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Real Girls, Real Pressure: A National Report
The ideal of what beauty really is changes in our society from time to time. Everyone has their own
opinion of what is beautiful. However the opinion that people mostly tend and heed to is that of the
prominent and influential characters in today's society. Those who claim to know what true beauty
is and impel humanity to do and be what they want, as if people were their puppets. Television,
magazines, and advertisements play an immense role in this. Playing with emotions and ridiculing
those 'not beautiful' by pointing out the ideal facial structures or body types that one must have in
order to be beautiful. Features of which can only be obtained by expensive, dangerous, and addicting
procedures in an outpatient facility. Then some of more content...
The author states "studies have shown that beautiful people have an easier time in life." Alyssa
created a relationship of consciousness with her reader, attempting to make the reader realize that
surgery isn't the answer to looking better and that they could regret the procedure the rest of their
lives or become addicted to surgery. No one in this world can look exactly like what they see on
magazines because what their eyes are seeing is spurious.
In a commission the Dove Self–Esteem Fund, conducted an online survey and presented their
findings in, "Real Girls, Real Pressure: A National Report on the State of Self–Esteem crisis in the
United States (2008), suggested that there is a self–esteem crisis in the United States about girl's
looks. The survey revealed "seven out of ten girls believe that they are not pretty enough." The
beauty that is portrayed today is causing young girls to feel ugly and insecure about themselves.
However they have yet to realize that all girls are pretty in their own way. The study also shows
that "girls with low self–esteem are significantly more likely to engage in negative behaviors.|"
Girls feel they don't fit in because they are not good looking so they engage in dangerous and bad
behaviors in order to feel good about themselves. Drinking or drugs may be what they chose to do
in order to feel like they fit in. Teens also admit to starving themselves because they believe they are
fat. Many teens today suffer
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Definition Essay Beauty
Beauty. Beauty is such a controversial topic in the twenty–first century. Who is considered beautiful?
Does beauty have certain guidelines? Everyone's definition of beauty varies greatly. Does it mean
having long brown hair and being a size 2? Or does it mean looking exactly like Jennifer
Lawrence? Perhaps it means being 100 percent oneself and being kind. This generation has adopted
the idea of physical attractiveness being the only thing that is considered beautiful. Kindness is not
appreciated as much, which makes it discouraged. The definitions that are available on the internet
provide a biased point of view on the words meaning. Some scholarly websites make beauty only
represent outer beauty, while others somewhat include inner more content...
In effect, this makes people susceptible to believing that being pretty is valued more than being
kind. Society is an element in our daily lives that also proves that physical beauty is more
important. Calvin Klein recently released a new "plus sizes" campaign. The model is a size 10,
and says that she does not feel that she is a plus size or fat. This image of what "plus sizes" have
made teens and women not feel confident in their body, which makes them lack self–beauty. Again,
society and media have set such high standards for this generation that people, mainly women and
teenagers, are more focused on conforming to the expectations set by society rather than being
nice and being kind to each other. Another effect society has on beauty is the increase in beauty
pageants, advertisements showing makeup, and beauty salons. Beauty pageants such as Miss.
Universe are broadcasted worldwide. In these shows, models wear loads of makeup, undergo
plastic surgery, and alter their bodies to become as "perfect" as he or she possibly can. Again, this
massive television airing makes people try to become underweight or start to cake pounds of
make–up of their
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Beauty : What Are Beauty?
What is Beauty? Beauty in my opinion is all about who is perceiving it, although there are many
things that can be widely accepted as beautiful, whether it 's a bountiful orchard of apple trees or
the deep vast ocean blue with the waves cascading down with the mystery of life looming in the
depths beneath. Beauty can be described as the fresh snow glistening on the pine trees with deer
majestic in their natural glory and fat, fluffy hares dancing playfully in the snow or birds in song
singing to their own unique tune not unlike a grand orchestrate making wonderful music for all to
hear. It is the Fresh paw prints In the snow and the curiosity of what furry little creature left them
as he scurried by doing reconnaissance for food and oblivious to our human world, relying on only
primal instincts to live. Beauty is Bright pink salmon swimming in the stream while a ferocious
bear awaits them to pluck them out of the stream to subdue his monstrous belly, the countless
amount of rocks in that stream covered in moss that clings to them and dances with the pressures
of the current. I observe majestic beauty in the giant ominous mountains looming high above the
sky such as a stairway to the heavens for all those to gaze upon in grand awe. In the serene image
of the clouds, white and puffy much the same as cotton candy drifting in the breeze of the great sea
of sky, occasionally blocking the radiant golden rays of the sun that shines light on all below. It is
present in the
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What is Beauty? Essay
What is beauty? People have always attempted to find, create, and pursue it. A quick checkout at
the grocery store will reveal a plethora of magazines devoted purely to what they call beauty and
the proper pursuit of it. Most have an idea of what they might personally define as beauty, but not
as a general, sweeping definition. That which one might label ugly another might call absolutely
stunning. Some find beauty in cats, others in dogs, just as some favor early morning mountain
ranges over a sun setting over the plains. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is the favorite adage
quoted by many to explain for this discrepancy, but what does that quickly–spat out phrase even
mean? In reality, while the adage is partially true, beauty more content...
Altogether, the adage asserts that beauty is purely reliant on one's own personal preference and
perceptions of it. In other words, beauty is relative. Therefore, even if I find rather repulsive what
you call beautiful, our differences in opinion are both justified and simultaneously true, even if either
side disagrees with that fact. This concept explains much in our past and current culture today. The
arguments between countless teenagers and parents regarding choice of music and its proper
volume make sense – both are right, just with different perceptions of what each would call
beautiful, or pleasurable. America as a whole in the past century is a prime example of this. After
World War I, the image of the flapper– women with short skirts, short hair, and skinny bodies –
became beautiful, followed by the famous image of a pale Marilyn Monroe standing on an air vent,
skirt blowing upwards. In America today many would identify beauty as Megan Fox's tanned and
thin hourglass shape, while in Africa a tribesman would find a far larger woman with nose rings
attractive. Chinese women still inflict tortuous pains on themselves with the practice of foot binding
in pursuit of beauty. Obviously, beauty varies and morphs into whatever ideal the culture sets for it.
Technological advancements such as Photoshop allow photographers to further exaggerate the
bodies of women, cumulating in the creation of the
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What is Beauty? Essay
What is beauty? How do we decide who is attractive and who is not? Society is full of information
telling us what is beautiful, but what fact is that information based on? The topic of beauty has
been studied, analyzed and controversial for centuries. We all know the feeling you can have when
you hear a beautiful song that brings joy to your heart, stand in a field of flowers that excites your
eyes, or admire a face that is visually pleasing. As human beings, we are all drawn to beauty, but
what is it that makes something beautiful? The controversial issue that surrounds beauty is that some
believe that true beauty is defined by someone's outer appearance, while others believe it is
something that is experienced through a person' more content...
In men the most desirable features are a big jaw and broad chin. Smooth skin, shiny hair, lean body
and facial symmetry are also important qualities of beauty. Dateline conducted experiments to see if
beautiful people were treated better than unattractive people. The results were an overwhelming, yes.
Men would stop and help pretty women in distress every time, while they would walk right by a less
attractive woman that needed help. Studies have consistently shown that attractive people get
favorable treatment in many situations. They are more accepted in their peer groups, they receive
better treatment in stores and restaurants, and they are hired more often with higher pay. Are these
things that make up outer beauty more important than inner beauty? There are a large group of
individuals who believe that outer beauty is temporary while inner beauty is untouchable and ever
lasting, and that is what makes someone truly beautiful. Even photographers that photograph
beautiful models say that they look for girls that portray a beautiful soul behind the face or a feeling
of kindness that shows through. It is amazing how inner beauty can make an average looking person
light up a room with there heart–stopping presence. It is a permanent quality which makes an
individual interesting, reachable, and trustworthy. If you feel beautiful, your own confidence and
self–worth brings out a glow of beauty that no outer beauty can compete with. If inner beauty is the
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Beauty Concept Essay
Emily Coyle English 105 Dr. Skeen 12–5–12 Deadly Beauty Descriptions of beauty are thrown at us
everyday in various and opposing views. While many people stay with the belief that beauty is
internal, society's view of beauty is propelled at us from every angle. Just turn on the television,
open a magazine, or surf the web and you will find yourself bombarded by the idea that being
sexy and being beautiful are synonyms. Critics argue that this view of beauty is causing our
women and even some men to alter their bodies in damaging ways. While I agree that the way
today's society views is damaging and unrealistic, but I also do not believe this is a new occurrence.
Throughout history various societies have caused their subjects more content...
The brass rings cause their collarbone to cave down and crush the vertebrae in their spines and
their collarbones but the women refuse to take off the rings because it is what their culture views
as beautiful. In American society numerous women and even men go under the knife to achieve the
look they want through plastic surgery. For a substantial fee, one can change the shape of their
nose, increase or decrease breast size, reshape a jawline, or even remove fat from unwanted areas.
Less dramatic alterations are made on a daily bases through applying makeup, waxing away
unwanted hair, and straightening or curling hair. It's easy to fall into the trap of trying to live up to
the beauty standards of society. Although I know that all the pictures of beautiful women the media
throws at me are highly photo–shopped, it still hasn't prevented me from trying to achieve the
perfect body and stunning looks that I gaze upon. In ninth grade I became anorexic. As a slightly
over weight kid I became self–conscious about how skinny all the "beautiful" girls were. Even
though I witnessed the ones who had zero personality and others who were downright evil, I felt
that personality was worthless because being beautiful was what really mattered. I read countless
articles on how to lose weight and how many calories each item of food contained. The more weight
I would lose, the more
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David Hume Beauty
According to Oxford Dictionary, beauty is defined as "a combination of qualities, such as shape,
color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight". Over a long period of time, the
meaning of beauty has changed. The way beauty was seen in the past, have been slightly
modified into something totally different today. For many years, there has been that one question
that has not been proven, even until now. There are few people who have their own opinion on
this issue. There have been many ancient philosophers who have debated on this such issue. Are
individuals actually looking or acting as themselves, or is it all an act to fit in with the society?
Does each person have their own perceptive on beauty? Is the whole world just pretending to be
someone else? Are people dressing or behaving in such way they can impress society? For
centuries, beauty has been debated if it was either determined by individual or by society. David
Hume explored the view of beauty and believed beauty is individual. He felt each person have
their own perspective of beauty. There are few people that try to be different from other as much as
possible, but the way society thinks of them changes them completely. Conversely, philosophers such
as Hegel and Edmund Burke argued that beauty is determined by society. Aristotle, famous Greek
philosopher, has also agreed with what David Hume's theory of beauty. He believed beauty of a
person has so many identities that make them who they are.
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The Definition of Beauty Essay
Synthesis Essay #2
The definition of beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a
perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. Beauty has negative and positive
influences on mostly people. Beauty is described by the inside and outside of us. Due to beauty, our
self–esteem has been hurt dramatically, especially towards girls. Beauty is not always about our
outside looks but it's about our inside personality also. First of all, beauty has negative and positive
influences on about everything. By looking at the definition of beauty, I'm sure that beauty has
various positive aspects because the positive aspects are noticeable. Everyone notices beauty in all
sorts of ways more content...
Now, let's get the facts straight about "Beautiful" people's self–esteem. Our self–esteem has been
affected by the "Beautiful" people. We either have high or low self–esteems and the environment
that we live in creates it. At work, school, and home we are surrounded by beautiful people with
high self–esteems. The not so pretty people have low self–esteems towards the world and
themselves. Dove gives plentiful facts about self–esteems related to beauty. Dove Self Esteem Fund,
company, in the article "Real Girls, Real Pressure: A National report on the state of Self–Esteem"
(2008), analyzes that girls have a lot of pressure due to emotional stress with ourselves. Dove
gives a lot of ethos to back up each statement said. Dove talks about kids and parents in order to
get to kids and parents to be involved in a positive way. This article attracts audience as young kids,
teens, and parents. Parents also contribute to kid's low self–esteem issues. Real Girls, Real Pressure:
A National Report on the State of Self–Esteem, commissioned by the DoveВ® Self–Esteem Fund,
reveals that there is a self–esteem crisis in this country that pervades every aspect of a girl's life
including her looks, performance in school and relationships with friends and family members
(Dove). Self–esteem is a key issue in the world. In the article it's revealed as a crisis in the country
and it's mostly about beauty.
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Definition Essay Beauty
What is beautiful can vary greatly from person to person. Many people disagree on what beauty
truly is because it is so subjective. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is an incredibly common
phrase in our language, and it is quite truthful. A lot of young people in newer generations have a
similar concept of what beauty is, but that was not always the case. Long ago, Native Americans
were inspired by absolutely everything in nature. Every leaf, textile, and element was precious to
them and beauty was not hard to come across in the untouched environment they resided in. They
did not have to point something out and describe only that as beautiful, because nothing around them
was ugly. Now, in the 21st century, beauty is much more than nature. more content...
This continued until the late 1800's and early 1900's until many types of sickness became
quickly curable with antibiotics or surgery. Now, in recent times and current events, when people
hear or think of the word sick, their mind may go to cancer or influenza, two of the most common
illnesses in our country. However, the definition includes more than that. The loose definition is
"affected by physical or mental illness." Our generation is used to almost all sickness being
treated by going to a doctor or to the hospital. Mental illness is much different. Many mental
illnesses can not be cured, unlike physical ailments. Individuals with a disease of the mind may
choose to take medication, but the problem could still remain. For example, teenagers and young
adults can be especially prone to developing mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety due to
extreme stress from family and school. Living in the United States, we are also at high risk for heart
disease, obesity, and diabetes. Our country has advanced medical treatment, technology, and
education, and we have many citizens in need of this treatment. Like beauty, the meaning of the
word sick has not changed much, but it has evolved to be a larger issue in our
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Essay on True Beauty
Many people will say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, however if you look back through
history it is apparent that beauty is in the eye of society. Just like fashion, the image of a "beautiful
woman" has varied with culture and time. What was considered attractive in Elizabethan Europe was
pale, blonde, and curvy whereas today in America it's tan, blonde, and thin. Women have put
themselves through misery attempting to change their bodies and their features to match what
society is calling beautiful. Today they cover themselves with makeup, diet to extremes, and go
through cosmetic surgery, all of which can actually be harmful to the body.
The first cosmetics were used for religious purposes. Primitive men used make–up more
Permanent make–up methods were also developed (Angeloglou 110–118).
Between celebrities with gorgeous hair and models with perfect skin many women today feel they
must use make–up and other beauty products in order to feel like they are beautiful. Cosmetics such
as lotions, skin creams, perfumes, nail polishes, hair dyes, hair spray, and make–up products like
lipstick, mascara, and blush are used excessively in hopes to attain a flawless complexion and
perfect facial features. When cosmetics are used in small amounts they can be okay, however, by
trying to hide flaws behind layers of make–up women are just creating more problems for themselves
and their skin ("Cosmetics and Your Health").
There is nothing wrong with using moderate cosmetic products. It's important to use lotions, soaps,
and shampoos for cleanliness and good hygiene. It's also fine for someone to use small amounts of
make–up to cover up small blemishes and to make themselves feel attractive and more confident.
However, women should not feel that the only way they look beautiful is if they completely cover
their face with foundation, blush, lipstick, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, and other make–up. Or that
the only way their hair looks good is when it's dyed and straightened. Women should learn to be
comfortable in their own skin, especially since by using these products they can actually be harming
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Definition Of Beauty Essay
Beauty is commonly defined as the combination of qualities that pleases our senses, mostly our
sight. Despite this, throughout many years, the concept of beauty has been considered one of the
hardest riddles to solve. This happens not only because of all of what it covers, but also because of
society's beauty patterns. Society has been in charge in making people, mostly girls, to feel inferior
because they do not complete this "beauty standards" in order to be considered beautiful. We need to
be clear in stating that beauty is not an objective matter, instead it's pretty relative. So the real
question arises, what does beauty even mean?
The definition of beauty has shifted between eras and cultures. All our lives we have been more content...
This "beauty standard" is also a cause for the increase of anorexia or bulimia.
Throughout the years, beauty has become a competition between one and another. Usually we
can see conflicts such as internal vs external beauty, skinny vs fat, straight hair vs curly hair, blue
/green eyes vs dark eyes, blondes vs brunettes, etc. But the greatest one of all is the competition
we have between our appearance and our thoughts. We want to achieve a "perfect" appearance
doing things that our mind knows are not okay. Truly beautiful people know that their beauty has
nothing to do with how they look on the outside and everything to do with who they are on the
inside. Their focus is not on getting more to feel better, but giving more so that they can make
others feel better.People need to start believing that everybody is different. Also, that beauty
doesn't mean you need to seek for perfection or look like anybody else. Beauty is about being
comfortable with who you are and the way you look. If you change your image it is because you
want to, not because of an advertisement or a magazine telling you to do so. I believe that women
need to strengthen their voices, to be determined and vibrant. I don't believe that reaching a certain
number or having a certain hair color will determine if we are beautiful or not. Beauty is not about
comparing ourselves to others. Beauty is about self–love and acceptance.
It is time to picture in your mind a world where it is up to you what
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Beauty Definition Essay
What is beauty? How do we define who is attractive and who is not? Is it the models posing on the
front of magazine, or the confident, bright eyed person sitting across the room? Our society and
media is full of advice telling us what beauty is or how to become beautiful. As human beings we
are drawn to beauty, but what exactly is beauty? The phrase, "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,"
is accurate since what one may consider beautiful can vary from what another may consider
beautiful. Some people say "inner beauty" is where true beauty lies, or that "appearance is
everything." While others think that beauty is in one's personality. Since everyone has a different
definition and/or opinion of what beauty truly is, or where they more content...
Sam knows she is beautiful and uses it to her advantage by putting on a facade to fool those
around her. She acts as though she cares, but is quick to turn her back on people once she has
achieved her goal. When one first meets Sam their initial impression of her is a nice attractive
girl, but eventually her facade gets figured out. However, that doesn't stop people from being
drawn in by her beauty. Sam's actions reflect her soul's beauty and can be considered her "ugly
side." While Becca, on the other hand, treats her beauty in a level headed way. She is never without
a smile. She treats everyone kindly, encourages those around her, and lends a hand when needed.
Becca's confident and kind personality makes her more attractive than Sam, who uses her beauty to
manipulate people into giving her what she wants. Becca's beauty, in this situation, doesn't come
from her aesthetic appeal, but rather forms out of her benevolence. Her mentality to do good and be
kind to those around her shows her "beautiful soul," and shows that personality can affect your
beauty. Some believe that their beauty comes from their outer appearance. These people usually lack
self confidence and find ways to make themselves feel more confident through makeup and or
clothes. They find comfort in materialistic possessions that make them feel more confident and
beautiful. Every year, hundreds of dollars are spent in
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What Is Beauty Essay

  • 1. Real Girls, Real Pressure: A National Report The ideal of what beauty really is changes in our society from time to time. Everyone has their own opinion of what is beautiful. However the opinion that people mostly tend and heed to is that of the prominent and influential characters in today's society. Those who claim to know what true beauty is and impel humanity to do and be what they want, as if people were their puppets. Television, magazines, and advertisements play an immense role in this. Playing with emotions and ridiculing those 'not beautiful' by pointing out the ideal facial structures or body types that one must have in order to be beautiful. Features of which can only be obtained by expensive, dangerous, and addicting procedures in an outpatient facility. Then some of more content... The author states "studies have shown that beautiful people have an easier time in life." Alyssa created a relationship of consciousness with her reader, attempting to make the reader realize that surgery isn't the answer to looking better and that they could regret the procedure the rest of their lives or become addicted to surgery. No one in this world can look exactly like what they see on magazines because what their eyes are seeing is spurious. In a commission the Dove Self–Esteem Fund, conducted an online survey and presented their findings in, "Real Girls, Real Pressure: A National Report on the State of Self–Esteem crisis in the United States (2008), suggested that there is a self–esteem crisis in the United States about girl's looks. The survey revealed "seven out of ten girls believe that they are not pretty enough." The beauty that is portrayed today is causing young girls to feel ugly and insecure about themselves. However they have yet to realize that all girls are pretty in their own way. The study also shows that "girls with low self–esteem are significantly more likely to engage in negative behaviors.|" Girls feel they don't fit in because they are not good looking so they engage in dangerous and bad behaviors in order to feel good about themselves. Drinking or drugs may be what they chose to do in order to feel like they fit in. Teens also admit to starving themselves because they believe they are fat. Many teens today suffer Get more content on
  • 2. Definition Essay Beauty Beauty. Beauty is such a controversial topic in the twenty–first century. Who is considered beautiful? Does beauty have certain guidelines? Everyone's definition of beauty varies greatly. Does it mean having long brown hair and being a size 2? Or does it mean looking exactly like Jennifer Lawrence? Perhaps it means being 100 percent oneself and being kind. This generation has adopted the idea of physical attractiveness being the only thing that is considered beautiful. Kindness is not appreciated as much, which makes it discouraged. The definitions that are available on the internet provide a biased point of view on the words meaning. Some scholarly websites make beauty only represent outer beauty, while others somewhat include inner more content... In effect, this makes people susceptible to believing that being pretty is valued more than being kind. Society is an element in our daily lives that also proves that physical beauty is more important. Calvin Klein recently released a new "plus sizes" campaign. The model is a size 10, and says that she does not feel that she is a plus size or fat. This image of what "plus sizes" have made teens and women not feel confident in their body, which makes them lack self–beauty. Again, society and media have set such high standards for this generation that people, mainly women and teenagers, are more focused on conforming to the expectations set by society rather than being nice and being kind to each other. Another effect society has on beauty is the increase in beauty pageants, advertisements showing makeup, and beauty salons. Beauty pageants such as Miss. Universe are broadcasted worldwide. In these shows, models wear loads of makeup, undergo plastic surgery, and alter their bodies to become as "perfect" as he or she possibly can. Again, this massive television airing makes people try to become underweight or start to cake pounds of make–up of their Get more content on
  • 3. Beauty : What Are Beauty? What is Beauty? Beauty in my opinion is all about who is perceiving it, although there are many things that can be widely accepted as beautiful, whether it 's a bountiful orchard of apple trees or the deep vast ocean blue with the waves cascading down with the mystery of life looming in the depths beneath. Beauty can be described as the fresh snow glistening on the pine trees with deer majestic in their natural glory and fat, fluffy hares dancing playfully in the snow or birds in song singing to their own unique tune not unlike a grand orchestrate making wonderful music for all to hear. It is the Fresh paw prints In the snow and the curiosity of what furry little creature left them as he scurried by doing reconnaissance for food and oblivious to our human world, relying on only primal instincts to live. Beauty is Bright pink salmon swimming in the stream while a ferocious bear awaits them to pluck them out of the stream to subdue his monstrous belly, the countless amount of rocks in that stream covered in moss that clings to them and dances with the pressures of the current. I observe majestic beauty in the giant ominous mountains looming high above the sky such as a stairway to the heavens for all those to gaze upon in grand awe. In the serene image of the clouds, white and puffy much the same as cotton candy drifting in the breeze of the great sea of sky, occasionally blocking the radiant golden rays of the sun that shines light on all below. It is present in the Get more content on
  • 4. What is Beauty? Essay What is beauty? People have always attempted to find, create, and pursue it. A quick checkout at the grocery store will reveal a plethora of magazines devoted purely to what they call beauty and the proper pursuit of it. Most have an idea of what they might personally define as beauty, but not as a general, sweeping definition. That which one might label ugly another might call absolutely stunning. Some find beauty in cats, others in dogs, just as some favor early morning mountain ranges over a sun setting over the plains. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is the favorite adage quoted by many to explain for this discrepancy, but what does that quickly–spat out phrase even mean? In reality, while the adage is partially true, beauty more content... Altogether, the adage asserts that beauty is purely reliant on one's own personal preference and perceptions of it. In other words, beauty is relative. Therefore, even if I find rather repulsive what you call beautiful, our differences in opinion are both justified and simultaneously true, even if either side disagrees with that fact. This concept explains much in our past and current culture today. The arguments between countless teenagers and parents regarding choice of music and its proper volume make sense – both are right, just with different perceptions of what each would call beautiful, or pleasurable. America as a whole in the past century is a prime example of this. After World War I, the image of the flapper– women with short skirts, short hair, and skinny bodies – became beautiful, followed by the famous image of a pale Marilyn Monroe standing on an air vent, skirt blowing upwards. In America today many would identify beauty as Megan Fox's tanned and thin hourglass shape, while in Africa a tribesman would find a far larger woman with nose rings attractive. Chinese women still inflict tortuous pains on themselves with the practice of foot binding in pursuit of beauty. Obviously, beauty varies and morphs into whatever ideal the culture sets for it. Technological advancements such as Photoshop allow photographers to further exaggerate the bodies of women, cumulating in the creation of the Get more content on
  • 5. What is Beauty? Essay What is beauty? How do we decide who is attractive and who is not? Society is full of information telling us what is beautiful, but what fact is that information based on? The topic of beauty has been studied, analyzed and controversial for centuries. We all know the feeling you can have when you hear a beautiful song that brings joy to your heart, stand in a field of flowers that excites your eyes, or admire a face that is visually pleasing. As human beings, we are all drawn to beauty, but what is it that makes something beautiful? The controversial issue that surrounds beauty is that some believe that true beauty is defined by someone's outer appearance, while others believe it is something that is experienced through a person' more content... In men the most desirable features are a big jaw and broad chin. Smooth skin, shiny hair, lean body and facial symmetry are also important qualities of beauty. Dateline conducted experiments to see if beautiful people were treated better than unattractive people. The results were an overwhelming, yes. Men would stop and help pretty women in distress every time, while they would walk right by a less attractive woman that needed help. Studies have consistently shown that attractive people get favorable treatment in many situations. They are more accepted in their peer groups, they receive better treatment in stores and restaurants, and they are hired more often with higher pay. Are these things that make up outer beauty more important than inner beauty? There are a large group of individuals who believe that outer beauty is temporary while inner beauty is untouchable and ever lasting, and that is what makes someone truly beautiful. Even photographers that photograph beautiful models say that they look for girls that portray a beautiful soul behind the face or a feeling of kindness that shows through. It is amazing how inner beauty can make an average looking person light up a room with there heart–stopping presence. It is a permanent quality which makes an individual interesting, reachable, and trustworthy. If you feel beautiful, your own confidence and self–worth brings out a glow of beauty that no outer beauty can compete with. If inner beauty is the genuine Get more content on
  • 6. Beauty Concept Essay Emily Coyle English 105 Dr. Skeen 12–5–12 Deadly Beauty Descriptions of beauty are thrown at us everyday in various and opposing views. While many people stay with the belief that beauty is internal, society's view of beauty is propelled at us from every angle. Just turn on the television, open a magazine, or surf the web and you will find yourself bombarded by the idea that being sexy and being beautiful are synonyms. Critics argue that this view of beauty is causing our women and even some men to alter their bodies in damaging ways. While I agree that the way today's society views is damaging and unrealistic, but I also do not believe this is a new occurrence. Throughout history various societies have caused their subjects more content... The brass rings cause their collarbone to cave down and crush the vertebrae in their spines and their collarbones but the women refuse to take off the rings because it is what their culture views as beautiful. In American society numerous women and even men go under the knife to achieve the look they want through plastic surgery. For a substantial fee, one can change the shape of their nose, increase or decrease breast size, reshape a jawline, or even remove fat from unwanted areas. Less dramatic alterations are made on a daily bases through applying makeup, waxing away unwanted hair, and straightening or curling hair. It's easy to fall into the trap of trying to live up to the beauty standards of society. Although I know that all the pictures of beautiful women the media throws at me are highly photo–shopped, it still hasn't prevented me from trying to achieve the perfect body and stunning looks that I gaze upon. In ninth grade I became anorexic. As a slightly over weight kid I became self–conscious about how skinny all the "beautiful" girls were. Even though I witnessed the ones who had zero personality and others who were downright evil, I felt that personality was worthless because being beautiful was what really mattered. I read countless articles on how to lose weight and how many calories each item of food contained. The more weight I would lose, the more Get more content on
  • 7. David Hume Beauty According to Oxford Dictionary, beauty is defined as "a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight". Over a long period of time, the meaning of beauty has changed. The way beauty was seen in the past, have been slightly modified into something totally different today. For many years, there has been that one question that has not been proven, even until now. There are few people who have their own opinion on this issue. There have been many ancient philosophers who have debated on this such issue. Are individuals actually looking or acting as themselves, or is it all an act to fit in with the society? Does each person have their own perceptive on beauty? Is the whole world just pretending to be someone else? Are people dressing or behaving in such way they can impress society? For centuries, beauty has been debated if it was either determined by individual or by society. David Hume explored the view of beauty and believed beauty is individual. He felt each person have their own perspective of beauty. There are few people that try to be different from other as much as possible, but the way society thinks of them changes them completely. Conversely, philosophers such as Hegel and Edmund Burke argued that beauty is determined by society. Aristotle, famous Greek philosopher, has also agreed with what David Hume's theory of beauty. He believed beauty of a person has so many identities that make them who they are. Get more content on
  • 8. The Definition of Beauty Essay Synthesis Essay #2 The definition of beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. Beauty has negative and positive influences on mostly people. Beauty is described by the inside and outside of us. Due to beauty, our self–esteem has been hurt dramatically, especially towards girls. Beauty is not always about our outside looks but it's about our inside personality also. First of all, beauty has negative and positive influences on about everything. By looking at the definition of beauty, I'm sure that beauty has various positive aspects because the positive aspects are noticeable. Everyone notices beauty in all sorts of ways more content... Now, let's get the facts straight about "Beautiful" people's self–esteem. Our self–esteem has been affected by the "Beautiful" people. We either have high or low self–esteems and the environment that we live in creates it. At work, school, and home we are surrounded by beautiful people with high self–esteems. The not so pretty people have low self–esteems towards the world and themselves. Dove gives plentiful facts about self–esteems related to beauty. Dove Self Esteem Fund, company, in the article "Real Girls, Real Pressure: A National report on the state of Self–Esteem" (2008), analyzes that girls have a lot of pressure due to emotional stress with ourselves. Dove gives a lot of ethos to back up each statement said. Dove talks about kids and parents in order to get to kids and parents to be involved in a positive way. This article attracts audience as young kids, teens, and parents. Parents also contribute to kid's low self–esteem issues. Real Girls, Real Pressure: A National Report on the State of Self–Esteem, commissioned by the DoveВ® Self–Esteem Fund, reveals that there is a self–esteem crisis in this country that pervades every aspect of a girl's life including her looks, performance in school and relationships with friends and family members (Dove). Self–esteem is a key issue in the world. In the article it's revealed as a crisis in the country and it's mostly about beauty. Get more content on
  • 9. Definition Essay Beauty What is beautiful can vary greatly from person to person. Many people disagree on what beauty truly is because it is so subjective. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is an incredibly common phrase in our language, and it is quite truthful. A lot of young people in newer generations have a similar concept of what beauty is, but that was not always the case. Long ago, Native Americans were inspired by absolutely everything in nature. Every leaf, textile, and element was precious to them and beauty was not hard to come across in the untouched environment they resided in. They did not have to point something out and describe only that as beautiful, because nothing around them was ugly. Now, in the 21st century, beauty is much more than nature. more content... This continued until the late 1800's and early 1900's until many types of sickness became quickly curable with antibiotics or surgery. Now, in recent times and current events, when people hear or think of the word sick, their mind may go to cancer or influenza, two of the most common illnesses in our country. However, the definition includes more than that. The loose definition is "affected by physical or mental illness." Our generation is used to almost all sickness being treated by going to a doctor or to the hospital. Mental illness is much different. Many mental illnesses can not be cured, unlike physical ailments. Individuals with a disease of the mind may choose to take medication, but the problem could still remain. For example, teenagers and young adults can be especially prone to developing mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety due to extreme stress from family and school. Living in the United States, we are also at high risk for heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Our country has advanced medical treatment, technology, and education, and we have many citizens in need of this treatment. Like beauty, the meaning of the word sick has not changed much, but it has evolved to be a larger issue in our Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on True Beauty Many people will say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, however if you look back through history it is apparent that beauty is in the eye of society. Just like fashion, the image of a "beautiful woman" has varied with culture and time. What was considered attractive in Elizabethan Europe was pale, blonde, and curvy whereas today in America it's tan, blonde, and thin. Women have put themselves through misery attempting to change their bodies and their features to match what society is calling beautiful. Today they cover themselves with makeup, diet to extremes, and go through cosmetic surgery, all of which can actually be harmful to the body. The first cosmetics were used for religious purposes. Primitive men used make–up more content... Permanent make–up methods were also developed (Angeloglou 110–118). Between celebrities with gorgeous hair and models with perfect skin many women today feel they must use make–up and other beauty products in order to feel like they are beautiful. Cosmetics such as lotions, skin creams, perfumes, nail polishes, hair dyes, hair spray, and make–up products like lipstick, mascara, and blush are used excessively in hopes to attain a flawless complexion and perfect facial features. When cosmetics are used in small amounts they can be okay, however, by trying to hide flaws behind layers of make–up women are just creating more problems for themselves and their skin ("Cosmetics and Your Health"). There is nothing wrong with using moderate cosmetic products. It's important to use lotions, soaps, and shampoos for cleanliness and good hygiene. It's also fine for someone to use small amounts of make–up to cover up small blemishes and to make themselves feel attractive and more confident. However, women should not feel that the only way they look beautiful is if they completely cover their face with foundation, blush, lipstick, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, and other make–up. Or that the only way their hair looks good is when it's dyed and straightened. Women should learn to be comfortable in their own skin, especially since by using these products they can actually be harming Get more content on
  • 11. Definition Of Beauty Essay Beauty is commonly defined as the combination of qualities that pleases our senses, mostly our sight. Despite this, throughout many years, the concept of beauty has been considered one of the hardest riddles to solve. This happens not only because of all of what it covers, but also because of society's beauty patterns. Society has been in charge in making people, mostly girls, to feel inferior because they do not complete this "beauty standards" in order to be considered beautiful. We need to be clear in stating that beauty is not an objective matter, instead it's pretty relative. So the real question arises, what does beauty even mean? The definition of beauty has shifted between eras and cultures. All our lives we have been more content... This "beauty standard" is also a cause for the increase of anorexia or bulimia. Throughout the years, beauty has become a competition between one and another. Usually we can see conflicts such as internal vs external beauty, skinny vs fat, straight hair vs curly hair, blue /green eyes vs dark eyes, blondes vs brunettes, etc. But the greatest one of all is the competition we have between our appearance and our thoughts. We want to achieve a "perfect" appearance doing things that our mind knows are not okay. Truly beautiful people know that their beauty has nothing to do with how they look on the outside and everything to do with who they are on the inside. Their focus is not on getting more to feel better, but giving more so that they can make others feel better.People need to start believing that everybody is different. Also, that beauty doesn't mean you need to seek for perfection or look like anybody else. Beauty is about being comfortable with who you are and the way you look. If you change your image it is because you want to, not because of an advertisement or a magazine telling you to do so. I believe that women need to strengthen their voices, to be determined and vibrant. I don't believe that reaching a certain number or having a certain hair color will determine if we are beautiful or not. Beauty is not about comparing ourselves to others. Beauty is about self–love and acceptance. It is time to picture in your mind a world where it is up to you what Get more content on
  • 12. Beauty Definition Essay What is beauty? How do we define who is attractive and who is not? Is it the models posing on the front of magazine, or the confident, bright eyed person sitting across the room? Our society and media is full of advice telling us what beauty is or how to become beautiful. As human beings we are drawn to beauty, but what exactly is beauty? The phrase, "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder," is accurate since what one may consider beautiful can vary from what another may consider beautiful. Some people say "inner beauty" is where true beauty lies, or that "appearance is everything." While others think that beauty is in one's personality. Since everyone has a different definition and/or opinion of what beauty truly is, or where they more content... Sam knows she is beautiful and uses it to her advantage by putting on a facade to fool those around her. She acts as though she cares, but is quick to turn her back on people once she has achieved her goal. When one first meets Sam their initial impression of her is a nice attractive girl, but eventually her facade gets figured out. However, that doesn't stop people from being drawn in by her beauty. Sam's actions reflect her soul's beauty and can be considered her "ugly side." While Becca, on the other hand, treats her beauty in a level headed way. She is never without a smile. She treats everyone kindly, encourages those around her, and lends a hand when needed. Becca's confident and kind personality makes her more attractive than Sam, who uses her beauty to manipulate people into giving her what she wants. Becca's beauty, in this situation, doesn't come from her aesthetic appeal, but rather forms out of her benevolence. Her mentality to do good and be kind to those around her shows her "beautiful soul," and shows that personality can affect your beauty. Some believe that their beauty comes from their outer appearance. These people usually lack self confidence and find ways to make themselves feel more confident through makeup and or clothes. They find comfort in materialistic possessions that make them feel more confident and beautiful. Every year, hundreds of dollars are spent in Get more content on