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“Honey, I know you’re
“but I’ve preached many a
  revival meeting with a
       fever of 104.”
Breakfast line guy...
“You didn’t have to
“just how far can a contact high
           take you?”
because I didn’t
even get started...
“You didn’t have to stop...
“You didn’t have to stop...
     and talk to me”
If you got sick...I’m sorry
performance pressure
how can I top that faint?
sing my entire presentation
write you a love poem
do my presentation naked
my year in review...
honeymoon in Gatlinburg
  with my ex-husband
had about the same amount
         of sex
honeymoon in Florida with
    Amanda Durand
best honeymoon i’ve ever
not gay
if you’ve been paying
you’ll know I started golfing
        this year...
best kiss I’ve gotten all year
Stephen Hawking’s Chaos
and Complexity Theories
chaos theory
when simple things are
combined they can create
  something complex
40 billion
“What’s happening?”
100 million
tweet 250 million times
      every day
complexity theory
complex systems can have a
     simple outcome
Facebook has raised more
   than $800 million
Klout scores
search results
sophisticated beyond words
wirelessly and in real time
but the outcomes are simply
Social Media Hierarchy of Needs
7 things
Have sex
     Have sex
Achieve homeostasis
     Have sex
Achieve homeostasis
Facebook and Twitter
Span of Control
Peter Drucker
how many people can one
person manage effectively?
1 manager with 6 direct
reports = 222 relationships
1 manager with 16 direct
   reports = 500,000
3rd child
your wife has a 3rd child too
and your other 2 kids now
  have another sibling
eff’s the whole thing up
brief aside:
did you know that no two
kids are ever born into the
      same family?
husband and boyfriend
husband and boyfriend
Yours and your
Yours and your
Yours and your
Yours and your
              Yours and your
Yours with your husband and boyfriend at the same party
Yours and your
              Yours and your
Yours with your husband and boyfriend at the same party
               Your boyfriend’s with
Yours and your
              Yours and your
Yours with your husband and boyfriend at the same party
               Your boyfriend’s with
               Your husband’s with
Yours and your
              Yours and your
Yours with your husband and boyfriend at the same party
               Your boyfriend’s with
               Your husband’s with
                boyfriend with your husband
Yours and your
              Yours and your
Yours with your husband and boyfriend at the same party
               Your boyfriend’s with
               Your husband’s with
                boyfriend with your husband
           Your husband with your boyfriend
Yours and your
              Yours and your
Yours with your husband and boyfriend at the same party
               Your boyfriend’s with
               Your husband’s with
                boyfriend with your husband
           Your husband with your boyfriend
 Your husband with you and your boyfriend at the
Yours and your
              Yours and your
Yours with your husband and boyfriend at the same party
               Your boyfriend’s with
               Your husband’s with
                boyfriend with your husband
           Your husband with your boyfriend
 Your husband with you and your boyfriend at the
 party boyfriend with you and your husband at the
It’s just too hard.
not just the first number time X
exponentially compounded to
      something crazy
chaos & complexity
800 million
80 pages, events or
3.5 billion pieces of content
 shared every week on FB
30% higher on Sundays
YouTube is now a
some people are more
important to you than
the moment of critical mass
from relative obscurity to
     which is good.
ideas, products, messages
and behaviors spread like
3 Rule of Epidemics
1. The Law of the Few
1. The Law of the Few
2. The Stickiness Factor
1. The Law of the Few
2. The Stickiness Factor
3. The Power of Context
1. The Law of the Few
1967 - Six Degrees of
  Separation study
160 students in Nebraska
 were given a letter with
instructions to get it to a
 stockbroker in Boston
None of the students
knew the stockbroker
Took an average of
    6 contacts
3 people were the final
  link for 50% of the
The Law of the Few...
the success of any kind of social
epidemic is heavily dependent on
the involvement of people with a
 particular and rare set of social
1. Connectors
1. Connectors
2. Mavens
1. Connectors
2. Mavens
3. Salespeople
Connectors are...
People with a special knack for
 bringing the world together.
People with a special knack for
 bringing the world together.

They link us up with the world
extraordinary knack
making friends &
they have large networks
they are successful
because of their ability to
  span many different
intrinsic to their
personality is the
combination of...
Sharon Rowe is a Connector
Mavens are...
information specialists
information specialists

people we rely on to connect us
     with new information
information specialists

 people we rely on to connect us
      with new information

collect knowledge and know how to
             share it
Salesmen are...

charismatic people we all want
        to agree with.
hundreds = thousands
it’s not about the people
     following you
it’s about the people who are
following the people who are
       following you
some are more important
than others because they
Connectors, Mavens and
not all communities are
    created equal

1. Facebook is bigger (800 vs 100)
1. Facebook is bigger (800 vs 100)

2. Facebook is more comprehensive
1. Claim your page
1. Claim your page
2. Keep it up to date
1. Claim your page
2. Keep it up to date
3. Wait and see
other communities...
Your Toolset:
Your Toolset:
Your Toolset:
Your Toolset:
Your Toolset:
Your Toolset:
Google+ (test)
more followers
lack of patience or time
Brief Aside: If your business
 is in trouble, social is not
       your quick fix.
long-term engagement
big differences btwn
traditional and digital
broadcast and display have
    some similarities
paid search, email and social
   are rewarded based on
Google - places search ads
higher if you get more clicks
ESPs deliver your emails
better if your open rate is
Facebook prioritizes your
 posts if you get more
quality is important
How do you find and build a
     relationship with
it’s tough on Facebook
brands and people can’t
  message each other
it’s all about the wall
basic rules for winning on
 the web in general and
social in particular are...
1. create good content
1. create good content
2. encourage engagement
1. create good content
2. encourage engagement
3. be consistent
1. create good content
2. encourage engagement
3. be consistent
4. measure
what does ‘engagement’
Liking your Page

Posting on your Wall

Liking, commenting on or sharing a post, photo,
video etc that you put on your Page

@ mentioning your Page in a post they make

Tagging your Page in a photo

Liking or sharing a check-in deal

Checking in at a Place
If you know a company’s
mission, you can figure out
 how to work with them.
Google’s mission:
To organize the world
you can’t trick ‘em for long.
  black hat SEO will lose.
Facebook’s mission:
To make the world a more
open and connected place.
Facebook’s wants to keep
  people on their site
communicating with each
All along, they’re learning
        about you
Facebook values
engagement - so that’s
  what they measure
2 Facebook Measurements
       to Watch
1. Talking About This:
   number of people
interacting on your page
Talking about This
   It shows you the number of unique people who have created a ‘story’
   about your Page in the last 7 days. The ‘story’ might include people:
        Liking your Page
        Posting on your Wall
        Liking, commenting on or sharing a post, photo, video etc that you
        put on your Page
        Answering a question you asked using the ‘question’ feature
        RSVPing to an event
        @ mentioning your Page in a post they make
        Tagging your Page in a photo
        Liking or sharing a check-in deal
        Checking in at a Place

Talking about This
    The Point: The more people talking about your business, the
    more people you’ll be able to reach on Facebook. You’ll see now
    why it’s so important to get people interacting and engaging
    with your content.

    You might also be interested to know that top brands are
    currently getting 0.7% engagement (on average) on this new

Top brands are getting
  .7% engagement in the
“Talking About This” metric
       Starbucks on 1/12/12: 0.7%
       Tennessee Tourism on 1/12/12: 0.7%
2. Weekly Total Reach:
and it’s calculated like
For the last 500 posts:
For the last 500 posts:

1. Reach - # of people who saw the posts
For the last 500 posts:

1. Reach - # of people who saw the posts
2. # of Engaged Users
For the last 500 posts:

1. Reach - # of people who saw the posts
2. # of Engaged Users
3. # of people Talking about this
For the last 500 posts:

1. Reach - # of people who saw the posts
2. # of Engaged Users
3. # of people Talking about this
4. Virality (talking about this / reach)
Facebook doesn’t care if the
 engagement is positive or
Currently no automated way
    to rank sentiment
Facebook wants to help you
   out by filtering your
 posts...based on overall
so if nobody is engaging
   with your content
your content gets shown
      less overall
that’s the new Edgerank
scoring system and here’s a
      real life story...
A Real EdgeRank
        April: 1,411 likes

    •      Paramore takes over social

•       May: 2,058 likes

    •      EdgeRank Score goes public: 24

•       June: 3,183 likes

    •      EdgeRank Score increases to 29

    •      SplashGround Sweeps starts

•       July 4,171 likes:

    •      EdgeRank Score decreases back to 24

    •      SplashGroundSweeps Ends

•       August 4,310 likes:

    •      EdgeRank Scores settles at 21
A Real EdgeRank
WHY? July:
A Real EdgeRank
WHY? August
3 things Facebook thinks
    are important...
1. User Affinity - engagement
2. Status weight - video, image, link
3. Freshness - posts less than 4
hours old*
1. User Affinity - engagement
2. Status weight - video, image, link
3. Freshness - posts less than 4
hours old*
       *constantly changing stat.
3 quick Facebook Tips
1. Use a personal tone
2. Always use a call to action
  (tell me what you think)
  (like this update if you X)
3. Post during peak hours
        7-9 am
        5-7 pm
     11 pm - 1 am
It’s interesting what makes
    people respond...
• Follow-up
Have some Holiday
Pretty pictures work

•   Everyone loves a pretty
    picture ...
Mavens are

•   Develop a loyal fan base
    and they will help you
    manage the on-going
    conversations on your

•   A reply tweet from a
    follower after we replied
    to their original tweet
    letting them know we
    missed them as much as
    they missed Wildwoods.

•   The Point: A personal
    touch through a message
    from a brand is
    appreciated and builds

Targeting Influencers on
38 mentions x 3,071 followers
= 116,698 impressions
2. The Power of Context
Relevant, interesting
content is the thing.
But delivery vehicles
change everything.
There are now more
smartphones in use than
    feature phones
in 2014 more than 50% of
web traffic will come from
Is THIS your personal
Or is this?
It’s the one you take with
    you everywhere.
3 main differences
between these two devices
1. Screen size
2. Navigation/Input
3. Context
2 schools of thought
1. Mobile should be
light-weight and focused.
2. Mobile should have
everything - because it’s
  many people’s only
The biggest problem on
 the web is the lack of
     good content
3. The Stickiness Factor
Good content will solve
  almost all of your
Good Content is Good Etiquette

 •   Repurposing “Good” content is good social

 •   To illustrate...

                “Be Considerate”
“Be Considerate”
            Don’t dump your content on me!

Don’t you hate
that person who
is long winded
and talks about
themselves all
the time?
“Be Considerate”
         Don’t dump your content on me!

How about that person who
leaves you a long winded          Voicemail: Hey, it’s me - I

voicemail when they could’ve
                                  was just calling to let you
                                  know I was on the way to
                                  meet you for our planned
sent you a text message?          lunch at noon! It’s 11:52 on
                                  Wednesday. By the way,
                                  remind me of this story to tell
                                  you when I see you. Also...
                                  did you ever talk to dad? I was
                                  thinking about giving ...
“Be Considerate”
         Don’t dump your content on me!

How about that person who
leaves you a long winded
voicemail when they could’ve
sent you a text message?

                                   TXT: OTW now. C U soon.
“Be Considerate”
         Don’t dump your content on me!

Good Content is
       Good Etiquette
It just got worse.
“Be Considerate”

•   The Point: Don’t dump your content on me! Good content is
    concise, timely, accurate, relevant, thoughtful, unpredictable,
    informative – even funny.

•   Your communication with your fan base should mirror the
    venue (Facebook posts can be longer than tweets) and mirror
    the medium (your website will be more content rich than your
    mobile site)

•   The Stat: Retail brand Posts less than 80 characters in length
    receive 66% higher engagement than longer Posts.
Don’t Get Clingy
It’s a date - not an Engagement
Be Realistic
You’re for Indigestion. Not cool parties.
Good Content is
    Good Etiquette
•Other rules of thumb:
  • “THANK YOU” after someone offers you something, or “NO THANK YOU” if you
   decline the offer.

  • Always be polite, and use the word “PLEASE” which goes a long way, and doesn’t
   cost you anything.

  • Show interest in the topic and person you are talking to, give eye contact, and never

  • Take turns.

  • Be a good sport.

  • Be kind to others.

  • Be on time.

  • “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
A very common question
Social Staffing...
This is easy to find... and not what you need.
What do they do all
They want to get
It’s not your intern’s job
Knowing the tools to use
   is not the same as
   understanding the
what’s the difference
between knowing and
it’s like the difference
between education and
think of it in terms of
  sex education vs.
     sex training
More About Social
When they sink - When they swim.
The things I’m tired of...
Bragging veiled as sharing
Bragging veiled as sharing
Bragging veiled as sharing
un-funny people trying to be funny
Bragging veiled as sharing
un-funny people trying to be funny
inspirational thoughts - every day
That’s a bundle of news
    and no mistake
We can know more than
we ought to about each
Companies can know their
    customers better
smarter and more efficient
information is more
 readily available so
everybody is an expert
authenticity, truck and
friendship are expected
transparency is expected
I expect you to know me
  and my preferences
if you treat me like you
       know me
I’ll vacation with you
I’ll buy from you
I’ll tell my friends about
and it just might matter
because I might be
a connector
or a maven
or a salesperson
Thank you.

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Editor's Notes

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