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Yhteisöllisen oppimisen tukeminen mobiililaitteiden avulla:
                           ffgfg eri kontekstissa
 Kolme tapaustutkimusta kolmessa
 Mobiilin oppimisen ja ohjauksen mahdollisuudet ammatillisessa koulutuksessa,
 mobiiliseminaari 7.12.2011. Helsingin yliopisto

 Jari Laru, yliopisto-opettaja, Oulun yliopisto
 Jari Laru, University teacher, University of Oulu
Hutchins, E. (1995). Cognition in
the wild. Cambridge, Mass: MIT
                                   “His 2002 paper with Roy Pea,
                                   "Walk on the Wild Side," has
                                   been influential in
                                   understanding the future
                                   possibilities for wireless
                                   handheld learning devices”

Roschelle, J., & Pea, R. (2002).
A walk on the WILD side: how
wireless handhelds may
change CSCL, 51-60.
Retrieved from
Traditional approach / Perinteinen näkökuma


         Chan, T.-W., Roschelle, J., Hsi, S., Kinshuk, K., BROWN, T., Brown, T.,
         Patton, C., et al. (2006). One-to-one technology-enhanced learning: an
         opportunity for global research collaboration. Research and Practice in
         Technology Enhanced Learning, 1(1), 1-26. Retrieved from
Future trend

2008: interpersonal computers

Kaplan, F., DoLenh, S., Bachour, K., Kao, G. Y.-ing, Gault, C., Dillenbourg, P.,
Huang, J., et al. (2009). Interactive Artifacts and Furniture Supporting
Collaborative Work and Learning (Vol. 10, pp. 1-17). Boston, MA: Springer
US. Retrieved from
1. AKSELI/1st. axis

1.”U-oppiminen” ”uLearning”

Tangibles                                    Roomware

Phidgets                                     Wearables
2. AKSELI/2nd. axis

2. ”mLearning” ”mOppiminen”
Jari Laru

AIMS from past to today
This thesis work focuses on developing and analyzing
innovative ways of supporting applying the framework of
distributed scaffolding for learning activities in authentic
real world contexts.

In this study theoretical ideas of cognitive tools,
collaborative learning and scaffolding are applied for
designing light-weight mobile software and pedagogical
models for learning in authentic real world contexts.

This is done in order to generate new knowledge and
solutions that advance collaborative learning in mobile
computer supported collaborative learning

                                Earli SIG
Mobile computers                                Everyday contexts

 Scaffolding collaborative                        Master’s programme,
                                                  University, Professional
 learning with cognitive
                                                  Community, K-12 students,
 tools based on                                   Higher Education students,
                                                  Nature school
 mobile computers
                  Case I           Case II          Case III
             workplace (n=10)   Nature (N=22)   University (N=22)
                  EMI               ILE           INTHIG
Collaborative learning, Cognitive tools
                               Scaffolding, Structuring

idiosyncratic (very   scripted (low                      stringent (high
little coercion)      coercion)                          coercion)
Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance
education community
The aim of this study was to identify social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among distributed members of the
professional distance education community. Ten participants worked for twelve weeks designing a master’s programme in Information
Sciences. The participants’ mobile technology usage activity and interview data were first analyzed to get an overview of the density
and distribution of collaboration at individual and community levels. Secondly, the results of the social network analyses were
interpreted to explore how different social network patterns of relationships affect online and offline interactions. Thirdly, qualitative
descriptions of participant teamwork were analysed to provide practical examples and explanations. Overall, the analyses revealed
nonparticipative behaviour within the online community. The social network analysis revealed structural holes and sparse collaboration
among participants in the offline community. It was found that due to their separated practices in the offline community, they didn’t
have a need for mobile collaboration tools in their practices.
Laru, J. & Järvelä, S. (2008). Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance education
community. Educational Media International Journal, 45(1),17-3.

 Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a
 case study with K-12 learners
 This study explores how collaborative inquiry learning can be supported with multiple scaffolding agents in a real-life field trip context. In
 practice, a mobile peer-to-peer messaging tool provided meta-cognitive and procedural support, while tutors and a nature guide provided
 more dynamic scaffolding in order to support argumentative discussions between groups of students during the cocreation
 of knowledge claims. The aim of the analysis was to identify and compare top- and low-performing dyads/triads in order to reveal the
 differences regarding their co-construction of arguments while creating knowledge claims. Although the results revealed several shortcomings
 in the types of argumentation, it could be established that differences between the top performers and low performers were statistically
 significant in terms of social modes of argumentation, the use of warrants in the mobile tool and in overall participation. In
 general, the use of the mobile tool likely promoted important interaction during inquiry learning, but led to superficial epistemological quality
 in the knowledge claim messages.
  Laru, J., Järvelä, S. & Clariana, R. (2010). Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for
  learning: a case study with K-12 learners. Interactive Learning Environments, Online first, 1-15. doi:10.1080/10494821003771350

  Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context
 In this single-case study, small groups of learners were supported by use of multiple social software tools and face-to-face activities in the context of
 higher education. The aim of the study was to explore how designed learning activities contribute to students’ learning outcomes by studying
 probabilistic dependencies between the variables. The participants (n=22) worked in groups of four to five students for 12 weeks. Groups were
 required to complete a wiki project by the end of the semester. In order to complete the wiki project, students needed to participate in recurrent
 solo and collective phases mediated by the use of social software tools and face-to-face meetings in their respective sessions. The data for
 multivariate Bayesian analysis was composed of video recordings, social software usage activity and pre- and post-tests of students’ conceptual
 understanding. In our case, we found that using social software tools together to perform multiple tasks likely increased individual knowledge
 acquisition during the course. Bayesian classification analysis revealed that the best predictors of good learning outcomes were wiki-related
 activities. In addition, according to the Bayesian dependency model, students who monitored their peers’ work via syndication services and who
 were active by adding, modifying or deleting text in their group’s wiki obtained higher scores. The model also shows that many other learning
 activities were indirectly related to learning outcome.

  Laru, J., Näykki, P. & Järvelä, S. (2011). Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education
  context. Special issue on Web 2.0 on Higher Education. Journal of Internet and Higher Education.
Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance
        education community

                    1. What is the density and the distribution of the collaboration at
                    individual and community levels in the online and offline communities?
Questions           2. How do different social network patterns of relationships affect online
                    and offline interactions?
                    3. How do participants describe teamwork and the technologies used to
                    support it?

         Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a
         case study with K-12 learners
                    1. What were the differences between top and low performers in regards
                    to collaborative inquiry learning during the field trip? groups?
                    2. What was the difference between top and low performers in regards to
                    the structural quality of knowledge claim messages?
                    3. How much did the top and low performers learn about biology during
                    the field trip?
         Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context

                    1. How much did students learn during the course?
                    2. Which social software and face-to-face variables were the best predictors
                    for identifying differences between high- and low-performing groups of
                    3. What was the impact of social software and face-to-face sessions on
                    individual students' learning gain?
Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance
        education community

                                                        • 1st generation: mobile
                                                          versions of desktop tools:
Tools                                                     FLE3mobile
                                                        • wlan

         Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a
         case study with K-12 learners
                                                         • 2nd generation: context-
                                                           aware peer-to-peer mobile
                                                           tools: flyers
                                                         • mobile encounter network
         Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context

                                                         • 3nd generation: mobile social
                                                           media: mobile clients + flickr
                                                           + wordpress + wikispaces +
                                                           google reader
                                                         • 3G connectivity
Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance
         education community

                                                   •     No groups designed (participants worked in
                                                         three teams though)
Design              ”Let’s try it” ..              •     No clear task, work related activities (no formal
                                                   •     Knowledge building
                                                   •     Metacognitive scaffolding

          Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a
          case study with K-12 learners
                                                   •     Dyads/Triads
                                                   •     Ill-structured task
                                                   •     Argumentative collaboration
                                                   •     Procedural scaffolding & metacognitive

          Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context
                                                   •     4-5 students per group
                                                   •     Ill-structured tasks
                                                   •     Small groups of learners were supported by
                                                         multiple social software tools and face-to-face
                                                   •     Recurrent individual and collaborative phases
                                                   •     Multiple scaffolds
Laru, J. & Järvelä, S. (2008). Social patterns in mobile
technology mediated collaboration among members of the
professional distance education community. Educational
Media International Journal, 45(1),17-3.
         Laru, J. & Järvelä, S. (2008). Social patterns in mobile
         technology mediated collaboration among members of the
         professional distance education community. Educational Media
         International Journal, 45(1),17-3.
Course blog and wiki
                                           Mobile applications

                                                                                              Course level tools

                                                                               D. Reflect &           E. Review &
                                         B.Reflect                                                                              F. Co-construct
          Phase:      A.Ground                              C.Conceptualize    elaborate              evaluate
                                                                                                                                knowledge                         Course feed

                      Group level tools


                         Collaborative                                  Solo                                         Collaborative

                        Lecture           Discussion         Phototaking         Blogging             Discussion                     Wikiwork

                                                                                                    Multiple feeds
                                                                                                                                                   Merged feeds

                                                                                 Monitoring tools

                                                                                    G.Monitor             Tools used to merge multiple RSS feeds

Figure 4. Socio-technological design of the course. The idea of making use of each others’
knowledge was operationalized in socio-technical design. It consisted of recurrent individual and collective phases in which students
used multiple Web 2.0 tools and mobile phones in concert to perform designed tasks. Retrieved from: Jari Laru, Piia Näykki, Sanna
Järvelä, Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context, The Internet and
Higher Education, Available online 28 August 2011, ISSN 1096-7516, 10.1016/j.iheduc.2011.08.004.
Figure 5. Pedagogical design of the course. Groups were required to complete a wiki project
by the end of the semester. In order to complete the wiki project, students needed to
participate in recurrent solo and collective phases mediated by the use of social software
tools and face-to-face discussions in their respective phases. Jari Laru, Piia Näykki, Sanna
Järvelä, Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the
higher education context, The Internet and Higher Education, Available online 28 August 2011,
ISSN 1096-7516, 10.1016/j.iheduc.2011.08.004.
Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance
      education community

                                            •    Quantitative analysis of FLE3mobile’s log-files

Methods        SNA
               Social network analysis
                                                 (log file analyzer)
                                                 Qualitative-Quantitative Interview analysis (SNA

       Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a
       case study with K-12 learners

           Mann-whitney                 •       Quantititative Mindmap analysis (pre-post-test)
                                        •       Qualitative analysis of recorded argumentative

          U-test                        •
                                                discussions (Mann-whitney U-test)
                                                Qualitative analysis of the flyers (Mann-whitney

       Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context

                                        •       Quantitative analysis of conceptual knowledge

          Classification analysis
                                                test (normalized gain, t-test)
                                                Qualitative+Quantitative analysis of social
                                                software activities (Bayesian classification
          Dependency modeling                   analysis + Bayesian dependency modeling)
Monimenetelmäinen (kokeileva) ote
            Osatutkimus I                         Osatutkimus II                  Osatutkimus III
                                                  Kyselyt                          Kyselyt
                                                              Ryhmähaastattelu               Haastattelut
                                                         Lehtiset                     Videoidut ryhmätilanteet
              Logidata (yksi sovellus)
                                                 Nauhoitetut ryhmätilanteet
                      Keskustelut                                                 logidata (useita sovelluksia)
                                                                                  onlinedata (wikit, blogit etc)

            Logidatan analyysi                                                     Bayes mallinnus, jonka
                                                  tilastollinen analyysi, jonka
                                                                                   avulla kyselydata, logidata
            Kevyt keskusteluanalyysi              avulla ryhmät jaettiin
                                                                                   ja käsitetesti kytkettiin
                                                  huonosti ja hyvin
            Verkostoanalyysi (SNA)                                                 yhteen [kokeilu]
            vuorovaikutuksen                                                       Verkkoon tuotetun
                                                 Ryhmätilanteiden ja               materiaalin analysointi
            syiden etsimisessä
                                                 lehtisten sisällönanalyysi        (multilevel IA analysis)
           Haastattelut tukimateriaalina         Mann-Whitney U-test
                                                                                   haastatteluiden ja/tai
                                                 hyvien ja huonojen
                                                 ryhmien suoritusten

LET - Oppimisen ja koulutusteknologian tutkimusyksikkö
Jari Laru, 22.4.2009
Overall, the analyses revealed nonparticipative behaviour within the online

 The social network analysis revealed structural holes and sparse collaboration
among participants in the offline community. It was found that due to their
separated practices in the offline community, they didn’t have a need for mobile
collaboration tools in their practices.
Although the results revealed several shortcomings in the types of

….In general, the use of the mobile tool likely promoted important
interaction during inquiry learning, but led to superficial
epistemological quality in the knowledge claim messages.
In our case, we found that using social software tools together to perform multiple
tasks likely increased individual knowledge acquisition during the course.

Bayesian classification analysis revealed that the best predictors of good learning
outcomes were wiki-related activities.
Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance
          education community
              •   Overall, the analyses revealed nonparticipative behaviour within the online
                  community. The social network analysis revealed structural holes and sparse
                  collaboration among participants in the offline community.
Results       •   It was found that due to their separated practices in the offline community, they
                  did not have a need for mobile collaboration tools in their practices.

           Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a
           case study with K-12 learners
             •    Although the results revealed several shortcomings in the types of argumentation, it
                  could be established that differences between the top performers and low
                  performers were statistically significant in terms of social modes of argumentation,
                  the use of warrants in the mobile tool and in overall participation.
             •    In general, the use of the mobile tool likely promoted important interaction during
                  inquiry learning, but led to superficial epistemological quality in the knowledge
                  claim messages.
           Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context

             •    Explorative Bayesian classification analysis revealed that the best predictors of
                  good learning outcomes were wiki-related activities.
             •    In general, the results indicated that interaction between individual and collective
                  actions likely increased individual knowledge acquisition during the course.
  •   Cognitive tools; Generic cognitive tools
  •   Mobile computer supported collaborative learning
  •   Can be considered as example: development of ”mobile learning” (from
      past to today)
  •   Design can be considered as example: learning from => learning with

  •   Study 1 is socio-cultural (COP) while others are socio-cognitive
  •   Methodological designs are quite different
  •   No explicit design cycles from study 1 to study 3, instead studies are
      independent cases. Development cycles are in design etc.
Collaborative learning, Cognitive tools

?                 ?
Collaborative learning, Cognitive tools
                               Scaffolding, Structuring

idiosyncratic (very   scripted (low                      stringent (high
little coercion)      coercion)                          coercion)
Kiitos / Thank You!


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Similar to Yhteisöllisen oppimisen tukeminen mobiililaitteiden avulla: Kolme tapaustutkimusta kolmessa eri kontekstissa

Using Gartner’s Hype Curve as a basis to analyze research on the educational ...
Using Gartner’s Hype Curve as a basis to analyze research on the educational ...Using Gartner’s Hype Curve as a basis to analyze research on the educational ...
Using Gartner’s Hype Curve as a basis to analyze research on the educational ...
Jari Laru
Are we currently moving from the age of mobolism to age of artificail intelli...
Are we currently moving from the age of mobolism to age of artificail intelli...Are we currently moving from the age of mobolism to age of artificail intelli...
Are we currently moving from the age of mobolism to age of artificail intelli...
Jari Laru
Mobile learning powerpoint
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Mobile learning powerpoint
Sylvia Suh
Digitaaliset välineet opetuksessa ja oppimisessa opettajankoulutuksen konteks...
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Digitaaliset välineet opetuksessa ja oppimisessa opettajankoulutuksen konteks...
Jari Laru
The new age of learning
The new age of learningThe new age of learning
The new age of learningDoris Randell
ICT in Education
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ICT in Education
Casual Teacher
Three phases of mobile learning state-of-the-art and case of mobile Help Seek...
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University of the West of England
Alps alt c_2010
Alps alt c_2010Alps alt c_2010
Social media and Peer-to-Peer Learning
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Jari Laru
A widget-based dashboard approach for awareness and reflection in online lear...
A widget-based dashboard approach for awareness and reflection in online lear...A widget-based dashboard approach for awareness and reflection in online lear...
A widget-based dashboard approach for awareness and reflection in online lear...Wolfgang Reinhardt
Knowledge, social media and technologies for a learning society
Knowledge, social media and technologies for a learning societyKnowledge, social media and technologies for a learning society
Knowledge, social media and technologies for a learning societywanzahirah
An Examination of the Prior Use of E-Learning Within an Extended Technology A...
An Examination of the Prior Use of E-Learning Within an Extended Technology A...An Examination of the Prior Use of E-Learning Within an Extended Technology A...
An Examination of the Prior Use of E-Learning Within an Extended Technology A...
Maurice Dawson
The Power of Massive Informal Learning Environments
The Power of Massive Informal Learning EnvironmentsThe Power of Massive Informal Learning Environments
The Power of Massive Informal Learning Environments
Donny Tusler
Designing learning activities for socially shared regulation in seamless lear...
Designing learning activities for socially shared regulation in seamless lear...Designing learning activities for socially shared regulation in seamless lear...
Designing learning activities for socially shared regulation in seamless lear...Jari Laru
SAMPLE GED 501 RESEARCH PAPERTechnology Based Education How.docx
SAMPLE GED 501 RESEARCH PAPERTechnology Based Education How.docxSAMPLE GED 501 RESEARCH PAPERTechnology Based Education How.docx
SAMPLE GED 501 RESEARCH PAPERTechnology Based Education How.docx

Similar to Yhteisöllisen oppimisen tukeminen mobiililaitteiden avulla: Kolme tapaustutkimusta kolmessa eri kontekstissa (20)

Using Gartner’s Hype Curve as a basis to analyze research on the educational ...
Using Gartner’s Hype Curve as a basis to analyze research on the educational ...Using Gartner’s Hype Curve as a basis to analyze research on the educational ...
Using Gartner’s Hype Curve as a basis to analyze research on the educational ...
Are we currently moving from the age of mobolism to age of artificail intelli...
Are we currently moving from the age of mobolism to age of artificail intelli...Are we currently moving from the age of mobolism to age of artificail intelli...
Are we currently moving from the age of mobolism to age of artificail intelli...
Mobile learning powerpoint
Mobile learning powerpointMobile learning powerpoint
Mobile learning powerpoint
Digitaaliset välineet opetuksessa ja oppimisessa opettajankoulutuksen konteks...
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The new age of learning
The new age of learningThe new age of learning
The new age of learning
ICT in Education
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ICT in Education
Three phases of mobile learning state-of-the-art and case of mobile Help Seek...
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Three phases of mobile learning state-of-the-art and case of mobile Help Seek...
Alps alt c_2010
Alps alt c_2010Alps alt c_2010
Alps alt c_2010
Social media and Peer-to-Peer Learning
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Social media and Peer-to-Peer Learning
A widget-based dashboard approach for awareness and reflection in online lear...
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A widget-based dashboard approach for awareness and reflection in online lear...
Knowledge, social media and technologies for a learning society
Knowledge, social media and technologies for a learning societyKnowledge, social media and technologies for a learning society
Knowledge, social media and technologies for a learning society
An Examination of the Prior Use of E-Learning Within an Extended Technology A...
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The Power of Massive Informal Learning Environments
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The Power of Massive Informal Learning Environments
Designing learning activities for socially shared regulation in seamless lear...
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Designing learning activities for socially shared regulation in seamless lear...
SAMPLE GED 501 RESEARCH PAPERTechnology Based Education How.docx
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Jari Laru
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Digitaalisen oppimisen välineitä yhdessä kehittämässä – varhainen omaksuja, u...
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Mulla olis ny yksi hopea ja kuusi pronssia! osaamismerkit opetuksessa
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Jari Laru
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OSAAVA VESO: Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka pedagogisena työvälineenä. Raahe 2015
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Alustus: Digitaalisuus koulutuksessa
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Yhteisöllisen oppimisen tukeminen mobiililaitteiden avulla: Kolme tapaustutkimusta kolmessa eri kontekstissa

  • 1. Yhteisöllisen oppimisen tukeminen mobiililaitteiden avulla: ffgfg eri kontekstissa Kolme tapaustutkimusta kolmessa Mobiilin oppimisen ja ohjauksen mahdollisuudet ammatillisessa koulutuksessa, mobiiliseminaari 7.12.2011. Helsingin yliopisto Jari Laru, yliopisto-opettaja, Oulun yliopisto Jari Laru, University teacher, University of Oulu
  • 2. video-ipad-1960-1970-lukujen-taitteessa?u=larux&c=mobiililuento ja-viestinttekniikan-perusteet-opintojaksolla-tvt- opetuskytn-historia
  • 3. wcliffe/wac-press-conference- mwc-2011?from=ss_embed
  • 5. Hutchins, E. (1995). Cognition in the wild. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
  • 6. 2002 “His 2002 paper with Roy Pea, "Walk on the Wild Side," has been influential in understanding the future possibilities for wireless handheld learning devices” Roschelle, J., & Pea, R. (2002). A walk on the WILD side: how wireless handhelds may change CSCL, 51-60. Retrieved from ?id=1658616.1658624
  • 7. Traditional approach / Perinteinen näkökuma MLEARNING – MOBIILIOPPIMINEN. 1:1
  • 8. ONE-TO-ONE TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING 0654/ Chan, T.-W., Roschelle, J., Hsi, S., Kinshuk, K., BROWN, T., Brown, T., Patton, C., et al. (2006). One-to-one technology-enhanced learning: an opportunity for global research collaboration. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 1(1), 1-26. Retrieved from
  • 9.
  • 10. Future trend ULEARNING – U-OPPIMINEN N:1
  • 11. 2008: interpersonal computers perusteet-tietokoneavusteinen-yhteisllinen-oppiminen-cscl if-interpersonal.doc Kaplan, F., DoLenh, S., Bachour, K., Kao, G. Y.-ing, Gault, C., Dillenbourg, P., Huang, J., et al. (2009). Interactive Artifacts and Furniture Supporting Collaborative Work and Learning (Vol. 10, pp. 1-17). Boston, MA: Springer US. Retrieved from
  • 13. 1.”U-oppiminen” ”uLearning” Tangibles Roomware Tangibles PiFeJhwS4 Phidgets Wearables
  • 17. AIMS from past to today This thesis work focuses on developing and analyzing innovative ways of supporting applying the framework of distributed scaffolding for learning activities in authentic real world contexts. In this study theoretical ideas of cognitive tools, collaborative learning and scaffolding are applied for designing light-weight mobile software and pedagogical models for learning in authentic real world contexts. This is done in order to generate new knowledge and solutions that advance collaborative learning in mobile computer supported collaborative learning
  • 18. Introduction Earli SIG Mobile computers Everyday contexts Scaffolding collaborative Master’s programme, University, Professional learning with cognitive Community, K-12 students, tools based on Higher Education students, Nature school mobile computers Case I Case II Case III workplace (n=10) Nature (N=22) University (N=22) EMI ILE INTHIG
  • 19. Collaborative learning, Cognitive tools Scaffolding, Structuring idiosyncratic (very scripted (low stringent (high little coercion) coercion) coercion)
  • 20. Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance education community The aim of this study was to identify social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among distributed members of the professional distance education community. Ten participants worked for twelve weeks designing a master’s programme in Information Sciences. The participants’ mobile technology usage activity and interview data were first analyzed to get an overview of the density and distribution of collaboration at individual and community levels. Secondly, the results of the social network analyses were interpreted to explore how different social network patterns of relationships affect online and offline interactions. Thirdly, qualitative descriptions of participant teamwork were analysed to provide practical examples and explanations. Overall, the analyses revealed nonparticipative behaviour within the online community. The social network analysis revealed structural holes and sparse collaboration among participants in the offline community. It was found that due to their separated practices in the offline community, they didn’t have a need for mobile collaboration tools in their practices. Laru, J. & Järvelä, S. (2008). Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance education community. Educational Media International Journal, 45(1),17-3. Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12 learners This study explores how collaborative inquiry learning can be supported with multiple scaffolding agents in a real-life field trip context. In practice, a mobile peer-to-peer messaging tool provided meta-cognitive and procedural support, while tutors and a nature guide provided more dynamic scaffolding in order to support argumentative discussions between groups of students during the cocreation of knowledge claims. The aim of the analysis was to identify and compare top- and low-performing dyads/triads in order to reveal the differences regarding their co-construction of arguments while creating knowledge claims. Although the results revealed several shortcomings in the types of argumentation, it could be established that differences between the top performers and low performers were statistically significant in terms of social modes of argumentation, the use of warrants in the mobile tool and in overall participation. In general, the use of the mobile tool likely promoted important interaction during inquiry learning, but led to superficial epistemological quality in the knowledge claim messages. Laru, J., Järvelä, S. & Clariana, R. (2010). Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12 learners. Interactive Learning Environments, Online first, 1-15. doi:10.1080/10494821003771350 Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context In this single-case study, small groups of learners were supported by use of multiple social software tools and face-to-face activities in the context of higher education. The aim of the study was to explore how designed learning activities contribute to students’ learning outcomes by studying probabilistic dependencies between the variables. The participants (n=22) worked in groups of four to five students for 12 weeks. Groups were required to complete a wiki project by the end of the semester. In order to complete the wiki project, students needed to participate in recurrent solo and collective phases mediated by the use of social software tools and face-to-face meetings in their respective sessions. The data for multivariate Bayesian analysis was composed of video recordings, social software usage activity and pre- and post-tests of students’ conceptual understanding. In our case, we found that using social software tools together to perform multiple tasks likely increased individual knowledge acquisition during the course. Bayesian classification analysis revealed that the best predictors of good learning outcomes were wiki-related activities. In addition, according to the Bayesian dependency model, students who monitored their peers’ work via syndication services and who were active by adding, modifying or deleting text in their group’s wiki obtained higher scores. The model also shows that many other learning activities were indirectly related to learning outcome. Laru, J., Näykki, P. & Järvelä, S. (2011). Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context. Special issue on Web 2.0 on Higher Education. Journal of Internet and Higher Education.
  • 21. Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance education community 1. What is the density and the distribution of the collaboration at individual and community levels in the online and offline communities? Questions 2. How do different social network patterns of relationships affect online and offline interactions? 3. How do participants describe teamwork and the technologies used to support it? Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12 learners 1. What were the differences between top and low performers in regards to collaborative inquiry learning during the field trip? groups? 2. What was the difference between top and low performers in regards to the structural quality of knowledge claim messages? 3. How much did the top and low performers learn about biology during the field trip? Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context 1. How much did students learn during the course? 2. Which social software and face-to-face variables were the best predictors for identifying differences between high- and low-performing groups of students? 3. What was the impact of social software and face-to-face sessions on individual students' learning gain?
  • 22. Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance education community • 1st generation: mobile versions of desktop tools: Tools FLE3mobile • wlan Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12 learners • 2nd generation: context- aware peer-to-peer mobile tools: flyers • mobile encounter network (bluetooth) Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context • 3nd generation: mobile social media: mobile clients + flickr + wordpress + wikispaces + google reader • 3G connectivity
  • 23. Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance education community • No groups designed (participants worked in three teams though) Design ”Let’s try it” .. • No clear task, work related activities (no formal learning) • Knowledge building • Metacognitive scaffolding Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12 learners • Dyads/Triads • Ill-structured task • Argumentative collaboration • Procedural scaffolding & metacognitive scaffolding Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context • 4-5 students per group • Ill-structured tasks • Small groups of learners were supported by multiple social software tools and face-to-face activities • Recurrent individual and collaborative phases • Multiple scaffolds
  • 24. Laru, J. & Järvelä, S. (2008). Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance education community. Educational Media International Journal, 45(1),17-3.
  • 25. STUDY 2: FLYERS Laru, J. & Järvelä, S. (2008). Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance education community. Educational Media International Journal, 45(1),17-3.
  • 26. Course blog and wiki Mobile applications Course level tools D. Reflect & E. Review & B.Reflect F. Co-construct Phase: A.Ground C.Conceptualize elaborate evaluate knowledge Course feed Group level tools Software: Collaborative Solo Collaborative Activity: Lecture Discussion Phototaking Blogging Discussion Wikiwork Multiple feeds Merged feeds Monitoring tools G.Monitor Tools used to merge multiple RSS feeds Figure 4. Socio-technological design of the course. The idea of making use of each others’ knowledge was operationalized in socio-technical design. It consisted of recurrent individual and collective phases in which students used multiple Web 2.0 tools and mobile phones in concert to perform designed tasks. Retrieved from: Jari Laru, Piia Näykki, Sanna Järvelä, Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context, The Internet and Higher Education, Available online 28 August 2011, ISSN 1096-7516, 10.1016/j.iheduc.2011.08.004.
  • 27. Figure 5. Pedagogical design of the course. Groups were required to complete a wiki project by the end of the semester. In order to complete the wiki project, students needed to participate in recurrent solo and collective phases mediated by the use of social software tools and face-to-face discussions in their respective phases. Jari Laru, Piia Näykki, Sanna Järvelä, Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context, The Internet and Higher Education, Available online 28 August 2011, ISSN 1096-7516, 10.1016/j.iheduc.2011.08.004.
  • 28. Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance education community • Quantitative analysis of FLE3mobile’s log-files Methods SNA Social network analysis • (log file analyzer) Qualitative-Quantitative Interview analysis (SNA analysis) Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12 learners Mann-whitney • Quantititative Mindmap analysis (pre-post-test) • Qualitative analysis of recorded argumentative U-test • discussions (Mann-whitney U-test) Qualitative analysis of the flyers (Mann-whitney U-test) Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context • Quantitative analysis of conceptual knowledge Bayes Classification analysis • test (normalized gain, t-test) Qualitative+Quantitative analysis of social software activities (Bayesian classification Dependency modeling analysis + Bayesian dependency modeling)
  • 29. Monimenetelmäinen (kokeileva) ote Osatutkimus I Osatutkimus II Osatutkimus III käsitetesti Kyselyt Kyselyt Haastattelut Ryhmähaastattelu Haastattelut Kyselyt Lehtiset Videoidut ryhmätilanteet Logidata (yksi sovellus) Nauhoitetut ryhmätilanteet Keskustelut logidata (useita sovelluksia) käsitekartat onlinedata (wikit, blogit etc) Käsitekarttojen Logidatan analyysi Bayes mallinnus, jonka tilastollinen analyysi, jonka avulla kyselydata, logidata Kevyt keskusteluanalyysi avulla ryhmät jaettiin ja käsitetesti kytkettiin huonosti ja hyvin Verkostoanalyysi (SNA) yhteen [kokeilu] menestyneisiin olemattoman vuorovaikutuksen Verkkoon tuotetun Ryhmätilanteiden ja materiaalin analysointi syiden etsimisessä lehtisten sisällönanalyysi (multilevel IA analysis) Haastattelut tukimateriaalina Mann-Whitney U-test haastatteluiden ja/tai hyvien ja huonojen ryhmätilanteiden ryhmien suoritusten analysointi vertailemiseksi LET - Oppimisen ja koulutusteknologian tutkimusyksikkö Jari Laru, 22.4.2009 29
  • 31. Overall, the analyses revealed nonparticipative behaviour within the online community. The social network analysis revealed structural holes and sparse collaboration among participants in the offline community. It was found that due to their separated practices in the offline community, they didn’t have a need for mobile collaboration tools in their practices.
  • 32. Although the results revealed several shortcomings in the types of argumentation... ….In general, the use of the mobile tool likely promoted important interaction during inquiry learning, but led to superficial epistemological quality in the knowledge claim messages.
  • 33. In our case, we found that using social software tools together to perform multiple tasks likely increased individual knowledge acquisition during the course. Bayesian classification analysis revealed that the best predictors of good learning outcomes were wiki-related activities.
  • 34. Social patterns in mobile technology mediated collaboration among members of the professional distance education community • Overall, the analyses revealed nonparticipative behaviour within the online community. The social network analysis revealed structural holes and sparse collaboration among participants in the offline community. Results • It was found that due to their separated practices in the offline community, they did not have a need for mobile collaboration tools in their practices. Supporting collaborative inquiry during a biology field trip with mobile peer-to-peer tools for learning: a case study with K-12 learners • Although the results revealed several shortcomings in the types of argumentation, it could be established that differences between the top performers and low performers were statistically significant in terms of social modes of argumentation, the use of warrants in the mobile tool and in overall participation. • In general, the use of the mobile tool likely promoted important interaction during inquiry learning, but led to superficial epistemological quality in the knowledge claim messages. Supporting small-group learning using multiple Web 2.0 tools: A case study in the higher education context • Explorative Bayesian classification analysis revealed that the best predictors of good learning outcomes were wiki-related activities. • In general, the results indicated that interaction between individual and collective actions likely increased individual knowledge acquisition during the course.
  • 35. Similar • Cognitive tools; Generic cognitive tools • Mobile computer supported collaborative learning • Can be considered as example: development of ”mobile learning” (from past to today) • Design can be considered as example: learning from => learning with Different • Study 1 is socio-cultural (COP) while others are socio-cognitive • Methodological designs are quite different • No explicit design cycles from study 1 to study 3, instead studies are independent cases. Development cycles are in design etc.
  • 36. Collaborative learning, Cognitive tools Scaffolding ? ?
  • 37.
  • 38. Collaborative learning, Cognitive tools Scaffolding, Structuring idiosyncratic (very scripted (low stringent (high little coercion) coercion) coercion)