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WK16 Agenda

•   Discussion question
•   Civilization in Music, Belated V-Day
•   Who am I?
•   Summarize last 100 years
•   Mini test

                      SY, BBA UBU Civilization   1
Discussion Question
• What’s the importance of South East Asia to the Industrial
   – Cheap raw material: rice, tobacco, coffee, rubber, oil, and tin
   – New market for Western products
   – Strategic location: resourceful, dense population, link between
     the far East and the West (especially after the creation of Suez)
• What is Bowring Treaty?
   – The treaty between Thai and England in 1855 to open foreign
• What are the presidential doctrines? Famous people
  doctrines? Thai doctrine?
   – Truman, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Colin Powell, Bush doctrine
   – Self sufficient, creative economy
• What’s the new trend? What should we call our period?
   – Contemporary World, Globalization, Activist Era, Digital Age, etc.
                            SY, BBA UBU Civilization                     2
Civilization in Music
• Musical Myth: True or false
  – Jazz started in New Orleans and spread to the rest
    of America.
  – What a Wonderful World was released as a single
    in 2006 by Celine Dion.
  – Elvis Presley was the King of pop.
  – The Beetles cam from the USSR.
  – We Are The World was originated for Haiti.
• Name these music type and their names.

                     SY, BBA UBU Civilization            3
Who are they? What are their stories?

               SY, BBA UBU Civilization   4
Time                      America
                                                    Ancient time     EU                 Africa/Middle East/Asia                        Art
1900        1917 America in WWI                         1914-1918 World War I          1910 Japan in Korea                      1927 The Jazz
            1920 Banned alcohol in the US               1922 Mussolini in Italy        1911 Kuomintang Revolution in China      Singer
            1921 Einstein got Nobel Prize for           1928-1953 Joseph Stalin in     1934 Communist long march
            explaining photoelectric effect             Russia                         1937 Japanese Invasion “China
            1929 Wall Street Crashed                    1933 Adolf Hitler in Germany   Incident”
            1933 Roosevelt New Deal                     1939-1945 WWII                 1945 Nuclear bomb in Japan
            1941 Pearl Harbor, America in WWII          1948 Communist in Eastern      1948 Set up Jewish State of Israel
                                                        Europe                         1948-1949 Arab and Israel War
                                                                                       1949 Mao Zedong set up People
                                                                                       Republic of China: Great Leap
                                                                                       Forward, Cultural Revolution
                                                                                       1949 racial discrimination in Africa

1950        1958 Jack Kill bee: Microchip               1953 Francis Crick and James   1956 ,1967, 1973, Arab Israel War        Musical Theater
            1963 Kennedy assassination                  Watt: DNA                      1950-1953 Korean War
            1968 Martin Luther King assassination       1957 Sputnik 1 in the orbit    1954-1973 Vietnam War
            1969 Neal Armstrong on the moon             1985 Gorbachev Russia Leader   1966 Cultural Revolution in China
            1992 Earth Summit in Brazil                 1989 Berlin Wall collapse      1978 Deng XiaoPing Economic
            1994 NAFTA                                  1989 Tim Bernerse Lee: WWW.    Reform in China
                                                        1991 Collapse of the USSR      1980-1988 Iran Iraq War
                                                                                       1989 Tianmen Square
                                                                                       1990 Iraq invade Kuwait
                                                                                       1991 Persian Gulf War
                                                                                       1993 Peace Talk (Israel and Palestine)
                                                                                       1996 Cloning Dolly
                                                                                       1997 Avian Flu in Hong Kong
2000-2010   2001: Terrorist attack                      2000 EU                        2003 SARS (Severely Acute                Harry Potter
            2002 War on Terrorist, Giant leap forward   2009 Economic Collapse, H1N1   Respiratory Syndrome)                    Lord of the Rings
            on Mars (found reservoir)                                                  2004 Tsunami in South East Asia
            2003 US control in Baghdad                                                 2008 Olympic in China
            2005 Texting                                                               2009 Economic Collapse, H1N1
            2006 Al Gore: Inconvenience Truth                                          2020 Olympic in Thailand???
            2007 Columbia Space Shuttle Explosion                                      2030 Chinese economy surpass the
            2009 Barack Obama 1st African American          SY, BBA UBU Civilization   US economy???
            president, Economic Collapse, H1N1                                                                                                      5
Great War: World War I
• Causes of WWI
   – Nationalism: Pan-Germany
     (Bismarck was the leader), Pan-
     Slavism, Militarism
   – Imperialism: European authority
   – Conflict between the two super

     Triple Alliance(Germany, Austria-
     Hungary, and Italy)
     Triple Alliance+Turkey+Bulgaria
     = Central Powers

     Triple Entente (UK, France, and
     Triple Entente+Romania+US+Asia
                                SY, BBA UBU Civilization   6
Great War: World War I

                                                                                     War ended in November
                                                                                      18, 1918. The Big Three
        Ignition:               War Expansion:             Trench Warfare on the       (US, UK, and France)
                                                           Western Front. America    agreed on the Fourteen
Bosnian student, tool of     Austria announced the
                                                             joined WWI when            Points of President
Serbian Nationalist, shot       war with Serbia
                                                            Germany announced           Woodrow Wilson to
   the crown prince of       (supported by Russia).
                                                          that their U-boats would    restore democracy and
    Austria, Archduke       Germany announced the
                                                            torpedo any vessels          set up a League of
  Francis Ferdinand, in       war with Russia and
                                                           headed for the British    Nations. Versailles Peace
        Sarajevo.                    France.
                                                                     port.             Treaty signed in 1919

                                            SY, BBA UBU Civilization                                       7
Great War: World War I
• WWI Consequences
  1. Versailles Treaty
      • Germany must pay $33
        billion for war reparation.
      • Surrendered some
        territories and colonies.
      • Limit the size of the army
        to 100,000 officers.
      • Disarmed and forbade to
        have air force.
   2. A League of Nations
      •   World peace and protect
          sovereignty of its
      •   Economic sanction the
      •   No army (leaded to its

                                SY, BBA UBU Civilization   8
Great War: World War I
• WWI Consequences
3. Great Depression
   around the World
  –       President Franklin D.
          Roosevelt launched New
          Deal project to create
4. Communist
  –       Russian Revolution: Lenin
          leaded Bolshevik to set
          up the government for
          the USSR
  –       Fascist
      •      1922:Italy: Mussolini
      •      1932: Germany: Hitler
      •      1931:Japan
                                SY, BBA UBU Civilization   9
World War II (1939-1945)

• Causes of WWII
  – Defect of the peace treaties: German war guilt
  – Great Depression around the World 1920-1930
  – Nationalism of Germany, Italy, and Japan
  – Failure of the League of Nations: Italy attacked
    Ethiopia, Hitler in Rhineland, Austria, and
    Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia
  – Western policy of appeasement

                     SY, BBA UBU Civilization          10
World War II (1939-1945)

    Ignition:          War Expansion:
                                                                               D-Day           The atomic bomb
  1939: Germany     1940: Hitler blitzkrieg
                      or lightning war in         Pearl Harbor            1944: The Allied         1945: Joint
 invaded Poland.                                                          troops invaded
                     Norway, Denmark,          1941: Japan struck                                proclamation to
  UK and France     Belgium, Netherlands,                                Normandy coast in     Japan (surrender or
                       France, and UK.
                                              at Pearl Harbor. The            France.
announced the war                                                                                 be destroyed)
                                               US announced the
  with Germany.     1940: Japan invaded                                  1945: Soviet troops
                                                 war with Japan.                                Atomic bomb in
  Axis Powers:        the Philippines,                                    conquered Berlin      Hiroshima and
Germany and Italy   Indonesia, Malaysia,                                   and Hitler killed       Nagasaki.
                        Burma, and                                            himself.
                        Indochina.                                        End of the war in     Japan surrendered
                                                                               Europe          on August 14, 1945.

                                              SY, BBA UBU Civilization                                       11
World War II (1939-1945)
Consequences                                                        WWI               WWII

1. Massive Destruction                    # of people died         10,947,000        58,508,000

2. Germany divided into 4                 Expense              196.5 Million $   2091.3 Million $

    occupied zones (American,             Countries involved          24                67

    British, French, and Soviet)
    and later became East and
    West Germany, which was
    divided by the Berlin Wall
    (symbol of the Iron Curtain)
3. World power shifted to
    Communist vs. Capitalism
    and Democracy =>Cold War
4. United Nations
5. End of colonization

                            SY, BBA UBU Civilization                                              12
Cold War 1945-1991
Fighting Methods
• Philosophy: communist vs.
    – US: Truman Doctrine: containment
      policy: stopped the spread of
      communism by helping the needed
      countries. For example, 400 million$
      to support Greece and Turkey
      military and economy.
    – USSR: Set up COMECON to spread
• Politics: NATO vs. Warsaw Pact
• Economics: Economic support to
  its ally
• Proxy war (both sides use
  substitutes or third parties to fight)
    – Afghanistan, Korean War, Vietnam
      War, etc.
• Space Race: Sputnik (1st in the
  orbit) vs. Apollo 11(1st on the
                                    SY, BBA UBU Civilization   13
                  Communism in China
    1911: Kuomintang Revolution in China
     – Dr. Sun Yut Sen, Father of the Revolution
     – Supported by Russia
     – His doctrine: Sun Min Chu I (Three Principles of
       the People: Nationalism, Democracy, and
     – Died in 1924 and Chiang Kai Shek became his
       successor: Leader of Nanking government
•   1934: Communist long march
•   1937-1945: Japanese Invasion “China
    Incident”, seven weeks rampage
•   1949: Mao Zedong(former deputy of Zhou
    Enlai) set up People Republic of China
•   1950: President Chiang in Taiwan
•   1958 The Great Leap Forward: a program
    to industrialized China but ended up with
    disaster from not enough food supply
•   1963: Lin Biao wrote “Quotation from
    Chairman Mao”( The little Red Book)
•   1966 Cultural Revolution in China
     –   Closed schools and universities
     –   Brain washed, concentration camp
     –   Teenage Red Guard Youths
     –   Mao died in 1976 ended the revolution periodCivilization
                                           SY, BBA UBU              14
Communism in China
• 1978 Deng Xia Ping Economic
  Reform in China: Four
   –   Agriculture
   –   Industry
   –   Military
   –   Science and technology
• 1980: One child policy
• 1989 Tianmen Square: Fifth
  modernization: democracy is a
  necessary condition for
  modernization: 3000 students
  went on hunger strike
• 1997: One country two systems
  (got Hong Kong back from UK)
• 1997: Avian Flu in Hong Kong

• 2008 Olympic in China
                                SY, BBA UBU Civilization   15
Collapse of the Communist
• 1980: Solidarity(worker’s trade
  union) in Poland
• 1985-1991: Mikhail Gorbachev
    – Perestroika-restructuring: political
      reforms, privatize property, moved
      economy towards free
    – Glasnost-openness: allowed
      government criticism
• 1989: Hungary opened its border
  with Austria, (East German
  civilian fled to West Germany
  through this border)
• 1990: Reunited East and West
• 1991: Collapse of the USSR:
  Republic of Russia(Boris Yeltsin as
  the president), Latvia, Estonia,
  Lithuania, etc.
                                  SY, BBA UBU Civilization   16
Human Rights
•   Human rights: basic freedoms that all
    people are entitle to enjoy such as civil,
    speech, religion, political, assembly and
•   Organization: United Nations, Amnesty
    International, OAS, FTC, etc.
•   Human rights is the focus of the US
    Foreign policy since 1900. No American
    aid would go to nations that violate
    human rights.
•   After WWII, the universal declaration of
    human rights became the new standard
    which include
     – equal rights and freedoms,
     – right to life, liberty, and security
     – freedom from slavery or servitude
     – freedom from torture or cruel
     – right to equal protection of the law
     – right to marry
     – right to own property
     – right to education
     See your friends presentation for more detail.
                                            SY, BBA UBU Civilization   17
Global Warming
• Global warming: Green house
  effect: gradual change in the
  earth’s climate due to
  emissions that trap heat
  currents within the
• Greenhouse gas emission: CO2
  , methane, and water vapor
• Ultraviolet, harmful to our
  eyes and skin, comes through
  the ozone layer hole which
  caused by the CFC gas found
  in spray or old refrigerators.
• What’s the three R stands
                           SY, BBA UBU Civilization   18
Computer and the Internet
• 1871: Charles Babbage
  designed cogs and wheels.
• 1946: ENIAC (valves)
  computer invention
• 1947: transistor invention
• 1969: ARPANET in the US
• 1975: Altair home computer
• 1981: IBM PC
• 1989: Tim Berners Lee
  created WWW.
• 2001:iPod
• 2008:3G
                        SY, BBA UBU Civilization   19
• Biotechnology: the use of
  biology to solve problems. The
  important areas are
  production of therapeutic
  proteins and other drugs
  through genetic engineering.
• Cloning: a genetically identical
  copy of a cell or an organism
• GMO: genetically modified
  organism: a process whose
  genome has been engineered
  to get the desired traits.

• What’s the advantage and
  disadvantage of GMO?

                              SY, BBA UBU Civilization   20
Problems and Challenge
• Health: Population and poverty, Incurable
  disease(AIDs, Cancer, etc.), Epidemic, Virus
• Environment: Pollution, Global warming
• Economic: Economic Collapse, Free Trade
• Politics: War, Terrorist
• Technology: Biotechnology, Information
  Technology, Virus
• Social: Moral Standard, Human Rights

                    SY, BBA UBU Civilization     21
Discussion Application
• You’ve finished reading your         • Change the application to
  friends story.                         World Civilization.
• What incidents affect your           • What incidents affect,
  friends behavior or                    change, and shape our
  decisions?                             lives?
• Are there any pattern?               • Any pattern?
• What are the problems and            • How will you help your
  challenge we’ll have to                friends, community, country
  encounter?                             and the World?
• How will you help your               • What are the risk involved?
• Will you solve the problems
  the same way as before or
  create a new method to
  help your friends?
• What are the risk involved?
                         SY, BBA UBU Civilization                  22

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WK16 Last 100 Years

  • 1. WK16 Agenda • Discussion question • Civilization in Music, Belated V-Day • Who am I? • Summarize last 100 years • Mini test SY, BBA UBU Civilization 1
  • 2. Discussion Question • What’s the importance of South East Asia to the Industrial Revolution? – Cheap raw material: rice, tobacco, coffee, rubber, oil, and tin – New market for Western products – Strategic location: resourceful, dense population, link between the far East and the West (especially after the creation of Suez) • What is Bowring Treaty? – The treaty between Thai and England in 1855 to open foreign trade. • What are the presidential doctrines? Famous people doctrines? Thai doctrine? – Truman, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Colin Powell, Bush doctrine – Self sufficient, creative economy • What’s the new trend? What should we call our period? – Contemporary World, Globalization, Activist Era, Digital Age, etc. SY, BBA UBU Civilization 2
  • 3. Civilization in Music • Musical Myth: True or false – Jazz started in New Orleans and spread to the rest of America. – What a Wonderful World was released as a single in 2006 by Celine Dion. – Elvis Presley was the King of pop. – The Beetles cam from the USSR. – We Are The World was originated for Haiti. • Name these music type and their names. SY, BBA UBU Civilization 3
  • 4. Who are they? What are their stories? SY, BBA UBU Civilization 4
  • 5. Time America Ancient time EU Africa/Middle East/Asia Art 1900 1917 America in WWI 1914-1918 World War I 1910 Japan in Korea 1927 The Jazz 1920 Banned alcohol in the US 1922 Mussolini in Italy 1911 Kuomintang Revolution in China Singer 1921 Einstein got Nobel Prize for 1928-1953 Joseph Stalin in 1934 Communist long march explaining photoelectric effect Russia 1937 Japanese Invasion “China 1929 Wall Street Crashed 1933 Adolf Hitler in Germany Incident” 1933 Roosevelt New Deal 1939-1945 WWII 1945 Nuclear bomb in Japan 1941 Pearl Harbor, America in WWII 1948 Communist in Eastern 1948 Set up Jewish State of Israel Europe 1948-1949 Arab and Israel War 1949 Mao Zedong set up People Republic of China: Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution 1949 racial discrimination in Africa 1950 1958 Jack Kill bee: Microchip 1953 Francis Crick and James 1956 ,1967, 1973, Arab Israel War Musical Theater 1963 Kennedy assassination Watt: DNA 1950-1953 Korean War 1968 Martin Luther King assassination 1957 Sputnik 1 in the orbit 1954-1973 Vietnam War 1969 Neal Armstrong on the moon 1985 Gorbachev Russia Leader 1966 Cultural Revolution in China 1992 Earth Summit in Brazil 1989 Berlin Wall collapse 1978 Deng XiaoPing Economic 1994 NAFTA 1989 Tim Bernerse Lee: WWW. Reform in China 1991 Collapse of the USSR 1980-1988 Iran Iraq War 1989 Tianmen Square 1990 Iraq invade Kuwait 1991 Persian Gulf War 1993 Peace Talk (Israel and Palestine) 1996 Cloning Dolly 1997 Avian Flu in Hong Kong 2000-2010 2001: Terrorist attack 2000 EU 2003 SARS (Severely Acute Harry Potter 2002 War on Terrorist, Giant leap forward 2009 Economic Collapse, H1N1 Respiratory Syndrome) Lord of the Rings on Mars (found reservoir) 2004 Tsunami in South East Asia 2003 US control in Baghdad 2008 Olympic in China 2005 Texting 2009 Economic Collapse, H1N1 2006 Al Gore: Inconvenience Truth 2020 Olympic in Thailand??? 2007 Columbia Space Shuttle Explosion 2030 Chinese economy surpass the 2009 Barack Obama 1st African American SY, BBA UBU Civilization US economy??? president, Economic Collapse, H1N1 5
  • 6. Great War: World War I • Causes of WWI – Nationalism: Pan-Germany (Bismarck was the leader), Pan- Slavism, Militarism – Imperialism: European authority expansion – Conflict between the two super power Triple Alliance(Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy) Triple Alliance+Turkey+Bulgaria = Central Powers Triple Entente (UK, France, and Russia) Triple Entente+Romania+US+Asia +Etc.=Allies SY, BBA UBU Civilization 6
  • 7. Great War: World War I War ended in November 18, 1918. The Big Three Ignition: War Expansion: Trench Warfare on the (US, UK, and France) Western Front. America agreed on the Fourteen Bosnian student, tool of Austria announced the joined WWI when Points of President Serbian Nationalist, shot war with Serbia Germany announced Woodrow Wilson to the crown prince of (supported by Russia). that their U-boats would restore democracy and Austria, Archduke Germany announced the torpedo any vessels set up a League of Francis Ferdinand, in war with Russia and headed for the British Nations. Versailles Peace Sarajevo. France. port. Treaty signed in 1919 SY, BBA UBU Civilization 7
  • 8. Great War: World War I • WWI Consequences 1. Versailles Treaty • Germany must pay $33 billion for war reparation. • Surrendered some territories and colonies. • Limit the size of the army to 100,000 officers. • Disarmed and forbade to have air force. 2. A League of Nations • World peace and protect sovereignty of its members • Economic sanction the invaders • No army (leaded to its failure) SY, BBA UBU Civilization 8
  • 9. Great War: World War I • WWI Consequences 3. Great Depression around the World – President Franklin D. Roosevelt launched New Deal project to create jobs. 4. Communist – Russian Revolution: Lenin leaded Bolshevik to set up the government for the USSR – Fascist • 1922:Italy: Mussolini • 1932: Germany: Hitler • 1931:Japan SY, BBA UBU Civilization 9
  • 10. World War II (1939-1945) • Causes of WWII – Defect of the peace treaties: German war guilt – Great Depression around the World 1920-1930 – Nationalism of Germany, Italy, and Japan – Failure of the League of Nations: Italy attacked Ethiopia, Hitler in Rhineland, Austria, and Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia – Western policy of appeasement SY, BBA UBU Civilization 10
  • 11. World War II (1939-1945) Ignition: War Expansion: D-Day The atomic bomb 1939: Germany 1940: Hitler blitzkrieg or lightning war in Pearl Harbor 1944: The Allied 1945: Joint invaded Poland. troops invaded Norway, Denmark, 1941: Japan struck proclamation to UK and France Belgium, Netherlands, Normandy coast in Japan (surrender or France, and UK. at Pearl Harbor. The France. announced the war be destroyed) US announced the with Germany. 1940: Japan invaded 1945: Soviet troops war with Japan. Atomic bomb in Axis Powers: the Philippines, conquered Berlin Hiroshima and Germany and Italy Indonesia, Malaysia, and Hitler killed Nagasaki. Burma, and himself. Indochina. End of the war in Japan surrendered Europe on August 14, 1945. SY, BBA UBU Civilization 11
  • 12. World War II (1939-1945) Consequences WWI WWII 1. Massive Destruction # of people died 10,947,000 58,508,000 2. Germany divided into 4 Expense 196.5 Million $ 2091.3 Million $ occupied zones (American, Countries involved 24 67 British, French, and Soviet) and later became East and West Germany, which was divided by the Berlin Wall (symbol of the Iron Curtain) 3. World power shifted to Communist vs. Capitalism and Democracy =>Cold War 4. United Nations 5. End of colonization SY, BBA UBU Civilization 12
  • 13. Cold War 1945-1991 Fighting Methods • Philosophy: communist vs. democracy – US: Truman Doctrine: containment policy: stopped the spread of communism by helping the needed countries. For example, 400 million$ to support Greece and Turkey military and economy. – USSR: Set up COMECON to spread communist • Politics: NATO vs. Warsaw Pact • Economics: Economic support to its ally • Proxy war (both sides use substitutes or third parties to fight) – Afghanistan, Korean War, Vietnam War, etc. • Space Race: Sputnik (1st in the orbit) vs. Apollo 11(1st on the moon) SY, BBA UBU Civilization 13
  • 14. Communism in China 1911: Kuomintang Revolution in China – Dr. Sun Yut Sen, Father of the Revolution – Supported by Russia – His doctrine: Sun Min Chu I (Three Principles of the People: Nationalism, Democracy, and Livelihood) – Died in 1924 and Chiang Kai Shek became his successor: Leader of Nanking government • 1934: Communist long march • 1937-1945: Japanese Invasion “China Incident”, seven weeks rampage • 1949: Mao Zedong(former deputy of Zhou Enlai) set up People Republic of China • 1950: President Chiang in Taiwan • 1958 The Great Leap Forward: a program to industrialized China but ended up with disaster from not enough food supply • 1963: Lin Biao wrote “Quotation from Chairman Mao”( The little Red Book) • 1966 Cultural Revolution in China – Closed schools and universities – Brain washed, concentration camp – Teenage Red Guard Youths – Mao died in 1976 ended the revolution periodCivilization SY, BBA UBU 14
  • 15. Communism in China • 1978 Deng Xia Ping Economic Reform in China: Four modernizations – Agriculture – Industry – Military – Science and technology • 1980: One child policy • 1989 Tianmen Square: Fifth modernization: democracy is a necessary condition for modernization: 3000 students went on hunger strike • 1997: One country two systems (got Hong Kong back from UK) • 1997: Avian Flu in Hong Kong • 2008 Olympic in China SY, BBA UBU Civilization 15
  • 16. Collapse of the Communist • 1980: Solidarity(worker’s trade union) in Poland • 1985-1991: Mikhail Gorbachev – Perestroika-restructuring: political reforms, privatize property, moved economy towards free – Glasnost-openness: allowed government criticism • 1989: Hungary opened its border with Austria, (East German civilian fled to West Germany through this border) • 1990: Reunited East and West Germany • 1991: Collapse of the USSR: Republic of Russia(Boris Yeltsin as the president), Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, etc. SY, BBA UBU Civilization 16
  • 17. Human Rights • Human rights: basic freedoms that all people are entitle to enjoy such as civil, speech, religion, political, assembly and vote. • Organization: United Nations, Amnesty International, OAS, FTC, etc. • Human rights is the focus of the US Foreign policy since 1900. No American aid would go to nations that violate human rights. • After WWII, the universal declaration of human rights became the new standard which include – equal rights and freedoms, – right to life, liberty, and security – freedom from slavery or servitude – freedom from torture or cruel – right to equal protection of the law – right to marry – right to own property – right to education See your friends presentation for more detail. SY, BBA UBU Civilization 17
  • 18. Global Warming • Global warming: Green house effect: gradual change in the earth’s climate due to emissions that trap heat currents within the atmosphere. • Greenhouse gas emission: CO2 , methane, and water vapor • Ultraviolet, harmful to our eyes and skin, comes through the ozone layer hole which caused by the CFC gas found in spray or old refrigerators. • What’s the three R stands for? SY, BBA UBU Civilization 18
  • 19. Computer and the Internet • 1871: Charles Babbage designed cogs and wheels. • 1946: ENIAC (valves) computer invention • 1947: transistor invention • 1969: ARPANET in the US military • 1975: Altair home computer • 1981: IBM PC • 1989: Tim Berners Lee created WWW. • 2001:iPod • 2008:3G SY, BBA UBU Civilization 19
  • 20. Biotechnology • Biotechnology: the use of biology to solve problems. The important areas are production of therapeutic proteins and other drugs through genetic engineering. • Cloning: a genetically identical copy of a cell or an organism • GMO: genetically modified organism: a process whose genome has been engineered to get the desired traits. • What’s the advantage and disadvantage of GMO? SY, BBA UBU Civilization 20
  • 21. Problems and Challenge • Health: Population and poverty, Incurable disease(AIDs, Cancer, etc.), Epidemic, Virus • Environment: Pollution, Global warming • Economic: Economic Collapse, Free Trade • Politics: War, Terrorist • Technology: Biotechnology, Information Technology, Virus • Social: Moral Standard, Human Rights SY, BBA UBU Civilization 21
  • 22. Discussion Application • You’ve finished reading your • Change the application to friends story. World Civilization. • What incidents affect your • What incidents affect, friends behavior or change, and shape our decisions? lives? • Are there any pattern? • Any pattern? • What are the problems and • How will you help your challenge we’ll have to friends, community, country encounter? and the World? • How will you help your • What are the risk involved? friends? • Will you solve the problems the same way as before or create a new method to help your friends? • What are the risk involved? SY, BBA UBU Civilization 22