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                  for the Mobile
                  Workforce in a
      Go                                                     to                                                2

               or IT profession-    chitecture to the user interface    reviewing Windows To Go, NSA
               als, there is an     has been transformed. This re-      states:
               opportunity    for   port highlights one of the latest
               government IT to     features of Windows 8, Windows      “Microsoft’s recommended us-
               be instrumental in   To Go. Windows To Go allows         age of Windows To Go focuses
creating a modern, agile, and ef-   the Windows 8 environment to        on providing a managed Win-
ficient government agency. How-     be carried on an encrypted USB      dows environment while allow-
ever, IT professionals have great   key, which can be plugged into      ing users to roam to different
responsibility to support agency-   any PC to access information on     machines either in the workplace
wide success and meet federally     their PC desktop.                   or at home. This includes scenar-
mandated initiatives. With the                                          ios such as managed free seating,
launch of Windows 8, govern-        This report highlights how          temporary or contracted work-
ment agencies are even better       Windows To Go helps facilitate      force, and working from home.
positioned to be more agile, mo-    agency continuity of operations     A preconfigured and managed
bile and secure, with a platform    initiatives, opens new opportuni-   Windows To Go device with a
reimagined for today’s govern-      ties for government agencies and    Virtual Private Network (VPN)
ment needs.                         retains security in a mobile en-    solution, such as DirectAccess,
                                    vironment to accommodate an         can provide a trusted environ-
Advancements in technology          increasingly mobile workforce.      ment for remote access into an
provide opportunities for gov-                                          enterprise network.
ernment agencies to modernize,      With this feature available, em-
become more agile and efficient.    ployees can easily access and       Travel amongst sites often re-
These elements are essential to     share information on the go, and    quires a user to travel with a lap-
meet organizational demand, es-     not be confined to a single desk    top or mobile device. Windows
pecially as agencies operate with   or location to access their desk-   To Go could be used as a solu-
leaner budgets.                     top, and without compromising       tion allowing employees to travel
                                    security. There are many practi-    lighter while still having access to
In the latest version of Windows    cal implications of Windows To      their desktop and managed net-
everything from the system ar-      Go. In a recent report from NSA     work environment.”
Facilitati n g Co n ti n u it y of O p e r at ion s

    With the explosion of technological capabilities        in partnership with BYOD initiatives and telework
    and broader consumer adoption, there is an in-          programs.

3   creasing reliance on technology to deliver core
    services to citizens by government. Therefore,          Considering that many government computers
    continuity of operations (COOP) has become in-          have different versions of Windows, hardware
    creasingly important for the federal government.        specifications and software, it is remarkable that
    The Federal Continuity Directive 1 (FCD 1) pro-         Windows To Go can run in a variety of different
    vides direction to the federal executive branch on      computing environments. Microsoft continues to
    how to best create and develop a continuity plan        explain what kinds of devices can deploy Windows
    and program. A continuity plan is critical, as it al-   To Go, stating, “Enterprise customers utilizing Vol-
    lows government to continue to operate during           ume Activation Windows licensing will be able to
    emergencies that may disrupt normal work activi-        deploy USB drives provisioned with Windows To
    ties. Windows To Go is one piece of technology          Go workspace.” Microsoft states that a host com-
    that can help transform how governments operate         puter for the Windows To Go environment does
    during a crisis.                                        not require specific software. Microsoft continues
                                                            to acknowledge that PCs certified for Windows 7
    COOP initiatives have become increasingly impor-        or Windows 8 can host Windows To Go. Microsoft
    tant for government agencies. In todays world, hav-     provides some further details on what conditions
    ing the ability for employees to access their desk-     a host computer must meet to use Windows To
    tops on any PC is essential. For many government        Go:
    agencies, it is now imperative that employees find a
    way to securely access information and resources            Computer is USB boot capable
    during a crisis. Windows To Go can help facilitate          Computer is USB boot enabled in the firm-
    an effective COOP program.                                  ware
                                                                Meet Windows 8 minimum system require-
    Microsoft provides a great overview of Windows              ments
    To Go, and the relationship to assisting in devel-          Have compatible processor architectures (for
    oping COOP programs is clear. Microsoft states,             example, x86 or AMD64) as the image used
    “Windows To Go is an enterprise feature of Win-             to create the Windows To Go workspace.
    dows 8 that enables users to boot Windows from              ARM is not a supported processor for Win-
    a USB-connected external drive. Windows To Go               dows To Go.
    drives can use the same image that enterprises use          Have firmware architecture that is compatible
    for their desktops and laptops, and can be man-             with the architecture of the image used for
    aged the same way. Offering a new mobility op-              the Windows To Go workspace.
    tion, a Windows To Go workspace is not intended
    to replace desktops or laptops, or supplant other       There are many scenarios in which Windows To
    mobility offerings.” The end goal of Windows To         Go can be used; Microsoft provides an overview
    Go is that it will allow government agencies anoth-     of some of these scenarios.The first way is through
    er option for growing mobility trends, and work         COOP. Microsoft states:
In this scenario, selected employees receive a USB drive with a Windows
To Go workspace, which includes all of the applications that the employees
use at work. The employees can keep the device at home, in a briefcase, or
wherever they want to store it until needed.When the users boot their home
computer from the USB drive, it will create a corporate desktop experience                                  4
so that they can quickly start working. On the very first boot, the employee
sees that Windows is installing devices; after that one time, the Windows To
Go drive boots like a normal computer. If they have enterprise network ac-
cess, employees can use a virtual private network (VPN) connection or Di-
rectAccess to access corporate resources. If the enterprise network is avail-
able, the Windows To Go workspace will automatically be updated using your
standard client management processes.

Microsoft continues to provide other examples as to how Windows To
Go can open up new opportunities for agencies. Microsoft states that
Windows To Go can also assist with contractors and temporary workers
accessing information. Microsoft states, “In this situation, an enterprise
IT pro or manager would distribute the Windows To Go drive directly
to the worker where they can be assisted with any necessary additional
user education needs or address any possible compatibility issues.” This
would certainly be extremely helpful for workers and contractors who are highly mobile, and often on
the move. Microsoft continues, “While the worker is on assignment, they can boot their computer ex-
clusively from the Windows To Go drive and run all applications in that environment until the end of the
assignment when the device is returned. No installation of software is required on the worker’s personal

Opening N ew Oppor t u nit ie s

Increasingly, government employees desire flex-       tal Government Strategy released by the White
ible work styles and access to information to         House, agencies are now tasked to move citizen-
work on the device and place of their choosing.       facing services to a mobile environment. Susie Ad-
The Windows 8 environment goes well beyond            ams, Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft, recent-
COOP initiatives and aligns with many elements        ly spoke with Chris Dorobek of GovLoop, Susie
of the Digital Government Strategy. With the Digi-    comments that Windows 8 can help agencies fully
align with the Digital Government Strategy. Susie        on employee need. With Windows To Go, agencies
    states, “The Digital Government Strategy pushes          will already have a built in technology infrastruc-
    for agencies to look at bring your own device and        ture that provides remote work in a secure en-
    mobility. The directive calls for federal employees      vironment, and will not have to worry about the
    to have access to the data they need anywhere,           associated costs of wireless and data. Likewise, to
    anytime on any device.”                                  support mobile work initiatives, like BYOD, agen-
5                                                            cies must provide security and IT support for a
    Additionally, Windows To Go may be an afford-            variety of devices and operating systems. With
    able solution for many agencies to consider while        Windows To Go, an employee can seamlessly con-
    adopting a mobile strategy, especially as opposed        nect to their desktop from a variety of different
    to ongoing BYOD efforts. Although BYOD cer-              work scenarios, all on the same operating system
    tainly can provide improved productivity to allow        and accessed securely. Windows To Go sticks can
    employees to work on the device of their choice,         be purchased at a low rate, and avoid some of the
    BYOD does have hidden costs.                             challenges and hidden costs we have seen with
    One of the hidden costs relates to the pricing
    structure of wireless plans. To avoid shifting data      Another instance that Microsoft identifies is tele-
    and wireless plans to employees, agencies are be-        work, stating, “The Windows To Go drive can be
    ginning to offer reimbursements for data and wire-       provisioned for employees using various methods
    less. For agencies, this reimbursement rate can po-      including System Center Configuration Manager
    tentially be higher than if the agency were to buy       or other deployment tools and then distributed
    devices in bulk and optimize service plans based         to employees. The employee is instructed to boot

      “Windows To Go could be used as
      a solution allowing employees
      to travel lighter while still hav-
      ing access to their desktop and
      managed network environment.”
                           National Security Agency

       “The Digital Government Strategy pushes for agen-     “In this situation, you have employees who are
       cies to look at bring your own device and mobility.   moving from site to site, but who always have ac-
       The directive calls for federal employees to have     cess to a compatible host computer on site. Using
       access to the data they need anywhere, anytime        Windows To Go workspaces allows them to travel
       on any device.”                                       without the need to pack their PC.”

                                    Susie Adams                                                   Microsoft
              Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft
the Windows To Go drive initially at work, which
caches the employee’s credentials on the Win-        A final example is that with Windows To Go, gov-
dows To Go workspace and allows the initial data     ernment employees can travel lightly. Microsoft
synchronization between the enterprise network       states, “In this situation you have employees who
and the Windows To Go workspace. The user can        are moving from site to site, but who always have
then bring the Windows To Go drive home where
it can be used with their home computer, with or
                                                     access to a compatible host computer on site. Us-
                                                     ing Windows To Go workspaces allows them to           6
without enterprise network connectivity.”            travel without the need to pack their PC.”

I mp ro ve d S ecu ri ty F e at u r e s

Yet, with all these great innovations from Win-      BitLocker with your Windows To Go drives to
dows To Go, the core concern for any government      protect the drive from being compromised if the
agency is security. Retaining security in a mobile   drive is lost or stolen. When BitLocker is enabled,
environment is a necessity to meeting organiza-      the user must provide a password to unlock the
tional demands. With increased collaboration and     drive and boot the Windows To Go workspace,
providing mobile and multiple channels to access     this helps prevent unauthorized users from boot-
information, agencies are faced with increased       ing the drive and using it to gain access to your
risks of government data being compromised.          network resources and confidential data.”

Microsoft has made significant security updates      Microsoft continues, “You can enable BitLocker
to protect information, and ensure that security     while using the Windows To Go creator wizard as
is number one for government employees. This is      part of the drive provisioning process before first
especially true with Windows To Go, Susie Adams      use; or it can be enabled afterward by the user
of Microsoft states; “Windows To Go is protected     from within the Windows To Go workspace.”
and encrypted with BitLocker, so you can plug into
any device that could run Windows 7, and then        Another key feature about Windows To Go is that
your Windows 8 desktop is there for you to ac-       no information can be transferred between com-
cess.”                                               puters. Susie states, “Windows To Go runs in your
                                                     own sandbox, and no information can move be-
Microsoft continues to provide insights to im-       tween devices, so when you shutdown and unplug,
proved security features throughthe use of Bit-      you have your desktop in your pocket.”
Locker, stating, “We recommend that you use
The Way F o rw a rd

    Across all areas of government, services rely on       technology, such as Windows To Go, there is much
    dependable and efficient technology. In todays digi-   reason for optimism that technology can enable
7   tal world, it is essential for government to have      agencies to tackle their most complex challenges.
    reliable systems for improved governance. At the       In many ways, government technology is at the core
    speed at which technology moves and with height-       of enabling agencies to meet their agency wide
    ened citizen expectations of government, agencies      objectives. As technology like Windows 8 contin-
    need to be become more flexible and agile in tech-     ues to evolve, it is critical that agencies adopt and
    nology adoption.                                       modernize technology to meet the growing needs
                                                           of the agency.
    There is no doubt that the current government
    landscape is complex, and contains significant chal-
    lenges for improved services, cost reductions and
    modernized infrastructure. Yet, with emerging

    Fo r m o re i n fo rma ti on on M i c r os of t W in d ows
    8 , p le ase see the f ol low in g r e s ou r c e s :

    1.	    Overview: Windows To Go
    2.	    Windows To Go: Frequently Asked Questions
    3.	    Windows To Go: Prepare Your Organization
    4.	    Windows To Go: Deployment Considerations
    5.	    Windows To Go: Security and Data Protection Considerations
    6.	    Windows To Go: Best Practice Recommendations
    7.	    Configuring Windows To Go as a Mobile Desktop Solution Windows To Go Step by Step
    8.	    How to Create a Windows To Go USB Drive
    9.	    Ask the Performance Team Blog. Windows 8 / Windows Server 2012: Windows To Go
    10.	   Security and Data Protection Considerations for Windows To Go
    11.	   How to Securely Configure Microsoft Windows Vista BitLocker

    GovLoop Resources

    1.	    Microsoft Productivity for Government
    2.	    Windows 8 Apps
    3.	    Most Anticipated Features of Windows 8
About Microsoft
Every day at Microsoft we are motivated and inspired by how our customers use our software to find
creative solutions to business problems, develop breakthrough ideas, and stay connected to what’s most
important to them. Check out the Microsoft Productivity for Government group on GovLoop as well as       8
the Technology Sub-Community of which we are a council member.

About GovLoop
GovLoop’s mission is to “connect government to improve government.” We aim to inspire public sector
professionals by serving as the knowledge network for government. GovLoop connects more than 60,000
members, fostering cross-government collaboration, solving common problems and advancing government
careers. GovLoop is headquartered in Washington D.C with a team of dedicated professionals who share a
commitment to connect and improve government.

For more information about report, please reach out to Pat Fiorenza, GovLoop Research Analyst, at pat@


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Windows To Go: Microsoft Report

  • 1.
  • 2. D e veloping N ew and Aff or d abl e Oppor tuniti es for the Mobile Workforce in a Secure Environment
  • 3. Windows Go to 2 or IT profession- chitecture to the user interface reviewing Windows To Go, NSA als, there is an has been transformed. This re- states: opportunity for port highlights one of the latest government IT to features of Windows 8, Windows “Microsoft’s recommended us- be instrumental in To Go. Windows To Go allows age of Windows To Go focuses creating a modern, agile, and ef- the Windows 8 environment to on providing a managed Win- ficient government agency. How- be carried on an encrypted USB dows environment while allow- ever, IT professionals have great key, which can be plugged into ing users to roam to different responsibility to support agency- any PC to access information on machines either in the workplace wide success and meet federally their PC desktop. or at home. This includes scenar- mandated initiatives. With the ios such as managed free seating, launch of Windows 8, govern- This report highlights how temporary or contracted work- ment agencies are even better Windows To Go helps facilitate force, and working from home. positioned to be more agile, mo- agency continuity of operations A preconfigured and managed bile and secure, with a platform initiatives, opens new opportuni- Windows To Go device with a reimagined for today’s govern- ties for government agencies and Virtual Private Network (VPN) ment needs. retains security in a mobile en- solution, such as DirectAccess, vironment to accommodate an can provide a trusted environ- Advancements in technology increasingly mobile workforce. ment for remote access into an provide opportunities for gov- enterprise network. ernment agencies to modernize, With this feature available, em- become more agile and efficient. ployees can easily access and Travel amongst sites often re- These elements are essential to share information on the go, and quires a user to travel with a lap- meet organizational demand, es- not be confined to a single desk top or mobile device. Windows pecially as agencies operate with or location to access their desk- To Go could be used as a solu- leaner budgets. top, and without compromising tion allowing employees to travel security. There are many practi- lighter while still having access to In the latest version of Windows cal implications of Windows To their desktop and managed net- everything from the system ar- Go. In a recent report from NSA work environment.”
  • 4. Facilitati n g Co n ti n u it y of O p e r at ion s With the explosion of technological capabilities in partnership with BYOD initiatives and telework and broader consumer adoption, there is an in- programs. 3 creasing reliance on technology to deliver core services to citizens by government. Therefore, Considering that many government computers continuity of operations (COOP) has become in- have different versions of Windows, hardware creasingly important for the federal government. specifications and software, it is remarkable that The Federal Continuity Directive 1 (FCD 1) pro- Windows To Go can run in a variety of different vides direction to the federal executive branch on computing environments. Microsoft continues to how to best create and develop a continuity plan explain what kinds of devices can deploy Windows and program. A continuity plan is critical, as it al- To Go, stating, “Enterprise customers utilizing Vol- lows government to continue to operate during ume Activation Windows licensing will be able to emergencies that may disrupt normal work activi- deploy USB drives provisioned with Windows To ties. Windows To Go is one piece of technology Go workspace.” Microsoft states that a host com- that can help transform how governments operate puter for the Windows To Go environment does during a crisis. not require specific software. Microsoft continues to acknowledge that PCs certified for Windows 7 COOP initiatives have become increasingly impor- or Windows 8 can host Windows To Go. Microsoft tant for government agencies. In todays world, hav- provides some further details on what conditions ing the ability for employees to access their desk- a host computer must meet to use Windows To tops on any PC is essential. For many government Go: agencies, it is now imperative that employees find a way to securely access information and resources Computer is USB boot capable during a crisis. Windows To Go can help facilitate Computer is USB boot enabled in the firm- an effective COOP program. ware Meet Windows 8 minimum system require- Microsoft provides a great overview of Windows ments To Go, and the relationship to assisting in devel- Have compatible processor architectures (for oping COOP programs is clear. Microsoft states, example, x86 or AMD64) as the image used “Windows To Go is an enterprise feature of Win- to create the Windows To Go workspace. dows 8 that enables users to boot Windows from ARM is not a supported processor for Win- a USB-connected external drive. Windows To Go dows To Go. drives can use the same image that enterprises use Have firmware architecture that is compatible for their desktops and laptops, and can be man- with the architecture of the image used for aged the same way. Offering a new mobility op- the Windows To Go workspace. tion, a Windows To Go workspace is not intended to replace desktops or laptops, or supplant other There are many scenarios in which Windows To mobility offerings.” The end goal of Windows To Go can be used; Microsoft provides an overview Go is that it will allow government agencies anoth- of some of these scenarios.The first way is through er option for growing mobility trends, and work COOP. Microsoft states:
  • 5. In this scenario, selected employees receive a USB drive with a Windows To Go workspace, which includes all of the applications that the employees use at work. The employees can keep the device at home, in a briefcase, or wherever they want to store it until needed.When the users boot their home computer from the USB drive, it will create a corporate desktop experience 4 so that they can quickly start working. On the very first boot, the employee sees that Windows is installing devices; after that one time, the Windows To Go drive boots like a normal computer. If they have enterprise network ac- cess, employees can use a virtual private network (VPN) connection or Di- rectAccess to access corporate resources. If the enterprise network is avail- able, the Windows To Go workspace will automatically be updated using your standard client management processes. Microsoft continues to provide other examples as to how Windows To Go can open up new opportunities for agencies. Microsoft states that Windows To Go can also assist with contractors and temporary workers accessing information. Microsoft states, “In this situation, an enterprise IT pro or manager would distribute the Windows To Go drive directly to the worker where they can be assisted with any necessary additional user education needs or address any possible compatibility issues.” This would certainly be extremely helpful for workers and contractors who are highly mobile, and often on the move. Microsoft continues, “While the worker is on assignment, they can boot their computer ex- clusively from the Windows To Go drive and run all applications in that environment until the end of the assignment when the device is returned. No installation of software is required on the worker’s personal computer.” Opening N ew Oppor t u nit ie s Increasingly, government employees desire flex- tal Government Strategy released by the White ible work styles and access to information to House, agencies are now tasked to move citizen- work on the device and place of their choosing. facing services to a mobile environment. Susie Ad- The Windows 8 environment goes well beyond ams, Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft, recent- COOP initiatives and aligns with many elements ly spoke with Chris Dorobek of GovLoop, Susie of the Digital Government Strategy. With the Digi- comments that Windows 8 can help agencies fully
  • 6. align with the Digital Government Strategy. Susie on employee need. With Windows To Go, agencies states, “The Digital Government Strategy pushes will already have a built in technology infrastruc- for agencies to look at bring your own device and ture that provides remote work in a secure en- mobility. The directive calls for federal employees vironment, and will not have to worry about the to have access to the data they need anywhere, associated costs of wireless and data. Likewise, to anytime on any device.” support mobile work initiatives, like BYOD, agen- 5 cies must provide security and IT support for a Additionally, Windows To Go may be an afford- variety of devices and operating systems. With able solution for many agencies to consider while Windows To Go, an employee can seamlessly con- adopting a mobile strategy, especially as opposed nect to their desktop from a variety of different to ongoing BYOD efforts. Although BYOD cer- work scenarios, all on the same operating system tainly can provide improved productivity to allow and accessed securely. Windows To Go sticks can employees to work on the device of their choice, be purchased at a low rate, and avoid some of the BYOD does have hidden costs. challenges and hidden costs we have seen with BYOD. One of the hidden costs relates to the pricing structure of wireless plans. To avoid shifting data Another instance that Microsoft identifies is tele- and wireless plans to employees, agencies are be- work, stating, “The Windows To Go drive can be ginning to offer reimbursements for data and wire- provisioned for employees using various methods less. For agencies, this reimbursement rate can po- including System Center Configuration Manager tentially be higher than if the agency were to buy or other deployment tools and then distributed devices in bulk and optimize service plans based to employees. The employee is instructed to boot “Windows To Go could be used as a solution allowing employees to travel lighter while still hav- ing access to their desktop and managed network environment.” National Security Agency “The Digital Government Strategy pushes for agen- “In this situation, you have employees who are cies to look at bring your own device and mobility. moving from site to site, but who always have ac- The directive calls for federal employees to have cess to a compatible host computer on site. Using access to the data they need anywhere, anytime Windows To Go workspaces allows them to travel on any device.” without the need to pack their PC.” Susie Adams Microsoft Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft
  • 7. the Windows To Go drive initially at work, which caches the employee’s credentials on the Win- A final example is that with Windows To Go, gov- dows To Go workspace and allows the initial data ernment employees can travel lightly. Microsoft synchronization between the enterprise network states, “In this situation you have employees who and the Windows To Go workspace. The user can are moving from site to site, but who always have then bring the Windows To Go drive home where it can be used with their home computer, with or access to a compatible host computer on site. Us- ing Windows To Go workspaces allows them to 6 without enterprise network connectivity.” travel without the need to pack their PC.” I mp ro ve d S ecu ri ty F e at u r e s Yet, with all these great innovations from Win- BitLocker with your Windows To Go drives to dows To Go, the core concern for any government protect the drive from being compromised if the agency is security. Retaining security in a mobile drive is lost or stolen. When BitLocker is enabled, environment is a necessity to meeting organiza- the user must provide a password to unlock the tional demands. With increased collaboration and drive and boot the Windows To Go workspace, providing mobile and multiple channels to access this helps prevent unauthorized users from boot- information, agencies are faced with increased ing the drive and using it to gain access to your risks of government data being compromised. network resources and confidential data.” Microsoft has made significant security updates Microsoft continues, “You can enable BitLocker to protect information, and ensure that security while using the Windows To Go creator wizard as is number one for government employees. This is part of the drive provisioning process before first especially true with Windows To Go, Susie Adams use; or it can be enabled afterward by the user of Microsoft states; “Windows To Go is protected from within the Windows To Go workspace.” and encrypted with BitLocker, so you can plug into any device that could run Windows 7, and then Another key feature about Windows To Go is that your Windows 8 desktop is there for you to ac- no information can be transferred between com- cess.” puters. Susie states, “Windows To Go runs in your own sandbox, and no information can move be- Microsoft continues to provide insights to im- tween devices, so when you shutdown and unplug, proved security features throughthe use of Bit- you have your desktop in your pocket.” Locker, stating, “We recommend that you use
  • 8. The Way F o rw a rd Across all areas of government, services rely on technology, such as Windows To Go, there is much dependable and efficient technology. In todays digi- reason for optimism that technology can enable 7 tal world, it is essential for government to have agencies to tackle their most complex challenges. reliable systems for improved governance. At the In many ways, government technology is at the core speed at which technology moves and with height- of enabling agencies to meet their agency wide ened citizen expectations of government, agencies objectives. As technology like Windows 8 contin- need to be become more flexible and agile in tech- ues to evolve, it is critical that agencies adopt and nology adoption. modernize technology to meet the growing needs of the agency. There is no doubt that the current government landscape is complex, and contains significant chal- lenges for improved services, cost reductions and modernized infrastructure. Yet, with emerging Fo r m o re i n fo rma ti on on M i c r os of t W in d ows 8 , p le ase see the f ol low in g r e s ou r c e s : 1. Overview: Windows To Go 2. Windows To Go: Frequently Asked Questions 3. Windows To Go: Prepare Your Organization 4. Windows To Go: Deployment Considerations 5. Windows To Go: Security and Data Protection Considerations 6. Windows To Go: Best Practice Recommendations 7. Configuring Windows To Go as a Mobile Desktop Solution Windows To Go Step by Step 8. How to Create a Windows To Go USB Drive 9. Ask the Performance Team Blog. Windows 8 / Windows Server 2012: Windows To Go 10. Security and Data Protection Considerations for Windows To Go 11. How to Securely Configure Microsoft Windows Vista BitLocker GovLoop Resources 1. Microsoft Productivity for Government 2. Windows 8 Apps 3. Most Anticipated Features of Windows 8
  • 9. About Microsoft Every day at Microsoft we are motivated and inspired by how our customers use our software to find creative solutions to business problems, develop breakthrough ideas, and stay connected to what’s most important to them. Check out the Microsoft Productivity for Government group on GovLoop as well as 8 the Technology Sub-Community of which we are a council member. About GovLoop GovLoop’s mission is to “connect government to improve government.” We aim to inspire public sector professionals by serving as the knowledge network for government. GovLoop connects more than 60,000 members, fostering cross-government collaboration, solving common problems and advancing government careers. GovLoop is headquartered in Washington D.C with a team of dedicated professionals who share a commitment to connect and improve government. For more information about report, please reach out to Pat Fiorenza, GovLoop Research Analyst, at pat@ GovLoop
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