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The Four C’s of Better Marketing
It is likely that you feel control of your brand                        Are You HeAring Voices?
slipping through your fingers. Every shelf-set,
event, media story, CGC contest – every Like,                           In the digital age, marketing is a multi-player
blog post, Tweet, review, thumbs up (or down)                           conversation between Brand, Consumers,
shapes it. Gap’s logo. Pampers’ “chemical                               Retailers, Critics and Friends. Digital media
burn” crisis. Kevin Smith’s Twitter tirade against                      has rewired consumer habits – in shopping,
Southwest Airlines. Dave Carroll’s YouTube guitar                       socializing, and media consumption – three
song against United Airlines. The Motrin Moms.                          arenas essential to better marketing. It shifts the
                                                                        balance of voice in marketing conversations.
Your brand is dynamic, open-sourced. (So
is your company, like it or not.) Yours is one                          Control of the conversation started with Brands
voice among many. Your grip has slipped. Not                            in the days of mass media; shifted to Retailers
to worry; it’s normal to feel anxious in times of                       with shopper marketing . . . and now rests in
change. Maybe it’ll pass, like indigestion.                             the hands of Consumers, who control when,
                                                                        how and where they engage with marketing
But you are worried. You’re still accountable,                          messages.
even though so much is out of your hands. How
can you give up control of your brand without                           Take a look at all of the shifts that have taken
abandoning your business? How can you lead                              place and are taking place in marketing today Âť
your brand and business, guide it in the right
direction, but not have absolute authority?

How can you do better marketing?

  Marketing: Then, Now...and Next
PAsT                       What’s changed:            PresenT                    What’s changing            FuTure
Reach                      Media clutter + product    Chase                      On-demand media            Be accessible
Promotion                  Focus on short-term        Discounts                  Consumers seek             Recommendations
                           sales                                                 credibility
Campaigns                  Retailers push frequency   Drive periods              Individualized media: a    Always on
                                                                                 screen in every product
Single message             Consumer generated         Orchestrated message       Personalization of media   Customized message
                           content = more authors                                mix
Features & Benefits        Creativity ascends         Unique selling             Consumers seek             Offer help
                                                      proposition                solutions
National Brand             Mass-merchandise           National retail            Regional/Neighborhood      Local retail and brands
                           thrives                                               specialties have cachet
                                                                                 over homogenized retail
Brand leads marketing      Retail grows, brands       Channel’s lead             Wireless access =          Consumer leads
                           compete for space          marketing                  channel agnostic           marketing
Mass Media                 Media multiplies, then     Fragmented Media           On-demand devices:         Omnipresent media
                           divides audiences                                     Consumers choose
                                                                                 what, when, where
Build the Marketing Plan   Marketing menus cater      Buy the marketing          Consumers inundated        Curate the marketing
                           to retailers               components                 with information           message
The Four C’s of Better Marketing

  Now, marketers can maintain a voice                    1.   communiTY-build
  only if they embrace the new dynamic                   2.   curATe
  of consumer-led conversation. The best                 3.   cAPTiVATe
  approach? A four-step process:                         4.   cAregiVe

  This isn’t about directing the conversation,
  harnessing word of mouth, courting consumers           1. COMMUNITy BUILD
  of influence. (Well, maybe a little.) It’s about
  assessing the Brand’s role and establishing the     Take segmentation to the next level –
  Brand’s voice, in support of its core community.    construct user groups

  The good news is, there are strong Consumer         Find and align with the right user groups:
  assets to help you calibrate your Brand’s balance   Consumers who want and/or need your product;
  of voice to do better marketing:                    match your geography; share your brand and
                                                      corporate values. The exercise of pinpointing
  •	 Tech-adept	and	take-charge	consumers	that	       the common ground between your target
     serve as critics, amplifiers, scouts             consumers and your brand also helps clarify the
  •	 Many	media	to	engage	them,	all	highly	           brand essence.
     targeted, and most of it ‘free’                  How best to define your target? Demographics,
  •	 Consumer	appetite	for	information,	              geography, values, life stage, needs state? That
     conversation, connection                         depends on how you define your brand: Your
  •	 A	growing	openness	to	participate	in	            core meaning drives your connection point
     marketing overtures that genuinely benefit       and delineates your target. Segmentation is
     community                                        still important, but it’s only the first step in
  The hard news is, the paradigm shift to do
  better marketing requires a new philosophy and      Marketing	once	ran	top-down:	TV	reached	mass	
  framework.                                          audiences, pushed a message, dictated desire.
                                                      Today, marketing flows bottom-up: individuals
  The framework starts – and ends – with C.           drive brand reputation when they discover,
  And C. And C. And C.                                interact	with,	recommend	the	Brand.	Many	
                                                      individuals aggregate around shared values –
                                                      that, in turn, builds audience for the compatible

                                                      Today – and tomorrow – the best way to engage,
                                                      build and converse with the Brand community
                                                      is	local,	local,	local.	Marketers	that	are	tuned	
                                                      into individuals and their sense of community
                                                      with each other can find profitable common
                                                      ground with the community; have a real impact
The Four C’s of Better Marketing

  on shared values; and develop an authentic             AcTions To consider:
  voice within the community. With geographic
  communities, be local to the neighborhood.             •	 Segment: define the various constituents
  With virtual communities, be local to the most            who you care about (brand lovers, brand
  important shared interest.                                evangelists, brand haters, underdeveloped
                                                            etc), and determine where they ‘live’
  It’s the way to maintain a share of voice with         •	 Eavesdrop: Talk with these communities face
  consumers who tap the Decision Ecosystem –                to face, through qualitative and quantitative
  defined	by	McKinsey	as	“a	cloud	of	information	           research, to home in on their values
  from all sources, available anytime” – to choose
  brands and make purchases.                             •	 Refine: Examine which community values
                                                            intersect with your Brand’s, and build
                                                            marketing strategy on that foundation
                                                         •	 Recruit: Engage the most active and
     THe decision ecosYsTem                                 passionate members of the community to
     •	   Many	points	of	influence	--	referrals,	past	      shape and share the Brand’s voice/message
          experience, new news, specific solutions,      •	 Nurture: feed your communities; ask them for
          impulse                                           input an ideas; give them insider information;
     •	   Consumers	constantly	share	information	…	         treat	them	as	your	constituents.		Advocates	
          and	influence	others                              are made, not born.

     •	   Brands	can	create	a	ripple	effect	in	many	
          circles	of	influence:	reach	many	shoppers	
          in many directions, all at once
                                                            2. CURATe

  Think of it this way – segmentation is a noun;         Go beyond positioning and utilize all of your
  community-building is a verb. These days,              brand’s assets
  it’s better to think more about the verbs than
  the nouns.                                             Manage	all	the	brand’s	assets	–	generated	
                                                         by you and by others: social media but also
                                                         brand image, events, consumer reviews, PR,
                                                         partnerships, display and design, plus consumer-
                                                         generated mash ups, tributes and parodies.
                                                         Your brand may have rich history, bring some
                                                         of it back. Packaging. Patents. Famous users.
                                                         An	impressive	production	facility.		An	articulate	
                                                         CEO. Be thorough in tracking down all of the

                                                         Curators (from the Latin curare, “to care”) find
                                                         the best, most useful and compelling elements
                                                         and then makes connections between them –
                                                         organizing and presenting a collection in a way
                                                         that brings new understanding, new value to
                                                         their audience.
The Four C’s of Better Marketing

  It’s a museum-worthy, strategic approach that        And	remember,	your	brand	isn’t	a	product;	it’s	a	
  goes	beyond	“content	curation”	(an	exercise	in	      mission statement. There’s a lot to curate if you
  collecting, editing and repeating positive social    think in the broadest scope.
  media).		This	is	the	renaissance	of	“marcom”,	
  marketing	communications.		Marcom	used	to	           •	 P&G:	“Touching	lives,	improving	life.”
  be viewed as a staff or support role. But as         •	 WalMart:	“Save	people	money	so	they	can	
  the brand curators, the marcom team has an              live better.”
  important job in organizing the brand’s assets in
  order to bring new value to their audience.          •	 Nike:	“Bring	inspiration	and	innovation	to	
                                                          every athlete in the world.”
  Build the brand’s assets for the benefit of the      •	 Facebook:	“Give	people	the	power	to	
  community. Track, evaluate, and share useful            share and make the world more open and
  parts of the brand conversation with the wider          connected.”
  community. Help your audience save time;
                                                       •	 Starbucks:	“Inspire	and	nurture	the	human	
  provide context for your community; add value.
                                                          spirit - one person, one cup, and one
  Reinforce shared values with current consumers;
                                                          neighborhood at a time.”
  reach new users; build credibility of your brand’s
  voice; fortify brand equity.                         •	 McDonald’s:	“Be	our	customers’	favorite	place	
                                                          and way to eat.”

                                                       AcTions To consider:
     brAnd curATion                                    •	 Summarize: Capture your Brand’s mission
                                                          in a single, action-oriented statement. Let it
                                                          be the description of your brand’s ‘museum
                                                          exhibit’, and refer to it often to guide strategy
     •	   American	Express	OPEN	                          and execution.
     •	   Best	Buy	displays,	ads,	partnerships         •	 Enlist	advocates:	Within your organization,
     •	   Penzey’s	Spices	catalog	with	                   and your community. Sadly, over two-thirds
          customer recipes                                of employees either do not understand or
                                                          are	not	committed	to	their	brand	(CMAT	
     •	   Domino’s	Makeover
                                                          Study). In consumer-led marketing, it’s
                                                          crucial that everyone affiliated with the
  Sometimes Curators do best by admitting                 Brand can respond quickly, intelligently and
  they’re	wrong.	Remember	Domino’s	Makeover?	             wholeheartedly to consumers. Take the time
  Domino’s admitted its pizza tasted bad, changed         to teach the Brand mission internally
  the recipe … and asked consumers to weigh in.        •	 Centralize	assets:	Maintain	an	up-to-date	
  Same-store sales rose 14% in the first quarter.         database of all Brand assets generated by
  Forgiveness is a great way to build community           you and others. Think of it as a stylebook on
  because it’s a sign of an authentic relationship.       steroids
  Domino’s advanced the conversation through
  its	community:	It	recruited	“Taste	Bud	Bounty	
  Hunters,” who wrote up a list of friends that
  hadn’t yet tried the new pizza; the one to
  convert	the	most	“taste	buds”	earned	a	year’s	
  worth of pizza. Domino’s ran radio ads and
  airplane	banners	personalized	by	name:	“John	
  Anderson,	try	Domino’s	new	pizza.”
The Four C’s of Better Marketing


  Move	beyond	‘activation’	and	really	offer	            What you want is content that pulls people in,
  irresistibility                                       that appeals to your communities in the most
                                                        relevant way, delivered with resonance. Pull your
  Grab	your	community.	Be	insightful	and	               communities in rather than pushing your brand
  authentic in communicating with members.              out.
  Provide relevance and value: information,
  experiences, entertainment, connections with          One way to pull people in and be captivating
  like-minded others, opportunities to engage           is	through	a	compelling	brand	storyline.	A	
  deeper in the community. be A cATAlYsT.               brand story creates the scope of what your
                                                        Brand stands for, and dictates why the brand is
  Consider	Stouffer’s	“Let’s	Fix	Dinner”	campaign.	     captivating:
  The Nestle brand promotes family dinner as a
  way to help kids navigate the hazards of growing
  up – bullying, drugs, eating disorders. The
                                                           besT brAnd sTories
  strategy is based on research that shows that
  kids in families that routinely eat dinner together      •	   Wonder: National Geographic, Kodak
  are less likely to drink, smoke or use drugs.            •	   Exploration: Avatar, IBM, Lego

                                                           •	   Love: see Kevin Robert’s book, Lovemarks
  The marketplace is right: In a poor economy,
  consumers eat at home more, and busy families            •	   Redemption: Chrysler (“Imported from
  are likely to buy more frozen food. But the                   Detroit”)
  community mood is right, too: Parents want to
                                                           •	   The Struggle for Freedom: MTV, Nike
  raise healthy, confident kids, and bonding over
  dinner is an easy step.                                  •	   Control: American Express, Verizon, eBay

                                                           •	   Heroism: US Army, Playstation
  The campaign launched with a challenge to
                                                           •	   Rebellion Against Authority: Harley-
  families: Let’s serve 1 million meals at the family
                                                                Davidson, Mountain Dew
  table. Stouffer’s partnered with the National
  Center	on	Addiction	and	Substance	Abuse	                 •	   Joy/Happiness: Coca Cola
  (CASA)	at	Columbia	University;	created	a	                •	   Justice: The Innocence Project
  Website with activities, conversation-starters,
                                                           •	   Caring/Giving: State Farm, Johnson
  family activities; recruited 15 leading mommy
                                                                & Johnson
  bloggers for a roundtable panel to tackle the
  barriers on families eating together. Stouffer’s         •	   Awakening: GE Ecomagination
  Dinner Club, a points program, lets members              •	   Trust: Michelin
  redeem	points	for	family-friendly	goodies	(DVDs,	
                                                           •	   Fulfillment: Gillette’s ‘The Best a Man Can
  song downloads, movie tickets, photos, lunch
                                                                Get’, Mercedes
  bags) or donate points to Habitat for Humanity.
  “We	are	passionate	about	promoting	the	                  •	   The Real Truth: Dove
  power of the dinner table to create short- and           •	   Friendship: Budweiser, M&M’s, Starbucks
  long-term benefits for families,” said Stouffer’s
                                                           •	   Discovery: Trader Joe’s
  marketing director Brett White.
The Four C’s of Better Marketing

  AcTions To consider:
                                                          4. CAReGIVe
  •	 Craft your story: write a screenplay for your
     brand, beyond the positioning. Develop the        To paraphrase, ‘Ask not what your target
     storyline, the plot, the players.                 audience can do for you, but what you can do
  •	 Translate intention into action: Execute the      for your communities”
     Brand storyline in the marketplace – at retail,
     at home, in public gathering places (online       Pay attention to your communities. Be helpful,
     and	off).	Give	your	audience	a	platform	to	act	   be active and involved, know what’s going on;
     on their intentions for the community, too        know	what	matters.	Know	what	resonates	with	
                                                       members of your community. Be responsive.
  •	 Provide experiences: Local events bring like-
                                                       Be in on the values; be in on the jokes. Offer a
     minded individuals together, with the Brand
                                                       hand, a suggestion, a friendly tip.
     as host
  •	 Translate activation into captivation: look       Look	at	Jamba	Juice,	the	leader	in	the	
     at your marketing plan and eliminate all          multimillion-dollar fruit smoothie business.
     elements and activities that are not truly        Jamba	suddenly	found	itself	pitted	against	
     captivating to your communities. Or, take all     McDonald’s	with	its	big-ticket	launch	of	McCafe	
     of the activation elements and upgrade them       smoothies.	What	does	David	do	when	Goliath	
     to be captivating.                                sets up a smoothie blender?
  •	 Act, evaluate, repeat:	Get	candid	feedback,	
     take it to heart, and get back out there with a   Jamba	couldn’t	match	McDonald’s	ad	budget.	Its	
     responsive, authentic voice                       message had to build its own momentum.
                                                       So	Jamba	produced	an	ad	parody	so	hilariously	
                                                       sarcastic that folks just had to pass it on.
                                                       Cheeseburger Chill seemed as real as any SNL
                                                       commercial. Were cheeseburger smoothies for
                                                       real?	Viewers	went	to	
                                                       to	find	out	and	got	coupons	for	real	Jamba	
                                                       smoothies.	Viral	seeding,	Facebook,	search	
                                                       marketing, Twitter, blogger outreach and e-mail
                                                       blasts spread the word.

                                                       People	loved	being	in	on	the	joke.		Jamba’s	
                                                       viral video popped up everywhere, picking
                                                       up $11 million in free media, nearly half a
                                                       million viewers, and 807,000 Facebook fans.
                                                       Franchisees	loved	it.	Jamba	reinforced	its	own	
                                                       healthy lifestyle positioning (and its sense of
                                                       humor),	and	kept	sales	steady	as	Goliath	
                                                       came in.
The Four C’s of Better Marketing

  Look at Zappos – a company that really cares.           AcTions To consider:
  And	Amazon	–	they	go	out	of	their	way	to	be	
  helpful.		Yes,	this	is	customer	service.		And	it’s	     •	 Ask: What does your community want to
  also the best kind of marketing. Because it’s              accomplish, and how can your Brand help?
  helpful.		As	mentioned	earlier,	don’t	push	your	
                                                          •	 Stick around:	Authentic	commitment	wins	
  brand, pull your community.
                                                             respect.	Aim	for	mutual	loyalty	

  This isn’t altruism, because being altruistic raises    •	 Surprise people: When you know your
  suspicions and raises questions about motive               audience well, you can give them what they
  and sincerity. But it isn’t brand selfishness either,      want before they know they want it
  trying to push messages and transactions. It’s
  really enlightened self-interest: When the brand
  does the right thing, people take note and
  are	more	likely	to	be	loyal.		And,	it’s	just	good	

  Everything is rated these days, and everyone is
  a rater. The world is Zagat-ized. Where do you
  want your brand to be ranked?Pepsi Refresh is
  working	hard	on	this.	So	is	Liberty	Mutual	and	
  its	“Responsibility	Project,”	and	U.S.	Cellular	
  and	its	“Belief	Project.”		These	aren’t	just	cause-
  marketing efforts; they go deeper into the brand
  ethos, and show that the company really is trying
  to be helpful and supportive of its community.

It’s the role of marketing now to take cues from consumers. Do it well, and don’t
apologize	for	it.	Being	“responsive”	doesn’t	mean	playing	defense	–	it	means	being	
ready, anytime, with the information, offers, and action that consumers seek. Build
communities. Curate your brand’s assets. Captivate them with relevance. Care
about them and help them.

You cAn do beTTer THAn segmenTATion...
go For communiTY building

do beTTer THAn PosiTioning...curATe

do beTTer THAn AcTiVATion...cAPTiVATe

do beTTer THAn being A A cAregiVer

I welcome your thoughts and ideas and questions, anytime, in any of the multiplicity
of communication vehicles!

Jim	Holbrook

twitter: @jimholbrook
linkedin: Jim Holbrook
slideshare: jimholbrook
facebook: Jim Holbrook

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You Can Do Better Marketing - the Four C's

  • 1. The Four C’s of Better Marketing It is likely that you feel control of your brand Are You HeAring Voices? slipping through your fingers. Every shelf-set, event, media story, CGC contest – every Like, In the digital age, marketing is a multi-player blog post, Tweet, review, thumbs up (or down) conversation between Brand, Consumers, shapes it. Gap’s logo. Pampers’ “chemical Retailers, Critics and Friends. Digital media burn” crisis. Kevin Smith’s Twitter tirade against has rewired consumer habits – in shopping, Southwest Airlines. Dave Carroll’s YouTube guitar socializing, and media consumption – three song against United Airlines. The Motrin Moms. arenas essential to better marketing. It shifts the balance of voice in marketing conversations. Your brand is dynamic, open-sourced. (So is your company, like it or not.) Yours is one Control of the conversation started with Brands voice among many. Your grip has slipped. Not in the days of mass media; shifted to Retailers to worry; it’s normal to feel anxious in times of with shopper marketing . . . and now rests in change. Maybe it’ll pass, like indigestion. the hands of Consumers, who control when, how and where they engage with marketing But you are worried. You’re still accountable, messages. even though so much is out of your hands. How can you give up control of your brand without Take a look at all of the shifts that have taken abandoning your business? How can you lead place and are taking place in marketing today Âť your brand and business, guide it in the right direction, but not have absolute authority? How can you do better marketing? Marketing: Then, Now...and Next PAsT What’s changed: PresenT What’s changing FuTure next: Reach Media clutter + product Chase On-demand media Be accessible proliferation Promotion Focus on short-term Discounts Consumers seek Recommendations sales credibility Campaigns Retailers push frequency Drive periods Individualized media: a Always on screen in every product Single message Consumer generated Orchestrated message Personalization of media Customized message content = more authors mix Features & Benefits Creativity ascends Unique selling Consumers seek Offer help proposition solutions National Brand Mass-merchandise National retail Regional/Neighborhood Local retail and brands thrives specialties have cachet over homogenized retail Brand leads marketing Retail grows, brands Channel’s lead Wireless access = Consumer leads compete for space marketing channel agnostic marketing shoppers Mass Media Media multiplies, then Fragmented Media On-demand devices: Omnipresent media divides audiences Consumers choose what, when, where Build the Marketing Plan Marketing menus cater Buy the marketing Consumers inundated Curate the marketing to retailers components with information message
  • 2. The Four C’s of Better Marketing Now, marketers can maintain a voice 1. communiTY-build only if they embrace the new dynamic 2. curATe of consumer-led conversation. The best 3. cAPTiVATe approach? A four-step process: 4. cAregiVe This isn’t about directing the conversation, harnessing word of mouth, courting consumers 1. COMMUNITy BUILD of influence. (Well, maybe a little.) It’s about assessing the Brand’s role and establishing the Take segmentation to the next level – Brand’s voice, in support of its core community. construct user groups The good news is, there are strong Consumer Find and align with the right user groups: assets to help you calibrate your Brand’s balance Consumers who want and/or need your product; of voice to do better marketing: match your geography; share your brand and corporate values. The exercise of pinpointing • Tech-adept and take-charge consumers that the common ground between your target serve as critics, amplifiers, scouts consumers and your brand also helps clarify the • Many media to engage them, all highly brand essence. targeted, and most of it ‘free’ How best to define your target? Demographics, • Consumer appetite for information, geography, values, life stage, needs state? That conversation, connection depends on how you define your brand: Your • A growing openness to participate in core meaning drives your connection point marketing overtures that genuinely benefit and delineates your target. Segmentation is community still important, but it’s only the first step in community-building. The hard news is, the paradigm shift to do better marketing requires a new philosophy and Marketing once ran top-down: TV reached mass framework. audiences, pushed a message, dictated desire. Today, marketing flows bottom-up: individuals The framework starts – and ends – with C. drive brand reputation when they discover, And C. And C. And C. interact with, recommend the Brand. Many individuals aggregate around shared values – that, in turn, builds audience for the compatible Brand. Today – and tomorrow – the best way to engage, build and converse with the Brand community is local, local, local. Marketers that are tuned into individuals and their sense of community with each other can find profitable common ground with the community; have a real impact
  • 3. The Four C’s of Better Marketing on shared values; and develop an authentic AcTions To consider: voice within the community. With geographic communities, be local to the neighborhood. • Segment: define the various constituents With virtual communities, be local to the most who you care about (brand lovers, brand important shared interest. evangelists, brand haters, underdeveloped etc), and determine where they ‘live’ It’s the way to maintain a share of voice with • Eavesdrop: Talk with these communities face consumers who tap the Decision Ecosystem – to face, through qualitative and quantitative defined by McKinsey as “a cloud of information research, to home in on their values from all sources, available anytime” – to choose brands and make purchases. • Refine: Examine which community values intersect with your Brand’s, and build marketing strategy on that foundation • Recruit: Engage the most active and THe decision ecosYsTem passionate members of the community to • Many points of influence -- referrals, past shape and share the Brand’s voice/message experience, new news, specific solutions, • Nurture: feed your communities; ask them for impulse input an ideas; give them insider information; • Consumers constantly share information … treat them as your constituents. Advocates and influence others are made, not born. • Brands can create a ripple effect in many circles of influence: reach many shoppers in many directions, all at once 2. CURATe Think of it this way – segmentation is a noun; Go beyond positioning and utilize all of your community-building is a verb. These days, brand’s assets it’s better to think more about the verbs than the nouns. Manage all the brand’s assets – generated by you and by others: social media but also brand image, events, consumer reviews, PR, partnerships, display and design, plus consumer- generated mash ups, tributes and parodies. Your brand may have rich history, bring some of it back. Packaging. Patents. Famous users. An impressive production facility. An articulate CEO. Be thorough in tracking down all of the assets. Curators (from the Latin curare, “to care”) find the best, most useful and compelling elements and then makes connections between them – organizing and presenting a collection in a way that brings new understanding, new value to their audience.
  • 4. The Four C’s of Better Marketing It’s a museum-worthy, strategic approach that And remember, your brand isn’t a product; it’s a goes beyond “content curation” (an exercise in mission statement. There’s a lot to curate if you collecting, editing and repeating positive social think in the broadest scope. media). This is the renaissance of “marcom”, marketing communications. Marcom used to • P&G: “Touching lives, improving life.” be viewed as a staff or support role. But as • WalMart: “Save people money so they can the brand curators, the marcom team has an live better.” important job in organizing the brand’s assets in order to bring new value to their audience. • Nike: “Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.” Build the brand’s assets for the benefit of the • Facebook: “Give people the power to community. Track, evaluate, and share useful share and make the world more open and parts of the brand conversation with the wider connected.” community. Help your audience save time; • Starbucks: “Inspire and nurture the human provide context for your community; add value. spirit - one person, one cup, and one Reinforce shared values with current consumers; neighborhood at a time.” reach new users; build credibility of your brand’s voice; fortify brand equity. • McDonald’s: “Be our customers’ favorite place and way to eat.” AcTions To consider: museum-QuAliTY brAnd curATion • Summarize: Capture your Brand’s mission in a single, action-oriented statement. Let it • be the description of your brand’s ‘museum • exhibit’, and refer to it often to guide strategy • American Express OPEN and execution. • Best Buy displays, ads, partnerships • Enlist advocates: Within your organization, • Penzey’s Spices catalog with and your community. Sadly, over two-thirds customer recipes of employees either do not understand or are not committed to their brand (CMAT • Domino’s Makeover Study). In consumer-led marketing, it’s crucial that everyone affiliated with the Sometimes Curators do best by admitting Brand can respond quickly, intelligently and they’re wrong. Remember Domino’s Makeover? wholeheartedly to consumers. Take the time Domino’s admitted its pizza tasted bad, changed to teach the Brand mission internally the recipe … and asked consumers to weigh in. • Centralize assets: Maintain an up-to-date Same-store sales rose 14% in the first quarter. database of all Brand assets generated by Forgiveness is a great way to build community you and others. Think of it as a stylebook on because it’s a sign of an authentic relationship. steroids Domino’s advanced the conversation through its community: It recruited “Taste Bud Bounty Hunters,” who wrote up a list of friends that hadn’t yet tried the new pizza; the one to convert the most “taste buds” earned a year’s worth of pizza. Domino’s ran radio ads and airplane banners personalized by name: “John Anderson, try Domino’s new pizza.”
  • 5. The Four C’s of Better Marketing 3. CAPTIVATe Move beyond ‘activation’ and really offer What you want is content that pulls people in, irresistibility that appeals to your communities in the most relevant way, delivered with resonance. Pull your Grab your community. Be insightful and communities in rather than pushing your brand authentic in communicating with members. out. Provide relevance and value: information, experiences, entertainment, connections with One way to pull people in and be captivating like-minded others, opportunities to engage is through a compelling brand storyline. A deeper in the community. be A cATAlYsT. brand story creates the scope of what your Brand stands for, and dictates why the brand is Consider Stouffer’s “Let’s Fix Dinner” campaign. captivating: The Nestle brand promotes family dinner as a way to help kids navigate the hazards of growing up – bullying, drugs, eating disorders. The besT brAnd sTories strategy is based on research that shows that kids in families that routinely eat dinner together • Wonder: National Geographic, Kodak are less likely to drink, smoke or use drugs. • Exploration: Avatar, IBM, Lego • Love: see Kevin Robert’s book, Lovemarks The marketplace is right: In a poor economy, consumers eat at home more, and busy families • Redemption: Chrysler (“Imported from are likely to buy more frozen food. But the Detroit”) community mood is right, too: Parents want to • The Struggle for Freedom: MTV, Nike raise healthy, confident kids, and bonding over dinner is an easy step. • Control: American Express, Verizon, eBay • Heroism: US Army, Playstation The campaign launched with a challenge to • Rebellion Against Authority: Harley- families: Let’s serve 1 million meals at the family Davidson, Mountain Dew table. Stouffer’s partnered with the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse • Joy/Happiness: Coca Cola (CASA) at Columbia University; created a • Justice: The Innocence Project Website with activities, conversation-starters, • Caring/Giving: State Farm, Johnson family activities; recruited 15 leading mommy & Johnson bloggers for a roundtable panel to tackle the barriers on families eating together. Stouffer’s • Awakening: GE Ecomagination Dinner Club, a points program, lets members • Trust: Michelin redeem points for family-friendly goodies (DVDs, • Fulfillment: Gillette’s ‘The Best a Man Can song downloads, movie tickets, photos, lunch Get’, Mercedes bags) or donate points to Habitat for Humanity. “We are passionate about promoting the • The Real Truth: Dove power of the dinner table to create short- and • Friendship: Budweiser, M&M’s, Starbucks long-term benefits for families,” said Stouffer’s • Discovery: Trader Joe’s marketing director Brett White.
  • 6. The Four C’s of Better Marketing AcTions To consider: 4. CAReGIVe • Craft your story: write a screenplay for your brand, beyond the positioning. Develop the To paraphrase, ‘Ask not what your target storyline, the plot, the players. audience can do for you, but what you can do • Translate intention into action: Execute the for your communities” Brand storyline in the marketplace – at retail, at home, in public gathering places (online Pay attention to your communities. Be helpful, and off). Give your audience a platform to act be active and involved, know what’s going on; on their intentions for the community, too know what matters. Know what resonates with members of your community. Be responsive. • Provide experiences: Local events bring like- Be in on the values; be in on the jokes. Offer a minded individuals together, with the Brand hand, a suggestion, a friendly tip. as host • Translate activation into captivation: look Look at Jamba Juice, the leader in the at your marketing plan and eliminate all multimillion-dollar fruit smoothie business. elements and activities that are not truly Jamba suddenly found itself pitted against captivating to your communities. Or, take all McDonald’s with its big-ticket launch of McCafe of the activation elements and upgrade them smoothies. What does David do when Goliath to be captivating. sets up a smoothie blender? • Act, evaluate, repeat: Get candid feedback, take it to heart, and get back out there with a Jamba couldn’t match McDonald’s ad budget. Its responsive, authentic voice message had to build its own momentum. So Jamba produced an ad parody so hilariously sarcastic that folks just had to pass it on. Cheeseburger Chill seemed as real as any SNL commercial. Were cheeseburger smoothies for real? Viewers went to to find out and got coupons for real Jamba smoothies. Viral seeding, Facebook, search marketing, Twitter, blogger outreach and e-mail blasts spread the word. People loved being in on the joke. Jamba’s viral video popped up everywhere, picking up $11 million in free media, nearly half a million viewers, and 807,000 Facebook fans. Franchisees loved it. Jamba reinforced its own healthy lifestyle positioning (and its sense of humor), and kept sales steady as Goliath came in.
  • 7. The Four C’s of Better Marketing Look at Zappos – a company that really cares. AcTions To consider: And Amazon – they go out of their way to be helpful. Yes, this is customer service. And it’s • Ask: What does your community want to also the best kind of marketing. Because it’s accomplish, and how can your Brand help? helpful. As mentioned earlier, don’t push your • Stick around: Authentic commitment wins brand, pull your community. respect. Aim for mutual loyalty This isn’t altruism, because being altruistic raises • Surprise people: When you know your suspicions and raises questions about motive audience well, you can give them what they and sincerity. But it isn’t brand selfishness either, want before they know they want it trying to push messages and transactions. It’s really enlightened self-interest: When the brand does the right thing, people take note and are more likely to be loyal. And, it’s just good business. Everything is rated these days, and everyone is a rater. The world is Zagat-ized. Where do you want your brand to be ranked?Pepsi Refresh is working hard on this. So is Liberty Mutual and its “Responsibility Project,” and U.S. Cellular and its “Belief Project.” These aren’t just cause- marketing efforts; they go deeper into the brand ethos, and show that the company really is trying to be helpful and supportive of its community.
  • 8. CONCLUSION It’s the role of marketing now to take cues from consumers. Do it well, and don’t apologize for it. Being “responsive” doesn’t mean playing defense – it means being ready, anytime, with the information, offers, and action that consumers seek. Build communities. Curate your brand’s assets. Captivate them with relevance. Care about them and help them. You cAn do beTTer THAn segmenTATion... go For communiTY building do beTTer THAn PosiTioning...curATe do beTTer THAn AcTiVATion...cAPTiVATe do beTTer THAn being A A cAregiVer I welcome your thoughts and ideas and questions, anytime, in any of the multiplicity of communication vehicles! Jim Holbrook twitter: @jimholbrook linkedin: Jim Holbrook slideshare: jimholbrook facebook: Jim Holbrook