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4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory of … 1/22
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CMD commands for the Windows command prompt
Most IT experts and Linux users, in addition to computer users who work with MS-DOS, are relatively
familiar with the command line and its corresponding commands. But a lot can be achieved with the
command prompt (server/tools/open-command-prompt/) in Windows, too. For this reason, we’ll explain
what the command line is, how to open it, and which CMD commands there are for Windows.
Windows console commands have changed over time: in newer Windows versions, users no longer have
access to some of the familiar commands. In the following, we’ll explain which CMD commands still work
under Windows 10 so that you don’t have to tediously test which are still valid and which are outdated. Our
overview tables describe the functions of the individual commands and specify under which Microsoft
operating systems they’re effective.
How does a command line work?
How does a command line work? (server/know-how/windows-cmd-commands/#c127382)
How do you open the command prompt? (server/know-how/windows-cmd-commands/#c127384)
How do you enter commands in the command prompt? (server/know-how/windows-cmd-
Windows CMD commands: an overview (server/know-how/windows-cmd-commands/#c127390)
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4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory of … 2/22
The command line (also called the console or terminal) is a text-based interface within the operating
system, that forwards commands from the user to the operating system. This makes it possible, for
example, to organize files, start programs, or run other commands linked to the operating system,
computer, or network.
In older operating systems (like MS-DOS), you had to work without a graphical user interface, and
oftentimes even navigate without a mouse. Instead, you had to type in all commands – the directory
structures were then displayed as plain text on the screen. But even after the switch to graphical operating
systems, the command line remained text-based.
In general, the connection between operating system – regardless of whether graphical (GUI = graphical
user interface) or text-based (CLI = command line interpreter) was condensed under the term “Shell.” The
default command line interpreter for Windows is called CMD.EXE. In addition, however, there’s also the
“PowerShell”: This offers more options than CMD.EXE. For example, automations can be created better
with PowerShell. In this way, users can create script programs with the PowerShell scripting language.
 Note
Many Windows console commands are based on batch files. This are usually text files (with the
ending .bat or .cmd) that are run by the command line as batch processing. These files are generally
created to perform routine work and start other programs.
How do you open the command prompt?
There are various options for accessing the command line in Windows. Technically speaking, the command
Technically speaking, the command
line is
line is the CMD.EXE program
the CMD.EXE program. This executable file should be found in the system directory of your Windows
. This executable file should be found in the system directory of your Windows
folder. (If you right-click on the file, Windows also gives you the option to start the program as an
administrator – in case you have the access data for this.) To reach the program more quickly, you can use
the search bar or the run menu. The latter is opened under Windows 7, 8, and 10 with the key combination
Win + R. Then all you have to do is type “cmd” into the search field and press the OK button.
The command prompt has long had a fixed spot in the Windows start menu as well. Under Windows 7 and
Windows 10, the program is found in the “System Tools” folder. With Windows 8, Microsoft replaced the
start menu with a start screen. But the command prompt is also found via the apps here. Alternatively,
Windows 8 as well as Windows 10 both offer the “Power User Tasks Menu.” You can open this with the key
combination Win + X. In this way, you can find the command prompt in the normal execution as well as the
administrator version.
How do you enter commands in the command prompt?
Digital Guide
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CMD functions via defined commands. These have to be entered correctly, otherwise the command
prompt can’t run the task. The same goes for parameters that you link to the commands. Individual
commands can be extended using options (such as arguments). These are generally given as a letter with a
minus sign (-), plus sign (+), or slash (/). CMD also allows placeholders. For so-called wild cards, use an
asterisk (*) or question mark (?). While the latter replaces a single character (i.e. letter, digit, or other
character), the asterisk stands for any number of characters.
 Note
In the command prompt and commands, you also frequently have to work with path specifications.
You need these to navigate through your directories or specify exact positions in commands. For the
input of a path, use the backslash ().
Individual CMD commands can be combined with one another. Through a pipe, the output of the first
command is interpreted as input for the following command. In the command prompt, commands are
linked to one another with a vertical line (|). This line itself is called a pipe, but officially is known as a
vertical bar. Vertical bars pass data from one command to the next:
CommandA | CommandB
There’s also the possibility of redirection: where the output of a command is directly forwarded to a file (>)
or the content of a text file is understood as input for the command (<).
Command > File (output in file)
Command < File (input from file)
Finally, Windows command line commands can also be connected in such a way that they run directly after
one other. This can be controlled via a relatively simple form (&), but also via two more complex variations.
It’s also possible to only run the second command if the first was successful. Or, you can set up the exact
opposite as well: The second command is only run if the first doesn’t work (||). Both options can even be
combined so that there’s an either-or string of commands:
CommandA & CommandB (the second command is run directly after the first)
CommandA && CommandB (the second command is only run if the first was successful)
Command A || CommandB (the second command is only run if the first was not successful)
CommandA && CommandB || CommandC (the second command is only run if the first was
successful, otherwise the third command is run)
 Tip
Each command has its own syntax and individual options. So that you don’t have to memorize all of
these, CMD offers a help command: Using help command or command /? you can obtain
information about how to handle the command.
Digital Guide
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It’s also extremely helpful that the command prompt remembers your last entered CMD commands. Using
the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard, you can recall your earlier entries. This also means, though,
that you can’t use these keys to scroll through the CMD window. This is usually done with the mouse
instead. But if you prefer to scroll using keys and are ready to give up the recall command function, you
can alter the corresponding setting: right-click on the command prompt and enable the “Scrolling” option.
Command, file names or path specifications, as well as arguments, are separated from one another using
spaces. It also usually doesn’t matter if you use upper- or lower-case letters. It’s only important in a few
cases whether you write the parameter in upper- or lower-case (generally only when two different
parameters are abbreviated with the same letter, and are only differentiated from one another through
the case).
Windows CMD commands: an overview
There are almost 300 commands for Windows and its predecessor, MS-DOS. Over the decades, some
commands have been kept around, some have only recently been added with newer versions of Windows,
and others have been removed or replaced. In our comprehensive list, we explain what the different
commands mean and on which Windows versions they run. This way, you can quickly look up whether the
CMD commands that you know still function with Windows 10. To make it more clear, we’ve divided the
Windows command prompt commands into four categories: basics, files, system, and network.
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4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory of … 5/22
 Note
The information on the functionality of various Windows versions should only be understood as
orientation information. For the individual commands, it’s not only which Windows version you’re
using that’s important, but also which edition (Home, Pro, Server). In some cases, you have to adjust
certain settings beforehand so that the commands are effective. You also will need access rights as
an administrator for some CMD commands.
command Description
bitsadmin Creates and monitors downloads and uploads. 10/8/7/Vista  
break Interrupts Ctrl + C checking in DOS, allowing you to stop
processes in the old operating system. Only available for
compatibility reasons in Windows.
All Win/DOS  
call Calls a batch file within another batch file. The command has no
effect if entered directly into CMD instead of in a batch file.
All Win/DOS  
cd Displays the current directory and lets you switch to other
directories. With the parameter /D plus drive and path
specification, you can also switch drives. Use cd.. to switch to a
higher directory (has the same function as the chdir command).
All Win/DOS  
chcp Changes the current code page (character set table) or shows
the page count of the current code page.
All Win/DOS  
chdir Displays the current directory and lets you switch to other
directories. With the parameter /D plus drive and path
specification, you can also switch drives. Use chdir.. to switch to
a higher directory (has the same function as the cd command).
All Win/DOS  
choice Creates a selection list: typical example is the selection of yes
(Y) or no (N), which is created with /C YN. With the parameter
/M you can add an explanatory message for the user.
All Win (not
clip Forwards the result of a command to the clipboard. For
example, you can copy the directory structure (dir
clip) or the
content of a file
(clip < filename)
to the clipboard.
cls Clears the content of the screen. All Win/DOS  
cmd Starts CMD.EXE. 10/8/7/Vista/XP  
color Changes the background (first value) and text color (second
value) of the command prompt. The color lies between 0 (black)
and F (white).
command Starts CMD.COM. 32-bit/DOS  
date Displays the current date and allows you to change it. With the
parameter /T the date is shown without the option to change.
All Win/DOS  
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command Description
debug Starts debug, a program that can test and modify programs
within the command prompt.
dir Displays all folders and files within the current directory. You
can restrict the output by attributes (/A), simplify the list (/B),
or display all subdirectories and their files (/S).
All Win/DOS  
doskey Creates macros, recalls commands, and edits command input. All Win/DOS  
dosshell Opens the DOS shell, a graphical file management tool. In
Windows, the DOS shell is replaced by Windows Explorer.
echo Displays a message and is mainly used within scripts and batch
All Win/DOS  
edit Starts the MS-DOS editor, with which you can create text files. 32-bit/DOS  
edlin Creates and edits text files within the command prompt. 32-bit/DOS  
exit Ends CMD.EXE or CMD.COM. All Win/DOS  
fasthelp Displays helpful information about commands. DOS  
fastopen Writes the position of a program into a specified list, which is in
the working memory and should accelerate the start of
find Searches through a file or multiple files for a particular
character sequence. If you only want to know how frequently
the word or phrase occurs, use the /C parameter. With the
extension /I the command ignores upper- and lower-case in the
All Win/DOS  
findstr Finds character sequences in one or multiple files. It gives you
more options when compared to the find command: you can
search for files that contain various terms or with /C search for
an exact word order.
forcedos Starts a program in the MS-DOS partial system, in case it’s not
directly recognized by Windows XP as a DOS program.
XP (32-bit)  
graftabl Enables the option to use extended characters of a specific
code page in graphics mode.
graphics Starts a program that can print graphics. 32-bit/DOS  
help Displays help text for a specific command (you can also use the
/? command).
All Win/DOS  
kb16 Changes the country settings of the keyboard for DOS
programs (only included in Windows for compatibility reasons.
Replaces the old command keyb).
keyb Changes the country settings of the keyboard for DOS
programs (only included in Windows for compatibility reasons.
Replaced by kb16 in newer Windows versions).
logoff Logs the user out of Windows. Also allows you to end sessions
on servers.
lpq Displays the status of a printer queue for computers that use a
“line Printer Daemon” (LPD). (To use the command in Windows
10, 8, 7, or Vista, the LPD print service and the LPR port monitor
have to be enabled first).
All Win  
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command Description
lpr Sends a file to a computer that uses a line printer daemon
(LPD). To use the command in Windows 10, 8, 7, or Vista, the
LPD print service and LPR port monitor have to be enabled first.
All Win  
md Creates a new directory on the specified path. If directories
don’t already exist on the path, md creates them automatically
(you can also use the mkdir command).
All Win/DOS  
mkdir Creates a new directory on the specified path. If directories
don’t already exist on the path, mkdir creates them
automatically (you can also use the md command).
All Win/DOS  
more Outputs the content of a file (for example, a text file) by the
page. You can also use the command to split the output of
another command into pages.
All Win/DOS  
msg Sends a message to another user. You can write the username
into the command or create files in which usernames are saved.
The files can then be included in the command with @filename.
nlsfunc Provides country-specific information for language support. 32-bit/DOS  
ntbackup Runs backup services directly from the command line or as part
of batch or script files.
path Creates and displays the path for searching executable files. All Win/DOS  
pause Pauses execution in batch files and scripts. The user is then
prompted in a message to continue by pressing a key.
All Win/DOS  
popd Changes to the folder saved by the pushd command. The
command is mainly part of batch files and scripts.
print Prints a text file. The device to be used for printing has to be
All Win/DOS  
prompt Changes the display of the command prompt. All Win/DOS  
pushd Saves a specific path into a script or batch file. You can change
to this directory with popd.
qbasic Starts qbasic, a program environment based on the BASIC
programming language.
rd Deletes a directory. This must not contain any files, even hidden
ones. You can delete an entire directory tree with the /S
parameter (you can also use the rmdir command).
All Win/DOS  
rem Writes comments in batch and script files that aren’t taken into
account when executing.
All Win/DOS  
rmdir Deletes a directory. This must not contain any files, even hidden
ones. You can delete an entire directory tree with the /S
parameter (you can also use the rd command).
All Win/DOS  
runas Allows a user to run commands with the rights of another user.
For example, you can run a command as an administrator from a
normal user account as long as you know the password.
scandisk Starts Microsoft ScanDisk. The program searches data carriers
for errors.
schtasks Sets the execution of specified programs and commands for a
specified point in time. You can create, delete, change, and
display all scheduled tasks.
Digital Guide
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command Description
set Displays environmental variables of CMD.EXE and lets you
configure them.
All Win/DOS  
shift Moves variables within batch files and scripts. All Win/DOS  
shutdown Shuts down the computer (/s), triggers a restart (/r), or logs the
user out (/l). A graphical user interface is displayed if you enter
the parameter /I as the first option in the command.
sort Lists out data (from a file or command) and outputs it again
sorted – directly in the command prompt, in a new file, or in
another output.
All Win/DOS  
start Opens a new command prompt window in which you can run a
specific program or command.
All Win  
subst Assigns a drive letter to a path to create a virtual drive. All Win/DOS  
taskkill Ends one or more running tasks. You either have to specify the
process ID (PID) or image name.
tasklist Lists all running processes – also on remote computers, if
desired. The process ID also has to be specified, which is
required for the taskkill command, for example.
time Displays the current time and allows it to be changed. If the
parameter /T is entered, the command prompt only shows the
time and offers no option to directly change it.
All Win/DOS  
timeout Stops a process for a specified time. The command Is used in
batch files and scripts. If you use the /NOBREAK parameter, the
command ignores any keyboard input.
title Changes the title of the command prompt. Spaces are allowed,
but not all special characters such as a slash, for example,
because they may be interpreted as instructions for a
All Win/DOS  
tree Graphically displays the directory structure of a drive or path.
With the /F parameter, all files in the folders are also listed out.
/A also ensures that only ASCII characters are used for the
graphical representation. The command takes into account all
subdirectories starting from the given path. If you don’t enter a
path, the current folder is used as the output.
All Win/DOS  
type Displays the content of a text file. All Win/DOS  
tzutil Displays the currently set time zone (/g) or changes it (/s). The
parameter /l helps determine the valid time zones.
ver Displays the current version number of Windows or MS-DOS. All Win/DOS  
command Description
append Sets the path in which files will be searched for. 32-bit/DOS
assoc Changes the program that’s linked with a particular file ending. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
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command Description
attrib Changes attributes of specified files. With the parameter +R you can protect a
file from changes.
All Win/DOS
cipher Displays and changes the encryption status of files and directories on NTFS
comp Compares the content of two files or two file sets. The results can be displayed
as a decimal value (/D) or with ASCII characters (/A).
compact Displays and changes the compression status of files and directories on NTFS
copy Copies a file or multiple files to another location. It’s also possible to connect
several files to one. You can use the asterisk as a wild card.
All Win/DOS
cscript Runs scripts over the Microsoft Script Host. You can enable additional
debugging with the /D option.
All Win/DOS
del Deletes a file or multiple files. If you also want to delete all files from
subfolders, you can do this with the /S parameter. Read-only files can be
deleted with /F (you can also use the erase command).
All Win/DOS
deltree Deletes a directory as well as all subdirectories and files within. 98/95/DOS
diantz Compresses files without any loss (command has the same function as
diskcomp Compares the content of two disks. All Win (not
diskcopy Copies the content of a disk to another. All Win (not
endlocal Ends the valid range of changes to batch files or scripts. After the command,
changes are applied to the entire system again (localization is started with
erase Function is the same as del. All Win/DOS
exe2bin Converts an EXE file to a BIN file. 32-bit
expand Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files. All Win (not 64-
bit XP)/DOS
extrac32 Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files. The program is part of Internet
Explorer, but can also be used in the command prompt.
All Win
extract Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files (in new Windows versions use
fc Compares two individual files or two sets of files with one another and displays
the differences.
All Win/DOS
for Sets a specific command that should be run for each individual file in a file set.
This command is usually used in batch and script files.
All Win/DOS
forfiles Selects one or more files and runs a command that refers to these files.
Usually used for batch and script files.
ftype Specifies a program for opening a specific file type. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
goto Skips the execution within a batch program to a specific line (marker). All Win/DOS
if Represents a conditional statement and executes expressions within batch
files only under certain conditions. Can be extended by not if commands are
only not to be executed under certain conditions.
All Win/DOS
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command Description
makecab Compresses files without loss in CAB format (you can also use the diantz
mklink Creates a symbolic link to a file. With /D you can also create connections to
directories. Create a fixed connection instead of a symbolic connection with
move Moves a file or multiple files from one directory to another. The command can
also change the names of directories. By default, the command overwrites
other files with the same name when moving files to the destination. To
prevent this use the /-Y parameter.
All Win/DOS
openfiles Displays and separates open system files and folders. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
recover Restores readable files that were on a defective data drive. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
ren Changes the name of a particular file. Directory and drive cannot be changed
this way (or use the rename command).
All Win/DOS
rename Function is the same as ren. All Win/DOS
replace Replaces the selected file or files with one or more other files. With /S files in
subfolders are also replaced. With the addition /U files are only replaced if
another version is more current. The parameter /A allows users to add new
files to the target directory at the same time. This parameter is not compatible
with /S and /U.
All Win/DOS
robocopy Allows so-called robust file copying. This is an extended version of copy and
xcopy. With robocopy it’s possible to successfully transfer data even if there
are interruptions in the network. There are a total of 72 parameters with which
the copy command can be modified.
rsm Manages media on removable storage devices. Is used in batch files and
scripts to support programs that don’t use “Removable Storage API.”
setlocal Limits the valid range of changes to batch files or scripts. After the command,
changes only apply to these files (localization is started with endlocal).
share Installs file sharing and file locking. 32-bit/DOS
sxstrace Starts the WinSxs Tracing Utility, a tool for programming diagnostics. 10/8/7/Vista
takeown Restores administrator access rights to a file that have been lost when
reassigning a user.
undelete Undoes the deletion of a file. DOS
verify When enabled, checks whether files are written correctly on a data drive. The
check is disabled in the standard settings.
All Win/DOS
where Finds files that match a particular search topic. The placeholders * and ? can
be used within the topic.
xcopy Copies files and entire directory structures. In this way, the command offers
various additional options. For example, it can be specified that only files
younger than a specific date (/D) should be copied. It can also be specified
that read-only files are overwritten (/R).
All Win/DOS
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command Description
command Description
at Starts commands and programs at a particular time. With the parameter
/every:date[,…] you can also set regular appointments.
auditpol Displays current monitoring policies. 10/8/7/Vista
backup Creates backups of files. These can be recovered with restore (replaced by
bcdboot Creates and repairs start files. 10/8/7
bcdedit Allows users to make changes to start configuration data storage (the
command is a new version of bootcfq).
bdehdcfg Prepares a hard drive for BitLocker Drive Encryption. 10/8/7
bootcfg Creates, edits, or displays the content of boot.ini (although it’s still included
in the Windows 7 CMD, it has lost its function since boot.ini is no longer used
for startup options, instead you should use bcdedit).
bootsect Modifies the master boot code sot that it’s compatible with the Windows
Boot Manager or NT Loader (can only be started via system restore in
Windows 7 and Vista).
cacls Edits and displays the access control list. This sets access rights (outdated –
replaced by icacls in newer Windows versions).
chkdsk Checks and repairs (with the parameter /R) a data drive. All Win/DOS
chkntfs Changes or displays the data driver check at startup. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
cmdkey Can display (/list), create (/add), or delete (/delete) login information. 10/8/7/Vista
convert Converts partitions from FAT/FAT32 to NTFS. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
ctty Changes the standard input and output for the system. 98/95/DOS
dblspace Creates or configures compresses drives (a newer version of the command is
called drvspace)
defrag Defragments all or only specified drives. Use /U to observe the progress. To
get an evaluation statistic after the defragmentation, use the parameter /V.
All Win/DOS
diskpart Manages, creates, and deletes partitions from the hard drive. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
diskperf Allows users to remotely control the disk performance counter. 10/8/7/Vista
diskraid Manages RAID systems. 10/8/7/Vista
dism Manages and integrates Windows images. 10/8/7
dispdiag Creates a file in the current directory in which you’ll find information about
your display.
dosx Starts the DOS Protected Mode Interface, which allows MS-DOS programs
more than 640 KB of RAM. Is only available to support older DOS programs.
driverquery Creates a list with all installed drivers. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
drvspace Creates or configures compressed drives. An older version of the command
is called dblspace.
emm386 Provides DOS with more than 640 KB of RAM. 98/95/DOS
esentutl Manages databases within the extensible storage engine. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
eventcreate Creates an entry (ID and message) in an event log. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
eventtriggers Configures and displays event trigger. XP
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command Description
fdisk Creates, deletes, and manages partitions on the hard drive. Use diskpart in
newer Windows versions.
fltmc Allows users to manage and display filter drivers. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
fondue Installs additional Windows features. The command is an abbreviation for the
underlying tool: Features on Demand User Experience Tool.
format Formats a drive to the file system specified by the user. All Win/DOS
fsutil Provides numerous features related to the file system, such as disk removal. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
hwrcomp Compiles self-created dictionaries for handwriting recognition. 10/8/7
hwrreg Installs a compiled dictionary for handwriting recognition. 10/8/7
icacls Edits and displays the access control list. This sets access rights. An
outdated version of this command is cacls.
ktmutil Starts the kernel transaction manager. 10/8/7/Vista
label Changes or deletes a drive’s label. All Win/DOS
lh Loads a program into the high memory area (UMB) – has the same function
as loadhigh.
licensingdiag Creates an XML and a CAB file that contain information on the Windows
product license.
loadfix Ensures that a program is loaded and executed above the first 64 KB of
loadhigh Has the same function as lh. 98/95/DOS
lock Locks a drive so that only a user-selected program can access it directly. 98/95
lodctr Updates all registry entries that have to do with performance indicators. All Win
logman Creates and manages event trace sessions and performance logs. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
manage-bde Configures drive encryption with BitLocker. Use -on to encrypt a drive. Use -
off to decrypt it again and end BitLocker protection.
mem Displays information about the RAM and indicates which programs are
currently loaded in it.
memmaker Optimizes the RAM. 98/95/DOS
mode Configures system devices – primarily on the COM or LPT port. All Win/DOS
mofcomp Analyzes files in managed object format (MOF) and adds the classes and
instances to the WMI repository.
All Win
mountvol Creates and deletes mount points for drives and displays them. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
msav Starts Microsoft Antivirus. DOS
msbackup Starts Microsoft Backup (replaces backup and restores). DOS
mscdex Loads the CD-ROM support for MS-DOS. 98/95/DOS
msd Starts the program Microsoft Diagnostics, with which system information
can be displayed.
msiexec Starts the Windows installer, with which Windows can be installed and
muiunattend Starts an automatic setup process for the multilingual user interface (MUI). 10/8/7/Vista
netcfg Installs the minimal operating system Microsoft Windows PE. 10/8/7/Vista
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command Description
ocsetup Installs additional Windows functions. 8/7/Vista
pentnt Recognizes floating point division errors in Pentium chips, starts floating
point emulation, and disables floating point hardware.
pkgmgr Installs, uninstalls, and configures packages and functions for Windows. 10/8/7/Vista
pnpunattend Automates the installation of device drivers. 10
pnputil Installs plug-and-play devices from the command prompt. 10/8/7/Vista
power Uses the IDLE status of a processor to reduce energy consumption. 98/95/DOS
powercfg Allows the user to change the computer’s energy options and control energy
conservation plans.
pwlauncher Configures the startup options for Windows To Go with which you can boot
Windows from a USB drive.
qprocess Provides information on running processes. 10/8/7/Vista
query Displays the status of a particular service. 10/8/7/Vista
quser Provides information on the currently logged-in users. 10/8/7/Vista
reagentc Configures the Windows recovery environment, with which you can repair
the installation of the operating system.
recimg Creates a user-defined Windows image to restore the system. 8
reg Manages the registry of the command prompt. Users can create new keys
(reg add) or delete them (reg delete).
regini Changes registry authorizations. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
Registers a common information model provider (CIM provider) in Windows. 10/8
regsvr32 Registers a DLL file in the registry. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
relog Creates new performance indicator protocols from the data in the existing
repair-bde Repairs and decrypts defective drives that are encrypted with BitLocker. The
files should be saved on a replacement drive.
reset Resets a session. You can also use the rwinsta command. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
restore Restores backups that were created with the backup command (replaced by
rwinsta Command has the same function as reset. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
sc Manages services by connecting to the Service Controller. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
scanreg Repairs the registry and allows a backup to be created of it. 98/95
sdbinst Applies user-defined database files (SDB). 10/8/7/Vista/XP
secedit Analyzes the security settings by comparing the current configurations with
templates. Settings can also be configured, imported, and exported with this
setver Sets a version number of MS-DOS that’s forwarded to a program – even if it
doesn’t match the actual version.
setx Creates or changes environmental variable in the user of system
Digital Guide
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command Description
sfc Checks all important and protected system files. Incorrect versions are
replaced by correct ones.
smartdrv Starts and manages the hard drive cache program SMARTDrive. 98/95/DOS
sys Copies system files from MS-DOS and the command interpreter to another
hard drive. This makes it bootable.
systeminfo Displays information about the Windows installation, including all installed
service packages. The information can be obtained from the local system as
well as a remote computer.
tpmvscmgr Creates and deletes TPM virtual smart cards. These are virtual smartcards
encrypted on the basis of the Trusted Platform Model.
tracerpt Processes logs or real-time data generated during the tracing of computer
typeperf Displays performance counter data or writes it into a file. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
unformat Undoes the drive formatting done by the format command. DOS
unlock Unlocks a drive that was locked with the lock command. 98/95
unlodctr Deletes names as well as descriptions for extensible performance counters
in the Windows registry.
vaultcmd Creates, deletes, and displays saved registration information. 10/8/7
vol Displays the label and serial number of a drive. All Win/DOS
vsafe Starts the antivirus software VSafe. DOS
vssadmin Manages the volume shadow copy services that can be used to store
different versions (snapshots) of drives.
wbadmin Creates backups of the operating system and delivers information to the
created backup copies.
wevtutil Manages event logs and event log files. 10/8/7/Vista
whoami Provides information about the current user. With the /GROUP parameter
you can obtain additional information about group membership.
winmgmt Manages WMI repositories. Backups (/backup) are possible with the
command, for example.
All Win
winsat Evaluates various system factors – for example, processor performance or
graphical capabilities.
wmic Starts the Windows Management Instrumentation in the command prompt.
Various Windows settings can be changed here – both locally and on remote
xwizard Registers Windows data in the form of XML files. 10/8/7
CMD command Description
arp Displays and edits entries in the Address Resolution Protocol cache. All Win
Digital Guide
4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 15/22
CMD command Description
atmadm Displays information on asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). XP
certreq Manages and creates certificate registration requirements for
certification authorities.
certutil Manages services related to certificate authentication. 10/8/7/Vista
change Changes the settings of a terminal server and can be used together with
the parameters logon, port, or user (replaces the commands chglogon,
chgport, and chgusr).
checknetisolation Checks the network capability of apps from the Windows Store. 10/8
chglogon Enables, disables, or adjusts logins for terminal server sessions. 10/8/7/Vista
chgport Displays or changes the COM pin assignment of terminal servers for
DOS compatibility.
chgusr Changes the installation mode of a terminal server. 10/8/7/Vista
cmstp Installs or uninstalls profiles for the connection manager. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
djoin Creates a new computer account in the Active Directory Domain
Services (AD DS).
finger Provides information about users on remote devices using the Finger
ftp Transfers data to an FTP server or from this to a PC. The command
offers additional options: For example, you can activate debugging with -
All Win/DOS
getmac Displays the MAC address of all network adapters. The format of the
output (Table, List, CSV) is set with /FO. With /S you can use the
command on remote systems as well.
gpresult Displays information on the Group Policy. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
gpupdate Updates information on the Group Policy. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
hostname Outputs the name of the current host. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
interlnk Connects two computers via serial or parallel connection to share files
or printers.
intersvr Starts an interlnk server and transfers data from one computer to
another via serial or parallel connection.
ipconfig Provides information on the IP of each used network adapter. The
command can also be used to release (/release) or renew (/renew)
addresses. With /flushdns you can clear the DNS cache.
All Win/DOS
ipxroute Changes and displays information on the IPX routing tables. XP
irftp Transfers files via infrared connection, if one is available. 10/8/7/Vista
iscsicli Manages iSCSI, which enables connections via the SCSI protocol. 10/8/7/Vista
klist Displays all tickets authenticated by the Kerberos service. Also enables
the command to delete tickets (purge).
ksetup Configures a connection to a Kerberos server. 10/8/7
mount Enables network sharing under the Network File System. (To use the
command, enable NFS services).
mrinfo Provides information on the router. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
Digital Guide
4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 16/22
CMD command Description
nbtstat Displays statistics and information on the TCP/IP connections on remote
net Configures and displays network settings. All Win
net1 Configures and displays network settings (it’s recommended to use net
instead; the net1 command is only intended as a temporary solution for a
Y2K problem).
netsh Starts the network shell, which allows for network settings to be
changed on local and remote computers.
netstat Displays statistics and information on TCP/IP connections on the local
All Win
nfsadmin Manages NFS servers and clients (to be able to use the command, you
first have to enable NFS services in Windows).
nltest Displays information related to secure channels in the Active Directory
Domain Services (AD DS) and tests the connections.
nslookup Sends a DNS query to a specific IP or host name on the preconfigured
DNS server. You can also specify another DNS server.
ntsd Runs debugging. XP
pathping Provides information on forwarding and package loss when sending over
a network and also specifies the latency.
ping Sends an internet control message protocol echo request to a specific
host to check if it’s accessible. The duration of the echo can also be
specified. Ping signals can be sent continuously with -t. To display
statistics on this action, press Ctrl + Brk. Cancel the process with Ctrl +
All Win
qappsrv Displays all available remote computers in the network. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
qwinsta Displays information on the open remote desktop sessions. 10/8/7/Vista
rasautou Manages autodial addresses. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
rasdial Starts and ends network connections for Microsoft clients. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
rcp Copies files from a Windows computer to a server that’s running a RSDH
daemon, and vice versa.
rdpsign Signs a remote desktop protocol file (RDP file). 10/7
rexec Runs commands on a remote computer that’s running a Rexec daemon. Vista/XP
route Displays routing tables and makes it possible to change, add, or delete
All Win
rpcinfo Sends a remote procedure call (RPC) to an RPC server. The result
displays the programs on the remote computer (to use the command,
NFS services on Windows have to be enabled first).
rpcping Sends a ping via remote procedure call (RPC) and checks whether a
connection is possible.
rsh Runs commands on remote computers that are running the Unix
program Remote Shell (RSH).
setspn Creates, deletes, and changes SPNs. These are unique identifiers for
services on a network that uses Kerberos authentication.
Digital Guide
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CMD command Description
shadow Monitors a session on a remote computer. The user can also actively
control the remote computer.
showmount Provides information on NFS file systems (to use the command, you first
have to activate NFS services in Windows).
tcmsetup Enables or disables a client for the Telephony Application Programming
Interface (TAPI), a programming interface for telephone applications.
telnet Enables communication with another computer that also uses the telnet
All Win/DOS
tftp Enables a file exchange between the local computer and a server that
supports the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). To use the command,
the TFTP client first needs to be enabled in the system settings.
tlntadmn Manages a telnet server on a local or remote computer (to be able to use
the command, the telnet server functions first have to be enabled in the
system settings).
tracert Tracks a data package on the way through the network to a server. It
doesn’t only check whether the package arrives and how long it takes,
but also records how many hops the package makes on the way. All
packages have a set time-to-live (TTL), which is increased gradually with
the command.
All Win
tscon Connects the current local user session with a session on a remote
tsdiscon Ends the connection between a local user session and a session on a
remote computer.
tskill Ends a process on a remote computer. 10/8/7/Vista/XP
tsshutdn Shuts down or restarts a remote terminal server. If the target computer
supports it, the entire computer can be turned off in this way.
umount Removes mounted network file system drives. To use the command, the
NFS functions first have to be enabled in the system settings.
w32tm Manages the Windows time service that synchronizes dates and times
on all computers that share an AD DS domain.
waitfor Sends or waits on a single. If the signal is only supposed to be sent to
specified computers in a domain instead of all, use the /S parameter.
Computers within a network are synchronized with one another through
this command.
wecutil Creates and managements subscriptions for events. These are
forwarded from remote event sources that support the WS management
winrm Manages secure connections between local and remote computers via
the WS management protocol.
winrs Enables access to the command line of a remote computer via a secure
connection to implement changes. If you want to disable encryption, use
wsmanhttpconfig Manages functions of the Windows Remote Management (winrm). 10/8/7/Vista
 Tip
Digital Guide
4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 18/22
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4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 20/22
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4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 21/22
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4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 22/22
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Windows CMD commands.pdf

  • 1. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory of … 1/22  01.10.20 | Know-how (server/know-how/) om/d indo g om/ onos CMD commands for the Windows command prompt Most IT experts and Linux users, in addition to computer users who work with MS-DOS, are relatively familiar with the command line and its corresponding commands. But a lot can be achieved with the command prompt (server/tools/open-command-prompt/) in Windows, too. For this reason, we’ll explain what the command line is, how to open it, and which CMD commands there are for Windows. Windows console commands have changed over time: in newer Windows versions, users no longer have access to some of the familiar commands. In the following, we’ll explain which CMD commands still work under Windows 10 so that you don’t have to tediously test which are still valid and which are outdated. Our overview tables describe the functions of the individual commands and specify under which Microsoft operating systems they’re effective. Contents How does a command line work? How does a command line work? (server/know-how/windows-cmd-commands/#c127382) 1. How do you open the command prompt? (server/know-how/windows-cmd-commands/#c127384) 2. How do you enter commands in the command prompt? (server/know-how/windows-cmd- commands/#c127385) 3. Windows CMD commands: an overview (server/know-how/windows-cmd-commands/#c127390) 4. $1 Domain Names Register great TLDs for less than $1 for the first year. Why wait? Grab your favorite domain name today! Matching email SSL certificate 24/7/365 support Save Now Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 2. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory of … 2/22 The command line (also called the console or terminal) is a text-based interface within the operating system, that forwards commands from the user to the operating system. This makes it possible, for example, to organize files, start programs, or run other commands linked to the operating system, computer, or network. In older operating systems (like MS-DOS), you had to work without a graphical user interface, and oftentimes even navigate without a mouse. Instead, you had to type in all commands – the directory structures were then displayed as plain text on the screen. But even after the switch to graphical operating systems, the command line remained text-based. In general, the connection between operating system – regardless of whether graphical (GUI = graphical user interface) or text-based (CLI = command line interpreter) was condensed under the term “Shell.” The default command line interpreter for Windows is called CMD.EXE. In addition, however, there’s also the “PowerShell”: This offers more options than CMD.EXE. For example, automations can be created better with PowerShell. In this way, users can create script programs with the PowerShell scripting language.  Note Many Windows console commands are based on batch files. This are usually text files (with the ending .bat or .cmd) that are run by the command line as batch processing. These files are generally created to perform routine work and start other programs. How do you open the command prompt? There are various options for accessing the command line in Windows. Technically speaking, the command Technically speaking, the command line is line is the CMD.EXE program the CMD.EXE program. This executable file should be found in the system directory of your Windows . This executable file should be found in the system directory of your Windows folder. (If you right-click on the file, Windows also gives you the option to start the program as an folder. administrator – in case you have the access data for this.) To reach the program more quickly, you can use the search bar or the run menu. The latter is opened under Windows 7, 8, and 10 with the key combination Win + R. Then all you have to do is type “cmd” into the search field and press the OK button. The command prompt has long had a fixed spot in the Windows start menu as well. Under Windows 7 and Windows 10, the program is found in the “System Tools” folder. With Windows 8, Microsoft replaced the start menu with a start screen. But the command prompt is also found via the apps here. Alternatively, Windows 8 as well as Windows 10 both offer the “Power User Tasks Menu.” You can open this with the key combination Win + X. In this way, you can find the command prompt in the normal execution as well as the administrator version. How do you enter commands in the command prompt? Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 3. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory of … 3/22 CMD functions via defined commands. These have to be entered correctly, otherwise the command prompt can’t run the task. The same goes for parameters that you link to the commands. Individual commands can be extended using options (such as arguments). These are generally given as a letter with a minus sign (-), plus sign (+), or slash (/). CMD also allows placeholders. For so-called wild cards, use an asterisk (*) or question mark (?). While the latter replaces a single character (i.e. letter, digit, or other character), the asterisk stands for any number of characters.  Note In the command prompt and commands, you also frequently have to work with path specifications. You need these to navigate through your directories or specify exact positions in commands. For the input of a path, use the backslash (). Individual CMD commands can be combined with one another. Through a pipe, the output of the first command is interpreted as input for the following command. In the command prompt, commands are linked to one another with a vertical line (|). This line itself is called a pipe, but officially is known as a vertical bar. Vertical bars pass data from one command to the next: CommandA | CommandB There’s also the possibility of redirection: where the output of a command is directly forwarded to a file (>) or the content of a text file is understood as input for the command (<). Command > File (output in file) Command < File (input from file) Finally, Windows command line commands can also be connected in such a way that they run directly after one other. This can be controlled via a relatively simple form (&), but also via two more complex variations. It’s also possible to only run the second command if the first was successful. Or, you can set up the exact opposite as well: The second command is only run if the first doesn’t work (||). Both options can even be combined so that there’s an either-or string of commands: CommandA & CommandB (the second command is run directly after the first) CommandA && CommandB (the second command is only run if the first was successful) Command A || CommandB (the second command is only run if the first was not successful) CommandA && CommandB || CommandC (the second command is only run if the first was successful, otherwise the third command is run)  Tip Each command has its own syntax and individual options. So that you don’t have to memorize all of these, CMD offers a help command: Using help command or command /? you can obtain information about how to handle the command. Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 4. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory of … 4/22 It’s also extremely helpful that the command prompt remembers your last entered CMD commands. Using the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard, you can recall your earlier entries. This also means, though, that you can’t use these keys to scroll through the CMD window. This is usually done with the mouse instead. But if you prefer to scroll using keys and are ready to give up the recall command function, you can alter the corresponding setting: right-click on the command prompt and enable the “Scrolling” option. Command, file names or path specifications, as well as arguments, are separated from one another using spaces. It also usually doesn’t matter if you use upper- or lower-case letters. It’s only important in a few cases whether you write the parameter in upper- or lower-case (generally only when two different parameters are abbreviated with the same letter, and are only differentiated from one another through the case). Windows CMD commands: an overview There are almost 300 commands for Windows and its predecessor, MS-DOS. Over the decades, some commands have been kept around, some have only recently been added with newer versions of Windows, and others have been removed or replaced. In our comprehensive list, we explain what the different commands mean and on which Windows versions they run. This way, you can quickly look up whether the CMD commands that you know still function with Windows 10. To make it more clear, we’ve divided the Windows command prompt commands into four categories: basics, files, system, and network. 3 ways to be present and grow online Get found with your own domain. Build trust with your own email address. Reach visitors with your own website. ( names? ac=OM.US.USo50K361495T7073a) Buy a domain ( ains/domain-names? ac=OM.US.USo50K361495T7 073a) ( solutions/create-an-email- address? ac=OM.US.USo50K361495T7073a) Get custom email ( e-solutions/create-an-email- address? ac=OM.US.USo50K361495T7 073a) ( builder? ac=OM.US.USo50K361495T7073a) Create a website ( sites/website-builder? ac=OM.US.USo50K361495T7 073a) Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 5. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory of … 5/22  Note The information on the functionality of various Windows versions should only be understood as orientation information. For the individual commands, it’s not only which Windows version you’re using that’s important, but also which edition (Home, Pro, Server). In some cases, you have to adjust certain settings beforehand so that the commands are effective. You also will need access rights as an administrator for some CMD commands. Basics CMD command Description Windows version   bitsadmin Creates and monitors downloads and uploads. 10/8/7/Vista   break Interrupts Ctrl + C checking in DOS, allowing you to stop processes in the old operating system. Only available for compatibility reasons in Windows. All Win/DOS   call Calls a batch file within another batch file. The command has no effect if entered directly into CMD instead of in a batch file. All Win/DOS   cd Displays the current directory and lets you switch to other directories. With the parameter /D plus drive and path specification, you can also switch drives. Use cd.. to switch to a higher directory (has the same function as the chdir command). All Win/DOS   chcp Changes the current code page (character set table) or shows the page count of the current code page. All Win/DOS   chdir Displays the current directory and lets you switch to other directories. With the parameter /D plus drive and path specification, you can also switch drives. Use chdir.. to switch to a higher directory (has the same function as the cd command). All Win/DOS   choice Creates a selection list: typical example is the selection of yes (Y) or no (N), which is created with /C YN. With the parameter /M you can add an explanatory message for the user. All Win (not XP)/DOS   clip Forwards the result of a command to the clipboard. For example, you can copy the directory structure (dir clip) or the content of a file (clip < filename) to the clipboard. 10/8/7/Vista cls Clears the content of the screen. All Win/DOS   cmd Starts CMD.EXE. 10/8/7/Vista/XP   color Changes the background (first value) and text color (second value) of the command prompt. The color lies between 0 (black) and F (white). 10/8/7/Vista/XP   command Starts CMD.COM. 32-bit/DOS   date Displays the current date and allows you to change it. With the parameter /T the date is shown without the option to change. All Win/DOS   Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 6. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory of … 6/22 CMD command Description Windows version   debug Starts debug, a program that can test and modify programs within the command prompt. 32-bit/DOS   dir Displays all folders and files within the current directory. You can restrict the output by attributes (/A), simplify the list (/B), or display all subdirectories and their files (/S). All Win/DOS   doskey Creates macros, recalls commands, and edits command input. All Win/DOS   dosshell Opens the DOS shell, a graphical file management tool. In Windows, the DOS shell is replaced by Windows Explorer. 95/DOS   echo Displays a message and is mainly used within scripts and batch files. All Win/DOS   edit Starts the MS-DOS editor, with which you can create text files. 32-bit/DOS   edlin Creates and edits text files within the command prompt. 32-bit/DOS   exit Ends CMD.EXE or CMD.COM. All Win/DOS   fasthelp Displays helpful information about commands. DOS   fastopen Writes the position of a program into a specified list, which is in the working memory and should accelerate the start of programs. 32-bit/DOS   find Searches through a file or multiple files for a particular character sequence. If you only want to know how frequently the word or phrase occurs, use the /C parameter. With the extension /I the command ignores upper- and lower-case in the search. All Win/DOS   findstr Finds character sequences in one or multiple files. It gives you more options when compared to the find command: you can search for files that contain various terms or with /C search for an exact word order. 10/8/7/Vista/XP   forcedos Starts a program in the MS-DOS partial system, in case it’s not directly recognized by Windows XP as a DOS program. XP (32-bit)   graftabl Enables the option to use extended characters of a specific code page in graphics mode. 32-bit/DOS   graphics Starts a program that can print graphics. 32-bit/DOS   help Displays help text for a specific command (you can also use the /? command). All Win/DOS   kb16 Changes the country settings of the keyboard for DOS programs (only included in Windows for compatibility reasons. Replaces the old command keyb). 32-bit   keyb Changes the country settings of the keyboard for DOS programs (only included in Windows for compatibility reasons. Replaced by kb16 in newer Windows versions). 98/95/DOS   logoff Logs the user out of Windows. Also allows you to end sessions on servers. 10/8/7/Vista/XP   lpq Displays the status of a printer queue for computers that use a “line Printer Daemon” (LPD). (To use the command in Windows 10, 8, 7, or Vista, the LPD print service and the LPR port monitor have to be enabled first). All Win   Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 7. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory of … 7/22 CMD command Description Windows version   lpr Sends a file to a computer that uses a line printer daemon (LPD). To use the command in Windows 10, 8, 7, or Vista, the LPD print service and LPR port monitor have to be enabled first. All Win   md Creates a new directory on the specified path. If directories don’t already exist on the path, md creates them automatically (you can also use the mkdir command). All Win/DOS   mkdir Creates a new directory on the specified path. If directories don’t already exist on the path, mkdir creates them automatically (you can also use the md command). All Win/DOS   more Outputs the content of a file (for example, a text file) by the page. You can also use the command to split the output of another command into pages. All Win/DOS   msg Sends a message to another user. You can write the username into the command or create files in which usernames are saved. The files can then be included in the command with @filename. 10/8/7/Vista/XP   nlsfunc Provides country-specific information for language support. 32-bit/DOS   ntbackup Runs backup services directly from the command line or as part of batch or script files. XP   path Creates and displays the path for searching executable files. All Win/DOS   pause Pauses execution in batch files and scripts. The user is then prompted in a message to continue by pressing a key. All Win/DOS   popd Changes to the folder saved by the pushd command. The command is mainly part of batch files and scripts. 10/8/7/Vista   print Prints a text file. The device to be used for printing has to be specified. All Win/DOS   prompt Changes the display of the command prompt. All Win/DOS   pushd Saves a specific path into a script or batch file. You can change to this directory with popd. 10/8/7/Vista/XP   qbasic Starts qbasic, a program environment based on the BASIC programming language. 98/95/DOS   rd Deletes a directory. This must not contain any files, even hidden ones. You can delete an entire directory tree with the /S parameter (you can also use the rmdir command). All Win/DOS   rem Writes comments in batch and script files that aren’t taken into account when executing. All Win/DOS   rmdir Deletes a directory. This must not contain any files, even hidden ones. You can delete an entire directory tree with the /S parameter (you can also use the rd command). All Win/DOS   runas Allows a user to run commands with the rights of another user. For example, you can run a command as an administrator from a normal user account as long as you know the password. 10/8/7/Vista/XP   scandisk Starts Microsoft ScanDisk. The program searches data carriers for errors. 98/95/DOS   schtasks Sets the execution of specified programs and commands for a specified point in time. You can create, delete, change, and display all scheduled tasks. 10/8/7/Vista/XP   Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 8. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory of … 8/22 CMD command Description Windows version   set Displays environmental variables of CMD.EXE and lets you configure them. All Win/DOS   shift Moves variables within batch files and scripts. All Win/DOS   shutdown Shuts down the computer (/s), triggers a restart (/r), or logs the user out (/l). A graphical user interface is displayed if you enter the parameter /I as the first option in the command. 10/8/7/Vista/XP   sort Lists out data (from a file or command) and outputs it again sorted – directly in the command prompt, in a new file, or in another output. All Win/DOS   start Opens a new command prompt window in which you can run a specific program or command. All Win   subst Assigns a drive letter to a path to create a virtual drive. All Win/DOS   taskkill Ends one or more running tasks. You either have to specify the process ID (PID) or image name. 10/8/7/Vista   tasklist Lists all running processes – also on remote computers, if desired. The process ID also has to be specified, which is required for the taskkill command, for example. 10/8/7/Vista/XP   time Displays the current time and allows it to be changed. If the parameter /T is entered, the command prompt only shows the time and offers no option to directly change it. All Win/DOS   timeout Stops a process for a specified time. The command Is used in batch files and scripts. If you use the /NOBREAK parameter, the command ignores any keyboard input. 10/8/7/Vista   title Changes the title of the command prompt. Spaces are allowed, but not all special characters such as a slash, for example, because they may be interpreted as instructions for a parameter. All Win/DOS   tree Graphically displays the directory structure of a drive or path. With the /F parameter, all files in the folders are also listed out. /A also ensures that only ASCII characters are used for the graphical representation. The command takes into account all subdirectories starting from the given path. If you don’t enter a path, the current folder is used as the output. All Win/DOS   type Displays the content of a text file. All Win/DOS   tzutil Displays the currently set time zone (/g) or changes it (/s). The parameter /l helps determine the valid time zones. 10/8/7   ver Displays the current version number of Windows or MS-DOS. All Win/DOS   Files CMD command Description Windows version append Sets the path in which files will be searched for. 32-bit/DOS assoc Changes the program that’s linked with a particular file ending. 10/8/7/Vista/XP Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 9. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory of … 9/22 CMD command Description Windows version attrib Changes attributes of specified files. With the parameter +R you can protect a file from changes. All Win/DOS cipher Displays and changes the encryption status of files and directories on NTFS partitions. 10/8/7/Vista/XP comp Compares the content of two files or two file sets. The results can be displayed as a decimal value (/D) or with ASCII characters (/A). 10/8/7/Vista/XP compact Displays and changes the compression status of files and directories on NTFS partitions. 10/8/7/Vista/XP copy Copies a file or multiple files to another location. It’s also possible to connect several files to one. You can use the asterisk as a wild card. All Win/DOS cscript Runs scripts over the Microsoft Script Host. You can enable additional debugging with the /D option. All Win/DOS del Deletes a file or multiple files. If you also want to delete all files from subfolders, you can do this with the /S parameter. Read-only files can be deleted with /F (you can also use the erase command). All Win/DOS deltree Deletes a directory as well as all subdirectories and files within. 98/95/DOS diantz Compresses files without any loss (command has the same function as makecab). 7/Vista/XP diskcomp Compares the content of two disks. All Win (not 10)/DOS diskcopy Copies the content of a disk to another. All Win (not 10)/DOS endlocal Ends the valid range of changes to batch files or scripts. After the command, changes are applied to the entire system again (localization is started with setlocal). 10/8/7/Vista/XP erase Function is the same as del. All Win/DOS exe2bin Converts an EXE file to a BIN file. 32-bit expand Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files. All Win (not 64- bit XP)/DOS extrac32 Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files. The program is part of Internet Explorer, but can also be used in the command prompt. All Win extract Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files (in new Windows versions use expand). 98/95 fc Compares two individual files or two sets of files with one another and displays the differences. All Win/DOS for Sets a specific command that should be run for each individual file in a file set. This command is usually used in batch and script files. All Win/DOS forfiles Selects one or more files and runs a command that refers to these files. Usually used for batch and script files. 10/8/7/Vista ftype Specifies a program for opening a specific file type. 10/8/7/Vista/XP goto Skips the execution within a batch program to a specific line (marker). All Win/DOS if Represents a conditional statement and executes expressions within batch files only under certain conditions. Can be extended by not if commands are only not to be executed under certain conditions. All Win/DOS Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 10. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 10/22 CMD command Description Windows version makecab Compresses files without loss in CAB format (you can also use the diantz command). 10/8/7/Vista/XP mklink Creates a symbolic link to a file. With /D you can also create connections to directories. Create a fixed connection instead of a symbolic connection with /H. 10/8/7/Vista move Moves a file or multiple files from one directory to another. The command can also change the names of directories. By default, the command overwrites other files with the same name when moving files to the destination. To prevent this use the /-Y parameter. All Win/DOS openfiles Displays and separates open system files and folders. 10/8/7/Vista/XP recover Restores readable files that were on a defective data drive. 10/8/7/Vista/XP ren Changes the name of a particular file. Directory and drive cannot be changed this way (or use the rename command). All Win/DOS rename Function is the same as ren. All Win/DOS replace Replaces the selected file or files with one or more other files. With /S files in subfolders are also replaced. With the addition /U files are only replaced if another version is more current. The parameter /A allows users to add new files to the target directory at the same time. This parameter is not compatible with /S and /U. All Win/DOS robocopy Allows so-called robust file copying. This is an extended version of copy and xcopy. With robocopy it’s possible to successfully transfer data even if there are interruptions in the network. There are a total of 72 parameters with which the copy command can be modified. 10/8/7/Vista rsm Manages media on removable storage devices. Is used in batch files and scripts to support programs that don’t use “Removable Storage API.” Vista/XP setlocal Limits the valid range of changes to batch files or scripts. After the command, changes only apply to these files (localization is started with endlocal). 10/8/7/Vista/XP share Installs file sharing and file locking. 32-bit/DOS sxstrace Starts the WinSxs Tracing Utility, a tool for programming diagnostics. 10/8/7/Vista takeown Restores administrator access rights to a file that have been lost when reassigning a user. 10/8/7/Vista undelete Undoes the deletion of a file. DOS verify When enabled, checks whether files are written correctly on a data drive. The check is disabled in the standard settings. All Win/DOS where Finds files that match a particular search topic. The placeholders * and ? can be used within the topic. 10/8/7/Vista xcopy Copies files and entire directory structures. In this way, the command offers various additional options. For example, it can be specified that only files younger than a specific date (/D) should be copied. It can also be specified that read-only files are overwritten (/R). All Win/DOS System Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 11. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 11/22 CMD command Description Windows version CMD command Description Windows version at Starts commands and programs at a particular time. With the parameter /every:date[,…] you can also set regular appointments. 10/8/7/Vista/XP auditpol Displays current monitoring policies. 10/8/7/Vista backup Creates backups of files. These can be recovered with restore (replaced by msbackup). DOS bcdboot Creates and repairs start files. 10/8/7 bcdedit Allows users to make changes to start configuration data storage (the command is a new version of bootcfq). 10/8/7/Vista bdehdcfg Prepares a hard drive for BitLocker Drive Encryption. 10/8/7 bootcfg Creates, edits, or displays the content of boot.ini (although it’s still included in the Windows 7 CMD, it has lost its function since boot.ini is no longer used for startup options, instead you should use bcdedit). 10/8/7/Vista/XP bootsect Modifies the master boot code sot that it’s compatible with the Windows Boot Manager or NT Loader (can only be started via system restore in Windows 7 and Vista). 10/8/7/Vista cacls Edits and displays the access control list. This sets access rights (outdated – replaced by icacls in newer Windows versions). 10/8/7/Vista/XP chkdsk Checks and repairs (with the parameter /R) a data drive. All Win/DOS chkntfs Changes or displays the data driver check at startup. 10/8/7/Vista/XP cmdkey Can display (/list), create (/add), or delete (/delete) login information. 10/8/7/Vista convert Converts partitions from FAT/FAT32 to NTFS. 10/8/7/Vista/XP ctty Changes the standard input and output for the system. 98/95/DOS dblspace Creates or configures compresses drives (a newer version of the command is called drvspace) .98/95/DOS defrag Defragments all or only specified drives. Use /U to observe the progress. To get an evaluation statistic after the defragmentation, use the parameter /V. All Win/DOS diskpart Manages, creates, and deletes partitions from the hard drive. 10/8/7/Vista/XP diskperf Allows users to remotely control the disk performance counter. 10/8/7/Vista diskraid Manages RAID systems. 10/8/7/Vista dism Manages and integrates Windows images. 10/8/7 dispdiag Creates a file in the current directory in which you’ll find information about your display. 10/8/7/Vista dosx Starts the DOS Protected Mode Interface, which allows MS-DOS programs more than 640 KB of RAM. Is only available to support older DOS programs. 32-Bit driverquery Creates a list with all installed drivers. 10/8/7/Vista/XP drvspace Creates or configures compressed drives. An older version of the command is called dblspace. 98/95/DOS emm386 Provides DOS with more than 640 KB of RAM. 98/95/DOS esentutl Manages databases within the extensible storage engine. 10/8/7/Vista/XP eventcreate Creates an entry (ID and message) in an event log. 10/8/7/Vista/XP eventtriggers Configures and displays event trigger. XP Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 12. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 12/22 CMD command Description Windows version fdisk Creates, deletes, and manages partitions on the hard drive. Use diskpart in newer Windows versions. 98/95/DOS fltmc Allows users to manage and display filter drivers. 10/8/7/Vista/XP fondue Installs additional Windows features. The command is an abbreviation for the underlying tool: Features on Demand User Experience Tool. 10/8 format Formats a drive to the file system specified by the user. All Win/DOS fsutil Provides numerous features related to the file system, such as disk removal. 10/8/7/Vista/XP hwrcomp Compiles self-created dictionaries for handwriting recognition. 10/8/7 hwrreg Installs a compiled dictionary for handwriting recognition. 10/8/7 icacls Edits and displays the access control list. This sets access rights. An outdated version of this command is cacls. 10/8/7/Vista ktmutil Starts the kernel transaction manager. 10/8/7/Vista label Changes or deletes a drive’s label. All Win/DOS lh Loads a program into the high memory area (UMB) – has the same function as loadhigh. 98/95/DOS licensingdiag Creates an XML and a CAB file that contain information on the Windows product license. 10/8 loadfix Ensures that a program is loaded and executed above the first 64 KB of RAM. 32-bit/DOS loadhigh Has the same function as lh. 98/95/DOS lock Locks a drive so that only a user-selected program can access it directly. 98/95 lodctr Updates all registry entries that have to do with performance indicators. All Win logman Creates and manages event trace sessions and performance logs. 10/8/7/Vista/XP manage-bde Configures drive encryption with BitLocker. Use -on to encrypt a drive. Use - off to decrypt it again and end BitLocker protection. 10/8/7 mem Displays information about the RAM and indicates which programs are currently loaded in it. 32-bit/DOS memmaker Optimizes the RAM. 98/95/DOS mode Configures system devices – primarily on the COM or LPT port. All Win/DOS mofcomp Analyzes files in managed object format (MOF) and adds the classes and instances to the WMI repository. All Win mountvol Creates and deletes mount points for drives and displays them. 10/8/7/Vista/XP msav Starts Microsoft Antivirus. DOS msbackup Starts Microsoft Backup (replaces backup and restores). DOS mscdex Loads the CD-ROM support for MS-DOS. 98/95/DOS msd Starts the program Microsoft Diagnostics, with which system information can be displayed. DOS msiexec Starts the Windows installer, with which Windows can be installed and configured. 10/8/7/Vista/XP muiunattend Starts an automatic setup process for the multilingual user interface (MUI). 10/8/7/Vista netcfg Installs the minimal operating system Microsoft Windows PE. 10/8/7/Vista Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 13. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 13/22 CMD command Description Windows version ocsetup Installs additional Windows functions. 8/7/Vista pentnt Recognizes floating point division errors in Pentium chips, starts floating point emulation, and disables floating point hardware. XP pkgmgr Installs, uninstalls, and configures packages and functions for Windows. 10/8/7/Vista pnpunattend Automates the installation of device drivers. 10 pnputil Installs plug-and-play devices from the command prompt. 10/8/7/Vista power Uses the IDLE status of a processor to reduce energy consumption. 98/95/DOS powercfg Allows the user to change the computer’s energy options and control energy conservation plans. 10/8/7/Vista/XP pwlauncher Configures the startup options for Windows To Go with which you can boot Windows from a USB drive. 10/8 qprocess Provides information on running processes. 10/8/7/Vista query Displays the status of a particular service. 10/8/7/Vista quser Provides information on the currently logged-in users. 10/8/7/Vista reagentc Configures the Windows recovery environment, with which you can repair the installation of the operating system. 10/8/7 recimg Creates a user-defined Windows image to restore the system. 8 reg Manages the registry of the command prompt. Users can create new keys (reg add) or delete them (reg delete). 10/8/7/Vista/XP regini Changes registry authorizations. 10/8/7/Vista/XP register- cimprovider Registers a common information model provider (CIM provider) in Windows. 10/8 regsvr32 Registers a DLL file in the registry. 10/8/7/Vista/XP relog Creates new performance indicator protocols from the data in the existing protocols. 10/8/7/Vista/XP repair-bde Repairs and decrypts defective drives that are encrypted with BitLocker. The files should be saved on a replacement drive. 10/8/7 reset Resets a session. You can also use the rwinsta command. 10/8/7/Vista/XP restore Restores backups that were created with the backup command (replaced by msbackup). DOS rwinsta Command has the same function as reset. 10/8/7/Vista/XP sc Manages services by connecting to the Service Controller. 10/8/7/Vista/XP scanreg Repairs the registry and allows a backup to be created of it. 98/95 sdbinst Applies user-defined database files (SDB). 10/8/7/Vista/XP secedit Analyzes the security settings by comparing the current configurations with templates. Settings can also be configured, imported, and exported with this command. 10/8/7/Vista/XP setver Sets a version number of MS-DOS that’s forwarded to a program – even if it doesn’t match the actual version. 32-bit/DOS setx Creates or changes environmental variable in the user of system environment. 10/8/7/Vista Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 14. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 14/22 CMD command Description Windows version sfc Checks all important and protected system files. Incorrect versions are replaced by correct ones. 10/8/7/Vista/XP smartdrv Starts and manages the hard drive cache program SMARTDrive. 98/95/DOS sys Copies system files from MS-DOS and the command interpreter to another hard drive. This makes it bootable. 98/95/DOS systeminfo Displays information about the Windows installation, including all installed service packages. The information can be obtained from the local system as well as a remote computer. 10/8/7/Vista/XP tpmvscmgr Creates and deletes TPM virtual smart cards. These are virtual smartcards encrypted on the basis of the Trusted Platform Model. 10/8 tracerpt Processes logs or real-time data generated during the tracing of computer programs. 10/8/7/Vista/XP typeperf Displays performance counter data or writes it into a file. 10/8/7/Vista/XP unformat Undoes the drive formatting done by the format command. DOS unlock Unlocks a drive that was locked with the lock command. 98/95 unlodctr Deletes names as well as descriptions for extensible performance counters in the Windows registry. 10/8/7/Vista/XP vaultcmd Creates, deletes, and displays saved registration information. 10/8/7 vol Displays the label and serial number of a drive. All Win/DOS vsafe Starts the antivirus software VSafe. DOS vssadmin Manages the volume shadow copy services that can be used to store different versions (snapshots) of drives. 10/8/7/Vista/XP wbadmin Creates backups of the operating system and delivers information to the created backup copies. 10/8/7/Vista wevtutil Manages event logs and event log files. 10/8/7/Vista whoami Provides information about the current user. With the /GROUP parameter you can obtain additional information about group membership. 10/8/7/Vista winmgmt Manages WMI repositories. Backups (/backup) are possible with the command, for example. All Win winsat Evaluates various system factors – for example, processor performance or graphical capabilities. 10/8/7/Vista wmic Starts the Windows Management Instrumentation in the command prompt. Various Windows settings can be changed here – both locally and on remote computers. 10/8/7/Vista/XP xwizard Registers Windows data in the form of XML files. 10/8/7 Network CMD command Description Windows version arp Displays and edits entries in the Address Resolution Protocol cache. All Win Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 15. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 15/22 CMD command Description Windows version atmadm Displays information on asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). XP certreq Manages and creates certificate registration requirements for certification authorities. 10/8/7/Vista certutil Manages services related to certificate authentication. 10/8/7/Vista change Changes the settings of a terminal server and can be used together with the parameters logon, port, or user (replaces the commands chglogon, chgport, and chgusr). 10/8/7/Vista checknetisolation Checks the network capability of apps from the Windows Store. 10/8 chglogon Enables, disables, or adjusts logins for terminal server sessions. 10/8/7/Vista chgport Displays or changes the COM pin assignment of terminal servers for DOS compatibility. 10/8/7/Vista chgusr Changes the installation mode of a terminal server. 10/8/7/Vista cmstp Installs or uninstalls profiles for the connection manager. 10/8/7/Vista/XP djoin Creates a new computer account in the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). 10/8/7/Vista finger Provides information about users on remote devices using the Finger service. 10/8/7/Vista/XP ftp Transfers data to an FTP server or from this to a PC. The command offers additional options: For example, you can activate debugging with - d. All Win/DOS getmac Displays the MAC address of all network adapters. The format of the output (Table, List, CSV) is set with /FO. With /S you can use the command on remote systems as well. 10/8/7/Vista/XP gpresult Displays information on the Group Policy. 10/8/7/Vista/XP gpupdate Updates information on the Group Policy. 10/8/7/Vista/XP hostname Outputs the name of the current host. 10/8/7/Vista/XP interlnk Connects two computers via serial or parallel connection to share files or printers. DOS intersvr Starts an interlnk server and transfers data from one computer to another via serial or parallel connection. DOS ipconfig Provides information on the IP of each used network adapter. The command can also be used to release (/release) or renew (/renew) addresses. With /flushdns you can clear the DNS cache. All Win/DOS ipxroute Changes and displays information on the IPX routing tables. XP irftp Transfers files via infrared connection, if one is available. 10/8/7/Vista iscsicli Manages iSCSI, which enables connections via the SCSI protocol. 10/8/7/Vista klist Displays all tickets authenticated by the Kerberos service. Also enables the command to delete tickets (purge). 10/8/7 ksetup Configures a connection to a Kerberos server. 10/8/7 mount Enables network sharing under the Network File System. (To use the command, enable NFS services). 7/Vista mrinfo Provides information on the router. 10/8/7/Vista/XP Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 16. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 16/22 CMD command Description Windows version nbtstat Displays statistics and information on the TCP/IP connections on remote computers. 10 net Configures and displays network settings. All Win net1 Configures and displays network settings (it’s recommended to use net instead; the net1 command is only intended as a temporary solution for a Y2K problem). 10/8/7/Vista/XP netsh Starts the network shell, which allows for network settings to be changed on local and remote computers. 10/8/7/Vista/XP netstat Displays statistics and information on TCP/IP connections on the local computer. All Win nfsadmin Manages NFS servers and clients (to be able to use the command, you first have to enable NFS services in Windows). 7/Vista nltest Displays information related to secure channels in the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and tests the connections. 10/8/7 nslookup Sends a DNS query to a specific IP or host name on the preconfigured DNS server. You can also specify another DNS server. 10 ntsd Runs debugging. XP pathping Provides information on forwarding and package loss when sending over a network and also specifies the latency. 10/8/7/Vista/XP ping Sends an internet control message protocol echo request to a specific host to check if it’s accessible. The duration of the echo can also be specified. Ping signals can be sent continuously with -t. To display statistics on this action, press Ctrl + Brk. Cancel the process with Ctrl + C. All Win qappsrv Displays all available remote computers in the network. 10/8/7/Vista/XP qwinsta Displays information on the open remote desktop sessions. 10/8/7/Vista rasautou Manages autodial addresses. 10/8/7/Vista/XP rasdial Starts and ends network connections for Microsoft clients. 10/8/7/Vista/XP rcp Copies files from a Windows computer to a server that’s running a RSDH daemon, and vice versa. 7/Vista/XP rdpsign Signs a remote desktop protocol file (RDP file). 10/7 rexec Runs commands on a remote computer that’s running a Rexec daemon. Vista/XP route Displays routing tables and makes it possible to change, add, or delete entries. All Win rpcinfo Sends a remote procedure call (RPC) to an RPC server. The result displays the programs on the remote computer (to use the command, NFS services on Windows have to be enabled first). 7/Vista rpcping Sends a ping via remote procedure call (RPC) and checks whether a connection is possible. 10/8/7/Vista rsh Runs commands on remote computers that are running the Unix program Remote Shell (RSH). 7/Vista/XP setspn Creates, deletes, and changes SPNs. These are unique identifiers for services on a network that uses Kerberos authentication. 10/8/7 Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 17. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 17/22 CMD command Description Windows version shadow Monitors a session on a remote computer. The user can also actively control the remote computer. 7/Vista/XP showmount Provides information on NFS file systems (to use the command, you first have to activate NFS services in Windows). 7/Vista tcmsetup Enables or disables a client for the Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI), a programming interface for telephone applications. 10/8/7/Vista/XP telnet Enables communication with another computer that also uses the telnet protocol. All Win/DOS tftp Enables a file exchange between the local computer and a server that supports the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). To use the command, the TFTP client first needs to be enabled in the system settings. 10/8/7/Vista/XP tlntadmn Manages a telnet server on a local or remote computer (to be able to use the command, the telnet server functions first have to be enabled in the system settings). 8/7/Vista/XP tracert Tracks a data package on the way through the network to a server. It doesn’t only check whether the package arrives and how long it takes, but also records how many hops the package makes on the way. All packages have a set time-to-live (TTL), which is increased gradually with the command. All Win tscon Connects the current local user session with a session on a remote computer. 10/8/7/Vista/XP tsdiscon Ends the connection between a local user session and a session on a remote computer. 10/8/7/VistaXP tskill Ends a process on a remote computer. 10/8/7/Vista/XP tsshutdn Shuts down or restarts a remote terminal server. If the target computer supports it, the entire computer can be turned off in this way. XP umount Removes mounted network file system drives. To use the command, the NFS functions first have to be enabled in the system settings. 7/Vista w32tm Manages the Windows time service that synchronizes dates and times on all computers that share an AD DS domain. 10/8/7/Vista/XP waitfor Sends or waits on a single. If the signal is only supposed to be sent to specified computers in a domain instead of all, use the /S parameter. Computers within a network are synchronized with one another through this command. 10/8/7/Vista wecutil Creates and managements subscriptions for events. These are forwarded from remote event sources that support the WS management protocol. 10/8/7/Vista winrm Manages secure connections between local and remote computers via the WS management protocol. 10/8/7/Vista winrs Enables access to the command line of a remote computer via a secure connection to implement changes. If you want to disable encryption, use -un. 10/8/7/Vista wsmanhttpconfig Manages functions of the Windows Remote Management (winrm). 10/8/7/Vista  Tip Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 18. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 18/22 Related articles At this point, Windows knows three different commands for copying files and directories. But the range of functions of the individual Windows CMD commands have been partially extended: For example, xcopy is stronger than copy, and robocopy in turn has a larger scope than xcopy. If you’re using a newer version of Windows (Vista or later), it’s best to use the robocopy command in the command prompt.  01.10.20 | Know-how (server/know-how/) Tutorials (tags/tutorials/) Operating Systems (tags/operating-systems/) Windows (tags/windows/) om/d indo g om/ onos (server/know-how/windows-blue-screen/) Blue screen of death (BSOD): How to fix it (server/know- how/windows-blue-screen/)  14.03.2022 | Know-how (server/know-how/) The infamous blue screen of death usually shows up without any warning. It’s an important indicator of internal problems with hardware, software, or drivers. If Windows can no longer be run as a result of such a problem, then the forced shutdown takes place in the form of a blue screen containing an error message. This may cause unsaved files and documents to be lost. The most important thing with... Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 19. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 19/22 om/d ows indo nos om/ ows edin onos ows (server/tools/nslookup/) nslookup: Here’s how the useful DNS check works (server/tools/nslookup/)  13.08.2019 | Tools (server/tools/) Those who want to access computer systems and applications in networks need host (or rather, domain) names. As long as the Domain Name System, which is responsible for the name conversions, is functioning normally, users remain unaware that machine-readable IP addresses are hidden behind these names. However, if complications with the DNS and the involved name servers arise, they can be quickly... gita http digita edin com Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 20. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 20/22 (server/configuration/deleting-windowsold/) Windows.old: explanation and instructions for deleting the folder (server/configuration/deleting-windowsold/)  18.08.2020 | Configuration (server/configuration/) Windows offers a variety of features to ensure that the system functions over the long term. For example, the operating system generates a backup folder called Windows.old during new installations, upgrades or major updates which can be used to restore the system to its previous state. In our article, you will learn about the circumstances in which you can remove Windows.old and how to do so. algu dow gital om/d algu dow edin m/dig dow Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 21. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 21/22 (server/configuration/shutdown-commands-via-cmd/) Shutdown via CMD: An overview of windows shutdown com- mands (server/configuration/shutdown-commands-via-cmd/)  16.09.2020 | Configuration (server/configuration/) In Windows, you can adapt frequently required shutdown routines to your individual needs in many different ways. For this, Windows provides an appropriate tool in the command line, which is also referred to as the prompt – CMD or cmd.exe. We introduce shutdowns via CMD, which can handle efficient, simple, but also more complex shutdown routines. guid nds italg man igita algui nds edin /digi nds (server/tools/open-command-prompt/) Opening Command Prompt in Windows: the most popular op- tions (server/tools/open-command-prompt/)  30.09.2020 | Tools (server/tools/) Command Prompt in Windows is used to enter command line instructions. The Microsoft operating system provides several options to launch Command Prompt. The method you choose ultimately depends on your personal user habits. You can also open Command Prompt in a special mode with administrator privileges if required for certain system tasks. /dig and om/d mm s co m/dig and edin and Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 
  • 22. 4/19/22, 1:39 PM Windows CMD commands: A list of command prompt codes - IONOS speaking%2C the command line,directory o… 22/22 Related Products See packages  Web hosting for agencies Provide powerful and reliable service to your clients with a web hosting package from IONOS. View packages  Popular Articles Cloud Servers About IONOS ( Terms and Conditions ( Privacy Policy ( Help Center ( Tell a friend ( © 2022 IONOS Inc. ( .ly/I ly/os.l -fee uide Digital Guide (/digitalguide/) 