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Euthanasia Essay examples
Euthanasia is often called "mercy killing". It is intentionally making someone die, rather than
allowing that person to die naturally. It is sometimes the act of ending someone's life, who is
terminally ill, or is suffering in severe pain. Euthanasia is mostly illegal in the world today.
Euthanasia can be considered a form of suicide, if the person afflicted with the problem actively
does it. The person volunteering to commit the act to that person can also consider it a form of
The positive side of Euthanasia is that it ends a person's suffering in this world. Many physicians and
psychiatrists believe that it may a humane act. From a virtue ethics point of view, it may be
appropriate. What we seek in human existence is to more content...
The benefits are numerous in that the person euthanized would cease suffering, and the families
would begin the healing process from grief and/or depression from the situation.
From Mill's perspective, the person volunteering for euthanasia has a liberty to do what he/she
wants. Mill has written that if the person does not cause harm to others, it is the person's right, or
liberty, to do what they please. If a person wants euthanasia, then that person has the sole liberties to
choose such an act, and depart society and life. Nobody is being other than the person wishing it,
and it is a volunteered act.
Brandt argues for approval of euthanasia, but killing human beings is wrong, because it injures that
person and goes against the preferences of self–preservation. However, Brandt says that the above is
not present in the issue of euthanasia, so it may be permissible. Brandt says that not all killing is
injury, so not all killing is wrong. One should pay attention to one's expressed wishes he says.
Euthanasia could be considered doing a person a favor, because you cannot injure something if you
are relieving it of pain.
The negative side of euthanasia is that it goes against natural law ethics, because we do not let
nature take its course. We are disturbing what is occurring or happening naturally to the person.
Every person has a natural inclination to continue living. It is also said
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Euthanasia Discourse
Euthanasia Discourse
The discourse of euthanasia in a contemporary setting is highly relevant within various institutional
systems, working as a means of invoking change and establishing discussion surrounding the
legalisation of assisted suicide in a medical setting. The discourse provokes the debate surrounding
this medical process whilst allowing for the establishment of considerations from various standpoints
such as; legally, medically, culturally and religiously. The introduction of legalisedeuthanasia
practice in various western countries in recent times has further enhanced the relevance of this
Constructs the topic
Discourse as providing the means of shaping topic is evidently relevant to Foucault's
more content...
The discourse can organise a subject, such as that of a medical professional of whom enacts the
procedure of euthanisation in a different light to that of other medical professionals, being
associated by the public from various views both in the negative as the professional being seen as a
murderer (Emmanuel 1994) or through the discourse as a positive enactor of new capacities to help
end the suffering of the patients (Dowbiggin 2007).
The discourse of euthanasia is both highly relevant and controversial within contemporary society
(Gorsuch 2006), embodying the characteristics of discourse as defined by Foucault in Hall (1997).
Euthanasia encompasses a range of institutions present within society, allowing for a variety of
implications and factors to attribute to the discourse as a whole, in doing so producing a deepened
means of discourse which in turn establishes the topic of assisted suicide in itself.
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Speech on Euthanasia Essay
Speech on Euthanasia
I stand before you today in confrontation. I stand before you today equal to any man. I stand before
you today with a challenge!
I challenge any man who deems, their morals, their ethics, their beliefs, their conscience enough to
find themselves fit to judge others. I challenge any man who deems himself fit to pass judgement
upon another's life. I challenge any man who believes they can play god. I challenge any man who
believes in euthanasia.
How can you believe in something you cannot justify? There is no justification in euthanasia so
how can it even be considered to be preformed, how could anyone ever justify the taking of
another's life. A mercy killing is more content...
What does one do with such an old machine? It is thrown on the scrap heap. What does one do with
a lame horse, with such an unproductive cow?
No, I do not want to continue the comparison to the end––however fearful the justification for it and
the symbolic force of it are. We are not dealing with machines, horses and cows whose only function
is to serve mankind, to produce goods for man. One may smash them; one may slaughter them as
soon as they no longer fulfil this function.
No, we are dealing with human beings, our fellow human beings, our brothers and sisters. With poor
people, sick people, if you like unproductive people.
When does a life become worthless, the happiest man in the world is not necessarily the most
productive, happiness and joy and love of life can remain when the ability to be productive has
gone, true happiness lies within. Yet the manic depressants who have a perfect body, who are filled
with hate, those who make life a desolate landscape of dejected feelings, those who turn the gift of
life into a hell of misery, do they deserve life more than the terminally ill.
True is it not that it is the people themselves that wish to die, that wish to be aided in suicide, to
escape life to the sweet release of death. True it is those with the terminal illness that that make the
sole decision upon there life, but what
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Euthanasia Speech Essay
Imagine if a close relative of yours was dying of lung cancer. Each breath they took was agonizing.
No medicine or drug could lessen their pain. Their life had become a torture. They ask you to end
their torment. What would you do? If you helped to hasten their death, you would most likely go to
prison for murder. What this relative has asked you to do is to commit Euthanasia. Webster's
Encyclopedia describes Euthanasia as the practice of hastening or causing the death of a person
suffering from an incurable disease . Simply put, Euthanasia is mercy killing. Euthanasia is one of
the most controversial topics in modern society, and every human being has a different view on it
according to their culture, their nation' more content...
Belgium is another place where Euthanasia has been made legal and its pro–Euthanasia health
system is abused to the same extent as is the Dutch one. If Euthanasia was legalized in Canada,
abuse would occur in the same manner. On top of the statistics, there are many other
disadvantages of legalizing Euthanasia. For one, how would one go about committing
Euthanasia? Most likely, drugs whose sole purpose is to end a human life would have to be
legalized as well. It is quite possible that these drugs could fall into the hands of someone who
would use them in illegal acts such as murder. Another flaw in legalizing Euthanasia would be that
it would become possible for relatives of a dying patient to take advantage of life insurance policies
or wills. Family may encourage a patient to choose Euthanasia so that they can receive money from
the patients will or life insurance.
After stating all the flaws of Euthanasia, I must describe all the benefits of it. The essential goal of
someone committing Euthanasia would be in order to end a dying human being's suffering. In
order to fully comprehend what it is like to have a family member asking for you to take their lives,
one must refer to the situation stated earlier. If the relative whose every breath was a torment wanted
you to help them kill themselves, what would you say to them? Would you deny them an escape
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Euthanisa Outline
SAMPLE PERSUASIVE OUTLINE – AVERAGE Student Y February 17, 2005 Section AY Topic:
Euthanasia Goal: To persuade the audience that physician–assisted suicide, which is a subset
category of euthanasia, should be a legal option. Thesis: All terminally ill patients or individuals in
chronic severe pain should have the option of a peaceful and quick death to minimize suffering.
Introduction A.Attention Gaining Device: On November 23, 2000 my mother passed away. She had
terminal ovarian cancer, but that was not the cause of her death. B.Significance for this audience:
There are so many terminal illnesses in the world, that there is a significant chance that you will at
some point know someone, if you do not already, who more content...
B. I disagree with this assertion and argue that there is no evidence for a decrease in care. C.
While opponents reason that the option of euthanasia will lead to hospitals to restrict care to
terminally ill patients, the evidence indicates otherwise. 1. In actuality, hospice utilization will not
decrease as patients choose assisted dying. 2. In Oregon, where assisted suicide is legal, hospice
referrals have doubled. D. Rather than supporting the claim that euthanasia will decrease care, there
is evidence for an increase in care when we finally begin talking about death as a natural part of life
that can be ended consciously. Transition: Since hospice care is so widely used and hospice
assistants can accelerate the patient's death through terminal sedation and dehydration, you might
argue that there is no need for a law permitting doctor–assisted suicide. Conclusion A.Review of main
points: I have gone over some of the major moral and societal concerns you may have regarding the
legalization of euthanasia. B.Restate thesis: I have shown that those concerns are not necessary.
C.Restate significance: Something needs to be done. Is prolonged suffering the most compassionate
way to end a life? D.Concluding device: I know
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Speech On Euthanasia
Have you ever imagined one of your loved ones suffering from a painful illness? Have you ever
wanted that person to die and rest in peace? This is called Euthanasia, which means the termination
of a patient's life who is suffering from excruciating pain and a terminal disease. Euthanasia came
from the Greek for good ("eu") and death ("thanatos") "good death"(Sklansky, 200, p.5). there are
more than four types of euthanasia such as active euthanasia which means that death is caused
directly by another person by giving the patient a poisonous injection. Passive euthanasia refers to
the withdrawal of treatment that keeps the patient alive. Voluntary euthanasia means that the patient
requests assisted suicide, while involuntary euthanasia means that it is done against the patient's will.
Euthanasia started in both the Roman empire and Greece. In ancient Rome, euthanasia was
considered a crime and was taken as murder. In general, Greece accepted euthanasia for patients who
are suffering from extreme pain. Plato wrote "Mentally and physically ill persons should be left to
death, they do not have the right to live"(
/history–euthanasia1/.) Sir Thomas More was the first prominent Christian to mention on euthanasia
in his more content...
Different regions affect how individuals see euthanasia as acceptable or not acceptable. Religions
shape how we think and how we should take actions in many situations. Moral considerations also
have a strong effect on how people see euthanasia. People may argue that euthanasia should be
acceptable because they think that a person is free to choose how he or she want's to die. We are
still in confusion and it will be an on going condition, because we still have different religions, moral
considerations and
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Essay Pro Euthanasia
When someone is inevitably dying and in inexplicable pain is it really a crime to grant their wishes
and end their suffering? As of right now euthanasia is illegal in many countries and is a very
controversial topic. Is it compassion for the patient helping them in ending their life or murder? The
doctor is not giving death as an option, it is the patients choice and even where it is legal there are
many rules. Euthanasia should not be considered a crime because the patient is not being murdered;
they are having their suffering end in a painless, humane way out of compassion for the patient and
their family.
Euthanasia is defined by the World Book Millennium 2000 encyclopaedia as, "the practise of
painlessly ending the lives of more content...
The reason to legalize euthanasia is clear, these people need to have the choice to die with dignity.
Dr. Jack Kevorkian more commonly known as Dr. Death is greatly known for his opinion that
euthanasia should be legalized and his work with patients seeking help. He was very important in
showing euthanasia and voicing his opinion on the subject so the public could not ignore the
importance of the matter. Dr. Kevorkian was said to have been involved with 130 suicides by
patients who wanted to end their own lives (Nicol and Wylie 17). He had two machines he used to
help the patients, one an injection and the other a mask, however both machines were operated by
the patient and although Dr. Kevorkian was taken to court many times for these he was not
convicted because the patient was in control. He was very careful as to not actually commit the act
himself until he was contacted by Thomas Youk, a young with Lou Gheric's disease; Lou Gheric's
disease is when the muscle stop working and eventually the patient chokes to death. Tom's condition
prevented him from actually operating the machines and therefore Dr. Kevorkian decided that he
would operate the machine himself because he cared greatly about all his patients and could not let
Tom live in his constant fear (Nicol and Wylie 11). Dr. Kevorkian taped Tom's wishes and then
himself hooking up the machine and pushing the button to inject the drugs. He then proceed to
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Ethics of Euthanasia Essay
As patients come closer to the end of their lives, certain organs stop performing as well as they use
to. People are unable to do simple tasks like putting on clothes, going to the restroom without
assistance, eat on our own, and sometimes even breathe without the help of a machine. Needing to
depend on someone for everything suddenly brings feelings of helplessness much like an infant
feels. It is easy to see why some patients with terminal illnesses would seek any type of relief from
this hardship, even if that relief is suicide. Euthanasia or assisted suicide is where a physician would
give a patient an aid in dying. "Assisted suicide is a controversial medical and ethical issue based on
the question of whether, in certain situations, more content...
Whether murder is done in a peaceful, non painful way or in a very gruesome, unimaginable way,
it is still considered murder. Physicians have no way of knowing 'what is best for the patient'
especially if that patient's terminal illness prevents them from speaking. Not only is assisted
suicide considered murder, it also goes against Physicians' Hippocratic Oath. "Hippocratic Oath:
An oath (or promise) all physicians must swear to uphold, regarding the ethical practices of the
medical profession" (Lee). By allowing doctors to stray from this oath, it will be easier for them to
aid in or carry out assisted suicides when it will never be entirely necessary for them to consider the
option. "In 2005, Texas doctors removed two patients from life support without advanced directions
and against the wishes of the patient's family" (Pawlick). By not legalizing assisted suicides, families
will be able to decide when their family member is physically unable to continue with the provided
treatments, but only when the patient themselves can no longer communicate their wishes and no
document stating how they should go about the situation has been left in their families possession.
Ethical issues are not the only problem. Some argue that euthanasia also creates issues from a legal
perspective. "One legal question is whether assisted suicide violates the Controlled Substances Act, a
federal law governing the distribution of drugs" (Lee). Such
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Discursive Essay On Euthanasia

  • 1. Euthanasia Essay examples Euthanasia is often called "mercy killing". It is intentionally making someone die, rather than allowing that person to die naturally. It is sometimes the act of ending someone's life, who is terminally ill, or is suffering in severe pain. Euthanasia is mostly illegal in the world today. Euthanasia can be considered a form of suicide, if the person afflicted with the problem actively does it. The person volunteering to commit the act to that person can also consider it a form of murder. The positive side of Euthanasia is that it ends a person's suffering in this world. Many physicians and psychiatrists believe that it may a humane act. From a virtue ethics point of view, it may be appropriate. What we seek in human existence is to more content... The benefits are numerous in that the person euthanized would cease suffering, and the families would begin the healing process from grief and/or depression from the situation. From Mill's perspective, the person volunteering for euthanasia has a liberty to do what he/she wants. Mill has written that if the person does not cause harm to others, it is the person's right, or liberty, to do what they please. If a person wants euthanasia, then that person has the sole liberties to choose such an act, and depart society and life. Nobody is being other than the person wishing it, and it is a volunteered act. Brandt argues for approval of euthanasia, but killing human beings is wrong, because it injures that person and goes against the preferences of self–preservation. However, Brandt says that the above is not present in the issue of euthanasia, so it may be permissible. Brandt says that not all killing is injury, so not all killing is wrong. One should pay attention to one's expressed wishes he says. Euthanasia could be considered doing a person a favor, because you cannot injure something if you are relieving it of pain. The negative side of euthanasia is that it goes against natural law ethics, because we do not let nature take its course. We are disturbing what is occurring or happening naturally to the person. Every person has a natural inclination to continue living. It is also said Get more content on
  • 2. Euthanasia Discourse Euthanasia Discourse Introduction The discourse of euthanasia in a contemporary setting is highly relevant within various institutional systems, working as a means of invoking change and establishing discussion surrounding the legalisation of assisted suicide in a medical setting. The discourse provokes the debate surrounding this medical process whilst allowing for the establishment of considerations from various standpoints such as; legally, medically, culturally and religiously. The introduction of legalisedeuthanasia practice in various western countries in recent times has further enhanced the relevance of this discourse. Constructs the topic Discourse as providing the means of shaping topic is evidently relevant to Foucault's more content... The discourse can organise a subject, such as that of a medical professional of whom enacts the procedure of euthanisation in a different light to that of other medical professionals, being associated by the public from various views both in the negative as the professional being seen as a murderer (Emmanuel 1994) or through the discourse as a positive enactor of new capacities to help end the suffering of the patients (Dowbiggin 2007). Conclusion The discourse of euthanasia is both highly relevant and controversial within contemporary society (Gorsuch 2006), embodying the characteristics of discourse as defined by Foucault in Hall (1997). Euthanasia encompasses a range of institutions present within society, allowing for a variety of implications and factors to attribute to the discourse as a whole, in doing so producing a deepened means of discourse which in turn establishes the topic of assisted suicide in itself. Get more content on
  • 3. Speech on Euthanasia Essay Speech on Euthanasia I stand before you today in confrontation. I stand before you today equal to any man. I stand before you today with a challenge! I challenge any man who deems, their morals, their ethics, their beliefs, their conscience enough to find themselves fit to judge others. I challenge any man who deems himself fit to pass judgement upon another's life. I challenge any man who believes they can play god. I challenge any man who believes in euthanasia. How can you believe in something you cannot justify? There is no justification in euthanasia so how can it even be considered to be preformed, how could anyone ever justify the taking of another's life. A mercy killing is more content... What does one do with such an old machine? It is thrown on the scrap heap. What does one do with a lame horse, with such an unproductive cow? No, I do not want to continue the comparison to the end––however fearful the justification for it and the symbolic force of it are. We are not dealing with machines, horses and cows whose only function is to serve mankind, to produce goods for man. One may smash them; one may slaughter them as soon as they no longer fulfil this function. No, we are dealing with human beings, our fellow human beings, our brothers and sisters. With poor people, sick people, if you like unproductive people. When does a life become worthless, the happiest man in the world is not necessarily the most productive, happiness and joy and love of life can remain when the ability to be productive has gone, true happiness lies within. Yet the manic depressants who have a perfect body, who are filled with hate, those who make life a desolate landscape of dejected feelings, those who turn the gift of life into a hell of misery, do they deserve life more than the terminally ill. True is it not that it is the people themselves that wish to die, that wish to be aided in suicide, to escape life to the sweet release of death. True it is those with the terminal illness that that make the sole decision upon there life, but what Get more content on
  • 4. Euthanasia Speech Essay Speech Imagine if a close relative of yours was dying of lung cancer. Each breath they took was agonizing. No medicine or drug could lessen their pain. Their life had become a torture. They ask you to end their torment. What would you do? If you helped to hasten their death, you would most likely go to prison for murder. What this relative has asked you to do is to commit Euthanasia. Webster's Encyclopedia describes Euthanasia as the practice of hastening or causing the death of a person suffering from an incurable disease . Simply put, Euthanasia is mercy killing. Euthanasia is one of the most controversial topics in modern society, and every human being has a different view on it according to their culture, their nation' more content... Belgium is another place where Euthanasia has been made legal and its pro–Euthanasia health system is abused to the same extent as is the Dutch one. If Euthanasia was legalized in Canada, abuse would occur in the same manner. On top of the statistics, there are many other disadvantages of legalizing Euthanasia. For one, how would one go about committing Euthanasia? Most likely, drugs whose sole purpose is to end a human life would have to be legalized as well. It is quite possible that these drugs could fall into the hands of someone who would use them in illegal acts such as murder. Another flaw in legalizing Euthanasia would be that it would become possible for relatives of a dying patient to take advantage of life insurance policies or wills. Family may encourage a patient to choose Euthanasia so that they can receive money from the patients will or life insurance. After stating all the flaws of Euthanasia, I must describe all the benefits of it. The essential goal of someone committing Euthanasia would be in order to end a dying human being's suffering. In order to fully comprehend what it is like to have a family member asking for you to take their lives, one must refer to the situation stated earlier. If the relative whose every breath was a torment wanted you to help them kill themselves, what would you say to them? Would you deny them an escape Get more content on
  • 5. Euthanisa Outline SAMPLE PERSUASIVE OUTLINE – AVERAGE Student Y February 17, 2005 Section AY Topic: Euthanasia Goal: To persuade the audience that physician–assisted suicide, which is a subset category of euthanasia, should be a legal option. Thesis: All terminally ill patients or individuals in chronic severe pain should have the option of a peaceful and quick death to minimize suffering. Introduction A.Attention Gaining Device: On November 23, 2000 my mother passed away. She had terminal ovarian cancer, but that was not the cause of her death. B.Significance for this audience: There are so many terminal illnesses in the world, that there is a significant chance that you will at some point know someone, if you do not already, who more content... B. I disagree with this assertion and argue that there is no evidence for a decrease in care. C. While opponents reason that the option of euthanasia will lead to hospitals to restrict care to terminally ill patients, the evidence indicates otherwise. 1. In actuality, hospice utilization will not decrease as patients choose assisted dying. 2. In Oregon, where assisted suicide is legal, hospice referrals have doubled. D. Rather than supporting the claim that euthanasia will decrease care, there is evidence for an increase in care when we finally begin talking about death as a natural part of life that can be ended consciously. Transition: Since hospice care is so widely used and hospice assistants can accelerate the patient's death through terminal sedation and dehydration, you might argue that there is no need for a law permitting doctor–assisted suicide. Conclusion A.Review of main points: I have gone over some of the major moral and societal concerns you may have regarding the legalization of euthanasia. B.Restate thesis: I have shown that those concerns are not necessary. C.Restate significance: Something needs to be done. Is prolonged suffering the most compassionate way to end a life? D.Concluding device: I know Get more content on
  • 6. Speech On Euthanasia Have you ever imagined one of your loved ones suffering from a painful illness? Have you ever wanted that person to die and rest in peace? This is called Euthanasia, which means the termination of a patient's life who is suffering from excruciating pain and a terminal disease. Euthanasia came from the Greek for good ("eu") and death ("thanatos") "good death"(Sklansky, 200, p.5). there are more than four types of euthanasia such as active euthanasia which means that death is caused directly by another person by giving the patient a poisonous injection. Passive euthanasia refers to the withdrawal of treatment that keeps the patient alive. Voluntary euthanasia means that the patient requests assisted suicide, while involuntary euthanasia means that it is done against the patient's will. Euthanasia started in both the Roman empire and Greece. In ancient Rome, euthanasia was considered a crime and was taken as murder. In general, Greece accepted euthanasia for patients who are suffering from extreme pain. Plato wrote "Mentally and physically ill persons should be left to death, they do not have the right to live"( /history–euthanasia1/.) Sir Thomas More was the first prominent Christian to mention on euthanasia in his more content... Different regions affect how individuals see euthanasia as acceptable or not acceptable. Religions shape how we think and how we should take actions in many situations. Moral considerations also have a strong effect on how people see euthanasia. People may argue that euthanasia should be acceptable because they think that a person is free to choose how he or she want's to die. We are still in confusion and it will be an on going condition, because we still have different religions, moral considerations and Get more content on
  • 7. Essay Pro Euthanasia When someone is inevitably dying and in inexplicable pain is it really a crime to grant their wishes and end their suffering? As of right now euthanasia is illegal in many countries and is a very controversial topic. Is it compassion for the patient helping them in ending their life or murder? The doctor is not giving death as an option, it is the patients choice and even where it is legal there are many rules. Euthanasia should not be considered a crime because the patient is not being murdered; they are having their suffering end in a painless, humane way out of compassion for the patient and their family. Euthanasia is defined by the World Book Millennium 2000 encyclopaedia as, "the practise of painlessly ending the lives of more content... The reason to legalize euthanasia is clear, these people need to have the choice to die with dignity. Dr. Jack Kevorkian more commonly known as Dr. Death is greatly known for his opinion that euthanasia should be legalized and his work with patients seeking help. He was very important in showing euthanasia and voicing his opinion on the subject so the public could not ignore the importance of the matter. Dr. Kevorkian was said to have been involved with 130 suicides by patients who wanted to end their own lives (Nicol and Wylie 17). He had two machines he used to help the patients, one an injection and the other a mask, however both machines were operated by the patient and although Dr. Kevorkian was taken to court many times for these he was not convicted because the patient was in control. He was very careful as to not actually commit the act himself until he was contacted by Thomas Youk, a young with Lou Gheric's disease; Lou Gheric's disease is when the muscle stop working and eventually the patient chokes to death. Tom's condition prevented him from actually operating the machines and therefore Dr. Kevorkian decided that he would operate the machine himself because he cared greatly about all his patients and could not let Tom live in his constant fear (Nicol and Wylie 11). Dr. Kevorkian taped Tom's wishes and then himself hooking up the machine and pushing the button to inject the drugs. He then proceed to Get more content on
  • 8. Ethics of Euthanasia Essay As patients come closer to the end of their lives, certain organs stop performing as well as they use to. People are unable to do simple tasks like putting on clothes, going to the restroom without assistance, eat on our own, and sometimes even breathe without the help of a machine. Needing to depend on someone for everything suddenly brings feelings of helplessness much like an infant feels. It is easy to see why some patients with terminal illnesses would seek any type of relief from this hardship, even if that relief is suicide. Euthanasia or assisted suicide is where a physician would give a patient an aid in dying. "Assisted suicide is a controversial medical and ethical issue based on the question of whether, in certain situations, more content... Whether murder is done in a peaceful, non painful way or in a very gruesome, unimaginable way, it is still considered murder. Physicians have no way of knowing 'what is best for the patient' especially if that patient's terminal illness prevents them from speaking. Not only is assisted suicide considered murder, it also goes against Physicians' Hippocratic Oath. "Hippocratic Oath: An oath (or promise) all physicians must swear to uphold, regarding the ethical practices of the medical profession" (Lee). By allowing doctors to stray from this oath, it will be easier for them to aid in or carry out assisted suicides when it will never be entirely necessary for them to consider the option. "In 2005, Texas doctors removed two patients from life support without advanced directions and against the wishes of the patient's family" (Pawlick). By not legalizing assisted suicides, families will be able to decide when their family member is physically unable to continue with the provided treatments, but only when the patient themselves can no longer communicate their wishes and no document stating how they should go about the situation has been left in their families possession. Ethical issues are not the only problem. Some argue that euthanasia also creates issues from a legal perspective. "One legal question is whether assisted suicide violates the Controlled Substances Act, a federal law governing the distribution of drugs" (Lee). Such Get more content on