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Inter-college Conference
Understand hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation:
Define and explain these concepts, highlighting their impact on
society and the role of social media in spreading them.
Recognize consequences: Exploring the harmful effects of hate
speech, misinformation, and disinformation on individuals,
communities, and South Sudan's social fabric using real-life
Analyze social media's role: How social media platforms have
become breeding grounds for hate speech, misinformation, and
disinformation, discussing contributing factors and challenges in
combating them.
Identify strategies to tackle the issue: Presenting approaches like
fact-checking, media literacy programs, promoting digital
citizenship, and fostering critical thinking skills to combat hate
speech, misinformation, and disinformation on social media.
The Prevalence and
impact of hate speech,
misinformation, and
Disinformation South
Sudan's social media
Hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation are
prevalent in South Sudan’s social media landscape.
Hate speech has been linked to a global increase in violence toward
minorities, including mass shootings, lynchings, and ethnic cleansing.
The Role of South Sudanese in Confronting Hate Speech in South Sudan
suggests that South Sudanese can develop an open attitude and honest
curiosity about different groups of individuals with backgrounds and views
different to theirs because some instances of hate speech are based on
ignorance or false information, designed to destabilise social order.
Addressing hate speech on social media is a multilayered endeavour that
includes tackling its root causes and drivers, preventing it from translating
into violence and dealing with its wider societal consequences.
The importance of addressing Hate speech, Misinfo and
Disinfo for a peaceful and informed society.
Hate speech can lead to violence and discrimination against
certain groups of people, while misinformation and
disinformation can spread false information that can cause
harm to individuals and communities.
Addressing hate speech, misinformation, and
disinformation is crucial for a peaceful and
informed society.
We can create a more inclusive and tolerant society
where everyone has access to accurate information
and is free from discrimination and violence.
Understanding Hate Speech, Misinformation, and
Hate Speech:
• Hate speech refers to any form of written, spoken, or symbolic
communication that offends, threatens, or insults individuals
or groups based on attributes such as race, religion, ethnicity,
nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other
• It often aims to incite violence, discrimination, or hostility
towards targeted individuals or communities.
Source: Defyhatenow Hate speech
Understanding Hate Speech, Misinformation, and
• Misinformation refers to false or inaccurate information that is
unintentionally spread, often due to a lack of knowledge,
misunderstanding, or misinterpretation.
• It can be shared unknowingly by individuals who believe it to
be true, leading to the dissemination of misleading or
incorrect information.
Understanding Hate Speech, Misinformation, and
• Disinformation, on the other hand, is deliberately false or
misleading information that is intentionally created,
manipulated, and disseminated with the purpose of deceiving
or manipulating people.
• It is often spread with malicious intent to influence public
opinion, sow discord, or achieve specific political, social, and
economic objectives.
How hate speech, misinfo and disinfo spread
rapidly through social media platforms:
Virality: Social media platforms are designed to amplify content that
generates high engagement and shares. When a piece of content, whether's
hate speech or misinformation, resonates with a particular group or triggers
strong emotions, people are more likely to share it with their networks. This
sharing behaviour can lead to the rapid dissemination of harmful content.
Algorithmic amplification: Social media platforms use algorithms
to determine what content shows users based on their
preferences and behaviours. These algorithms often prioritise
content that generates high levels of engagement, such as likes,
comments, and shares. If hate speech or misinformation receives
significant engagement, the algorithm may promote it to a broader
audience, further increasing its reach.
How hate speech, misinfo and disinfo spread
rapidly through social media platforms:
Echo chambers and filter bubbles: Social media platforms tend to create echo chambers and
filter bubbles, where users are exposed to content that aligns with their beliefs and preferences.
This can reinforce and amplify hate speech and misinformation within specific communities, as
users are less likely to encounter opposing viewpoints or fact-checking information.
Anonymity and reduced accountability: Social media platforms allow users to create accounts
anonymously or with pseudonyms, which can embolden individuals to engage in hate speech or
spread false information without fear of immediate consequences. The lack of real-world
accountability can contribute to the proliferation of harmful content.
How hate speech, misinfo and disinfo spread
rapidly through social media platforms:
Lack of moderation and enforcement: Despite efforts by social media platforms to
combat hate speech and misinformation, the sheer volume of user-generated content
makes it challenging to moderate and enforce policies consistently and effectively. Some
harmful content may slip through the cracks, allowing it to spread rapidly before it is
identified and addressed.
Psychological factors: Hate speech and misinformation often tap into people's emotions,
biases, and cognitive vulnerabilities. Content that evokes fear, anger or confirms pre-
existing beliefs tends to be more engaging and shareable. This emotional appeal can lead
individuals to overlook critical thinking and fact-check, contributing to the rapid spread of
harmful content.
Consequences on
individuals and
Psychological harm: Hate speech can cause emotional
distress, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem among
targeted individuals. It can lead to feelings of fear, isolation,
and a sense of not belonging within their own communities.
Social division and conflict: Hate speech can fuel social
divisions and create hostility between different groups
within a community. It can contribute to the polarization of
society, leading to increased tensions, conflicts, and even
violence between individuals or communities.
Discrimination and marginalisation: Hate speech can perpetuate
stereotypes, prejudices, and discriminatory attitudes towards
certain groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual
orientation, or other characteristics. This can result in systemic
discrimination, exclusion, and marginalisation of these groups,
limiting their opportunities and hindering their overall well-being.
Consequences on
individuals and
Erosion of trust: Misinformation and
disinformation can erode trust in institutions,
media, and public figures. When false or
misleading information spreads widely, it
becomes challenging for individuals to distinguish
fact from fiction. This can undermine democratic
processes, hinder informed decision-making, and
lead to a loss of faith in reliable sources of
Public health risks: Misinformation and
disinformation can severely affect public
health. For example, during a pandemic,
spreading false information about vaccines,
treatments, or preventive measures can
discourage people from following evidence-
based guidelines, leading to increased
infection rates, illness, and even death.
Consequences on
individuals and
Damage to reputation and livelihoods:
False information or malicious rumours
spread through hate speech,
misinformation, or disinformation can harm
an individual’s or organisation’s reputation.
This can have long-lasting effects on
personal and professional relationships, job
prospects, and economic opportunities.
Undermining democracy:
Disinformation campaigns manipulating
public opinion can undermine the
democratic process. By spreading false
information, influencing elections, or sowing
discord, these campaigns can erode trust in
democratic institutions and compromise
the integrity of the electoral system.
Break and Reflection…
The Role of Youth in Tackling Hate Speech, Misinformation, and
The power of youth as
digital natives and
active social media
Technological Proficiency:
Youth today have grown up in a digital era,
surrounded by technology from an early age. They
are adept at using smartphones, tablets,
computers, and various digital platforms. This
proficiency gives them an advantage in navigating
the digital landscape and utilising social media
Connectivity and Global Reach:
Social media platforms give young people
unprecedented connectivity and global reach.
They can connect with peers, friends, and family
worldwide, breaking down geographical barriers.
This connectivity enables them to share ideas,
collaborate on projects, and engage in meaningful
discussions on a global scale.
The Role of Youth in Tackling Hate Speech, Misinformation, and
The power of youth as
digital natives and
active social media
Amplifying Voices:
Social media has given youth a platform to amplify their
voices and express their opinions on various issues. They
can raise awareness about social, environmental, and
political causes that matter to them. Through hashtags, viral
campaigns, and online activism, young people can mobilize
support, spark conversations, and drive real-world change.
Entrepreneur Opportunities:
Social media has opened up new avenues for young
entrepreneurs. Platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and
TikTok allow them to showcase their talents, build personal
brands, and monetize their content. Many young influencers
and content creators have successfully turned their
passions into profitable careers, demonstrating the
entrepreneurial potential of youth in the digital age.
The Role of Youth in Tackling Hate Speech, Misinformation, and
The power of youth
as digital natives and
active social media
Information Sharing and Learning:
Youth as digital natives have access to vast amounts of information
through social media. They can stay updated on current events, explore
diverse perspectives, and learn about different cultures and experiences.
Social media also provides opportunities for informal learning, as young
people can follow educational accounts, participate in online courses, and
engage in knowledge-sharing communities.
Driving Social Change:
Young people have harnessed the power of social media to drive social
change and advocate for important causes. Movements like
#BlackLivesMatter, #FridaysForFuture, and #MeToo have gained
momentum through the active participation of youth on social media
platforms. They can raise awareness, challenge societal norms, and demand
accountability from institutions and leaders.
Digital Activism:
Social media has become a powerful tool for digital activism,
allowing young people to organize protests, rallies, and campaigns
online. They can mobilize support, coordinate actions, and create
virtual communities dedicated to specific causes. Digital activism
enables youth to engage in advocacy and make their voices heard
without traditional barriers to entry.
The responsibility of young people in
promoting positive online behavior
Setting a positive example:
Young people are responsible for modelling positive online behaviour by treating others with respect, empathy, and
kindness. This includes refraining from cyberbullying, spreading hate speech, or engaging in any form online
harassment. By setting a positive example, young people can create a safer and more inclusive online environment.
Being critical consumers of information:
With the abundance of online information, young people need to develop critical thinking skills to discern reliable sources from
misinformation or fake news. They should fact-check information before sharing it and be cautious about amplifying unverified
claims. By promoting responsible information sharing, young people can help combat the spread of false information and
promote a more informed online community.
The responsibility of young people in
promoting positive online behavior
Protecting personal privacy and security:
Young people should know the importance of safeguarding their personal
information online. This includes using strong passwords, being cautious about
sharing sensitive information, and understanding the privacy settings on social
media platforms. By protecting their privacy and security, young people can
minimise the risk of identity theft, online scams, or other forms of digital
Promoting digital citizenship:
Young people should actively discuss digital citizenship and promote
responsible online behaviour among their peers. This involves
encouraging open dialogue about the impact of online actions,
fostering empathy and understanding, and advocating for digital
rights and responsibilities. By participating in initiatives that promote
digital literacy and responsible online engagement, young people can
contribute to a more positive and inclusive digital culture.
The potential of youth to be agents of
Fresh perspectives and digital literacy:
Youth are often at the forefront of technological advancements and have grown up in
a digital age. They deeply understand social media platforms, online communication,
and information sharing. This familiarity equips them to identify and challenge hate
speech, misinformation, and disinformation more effectively than older generations.
Passionate advocates for social justice:
Young people are known for their passion and idealism when fighting for social justice
causes. They are more likely to be vocal about issues that matter to them, including
combating hate speech and misinformation. Their energy and dedication make them
powerful agents of change, as they actively engage in discussions, raise awareness,
and mobilise others to take action against harmful narratives.
The potential of youth to be agents of
Tech-savvy fact-check:
With their proficiency in technology, youth can play a crucial role in fact-checking and
verifying information. They have access to various online tools and resources that enable
them to critically evaluate sources, cross-reference information, and expose false or
misleading content. By sharing accurate information and debunking falsehoods, they
counter the spread of hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation.
Amplifying diverse voices:
Youth are more likely to embrace diversity and inclusivity, valuing different perspectives
and experiences. They understand the importance of amplifying marginalised voices and
challenging dominant narratives. By actively promoting diverse voices and stories, young
people can counter hate speech and misinformation by fostering empathy, understanding,
and tolerance among their peers and wider communities.
Strategies for Combating Hate Speech, Misinformation, and
Promote media literacy programs
in schools and universities.
Encourage critical thinking skills
to evaluate information
Advocate for digital citizenship
education to promote responsible
online behaviour.
Strategies for Combating Hate Speech, Misinformation, and
Collaboration and
Foster partnerships between
universities, civil society organisations,
and social media platforms.
Organize workshops, seminars, and
campaigns to raise awareness about the
dangers of hate speech, misinformation, and
Engage with local communities to
address specific challenges and
Strategies for Combating Hate Speech, Misinformation, and
and Verification:
Encourage the use of fact-
checking websites and tools.
Promote responsible sharing by
verifying information before
sharing it.
Encourage reporting of false or
harmful content to social
media platforms.
Strategies for Combating Hate Speech, Misinformation, and
Positive Online
Encourage youth to use social media
platforms for positive activism and
Promote the sharing of
accurate and constructive
Support campaigns that promote
tolerance, inclusivity, and
Challenges in tackling hate speech,
misinformation, and disinformation
Definition and Identification:
One primary challenge is defining and accurately
identifying hate speech, misinformation, and
disinformation. Differentiating between legitimate
free speech and harmful content can be subjective
and context-dependent. Developing clear
definitions and criteria to identify such content is
crucial but challenging due to the evolving nature
of online communication.
Scale and Speed:
The scale and speed at which hate speech,
misinformation, and disinformation spread on
digital platforms pose significant challenges. Social
media platforms and online communities have
millions of users generating vast content every
second. Detecting and addressing problematic
content in real time becomes difficult, requiring
advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence, and
human moderation efforts to keep up with the
volume and velocity of information.
Challenges in tackling hate speech,
misinformation, and disinformation
Freedom of Expression:
Balancing the need to combat hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation while respecting
freedom of expression is a delicate challenge. Striking the right balance is essential to avoid overreach
and unintended consequences that may stifle legitimate speech or lead to censorship. It requires
careful consideration of legal frameworks, ethical guidelines, and collaboration between governments,
tech companies, civil society, and users.
Global Nature and Jurisdictional Issues:
Hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation transcend national boundaries, making it challenging
to address them effectively. Online platforms operate globally, and content can originate from
anywhere, making it difficult to enforce regulations uniformly. Jurisdictional issues arise when
countries have varying laws and regulations regarding hate speech and misinformation. Coordinating
international efforts and establishing common standards become crucial to tackle these challenges
Creating a united front against online
Raise awareness about the
impact of online negativity and
cyberbullying among youth.
Promote digital citizenship
programs to teach responsible
online behavior and empathy.
Encourage peer support
networks for young people share
experiences and provide
emotional support.
Empower young people through
creativity, positive role models,
and collaborative projects to
counteract online negativity.
Resources for Further Reading…
• 5 ways to counter hate speech in the Media through Ethics and Self-
regulation - by Poni Alice JameKolok (
Emmanuel Bida Thomas | +211 917 298 255

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Youth, Hate Speech, Misinformation, Disinformation and Social Media in South Sudan

  • 2. Learning Objectives: Understand hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation: Define and explain these concepts, highlighting their impact on society and the role of social media in spreading them. Recognize consequences: Exploring the harmful effects of hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation on individuals, communities, and South Sudan's social fabric using real-life examples. Analyze social media's role: How social media platforms have become breeding grounds for hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation, discussing contributing factors and challenges in combating them. Identify strategies to tackle the issue: Presenting approaches like fact-checking, media literacy programs, promoting digital citizenship, and fostering critical thinking skills to combat hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation on social media.
  • 3. The Prevalence and impact of hate speech, misinformation, and Disinformation South Sudan's social media landscape Hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation are prevalent in South Sudan’s social media landscape. Hate speech has been linked to a global increase in violence toward minorities, including mass shootings, lynchings, and ethnic cleansing. The Role of South Sudanese in Confronting Hate Speech in South Sudan suggests that South Sudanese can develop an open attitude and honest curiosity about different groups of individuals with backgrounds and views different to theirs because some instances of hate speech are based on ignorance or false information, designed to destabilise social order. Addressing hate speech on social media is a multilayered endeavour that includes tackling its root causes and drivers, preventing it from translating into violence and dealing with its wider societal consequences.
  • 4. The importance of addressing Hate speech, Misinfo and Disinfo for a peaceful and informed society. Hate speech can lead to violence and discrimination against certain groups of people, while misinformation and disinformation can spread false information that can cause harm to individuals and communities. Addressing hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation is crucial for a peaceful and informed society. We can create a more inclusive and tolerant society where everyone has access to accurate information and is free from discrimination and violence.
  • 5. Understanding Hate Speech, Misinformation, and Disinformation: Hate Speech: • Hate speech refers to any form of written, spoken, or symbolic communication that offends, threatens, or insults individuals or groups based on attributes such as race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other characteristics. • It often aims to incite violence, discrimination, or hostility towards targeted individuals or communities.
  • 7. Understanding Hate Speech, Misinformation, and Disinformation: Misinformation: • Misinformation refers to false or inaccurate information that is unintentionally spread, often due to a lack of knowledge, misunderstanding, or misinterpretation. • It can be shared unknowingly by individuals who believe it to be true, leading to the dissemination of misleading or incorrect information.
  • 8.
  • 9. Understanding Hate Speech, Misinformation, and Disinformation: Disinformation: • Disinformation, on the other hand, is deliberately false or misleading information that is intentionally created, manipulated, and disseminated with the purpose of deceiving or manipulating people. • It is often spread with malicious intent to influence public opinion, sow discord, or achieve specific political, social, and economic objectives.
  • 10.
  • 11. How hate speech, misinfo and disinfo spread rapidly through social media platforms: Virality: Social media platforms are designed to amplify content that generates high engagement and shares. When a piece of content, whether's hate speech or misinformation, resonates with a particular group or triggers strong emotions, people are more likely to share it with their networks. This sharing behaviour can lead to the rapid dissemination of harmful content. Algorithmic amplification: Social media platforms use algorithms to determine what content shows users based on their preferences and behaviours. These algorithms often prioritise content that generates high levels of engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares. If hate speech or misinformation receives significant engagement, the algorithm may promote it to a broader audience, further increasing its reach.
  • 12. How hate speech, misinfo and disinfo spread rapidly through social media platforms: Echo chambers and filter bubbles: Social media platforms tend to create echo chambers and filter bubbles, where users are exposed to content that aligns with their beliefs and preferences. This can reinforce and amplify hate speech and misinformation within specific communities, as users are less likely to encounter opposing viewpoints or fact-checking information. Anonymity and reduced accountability: Social media platforms allow users to create accounts anonymously or with pseudonyms, which can embolden individuals to engage in hate speech or spread false information without fear of immediate consequences. The lack of real-world accountability can contribute to the proliferation of harmful content.
  • 13. How hate speech, misinfo and disinfo spread rapidly through social media platforms: Lack of moderation and enforcement: Despite efforts by social media platforms to combat hate speech and misinformation, the sheer volume of user-generated content makes it challenging to moderate and enforce policies consistently and effectively. Some harmful content may slip through the cracks, allowing it to spread rapidly before it is identified and addressed. Psychological factors: Hate speech and misinformation often tap into people's emotions, biases, and cognitive vulnerabilities. Content that evokes fear, anger or confirms pre- existing beliefs tends to be more engaging and shareable. This emotional appeal can lead individuals to overlook critical thinking and fact-check, contributing to the rapid spread of harmful content.
  • 14. Consequences on individuals and communities. Psychological harm: Hate speech can cause emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem among targeted individuals. It can lead to feelings of fear, isolation, and a sense of not belonging within their own communities. Social division and conflict: Hate speech can fuel social divisions and create hostility between different groups within a community. It can contribute to the polarization of society, leading to increased tensions, conflicts, and even violence between individuals or communities. Discrimination and marginalisation: Hate speech can perpetuate stereotypes, prejudices, and discriminatory attitudes towards certain groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other characteristics. This can result in systemic discrimination, exclusion, and marginalisation of these groups, limiting their opportunities and hindering their overall well-being.
  • 15. Consequences on individuals and communities. Erosion of trust: Misinformation and disinformation can erode trust in institutions, media, and public figures. When false or misleading information spreads widely, it becomes challenging for individuals to distinguish fact from fiction. This can undermine democratic processes, hinder informed decision-making, and lead to a loss of faith in reliable sources of information. Public health risks: Misinformation and disinformation can severely affect public health. For example, during a pandemic, spreading false information about vaccines, treatments, or preventive measures can discourage people from following evidence- based guidelines, leading to increased infection rates, illness, and even death.
  • 16. Consequences on individuals and communities. Damage to reputation and livelihoods: False information or malicious rumours spread through hate speech, misinformation, or disinformation can harm an individual’s or organisation’s reputation. This can have long-lasting effects on personal and professional relationships, job prospects, and economic opportunities. Undermining democracy: Disinformation campaigns manipulating public opinion can undermine the democratic process. By spreading false information, influencing elections, or sowing discord, these campaigns can erode trust in democratic institutions and compromise the integrity of the electoral system.
  • 18. The Role of Youth in Tackling Hate Speech, Misinformation, and Disinformation The power of youth as digital natives and active social media users: Technological Proficiency: Youth today have grown up in a digital era, surrounded by technology from an early age. They are adept at using smartphones, tablets, computers, and various digital platforms. This proficiency gives them an advantage in navigating the digital landscape and utilising social media effectively. Connectivity and Global Reach: Social media platforms give young people unprecedented connectivity and global reach. They can connect with peers, friends, and family worldwide, breaking down geographical barriers. This connectivity enables them to share ideas, collaborate on projects, and engage in meaningful discussions on a global scale.
  • 19. The Role of Youth in Tackling Hate Speech, Misinformation, and Disinformation The power of youth as digital natives and active social media users: Amplifying Voices: Social media has given youth a platform to amplify their voices and express their opinions on various issues. They can raise awareness about social, environmental, and political causes that matter to them. Through hashtags, viral campaigns, and online activism, young people can mobilize support, spark conversations, and drive real-world change. Entrepreneur Opportunities: Social media has opened up new avenues for young entrepreneurs. Platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok allow them to showcase their talents, build personal brands, and monetize their content. Many young influencers and content creators have successfully turned their passions into profitable careers, demonstrating the entrepreneurial potential of youth in the digital age.
  • 20. The Role of Youth in Tackling Hate Speech, Misinformation, and Disinformation The power of youth as digital natives and active social media users: Information Sharing and Learning: Youth as digital natives have access to vast amounts of information through social media. They can stay updated on current events, explore diverse perspectives, and learn about different cultures and experiences. Social media also provides opportunities for informal learning, as young people can follow educational accounts, participate in online courses, and engage in knowledge-sharing communities. Driving Social Change: Young people have harnessed the power of social media to drive social change and advocate for important causes. Movements like #BlackLivesMatter, #FridaysForFuture, and #MeToo have gained momentum through the active participation of youth on social media platforms. They can raise awareness, challenge societal norms, and demand accountability from institutions and leaders. Digital Activism: Social media has become a powerful tool for digital activism, allowing young people to organize protests, rallies, and campaigns online. They can mobilize support, coordinate actions, and create virtual communities dedicated to specific causes. Digital activism enables youth to engage in advocacy and make their voices heard without traditional barriers to entry.
  • 21. The responsibility of young people in promoting positive online behavior Setting a positive example: Young people are responsible for modelling positive online behaviour by treating others with respect, empathy, and kindness. This includes refraining from cyberbullying, spreading hate speech, or engaging in any form online harassment. By setting a positive example, young people can create a safer and more inclusive online environment. Being critical consumers of information: With the abundance of online information, young people need to develop critical thinking skills to discern reliable sources from misinformation or fake news. They should fact-check information before sharing it and be cautious about amplifying unverified claims. By promoting responsible information sharing, young people can help combat the spread of false information and promote a more informed online community.
  • 22. The responsibility of young people in promoting positive online behavior Protecting personal privacy and security: Young people should know the importance of safeguarding their personal information online. This includes using strong passwords, being cautious about sharing sensitive information, and understanding the privacy settings on social media platforms. By protecting their privacy and security, young people can minimise the risk of identity theft, online scams, or other forms of digital exploitation. Promoting digital citizenship: Young people should actively discuss digital citizenship and promote responsible online behaviour among their peers. This involves encouraging open dialogue about the impact of online actions, fostering empathy and understanding, and advocating for digital rights and responsibilities. By participating in initiatives that promote digital literacy and responsible online engagement, young people can contribute to a more positive and inclusive digital culture.
  • 23. - The potential of youth to be agents of change Fresh perspectives and digital literacy: Youth are often at the forefront of technological advancements and have grown up in a digital age. They deeply understand social media platforms, online communication, and information sharing. This familiarity equips them to identify and challenge hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation more effectively than older generations. Passionate advocates for social justice: Young people are known for their passion and idealism when fighting for social justice causes. They are more likely to be vocal about issues that matter to them, including combating hate speech and misinformation. Their energy and dedication make them powerful agents of change, as they actively engage in discussions, raise awareness, and mobilise others to take action against harmful narratives.
  • 24. - The potential of youth to be agents of change Tech-savvy fact-check: With their proficiency in technology, youth can play a crucial role in fact-checking and verifying information. They have access to various online tools and resources that enable them to critically evaluate sources, cross-reference information, and expose false or misleading content. By sharing accurate information and debunking falsehoods, they counter the spread of hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation. Amplifying diverse voices: Youth are more likely to embrace diversity and inclusivity, valuing different perspectives and experiences. They understand the importance of amplifying marginalised voices and challenging dominant narratives. By actively promoting diverse voices and stories, young people can counter hate speech and misinformation by fostering empathy, understanding, and tolerance among their peers and wider communities.
  • 25. Strategies for Combating Hate Speech, Misinformation, and Disinformation: Education And Awareness: Promote media literacy programs in schools and universities. Encourage critical thinking skills to evaluate information sources. Advocate for digital citizenship education to promote responsible online behaviour.
  • 26. Strategies for Combating Hate Speech, Misinformation, and Disinformation: Collaboration and Engagement: Foster partnerships between universities, civil society organisations, and social media platforms. Organize workshops, seminars, and campaigns to raise awareness about the dangers of hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation. Engage with local communities to address specific challenges and concerns.
  • 27. Strategies for Combating Hate Speech, Misinformation, and Disinformation: Fact-checking and Verification: Encourage the use of fact- checking websites and tools. Promote responsible sharing by verifying information before sharing it. Encourage reporting of false or harmful content to social media platforms.
  • 28. Strategies for Combating Hate Speech, Misinformation, and Disinformation: Positive Online Activism: Encourage youth to use social media platforms for positive activism and advocacy. Encourage Promote the sharing of accurate and constructive information. Promote Support campaigns that promote tolerance, inclusivity, and respect. Support
  • 29. Challenges in tackling hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation Definition and Identification: One primary challenge is defining and accurately identifying hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation. Differentiating between legitimate free speech and harmful content can be subjective and context-dependent. Developing clear definitions and criteria to identify such content is crucial but challenging due to the evolving nature of online communication. Scale and Speed: The scale and speed at which hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation spread on digital platforms pose significant challenges. Social media platforms and online communities have millions of users generating vast content every second. Detecting and addressing problematic content in real time becomes difficult, requiring advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence, and human moderation efforts to keep up with the volume and velocity of information.
  • 30. Challenges in tackling hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation Freedom of Expression: Balancing the need to combat hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation while respecting freedom of expression is a delicate challenge. Striking the right balance is essential to avoid overreach and unintended consequences that may stifle legitimate speech or lead to censorship. It requires careful consideration of legal frameworks, ethical guidelines, and collaboration between governments, tech companies, civil society, and users. Global Nature and Jurisdictional Issues: Hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation transcend national boundaries, making it challenging to address them effectively. Online platforms operate globally, and content can originate from anywhere, making it difficult to enforce regulations uniformly. Jurisdictional issues arise when countries have varying laws and regulations regarding hate speech and misinformation. Coordinating international efforts and establishing common standards become crucial to tackle these challenges effectively.
  • 31. Creating a united front against online negativity Raise awareness about the impact of online negativity and cyberbullying among youth. Promote digital citizenship programs to teach responsible online behavior and empathy. Encourage peer support networks for young people share experiences and provide emotional support. Empower young people through creativity, positive role models, and collaborative projects to counteract online negativity.
  • 33. Resources for Further Reading… • comparisons • hate-speech-in-south-sudan-2/ • • gendered-disinformation-online-unesco-provides-some-ideas • platforms-combat-misinformation-and-hate-speech/ • 5 ways to counter hate speech in the Media through Ethics and Self- regulation - by Poni Alice JameKolok (
  • 34. THANK YOU! Emmanuel Bida Thomas | +211 917 298 255 2023