several situations including the latest flood that affected the UK’s spring crops. In fact almost each piece of produce was raised 3.5% compared to the global average. So even though you are working on an average price always take into account that there are many factors that will affect the growth rate. Talk to Grocers Take a walk into the grocery store take the time to visit the produce section. You will want to talk to local grocers to get an idea of where you can sell your produce. Plus they will be able to talk to you a little more about the average prices and how they have seen them raise in recent years. Why? Because of the shortage of food and the increasing age of the average farmer. Prior to meeting with a grocer or produce manager, it is a good idea to tour their produce department and familiarize yourself with what they offer and the price range they sell in. Also note whether they currently sell premium, hydroponic or organic produce. Observe their customers to see what they look for in fresh produce. Take a closer look at the produce in these section, examine them and look at the differences. It is recommended that you have your promotional materials, business cards and a sample of what you will be growing with you when you visit a grocer y store. You will need to make an appointment with the produce manager of the store you hope to sell to. If you are not yet growing, you may want to purchase a few cases of hydroponic produce from another grower so that you have a sample of what you plan to grow. Discuss your plans with the produce manager, tell him what you plan to grow and when you anticipate you will be in production. It is not likely that you will get a guarantee but, if the grocer is excited about the product he will probably be willing to try it when you come into production. There are many options in this phase of your growth. I suggest you take your time. Another Option: Contact Greenhouse Manufacturers & Hydroponic Equipment Suppliers One of the best sources of information on hydroponic growing, industry needs, produce marketing, greenhouse structures, hydroponic systems and growing techniques is from greenhouse and hydroponic equipment suppliers. Most greenhouse and hydroponic suppliers also offer an extensive line of books on greenhouse and hydroponic culture. You can view all of this information online at various sites including: Hydroponics Growth chart and more. A request for literature will often provide a wealth of information. Take the time to study the literature and books to learn what you can about the hydroponic produce business, hydroponic growing techniques and greenhouse management. There are some great authors out there that have personal experience embedded in each and every chapter of their novel. It’s a great match actually and because of that they can provide you with a great background into the research. Hydroponics is still a standard part of all research.
  • 14. Reference Material There are several excellent books on hydroponics. If you are serious about getting into this business, these books will be a small investment in your success. I found them all over the web and you will be able soar when you start your business. Books Hydroponic Food Production by Howard M Resh, Ph.D. With 462 pages of information, this is possibly the most definitive guide to soilless culture ever published. Hydroponic Home Food Gardens by Howard M Resh, Ph.D. Learn how to grow more food per square foot; avoid pest problems; automate your garden; extend your growing season. 152 pages Gardening Indoors by: George Van Patten Easy, complete “how-to” guide on high-tech indoor and outdoor gardening - packed with drawings, examples, step-by-step instructions and expert advice. Commercial Hydroponics by John Mason This is an excellent book with many color photos of commercial hydroponic systems. Home Hydroponics by Lem Jones with Paul and Cay Beardsley This book covers the basics that all hydroponic gardeners need to know. Tomato Diseases; A Practical Guide for Seedsman, Growers and Agricultural Advisors by Jon C Watterson, Plant Pathologist This book contains excellent documentation and color pictures of tomato plant diseases. Secrets To a Successful Greenhouse Business by T.M. Taylor A complete guide to starting and operating a profitable greenhouse business. Hydroponic Gardening by Raymond Bridwell This classic book on modern soilless culture shows you how to prepare and grow a hydroponic garden. How To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business 22 Multimedia The Encyclopedia of Hydroponic Gardening CD-Rom by Nelson/Pade Multimedia This interactive CD-Rom with video, pictures and text, covers over 100 topics on hydroponic gardening. Hobby Hydroponics by Nelson/Pade Multimedia A colorful 30 minute video covering the basics of hydroponic gardening. Hydroponic Farming Video by Nelson/Pade Multimedia An informative video coving all phases of commercial hydroponic production Magazines Aquaponics Journal The Aquaponics Journal is a bi-monthly magazine dedicated to gardeners and fish culturists who utilize the unique technologies of aquaponics, aquaculture and hydroponics.
  • 15. With each issue of the Aquaponics Journal, readers discover the newest technologies and research on aquaponics, aquaculture and hydroponics, meet fascinating people who successfully use these methods of growing and learn tips, tricks and techniques that can be employed in various growing systems. In addition, new products are showcased and a calendar of events updates readers on pertinent conferences, trade shows and expos, classes and training programs. For a subscription, call 209-742-6869 or visit the aquaponics web- site at Practical Hydroponics and Greenhouse Magazine Practical Hydroponics and Greenhouse Magazine is published in Australia but available in the US and worldwide. You can subscribe at the website or by contacting Casper Publications, PO Box 225, Narabeen, NSW 2101 Australia, phone # +61 (02)9905 9933 Associations The Hydroponic Society of America The Hydroponic Society of America was established in 1980 to help promote hydroponics and disseminate information from and to all sectors of the industry. Members include re- searchers, commercial growers, educators, students and hobbyists. The quarterly publication, The Soilless Grower, contains both practical and cutting-edge information and is included with membership. In addition, the HSA sponsors an annual conference on hy- droponics. You can contact the Hydroponic Society of America at 510-232-2323 or PO Box 1183. El Cerrito, CA 94539. The HSA website is at: How To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business 23 Hydroponics Merchants Association The Hydroponic Merchants Association is an organization consisting of retailers, manufac- turers and individuals in the hydroponics industry. Members are provided with support and promotional materials. In addition, the HMA sponsors an annual conference for members. The Hydroponic Merchants Association can be contacted by phone at 703-392-5890 or mail at 10210 Leatherleaf Court, Manassas, VA, USA 20111-4245 or e-mail at The HMA’s website is at: World Wide Web There is an abundance of information about hydroponics on the Internet. In any search en- gine, type “hydroponics” and you’ll find hundreds of websites about soilless plant culture. A list of some that we find helpful follows. Aquatic Eco Systems, Inc American Hydroponics Auburn U Horticultural Dept CEA-Grown Hydroponic Crop Physiology Lab’s Hydro Crop Production / Hydroponics CropKing, Inc De Ruiter Seeds, Inc General Hydroponics Handy Guide Hydroponic Links Harvest Moon Hydroponics Hydroponic Society of America Nelson/Pade Multimedia The Trellis, Garden Links Pacific NW Garden Supply Worm’s Way
  • 16. Other Business Information Sources Other sources for information relating to an agricultural enterprise and starting a business include: • your local Chamber of Commerce • local business associations • The US Department of Agriculture • Your County • Farm Advisor • Universities • University Extension Agents Remember to take your time when you seek out additional information. Keep a copy of everything that you feel is pertinent to you and your business. Chapter 4 Making a Business Plan Successful projects begin with an accurate market analysis and a sound business plan. Prior to embarking on any business venture, it is important to prepare a business plan. A business plan is your opportunity to clearly understand your goals, potential cash flow, estimated earnings and work requirements. If you are trying to get any kind of financing, a well-written business plan is essential. The purposes of a business plan include: • defining a new business • defining agreements between partners • supporting a loan application • define objectives and means of achieving those objectives • evaluating a new product, promotion or expansion • setting a value on the business for legal or sale purposes Preparing a business plan is an organized, logical way to look at all of the important aspects of a business. A good plan saves far more time than it takes to complete and should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. A business plan should be used to set concrete tasks, responsibilities, and deadlines. Tips for Better Business Plans • All businesses, not just new or large businesses, need business planning. A business plan sets goals and priorities, providing a forum for regular review and course corrections. • Long-winded business plans don’t get read. Today, the maximum number of pages a business plan should contain is 50. • Useful business plans contain concrete programs to achieve specific, measurable objectives. • Good business plans assign tasks to people or departments and set milestones and deadlines for tracking implementation. NOTE:
  • 17. Included in this package is a sample business plan for a fictitious hydroponic produce company, HydroPro. You can use this sample as a guide when writing your own business plan, but be sure to research all expenses and information to ensure it is ac- curate and based on your location and situation. It’s extremely useful and will save you a ton of time. There are several excellent software programs that walk you through building a business plan. Investing in one of these is an investment in time-saving, planning and organization. My favorite is: Business Plan Pro, by Palo Alto Software, (541) 683-6162. Start-Up and Ongoing Expenses Part of preparing a business plan for a new venture is determining the estimated cost of starting your business and determining the estimated expenses and income. Start-Up Costs Be sure your estimated start-up costs include: •purchasing the greenhouse and hydroponic equipment • applicable sales tax • freight to get the greenhouse and equipment to your location • any additional equipment not included in the greenhouse package (if any) • add-on equipment such as a generator, shade cloths, insect screening • purchase of computer and office related equipment • site preparation • the cost of construction of your greenhouse • building permits Operating Expenses Be sure your estimated expenses include: • propane or natural gas and electricity • fertilizer • consumables and growing supplies • pest and disease control • labor • maintenance • packaging materials • marketing and promotional costs • delivery expenses / vehicle • insurance • office expenses • cost of loan/financing • laboratory analysis Labor Distribution The amount of labor to run your hydroponic greenhouse will vary depending on the growing system you use, the type of crops you are growing and the size of your operation. Your hydroponic equipment supplier should be able to give you an idea of how much work will be involved with your particular growing system. Prior to beginning your operation, you should outline your business activity by using an organization chart to define responsibilities of each member. This is important whether you are a family, a partnership or a corporation. If you plan to hire labor, be sure to talk to your accountant or business advisor to acquire the proper workers regulations and forms from the state and federal government. Be sure to think about all areas of the business that need attention, including: • Greenhouse maintenance • Plant culturing • Picking and packing • Nutrient mixing and analysis • Marketing • Delivery
  • 18. Administration and bookkeeping • How To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business Chapter 5 Financial Planning The first step to creating your business is to make sure that your financials are in place. Proper financial planning is crucial when establishing any business. Most experts recommend that you start with enough extra capital to operate your business for a year and provide for your personal expenses for 6 months without income. Starting a business without ample capitol is a sure path to failure. Why go through all of the research, coordination, and learning the history of an area without making sure that you have no capital to work with? The consistency of reworking your finances is really going to take you to a new level. Take into consideration operating costs and include all of your expenditures in them. This includes the cost of additional labor, over head, consumables and equipment maintenance. It also may include crop insurance and advertising costs and eventually the cost to replace equipment. This is where you should determine whether it is profitable. Configure the cost and the benefits to your operation. What I did was include all times and fully allowed for the costs that will make this venture attainable.This include the cost of doing all that is necessity and then consider the interest and repayment of the loan as well. The operating costs should be project to at least five years ahead. Unfortunately there is a strong tendency to underestimate the cost factors and to overestimate the yields and prices. It was simple to start learning, the hard part is configuring the cost analysis. Most people that have never grown a thing in their life or have no experience growing commercially can not garner a full appreciation for the time that any crop demands. In fact, let’s assess it now.In a 365 day year--crops require daily attention. This will impact your life tremendously in every way imaginable. In fact, let’s not get too whimsical just yet, you still have to plan for the future investment. Sources of Financing It is difficult if not impossible to secure financing for a hydroponic venture from a banking institution without equity in property or other assets, a history of success in business or both. If you are applying for financing, do not approach a bank, financial institution or potential investor without a business plan. The business plan should always include the cost/benefit analysis and your operating costs. In addition make sure to research the financials for your area, the UK offers business grants for some startups and the US offers a series of government loans for new agricultural startups. But of course your local bank is a good place to start when looking for financing. If you have adequate equity in your home, it is likely that they will be able to assist you. The Small Business Administration (SBA) is another option for financing a new business. Information is available at 1-800-827-5722. The SBA can be reached online at
  • 19. The Money Store is working directly with the SBA to assist businesses in acquiring funding. They can be contacted at 1-800-722-3066. Farm Credit Services (FCS) is an ag lending cooperative serving states in the Midwest. They specialize in lending services to farm related enterprises. For information call 1-800- 444-3276. Consolidated Farm Service Agency (CFSA), formerly the Farmer’s Home Administration, offers programs where greenhouses may qualify. These include: Farm Ownership Loans (PA62), Non- farm Enterprise Loans (PA1231), and Limited Resource Farm Loans (PA1398). Call 202-720- 8207 for more information. In the UK: Business loans in the UK: business-loan Business Grants Uk: There are other mortgage lenders and alternative financing solutions you can find on the Web, which include: Venture Capital Alternative Financing prod/sources.html Chapter 6 Selecting Your Location A good location is part of the success of any business. When choosing the site for your operation, consider these factors: Reside on or near greenhouse Ideally, it should be on a parcel where you or a person responsible for the operation resides. If there is a problem in the greenhouse, a power outage or some other misfortune, you will need to be there or could potentially loose your crop. If you live on the same property as the greenhouse, you are more likely to be aware of any problems. Most larger operations have someone who lives on site not only to maintenance the facility but to keep on top of any security breaches that could occur. You know those kids could consider smashing up the greenhouse when they get tired of cow tipping. Greenhouse growing has a long history, and since that is true there has been a lot of research done on it. Greenhouse should be near the marketplace Your greenhouse should be near the marketplace where you intend to sell your produce. Your primary focus will be on running your greenhouse. If too much time is spent on delivery, your greenhouse will suffer. In most average sized operations, a 4 hour radius is the maximum driving distance that is considered reasonable. Retail growing and selling is the easiest area to break into and is the best place to get your prices settled correctly. On average a population base of about 6,500 people will marginally support one retail greenhouse outlet. When evaluating your potential customer base, consider The size of your community trade area, not just the since of the town or city. Look for a flat parcel, open to sunlight A hydroponic greenhouse business can be started on a parcel as small as an acre. If you plan to expand, you may want to have a larger parcel. The location that your greenhouse will sit needs to be flat and open to direct sunlight. You should avoid a location that has heavy tree cover, mountains or anything else that would hinder direct sunlight.You should also avoid a location
  • 20. that is surrounded by field crops or heavy vegetation. These are areas that may harbor pest insects or plant disease. Adequate water source and disposal required You need to have an adequate water source for your greenhouse operation. Once you’ve chosen a hydroponic system you should have a comprehensive water analysis done by a reputable agricultural lab to be sure it is adequate for hydroponic crop production. Most water that isn’t suitable can be purified using reverse osmosis or an ozone purification system. Determine whether or not the system you are using creates any waste water or excess nutrient solution. If so, you will need to have an adequate disposal system. Depending on local ordinances, this can range from using the excess nutrient for irrigating your lawn or garden to having to remove it from the premises and dispose of it. Deciding on how much greenhouse space is needed requires that one must first figure out who your customer will be. Who is going to be your customer? Is it just the local market? Or is it going to be someone else. For instance, if you wanted to make $24,000 a year on bedding plants and poinsettias (one-third) of the money. The figure you can make $2.00 per flat profit on bedding plants and $1.00 per pot on poinsettias to earn your $24,000. Okay so now you have something to think about right? Most bedding plant growers have an early and a late crop, thus producing two turns of their space each spring. This means that if you have 4000 flats would be grown in the first turn and 4000 in that second turn. These are just some specs that you want to think about--remember we want you to know all the avenues you are getting into.It’s the most rewarding thing ever. Chapter 7 Selecting A Crop It is important to research your marketplace to determine what crops there are a demand for. There are niche markets that some growers fill with specialty herbs or ethnic vegetables but most hydroponic growers produce common vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce. The difference between what most hydroponic growers and most field growers produce is quality. In your hydroponic greenhouse you can grow premium quality produce which will bring a premium price, even with common vegetables. If you want to grow a variety of crops, it is best to start with one, and add the others one at a time. Each crop has different nutritional and environmental needs and cultivation techniques. To avoid confusion or improper care for a crop, wait until you master one before starting another. Following is information on a variety of crops you may consider for your hydroponic greenhouse. Tomatoes Vine ripened tomatoes-when choosing a crop, many new growers choose tomatoes. The primary reasons for this are (1) a premium quality tomato is quite easy to market and brings a high price (2) tomato plants can produce up to 35-40 pounds per plant under optimum conditions.
  • 21. Most commercial hydroponic tomato growers plant one crop annually. The time from when they seed until they start picking tomatoes is between 90 and 120 days, depending on variety and conditions. In most climates in the US, growers will start their plants in November or December, during the lowest light periods, begin picking in March or April and continue picking until the following November or December. This schedule provides income for 7-8 months of the year, so budgeting is important. On a weekly basis, the grower of indeterminate tomato plants needs to perform several culturing techniques on each plant including clipping, suckering, leaf pruning, cluster pruning, leaning and lowering and harvesting. The tomato flowers also need to be pollinated. A grower can do this by hand on a daily basis or bring in a special hive of bees that reside in the greenhouse and pollinate the flowers. The bees do a better job of pollinating and save someone the labor of doing it by hand. Tomatoes need a minimum of 8 hours of light per day during fruiting periods. In most climates in the US, it is not feasible to produce during the winter months without artificial lighting and, in many cases, it is too costly to purchase and operate artificial lights in a commercial application. This is the reason most hydroponic tomato growers use the winter months to propagate their plants. The lower light conditions are adequate for propagation and early plant development, but not for fruiting. The varieties most commercial growers use are specially bred for greenhouse production. They are hybrids and have specific needs that must be met. The advantage of these varieties is that they have excellent taste and aroma and the plants produce high poundage. Recently, cluster tomatoes have become very popular. They are varieties of tomatoes that ripen uniformly and are harvested by removing the whole truss. Cluster tomatoes are also referred to as “tomatoes on the vine.” Most of the field tomatoes sold to grocery stores throughout the US are picked green, warehoused until they are needed and then gassed to turn them red. Unfortunately, they are never really ripe, which is why they are off-color and have no flavor. When you approach grocers and show them a tomato that is truly red and tastes and smells like a tomato, they love it. Tomatoes that are vine ripened have a much longer shelf life than those that are green- picked as long as they are not refrigerated. A vine ripened tomato should ideally be kept between 58o - 65o F. Temperatures lower than 55o F will quickly loss flavor. When stored correctly, a vine ripened tomato should keep for 2 - 3 weeks. Because of the longer shelf life, most tomato growers need to deliver only once a week. Remember there are also a ton of places to get seeds from. Ornamental edibles, stokes seeds, Richters, Burpee and more. When you first start out we suggest you state with smaller varieties like patio tomatoes and bush beans. You can harvest so much produce form these plants. When pruning these plants they will grow larger than soil plants and they can keep on growing. Fancy Lettuce
  • 22. The demand for fresh lettuce and lettuce mixes is rapidly growing. The US Department of Agriculture reported the worldwide sales of packaged cut lettuce reached $1.2 billion in 1997. If you are in an area where fresh, high quality leaf crops are hard to find, you should consider a lettuce operation. Hydroponic lettuce growers usually sell a fresh bagged mix or a whole leaf crop, including the root base to keep it fresh. Fancy Lettuce is usually grown in an NFT (nutrient film technique) system. Since fancy lettuce grows from seedling to harvest in 4-12 weeks, the chance of plant disease, fungus or pests are greatly reduced. Hydroponically grown lettuce is far superior to field grown and, unlike field-grown, is free of grit and sand. Leafy lettuces or head lettuce will do well in hydroponic culture. Most lettuce growers select hybrid varieties developed for good flavor and quick production. Since there is no fruiting involved with leaf crops and the time from seedling to harvesting is quite short (as little as 30 days), most leaf crop growers operate year round. With sequenced cluster tomato planting, leaf crops can be picked continually. Another advantage of lettuce is that it will grow well in cooler temperatures than tomatoes or cucumbers. For greenhouse growers, that means lower heating costs. In locations with somewhat steady outdoor temperatures many NFT lettuce growers eliminate the greenhouse altogether and grow the lettuce outdoors. The labor in a lettuce operation is in the seeding, handling and harvesting of the plants. Because lettuce is quite perishable, it needs to be delivered several times a week, if not daily. Cucumbers Hydroponic cucumbers are also a popular crop. Most hydroponic cucumber growers produce the European seedless varieties, bred for greenhouse production, great taste and higher yields. They are an excellent tasting cucumber with a skin that is very tender and sweet. The skin is so tender that most growers wrap the cucumbers individually to prevent punctures and scratches. Cucumbers grow in similar conditions to tomatoes and are sometimes grown in the same greenhouse. These two crops complement each other nicely. The culturing of a cucumber plant is similar to that of a tomato plant. Most hydroponic cucumber growers plant two crops annually. The time from seed to first harvest is less than tomatoes, at approximately six weeks. A cucumber grower will usually pick from those same plants for another 3 – 31/2 months and then replant. Both cucumbers and tomatoes are usually grown in a substrate system with either perlite or rockwool as the growing medium and a drip irrigation system for feeding. They can also be grown in NFT and ebb and flow systems. Cucumbers keep well and can be delivered once a week. Peppers The market for both colored, sweet bell and hot peppers in the US is excellent. At this point, almost all of the large colored bell peppers that are sold in the US come from Holland, Europe and Mexico. Peppers are usually grown in a substrate system, with drip irrigation for feed because of the longer duration of the crop. They can also be grown in NFT and ebb and flow systems. The amount of information available on pepper culture is somewhat limited and, even though the demand is there, there are very few pepper growers in the US. Part of the reason may be due to the sizes that are European Cucumbers
  • 23. How To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business 33 imported. The US gets virtually all of the large colored bell peppers while the smaller pep- pers stay in the local marketplace where they are grown. For a US grower, the large peppers would be easy to market but the smaller peppers could be a problem. Specialty Herbs, Ethnic Vegetables and Flowers Specialty herbs, ethnic vegetables and flowers are also options in a hydroponic greenhouse but each requires a specialty market. If you have an outlet to sell specialty items in large quantities, they may be an excellent choice. Another option for a hydroponic grower would be to specialize just in herbs. Culinary herbs that do well in hydroponics include: • Basil • Cilantro • Parsley • Chives • Oregano • Marjoram • Sage Bell Peppers Other produce that you might consider growing includes a variety of pepper plants. Green Bell Peppers grow great in a hydroponic environment. In fact, Bell peppers highly complement the tomatoes. In a traditional growing scenario they each work with another. For many reasons when a tomato plant is traditionally planted farmers place bell peppers nearby thereby helping them to grow harmoniously. It’s been proven many times over and still to this day is a a lucrative mode of creating a hydroponically induced harmony. Yes, so I am saying place bell peppers near tomatoes if you can. In order to begin you have to prepare the seed bed. They should be started in porous netting and it should allow for a root system to flourish. These hydroponic peppers can grow extremely large so they need all of the root structure support you can give them. Also using styrofoam or other modes will have them stay upright as they grow. Once you have this plant the seeds so that they rest in the solution its important also to remember that mostly all hydroponic plants will grow large and these peppers are no exception. The water will have to be aerated and you should have the right amount of light as well. In fact, when you are creating the perfect structure for your plants make sure that you are taking into account all that the plants need. Best pepper production comes from a warmer environment and the peepers will grow more uniformly and sweeter if they are in a hot house. The warm air gets the vegetable’s juices flowing, and the climate changes that most outside pepper plants endure shows up insidiously. This means that your peppers grown indoors will be well rounded, juicier, fleshier and healthier than any others you will find. Carrots Carrots and other subterranean vegetables can be grown hydroponics as well. You will need a few extras to grow them though. For instance perlite, and vermiculite will help the plant with water retention and it’s something to look into for your other crops. You will need a deep container to plant these root crops in. The bottom should have a way to sieve the water through-- holes placed in it. They need to be at least 12 inches deep and then at least 12 inches wide. The container needs to sit the first one in for water retention purposes is also an necessity. The carrots will germinate in 6-10 days. Carrots belong to the world of subterranean hydroponics-so you see you can literally grow anything you would need with hydroponics!
  • 24. If only researchers from the 18th century could see the developments that we have now. The only problem is that most people do not even realize the ease of care and the relative crop production that can come from growing these plants in a hydroponic environment. But the governments know it, NASA scientists understand it-therefore it should not be too hard to tackle it in your own greenhouse. That is if you are purchasing the correct one. The process of growing these plants iwht simply mineral solutions and water is truly an innovation. I really hope you take advantage of it, once you do you will see the heights that it can take you. Chapter 8 Purchasing a Greenhouse There are two options for starting a hydroponic greenhouse can start a new one or purchase an operating business. Since commercial hydroponics is often a successful business, there are not too many operations for sale. If you find one, be sure to do your homework and research. Find out why it is for sale and if the growing system used was efficient and productive. The bottom line is that in greenhouses without sufficient heat you will be trying to garden in the winder and heating costs will rise--it will defeat the purpose of even beginning this business in the first place. Also consider that for heating costs you can purchase heaters--gas, electric and propane to place in the greenhouse, and it may be more lucrative overall (but I seriously doubt it) to lay lines for a heating system in the structure. Occasionally people find an old greenhouse structure for sale and want to convert it to hydroponic use. In most cases, this isn’t cost effective for the following reasons: • The cost of a new greenhouse structure may be less than the cost of buying and repairing the old one. • The newer greenhouses are more energy efficient and will cost you less to operate. • Piecing together the hydroponic equipment may cost you more than if you purchased a complete greenhouse package that included the hydroponic system. When shopping for a supplier, you will find greenhouse manufacturers and companies that sell complete hydroponic greenhouse packages. If you are building from the ground up, ideally you should work with someone who sells the greenhouse and all of the environmental control and hydroponic equipment as a package. Look for a company that will support you when you purchase the equipment as well as during construction and on through production. Having a reliable company to call when you have a problem is worth a great deal. That support, especially in your first year, may mean the difference between prosperity and failure. Just take into consideration what we discussed, heating, the cost of a new structure (which is many cases is cheaper than repairing an older version) and of course knowing that you have vested yourself in this business with careful consideration into every aspect of growing and creating.
  • 25. Chapter 9 Greenhouse Construction After you have considered not only your motivation for the business and the cit it’s time to consider the fact that a greenhouse business is one of the fasted growing of its kind. In fact, people everywhere want their landscapes to be filled with life, or fruitful year round. New greenhouses, nurses, and landscape companies use the structures and so do hydroponic growers. There are two greenhouse styles to consider. The detached or freestanding houses or ridge and furrow or gutter connected houses. The detached greenhouses stand independently and many times may be constructed using different types of greenhouse. Also the access from the work area to the greenhouse is often going to be through a central, covered corridor or uncovered aisle. This style is the most common for growers who are starting with 10,000 square feet or less and they want to add more in as they grow their business.The great part about this style is that you can create a house with its own unique cooling/heating system, it’s own personalty and of course using several houses aids in creating unique systems for growing. Now the ridge and furrow types are connected by a gutter, they are also sometimes created with internal walls that separate sections of the greenhouse where crops that require several types of environment or internal walls separate individually. These sections are also going to be a problem for some because of that simple structure. The most common greenhouse structure is the Quonset which is a house essentially constructed with arched rafters that are covered with one or two layers of flexible materials. The only one disadvantage of polyethylene is that it is subject to ultraviolet light degradation and must be replaced every 2 to 3 years. The cost of construction for detached houses is lower than the cost for other greenhouse types, usually $2.75 to $3.25 per square foot excluding heating, cooling, and benches. Many new businesses start with one or more houses that are 25 to 40 feet wide and 90 to 100 feet long. However, this type of construction can be applied to either the detached or the ridge and furrow styles. Many greenhouse construction companies offer packages for constructing Quonset greenhouses. These commonly come with either steel or aluminum bows and the manufacturer specifies the bow spacing depending on the structural strength of the bow material. However, before purchasing, select the frame based on load-bearing requirements. This will be determined by whether or not the structure will support equipment or crops. Hanging the heat- ing system, irrigation equipment, or hanging bas- kets from the framing will increase the load-bearing requirement. The end walls are often constructed of wood or metal framing covered in polyethylene or rigid plastic with aluminum doors for access. The side walls are often wood or metal with special fasteners for holding the polyethylene in place. The foundation for a Quonset greenhouse is usually a concrete footing poured at intervals dictated by the bow spacing. Polyethylene manufactured for greenhouse application comes in 20- to 50-foot widths, 1 to 8 millimeters thick. It costs $0.12 to $0.18 per square foot. Two layers of polyethylene are frequently ap- plied to greenhouses to reduce heating demand. Double-layer polyethylene houses generally cost 30 to 40 percent less to heat than do single layer houses. The two layers are kept air-inflated using a 100 to 150 ft.3/min. squirrel cage blower mounted to the inside plastic layer. Purchase 4-mil plastic for the inside layer and 4- or 6-mil plastic for the outside. Use 6-mil polyethylene for single layer applications. Polyethylene can be installed on wood portions of a greenhouse by nailing wood batten strips over the film into the foundation boards and end walls. However, because
  • 26. polyethylene will require replacing frequently, investing in special fasteners will make the job easier. Fastening systems are available for single- or double-layer applications. A second commonly applied greenhouse type is the even span, gable roof. This type of construction is appropriate where rigid glazing materials will be used such as glass or rigid plastics. The cost of construction for glass-covered, detached- style houses is higher than for Quonset types, usually $5.50 to $7.50 per square foot excluding heating, cooling, and benches. However, these structures are more permanent and require less maintenance. Gable construction with rigid glazing is a good choice when plans are long-term and the business is well capitalized. This type of construction can also be applied to either the detached or the ridge and furrow styles. Gable houses on the other hand use galvanized steel, aluminum, or a combination of the two materials for constructing the frame. The weight of glazing material, the weight of equipment attached to the frame, snow and wind loads, and the width of the greenhouse will have an impact on the type and size of materials chosen, size and spacing of support posts, and the design and construction of trusses. Glass is very heavy and re- quires strong support while rigid plastics are lighter requiring less support. Prior To Building Your Greenhouse It is important to contact your building department and look into zoning ordinances prior to beginning construction. Building or construction permits may be required. If you are skilled with basic tools and have some mechanical abilities, you can build your greenhouse yourself. You can also hire a contractor to construct your greenhouse. If you hire a contractor, be sure they are competent, licensed and insured. To operate an environmentally controlled hydroponic greenhouse you will need electrical service, water and natural gas or liquid propane at the site. Be sure your electrical service and natural gas or LP lines are sized correctly for your operation, with room for expansion. Your greenhouse site needs to be level or at a slight grade depending on the greenhouse manufacturer’s specifications and the type of growing system you’ve selected. When your pad is ready, you will need to gravel or cement it. Cement will provide a cleaner and easier surface to walk and work on but gravel is less expensive. If using a row crop system, you cement just the walkways and leave gravel rows for the plants. Each gravel row will need a buried drain tile to collect excess nutrient run off. A collection tank for excess run-off will also need to be installed. Nutrient reservoirs are usually buried at one end of the greenhouse. If your system uses a reservoir, keep this in mind when planning the layout of your walkways and floor If you’ve purchased a greenhouse package, it will arrive as many separate components. Be sure to inventory all of the parts as you unpack the system and confirm that everything you ordered is there. Familiarize yourself with the parts, instructions and blue prints before you begin construction and then store the parts in the order that you will need them. Greenhouse Construction While building your greenhouse, be sure to contact the greenhouse manufacturer if you have questions. Plan ahead and study the blueprints. If you are building over a weekend, get any questions answered on Friday, prior to the weekend so you are not delayed. Level Pad Cemented walkways, frame posts
  • 27. How To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business 36 Depending on the style of greenhouse you are building, you will either install grounds stakes or wall posts. The frame is usually screwed or bolted together. Again, follow the manufacturers instructions carefully to avoid mistakes in construction. If you will be growing row crops such as toma- toes or cucumbers that need support, you will also have to cement in the plant support posts. This can be done before or after the frame is constructed. In most cases, your greenhouse will be orientated north and south. The north wall of your greenhouse is framed out in wood, insulated and sealed because there is no direct sunlight that comes from the north. Your cooling fans, door and heaters are usually framed into the north wall of the greenhouse. The south wall is usually made of a clear plastic to allow sunlight in. If you are using an evaporative cooling system, it is usually installed in the south wall. If you are using poly covers, they are pulled or rolled over the frame and secured in place with a snap locking device. A double poly cover can be used for better heat retention in the winter and more efficient cooling in the summer. When covering your greenhouse with a poly cover, do it on a calm day with as much help as possible. The hydroponic growing system that you choose should be installed to the manufacturer’s specifications. The two most common commercial hydroponic systems are the drip system and the NFT system. A drip system is usually set up to feed the root base of the plant on a timed basis. The plant roots are grown in a media such as perlite or rockwool. The media serves as a place for the roots to live and is porous, allowing it to absorb nutrient solution. In a drip system, there is usually 2, 3 or 4 plants per bag or slab. By isolating the plants roots into small groups, you lesson the chance of a root borne disease spreading throughout your greenhouse. This makes a substrate system ideal for long term crops. If you are using a substrate system with drip emitters, you will have nutrient concentrate tanks, an injector system, and drip irrigation lines to install. The perlite bags or rockwool slabs need to be laid in the rows. Benches Benches may be constructed from a variety of materials and arranged in many different ways. Careful planning can result in 70 to 80 percent of floor area devoted to crops with fixed benches and up to 90 percent utilization with rolling or movable benches. Rolling benches are designed to open an 18- to 24- inch aisle of work space at any location along a row of benches. Supports for benches should be strong enough to hold a large number of plants and the largest container size anticipated. Wood, metal pipe, or con- crete blocks have been used as bench supports. The bench surface should be strong enough to support plants without sagging, but open to provide water drainage and air movement. Spruce or redwood lath and 1-inch square, 14-gauge welded-wire fabric or expanded steel mesh make a strong, long lasting, open bench top. Bench height should be 32 to 36 inches and width should be 3 feet if against a wall or up to 6 feet if accessible from both sides. Benches can be purchased from a manufacturer in a variety of sizes and construction types. Ventilation The purposes of ventilation are to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen, to remove hot air, and to lower relative humidity. Forced-air ventilation relies on electric fans controlled by a thermostat and a louvered intake vent. Fans pull cool air into the greenhouse from the outside through an in- take vent and warm, inside air is pushed out. Fans should be mounted in a waterproof housing with exterior, air-activated louvers to protect electrical components from inclement weather and to keep cold air out during the
  • 28. winter. It is important to install a screen over the inside of fans to prevent injury. There should be a distance equal to at least 1.5 times the fan diameter between the fans and adjacent structures. The intake vent on the wall opposite the fans can have an air-activated or motorized louver. Fan capacity should be large enough to exchange the air in a greenhouse at least once per minute. Recommendations for warm climates call for a fan capacity to remove 12 to 17 cubic feet of air per minute per square foot of floor area. Natural ventilation has made a comeback in the South in recent years in the form of retractable-roof greenhouses and Quonset houses with roll-up side walls. Retractable-roof greenhouses come in a variety of types while roll-up side walls on Quonset houses are relatively simple. In both cases, the idea is to move as much of the greenhouse structure out of the way as possible to expose crops to natural conditions during warm weather. Cooling One of the best ways to cool a greenhouse in the summer is to reduce light intensity. How much reduction to provide depends on the heat load in the greenhouse and the light requirements of the crops grown. Greenhouse whitewash and shade cloth are popular choices. Greenhouse whitewash is a special kind of latex paint that is diluted in water and sprayed on the covering surface. This material is designed to be applied in the spring and gradually degrade by the action of rain and sun so that little remains by fall. Shade cloth is a black, green, or white woven fabric of polypropylene that is applied over the outside of the covering. Shade cloth can be purchased with various weave densities that result in 20 to 80 percent light reduction. For many greenhouse applications, 30 to 50 per- cent light reduction should be sufficient. Evaporative cooling relies on air passing through a porous pad saturated with water. The evaporating water removes heat from the green- house. Fan-and-pad systems consist of a cellulose pad the length of one wall and at least 2 feet tall with water supplied to keep the pad wet during operation. Fans along the opposite wall draw out- side air through the pads. Fan-and-pad systems cool more efficiently when the relative humidity is low, a condition that is infrequent in Southeastern summers. However, a 5 to 10 degree reduction over the outside temperature can be achieved with a well-designed system. Heating Two popular heating systems for greenhouses are forced-air unit heaters that burn propane or natural gas and hot water or steam central boilers that burn fuel grade oil. Unit heaters cost less in initial investment ($.30 to $.50 per square foot) than central boilers ($1.00 to $2.50 per square foot), but cost more to operate ($1.00 per square foot versus $.60 per square foot). Unit heaters are easier to install and require less maintenance than central boilers require, but even heat distribution can be a problem. Central boilers provide even heat and combustion takes place away from the greenhouse, but installation can be time consuming. Generally, unit heaters are more appropriate for small greenhouse ranges and central boilers for larger ranges. Unit heaters burn gas in a firebox and heated air rises through the inside of a thin-walled heat exchanger on its way to the exhaust chimney. A fan draws air in from the greenhouse, across the outside of the heat exchanger and into the green- house. Thus, most of the heat is removed from the exhaust before it exits the structure. The exhaust chimney must be sufficiently tall to maintain an up- ward draft and extend above the greenhouse roof. An 8- to 12-foot chimney is usually sufficient. Open flame heaters must be vented to the outside and be provided a fresh air supply for complete combustion. Fresh air must be provided by an unobstructed chimney to avoid carbon dioxide buildup and production of ethylene, both detrimental to plants. Two warm-air distribution systems are popular for unit heaters: convection tubes and horizontal airflow. A convection tube is a polyethylene tube connected to the air outlet of the unit heater, running the length of the greenhouse and sealed at the other end. Warm air is distributed in the green- house through rows of 2- to 3-inch diameter holes on each side of the tube. Horizontal airflow relies on a number of horizontally mounted fans 2 to 3 feet above the plants that circulate heat throughout the house. This system as well as convection tubes may also be used at times when heating is not required, especially at night, to reduce relative humidity and discourage diseases.
  • 29. Central boilers burn fuel in a fire box to heat water to 180 degrees F or to steam in a heat ex- changer. Exhaust smoke passes through a flue to a chimney that vents exhaust to the outside. The heated water or steam is delivered to the green- house to exchange heat with the air through pipe coils, unit heaters, or a combination of both. Climate Control Traditionally, the operation of heating, ventilating, and cooling equipment has been controlled by thermostats at plant level located close to the center of the greenhouse. This system is still used effectively in small operations, especially those with detached greenhouses. For accurate control, thermostats should be shaded from direct sunlight, preferably by mounting them in a plastic or wood box ventilated by a small blower. Thermostats have the advantages of being simple, inexpensive, and easy to install, but may be inaccurate and lack co- ordination with environmental control equipment. Step controllers and dedicated microprocessors overcome the limitations of thermostats by providing more complex staging of heating and cooling systems and by coordinating the activities of heating, cooling, and ventilating equipment. These units generally cost from $800 to $2,500. Greenhouse environmental control computers add additional levels of control over greenhouse equipment along with weather sensing, environmental data logging and plotting, and other functions. So after learning the intricate nature of creating and constructing your greenhouse I just want to make sure you are still with us here. Right? Okay, now moving on we are going to talk about lifestyle and day to day operations. Chapter 10 Day-to-Day Operation No matter what crop you grow there daily, weekly, monthly and annual chores involved the operation a hydroponic, controlled environment greenhouse. Fortunately, a controlled environment greenhouse is an excellent environment to work in. While working you are surrounded by lush, healthy plants that, if treated right, will bear your annual income. Operating a hydroponic greenhouse does not require hard, difficult labor. It does, however, require vigilance, dedication and careful observation. This means that your entire lifestyle will change. Daily, most commercial hydroponic growers test and monitor the pH and nutrient concentrations of the source hydroponic solution and the solution of the reservoir. In addition, temperature, humidity and light levels are monitored. Based on the test results, the stage of growth of the plants and the amount of light available, alterations in fertilizer concentrations or ratios may be necessary. An efficient grower will record all of this information. This data is helpful when assessing the overall health of the crop, diagnosing problems and ascertaining what factors may have positively or negatively affected their crop. Entering this data in a spread sheet program is an excellent way to maintain a record that you can easily access and study. This data can be valuable in years to come when a grower is making decisions about feed solution concentrations and the effects on a crop. The most important job of a commercial grower is to be observant, meticulous and organized. When a grower is in the greenhouse, they must closely look at the plants to see if there are any changes, pests or disease that could threaten their crop. Daily observation is crucial in the greenhouse and is the key to prevention of crop threatening problems.
  • 30. A commercial greenhouse is a factory. Anyone considering starting in the greenhouse business needs a basic understanding of the greenhouse production process. If a new person asks what they need to know about greenhouse production, they are usually told about watering, fertilizing, insects and diseases—everything involved with the actual growing of the plants. All of these activities are important in producing a quality plant. But, they are only a part of the production process. The care as needed activities represent only a minor portion of the labor required to produce a plant. Watering labor is minimal especially with automatic irrigation. Fertilizer is applied through the irrigation lines. With good basic cultural practices, insect and disease control does not require large blocks of time. The activities Operations Management we think of as growing our product, the care as needed activities, typically account for only about 25 percent of the total labor required in producing our product. Yet, these are the activities most growers concentrate on. Potting, those activities involved with bringing all inputs together and onto the greenhouse bench, accounts for another 20 to 25 percent of total direct labor. These are all production activities. They are all accomplished before we begin to grow our product. The manner in which they are done has a strong influence on the efficiency of the care as need- ed activities and the quality of the final product. Inconsistent media mixing, potting the plant too deep or too shallow and non- uniform spacing of plants on the bench will all affect labor utilization during care as needed activities. In many greenhouse firms, labor activities associated with harvest are the most poorly managed. By harvest, the product has been produced, and we are no longer growing anything. As plant people, our focus has been on growing. Approximately 50 per- cent (+/-) of all direct labor is used in harvest activities. The area of greatest labor expense is often the area least managed, at least as far as labor efficiency is concerned. Growers often fail to manage the labor used in the systems of selecting, grooming, moving, handling, staging and delivering the plants. In commercial greenhouse production, labor is everything. If you manage labor you manage profit. Labor is by far the single largest cost of production. If it is not properly managed, costs of production will increase and quality will decrease. Plant Culturing In addition to the daily monitoring of a crop, there are many culturing chores that a grower performs to ensure the highest quality fruit and vegetables and the largest quantity harvest. With a long-term fruiting crop, such as tomatoes, there is more daily culturing chores than with a short-term crop, such as lettuce. How To Start and Succeed in the Hydroponics Business 39 Lettuce and Herb Production Most lettuce and herb growers seed into an inert grow-cube in a nursery area and, when the seedling is of sufficient size, transplant it into an NFT tray or gully. Lettuce is a fast maturing crop and the efforts of a hydroponic lettuce grower are focused on seeding, trans- planting and harvesting. An operation harvesting 3,000 heads of let- tuce per week will also need to seed and transplant 3,300 plants to maintain continuous production. Over-seeding by 10% ensures a sufficient quantity of seedlings for transplanting.
  • 31. Monitoring and adjusting the nutrient solution is important in an NFT system with a nutrient solution reservoir. Traditionally, an NFT grower made these adjustments manually but now new dosing units accurately and automatically adjust pH and EC (concentration) of the reser- voir. Tomato and Cucumber Production In a typical tomato operation, during seed germination and through the first 4-6 weeks of plant development, the work load is minimal. A tomato crop can be seeded in a very small space. The seedlings are transplanted into the greenhouse when they are 2-4 weeks old. As the plants grow, culturing chores are added as needed. Most commercial tomato growers plant an indeterminate variety that they culture for about one year. The grower will begin harvesting about 100 days after seeding and continue har- vesting for 8-9 months. In fruiting crops, there are five primary culturing jobs that need to be done every week. These jobs include: Clipping When the tomato plants are set out in the greenhouse, they will need to be supported. The type of support system used varies from grower to grower but most are some variation of string and clip support where main support wires are strung above the plant rows. From the main wires a string is hung down to each plant and then the plant is clipped to it. Tomato plants can grow as much as one foot per week so the clipping process needs to be done every week. Sucker Pruning When the tomato plants are four or five weeks old suckers, or side branches, begin to grow at every leaf axial. In the greenhouse, you groom the plant to one main stem. Therefore you remove each of the side branches, leaving only the main stem and leaves. From this point on, sucker pruning will need to be done once a week. A sucker is removed by firmly grasping the sucker and bending it one way and then back the other. Cluster Pruning To ensure an even fruit load on the plant and larger tomatoes overall, a hydroponic grower must cluster prune. Cluster pruning begins when your first tomatoes have set and are approximately the size of a pea. When cluster pruning, you remove the misshapen, smallest and weakest fruit, leaving the largest to develop. Most tomato growers prune the clusters to 3 or 4 tomatoes, depending on the season and the current fruit load. Most growers will cluster prune their tomato plants once a week. Leaf Pruning As a tomato plant matures, the lower leaves can be removed to encourage fresh new growth at the top of the plant. The lower leaves easily break off when pressure is applied at the base of the leaf. Leaning and Lowering An indeterminate tomato variety can grow to lengths of 25 feet or more. To keep the growing part of the plant within reach, growers lean and lower the whole plant. When the plants are leaned and lowered, the top 6 feet, which is the producing part, is left vertical while the remaining stem is laid horizontally alongside the length of the bed. Other Greenhouse Jobs