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2010 Outlook:
                     Doom and Gloom for DTC?

                                                                    10 Points for Winning
                                                                        with Patients

Now is the time to re-think about DTC marketing in the 21st Century.With all of the new ways to engage
with patients, the author suggests 10 prescriptions to help marketers improve their DTC efforts in 2010.
                                                   BY   ELLEN HOENIG-CARLSON

                                                                    plish a fresh face to patients, it’s essential that all touches and

         espite many gloomy predictions for DTC advertising
         and the pharma industry overall, there’s never been a      voices be consistent, aligned and integrated across media-savvy
         better time for marketers to forward their brands and      segments.
consumers’ lives with new thinking about patient marketing in           Competitive advantage awaits those who approach DTC 21
the 21st Century (DTC 21). Ten prescriptions can improve focus      as an integrated totality of all touches and interactions, based
and strengthen DTC efforts in 2010. Important media and             on a brand’s strategic core. It’s a powerful discipline, and critical
                                                                    for pharma to attract, engage and bring value to patients and
technology trends are also “musts” to actively consider for those
                                                                    families. As such, DTC 21 spans all consumer touches – from
who want to bump impact and value. [See related sidebars.]
                                                                    TV and Web advertising to social media, to designing an inno-

      Adopt an updated definition of DTCxxx                         vative game for pro-active health. Even for small brands not
        Consider the full picture of how patients and their fam-    contemplating traditional TV / print DTC, creating a clearly
        ilies will interpret and interact with your brand TODAY.    differentiated creative platform for consumer communication
This calls for attention beyond “big bang” marketing spends,        and engagement is a must.

and begs for identifying meaningful levers to drive education              Embrace the “long tail”                   xxxxxxxxxxxx
and growth. DTC is no longer just an awareness or acquisition              Web and social media are perfect for chasing and inter-
vehicle to move “eyeballs” through a linear marketing funnel;              acting with smaller / niche targets that were invisible
it’s every influencer and touch needed to bring new informa-        years ago. Long tail marketing treats consumers as individuals
tion, convert, instill loyalty and inspire advocacy. To accom-      with unique interests and needs.

14 | DTC Perspectives • December 2009

                                                                      consumers to your Web site for continued dialogue and learn-

       Go where your consumers arexxxxxxxxx
        Surround them where they go to learn, socialize and           ing. Additionally, for many pharma brands, the time has come
        engage. Today’s consumer is busy as ever, multi-tasking       for Web media and search to act as the media hub, with other
more than ever, and not looking for marketing messages. Study         media vehicles driving to the Web, and working to make the
                                                                      Internet platforms more efficient.
after study points to both the growth of the Internet, and the
fact that consumers get health information from multiple
sources. Depending on your target, this suggests a mix of rele-           TV is by no means dead, and should be
vant touches and begs for the right combination of traditional           considered if it fulfills brand objectives and
and new media – increasing amounts of Web, adoption of social              makes sense for the target, message and
media to encourage dialogue and community, new mobile
applications, video and games for health. This also means lever-
                                                                            experience the brand wants to create.
aging the unique potential of each emerging media environ-
                                                                          The best media plans use multiple media to synergistically
ment as an engagement vehicle.                                        drive and reinforce each other. Additionally, platforms like
    TV is by no means dead, and should be considered if it fulfills   Twitter offer opportunities for face-to-face “tweet-ups,”
brand objectives and makes sense for the target, message and          mobile brings opportunities for texting, real-time search, gam-
experience the brand wants to create. When TV is called for,          ing and geo tracking. Pilot ideas…try new stuff. Leaders won’t
execute with more entertainment, engagement and response.             wait for the FDA to draft regulations for social media. Move
Brainstorm ways to use new interactive technologies to drive          forward, dip-your-toes, look toward balancing benefits and
                                                                      risks, and what adds genuine value for your brand and target
  10 Prescriptions for DTC Efforts

                                                                             Consumers are less open to being soldxxxx
  in 2010                                                                     It may feel like this will result in a slower “sale,” but in
                                                                              today’s market, engaging with meaning may actually
   1. Adopt an updated definition for DTC that considers
                                                                      result in greater sales and deeper loyalty. Look for new ways to
      the full picture of how consumers will interpret and
                                                                      extend patient value, support and a more positive experience
      interact with a brand TODAY.                                    along each and every touch point. A closer look at the use of
   2. Consider “long-tail” marketing; don’t be afraid to              personas along with behavioral segmentation may help to
      focus on smaller targets that matter.                           improve the patient experience across Web platforms. Consider
   3. Go to your consumer – surround them where they                  a mix of branded and unbranded dialogue. Further, avoid tak-
      get their facts, learn, and socialize.                          ing consumers from a dynamic social experience to a static
   4. Move beyond selling to engaging and providing                   Web page; ensure Web site content is as dynamic as the initial
      meaningful marketing.                                           contact. If the consumer is searching for a particular topic, pro-
   5. Walk and talk “patient-centered” – consumers are                vide a seamless transition – give them what they’re looking for
      finely tuned to what’s valuable and authentic.                  and not just your “brand sell.”
   6. Keep your brand’s strategic core strong and grounded,              Engagement requires looking at each patient as a unique
      despite the onslaught of messages and tactics, and the          human being who, by the way, would “rather not be your cus-
      speed with which they require action.                           tomer.” (After all, who wants to have a chronic condition and
                                                                      take medication for the rest of their life, whether it be your
   7. Insist on elegant solutions that do more with less.
                                                                      brand or a competitors?) Think hard how you might provide
      Smaller budgets don’t negate innovation and may have
                                                                      relevant value real-time, every time. This is what it takes to
      just the opposite effect in spurring new thinking.
                                                                      encourage patients and their families to help build your brand,
   8. Don’t overlook the details. While they may seem small           become trusted loyalists and advocate on your behalf: Patient
      and trivial, find out which are important to patients           Sell vs. Brand Sell; Meaningful Marketing vs. “Tell and Sell”
      and their families.                                             Advertising.
   9. Refresh brand metrics and measurement to drive cur-                To improve brand engagement, 6 C’s are crucial: 1) Con-
      rent brand objectives and initiatives.                          tent that is based on meaningful insights and provides impor-
   10. Listen with vigilance, and act on learning across the          tant context; 2) Customization via new ways to personalize
        organization.                                                 treatment, process or support; 3) Conversation is encouraged
                                                                      for better service, learning and sharing; 4) Confidence is built

                                                                                                 DTC Perspectives • December 2009 | 15

     2010 Media, Social Platforms and Technology Trends – Questions to Ask

    1. Internet growth is not new, but does your consumer budget match the Web’s growing consumption as a source for
       healthcare information gathering, engagement and community?
       • Take advantage of a mix of media and messaging to “surround consumer.”
    2. Is organic and paid search optimized? Are you using “smart advertising” that incorporates behavioral insights? Is a plan
       in place to address Google Sidewikis?
    3. Are you tapping into the growth of Web for entertainment? People are increasingly watching TV on the Internet via
       YouTube and Hulu.
    4. Is a social media strategy in place that fits with current customer habits? Top platforms to consider: Viral Video, Face-
       book, MySpace, Twitter, blogs – branded and unbranded, company and brand / condition specific. Keep it social, target-
       ed and consider events-based marketing.
       • Online video is now an important way that U.S. consumers research healthcare and medications. YouTube ranks sec-
         ond in overall search volume. Ideally, content and creative should be designed for video and not just re-cut from
         existing creative elements. Tell a story, but don’t exceed two or three minutes. Maximize video placement beyond
         YouTube, including site.
       • Facebook now has 300MM active users. Twitter offers different expectations.
    5. How are you leveraging mobile’s tremendous opportunity for real-time, 24/7 communication and engagement? Text
       sells, apps amplify and use of quick response (QR) codes can simplify.
       • 60% of all mobile subscribers between the ages of 30-49 are text messaging.
       • Not only are smart phones growing exponentially among physicians, they’re also growing among consumers.
       • Apple has already sold 2 billion iPhone apps; 82% of iPhone users download at least 6 apps.
    6. Games for health?
       • Video games are not just for teen boys; the average gamer is 41 years old. Women are the fastest growing segment.
         Current largest game segments in health: exercise, brain exercise, condition education, advergames, training and simu-
       • Increasingly, games for health are showing hard results around health improvement.
    7. Augmented reality? Use it to entertain, educate and engage.
    8. Real-time listening in place? Or a panel established for on-going market research and learning, for example Communi-

with trust and transparency; 5) Community Connectedness

                                                                            Keep each brand’s strategic core strongxxx
– directly or indirectly – create your own, or better yet, tap into          Not easy to do with the barrage of messages and Web
an existing one; and 6) Consistent Commitment is demon-                      and social media tactics coming our way. A strong core
strated to your customer base – no one shot deals here.
                                                                      requires a compelling and relevant brand promise that focuses

       Consumer power is a fact of lifexxxxxxxxxx                     every strategy and tactic so they’re synergistic and supportive.
       Winning brands will “walk and talk” patient-centered           While it’s often challenging to stay centered, the payoff is stay-
       marketing. Pharma has no choice but to be patient-dri-         ing on message by protecting the brand from chasing every
ven; consumers are not going to be fooled. This means putting         new, cool digital and new media tactic being marketed.
the consumer in the center of decision making from the begin-

ning of development and commercialization to the end. It                    We live in a ‘less is more’ worldxxxxxxxxxx
means asking one simple question during decision making –                    Think about how to bring maximum benefit with the
over and over: Will this bring meaningful value to our patients?             least amount of energy. Do you have a “stop doing” list?
Importantly, DTC 21 must also encourage more patient                  If your budget is smaller than last year, don’t give up – innova-
responsibility and participation, and work to improve patient /       tion doesn’t require big bucks – in fact, tough constraints often
physician dialogue and care.                                          spur innovation.

16 | DTC Perspectives • December 2009

      Don’t short change the detailsxxxxxxxxxxx
        Little things can and do matter. It’s a marketer’s job to
                                                                                                                   If your budget is smaller than last year,
        discover which ones mean a lot to patients and their                                                     don’t give up – innovation doesn’t require
families, and to insure perfect execution. This is the way to help                                               big bucks – in fact, tough constraints often
instill better ROI for each program and higher customer loyal-                                                                spur innovation.
ty and advocacy. Invest in thinking about how to make nifty
new tactics and tried and true services really work well in the                                              done about it? Be sure even-better listening is part of your 2010
marketplace.                                                                                                 plan. Hiring the social media service with the most bells and
                                                                                                             whistles isn’t good enough. Make sure everyone on your team

      Define new ROI metricsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Think beyond traditional reach and frequency measures;                                               regularly takes the time to actively listen to customers and
        refresh metrics and measures to best match current                                                   think about how to turn listening and learning to action. Most
brand goals and objectives. Ensure a flow of metrics from                                                    important, listening and what you do with your learning is the
beginning to end of the patient “buying process” so there is                                                 responsibility of the entire organization, from marketing to PR,
active learning along each step. Monitor brand influencers, and                                              customer service, sales, or clinical development. Be sure that
devise new ways of measuring engagement and loyalty. Social                                                  each “tweet” or blog learning gets mapped back to an “owner”
media is not an excuse to walk away from ROI measurement.                                                    in the organization, where they can evaluate whether the feed-
Consider pre- and post-measurements for harder to measure                                                    back is consistent or not with prior learning. DTC
efforts. Remember too, delivering significant value in a differ-
entiated and unique way helps drive greater WOM and ROI                                                      Ellen Hoenig-Carlson is founder of AdvanceMarketWoRx, a con-
overall.                                                                                                     sulting firm known for powering consumer and healthcare brand
                                                                                                             growth, through traditional and non-traditional marketing, leveraging

            Excel at ‘active listening’xxxxxxxxxxxx                                                          critical customer interpretations and insights at key points. She can be
            Be the best listeners in your category. Ask yourself,                                            reached at her blog, twitter
            what have we heard this past year and what have we                                      or telephone at (609) 333-0549.

                     The Source For
                                      DTC Leader
                                                                                                Advertise in DTC Perspectives Magazine

                                                    September 200
                                                                 9                                 Targeted Reach The only industry trade
                    Vol. 8, No. 3
                                                                                                   publication focused solely on DTC Marketing
                                                                 How to Mar
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                                                                                                   Cost Effective Pay significantly less than with other
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                                                                     A Primer for
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                                                                                                   journals and reach over 2,000 pharma marketers out of a
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                                                                                                   total circulation of 6,800 industry pros
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                                                                                                   Engaged Readers Premium content delivers
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    For more information please contact Stacey Hagenbush,, 973-377-2106 x225

                                   Value-added packages available for 4 time advertisers.
             Opportunity for integrated presence through DTC Perspectives and the DTC National Conference

18 | DTC Perspectives • December 2009

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2010 Outlook: Doom and Gloom for DTC? 10 Points for Winning with Patients

  • 1. 2010 Outlook: Doom and Gloom for DTC? 10 Points for Winning with Patients Now is the time to re-think about DTC marketing in the 21st Century.With all of the new ways to engage with patients, the author suggests 10 prescriptions to help marketers improve their DTC efforts in 2010. BY ELLEN HOENIG-CARLSON plish a fresh face to patients, it’s essential that all touches and D espite many gloomy predictions for DTC advertising and the pharma industry overall, there’s never been a voices be consistent, aligned and integrated across media-savvy better time for marketers to forward their brands and segments. consumers’ lives with new thinking about patient marketing in Competitive advantage awaits those who approach DTC 21 the 21st Century (DTC 21). Ten prescriptions can improve focus as an integrated totality of all touches and interactions, based and strengthen DTC efforts in 2010. Important media and on a brand’s strategic core. It’s a powerful discipline, and critical for pharma to attract, engage and bring value to patients and technology trends are also “musts” to actively consider for those families. As such, DTC 21 spans all consumer touches – from who want to bump impact and value. [See related sidebars.] TV and Web advertising to social media, to designing an inno- 1 Adopt an updated definition of DTCxxx vative game for pro-active health. Even for small brands not Consider the full picture of how patients and their fam- contemplating traditional TV / print DTC, creating a clearly ilies will interpret and interact with your brand TODAY. differentiated creative platform for consumer communication This calls for attention beyond “big bang” marketing spends, and engagement is a must. 2 and begs for identifying meaningful levers to drive education Embrace the “long tail” xxxxxxxxxxxx and growth. DTC is no longer just an awareness or acquisition Web and social media are perfect for chasing and inter- vehicle to move “eyeballs” through a linear marketing funnel; acting with smaller / niche targets that were invisible it’s every influencer and touch needed to bring new informa- years ago. Long tail marketing treats consumers as individuals tion, convert, instill loyalty and inspire advocacy. To accom- with unique interests and needs. 14 | DTC Perspectives • December 2009
  • 2. 2010 OUTLOOK consumers to your Web site for continued dialogue and learn- 3 Go where your consumers arexxxxxxxxx Surround them where they go to learn, socialize and ing. Additionally, for many pharma brands, the time has come engage. Today’s consumer is busy as ever, multi-tasking for Web media and search to act as the media hub, with other more than ever, and not looking for marketing messages. Study media vehicles driving to the Web, and working to make the Internet platforms more efficient. after study points to both the growth of the Internet, and the fact that consumers get health information from multiple sources. Depending on your target, this suggests a mix of rele- TV is by no means dead, and should be vant touches and begs for the right combination of traditional considered if it fulfills brand objectives and and new media – increasing amounts of Web, adoption of social makes sense for the target, message and media to encourage dialogue and community, new mobile applications, video and games for health. This also means lever- experience the brand wants to create. aging the unique potential of each emerging media environ- The best media plans use multiple media to synergistically ment as an engagement vehicle. drive and reinforce each other. Additionally, platforms like TV is by no means dead, and should be considered if it fulfills Twitter offer opportunities for face-to-face “tweet-ups,” brand objectives and makes sense for the target, message and mobile brings opportunities for texting, real-time search, gam- experience the brand wants to create. When TV is called for, ing and geo tracking. Pilot ideas…try new stuff. Leaders won’t execute with more entertainment, engagement and response. wait for the FDA to draft regulations for social media. Move Brainstorm ways to use new interactive technologies to drive forward, dip-your-toes, look toward balancing benefits and risks, and what adds genuine value for your brand and target customers. 10 Prescriptions for DTC Efforts 4 Consumers are less open to being soldxxxx in 2010 It may feel like this will result in a slower “sale,” but in today’s market, engaging with meaning may actually 1. Adopt an updated definition for DTC that considers result in greater sales and deeper loyalty. Look for new ways to the full picture of how consumers will interpret and extend patient value, support and a more positive experience interact with a brand TODAY. along each and every touch point. A closer look at the use of 2. Consider “long-tail” marketing; don’t be afraid to personas along with behavioral segmentation may help to focus on smaller targets that matter. improve the patient experience across Web platforms. Consider 3. Go to your consumer – surround them where they a mix of branded and unbranded dialogue. Further, avoid tak- get their facts, learn, and socialize. ing consumers from a dynamic social experience to a static 4. Move beyond selling to engaging and providing Web page; ensure Web site content is as dynamic as the initial meaningful marketing. contact. If the consumer is searching for a particular topic, pro- 5. Walk and talk “patient-centered” – consumers are vide a seamless transition – give them what they’re looking for finely tuned to what’s valuable and authentic. and not just your “brand sell.” 6. Keep your brand’s strategic core strong and grounded, Engagement requires looking at each patient as a unique despite the onslaught of messages and tactics, and the human being who, by the way, would “rather not be your cus- speed with which they require action. tomer.” (After all, who wants to have a chronic condition and take medication for the rest of their life, whether it be your 7. Insist on elegant solutions that do more with less. brand or a competitors?) Think hard how you might provide Smaller budgets don’t negate innovation and may have relevant value real-time, every time. This is what it takes to just the opposite effect in spurring new thinking. encourage patients and their families to help build your brand, 8. Don’t overlook the details. While they may seem small become trusted loyalists and advocate on your behalf: Patient and trivial, find out which are important to patients Sell vs. Brand Sell; Meaningful Marketing vs. “Tell and Sell” and their families. Advertising. 9. Refresh brand metrics and measurement to drive cur- To improve brand engagement, 6 C’s are crucial: 1) Con- rent brand objectives and initiatives. tent that is based on meaningful insights and provides impor- 10. Listen with vigilance, and act on learning across the tant context; 2) Customization via new ways to personalize organization. treatment, process or support; 3) Conversation is encouraged for better service, learning and sharing; 4) Confidence is built DTC Perspectives • December 2009 | 15
  • 3. 2010 OUTLOOK 2010 Media, Social Platforms and Technology Trends – Questions to Ask 1. Internet growth is not new, but does your consumer budget match the Web’s growing consumption as a source for healthcare information gathering, engagement and community? • Take advantage of a mix of media and messaging to “surround consumer.” 2. Is organic and paid search optimized? Are you using “smart advertising” that incorporates behavioral insights? Is a plan in place to address Google Sidewikis? 3. Are you tapping into the growth of Web for entertainment? People are increasingly watching TV on the Internet via YouTube and Hulu. 4. Is a social media strategy in place that fits with current customer habits? Top platforms to consider: Viral Video, Face- book, MySpace, Twitter, blogs – branded and unbranded, company and brand / condition specific. Keep it social, target- ed and consider events-based marketing. • Online video is now an important way that U.S. consumers research healthcare and medications. YouTube ranks sec- ond in overall search volume. Ideally, content and creative should be designed for video and not just re-cut from existing creative elements. Tell a story, but don’t exceed two or three minutes. Maximize video placement beyond YouTube, including site. • Facebook now has 300MM active users. Twitter offers different expectations. 5. How are you leveraging mobile’s tremendous opportunity for real-time, 24/7 communication and engagement? Text sells, apps amplify and use of quick response (QR) codes can simplify. • 60% of all mobile subscribers between the ages of 30-49 are text messaging. • Not only are smart phones growing exponentially among physicians, they’re also growing among consumers. • Apple has already sold 2 billion iPhone apps; 82% of iPhone users download at least 6 apps. 6. Games for health? • Video games are not just for teen boys; the average gamer is 41 years old. Women are the fastest growing segment. Current largest game segments in health: exercise, brain exercise, condition education, advergames, training and simu- lations. • Increasingly, games for health are showing hard results around health improvement. 7. Augmented reality? Use it to entertain, educate and engage. 8. Real-time listening in place? Or a panel established for on-going market research and learning, for example Communi- space? with trust and transparency; 5) Community Connectedness 6 Keep each brand’s strategic core strongxxx – directly or indirectly – create your own, or better yet, tap into Not easy to do with the barrage of messages and Web an existing one; and 6) Consistent Commitment is demon- and social media tactics coming our way. A strong core strated to your customer base – no one shot deals here. requires a compelling and relevant brand promise that focuses 5 Consumer power is a fact of lifexxxxxxxxxx every strategy and tactic so they’re synergistic and supportive. Winning brands will “walk and talk” patient-centered While it’s often challenging to stay centered, the payoff is stay- marketing. Pharma has no choice but to be patient-dri- ing on message by protecting the brand from chasing every ven; consumers are not going to be fooled. This means putting new, cool digital and new media tactic being marketed. the consumer in the center of decision making from the begin- 7 ning of development and commercialization to the end. It We live in a ‘less is more’ worldxxxxxxxxxx means asking one simple question during decision making – Think about how to bring maximum benefit with the over and over: Will this bring meaningful value to our patients? least amount of energy. Do you have a “stop doing” list? Importantly, DTC 21 must also encourage more patient If your budget is smaller than last year, don’t give up – innova- responsibility and participation, and work to improve patient / tion doesn’t require big bucks – in fact, tough constraints often physician dialogue and care. spur innovation. 16 | DTC Perspectives • December 2009
  • 4. 2010 OUTLOOK 8 Don’t short change the detailsxxxxxxxxxxx Little things can and do matter. It’s a marketer’s job to If your budget is smaller than last year, discover which ones mean a lot to patients and their don’t give up – innovation doesn’t require families, and to insure perfect execution. This is the way to help big bucks – in fact, tough constraints often instill better ROI for each program and higher customer loyal- spur innovation. ty and advocacy. Invest in thinking about how to make nifty new tactics and tried and true services really work well in the done about it? Be sure even-better listening is part of your 2010 marketplace. plan. Hiring the social media service with the most bells and whistles isn’t good enough. Make sure everyone on your team 9 Define new ROI metricsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Think beyond traditional reach and frequency measures; regularly takes the time to actively listen to customers and refresh metrics and measures to best match current think about how to turn listening and learning to action. Most brand goals and objectives. Ensure a flow of metrics from important, listening and what you do with your learning is the beginning to end of the patient “buying process” so there is responsibility of the entire organization, from marketing to PR, active learning along each step. Monitor brand influencers, and customer service, sales, or clinical development. Be sure that devise new ways of measuring engagement and loyalty. Social each “tweet” or blog learning gets mapped back to an “owner” media is not an excuse to walk away from ROI measurement. in the organization, where they can evaluate whether the feed- Consider pre- and post-measurements for harder to measure back is consistent or not with prior learning. DTC efforts. Remember too, delivering significant value in a differ- entiated and unique way helps drive greater WOM and ROI Ellen Hoenig-Carlson is founder of AdvanceMarketWoRx, a con- overall. sulting firm known for powering consumer and healthcare brand growth, through traditional and non-traditional marketing, leveraging 10 Excel at ‘active listening’xxxxxxxxxxxx critical customer interpretations and insights at key points. She can be Be the best listeners in your category. Ask yourself, reached at her blog, twitter what have we heard this past year and what have we or telephone at (609) 333-0549. REACH DTC MARKETERS FOR LESS The Source For DTC Leader s Advertise in DTC Perspectives Magazine September 200 9 Targeted Reach The only industry trade Vol. 8, No. 3 publication focused solely on DTC Marketing ket How to Mar -Care at the Point-of the Cost Effective Pay significantly less than with other and and Underst Media Options Driving A Primer for ard Business Tow Segmentatio n Success – journals and reach over 2,000 pharma marketers out of a 2010 Planning Getting Info rmation to the Empowe Patient Pop red ulation total circulation of 6,800 industry pros Not to To Brand or keters’ Brand? A Mar mma Digital Dile gazines ‘Health’ Ma A Review of And the Ev olution of Print Media From Whitesp Cyberspace, Evolution of ace to the DTC Engaged Readers Premium content delivers Advertising practical insights, read cover-to-cover by the people you want to reach For more information please contact Stacey Hagenbush,, 973-377-2106 x225 Value-added packages available for 4 time advertisers. Opportunity for integrated presence through DTC Perspectives and the DTC National Conference 18 | DTC Perspectives • December 2009