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White Paper - Version 1.0                                         eyeOS - January 2012

                           Hybrid virtualization:
                      optimal management of a
                        company’s IT resources
                                                                How Cloud Computing can
                            revolutionize the virtualization of desktops in the work place

                                                                      Jose Carlos Norte
                                                                           eyeOS CTO
White Paper                                                                                                        2
eyeOS - January 2012
Version 1.0

1. Starting point: Thick Client: the dominant model
2. The turning point: a post-PC world with an abundance of bandwidth
3. Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI): the emerging alternative
4. Virtualization of applications: the second iteration
5. Identifying the underlying problem
6. Hybrid virtualization: the most efficient solution
7. Hybrid virtualization put into practice
8. Conclusion

  Jose Carlos Norte, creator of the software and CTO of eyeOS since it was founded in 2005, discusses
  the limitations of traditional VDI and puts forth a more efficient alternative based on centralized control of
  the desktop thanks to eyeOS’s Cloud Desktop solution combined with virtualization applications such as
  XenApp from Citrix.

  Tickets     Virtualization   eyeOS cloud desktop Citrix XenApp VDI Windows
White Paper                                                                                                       3
eyeOS - January 2012
Version 1.0

1. Starting point: Thick Client: the dominant model       2. The turning point: a post-PC world with an
                                                          abundance of bandwidth
To have a better understanding of what eyeOS is and
what it can be used for , we first have to understand
the need that it attempts to satisfy, considering that
this need is derived from the current state of IT                                             OS
systems and their limitations.

                                                          As a consequence to the major advances in
                                                          telecommunications and connectivity in general, as
                                                          well as the arrival of new devices at the work place,
                                                          such as smartphones and ipads, the IT departments
                                                          within organizations have had to question the ‘Thick
                                                          Client’ model. They have realized that what users
                                                          really need is not so much an isolated computer that
                                                          manages all the desktop applications locally, with
                                                          ‘windows’ into other computers, but, rather a logical
                                                          working environment, separated from the underlying
                                                          hardware, that provides the user with access to the
Up until relatively recently, the widespread roll out     files and applications they need.
and adoption of the PC in the workplace has been
based on the ‘Thick Client’ model. This model             Why?
assumes that each individual computer has all
necessary software locally installed as well as a local   •	   The prohibitive costs of user support (Help Desk)
hard drive to store information.                               resulting from the complexity of the incidents
                                                               caused by the number of possible hardware and
Within this context, the computer is an autonomous             software combinations present in organizations.
unit, independent of its environment. To address          •	   The license upgrade cost of each PC.
the need to share information, computers were             •	   Lack of control over the applications installed
connected via networks, whereby the units                      locally by the user whether for professional
continued to be stand-alone and independent,                   purposes or not, with the associated risk of
albeit with access ‘windows’ within which they can             viruses or PC malfunctions.
communicate with other computers using client-            •	   Computer hardware failures that cause data to
server software, such as file-sharing.                         be lost. If the computer fails, then users no longer
                                                               have a work environment, as the computer itself
This model spread throughout the world, and millions           is the environment, and they potentially have to
of companies now have their work stations set up               wait for another computer to be prepared in order
according to this model.                                       to continue working, a process that can take
                                                               hours or even days.
                                                          •	   Applications are increasingly diverse (web,
                                                               transactional, Unix, Windows, etc.), and users
                                                               must be able to use them all irrespective of the
                                                               underlying architecture.
White Paper                                                                                                   4
eyeOS - January 2012
Version 1.0

•	   Excessive time to prepare new work stations for
     every new employee.

3. Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI): the emerging

Ever since IT industry professionals began to
comprehend the limitations of having the desktop
environment concept connected to the PC concept,
they have tried several strategies to disconnect them
into separate and independent components.

A relatively simple approach that was designed
to tackle this issue was to run multiple Windows
sessions on a company’s server, whereby users
would connect to these sessions remotely and then        However, no matter how much these particular
use them to access their applications and data. In       protocols are perfected, working with a remote
this way, the local operating system is irrelevant,      desktop has its down sides, both in terms of user
and the data is located on the server. Users can         experience – system performance issues are
connect to that Windows session from any terminal        inevitable depending on the number of simultaneous
and work away. The process achieves PC <-> work          sessions running – and in terms of server scalability.
environment independence.
                                                         The consequence of the structural limitations of a
In order to ensure that there is a Windows session       solution of this type, such as CITRIX’s XenDesktop,
available for every individual user, virtualization      is that the financial costs of software licensing as
technology must be used. Virtualization consists of      well as the infrastructure necessary to run a remote
simulating a PC within another computer, such that       Windows session for each user, tends to cancel out
multiple operating systems can be run simultaneously     the benefits associated with centralized management
on a single physical server.                             of the client desktop. Therefore, this solution is
                                                         not universally appropriate to all company types
A secondary challenge is how to send the image of        or environments, and is much more suited to large
the Windows session running on the server to the         companies associated with high volumes of repetitive
user’s PC and make it possible for the user to use the   transactions that are capable of assuming the high
key board and mouse to interact with their particular    initial costs of deployment.
Windows session.
                                                         This technology is called Virtual Desktop Interface
To be able to send the image of their Windows            (VDI). VDI has been a failure in many aspects due
session to the user, running with its wallpaper,         to the aforementioned reasons and it has really only
icons, etc., certain protocols are used, that have       been feasible in the banking sector, the public sector
been specifically designed to consume minimum            and similar organizations where there are large IT
bandwidth. Tens of millions of dollars have been         budgets.
invested in these protocols, and currently one of the
most advanced is ICA.
White Paper                                                                                                    5
eyeOS - January 2012
Version 1.0

4. Virtualization of applications: the second iteration   The main problem with VDI as an approach is that
                                                          Microsoft Windows combines two environments at
Citrix, seeing the aforementioned problems, decided       the same time: an operating system that can house
to create a new product called XenApp. XenApp,            applications such as Microsoft Office, and a desktop
unlike its big brother XenDesktop, does not project an    that defines the user’s interaction with the PC. With
entire Windows application to the user’s terminal, but    VDI, there cannot be a separation between the two
rather it projects single applications on demand. The     environments: even the most basic of the user’s
user continues to have his local Windows operating        actions are virtualized en bloc and are run remotely
system, but the applications they use, MS Office (for     on their desktop, such as moving or minimizing
example) are abstracted from the local environment        a window. They are actions that, when executed
and are in fact hosted on a remote server. This           remotely, consume server resources as well as
approach has the advantage of not requiring a copy        bandwidth, when they could be executed locally more
of MS Office, for example, to be installed locally        efficiently.
on each machine. This allows for more efficient           The arrival of new devices with innovative user
centralized maintenance of the application. Licensing     interfaces (varying screen size, new operating
costs are not necessarily impacted as in our example      systems) further complicates the task of sending
the software license is paid per user, not per            remote images in such a way as to ensure that the
installation.                                             user always has a satisfactory experience. However,
                                                          all new devices have at least one point in common:
XenApp has however, a major deficiency, which goes        they have a considerable amount of computing
back to its original design. The IT administrator is      power. The available computing power should be
no longer in control of the user desktop. In order        used to relieve the server of performing tasks that are
to minimize VDI costs the virtualization process          not vital to either the management of applications or
becomes more selective in terms of deciding which         to independence between the environment and the
applications are virtualized and which ones run           device. Pushing these tasks to the server makes no
locally. Moreover, using XenApp to virtualize only        sense and is expensive: CPU and RAM cycles end
certain applications on a remote server, with these       up being paid for twice over.
applications being ‘projected’ onto the local operating
system, does not resolve the initial requirement          Moreover, from a central perspective, infrastructure
around which Citrix revolves: disconnecting the work      has limits in terms of vertical scalability: a server
environment from the physical access device.              certainly cannot grow infinitely. Very soon, more
                                                          users will be added and a second server will be
                                                          needed in order to run so many Windows session
5. Identifying the underlying problem.                    and then a third and a fourth. Subsequently, when a
                                                          certain threshold is reached, communication between
                                                          each server becomes critical, and latency issues will
                                                          have to be tackled: it will then be time to install an
                                                          expensive fiber optic network, and the infrastructure
                                ?                         thus continues to grow, while the users’ terminals
                                                          have their CPUs under employed.

                                                          One strategy that might seem attractive to tackle this
                                                          problem is to keep running the Windows session on
                                                          the server, but push some parts of the rendering and
White Paper                                                                                                    6
eyeOS - January 2012
Version 1.0

computation to the local terminal.                      the server: operations such as moving a window
                                                        or working with files do not require virtualization;
The problem with this approach is that, ultimately,     operations are only being done through the web
making the work station independent from the            on the server.
local computer is not simply a question of taking
it as is – with everything bundled together and         Within the system, direct accesses and resources
connected – and sending it to the server, and then      of all kinds can be integrated, such as the
‘projecting’ it over the network to the client PC.      following:
del renderizado y computo al terminal local.
                                                        •	   eyeOS native web application launchers.
                                                        •	   External or third-party web application
6. Hybrid virtualization: the most efficient solution        launchers, hosted on the client’s servers or
The only real way to make the work station              •	   Launchers of local desktop applications, such
independent, manage it, and make it available                as Microsoft Office or AutoCAD, which are
from a central point entails decoupling the desktop          installed on the user’s access terminal.
concept from the operating system concept.              •	   Launchers of virtualized applications running
                                                             on a server using XenApp.
eyeOS proposes that users work in a web-
based environment. The proposed environment
is a highly advanced web page that recreates            7. Hybrid virtualization put into practice
the entire work environment, with the look of a
desktop such as the one that can be found in MS

Based on this environment as a starting point,
a company can determine the applications
that it introduces on to the desktop. Out of the
box eyeOS includes some purely web-based                A good way to understand eyeOS is to recreate an
applications that are seamlessly integrated on          example using eyeOS and Citrix.
the desktop, that are in fact an added value of the
platform and straight away provide some work            By combining XenApp and eyeOS, a company
related functions (calendars, file management,          only uses virtualization when it wants to run
contact list, collaborative work, etc.).                certain remote applications (that’s what XenApp
                                                        consists of), but it does not lose control of the
However, the real power of eyeOS lies in the            complete environment, given that the desktop is
possibility of building an entire work environment      centralized and is web-based. What we’ve done is
around a web-based environment.                         to cease providing a virtualized Windows desktop
                                                        from a server, and we’ve started providing a
The eyeOS environment can be adapted and                working desktop controlled by the company, which
modified according to the client’s needs, and it        is made available through the web much more
can be adapted to new mobile devices. And since         “thinly”.
it is also very thin, given that it is web based, it
does not require constant communication with
White Paper                                                                                                         7
eyeOS - January 2012
Version 1.0

Then the applications or resources that are made         This ability to support such varied behaviors
available within that environment can be decided         depending on the user profile gives the system a
upon by the company or organization that installs        flexibility that is at the core of eyeOS’s entire reason
eyeOS.                                                   for being. A company can continue to use MS Office
                                                         software licenses at work stations that have this
eyeOS allows this concept to be taken to very            software already installed for all employees who
advanced levels and allows an administrator to           need mobility, meanwhile optimizing the number
discriminate between user profiles and provide           of concurrent users of virtualized applications
behaviors according to a company’s needs and             by offering a preview. The savings in licenses is
resources, something completely new from eyeOS.          immediate.

A clear example of this is the following: what happens   With XenApp, strange situations can often arise,
when a user double clicks on a Microsoft Word            such as having a Windows session running on top of
document?                                                another Windows session through XenDesktop, and
                                                         within the latter, you could be working with MS Office,
The administrator has the authority to predefine         when the underlying Windows session also has MS
the sequence, per user profile, within a range of        Office.
                                                         In eyeOS, users can access the web desktop from
                                                         anywhere and from any device. It is an entirely thin
                                                         approach, and the consumption of applications
                                                         adapts to a company’s needs and the profile of each
   •	   Download.                                        user.
        Open the local Word application.
                                                         The classic VDI cannot handle the problem in this
   •	   Web preview.                                     way, given that in the end it only projects either a
                                                         part of a Windows session or all of it, but it does not
   •	   AOpen Word running on a remote                   process any file on its own or make decisions about
        server and made available via                    the user’s actions within the desktop. This is because
        XenApp.                                          the desktop is not controlled by Citrix, it is controlled
                                                         by Microsoft Windows, and for Citrix it is only an
   •	   Thin web preview, and in the case                image sent by wire.
        of editing, click on the launch edit
        button from:                                     In addition to being a desktop, eyeOS is a
                                                         platform that enables the existence of the
   	        the local application                        desktop. This platform includes file management,
   	        or the XenApp application.                   user management, authentication, etc. Some of
                                                         the platform’s components can connect to the
   •	   Open the local application if it is              organization’s resources. This is the case with
        available or use XenApp if it is not.            regards to authentication, which can be auto-
                                                         managed by eyeOS using its own database or it can
                                                         be consumed from an Active Directory.
White Paper                                                                                                     8
        eyeOS - January 2012
        Version 1.0

8. Conclusion                                                 will be web-based applications or even local applications.
                                                              This flexibility allows optimized management of software
Virtualization with the remote projection of applications     licenses, and it radically reduces CPU consumption by
is not an incorrect approach. What is incorrect – or more     central servers, without sacrificing control over a user’s
accurately, what is inefficient – is the virtualization and   experience by the administrator.
remote projection of complete desktops.
                                                              Therefore, eyeOS should be seen as a platform that
eyeOS acts as a web desktop under the centralized             connects to a company’s resources, thereby becoming
control of a company, thereby bringing together               integrated within an organization (resources, file servers,
resources and managing access to the appropriate              etc.), that provides a web-based work environment,
applications. In certain cases, the applications will be      unified and centralized on a company’s servers or
virtualized from a central server, and in other cases they    wherever a company decides to install it.

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  • 1. White Paper - Version 1.0 eyeOS - January 2012 Hybrid virtualization: optimal management of a company’s IT resources How Cloud Computing can revolutionize the virtualization of desktops in the work place Jose Carlos Norte eyeOS CTO
  • 2. White Paper 2 eyeOS - January 2012 Version 1.0 Contents 1. Starting point: Thick Client: the dominant model 2. The turning point: a post-PC world with an abundance of bandwidth 3. Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI): the emerging alternative 4. Virtualization of applications: the second iteration 5. Identifying the underlying problem 6. Hybrid virtualization: the most efficient solution 7. Hybrid virtualization put into practice 8. Conclusion Summary Jose Carlos Norte, creator of the software and CTO of eyeOS since it was founded in 2005, discusses the limitations of traditional VDI and puts forth a more efficient alternative based on centralized control of the desktop thanks to eyeOS’s Cloud Desktop solution combined with virtualization applications such as XenApp from Citrix. Tickets Virtualization eyeOS cloud desktop Citrix XenApp VDI Windows
  • 3. White Paper 3 eyeOS - January 2012 Version 1.0 1. Starting point: Thick Client: the dominant model 2. The turning point: a post-PC world with an abundance of bandwidth To have a better understanding of what eyeOS is and what it can be used for , we first have to understand the need that it attempts to satisfy, considering that this need is derived from the current state of IT OS systems and their limitations. As a consequence to the major advances in telecommunications and connectivity in general, as well as the arrival of new devices at the work place, such as smartphones and ipads, the IT departments within organizations have had to question the ‘Thick Client’ model. They have realized that what users really need is not so much an isolated computer that manages all the desktop applications locally, with ‘windows’ into other computers, but, rather a logical working environment, separated from the underlying hardware, that provides the user with access to the Up until relatively recently, the widespread roll out files and applications they need. and adoption of the PC in the workplace has been based on the ‘Thick Client’ model. This model Why? assumes that each individual computer has all necessary software locally installed as well as a local • The prohibitive costs of user support (Help Desk) hard drive to store information. resulting from the complexity of the incidents caused by the number of possible hardware and Within this context, the computer is an autonomous software combinations present in organizations. unit, independent of its environment. To address • The license upgrade cost of each PC. the need to share information, computers were • Lack of control over the applications installed connected via networks, whereby the units locally by the user whether for professional continued to be stand-alone and independent, purposes or not, with the associated risk of albeit with access ‘windows’ within which they can viruses or PC malfunctions. communicate with other computers using client- • Computer hardware failures that cause data to server software, such as file-sharing. be lost. If the computer fails, then users no longer have a work environment, as the computer itself This model spread throughout the world, and millions is the environment, and they potentially have to of companies now have their work stations set up wait for another computer to be prepared in order according to this model. to continue working, a process that can take hours or even days. • Applications are increasingly diverse (web, transactional, Unix, Windows, etc.), and users must be able to use them all irrespective of the underlying architecture.
  • 4. White Paper 4 eyeOS - January 2012 Version 1.0 • Excessive time to prepare new work stations for every new employee. 3. Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI): the emerging alternative Ever since IT industry professionals began to comprehend the limitations of having the desktop environment concept connected to the PC concept, they have tried several strategies to disconnect them into separate and independent components. A relatively simple approach that was designed to tackle this issue was to run multiple Windows sessions on a company’s server, whereby users would connect to these sessions remotely and then However, no matter how much these particular use them to access their applications and data. In protocols are perfected, working with a remote this way, the local operating system is irrelevant, desktop has its down sides, both in terms of user and the data is located on the server. Users can experience – system performance issues are connect to that Windows session from any terminal inevitable depending on the number of simultaneous and work away. The process achieves PC <-> work sessions running – and in terms of server scalability. environment independence. The consequence of the structural limitations of a In order to ensure that there is a Windows session solution of this type, such as CITRIX’s XenDesktop, available for every individual user, virtualization is that the financial costs of software licensing as technology must be used. Virtualization consists of well as the infrastructure necessary to run a remote simulating a PC within another computer, such that Windows session for each user, tends to cancel out multiple operating systems can be run simultaneously the benefits associated with centralized management on a single physical server. of the client desktop. Therefore, this solution is not universally appropriate to all company types A secondary challenge is how to send the image of or environments, and is much more suited to large the Windows session running on the server to the companies associated with high volumes of repetitive user’s PC and make it possible for the user to use the transactions that are capable of assuming the high key board and mouse to interact with their particular initial costs of deployment. Windows session. This technology is called Virtual Desktop Interface To be able to send the image of their Windows (VDI). VDI has been a failure in many aspects due session to the user, running with its wallpaper, to the aforementioned reasons and it has really only icons, etc., certain protocols are used, that have been feasible in the banking sector, the public sector been specifically designed to consume minimum and similar organizations where there are large IT bandwidth. Tens of millions of dollars have been budgets. invested in these protocols, and currently one of the most advanced is ICA.
  • 5. White Paper 5 eyeOS - January 2012 Version 1.0 4. Virtualization of applications: the second iteration The main problem with VDI as an approach is that Microsoft Windows combines two environments at Citrix, seeing the aforementioned problems, decided the same time: an operating system that can house to create a new product called XenApp. XenApp, applications such as Microsoft Office, and a desktop unlike its big brother XenDesktop, does not project an that defines the user’s interaction with the PC. With entire Windows application to the user’s terminal, but VDI, there cannot be a separation between the two rather it projects single applications on demand. The environments: even the most basic of the user’s user continues to have his local Windows operating actions are virtualized en bloc and are run remotely system, but the applications they use, MS Office (for on their desktop, such as moving or minimizing example) are abstracted from the local environment a window. They are actions that, when executed and are in fact hosted on a remote server. This remotely, consume server resources as well as approach has the advantage of not requiring a copy bandwidth, when they could be executed locally more of MS Office, for example, to be installed locally efficiently. on each machine. This allows for more efficient The arrival of new devices with innovative user centralized maintenance of the application. Licensing interfaces (varying screen size, new operating costs are not necessarily impacted as in our example systems) further complicates the task of sending the software license is paid per user, not per remote images in such a way as to ensure that the installation. user always has a satisfactory experience. However, all new devices have at least one point in common: XenApp has however, a major deficiency, which goes they have a considerable amount of computing back to its original design. The IT administrator is power. The available computing power should be no longer in control of the user desktop. In order used to relieve the server of performing tasks that are to minimize VDI costs the virtualization process not vital to either the management of applications or becomes more selective in terms of deciding which to independence between the environment and the applications are virtualized and which ones run device. Pushing these tasks to the server makes no locally. Moreover, using XenApp to virtualize only sense and is expensive: CPU and RAM cycles end certain applications on a remote server, with these up being paid for twice over. applications being ‘projected’ onto the local operating system, does not resolve the initial requirement Moreover, from a central perspective, infrastructure around which Citrix revolves: disconnecting the work has limits in terms of vertical scalability: a server environment from the physical access device. certainly cannot grow infinitely. Very soon, more users will be added and a second server will be needed in order to run so many Windows session 5. Identifying the underlying problem. and then a third and a fourth. Subsequently, when a certain threshold is reached, communication between each server becomes critical, and latency issues will have to be tackled: it will then be time to install an expensive fiber optic network, and the infrastructure ? thus continues to grow, while the users’ terminals have their CPUs under employed. One strategy that might seem attractive to tackle this problem is to keep running the Windows session on the server, but push some parts of the rendering and
  • 6. White Paper 6 eyeOS - January 2012 Version 1.0 computation to the local terminal. the server: operations such as moving a window or working with files do not require virtualization; The problem with this approach is that, ultimately, operations are only being done through the web making the work station independent from the on the server. local computer is not simply a question of taking it as is – with everything bundled together and Within the system, direct accesses and resources connected – and sending it to the server, and then of all kinds can be integrated, such as the ‘projecting’ it over the network to the client PC. following: del renderizado y computo al terminal local. • eyeOS native web application launchers. • External or third-party web application 6. Hybrid virtualization: the most efficient solution launchers, hosted on the client’s servers or SaaS. The only real way to make the work station • Launchers of local desktop applications, such independent, manage it, and make it available as Microsoft Office or AutoCAD, which are from a central point entails decoupling the desktop installed on the user’s access terminal. concept from the operating system concept. • Launchers of virtualized applications running on a server using XenApp. eyeOS proposes that users work in a web- based environment. The proposed environment is a highly advanced web page that recreates 7. Hybrid virtualization put into practice the entire work environment, with the look of a desktop such as the one that can be found in MS Windows. Based on this environment as a starting point, a company can determine the applications that it introduces on to the desktop. Out of the box eyeOS includes some purely web-based A good way to understand eyeOS is to recreate an applications that are seamlessly integrated on example using eyeOS and Citrix. the desktop, that are in fact an added value of the platform and straight away provide some work By combining XenApp and eyeOS, a company related functions (calendars, file management, only uses virtualization when it wants to run contact list, collaborative work, etc.). certain remote applications (that’s what XenApp consists of), but it does not lose control of the However, the real power of eyeOS lies in the complete environment, given that the desktop is possibility of building an entire work environment centralized and is web-based. What we’ve done is around a web-based environment. to cease providing a virtualized Windows desktop from a server, and we’ve started providing a The eyeOS environment can be adapted and working desktop controlled by the company, which modified according to the client’s needs, and it is made available through the web much more can be adapted to new mobile devices. And since “thinly”. it is also very thin, given that it is web based, it does not require constant communication with
  • 7. White Paper 7 eyeOS - January 2012 Version 1.0 Then the applications or resources that are made This ability to support such varied behaviors available within that environment can be decided depending on the user profile gives the system a upon by the company or organization that installs flexibility that is at the core of eyeOS’s entire reason eyeOS. for being. A company can continue to use MS Office software licenses at work stations that have this eyeOS allows this concept to be taken to very software already installed for all employees who advanced levels and allows an administrator to need mobility, meanwhile optimizing the number discriminate between user profiles and provide of concurrent users of virtualized applications behaviors according to a company’s needs and by offering a preview. The savings in licenses is resources, something completely new from eyeOS. immediate. A clear example of this is the following: what happens With XenApp, strange situations can often arise, when a user double clicks on a Microsoft Word such as having a Windows session running on top of document? another Windows session through XenDesktop, and within the latter, you could be working with MS Office, The administrator has the authority to predefine when the underlying Windows session also has MS the sequence, per user profile, within a range of Office. possibilities: In eyeOS, users can access the web desktop from anywhere and from any device. It is an entirely thin approach, and the consumption of applications adapts to a company’s needs and the profile of each • Download. user. Open the local Word application. The classic VDI cannot handle the problem in this • Web preview. way, given that in the end it only projects either a part of a Windows session or all of it, but it does not • AOpen Word running on a remote process any file on its own or make decisions about server and made available via the user’s actions within the desktop. This is because XenApp. the desktop is not controlled by Citrix, it is controlled by Microsoft Windows, and for Citrix it is only an • Thin web preview, and in the case image sent by wire. of editing, click on the launch edit button from: In addition to being a desktop, eyeOS is a platform that enables the existence of the the local application desktop. This platform includes file management, or the XenApp application. user management, authentication, etc. Some of the platform’s components can connect to the • Open the local application if it is organization’s resources. This is the case with available or use XenApp if it is not. regards to authentication, which can be auto- managed by eyeOS using its own database or it can be consumed from an Active Directory.
  • 8. White Paper 8 eyeOS - January 2012 Version 1.0 8. Conclusion will be web-based applications or even local applications. This flexibility allows optimized management of software Virtualization with the remote projection of applications licenses, and it radically reduces CPU consumption by is not an incorrect approach. What is incorrect – or more central servers, without sacrificing control over a user’s accurately, what is inefficient – is the virtualization and experience by the administrator. remote projection of complete desktops. Therefore, eyeOS should be seen as a platform that eyeOS acts as a web desktop under the centralized connects to a company’s resources, thereby becoming control of a company, thereby bringing together integrated within an organization (resources, file servers, resources and managing access to the appropriate etc.), that provides a web-based work environment, applications. In certain cases, the applications will be unified and centralized on a company’s servers or virtualized from a central server, and in other cases they wherever a company decides to install it.