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What Are The Clusters Model
Clusters' models
According to Boja (2011), there are four economic agglomeration types; these types differ according
to the type of firms within the agglomeration, the economic efficiency and flexibility and the
innovation (figure #). Clusters are formed by firms that conduct activities in the same field and in
which innovation is an important factor that stimulate the competition and the firms' growth.
Porter's model
Porter's model (figure#) is characterized by interdependence relations between four main factors.
External factors are described as the initial resources (material resources and the facilitating
conditions to start a new business in the area) and the existing economic environment (the number
of firms operating, the ability to launch a new business and the commercial culture of the area).
Companies' strategies will face the increasing competitive environment. They are required to
provide specialized services and products, higher quality and collaboration to meet higher
requirements. The solution is to grow, to innovate and provide diverse products and services; Market
conditions represent the demand for provided products and services; without a need or a customer,
there won't be a commercial initiative to see an opportunity in the area resources. Related and
supporting industries describe the factors ... Show more content on ...
Second, the cluster's reserved special character may cause the decrease in the flexibility of
participating enterprises that will be forced to match the whole cluster. Third, the absence of
competitors in an isolated cluster destroys the need for constant updating of the production,
innovation and sales process. And the fourth disadvantage is that since there is no opportunity to
compare with other clusters (as whole property), it will complicated to assess the clusters
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Putting Theory Into Perspective On The Field Of Marketing
Putting theory into perspective
Theory is the backbone of research. Without theories behind which research is guided, it would be
impossible to draw any conclusions about a given study or manuscript on topics in the field of
marketing. This paper will synthesize studies/theoretical frameworks that can be cited as part of
research endeavors in the field of marketing. This paper will also discuss scholarly views related to
what constitutes a theory. In addition, the ways that research, both qualitative and quantitative, can
contribute to theory will also be discussed. Finally, this paper will explore the criteria that explain
how theory adds to the field of marketing and will analyze two areas of controversy related to
Literature Review
One of the most hotly debated topics today is that of the development of trust. One study explores
the topic of trust as it relates to exchange partners in a researcher–user relationship (Moorman,
Zaltman & Deshpande, 1992). Trust plays a role in marketing research to the extent that, without
trust, research quality would be virtually non–existent (Moorman et al., 1992). Also, without trust,
practitioners would not be willing to use research in a business environment. Trust is also the
backbone that solidifies those relationships between researchers and users (Moorman et al., 1992).
The trust theory also makes researchers more cognizant of the end–users needs and, therefore, more
customer centric and less concerned only
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Washington Program Objectives
I have three main types of objectives in applying to the Washington Program: professional
development, personal development, and networking. I believe that all three of these objectives
would be advanced by a summer internship in D.C. and that the Washington Program could both
help me to find an internship that aligns with my development goals and allow me to participate in
networking opportunities specific to the Program itself. As far as professional development goes, I
am looking for an internship that will give me insight into the fields of either research or legal
services. These are the two career paths that I am currently considering, and exposure to either
would help me choose between them. I would also like to continue to develop skills that are relevant
to each field and to work with people who can offer me career guidance. In the interest of
specificity, by research organizations I am primarily referring to think tanks, polling organizations,
and issue–driven advocacy groups hiring interns to ... Show more content on ...
area, which would be particularly helpful if I decide that I like D.C. and want to return in the future.
While I would start building a network during my summer internship regardless of whether I am
accepted to the Washington Program, the Program would help me to get a head start and hopefully
meet people who I would not meet through an internship alone. Now that I have outlined what I
hope to take away from my summer internship experience and participation in the Washington
Program, it is worth going over some of the things that I could bring to an internship sponsor. In the
interest of being responsive to the question, I will break this section up in to "skills" and "qualities."
Also, because the skills are slightly different depending on whether my internship is in research or
legal services, I will separate the skills relevant to each of these
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Capstone Project Essay
Capstone Project and Research Investigation
According to Kirkpatrick and Weaver (2013) the capstone project strives to focus on the practice
that is the final project of the students in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program. The
characteristics of the DNP capstone project describe either how a practice issue affects the particular
group, population, or community. The project also addresses how knowledge circulates through
translation or integration of evidenced–base practice. The capstone project provides a foundation for
future scholarship and reflects the student 's understanding of knowledge and expertise.
Furthermore, the capstone project addresses the academic product that reflects the student 's
involvement (Webb, 2014).
According to Campbell & Benn (2011) a capstone project includes identifying data as a problem in
an actual setting and developing the means to address it. A capstone project can either be research–
oriented or design–oriented. Resolutions of the project are usually collaborative and can result in the
implementation and utilization. Also identifying a clinically significant teaching, learning need
supported by the scientific literature is the priority of the capstone project. Individualizing the
capstone project include a combination of an academic project with personal experiences, previous
nursing knowledge, and newly acquired graduate skills (Cambell & Benn, 2011).
According to Njie–Carr, Cook and Glass (2010) the use of the
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Research and Development and Financial Performance of UK...
Research and Development and Financial Performance of UK Manufacturing Firms
UK manufacturing firms have many factors which influence their financial performance. Research
and Development could be a key factor in determining a firms success, however it does not assure
financial improvement in all businesses due to the extensive variety of business types. Research and
Development can be defined as the scientific investigation necessary to discover new products and
the process of bringing these products onto the market. A manufacturing firm, which generally refers
to a business that makes or processes raw or semi processed materials into either a finished product
or further processed materials, by ... Show more content on ...
However, Research and Development can also be used by small shops and retailers, by means of
questionnaires, staff suggestion boxes, feedback forms and market research etc.. This low amount of
Research and Development is typically normal, as small shops rely more on customer service, niche
markets, and reasonable quality and price products.
Research and Development can often be a very risky process, since much money can be spent on
ideas that will never be commercialised. In product oriented firms, such as manufacturing
companies have many factors which affect their financial performance. Research and Development
is a useful way of improving profits, if there is significant funding, to employ scientists and
researchers to produce and develop the most technically advanced products to date, which can then
be marketed and turned into cash cows or stars. Also Research and Development could develop new
methods to produce existing products, to lower average costs. However this depends on the skill of
the scientists and researchers, because despite how much money is pumped into the Research and
Development department, without ideas, invention and innovation the business will have no
rewards. Furthermore, even if Research and Development does
its job, this will be worthless if the manufacturing firm has too specialised equipment, which is
unable to be flexible enough to
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The Research And Development Industry Essay
Recently in the research and development industry, there has been an increased push for qualified
health researchers to share individual–level data of participants in their studies with fellow
researchers (Bull, Roberts & Parker, 2015). The basis for the cultivation of this culture of sharing
stems from the belief that multiple benefits can be reaped from practicing data sharing. These
benefits include building a large international dataset and network to allow for cross–border
collaborations to generate greater potential to address significant scientific queries, improving the
transparency and reliability of research trials and preventing duplication of studies to avoid wastage
of resources (Bull, Roberts & Parker, 2015; Bull et al., 2015). Different stakeholders in the health
industry are eager to acquire such benefits, especially funders of research who are gradually making
sharing of individual–level data in a study a compulsory condition for researchers who wish to
secure funding (Bull, Roberts & Parker, 2015). With such a strong pressure for researchers to share
participant data with other colleagues, there is an urgent need to review possible ethical concerns
surrounding such a practice to determine if it is moral. The aim of this essay is to discuss whether
disclosing personal and unique information of participants to researchers not directly involved in the
study should be made mandatory. Sharing will be defined as restricted–data sharing, where other
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The Experimental Side Of Documentary Practice
This project aims to further develop the experimental side of documentary practice, with special
focus on ethnography. It will take the form of an experimental documentary juxtaposing enactments
of the past with depictions of the present, through a case study focusing on North–Eastern Romanian
villages, engaging villagers into re–enactments of traditional life from the past as method of
documenting their self reflection on the transition to the present.
The setting of the re–enactments is based on the Romanian ballad The Little Ewe and more
specifically on the journey described in the Mihail Sadoveanu novel inspired by it, The Hatchet
(1930). These two texts are widely known in Romania having become compulsory reading material
in schools as one of the four fundamental myths of Romanians and a monographic representation of
the Romanian village and its customs respectively. The main themes of the two stories are
transhumance and death, both highlighting the traditions and the way of life of shepherding
communities. Furthering the reasons for this choice, these texts have become engrained into the
collective consciousness of Romanian people as to become an unconscious memory.
Its relevance within ethnographic practice is given by the documentation of the transition process
from traditional to modernity within the Romanian village, as well as its universal exploration of
humans facing change and their ways to adapt to it.
I will interrogate documentary practices
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A Brief Note On The Emerging Superpower Of An Individual...
Asha–mariam ali hersi
Student number: 11054753
China the emerging superpower
despite the following dissertation being an Individual project I would have never reached my fully
potential without my lectures and my supervisor is help and therefore I would like to extend my
sincere & heartfelt obligation towards all the lectures who have helped me in make an effort towards
getting best possible support for my dissertation and who faith in me and urged me to do better.
Without their active guidance and constant encouragement, I wouldn't have been able to complete
my dissertation. I would like to thank the supervisor Mr Andrew Moran whose expertise,
understanding and knowledge on this topic has guided me supported me in completing my
dissertation and allow me to emailing him when I wasn't able to attend my appointment,
nevertheless I was able to communicate effective with him by e–mail and this was helpful for me.
For my project reflective log report I have outlined which methods I used to conduct my research in
it have explained my expectation within regards to my research and what research skill I have used
or haven't used before and how this benefited my research alongside that I have highlighted the
problems and issues and development I had with writing my research project and towards
conclusion it will reflect my overall view towards writing my research project.
2.Research skills
3.Problems /issues/Developments
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Indi India 's Development Potential Story
IT sector in india
Data innovation in India is an industry comprising of two noteworthy segments: IT administrations
and business methodology outsourcing (BPO). The division has expanded its commitment to India 's
Gross domestic product from 1.2% in 1998 to 7.5% in 2012.[1] As per NASSCOM, the part totaled
incomes of US$100 billion in 2012, where send out income remained at US$69.1 billion and
residential at US$31.7 billion, developing by more than 9%.
India is the fifth best nation on the planet for element developing organizations, as indicated by the
Award Thornton Worldwide Dynamism Record. Also, Deloitte predicts India will be the second
biggest assembling nation in the following five years, took after by Brazil as the third ... Show more
content on ...
Moreover, India has turned into a key supporter in worldwide examination and of development in
the Asia–Pacific (APAC) area, playing host to 33% of main 1,000 Research and development
spenders on the planet, as indicated by a Zinnov study titled 'Worldwide Research and development
Benchmarking Study '.
The Ascent of Innovation Division in India
The innovation division in India has a noteworthy effect on the Indian economy. The business has
developed from US$4 billion in 1998 to more than US$80 billion in 2011, utilizing specifically and
by implication more than 10 million individuals. Riding on the administrations outsourcing wave,
local and global organizations have utilized India 's worth suggestion to improve their intensity in
the worldwide business sector.
Key government activities, for example, setting up of expense free zones, Programming Innovation
Parks of India (STPI) and Exceptional Financial Zones (SEZ), have given solid catalyst to the fare
of IT administrations.
The innovation part in India got US$6.197 billion through FDI in 2011, an increment of 46% from
the earlier year. The speculation has made 153 undertakings with an expected 41,607 employments
in the business.
Five standard areas in the IT business, in particular online organizations, IT benefits, IT–empowered
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Research And Development Cost Analysis
Today, companies are increasing their spending on research and development more than ever before.
Research and development costs are the costs that a company incurs to either improve its existing
products and processes, or develop entirely new endeavors. Thus, as research and development costs
are now inevitable for businesses in order to beat out competitors, it is important to understand the
accounting treatment for these costs under the guidance of both GAAP and IFRS.
Both research and development costs are expensed as incurred under GAAP; however, there is
further guidance regarding the accounting treatment of software development that allows for
possible capitalization of related development costs. A report issued by PWC states that, ... Show
more content on ...
18). Once these criteria are met, development costs can then be capitalized and amortized over a
period of time and as a result, would show the recognition of the continuous benefit from the
development costs that contributed to the asset.
An important point for companies that are following IFRS guidelines here is to differentiate between
costs that are related to research activities and those related to development activities, since they
require different treatments. According to KPMG, the definition of what constitutes research costs
versus development costs is very similar between IFRS and GAAP; however, neither provides a
clear definition that easily differentiates the two categories (IFRS, 2017). Because of the different
accounting treatment required, it is imperative that a company develops processes and controls that
allow the distinction to be made based on the nature of different activities. This ensures the most
accurate representation of research and development costs presented in the financial statements of
an entity.
The previously discussed guidance is pertaining to intangible assets that were developed by the
entity itself; there is separate guidance regarding research and development costs related to
intangible assets obtained through the acquisition of another company. Under GAAP, capitalization
depends on both the type of acquisition,
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Essay on canon future strategies
The Excellent Global Corporation Plan
Based on the corporate philosophy of kyosei, the Excellent Global Corporation Plan is a medium– to
long–term management plan with the goal of building a corporate group that continues contributing
to society through technological innovation, aiming to be a corporation worthy of admiration and
respect worldwide. In the five–year first phase of the plan, which began in 1996, Canon inculcated
in the Group the concepts of profit orientation and total optimization, introducing production
reforms by means of the cell production system, and cash flow–based consolidated business
performance evaluation. In the second phase of the plan, which began in 2001, they have aimed to
become No.1 in all our businesses ... Show more content on ...
In line with these changes, Canon U.S.A., Canon Europe, Canon China, and Canon Sales in Japan
have carried out the restructuring and consolidation of Group companies in their respective regions
to increase the efficiency of sales networks, and to upgrade information systems and distribution
networks. In 2005, they are aiming to complete the sales and marketing structure reforms they have
pursued till date.
Fulfilling corporate social responsibility
Social responsibility begins with awareness on the part of each individual. With regard to
environmental responsibility, they aim to achieve the goals set forth in Factor 2, a comprehensive
benchmark indicator of the environmental sustainability of the Canon Group culminating in 2010.
To ensure continued sustainable development for the company, they will further strengthen
corporate governance and compliance.
Charting a course for healthy growth through selection and concentration on R&D
Phase II of our Excellent Global Corporation Plan, a blueprint of long–term management objectives
to be met in 2005, contains four goals, one of which is "building up R&D strength to enable
Canon to continually create new business opportunities.
In fiscal 2004, research and development expenses
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Snow Protek Ltd Case Study
Snow Protek Ltd is a small company and predict that there will be a great expansion in their
business for five to ten years due to the successful research project. In the current accounting period,
Snow Protek Ltd has classified two type of intangible assets; Brand name and Research and
Development in their draft Statement of financial position as at 30 June 2016.
The issues arise from the acquisition of brand are the recognition and measurement of intangible
asset, revaluation, amortization and additional cost incurred by Snow Protek Ltd. The Snow Protek
Ltd's Managing Director (MD) has revalued the brand based on their experience in the field and it is
inconsistent to the accounting standard. Snow Protek Ltd also have ... Show more content on ...
The Managing Director (MD) for Snow Protek Ltd has treated brand as an intangible asset quite
well. But there are a couple of core issues regarding this asset. Firstly, the valuation issue. In
accordance to AASB 138:81, if there is no active market for that asset, it should be carried and
recorded at cost less any accumulated amortization and impairment losses (if any). For brand name,
it should not have any revaluation as the measurement use for this asset after initial recognition is
cost model (AASB 138:74). Therefore, the amount value in use (VIU) of $1,000,000 as stated by the
Managing Director is not applicable for the revaluation.
In addition, asset amortization is also an important issue for intangible asset. For the brand name
acquired by the Snow Protek Ltd, there is no useful life recorded and it is expected to drive a
positive future benefits for the entity continuously, hence there is no amortization for the brand
name according to AASB 138:107 but it should be tested for impairment loss (AASB 136).
Additional cost incurred of an intangible asset is the final issue on brand acquired by Snow Protek
Ltd. The company is incompetent to increase the value of the brand even though their sales have
rising after the advertising and marketing of its brand because any expenditure that spent after the
initial recognition of an intangible asset barely will be recognized and capitalized in the carrying
amount of the asset (AASB 138:20). This brand is already capable
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Project Life Cycle: Genentech
Project Life Cycle In recent years, the pharmaceutical drug industry as a whole has faced declining
research and development productivity, a rapidly changing healthcare landscape and a lot
competition from generic drugs resulting in lower growth and profit margins. Typically, Genentech's
drug development project life cycle focused on clinical trial management and the outcomes of those
trials. Now however, the company is looking at more holistic approaches to improve processes of
bringing new products to the pharmaceutical market that can accelerate product development while
lowering operational costs for Genentech. This is challenging for Genentech because of the complex
value chain and business processes required in this highly regulated ... Show more content on ...
The assessment will provide Genentech with data to compare past optimal practices to the most
current industry performances. Upon determining the most productive period of time, similar
business practices should become an element in the new business model (Biotech Business Week,
2013). The current business model perpetuates the mindset of big pharmaceutical companies.
Chatman (2014) postulates the mindset of drug giants is "to reap tens of billions of dollars in annual
sales" yet with no motivation for future industry innovation. Genentech's new business model must
foster an environment for innovation. Innovation assists in generating products into the pipeline.
Promoting an open work environment can allow freedom of product development. Inspiring
innovation was once a key element in Genentech's success story (Bianchi, M. et al. (2012). The new
business model must address Genentech's most valuable asset, its employees. Genentech employees
were concerned about the company losing its identity. Genentech's business model must focus on
providing essential resources to create and track its employees' actionable professional growth.
Innovation is fostered when individuals are inspired through factors that accelerate their personal
growth (Chatman,
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How Do I Become An R & D Manager? Essay––research–development––276.php
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Research and development, often called R&D, is a phrase that means different things in different
applications. In the world of business, research and development is the phase in a product 's life that
might be considered the product 's 'conception '. That is, basic science must exist to support the
product 's viability, and if the science is lacking, it must be discovered – this is considered the
research phase. If the science exists,
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An Impact Assessment of Science and Technology Policy on...
A Dissertation Submitted to St. Clements University in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of
Doctor of Philosophy in Management
St. Clements University
October, 2004 iii DECLARATION
I declare that this Dissertation is an output of my own research endeavours.
In pursuant of this research work, concerted efforts were made to duly acknowledge through
bibliography, all sources of data and information used.
However, in case of inadvertent ... Show more content on ...
It is pertinent to acknowledge with deep sense of appreciation the cooperation received from
Directors in the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology and
Director Generals, Directors and Chief Executive Officers of Research Institutes in the Federal
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Environment,
Health and Science and Technology who kindly responded and completed the questionnaires used
for this study.
To all my esteemed Directors in the Raw Materials Research and Development
Council, Dr. D. B. Ayo, Dr. Ado. K. Abdullahi, Dr. L. E. Nsa, Mr. B. A. Adegbesan,
Prince R. N. Ihenacho and Dr. H. D. Ibrahim, I wish to express my appreciation for their high sense
of responsibility, concern and unflinching support throughout my tenure in the Council and their
encouragement and professional advise during this study. To other Management staff, I deeply
appreciate your support.
This study would not have been accomplished without the significant contributions of my Academic
Adviser, Professor David Iornem who inspired and encouraged me even when I expressed doubt of
my ability to complete the study due to my busy schedule.
I also, acknowledged the immense contributions of my Project Supervisor, Dr.
Gabriel U. Moti of University of Abuja who painstakingly read through my work and offered useful
suggestions that led to the successful completion of the study. viii The role played by Mr. K. B.
Ajoku cannot be overemphasized. His
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Research On Rwanda
Young researchers on Rwanda face great difficulties as they need to distinguish their research as
authoritative, and to find an audience within the current division. If they choose to write against the
anti–Rwandan Government opinion, they need to find supporting networks to establish themselves
as a credible researchers to be viewed in major publications and at conferences as independent from
Government influence. This often creates difficulties in being able to collect and properly analyse
data as the process is influenced by applying it within the spectrum in order to receive recognition
by the broader academic community. Thus, many young scholars wish to follow the current standard
narrative on Rwanda as it is beneficial to secure ... Show more content on ...
If indeed I was a critic, they might encounter by some unknown higher government or political
official trouble for granting me access. Whether political, post–genocide reconstruction, economic
development or social re–development, foreign researchers are put under pressure by Rwandan
officials. This has increased since Remaking Rwanda, which Clark (2013) comments enraged
Rwandan officials after its publication. Thomson (2013, 3–28) is the most notable example, as she
writes of her sentencing to an ingando educational facility while performing research on Rwanda's
post–genocide social reconstruction. Foreign researchers in Rwanda, whether or not they experience
the same level of treatment as Thomson, still fear their research being influenced from government
restrictions. Some, such as Clark argue that Rwandan intimidation of foreign researchers is not as
simple as researchers being watched, restricted or harassed just because they are from outside
Rwanda. He argues that research in Rwanda can be conducted without hindrance if special attention
is placed on respecting the opinions of Rwandans. He suggests that research methodology,
particularly interview questions should be, "discreet, patient and respectful in the field" as well as
allowing the researcher to "(build) close relationships with local respondents, researchers and
(where possible) government officials" (Clark 2013).
The difficulty in interacting within Rwanda might stem from the
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Product Innovation Is The Fuel For America 's Growth
Product innovation is the fuel for America's growth. Two Harvard economists, John McArthur and
Jeffery Sachs, described its importance as follows: "Innovation is no mere vanity plate on the
nation's economic engine. It trumps capital accumulation and allocation of resources as the most
important contributor to growth." Innovative initiatives are a high risk game; failures widely
outnumber successes. While enthusiasm, conviction and creativity should flourish in the hearts and
minds of the innovation team, judgments must remain totally, even brutally, objective. But
unconscious and conscious marketing dishonesty may make this easier said than done.
Engineers, and product designers in general, fall in love with what they create, and all too ... Show
more content on ...
Blinded passion may still be part of the equation, but in this case the innovation team consciously
pushes the envelope across the line of propriety. Before long, there are disquieting signs or signals
that all is not well with the new product. Unfavorable data or information might be ignored, perhaps
even suppressed. There might be the blithe assumption that some miracle will surface, and make it
all right. Successful innovation initiatives are not products of miracles, but simply take a good idea
and execute all the basic steps that are part of the discovery process. The reward goes to those who
excel in executing the thousands of details associated with the dirt of doing. Either way, conscious
or unconscious, marketing dishonesty means resources are wasted, valuable time and energy are lost
forever and shareholder value may be diminished (depending on the magnitude of the mistake).
Often, nobody takes the blame–and many get promoted, because activity gets rewarded over
achievement. There's often no accountability, even though the new product blueprint is peppered
with the fingerprints of many. New product assignments are ever changing with engineers and
project managers often getting shuffled around various products. The manager working on a new
product for nine months moves to work on a new camera. The camera project manager moves to
work on a new tablet. The result is that there is no accountability. It is understandable why
innovation teams are willing to
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Competitive Position Of Starbucks
Figure 2: Competitive Position of Starbucks in UK based on Customer Loyalty (Source: Market
Force Information (2015).
Starbucks also facing a lot of competition from the large number of small and large size of
competitions such as McDonald's, Dunkin Donuts and other restaurants and coffee shops providing
the same facilities.
The PESTLE analysis shows that the business of Starbucks UK is being affected by five different
factors. The different factors affecting the business by creating constraints in some aspects and
creating opportunities for the company in some ways. For example the rules and regulations create
certain boundaries which may result in limiting the operations of the business. The efforts to cope up
with the environmental concerns help the company in creating a positive brand image in the minds
of consumers.
Task 2
Research and Development
The concept of Research and Development means to the activities that is investigative in nature
which a business conducts in order to bring changes to existing products and ... Show more content
on ...
The global R&D group of Starbucks operating out of the Headquarter of the company in Seattle.
Other than this, Starbucks has hundreds of innovation excellence centers all around the world. Its
center in China is responsible for supporting the company in Asian Region and also specialized in
the global tea botanicals for the company as a whole. The need of R&D at Starbucks is global as
well as regional so, it adopts this decentralized approach of the structure which allows the company
to deliver the products and services that are locally relevant. Because of this approach, customers
are enjoying while experiencing their local tastes and traditions by sitting at Starbucks (Stage–, 2016). This helps the company in enhancing the customer base and creating strong
relationship with
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Questions Discussion Question 1 People often come across research in everyday life or are curious
about a topic and decide to conduct their own research. Identify a time you wanted to research
something and explain how you performed the research and what you learned as a result. How can
you apply this experience to your own academic research? This scenario often happens to me. I will
hear someone talking about something I am unfamiliar with and I get intrigued (depending on the
subject). I will often spend my spare time just research subjects such as; a better way of doing
something, a moment in history or a story of someone doing something courageous. I think ... Show
more content on ...
If it is just right, it will help you write a thesis statement that is compelling and effective. Discussion
Question 5 What type of information would you include in a research plan? How will this
information guide you as you begin your project? A research plan is intended to encourage others
that you have a valuable research assignment and that you have the intelligence to see it though. A
research plan should include all the essentials in the research method and contain enough
information for the reader to assess the proposed subject. Your research and the method you prefer,
the research must address the following questions: What you plan to achieve, why you desire to do it
and how you are going to do it. The plan should have enough details to persuade the reader that you
have a solid research plan; you have an understanding of the important information and that your
approach is sound. The value of your research plan depends not just on the quality of your
assignment, but also on the quality of your research plan. A good research assignment could be
subject to scrutiny or rejection just because the plan is not written well. This motivates me to
develop a research plan that is logical, understandable, and convincing. This paper focuses on
proposal writing rather than on the development of research
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Defence Industrial Policy
It is only a matter of time before industrial suppliers loose investor support grow weary of budget
cuts. Resolving this gap with defense industrial policy will give a safeguard to the industrial base by
providing industrial suppliers the necessary reassurance for their stakeholders. At the very least,
suppliers require guidance to re–orient resources as priorities shift and programs are cut. It is yet to
be seen if this present pattern of business will insure a suitable industrial base in the future without
addressing this issue. A case in point, SecDef Hagels recently declared six priorities for the Defense
department include maintaining a lead in emerging technologies, such as: space, cyber, special
operations forces, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance without pointing to any industrial
guidance to achieve these requirements. This leaves industrial suppliers gambling over which
programs to invest resources without the risk of being cut. For instance, Space programs such as:
GPS Positioning ($1.3 Billion) and Planned purchase of extremely high frequency satellite programs
($652.5 million) do not have any order of preference from the department. From the defense
supplier's point of view, without any preferences, allocating resources and investing in technology is
problematic. As publicly traded companies, defense suppliers are bound to stakeholders, and must
proceed with caution for projects at risk of being cut. The lack of guidance only adds to their
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Qualitative Research Essay
Qualitative research is the most essential aspect in the pharmaceutical industry. This research
technique provides researchers such valuable information to analyze and making some conclusions
about those information that they have collected. Equally, qualitative research focuses on the
insights of participants about their interactions, feelings, and thoughts about the product, or service
that the researcher intends to implement during the experiment. Data collection, extraction, and
analysis are the most useful information to support the researcher gathers data to make sound
judgements on the outcomes. Several advantages of e–questionnaires include numerous participants,
diversify groups of participants, rapid response, and much less expensive that compared to paper
questionnaires (Hunter, 2012). For instance, researchers can collect many surveys by distributing
links to targeted groups, and offering them some intensive rewards (Hunter, 2012). Like using links,
banners support researchers to obtain surveys from participants in different regions. These
advantages of e–questionnaires enable researchers to analyze and getting an effective outcome of the
data collections. Consequences, there are several disadvantages of e–questionnaires, which causes
many negative factors to the outcomes of da collections. Repeated respondents cause e–
questionnaires to become an irrelevant outcome, which create the wrongful data collection to
researchers (Hunter, 2012). The difference
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Innovation at 3m
Q1. How has 3M's innovation process evolved since the company was founded? Why, if at all, does
3M, known as the "hothouse" of innovation, need to regain historic closeness to the customer?
3M Corporation has small laboratory or research and development section with some technicians
and doing experiments on sandpaper and developed some core technology at that time for 3M like
masking tapes. After such core technologies development 3M achieved global reputation and
become "hothouse" of innovation. However the process grows slowly and allows 3M to recognize
user needs because 3M researchers contact different employees in factories.
In 1990's 3M have 30 key technologies and get much market growth and for more development and
... Show more content on ...
That is why stage three took longer time as compare to stage I and stage II that is why now it
becomes difficult task.
Q4. What should the Medical–Surgical Lead User team recommend to Dunlop: the three new
product concepts or a new business strategy? What are the risks to the new Lead User Process at
3M? What are the risks to the Medical–Surgical business unit?
I think Medical–Surgical User team need to recommend to Dunlop the three product
recommendation and in these three recommendations the first two recommendations are simple to
extend the 3M product lines. But in the fourth recommendation as product development team stuck
on upstream containment of infection and suppose to include upstream containment in business
strategy and even if 3M Medical division enter in this infection field and applied successfully then it
has become a major achievement. On the other hand if the business strategies not succeed then it
shows the process of planning is unfortunate and risky for financial prospective and spend lot of
time on research and
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Project Life Cycle: Genentech
Project Life Cycle In recent years, the pharmaceutical drug industry as a whole has faced declining
research and development productivity, a rapidly changing healthcare landscape and a lot
competition from generic drugs resulting in lower growth and profit margins. Typically, Genentech's
drug development project life cycle focused on clinical trial management and the outcomes of those
trials. Now however, the company is looking at more holistic approaches to improve processes of
bringing new products to the pharmaceutical market that can accelerate product development while
lowering operational costs for Genentech. This is challenging for Genentech because of the complex
value chain and business processes required in this highly regulated ... Show more content on ...
The assessment will provide Genentech with data to compare past optimal practices to the most
current industry performances. Upon determining the most productive period of time, similar
business practices should become an element in the new business model (Biotech Business Week,
2013). The current business model perpetuates the mindset of big pharmaceutical companies.
Chatman (2014) postulates the mindset of drug giants is "to reap tens of billions of dollars in annual
sales" yet with no motivation for future industry innovation. Genentech's new business model must
foster an environment for innovation. Innovation assists in generating products into the pipeline.
Promoting an open work environment can allow freedom of product development. Inspiring
innovation was once a key element in Genentech's success story (Bianchi, M. et al. (2012). The new
business model must address Genentech's most valuable asset, its employees. Genentech employees
were concerned about the company losing its identity. Genentech's business model must focus on
providing essential resources to create and track its employees' actionable professional growth.
Innovation is fostered when individuals are inspired through factors that accelerate their personal
growth (Chatman,
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Technology in Life
In the past people have difficult life because of many things and technology is one of them .As we
know, technology is very important in our life for many reasons, it makes life easy, save the time
and improve the quality . Day to day we see new technology and suitable for everyone , so no thing
stay as it is.If we aske old man or woman will know how they suffered because of having poor of
technology. In the future many types of technology will change and comes with new ideas. That is
whey every country takes care of the technology. Oman is also go ahead for this and it want to be
the best. In this project I will talk about the future of technology in Oman and how it will be
effective .
when we talk about technology ,that means we human are talking about something that made the life
of easy and us do a lot of things in a short time . so my point is technology is too important in this
As we know, Oman has good technology and it provides the citizens with technology. But we want
do this plan improve technology and develop it by studding it here in Oman and making new
inventions by support the students. If we do this plan, we will have great strong technology in
future. That what we really want, strong future by technology. So we have to start the plan right
Last point, Technology has effected human to good way. Because technology has advantages more
than disadvantage. advantages for future technology in Oman to provide noun Oman ,to make their
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The Impact Of Genentech On The New Biotechnology Industry
Genentech was founded in 1976 by Robert Swanson and Herbert Boyer. The company was one of
the first biotechnology companies. Its mission was to develop manufacture and commercialize
biotherapeutics drugs. Genentech main focus was in areas of oncology, immunology and tissue
growth and repair. After few years of company's development, Genentech scientists successfully
produced the first therapeutic proteins which involve human genes. Evaluating with the VRIO
analysis, Genentech is valuable, rare, costly to imitate, and organized to capture value. The main
advantage of the company is that best scientists in the world doing their own research, focusing in
produce the best–in–class medicines with leading–edge scientific knowledge. Genentech has a rare
resource, which provide opportunity for scientists to collaborate with one another. The working
environment is also rare, which provide the scientists with a 275,000 square foot state of the art
facility. Herbert Boyer owns the first major patent in the new biotechnology sector, which no other
companies can duplicate or purchase those patent rights. This factor is costly to imitate because the
company has the patent for a period of time, thus creating a competitive advantage. Genentech is
organized to capture value and sophisticated selection criteria in order to move projects from
discovery phase to commercialization. The projects are mainly based on scientific rationale, critical
medical needs, significant market opportunities,
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Cultural Studies For Chinese Enterprises Essay
Compared with the rapid development of foreign enterprises cultural studies, cultural studies for
Chinese enterprises is very weak, (Ding, 2014)which is reflected in: First, the culture of Chinese
enterprises still remain in the shallow stage, although there are some studies on corporate culture,
but the most of them are introduced and discussed the significance of corporate culture and social
culture, and business innovation dialectical relationship–based, there are not much theories based on
empirical research of qualitative research and normative; second, China corporate culture seriously
lags behind cultural development in the practice of Chinese enterprises, many enterprises in shaping
corporate culture is mainly within the enterprise own to explore, although some experts and scholars
involved, but because of the inherent logic of the development of corporate culture, and the
positioning of the corporate culture, corporate culture was lacked from long–term change and other
issues in–depth study, therefore, there are not much scientific theory to become the corporate culture
practice guidance, and also it is difficult to generate driving force for long–term development of
culture. Thus, the company in China should learn from foreign company's cultural studies, cultural
studies will help to have more strengthen for Chinese enterprises, promote the Chinese enterprises
cultural development.
Therefore, this report is focus on Chinese mid–size company, which are very keen on
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The Issue Of Medical Research
Polio. Smallpox. Yellow Fever. All three of these diseases have been eradicated in America. How?
Thanks to medical research, an antidote was found for each of these diseases. There is no question
that medical research is important to the medical world. However, could countries do without
extensive focus on medical research? America spends the most on healthcare and medical research
out of any other country yet their life expectancy is not even close to being the highest. On top of its
inefficiency in America, drug trials and animal testing have been scrutinized for being inhumane.
Nevertheless, medical research is necessary to the improvement to health care everywhere, but there
are improvements that can be made to increase its ... Show more content on ...
A good example of this would be the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Through this private
organization, Bill and Melinda Gates provide funding for cancer research and other types of medical
research (Mathiesen). The only problem with Kealey 's alternative is that research costs are rising
every year because of the public pressure to find cures for many of the world 's most pressing
diseases such as cancer; and with rising costs, many private organizations will not be willing to
increase their funding for research projects. This is why government funding is still necessary but
can be reduced drastically with private funding. The good thing is that many research project leaders
are looking to private companies now than looking to the government for funding. Many influential
executives have already been giving out funds for research, "only last year David Packard, of
Hewlett Packard, left $4 billion to his research foundation. His thousands of philanthropic
predecessors include Howard Hughes (whose foundation spent $332 million on research in 1991);
W. M. Keck ($95 million); John D. Rockefeller (whose foundation funded both the discovery of
DNA as the genetic messenger and the development of penicillin); and Andrew Carnegie"(Kealey).
These men, known mostly for their business achievements, have contributed heavily to the research
world and the ones that are still alive even give scholarships to help students pursue their own
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Intel Research: Exploring the Future
Intel Research: Exploring the Future
This report discusses the case study 'Intel Research: Exploring the Future [1], published in 2005 by
the Harvard Business School. The discussion is divided into three different sections: overview,
analysis and conclusion.
In 2013, Intel spent more than 10.6 billion in Research and Development (R&D), and became
the third biggest spender in R&D. Intel invests in R&D to get on with Moore's Law, an
observation by company co–founder Gordon Moore in 1965 that computing power doubles every
two years. As the company works to cram more transistors onto its circuits, development eats most
of the company's R&D spending. "It's getting more expensive to do the development piece of it
... Show more content on ...
The second objective is to find disruptive innovations that threaten the product roadmap and which,
ideally, can be incorporated into corporate strategy to yield a competitive advantage [3].
In 1999, David Tennenhouse became the vice president and director of research at Intel Corporation.
Tennenenhouse previously served as chief scientist and director of the Information Technology
office of the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) [4]. He borrowed lessons from
DARPA for developing a new exploratory research process for Intel (Figure 2) [1].
Figure 2. The exploratory research process
The exploratory research process is somewhat analogous to a signal detection and amplification
system. The output is a new strategy and/or a roadmap for new research developments. The input
must be identified through constantly scanning or "sampling" the environment for new research
developments, then filtering these "signals" to identify a subset of potentially relevant opportunities.
These opportunities must then be "amplified" through internal and external research before making a
strategic decision to move them toward technology and product development [1, 3].
Today most of new ideas in electronics flow through leading universities and their faulty.
Exploratory research has a close connection with universities. Intel had a mechanism for providing
grants to universities. But many
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Limitations Of The United States
Limitations of the Study The study shall be limited by various issues that might affect the level of
interpretation of the results. To begin with, there is a significant reality that the people in Venezuela
are not as connected to the Internet as some countries in the west. The implication is that the results
obtained may not mirror the actual sociological and psychological realities of the people of
Venezuela. Furthermore, the value systems that are at the center of the given realities of life in
Venezuela may not be represented in any capacity through the social media research and data
mining processes. Therefore, the various challenges that are expected in data completeness shall
apply and shall be taken note of when the final analysis is done. Secondly, the paper shall focus on
the significant attention provided in social media campaigns and their relative effectiveness in
providing the necessary information needed for various social action plans. In particular, since I
expect a more improved response to my online survey, there is a possibility that we shall have
limited understanding of the various issues that affect data collection and the honesty of the people
presented. Therefore we shall take the responses we get as the truthful message presented by the
different information processing capacities. Limitations of the research may also include the number
of people who may have filled the online interview compared to the associations that are included in
the general
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The For Research Excellence : A Pioneer Vision, Adopted...
"Tawasul for Research Excellence" Program came with a pioneer vision, adopted and launched by
King Saud University to begin a new phase and leap towards universality regarding areas of interest
of scientific research and studies, that enhance its distinguished global position to help the kingdom
more effectively in its developmental and civilizational programs, catch up with the scientific
development, reduce scientific and research gap with the developed countries, as well as actively
contribute in serving the country under the tremendous scientific leaps , that exceeded all
In view of interest of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Crown Prince and the Deputy
Crown Prince – may Allah protect them – and their great care of technical and scientific research,
their encouragement of all what supports to keep up with the trend towards a knowledge–based
economy. In the frame of this quest towards strengthening its leading role, King Saud University has
launched "Tawasul for Research Excellence" Program; which aims to encourage university faculty
members, researchers, and graduate students to show interest in scientific research and development
activities, by offering them opportunities to work on research projects in world's top universities and
advanced research institutions in various fields and disciplines, that gives them training, skills,
development, and outstanding Scientific Publications.
The university also aims, through the launch
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Review Of Related Literature. There Is A Current Trend
Review of Related Literature There is a current trend now from educational institutions even in
organizations outside the education sector wherein research and groundwork is encouraged to be a
continuing product of their staff. While some are bound to research work, many are pressed on the
demands of it. This is because research is not only a work of an individuals. Educational institutions
which aim for a culture in research must also raise, encourage and uphold the work done by the
staff. This can be done through distributing workloads, creating an environment conducive for
research work, appropriate incentives and many others (Hanover Research, 2014).
Research Culture Culture is a way of life by a number of individuals collectively. ... Show more
content on ...
Educators engaging in research activity acquire experience, dexterity and expertise in their current
fields (Patankar, 2016) Research work generates information, induces advanced skills and motivates
esteem. With all these, the educators find themselves absorbing these developments and applying
them to teaching effectively and innovatively (Pramodini& Sophia, 2012). A school that has an
environment supportive of research is a competent school. This research environment creates a
community which drives both teachers and students into digging deeper into research work. When
the faculty is immersed in research culture, having absorbed the value of research, they in turn
would bring to their learners the dedication towards the investigative work (The Department of
Education and Training, 2005). Patankar (2016) discussed in his article "Grooming the Personality
of Teacher Educators through Research", published in University News in India, that research work
results to the improvement of a teacher's cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. Due to the
immense work of studying required for research, teachers will expand their knowledge skills,
insights, awareness, thought processes and theory. As the research work demands time, resources
and effort, it exercises the teacher's dedication for work, interest and engagement towards new
learnings. Finally, in the psychomotor aspect. Teachers practice their skills in conversations, writing
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Reflection On Marketing Research And Research Methods
This module aims to help postgraduate students gain insights and understanding of marketing
research and research methods. This module allows students to cultivate team spirit through
teamwork, time management and creativity through the development of a research project. This
individual reflection summary will discuss my experience throughout the module with regards to my
attitude, knowledge and skills obtained and applied to undertake a professional research study at a
postgraduate level.
At the first module teaching, the lecturer (Dr Bruno Schivinski) presented a presentation on the 'core
statistics: structural equation modelling'. This is overwhelming, like being challenged to solve a
peripheral of quantum physics equations. Coupled with a lecture room that offered free heat and
sauna because no one (at UCL) knew how to operate the temperature control switch. Surprised,
speechless and numb all in one, as it became impossible to concentrate in lectures. However,
'researchers support decision makers by collecting, analysing and interpreting information needed to
identify and solve marketing problems' (Malhotra, Birks and Wills, 2012). This particular quote
fascinated me; I wanted to learn more to uncover the depth of knowledge regarding "Marketing
Research", but the statistical elements of the module reminded me of my postgraduate financial
management lectures, which frighten me.
In week six, in the published results of our in–class test, I achieved a mere 33%. Logically
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The Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry Essay
The Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry
The specific industry that will be referred to will be the semiconductor manufacturing industry. This
industry emerged after World War II, first in the Boston area and then moved westwards into
California during the 1950s. Reasons for locating in such areas include flat land, temperature, stable
economy, steady government scene, accessible to markets, available raw materials and high skilled
labour. Because the industry is high tech it has meant that these factors are decreasing in importance
and factors such as the environment, government assistance and cleanliness are changing the pattern
of semiconductor manufacturer locations.
The semiconductor ... Show more content on ...
Clear examples of this would be Intel assembly plants in Penang, Malaysia and in Manila,
Philippines. Design requires high level scientific, technical and engineering personal, usually in
Japanese and American locations, as the chips are light transportation would not affect the location
was these industries a great deal.
Another key economical factor was the economy of the region, areas such as United States, Japan
and Western Europe are key examples of this. The political and financial systems allowed access to
the financial capital needed for the development of semiconductor manufacturing. Thus it has meant
that most research and development in the industry comes mainly from Japanese and American
firms. So it meant that the manufacturers would locate in Japan and America because the economy
was stable and there was large amounts of capital to ensure the country would not crumble.
Political factors also have a key effect on the location of semiconductor manufacturers. This
includes the help that the industry receive from key government sectors such as the military. During
the Cold War the American military poured money into electronics research for military and space
programs, thus it had effects for the electronics industry. It meant that the public was exposed to
electronics and it meant that individual firms were created
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The Health Of Innovation And Entrepreneurial Activities At...
On October 21, 2014, University leadership requested a report that evaluates the health of
innovation and entrepreneurial activities at Johns Hopkins and contains recommendations for how to
strengthen activities. This report contains a review of the types and developmental stage of
technologies that are present at the University, resources that currently exist to support
entrepreneurial success among researchers, as well as recommendations for how to move forward to
strengthen our current system and increase our high–value technology offerings.
In preparing this report, multiple sources were engaged to get a holistic view of the shortcomings to
inform my recommended solutions. First, I researched historical expenditures and licensing ... Show
more content on ...
In brief, I believe that the University must establish a healthy and supportive ecosystem of
innovation that spans the entire Johns Hopkins institution. II. Background & Research
Over the past several years, many, if not all, academic research institutions have felt the pinch of
declining federal dollars towards basic science research. The primary federal U.S. funder of
biomedical research is the National Institutes of Health (NIH). However, the NIH budget is not what
it used to be; the budget has decreased by more than 20 percent since 2004 immediately preceding
an upward boom from 1998 to 2003 (NPR, 2014; graph in Appendix A). In 2012, approximately 16
percent of scientists with large NIH grants lost them the following year which left about 3,500 U.S.
scientists, including researchers at Johns Hopkins University, in need of alternative sources of
funding (NPR, 2014).
In 1980, a congressional act, the Bayh–Dole or Patent and Trademark Law Amendments Act,
granted academic research institutions the right to patent protect novel discoveries and
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How Technology Has Changed The Development Of Heavy And...
During the eight years between 1992 and the 21st century, the result of investment in research and
development (R&D) by governments and private companies will change the pattern of economic
activity as radically as the development of heavy and chemical industries did between 1955 and
1970. A new industrial structure is emerging, one based on microelectronics, computers,
telecommunications, automation, biotechnology, aerospace, engineering, new materials and on new
forms of energy.
Since World War II it seems that with almost every decade a new consumer electronics technology
has emerged on the international scene to provide immense opportunities to companies prepared to
manufacture such products. In the electronic media, examples are television in the 1950s, transistor
radios in the 1960s, color television in the 1970s and home VCR 's in the 1980s. The pace of
technological innovation, supported by organized R&D, has become increasingly fast. The period in
which research was envisioned as "l 'art pour l 'art" has come to an end. Technology is the future; it
drives economic growth and determines the course of living standards. But the route of
technological progress in the near future will be largely decided within a triangle formed by the
United States, Europe and Japan. The positions taken by the private companies of these countries
and by their respective governments on basic and applied R&D will determine the future of
technology itself. Decisions concerning R&D made
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Evidence Based Practice : Nursing Implications
Evidence Based Practice: Nursing Implications
Misty DelCiampo
Submitted to Sarah P. Combs PhD, MPH, RN in partial fulfillment of
NR460 Evidence Based Practice in Nursing
Regis University
August 3rd, 2015
Evidence Based Practice Nursing Implications
As the health care environment is becoming more complex, and technology is developing rapidly,
the expectations of nurses has increased more than ever before. Times are rapidly changing and to
keep up with these changes, nurses are moving away from providing care based on the ways it's
always been done towards research– and evidence–based practice. The purpose of this paper is to
define the importance of Evidence Based Practice (EBP). It will give examples of research in
practice. And finally, will examine the barriers that prevent research utilization. Importance of
Evidence Based Practice
Utilizing the EBP approach by nurses helps to bridge the gap between research, expert opinion and
patient preferences to provide the highest quality of patient care possible. The simplest way to
define Evidence Based Practice is the method of evaluating, and applying research findings to
improve clinical practice, and patient outcomes. In the search for clinical improvement, nurses must
examine the "why" behind current methods and processes, using EBP aids nurses in answering this
question. Nursing interventions should be realistic, and clinical decisions should be based on EBP
research studies because EBP is
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Essay 5. 5 Research And Investigate And Develop
5.4 Investigate versus find
A decision maker at a company has agreed to a meeting with you. In short, you have a single chance
to impress this person, convince them that giving you some funding will lead to something of value
to their company. While we typically, in the research community, use words such as "research" and
"investigate", it should be understood that these are only vehicles to arrive at something. The
decision maker's interests are all about arriving at a solution, a discovery...indeed investigating to
find a result. The emphasis here being on finding a the result.
5.5 Research and investigate versus develop
A corporate partner may be interested in researching ways and means to advance their product,
develop or build ... Show more content on ...
Intellectual Property (IP): signifies creations such as inventions, literary/artistic works, designs and
symbols, names and images used in commerce. IP is protected in law, whereby companies or
individuals can own patents, copyrights, and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or
financial benefit from what they invent or create. The US agency responsible for administering IP
rights is the Department of Commerce US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and is responsible
for issuing patents to inventors and businesses for their inventions, and trademark registrations.
A potential company partner will most likely state the following: "any IP generated by this work will
be ours". This is an important statement that must be fully understood. From the company's
perspective, they are providing funding for a service...they service being research. They expect to
pay for something and own it. On the other hand, the research institution will at the very least want
to either negotiate the IP.
What is the solution? There is no single solution that fits all. If the company is asking you to
conduct research to advance their product, then it will highly unlikely to give the research institution
any rights to the IP. If your lab is funded to develop computer code from scratch, then there is room
for negotiation on who will own the resulting code. Your institution may be
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Samsung Research And Development Essay
Research and Development
Introduction to Samsung's' research and development
Research and development(R&D) is highly valued by Samsung Electronics. Ongoing investment
funding Samsung Electronics' collaborative global research network plays a key role in their ability
to create and innovate the products today that is aimed to enrich people's lives tomorrow. In order to
achieve their objective, Samsung Electronics hired a large team of researchers and also engineers.
This include over 50,000 employees across 42 global research centres. All of the global Samsung
Electronics R&D centres collaborate with each other on strategic technologies to keep up with the
increasingly fast paced world of technology.
Layers of Samsung R&D organisation
Samsung's R&D organisation consists of three layers which includes the division product
development teams, the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) and Samsung
Electronics' global R&D network. Each R&D centre has a division product development team. The
division product development teams in each centre are mainly responsible for commercialising
products that are scheduled to penetrate into the global ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, instead of spending more to create more products, Samsung electronics should focus
more on enhancing and improving the existing products they already have. For example, Samsung
Electronics should develop its weaker products. Furthermore, they should invest more into the
researching and developing environmental friendly products that can ensure the sustainability of
Samsung Electronics to ensure a more promising future in the ever–changing electronics industry.
Continuous investment in R&D of new technologies is also key to Samsung's future to stay on as the
top players of the global electronics industry. This is the best way for Samsung Electronics to have
the upper hand against its fellow competitors and stay competitive in the
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The Future Benefits Associated With Research And Development
One of the biggest debates in financial accounting is expensing advertisement and research and
development activities as opposed to them being considered an asset. The idea was that they don't
meet the reliability criteria. The future benefits associated with research and development are very
uncertain making it difficult to record the expenditures as an asset. At this point there is little
research to support an intangible capital treatment of research & development and advertising.
Currently research and development expenditures are not considered to be an investment. With all of
those uncertainties, GAAP states that any research and development activities be a current period
expense. Although these expenditures treatment is vastly acknowledged as an incorrect concept, the
measurements surrounding the treatment of research and development as an investment were
seemingly insurmountable to overcome. That ideology however can be challenged under the
advancements within the IT and computer equipment industry since the early 90's. It was identified
as a main source of productivity growth which made it necessary to consider research and
development as an investment. In this paper, we will discuss GAAP's treatment of research and
development expenditures and propose a different alternative. Throughout the paper we will define
research and development, its activities and many of the guidelines, regulations, and Acts
surrounding it.
In relations with accounting, research is
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What Are The Clusters Model

  • 1. What Are The Clusters Model Clusters' models According to Boja (2011), there are four economic agglomeration types; these types differ according to the type of firms within the agglomeration, the economic efficiency and flexibility and the innovation (figure #). Clusters are formed by firms that conduct activities in the same field and in which innovation is an important factor that stimulate the competition and the firms' growth. Figure# Porter's model Porter's model (figure#) is characterized by interdependence relations between four main factors. External factors are described as the initial resources (material resources and the facilitating conditions to start a new business in the area) and the existing economic environment (the number of firms operating, the ability to launch a new business and the commercial culture of the area). Companies' strategies will face the increasing competitive environment. They are required to provide specialized services and products, higher quality and collaboration to meet higher requirements. The solution is to grow, to innovate and provide diverse products and services; Market conditions represent the demand for provided products and services; without a need or a customer, there won't be a commercial initiative to see an opportunity in the area resources. Related and supporting industries describe the factors ... Show more content on ... Second, the cluster's reserved special character may cause the decrease in the flexibility of participating enterprises that will be forced to match the whole cluster. Third, the absence of competitors in an isolated cluster destroys the need for constant updating of the production, innovation and sales process. And the fourth disadvantage is that since there is no opportunity to compare with other clusters (as whole property), it will complicated to assess the clusters ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Putting Theory Into Perspective On The Field Of Marketing Putting theory into perspective Theory is the backbone of research. Without theories behind which research is guided, it would be impossible to draw any conclusions about a given study or manuscript on topics in the field of marketing. This paper will synthesize studies/theoretical frameworks that can be cited as part of research endeavors in the field of marketing. This paper will also discuss scholarly views related to what constitutes a theory. In addition, the ways that research, both qualitative and quantitative, can contribute to theory will also be discussed. Finally, this paper will explore the criteria that explain how theory adds to the field of marketing and will analyze two areas of controversy related to theory. Literature Review One of the most hotly debated topics today is that of the development of trust. One study explores the topic of trust as it relates to exchange partners in a researcher–user relationship (Moorman, Zaltman & Deshpande, 1992). Trust plays a role in marketing research to the extent that, without trust, research quality would be virtually non–existent (Moorman et al., 1992). Also, without trust, practitioners would not be willing to use research in a business environment. Trust is also the backbone that solidifies those relationships between researchers and users (Moorman et al., 1992). The trust theory also makes researchers more cognizant of the end–users needs and, therefore, more customer centric and less concerned only ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Washington Program Objectives I have three main types of objectives in applying to the Washington Program: professional development, personal development, and networking. I believe that all three of these objectives would be advanced by a summer internship in D.C. and that the Washington Program could both help me to find an internship that aligns with my development goals and allow me to participate in networking opportunities specific to the Program itself. As far as professional development goes, I am looking for an internship that will give me insight into the fields of either research or legal services. These are the two career paths that I am currently considering, and exposure to either would help me choose between them. I would also like to continue to develop skills that are relevant to each field and to work with people who can offer me career guidance. In the interest of specificity, by research organizations I am primarily referring to think tanks, polling organizations, and issue–driven advocacy groups hiring interns to ... Show more content on ... area, which would be particularly helpful if I decide that I like D.C. and want to return in the future. While I would start building a network during my summer internship regardless of whether I am accepted to the Washington Program, the Program would help me to get a head start and hopefully meet people who I would not meet through an internship alone. Now that I have outlined what I hope to take away from my summer internship experience and participation in the Washington Program, it is worth going over some of the things that I could bring to an internship sponsor. In the interest of being responsive to the question, I will break this section up in to "skills" and "qualities." Also, because the skills are slightly different depending on whether my internship is in research or legal services, I will separate the skills relevant to each of these ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Capstone Project Essay Capstone Project and Research Investigation Introduction According to Kirkpatrick and Weaver (2013) the capstone project strives to focus on the practice that is the final project of the students in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program. The characteristics of the DNP capstone project describe either how a practice issue affects the particular group, population, or community. The project also addresses how knowledge circulates through translation or integration of evidenced–base practice. The capstone project provides a foundation for future scholarship and reflects the student 's understanding of knowledge and expertise. Furthermore, the capstone project addresses the academic product that reflects the student 's involvement (Webb, 2014). According to Campbell & Benn (2011) a capstone project includes identifying data as a problem in an actual setting and developing the means to address it. A capstone project can either be research– oriented or design–oriented. Resolutions of the project are usually collaborative and can result in the implementation and utilization. Also identifying a clinically significant teaching, learning need supported by the scientific literature is the priority of the capstone project. Individualizing the capstone project include a combination of an academic project with personal experiences, previous nursing knowledge, and newly acquired graduate skills (Cambell & Benn, 2011). According to Njie–Carr, Cook and Glass (2010) the use of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Research and Development and Financial Performance of UK... Research and Development and Financial Performance of UK Manufacturing Firms UK manufacturing firms have many factors which influence their financial performance. Research and Development could be a key factor in determining a firms success, however it does not assure financial improvement in all businesses due to the extensive variety of business types. Research and Development can be defined as the scientific investigation necessary to discover new products and the process of bringing these products onto the market. A manufacturing firm, which generally refers to a business that makes or processes raw or semi processed materials into either a finished product or further processed materials, by ... Show more content on ... However, Research and Development can also be used by small shops and retailers, by means of questionnaires, staff suggestion boxes, feedback forms and market research etc.. This low amount of Research and Development is typically normal, as small shops rely more on customer service, niche markets, and reasonable quality and price products. Research and Development can often be a very risky process, since much money can be spent on ideas that will never be commercialised. In product oriented firms, such as manufacturing companies have many factors which affect their financial performance. Research and Development is a useful way of improving profits, if there is significant funding, to employ scientists and researchers to produce and develop the most technically advanced products to date, which can then be marketed and turned into cash cows or stars. Also Research and Development could develop new methods to produce existing products, to lower average costs. However this depends on the skill of the scientists and researchers, because despite how much money is pumped into the Research and Development department, without ideas, invention and innovation the business will have no rewards. Furthermore, even if Research and Development does its job, this will be worthless if the manufacturing firm has too specialised equipment, which is unable to be flexible enough to ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Research And Development Industry Essay Recently in the research and development industry, there has been an increased push for qualified health researchers to share individual–level data of participants in their studies with fellow researchers (Bull, Roberts & Parker, 2015). The basis for the cultivation of this culture of sharing stems from the belief that multiple benefits can be reaped from practicing data sharing. These benefits include building a large international dataset and network to allow for cross–border collaborations to generate greater potential to address significant scientific queries, improving the transparency and reliability of research trials and preventing duplication of studies to avoid wastage of resources (Bull, Roberts & Parker, 2015; Bull et al., 2015). Different stakeholders in the health industry are eager to acquire such benefits, especially funders of research who are gradually making sharing of individual–level data in a study a compulsory condition for researchers who wish to secure funding (Bull, Roberts & Parker, 2015). With such a strong pressure for researchers to share participant data with other colleagues, there is an urgent need to review possible ethical concerns surrounding such a practice to determine if it is moral. The aim of this essay is to discuss whether disclosing personal and unique information of participants to researchers not directly involved in the study should be made mandatory. Sharing will be defined as restricted–data sharing, where other health ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Experimental Side Of Documentary Practice Introduction This project aims to further develop the experimental side of documentary practice, with special focus on ethnography. It will take the form of an experimental documentary juxtaposing enactments of the past with depictions of the present, through a case study focusing on North–Eastern Romanian villages, engaging villagers into re–enactments of traditional life from the past as method of documenting their self reflection on the transition to the present. The setting of the re–enactments is based on the Romanian ballad The Little Ewe and more specifically on the journey described in the Mihail Sadoveanu novel inspired by it, The Hatchet (1930). These two texts are widely known in Romania having become compulsory reading material in schools as one of the four fundamental myths of Romanians and a monographic representation of the Romanian village and its customs respectively. The main themes of the two stories are transhumance and death, both highlighting the traditions and the way of life of shepherding communities. Furthering the reasons for this choice, these texts have become engrained into the collective consciousness of Romanian people as to become an unconscious memory. Its relevance within ethnographic practice is given by the documentation of the transition process from traditional to modernity within the Romanian village, as well as its universal exploration of humans facing change and their ways to adapt to it. I will interrogate documentary practices ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. A Brief Note On The Emerging Superpower Of An Individual... Asha–mariam ali hersi Student number: 11054753 China the emerging superpower Acknowledgement despite the following dissertation being an Individual project I would have never reached my fully potential without my lectures and my supervisor is help and therefore I would like to extend my sincere & heartfelt obligation towards all the lectures who have helped me in make an effort towards getting best possible support for my dissertation and who faith in me and urged me to do better. Without their active guidance and constant encouragement, I wouldn't have been able to complete my dissertation. I would like to thank the supervisor Mr Andrew Moran whose expertise, understanding and knowledge on this topic has guided me supported me in completing my dissertation and allow me to emailing him when I wasn't able to attend my appointment, nevertheless I was able to communicate effective with him by e–mail and this was helpful for me. For my project reflective log report I have outlined which methods I used to conduct my research in it have explained my expectation within regards to my research and what research skill I have used or haven't used before and how this benefited my research alongside that I have highlighted the problems and issues and development I had with writing my research project and towards conclusion it will reflect my overall view towards writing my research project. Contents 1.Expectations 2.Research skills 3.Problems /issues/Developments ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Indi India 's Development Potential Story IT sector in india Data innovation in India is an industry comprising of two noteworthy segments: IT administrations and business methodology outsourcing (BPO). The division has expanded its commitment to India 's Gross domestic product from 1.2% in 1998 to 7.5% in 2012.[1] As per NASSCOM, the part totaled incomes of US$100 billion in 2012, where send out income remained at US$69.1 billion and residential at US$31.7 billion, developing by more than 9%. India is the fifth best nation on the planet for element developing organizations, as indicated by the Award Thornton Worldwide Dynamism Record. Also, Deloitte predicts India will be the second biggest assembling nation in the following five years, took after by Brazil as the third ... Show more content on ... Moreover, India has turned into a key supporter in worldwide examination and of development in the Asia–Pacific (APAC) area, playing host to 33% of main 1,000 Research and development spenders on the planet, as indicated by a Zinnov study titled 'Worldwide Research and development Benchmarking Study '. The Ascent of Innovation Division in India The innovation division in India has a noteworthy effect on the Indian economy. The business has developed from US$4 billion in 1998 to more than US$80 billion in 2011, utilizing specifically and by implication more than 10 million individuals. Riding on the administrations outsourcing wave, local and global organizations have utilized India 's worth suggestion to improve their intensity in the worldwide business sector. Key government activities, for example, setting up of expense free zones, Programming Innovation Parks of India (STPI) and Exceptional Financial Zones (SEZ), have given solid catalyst to the fare of IT administrations. The innovation part in India got US$6.197 billion through FDI in 2011, an increment of 46% from the earlier year. The speculation has made 153 undertakings with an expected 41,607 employments in the business. Five standard areas in the IT business, in particular online organizations, IT benefits, IT–empowered ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Research And Development Cost Analysis Today, companies are increasing their spending on research and development more than ever before. Research and development costs are the costs that a company incurs to either improve its existing products and processes, or develop entirely new endeavors. Thus, as research and development costs are now inevitable for businesses in order to beat out competitors, it is important to understand the accounting treatment for these costs under the guidance of both GAAP and IFRS. Both research and development costs are expensed as incurred under GAAP; however, there is further guidance regarding the accounting treatment of software development that allows for possible capitalization of related development costs. A report issued by PWC states that, ... Show more content on ... 18). Once these criteria are met, development costs can then be capitalized and amortized over a period of time and as a result, would show the recognition of the continuous benefit from the development costs that contributed to the asset. An important point for companies that are following IFRS guidelines here is to differentiate between costs that are related to research activities and those related to development activities, since they require different treatments. According to KPMG, the definition of what constitutes research costs versus development costs is very similar between IFRS and GAAP; however, neither provides a clear definition that easily differentiates the two categories (IFRS, 2017). Because of the different accounting treatment required, it is imperative that a company develops processes and controls that allow the distinction to be made based on the nature of different activities. This ensures the most accurate representation of research and development costs presented in the financial statements of an entity. The previously discussed guidance is pertaining to intangible assets that were developed by the entity itself; there is separate guidance regarding research and development costs related to intangible assets obtained through the acquisition of another company. Under GAAP, capitalization depends on both the type of acquisition, ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Essay on canon future strategies The Excellent Global Corporation Plan Based on the corporate philosophy of kyosei, the Excellent Global Corporation Plan is a medium– to long–term management plan with the goal of building a corporate group that continues contributing to society through technological innovation, aiming to be a corporation worthy of admiration and respect worldwide. In the five–year first phase of the plan, which began in 1996, Canon inculcated in the Group the concepts of profit orientation and total optimization, introducing production reforms by means of the cell production system, and cash flow–based consolidated business performance evaluation. In the second phase of the plan, which began in 2001, they have aimed to become No.1 in all our businesses ... Show more content on ... In line with these changes, Canon U.S.A., Canon Europe, Canon China, and Canon Sales in Japan have carried out the restructuring and consolidation of Group companies in their respective regions to increase the efficiency of sales networks, and to upgrade information systems and distribution networks. In 2005, they are aiming to complete the sales and marketing structure reforms they have pursued till date. Fulfilling corporate social responsibility Social responsibility begins with awareness on the part of each individual. With regard to environmental responsibility, they aim to achieve the goals set forth in Factor 2, a comprehensive benchmark indicator of the environmental sustainability of the Canon Group culminating in 2010. To ensure continued sustainable development for the company, they will further strengthen corporate governance and compliance. Charting a course for healthy growth through selection and concentration on R&D Phase II of our Excellent Global Corporation Plan, a blueprint of long–term management objectives to be met in 2005, contains four goals, one of which is "building up R&D strength to enable Canon to continually create new business opportunities. In fiscal 2004, research and development expenses ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Snow Protek Ltd Case Study OVERALL PROBLEMS Snow Protek Ltd is a small company and predict that there will be a great expansion in their business for five to ten years due to the successful research project. In the current accounting period, Snow Protek Ltd has classified two type of intangible assets; Brand name and Research and Development in their draft Statement of financial position as at 30 June 2016. The issues arise from the acquisition of brand are the recognition and measurement of intangible asset, revaluation, amortization and additional cost incurred by Snow Protek Ltd. The Snow Protek Ltd's Managing Director (MD) has revalued the brand based on their experience in the field and it is inconsistent to the accounting standard. Snow Protek Ltd also have ... Show more content on ... The Managing Director (MD) for Snow Protek Ltd has treated brand as an intangible asset quite well. But there are a couple of core issues regarding this asset. Firstly, the valuation issue. In accordance to AASB 138:81, if there is no active market for that asset, it should be carried and recorded at cost less any accumulated amortization and impairment losses (if any). For brand name, it should not have any revaluation as the measurement use for this asset after initial recognition is cost model (AASB 138:74). Therefore, the amount value in use (VIU) of $1,000,000 as stated by the Managing Director is not applicable for the revaluation. In addition, asset amortization is also an important issue for intangible asset. For the brand name acquired by the Snow Protek Ltd, there is no useful life recorded and it is expected to drive a positive future benefits for the entity continuously, hence there is no amortization for the brand name according to AASB 138:107 but it should be tested for impairment loss (AASB 136). Additional cost incurred of an intangible asset is the final issue on brand acquired by Snow Protek Ltd. The company is incompetent to increase the value of the brand even though their sales have rising after the advertising and marketing of its brand because any expenditure that spent after the initial recognition of an intangible asset barely will be recognized and capitalized in the carrying amount of the asset (AASB 138:20). This brand is already capable ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Project Life Cycle: Genentech Project Life Cycle In recent years, the pharmaceutical drug industry as a whole has faced declining research and development productivity, a rapidly changing healthcare landscape and a lot competition from generic drugs resulting in lower growth and profit margins. Typically, Genentech's drug development project life cycle focused on clinical trial management and the outcomes of those trials. Now however, the company is looking at more holistic approaches to improve processes of bringing new products to the pharmaceutical market that can accelerate product development while lowering operational costs for Genentech. This is challenging for Genentech because of the complex value chain and business processes required in this highly regulated ... Show more content on ... The assessment will provide Genentech with data to compare past optimal practices to the most current industry performances. Upon determining the most productive period of time, similar business practices should become an element in the new business model (Biotech Business Week, 2013). The current business model perpetuates the mindset of big pharmaceutical companies. Chatman (2014) postulates the mindset of drug giants is "to reap tens of billions of dollars in annual sales" yet with no motivation for future industry innovation. Genentech's new business model must foster an environment for innovation. Innovation assists in generating products into the pipeline. Promoting an open work environment can allow freedom of product development. Inspiring innovation was once a key element in Genentech's success story (Bianchi, M. et al. (2012). The new business model must address Genentech's most valuable asset, its employees. Genentech employees were concerned about the company losing its identity. Genentech's business model must focus on providing essential resources to create and track its employees' actionable professional growth. Innovation is fostered when individuals are inspired through factors that accelerate their personal growth (Chatman, ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. How Do I Become An R & D Manager? Essay––research–development––276.php Research and development– pdf–is–research–and–development.htm What is Research and Development? Ads by Google Ads by Google Patent Research R&D Spending Industry Research Research Topics R&D Credits Food Research Population Research Related topics Research And Development Research And Development Credit Research And Development Tax Credit Research And Development Tax Biotechnology Research And Development Research And Development Funding Biotech Research And Development Related wiseGEEK articles What Is Research and Development Management? What Is New Product Development? What Is a Focus Group Interview? What Is Market Development? What Does a Research and Development Company Do? How Do I Become an R&D Manager? How Do I Choose the Best Research and Development Jobs? Category Business and Economy wiseGEEK features Print this Article Link to this Article
  • 28. Comment on this Article Add Page to Favorites Suggest a Topic Follow wiseGEEK Research and development, often called R&D, is a phrase that means different things in different applications. In the world of business, research and development is the phase in a product 's life that might be considered the product 's 'conception '. That is, basic science must exist to support the product 's viability, and if the science is lacking, it must be discovered – this is considered the research phase. If the science exists, ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. An Impact Assessment of Science and Technology Policy on... AN IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY ON NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF NIGERIA BY ABUBAKAR ABDULLAHI October, 2 0 0 4 ii AN IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY ON NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF NIGERIA BY ABUBAKAR ABDULLAHI (MATRICULATION NO. 3081) A Dissertation Submitted to St. Clements University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Doctor of Philosophy in Management St. Clements University October, 2004 iii DECLARATION I declare that this Dissertation is an output of my own research endeavours. In pursuant of this research work, concerted efforts were made to duly acknowledge through bibliography, all sources of data and information used. However, in case of inadvertent ... Show more content on ... It is pertinent to acknowledge with deep sense of appreciation the cooperation received from Directors in the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology and Director Generals, Directors and Chief Executive Officers of Research Institutes in the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Environment, Health and Science and Technology who kindly responded and completed the questionnaires used for this study. To all my esteemed Directors in the Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Dr. D. B. Ayo, Dr. Ado. K. Abdullahi, Dr. L. E. Nsa, Mr. B. A. Adegbesan, Prince R. N. Ihenacho and Dr. H. D. Ibrahim, I wish to express my appreciation for their high sense of responsibility, concern and unflinching support throughout my tenure in the Council and their encouragement and professional advise during this study. To other Management staff, I deeply appreciate your support. This study would not have been accomplished without the significant contributions of my Academic Adviser, Professor David Iornem who inspired and encouraged me even when I expressed doubt of my ability to complete the study due to my busy schedule.
  • 31. I also, acknowledged the immense contributions of my Project Supervisor, Dr. Gabriel U. Moti of University of Abuja who painstakingly read through my work and offered useful suggestions that led to the successful completion of the study. viii The role played by Mr. K. B. Ajoku cannot be overemphasized. His immeasurable ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Research On Rwanda Young researchers on Rwanda face great difficulties as they need to distinguish their research as authoritative, and to find an audience within the current division. If they choose to write against the anti–Rwandan Government opinion, they need to find supporting networks to establish themselves as a credible researchers to be viewed in major publications and at conferences as independent from Government influence. This often creates difficulties in being able to collect and properly analyse data as the process is influenced by applying it within the spectrum in order to receive recognition by the broader academic community. Thus, many young scholars wish to follow the current standard narrative on Rwanda as it is beneficial to secure ... Show more content on ... If indeed I was a critic, they might encounter by some unknown higher government or political official trouble for granting me access. Whether political, post–genocide reconstruction, economic development or social re–development, foreign researchers are put under pressure by Rwandan officials. This has increased since Remaking Rwanda, which Clark (2013) comments enraged Rwandan officials after its publication. Thomson (2013, 3–28) is the most notable example, as she writes of her sentencing to an ingando educational facility while performing research on Rwanda's post–genocide social reconstruction. Foreign researchers in Rwanda, whether or not they experience the same level of treatment as Thomson, still fear their research being influenced from government restrictions. Some, such as Clark argue that Rwandan intimidation of foreign researchers is not as simple as researchers being watched, restricted or harassed just because they are from outside Rwanda. He argues that research in Rwanda can be conducted without hindrance if special attention is placed on respecting the opinions of Rwandans. He suggests that research methodology, particularly interview questions should be, "discreet, patient and respectful in the field" as well as allowing the researcher to "(build) close relationships with local respondents, researchers and (where possible) government officials" (Clark 2013). The difficulty in interacting within Rwanda might stem from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Product Innovation Is The Fuel For America 's Growth Product innovation is the fuel for America's growth. Two Harvard economists, John McArthur and Jeffery Sachs, described its importance as follows: "Innovation is no mere vanity plate on the nation's economic engine. It trumps capital accumulation and allocation of resources as the most important contributor to growth." Innovative initiatives are a high risk game; failures widely outnumber successes. While enthusiasm, conviction and creativity should flourish in the hearts and minds of the innovation team, judgments must remain totally, even brutally, objective. But unconscious and conscious marketing dishonesty may make this easier said than done. Engineers, and product designers in general, fall in love with what they create, and all too ... Show more content on ... Blinded passion may still be part of the equation, but in this case the innovation team consciously pushes the envelope across the line of propriety. Before long, there are disquieting signs or signals that all is not well with the new product. Unfavorable data or information might be ignored, perhaps even suppressed. There might be the blithe assumption that some miracle will surface, and make it all right. Successful innovation initiatives are not products of miracles, but simply take a good idea and execute all the basic steps that are part of the discovery process. The reward goes to those who excel in executing the thousands of details associated with the dirt of doing. Either way, conscious or unconscious, marketing dishonesty means resources are wasted, valuable time and energy are lost forever and shareholder value may be diminished (depending on the magnitude of the mistake). Often, nobody takes the blame–and many get promoted, because activity gets rewarded over achievement. There's often no accountability, even though the new product blueprint is peppered with the fingerprints of many. New product assignments are ever changing with engineers and project managers often getting shuffled around various products. The manager working on a new product for nine months moves to work on a new camera. The camera project manager moves to work on a new tablet. The result is that there is no accountability. It is understandable why innovation teams are willing to ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Competitive Position Of Starbucks Figure 2: Competitive Position of Starbucks in UK based on Customer Loyalty (Source: Market Force Information (2015). Starbucks also facing a lot of competition from the large number of small and large size of competitions such as McDonald's, Dunkin Donuts and other restaurants and coffee shops providing the same facilities. The PESTLE analysis shows that the business of Starbucks UK is being affected by five different factors. The different factors affecting the business by creating constraints in some aspects and creating opportunities for the company in some ways. For example the rules and regulations create certain boundaries which may result in limiting the operations of the business. The efforts to cope up with the environmental concerns help the company in creating a positive brand image in the minds of consumers. Task 2 Research and Development The concept of Research and Development means to the activities that is investigative in nature which a business conducts in order to bring changes to existing products and ... Show more content on ... The global R&D group of Starbucks operating out of the Headquarter of the company in Seattle. Other than this, Starbucks has hundreds of innovation excellence centers all around the world. Its center in China is responsible for supporting the company in Asian Region and also specialized in the global tea botanicals for the company as a whole. The need of R&D at Starbucks is global as well as regional so, it adopts this decentralized approach of the structure which allows the company to deliver the products and services that are locally relevant. Because of this approach, customers are enjoying while experiencing their local tastes and traditions by sitting at Starbucks (Stage–, 2016). This helps the company in enhancing the customer base and creating strong relationship with ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Com156 COM/156 – UNIVERSITY COMPOSITION AND COMMUNICATION II Week 1 Discussion Questions Discussion Question 1 People often come across research in everyday life or are curious about a topic and decide to conduct their own research. Identify a time you wanted to research something and explain how you performed the research and what you learned as a result. How can you apply this experience to your own academic research? This scenario often happens to me. I will hear someone talking about something I am unfamiliar with and I get intrigued (depending on the subject). I will often spend my spare time just research subjects such as; a better way of doing something, a moment in history or a story of someone doing something courageous. I think ... Show more content on ... If it is just right, it will help you write a thesis statement that is compelling and effective. Discussion Question 5 What type of information would you include in a research plan? How will this information guide you as you begin your project? A research plan is intended to encourage others that you have a valuable research assignment and that you have the intelligence to see it though. A research plan should include all the essentials in the research method and contain enough information for the reader to assess the proposed subject. Your research and the method you prefer, the research must address the following questions: What you plan to achieve, why you desire to do it and how you are going to do it. The plan should have enough details to persuade the reader that you have a solid research plan; you have an understanding of the important information and that your approach is sound. The value of your research plan depends not just on the quality of your assignment, but also on the quality of your research plan. A good research assignment could be subject to scrutiny or rejection just because the plan is not written well. This motivates me to develop a research plan that is logical, understandable, and convincing. This paper focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Defence Industrial Policy It is only a matter of time before industrial suppliers loose investor support grow weary of budget cuts. Resolving this gap with defense industrial policy will give a safeguard to the industrial base by providing industrial suppliers the necessary reassurance for their stakeholders. At the very least, suppliers require guidance to re–orient resources as priorities shift and programs are cut. It is yet to be seen if this present pattern of business will insure a suitable industrial base in the future without addressing this issue. A case in point, SecDef Hagels recently declared six priorities for the Defense department include maintaining a lead in emerging technologies, such as: space, cyber, special operations forces, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance without pointing to any industrial guidance to achieve these requirements. This leaves industrial suppliers gambling over which programs to invest resources without the risk of being cut. For instance, Space programs such as: GPS Positioning ($1.3 Billion) and Planned purchase of extremely high frequency satellite programs ($652.5 million) do not have any order of preference from the department. From the defense supplier's point of view, without any preferences, allocating resources and investing in technology is problematic. As publicly traded companies, defense suppliers are bound to stakeholders, and must proceed with caution for projects at risk of being cut. The lack of guidance only adds to their ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Qualitative Research Essay Qualitative research is the most essential aspect in the pharmaceutical industry. This research technique provides researchers such valuable information to analyze and making some conclusions about those information that they have collected. Equally, qualitative research focuses on the insights of participants about their interactions, feelings, and thoughts about the product, or service that the researcher intends to implement during the experiment. Data collection, extraction, and analysis are the most useful information to support the researcher gathers data to make sound judgements on the outcomes. Several advantages of e–questionnaires include numerous participants, diversify groups of participants, rapid response, and much less expensive that compared to paper questionnaires (Hunter, 2012). For instance, researchers can collect many surveys by distributing links to targeted groups, and offering them some intensive rewards (Hunter, 2012). Like using links, banners support researchers to obtain surveys from participants in different regions. These advantages of e–questionnaires enable researchers to analyze and getting an effective outcome of the data collections. Consequences, there are several disadvantages of e–questionnaires, which causes many negative factors to the outcomes of da collections. Repeated respondents cause e– questionnaires to become an irrelevant outcome, which create the wrongful data collection to researchers (Hunter, 2012). The difference ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Innovation at 3m Q1. How has 3M's innovation process evolved since the company was founded? Why, if at all, does 3M, known as the "hothouse" of innovation, need to regain historic closeness to the customer? Ans1. 3M Corporation has small laboratory or research and development section with some technicians and doing experiments on sandpaper and developed some core technology at that time for 3M like masking tapes. After such core technologies development 3M achieved global reputation and become "hothouse" of innovation. However the process grows slowly and allows 3M to recognize user needs because 3M researchers contact different employees in factories. In 1990's 3M have 30 key technologies and get much market growth and for more development and ... Show more content on ... That is why stage three took longer time as compare to stage I and stage II that is why now it becomes difficult task. Q4. What should the Medical–Surgical Lead User team recommend to Dunlop: the three new product concepts or a new business strategy? What are the risks to the new Lead User Process at 3M? What are the risks to the Medical–Surgical business unit? Ans4. I think Medical–Surgical User team need to recommend to Dunlop the three product recommendation and in these three recommendations the first two recommendations are simple to extend the 3M product lines. But in the fourth recommendation as product development team stuck on upstream containment of infection and suppose to include upstream containment in business strategy and even if 3M Medical division enter in this infection field and applied successfully then it has become a major achievement. On the other hand if the business strategies not succeed then it shows the process of planning is unfortunate and risky for financial prospective and spend lot of time on research and ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Project Life Cycle: Genentech Project Life Cycle In recent years, the pharmaceutical drug industry as a whole has faced declining research and development productivity, a rapidly changing healthcare landscape and a lot competition from generic drugs resulting in lower growth and profit margins. Typically, Genentech's drug development project life cycle focused on clinical trial management and the outcomes of those trials. Now however, the company is looking at more holistic approaches to improve processes of bringing new products to the pharmaceutical market that can accelerate product development while lowering operational costs for Genentech. This is challenging for Genentech because of the complex value chain and business processes required in this highly regulated ... Show more content on ... The assessment will provide Genentech with data to compare past optimal practices to the most current industry performances. Upon determining the most productive period of time, similar business practices should become an element in the new business model (Biotech Business Week, 2013). The current business model perpetuates the mindset of big pharmaceutical companies. Chatman (2014) postulates the mindset of drug giants is "to reap tens of billions of dollars in annual sales" yet with no motivation for future industry innovation. Genentech's new business model must foster an environment for innovation. Innovation assists in generating products into the pipeline. Promoting an open work environment can allow freedom of product development. Inspiring innovation was once a key element in Genentech's success story (Bianchi, M. et al. (2012). The new business model must address Genentech's most valuable asset, its employees. Genentech employees were concerned about the company losing its identity. Genentech's business model must focus on providing essential resources to create and track its employees' actionable professional growth. Innovation is fostered when individuals are inspired through factors that accelerate their personal growth (Chatman, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Technology in Life In the past people have difficult life because of many things and technology is one of them .As we know, technology is very important in our life for many reasons, it makes life easy, save the time and improve the quality . Day to day we see new technology and suitable for everyone , so no thing stay as it is.If we aske old man or woman will know how they suffered because of having poor of technology. In the future many types of technology will change and comes with new ideas. That is whey every country takes care of the technology. Oman is also go ahead for this and it want to be the best. In this project I will talk about the future of technology in Oman and how it will be effective . when we talk about technology ,that means we human are talking about something that made the life of easy and us do a lot of things in a short time . so my point is technology is too important in this geuiration. As we know, Oman has good technology and it provides the citizens with technology. But we want do this plan improve technology and develop it by studding it here in Oman and making new inventions by support the students. If we do this plan, we will have great strong technology in future. That what we really want, strong future by technology. So we have to start the plan right now. Last point, Technology has effected human to good way. Because technology has advantages more than disadvantage. advantages for future technology in Oman to provide noun Oman ,to make their work ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Impact Of Genentech On The New Biotechnology Industry Genentech was founded in 1976 by Robert Swanson and Herbert Boyer. The company was one of the first biotechnology companies. Its mission was to develop manufacture and commercialize biotherapeutics drugs. Genentech main focus was in areas of oncology, immunology and tissue growth and repair. After few years of company's development, Genentech scientists successfully produced the first therapeutic proteins which involve human genes. Evaluating with the VRIO analysis, Genentech is valuable, rare, costly to imitate, and organized to capture value. The main advantage of the company is that best scientists in the world doing their own research, focusing in produce the best–in–class medicines with leading–edge scientific knowledge. Genentech has a rare resource, which provide opportunity for scientists to collaborate with one another. The working environment is also rare, which provide the scientists with a 275,000 square foot state of the art facility. Herbert Boyer owns the first major patent in the new biotechnology sector, which no other companies can duplicate or purchase those patent rights. This factor is costly to imitate because the company has the patent for a period of time, thus creating a competitive advantage. Genentech is organized to capture value and sophisticated selection criteria in order to move projects from discovery phase to commercialization. The projects are mainly based on scientific rationale, critical medical needs, significant market opportunities, ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Cultural Studies For Chinese Enterprises Essay Compared with the rapid development of foreign enterprises cultural studies, cultural studies for Chinese enterprises is very weak, (Ding, 2014)which is reflected in: First, the culture of Chinese enterprises still remain in the shallow stage, although there are some studies on corporate culture, but the most of them are introduced and discussed the significance of corporate culture and social culture, and business innovation dialectical relationship–based, there are not much theories based on empirical research of qualitative research and normative; second, China corporate culture seriously lags behind cultural development in the practice of Chinese enterprises, many enterprises in shaping corporate culture is mainly within the enterprise own to explore, although some experts and scholars involved, but because of the inherent logic of the development of corporate culture, and the positioning of the corporate culture, corporate culture was lacked from long–term change and other issues in–depth study, therefore, there are not much scientific theory to become the corporate culture practice guidance, and also it is difficult to generate driving force for long–term development of culture. Thus, the company in China should learn from foreign company's cultural studies, cultural studies will help to have more strengthen for Chinese enterprises, promote the Chinese enterprises cultural development. Therefore, this report is focus on Chinese mid–size company, which are very keen on ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Issue Of Medical Research Polio. Smallpox. Yellow Fever. All three of these diseases have been eradicated in America. How? Thanks to medical research, an antidote was found for each of these diseases. There is no question that medical research is important to the medical world. However, could countries do without extensive focus on medical research? America spends the most on healthcare and medical research out of any other country yet their life expectancy is not even close to being the highest. On top of its inefficiency in America, drug trials and animal testing have been scrutinized for being inhumane. Nevertheless, medical research is necessary to the improvement to health care everywhere, but there are improvements that can be made to increase its ... Show more content on ... A good example of this would be the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Through this private organization, Bill and Melinda Gates provide funding for cancer research and other types of medical research (Mathiesen). The only problem with Kealey 's alternative is that research costs are rising every year because of the public pressure to find cures for many of the world 's most pressing diseases such as cancer; and with rising costs, many private organizations will not be willing to increase their funding for research projects. This is why government funding is still necessary but can be reduced drastically with private funding. The good thing is that many research project leaders are looking to private companies now than looking to the government for funding. Many influential executives have already been giving out funds for research, "only last year David Packard, of Hewlett Packard, left $4 billion to his research foundation. His thousands of philanthropic predecessors include Howard Hughes (whose foundation spent $332 million on research in 1991); W. M. Keck ($95 million); John D. Rockefeller (whose foundation funded both the discovery of DNA as the genetic messenger and the development of penicillin); and Andrew Carnegie"(Kealey). These men, known mostly for their business achievements, have contributed heavily to the research world and the ones that are still alive even give scholarships to help students pursue their own ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Intel Research: Exploring the Future Intel Research: Exploring the Future This report discusses the case study 'Intel Research: Exploring the Future [1], published in 2005 by the Harvard Business School. The discussion is divided into three different sections: overview, analysis and conclusion. 1–Overview In 2013, Intel spent more than 10.6 billion in Research and Development (R&D), and became the third biggest spender in R&D. Intel invests in R&D to get on with Moore's Law, an observation by company co–founder Gordon Moore in 1965 that computing power doubles every two years. As the company works to cram more transistors onto its circuits, development eats most of the company's R&D spending. "It's getting more expensive to do the development piece of it ... Show more content on ... The second objective is to find disruptive innovations that threaten the product roadmap and which, ideally, can be incorporated into corporate strategy to yield a competitive advantage [3]. In 1999, David Tennenhouse became the vice president and director of research at Intel Corporation. Tennenenhouse previously served as chief scientist and director of the Information Technology office of the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) [4]. He borrowed lessons from DARPA for developing a new exploratory research process for Intel (Figure 2) [1]. Figure 2. The exploratory research process 2–Analysis The exploratory research process is somewhat analogous to a signal detection and amplification system. The output is a new strategy and/or a roadmap for new research developments. The input must be identified through constantly scanning or "sampling" the environment for new research developments, then filtering these "signals" to identify a subset of potentially relevant opportunities. These opportunities must then be "amplified" through internal and external research before making a strategic decision to move them toward technology and product development [1, 3]. Today most of new ideas in electronics flow through leading universities and their faulty. Exploratory research has a close connection with universities. Intel had a mechanism for providing grants to universities. But many ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Limitations Of The United States Limitations of the Study The study shall be limited by various issues that might affect the level of interpretation of the results. To begin with, there is a significant reality that the people in Venezuela are not as connected to the Internet as some countries in the west. The implication is that the results obtained may not mirror the actual sociological and psychological realities of the people of Venezuela. Furthermore, the value systems that are at the center of the given realities of life in Venezuela may not be represented in any capacity through the social media research and data mining processes. Therefore, the various challenges that are expected in data completeness shall apply and shall be taken note of when the final analysis is done. Secondly, the paper shall focus on the significant attention provided in social media campaigns and their relative effectiveness in providing the necessary information needed for various social action plans. In particular, since I expect a more improved response to my online survey, there is a possibility that we shall have limited understanding of the various issues that affect data collection and the honesty of the people presented. Therefore we shall take the responses we get as the truthful message presented by the different information processing capacities. Limitations of the research may also include the number of people who may have filled the online interview compared to the associations that are included in the general ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The For Research Excellence : A Pioneer Vision, Adopted... "Tawasul for Research Excellence" Program came with a pioneer vision, adopted and launched by King Saud University to begin a new phase and leap towards universality regarding areas of interest of scientific research and studies, that enhance its distinguished global position to help the kingdom more effectively in its developmental and civilizational programs, catch up with the scientific development, reduce scientific and research gap with the developed countries, as well as actively contribute in serving the country under the tremendous scientific leaps , that exceeded all boundaries. In view of interest of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Crown Prince and the Deputy Crown Prince – may Allah protect them – and their great care of technical and scientific research, their encouragement of all what supports to keep up with the trend towards a knowledge–based economy. In the frame of this quest towards strengthening its leading role, King Saud University has launched "Tawasul for Research Excellence" Program; which aims to encourage university faculty members, researchers, and graduate students to show interest in scientific research and development activities, by offering them opportunities to work on research projects in world's top universities and advanced research institutions in various fields and disciplines, that gives them training, skills, development, and outstanding Scientific Publications. The university also aims, through the launch ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Review Of Related Literature. There Is A Current Trend Review of Related Literature There is a current trend now from educational institutions even in organizations outside the education sector wherein research and groundwork is encouraged to be a continuing product of their staff. While some are bound to research work, many are pressed on the demands of it. This is because research is not only a work of an individuals. Educational institutions which aim for a culture in research must also raise, encourage and uphold the work done by the staff. This can be done through distributing workloads, creating an environment conducive for research work, appropriate incentives and many others (Hanover Research, 2014). Research Culture Culture is a way of life by a number of individuals collectively. ... Show more content on ... Educators engaging in research activity acquire experience, dexterity and expertise in their current fields (Patankar, 2016) Research work generates information, induces advanced skills and motivates esteem. With all these, the educators find themselves absorbing these developments and applying them to teaching effectively and innovatively (Pramodini& Sophia, 2012). A school that has an environment supportive of research is a competent school. This research environment creates a community which drives both teachers and students into digging deeper into research work. When the faculty is immersed in research culture, having absorbed the value of research, they in turn would bring to their learners the dedication towards the investigative work (The Department of Education and Training, 2005). Patankar (2016) discussed in his article "Grooming the Personality of Teacher Educators through Research", published in University News in India, that research work results to the improvement of a teacher's cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. Due to the immense work of studying required for research, teachers will expand their knowledge skills, insights, awareness, thought processes and theory. As the research work demands time, resources and effort, it exercises the teacher's dedication for work, interest and engagement towards new learnings. Finally, in the psychomotor aspect. Teachers practice their skills in conversations, writing ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Reflection On Marketing Research And Research Methods This module aims to help postgraduate students gain insights and understanding of marketing research and research methods. This module allows students to cultivate team spirit through teamwork, time management and creativity through the development of a research project. This individual reflection summary will discuss my experience throughout the module with regards to my attitude, knowledge and skills obtained and applied to undertake a professional research study at a postgraduate level. At the first module teaching, the lecturer (Dr Bruno Schivinski) presented a presentation on the 'core statistics: structural equation modelling'. This is overwhelming, like being challenged to solve a peripheral of quantum physics equations. Coupled with a lecture room that offered free heat and sauna because no one (at UCL) knew how to operate the temperature control switch. Surprised, speechless and numb all in one, as it became impossible to concentrate in lectures. However, 'researchers support decision makers by collecting, analysing and interpreting information needed to identify and solve marketing problems' (Malhotra, Birks and Wills, 2012). This particular quote fascinated me; I wanted to learn more to uncover the depth of knowledge regarding "Marketing Research", but the statistical elements of the module reminded me of my postgraduate financial management lectures, which frighten me. In week six, in the published results of our in–class test, I achieved a mere 33%. Logically ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry Essay The Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry The specific industry that will be referred to will be the semiconductor manufacturing industry. This industry emerged after World War II, first in the Boston area and then moved westwards into California during the 1950s. Reasons for locating in such areas include flat land, temperature, stable economy, steady government scene, accessible to markets, available raw materials and high skilled labour. Because the industry is high tech it has meant that these factors are decreasing in importance and factors such as the environment, government assistance and cleanliness are changing the pattern of semiconductor manufacturer locations. The semiconductor ... Show more content on ... Clear examples of this would be Intel assembly plants in Penang, Malaysia and in Manila, Philippines. Design requires high level scientific, technical and engineering personal, usually in Japanese and American locations, as the chips are light transportation would not affect the location was these industries a great deal. Another key economical factor was the economy of the region, areas such as United States, Japan and Western Europe are key examples of this. The political and financial systems allowed access to the financial capital needed for the development of semiconductor manufacturing. Thus it has meant that most research and development in the industry comes mainly from Japanese and American firms. So it meant that the manufacturers would locate in Japan and America because the economy was stable and there was large amounts of capital to ensure the country would not crumble. Political factors also have a key effect on the location of semiconductor manufacturers. This includes the help that the industry receive from key government sectors such as the military. During the Cold War the American military poured money into electronics research for military and space programs, thus it had effects for the electronics industry. It meant that the public was exposed to electronics and it meant that individual firms were created ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Health Of Innovation And Entrepreneurial Activities At... On October 21, 2014, University leadership requested a report that evaluates the health of innovation and entrepreneurial activities at Johns Hopkins and contains recommendations for how to strengthen activities. This report contains a review of the types and developmental stage of technologies that are present at the University, resources that currently exist to support entrepreneurial success among researchers, as well as recommendations for how to move forward to strengthen our current system and increase our high–value technology offerings. In preparing this report, multiple sources were engaged to get a holistic view of the shortcomings to inform my recommended solutions. First, I researched historical expenditures and licensing ... Show more content on ... In brief, I believe that the University must establish a healthy and supportive ecosystem of innovation that spans the entire Johns Hopkins institution. II. Background & Research Over the past several years, many, if not all, academic research institutions have felt the pinch of declining federal dollars towards basic science research. The primary federal U.S. funder of biomedical research is the National Institutes of Health (NIH). However, the NIH budget is not what it used to be; the budget has decreased by more than 20 percent since 2004 immediately preceding an upward boom from 1998 to 2003 (NPR, 2014; graph in Appendix A). In 2012, approximately 16 percent of scientists with large NIH grants lost them the following year which left about 3,500 U.S. scientists, including researchers at Johns Hopkins University, in need of alternative sources of funding (NPR, 2014). In 1980, a congressional act, the Bayh–Dole or Patent and Trademark Law Amendments Act, granted academic research institutions the right to patent protect novel discoveries and ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. How Technology Has Changed The Development Of Heavy And... During the eight years between 1992 and the 21st century, the result of investment in research and development (R&D) by governments and private companies will change the pattern of economic activity as radically as the development of heavy and chemical industries did between 1955 and 1970. A new industrial structure is emerging, one based on microelectronics, computers, telecommunications, automation, biotechnology, aerospace, engineering, new materials and on new forms of energy. Since World War II it seems that with almost every decade a new consumer electronics technology has emerged on the international scene to provide immense opportunities to companies prepared to manufacture such products. In the electronic media, examples are television in the 1950s, transistor radios in the 1960s, color television in the 1970s and home VCR 's in the 1980s. The pace of technological innovation, supported by organized R&D, has become increasingly fast. The period in which research was envisioned as "l 'art pour l 'art" has come to an end. Technology is the future; it drives economic growth and determines the course of living standards. But the route of technological progress in the near future will be largely decided within a triangle formed by the United States, Europe and Japan. The positions taken by the private companies of these countries and by their respective governments on basic and applied R&D will determine the future of technology itself. Decisions concerning R&D made ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Evidence Based Practice : Nursing Implications Evidence Based Practice: Nursing Implications Misty DelCiampo Submitted to Sarah P. Combs PhD, MPH, RN in partial fulfillment of NR460 Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Regis University August 3rd, 2015 Evidence Based Practice Nursing Implications As the health care environment is becoming more complex, and technology is developing rapidly, the expectations of nurses has increased more than ever before. Times are rapidly changing and to keep up with these changes, nurses are moving away from providing care based on the ways it's always been done towards research– and evidence–based practice. The purpose of this paper is to define the importance of Evidence Based Practice (EBP). It will give examples of research in practice. And finally, will examine the barriers that prevent research utilization. Importance of Evidence Based Practice Utilizing the EBP approach by nurses helps to bridge the gap between research, expert opinion and patient preferences to provide the highest quality of patient care possible. The simplest way to define Evidence Based Practice is the method of evaluating, and applying research findings to improve clinical practice, and patient outcomes. In the search for clinical improvement, nurses must examine the "why" behind current methods and processes, using EBP aids nurses in answering this question. Nursing interventions should be realistic, and clinical decisions should be based on EBP research studies because EBP is ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Essay 5. 5 Research And Investigate And Develop 5.4 Investigate versus find A decision maker at a company has agreed to a meeting with you. In short, you have a single chance to impress this person, convince them that giving you some funding will lead to something of value to their company. While we typically, in the research community, use words such as "research" and "investigate", it should be understood that these are only vehicles to arrive at something. The decision maker's interests are all about arriving at a solution, a discovery...indeed investigating to find a result. The emphasis here being on finding a the result. 5.5 Research and investigate versus develop A corporate partner may be interested in researching ways and means to advance their product, develop or build ... Show more content on ... Intellectual Property (IP): signifies creations such as inventions, literary/artistic works, designs and symbols, names and images used in commerce. IP is protected in law, whereby companies or individuals can own patents, copyrights, and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create. The US agency responsible for administering IP rights is the Department of Commerce US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and is responsible for issuing patents to inventors and businesses for their inventions, and trademark registrations. A potential company partner will most likely state the following: "any IP generated by this work will be ours". This is an important statement that must be fully understood. From the company's perspective, they are providing funding for a service...they service being research. They expect to pay for something and own it. On the other hand, the research institution will at the very least want to either negotiate the IP. What is the solution? There is no single solution that fits all. If the company is asking you to conduct research to advance their product, then it will highly unlikely to give the research institution any rights to the IP. If your lab is funded to develop computer code from scratch, then there is room for negotiation on who will own the resulting code. Your institution may be ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Samsung Research And Development Essay Research and Development Introduction to Samsung's' research and development Research and development(R&D) is highly valued by Samsung Electronics. Ongoing investment funding Samsung Electronics' collaborative global research network plays a key role in their ability to create and innovate the products today that is aimed to enrich people's lives tomorrow. In order to achieve their objective, Samsung Electronics hired a large team of researchers and also engineers. This include over 50,000 employees across 42 global research centres. All of the global Samsung Electronics R&D centres collaborate with each other on strategic technologies to keep up with the increasingly fast paced world of technology. Layers of Samsung R&D organisation Samsung's R&D organisation consists of three layers which includes the division product development teams, the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) and Samsung Electronics' global R&D network. Each R&D centre has a division product development team. The division product development teams in each centre are mainly responsible for commercialising products that are scheduled to penetrate into the global ... Show more content on ... Therefore, instead of spending more to create more products, Samsung electronics should focus more on enhancing and improving the existing products they already have. For example, Samsung Electronics should develop its weaker products. Furthermore, they should invest more into the researching and developing environmental friendly products that can ensure the sustainability of Samsung Electronics to ensure a more promising future in the ever–changing electronics industry. Continuous investment in R&D of new technologies is also key to Samsung's future to stay on as the top players of the global electronics industry. This is the best way for Samsung Electronics to have the upper hand against its fellow competitors and stay competitive in the ... Get more on ...
  • 78.
  • 79. The Future Benefits Associated With Research And Development One of the biggest debates in financial accounting is expensing advertisement and research and development activities as opposed to them being considered an asset. The idea was that they don't meet the reliability criteria. The future benefits associated with research and development are very uncertain making it difficult to record the expenditures as an asset. At this point there is little research to support an intangible capital treatment of research & development and advertising. Currently research and development expenditures are not considered to be an investment. With all of those uncertainties, GAAP states that any research and development activities be a current period expense. Although these expenditures treatment is vastly acknowledged as an incorrect concept, the measurements surrounding the treatment of research and development as an investment were seemingly insurmountable to overcome. That ideology however can be challenged under the advancements within the IT and computer equipment industry since the early 90's. It was identified as a main source of productivity growth which made it necessary to consider research and development as an investment. In this paper, we will discuss GAAP's treatment of research and development expenditures and propose a different alternative. Throughout the paper we will define research and development, its activities and many of the guidelines, regulations, and Acts surrounding it. In relations with accounting, research is ... Get more on ...