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Wife Of Bath Essays
Writing an essay on the topic of "Wife of Bath" can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor.
The complexity lies in navigating the intricate layers of Chaucer's character, the Wife of Bath,
and interpreting her multifaceted personality. Analyzing her prologue and tale requires a deep
understanding of medieval literature, societal norms, and feminist perspectives.
One difficulty arises from the ambiguity surrounding the Wife of Bath herself. Her character is
enigmatic, challenging writers to decipher her motivations, beliefs, and the societal forces
shaping her identity. Additionally, delving into the historical context of Chaucer's time adds
another layer of complexity, requiring research into the cultural norms and expectations prevalent
in the 14th century.
Crafting a cohesive and insightful essay also demands a careful exploration of the Wife of Bath's
relationships, particularly with her five husbands. Unraveling the dynamics of these marriages
and their implications on her character development necessitates a nuanced analysis.
Moreover, addressing the feminist undertones in the Wife of Bath's narrative adds another
dimension to the essay. Interpreting her agency, empowerment, and the challenges she poses to
patriarchal norms requires a thoughtful and informed discussion.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Wife of Bath" requires a blend of literary
analysis, historical contextualization, and feminist interpretation. It is a task that demands
meticulous research, critical thinking, and the ability to synthesize complex ideas into a coherent
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing challenges, a valuable
resource is Expert writers are available to provide support and guidance on a
wide range of topics, ensuring that academic tasks are approached with thoroughness and skill.
Wife Of Bath Essays Wife Of Bath Essays
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Small Scale Industries
In a developing country like Sri Lanka the development and nourishment of local
small and medium level industries accounts the successful economic system that exist
in the country and ensure the sources of the country well utilized for its own people
rather than importing foreign things. Although our country s economical system pays
a greater attention towards such industries, due to the impact of worldwide large
industries and some other local factories, these small level industries encounter
inevitable impediments. This report is about such an industry which runs in my area,
and analyse how they run their industry inspite of those impediments and how could
they try to overcome those impediments. The YARLCO milk cooperation of Jaffna
district which involves in the dairy production and production of animal food. This is
initiated as Northern SriLanka s milk producers and consumers cooperative in
1977.03.31. Then it was associated with Nallur development cooperative in
1985.02.13 and renamed as YARLCO. This institution is started with the intention of
developing dairy farming in... Show more content on ...
Addition of fruits, fruit flavours has improved the texture, colour and the versatility
of the products. The association of fruits with cultured dairy products has endorsed
healthy perception even more in the consumer mind. As consumers connect both
these foods with health and wellness, the 2categories of fruits and cultured milk
products are typical example of hybrid dairy products offering health, flavour and
convenience that will drive growth in coming years .Keeping in view the market
trends, incorporation of fruits in traditional fermented milk products not only aids in
value addition and product diversification but also helps in checking the post harvest
losses and hence economic loss. It may also enhance the profitability of milk and
fruit producers as well as
Bhopal, Bhopal And Its Effects
Thirty years ago in Bhopal, India, an accident at the Union Carbide pesticide plant
led to around thirty tons of highly toxic gases to fill the air and spread through the
nearby towns. When the accident occurred, over 600,000 people were exposed to
the very deadly gas. Over the past years, 15,000 people have been killed by the
disaster and it s effects. (Union Carbide Corporation, 2001 2014) Toxic material
still remains in Bhopal to this day. (Taylor, 2014) This accident occurred in 1984 at
the Union Carbide plant, which had been established in Bhopal in 1969. Reports
began months before the disaster of the possibility of a huge accident. Staff had
been being laid off for weeks prior and that had led to less and less safety checks.
(Taylor, 2014) The gas that leaked is named Methyl Isocyanine. Methyl Isocyanine is
used as a popular pesticide. When in it s liquid form, the chemical is odorless and
very flammable. In a gas though, it is highly toxic and irritating. The organic
compound can also be found in small amounts in certain cigarettes. Union Carbide
was using Methyl Isocyanate as an intermediate. Methylamine was made to react with
phosgene to produce the Methyl Isocyanate, which then reacts with 1 naphthol to
form carbonyl, which is the final product. The accident was triggered when water
entered Tank E610, which contained more than 40 tons of methyl isocyanate,
initiating a runaway reaction. (Ganesh, 2015) An employee was flushing a corroded
pipe and many stopcocks
Capital Punishment Is The Sanctioned Practice
Committee Name: 6th legal
Committee Topic: Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment is the sanctioned practice that puts someone to death in response
to crimes. There are many and varied types of execution used around the world today,
including: beheading, electrocution, hanging, lethal injection, shooting in the back of
the head, and by firing squad. People have been working to end executions since
1977, when only 16 countries had abolished the death penalty in law or practice.
Today, the number has risen to 140 nearly two thirds of countries around the world.
Nearly 90% of these happened in just three countries: Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
But these figures exclude China, where numbers remain a state secret. Many
countries around the world continue to hide their practices of capital punishment, for
example Iran continues to execute juvenile offenders those aged under 18 at the time
of the alleged crime in violation of international law. Along with Maldives and
Pakistan, it also sentenced juvenile offenders to death in 2015. Countries continued to
flout other aspects of international law, putting to death people with mental or
intellectual disabilities, as well as those charged with non lethal crimes. Apart from
drug related offences, people were executed for crimes such as adultery, blasphemy,
corruption, kidnapping and questioning the leader s policies . The amount of death
due to capital punishment has
Bbc Narrative
The Ardennes Forest was alive during the peak of summer. The birds were
chirping, wind was passing through the leaves, and race cars were roaring through
Eau Rouge. It was the middle of July and temperatures soared into triple digits. The
sun was beaming down on the magnificent Spa Francorchamps circuit, and it was a
perfect day to go racing. This round in Belgium was the only round of the BRDC
British F3 Championship not held in England, and I was looking to capitalize on
this chance to make my move to the front of the field. Thus far, the season had
been difficult with high ambitions turning into lost prospects and great frustration.
However, this weekend was different: there was a whiff of opportunity in the air. I
arrived at the circuit Saturday morning with a positive attitude following some
productive practice sessions the day before. Qualifying hadn t gone to plan, with
my position being seventeenth due to the lack of drafting I had done on my best
lap. Despite this, the engineers set the car up in race trim, and the stage was set for
an almighty fight to the front. The car roared into life, growling and snatching at the
road eager to get going . I drove out of the paddock and began to warm my tires. I
rounded the final corner, pulled onto the grid, and began to focus on the lights.
Everything goes silent. The engine revs build until every car is at maximum throttle,
and the green light is shown.... Show more content on ...
For three agonizing laps, we were behind the safety car, weaving left and right in
attempts to keep our tires warm. Then, the radio channel opens and my engineer
says, safety is coming in at the end of this lap . We pull onto the short front straight
and the engine revs rise once again as the green flag waves. Immediately, there was
smoke again; two more cars had a minor collision, and all of a sudden I find myself
sitting in 7th place! Now, the race was
Differences Between Dauntless Book And Book
It is always quite exciting when a novel is adapted to be shown as a movie. I m
usually in the habit of comparing and analyzing if the movie version was faithful to
the book. Many times the movie director and screenwriters have to decide whether to
include certain scenes or not. This aspect is controlled by the rating they want the
movie to end up with, depending on their target audience. I found a number of
differences between Roth s noveland the movie. In my opinion the general imagery
of the movie matched the one of the book. For example, I imagined the choosing
ceremony to look like just like it did in the movie. Also, Tris house, school,
neighborhood, the Erudite headquarters and the dauntless train matched the vision in
my head. One thing that didn t match in my opinion was the Dauntless headquarters.
I imagined the chasm to be more dramatic and the fighting ring and dormitories
were portrayed differently than I had imagined. Some of the events in the movie
were also different than in the novel. In the novel Peter stabs Edward in the eye with
a butter knife, but in the movie this scene does not appear at all. In the novel, one of
the new dauntless initiates falls to her death on the first day train jump, in the movie
this does not happen. Visiting day at Dauntless headquarters is a scene... Show more
content on ...
It was filled with excitement and a unique exhilaration that can only be felt when
you practice such an extreme act as zip lining so high through abandoned and
destroyed buildings. I lived the scene through the book as well as in the movie.
The moviemakers did a fantastic job with the scene. The cinematography of the
movie seemed to stand out during Tris and Four s fear landscapes. The angles and
effects made me feel like I was right there with them going through their fears as
well. The rest of the movie wasn t memorable when it comes to camera angles and
Alcohol Essay
Student Name:
Student Number:
Lecturer s Name:
Unit Code:
Unit Name:
Assessment Title:
Due Date:
Date of Submission:
Date Stamp Received:
Extension Details (if applicable):
Word Length (excluding list of references):
I certify that this assignment is my own work and is free from plagiarism. I
understand that the assignment may be checked for plagiarism by electronic or other
means and may be transferred and stored in a database for the purposes of data
matching to help detect plagiarism. The assignment has not previously been
submitted for assessment in any other unit or to any other institution. I have read and
understood Avondale s Academic Integrity Policy.... Show more content on ...
Because teenagers have not built up much physical tolerance, they are more
vulnerable to the effects of alcohol. As people grow, different parts of the brain
develop at different rates, depending on whether they are male or female. The pre
frontal cortex houses the part of the brain that controls rational thinking. This does
not mature until the age of 19 and will fully mature around the age of 21 in women
and 28 in men. Damage to this part of the brain during the time it is being
developed causes long term effects including memory, personality and behaviour
(Young People and Alcohol, 2007 2011). The short term effects of alcohol include
poor concentration, slow reflexes, slow reaction time, reduced co ordination,
slower brain activity and perceptions and sensations become less clear
(Administrative Office of the Courts, 2014). These effects are dangerous for any
teen, because while being intoxicated, they are more likely in to indulge in risky
behaviours such as swimming, driving, unsafe or unwanted sex and verbal or
physical abuse (Drughouse Clearinghouse 2002). Alcohol harms your co
ordination, reflexes and your judgment, it is linked with an estimated 5,000 deaths
in people under the age of 21 each year; more than all illegal drugs combined (The
Cool Spot, 2014). According to the NIAAA Motor vehicle crashes are the leading
cause of death for people between the ages of 15 20. Fatal crashes involving alcohol
are twice as common in young
Comparing Felicia s Journey And The Crying Games
There were many types of literary connections between all of the novels and films that
were read and watched throughout the semester. One of the major connections the
stood out between the works of Felicia s Journey and The Crying Games is personal
and collective history. This major theme was seen throughout many characters in
these films and established how they were portrayed and how they portrayed
themselves. Although they are two completely different films, they still share the
theme as a commonality on how history molded them into the people that they
became. Hilditch, Felicia, Dil and Fergus are all characters that indicate the two types
of history. The tension between collective and personal history causes difficulty for
the characters as time progresses throughout the films. In the film of Felicia s
Journey, Hilditch was treated cruelly by his mother. When she was in front of the
camera, she would let him help and when he ruined something, she would act nice
toward him. Once the cameras shut off, that is when she will go back to her normal
self being and begin to talk down to Hilditch. This led... Show more content on ...
In this film, Dil who is one of the main characters has a partner by the name of Jody
who was killed by Fergus unintentionally. This led Fergus to keep the promise that
he had with Jody before he took his last breath. When he first met Dil, it got to the
point that he began to like her. He wasn t honest with Dil to begin with because he
never mentioned that he was the reason that Jody go hit by a car and later died. As
he started to get to know her, he finally saw who she really was. This also made
him realize that the bar that he met her at was the usual bar, it was a gay bar. Fergus
mentioned, Do they know and Dil replied Alright, they do to her being a male. At
first this began to bother Fergus but he began like her regardless of the
Ancient Greek Dancing
Throughout history, dancing has become a part of the world from many reasons. A
specific date and time could not distinguish when dancing became a part of the
human race. Nevertheless, in history, there were dissimilar paintings and carvings of
movements, which depicted a form of dancing. In the modern period, dancing is
recognized for entertainment. In the ancient era, the Greeks believed in having a
great time and celebrating. They also enjoyed music and danceas their form of
entertainment. However, this paper will discuss information on dancing in the
ancient era and how it was vital for tradition, spiritual gatherings, and apart of social
Ancient Greece began in 146 BC. It was located at the southeastern part of Europe. In
ancient ... Show more content on ...
Each event sometimes have a different dance or ritual. In the ancient Greek period,
everyone had to worship their god and obey what they say. If they were not
obeyed, they would be punished. This period was drastically different from the
modern period. However, the modern period has adapted several similar things.
For instance, many people have specific dances for special occasions, such as
weddings. There are other dances for worship, such praise dancing in the modern
time. There are also dances in the modern time period for social celebrations. For
example, graduations. When a family is celebrating their graduation, most of the time
there is music, family, and fun. They do certain line dances that are either older or
present of that time. This is what makes the modern period and ancient period very
similar, but different in many ways.
Nevertheless, the ancient Greek have many ways of doing things. They had their own
way of worshipping, celebrating, and mourning through dancing alone. From the
beginning of the movements that were painted on the carved items, allowed dance to
lead a pathway to the ancient Greek who put those movements into action. Although
they had stipulations on the dances through gender, they still were able to enjoy
themselves and live on to make
The Paradox Of Change In Ray Bradbury s Dandelion Wine
The Paradox of Change
Change is a force which is ever present in the universe, and an individual is never
free from its effects; change will continuously mold the individual by challenging its
perception of its surroundings and itself. In many ways, change causes development
and maturity, yet it also causes decline and decay. Change is constant. However, the
paradox of change is often difficult to accept, and people will fight with its reality
throughout their lifetimes: friends will come and go, epiphanies and advances will
arrive, and things will never quite be like they used to be. The struggle between
change and the individual is a recurring part of Ray Bradbury s Dandelion Wine. This
relationship shows not only through the main character, Doug Spaulding, but also
through those around him. Doug and the rest of Green Town show how people
contend with changes in that which they know, those whom they know, and even
Many of Doug s favorite parts of Green Town become altered in some way during
the summer of 1928. No more trolley. Bus starts to run tomorrow. Going to retire me
with a pension, they are (Bradbury 98). After Mr. Tridden tells them that the trolley
is shutting down, Doug protests by pointing out that a bus doesn t have the charm of
the trolley. Later on, a woman thwarts an attempted murder by the town s serial
killer, The Lonely One . As Doug, Tom, and Charlie reflect upon seeing the
paramedics take Lonely One in on a stretcher, they lament the fact that there will be
no more killings to create excitement around town. Charlie rants to Tom, This town
used to have some good stuff in it up until about twelve o clock last night. From here
on, we re vanilla junket (Bradbury 178). They even try to convince themselves that
the man on the stretcher wasn t the Lonely One. Regardless of how unpleasant or
cumbersome certain aspects of the town were, the kids still disliked their altercation,
and they struggled with everything beginning and ending around them.
The people of Green Town repeatedly grappled with very personal changes to those
whom they were familiar with. This contention is very prevalent within Doug when
he hears that his friend, John Huff, is moving away. To delay the
United States Involvement in South Vietnam
United States Involvement in South Vietnam It is apparent from source A that
America was involved in Vietnam to maintain capitalism and to suppress
communism. The writer of the source, John F Kennedy, had a high position in the US
government and he makes the point that the Americans did not like communism and
wanted to stop it spreading. If the red tide of communism overflowed into Vietnam,
then Burma, Thailand…and Cambodia would be threatened. This shows the
Americans definitely knew that if they did not step in and support the Vietnamese,
the Domino theory would occur. This theory stated that if one country fell to
communism, so would the surrounding countries, like dominoes set up in a... Show
more content on ...
It does not give percentages of people for whom Vietnam was concern and it also
does not state why it was a concern. It could have been because it was costing the
American public too much money in taxes, or was it because of the amount of
young American men getting injured? Maybe it was a sentimental concern for
their sons and husbands and fathers? Or was it because they were genuinely
concerned about the spread of communism? It appears, therefore, that both sources
are useful, but have limitations. Study sources E, F, G and H use the evidence of
these sources and your own knowledge to explain why public opinion changed
between 1967 and 1970 Public opinion changed dramatically between 1967 and
1970 largely due to the media and television coverage of the events in Vietnam.
Source G is from an article published in Time Magazine. Time is widely read by
American citizens and is very pro America. However, this article gave the truth about
what was really happening in Vietnam. The writer was a first hand witness to the
brutal and needless killing of innocent people and he does not cover up for the
American soldiers. This would have had an impact on what civvie America would
have thought because it would make them angry to see their husband, sons, fathers,
brothers, uncles, behaving in that way when
Essay on The Hiroshima Bombing
The Hiroshima Bombing Fifty four years ago, the detonation of the first atomic
bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima (and later on Nagasaki) ushered to the
Nuclear Age. It was a moment full of horror, in which the eyes of the whole world
were opened to the unimaginable possibility of nuclear holocaust. The experience on
what happened to those cities and what is still happening to many of the survivors
there, leads to explore what happened to America as a consequence of Hiroshima;
both the bomb s existence in the world, and the United States having used it. The
dropping of the bomb was born out a complex abundance of military, domestic and
diplomatic pressures and concerns. The popular tradition view that dominated the
1950s... Show more content on ...
The attack on Pearl Harbor four years earlier was one of the justifications President
Truman gave for his decision. Over 240,000 Japanese civilians died the attack on
Pearl Harbor was returned 100 times over. At 2:45 A.M. local time, August 6, 1945,
a B 29 bomber named Enola Gay left the Pacific island of Tinian on a bombing
mission. The target: Hiroshima. At 8:15 A.M. Japan time, the first atomic bomb
dropped in history The Little Boy (made of uranium) exploded a minute later after
being released, at approximately 580 meters above the center of Hiroshima. The
temperature of the air at the point of explosion reached several million degrees
Celsius. At the moment of explosion, intense heat rays and radiation were released
in all directions, and a blast erupted with incredible pressure on the surrounding air.
As the unimaginable blast subsided after the blowing from the hypocenter toward
the outlying areas, a vacuum of air and pressure was generated in the center. The
wind reversed direction and began blowing towards the center from the outlying
areas with the intensity of another blast. The shock wave traveling directly from the
center of the explosion and the shock waves reflected from the ground and buildings
affected each other, creating a variety of significant damage on the ground. After ten
seconds, the shock wave had traveled approximately 3.7 km from
The Issue Of Marijuana Legalization
The matters of marijuana Marijuana is still illegal in the eyes of the federal
government but the states claim it is, in fact, legal for the states to openly practice
recreational and medicinal usage of the drug. Now with many people sick the only
other option after numerous prescriptions that make the people sicker marijuana
given its pain releasing properties seems to be the only thing we can count on.
Marijuana first dated euphoric use dates back to 2737 BC. Its use spread from China
to India, in the writing of the Chinese emperor Shen Nung its focus was a medication
for gout, rheumatism, malaria, and absent mindedness. In India, Muslims used it on a
daily basis, the Muslims were the ones who introduced hashish. In 1545 the Spaniards
brought marijuana to the New World, marijuana was introduced in Jamestown in
1611 where it was a significant as tobacco was at the time and was grown as a great
source of fiber. Just after the Mexican Revolution America saw an influx of
immigration from Mexico into states like Texas and Louisiana. With them, Mexicans
brought language, culture and customs, a custom known as cannabis as a medicine and
a relaxing agent. The Mexicans brought the term marihuana which was a foreign term
but the Americans were very familiar with the word cannabis because it was present
in the medicines at the time. The media, at the time, began to make a play on how the
Americans felt about the disruptive Mexicans on their dangerous native behaviors as
Analysis Of Verizon Communications Inc.
Verizon Communications (Company Overview)
Brigette R Collins
MBA 599 Strategic Management
Dr. Harvella Brownson
Saint Leo University
Introduction3 The Firm and Our Products3 Company History3 Vision
Mission4Assessment of Vision Mission Statement4Leadership5
External Assessment6EFE and CPM Strategic Implications6 Analysis of Competitive
Position, Opportunities, and Threats6
Internal Assessment7 IFE Strategic Implications7Financial Ratios Analysis7
The Firm and Our Products
Verizon CommunicationsINC. (NYSE, NASDAQ: VZ), is headquartered in New
York. Verizon has two segments to which the company operates, Verizon Wireless
and Wireline. The products offered through Verizon include wireless voice and data
services, equipment sales, voice, internet access, broadband video and data (retrieved
from http// The company provides services to the government,
business, and consumer customers around the United States. A United States based
Telecommunications Company that includes broadband, and is the leading
telecommunications company in the industry. Verizon has grown through
acquisitions and partnerships; however the company has also grown with the
advancement of technology. Verizon also offers advanced fiber optic network and
integrated business solutions. At the end of
The Golden Age Of Piracy In Early America
Piracy began in the early 1600s and started dying off during the 1700s. It was
known as the Golden Age of Piracy .1 Pirates such as Blackbeard and Privateers
such as Sir Francis Drake sailed the seas causing chaos in early America.2 America
had a feeble Navy, therefore, they had no means of defense against the Pirates.3 Once
the pirate hunters and naval expeditions started to pursue the pirates, they started
dying out.4 During the Golden Age of Piracy, pirates would raid and plunder
whatever ship they came across, regardless of who was on board. They would attack
merchant ships with no mercy, even if it belonged to their own nation.5 Most
merchant ships would have a tiny crew of eighteen, untrained, poorly armed men.
While the pirate ships... Show more content on ...
They reached the South Carolina port of Charles Town, known later as Charleston.
There were a numerous amount of merchant ships anchored in the harbor. In a
move that Angus Konstam describes in Blackbeard: America s Most Notorious
Pirate as the most breathtakingly audacious piratical adventure of his short career,
Blackbeard positioned his ships just outside the entrance to the harbor and began a
blockade of the town. 13 Blackbeard and his crew easily seized every ship that was
coming in or out. The pirates plundered whatever the vessels were carrying,
including rice, lumber, rum and slaves. They also took crews and passengers as
prisoners. He intended to use them as ransoms.14 After they took the medicine
and treasure from Charles Town, they sailed up the coast where they got 2 of their
ships ran aground.Then, Blackbeard and his men went to the governor of North
Carolina to ask for a pardon, because if you were a pirate and you surrendered you
were pardoned for all of your crimes that were committed before Jan 5. Although
the blockade at Charles Town happened in May, they felt very confident the
governor would overlook it.15 Blackbeard almost immediately received his pardon,
took all of the loot from his crew, and left. He established friendly relations with the
governor of North Carolina, Charles Eden.16 Charles gave him a free ship, gave him
a blank slate, and set him up for retirement. But his retirement did not last
The Feelings Of Nature And Man
The Feelings of Nature and Man
Shelley s novel Frankenstein really describes Victor Frankenstein s state of mind as it
impacts the thematic movement of the novel, using light, color, speed, temperature,
sound and smell. The similarities that are used in Shelley s novel between
Frankenstein s feelings and the landscapes he describes are striking. Victor
Frankenstein, a man with great determination and pride, had a strong desire to prove
people wrong that he could create life. Trying to successfully prove to everyone that
he could become the greatest scientist ever, he attempted life creating alchemy;
however in the process of doing so he created a monster that he feared. Shocked by
the fact that he created such a beast, he was not ... Show more content on ...
Paralleling nature and human emotion, the first part to that quote shows that Victor
is accompany by that bad storm because of the bad things that has happened to him.
Victor is just like that sad man you would see in cartoons accompanied by a dark
cloud above his head. Then Victor was in a state where he is clouded by every
thought. The thick mist that hid the summits of the mountains is just like Victor s
mind. Until that mist that is blocking him is gone you won t be able to think clearly
about what has happened in his life. As Victor continues to climb up the mountain he
gets this emotional feeling looking into the distance. I resolved to ascend to the
summit of Montanvert. I remembered the effect that the view of the tremendous and
ever moving glacier had produced upon my mind when I first saw it. (Ch10). This
nature that always accompanied him not only does it just imamate his emotions but
it also bring him joy. Victor was so into nature at that moment it was like he just
cease to exist and the only think that he cared about was nature. The affect that
nature had for Victor was such a huge impact that he didn t want anyone to follow
him into paradise as he explained, I determined to go without a guide, for I was well
acquainted with the path, and the presence of another would destroy the solitary
grandeur of the scene. (Ch10). These passages shows me that the sublime nature in
the story accompanies Victor. Victor needed the
Critical Analysis Of Ednita Nazario
During the period analyzed (01/01/16 03/01/2017), Ednita Nazario had a Basic
Positive Sentiment of 26%, which is below the artist average of 36%. Most of the
artist chatter is considered neutral due to fans sharing news about the documentary,
performances, and articles.
The artist has seen a significant increase in social reach compared to the previous
period, with Impression Per Post during the current period totaling 5.3K, which
highlights a higher amount of key influencers talking about the artist during the
Social chatter in the U.S. for ... Show more content on ...
Top hashtags are connected to chatter spikes. Top hashtags included:
#YaNoDueleTanto (related to her single) and #IntensamenteEdnitatour .
Ednita Nazario has a lower Facebook audience compared to similar artist, with a
total of 659.8K Total Likes. The artist also has a below average engagement with a
weekly average of 22.4K interactions (Talking About This), which gives the artist a
3% engagement rate on the platform (similar artists average engagement on the
platform is 6%).
The artist is posting good content, however, she is sharing most of the same pictures
from her Instagram on her Facebook account, which has a negative impact on her
page Likes and engagement. Consider posting exclusive content on the platform, with
short videos to maintain audience attention, and posting during the time her audience
is on Facebook in order to drive
The Treatment For Depression Essay
The Treatment for Depression
Everyday we walk past someone with a smile, and they smile back at us. Do we
ever question what is that person feeling from the inside? Everybody around me
thought I was a happiest person, and the most optimistic person they have ever
seen. They complimented my cute little high pitched laughter, and also my
genuine smile. I would always be the brightest person in the room because I have a
smile on my face. No one has actually seen me sad or mad since I was a kid, but little
did they know about me. No one knows that underneath all of these smile is a low
self esteemed person who is depressed about everything in life. I often ask myself
when did it all start, and will there be an end to this problem? I could ... Show more
content on ...
It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily
activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. To be diagnosed with depression,
the symptoms must be present for at least two weeks ( Depression ). The symptoms
can not only present but have to prolong before a person can state they are
depression or not. It is based mostly on the person mood before other.
According to Edward Shorter, Doctor in Psychiatry and author of many psychiatry
books, there are different ways of explaining the word depression . To a
neurophysiologist, the word mean the brain neuron transmission ( electrical ) is
diminishing. To a pharmacist, it is meant a chemical that cause the central nervous
system to slow down. To psychiatrist, depression stands for decrease in performance,
... a normal human emotion ... may become pathological if it is retained too long or
too deeply; a depressive syndrome that may, or may not, include a depressed mood;
or reactive depression precipitated by certain life events (78). All of the explaining
have something in common is that it involve with a person s brain that affect on how
their behavior. The surprising is that to a psychiatrist said that depressive syndrome
that may, or may not, include a depressed mood .
I often ask myself when depressions start. I do not mean the age of the patient what I
mean is when did people discover it. According to Edward Shorter, the
Ways to Involve Parents Essay
Ways to Involve Parents
Parents may think volunteering to help in the classroom is the only way to be
involved, well they are wrong. There are many ways parents can involve themselves
in the school. Parents and family can be involved by reading to their children,
checking homework, communicating with the teacher, and attending school
functions; the list goes on and on. (NEA, 2003). No matter how parents contribute
time towards their child s education, it will be important. Parental involvement is
important because it makes a difference in children s lives. (NEA, 2003). This
difference includes student achievement and success.
How Parental Involvement Improves Student Achievement in School
Involving parents in the education ... Show more content on ...
(Dimmock O Donoghue, 1996). Research indicates that parents who are involved
in their child s academic life have a profound effect on the child s ability to learn
and help instill in them an appreciation for learning that can last a lifetime (Pape,
1999, p. 2). The National Education Association President, Bob Chase says, Family
involvement in a child s academic life is critical. A balance must be struck between
family, school, and community that allows a child to flourish, both in academics and
as a person (Pape, 1999, p. 3).
How Parental Involvement Improves Student Achievement in Life
Parental involvement helps students improve in life as well. When parents get
involved with their children, the children s self esteem rises and they focus more on
life. This is because the students feel like they are loved when their parents participate.
Boosting the self esteem of students can lead to a reduced number of runaways and
suicides among older students. The main reason children runaway from home and
commit suicide is because they feel left out or overwhelmed with life. Parental
involvement can make these students feel like they belong and are wanted in their
environment. The involvement of parents and family can also help students grow as
people. They mature faster and act
Remarks At The Brandenburg Gate
In Ronald Reagan s speech, remarks at the Brandenburg Gate the 40th President
Reagan discusses the positive qualities and aspects of the democratic system of
government in America at the time. Reagan also challenges the Soviet Union as
well as their communism and calls for Berlin to unify once again. Attempting to
spread the ideology to those in Berlin, as well as the world, and convince the
people there should have been a transition from Communism to Democracy,
Reagan takes advantage of multiple appeals as well as an inspirational and
hopeful tone. Reagan also made many very smart, conscious decisions regarding
not only his appeals but also his choices of delivery, historical context, use of
language, and timing, and audience. Utilizing these aspects allowed Reagan to
give one of the most memorable and effective speeches in history. Conscious
decisions made by Reagan regarding audience are abundantly clear throughout the
speech. Reagan directly refers to many people throughout the speech and
acknowledges not only the people who are directly there and in the audience but
distinct groups of people from all over the world. Best exemplified when Reagan
says: To those listening throughout Eastern Europe, I extend my warmest greetings
and the good will of the American people. To those listening in East Berlin, a
special word: Although I cannot be with you, I address my remarks to you just as
surely as to those standing here before me. For I join you, as I join your fellow
The Grand Canyon, A Landscape Made From Mixed Media
The Grand Canyon, one of the United States most popular tourist attractions. The
canyon has drawn various people to it, including artists who depict its beauty in
multiple forms. Throughout this report, I will be discussing and critiquing Rose
Eagers Grand Canyon, a landscape made from mixed media. While reviewing this
piece of art at the Carnegie Art Center located in Turlock, CA; I learned a lot about
the content.
Rose Eager, in her later years was a victim of macular degeneration, a horrific disease
of the eye that slowly changes the way we see. Macular Degeneration recently
diminished my ability to see color and depth, so I started a new series of work using
achromatic neutrals, black, white, and grey over invented textural relief ... Show more
content on ...
Eager has multiple aspects of her image that strongly support a formalist viewpoint.
Her artwork has definite structural aspects that have a greater meaning then you
originally think. To break down the image in even more depth, when you first
glance at the image, the first area that your eye is drawn to is the tree, more
specifically the tree branches. These branches are extremely textured, giving them
almost a true bark like appearance. The leaves on the upper left corner of the piece
look like they are almost protruding off of the rest of the image.
The form of this image also adds to its components of formal analysis. Form is based
on color, composition, texture and line. This image by Eager has all of these major
elements. The composition is constructed with purpose, to show the flow and depth
growing throughout the image. There are multiple lines in this art piece, the first
can be seen through the top of the work, it goes through the tops of the trees and
atop the mountain peaks. Then, there are implied lines, one can be seen between
the mountain peaks coming towards the tree, or vice versa. The color scheme again
follows her depiction of living with Macular Degeneration, she lost the ability to see
colors, and in her image, she only used shades of greys and black. In order to combat
the depth, she was losing
Lord Of The Flies Comparison
A role model should guide individuals through life s struggles in the same way an
example math problem shows a student how to use a formula. Both Aldous Huxley
s 1932 science fiction novel Brave New World and William Golding s 1954
allegory Lord of the Flies, use utopias inside of dystopias to develop a sense of
serenity around the Christ figure to give the audience an inspirational role model.
People with no experience in the modern world are sometimes the only people that
will truly appreciate the simplistic and rational parts in life. Huxley uses John the
Savage s fascination of zippers saying how much they delight him with a (145). Huxley uses the innocence of John the Savage to
demonstrate how people should
N The History Of The United States, The Anti-Federalists
n the history of the United States, the Anti federalists were the individuals who
opposed the implementation of a central federal government which would seek to
oversee different operations in the country along with the ratification of the
constitution. Instead, they advocated that power ought to remain within the hands of
the local and state governments. Conversely, the Federalists advocated for a stronger
government that would oversee the operations of all states. They also wanted the
ratification of the existing constitution in order to help the government in managing
its debts along with the tensions that were developing in particular states. The
Federalist movement was formed by Alexander Hamilton, and it functioned as the first
... Show more content on ...
It also provided a stronger image of America in relation to other countries in the
world. The proposed constitution also proposed the establishment of a united army,
which would function to protect America from external attacks (Schultz 126). The
Anti Federalists strongly opposed the implementation of the constitution as it
relinquished some of their powers, and made them answerable to the federal
government. However, they later on supported its ratification after the Bill of Rights
was included (Schultz 126). The Bill of Rights was of great importance to them as it
guaranteed that their liberties and freedoms were still preserved despite the
constitutional change. Another difference relates to the economic differences
between the supporters of both sides. The Federalists were supported by big business
interests that operated within and out of the American borders. They considered the
implementation of the constitution as a suitable step towards the government being
able to regulate the country s economy. As a result, they would be able to benefit
significantly. On the other hand, the Anti Federalist union was chiefly dominated by
small rural communities and farmers, who believed that the local government had
more to offer with regards to their profits and the establishment of a market for their
goods (Schultz 127). To these farmers, the state government was more
Social Movements And Its Effect On Society Essay
A phenomenon which has remained constant throughout history is the evolution of
society. This persistent phenomenon helps to constantly reshape society. Helping
mold it into a suitable form that caters to the needs of those who inhabit it. The
evolution of society may take years, if not decades, to occur. However, during certain
moments in history, society has undergone rapid change in short periods of time.
These rapid periods of change are often caused by undesirable events that influence
the general population to revolt and act against those in control of society. Often
motivating the mobilization of the public in great numbers to protest . Frequently, the
main objectives of these protests are to improve upon aspects of society or to revise
the state of society entirely. Generally, in hopes of promoting society s development
to the benefit of the masses. These large scale gatherings of the population to alter
society for the better are known as Social Movements. These movements help to
gather vast numbers of like minded individuals who wish to change the methods used
to operate society. Often these movements target those in positions of power, in hopes
of influencing them to act upon the state of society. Social movements themselves
have occurred frequently throughout the history of society. Some movements
succeed, influencing power holders into action in regards to the condition of society,
achieving their main purpose. Other movements; however, seldom procure enough
Marketing and Online Social Networks
Situation Synopsis: Competitors have developed different approaches to attract
consumers in the online dating market; some of which have been copying eHarmony
s product features and using alternative strategies to attract singles.
Company s Current Strategy: eHarmony uses a focused differentiation strategy. It
focuses on singles seeking a serious relationship and long term compatibility. It
distinguished itself from other sites by using a unique matching algorithm. They have
also invested substantial resources into marketing and R D.
Problem Statement: eHarmony has opened the door to their competition by declining
potential customers as a way to ensure quality control. eHarmony s CEO must decide
how to react to imitations ... Show more content on ...
1.2.5 Key Success Factors (See Appendix A) 1.2.6 Strategic Groups Map (See
Appendix B for Strategic Groups Map)
Cost to join and barriers to join an online personal site are the two dimensions which
are relevant to a firms performance within this industry. eHarmony possesses the
highest membership fees in the industry along with particularly high barriers to join.
Even their direct competitors; Match and Yahoo! Personals differ from eHarmony in
that they have much lower barriers to join as well as lower sign up fees. Most of
their indirect competitors are free and have little to no barriers to join. 1.2.7 Strategic
Issues in the Industry Industry was plagued by people misrepresenting themselves
and putting false personal information Users are concerned about the privacy of their
information Level of customer dissatisfaction remains high
1.2.8 Opportunities Threats
This industry will continue to rise in popularity due to increasing usage of computer
technology. Due to it being a more affordable means of match making, people will
generally turn to online personals as opposed to other offline services. Convenience
also plays a factor. Increasing their market share, catering to more market segments.
(Niche markets).
Threats: Online personals sites with more resources pose a threat to those lacking
resources. Security issues linked with sharing information
Gel Electrophoresis In Science
Gel electrophoresis has had a very big impact on the world of science today. In this
present day, scientists now have a simple and definite way to test and contrast a
wide variety of different DNA samples, leading to more complex and particular
DNA testing (LinkedIn Corporation, 2017). Gel electrophoresis is now a scientific
method in which is an absolute necessity in science, particularly in the forensics
field. This process of gel electrophoresis gives forensic scientists the ability to
retrieve an indisputable link to a person of suspect or anybody for that matter. Gel
electrophoresis proving to give a very positive and forward moving impact in the
science field, has many advantages. For one this scientific technique caters a clear link
The United Fruit Company Outline
The United Fruit Company Outline
Thesis: Through compensation to workers and connections with the government the
United Fruit Company (UFCO) it became the great force of Latin America.
Introduction: In 1871 the wholesale value of banana imports into the United States
was less than $250,000; by 1901, the figure had jumped to $6.5 million Banana Wars
The United Fruit Company was a business in Guatemala that helped to build railroad
transportation, hospitals and introduce the banana to the world.
The vertically integrated United Fruit Company merged large banana operations in
Latin America and the Caribbean, major railroad, port, and shipping facilities and a
substantial U.S. fruit distribution. Banana Wars (26)
Minor Keith, Lorenzo Baker, and Andrew Preston officially established The United
Fruit Company (UFCO) on March 30, 1899 merging the Boston Fruit Company and
Minor s company together.
Minor originally specified in building railroads and transportation but got involved
with bananas when he planted banana plants along his railroads for his workers to
But the U.S. fruit company did have many controversies surrounding its name,
involvement with the CIA in operation PBSUCCESS, exploitation of workers, and
banana republics
What made up this financial giant?
The rise of this financial giant was due to the increase of production of bananas
within the area.
The fruit company began establishing plantations, transportation infrastructure, and
An Introduction To Environmental Planning Programme
AndrГ© DuГlio Cruz
Introduction to Environmental Planning ENVP106 15A
Environmental Planning Programme
Word Count: 1925
University of Waikato
Field Trip Report
Waihi, Newmont Gold Mine, New Zealand
Mining is an important activity, as it extracts the source of most objects, tools and
items that are used in many ways in society. There are drawbacks, however, as it
brings environmental and social impacts, like pollution of the waterways, change in
the landscape and the concentration of labour force. In Waihi, the mining plays an
important role in sustaining the economy of the city, but it also brings problems that
have to be managed by the Newmont Gold Company. The focus of the field trip is to
locate the potential environmental issues that may be linked to mining by using a
natural and physical resource inventory of the Waikato Regionand Bay of Plenty.
2.Resource Inventory
1.1 The Waikato Region
In the Waikato Region, it is possible to see the extensive use of its flat landscape
for farming. Most of the farming activity is composed of livestock, cows being the
most abundant animal. There is a small number of poultry farms. The forestry is
mostly restricted to hilly areas, where native vegetation has been put down. Cropland
is abundant. The following table provides an inventory of the key physical and
natural resources of the area.
AreaActivity Description of the areaType of Resource
Waikato PlainsUsed for farming
Unit 37 D1
Evaluate the impact of a selected business s ethical behaviour on stakeholders and the
FOR D1 write an essay to address below:
This should focus on your chosen organisation and cover as many stakeholders as
Look also at the remaining issues in the unit from task 1, 2 to add to your perspective.
Remember, these are your views, but they should be backed up by clearly researched
In this report I will be looking at how my businesses activities and ethical behaviour
affect different stakeholders with in my business.
My organisation (RBS). Royal Bank of Scotland is one of the world s top ten
financial groups. The group employs 140,000 people across 30 countries and
operates out of more than 2000 ... Show more content on ...
Mis selling gave people the wrong impression that they were insured if they lost
their jobs or their source of income. People lose trust in banking products as they
expect to be assured in difficult times but when they find out they are not insured
and will still have to repay loans they get mentally stressed and they feel like they
can t rely on banking products provided by RBS.
The Financial service authority and other regulatory bodies also have also suffered
financially as they had to pay employees at FSA to investigate the PPI scam. This
is time consuming for them as they need to make sure that everyone who paid PPI
is compensated. They have to spend time to investigate and fine banks so next time
they will not do anything unethical again. After this incident FSA are being stricter
on the way that banks operate and have amended laws regarding selling products to
customers and banking what the bank is allowed to do and what they are restricted
to do. The FSA is looking into how banks interact with customers and are paying
more attention to all products that banks are selling.
Most customers have been compensated by RBS; however I believe RBS s trust
bond with their customers has already been damaged. This influences customer s
behaviour before they buy and insurance products or additional insurance products as
they will think twice before
Pollution In Utah
I am writing to you about the pollution in Utah and how we can deal with it. I care
about pollution in Utah for several reasons. One reason is because I live in Utah
and almost every day I walk out of the house and encounter pollution. Another
reason is in the winter you walk outside and the inversion is really really bad.
Sometimes you can t even see twenty feet ahead of you. The inversion is so bad that
I don t want to go outside for fear of inhaling a toxic gas. This issue matters because
there are people that are getting hurt from this pollutionnot to mention the damage
pollution is doing to our environment. Inhaling pollution is very destructive to our
health. The study, in Circulation Research, found consistent relationships between
Analysis Of Blue Poles
Russian painter and pioneer of abstract modern art, Kandinsky s art and ideas
impacted and inspired many generations of artists, from his students at Bauhaus, to
the Abstract Expressionists post World War 2. Kandinsky contested the boundaries of
conventional art making practice through his rare artistic style that departs from the
strict conventions of realism and naturalism formed by the Academie, and seeks to
convey inner spiritual experience by challenging intentions and emotive capacities.
He sought to convey a universal, visual and spiritual language of abstract forms and
colours, along with interpreting his synesthetic experience of music, to create
artworks that transcended cultural and physical boundaries.
Abstract and Modernist ... Show more content on ...
Performed on canvas laid flat on the floor, Pollock makes no physical contact with the
canvas whilst painting. The canvas seems to convey a telling of Pollock s vigorous
working methods and turbulent life to the audience, as the work consists of glass
shards and footprints embedded into the canvas. Pollock s boundary breaking
manipulation of surface ultimately encourages artists to imitate his new and non
traditional methodologies within art making.
Modernist critic, Clement Greenberg coined the term of Abstract Expressionism, and
was largely responsible for the growing reputation of Pollock within the art world.
Greenberg assisted in determining the reaction to Blue Poles by the audience. In The
Nation, 20/1/1945, Greenberg supports Pollock through advocating his artwork in a
public expanse, American painting is much in need of all three qualities (that is,
boldness, breadth, and the monumental ), and it is significant that Pollock, who
manifests all three, has already begun to exert an influence, though he has been
before the public hardly more than a year. Greenberg upholds Pollock s name with
high importance, displaying his significance to the Abstract Expressionist movement.
Pollock s heavily influential style was rather radical in its extremity in his time,
through his unconventional material practices and drip techniques, redefining the
conventions of traditional painting, in order to
Picasso-Braque Comparison Essay
During the 1920s and early 1930s, Braque painted a series of still lifes representing
a return to a CГ©zannian means of expressing depth and surface composition. As
an heir of Cezanne, Braque had inherited the possibility of applying to painting the
economy and precision traditional in the craftsman milieu from which he came.
The two great influences on Braque s development were CГ©zanne s work and
his relationship with Picasso; an understanding of the complexity of the Picasso
Braque reciprocity is necessary in order to interpret the stylistic differences that
finally separated the two artists. In Verre, pomme, serviette et pipe, as with other
works executed during the same period, Braque was experimenting with a
heightened abstraction of form and the elision of space, light and perspective. The
final result of Braque s effort, which was painted in 1931, is something of a
doctrinaire pre World War II Cubist (kemper) composition, having generated the
tactile space through the use of overlap, translucency and the repetition of both form
and color. From the muted venetian red of the apple to the gradated burnt umber of
the background planes, which are articulated like panels on a screen, the artist has
tapped into the heavy, earthen palette HE FAVORED? we find in other works
produced in the 1930s. He composed his... Show more content on ...
As the artist said in his own words, There are people who say: What is your picture
of?...What?...There s an apple, obviously, there s...I don t know...Ah yes! A plate,
next to it... These people appear to fail utterly to appreciate that what is between the
apple and the plate is being painted as well. And, to be honest...the space between
seems to me to be as essential an element as what they call the object. (Ditto
Murder Is Wrong
Murder is wrong. Since childhood we ve been tutored this indisputable truth. raise
yourself, then, what s capital punishment? In its simplest kind, corporal punishment
is outlined
together person taking the lifetime of another. coincidently, that s the definition of
murder. There
are thirty six states with the corporal punishment, and that they should modification.
These states
ought to get rid of it on the grounds that it carries a dangerous risk of grueling the
innocent, is
unethical and barbaric, Associate in Nursing is an ineffective deterrent of crime
versus the choice
of life in jail while not parole. Capital punishment is that the most irreparable crime
commit while not consequence, and it should be abolished. We re solely ... Show
more content on ...
What message can we send the yank folks, and different
countries, for that matter, if we tend to still be a nation that kills its voters, a nation
that enforces
the foremost barbaric kind of punishment? The Illinois Coalition to get rid of the
punishment states, We don t bring to an end the hands of thieves to protect property;
we tend to
don t stone adulterers to prevent extramarital sex. we tend to take into account that
nevertheless we tend to still take life as a way of protective life. no one,
or not, has the proper to determine if another human is worthy or unworthy life. Our
rights as humans, that can not be removed by the govt., embody the proper to life.
Humans aren t
cold metal coins that lose value; no act, notwithstanding however grievous, will build
individual less of somebody s being. However, for many it s straightforward to forget
that every
of the one,099 dead since 1977 ar fellow humans, not simply numbers. According to
International, The corporal punishment violates the proper to life. corporal
Causes Of The Second Red Scare By Joseph Mccarthy
In times of fear, people look to leaders, find people to blame, and resort to panic.
The Second Red Scare is a prime example of this. During the Second Red Scare
many people were falsely and absurdly accused of communism. Take, for example,
Annie Lee Moss. A trial was held against her to see if she was a communist, even
though she worked in communication at the Pentagon. Being accused of communism
had the power to ruin one s life no one would want to associate with him, have a
relationship with him, or even work with him. Many people caused the Second Red
Scare, one of the most prominent figures being Joseph McCarthy, former US senator.
He had lists upon lists of alleged communists. An underlying cause of the Second Red
Scare would be the
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) Essay
Prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a family of
rare progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect both humans and animals.
They are distinguished by long incubation periods, characteristic spongiform changes
associated with neuronal loss, and a failure to induce inflammatory response. The
proteinaceous infectious particles, prionwas identified by an American neurologist
Stanley B. Prusiner and colleagues in 1982derived from the words proteinand
infection (Stanley B. Prusiner Autobiography). Prions are known to Creutzfeldt
Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann Sträussler Scheinker syndrome and Fatal Familiar
Insomnia in humans. In mammals they cause mad cow disease in cattle. Prion
diseases affect... Show more content on ...
Moreover, different anti PrP antibodies or their antigen binding fragments that disrupt
the PrP AОІ interaction were able to block the AОІ mediated disruption of synaptic
plasticity. These findings were deemed exciting because they suggest the involvement
of PrPC in Alzheimer s disease (AD) pathogenesis. However, others found that the
absence of PrPC did not prevent deficits in hippocampal dependent behavioral tests
upon intracerebral AОІ injection (Krull Nunnally, 2004).
PrPSc is identified as a surrogate marker and potential TSE agent. PrPSc formation
was first detected in the murine neuroblastoma cell line N2a when exposed to
mouse adapted scrapie (Abbott, 2010).Subsequent infection experiments
demonstrated susceptibility of N2a cells to several different mouse adapted scrapie
strains. Since then, several cell lines of neuronal and non neuronal origin have been
identified to be susceptible to a stable infection with prions. Once prions have
successfully infected a cell line, they can replicate persistently over multiple cell
passages, with very few exceptions, without any overt cytopathic effect (Shorter J,
Lindquist S (June 2005). Cell lines that have been successfully infected include
microglial cells as well as epithelial cells, fibroblasts and myoblasts, which have all
been demonstrated to persistently replicate an array of prion strains in vitro.
Curiously, a
Tracing Narrative Threads in Life of Pi Essay examples
Tracing Narrative Threads 1) Father s admonitions to stay away from the tiger in the
During this part of the novel, Pi s father is teaching him a lesson by letting a tiger
brutally kill a goat right in front of him. He is trying to teach Pi to not go near an
animal such as tigers because they are incredibly dangerous. I believe this thread
represents the foreshadowing of what is to come for Pi.
When Pi and Ravi s father was telling them about staying away from tigers he said
Tigers are very dangerous. I want you to understand that you are never under any
circumstances to touch a tiger, to pet a tiger, to put your hands through the bars of a
cage, even to get close to a cage. Is that clear? (37) This evidence indicates that ...
Show more content on ...
The name Pi is also symbolic because as Pi stated: I was named after a swimming
pool (8) The word Piscine in French translate to swimming pool in English. The
significance of his name is because he spends 227 days in a huge swimming pool
(the ocean) fighting for his life.
The thread develops during the novel because as the novel goes on and he s stuck
on the lifeboat, Pi starts to question who Pi really is. When he starts questioning
who he is, he finds it hard to learn who he truly wants to be. The message the author
is trying to get across is be true to yourself. 3) Young Pi s dedication to three religions
As explained in the book, Pi follows three different religions; Hinduism, Islam, and
Christianity. Pi is extremely interested in all three religions and tries to find himself
through religion. Although, he does not understand why he can t follow all three
religions. But he can t be a Hindu, a Christian and a Muslim. It s impossible. He
must choose. (76) This thread represents that he dedicates himself to the things he
believes in and will fight for what he believes in. Even when his family disagreed
with his decision of following all three religions, he still fought for what he believed.
This thread develops during the novel because while he is on the lifeboat Pi starts
questioning who truly he is and wants to be. The young boy who was once dedicated
to vegetarianism, which was rooted in his religion, must make a life changing
Harley Davidson And The Motorcycle Industry
It all started in Milwaukee, Winsconsin in 1903 when William Harley, Walter and
Arthur Davidson created their first Harley Davidson in their family building. Harley
Davidson and the motorcycle industry wasn t a big company until after the Second
World War. Many people rode motorcycles during the war, with Harley Davidson
themselves becoming the major supplier not only for the U.S. military but other
allied forces as well during this time. Many veterans chose to purchase motorcycles
upon returning home, as they enjoyed riding during the war and wanted to continue
riding in their civilian life. This generation quickly became the main target audience
for many of Harley Davidson s marketing efforts and main target for buyers as by
1956, Indian Motorcycles declared bankruptcy and stopped producing motorcycles
altogether, leaving only Harley as a major producer and seller of motorcycles.
Harley Davidson Today and the challenges:
The motorcycle industry offers products which can be viewed as luxuries or wants
as opposed to necessities. Harley Davidson owns Buell motorcycle and Harley
Davidson financial services. Harley Davidson now holds 55 percent of the entire
U.S. motorcycle market, and an even higher share in the U.S. heavy motorcycle
market. This is the result of increasing investment in R D. Harley Davidson now has
over 6,000 employees. Harley Davidson has benefited from a segment of the U.S.
market which enjoys recreational riding. This isn t
The Government Of Greece, Three Branches Of
Greece is a Parliamentary Republic and consists of Three Branches of Government.
The branches of government are The Executive Branch, The Legislative Branch,
and The Judiciary Branch. The Executive Branch is also known as the Ministerial
Council and consists of The President of the Republic and The Prime minister of
the government. The President of the republic is Voted in by Parliament for a five
year term with a maximum two year term in office. The role of the President of the
Republic is mostly ceremonial since the constitutional reform in 1986. Unlike the
President, the Prime minister is voted in by the people and has an unlimited term in
office. The Prime Minister is the chief executive and the country s leading political
figure. Next is the Legislative Branch that is composed of Three Hundred members of
Parliament. Each member is elected for a four year term. The method used for
electing members of the Legislative Branch is called Proportional Representation.
Lastly, we have the Judicial Branch. The Judicial Branch is composed of Three
branches much like the United States. Civil, Criminal, and Administrative branch.
The civil and criminal Branches have 56 judges including the courts presidents. The
administrative branch consists of the president, the prime minister, 42 councilors, 98
associates, and reporting judges.
Education is essential to the Greek Culture. The first public schools in Greece were
formed in 1834. In modern day Greece school is in session from September to mid
June for all students. A total of 175 days is attended during a school year. The
education system in Greece consists of Primary education, Secondary education, and
Higher ... Show more content on ...
Before 2001 the
currency Greece used was the Drachma. In 2001 Greece adopted the Euro as it sole
The Greek Government beloved that if they adopted the Euro that they then could use
it as
Hospitality Management At Florida International University
According to Professor Marcel R. Escoffier, an Associate Professor in the School of
Hospitality and Tourism Management at Florida International University, Hospitality
Management is the largest business activity in the world. There are nearly 1 million
food service operations in the United States, and nearly three hundred thousand hotels.
It is estimated that there are over 1 million hotels and more than 7 million food
service businesses. How this business operates, and its impact on the local economy
varies from country to country, but its importance is undeniable (Escoffier).
Information provided by Buffalo State College located in Buffalo, New York, also
reference the hospitality industry is one of the largest in the ... Show more content on ...
Many colleges that offer Hospitality Management may also include the option to
enroll within a specific concentration, so that you may gain a specialty . Therefore
it s important to have a sense of what area of hospitality you are interested in, so
that you enroll yourself into an appropriate program, including programs where
graduates have been able to secure employment in your interested field and location.
For example, if you have the desire to work as a ski lodge manager, you may want to
make sure you enroll into a school that provides the focus of the hotel industry and
potential internship opportunities within ski country vs. the beaches in Florida.
In effort to continue a higher learning education within the field of Hospitality,
which may increase my career options as I enter the workforce, I have reviewed
three colleges within the New York State area that provides a Bachelor s degree
within Hospitality Management. The purpose of this evaluation and comparison is to
provide the most feasible and economic option available for me to pursue a Bachelor
Degree within Hospitality in a timely fashion and at minimal cost. Therefore my
criteria for this comparison includes the following:
Type of Concentration that is offered
Tuition Cost
Acceptance of Transferred Credits
Testing/Entrance Requirement (i.e. GPA, GRE, Math Requirement)
Career Track Opportunities Accreditations
The three schools that have been reviewed are
Components Of A Successful Business System
There is the need to know what a business system is and how to construct useful
systems and measures to run a business. A system is a process, technique, or an
action intended to accomplish a detailed result.. Establishing a valuable business
systems helps attain outcomes that are unfailing, assessable, and eventually do good
for customers. Systems and processes are the vital initiative of your company,
whether you notice is or not. Every aspect of your businessis associated with a system
that can be directed or enhanced by the use of good principles. The idea of effective
business systems is simply a realistic way to handle the significant or vital
information of your business. A business system can be very simple to, However, the
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A company must therefore take the necessary precautions not to fall victims to these
problems since they can reduce productivity and customer satisfaction. The next
paragraph talks about Verizon company and the business system problems or
challenges they face and how some of these problems could be solved.
Telecommunications has evolved from an easy technique of voice communication to
one of the most significant means that our humanity uses to connect. Consequently,
cell phones and wireless gadgets have come to replace and dominate the realm of
technology. One of such companies heading and leading towards that direction
Verizon. Verizon is headquartered in New York and employs over 235,000 people
who operate in Verizon wireless, wire line and Verizon business. Verizon s primary
aim or objective is to transform communications by steering in a new age in wire
line and wireless broadband connectivity. They are changing the lives of its
customers by providing them with best possible communications experience at home,
work or on the go as far as their networks, products and services are concerned.
Verizon s tactical business investments have given birth to the nation s most
dependable wireless voice network, established innovative mobile products and
produced over 45 million devoted customers.
Aside all this Verizon faces a lot of business system problems. Some of these include
customer dissatisfaction. Most customers
The American Express ( Axp )
In May 15 American Express (AXP) launched a coalition loyalty program called
Plenti. Under coalition loyalty programs, members can earn and redeem points by
shopping at participating merchants (e.g., Exxon, Macys, Rite Aid and ATT.) The
program helps consumers to earn rewards faster and lead to a higher level of
engagement with a program which provides merchants an opportunity to attract new
customers and run cross promotional campaigns. However, the biggest challenge in
launching the program was signing up merchants and building an economic case for
shifting away from proprietary to collaborative program.
AXP was in negotiations with Rite Aid to join the program. Under their old loyalty
program (Wellness+), Rite Aid issued reward dollars (+UPs).The dollars could be
used for purchase within their stores over next two weeks, while in Plenti program
the points (1 point = 1 cents) are valid for three years and can be redeemed at any
participating merchant. Rite Aid was concerned that if they joined Plenti, customers
will continue to earn points at Rite Aid but with more redemption options and longer
validity, the redemptions will be skewed towards other merchants especially the
Grocer Partner. In effect, they will be subsidizing a loyalty program for the Grocer.
As part of the negotiations, our team was tasked to identify and propose Performance
Guarantees to address Rite Aid s concerns.
With no data and uncertainty about other merchants who will

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Wife Of Bath Essays.pdf

  • 1. Wife Of Bath Essays Writing an essay on the topic of "Wife of Bath" can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. The complexity lies in navigating the intricate layers of Chaucer's character, the Wife of Bath, and interpreting her multifaceted personality. Analyzing her prologue and tale requires a deep understanding of medieval literature, societal norms, and feminist perspectives. One difficulty arises from the ambiguity surrounding the Wife of Bath herself. Her character is enigmatic, challenging writers to decipher her motivations, beliefs, and the societal forces shaping her identity. Additionally, delving into the historical context of Chaucer's time adds another layer of complexity, requiring research into the cultural norms and expectations prevalent in the 14th century. Crafting a cohesive and insightful essay also demands a careful exploration of the Wife of Bath's relationships, particularly with her five husbands. Unraveling the dynamics of these marriages and their implications on her character development necessitates a nuanced analysis. Moreover, addressing the feminist undertones in the Wife of Bath's narrative adds another dimension to the essay. Interpreting her agency, empowerment, and the challenges she poses to patriarchal norms requires a thoughtful and informed discussion. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Wife of Bath" requires a blend of literary analysis, historical contextualization, and feminist interpretation. It is a task that demands meticulous research, critical thinking, and the ability to synthesize complex ideas into a coherent argument. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing challenges, a valuable resource is Expert writers are available to provide support and guidance on a wide range of topics, ensuring that academic tasks are approached with thoroughness and skill. Wife Of Bath Essays Wife Of Bath Essays
  • 2. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Small Scale Industries In a developing country like Sri Lanka the development and nourishment of local small and medium level industries accounts the successful economic system that exist in the country and ensure the sources of the country well utilized for its own people rather than importing foreign things. Although our country s economical system pays a greater attention towards such industries, due to the impact of worldwide large industries and some other local factories, these small level industries encounter inevitable impediments. This report is about such an industry which runs in my area, and analyse how they run their industry inspite of those impediments and how could they try to overcome those impediments. The YARLCO milk cooperation of Jaffna district which involves in the dairy production and production of animal food. This is initiated as Northern SriLanka s milk producers and consumers cooperative in 1977.03.31. Then it was associated with Nallur development cooperative in 1985.02.13 and renamed as YARLCO. This institution is started with the intention of developing dairy farming in... Show more content on ... Addition of fruits, fruit flavours has improved the texture, colour and the versatility of the products. The association of fruits with cultured dairy products has endorsed healthy perception even more in the consumer mind. As consumers connect both these foods with health and wellness, the 2categories of fruits and cultured milk products are typical example of hybrid dairy products offering health, flavour and convenience that will drive growth in coming years .Keeping in view the market trends, incorporation of fruits in traditional fermented milk products not only aids in value addition and product diversification but also helps in checking the post harvest losses and hence economic loss. It may also enhance the profitability of milk and fruit producers as well as
  • 3. Bhopal, Bhopal And Its Effects Thirty years ago in Bhopal, India, an accident at the Union Carbide pesticide plant led to around thirty tons of highly toxic gases to fill the air and spread through the nearby towns. When the accident occurred, over 600,000 people were exposed to the very deadly gas. Over the past years, 15,000 people have been killed by the disaster and it s effects. (Union Carbide Corporation, 2001 2014) Toxic material still remains in Bhopal to this day. (Taylor, 2014) This accident occurred in 1984 at the Union Carbide plant, which had been established in Bhopal in 1969. Reports began months before the disaster of the possibility of a huge accident. Staff had been being laid off for weeks prior and that had led to less and less safety checks. (Taylor, 2014) The gas that leaked is named Methyl Isocyanine. Methyl Isocyanine is used as a popular pesticide. When in it s liquid form, the chemical is odorless and very flammable. In a gas though, it is highly toxic and irritating. The organic compound can also be found in small amounts in certain cigarettes. Union Carbide was using Methyl Isocyanate as an intermediate. Methylamine was made to react with phosgene to produce the Methyl Isocyanate, which then reacts with 1 naphthol to form carbonyl, which is the final product. The accident was triggered when water entered Tank E610, which contained more than 40 tons of methyl isocyanate, initiating a runaway reaction. (Ganesh, 2015) An employee was flushing a corroded pipe and many stopcocks
  • 4. Capital Punishment Is The Sanctioned Practice Committee Name: 6th legal Committee Topic: Capital Punishment Country Name: Nigeria BRIEF BACKGROUND OF THE TOPIC Capital Punishment is the sanctioned practice that puts someone to death in response to crimes. There are many and varied types of execution used around the world today, including: beheading, electrocution, hanging, lethal injection, shooting in the back of the head, and by firing squad. People have been working to end executions since 1977, when only 16 countries had abolished the death penalty in law or practice. Today, the number has risen to 140 nearly two thirds of countries around the world. Nearly 90% of these happened in just three countries: Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. But these figures exclude China, where numbers remain a state secret. Many countries around the world continue to hide their practices of capital punishment, for example Iran continues to execute juvenile offenders those aged under 18 at the time of the alleged crime in violation of international law. Along with Maldives and Pakistan, it also sentenced juvenile offenders to death in 2015. Countries continued to flout other aspects of international law, putting to death people with mental or intellectual disabilities, as well as those charged with non lethal crimes. Apart from drug related offences, people were executed for crimes such as adultery, blasphemy, corruption, kidnapping and questioning the leader s policies . The amount of death due to capital punishment has
  • 5. Bbc Narrative The Ardennes Forest was alive during the peak of summer. The birds were chirping, wind was passing through the leaves, and race cars were roaring through Eau Rouge. It was the middle of July and temperatures soared into triple digits. The sun was beaming down on the magnificent Spa Francorchamps circuit, and it was a perfect day to go racing. This round in Belgium was the only round of the BRDC British F3 Championship not held in England, and I was looking to capitalize on this chance to make my move to the front of the field. Thus far, the season had been difficult with high ambitions turning into lost prospects and great frustration. However, this weekend was different: there was a whiff of opportunity in the air. I arrived at the circuit Saturday morning with a positive attitude following some productive practice sessions the day before. Qualifying hadn t gone to plan, with my position being seventeenth due to the lack of drafting I had done on my best lap. Despite this, the engineers set the car up in race trim, and the stage was set for an almighty fight to the front. The car roared into life, growling and snatching at the road eager to get going . I drove out of the paddock and began to warm my tires. I rounded the final corner, pulled onto the grid, and began to focus on the lights. Everything goes silent. The engine revs build until every car is at maximum throttle, and the green light is shown.... Show more content on ... For three agonizing laps, we were behind the safety car, weaving left and right in attempts to keep our tires warm. Then, the radio channel opens and my engineer says, safety is coming in at the end of this lap . We pull onto the short front straight and the engine revs rise once again as the green flag waves. Immediately, there was smoke again; two more cars had a minor collision, and all of a sudden I find myself sitting in 7th place! Now, the race was
  • 6. Differences Between Dauntless Book And Book It is always quite exciting when a novel is adapted to be shown as a movie. I m usually in the habit of comparing and analyzing if the movie version was faithful to the book. Many times the movie director and screenwriters have to decide whether to include certain scenes or not. This aspect is controlled by the rating they want the movie to end up with, depending on their target audience. I found a number of differences between Roth s noveland the movie. In my opinion the general imagery of the movie matched the one of the book. For example, I imagined the choosing ceremony to look like just like it did in the movie. Also, Tris house, school, neighborhood, the Erudite headquarters and the dauntless train matched the vision in my head. One thing that didn t match in my opinion was the Dauntless headquarters. I imagined the chasm to be more dramatic and the fighting ring and dormitories were portrayed differently than I had imagined. Some of the events in the movie were also different than in the novel. In the novel Peter stabs Edward in the eye with a butter knife, but in the movie this scene does not appear at all. In the novel, one of the new dauntless initiates falls to her death on the first day train jump, in the movie this does not happen. Visiting day at Dauntless headquarters is a scene... Show more content on ... It was filled with excitement and a unique exhilaration that can only be felt when you practice such an extreme act as zip lining so high through abandoned and destroyed buildings. I lived the scene through the book as well as in the movie. The moviemakers did a fantastic job with the scene. The cinematography of the movie seemed to stand out during Tris and Four s fear landscapes. The angles and effects made me feel like I was right there with them going through their fears as well. The rest of the movie wasn t memorable when it comes to camera angles and special
  • 7. Alcohol Essay Student Name: Student Number: Lecturer s Name: Unit Code: Unit Name: Assessment Title: Due Date: Date of Submission: Date Stamp Received: Extension Details (if applicable): Word Length (excluding list of references): INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STATEMENT I certify that this assignment is my own work and is free from plagiarism. I understand that the assignment may be checked for plagiarism by electronic or other means and may be transferred and stored in a database for the purposes of data matching to help detect plagiarism. The assignment has not previously been submitted for assessment in any other unit or to any other institution. I have read and understood Avondale s Academic Integrity Policy.... Show more content on ... Because teenagers have not built up much physical tolerance, they are more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol. As people grow, different parts of the brain develop at different rates, depending on whether they are male or female. The pre frontal cortex houses the part of the brain that controls rational thinking. This does not mature until the age of 19 and will fully mature around the age of 21 in women and 28 in men. Damage to this part of the brain during the time it is being developed causes long term effects including memory, personality and behaviour (Young People and Alcohol, 2007 2011). The short term effects of alcohol include poor concentration, slow reflexes, slow reaction time, reduced co ordination, slower brain activity and perceptions and sensations become less clear (Administrative Office of the Courts, 2014). These effects are dangerous for any teen, because while being intoxicated, they are more likely in to indulge in risky behaviours such as swimming, driving, unsafe or unwanted sex and verbal or physical abuse (Drughouse Clearinghouse 2002). Alcohol harms your co ordination, reflexes and your judgment, it is linked with an estimated 5,000 deaths in people under the age of 21 each year; more than all illegal drugs combined (The Cool Spot, 2014). According to the NIAAA Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for people between the ages of 15 20. Fatal crashes involving alcohol are twice as common in young
  • 8. Comparing Felicia s Journey And The Crying Games There were many types of literary connections between all of the novels and films that were read and watched throughout the semester. One of the major connections the stood out between the works of Felicia s Journey and The Crying Games is personal and collective history. This major theme was seen throughout many characters in these films and established how they were portrayed and how they portrayed themselves. Although they are two completely different films, they still share the theme as a commonality on how history molded them into the people that they became. Hilditch, Felicia, Dil and Fergus are all characters that indicate the two types of history. The tension between collective and personal history causes difficulty for the characters as time progresses throughout the films. In the film of Felicia s Journey, Hilditch was treated cruelly by his mother. When she was in front of the camera, she would let him help and when he ruined something, she would act nice toward him. Once the cameras shut off, that is when she will go back to her normal self being and begin to talk down to Hilditch. This led... Show more content on ... In this film, Dil who is one of the main characters has a partner by the name of Jody who was killed by Fergus unintentionally. This led Fergus to keep the promise that he had with Jody before he took his last breath. When he first met Dil, it got to the point that he began to like her. He wasn t honest with Dil to begin with because he never mentioned that he was the reason that Jody go hit by a car and later died. As he started to get to know her, he finally saw who she really was. This also made him realize that the bar that he met her at was the usual bar, it was a gay bar. Fergus mentioned, Do they know and Dil replied Alright, they do to her being a male. At first this began to bother Fergus but he began like her regardless of the
  • 9. Ancient Greek Dancing Throughout history, dancing has become a part of the world from many reasons. A specific date and time could not distinguish when dancing became a part of the human race. Nevertheless, in history, there were dissimilar paintings and carvings of movements, which depicted a form of dancing. In the modern period, dancing is recognized for entertainment. In the ancient era, the Greeks believed in having a great time and celebrating. They also enjoyed music and danceas their form of entertainment. However, this paper will discuss information on dancing in the ancient era and how it was vital for tradition, spiritual gatherings, and apart of social events. Ancient Greece began in 146 BC. It was located at the southeastern part of Europe. In ancient ... Show more content on ... Each event sometimes have a different dance or ritual. In the ancient Greek period, everyone had to worship their god and obey what they say. If they were not obeyed, they would be punished. This period was drastically different from the modern period. However, the modern period has adapted several similar things. For instance, many people have specific dances for special occasions, such as weddings. There are other dances for worship, such praise dancing in the modern time. There are also dances in the modern time period for social celebrations. For example, graduations. When a family is celebrating their graduation, most of the time there is music, family, and fun. They do certain line dances that are either older or present of that time. This is what makes the modern period and ancient period very similar, but different in many ways. Nevertheless, the ancient Greek have many ways of doing things. They had their own way of worshipping, celebrating, and mourning through dancing alone. From the beginning of the movements that were painted on the carved items, allowed dance to lead a pathway to the ancient Greek who put those movements into action. Although they had stipulations on the dances through gender, they still were able to enjoy themselves and live on to make
  • 10. The Paradox Of Change In Ray Bradbury s Dandelion Wine The Paradox of Change Change is a force which is ever present in the universe, and an individual is never free from its effects; change will continuously mold the individual by challenging its perception of its surroundings and itself. In many ways, change causes development and maturity, yet it also causes decline and decay. Change is constant. However, the paradox of change is often difficult to accept, and people will fight with its reality throughout their lifetimes: friends will come and go, epiphanies and advances will arrive, and things will never quite be like they used to be. The struggle between change and the individual is a recurring part of Ray Bradbury s Dandelion Wine. This relationship shows not only through the main character, Doug Spaulding, but also through those around him. Doug and the rest of Green Town show how people contend with changes in that which they know, those whom they know, and even themselves. Many of Doug s favorite parts of Green Town become altered in some way during the summer of 1928. No more trolley. Bus starts to run tomorrow. Going to retire me with a pension, they are (Bradbury 98). After Mr. Tridden tells them that the trolley is shutting down, Doug protests by pointing out that a bus doesn t have the charm of the trolley. Later on, a woman thwarts an attempted murder by the town s serial killer, The Lonely One . As Doug, Tom, and Charlie reflect upon seeing the paramedics take Lonely One in on a stretcher, they lament the fact that there will be no more killings to create excitement around town. Charlie rants to Tom, This town used to have some good stuff in it up until about twelve o clock last night. From here on, we re vanilla junket (Bradbury 178). They even try to convince themselves that the man on the stretcher wasn t the Lonely One. Regardless of how unpleasant or cumbersome certain aspects of the town were, the kids still disliked their altercation, and they struggled with everything beginning and ending around them. The people of Green Town repeatedly grappled with very personal changes to those whom they were familiar with. This contention is very prevalent within Doug when he hears that his friend, John Huff, is moving away. To delay the
  • 11. United States Involvement in South Vietnam United States Involvement in South Vietnam It is apparent from source A that America was involved in Vietnam to maintain capitalism and to suppress communism. The writer of the source, John F Kennedy, had a high position in the US government and he makes the point that the Americans did not like communism and wanted to stop it spreading. If the red tide of communism overflowed into Vietnam, then Burma, Thailand…and Cambodia would be threatened. This shows the Americans definitely knew that if they did not step in and support the Vietnamese, the Domino theory would occur. This theory stated that if one country fell to communism, so would the surrounding countries, like dominoes set up in a... Show more content on ... It does not give percentages of people for whom Vietnam was concern and it also does not state why it was a concern. It could have been because it was costing the American public too much money in taxes, or was it because of the amount of young American men getting injured? Maybe it was a sentimental concern for their sons and husbands and fathers? Or was it because they were genuinely concerned about the spread of communism? It appears, therefore, that both sources are useful, but have limitations. Study sources E, F, G and H use the evidence of these sources and your own knowledge to explain why public opinion changed between 1967 and 1970 Public opinion changed dramatically between 1967 and 1970 largely due to the media and television coverage of the events in Vietnam. Source G is from an article published in Time Magazine. Time is widely read by American citizens and is very pro America. However, this article gave the truth about what was really happening in Vietnam. The writer was a first hand witness to the brutal and needless killing of innocent people and he does not cover up for the American soldiers. This would have had an impact on what civvie America would have thought because it would make them angry to see their husband, sons, fathers, brothers, uncles, behaving in that way when
  • 12. Essay on The Hiroshima Bombing The Hiroshima Bombing Fifty four years ago, the detonation of the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima (and later on Nagasaki) ushered to the Nuclear Age. It was a moment full of horror, in which the eyes of the whole world were opened to the unimaginable possibility of nuclear holocaust. The experience on what happened to those cities and what is still happening to many of the survivors there, leads to explore what happened to America as a consequence of Hiroshima; both the bomb s existence in the world, and the United States having used it. The dropping of the bomb was born out a complex abundance of military, domestic and diplomatic pressures and concerns. The popular tradition view that dominated the 1950s... Show more content on ... The attack on Pearl Harbor four years earlier was one of the justifications President Truman gave for his decision. Over 240,000 Japanese civilians died the attack on Pearl Harbor was returned 100 times over. At 2:45 A.M. local time, August 6, 1945, a B 29 bomber named Enola Gay left the Pacific island of Tinian on a bombing mission. The target: Hiroshima. At 8:15 A.M. Japan time, the first atomic bomb dropped in history The Little Boy (made of uranium) exploded a minute later after being released, at approximately 580 meters above the center of Hiroshima. The temperature of the air at the point of explosion reached several million degrees Celsius. At the moment of explosion, intense heat rays and radiation were released in all directions, and a blast erupted with incredible pressure on the surrounding air. As the unimaginable blast subsided after the blowing from the hypocenter toward the outlying areas, a vacuum of air and pressure was generated in the center. The wind reversed direction and began blowing towards the center from the outlying areas with the intensity of another blast. The shock wave traveling directly from the center of the explosion and the shock waves reflected from the ground and buildings affected each other, creating a variety of significant damage on the ground. After ten seconds, the shock wave had traveled approximately 3.7 km from
  • 13. The Issue Of Marijuana Legalization The matters of marijuana Marijuana is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government but the states claim it is, in fact, legal for the states to openly practice recreational and medicinal usage of the drug. Now with many people sick the only other option after numerous prescriptions that make the people sicker marijuana given its pain releasing properties seems to be the only thing we can count on. Marijuana first dated euphoric use dates back to 2737 BC. Its use spread from China to India, in the writing of the Chinese emperor Shen Nung its focus was a medication for gout, rheumatism, malaria, and absent mindedness. In India, Muslims used it on a daily basis, the Muslims were the ones who introduced hashish. In 1545 the Spaniards brought marijuana to the New World, marijuana was introduced in Jamestown in 1611 where it was a significant as tobacco was at the time and was grown as a great source of fiber. Just after the Mexican Revolution America saw an influx of immigration from Mexico into states like Texas and Louisiana. With them, Mexicans brought language, culture and customs, a custom known as cannabis as a medicine and a relaxing agent. The Mexicans brought the term marihuana which was a foreign term but the Americans were very familiar with the word cannabis because it was present in the medicines at the time. The media, at the time, began to make a play on how the Americans felt about the disruptive Mexicans on their dangerous native behaviors as well
  • 14. Analysis Of Verizon Communications Inc. Verizon Communications (Company Overview) Brigette R Collins MBA 599 Strategic Management Dr. Harvella Brownson Saint Leo University Index Introduction3 The Firm and Our Products3 Company History3 Vision Mission4Assessment of Vision Mission Statement4Leadership5 External Assessment6EFE and CPM Strategic Implications6 Analysis of Competitive Position, Opportunities, and Threats6 Internal Assessment7 IFE Strategic Implications7Financial Ratios Analysis7 INTRODUCTION The Firm and Our Products Verizon CommunicationsINC. (NYSE, NASDAQ: VZ), is headquartered in New York. Verizon has two segments to which the company operates, Verizon Wireless and Wireline. The products offered through Verizon include wireless voice and data services, equipment sales, voice, internet access, broadband video and data (retrieved from http// The company provides services to the government, business, and consumer customers around the United States. A United States based Telecommunications Company that includes broadband, and is the leading telecommunications company in the industry. Verizon has grown through acquisitions and partnerships; however the company has also grown with the advancement of technology. Verizon also offers advanced fiber optic network and integrated business solutions. At the end of
  • 15. The Golden Age Of Piracy In Early America Piracy began in the early 1600s and started dying off during the 1700s. It was known as the Golden Age of Piracy .1 Pirates such as Blackbeard and Privateers such as Sir Francis Drake sailed the seas causing chaos in early America.2 America had a feeble Navy, therefore, they had no means of defense against the Pirates.3 Once the pirate hunters and naval expeditions started to pursue the pirates, they started dying out.4 During the Golden Age of Piracy, pirates would raid and plunder whatever ship they came across, regardless of who was on board. They would attack merchant ships with no mercy, even if it belonged to their own nation.5 Most merchant ships would have a tiny crew of eighteen, untrained, poorly armed men. While the pirate ships... Show more content on ... They reached the South Carolina port of Charles Town, known later as Charleston. There were a numerous amount of merchant ships anchored in the harbor. In a move that Angus Konstam describes in Blackbeard: America s Most Notorious Pirate as the most breathtakingly audacious piratical adventure of his short career, Blackbeard positioned his ships just outside the entrance to the harbor and began a blockade of the town. 13 Blackbeard and his crew easily seized every ship that was coming in or out. The pirates plundered whatever the vessels were carrying, including rice, lumber, rum and slaves. They also took crews and passengers as prisoners. He intended to use them as ransoms.14 After they took the medicine and treasure from Charles Town, they sailed up the coast where they got 2 of their ships ran aground.Then, Blackbeard and his men went to the governor of North Carolina to ask for a pardon, because if you were a pirate and you surrendered you were pardoned for all of your crimes that were committed before Jan 5. Although the blockade at Charles Town happened in May, they felt very confident the governor would overlook it.15 Blackbeard almost immediately received his pardon, took all of the loot from his crew, and left. He established friendly relations with the governor of North Carolina, Charles Eden.16 Charles gave him a free ship, gave him a blank slate, and set him up for retirement. But his retirement did not last
  • 16. The Feelings Of Nature And Man The Feelings of Nature and Man Shelley s novel Frankenstein really describes Victor Frankenstein s state of mind as it impacts the thematic movement of the novel, using light, color, speed, temperature, sound and smell. The similarities that are used in Shelley s novel between Frankenstein s feelings and the landscapes he describes are striking. Victor Frankenstein, a man with great determination and pride, had a strong desire to prove people wrong that he could create life. Trying to successfully prove to everyone that he could become the greatest scientist ever, he attempted life creating alchemy; however in the process of doing so he created a monster that he feared. Shocked by the fact that he created such a beast, he was not ... Show more content on ... Paralleling nature and human emotion, the first part to that quote shows that Victor is accompany by that bad storm because of the bad things that has happened to him. Victor is just like that sad man you would see in cartoons accompanied by a dark cloud above his head. Then Victor was in a state where he is clouded by every thought. The thick mist that hid the summits of the mountains is just like Victor s mind. Until that mist that is blocking him is gone you won t be able to think clearly about what has happened in his life. As Victor continues to climb up the mountain he gets this emotional feeling looking into the distance. I resolved to ascend to the summit of Montanvert. I remembered the effect that the view of the tremendous and ever moving glacier had produced upon my mind when I first saw it. (Ch10). This nature that always accompanied him not only does it just imamate his emotions but it also bring him joy. Victor was so into nature at that moment it was like he just cease to exist and the only think that he cared about was nature. The affect that nature had for Victor was such a huge impact that he didn t want anyone to follow him into paradise as he explained, I determined to go without a guide, for I was well acquainted with the path, and the presence of another would destroy the solitary grandeur of the scene. (Ch10). These passages shows me that the sublime nature in the story accompanies Victor. Victor needed the
  • 17. Critical Analysis Of Ednita Nazario EDNITA NAZARIO SAW AN INCREASE IN SOCIAL REACH AND CHATTER COMPARED TO THE PREVIOUS PERIOD During the period analyzed (01/01/16 03/01/2017), Ednita Nazario had a Basic Positive Sentiment of 26%, which is below the artist average of 36%. Most of the artist chatter is considered neutral due to fans sharing news about the documentary, performances, and articles. The artist has seen a significant increase in social reach compared to the previous period, with Impression Per Post during the current period totaling 5.3K, which highlights a higher amount of key influencers talking about the artist during the period. MOST OF THE SOCIAL CHATTER FOR EDNITA NAZARIOIN THE US IS COMING FROM FLORIDA (50%) AND NEVADA (22%) Social chatter in the U.S. for ... Show more content on ... Top hashtags are connected to chatter spikes. Top hashtags included: #YaNoDueleTanto (related to her single) and #IntensamenteEdnitatour . EDNITA NAZARIO HAS A LOWER AUDIENCE COMPARED TO SIMILAR ARTISTS ON FACEBOOK Ednita Nazario has a lower Facebook audience compared to similar artist, with a total of 659.8K Total Likes. The artist also has a below average engagement with a weekly average of 22.4K interactions (Talking About This), which gives the artist a 3% engagement rate on the platform (similar artists average engagement on the platform is 6%). The artist is posting good content, however, she is sharing most of the same pictures from her Instagram on her Facebook account, which has a negative impact on her page Likes and engagement. Consider posting exclusive content on the platform, with short videos to maintain audience attention, and posting during the time her audience is on Facebook in order to drive
  • 18. The Treatment For Depression Essay The Treatment for Depression Everyday we walk past someone with a smile, and they smile back at us. Do we ever question what is that person feeling from the inside? Everybody around me thought I was a happiest person, and the most optimistic person they have ever seen. They complimented my cute little high pitched laughter, and also my genuine smile. I would always be the brightest person in the room because I have a smile on my face. No one has actually seen me sad or mad since I was a kid, but little did they know about me. No one knows that underneath all of these smile is a low self esteemed person who is depressed about everything in life. I often ask myself when did it all start, and will there be an end to this problem? I could ... Show more content on ... It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. To be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms must be present for at least two weeks ( Depression ). The symptoms can not only present but have to prolong before a person can state they are depression or not. It is based mostly on the person mood before other. According to Edward Shorter, Doctor in Psychiatry and author of many psychiatry books, there are different ways of explaining the word depression . To a neurophysiologist, the word mean the brain neuron transmission ( electrical ) is diminishing. To a pharmacist, it is meant a chemical that cause the central nervous system to slow down. To psychiatrist, depression stands for decrease in performance, ... a normal human emotion ... may become pathological if it is retained too long or too deeply; a depressive syndrome that may, or may not, include a depressed mood; or reactive depression precipitated by certain life events (78). All of the explaining have something in common is that it involve with a person s brain that affect on how their behavior. The surprising is that to a psychiatrist said that depressive syndrome that may, or may not, include a depressed mood . I often ask myself when depressions start. I do not mean the age of the patient what I mean is when did people discover it. According to Edward Shorter, the
  • 19. Ways to Involve Parents Essay Ways to Involve Parents Parents may think volunteering to help in the classroom is the only way to be involved, well they are wrong. There are many ways parents can involve themselves in the school. Parents and family can be involved by reading to their children, checking homework, communicating with the teacher, and attending school functions; the list goes on and on. (NEA, 2003). No matter how parents contribute time towards their child s education, it will be important. Parental involvement is important because it makes a difference in children s lives. (NEA, 2003). This difference includes student achievement and success. How Parental Involvement Improves Student Achievement in School Involving parents in the education ... Show more content on ... (Dimmock O Donoghue, 1996). Research indicates that parents who are involved in their child s academic life have a profound effect on the child s ability to learn and help instill in them an appreciation for learning that can last a lifetime (Pape, 1999, p. 2). The National Education Association President, Bob Chase says, Family involvement in a child s academic life is critical. A balance must be struck between family, school, and community that allows a child to flourish, both in academics and as a person (Pape, 1999, p. 3). How Parental Involvement Improves Student Achievement in Life Parental involvement helps students improve in life as well. When parents get involved with their children, the children s self esteem rises and they focus more on life. This is because the students feel like they are loved when their parents participate. Boosting the self esteem of students can lead to a reduced number of runaways and suicides among older students. The main reason children runaway from home and commit suicide is because they feel left out or overwhelmed with life. Parental involvement can make these students feel like they belong and are wanted in their environment. The involvement of parents and family can also help students grow as people. They mature faster and act
  • 20. Remarks At The Brandenburg Gate In Ronald Reagan s speech, remarks at the Brandenburg Gate the 40th President Reagan discusses the positive qualities and aspects of the democratic system of government in America at the time. Reagan also challenges the Soviet Union as well as their communism and calls for Berlin to unify once again. Attempting to spread the ideology to those in Berlin, as well as the world, and convince the people there should have been a transition from Communism to Democracy, Reagan takes advantage of multiple appeals as well as an inspirational and hopeful tone. Reagan also made many very smart, conscious decisions regarding not only his appeals but also his choices of delivery, historical context, use of language, and timing, and audience. Utilizing these aspects allowed Reagan to give one of the most memorable and effective speeches in history. Conscious decisions made by Reagan regarding audience are abundantly clear throughout the speech. Reagan directly refers to many people throughout the speech and acknowledges not only the people who are directly there and in the audience but distinct groups of people from all over the world. Best exemplified when Reagan says: To those listening throughout Eastern Europe, I extend my warmest greetings and the good will of the American people. To those listening in East Berlin, a special word: Although I cannot be with you, I address my remarks to you just as surely as to those standing here before me. For I join you, as I join your fellow
  • 21. The Grand Canyon, A Landscape Made From Mixed Media The Grand Canyon, one of the United States most popular tourist attractions. The canyon has drawn various people to it, including artists who depict its beauty in multiple forms. Throughout this report, I will be discussing and critiquing Rose Eagers Grand Canyon, a landscape made from mixed media. While reviewing this piece of art at the Carnegie Art Center located in Turlock, CA; I learned a lot about the content. Rose Eager, in her later years was a victim of macular degeneration, a horrific disease of the eye that slowly changes the way we see. Macular Degeneration recently diminished my ability to see color and depth, so I started a new series of work using achromatic neutrals, black, white, and grey over invented textural relief ... Show more content on ... Eager has multiple aspects of her image that strongly support a formalist viewpoint. Her artwork has definite structural aspects that have a greater meaning then you originally think. To break down the image in even more depth, when you first glance at the image, the first area that your eye is drawn to is the tree, more specifically the tree branches. These branches are extremely textured, giving them almost a true bark like appearance. The leaves on the upper left corner of the piece look like they are almost protruding off of the rest of the image. The form of this image also adds to its components of formal analysis. Form is based on color, composition, texture and line. This image by Eager has all of these major elements. The composition is constructed with purpose, to show the flow and depth growing throughout the image. There are multiple lines in this art piece, the first can be seen through the top of the work, it goes through the tops of the trees and atop the mountain peaks. Then, there are implied lines, one can be seen between the mountain peaks coming towards the tree, or vice versa. The color scheme again follows her depiction of living with Macular Degeneration, she lost the ability to see colors, and in her image, she only used shades of greys and black. In order to combat the depth, she was losing
  • 22. Lord Of The Flies Comparison A role model should guide individuals through life s struggles in the same way an example math problem shows a student how to use a formula. Both Aldous Huxley s 1932 science fiction novel Brave New World and William Golding s 1954 allegory Lord of the Flies, use utopias inside of dystopias to develop a sense of serenity around the Christ figure to give the audience an inspirational role model. People with no experience in the modern world are sometimes the only people that will truly appreciate the simplistic and rational parts in life. Huxley uses John the Savage s fascination of zippers saying how much they delight him with a (145). Huxley uses the innocence of John the Savage to demonstrate how people should
  • 23. N The History Of The United States, The Anti-Federalists n the history of the United States, the Anti federalists were the individuals who opposed the implementation of a central federal government which would seek to oversee different operations in the country along with the ratification of the constitution. Instead, they advocated that power ought to remain within the hands of the local and state governments. Conversely, the Federalists advocated for a stronger government that would oversee the operations of all states. They also wanted the ratification of the existing constitution in order to help the government in managing its debts along with the tensions that were developing in particular states. The Federalist movement was formed by Alexander Hamilton, and it functioned as the first ... Show more content on ... It also provided a stronger image of America in relation to other countries in the world. The proposed constitution also proposed the establishment of a united army, which would function to protect America from external attacks (Schultz 126). The Anti Federalists strongly opposed the implementation of the constitution as it relinquished some of their powers, and made them answerable to the federal government. However, they later on supported its ratification after the Bill of Rights was included (Schultz 126). The Bill of Rights was of great importance to them as it guaranteed that their liberties and freedoms were still preserved despite the constitutional change. Another difference relates to the economic differences between the supporters of both sides. The Federalists were supported by big business interests that operated within and out of the American borders. They considered the implementation of the constitution as a suitable step towards the government being able to regulate the country s economy. As a result, they would be able to benefit significantly. On the other hand, the Anti Federalist union was chiefly dominated by small rural communities and farmers, who believed that the local government had more to offer with regards to their profits and the establishment of a market for their goods (Schultz 127). To these farmers, the state government was more
  • 24. Social Movements And Its Effect On Society Essay A phenomenon which has remained constant throughout history is the evolution of society. This persistent phenomenon helps to constantly reshape society. Helping mold it into a suitable form that caters to the needs of those who inhabit it. The evolution of society may take years, if not decades, to occur. However, during certain moments in history, society has undergone rapid change in short periods of time. These rapid periods of change are often caused by undesirable events that influence the general population to revolt and act against those in control of society. Often motivating the mobilization of the public in great numbers to protest . Frequently, the main objectives of these protests are to improve upon aspects of society or to revise the state of society entirely. Generally, in hopes of promoting society s development to the benefit of the masses. These large scale gatherings of the population to alter society for the better are known as Social Movements. These movements help to gather vast numbers of like minded individuals who wish to change the methods used to operate society. Often these movements target those in positions of power, in hopes of influencing them to act upon the state of society. Social movements themselves have occurred frequently throughout the history of society. Some movements succeed, influencing power holders into action in regards to the condition of society, achieving their main purpose. Other movements; however, seldom procure enough
  • 25. Marketing and Online Social Networks INTRODUCTION Situation Synopsis: Competitors have developed different approaches to attract consumers in the online dating market; some of which have been copying eHarmony s product features and using alternative strategies to attract singles. Company s Current Strategy: eHarmony uses a focused differentiation strategy. It focuses on singles seeking a serious relationship and long term compatibility. It distinguished itself from other sites by using a unique matching algorithm. They have also invested substantial resources into marketing and R D. Problem Statement: eHarmony has opened the door to their competition by declining potential customers as a way to ensure quality control. eHarmony s CEO must decide how to react to imitations ... Show more content on ... 1.2.5 Key Success Factors (See Appendix A) 1.2.6 Strategic Groups Map (See Appendix B for Strategic Groups Map) Cost to join and barriers to join an online personal site are the two dimensions which are relevant to a firms performance within this industry. eHarmony possesses the highest membership fees in the industry along with particularly high barriers to join. Even their direct competitors; Match and Yahoo! Personals differ from eHarmony in that they have much lower barriers to join as well as lower sign up fees. Most of their indirect competitors are free and have little to no barriers to join. 1.2.7 Strategic Issues in the Industry Industry was plagued by people misrepresenting themselves and putting false personal information Users are concerned about the privacy of their information Level of customer dissatisfaction remains high 1.2.8 Opportunities Threats Opportunities: This industry will continue to rise in popularity due to increasing usage of computer technology. Due to it being a more affordable means of match making, people will generally turn to online personals as opposed to other offline services. Convenience also plays a factor. Increasing their market share, catering to more market segments. (Niche markets). Threats: Online personals sites with more resources pose a threat to those lacking resources. Security issues linked with sharing information
  • 26. Gel Electrophoresis In Science Gel electrophoresis has had a very big impact on the world of science today. In this present day, scientists now have a simple and definite way to test and contrast a wide variety of different DNA samples, leading to more complex and particular DNA testing (LinkedIn Corporation, 2017). Gel electrophoresis is now a scientific method in which is an absolute necessity in science, particularly in the forensics field. This process of gel electrophoresis gives forensic scientists the ability to retrieve an indisputable link to a person of suspect or anybody for that matter. Gel electrophoresis proving to give a very positive and forward moving impact in the science field, has many advantages. For one this scientific technique caters a clear link
  • 27. The United Fruit Company Outline The United Fruit Company Outline Thesis: Through compensation to workers and connections with the government the United Fruit Company (UFCO) it became the great force of Latin America. Introduction: In 1871 the wholesale value of banana imports into the United States was less than $250,000; by 1901, the figure had jumped to $6.5 million Banana Wars (49) The United Fruit Company was a business in Guatemala that helped to build railroad transportation, hospitals and introduce the banana to the world. The vertically integrated United Fruit Company merged large banana operations in Latin America and the Caribbean, major railroad, port, and shipping facilities and a substantial U.S. fruit distribution. Banana Wars (26) Minor Keith, Lorenzo Baker, and Andrew Preston officially established The United Fruit Company (UFCO) on March 30, 1899 merging the Boston Fruit Company and Minor s company together. Minor originally specified in building railroads and transportation but got involved with bananas when he planted banana plants along his railroads for his workers to consume. But the U.S. fruit company did have many controversies surrounding its name, involvement with the CIA in operation PBSUCCESS, exploitation of workers, and banana republics What made up this financial giant? The rise of this financial giant was due to the increase of production of bananas within the area. The fruit company began establishing plantations, transportation infrastructure, and work
  • 28. An Introduction To Environmental Planning Programme AndrГ© DuГlio Cruz 1264710 Introduction to Environmental Planning ENVP106 15A Environmental Planning Programme FASS Word Count: 1925 University of Waikato Field Trip Report Waihi, Newmont Gold Mine, New Zealand 1.Introduction Mining is an important activity, as it extracts the source of most objects, tools and items that are used in many ways in society. There are drawbacks, however, as it brings environmental and social impacts, like pollution of the waterways, change in the landscape and the concentration of labour force. In Waihi, the mining plays an important role in sustaining the economy of the city, but it also brings problems that have to be managed by the Newmont Gold Company. The focus of the field trip is to locate the potential environmental issues that may be linked to mining by using a natural and physical resource inventory of the Waikato Regionand Bay of Plenty. 2.Resource Inventory 1.1 The Waikato Region In the Waikato Region, it is possible to see the extensive use of its flat landscape for farming. Most of the farming activity is composed of livestock, cows being the most abundant animal. There is a small number of poultry farms. The forestry is mostly restricted to hilly areas, where native vegetation has been put down. Cropland is abundant. The following table provides an inventory of the key physical and natural resources of the area. AreaActivity Description of the areaType of Resource Waikato PlainsUsed for farming
  • 29. Unit 37 D1 Evaluate the impact of a selected business s ethical behaviour on stakeholders and the business.[D1] FOR D1 write an essay to address below: This should focus on your chosen organisation and cover as many stakeholders as possible. Look also at the remaining issues in the unit from task 1, 2 to add to your perspective. Remember, these are your views, but they should be backed up by clearly researched evidence. In this report I will be looking at how my businesses activities and ethical behaviour affect different stakeholders with in my business. My organisation (RBS). Royal Bank of Scotland is one of the world s top ten financial groups. The group employs 140,000 people across 30 countries and operates out of more than 2000 ... Show more content on ... Mis selling gave people the wrong impression that they were insured if they lost their jobs or their source of income. People lose trust in banking products as they expect to be assured in difficult times but when they find out they are not insured and will still have to repay loans they get mentally stressed and they feel like they can t rely on banking products provided by RBS. The Financial service authority and other regulatory bodies also have also suffered financially as they had to pay employees at FSA to investigate the PPI scam. This is time consuming for them as they need to make sure that everyone who paid PPI is compensated. They have to spend time to investigate and fine banks so next time they will not do anything unethical again. After this incident FSA are being stricter on the way that banks operate and have amended laws regarding selling products to customers and banking what the bank is allowed to do and what they are restricted to do. The FSA is looking into how banks interact with customers and are paying more attention to all products that banks are selling. Most customers have been compensated by RBS; however I believe RBS s trust bond with their customers has already been damaged. This influences customer s behaviour before they buy and insurance products or additional insurance products as they will think twice before
  • 30. Pollution In Utah I am writing to you about the pollution in Utah and how we can deal with it. I care about pollution in Utah for several reasons. One reason is because I live in Utah and almost every day I walk out of the house and encounter pollution. Another reason is in the winter you walk outside and the inversion is really really bad. Sometimes you can t even see twenty feet ahead of you. The inversion is so bad that I don t want to go outside for fear of inhaling a toxic gas. This issue matters because there are people that are getting hurt from this pollutionnot to mention the damage pollution is doing to our environment. Inhaling pollution is very destructive to our health. The study, in Circulation Research, found consistent relationships between
  • 31. Analysis Of Blue Poles Russian painter and pioneer of abstract modern art, Kandinsky s art and ideas impacted and inspired many generations of artists, from his students at Bauhaus, to the Abstract Expressionists post World War 2. Kandinsky contested the boundaries of conventional art making practice through his rare artistic style that departs from the strict conventions of realism and naturalism formed by the Academie, and seeks to convey inner spiritual experience by challenging intentions and emotive capacities. He sought to convey a universal, visual and spiritual language of abstract forms and colours, along with interpreting his synesthetic experience of music, to create artworks that transcended cultural and physical boundaries. Abstract and Modernist ... Show more content on ... Performed on canvas laid flat on the floor, Pollock makes no physical contact with the canvas whilst painting. The canvas seems to convey a telling of Pollock s vigorous working methods and turbulent life to the audience, as the work consists of glass shards and footprints embedded into the canvas. Pollock s boundary breaking manipulation of surface ultimately encourages artists to imitate his new and non traditional methodologies within art making. Modernist critic, Clement Greenberg coined the term of Abstract Expressionism, and was largely responsible for the growing reputation of Pollock within the art world. Greenberg assisted in determining the reaction to Blue Poles by the audience. In The Nation, 20/1/1945, Greenberg supports Pollock through advocating his artwork in a public expanse, American painting is much in need of all three qualities (that is, boldness, breadth, and the monumental ), and it is significant that Pollock, who manifests all three, has already begun to exert an influence, though he has been before the public hardly more than a year. Greenberg upholds Pollock s name with high importance, displaying his significance to the Abstract Expressionist movement. Pollock s heavily influential style was rather radical in its extremity in his time, through his unconventional material practices and drip techniques, redefining the conventions of traditional painting, in order to
  • 32. Picasso-Braque Comparison Essay During the 1920s and early 1930s, Braque painted a series of still lifes representing a return to a CГ©zannian means of expressing depth and surface composition. As an heir of Cezanne, Braque had inherited the possibility of applying to painting the economy and precision traditional in the craftsman milieu from which he came. The two great influences on Braque s development were CГ©zanne s work and his relationship with Picasso; an understanding of the complexity of the Picasso Braque reciprocity is necessary in order to interpret the stylistic differences that finally separated the two artists. In Verre, pomme, serviette et pipe, as with other works executed during the same period, Braque was experimenting with a heightened abstraction of form and the elision of space, light and perspective. The final result of Braque s effort, which was painted in 1931, is something of a doctrinaire pre World War II Cubist (kemper) composition, having generated the tactile space through the use of overlap, translucency and the repetition of both form and color. From the muted venetian red of the apple to the gradated burnt umber of the background planes, which are articulated like panels on a screen, the artist has tapped into the heavy, earthen palette HE FAVORED? we find in other works produced in the 1930s. He composed his... Show more content on ... As the artist said in his own words, There are people who say: What is your picture of?...What?...There s an apple, obviously, there s...I don t know...Ah yes! A plate, next to it... These people appear to fail utterly to appreciate that what is between the apple and the plate is being painted as well. And, to be honest...the space between seems to me to be as essential an element as what they call the object. (Ditto
  • 33. Murder Is Wrong Murder is wrong. Since childhood we ve been tutored this indisputable truth. raise yourself, then, what s capital punishment? In its simplest kind, corporal punishment is outlined together person taking the lifetime of another. coincidently, that s the definition of murder. There are thirty six states with the corporal punishment, and that they should modification. These states ought to get rid of it on the grounds that it carries a dangerous risk of grueling the innocent, is unethical and barbaric, Associate in Nursing is an ineffective deterrent of crime versus the choice of life in jail while not parole. Capital punishment is that the most irreparable crime governments commit while not consequence, and it should be abolished. We re solely ... Show more content on ... What message can we send the yank folks, and different countries, for that matter, if we tend to still be a nation that kills its voters, a nation that enforces the foremost barbaric kind of punishment? The Illinois Coalition to get rid of the corporal punishment states, We don t bring to an end the hands of thieves to protect property; we tend to don t stone adulterers to prevent extramarital sex. we tend to take into account that barbaric. nevertheless we tend to still take life as a way of protective life. no one, governmentВaffiliated or not, has the proper to determine if another human is worthy or unworthy life. Our natural rights as humans, that can not be removed by the govt., embody the proper to life. Humans aren t
  • 34. cold metal coins that lose value; no act, notwithstanding however grievous, will build an individual less of somebody s being. However, for many it s straightforward to forget that every of the one,099 dead since 1977 ar fellow humans, not simply numbers. According to Amnesty International, The corporal punishment violates the proper to life. corporal
  • 35. Causes Of The Second Red Scare By Joseph Mccarthy In times of fear, people look to leaders, find people to blame, and resort to panic. The Second Red Scare is a prime example of this. During the Second Red Scare many people were falsely and absurdly accused of communism. Take, for example, Annie Lee Moss. A trial was held against her to see if she was a communist, even though she worked in communication at the Pentagon. Being accused of communism had the power to ruin one s life no one would want to associate with him, have a relationship with him, or even work with him. Many people caused the Second Red Scare, one of the most prominent figures being Joseph McCarthy, former US senator. He had lists upon lists of alleged communists. An underlying cause of the Second Red Scare would be the
  • 36. Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) Essay Prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a family of rare progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect both humans and animals. They are distinguished by long incubation periods, characteristic spongiform changes associated with neuronal loss, and a failure to induce inflammatory response. The proteinaceous infectious particles, prionwas identified by an American neurologist Stanley B. Prusiner and colleagues in 1982derived from the words proteinand infection (Stanley B. Prusiner Autobiography). Prions are known to Creutzfeldt Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann StrГ¤ussler Scheinker syndrome and Fatal Familiar Insomnia in humans. In mammals they cause mad cow disease in cattle. Prion diseases affect... Show more content on ... Moreover, different anti PrP antibodies or their antigen binding fragments that disrupt the PrP AОІ interaction were able to block the AОІ mediated disruption of synaptic plasticity. These findings were deemed exciting because they suggest the involvement of PrPC in Alzheimer s disease (AD) pathogenesis. However, others found that the absence of PrPC did not prevent deficits in hippocampal dependent behavioral tests upon intracerebral AОІ injection (Krull Nunnally, 2004). PrPSc is identified as a surrogate marker and potential TSE agent. PrPSc formation was first detected in the murine neuroblastoma cell line N2a when exposed to mouse adapted scrapie (Abbott, 2010).Subsequent infection experiments demonstrated susceptibility of N2a cells to several different mouse adapted scrapie strains. Since then, several cell lines of neuronal and non neuronal origin have been identified to be susceptible to a stable infection with prions. Once prions have successfully infected a cell line, they can replicate persistently over multiple cell passages, with very few exceptions, without any overt cytopathic effect (Shorter J, Lindquist S (June 2005). Cell lines that have been successfully infected include microglial cells as well as epithelial cells, fibroblasts and myoblasts, which have all been demonstrated to persistently replicate an array of prion strains in vitro. Curiously, a
  • 37. Tracing Narrative Threads in Life of Pi Essay examples Tracing Narrative Threads 1) Father s admonitions to stay away from the tiger in the zoo. During this part of the novel, Pi s father is teaching him a lesson by letting a tiger brutally kill a goat right in front of him. He is trying to teach Pi to not go near an animal such as tigers because they are incredibly dangerous. I believe this thread represents the foreshadowing of what is to come for Pi. When Pi and Ravi s father was telling them about staying away from tigers he said Tigers are very dangerous. I want you to understand that you are never under any circumstances to touch a tiger, to pet a tiger, to put your hands through the bars of a cage, even to get close to a cage. Is that clear? (37) This evidence indicates that ... Show more content on ... The name Pi is also symbolic because as Pi stated: I was named after a swimming pool (8) The word Piscine in French translate to swimming pool in English. The significance of his name is because he spends 227 days in a huge swimming pool (the ocean) fighting for his life. The thread develops during the novel because as the novel goes on and he s stuck on the lifeboat, Pi starts to question who Pi really is. When he starts questioning who he is, he finds it hard to learn who he truly wants to be. The message the author is trying to get across is be true to yourself. 3) Young Pi s dedication to three religions As explained in the book, Pi follows three different religions; Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. Pi is extremely interested in all three religions and tries to find himself through religion. Although, he does not understand why he can t follow all three religions. But he can t be a Hindu, a Christian and a Muslim. It s impossible. He must choose. (76) This thread represents that he dedicates himself to the things he believes in and will fight for what he believes in. Even when his family disagreed with his decision of following all three religions, he still fought for what he believed. This thread develops during the novel because while he is on the lifeboat Pi starts questioning who truly he is and wants to be. The young boy who was once dedicated to vegetarianism, which was rooted in his religion, must make a life changing decision.
  • 38. Harley Davidson And The Motorcycle Industry History: Foundation: It all started in Milwaukee, Winsconsin in 1903 when William Harley, Walter and Arthur Davidson created their first Harley Davidson in their family building. Harley Davidson and the motorcycle industry wasn t a big company until after the Second World War. Many people rode motorcycles during the war, with Harley Davidson themselves becoming the major supplier not only for the U.S. military but other allied forces as well during this time. Many veterans chose to purchase motorcycles upon returning home, as they enjoyed riding during the war and wanted to continue riding in their civilian life. This generation quickly became the main target audience for many of Harley Davidson s marketing efforts and main target for buyers as by 1956, Indian Motorcycles declared bankruptcy and stopped producing motorcycles altogether, leaving only Harley as a major producer and seller of motorcycles. Harley Davidson Today and the challenges: The motorcycle industry offers products which can be viewed as luxuries or wants as opposed to necessities. Harley Davidson owns Buell motorcycle and Harley Davidson financial services. Harley Davidson now holds 55 percent of the entire U.S. motorcycle market, and an even higher share in the U.S. heavy motorcycle market. This is the result of increasing investment in R D. Harley Davidson now has over 6,000 employees. Harley Davidson has benefited from a segment of the U.S. market which enjoys recreational riding. This isn t
  • 39. The Government Of Greece, Three Branches Of Government Greece Greece is a Parliamentary Republic and consists of Three Branches of Government. The branches of government are The Executive Branch, The Legislative Branch, and The Judiciary Branch. The Executive Branch is also known as the Ministerial Council and consists of The President of the Republic and The Prime minister of the government. The President of the republic is Voted in by Parliament for a five year term with a maximum two year term in office. The role of the President of the Republic is mostly ceremonial since the constitutional reform in 1986. Unlike the President, the Prime minister is voted in by the people and has an unlimited term in office. The Prime Minister is the chief executive and the country s leading political figure. Next is the Legislative Branch that is composed of Three Hundred members of Parliament. Each member is elected for a four year term. The method used for electing members of the Legislative Branch is called Proportional Representation. Lastly, we have the Judicial Branch. The Judicial Branch is composed of Three branches much like the United States. Civil, Criminal, and Administrative branch. The civil and criminal Branches have 56 judges including the courts presidents. The administrative branch consists of the president, the prime minister, 42 councilors, 98 associates, and reporting judges. Education is essential to the Greek Culture. The first public schools in Greece were formed in 1834. In modern day Greece school is in session from September to mid June for all students. A total of 175 days is attended during a school year. The education system in Greece consists of Primary education, Secondary education, and Higher ... Show more content on ... Before 2001 the currency Greece used was the Drachma. In 2001 Greece adopted the Euro as it sole currency. The Greek Government beloved that if they adopted the Euro that they then could use it as
  • 40. Hospitality Management At Florida International University INTRODUCTION According to Professor Marcel R. Escoffier, an Associate Professor in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Florida International University, Hospitality Management is the largest business activity in the world. There are nearly 1 million food service operations in the United States, and nearly three hundred thousand hotels. It is estimated that there are over 1 million hotels and more than 7 million food service businesses. How this business operates, and its impact on the local economy varies from country to country, but its importance is undeniable (Escoffier). Information provided by Buffalo State College located in Buffalo, New York, also reference the hospitality industry is one of the largest in the ... Show more content on ... Many colleges that offer Hospitality Management may also include the option to enroll within a specific concentration, so that you may gain a specialty . Therefore it s important to have a sense of what area of hospitality you are interested in, so that you enroll yourself into an appropriate program, including programs where graduates have been able to secure employment in your interested field and location. For example, if you have the desire to work as a ski lodge manager, you may want to make sure you enroll into a school that provides the focus of the hotel industry and potential internship opportunities within ski country vs. the beaches in Florida. In effort to continue a higher learning education within the field of Hospitality, which may increase my career options as I enter the workforce, I have reviewed three colleges within the New York State area that provides a Bachelor s degree within Hospitality Management. The purpose of this evaluation and comparison is to provide the most feasible and economic option available for me to pursue a Bachelor Degree within Hospitality in a timely fashion and at minimal cost. Therefore my criteria for this comparison includes the following: Type of Concentration that is offered Tuition Cost Acceptance of Transferred Credits Testing/Entrance Requirement (i.e. GPA, GRE, Math Requirement) Career Track Opportunities Accreditations The three schools that have been reviewed are
  • 41. Components Of A Successful Business System There is the need to know what a business system is and how to construct useful systems and measures to run a business. A system is a process, technique, or an action intended to accomplish a detailed result.. Establishing a valuable business systems helps attain outcomes that are unfailing, assessable, and eventually do good for customers. Systems and processes are the vital initiative of your company, whether you notice is or not. Every aspect of your businessis associated with a system that can be directed or enhanced by the use of good principles. The idea of effective business systems is simply a realistic way to handle the significant or vital information of your business. A business system can be very simple to, However, the more... Show more content on ... A company must therefore take the necessary precautions not to fall victims to these problems since they can reduce productivity and customer satisfaction. The next paragraph talks about Verizon company and the business system problems or challenges they face and how some of these problems could be solved. Telecommunications has evolved from an easy technique of voice communication to one of the most significant means that our humanity uses to connect. Consequently, cell phones and wireless gadgets have come to replace and dominate the realm of technology. One of such companies heading and leading towards that direction Verizon. Verizon is headquartered in New York and employs over 235,000 people who operate in Verizon wireless, wire line and Verizon business. Verizon s primary aim or objective is to transform communications by steering in a new age in wire line and wireless broadband connectivity. They are changing the lives of its customers by providing them with best possible communications experience at home, work or on the go as far as their networks, products and services are concerned. Verizon s tactical business investments have given birth to the nation s most dependable wireless voice network, established innovative mobile products and produced over 45 million devoted customers. Aside all this Verizon faces a lot of business system problems. Some of these include customer dissatisfaction. Most customers
  • 42. The American Express ( Axp ) Background In May 15 American Express (AXP) launched a coalition loyalty program called Plenti. Under coalition loyalty programs, members can earn and redeem points by shopping at participating merchants (e.g., Exxon, Macys, Rite Aid and ATT.) The program helps consumers to earn rewards faster and lead to a higher level of engagement with a program which provides merchants an opportunity to attract new customers and run cross promotional campaigns. However, the biggest challenge in launching the program was signing up merchants and building an economic case for shifting away from proprietary to collaborative program. AXP was in negotiations with Rite Aid to join the program. Under their old loyalty program (Wellness+), Rite Aid issued reward dollars (+UPs).The dollars could be used for purchase within their stores over next two weeks, while in Plenti program the points (1 point = 1 cents) are valid for three years and can be redeemed at any participating merchant. Rite Aid was concerned that if they joined Plenti, customers will continue to earn points at Rite Aid but with more redemption options and longer validity, the redemptions will be skewed towards other merchants especially the Grocer Partner. In effect, they will be subsidizing a loyalty program for the Grocer. Challenge As part of the negotiations, our team was tasked to identify and propose Performance Guarantees to address Rite Aid s concerns. With no data and uncertainty about other merchants who will