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From the Reliability Professionals
                                                      at GPAllied

Doesn’t Work
How To Avoid the 5 Biggest Mistakes
That Lead To False Starts and Dead Ends

                                    A Special Report for
                        Corporate Executives & Senior Managers
                                                         GPAllied © 2009 • 1
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GPAllied LLC.
4200 Faber Place Drive
Charleston, SC 29405

Phone 888.335.8276
Fax 843-414-5779

5th Edition
September 2010
Table of Contents
          RCM Made Simple................................................................................. 4

          Does RCM Work for Manufacturers?..................................................... 7

          RCM is too Resource Intensive - Mistake #1......................................... 8

          RCM is Just too Complex - Mistake #2................................................ 10

          Moving Forward Without A Plan - Mistake #3 . .................................... 13

          RCM is All About Condition Monitoring - Mistake #4 ........................... 15

          We Expect More From The RCM Process

          Than We Do From Our Leaders - Mistake #5 ..................................... 17

          About GPAllied………………………………………………….... ............ 18

                                                                                                               GPAllied © 2009 • 3
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a        So that’s why we decided to publish this new
proven, logical, sensible approach that helps      report. Find out why RCM doesn’t work, what
companies improve reliability.                     needs to change and how to put RCM to work

Yet most companies are not getting the return      at your company so it doesn’t become another

they expected. They see RCM as too much            Resource Consuming Monster.

trouble for too little reward.                     It has been almost 30 years since Stanley

RCM Made Simple
Nowlan and Howard Heap published                   taking planes out of service for maintenance
“Reliability Centered Maintenance”, the            every 1,000, 5,000 or 10,000 hours.
ground-breaking study that changed                 But the problem with the 747’s was the amount
maintenance forever.                               of maintenance specified by federal regulators
Yet myth, mystery and confusion about RCM          was three times more than the maintenance
still abound. So let’s begin with the basic        required for Boeing 707’s. That meant more
truths.                                            time in maintenance, more time out of service,

To paraphrase RCM practitioner, Doug               and a huge disruption to operations.

Plucknette, of GPAllied, RCM is a structured       Clearly, the airlines’ traditional approach to
process developed to ensure the designed           maintenance would not be economically
safety and reliability capabilities of a process   feasible for the new jumbo jets.
or piece of equipment. The beauty of               So the airlines had two choices: Either buy
understanding the RCM process is it can be         a larger fleet of planes or develop a more
applied to virtually any physical asset in any     economical approach to maintenance.
plant around the world.
                                                   That’s why United Airlines led a task force
RCM’s roots go back to the early 1960’s,           to re-evaluate the concept of preventive
when the commercial airline companies were         maintenance and determine the most
considering buying the new jumbo jet, the          economic strategy, without compromising
Boeing 747.                                        safety. The result was the process that we
At the time, the airlines religiously practiced    now know as RCM, which was successfully
time-based preventive maintenance. Why?            employed on the 747 and all subsequent jet
Because the conventional wisdom was that           aircraft.
equipment wears out over time. So that meant

4 • GPAllied © 2009                                                                                 Why RCM Does Not Work
Who Developed RCM?
United, along with and Boeing Aircraft                 was “Reliability Centered Maintenance”, a
Corporation, were the early pioneers of RCM.           landmark 495-page report by Stanley Nowlan
Other airlines also considering buying the new         and Howard Heap, which described the RCM
747’s joined the task force and contributed to         methodology developed for the Boeing 747,
the process.                                           Douglas DC-10 and Lockheed 1011.

But it was Boeing and United who took the              (Nowlan was the Director of Maintenance
lead in developing a logical, rational approach        Analysis for United; Heap was United’s
to maintenance that would also be acceptable           Manager of Maintenance Program Planning.)
to the federal regulators.                             In 1978, the Defense Department placed the
In 1976, the U.S. Department of Defense                report in the public domain for use by anyone
contracted with United to publish how airlines         interested in it.
develop maintenance programs. The result

How RCM Revolutionized Maintenance
The key to RCM was abandoning the                      to “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.
 philosophy of “preserve-equipment” in favor           Nowlan and Heap also concluded that:
      of “preserve-function”. Simply put,
                                                       - Time-based maintenance works only for a
          equipment became the means to an
                                                       small percentage of components, and then
            end, not the end in itself.
                                                       only when there is solid information on their
               In addition, Nowlan and Heap            “wear-out” characteristics”.
                concluded that a maintenance
                                                       - Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) is
                policy based on operating age
                                                       the most-preferred option. That means
                would have little, if any, impact on
                                                       monitoring, observing and taking non-intrusive
          failure rates. Thus, applying time-
                                                       actions, such as lubricating and cleaning, until
          based maintenance on equipment
                                                       a condition signals that corrective action is
       which has no “wear-out” pattern was
futile. This forced a change in philosophy
from, “It wasn’t broke, but we fixed it anyway”        - Run-to-failure is a viable tactic in situations

                                                                                               GPAllied © 2009 • 5
when there is no safety and little economic         - Non-intrusive maintenance tasks should
impact.                                             be used instead of intrusive maintenance

- In a significant number of situations, the very   whenever possible. In other words, don’t

act of maintenance itself causes subsequent         do any maintenance, except monitoring and

failure of the equipment.                           non-intrusive sustaining actions, until condition
                                                    directs intrusive corrective action.

RCM Pitfalls
In the last 40 years, no better method than            “RCM is misunderstood to be software.”
RCM has been found for determining what                “In the beginning, it was hard. And it
maintenance should be performed. Four                  is still a challenge to steer the mind-
statistically significant studies have confirmed       set toward more condition-based
the validity of RCM.                                   maintenance than time-based.”
Yet, in a survey conducted by Reliabilityweb.          “We always ran into the problem with
com in 2005, several companies offered the             implementation. In the few places
following excuses when it came to their failure        where we implemented it successfully,
to begin or implement RCM as a reliability tool.       it was at the maintenance level. And
   “Mining, like all industries, wants results         recognition for it was non-existent.”
   right away, not in 6 months or a year.              “The system is very strong but too high
   The classical RCM process is too time               level ...”
   and resource intense.”
                                                    The truth is, there are many pitfalls in RCM.
   “RCM is a great tool but very resource           But few get revealed when an RCM project
   intensive.”                                      fails. You see, nobody wants to write an article
   “100% reliability is extremely expensive,        or present a paper at a conference which
   difficult to attain, and not necessarily         reveals how money was wasted and great
   the right answer.”                               visions were never realized.

6 • GPAllied © 2009                                                                                     Why RCM Does Not Work
Does RCM Work for Manufacturers?
At the RCM 2005 conference in Clearwater,          This mission leads to a very tight set of
Florida conference attendees were asked:           maintenance guidelines, procedures and

“If your company did the maintenance for           controls. On the other hand, inside the typical

commercial airplanes, how often would you          manufacturing plant where maintenance is

fly?”                                              viewed as a repair, the maintenance mission is
                                                   not that clear.
Scary thought? Fortunately, most industrial
maintenance managers will never have to            For example, if a packaging line goes down for

answer that question.                              a couple of hours, that may not be such a big
                                                   deal. But when you’re talking about a plane
To be sure, when it comes to the
                                                   with hundreds of people on board, that’s a
understanding of maintenance and the roll of
                                                   totally different story.
Reliability Centered Maintenance, the airlines
are far ahead of industrial manufacturers. After   See, the fundamental difference between RCM

all, RCM was invented by the airline industry.     and all previous approaches to maintenance
                                                   is the emphasis on two things: safety and
But also, in the airline business, the
                                                   reliability. So even when you take out the
maintenance mission is quite clear, it begins
                                                   safety factor, it’s obvious that RCM is still the
with an understanding of equipment functions
                                                   best way to go.
and the failure modes that result in functional
failures and ends with a very specific             If RCM is so successful, why do some

maintenance strategy designed to mitigate          companies have failed RCM efforts?

the consequences of each failure mode. As a        To answer this question, GPAllied created the
result, maintenance is viewed as a reliability     paper: Why RCM Doesn’t Work – How to Avoid
function instead of a repair function.             the 5 Biggest Mistakes that Lead to False

In viewing maintenance as a reliability            Starts and Dead Ends. In viewing the problem

function, the airline industry simply charges      with a traditional RCM approach, GPAllied

maintenance with the following mission:            offers not only the top five causes for failed
                                                   RCM efforts, but pro-active tasks that can be
To keep airplanes airborne, full of passengers,
                                                   put in place to eliminate the failures.
and safe.

                                                                                     GPAllied © 2009 • 7
RCM is Too Resource Intensive
Mistake Number 1 Leading                            based operational, speed and quality losses.

to False Starts and Dead                            If you have selected a critical asset, your
                                                    implemented RCM maintenance strategy will
Ends in RCM
                                                    show measurable improvements in OEE with
RCM is often viewed as a very resource-
                                                    added improvements in Health, Safety and
intensive process. To perform a single RCM
                                                    Environmental performance as well.
analysis requires a substantial amount of work
                                                    As a general rule, the success of your first
with literally hundreds of decisions that have to
                                                    implemented RCM analysis will build the
be made.
                                                    business case to complete RCM analysis on
So RCM should not be applied to every single
                                                    the remainder of your critical assets.
asset you have. The key is to apply it only
where it’s needed.
                                                    Why is RCM viewed as being
For instance, there might be only about 10%
of the assets in your plant where you need
RCM. If you apply RCM on that critical 10%,         A good RCM analysis requires a number of

you should be able to improve your overall          key people to take time away from their regular

capacity, increase output and return a value        jobs. Subject matter experts, like operators,

much greater than the money you spend               maintainers, supervisors and trades people,

to do it.                                           will need to become a part of your RCM ef-
                                                    fort as it’s their expertise and experience that
                                                    makes the process successful.
How do you determine where you
                                                    While some plants believe they can’t afford
should apply RCM?
                                                    or even consider RCM – especially in a
Focus on the systems that will give you the         reactive situation where the main job is to
best Return on Investment (ROI). Simply put,        keep the plant running. Companies who
RCM is a slam dunk when it comes to return          have successful RCM efforts in place know
on investment for critical assets. Begin you        the reality when it comes to critical assets;
RCM effort by identifying the top 10% of your       “We can’t afford to not do RCM when it
most critical assets. Once this list has been       comes to our critical assets as the cost of lost
identified, you should now begin to measure         opportunities alone will doom our business.”
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) on
                                                    When we get down to the nuts and bolts of
these assets and performing RCM analysis
                                                    why RCM works for some companies and not
on those critical assets that have equipment-

8 • GPAllied © 2009                                                                                    Why RCM Does Not Work
others we find three things all the successful   performed by your experts on critical assets
efforts have in common;                          will provide a return on investment in improved

   1.	 Leadership                                equipment reliability with reduced Health,
                                                 Safety, and Environmental incidents and
   2.	 Structure
   3.	 Discipline
                                                 It takes experience and expertise to
Companies that don’t use RCM, look for and       understand your failure modes and mitigate
share openly with others excuses as to why       the consequences. Only your people bring
a proven process didn’t work at their plant.     both experience and expertise to the table.
While some may view RCM as being labor           They are the critical resources able to deliver
intensive, companies who have successful         exceptional results.
RCM efforts understand that RCM analyses

                                           Only your people bring both experience
                                                        and expertise to the table.

                                                                                 GPAllied © 2009 • 9
RCM is Just too Complex
The 2nd Mistake Leading                               on the team, and are all maintenance

to False Starts and Dead                              managers. So in effect, the company’s senior
                                                      maintenance staff has already decided NOT to
Ends in RCM
                                                      use RCM as a way to improve availability.
If you’re looking for the book of excuses why
                                                      Why? I didn’t ask, but I have a strong hunch
RCM didn’t work at your plant we have heard
                                                      that the complexity of an RCM analysis and all
them all. Recently we received a call from
                                                      the documentation required can be extremely
an operations manager at a mid-sized U.S.
                                                      demanding. That’s the main reason why
utility company. He’s part of a five-member
                                                      manufacturers have been so slow to adopt the
corporate team trying to improve the way they
                                                      RCM approach.
do maintenance.
                                                      Reliability Centered Maintenance is a
Basically, their challenge is to raise availability
                                                      structured step by step, logical process. The
across their fleet of plants from 85% to 91%.
                                                      structure of this process, while quite simple,
At first, he wanted to talk about some
                                                      requires a trained facilitator who has the
Condition Monitoring solutions. It seems they
                                                      discipline to lead the team step by step through
have numerous plants, and “each one is doing
                                                      the process.
something different on PM and PdM.”
                                                      At first glance, the RCM process can be
Then I asked a couple of questions about
                                                      intimidating and we are often challenged with
RCM. Quickly, his tone changed from
enthusiastic to reluctant.
Finally, he said, “Hang on
a minute; I need to shut my

“Look”, he said, “RCM is a
dirty word around here. I’m
working with a group that
really doesn’t like RCM.
What they like is condition-
based. So I can’t go back
to them with anything that
sounds like RCM.”

Now what’s interesting is
there are four other members

10 • GPAllied © 2009                                                                                     Why RCM Does Not Work
the question; Do we really need to discuss           2. Use TBTUF
failures to this level of detail?
                                                     Total best thinking up-front, or TBTUF, is one
If you want to be successful in improving            of the keys to successful RCM. In the simplest
reliability, the answer is yes.                      terms, RCM is a decision-making process

Remember the three traits of companies who           which calls for answers to questions such as:

have successful RCM efforts?                          •	 What is this system supposed to do?

                                                      •	 How can it fail to do that?

Leadership – Structure – Discipline                   •	 What causes it to fail?

The RCM process provides the structure                •	 What happens when it does fail?
needed to be successful. Our GPAllied RCM
                                                      •	 Can we predict or prevent that from
Blitz™ Practitioners provide the leadership and
direction through hands on mentoring that will
                                                     Obviously, the answers must come from the
provide the leadership and discipline it takes to
                                                     people who know the system: operators,
make RCM part of your company culture.
                                                     maintainers, supervisors, technicians,
Some recommendations when it comes to
                                                     designers and manufacturers.
starting a successful RCM effort:
                                                     The key is to identify these experts and get
                                                     their buy-in well in advance.
1. Sell team members on the
   benefits of RCM
                                                     3. Involve the RCM team members in
RCM takes time and effort away from people
who already have full-time jobs. So you’ve got
                                                     Each RCM analysis should have an
to be able to explain to them, in plain English,
                                                     Implementation Manager assigned to the
the benefits of RCM.
                                                     analysis. This person is responsible for
Forget all the technical jargon. You must
                                                     tracking and reporting the progress of your
be able to show how RCM will improve the
                                                     implementation to company management
economics, safety or quality of life at the plant.
                                                     and the RCM team. To help push the
Post some examples of successful RCM                 implementation forward, each task identified
efforts and begin your effort by getting baseline    in the RCM analysis should be assigned to a
OEE measures on your critical assets.                specific individual and each task should have a
Continue to measure OEE as you begin to              due date for completion.
complete and implement the tasks from your
                                                     One way to assist in moving forward with
RCM analyses. The success or your effort and
                                                     implementation is to involve the RCM team
the improved OEE will sell the process.
                                                     in the implementation of RCM tasks. The

                                                                                       GPAllied © 2009 • 11
people involved in the analysis will often        analysis meetings which tie up people for
take ownership in making sure the tasks are       weeks on end.
implemented, scheduled and completed.             Your RCM meetings should be prepped,
                                                  planned, scheduled and performed with the

4. Get leaders on board                           efficiency of heart bypass surgery and tying up
                                                  critical resources (people) for weeks on end
It is not unusual to see the least experienced
                                                  will only doom your effort.
and most junior personnel assigned to an RCM
analysis team. What does that tell everyone       The RCM Blitz™ methodology came about

about the project?                                as a result of recognizing that RCM analyses
                                                  don’t have to last for weeks and months on
Your RCM teams should be made up of people
                                                  end. The average RCM Blitz analysis lasts
who are viewed as:
                                                  less than one week and by Monday afternoon
  •	 Experts in the process or piece of           the following week you will have a complete
    equipment being analyzed                      implementation plan in place.
  •	 Respected by their peers in operations and   Best of all, the team can start implementing
    maintenance                                   the simpler changes that come out of the RCM
  •	 Outspoken, Honest, and Open to Change        process and start showing results!

                                                  Debunking myth number two, “RCM is too

5. The A-B-C formula for avoiding                 complex”!

   “analysis paralysis”                           RCM is not complex, it’s structured, and as a

Information overload makes it difficult, if not   result, this structure requires a detailed plan

impossible, for people to make decisions. So      and the leadership to see it through.

that’s a good reason to avoid non-stop RCM

12 • GPAllied © 2009                                                                                Why RCM Does Not Work
Moving Forward Without a Plan
The 3rd Mistake Leading                         Because if there’s no execution, there will

to False Starts and Dead                        be no return on investment. So if you don’t
                                                have or can’t get the resources needed for
Ends in RCM
                                                implementation, there’s no point doing any
One of Murphy’s Law states that everything
takes longer and costs more than originally
                                                Now this point seems obvious, but it’s often
projected and we’re afraid that’s true about
many RCM projects.
                                                For instance, in 2001 a steel plant did a
The old maxim “time is money” most definitely
                                                complete RCM analysis on a number of
applies to maintenance.
                                                critical systems in their rolling mills. But
One sad fact we all recognize about time; You
                                                afterwards, the company’s management
can’t speed it up or slow it down. When we
                                                denied all requests for resources to implement
are young we can’t wait to get older so we
                                                the results. The company later declared
can drive or move out on our own. When we
                                                bankruptcy and the plant was sold.
get older we often wish we could go back and
                                                In another case, a big international chemical
change things or just slow time down to enjoy
                                                company hired a consultant to facilitate
life. So when it comes to time, what do we
                                                RCM analysis on a troublesome process
have left?
                                                which was impacting multiple plants. The
We have to manage time to get the most out
                                                analysis was completed, report written and
of life and the same is true when it comes to
                                                recommendations made within 3 weeks.
RCM. The best RCM efforts have a detailed
                                                Yet two months later, the implementation still
plan from start to finish and this plan is
                                                hadn’t begun, and it probably never will.
reported to everyone who has a stake in the
RCM effort.                                     The key to having a successful RCM effort
                                                comes in understanding why the two above
From a 30,000-foot view, there are basically
                                                RCM efforts failed. What did both efforts have
four steps to any RCM project:
                                                in common?
 1.	Up front planning
                                                They failed to have a detailed plan in place
 2.	The RCM Analysis
                                                to set the project up for success. If you don’t
 3.	Implementation of RCM tasks                 have a detailed plan for success, then you can

 4.	Achieve results, benefits and return on     plan on failure.

    investment                                  Think Days Instead of Weeks
The secret is to consider step 3 first. Why?    Without a doubt, one of the biggest success

                                                                                 GPAllied © 2009 • 13
factors in RCM is how fast you can go from the      impact ... IF immediate action was taken.
analysis in step 2 to implementation in step 3.     The secret is to treat the analysis,
The whole purpose of RCM is to determine the        implementation and results steps as
most cost-effective type of maintenance for a       overlapping with each other rather than in strict
particular system. So it makes sense that the       sequence. The ideal situation is when you
sooner you can implement the results of an          can begin showing real benefits of the RCM
RCM analysis, the sooner you should be able         process before the analysis stage has even
to show the value.                                  been completed.
In contrast, the longer it takes to implement the
results of an RCM analysis, the less likely the
                                                    Keep Approval Chains to a Minimum
project is to succeed.
                                                    Finally, it’s a good idea to keep the approval
That’s why one of the roles of an RCM
                                                    process as short as possible in order to
Implementation Manager is to push, push and
                                                    prevent any delays in execution. You don’t
push some more to keep the elapsed time
                                                    want anyone who is unfamiliar with the RCM
between analysis and implementation down to
                                                    process blocking progress without good
the shortest number of days possible.
You’ve probably heard of the concept in time
                                                    All the mechanisms should be in place to start
management which says work expands to
                                                    implementing results well before the analysis
fill the time available. That principle will kill
                                                    is complete on the first system. There can be
you in RCM if you aren’t careful. It’s the
                                                    multiple activities to consider, including:
positive pressure of tight deadlines and high
expectations that get and keep RCM projects          •	 Identifying and allocating resources

in high gear.                                        •	 Writing new procedures, walking-down
                                                        equipment and getting approvals

He Who Hesitates….                                   •	 Buying special parts and tools

Another costly mistake is when RCM leaders           •	 Training and orientation of crafts personnel

wait until all the analysis are complete                on new procedures

before they begin implementing the new               •	 Planning and scheduling
maintenance plan. To be sure, in most cases          •	 Executing new tasks
implementation can and should start soon after
                                                    The reality is that some companies can take
analysis begins.
                                                    months to make small decisions. That’s why
The fact is that RCM analysis teams have            it’s important to set aggressive timelines and
many “Ah Ha” moments when they uncover              make everyone live by them once the changes
changes they know would have an immediate           have been approved.

14 • GPAllied © 2009                                                                                    Why RCM Does Not Work
Shall we put to bed RCM excuse number              contract that details each step of process, the
three? Rest assured, your RCM effort will          people involved in each step and the date it
fail if you don’t have a plan. RCM takes time,     will start and the date it will be completed. This
critical resources and money, so it should         contract requires signatures from company
only be applied where it will show a return on     management, area managers, supervision and
investment.                                        the RCM team.

Does that statement sound familiar? It should,     In ten years of leading companies to
we have the same expectations for capital          successful RCM efforts, every company that
spending, yet how many capital projects move       completed the RCM contract implemented
forward without a plan?                            their analysis tasks, showed a return on their

If you want your RCM effort to be successful       investment and continued with a successful

you will need a detailed plan in place. The        RCM effort. The contract is your plan for

RCM Blitz™ method gives your RCM                   success when it comes to RCM, and now that

facilitators detailed instruction on how to set    we have a plan, you can forget about making

your effort up for success. Prior to starting      mistake number three!

your first RCM you will prepare the RCM

RCM is All About Condition Monitoring
“We don’t have it, we don’t get it,                help them build the business case for using
and we can’t afford it”                            PdM and precision maintenance techniques.

The 4th Mistake Leading                            A good RCM analysis delivers a balanced

to False Starts and Dead                           set of maintenance tasks designed to ensure

Ends in RCM                                        the inherent designed safety and reliability
                                                   capabilities of your asset. The key word here
RCM is often viewed as a complex and
                                                   is balanced, each task is designed to mitigate
advanced reliability tool intended only for
                                                   a specific failure mode with the recognition
companies with advanced maintenance
                                                   that one task can not and will not cover all the
and reliability efforts. As a result, many
                                                   failure modes for any given component.
companies who could be successful in RCM
are scared away from the tool because they         RCM is all about understanding failure and the

don’t have a predictive maintenance group or       relationship between causes and effects. It’s a

their tradespeople have not been trained in        process that shines a light on each component

precision alignment or balancing.                  detailing, not only the ways it can fail, but also
                                                   the ways we as humans cause it to fail.
As a result, they shy away from a tool that will

                                                                                    GPAllied © 2009 • 15
As part of the RCM decision making process        If we follow the RCM process and start our
we ask the question: Can the failure be           effort with a plan, the business case to perform
detected using On-Condition Maintenance?          vibration analysis and other PdM techniques

When I ask this question regarding the failure    on our critical assets will be a slam dunk. The

of a high speed bearing on a piece of rotating    cost of bringing in the technology, detecting the

equipment, I will often get the following         failure, and planning and scheduling the repair

answer; “Well, no…..we don’t have a vibration     prior to failure will be far less than cost of an

group, so we can’t detect that failure.”          unscheduled emergency failure.

Reliability Centered Maintenance is not about     Reliability Centered Maintenance is all about

the haves or have nots, it’s about making the     building the business case for reliability. It’s

determination of what is the best thing to do.    about learning how to operate and maintain

So when it comes to answering the question;       our assets in the most efficient way possible.

Is there an On-Condition task that would detect   With that being said, I think we can burry

the failure? The correct answer is always yes,    excuse number four. Every one can afford to

and that task is vibration analysis.              learn and apply PdM techniques to their critical

16 • GPAllied © 2009                                                                                  Why RCM Does Not Work
We Expect More From the RCM Process
Than We Do From Our Leaders
         The 5th Mistake Leading                            six people through a RCM analysis and they

         to False Starts and Dead                           will come out of that analysis with a thorough
                                                            understanding of how the equipment is
         Ends in RCM
                                                            supposed to work and the consequences
         It’s been said in the past that one in every
                                                            of each failure mode. That knowledge has
         three RCM efforts will end in failure. I think
                                                            tremendous value, but on its own, it won’t
         that statement is actually being very kind to
                                                            show a return on investment for the RCM
         RCM. I would put the number to two out of
                                                            analysis. To get the value from your analyses,
         every three.
                                                            they must be implemented.
         These numbers are both sad and discouraging
                                                            While its been stated over and over that
         considering the workforce in today’s
                                                            implementation is the graveyard of RCM, I tend
         manufacturing companies are both more
                                                            to have different belief. While your RCM effort
         experienced and educated than the workforce
                                                            might be dead and buried because it wasn’t
         Stan Nowlan and Howard Heap had to work
                                                            implemented. Your leadership holds the RCM
                                                            shovel and they have two choices:
         I stated earlier that Reliability Centered
                                                             1.	They can use the shovel to dig a grave
         Maintenance is about understanding the
                                                                by ignoring the process, expecting
         relationship between causes and effects, and
                                                                implementation to happen all on its own.
         in doing so we use the experience of our RCM
                                                             2.	They can use the shovel to dig the
         team to identify the failure modes of our assets
                                                                foundation for a successful RCM effort
         and in turn use the RCM decision logic to
                                                                by becoming involved with the planning
         identify a maintenance task to mitigate each
                                                                and execution of each step of the RCM
         Using that same logic, could we not perform a
                                                            When it comes to successful RCM efforts,
         RCM analysis on Why RCM Efforts Fail?
                                                            we see leaders and leadership at all levels.
         In simple terms Reliability Centered
                                                            People who understand that while the RCM
         Maintenance is Pro-Active Root Cause
                                                            process will deliver the structure, it takes
         Analysis and if we look at the causes of why
                                                            people to deliver the leadership and discipline
         RCM efforts fail, one major piece of this cause
                                                            necessary to guarantee success in any RCM
         map would be leadership.
                                                            initiative. With Leadership factored in….RCM
         All by itself RCM is a fantastic process, put      really DOES work!

                                                                                             GPAllied © 2009 • 17
About GP Allied
GPAllied helps companies build wealth and         Those who prepare now will reap big dividends
competitive advantage through world-class         in the future…while others will struggle to
predictive maintenance and reliability across a   survive.
global manufacturing network.                     There are very few shortcuts. However, one is
Founded in 1997, GPAllied has quickly             to make sure you get the right help.
become the largest engineering firm               Now you can get answers to your most
specializing in predictive maintenance and        important questions about RCM with a free,
reliability engineering.                          55-minute reliability phone consultation.
Today, GPAllied serves some of the biggest        There’s no hassle, no cost and no obligations.
names in manufacturing, including more than
                                                  Any information you provide is confidential and
200 plants and facilities in the U.S., Canada,
                                                  will not be shared outside of our firm.
Europe and Latin America.
                                                  To take advantage of this special offer contact
FREE Reliability Consultation
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Every year the gap between the companies
                                                                 Phone: 888-414-5760
who are taking advantage of reliability and the
ones who aren’t gets wider.                                       Fax: 843-414-5779

That’s why you can’t afford not to make                      Email:

significant reliability improvements in 2007.

18 • GPAllied © 2009                                                                                Why RCM Does Not Work
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                                                             GPAllied © 2009 • 19
GPAllied, LLC.
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     Phone 888.335.8276 ▪ Fax 843.414.5779 ▪

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Why RCM Doesn't Work?

  • 1. From the Reliability Professionals at GPAllied Why RCM Doesn’t Work How To Avoid the 5 Biggest Mistakes That Lead To False Starts and Dead Ends A Special Report for Corporate Executives & Senior Managers GPAllied © 2009 • 1
  • 2. Copyright Notice Copyright 2008 GPAllied LLC. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use, sharing, reproduction or distribution of these materials by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise is strictly prohibited. No portion of these materials may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever, without the express written consent of the publisher. To obtain permission, please contact: GPAllied LLC. 4200 Faber Place Drive Charleston, SC 29405 Phone 888.335.8276 Fax 843-414-5779 5th Edition September 2010
  • 3. Table of Contents RCM Made Simple................................................................................. 4 Does RCM Work for Manufacturers?..................................................... 7 RCM is too Resource Intensive - Mistake #1......................................... 8 RCM is Just too Complex - Mistake #2................................................ 10 Moving Forward Without A Plan - Mistake #3 . .................................... 13 RCM is All About Condition Monitoring - Mistake #4 ........................... 15 We Expect More From The RCM Process Than We Do From Our Leaders - Mistake #5 ..................................... 17 About GPAllied………………………………………………….... ............ 18 . GPAllied © 2009 • 3
  • 4. Introduction Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a So that’s why we decided to publish this new proven, logical, sensible approach that helps report. Find out why RCM doesn’t work, what companies improve reliability. needs to change and how to put RCM to work Yet most companies are not getting the return at your company so it doesn’t become another they expected. They see RCM as too much Resource Consuming Monster. trouble for too little reward. It has been almost 30 years since Stanley RCM Made Simple Nowlan and Howard Heap published taking planes out of service for maintenance “Reliability Centered Maintenance”, the every 1,000, 5,000 or 10,000 hours. ground-breaking study that changed But the problem with the 747’s was the amount maintenance forever. of maintenance specified by federal regulators Yet myth, mystery and confusion about RCM was three times more than the maintenance still abound. So let’s begin with the basic required for Boeing 707’s. That meant more truths. time in maintenance, more time out of service, To paraphrase RCM practitioner, Doug and a huge disruption to operations. Plucknette, of GPAllied, RCM is a structured Clearly, the airlines’ traditional approach to process developed to ensure the designed maintenance would not be economically safety and reliability capabilities of a process feasible for the new jumbo jets. or piece of equipment. The beauty of So the airlines had two choices: Either buy understanding the RCM process is it can be a larger fleet of planes or develop a more applied to virtually any physical asset in any economical approach to maintenance. plant around the world. That’s why United Airlines led a task force RCM’s roots go back to the early 1960’s, to re-evaluate the concept of preventive when the commercial airline companies were maintenance and determine the most considering buying the new jumbo jet, the economic strategy, without compromising Boeing 747. safety. The result was the process that we At the time, the airlines religiously practiced now know as RCM, which was successfully time-based preventive maintenance. Why? employed on the 747 and all subsequent jet Because the conventional wisdom was that aircraft. equipment wears out over time. So that meant 4 • GPAllied © 2009 Why RCM Does Not Work
  • 5. Who Developed RCM? United, along with and Boeing Aircraft was “Reliability Centered Maintenance”, a Corporation, were the early pioneers of RCM. landmark 495-page report by Stanley Nowlan Other airlines also considering buying the new and Howard Heap, which described the RCM 747’s joined the task force and contributed to methodology developed for the Boeing 747, the process. Douglas DC-10 and Lockheed 1011. But it was Boeing and United who took the (Nowlan was the Director of Maintenance lead in developing a logical, rational approach Analysis for United; Heap was United’s to maintenance that would also be acceptable Manager of Maintenance Program Planning.) to the federal regulators. In 1978, the Defense Department placed the In 1976, the U.S. Department of Defense report in the public domain for use by anyone contracted with United to publish how airlines interested in it. develop maintenance programs. The result How RCM Revolutionized Maintenance The key to RCM was abandoning the to “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. philosophy of “preserve-equipment” in favor Nowlan and Heap also concluded that: of “preserve-function”. Simply put, - Time-based maintenance works only for a equipment became the means to an small percentage of components, and then end, not the end in itself. only when there is solid information on their In addition, Nowlan and Heap “wear-out” characteristics”. concluded that a maintenance - Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) is policy based on operating age the most-preferred option. That means would have little, if any, impact on monitoring, observing and taking non-intrusive failure rates. Thus, applying time- actions, such as lubricating and cleaning, until based maintenance on equipment a condition signals that corrective action is which has no “wear-out” pattern was necessary. futile. This forced a change in philosophy from, “It wasn’t broke, but we fixed it anyway” - Run-to-failure is a viable tactic in situations GPAllied © 2009 • 5
  • 6. when there is no safety and little economic - Non-intrusive maintenance tasks should impact. be used instead of intrusive maintenance - In a significant number of situations, the very whenever possible. In other words, don’t act of maintenance itself causes subsequent do any maintenance, except monitoring and failure of the equipment. non-intrusive sustaining actions, until condition directs intrusive corrective action. RCM Pitfalls In the last 40 years, no better method than “RCM is misunderstood to be software.” RCM has been found for determining what “In the beginning, it was hard. And it maintenance should be performed. Four is still a challenge to steer the mind- statistically significant studies have confirmed set toward more condition-based the validity of RCM. maintenance than time-based.” Yet, in a survey conducted by Reliabilityweb. “We always ran into the problem with com in 2005, several companies offered the implementation. In the few places following excuses when it came to their failure where we implemented it successfully, to begin or implement RCM as a reliability tool. it was at the maintenance level. And “Mining, like all industries, wants results recognition for it was non-existent.” right away, not in 6 months or a year. “The system is very strong but too high The classical RCM process is too time level ...” and resource intense.” The truth is, there are many pitfalls in RCM. “RCM is a great tool but very resource But few get revealed when an RCM project intensive.” fails. You see, nobody wants to write an article “100% reliability is extremely expensive, or present a paper at a conference which difficult to attain, and not necessarily reveals how money was wasted and great the right answer.” visions were never realized. 6 • GPAllied © 2009 Why RCM Does Not Work
  • 7. Does RCM Work for Manufacturers? At the RCM 2005 conference in Clearwater, This mission leads to a very tight set of Florida conference attendees were asked: maintenance guidelines, procedures and “If your company did the maintenance for controls. On the other hand, inside the typical commercial airplanes, how often would you manufacturing plant where maintenance is fly?” viewed as a repair, the maintenance mission is not that clear. Scary thought? Fortunately, most industrial maintenance managers will never have to For example, if a packaging line goes down for answer that question. a couple of hours, that may not be such a big deal. But when you’re talking about a plane To be sure, when it comes to the with hundreds of people on board, that’s a understanding of maintenance and the roll of totally different story. Reliability Centered Maintenance, the airlines are far ahead of industrial manufacturers. After See, the fundamental difference between RCM all, RCM was invented by the airline industry. and all previous approaches to maintenance is the emphasis on two things: safety and But also, in the airline business, the reliability. So even when you take out the maintenance mission is quite clear, it begins safety factor, it’s obvious that RCM is still the with an understanding of equipment functions best way to go. and the failure modes that result in functional failures and ends with a very specific If RCM is so successful, why do some maintenance strategy designed to mitigate companies have failed RCM efforts? the consequences of each failure mode. As a To answer this question, GPAllied created the result, maintenance is viewed as a reliability paper: Why RCM Doesn’t Work – How to Avoid function instead of a repair function. the 5 Biggest Mistakes that Lead to False In viewing maintenance as a reliability Starts and Dead Ends. In viewing the problem function, the airline industry simply charges with a traditional RCM approach, GPAllied maintenance with the following mission: offers not only the top five causes for failed RCM efforts, but pro-active tasks that can be To keep airplanes airborne, full of passengers, put in place to eliminate the failures. and safe. GPAllied © 2009 • 7
  • 8. RCM is Too Resource Intensive Mistake Number 1 Leading based operational, speed and quality losses. to False Starts and Dead If you have selected a critical asset, your implemented RCM maintenance strategy will Ends in RCM show measurable improvements in OEE with RCM is often viewed as a very resource- added improvements in Health, Safety and intensive process. To perform a single RCM Environmental performance as well. analysis requires a substantial amount of work As a general rule, the success of your first with literally hundreds of decisions that have to implemented RCM analysis will build the be made. business case to complete RCM analysis on So RCM should not be applied to every single the remainder of your critical assets. asset you have. The key is to apply it only where it’s needed. Why is RCM viewed as being For instance, there might be only about 10% resource-intensive? of the assets in your plant where you need RCM. If you apply RCM on that critical 10%, A good RCM analysis requires a number of you should be able to improve your overall key people to take time away from their regular capacity, increase output and return a value jobs. Subject matter experts, like operators, much greater than the money you spend maintainers, supervisors and trades people, to do it. will need to become a part of your RCM ef- fort as it’s their expertise and experience that makes the process successful. How do you determine where you While some plants believe they can’t afford should apply RCM? or even consider RCM – especially in a Focus on the systems that will give you the reactive situation where the main job is to best Return on Investment (ROI). Simply put, keep the plant running. Companies who RCM is a slam dunk when it comes to return have successful RCM efforts in place know on investment for critical assets. Begin you the reality when it comes to critical assets; RCM effort by identifying the top 10% of your “We can’t afford to not do RCM when it most critical assets. Once this list has been comes to our critical assets as the cost of lost identified, you should now begin to measure opportunities alone will doom our business.” Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) on When we get down to the nuts and bolts of these assets and performing RCM analysis why RCM works for some companies and not on those critical assets that have equipment- 8 • GPAllied © 2009 Why RCM Does Not Work
  • 9. others we find three things all the successful performed by your experts on critical assets efforts have in common; will provide a return on investment in improved 1. Leadership equipment reliability with reduced Health, Safety, and Environmental incidents and 2. Structure accidents. 3. Discipline It takes experience and expertise to Companies that don’t use RCM, look for and understand your failure modes and mitigate share openly with others excuses as to why the consequences. Only your people bring a proven process didn’t work at their plant. both experience and expertise to the table. While some may view RCM as being labor They are the critical resources able to deliver intensive, companies who have successful exceptional results. RCM efforts understand that RCM analyses Only your people bring both experience and expertise to the table. GPAllied © 2009 • 9
  • 10. RCM is Just too Complex The 2nd Mistake Leading on the team, and are all maintenance to False Starts and Dead managers. So in effect, the company’s senior maintenance staff has already decided NOT to Ends in RCM use RCM as a way to improve availability. If you’re looking for the book of excuses why Why? I didn’t ask, but I have a strong hunch RCM didn’t work at your plant we have heard that the complexity of an RCM analysis and all them all. Recently we received a call from the documentation required can be extremely an operations manager at a mid-sized U.S. demanding. That’s the main reason why utility company. He’s part of a five-member manufacturers have been so slow to adopt the corporate team trying to improve the way they RCM approach. do maintenance. Reliability Centered Maintenance is a Basically, their challenge is to raise availability structured step by step, logical process. The across their fleet of plants from 85% to 91%. structure of this process, while quite simple, At first, he wanted to talk about some requires a trained facilitator who has the Condition Monitoring solutions. It seems they discipline to lead the team step by step through have numerous plants, and “each one is doing the process. something different on PM and PdM.” At first glance, the RCM process can be Then I asked a couple of questions about intimidating and we are often challenged with RCM. Quickly, his tone changed from enthusiastic to reluctant. Finally, he said, “Hang on a minute; I need to shut my door.” “Look”, he said, “RCM is a dirty word around here. I’m working with a group that really doesn’t like RCM. What they like is condition- based. So I can’t go back to them with anything that sounds like RCM.” Now what’s interesting is there are four other members 10 • GPAllied © 2009 Why RCM Does Not Work
  • 11. the question; Do we really need to discuss 2. Use TBTUF failures to this level of detail? Total best thinking up-front, or TBTUF, is one If you want to be successful in improving of the keys to successful RCM. In the simplest reliability, the answer is yes. terms, RCM is a decision-making process Remember the three traits of companies who which calls for answers to questions such as: have successful RCM efforts? • What is this system supposed to do? • How can it fail to do that? Leadership – Structure – Discipline • What causes it to fail? The RCM process provides the structure • What happens when it does fail? needed to be successful. Our GPAllied RCM • Can we predict or prevent that from Blitz™ Practitioners provide the leadership and happening? direction through hands on mentoring that will Obviously, the answers must come from the provide the leadership and discipline it takes to people who know the system: operators, make RCM part of your company culture. maintainers, supervisors, technicians, Some recommendations when it comes to designers and manufacturers. starting a successful RCM effort: The key is to identify these experts and get their buy-in well in advance. 1. Sell team members on the benefits of RCM 3. Involve the RCM team members in RCM takes time and effort away from people implementation who already have full-time jobs. So you’ve got Each RCM analysis should have an to be able to explain to them, in plain English, Implementation Manager assigned to the the benefits of RCM. analysis. This person is responsible for Forget all the technical jargon. You must tracking and reporting the progress of your be able to show how RCM will improve the implementation to company management economics, safety or quality of life at the plant. and the RCM team. To help push the Post some examples of successful RCM implementation forward, each task identified efforts and begin your effort by getting baseline in the RCM analysis should be assigned to a OEE measures on your critical assets. specific individual and each task should have a Continue to measure OEE as you begin to due date for completion. complete and implement the tasks from your One way to assist in moving forward with RCM analyses. The success or your effort and implementation is to involve the RCM team the improved OEE will sell the process. in the implementation of RCM tasks. The GPAllied © 2009 • 11
  • 12. people involved in the analysis will often analysis meetings which tie up people for take ownership in making sure the tasks are weeks on end. implemented, scheduled and completed. Your RCM meetings should be prepped, planned, scheduled and performed with the 4. Get leaders on board efficiency of heart bypass surgery and tying up critical resources (people) for weeks on end It is not unusual to see the least experienced will only doom your effort. and most junior personnel assigned to an RCM analysis team. What does that tell everyone The RCM Blitz™ methodology came about about the project? as a result of recognizing that RCM analyses don’t have to last for weeks and months on Your RCM teams should be made up of people end. The average RCM Blitz analysis lasts who are viewed as: less than one week and by Monday afternoon • Experts in the process or piece of the following week you will have a complete equipment being analyzed implementation plan in place. • Respected by their peers in operations and Best of all, the team can start implementing maintenance the simpler changes that come out of the RCM • Outspoken, Honest, and Open to Change process and start showing results! Debunking myth number two, “RCM is too 5. The A-B-C formula for avoiding complex”! “analysis paralysis” RCM is not complex, it’s structured, and as a Information overload makes it difficult, if not result, this structure requires a detailed plan impossible, for people to make decisions. So and the leadership to see it through. that’s a good reason to avoid non-stop RCM 12 • GPAllied © 2009 Why RCM Does Not Work
  • 13. Moving Forward Without a Plan The 3rd Mistake Leading Because if there’s no execution, there will to False Starts and Dead be no return on investment. So if you don’t have or can’t get the resources needed for Ends in RCM implementation, there’s no point doing any One of Murphy’s Law states that everything analysis. takes longer and costs more than originally Now this point seems obvious, but it’s often projected and we’re afraid that’s true about overlooked. many RCM projects. For instance, in 2001 a steel plant did a The old maxim “time is money” most definitely complete RCM analysis on a number of applies to maintenance. critical systems in their rolling mills. But One sad fact we all recognize about time; You afterwards, the company’s management can’t speed it up or slow it down. When we denied all requests for resources to implement are young we can’t wait to get older so we the results. The company later declared can drive or move out on our own. When we bankruptcy and the plant was sold. get older we often wish we could go back and In another case, a big international chemical change things or just slow time down to enjoy company hired a consultant to facilitate life. So when it comes to time, what do we RCM analysis on a troublesome process have left? which was impacting multiple plants. The We have to manage time to get the most out analysis was completed, report written and of life and the same is true when it comes to recommendations made within 3 weeks. RCM. The best RCM efforts have a detailed Yet two months later, the implementation still plan from start to finish and this plan is hadn’t begun, and it probably never will. reported to everyone who has a stake in the RCM effort. The key to having a successful RCM effort comes in understanding why the two above From a 30,000-foot view, there are basically RCM efforts failed. What did both efforts have four steps to any RCM project: in common? 1. Up front planning They failed to have a detailed plan in place 2. The RCM Analysis to set the project up for success. If you don’t 3. Implementation of RCM tasks have a detailed plan for success, then you can 4. Achieve results, benefits and return on plan on failure. investment Think Days Instead of Weeks The secret is to consider step 3 first. Why? Without a doubt, one of the biggest success GPAllied © 2009 • 13
  • 14. factors in RCM is how fast you can go from the impact ... IF immediate action was taken. analysis in step 2 to implementation in step 3. The secret is to treat the analysis, The whole purpose of RCM is to determine the implementation and results steps as most cost-effective type of maintenance for a overlapping with each other rather than in strict particular system. So it makes sense that the sequence. The ideal situation is when you sooner you can implement the results of an can begin showing real benefits of the RCM RCM analysis, the sooner you should be able process before the analysis stage has even to show the value. been completed. In contrast, the longer it takes to implement the results of an RCM analysis, the less likely the Keep Approval Chains to a Minimum project is to succeed. Finally, it’s a good idea to keep the approval That’s why one of the roles of an RCM process as short as possible in order to Implementation Manager is to push, push and prevent any delays in execution. You don’t push some more to keep the elapsed time want anyone who is unfamiliar with the RCM between analysis and implementation down to process blocking progress without good the shortest number of days possible. reason. You’ve probably heard of the concept in time All the mechanisms should be in place to start management which says work expands to implementing results well before the analysis fill the time available. That principle will kill is complete on the first system. There can be you in RCM if you aren’t careful. It’s the multiple activities to consider, including: positive pressure of tight deadlines and high expectations that get and keep RCM projects • Identifying and allocating resources in high gear. • Writing new procedures, walking-down equipment and getting approvals He Who Hesitates…. • Buying special parts and tools Another costly mistake is when RCM leaders • Training and orientation of crafts personnel wait until all the analysis are complete on new procedures before they begin implementing the new • Planning and scheduling maintenance plan. To be sure, in most cases • Executing new tasks implementation can and should start soon after The reality is that some companies can take analysis begins. months to make small decisions. That’s why The fact is that RCM analysis teams have it’s important to set aggressive timelines and many “Ah Ha” moments when they uncover make everyone live by them once the changes changes they know would have an immediate have been approved. 14 • GPAllied © 2009 Why RCM Does Not Work
  • 15. Shall we put to bed RCM excuse number contract that details each step of process, the three? Rest assured, your RCM effort will people involved in each step and the date it fail if you don’t have a plan. RCM takes time, will start and the date it will be completed. This critical resources and money, so it should contract requires signatures from company only be applied where it will show a return on management, area managers, supervision and investment. the RCM team. Does that statement sound familiar? It should, In ten years of leading companies to we have the same expectations for capital successful RCM efforts, every company that spending, yet how many capital projects move completed the RCM contract implemented forward without a plan? their analysis tasks, showed a return on their If you want your RCM effort to be successful investment and continued with a successful you will need a detailed plan in place. The RCM effort. The contract is your plan for RCM Blitz™ method gives your RCM success when it comes to RCM, and now that facilitators detailed instruction on how to set we have a plan, you can forget about making your effort up for success. Prior to starting mistake number three! your first RCM you will prepare the RCM RCM is All About Condition Monitoring “We don’t have it, we don’t get it, help them build the business case for using and we can’t afford it” PdM and precision maintenance techniques. The 4th Mistake Leading A good RCM analysis delivers a balanced to False Starts and Dead set of maintenance tasks designed to ensure Ends in RCM the inherent designed safety and reliability capabilities of your asset. The key word here RCM is often viewed as a complex and is balanced, each task is designed to mitigate advanced reliability tool intended only for a specific failure mode with the recognition companies with advanced maintenance that one task can not and will not cover all the and reliability efforts. As a result, many failure modes for any given component. companies who could be successful in RCM are scared away from the tool because they RCM is all about understanding failure and the don’t have a predictive maintenance group or relationship between causes and effects. It’s a their tradespeople have not been trained in process that shines a light on each component precision alignment or balancing. detailing, not only the ways it can fail, but also the ways we as humans cause it to fail. As a result, they shy away from a tool that will GPAllied © 2009 • 15
  • 16. As part of the RCM decision making process If we follow the RCM process and start our we ask the question: Can the failure be effort with a plan, the business case to perform detected using On-Condition Maintenance? vibration analysis and other PdM techniques When I ask this question regarding the failure on our critical assets will be a slam dunk. The of a high speed bearing on a piece of rotating cost of bringing in the technology, detecting the equipment, I will often get the following failure, and planning and scheduling the repair answer; “Well, no…..we don’t have a vibration prior to failure will be far less than cost of an group, so we can’t detect that failure.” unscheduled emergency failure. Reliability Centered Maintenance is not about Reliability Centered Maintenance is all about the haves or have nots, it’s about making the building the business case for reliability. It’s determination of what is the best thing to do. about learning how to operate and maintain So when it comes to answering the question; our assets in the most efficient way possible. Is there an On-Condition task that would detect With that being said, I think we can burry the failure? The correct answer is always yes, excuse number four. Every one can afford to and that task is vibration analysis. learn and apply PdM techniques to their critical assets. 16 • GPAllied © 2009 Why RCM Does Not Work
  • 17. We Expect More From the RCM Process Than We Do From Our Leaders The 5th Mistake Leading six people through a RCM analysis and they to False Starts and Dead will come out of that analysis with a thorough understanding of how the equipment is Ends in RCM supposed to work and the consequences It’s been said in the past that one in every of each failure mode. That knowledge has three RCM efforts will end in failure. I think tremendous value, but on its own, it won’t that statement is actually being very kind to show a return on investment for the RCM RCM. I would put the number to two out of analysis. To get the value from your analyses, every three. they must be implemented. These numbers are both sad and discouraging While its been stated over and over that considering the workforce in today’s implementation is the graveyard of RCM, I tend manufacturing companies are both more to have different belief. While your RCM effort experienced and educated than the workforce might be dead and buried because it wasn’t Stan Nowlan and Howard Heap had to work implemented. Your leadership holds the RCM with. shovel and they have two choices: I stated earlier that Reliability Centered 1. They can use the shovel to dig a grave Maintenance is about understanding the by ignoring the process, expecting relationship between causes and effects, and implementation to happen all on its own. in doing so we use the experience of our RCM 2. They can use the shovel to dig the team to identify the failure modes of our assets foundation for a successful RCM effort and in turn use the RCM decision logic to by becoming involved with the planning identify a maintenance task to mitigate each and execution of each step of the RCM failure. process. Using that same logic, could we not perform a When it comes to successful RCM efforts, RCM analysis on Why RCM Efforts Fail? we see leaders and leadership at all levels. In simple terms Reliability Centered People who understand that while the RCM Maintenance is Pro-Active Root Cause process will deliver the structure, it takes Analysis and if we look at the causes of why people to deliver the leadership and discipline RCM efforts fail, one major piece of this cause necessary to guarantee success in any RCM map would be leadership. initiative. With Leadership factored in….RCM All by itself RCM is a fantastic process, put really DOES work! GPAllied © 2009 • 17
  • 18. About GP Allied GPAllied helps companies build wealth and Those who prepare now will reap big dividends competitive advantage through world-class in the future…while others will struggle to predictive maintenance and reliability across a survive. global manufacturing network. There are very few shortcuts. However, one is Founded in 1997, GPAllied has quickly to make sure you get the right help. become the largest engineering firm Now you can get answers to your most specializing in predictive maintenance and important questions about RCM with a free, reliability engineering. 55-minute reliability phone consultation. Today, GPAllied serves some of the biggest There’s no hassle, no cost and no obligations. names in manufacturing, including more than Any information you provide is confidential and 200 plants and facilities in the U.S., Canada, will not be shared outside of our firm. Europe and Latin America. To take advantage of this special offer contact FREE Reliability Consultation GPAllied at: Every year the gap between the companies Phone: 888-414-5760 who are taking advantage of reliability and the ones who aren’t gets wider. Fax: 843-414-5779 That’s why you can’t afford not to make Email: significant reliability improvements in 2007. 18 • GPAllied © 2009 Why RCM Does Not Work
  • 19. Legal Notice While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contradictory interpretation of the subject matter herein. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, including federal, state and local governing business practices and any other aspects of doing business in the U.S. or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchaser or reader. GPAllied LLC. assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. GPAllied © 2009 • 19
  • 20. GPAllied, LLC. 4200 Faber Place Drive ▪ Charleston, SC 29405 USA Phone 888.335.8276 ▪ Fax 843.414.5779 ▪