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Steven W. Villachica, PhD

Organizational Performance
and Workplace Learning
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 Introduction
 CIT Examples
 Your Turn
 Wrap Up
Where CPT Fits in Performance Improvement
What do you do when…

 Exemplary performance is fuzzy?
 No one knows what a “good one”
  looks like?
 Managers and clients don‟t know how
  work gets done?
 There are no functional descriptions of
  workplace activities?
 Job descriptions  workplace tasks?
 What the organization says it values 
  what the organization really values?

Jonassen, Tessmer,          Hoffman, Coffey, Ford, & Carnot (2001)
& Hannum (1999a,

           Harless (1986)                  Flanagan (1954, 1962)
CIT as Evidence-Based Practice
 Data-Driven Decision Making Almost 60 Years of Use
1. Determine questions you          In peer-reviewed
   want to answer                    journals
2. Collect specific, relevant data  In a variety of disciplines
   from different, triangulated      and workplace settings
   sources in the field             To create all sorts of
3. Analyze the data                  performance
4. Draw conclusions to answer        improvement solutions
   the questions
   --in ways that improve valued

                                      More stuff that works!
CIT in Many Fields

Researcher      Used CIT to
Flanagan (1954) Create procedures to select and
                train WWII aircrews.
Thomas &        Identify triggers that virtual teams
Bostrom (2010) use to adapt their uses of
                technology during a project
Korte (2010)    Investigate how newly hired
                engineers socialize themselves
                within a firm
CIT in Many Fields
       About 20 CIT appearances in PI and PIQ

Researcher        Used CIT to
Craytor (1968)    Create programmed instruction in
                  therapeutic radiology for nursing
Smith (2009)      Identify areas of expertise
                  associated with ASTD‟s
                  competency model
Hale (2011)       Create ISPI‟s proficiency-based
                  certification for school improvement
CIT in Many Fields
        About 20 CIT appearances in PI and PIQ

Researcher      Used CIT to
Lundberg,       Conduct a needs assessment
Elderman,       investigating a problem with billable
Ferrell, &      hours in a national retailer‟s parts and
Harper (2010)   service department
Bacdayan        Create a test that quality improve-
(2002)          ment teams can use to determine the
                suitability of a given project
Dean (1998)     How to conduct CIT
Marrelli (2005) How to conduct CIT
             A Basic CIT Process                pp. 1-2

                                   4. Analyze data
1. Determine the aim
                             •   Frame of reference
      of the CIT
                             •   Categories
                             •   Priorities
   2. Plan the CIT           •   Verification
• Observers
• Observations                    5. Report findings
• Specific behaviors          • Categories
                              • Prototypical incidents
 3. Collect incidents         • Limitations
• Observations                • PI conclusions
• Interviews            CIT isn’t a rigid recipe. It’s a set
• Focus groups          of flexible set of principles.
• Surveys               (Flanagan, 1954; Woolsey, 1986)
Example 1: Making Service Standards Real

 The opportunity
 The incidents
                                •   Client (anonymous)
  • Service Standards           •   Stephanie Clark
    Professional
                                •   Amanda Collins
    Respectful
                                •   Julie Kwan
    Compassionate
                                •   Allison Sesnon
    Helpful
 • What do the standards REALLY mean?
 • How do we operationalize the standards?
 • How do we close gaps in service performance?
 The results
What the ID Team Did

 Use CIT to collect stories about exemplary and
  non-exemplary performance
 Generated competencies
 Ranked the criticality of the competencies
 Focused on two key competencies
  • Responding to clientele needs
  • Communicating with clientele and team
 Fixed the environment and provided training
  • Standards, feedback, process
A Service Standard Example: Helpful

Exemplary Performance                   Non-Exemplary Behavior
An elderly guest, using a cane, came    A family is in a hurry to get on the
into the kitchen for a yogurt. A        road. They were just informed
volunteer working in the kitchen        unexpectedly that they need to
greeted her and engaged in friendly     check their child out of the
conversation. The volunteer             hospital this afternoon. They are
recognized that the guest was           frantically trying to get everything
having difficulty going out the door,   done to leave. A volunteer notices
so the volunteer offered to hold the    the family is leaving and reminds
door. The guest remembered she          them to be sure to wash the room
needed a spoon for her yogurt, and      laundry before they leave.
the volunteer fetched a plastic spoon
for the guest and assisted the guest
out the door.
How CIT Helped
 Made otherwise abstract standards
  visible by associating compelling
  stories with each
 Targeted service competencies
  needing improvement
 Provided a mechanism to fix
  environmental causes of the
  performance gap
 Provided sources of demos and           http://www.perform
  role-play activities for the training   /08/tales-from-the-
 Made the effort “by and for the         field-making-service-
  volunteers and staff”                   families-in-need/
Example 2: Decreasing Time to Competent
       Engineering Performance

 This material is based upon work
  supported by the National Science
  Foundation under Grant No. 1037808.

 Any opinions, findings, and conclusions
  or recommendations expressed in this
  material are those of the author(s) and
  do not necessarily reflect the views of
  the National Science Foundation.
Engineering Education Research to Practice

 Improve engineering education in ways that
  improve workplace performance.
 Education engineering for engineering education.

 Engineering                                                         Workplace
                        Newly Graduated and Hired
  Students                                                            Skills
                          “Freshout” Engineers

Engineering Education                               Engineering Workplace

                            Valley of Death
Our Shared Opportunity
              Decrease Ramp Up Time to Competent Performance

                                                                        Company Costs
                   Promotion!                            Desired    $   Training
                                                                    $   Errors
                                                      Competency    $   Mentoring

                                                                    $   Salary
                                    New Task/Project
                                                                    $   Opportunity
                                                                    $   Other projects
                   Leave University/Enter Workforce
                                                                    $   Others?

                                                         {                         }
                                                             Increase Starting Skills
                                                                     - OR -
                                REDUCE                       Change Learning Curve
                                                                     - OR -
                                 CO$T                           Make Boundaries
Spanning Gaps between Actual and Desired
         Engineering Performance

                                 Shared    Decrease Ramp-up Time to Competent Job
Education Engineering          Opportunity Performance in the Engineering Workplace
                                                     Research Questions

                                •   What are newly graduated and hired “fresh out” engineers
    Root           Escape           doing/not doing in the workplace that they should?
   Cause            Cause       •   What are the consequences of performance/non-performance
  Analysis         Analysis         in the workplace?
                                •   What workplace competencies should fresh outs possess?
                                •   In what workplace contexts do fresh outs apply the
                   Escape       •   What are the root causes of workplace nonperformance?
                   Action                          Focus Groups & Surveys

 Problem         Inspection     • Engineering managers, engineering leads, HR personnel, and
                  Failures        technical scientists who work with fresh out engineers
                                • Fresh out engineers               Engineering Practice Survey
7 Focus Groups                         Company       Manager   Fresh-Out
 Qualitative design using critical    Parametrix       5          0
                                        Micron          4          3
  incident technique (Flanagan,       Motive Power      3          4
  1954)                                CH2MHill         4          3

 16 engineering managers, lead          Total         16         10
  engineers, supervising
  engineers, technical scientists,
  and HR personnel that work
  with freshouts to bring them up
  to speed in the workplace
 10 freshouts

                Identify Company    Arrange Focus
Recruitment         Sponsors            Groups

  Facilitate      Collect Data
                about Workplace
                                     Collect Data
                                   about Causes of
Focus Groups      Performance      Nonperformance

    Grow         Share Results      Work towards
                     and            Collaborative
Collaboration    Sensemaking       Corrective Action
Method         Handout
                         Instrumentation     p. 4

Critical Incident Card

Root Cause Analysis
                     INFORMATION                TOOLS                  MOTIVATION

               •   Data                 •   Resources           •   Incentives
               •   Expectations         •   Software            •   Rewards
               •   Feedback             •   Tools               •   Consequences
               •   Standard Operating   •   Support

               •   Knowledge            •   Physical Capacity   •   Motives

               •   Skills               •   Mental Capacity     •   Affect
                                        •   Flexibility         •   Work Habits
                                        •   Resilience          •   Drive
Comparing the Examples

 ID team supporting    Collect instances
  nonprofit service     Group instances into
  standards              behaviors or competencies
 Research team         Prioritize the groups
  conducting a          Make sense of the data
  analysis for         “It’s the small stories
  freshout engineers   gathered together that
                       made that big ah-ah.”
                                    --Allison Sesnon
Your Turn!
         Create and Classify Incidents for ISPI

          ISPI wants to collect real-world stories
          about performance improvement

1.   Instances of successful HPT performance
2.   Instances of unsuccessful HPT performance
3.   Assign categories
4.   Leave completed incidents on the table

                  You will need a pen or pencil!
Ground Rules

 Doing this voluntarily. Can stop any time.
 Feel free to omit your name and email if you
 ISPI may contact you to learn more about an
  incident you provide.
 ISPI considers your data confidential.
 ISPI will report data in aggregate form,
  without mentioning individual contributors.
Name (optional)                                        Email address (optional)
Describe an incident that occurred to a practitioner
(you or someone else) trying to improve
                                                            Discrete Tasks
                                                        • Deliver a client
What level of performance was the practitioner
trying to improve?                                        presentation
(Check all that apply)                                  • Identify the root
 Worker  Organization  Enterprise  Society            cause of a problem
Does this incident reflect (check one):                 • Analyze a data set
 Where the practitioner successfully performed a
  task related to improving performance?
 Where the practitioner was unsuccessful in            • Keep stories short
  performing a task related to improving
                                                        • Focus on quick
What were the general circumstances leading up to
this incident?
                                                           Use Action Verbs
What the practitioner was trying to accomplish?
                                                       • Delayed production
How did this incident affect the goals of the
practitioner’s project?
                                                       • Increased costs
                                                       • Satisfied customers
How often do incidents like this occur?                 Only once  Sometimes
                                                       • Met standards
                                                        Frequently
Successful Incident                    (With apologies to Harold Stolovitch)
Describe an incident that occurred to a practitioner  Describing a training request,
(you or someone else) trying to improve performance. the client seemed focused on
                                                      means (schedules, compliance,
                                                      length of training). Client didn’t
What level of performance was the practitioner trying
                                                      mention anything about the
to improve?
                                                      ends –the valued business
(Check all that apply)
                                                      goals that the training should
 Worker  Organization  Enterprise  Society
Does this incident reflect (check one):
 Where the practitioner successfully performed a     Used probing questions to:
   task related to improving performance?             • Frame statements of actual
 Where the practitioner was unsuccessful in             and desired performance.
   performing a task related to improving             • Align the gap with business
   performance?                                          goals.

What were the general circumstances leading up to       Training request from human
this incident?                                          resources department.
What the practitioner was trying to accomplish?         Focus on valued performance
How did this incident affect the goals of the           Refocused client on delivering a
practitioner’s project?                                 valued success story
How often do incidents like this occur?                  Only once  Sometimes
                                                         Frequently
Unsuccessful Incidents

 Generate incidents where a practitioner was
  unsuccessful in performing a task related to
  improving performance.
Code the Incidents You’ve Created
                     Part 1

CPT Standard    Code of Ethics   Cause Analysis
(1-10)          (A-F)            (a-l)

For every instance:
1. Specify at least one
   relevant CPT
   standard (1-10)
2. Specify at least one
   ethical code (A-F)
Code the Incidents You’ve Created
                    Part 2

CPT Standard   Code of Ethics   Cause Analysis
(1-10)         (A-F)            (a-l)

For unsuccessful
1. Indicate ONE
   potential root
   cause (a-l)
                                        --Based on Gilbert (1978)
Initial E2R2P Findings
                           Problem Identification

                What Freshouts Do on the Job—
                 Successfully and Otherwise
                                                     Communication and Teamwork
                                    12%              Analysis
                                                     Technical fundamentals
          Other, 23%                                 Software skills

                                            12%      Problem solving

                                                     Positive attitude
     2%                                              Leadership

2%                                              9%   Work Ethic
                                                     Circuit debug
 3%                                                  Trouble shooting and critical thinking
                                           6%        Real world engineering
     3%    3%
                3%                                   Process Knowledge
                     3%                              Programming
                          5%   5%
                                                     Business System Knowledge
Initial E2R2P Findings
                 Root Cause Analysis

  19%      17%                                  18%            Env. Info
                 4%                                            Env. Tool
                  0%                      3%              0%   Env. Mot
                                                               Ind. Know
                                                               Ind. Cap
         45%                                      57%          Ind. Mot

      Managers                6%                 Freshouts
                       11%              35%



                         Dean (1997)
Next E2R2P Steps
 Outreach to professional
  organizations, new company
  sponsors, and other universities
 Present survey, problem
  identification, and root cause
  analysis findings to company
  sponsors and participants for
  collaborative sensemaking
 Create a community of shared
  practice and concern          
 Build to a corrective action forum
  with all stakeholders (a.k.a. “design
  solutions”)                             2p
CIT Wrap Up

 CIT has a track record spanning almost 60
 CIT is an evidence-based practice for
  performance improvement
 CIT is applicable in a wide variety of settings
  where performance is fuzzy
 CIT can be a valuable tool for
  performance improvement
            When performance is
            fuzzy, consider CIT!
Bacdayan, P. (2002). Preventing stalled quality improvement teams: A written test of project selection ability. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 15(1), 47-66. doi:
Butterfield, L.D., Borgen, W.A., Amundson, N.E., & Maglio, A.-S.T. (2005). Fifty years of the critical incident technique: 1954-2004 and beyond. Qualitative
     Research, 5(4), 475-497. doi: 10.1177/1468794105056924
Clark, S., Collins, A., Kwan, J., & Sesnon, A. (2012). Tales from the field: Making service standards real for families in need. Performance Xpress, (August 1).
Craytor, J.K. (1968). Critical incident technique, programmed instruction and nursing education. NSPI Journal, 7(6), 12-18. doi: 10.1002/pfi.4180070606
Dean, P.J. (1998). A qualitative method of assessment and analysis for changing the organizational culture. Performance Improvement, 37(2), 14-23. doi:
Flanagan, J.C. (1954). The critical incident technique. Psychological Bulletin, 51(4), 327-358. doi: 10.1037/h0061470
Flanagan, J.C. (1962). Measuring human performance. Pittsburgh, PA: The American Institute for Research.
Hale, J.A. (2011). Competencies for professionals in school improvement. Performance Improvement, 50(4), 10-17. doi: 10.1002/pfi.20208
Harless, J.H. (1986). Guiding performance with job aids. In M. Smith (Ed.), Introduction to performance technology (Vol. 1, pp. 106-124). Washington, DC: The National
     Society for Performance and Instruction.
Hoffman, R.R., Coffey, J.W., Ford, K.M., & Carnot, M.J. (2001). Storm-lk: A human-centered knowledge model for weather forecasting. Paper presented at the Human
     Factors and Ergonomics Society 45th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN.
Jonassen, D.H., Tessmer, M., & Hannum, W.H. (1999a). Job task analysis. In Task analysis methods for instructional design (pp. 55-62). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Jonassen, D.H., Tessmer, M., & Hannum, W.H. (1999b). Procedural analysis. In Task analysis methods for instructional design (pp. 45-54). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Korte, R. (2010). „First, get to know them‟: A relational view of organizational socialization. Human Resource Development International, 13(1), 27 - 43. doi:
Lundberg, C., Elderman, J.L., Ferrell, P., & Harper, L. (2010). Data gathering and analysis for needs assessment: A case study. Performance Improvement, 49(8), 27-34. doi:
Marrelli, A.F. (2005). The performance technologist's toolbox: Critical incidents. Performance Improvement, 44(10), 40-44. doi: 10.1002/pfi.4140441009
Stone, D.L., Blomberg, S., & Villachica, S. (2009, April). Capturing and leveraging expert decision making and problem solving. Paper presented at the International Society
     for Performance Improvement, Orlando, FL.
Thomas, D.M., & Bostrom, R.P. (2010). Vital signs for virtual teams: An empirically developed trigger model for technology adaptation interventions. MIS
     Quarterly, 34(1), 115-142.
Van Tiem, D.M., Moseley, J.L., & Dessinger, J.C. (2012). Performance improvement/HPT model--an overview. In Fundamentals of performance improvement: A guide to
     improving people, process, and performance (3rd ed., pp. 41-59). San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.
Woolsey, L.K. (1986). The critical incident technique: An innovative qualitative method of research. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 20(4), 242-254.
Thank You

Questions? Comments?

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When performance is fuzzy (ispi 2013) v2

  • 1. WHEN PERFORMANCE IS FUZZY: THE CRITICAL INCIDENT TECHNIQUE (CIT) Steven W. Villachica, PhD Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning Download slides and handout at edu/ieeci/e2r2p/project-deliverables
  • 2. Agenda 2  Introduction  CIT Examples  Your Turn  Wrap Up
  • 3. Where CPT Fits in Performance Improvement 3
  • 4. What do you do when… 4  Exemplary performance is fuzzy?  No one knows what a “good one” looks like?  Managers and clients don‟t know how work gets done?  There are no functional descriptions of workplace activities?  Job descriptions  workplace tasks?  What the organization says it values  what the organization really values?
  • 5. 5 Jonassen, Tessmer, Hoffman, Coffey, Ford, & Carnot (2001) & Hannum (1999a, 1999b) Harless (1986) Flanagan (1954, 1962)
  • 6. CIT as Evidence-Based Practice 6 Data-Driven Decision Making Almost 60 Years of Use 1. Determine questions you  In peer-reviewed want to answer journals 2. Collect specific, relevant data  In a variety of disciplines from different, triangulated and workplace settings sources in the field  To create all sorts of 3. Analyze the data performance 4. Draw conclusions to answer improvement solutions the questions --in ways that improve valued performance More stuff that works!
  • 7. CIT in Many Fields 7 Researcher Used CIT to Flanagan (1954) Create procedures to select and train WWII aircrews. Thomas & Identify triggers that virtual teams Bostrom (2010) use to adapt their uses of technology during a project Korte (2010) Investigate how newly hired engineers socialize themselves within a firm
  • 8. CIT in Many Fields About 20 CIT appearances in PI and PIQ 8 Researcher Used CIT to Craytor (1968) Create programmed instruction in therapeutic radiology for nursing students Smith (2009) Identify areas of expertise associated with ASTD‟s competency model Hale (2011) Create ISPI‟s proficiency-based certification for school improvement specialists
  • 9. CIT in Many Fields About 20 CIT appearances in PI and PIQ 9 Researcher Used CIT to Lundberg, Conduct a needs assessment Elderman, investigating a problem with billable Ferrell, & hours in a national retailer‟s parts and Harper (2010) service department Bacdayan Create a test that quality improve- (2002) ment teams can use to determine the suitability of a given project Dean (1998) How to conduct CIT Marrelli (2005) How to conduct CIT
  • 10. Handout A Basic CIT Process pp. 1-2 10 4. Analyze data 1. Determine the aim • Frame of reference of the CIT • Categories • Priorities 2. Plan the CIT • Verification • Observers • Observations 5. Report findings • Specific behaviors • Categories • Prototypical incidents 3. Collect incidents • Limitations • Observations • PI conclusions • Interviews CIT isn’t a rigid recipe. It’s a set • Focus groups of flexible set of principles. • Surveys (Flanagan, 1954; Woolsey, 1986)
  • 11. Example 1: Making Service Standards Real 11  The opportunity  The incidents • Client (anonymous) • Service Standards • Stephanie Clark  Professional • Amanda Collins  Respectful • Julie Kwan  Compassionate • Allison Sesnon  Helpful • What do the standards REALLY mean? • How do we operationalize the standards? • How do we close gaps in service performance?  The results
  • 12. What the ID Team Did 12  Use CIT to collect stories about exemplary and non-exemplary performance  Generated competencies  Ranked the criticality of the competencies  Focused on two key competencies • Responding to clientele needs • Communicating with clientele and team  Fixed the environment and provided training • Standards, feedback, process
  • 13. A Service Standard Example: Helpful 13 Exemplary Performance Non-Exemplary Behavior An elderly guest, using a cane, came A family is in a hurry to get on the into the kitchen for a yogurt. A road. They were just informed volunteer working in the kitchen unexpectedly that they need to greeted her and engaged in friendly check their child out of the conversation. The volunteer hospital this afternoon. They are recognized that the guest was frantically trying to get everything having difficulty going out the door, done to leave. A volunteer notices so the volunteer offered to hold the the family is leaving and reminds door. The guest remembered she them to be sure to wash the room needed a spoon for her yogurt, and laundry before they leave. the volunteer fetched a plastic spoon for the guest and assisted the guest out the door.
  • 14. How CIT Helped 14  Made otherwise abstract standards visible by associating compelling stories with each  Targeted service competencies needing improvement  Provided a mechanism to fix environmental causes of the performance gap  Provided sources of demos and http://www.perform role-play activities for the training /08/tales-from-the-  Made the effort “by and for the field-making-service- standards-real-for- volunteers and staff” families-in-need/
  • 15. Example 2: Decreasing Time to Competent Engineering Performance 15  This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1037808.  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
  • 16. Engineering Education Research to Practice E2R2P 16  Improve engineering education in ways that improve workplace performance.  Education engineering for engineering education. Engineering Workplace Newly Graduated and Hired Students Skills “Freshout” Engineers Engineering Education Engineering Workplace Research-to-Practice Valley of Death
  • 17. Our Shared Opportunity Decrease Ramp Up Time to Competent Performance 17 Company Costs Promotion! Desired $ Training Competency $ Errors Actual Competency $ Mentoring Performance $ Salary New Task/Project $ Opportunity $ Other projects Leave University/Enter Workforce $ Others? Time { } Increase Starting Skills - OR - REDUCE Change Learning Curve - OR - CO$T Make Boundaries Porous
  • 18. Spanning Gaps between Actual and Desired Engineering Performance 18 Shared Decrease Ramp-up Time to Competent Job Education Engineering Opportunity Performance in the Engineering Workplace Problem Identification Research Questions • What are newly graduated and hired “fresh out” engineers Root Escape doing/not doing in the workplace that they should? Cause Cause • What are the consequences of performance/non-performance Analysis Analysis in the workplace? • What workplace competencies should fresh outs possess? • In what workplace contexts do fresh outs apply the competencies? Escape • What are the root causes of workplace nonperformance? Corrective Corrective Action Action Focus Groups & Surveys Problem Inspection • Engineering managers, engineering leads, HR personnel, and Failures technical scientists who work with fresh out engineers • Fresh out engineers  Engineering Practice Survey
  • 19. Method 19 Participants 7 Focus Groups Company Manager Fresh-Out  Qualitative design using critical Parametrix 5 0 Micron 4 3 incident technique (Flanagan, Motive Power 3 4 1954) CH2MHill 4 3  16 engineering managers, lead Total 16 10 engineers, supervising engineers, technical scientists, and HR personnel that work with freshouts to bring them up to speed in the workplace  10 freshouts
  • 20. Method Procedure 20 Identify Company Arrange Focus Recruitment Sponsors Groups Facilitate Collect Data about Workplace Collect Data about Causes of Focus Groups Performance Nonperformance Grow Share Results Work towards and Collaborative Collaboration Sensemaking Corrective Action
  • 21. Method Handout Instrumentation p. 4 21 Critical Incident Card
  • 22. Method Instrumentation 13 Root Cause Analysis INFORMATION TOOLS MOTIVATION ENVIRONMENT • Data • Resources • Incentives • Expectations • Software • Rewards • Feedback • Tools • Consequences • Standard Operating • Support Procedures • Knowledge • Physical Capacity • Motives PERSON • Skills • Mental Capacity • Affect • Flexibility • Work Habits • Resilience • Drive
  • 23. Comparing the Examples 23  ID team supporting  Collect instances nonprofit service  Group instances into standards behaviors or competencies  Research team  Prioritize the groups conducting a  Make sense of the data performance analysis for “It’s the small stories freshout engineers gathered together that made that big ah-ah.”  --Allison Sesnon
  • 24. Your Turn! Create and Classify Incidents for ISPI 24 ISPI wants to collect real-world stories about performance improvement 1. Instances of successful HPT performance 2. Instances of unsuccessful HPT performance 3. Assign categories 4. Leave completed incidents on the table You will need a pen or pencil!
  • 25. Ground Rules 25  Doing this voluntarily. Can stop any time.  Feel free to omit your name and email if you want.  ISPI may contact you to learn more about an incident you provide.  ISPI considers your data confidential.  ISPI will report data in aggregate form, without mentioning individual contributors.
  • 26. Name (optional) Email address (optional) Describe an incident that occurred to a practitioner (you or someone else) trying to improve performance. Discrete Tasks 26 • Deliver a client What level of performance was the practitioner trying to improve? presentation (Check all that apply) • Identify the root  Worker  Organization  Enterprise  Society cause of a problem Does this incident reflect (check one): • Analyze a data set  Where the practitioner successfully performed a task related to improving performance?  Where the practitioner was unsuccessful in • Keep stories short performing a task related to improving performance? • Focus on quick generation What were the general circumstances leading up to this incident? Use Action Verbs What the practitioner was trying to accomplish? • Delayed production How did this incident affect the goals of the practitioner’s project? • Increased costs • Satisfied customers How often do incidents like this occur?  Only once  Sometimes • Met standards  Frequently
  • 27. Successful Incident (With apologies to Harold Stolovitch) Describe an incident that occurred to a practitioner Describing a training request, (you or someone else) trying to improve performance. the client seemed focused on 27 means (schedules, compliance, length of training). Client didn’t What level of performance was the practitioner trying mention anything about the to improve? ends –the valued business (Check all that apply) goals that the training should  Worker  Organization  Enterprise  Society produce. Does this incident reflect (check one):  Where the practitioner successfully performed a Used probing questions to: task related to improving performance? • Frame statements of actual  Where the practitioner was unsuccessful in and desired performance. performing a task related to improving • Align the gap with business performance? goals. What were the general circumstances leading up to Training request from human this incident? resources department. What the practitioner was trying to accomplish? Focus on valued performance How did this incident affect the goals of the Refocused client on delivering a practitioner’s project? valued success story How often do incidents like this occur?  Only once  Sometimes  Frequently
  • 28. Unsuccessful Incidents 28  Generate incidents where a practitioner was unsuccessful in performing a task related to improving performance.
  • 29. Code the Incidents You’ve Created Part 1 29 CPT Standard Code of Ethics Cause Analysis (1-10) (A-F) (a-l) For every instance: 1. Specify at least one relevant CPT standard (1-10) 2. Specify at least one ethical code (A-F)
  • 30. Code the Incidents You’ve Created Part 2 30 CPT Standard Code of Ethics Cause Analysis (1-10) (A-F) (a-l) For unsuccessful performances, 1. Indicate ONE potential root cause (a-l) --Based on Gilbert (1978)
  • 31. Initial E2R2P Findings Problem Identification 31 What Freshouts Do on the Job— Successfully and Otherwise Communication and Teamwork Design 12% Analysis Technical fundamentals Other, 23% Software skills 12% Problem solving Motivation 2% Positive attitude 2% Leadership 2% 9% Work Ethic Circuit debug 2% 3% Trouble shooting and critical thinking 6% Real world engineering 3% 3% 3% Process Knowledge 6% 3% Programming 5% 5% Business System Knowledge Other
  • 32. Initial E2R2P Findings Root Cause Analysis 32 19% 17% 18% Env. Info 17% 4% Env. Tool 5% 0% 3% 0% Env. Mot 15% Ind. Know Ind. Cap 45% 57% Ind. Mot Managers 6% Freshouts 8% 11% 35% 11% 29% Dean (1997)
  • 33. Next E2R2P Steps 33  Outreach to professional organizations, new company sponsors, and other universities  Present survey, problem identification, and root cause analysis findings to company sponsors and participants for collaborative sensemaking  Create a community of shared practice and concern  Build to a corrective action forum with all stakeholders (a.k.a. “design solutions”) 2p
  • 34. CIT Wrap Up 34  CIT has a track record spanning almost 60 years  CIT is an evidence-based practice for performance improvement  CIT is applicable in a wide variety of settings where performance is fuzzy  CIT can be a valuable tool for performance improvement practitioners When performance is fuzzy, consider CIT!
  • 35. References 35 Bacdayan, P. (2002). Preventing stalled quality improvement teams: A written test of project selection ability. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 15(1), 47-66. doi: 10.1111/j.1937-8327.2002.tb00240.x Butterfield, L.D., Borgen, W.A., Amundson, N.E., & Maglio, A.-S.T. (2005). Fifty years of the critical incident technique: 1954-2004 and beyond. Qualitative Research, 5(4), 475-497. doi: 10.1177/1468794105056924 Clark, S., Collins, A., Kwan, J., & Sesnon, A. (2012). Tales from the field: Making service standards real for families in need. Performance Xpress, (August 1). Craytor, J.K. (1968). Critical incident technique, programmed instruction and nursing education. NSPI Journal, 7(6), 12-18. doi: 10.1002/pfi.4180070606 Dean, P.J. (1998). A qualitative method of assessment and analysis for changing the organizational culture. Performance Improvement, 37(2), 14-23. doi: 10.1002/pfi.4140370207 Flanagan, J.C. (1954). The critical incident technique. Psychological Bulletin, 51(4), 327-358. doi: 10.1037/h0061470 Flanagan, J.C. (1962). Measuring human performance. Pittsburgh, PA: The American Institute for Research. Hale, J.A. (2011). Competencies for professionals in school improvement. Performance Improvement, 50(4), 10-17. doi: 10.1002/pfi.20208 Harless, J.H. (1986). Guiding performance with job aids. In M. Smith (Ed.), Introduction to performance technology (Vol. 1, pp. 106-124). Washington, DC: The National Society for Performance and Instruction. Hoffman, R.R., Coffey, J.W., Ford, K.M., & Carnot, M.J. (2001). Storm-lk: A human-centered knowledge model for weather forecasting. Paper presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. Jonassen, D.H., Tessmer, M., & Hannum, W.H. (1999a). Job task analysis. In Task analysis methods for instructional design (pp. 55-62). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Jonassen, D.H., Tessmer, M., & Hannum, W.H. (1999b). Procedural analysis. In Task analysis methods for instructional design (pp. 45-54). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Korte, R. (2010). „First, get to know them‟: A relational view of organizational socialization. Human Resource Development International, 13(1), 27 - 43. doi: 10.1080/13678861003588984 Lundberg, C., Elderman, J.L., Ferrell, P., & Harper, L. (2010). Data gathering and analysis for needs assessment: A case study. Performance Improvement, 49(8), 27-34. doi: 10.1002/pfi.20170 Marrelli, A.F. (2005). The performance technologist's toolbox: Critical incidents. Performance Improvement, 44(10), 40-44. doi: 10.1002/pfi.4140441009 Stone, D.L., Blomberg, S., & Villachica, S. (2009, April). Capturing and leveraging expert decision making and problem solving. Paper presented at the International Society for Performance Improvement, Orlando, FL. Thomas, D.M., & Bostrom, R.P. (2010). Vital signs for virtual teams: An empirically developed trigger model for technology adaptation interventions. MIS Quarterly, 34(1), 115-142. Van Tiem, D.M., Moseley, J.L., & Dessinger, J.C. (2012). Performance improvement/HPT model--an overview. In Fundamentals of performance improvement: A guide to improving people, process, and performance (3rd ed., pp. 41-59). San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer. Woolsey, L.K. (1986). The critical incident technique: An innovative qualitative method of research. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 20(4), 242-254.
  • 36. Thank You 36 Questions? Comments?