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Why We Must Go Wrong
As the saying goes "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong", yet being fully aware of this,
humans don't avoid doing things altogether, instead we intentionally thrive toward finding that
which can go wrong out of curiosity for knowledge and fear that we might miss out on something if
we don't. There is a lesson to be found in every disappointment and negative outcome therefore, we
gain experience, we discover, and learn to live with things going wrong because that means we are
one step closer to it going right. We learn to live with these things by jotting down our mistakes and
others prior mistakes to help us prepare accordingly to future situations. This is especially true in
aviation. Without things going wrong, flying would not hold the safest mode of transportation nor
would it be as advanced, as there would be nothing to aid us in how to prepare for the next flight
otherwise. We've spent the last years in aviation focusing on increasing safety by trying to perfect
aircraft to only learn, as Wilbur Wright stated, "...the safety of the operator is more important than
any other point. Greater prudence is needed rather than greater skill." This meaning that it isn't the
technology or the aircrews' individual capabilities; it is the lack of caution and preparation instilled
into the aircrew. Information gathered from flight data recorders, FDRs, and cockpit voice recorders,
CVRs, revealed new insights on aircraft accidents. The result of several accidents was
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Transition From Transitional Lava Types
Transition From Pahoehoe to A'a
In its most general sense, as the flow advances away from the vent, core temperature decreases
leading to an increase in viscosity and ultimately marks a transition from pahoehoe to a'a. This point
of transition is most often referred to as the "transition threshold" (Peterson & Tilling, 1980). Lava
which continues to deform even after it has become highly viscous, may reach this threshold and
subsequently changes to a'a. There are many factors which govern this change, and will be discussed
in the proceeding section.
Transitional lava types have been studied, such as the "rubbly pahoehoe" observed from the Laki
flows, Iceland, of 1783–84 (Guilbaud, 2005), and "slab pahoehoe" on Kilauea (Peterson & Tilling,
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Due to this regard, it was first considered to be impossible (MacDonald, 1953).
Factors Controlling Emplacement of Pahoehoe & A'a flow
As discussed above, pahoehoe morphology forms from hotter, more fluid lava, and a'a from
critically stressed and highly viscous lava. As already alluded to, Peterson & Tilling (1980)
recognised an inverse relationship between viscosity and shear rate; if viscosity is low, a high rate of
shear is required to begin transition to a'a, giving rise to its characteristic brecciated surface.
Likewise, if viscosity is high, a lower rate of shear will induce a transition. This section will discuss
the most significant factors governing the transition.
Effusion Rates
During a magmatic episode, a high discharge rate of magma is likely to produce lava fountaining
high into the air. It is inferred that the higher the fountaining, the more exposure the lava has to cool
air, thus increasing its viscosity. Further, with a high flow rate, lava continues to move even if
viscosity and yield stress is high. This continues up to a point at which surface disruptions can no
longer be "healed", and the transition threshold is duly reached.
Rowland (1990) is one such advocate, attributing differences in lava type on Kilauea to differences
in volumetric flow rate. Rowland concluded that:
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We Must Go Wrong Will Going Wrong
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Even with the knowledge that human error, internal and
external factors can, do, and will affect the outcome of any given task, individuals strive towards
creating environments in which risk levels can be safely and satisfactorily managed by facing those
threats head on. There is a lesson behind each disappointment or negative outcome that leads us to a
greater understanding of and appreciation for our surroundings. More importantly, this newfound
knowledge and experience contribute to the evolution of safer, more manageable systems that are
capable of anticipating future threats to any given environment. This type of learning is especially
beneficial in the aviation industry. Without a true appreciation of the costly mistakes that have
forever changed the face of the industry, aviation would neither have evolved into the safest mode of
transportation in the world, nor would it be as rich in technological and human behavioral resources.
We've spent the last years in aviation focusing on increasing safety by trying to perfect the aircraft
only to learn, as Wilbur Wright stated, "[that] the safety of the operator is more important than any
other point. Greater prudence is needed rather than greater skill." Wright suggests that it is not a
measure of technology or individual crewmember capabilities, rather the issue at the center of
aviation is the lack of caution and preparation that exists within the cabin. Information gathered
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Reasons For The Swiss Cheese Model
Introduction When it comes to investigating an accident, it requires the coming together of
facilitating factors. It is considered that each and every possible factor is necessary, but not always
sufficient to the system. Aviation incidents are extremely sophisticated and contain various layers of
defences in depth. James Reason developed the Swiss cheese model in 1990's, which views the
different factors that contribute to aircraft accidents. Along with the Swiss cheese model, a number
of other models have also been developed in an attempt to improve air traffic safety and prevent
accidents. Some of them are namely, the Heinrich Pyramid developed by H.W Heinrich in the 1930s
and the ICAO SHELL model developed by Edwards in the 1970's. This essay will analytically look
into the components of the Reasons Models and how it is effective while investigation an aircraft
accident. Body Reason's Swiss Cheese Model particularly focuses on the investigators to address
latent and active failures within the causal sequence of events. It is framed in such way that each
defensive layers of failure stack like slices of Swiss Cheese, having many holes that are continually
opening, closing and sometimes shifting positions providing a causation chain (NCBI, 2014). Latent
failures refer to the counterparts that are often left undetected for a long time and may end up
leading to miss–happenings. Components of latent failure include precondition
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Charles Darwin 's Theory Of Evolution
Charles Darwin is commonly known for writing On the Origin of Species, published in 1859. Based
on his findings, Darwin concluded to "the theory of evolution, [by which] is the process of which
organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable or behavioral traits" (Than, 2015).
Certain changes that occurred in the organism 's' environment allowed it to evolve, survive, and
produce offspring with those developed traits. He recorded his findings while aboard the second
voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, dating from December 27, 1831 to October 2, 1863 (Leff). Many of his
observations would soon come to prove Charles Lyell's uniformitarianism on the basis of geology,
along with his own theory of evolution.
Uniformitarianism, in geology, "the doctrine suggesting that Earth's geologic processes acted in the
same manner and with essentially the same intensity in the past as they do in the present and that
such uniformity is sufficient to account for all geologic change" (Britannica). Lyell used James
Hutton's idea of uniformitarianism that the earth was shaped by unseen forces that still exist into the
uniformitarianism that the earth was much older than 300 million years (McCarthy).
The H.M.S. Beagle set out on a drizzly morning on December 27, 1831, consisting of seventy–three
men to crew the ship. Captain Robert Fitzroy even made his over 400 book library (on the Beagle)
available to Darwin, to which his initial readings would be the first volumes of Charles Lyell's
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Charles Darwin: Are They Really The Same Type Of Bird?
Ever wondered why birds with different beaks are sometimes the same type of bird? Confused on
why dogs of different breeds look completely different from each other, yet have the same gene
pool? Interested in the mysteries of evolution? Enter Charles Darwin, a man that helped define the
answer to these questions, and many more concerning evolution.
It all began when Darwin was a young boy. He was born on February 12, 1809. Charles loved to be
around nature at a young age, and that may have been the start of his naturalist career. While his
father originally wanted him to become a doctor, the sight of blood made the young man queasy.
And so, he became a naturalist instead. His job led him on the path to his legendary voyage on the
H.M.S. Beagle. A voyage that would change his life forever. ... Show more content on ...
Beagle and set out on the journey that would spark his greatest idea yet. Although Darwin became
seasick and began regretting his choice, he toughed it out for the voyage. The first island they were
supposed to visit(Madeira island) was unable to be docked at due to bad weather, and the second
one(Tenerife Island), which Darwin had wanted to see the most, couldn't be docked at either due to a
cholera outbreak. However, the captain didn't lose hope, and continued onward.
The Galapagos islands were what helped Darwin make a groundbreaking discovery. As he explored
the islands, he noticed that there were many finches. Yet, there was something peculiar going on.
The finches had different beaks, and ate different things. Darwin suspected that the finches were all
from the same lineage, and the theory of evolution helps prove that. When it was first presented, it
received a lot of criticism, with mockeries being made of Charles(One of which is exemplified by
artistic representations of his head on a monkey's body). As time went on, though, the public
eventually warmed up to
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Moving To African Family
Before I start my essay on my family's migration from the old world to the new world, I would like
to state that I've learned through this class is that we are all from Africa (De Blij and Muller, 2010:
282). Home sapiens evolved in Africa, we gained all of our capacity to survive there. As a species
the point of origin tells a lot about how we were made to adept to nature, from our physiology to
even tool making, Africa was first (De Blij and Muller, 2010: 282. Early in our constant movement
in search for resources and land; we eventually began moving to new continents, sparking the first
wave of human migration (De Blij and Muller, 2010: 282. This is a truly humbling fact that I've
learned, that at the end of day were all from one family ... Show more content on ...
Living in the United States has changed our culture significantly; in my household I consider us
"Americanized" Cubans. Most of us speak English almost the entire day, we eat American food a
lot, and we just identify ourselves now has Americans (De Blij and Muller, 2010: 31). In the Cuban–
American community we try to hold on to the practices that define us a people, but has each day
passes on it become harder, has we start to see ourselves more American than Cuban. The reasons
why my families left our homelands and came to the new world transpire with those of most
immigrants who come; to seek a better life. We escaped poverty and oppression; these "Push and
Pull" factors really do come into play (De Blij and Muller, 2010: 242). For the story of migrant,
since leaving Africa thousands of years ago, it has been in order to find a new life and
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Social And Social Impacts Of Tourism On Las Palmas
What are the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism on Las Palmas?
Las Palmas, the capital of Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands in Spain is a beautiful place to visit
during the holiday. A subtropical climate, mild to warm temperatures which stay quite the same
throughout the entire year and sandy beaches tempt tourists every year. These great features promote
the tourism in Las Palmas. Literally tourism, or in this case, mass tourism, is a move of people
around the world. It is all about presenting the character of a touristic destination and providing
great facilities in order to satisfy customers (tourists) desires and their changing, dynamic needs,
mainly focusing on their preferences. If tourism was not provided in Las Palmas, people would go
bankrupt as tourism states 32% of GDP in ... Show more content on ...
However, Las Palmas exists only thanks to tourism. The Canary Islands would not be able to exist if
tourism was not provided. The economic impacts of tourism on Las Palmas are that tourism became
a major economy, that it makes up 32% of GDP. It creates a lot of new temporary jobs, but they are
low paid so they unfortunately are not any good opportunities for inhabitants. Due to big numbers of
people coming, main infrastructures of Las Palmas get worse. The social impacts are that both
inhabitants and tourists interact together, get to know about each other's culture. Global interest and
awareness is raised. Tourists destroy cultural monuments, act bad after drinking alcohol and speak
other language what is confusing for original residents. The environmental impacts on Las Palmas
are that a lot of woodlands are cut down in order to place new accommodations there. It causes the
loss in diversity of the landscape. However, there are some places full of trees as some people prefer
spending their holiday in wood houses in forests. Therefore, trees are
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Spain Research Paper
The country Marcus and I are doing is the Kingdom of Spain. Spain is located in the Iberian
Peninsula in Europe. It has seventeen different regions in the country. They have a population of just
under 47 million, with Madrid being its capital. Spain is a great place for tourism, but one of the
most popular places in Spain is the island of Ibiza with more than 2 million tourists visiting there a
year. Other popular cities are Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, and Tenerife. Tenerife is the most
populated and largest island of Spain's seven Canary islands. The Canary Islands are a Spanish
archipelago off the coast of Africa. Now, let's go back in time to when Queen Isabel and King
Ferdinand were the rulers of Spain. These are ... Show more content on ...
Futbol is the Spanish word for football. The sport of football started in England around the mid
1800s. Football came the sport called rugby. It came over to Spain in the late 1800s from Spanish
students studing in England. As well as, immigrants and sailors bringing the knowledge to the
Spanish people. Spain's first official game was in 1890 although most of the players were British.
Most of the teams formed in the early 1900s, such as, Seville FC, FC Barcelona, and New Foot–Ball
de Madrid. Regional teams started playing each other around 1915, and the national team played in
its first Olympics Games in 1920 and won the silver medal. In 1928, ten Spainsh teams formed the
Primera Division. The ten teams were Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Athletic Bilbao, Athletic Madrid,
Real Sociedad, Racing Santander, RCD Espanol, Arenas Club de Getxo, CE Europa, and Real
Union. Spain now has nine levels or divisions of football. The first is called LaLiga, and its home
right to the best teams in world and the best players. LaLiga has 20 teams in it, such as, FC
Barcelona, Real Madrid, Seville, and Athletico Madrid. Although, LaLiga is arguably the best
league in the world, it isn't the most watched. Spain is host to the most historic and anticipated
rivalry in all of world football, El Clasico. It is between FC Barcelona and Real
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What Is Gran Canaria Nightlife Essay
Gran Canaria Nightlife: Where to Party and Staying Safe
Gran Canaria nightlife is one of the paradise island's strongest draws. Though it's hardly one of the
reasons why you would go there, it's something you would want to experience. The urbanised
capital of Las Palmas has a number of bars and disco areas. The same can be said to the resort town
of Maspalomas which is also a well–known party centre.
Before you strap on your disco shoes and order your martinis, there are a few things you would want
to know about beforehand. There are a few must–visit spots, as well as a few observances. Here are
some of which:
Nothing Happens Before Midnight
Elsewhere around the world, the highlight of nightlife starts at 10:00 PM onwards. In Gran Canaria
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Though it's ok to drink and go partying, it wouldn't be smart to chug a barrel of booze in one sitting.
Do it in moderation and be sure not to drink to the point of passing out.
Have a designated driver. When going out with friends, have someone close to you take the car keys
to bring you back to your hotel or apartment. You can always flag a taxi, but it's always best to have
someone you know.
Watch what you drink. This is especially if you don't know who you're talking with. Keep your eyes
on your drinks, but don't do it to the point of being paranoid.
Gran Canaria's nightlife is pretty vibrant and you would want to experience it for yourself. Just take
note that events don't start until midnight. If you're in Las Palmas, spend some time in Plaza de
Espana, or the Paper Club and the El Gallinero Cafe Arte. Moreover, there are also some good spots
in Maspalomas. Finally, it would be best to keep yourself safe by drinking in moderation, having an
assigned driver, and by being wary of what you put in your lips.
Taking a tennis holiday to Gran Canaria doesn't mean you should be avoiding the nightlife. Have us
at Isla Tennis help organise your trip by calling us at 07966 370527 or by sending a message through
our contact form. We'll provide you with the best experience anyone going to Gran Canaria will
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Examples Of Etiquette In Hiking
Hiking Etiquette 101: A Guide for Canary Island Mountaineers
Whenever you're hiking, you're always honor–bound to follow the rules and observances of the
hobby, whether they're on a bulletin board or unwritten. These come into play if you're hiking on the
numerous trails across the Canary islands. So, if you're planning to take a nature trip in the Masca
Valley or the rocky outcrops of Roque Nublo, here are some notable etiquette rules for both veteran
and newbie hikers.
Priority: Horses > Hikers > Bikers
There is always a sort of hierarchy on the trail: horses always go first, followed by hikers, and then
bikers. Considering that horses have the tendency to be spooked by incoming traffic by the opposite
direction or a biker that is suddenly overtaking them, it's wise to let them go first, unless if the rider
is signaling otherwise. ... Show more content on ...
If you're riding a bike or a horse, shout out "on your left" or "hi, just passing by" to give them fair
warning. Moreover, always keep right when on the trail and stay there when faster hikers are
passing by.
Clean Up
Littering is absolutely the worst thing anyone can ever do during a hike. Leave no waste on the trail:
keep a paper bag or a pocket on your backpack for empty water bottles, paper towels, and food
wrappers. Throw them away in proper disposal facilities once you get back to civilisation. This also
applies if you're bring a dog along with you. Be sure to bring a waste bag and a pair of tongs to pick
it up. Remember, no one wants to see or smell your canine companion's excrement on the trail!
Enjoy the Silence
One of the best things about hiking is the "noise of nature". The trail is full of the sound of singing
birds, gushing streams, and the music the wind plays when it rustles the leaves. It's relaxing and the
feeling they provide is something you would want to
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Luc Peire Research Paper
The Belgian painter Luc Peire was born in 1916 in Bruges and died in 1991 in Paris. Renowned for
the formal purity of his work, he worked through a range of genres and media, from portraits,
landscapes, or abstraction, to environments. Peire received his art education from several
institutions, beginning with the Academy of Fine Arts in Bruges (1930–5), continuing in Saint–Luc
in Ghent (1932–5), and then at the Institute of Fine Arts in Antwerp (1935–40). Already recognized
within his university years, holding a debut solo exhibition in 1938, the artist came to the serious
acclaim after the war, joining the Young Belgian Painting movement (1945), and later awarded with
the prestigious Rome Prize (1946). His art was gently influenced by numerous travels the artist
conducted within the 50s, visiting Tenerife, Congo, Morocco, and South Africa; and in the
meanwhile befriending Alberto Sartoris, Michel Seuphor, and Eduardo Westerdahl, among others
with whom he established an artistic dialogue. In the 60s, after his move to Paris and first travels to
New York, Peire's work became even more radical, influenced both by optical art and minimalism.
By the end of the decade, the artist completed a number of environments, contributing for the
Belgian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale (1968), and in the same year executing "Ambiente Mexico"
and "Wall Relief" in Antwerp.
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Christopher Columbus Visions
Throughout American history there have been hundreds of visions for an America that have all been
vastly different. America is a forever evolving land that has been home to different dreams and ideas
of what it could become. Today there are people with visions of what we can change of this country,
and how this place can progress from the current state it is in. What we can find throughout the
history of this land is that there are many accounts from a diverse amount of people with different
visions. This is even true for the beginning of America. The accounts of John Smith and Christopher
Columbus reveal that even at the start of America, there were both contrasts and similarities for an
America newly discovered. In Columbus's "Letter of Discovery," he speaks of the islands he has
discovered and how he has conquered them for his highnesses. He then goes on to describe the new
lands. Reading his account of what he finds, his opinion is direct on how he views the lands and
shows a clear idea of his feelings towards them. He describes the lands in a straightforward manner
and portrays them almost like they may seem infinite to him at the time. He displays this idea when
he says, "this island and all other are very fertile to a limitless degree, and this island is extremely
so," proving that is very enthusiastic about the lands. It is evident that Columbus's description of the
lands is genuine, however, it is obvious that he overtaken by his discoveries and does not consider
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The Big Decisions Affecting Our Financial Markets
Better Markets is the voice of the people in the most important decisions about our financial
markets. We are working for a balanced economy–one in which those who make and enforce the
rules are thinking about the wallets, homes and dreams of the majority of Americans. As a
nonpartisan, nonprofit advocacy organization, we seek action on Wall Street and in Washington, DC,
that expands security, opportunity and prosperity for all. We do this by: Analyzing. Better Markets'
team of financial experts conducts research and issues reports and briefings about the big decisions
affecting our financial markets. Educating. We educate elected officials, office–seekers and others
about the issues so they understand the impact of laws and policies on the American public–and hold
them accountable when they don't keep their promises. Balancing. We insist on fair media coverage
that holds Wall Street and public officials accountable for the impact their actions have on ordinary
Americans. Advocating. Better Markets takes positions on regulatory proposals, personnel and
legislation that put the public interest first. We issue comment letters, speak at hearings and meet
with regulators and lawmakers. We also work in the courts, filing amicus briefs and motions and
testifying in cases about market rules and legislation. And we work to ensure that qualified, ethical
candidates are put in positions to oversee and enforce rules and regulations that impact Americans'
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August 1492 Research Paper
August – September Friday, 3 August 1492. Today I set off on the Santa Maria, which was one of
the ships that are going to the Grand Canary Islands, who Christopher Columbus is the captain. The
Pinta and Nina were set out to go to the Island of Gomera. Wednesday/Thursday, 8, 9 August 1492.
Columbus took the Pinta to Canary Island because she is badly disabled and unable to make the trip.
Martin Pinzon was ordered by Christopher Columbus to stay with the Pinta until it is properly fixed.
Friday/Saturday, 17, 18 August 1492. 2 weeks have past and the crew and I have been restless.
Captain Columbus has gone ashore to Gomera to see if another ship might be available, but none of
the other ships are capable of making it for our voyage. Friday, 24 August 1492. At night we passed
Tenerife, a great volcano that had erupted on the island, that erupted in a huge fiery flame. Many of
us were frightened because we have never seen a volcano erupt that big! Then Captain Columbus
calmed us down by telling us about other volcanoes and the cause of the fire. ... Show more content
on ...
Gutierrez had gotten all of the wood and water that was needed for the voyage. We loaded and
stored the dry meat, and salted fish, and some fruit. Captain Columbus says that we would eat the
fruit first because it can spoil about 3 weeks into the voyage. Sunday, 9 September 1492. We haven't
seen any sight of land today. Many of us wept and sighed loudly because we feared that we may
never see land again! But then again Captain Columbus made us feel better by great promises of
land and
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Persuasive Essay On Aerophobia
Aggravating Aerophobia
Huge fires burning up the runway, thousands of people screaming and running for their lives, but
most of all the fear that you could have been one of them. Why would you not be afraid of flying,
also known as aerophobia, when 583 people died in a single plane crash? On March 27,1977, plenty
of us changed our minds about flying in planes and helicopters when the biggest plane crash in
history occurred on the Los Rodeos Airport runway. Aerophobia affects umpteem people and could
hold you back from life's many adventures. If you are one of the millions of sufferers of aerophobia,
it may be helpful to know the origin, the causes of it, symptoms, and how to overcome it.
Not the entire population knows what causes aerophobia, or even the origin of it, which could be
terribly unhelpful if you are trying to overcome it. Actually, aerophobia could be from a countless
number of other fears, either all combined together or just a single one. These can include the fears
of combined spaces and heights. It can also be connected to any crashes, havoc, and other
experiences you have heard of or been involved in. One other cause may be if you have a certain
sickness, which would probably just embarrass you. Even if we can agree on what causes it, the
origin is not very clear. According to sources, the actual word was first recorded from about 1765–
1775. Later in time, near 1911, came the first known use of aerophobia. All in all, the causes of
aerophobia vary
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Argumentative Essay: Marijuana's Two-Face
Marijuana's Two–face In the depths of an alley way, people in conspicuous clothing wait in line to
get into a ragged building. "I'll give you the right amount for eight grams of pot," a scrawny man
discusses with the distributor. "That won't cut anything. But if you don't pay for the last time you
bought from us." The crack of knuckles against skull vibrated through the small alley as the man's
body was flung against a tank of trash. The scene portrays the type of conflict consumers of
marijuana might have to go through to attain the source of cannabis. Marijuana has always been
depicted as being gang related and that the product would make consumers insane. However there
has been scientific studies that contradict that logic, and if legalized ... Show more content on ...
For minors, the consumption of marijuana can negatively influence their academic performance in
school as well as fluxes in memory. NIDA Director Nora D. Volkow, M.D. states, "THC, a key
ingredient in marijuana, alters the ability of the hippocampus, a brain area related to learning and
memory." The research conducted by NIDA has explained that when adolescents begin to consume
marijuana, they do not watch for how much they put into their system. The irregular moderations of
(THC) in marijuana varies from plant to plant. Depending on where it is grown and who alters the
potency, the substance would still lower the IQ of minors and increases the risk of addiction towards
the drug. If adolescents continue to use marijuana into adults and still consume more than the proper
amount for years, then signs of faltering cognitive thinking would show. In another study conducted
by the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre, have uncovered that marijuana users
can be just as violent as crystal methamphetamine users. Their study clarifies that within, " one in
four men and one in three women . . .[became] violent toward hospital staff or [started] injuring
themselves after acting aggressively. Almost 12 percent [of the tested group] were
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God, Morality, and Meaning in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road
Cormac McCarthy's novel The Road is, among other things, a meditation on morality, what makes
human life meaningful, and the relationship between these things and God. While the novel is rife
with religious imagery and ideas, it suggests a conception of morality and meaning that is secular in
nature. In this paper I show that while the existence of God remains ambiguous throughout the
novel, The Road contains both a clear moral code and a view about what makes life meaningful. I
describe this moral code and examine its connection with meaning in life. Along the way, I discuss
the struggle of the man and child to live up to the moral code. I then make the case that the views of
morality and meaning found in The Road imply that morality ... Show more content on ...
I alone am left, and they are seeking my life, to take it away" (1 Kings 19:10, emphasis added).
Elijah wanders in the wilderness and is given food by God, who delivers the food by way of ravens
(1 Kings 17:5–7); Ely is fed by the boy and possibly mistakes him for an angel (McCarthy 172). In
the book of Malachi, the final book of the Old Testament, Malachi foretells a day of judgment, a day
"burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble; the day ... will leave
them neither root nor branch" (Malachi 4:1). Malachi declares that God will send Elijah in advance
of this fiery day of judgment. The book of Malachi–and the Old Testament itself–ends like this:
Lo, I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. He will
turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents, so that I will not
come and strike the land with a curse. (Malachi 4:5–6)
The mysterious catastrophe of The Road is biblical in scope and it involves fire– a lot of fire. And it
has obviously turned the hearts of the man and the child to each other. These hints suggest that
perhaps Ely is a prophet who predicted the catastrophe of The Road and preceded the child, who is
the word of God. On the other hand, Ely has lost his faith: "I'm past all that now. Have been for
years. Where men cant live gods fare no better" (McCarthy 172). He also denies that his name is
"Ely" (171).
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Long-Term Effects of Global Tourism on Economy
Long–term effects of global tourism on economy
Tourism is the travel tour activities which provides travelers leisure facilities and service industry.
And it is also a kind of leisure entertainment that has complex social phenomenon, involves the
politics, economy, culture, history, geography, law, and other social fields. Generally speaking,
tourism has a profound impact for the country.
Tourism gradually has become a prevalent activity all over the world. Compared to 2009, there were
1002 million international tourists in 2010, which increased 6.6% over the last year.(UNWTO,
2011) And then, according to the the United Nations World Tourism Organization's (UNWTO)
report, in the first two months of 2011, the number of International ... Show more content on ...
The report said that there were 98 million people were employed directly in 2011 because of the
tourism industry all around the world(WTTC(2), 2012). This might be the biggest benefit for the
tourism industry and the local citizens. Furthermore, being employed means there will have the
opportunity to make money, not only for the industry but also for the people. In consequence, this
will be a win–win situation, tourism helps local establish the foundation of the economy, and the
local government helps the tourism industry to win interest and prestige.
Long–term effects of global tourism on economy
However, there are some negative points of tourism. One of them is the seasonal employment in
some places, and this will lead to the many people facing the problem of unemployment outside of
the peak tourist season. For example, this will occur in tourist attractions and resort towns, if an
attraction opens to the visitors, like skiing in Swiss in the winter. The skiing coaches will teach
people how to go skiing, but once the snow melted, they will lose their jobs and the staff as well.
Furthermore, the impact of tourism on the environment is a significant issue as the climate change is
most troublesome problem. Over the years, the environmental pollution caused by tourism was
almost out of control, such as deforestation and CO2 emissions from increased air travel, has
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Vacations Of Lanzarote
Holiday Rentals & Lanzarote
Lanzarote is the fourth largest of the Canary Islands, a Spanish territory in the Atlantic Ocean off the
northwestern coast of Africa. Like the neighbouring islands of Tenerife and Fuerteventura,
Lanzarote is a volcanic island, however the panorama of Lanzarote is volcanic to the severe. It's
known as "the island of 100 volcanoes" for just right purpose. With dramatic peaks, scorched sand,
lunar–like craters and bizarre rock formations, you'll believe you're taking a vacation on one other
Holiday Rentals in Lanzarote– Visitor Attractions
Lanzarote vacations promise warm breezes and dry climate, ultimate for days at the beach. Right
here you'll in finding the largest aquarium within the Canaries, theme parks, waterparks and
memorable experiences equivalent to a camel journey to the fire Mountains. Faraway from the
lovely seashores of the coast, Lanzarote's inside offers sheer drama with its lunar volcanic
landscapes. ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore to those five essential islands are two rather quiet unspoiled average paradises known
as Hierro and Gomera which can be a favourite with walkers, hikers and nature fans. This island is
volcanic in nature although it is characterised by using enormously exclusive landscapes that
include towering mountain peaks, tropical forests, white sand seashores, verdant pine forests and
majestic sand dunes. Four of Spain's seven predominant typical reserves are located right here
within the Canaries. By the Point of View Holiday Rentals in Lanzarote is a place to make your
vacation spend
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Catalina De Erauso Analysis
Clive Ibrahim
Sabrina Sanchez
History 146
12 July 2015
Catalina de Erauso
According to the reading that I read, it tells about a person called the Catalina de Erauso who was
born in the town San Sebastian in the province of Gipuzkoa. Catalina had traveled to several towns
in Spain disguising as a male after he ran away from the convent that their parents put him into. Her
journey around the Spain gained her a lot of experience; both the ups and the downs. During her
adventure, there stand some equality and distinction between her and other Spanish Conquistadors.
In the time of Catalina, all women had the duty to get into the convent and become a nun. So she
was put in a convent when she was at the age of five, then she had herself becoming a novice.
However, she decided to leave the convent after she got into a fight with a ... Show more content on ...
Catalina broke the rule by escaping from the convent and cloak herself become a male conquistador
to achieve run for their goals; finding a true freedom like other man at the time and looking for as a
father figure. During her journey, Catalina had disguised herself so well that until their own family,
father mother, brothers, and sisters did not notice him when they met coincidently in Concepción,
Chile. Thus, Catalina de Erauso had challenged herself in the society bravely by staying in her own
New World of being a male conquistador and being involved in the Spanish colonization. At that
time, Catalina had slayed a number of people just like other military killed until she unwittingly
killed her own brother on her return to the
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Rear Limb Size
An investigation into whether a larger head and rear limb size in the Tenerife Lizard Gallotia galloti
and whether this indicates anything about the mating behaviours for the species.
Tenerife is the largest of the Canary Islands, it is one of the western islands and is therefore more
humid then the eastern islands. It is comprised of two ancient regions (Anaga and Teno) which
collided two million years ago, forming the island of Tenerife (Thorpe & Baez, 1987.)
The Gallotia galloti often called the "Tenerife Lizard" is endemic to the Canary Islands, its
population spreading over Tenerife and La Palma. It can be found in many areas across Tenerife
with its habitats ranging from sea level to 3000m above sea level (Antonio et al. 2009). It is a
common species, with its current population stable and is considered of least concern, despite it
being found only across 5,000 km2 (Miras et al. 2009). Although the subspecies insulanagae is
considered Near Threatened on the Spanish Red ... Show more content on ...
A scatter graph showing the head length (mm) against the rear limb length (mm) for the Tenerife
Lizard Gallotia galloti (n=32).
There was a significant statistical difference, and a strong positive correlation between the overall
head length (mm) and rear limb length (mm) for both males and females of the Tenerife Lizard
Gallotia galloti (r=0.762, n=32, p=<0.001) (Fig.1) Figure 2. A scatter graph showing the head length
(mm) against the rear limb length (mm) for both males (n= 18) and females (n= 14) for the Tenerife
Lizard Gallotia galloti (n=32).
There was a positive correlation, which was not statistically significant between the female head
length (mm) and the female rear limb length (mm), (r= 0.233, n= 14, p= 0.423). (Fig.2)
There was a statistically significant difference, and a positive correlation between the male head
length (mm) and the rear limb length (mm) of the Tenerife Lizard, with a positive correlation, (r=
0.529, n= 18, p= 0.024) (Fig. 2)
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Disadvantages Of Costas
Spain is the fourth largest country in Europe and due to its extensive Mediterranean coastline and
mild climate, it offers the discerning tourist a wide variety of resorts that are guaranteed to please.
There is something for everyone, whatever their specific holiday requirements, but sun worshippers
and water sports enthusiasts alike are well catered for. Due to the availability of cheap flights and
holiday packages, and an average of two to three hours' flight duration from most northern European
airports, Spain continues to be one of the most popular holiday destinations on the planet.
Apart from the Costa Verde (Green Coast), the Costa Vasca in northern Spain, and The Costa Galicia
in the north west, the most popular Spanish coastal resorts for sun seekers continue along the entire
east coast of mainland Spain, stretching from the French to the Portuguese border. Virtually any of
these resorts will be ideal for beach–based holidays, although some are more popular than others
depending on proximity to the regional airport. Originally fishing communities, these areas now
derive their main livelihood from tourism. The Spanish Costas (meaning coasts) often merge into
one another in areas that are highly developed. Going from north to south here is a brief
By flying to Girona airport in Catalonia, or Barcelona, beach lovers can discover many sheltered
coves ideal for sunbathing and swimming which have largely maintained their original character
throughout the decades of being a popular package holiday destination. However, those who desire
sandy beaches rather than pebbly ones may be disappointed. This is the Costa nearest to southern
France. The premier resorts of Lloret de Mar and its quieter neighbour, Tossa del Mar are located
here, Lloret offers great night life to the young and lively set as well as quality beach time during
daylight hours. Amazingly intact medieval castles are typical of this region so there is plenty to
discover for those in search of history and cultural enrichment. Barcelona is also easily reached if a
day trip to the city is something you wish to do as a change from a day on the beach. Here you can
spend a day discovering the famous Sagrada Familia which is one of the
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Christopher Columbus Diary Essay
We left at 8am. The wind is strong and chilly. The rudder of the Pinta slipped of the socket. The sea
prevented any of us from helping. We are going to leave the pinta at the Grand Canary and keep
going with Columbus. Columbus told Martin Pinzon, the captain of the Pinta, to stay behind and
repair it. Two days after the Pinta everyone became restive. I was starting to get seasick and would
lay around in my hammock most of the day. Near Tenerife a great volcano erupted. I was very
frightened because I have never seen anything like that, but then Columbus explained the cause of it.
We reached Grand Canary on the morning of August 25. Martin Pinzon has not yet repaired the
rudder. Columbus is angry and and determined to make ... Show more content on ...
It started to rain really hard and I got cold and a really bad cough. About 40 petrels and 2 terns came
to the ship. My brother hit one with a stone. We were sure that we were getting closer and closer to
land. Columbus told me that his goal was to go to the Indies. I was looking forward to seeing land.
After a few days everyone started to complain. I was trying to keep a positive attitude, but I started
to get impatient.At about 10 o'clock Columbus and I saw what looked like a candle bobbing up and
down. Finally, we spotted land. At dawn we saw a few naked men. We went off the ship armed to
meet them. Columbus told them that he was taking the land for the king and queen and would call it
San Salvador after the Lord. Columbus got the idea to take 6 of the naked people to the king and
queen so that they can learn his language and education. I went into the ship and got something and
gave them to the naked people. We started to trade things like glass beads and red capes. We started
to sail again, but to Japan. After a few days we saw some islands. We headed to the largest one.
Columbus named it Fernandina. At sunrise the next week we approach the coast of Cuba. Columbus
is certain it is an Indian
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Cocaine During Pregnancy: A Qualitative Study
Joya, Culebras, Callejon, Friguls, Puig, Ortigosa, Morini, Algar and Vall (2012) investigated to be
precise on the dangers associated with the use of cocaine and other harmful drugs such as
cannabinoids, amphetamines and so on during pregnancy. Cocaine use during pregnancy can affect
both the mother and the unborn child in a several negative ways. For instance, it can affect the heart
and blood vessels of both, it can also bring abortions or foetal deaths to the mother. This researcher
use a toxicological analyses (i.e., the analysis of a variety of fluids and tissue samples to determine
the absence or presence of drugs and poisons) to detect the drug use during pregnancy. The study
was conducted between 347 pregnant women. Prior ... Show more content on ...
Between June 2006 and June 2007. It was done with 347mothers who accepted to participate
without any issues, but there was the other 15 women who did not agree to take part in the survey
due to their personal reasons. Before the researchers begin their study they make a remark that, the
result of the previous researchers were not certain. The result also varied from one area to the other
based on the nature and nurture of those people. The analysts have decided to really make enquiry
into this area of cocaine use during pregnancy because they have find out that this can bring a lot of
dangers to the normal development of the baby. The investigators started by getting approval from
the Institutional Ethical committee and also ask a consent from the partaker's parent before taking
any action. Later they have records of those that are going to take part in the experiment, the pre and
post history of how the mother cares for herself during pregnancy is also collected, the maturity
outline map of birth weight and height and medical analyses after birth were all recorded. On the
day of delivery a sample hair of the mother was cut in agreement with SoHT (Society of Hair
Testing), and the hair was stored in a paper bag at a room till analysis. For them to detect the
availabity of several drugs in the hair samples, they use the Immunochemical screening and essays
techniques which was done by Siemens EMIT and Opiates. The researchers also analyses drugs and
the metabolite by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/GS) for verification and to
determine the amount of the drugs in the mothers
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Research Paper On Tenerife
Tenerife's Sports
Tenerife isn't only a tourism hotspot, but also a place where holidaymakers can get in shape. Its
weather and overall landscape make it an ideal place for professional athletes to train and get ready
for the season. It's not unusual to see high–profile athletes and sports teams pitching camp in the
island. Furthermore, Tenerife has several prominent professional teams playing in various sports:
you would want to watch a game or two.
Athletes Who Have Trained in Tenerife
There are several athletes and professional teams from around the world that set up camp in Tenerife
during the preseason. The best example is Tour de France winner and 2012 Olympic gold medalist
Bradley Wiggins who trained in Tenerife. European football ... Show more content on ...
You can enjoy windsurfing, kitesurfing, water polo, and boating in most of the beaches. There are
some other beaches which have strong waves and receive strong gusts of wind, making them perfect
locations for extreme water sports.
Volleyball and Beach Volleyball in Tenerife
Volleyball, particularly the beach variety, is a popular sport in Tenerife. You can find volleyball
courts and rentals in some of the beaches, and there are several indoor facilities in the island.
Additionally, a now–defunct women's volleyball club based in the island once competed in the
European championships.
Tennis in Tenerife
Tennis is one of the most popular sports in Tenerife, and it's common to see courts scattered all over
hotels and in major towns and cities. This in turn makes it a renowned destination for tennis
holidays. The sunny weather and warm temperature makes it a great location for honing your tennis
Football in Tenerife
Like in mainland Spain, football is immensely popular in Tenerife. There are football pitches where
you can play pickup games with tourists and locals alike. With that said, the island has its own
premiere football team, CD Tenerife, which plays in the second division of the Spanish football
pyramid. It is highly recommended to watch a game or two.
Golf in
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The Discovery Of The Formation Of Hotspots
Davies (2009) states hot spots can be described as irregularly spaced areas within the mantle that do
not correspond with any plate tectonic processes. It was thought 50 years ago high temperatures
were found at hot spots, so rocks within the region were liquefied to create molten magma, resulting
in the term 'hot spot volcanos'. The accepted theory for the formation of hotspots was put forward by
Geophysicist John Tuzo–Wilson in 1963, who specified the Earth has areas of fixated magma
plumes deep within the mantle that have been created from intense radioactivity in the Earth's
interior (Foulger, 2003). As demonstrated in figure one the Earth's crust passes over the mantle, the
magma plume forces the boiling magma up through the Earth's crust where the 'hot spot' remains
until the tectonic plate passes over it and the boiling lava creates a series of new volcanoes, like the
Hawaiian Islands (Davies, 2009). Although this concept is easy to accept due to it leaving room for
further research and hotspots appearing to have a deep source, alternative hypotheses' have since
been argued to challenge the theory, as the accepted hypothesis was created long before scientific
evidence was available. For example, there were discoveries such as hotspots not actually being
high in temperature or being fixated relative to one another (Stein et al, 2003). An example of
contradictory evidence is the Canary Islands; the island of Fuerteventura aged 23 MA lies closer to
the ridge than the
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Pilot Deviations
Pilot Deviation, is defined as the actions that result in a deviation from Federal law. Pilot Deviation
Reports are used to document other incidents and violations of the Federal Aviation Regulations and
create unsafe situations. There are many types of Pilot Deviation situations, some of those include:
Operation of an aircraft in a reckless or careless manner (91.13), aircraft flying below 500' AGL,
TFR intrusions, wrongly operating an aircraft in special use airspace, and prohibited night–flight
operations. Depending on the severity of the violation, you may be penalized from Administrative or
Enforcement Action, a "709" ride requirement, or even death. It is important to know what the
deviation is and how to avoid it. Most of the pilot deviations occur in the air (77%), the rest is
unauthorized pilot deviations on the ground (23%). Out of the in–air deviations the majority of the
situations is altitude clearance violations (73%). The small ... Show more content on
Although many of the incursions are due to the pilot, many incursions are a result of bad instructions
from the controller. Not only is it important to listen to commands, but to know when they are safe
to follow. If you know the instructions are unsafe then it is your responsibility to notify or question
the controller's commands. Everyone messes up at one point, and it is important to learn from your
mistakes. Crew Resource Management is a great tool for avoiding incursions. Inside the cockpit in a
stressful situation, it can help just to help spread to load to the rest of your resources at hand. This is
especially helpful midair flying IFR or in an emergency. Having multiple people helping and
calculating specific situations help spread the load so you're not swamped trying to judge who
situation as a whole. Many midair incursions could have been avoided if the pilot would have
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Mahoma Journey
The journey on my first voyage began through the Americas, I know it would be a long route and
the directions to my discovery will be of great importance. Yet I was scared, but anticipated the
unforeseen challenge in the sea and land that was to be conquered for the King and Queen of Spain.
The Highnesses, as Catholic Christians and Princes who love the holy Christian faith, and the
propagation of it, and who are enemies to the sect of Mahoma and to all idolatries and heresies,
resolved to send me. (Archives, 2003) .That uncharted land that I was about to conquer for my
Highnessess and the christianizing of the people was the task ahead of my four day journey. As I set
foot on unchartered territory everything that I saw was keenly observed ... Show more content on ...
The wind blew it was welcomed at the moment in time and the sound of nightingales was plesant to
the ear. As we draw closer I notice bunch of grass which was extremely green, it appeared freshly
torn from the land. This was hope that I were close to and island, not the main land, since the
Adrimal proposed that to be more distant. (Archives, 2003)`The current assist in there destination to
further west, I saw much more like herb from river and even a live crab, which was kept by the
admiral. They was now convince that land was near them. The Nina sailor crew catch and killed a
tunny–fish. The captain then reminisce, that these signs of land came from the west; " in which
direction I trust in that high God in whose hands are all victories that very soon we shall sight land"
(Archives, 2003). That said night we sailed mile on in hope of seeing land given that evidence reveal
that land was near. At that same time a drizzle without wind came but the adrimal was adamant that
at this point any hindrance is possible. Certainity had now bud the mind of the admiral that there
was an island on the north and also one on the south as we passed through the central point of the
both island. The captain main aim was to press to the Indies, now that the weather was fine.The day
and and night now came to and end and the distance that accompany each ship from another was
approximately one hundred miles between each
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Crash Of The Century Anthropology
A primary source that I found that relates with our course theme of horror and my concentration of
the unknown and unexpected is a documentary called Crash of the Century. This documentary was
created by Discovery World based on a true story. This documentary covers the unknown line of
events that led up to the fatal collision of two fully loaded Boeing 747s. On March 27, 1977, a KLM
747 and a Pan Am 747 were on route to the Gran Canaria International Airport when unexpected
calls were made by Canary Island Separatists that there were bombs at the airport. Authorities closed
down Gran Canaria International Airport and had to divert all flights to a small airport in Los
Rodeos. In total 5 large aircrafts were diverted to this small regional airport that couldn't easily
accommodate the aircrafts. Eventually after almost 4 hours from the original diversion, the KLM
was cleared to go the full length of a runway and do a 180° turn. The Pan Am flight was instructed
to follow the KLM but take the 3rd exit off the runway to their left. The Pan Am passed the 3rd exit
off the runway and the KLM began taking off without proper clearance. Nobody that day could've
predicted that the effects of an airport closing due to a bomb threat would cause the horrific disaster
of two Boeing 747s to collide and create the worst disaster in aviation history. ... Show more content
on ...
By exploring background information on Crash of the Century such as date of horrific event, date of
release of the documentary, and attempts to minimize horror Crash of the Century can accurately be
evaluated in an ethical way. This horror is used to the advantage of the writers David Bedard and
Bernard Vaillot and producer Andy Webb by portraying the horrific unknown during the
introduction of the documentary that attempts to keep viewer watching to the end by using many
important literary devices such as ethos, pathos, logos, and
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The Controllers Of The Air Controllers
Tenerife Air Controllers As mentioned, the air controllers on staff on Sunday, March 27, 1977 was
light. This airport was small and on a normal day did not have a lot of air traffic. The airport was not
equipped to handle the amount of planes, or the large planes because they were not the appropriate
size nor did they have the proper dimensions to allow the large planes to make the appropriate
maneuvers. There was no ground radar, there was no ground lights, clouds are moving in and
minimizing visibility, and they had to work in their second language. Why did the controllers ever
feel it was safe to guide planes they were unfamiliar with completely blind? Why did they not
ground the planes when the fog moved in? Controllers are in charge of ensuring the planes safely
land and take off by managing the order of takeoff and each plane's direction. If they cannot see
them how are they able to effectively do this?
Leadership Style Van Zanten's leadership style not only affected the performance of his own team,
but impacted his decisions, Pan Am cockpit crew, the controllers and all the passengers on both
planes. He did not appear to be focused on people during his decision–making at Tenerife, and it is
not questionable if there was ever a focus on people. He is very task concerned, and in the case of
Tenerife very focused on himself and hitting the Dutch law deadline, which caused him to not focus
fully on the task of flying his plane safely off of Tenerife. On a normal day
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Behavior Analysis In Autism
Currently, there are numerous treatments for autism, but the most effective treatment is ABA, which
is derived from the application of the method of behavior analysis to the study of the variables that
control significant behavior, and Experimental analysis. The behavior analysis has been applied in
various areas, ranging from special education, therapy of psychological disorders, and even in the
organisation of companies. On the other hand, is applicable to all kinds of people: from children
with autism to children with normal development with problems of attention, reading, etc.; from
small children to elderly people. The origin of behavior analysis comes from the years 50 and 60,
with analysts such as: Donald Baer (highlights demonstrate
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Descriptive Essay On San Andr�ss
Beautiful, sandy beaches, historic landmarks and breathtaking scenery are what make San Andrés
one of the most popular places to visit on Tenerife: the largest of Spain's famous Canary Islands.
Whether you want to relax on the man–made white sands of Las Teresitas beach, visit the nearby
village's 18th century defensive tower, or admire its 16th century church, you'll be sure to have a
good time here at San Andrés, Spain. If you feel up to the challenge, you can use San Andrés as a
base to explore the nearby Anaga Mountains and check out the rest of this stunning volcanic island.
Keep reading to check out these top 10 best Airbnb vacation rentals in San Andrés, Spain and book
The beach views here will delight guests who opt to stay in this one bedroom accommodation. This
self–contained flat located in a traditional house also boasts an outdoor terrace. Those who adore the
sight of the sea will particularly enjoy the perfect vantage point from which to enjoy it. Up to five
guests can stay here.This accommodation's elevated position on the hillside means that you'll have
to walk quite a few steps to reach this apartment. The beach is not too far away from here. This
well–lit apartment is perfect for couples, but is also a great place to stay for groups of travellers.
This is thanks to the presence of two sofa beds. This accommodation is able to host up to five
guests. Another great thing about this abode is its well–equipped kitchen. The terrace here also
features a
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easyjet Essay
Business Model Analysis
EasyJet's Business Model Analysis
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................
1. The Business Model of EasyJet
........................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Theory ........................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Easyjet's Business Development ................................................................................................... 2
1.3 EasyJet's Current Business ... Show more content on ...
Easyjet's critical success factor is built around its leading market position in European convenient
airports, low fares, and exceptional customer orientated services. However, the successful growth of
EasyJet has brought it into direct competition with Legacy Carriers and similar Low Cost Airlines.
This Report has been divided into three sections, the first section analyses the business model using
the four–box framework: Customer Value Proposition, Profit Formula, Key resources and Key
processes. Easyjet's customer value proposition is based on providing low fares with customer
orientated services using key resources and processes such as standardized fleets and online booking
systems to maintain its cost structure which is a crucial component of its profit formula. Together
with this, to maximise revenue, a number of methods such as sophisticated yield management
techniques are in place.
The second section analyses the dependencies and constraints of the business model. Easyjet's
business continuity to an extent depends on IT systems, Processes at the London Luton Airport and
Markets where customers value low price and quality at the same time. Macroeconomic activities
outside its control such as industry consolidation, weakened consumer confidence, inflationary
pressure, competition, regulatory intervention, airport charges, and the rising cost of fuel are the
constraints that disrupt the viability of their business model.
The third
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The Immigrant: The Voyage Of Christopher Columbus
Today we sail for the unknown. I was ordered by the queen to come on this voyage. Though I did
not want to leave, I know I will be honored as one of the crewmen if we find new land. We set sail
with three ships, the Pinta, Nina, and Santa Maria. I am aboard the Pinta. On the way to Canary
Island, the rudder slipped out of its socket and dangled in the water. The sea was rough and I was
scared the boat was going to sink. Then, Cristopher Colombus managed to get the ship alongside the
Pinta and the crew and I, managed to get aboard the ship. The captain of the Pinta is Martin Pinza.
He was ordered by Columbus to stay on the ship until it was repaired. 21 days from the start of our
journey, we came across a volcano near Tenerife. There was a lot of smoke and ash. Most of ...
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Today we completely lost sight of any land. I admit it, I did cry in fear of never seeing the sight of
land again. However, Columbus reassured us with the promise of land and riches of the new land. I
am pretty good at measuring distance and I know we have gone at least 180 miles today. Columbus
told us that we only went 144 miles. I know he's lying. Why I don't know, but he is. It has been a
month since any sign of land. Today signs have finally come. There has been loads of weed, I even
found a live crab in a patch of it. There are also birds that must have come from land flying over our
heads. We even saw a whale. Despite all the signs of land the crew and I never stop complaining. I
fear I will not return home to see my family again. I'm beginning to think that this trip is just
insanity. I am convinced that the next course of action should be taken. Throwing Columbus
overboard, and taking the boat back home! At sunset, we saw what I thought was land. However, as
we got closer I realized it wasn't land at all, but a squall cloud, which can often resemble land. I am
so disappointed I cannot even
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Newton's 3 Laws To Flight Research Paper
A – Include a section in the article to explain history of the quest for flight. The human race has been
trying to fly for centuries. Back around 400 BC, the Chinese discovered the first flying machine.
The kite. Kites are very important because they were the forerunner to the first balloons and gliders.
In the 1480s, Leonardo de Vinci made the first real studies of flight when he drew and illustrated his
theories. De Vinci designed a flying machine called the Ornithopter. This machine was never created
but its concepts are still used today in modern designs. Then in 1783, brothers, Joseph Michel and
Jacques Etienne Montgolfier, designed and created the first hot air balloon. After this breakthrough,
many other flying machines were invented ... Show more content on ...
Newton's 1st Law of motion – Inertia Part 1 – Newton's first law of motion states that an object at
rest will stay at rest unless an unbalanced force is acted upon it. An example of an unbalanced force
is thrust produced by an engine. When an aircraft is stationary on the runway it will stay at rest until
a force is acted upon it. If the pilot starts the engine then the plane will no longer be at rest. Part 2 –
The second part of Newton's first law states that an object in motion will stay in motion unless an
unbalanced force is acted upon it. Objects such as an aeroplane need to overcome these forces to be
able to land. When a plane touches down on the runway, a force must act upon it to slow it down.
The brakes slow the plane down. If it wasn't for brakes, then it would keep rolling off the runway.
(Mansfieldct, 2015) Newton's 2nd Law of motion – F = ma Newton's second Law of motion states
that acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. This law also applies to aircrafts. When
an aircraft is in motion, its engines give thrust which accelerates the aeroplane forward. Enough
thrust must be given by the engine or the plane will not accelerate. (Mansfieldct,
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Charles Darwin: Influential Scientists Of The Nineteenth...
"Charles Darwin died on the 19th of April last, a few months after the completion of his seventy
third year; and on the twenty sixth, the mortal remains of the most celebrated man of science in the
nineteenth century were laid in Westminster Abbey, near those of Newton." This was written at the
end of the nineteenth century and is a popular belief today. The great Charles Darwin one of the
most influential scientists of all time, and for good reason. Darwin through many years of research
Darwin gave birth to the theory of evolution. Evolution was an earth shattering theory because it
stated that the organisms you see now evolved from their ancestors over millions of years, when was
previously believed to be that all creatures were created of ... Show more content on
"The first and most notable of that series of duodecimos which have been read and discussed on
almost every cultured language, and which within the lifetime of their author have changed the face
and in some respect, the character of natural history, –––– indeed have almost as deeply affected
many other lines of investigation and thought." This is describing the effect of the publication of just
the first volume of what entirely would be known as On the Origin of Species. Darwin was pushed
to finish his book because of competitors writing on the same subject. His findings brought about
many congregations and meetings, including the proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences. Here scientists thoroughly examined not only Darwin's writings but his life, his voyage,
and his research. Darwin's findings also brought about controversy. His most famous theory of
evolution, at the time was thought to deny a divine hand in the creation of living creatures. His
findings made people question their religion and inadvertently gave people who were fighting
against religion more seemingly legitimate
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What Is Christopher Columbus Inaccurate
Throughout elementary and high school I was taught in American History that the founder of North
America was Christopher Columbus. This is unfortunately inaccurate because America had been
founded years before Christopher Columbus had made his journey west. In week 2 lecture I learned
about previous explorations to America by the Asian people. In addition there were also explorations
by Europeans who had discovered the Americas, but were very imprecise about the physical features
surrounding them. This contributed to the creation of inexact geographical representations of the
western world. The bad communication between explorers in the west and their counterparts in the
east were motivational factors to the Spanish conquests. King Ferdinand of Spain wanted to expand
his Kingdom by spreading Christianity and seeking resources ... Show more content on ...
In the first clip around the third minute Columbus is talking to a man about his beliefs that the world
is unlike others see it. He condemns the flat world theory and is confident the world is round. His
theory would pay off since his explorations would lead to profound discoveries and changing the
course of human history. Columbus's thinking would encourage King Ferdinand to fund his voyage
and give birth to the three ships known as Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria which would carry the
Spanish west. This confidence translated once they reached the shore of Guanahani, which was the
Island they first discovered in the Bahamas. In the second clip of the movie Columbus decided to
name this Island San Salvador in honor of the Spanish King. His expression in the movie portrays
him to be relieved and grateful to God about his new discoveries. This confidence and
appreciativeness translated to their interaction with the native Indians living in the newly discovered
... Get more on ...
Related Literature Review On Tourism
Review of Related Literature
Several studies have investigated the perception of the local community on the tourism impacts and
tourism development. The research by Ramkissoon and Nunkoo (2011) in Port Louis showed that
favorable attitude toward the tourism industry was found to support for tourism development, with
higher insights of positive tourism impacts, this means that the community shows higher support for
the industry. Nejati, Mohamed & Omar (2014) found that locals in Perhentian Island have an
ominously greater level of outlook towards the positive economic impacts of tourism than residents
in Redang Island after comparing the two islands in Malaysia. Aside from the perceived negative
environmental impacts of tourism, locals on both islands ... Show more content on
This finding was consistent with precedent studies that found that locals perceive tourism as a
development that provides cultural identity and activity, cultural interchange and valuable meeting
involvements with tourists. On the study Brida, Disegna and Osti (2014) conducted on a small
mountain community located in the North–East of Italy, the study shows that residents without a
direct economic benefit from tourism and with a negative perception of the socio–cultural tourism
impacts are less disposed to fortify tourism development. Vadell, Armas and Taño (2014) conducted
a study in Tenerife and Mallorca concludes overall results designate that critics accede more that
tourism may make residents feel uncomfortable at home; on the other hand, they consider less that it
avails in preserving local traditions, benefits in the disclosure of different cultures and additionally
consider substantially less that tourism makes the local population
... Get more on ...

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Why We Must Go Wrong

  • 1. Why We Must Go Wrong As the saying goes "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong", yet being fully aware of this, humans don't avoid doing things altogether, instead we intentionally thrive toward finding that which can go wrong out of curiosity for knowledge and fear that we might miss out on something if we don't. There is a lesson to be found in every disappointment and negative outcome therefore, we gain experience, we discover, and learn to live with things going wrong because that means we are one step closer to it going right. We learn to live with these things by jotting down our mistakes and others prior mistakes to help us prepare accordingly to future situations. This is especially true in aviation. Without things going wrong, flying would not hold the safest mode of transportation nor would it be as advanced, as there would be nothing to aid us in how to prepare for the next flight otherwise. We've spent the last years in aviation focusing on increasing safety by trying to perfect aircraft to only learn, as Wilbur Wright stated, "...the safety of the operator is more important than any other point. Greater prudence is needed rather than greater skill." This meaning that it isn't the technology or the aircrews' individual capabilities; it is the lack of caution and preparation instilled into the aircrew. Information gathered from flight data recorders, FDRs, and cockpit voice recorders, CVRs, revealed new insights on aircraft accidents. The result of several accidents was ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Transition From Transitional Lava Types Transition From Pahoehoe to A'a In its most general sense, as the flow advances away from the vent, core temperature decreases leading to an increase in viscosity and ultimately marks a transition from pahoehoe to a'a. This point of transition is most often referred to as the "transition threshold" (Peterson & Tilling, 1980). Lava which continues to deform even after it has become highly viscous, may reach this threshold and subsequently changes to a'a. There are many factors which govern this change, and will be discussed in the proceeding section. Transitional lava types have been studied, such as the "rubbly pahoehoe" observed from the Laki flows, Iceland, of 1783–84 (Guilbaud, 2005), and "slab pahoehoe" on Kilauea (Peterson & Tilling, ... Show more content on ... Due to this regard, it was first considered to be impossible (MacDonald, 1953). Factors Controlling Emplacement of Pahoehoe & A'a flow As discussed above, pahoehoe morphology forms from hotter, more fluid lava, and a'a from critically stressed and highly viscous lava. As already alluded to, Peterson & Tilling (1980) recognised an inverse relationship between viscosity and shear rate; if viscosity is low, a high rate of shear is required to begin transition to a'a, giving rise to its characteristic brecciated surface. Likewise, if viscosity is high, a lower rate of shear will induce a transition. This section will discuss the most significant factors governing the transition. Effusion Rates During a magmatic episode, a high discharge rate of magma is likely to produce lava fountaining high into the air. It is inferred that the higher the fountaining, the more exposure the lava has to cool air, thus increasing its viscosity. Further, with a high flow rate, lava continues to move even if viscosity and yield stress is high. This continues up to a point at which surface disruptions can no longer be "healed", and the transition threshold is duly reached. Rowland (1990) is one such advocate, attributing differences in lava type on Kilauea to differences in volumetric flow rate. Rowland concluded that: ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. We Must Go Wrong Will Going Wrong Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Even with the knowledge that human error, internal and external factors can, do, and will affect the outcome of any given task, individuals strive towards creating environments in which risk levels can be safely and satisfactorily managed by facing those threats head on. There is a lesson behind each disappointment or negative outcome that leads us to a greater understanding of and appreciation for our surroundings. More importantly, this newfound knowledge and experience contribute to the evolution of safer, more manageable systems that are capable of anticipating future threats to any given environment. This type of learning is especially beneficial in the aviation industry. Without a true appreciation of the costly mistakes that have forever changed the face of the industry, aviation would neither have evolved into the safest mode of transportation in the world, nor would it be as rich in technological and human behavioral resources. We've spent the last years in aviation focusing on increasing safety by trying to perfect the aircraft only to learn, as Wilbur Wright stated, "[that] the safety of the operator is more important than any other point. Greater prudence is needed rather than greater skill." Wright suggests that it is not a measure of technology or individual crewmember capabilities, rather the issue at the center of aviation is the lack of caution and preparation that exists within the cabin. Information gathered from ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Reasons For The Swiss Cheese Model Introduction When it comes to investigating an accident, it requires the coming together of facilitating factors. It is considered that each and every possible factor is necessary, but not always sufficient to the system. Aviation incidents are extremely sophisticated and contain various layers of defences in depth. James Reason developed the Swiss cheese model in 1990's, which views the different factors that contribute to aircraft accidents. Along with the Swiss cheese model, a number of other models have also been developed in an attempt to improve air traffic safety and prevent accidents. Some of them are namely, the Heinrich Pyramid developed by H.W Heinrich in the 1930s and the ICAO SHELL model developed by Edwards in the 1970's. This essay will analytically look into the components of the Reasons Models and how it is effective while investigation an aircraft accident. Body Reason's Swiss Cheese Model particularly focuses on the investigators to address latent and active failures within the causal sequence of events. It is framed in such way that each defensive layers of failure stack like slices of Swiss Cheese, having many holes that are continually opening, closing and sometimes shifting positions providing a causation chain (NCBI, 2014). Latent failures refer to the counterparts that are often left undetected for a long time and may end up leading to miss–happenings. Components of latent failure include precondition ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Charles Darwin 's Theory Of Evolution Charles Darwin is commonly known for writing On the Origin of Species, published in 1859. Based on his findings, Darwin concluded to "the theory of evolution, [by which] is the process of which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable or behavioral traits" (Than, 2015). Certain changes that occurred in the organism 's' environment allowed it to evolve, survive, and produce offspring with those developed traits. He recorded his findings while aboard the second voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, dating from December 27, 1831 to October 2, 1863 (Leff). Many of his observations would soon come to prove Charles Lyell's uniformitarianism on the basis of geology, along with his own theory of evolution. Uniformitarianism, in geology, "the doctrine suggesting that Earth's geologic processes acted in the same manner and with essentially the same intensity in the past as they do in the present and that such uniformity is sufficient to account for all geologic change" (Britannica). Lyell used James Hutton's idea of uniformitarianism that the earth was shaped by unseen forces that still exist into the uniformitarianism that the earth was much older than 300 million years (McCarthy). The H.M.S. Beagle set out on a drizzly morning on December 27, 1831, consisting of seventy–three men to crew the ship. Captain Robert Fitzroy even made his over 400 book library (on the Beagle) available to Darwin, to which his initial readings would be the first volumes of Charles Lyell's ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Charles Darwin: Are They Really The Same Type Of Bird? Ever wondered why birds with different beaks are sometimes the same type of bird? Confused on why dogs of different breeds look completely different from each other, yet have the same gene pool? Interested in the mysteries of evolution? Enter Charles Darwin, a man that helped define the answer to these questions, and many more concerning evolution. It all began when Darwin was a young boy. He was born on February 12, 1809. Charles loved to be around nature at a young age, and that may have been the start of his naturalist career. While his father originally wanted him to become a doctor, the sight of blood made the young man queasy. And so, he became a naturalist instead. His job led him on the path to his legendary voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle. A voyage that would change his life forever. ... Show more content on ... Beagle and set out on the journey that would spark his greatest idea yet. Although Darwin became seasick and began regretting his choice, he toughed it out for the voyage. The first island they were supposed to visit(Madeira island) was unable to be docked at due to bad weather, and the second one(Tenerife Island), which Darwin had wanted to see the most, couldn't be docked at either due to a cholera outbreak. However, the captain didn't lose hope, and continued onward. The Galapagos islands were what helped Darwin make a groundbreaking discovery. As he explored the islands, he noticed that there were many finches. Yet, there was something peculiar going on. The finches had different beaks, and ate different things. Darwin suspected that the finches were all from the same lineage, and the theory of evolution helps prove that. When it was first presented, it received a lot of criticism, with mockeries being made of Charles(One of which is exemplified by artistic representations of his head on a monkey's body). As time went on, though, the public eventually warmed up to ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Moving To African Family Before I start my essay on my family's migration from the old world to the new world, I would like to state that I've learned through this class is that we are all from Africa (De Blij and Muller, 2010: 282). Home sapiens evolved in Africa, we gained all of our capacity to survive there. As a species the point of origin tells a lot about how we were made to adept to nature, from our physiology to even tool making, Africa was first (De Blij and Muller, 2010: 282. Early in our constant movement in search for resources and land; we eventually began moving to new continents, sparking the first wave of human migration (De Blij and Muller, 2010: 282. This is a truly humbling fact that I've learned, that at the end of day were all from one family ... Show more content on ... Living in the United States has changed our culture significantly; in my household I consider us "Americanized" Cubans. Most of us speak English almost the entire day, we eat American food a lot, and we just identify ourselves now has Americans (De Blij and Muller, 2010: 31). In the Cuban– American community we try to hold on to the practices that define us a people, but has each day passes on it become harder, has we start to see ourselves more American than Cuban. The reasons why my families left our homelands and came to the new world transpire with those of most immigrants who come; to seek a better life. We escaped poverty and oppression; these "Push and Pull" factors really do come into play (De Blij and Muller, 2010: 242). For the story of migrant, since leaving Africa thousands of years ago, it has been in order to find a new life and ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Social And Social Impacts Of Tourism On Las Palmas What are the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism on Las Palmas? Las Palmas, the capital of Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands in Spain is a beautiful place to visit during the holiday. A subtropical climate, mild to warm temperatures which stay quite the same throughout the entire year and sandy beaches tempt tourists every year. These great features promote the tourism in Las Palmas. Literally tourism, or in this case, mass tourism, is a move of people around the world. It is all about presenting the character of a touristic destination and providing great facilities in order to satisfy customers (tourists) desires and their changing, dynamic needs, mainly focusing on their preferences. If tourism was not provided in Las Palmas, people would go bankrupt as tourism states 32% of GDP in ... Show more content on ... However, Las Palmas exists only thanks to tourism. The Canary Islands would not be able to exist if tourism was not provided. The economic impacts of tourism on Las Palmas are that tourism became a major economy, that it makes up 32% of GDP. It creates a lot of new temporary jobs, but they are low paid so they unfortunately are not any good opportunities for inhabitants. Due to big numbers of people coming, main infrastructures of Las Palmas get worse. The social impacts are that both inhabitants and tourists interact together, get to know about each other's culture. Global interest and awareness is raised. Tourists destroy cultural monuments, act bad after drinking alcohol and speak other language what is confusing for original residents. The environmental impacts on Las Palmas are that a lot of woodlands are cut down in order to place new accommodations there. It causes the loss in diversity of the landscape. However, there are some places full of trees as some people prefer spending their holiday in wood houses in forests. Therefore, trees are ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Spain Research Paper The country Marcus and I are doing is the Kingdom of Spain. Spain is located in the Iberian Peninsula in Europe. It has seventeen different regions in the country. They have a population of just under 47 million, with Madrid being its capital. Spain is a great place for tourism, but one of the most popular places in Spain is the island of Ibiza with more than 2 million tourists visiting there a year. Other popular cities are Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, and Tenerife. Tenerife is the most populated and largest island of Spain's seven Canary islands. The Canary Islands are a Spanish archipelago off the coast of Africa. Now, let's go back in time to when Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand were the rulers of Spain. These are ... Show more content on ... Futbol is the Spanish word for football. The sport of football started in England around the mid 1800s. Football came the sport called rugby. It came over to Spain in the late 1800s from Spanish students studing in England. As well as, immigrants and sailors bringing the knowledge to the Spanish people. Spain's first official game was in 1890 although most of the players were British. Most of the teams formed in the early 1900s, such as, Seville FC, FC Barcelona, and New Foot–Ball de Madrid. Regional teams started playing each other around 1915, and the national team played in its first Olympics Games in 1920 and won the silver medal. In 1928, ten Spainsh teams formed the Primera Division. The ten teams were Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Athletic Bilbao, Athletic Madrid, Real Sociedad, Racing Santander, RCD Espanol, Arenas Club de Getxo, CE Europa, and Real Union. Spain now has nine levels or divisions of football. The first is called LaLiga, and its home right to the best teams in world and the best players. LaLiga has 20 teams in it, such as, FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Seville, and Athletico Madrid. Although, LaLiga is arguably the best league in the world, it isn't the most watched. Spain is host to the most historic and anticipated rivalry in all of world football, El Clasico. It is between FC Barcelona and Real ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. What Is Gran Canaria Nightlife Essay Gran Canaria Nightlife: Where to Party and Staying Safe Gran Canaria nightlife is one of the paradise island's strongest draws. Though it's hardly one of the reasons why you would go there, it's something you would want to experience. The urbanised capital of Las Palmas has a number of bars and disco areas. The same can be said to the resort town of Maspalomas which is also a well–known party centre. Before you strap on your disco shoes and order your martinis, there are a few things you would want to know about beforehand. There are a few must–visit spots, as well as a few observances. Here are some of which: Nothing Happens Before Midnight Elsewhere around the world, the highlight of nightlife starts at 10:00 PM onwards. In Gran Canaria ... Show more content on ... Though it's ok to drink and go partying, it wouldn't be smart to chug a barrel of booze in one sitting. Do it in moderation and be sure not to drink to the point of passing out. Have a designated driver. When going out with friends, have someone close to you take the car keys to bring you back to your hotel or apartment. You can always flag a taxi, but it's always best to have someone you know. Watch what you drink. This is especially if you don't know who you're talking with. Keep your eyes on your drinks, but don't do it to the point of being paranoid. Gran Canaria's nightlife is pretty vibrant and you would want to experience it for yourself. Just take note that events don't start until midnight. If you're in Las Palmas, spend some time in Plaza de Espana, or the Paper Club and the El Gallinero Cafe Arte. Moreover, there are also some good spots in Maspalomas. Finally, it would be best to keep yourself safe by drinking in moderation, having an assigned driver, and by being wary of what you put in your lips. Taking a tennis holiday to Gran Canaria doesn't mean you should be avoiding the nightlife. Have us at Isla Tennis help organise your trip by calling us at 07966 370527 or by sending a message through our contact form. We'll provide you with the best experience anyone going to Gran Canaria will
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  • 22. Examples Of Etiquette In Hiking Hiking Etiquette 101: A Guide for Canary Island Mountaineers Whenever you're hiking, you're always honor–bound to follow the rules and observances of the hobby, whether they're on a bulletin board or unwritten. These come into play if you're hiking on the numerous trails across the Canary islands. So, if you're planning to take a nature trip in the Masca Valley or the rocky outcrops of Roque Nublo, here are some notable etiquette rules for both veteran and newbie hikers. Priority: Horses > Hikers > Bikers There is always a sort of hierarchy on the trail: horses always go first, followed by hikers, and then bikers. Considering that horses have the tendency to be spooked by incoming traffic by the opposite direction or a biker that is suddenly overtaking them, it's wise to let them go first, unless if the rider is signaling otherwise. ... Show more content on ... If you're riding a bike or a horse, shout out "on your left" or "hi, just passing by" to give them fair warning. Moreover, always keep right when on the trail and stay there when faster hikers are passing by. Clean Up Littering is absolutely the worst thing anyone can ever do during a hike. Leave no waste on the trail: keep a paper bag or a pocket on your backpack for empty water bottles, paper towels, and food wrappers. Throw them away in proper disposal facilities once you get back to civilisation. This also applies if you're bring a dog along with you. Be sure to bring a waste bag and a pair of tongs to pick it up. Remember, no one wants to see or smell your canine companion's excrement on the trail! Enjoy the Silence One of the best things about hiking is the "noise of nature". The trail is full of the sound of singing birds, gushing streams, and the music the wind plays when it rustles the leaves. It's relaxing and the feeling they provide is something you would want to ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Luc Peire Research Paper The Belgian painter Luc Peire was born in 1916 in Bruges and died in 1991 in Paris. Renowned for the formal purity of his work, he worked through a range of genres and media, from portraits, landscapes, or abstraction, to environments. Peire received his art education from several institutions, beginning with the Academy of Fine Arts in Bruges (1930–5), continuing in Saint–Luc in Ghent (1932–5), and then at the Institute of Fine Arts in Antwerp (1935–40). Already recognized within his university years, holding a debut solo exhibition in 1938, the artist came to the serious acclaim after the war, joining the Young Belgian Painting movement (1945), and later awarded with the prestigious Rome Prize (1946). His art was gently influenced by numerous travels the artist conducted within the 50s, visiting Tenerife, Congo, Morocco, and South Africa; and in the meanwhile befriending Alberto Sartoris, Michel Seuphor, and Eduardo Westerdahl, among others with whom he established an artistic dialogue. In the 60s, after his move to Paris and first travels to New York, Peire's work became even more radical, influenced both by optical art and minimalism. By the end of the decade, the artist completed a number of environments, contributing for the Belgian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale (1968), and in the same year executing "Ambiente Mexico" and "Wall Relief" in Antwerp. ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Christopher Columbus Visions Throughout American history there have been hundreds of visions for an America that have all been vastly different. America is a forever evolving land that has been home to different dreams and ideas of what it could become. Today there are people with visions of what we can change of this country, and how this place can progress from the current state it is in. What we can find throughout the history of this land is that there are many accounts from a diverse amount of people with different visions. This is even true for the beginning of America. The accounts of John Smith and Christopher Columbus reveal that even at the start of America, there were both contrasts and similarities for an America newly discovered. In Columbus's "Letter of Discovery," he speaks of the islands he has discovered and how he has conquered them for his highnesses. He then goes on to describe the new lands. Reading his account of what he finds, his opinion is direct on how he views the lands and shows a clear idea of his feelings towards them. He describes the lands in a straightforward manner and portrays them almost like they may seem infinite to him at the time. He displays this idea when he says, "this island and all other are very fertile to a limitless degree, and this island is extremely so," proving that is very enthusiastic about the lands. It is evident that Columbus's description of the lands is genuine, however, it is obvious that he overtaken by his discoveries and does not consider ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. The Big Decisions Affecting Our Financial Markets Better Markets is the voice of the people in the most important decisions about our financial markets. We are working for a balanced economy–one in which those who make and enforce the rules are thinking about the wallets, homes and dreams of the majority of Americans. As a nonpartisan, nonprofit advocacy organization, we seek action on Wall Street and in Washington, DC, that expands security, opportunity and prosperity for all. We do this by: Analyzing. Better Markets' team of financial experts conducts research and issues reports and briefings about the big decisions affecting our financial markets. Educating. We educate elected officials, office–seekers and others about the issues so they understand the impact of laws and policies on the American public–and hold them accountable when they don't keep their promises. Balancing. We insist on fair media coverage that holds Wall Street and public officials accountable for the impact their actions have on ordinary Americans. Advocating. Better Markets takes positions on regulatory proposals, personnel and legislation that put the public interest first. We issue comment letters, speak at hearings and meet with regulators and lawmakers. We also work in the courts, filing amicus briefs and motions and testifying in cases about market rules and legislation. And we work to ensure that qualified, ethical candidates are put in positions to oversee and enforce rules and regulations that impact Americans' financial ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. August 1492 Research Paper August – September Friday, 3 August 1492. Today I set off on the Santa Maria, which was one of the ships that are going to the Grand Canary Islands, who Christopher Columbus is the captain. The Pinta and Nina were set out to go to the Island of Gomera. Wednesday/Thursday, 8, 9 August 1492. Columbus took the Pinta to Canary Island because she is badly disabled and unable to make the trip. Martin Pinzon was ordered by Christopher Columbus to stay with the Pinta until it is properly fixed. Friday/Saturday, 17, 18 August 1492. 2 weeks have past and the crew and I have been restless. Captain Columbus has gone ashore to Gomera to see if another ship might be available, but none of the other ships are capable of making it for our voyage. Friday, 24 August 1492. At night we passed Tenerife, a great volcano that had erupted on the island, that erupted in a huge fiery flame. Many of us were frightened because we have never seen a volcano erupt that big! Then Captain Columbus calmed us down by telling us about other volcanoes and the cause of the fire. ... Show more content on ... Gutierrez had gotten all of the wood and water that was needed for the voyage. We loaded and stored the dry meat, and salted fish, and some fruit. Captain Columbus says that we would eat the fruit first because it can spoil about 3 weeks into the voyage. Sunday, 9 September 1492. We haven't seen any sight of land today. Many of us wept and sighed loudly because we feared that we may never see land again! But then again Captain Columbus made us feel better by great promises of land and ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Persuasive Essay On Aerophobia Aggravating Aerophobia Huge fires burning up the runway, thousands of people screaming and running for their lives, but most of all the fear that you could have been one of them. Why would you not be afraid of flying, also known as aerophobia, when 583 people died in a single plane crash? On March 27,1977, plenty of us changed our minds about flying in planes and helicopters when the biggest plane crash in history occurred on the Los Rodeos Airport runway. Aerophobia affects umpteem people and could hold you back from life's many adventures. If you are one of the millions of sufferers of aerophobia, it may be helpful to know the origin, the causes of it, symptoms, and how to overcome it. Not the entire population knows what causes aerophobia, or even the origin of it, which could be terribly unhelpful if you are trying to overcome it. Actually, aerophobia could be from a countless number of other fears, either all combined together or just a single one. These can include the fears of combined spaces and heights. It can also be connected to any crashes, havoc, and other experiences you have heard of or been involved in. One other cause may be if you have a certain sickness, which would probably just embarrass you. Even if we can agree on what causes it, the origin is not very clear. According to sources, the actual word was first recorded from about 1765– 1775. Later in time, near 1911, came the first known use of aerophobia. All in all, the causes of aerophobia vary ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Argumentative Essay: Marijuana's Two-Face Marijuana's Two–face In the depths of an alley way, people in conspicuous clothing wait in line to get into a ragged building. "I'll give you the right amount for eight grams of pot," a scrawny man discusses with the distributor. "That won't cut anything. But if you don't pay for the last time you bought from us." The crack of knuckles against skull vibrated through the small alley as the man's body was flung against a tank of trash. The scene portrays the type of conflict consumers of marijuana might have to go through to attain the source of cannabis. Marijuana has always been depicted as being gang related and that the product would make consumers insane. However there has been scientific studies that contradict that logic, and if legalized ... Show more content on ... For minors, the consumption of marijuana can negatively influence their academic performance in school as well as fluxes in memory. NIDA Director Nora D. Volkow, M.D. states, "THC, a key ingredient in marijuana, alters the ability of the hippocampus, a brain area related to learning and memory." The research conducted by NIDA has explained that when adolescents begin to consume marijuana, they do not watch for how much they put into their system. The irregular moderations of (THC) in marijuana varies from plant to plant. Depending on where it is grown and who alters the potency, the substance would still lower the IQ of minors and increases the risk of addiction towards the drug. If adolescents continue to use marijuana into adults and still consume more than the proper amount for years, then signs of faltering cognitive thinking would show. In another study conducted by the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre, have uncovered that marijuana users can be just as violent as crystal methamphetamine users. Their study clarifies that within, " one in four men and one in three women . . .[became] violent toward hospital staff or [started] injuring themselves after acting aggressively. Almost 12 percent [of the tested group] were ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. God, Morality, and Meaning in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road Cormac McCarthy's novel The Road is, among other things, a meditation on morality, what makes human life meaningful, and the relationship between these things and God. While the novel is rife with religious imagery and ideas, it suggests a conception of morality and meaning that is secular in nature. In this paper I show that while the existence of God remains ambiguous throughout the novel, The Road contains both a clear moral code and a view about what makes life meaningful. I describe this moral code and examine its connection with meaning in life. Along the way, I discuss the struggle of the man and child to live up to the moral code. I then make the case that the views of morality and meaning found in The Road imply that morality ... Show more content on ... I alone am left, and they are seeking my life, to take it away" (1 Kings 19:10, emphasis added). Elijah wanders in the wilderness and is given food by God, who delivers the food by way of ravens (1 Kings 17:5–7); Ely is fed by the boy and possibly mistakes him for an angel (McCarthy 172). In the book of Malachi, the final book of the Old Testament, Malachi foretells a day of judgment, a day "burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble; the day ... will leave them neither root nor branch" (Malachi 4:1). Malachi declares that God will send Elijah in advance of this fiery day of judgment. The book of Malachi–and the Old Testament itself–ends like this: Lo, I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents, so that I will not come and strike the land with a curse. (Malachi 4:5–6) The mysterious catastrophe of The Road is biblical in scope and it involves fire– a lot of fire. And it has obviously turned the hearts of the man and the child to each other. These hints suggest that perhaps Ely is a prophet who predicted the catastrophe of The Road and preceded the child, who is the word of God. On the other hand, Ely has lost his faith: "I'm past all that now. Have been for years. Where men cant live gods fare no better" (McCarthy 172). He also denies that his name is "Ely" (171). ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Long-Term Effects of Global Tourism on Economy Long–term effects of global tourism on economy Tourism is the travel tour activities which provides travelers leisure facilities and service industry. And it is also a kind of leisure entertainment that has complex social phenomenon, involves the politics, economy, culture, history, geography, law, and other social fields. Generally speaking, tourism has a profound impact for the country. Tourism gradually has become a prevalent activity all over the world. Compared to 2009, there were 1002 million international tourists in 2010, which increased 6.6% over the last year.(UNWTO, 2011) And then, according to the the United Nations World Tourism Organization's (UNWTO) report, in the first two months of 2011, the number of International ... Show more content on ... The report said that there were 98 million people were employed directly in 2011 because of the tourism industry all around the world(WTTC(2), 2012). This might be the biggest benefit for the tourism industry and the local citizens. Furthermore, being employed means there will have the opportunity to make money, not only for the industry but also for the people. In consequence, this will be a win–win situation, tourism helps local establish the foundation of the economy, and the local government helps the tourism industry to win interest and prestige. Long–term effects of global tourism on economy However, there are some negative points of tourism. One of them is the seasonal employment in some places, and this will lead to the many people facing the problem of unemployment outside of the peak tourist season. For example, this will occur in tourist attractions and resort towns, if an attraction opens to the visitors, like skiing in Swiss in the winter. The skiing coaches will teach people how to go skiing, but once the snow melted, they will lose their jobs and the staff as well. Furthermore, the impact of tourism on the environment is a significant issue as the climate change is most troublesome problem. Over the years, the environmental pollution caused by tourism was almost out of control, such as deforestation and CO2 emissions from increased air travel, has already ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Vacations Of Lanzarote Holiday Rentals & Lanzarote Lanzarote is the fourth largest of the Canary Islands, a Spanish territory in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwestern coast of Africa. Like the neighbouring islands of Tenerife and Fuerteventura, Lanzarote is a volcanic island, however the panorama of Lanzarote is volcanic to the severe. It's known as "the island of 100 volcanoes" for just right purpose. With dramatic peaks, scorched sand, lunar–like craters and bizarre rock formations, you'll believe you're taking a vacation on one other planet. Holiday Rentals in Lanzarote– Visitor Attractions Lanzarote vacations promise warm breezes and dry climate, ultimate for days at the beach. Right here you'll in finding the largest aquarium within the Canaries, theme parks, waterparks and memorable experiences equivalent to a camel journey to the fire Mountains. Faraway from the lovely seashores of the coast, Lanzarote's inside offers sheer drama with its lunar volcanic landscapes. ... Show more content on ... Furthermore to those five essential islands are two rather quiet unspoiled average paradises known as Hierro and Gomera which can be a favourite with walkers, hikers and nature fans. This island is volcanic in nature although it is characterised by using enormously exclusive landscapes that include towering mountain peaks, tropical forests, white sand seashores, verdant pine forests and majestic sand dunes. Four of Spain's seven predominant typical reserves are located right here within the Canaries. By the Point of View Holiday Rentals in Lanzarote is a place to make your vacation spend ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Catalina De Erauso Analysis Clive Ibrahim Sabrina Sanchez History 146 12 July 2015 Catalina de Erauso According to the reading that I read, it tells about a person called the Catalina de Erauso who was born in the town San Sebastian in the province of Gipuzkoa. Catalina had traveled to several towns in Spain disguising as a male after he ran away from the convent that their parents put him into. Her journey around the Spain gained her a lot of experience; both the ups and the downs. During her adventure, there stand some equality and distinction between her and other Spanish Conquistadors. In the time of Catalina, all women had the duty to get into the convent and become a nun. So she was put in a convent when she was at the age of five, then she had herself becoming a novice. However, she decided to leave the convent after she got into a fight with a ... Show more content on ... Catalina broke the rule by escaping from the convent and cloak herself become a male conquistador to achieve run for their goals; finding a true freedom like other man at the time and looking for as a father figure. During her journey, Catalina had disguised herself so well that until their own family, father mother, brothers, and sisters did not notice him when they met coincidently in Concepción, Chile. Thus, Catalina de Erauso had challenged herself in the society bravely by staying in her own New World of being a male conquistador and being involved in the Spanish colonization. At that time, Catalina had slayed a number of people just like other military killed until she unwittingly killed her own brother on her return to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Rear Limb Size An investigation into whether a larger head and rear limb size in the Tenerife Lizard Gallotia galloti and whether this indicates anything about the mating behaviours for the species. Introduction. Tenerife is the largest of the Canary Islands, it is one of the western islands and is therefore more humid then the eastern islands. It is comprised of two ancient regions (Anaga and Teno) which collided two million years ago, forming the island of Tenerife (Thorpe & Baez, 1987.) The Gallotia galloti often called the "Tenerife Lizard" is endemic to the Canary Islands, its population spreading over Tenerife and La Palma. It can be found in many areas across Tenerife with its habitats ranging from sea level to 3000m above sea level (Antonio et al. 2009). It is a common species, with its current population stable and is considered of least concern, despite it being found only across 5,000 km2 (Miras et al. 2009). Although the subspecies insulanagae is considered Near Threatened on the Spanish Red ... Show more content on ... A scatter graph showing the head length (mm) against the rear limb length (mm) for the Tenerife Lizard Gallotia galloti (n=32). There was a significant statistical difference, and a strong positive correlation between the overall head length (mm) and rear limb length (mm) for both males and females of the Tenerife Lizard Gallotia galloti (r=0.762, n=32, p=<0.001) (Fig.1) Figure 2. A scatter graph showing the head length (mm) against the rear limb length (mm) for both males (n= 18) and females (n= 14) for the Tenerife Lizard Gallotia galloti (n=32). There was a positive correlation, which was not statistically significant between the female head length (mm) and the female rear limb length (mm), (r= 0.233, n= 14, p= 0.423). (Fig.2) There was a statistically significant difference, and a positive correlation between the male head length (mm) and the rear limb length (mm) of the Tenerife Lizard, with a positive correlation, (r= 0.529, n= 18, p= 0.024) (Fig. 2) ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Disadvantages Of Costas Spain is the fourth largest country in Europe and due to its extensive Mediterranean coastline and mild climate, it offers the discerning tourist a wide variety of resorts that are guaranteed to please. There is something for everyone, whatever their specific holiday requirements, but sun worshippers and water sports enthusiasts alike are well catered for. Due to the availability of cheap flights and holiday packages, and an average of two to three hours' flight duration from most northern European airports, Spain continues to be one of the most popular holiday destinations on the planet. Apart from the Costa Verde (Green Coast), the Costa Vasca in northern Spain, and The Costa Galicia in the north west, the most popular Spanish coastal resorts for sun seekers continue along the entire east coast of mainland Spain, stretching from the French to the Portuguese border. Virtually any of these resorts will be ideal for beach–based holidays, although some are more popular than others depending on proximity to the regional airport. Originally fishing communities, these areas now derive their main livelihood from tourism. The Spanish Costas (meaning coasts) often merge into one another in areas that are highly developed. Going from north to south here is a brief introduction. By flying to Girona airport in Catalonia, or Barcelona, beach lovers can discover many sheltered coves ideal for sunbathing and swimming which have largely maintained their original character throughout the decades of being a popular package holiday destination. However, those who desire sandy beaches rather than pebbly ones may be disappointed. This is the Costa nearest to southern France. The premier resorts of Lloret de Mar and its quieter neighbour, Tossa del Mar are located here, Lloret offers great night life to the young and lively set as well as quality beach time during daylight hours. Amazingly intact medieval castles are typical of this region so there is plenty to discover for those in search of history and cultural enrichment. Barcelona is also easily reached if a day trip to the city is something you wish to do as a change from a day on the beach. Here you can spend a day discovering the famous Sagrada Familia which is one of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Christopher Columbus Diary Essay August–September We left at 8am. The wind is strong and chilly. The rudder of the Pinta slipped of the socket. The sea prevented any of us from helping. We are going to leave the pinta at the Grand Canary and keep going with Columbus. Columbus told Martin Pinzon, the captain of the Pinta, to stay behind and repair it. Two days after the Pinta everyone became restive. I was starting to get seasick and would lay around in my hammock most of the day. Near Tenerife a great volcano erupted. I was very frightened because I have never seen anything like that, but then Columbus explained the cause of it. We reached Grand Canary on the morning of August 25. Martin Pinzon has not yet repaired the rudder. Columbus is angry and and determined to make ... Show more content on ... It started to rain really hard and I got cold and a really bad cough. About 40 petrels and 2 terns came to the ship. My brother hit one with a stone. We were sure that we were getting closer and closer to land. Columbus told me that his goal was to go to the Indies. I was looking forward to seeing land. After a few days everyone started to complain. I was trying to keep a positive attitude, but I started to get impatient.At about 10 o'clock Columbus and I saw what looked like a candle bobbing up and down. Finally, we spotted land. At dawn we saw a few naked men. We went off the ship armed to meet them. Columbus told them that he was taking the land for the king and queen and would call it San Salvador after the Lord. Columbus got the idea to take 6 of the naked people to the king and queen so that they can learn his language and education. I went into the ship and got something and gave them to the naked people. We started to trade things like glass beads and red capes. We started to sail again, but to Japan. After a few days we saw some islands. We headed to the largest one. Columbus named it Fernandina. At sunrise the next week we approach the coast of Cuba. Columbus is certain it is an Indian ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Cocaine During Pregnancy: A Qualitative Study Joya, Culebras, Callejon, Friguls, Puig, Ortigosa, Morini, Algar and Vall (2012) investigated to be precise on the dangers associated with the use of cocaine and other harmful drugs such as cannabinoids, amphetamines and so on during pregnancy. Cocaine use during pregnancy can affect both the mother and the unborn child in a several negative ways. For instance, it can affect the heart and blood vessels of both, it can also bring abortions or foetal deaths to the mother. This researcher use a toxicological analyses (i.e., the analysis of a variety of fluids and tissue samples to determine the absence or presence of drugs and poisons) to detect the drug use during pregnancy. The study was conducted between 347 pregnant women. Prior ... Show more content on ... Between June 2006 and June 2007. It was done with 347mothers who accepted to participate without any issues, but there was the other 15 women who did not agree to take part in the survey due to their personal reasons. Before the researchers begin their study they make a remark that, the result of the previous researchers were not certain. The result also varied from one area to the other based on the nature and nurture of those people. The analysts have decided to really make enquiry into this area of cocaine use during pregnancy because they have find out that this can bring a lot of dangers to the normal development of the baby. The investigators started by getting approval from the Institutional Ethical committee and also ask a consent from the partaker's parent before taking any action. Later they have records of those that are going to take part in the experiment, the pre and post history of how the mother cares for herself during pregnancy is also collected, the maturity outline map of birth weight and height and medical analyses after birth were all recorded. On the day of delivery a sample hair of the mother was cut in agreement with SoHT (Society of Hair Testing), and the hair was stored in a paper bag at a room till analysis. For them to detect the availabity of several drugs in the hair samples, they use the Immunochemical screening and essays techniques which was done by Siemens EMIT and Opiates. The researchers also analyses drugs and the metabolite by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/GS) for verification and to determine the amount of the drugs in the mothers ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Research Paper On Tenerife Tenerife's Sports Tenerife isn't only a tourism hotspot, but also a place where holidaymakers can get in shape. Its weather and overall landscape make it an ideal place for professional athletes to train and get ready for the season. It's not unusual to see high–profile athletes and sports teams pitching camp in the island. Furthermore, Tenerife has several prominent professional teams playing in various sports: you would want to watch a game or two. Athletes Who Have Trained in Tenerife There are several athletes and professional teams from around the world that set up camp in Tenerife during the preseason. The best example is Tour de France winner and 2012 Olympic gold medalist Bradley Wiggins who trained in Tenerife. European football ... Show more content on ... You can enjoy windsurfing, kitesurfing, water polo, and boating in most of the beaches. There are some other beaches which have strong waves and receive strong gusts of wind, making them perfect locations for extreme water sports. Volleyball and Beach Volleyball in Tenerife Volleyball, particularly the beach variety, is a popular sport in Tenerife. You can find volleyball courts and rentals in some of the beaches, and there are several indoor facilities in the island. Additionally, a now–defunct women's volleyball club based in the island once competed in the European championships. Tennis in Tenerife Tennis is one of the most popular sports in Tenerife, and it's common to see courts scattered all over hotels and in major towns and cities. This in turn makes it a renowned destination for tennis holidays. The sunny weather and warm temperature makes it a great location for honing your tennis skills. Football in Tenerife Like in mainland Spain, football is immensely popular in Tenerife. There are football pitches where
  • 53. you can play pickup games with tourists and locals alike. With that said, the island has its own premiere football team, CD Tenerife, which plays in the second division of the Spanish football pyramid. It is highly recommended to watch a game or two. Golf in ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Discovery Of The Formation Of Hotspots Davies (2009) states hot spots can be described as irregularly spaced areas within the mantle that do not correspond with any plate tectonic processes. It was thought 50 years ago high temperatures were found at hot spots, so rocks within the region were liquefied to create molten magma, resulting in the term 'hot spot volcanos'. The accepted theory for the formation of hotspots was put forward by Geophysicist John Tuzo–Wilson in 1963, who specified the Earth has areas of fixated magma plumes deep within the mantle that have been created from intense radioactivity in the Earth's interior (Foulger, 2003). As demonstrated in figure one the Earth's crust passes over the mantle, the magma plume forces the boiling magma up through the Earth's crust where the 'hot spot' remains until the tectonic plate passes over it and the boiling lava creates a series of new volcanoes, like the Hawaiian Islands (Davies, 2009). Although this concept is easy to accept due to it leaving room for further research and hotspots appearing to have a deep source, alternative hypotheses' have since been argued to challenge the theory, as the accepted hypothesis was created long before scientific evidence was available. For example, there were discoveries such as hotspots not actually being high in temperature or being fixated relative to one another (Stein et al, 2003). An example of contradictory evidence is the Canary Islands; the island of Fuerteventura aged 23 MA lies closer to the ridge than the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Pilot Deviations Pilot Deviation, is defined as the actions that result in a deviation from Federal law. Pilot Deviation Reports are used to document other incidents and violations of the Federal Aviation Regulations and create unsafe situations. There are many types of Pilot Deviation situations, some of those include: Operation of an aircraft in a reckless or careless manner (91.13), aircraft flying below 500' AGL, TFR intrusions, wrongly operating an aircraft in special use airspace, and prohibited night–flight operations. Depending on the severity of the violation, you may be penalized from Administrative or Enforcement Action, a "709" ride requirement, or even death. It is important to know what the deviation is and how to avoid it. Most of the pilot deviations occur in the air (77%), the rest is unauthorized pilot deviations on the ground (23%). Out of the in–air deviations the majority of the situations is altitude clearance violations (73%). The small ... Show more content on ... Although many of the incursions are due to the pilot, many incursions are a result of bad instructions from the controller. Not only is it important to listen to commands, but to know when they are safe to follow. If you know the instructions are unsafe then it is your responsibility to notify or question the controller's commands. Everyone messes up at one point, and it is important to learn from your mistakes. Crew Resource Management is a great tool for avoiding incursions. Inside the cockpit in a stressful situation, it can help just to help spread to load to the rest of your resources at hand. This is especially helpful midair flying IFR or in an emergency. Having multiple people helping and calculating specific situations help spread the load so you're not swamped trying to judge who situation as a whole. Many midair incursions could have been avoided if the pilot would have practiced ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Mahoma Journey The journey on my first voyage began through the Americas, I know it would be a long route and the directions to my discovery will be of great importance. Yet I was scared, but anticipated the unforeseen challenge in the sea and land that was to be conquered for the King and Queen of Spain. The Highnesses, as Catholic Christians and Princes who love the holy Christian faith, and the propagation of it, and who are enemies to the sect of Mahoma and to all idolatries and heresies, resolved to send me. (Archives, 2003) .That uncharted land that I was about to conquer for my Highnessess and the christianizing of the people was the task ahead of my four day journey. As I set foot on unchartered territory everything that I saw was keenly observed ... Show more content on ... The wind blew it was welcomed at the moment in time and the sound of nightingales was plesant to the ear. As we draw closer I notice bunch of grass which was extremely green, it appeared freshly torn from the land. This was hope that I were close to and island, not the main land, since the Adrimal proposed that to be more distant. (Archives, 2003)`The current assist in there destination to further west, I saw much more like herb from river and even a live crab, which was kept by the admiral. They was now convince that land was near them. The Nina sailor crew catch and killed a tunny–fish. The captain then reminisce, that these signs of land came from the west; " in which direction I trust in that high God in whose hands are all victories that very soon we shall sight land" (Archives, 2003). That said night we sailed mile on in hope of seeing land given that evidence reveal that land was near. At that same time a drizzle without wind came but the adrimal was adamant that at this point any hindrance is possible. Certainity had now bud the mind of the admiral that there was an island on the north and also one on the south as we passed through the central point of the both island. The captain main aim was to press to the Indies, now that the weather was fine.The day and and night now came to and end and the distance that accompany each ship from another was approximately one hundred miles between each ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Crash Of The Century Anthropology A primary source that I found that relates with our course theme of horror and my concentration of the unknown and unexpected is a documentary called Crash of the Century. This documentary was created by Discovery World based on a true story. This documentary covers the unknown line of events that led up to the fatal collision of two fully loaded Boeing 747s. On March 27, 1977, a KLM 747 and a Pan Am 747 were on route to the Gran Canaria International Airport when unexpected calls were made by Canary Island Separatists that there were bombs at the airport. Authorities closed down Gran Canaria International Airport and had to divert all flights to a small airport in Los Rodeos. In total 5 large aircrafts were diverted to this small regional airport that couldn't easily accommodate the aircrafts. Eventually after almost 4 hours from the original diversion, the KLM was cleared to go the full length of a runway and do a 180° turn. The Pan Am flight was instructed to follow the KLM but take the 3rd exit off the runway to their left. The Pan Am passed the 3rd exit off the runway and the KLM began taking off without proper clearance. Nobody that day could've predicted that the effects of an airport closing due to a bomb threat would cause the horrific disaster of two Boeing 747s to collide and create the worst disaster in aviation history. ... Show more content on ... By exploring background information on Crash of the Century such as date of horrific event, date of release of the documentary, and attempts to minimize horror Crash of the Century can accurately be evaluated in an ethical way. This horror is used to the advantage of the writers David Bedard and Bernard Vaillot and producer Andy Webb by portraying the horrific unknown during the introduction of the documentary that attempts to keep viewer watching to the end by using many important literary devices such as ethos, pathos, logos, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Controllers Of The Air Controllers Tenerife Air Controllers As mentioned, the air controllers on staff on Sunday, March 27, 1977 was light. This airport was small and on a normal day did not have a lot of air traffic. The airport was not equipped to handle the amount of planes, or the large planes because they were not the appropriate size nor did they have the proper dimensions to allow the large planes to make the appropriate maneuvers. There was no ground radar, there was no ground lights, clouds are moving in and minimizing visibility, and they had to work in their second language. Why did the controllers ever feel it was safe to guide planes they were unfamiliar with completely blind? Why did they not ground the planes when the fog moved in? Controllers are in charge of ensuring the planes safely land and take off by managing the order of takeoff and each plane's direction. If they cannot see them how are they able to effectively do this? Leadership Style Van Zanten's leadership style not only affected the performance of his own team, but impacted his decisions, Pan Am cockpit crew, the controllers and all the passengers on both planes. He did not appear to be focused on people during his decision–making at Tenerife, and it is not questionable if there was ever a focus on people. He is very task concerned, and in the case of Tenerife very focused on himself and hitting the Dutch law deadline, which caused him to not focus fully on the task of flying his plane safely off of Tenerife. On a normal day ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Behavior Analysis In Autism Currently, there are numerous treatments for autism, but the most effective treatment is ABA, which is derived from the application of the method of behavior analysis to the study of the variables that control significant behavior, and Experimental analysis. The behavior analysis has been applied in various areas, ranging from special education, therapy of psychological disorders, and even in the organisation of companies. On the other hand, is applicable to all kinds of people: from children with autism to children with normal development with problems of attention, reading, etc.; from small children to elderly people. The origin of behavior analysis comes from the years 50 and 60, with analysts such as: Donald Baer (highlights demonstrate ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Descriptive Essay On San Andr�ss Beautiful, sandy beaches, historic landmarks and breathtaking scenery are what make San Andrés one of the most popular places to visit on Tenerife: the largest of Spain's famous Canary Islands. Whether you want to relax on the man–made white sands of Las Teresitas beach, visit the nearby village's 18th century defensive tower, or admire its 16th century church, you'll be sure to have a good time here at San Andrés, Spain. If you feel up to the challenge, you can use San Andrés as a base to explore the nearby Anaga Mountains and check out the rest of this stunning volcanic island. Keep reading to check out these top 10 best Airbnb vacation rentals in San Andrés, Spain and book now! The beach views here will delight guests who opt to stay in this one bedroom accommodation. This self–contained flat located in a traditional house also boasts an outdoor terrace. Those who adore the sight of the sea will particularly enjoy the perfect vantage point from which to enjoy it. Up to five guests can stay here.This accommodation's elevated position on the hillside means that you'll have to walk quite a few steps to reach this apartment. The beach is not too far away from here. This well–lit apartment is perfect for couples, but is also a great place to stay for groups of travellers. This is thanks to the presence of two sofa beds. This accommodation is able to host up to five guests. Another great thing about this abode is its well–equipped kitchen. The terrace here also features a ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. easyjet Essay easyJet Business Model Analysis BMAN72801 EasyJet's Business Model Analysis Table of Contents Executive Summary................................................................................................................................. 1 1. The Business Model of EasyJet ........................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Theory ........................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Easyjet's Business Development ................................................................................................... 2 1.3 EasyJet's Current Business ... Show more content on ... Easyjet's critical success factor is built around its leading market position in European convenient airports, low fares, and exceptional customer orientated services. However, the successful growth of EasyJet has brought it into direct competition with Legacy Carriers and similar Low Cost Airlines. This Report has been divided into three sections, the first section analyses the business model using the four–box framework: Customer Value Proposition, Profit Formula, Key resources and Key processes. Easyjet's customer value proposition is based on providing low fares with customer orientated services using key resources and processes such as standardized fleets and online booking systems to maintain its cost structure which is a crucial component of its profit formula. Together with this, to maximise revenue, a number of methods such as sophisticated yield management techniques are in place. The second section analyses the dependencies and constraints of the business model. Easyjet's business continuity to an extent depends on IT systems, Processes at the London Luton Airport and Markets where customers value low price and quality at the same time. Macroeconomic activities outside its control such as industry consolidation, weakened consumer confidence, inflationary pressure, competition, regulatory intervention, airport charges, and the rising cost of fuel are the constraints that disrupt the viability of their business model. The third ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Immigrant: The Voyage Of Christopher Columbus Today we sail for the unknown. I was ordered by the queen to come on this voyage. Though I did not want to leave, I know I will be honored as one of the crewmen if we find new land. We set sail with three ships, the Pinta, Nina, and Santa Maria. I am aboard the Pinta. On the way to Canary Island, the rudder slipped out of its socket and dangled in the water. The sea was rough and I was scared the boat was going to sink. Then, Cristopher Colombus managed to get the ship alongside the Pinta and the crew and I, managed to get aboard the ship. The captain of the Pinta is Martin Pinza. He was ordered by Columbus to stay on the ship until it was repaired. 21 days from the start of our journey, we came across a volcano near Tenerife. There was a lot of smoke and ash. Most of ... Show more content on ... Today we completely lost sight of any land. I admit it, I did cry in fear of never seeing the sight of land again. However, Columbus reassured us with the promise of land and riches of the new land. I am pretty good at measuring distance and I know we have gone at least 180 miles today. Columbus told us that we only went 144 miles. I know he's lying. Why I don't know, but he is. It has been a month since any sign of land. Today signs have finally come. There has been loads of weed, I even found a live crab in a patch of it. There are also birds that must have come from land flying over our heads. We even saw a whale. Despite all the signs of land the crew and I never stop complaining. I fear I will not return home to see my family again. I'm beginning to think that this trip is just insanity. I am convinced that the next course of action should be taken. Throwing Columbus overboard, and taking the boat back home! At sunset, we saw what I thought was land. However, as we got closer I realized it wasn't land at all, but a squall cloud, which can often resemble land. I am so disappointed I cannot even ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Newton's 3 Laws To Flight Research Paper A – Include a section in the article to explain history of the quest for flight. The human race has been trying to fly for centuries. Back around 400 BC, the Chinese discovered the first flying machine. The kite. Kites are very important because they were the forerunner to the first balloons and gliders. In the 1480s, Leonardo de Vinci made the first real studies of flight when he drew and illustrated his theories. De Vinci designed a flying machine called the Ornithopter. This machine was never created but its concepts are still used today in modern designs. Then in 1783, brothers, Joseph Michel and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier, designed and created the first hot air balloon. After this breakthrough, many other flying machines were invented ... Show more content on ... Newton's 1st Law of motion – Inertia Part 1 – Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest will stay at rest unless an unbalanced force is acted upon it. An example of an unbalanced force is thrust produced by an engine. When an aircraft is stationary on the runway it will stay at rest until a force is acted upon it. If the pilot starts the engine then the plane will no longer be at rest. Part 2 – The second part of Newton's first law states that an object in motion will stay in motion unless an unbalanced force is acted upon it. Objects such as an aeroplane need to overcome these forces to be able to land. When a plane touches down on the runway, a force must act upon it to slow it down. The brakes slow the plane down. If it wasn't for brakes, then it would keep rolling off the runway. (Mansfieldct, 2015) Newton's 2nd Law of motion – F = ma Newton's second Law of motion states that acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. This law also applies to aircrafts. When an aircraft is in motion, its engines give thrust which accelerates the aeroplane forward. Enough thrust must be given by the engine or the plane will not accelerate. (Mansfieldct, ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Charles Darwin: Influential Scientists Of The Nineteenth... "Charles Darwin died on the 19th of April last, a few months after the completion of his seventy third year; and on the twenty sixth, the mortal remains of the most celebrated man of science in the nineteenth century were laid in Westminster Abbey, near those of Newton." This was written at the end of the nineteenth century and is a popular belief today. The great Charles Darwin one of the most influential scientists of all time, and for good reason. Darwin through many years of research Darwin gave birth to the theory of evolution. Evolution was an earth shattering theory because it stated that the organisms you see now evolved from their ancestors over millions of years, when was previously believed to be that all creatures were created of ... Show more content on ... "The first and most notable of that series of duodecimos which have been read and discussed on almost every cultured language, and which within the lifetime of their author have changed the face and in some respect, the character of natural history, –––– indeed have almost as deeply affected many other lines of investigation and thought." This is describing the effect of the publication of just the first volume of what entirely would be known as On the Origin of Species. Darwin was pushed to finish his book because of competitors writing on the same subject. His findings brought about many congregations and meetings, including the proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Here scientists thoroughly examined not only Darwin's writings but his life, his voyage, and his research. Darwin's findings also brought about controversy. His most famous theory of evolution, at the time was thought to deny a divine hand in the creation of living creatures. His findings made people question their religion and inadvertently gave people who were fighting against religion more seemingly legitimate ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. What Is Christopher Columbus Inaccurate Throughout elementary and high school I was taught in American History that the founder of North America was Christopher Columbus. This is unfortunately inaccurate because America had been founded years before Christopher Columbus had made his journey west. In week 2 lecture I learned about previous explorations to America by the Asian people. In addition there were also explorations by Europeans who had discovered the Americas, but were very imprecise about the physical features surrounding them. This contributed to the creation of inexact geographical representations of the western world. The bad communication between explorers in the west and their counterparts in the east were motivational factors to the Spanish conquests. King Ferdinand of Spain wanted to expand his Kingdom by spreading Christianity and seeking resources ... Show more content on ... In the first clip around the third minute Columbus is talking to a man about his beliefs that the world is unlike others see it. He condemns the flat world theory and is confident the world is round. His theory would pay off since his explorations would lead to profound discoveries and changing the course of human history. Columbus's thinking would encourage King Ferdinand to fund his voyage and give birth to the three ships known as Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria which would carry the Spanish west. This confidence translated once they reached the shore of Guanahani, which was the Island they first discovered in the Bahamas. In the second clip of the movie Columbus decided to name this Island San Salvador in honor of the Spanish King. His expression in the movie portrays him to be relieved and grateful to God about his new discoveries. This confidence and appreciativeness translated to their interaction with the native Indians living in the newly discovered ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Related Literature Review On Tourism Review of Related Literature Several studies have investigated the perception of the local community on the tourism impacts and tourism development. The research by Ramkissoon and Nunkoo (2011) in Port Louis showed that favorable attitude toward the tourism industry was found to support for tourism development, with higher insights of positive tourism impacts, this means that the community shows higher support for the industry. Nejati, Mohamed & Omar (2014) found that locals in Perhentian Island have an ominously greater level of outlook towards the positive economic impacts of tourism than residents in Redang Island after comparing the two islands in Malaysia. Aside from the perceived negative environmental impacts of tourism, locals on both islands ... Show more content on ... This finding was consistent with precedent studies that found that locals perceive tourism as a development that provides cultural identity and activity, cultural interchange and valuable meeting involvements with tourists. On the study Brida, Disegna and Osti (2014) conducted on a small mountain community located in the North–East of Italy, the study shows that residents without a direct economic benefit from tourism and with a negative perception of the socio–cultural tourism impacts are less disposed to fortify tourism development. Vadell, Armas and Taño (2014) conducted a study in Tenerife and Mallorca concludes overall results designate that critics accede more that tourism may make residents feel uncomfortable at home; on the other hand, they consider less that it avails in preserving local traditions, benefits in the disclosure of different cultures and additionally consider substantially less that tourism makes the local population ... Get more on ...