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Vitruvian Man Essay
Between 1300–1400 The Renaissance was born. During this time period, there was differnet types
of cultures and arts and architecture developed in this time period. The style of painting, sculpture
and decorative arts identified with the Renaissance emerged in Italy in the late 15th century. It
reached Zenith in the late 15th and early 26th centuries, in the work of italian masters. Such as,
Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello.
During the Renaissance, Da Vinci did more than painting, he studied various topics such as
anatomy, geology, botany, hydraulics and flight. The Vitruvian Man(Italian: Le proporzioni del
corpo umano secondo vitruvio, which is translated to "the proportions of the human body according
to Vitruvius). In ... Show more content on ...
I learned that you can make on picture and it can be a combination of different pictures and different
angles. I also learned that different people have different opinions their concept of the Vitruvius
theory. I found out that doctors and other businesses has their own opinion on Vitruvian Man, how
orthopedics sees the The Vitruvian Man jumping for joy. Doctor Mark Williams sees it the triangle
in the picture as science and medicine. I never really thought The Vitruvian can be so different to
different people, I just saw it as a man in a square also in a
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Comparing Ancient Greek Architecture, Doric, And...
As the saying goes, great art is mad with its own loveliness. Over the decades, Greek–inspired
architecture has been seen all over the world. Ideas are often borrowed while constructing buildings,
monuments, and even houses. Greeks mostly used wood, limestone, unbaked bricks, terracotta and
metal for construction. Most architecture were inspired by religion, politics, and form of recreation.
Of all designs from Greek architecture three of them have withstood the test of time and their
application can be seen today. They include Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian order. However, each order
is distinct from the other and one cannot differentiate unless trained. This paper will look at Doric
and Corinthian orders while comparing and contrasting them. It will also trace their prevalence and
popularity throughout history.
Doric style of architecture has been the most famous. It is used all over the world today. It is found
in Parthenon and Acropolis and can be distinguished from other orders as it has vertical column and
a plain roof. Colonies of south Italy and Sicily have also used it. Doric order is, however, the
simplest. Roman Doric is the most common form today. This column consists of around capital
which has a narrow neckband. It has a shaft that may be plain or fluted and normally rest on a base.
Its entablature is structured to have a distinctive frieze with triglyphs which are an upright projecting
grooved panel. This triglyph is normally set in line with each column. There
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Definition Of True Beauty Essay
Tyler Bennett Professor Chad Brodbeck ENC 1101 Composition 1 31 October 2017 True Beauty
When asked to describe beauty, one's initial response is to comment on physical attributes such as
hair, eyes, and facial structure. Rarely will the answer entail traits such as selflessness and
intelligence. Merriam Webster defines beauty as "the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or
thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit." Inner and outer
beauty stimulates the mind in some way. Many believe physical attributes define beauty, yet one
cannot exemplify true beauty without the harmony of personality, interaction, and physical
attributes. Architecturally speaking, Vitruvius emphasizes that "Order is the balanced adjustment of
the details of the work separately, and as to the whole, the arrangement of the proportion with a view
to a symmetrical result" (Vitruvius 26–27). Vitruvius was a Roman architect who wrote the book De
architectura, which many architects used for their own work in Rome. As seen in his works,
symmetry appears often. Another philosopher, who goes by the name of Plotinus, asserts that:
"Almost everyone declares that the symmetry of parts towards each other and towards a whole,
with, besides, a certain charm of colour, constitutes the beauty recognized by the eye, that in visible
things, as indeed in all else, universally, the beautiful thing is essentially symmetrical, patterned."
(Plotinus 21 [Ennead 1.6]) Plotinus
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The Influence Of Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
Thomas Jefferson´s Monticello Thomas Jefferson once said that "Architecture is my delight, and
putting up and pulling down, one of my favorite amusements." He spent much of his life "putting up
and pulling down," most notably during the forty–year construction of the Monticello.
Influenced by his readings of ancient and modern architectural writings, Jefferson gleaned the best
from both his readings and from his observations in Europe, creating his own personal style of
architecture, a mix of Neoclassicism's Roman temples, and Palladian villa. Partly, because of
Jefferson's influence, our federal buildings set an American precedent for the neoclassical style.
Jefferson's admiration for neoclassical style went so far as to design ... Show more content on ...
(figure four, shown with West Portico)
Jefferson's bedroom sized at 18' 7" x 13' 5"; ceiling 18' 8" has an Ionic order to it. The friezes were
influenced by classical antiques. (figure five, left) The Cabinet measures 18' 6" x 11' 10"; ceiling 10'
0". This room has been influenced by the Ionic style. (figure five, right)
There are a total of forty–three rooms in the entire structure: thirty three are in the house itself
(cellar, twelve; first floor, eleven; second floor, six; third floor four); four in the pavilions; and six
under the South Terrace. The stable and carriage bays under the North Terrace are not included in
these totals. The first design of the Monticello had fourteen rooms total (cellar, six; first floor, five;
second floor, three). The overall dimensions of the building are 110' long, 87' 9" wide (to outer faces
of porticoes), 44' 7" high (to oculus of dome). The heights of the different rooms vary, but as
examples, the North Octagonal Room is 9' 10" Vs the Entrance Hall which is 18' 6". There are
thirteen skylights (oculus plus twelve.) The oculus was used in Greek architecture not only for light
but for religious ceremonies and a monitor of the sun. The entire house is about 11,000 square feet.
However this is including all the modern additions. Only one–third of the window glass remains.
Brief Chronology of
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Importance Of The Temple Of Heaven
Architecture is something we are observing, living and being in relation every day. However, it
seems that we may only consider the modern architectures constructed nowadays but forget the
importance to appreciate those ancient architectures, especially those ancient Chinese architectures
we should be proud of. In this essay, Temple of Heaven in Beijing is going to be discussed and
According to Your Beijing China Travel Guide, a famous website introducing different tourist spots
in Beijing to foreigners, the Temple of Heaven is now located in the Chongwen District, Beijing. It
was where emperors of the Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644) and Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911) held the
Heaven Worship Ceremony. It was first built in 1420 was enlarged and rebuilt during the reigns of
the Ming emperor Jiajing and the Qing emperor Qianlong (Your Beijing ... Show more content on ...
It is actually the Temple of Heaven in the practical sense. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the
emperors would offer sacrifice here to the Heaven on the day of the Winter Solstice in every year.
Imperial Vault of Heaven was constructed along the middle axis, locating at the north of the Altar to
Heaven. It is the place housing the Gods' tablets to be used at the Heaven Worship Ceremony. It is
famous for the surrounding Echo Wall, and also the Three Echo Stones and the Dialogue Stone,
which are all utilizing the theory of sound wave, showing the intelligence of constructions. Crossing
the Danbi Bridge from the Imperial Vault of Heaven, the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is
presented. It is a big palace with round roof and three layers of eaves, where the emperor held the
worship ceremonies to pray for good weather and abundant harvests. It is the earliest building of the
Temple of Heaven. It is a complex consisting of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests and the Altar
for Grain
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Architechture of Fredericton: Ionic and Corinthian Orders
As evidenced by many of its historic buildings, Fredericton was greatly influenced by the
neoclassical architectural period that swept Europe and North America during the 18th century
(Young 1982, 10). This period was marked by an influx of buildings designed to reflect the
architecture of ancient Greece and Rome (Faulkner 2009, Neo–classical architecture). It grew from
the burgeoning interest in classical antiquities and antiquarianism, a movement led by Englishmen
such as Lord Elgin and William Stukeley, which marked the 1700s (Greene and Moore 2010, 16,
38). While the style did not come to Canada until the late part of the 18th century, it quickly became
a dominate form of choice for both public and private buildings and Fredericton is an excellent
example of this (Young 1982, 10). Typical attributes of neoclassical architecture include columns
fabricated from wood or stone, wide friezes and pediments above the doorways (Harris 2006,
Neoclassical style). Each of the three Greek orders, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian, are well
represented. However, this paper will deal with the Ionic and Corinthian orders only and their
presence in the city of Fredericton.
Both the Ionic and Corinthian orders became highly popular and surpassed their Doric counterpart
by continuing into the Roman period (Gates 2010, 220). Before the Corinthian order however, the
Ionic order started to become well–established by 550 BC (Lawrence 1957, 131). It emerged from
Asia Minor and spread to mainland
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The Established Rules For The Doric And Corinthian Orders...
In Book 4, Vitruvius writes on the established rules for the Doric and Corinthian orders, and
explains the differences and peculiarities.
Chapter I: The Origins of the Three Orders, and the Proportions of the Corinthian Capital
In chapter 1, Vitruvius writes of the proportions of the Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian columns and the
similarities and differences. The three architectural order by its capital are Doric, Ionic, and
Corinthian. Corinthian columns, apart from in their capitals that has the same proportions as in the
Ionic order, but the height of the capitals taller than the Ionic capitals that give it a slimmer
appearance. In Corinthian style two thirds are added capitals, that gives a slender appearance to the
length of the columns. Corinthian columns are composed either of the Doric proportions or uses the
Ionic, and the Corinthian order does not have any peculiar arrangement for its cornices or other
ornaments. The Corinthian order may be arranged with a frieze decorated with sculptures that is
accompanied with dentils and coronae. The Corinthian order may include mutules in the coronae
and guttae with the architraves as the triglyph system of the Doric style or as the Ionic style.
Doric was the first to have rules for their symmetry to tolerate large sums of weight, and also to a
satisfactory appearance of beauty. They measured a man 's foot and compared this with his height,
finding that the foot was one sixth of the height, and they applied the same principle
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Greek Amphitheaters
A man strolls down a barren road, his eye catches a glimpse of a majestic column. While
approaching the grand column, he is amazed by its architectural beauty. The stone is carved into
remarkable designs. Mighty aqueducts hover over him sending chills down his spine. The roar of the
crowd in the nearby theater startles him from his peaceful stroll. Those architecture elements can be
found all around our world today. Greek architecture has dramatically influenced modern day
architecture by the use of columns, theaters, and public structures.
Greek architects invented several different styles of columns; the simplest column, called the Doric
column, is used throughout architecture today. "In the Doric Order, the column shaft is simple ...
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Hygiene was of high importance to the Greeks so their communities provided public bath houses.
"Aqueducts provided the water to the public baths, the baths were heated and cooled, dirty water
was replaced with clean water, and exercise and massage rooms were available" (Wesley). Modern
day bathhouses which we refer to as spas are really similar to Ancient Greece bathhouses. Spas
today provide a variety of different styles of baths, exercise rooms, and message therapy (Wesley).
Bathhouses have been in the world throughout the ages. Greek bathhouses continue to influence us
to this day. Modern day architecture has been immensely influenced by the use of public structures,
theaters, and columns once developed by the Greeks. The influence of Greek architecture has made
the impossible possible, throughout our world today. As the man awakes from his daydream his is
amazed by the impressive architectural elements. The elements in his dream are scattered
throughout society today. The majestic columns, mighty aqueducts, and roaring theaters in within
blocks of his home. The influence of the Greek architecture has shaped the world he lives
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Taking a Look at the Renaissance
Renaissance is a generally accepted name for the era of great change in culture, art, and architecture
which took place in the fifteenth–and sixteenth–century Italy, and then left its mark on the culture of
the whole of Europe. During the Renaissance there was a significant shift of universally recognized
values. They began to appreciate and recognize the creative possibilities of a human mind, which
entailed a lot of consequences. One of them was the spectacular development of the architecture,
and the new role of architecture and the architect in society. New forms of secular buildings such as
villas, palaces, houses and town halls were exemplified, but most of building activity was centered
on sacred buildings like the famed Tempietto by Donatano Bramante. Tempietto is a prime example
of Renaissance architecture because not only it represents key characteristics like the simplicity of
the composition, symmetry within structure, but it also resurrects precedents of Christian and pagan
origin which were a baseline for many designs during that period.
For many reasons the Renaissance began in Italy. In addition to the fact that there existed a rich
artistic tradition, Italy was the richest country in Europe at that time. Cities were in bloom, rich
merchants and bankers wanted to glorify their names ordering portraits, building magnificent
palaces, decorating family chapels. And although the mere presence of such a generous patronage
did not have to guarantee the creation of
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Disadvantages Of Leon Battista Alberti
Leon Battista Alberti was an Italian modeler, artist, linguist, priest, rationalist, renaissance humanist
polymath in the early 1400′s. He is celebrated for composing "De picture" a treastise on point of
view drawings, "De Statua" a article on figure lastly "De Re Aedificatoria" (Art of building) created
on works of renowned Roman architect Vitruvius' Ten Books on Architecture.
However inquiries emerge in perusing Alberti: since ornamentation as a methodology is done on the
whole work, and decoration as a result of the procedure is a piece of the entire, how might he be
able to have considered adornment separate from the excellence of the entirety? On the off chance
that excellence is independent in that nothing can be included or taken away without disadvantage,
in what capacity can decoration that is "connected or extra" be outstanding? ... Show more content
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Like Vitruvius, Leon Battista Alberti (A.d. 1404–1472), a draftsman whose On The Art of Building
in Ten Books had an extraordinary impact on all expressions of the human experience in the
Renaissance, considered decoration as something extra or connected: "...ornament may be
characterized as a manifestation of assistant light and supplement to excellence. From this it tails, I
accept, that excellence is some intrinsic property, to be suffused all through the group of that which
may be called wonderful; while decoration, instead of being inalienable, has the character of
something appended or extra." But he is foremost on account of his meaning of magnificence, which
he considered target: "When you make judgments on magnificence, you don't take after insignificant
extravagant, yet the workings of a contemplated staff that is inherent in the psyche." De re
Aedificatoria (The Art of Building) is subdivided into ten books and incorporates:
Book One: Lineaments
Book Two:
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Piazza d'Italia as an Example of Postmodern Architecture...
Piazza d'Italia as an Example of Postmodern Architecture
A public place incorporated into a larger commercial complex, the fountain of the Piazza d'Italia
occupies a circular area off center of the development, which consists of buildings and open–air
corridors planted with trees. The fountain is set on a ground of concentric circles in brick and
masonry, and is composed of a raised contour relief of the boot of Italy and a construction of several
staggered, interconnected facades following the lines of the circles. Each facade incorporates one of
the five Classical Orders in various materials, including marble, stainless steel, artificial lighting and
water. The facades are one side of the space and the whole is surrounded by a ring of ... Show more
content on ...
The Tuscan columns, for example, are fully covered in polished stainless steel and their moldings
and curves have been abstracted to a minimum of flat, conic and cylindrical shapes, striping away
the entasis (5). The Tuscan architrave carries square panels of water jets which Moore's memoirs
refer to as "wetopes" (6). The horizontal molding bounding the echinus of several stainless steel
capitals were made of rings of neon lights. The Doric colonnade has no physical shafts, only
cylindrical streams of pellucid water. Whilte it has the rounded echinus and and abacus, the shaft is
only suggested by the water. Some of the composite columns have angular, stylized stainless steel
capitals. These had no echinus moldings, simple scrolls for volutes ancanthus leaves merely
suggested by triangles and were sprayed by more small jets of water. In their flutes, florid carved
fillets were replaced with geysers. These composite columns had the appropriate half–circle flutes
on the shaft, and fairly complete moldings at that top and bottom of the shaft. The Ionic columns
possessed the simpler and more fluid Greek volutes and had the base and echinus convex molding.
The alternately concave and convex moldings at the foot of the Ionic columns were in style of
Roman examples. In fact, streams of water were placed everywhere: on the Doric architrave, the
Ionic entablature, almost every pedestal, and the ridges of the Italian peninsula. Even two roundels
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Roman Architecture : The Rise And Fall Of Roman Architecture
The Rise and Fall of Roman Architecture It's 70 A.D and the streets of Rome are busy. Construction
workers are hard at work building a place of slaughter and game. Brick by brick the arches are
made, and the details of Corinthian architecture are carven into the cold, hard stone. Vespasian and
Titus stand in front of their work, admiring the sophisticated amphitheater of Italy. The Colosseum
is just one of the vast amounts of Roman projects still intact and cherished by people of the world.
Romans used different styles of arches, vaults, and columns to create famous buildings like the
Colosseum and Pantheon. The Romans influenced many other types of architecture and built the
basis of most classic architecture. One of the Roman's most well–known feature is their use of
arches. The Romans use semicircular arches, a tall arch with half of a perfect circle incorporated
into it, which were first designed into drains and gates around the cities until they were on almost
every single building in the empire. They used these arches in many of their buildings; however,
they weren't the ones to first use these arches. Egyptians, Greeks, and Mesopotamians used arches
long before the they did (Calliope). Yet, the Romans incorporated the arch into numerous buildings
and monuments while the others used them rarely: they made the arch well–known. Also, the
Romans used two different types of vaults in their arcades and hallways. Barrel vaults were common
to see in the empire. This
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Roman architecture was responsible for developing many...
Roman architecture was responsible for developing many different building styles and techniques
and the creation of various new ones. Ancient Rome expanded quickly from a small town (founded
in 753bc) situated on the Tiber River, to an empire with one fifth of the world's population under its
control. This displayed the strength that they possessed, and the control of many different cultures
led to the acquisition of a range of typologies. The result of the architectural influence of other
nations (mainly the Greeks and the Etruscans) led to many great masterpieces of art and building
design. The Romans took many pre–existing ideals and developed them into new technologies and
ways of living; architecture is just one of these developments. ... Show more content on ...
The Greeks started building corbelled arches and creating arch shaped voussoirs. These worked
well, however, they did not discover the strength or span the distances that the Romans were able to.
The widest known Greek archway spans only 7.35m, whereas the Romans built many great
triumphal arches to emphasise their power in victory. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio wrote about the
qualities a successful arch should entail, these were: "utility, strength and aesthetics" (Vitruvius, M.,
1914). He wanted them to be built according to anthropometrics; symmetry and proportions of the
human body. The full potential of the arch was reached when the Romans discovered the impressive
compressive strength of the arch, meaning that they could span greater distances and create great
heights using these new found qualities. Some of the most notable uses of the arch can be seen
through Aqueducts, vast interiors and in, potentially, the most famous arched building; the Roman
The Roman Colosseum is a four story tall amphitheatre which was able to seat up to 50,000
spectators. The first three stories contained stone benches and the top gallery was created with
wooden bleachers for women, children and people of lower classes. In this instance, the Roman use
of the arch was a major transformation from its prior use by the Greeks, allowing them to create
visually stunning and solidly constructed masterpieces. This was
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Ancient Roman Architecture And Humanism
The time of the Renaissance was a period when old ideas and techniques were brought back to the
surface. Ancient Rome helped frame architecture in the Early Renaissance, in comparison will be
discussing three buildings in Italy that were influenced by classical heritage.
I will discuss is a town house identified as the Palazzo Rucellai, built by Leon Battista Alberti in
Florence, Italy. Alberti was known to be a humanist, which was a belief that Greeks and Romans
practiced. (Dr. Beth Harris and David Zucker "Alberti, Palazzo Rucellai"). It was believed that
humans and their lives were more, or just as important as the Gods. Humanists also believed that
God(s) made humans with a specific talent. According to the dictionary Humanism sparked interest
in a system in which human interests, values, and dignity were becoming a central motif for artisans.
This building was an important commission that Alberti had completed for a wealthy merchant
family known as the Rucellais, and was built after the wealthy Medici family built their palazzo.
According to Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker, Alberti wrote multiple books. One of those
books was titled The Architecture of Leon Battista Alberti Ten Books on Architecture, and was
considered the most important book of architecture after the famous Ten Books on Architecture
written by the ancient Roman Vitruvius. Using Vitruvius vocabulary of ancient Roman architecture,
Alberti used it in a self–conscious way to proclaim its
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Greek Architecture Symbolism
Ancient Greek architecture was very intricately made and well thought out. The Greeks used
different methods and reasonings behind their architecture because they made sure that their pieces
were exquisitely made to represent the things they thought were important. They valued their Gods
and their worship of the Gods. It was important for them to always represent or have symbolic
meaning behind all of their architectural designs. There are many hidden symbols that are involved
in Greek architecture like trees, trophies, leaves, hair, and sacrifices to name a few. Greek
architecture includes these hidden symbols to worship Gods, and to represent culture in their pieces.
First, Greek architecture was mainly created to give respect to Gods and create worship areas for the
Gods. Representing and respecting Greek Gods appropriately was considered important to the Greek
people during this time. A very early Greek architectural example of showing respect towards the
Gods, was when trees were used as the first temples as a place of worship. As expressed by Pliny,
"The Trees formed the first temples of the Gods." (Pliny). Trees held a valuable position to the
Greeks because they were classified as sacred and even representational to certain Gods. The Greeks
believed that trees had relation to certain Gods. For example, The God Zeus's sacred tree was the
oak tree, while, the olive tree was the Goddess Athena's sacred tree. The olive tree was the first
temple for Athena, which was
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The Nude Kenneth Clark Analysis
The first chapter in Kenneth Clark's The Nude makes a powerful assertion about "the nude" as a
symbol of the classical tradition. As opposed to a naked image, the nude (at least in its academic
context) lacks the discomfort associated with a naked body. Instead in the classical era, the nude
portrayed the ideal body – one which embodied the sensuality of human form, the rationality of
mathematics, and the divinity of God in relation to man. In this way the nude became a key
development in the classical era and then again in the Renaissance period as an expression of how a
human ought to live; of an ideal human condition and – even more importantly – an ideal human
form. Clark's argument delineates the manner in which the nude developed in its form throughout
the history of art, pointing out its seemingly dynamic nature and its relation to the values of the
societies in which it prevailed as an art form. He points out that despite some "curious
transformations, [the nude] remains our chief link with the classic disciplines" (2). It appears that the
nude as an art form carries a much deeper significance than the nude as a human form. Rather than
just a depiction or replica of one's body, the nude takes into account an idealistic version of what a
body ought to be. But what exactly is this idealistic form, and how has it changed in its
representation? Clark demonstrates that the nude has changed in its manifestations, particularly
among three periods: The Classical era; the
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Lego Movie Analysis
Harvarinder Sidhu CHV–2O0–D Ms.Bains November 29th, 2017 Lego Movie Leadership Styles
Lord business is the complete opposite of President Business. Lord Business is a very evil and
selfish leader. Lord Business wants to take over the world himself and the leadership style he
portrays is Dictatorship. Dictatorship is when one person has all of the power which Lords Business
did have. In the movie "Lego Movie" Lord Business displays the dictatorship leadership style
because of when head had faked the election to rig the voting, he told his slaves to destroy Vitruvius,
and when he had covered everyone with Kragle even when nobody liked or agreed with him. Firstly,
When Lord Business had the voting election, he had rigged the voting machines ... Show more
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That shows that Lord Business displayed a dictatorship because he has all of the power and can use
or abuse it any way he wants too. In conclusion, Lord Business shows that he displayed the
dictatorship because he had rigged the voting elections to go in his favour, when he gave to order to
his slaves to destroy Vitruvius, and when he had use Kragle on everyone even though everyone
disagreed with him. Master Builders were a small group of people who always worked well as a unit
and always had input from everyone in their group when they made any decisions as a team. In the
"Lego Movie" the Master Builders displayed a direct democracy because when they were making a
plan to destroy Lord Business, when everyone agreed with Batman to go underwater, and when
everyone had voted that Emit was the "Special". Firstly, when the Master Builders made a plan to
destroy Lord Business this displays a direct democracy leadership because while they were making
their plan they all started to contribute to take part in making the plan and take their roles as a team
to shut down Lord Business. This shows direct democracy because the decision to take Sidhu 3
down Lord Business was a team decision and everyone agreed with the idea to take down Lord
Business. The Master Builders making a plan to take down Lord Business did
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Spolia In Ancient Rome
"Reuse, reduce, recycle" – a slogan coined in our era of attempting to reduce waste – captures the
zeitgeist of the late Roman antiquity in the form of the radical – and controversial – practice of
spolia. The growing presence of spolia – the practice of reusing remains from ruined buildings – in
the urban landscape of late classical Rome derived from the decline of ancient Rome in the 3rd
century. This practice continued through the Middle Ages, with a more apparent presence in the
twelfth century, and then declined during Italian Renaissance when artistic practice was crucial to
the resurgence of classical tradition. Spolia, meaning "spoils" or anything being "stripped" from
someone or something in Latin, had many negative connotations due ... Show more content on ...
First and foremost, the aesthetics of spolia were greatly desired. Spolia would have been crafted
during the Roman antiquity, a period in which Rome culturally flourished. After the decline and
eventual fall of Rome, the work produced and displayed during the antiquity was seen to be the key
to re–establish the greatness of Rome. During the crisis of supply in the 3rd century, it was
impossible for Rome to source the materials needed for their lavish and ambitious constructions.
Spolia, although controversial and deemed unfavourable at the time, provided a solution to the
problematic situation. Roman column displays exist only to be seen and without such columns,
buildings would be seen to have had little classical stature; they highlighted not only the advanced
expertise of Rome but also placed Rome as the leader of classical culture. Bases and capitals were
aesthetic symbols of the period of transition. Guidelines for aesthetic colonnades were created by
Vitruvius, the Roman author, who organised them into three groupings (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian)
which would portray a certain
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The Three Characteristics Of Order And Architecture In...
In general, 'Order' is divided into three parts: the capital, the column, and the base. Each 'Order' does
not only have its special form and decoration, column diameter also is the standard dimension that
to form the proportion of column height and pillar even the size of the whole building. It is easily
identified by means of the proportions and profiles and different aesthetic details as well.
Greece like to use Order even they know Arches because the technique is easy and the space is
comfortable to suit the human regular activities. Moreover, Greece people make the Order perfect
and criterion that can't change or edit so still look good and beautiful even 'copy and paste' in
different building. Although Roman use the Arches to build the large building, it didn't eliminate the
Order. In addition, it continues to be widely used in architecture today ... Show more content on ...
The column has 24 grooves and specific entablature which is curved tapering in the column shaft.
The entablature is the part of the roof that leans on top of the column and composed of the
architrave, frieze and cornice. It is unlike the Doric Order that the Ionic column is erected on a base
that separating the column to the platform of the building. In chapter four of" Ten Books on
Architecture" told that 'when they desired to construct a temple to Diana in a new style of beauty,
they translated these footprints into terms characteristic of the slenderness of women, and thus first
made a column the thickness of which was only one eighth of its height, so that it might have a taller
look. At the foot they substituted the base in place of a shoe; in the capital they placed the volutes,
hanging down at the right and left like curly ringlets, and ornamented its front with cymatia and with
festoons of fruit arranged in place of hair, while they brought the flutes down the whole shaft, falling
like the folds in the robes worn by
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What Is The Beatifying Impact Of Roman Architecture
The Beatifying Impact of Ornaments in Roman Architecture & its Elimination in Neoclassicism
Different historical eras have influenced the work and theories of architects. Architects who were
present in critical eras in history have shaped and defined aspects of art and science. The
Renaissance age, for instance, have reshaped arts such as painting, architecture, and literature.
Architecture, mainly, displayed the coherent bondage between art and science. It has revived the
legacy of the Roman architecture and emphasized its classical architecture. The effect of the Roman
architecture or what is known as traditional architecture was adopted by neoclassical architects
namely Jean–Nicolas–Louis Durand. Further, Renaissance architects have also ... Show more
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However, the legacy provided by humanism cannot be dissipated because of industrialism.
Renaissance and Roman architecture have displayed genius beautiful works as the result of efforts
of architects who had vision of art and science combined. The exclusion of art from architecture, as
reinforced by Durand, has removed the beauty and harmony elements that were present in older
eras. Yet the Renaissance style places emphasis on symmetry, proportion, geometry and the
regularity of parts as they are demonstrated in the architecture of classical antiquity and in particular
ancient Roman architecture, of which many examples remained. Orderly arrangements of columns,
pilasters and lintels, as well as the use of semicircular arches, hemispherical domes, niches and
aedicule provided the beautiful attractive elements in architecture that was highly regarded in
Palladio's work yet almost very absent in Durand's. As a result, the renaissance architecture,
influenced by Palladio and Alberti, has been the result of tremendous work and effort passed on by
these architects as they worked on every element of architecture in order to produce art and science
rather than science alone. For instance, Villa Rotanda , Palazzo Rucellai and many other beautiful
roman temples that have high regard in architecture are the result of the beauty harmonious elements
and presence of the decorative art known as
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Diverse Nature Requires a Corresponding Diverse Environment
Just by the sound of it, it seems so easy to understand that a population that is of diverse nature
definitely requires a corresponding diverse environment upon which it can thrive and succeed. This
philosophy rules out the whole idea as to why architects are continuing to come up with one size fits
all design environments. The question is as to whether their main intention is to create and or trying
to ensure equality. But as already set, the society is composed of a diverse population, which is a
reason enough as to why diverse architectural designs are important for the masses. Critics may
attribute this trend to the notion that methods of construction as well as the costs associated with
diverse designs, alongside the respective site restrictions tend to make the diverse environment to
become infeasible both economically as well as physically. On the contrary in this view, this way of
thinking only makes it difficult for the designers to understand the manner in which the diverse
populations are affected by the buildings. It is with this regard that throughout the historical
variation that has been continuously posed by the significantly philosophical problem by those
seeking the objective truths concerning designs with respect to the entire aspect of life in general.
Looking at Plato's philosophy on design, he tried to prioritize as well as bring to the understanding,
the objective truths, depending on what he found to be the relative as well as his subjective
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The Architecture Of The Italian Renaissance
Theatre architecture in Italy was most exciting during the Italian Renaissance. So we are going to
look at the architecture of three very important theatres from the Italian Renaissance and see how
they not only influenced each other but also how they have influenced the architecture of theatres
today. We are going to start in Vicenza, Italy with the Teatro Olimpico, make our way over to
Sabbioneta, Italy to the Teatro all 'antica and then end up in Parma, Italy where the Teatro Farnese is
located. Not only is Teatro Olimpico the oldest surviving Rennaissance theatre but it was one of the
first permanent theatres to be constructed during the Italian Renaissance. The architect, Andrea
Palladio was a student of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio who inspired Palladio's design for the theatre. In
his article The Influence of Vitruvius on Theatre Architecture, Donald C. Mullin explains that
Vitruvius "wrote his treatise De Architectura Libri Decem in the year 20 B.C.". His treatise contains
a variation of information on Greek and Roman buildings, along with instructions for the planning
and design of military camps, cities, and structures both large (aqueducts, buildings, baths, harbors)
and small (machines, measuring devices, instruments). People think that this was the first book on
architectural theory, as well as a huge cause of Classical Architecture. Which is exactly what
Palladio wanted to convey in his design. He was asked by the Olympic Academy of Vicenza to
design this
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Ancient Greek And Greek Architecture
Ancient Greek architecture dates from around 800 BCE when the site of Delphi first obtained a
religious significance. The architecture of Ancient Greece has influenced the architecture of the past
two millennia most significantly that of Ancient Rome (Hemingway, 2003). Greek architecture
influenced Roman architecture in extensive ways, giving that the Romans adopted and incorporated
many Greek methods and elements into their own practice. Although the Romans were inspired by
the Greek there are still many differences in their architecture most noticeably through materiality.
Although the Greeks constructed many types of buildings the most recognisable "Greek" structure is
the temple. (Becker, 2015) As stated by Coleen Hemingway in an article for the Metropolitan
Museum of Art " the Greek temple best exemplifies the aims and methods of Greek Architecture".
Whilst exploring such architecture it is necessary to examine the mentality, religious beliefs and
driving forces of each civilization. According to Stierlin "Unlike the Greek temple, essentially a
structure for the play of light and shade, with little interior space accommodating a small sanctuary,
Roman builders typically used arches, vaults, matching domes ... Show more content on ...
Although the Romans were influenced and used parts of what the Greeks had previously designed
and established, they quickly adopted new techniques combined with the existing techniques to
construct a whole new range of architectural structures. In this style the Romans added to the Greek
Corinthian columns making them even more decorative. The Romans also created their own column
style known as the Composite Capital which was a combination of the volute from the Ionic order
and the acanthus design from the Corinthian. (Cartwright,
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Achievements Of Ancient Greek Architecture
In ancient Greece, architecture was one of the most important aspects that they had. The architecture
was important because it was one of the ways the Greeks contributed to their world. Also, that some
of their designs are still here today, like the Athenian Acropolis, a sign that the Greek architecture
was influential. Three architectural achievements that the Greeks had were; the Columns, the
Archimedean Screw, and the Pulleys. Each of these aspects still affects our world today. These
developments in Greek architecture, have a lasting impact on our world.
Let's first look at the importance of the columns. Columns were used to decorate the facade of
buildings and support the upper structure of buildings. So, the columns reduce the amount of extra
weight from the top to overweigh the structure. Throughout ancient history, and even today columns
are still used for the purpose to have an extra element to buildings. On page 219 in paragraph one, it
states that "the ancient Greeks created some of the most beautiful structures from; religious temples
and statues to large outdoor arenas and government buildings." "However, the Greeks built their
most sacred buildings on the Athenian Acropolis, made from a hard limestone called marble. The
quote explains the importance of sacred buildings to the ancient Greeks. Another thing is that on
page 221 on the first caption, it states that "the temple of Athena Nike in Athens is one of the most
famous Ionic buildings in the world. It's
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The Lego Movie Analysis
In the movie "The Lego Movie" there are many different morals and points of perspective to be
taken out of the movie. The topic of this essay is, how does The Lego Movie demonstrate that those
in a role of leadership can have the power to rule in positive or negative or positive ways. This
prompt will be shown with evidence from the movie focusing on some certain characters. The
characters that will be focused on are Emmet, President Business and Vitruvius.
President business is a perfect example of the fact that having a leadership role can give someone
the chance and power to rule in a positive or negative way. As a president he had a lot of power. He
abused this right. He used his power for his own gain to get things how he wanted them to be. With
the amount of power that he had he was able to cover all this up and make sure nobody knew. This
is evidence of how having a leadership role can give anyone the chance to make a positive or
negative impact. This example is of someone in a leadership role making a negative impact on the
people and lives around him. In the speech he gave on the television of all the citizens he says things
like "I am the president of the octan cooperates and the world." He is showing the world his power
so that they don't question him but also so that they can't. In the movie "The Lego Movie" the
character President Business abuses his power as president. He uses his power in a negative way and
for his own personal deeds. He wants the world to
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The Renaissance: Cultural Bridge Between The Middle Ages
The Renaissance was a period in European history, from the 14th century to the 17th century,
regarding as the cultural bridge between the middle ages and modern ages. The Renaissance began
first in the italian states. These city–states had wealth from commerce and trade that was present in
the middle ages. Venice was known for its transportation in the silk road and the spice trade. Many
merchants from India and China came in helping to bring along new ideas. The style of painting,
sculpture and decorative arts identified with the Renaissance emerged in Italy in the late 15th
century; it reached its Zenith in the late 15th and early 26th centuries, in the work of italian masters.
Such as, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael.
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Comparison Of Le Corbusier And Vitruvius
Although Le Corbusier and Vitruvius had important and crucial statements, I find that Vitruvius'
claims made more sense and is clearly more intensified that Le Corbusier's minor statements.
Vitruvius influenced the entire field of architecture and design by his statements, and not just by
words. We can see the results of Vitruvius claims and drawings in buildings and temples and not just
in words. His statements were put to life by the buildings that he was inspired to assume his claims.
On the other hand, we can notice that Le Corbusier's statements, although important, they did not
leave a huge influence in the field of scale. The 'Modular' has not actually replaced the inch–and–
foot and the metric system. Till now the problems of unit conversion still exist, and the claims of
abolishing these obstacles were not fully set. For instance, the circle of Vitruvius is way more ...
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Both used the human body as a scale reference for their ideas. In the Vitruvius's geometry, the
human body was used inside a circle and a square, and was also used as the main reference factor
for architecture of temples. The temples were projections of the human body in architecture. Le
Corbusier also used the human body as a reference for the measuring unit the "Modular". The
human height determines the values of the 'Modular" just like it determines and influences the
design and architecture of temples in Vitruvius's case. Both Vitruvius and Le Corbusier analyzed the
human body and established a relation between its parts, which was shown in both their drawings,
'Vitruvius' circle' and 'Drawing of the proportioning system of Le Modular''. We can clearly notice
that the two are extremely similar in the way of representing the human body taking into
consideration its height and its
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Architectural Outline Vitruvius
Augustus saw Rome as a downtrodden city in comparison to the Empire and he wanted to make life
better for the citizens. Working with Vitruvius resulted in On Architecture; architectural standards
for planning, design, materials, etc. used to improve the city. One of the first things they did was
build a 40–mile aqueduct that brought water to the city center. After establishing a water system, he
turned his attention to the housing situation. Augustus felt the houses were too small but knew there
was no way to make them bigger. This realization resulted in restoration of temples and beautiful
outdoor spaces. He felt this would get people out of their homes and give them something to do.
The above examples mimic modern society and public services we receive. We all have city water;
water that flows through aqueducts before it comes into our homes. We also have an assortment of
parks across the USA; everything from your neighborhood park to national parks like Mt.
Rushmore. But I think I found the most similarity between cultures in the architectural outline ...
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Augustus wanted the people to like him, if he made life good they would like them and in turn
would be loyal. Our public works are ran by budgets, not whether or not the official wants the
people to like them. And there's never enough money so public work improvements have to be
prioritized with a completion date that could be several years away. In addition, there are cities in
the US who don't have drinkable water in their homes. In today's society this is unacceptable. But
the government officials who should have been overseeing this and fixed this swept it under the rug.
That is until word got out. Augustus was able to build the aqueduct in what I can tell 1 year, yet Flint
has been going almost 3 years with poisonous water and repaires haven't quite started. In fact, they
don't expect it to be completed until 2019 – 5
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Vitruvius Impact On Modern Architecture
The film proposal is for a small, artistic, Indie drama film. The movie is directed towards future
architects just like Vitruvius' writing. The film would copy the message in De Architectura and tell
about the importance of Architects and what an Architect should know. It would be a movie that
professors require first year architecture students to watch. It would be educational and provide an
entertaining way to learn about the impact of architecture on society. 3.
The movie takes place in 12 AD Rome and in 2016 at the University of Cincinnati. 12 AD is a time
that Vitruvius would have been alive and Augustus would have been emperor. It's a time before De
Architectura was completed so that the lessons Vitruvius learns in the modern world could influence
the collection of writing. This will help preserve the modern thoughts on architecture in classical
times and push forth innovation years in advance. This plays on the fact that Vitruvius' writings were
conservative at the time and his dislike of ... Show more content on ...
The film plays off of this and the plot consists of convincing him to not be so conservative. We are
dependent almost solely on his own writing to know what he was like as a person. The film takes
place only a few years before his death and he is depicted as old and wise. De architectura had little
significance at it's time of writing but with his new understanding on contemporary architecture it
would become very popular and not be lost for hundreds of years like it was. To modernize the
literature I have Vitruvius apply his theories to modern times. The genre of the original text was not
a drama, but anything can be made into a narrative. To do that there is a lot of other dialogue besides
just direct quotes from Vitruvius' writing. It would be a boring film to just watch a series of lectures
so there needed to be entertaining elements of time travel, violence, stealing, competition,
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Frank Lloyd Wright And Le Corbusier
This ratio 1:1.61,occurs over and over again in nature. It is found in everything from the shape of
our universe, the structure of clouds, and the even the proportions of the human body. People have
put it into everything from mathematics, to artwork, and music, fractal dimensions have been
calculated to be used frequently for Frank Lloyd Wright's and Le Corbusier's buildings. It can be
found that both architects use the method of increasingly smaller rectangular grids. Frank Lloyd
Wright's buildings display a self–similar characteristic over a wide range of scales. However for this
specific project, Wright was following the brilliant example of his teacher, Louis Sullivan.By
contrast, Le Corbusier's architecture displays a characteristic over
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Who Is Vitruvius A Positive Leader
Vitruvius has a positive role in the film 'the Lego movie.' Vitruvius plays the role of positive leader
as he tries to enlighten the world around him. Vitruvius first appears at the start when the film shows
villain of the movie and one of the main heroes that demonstrate an important role in the movie.
When Vitruvius next appears in the middle of the movie it shows that he is the man to go to, to learn
how to be a master builder. Wild–Style states in the movie how 'he is the only man that would know
how to help them.' The directors' Phil and Christopher both showed 'how The Lego Movie
demonstrate[s] that those in a role of leadership can have the power to rule in positive or negative
ways?' This sentence can be related back to Vitruvius as
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Ancient Greek Column Designs
Have the Greeks used imitation in their column design, if so what could the Greeks have imitated to
create the columns? If imitation has effected the design of the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns,
how is this change seen? What relationships can be seen between the human body and the Ancient
Greek columns?
This essay will initially look at the period prior to 620 BC to see if there is any evidence to suggest
that the ancient Greeks may have imitated another civilizations designs to create the three
architectural orders that Vitruvius wrote about in his Ten Books of Architecture. The next part of this
essay will look at each of the three columns to discuss their virtues in relation to proportionality,
structure and visual imitation.
The oldest of the ancient Greek classical orders is the Doric order. The creation of the Doric order
has been traced back to the ancient Greek Dorian tribe. It has been written by Anderson that after the
Dorian tribe took control of the Peloponnesos area of Greece in 1100 BC they then expanded into
every part of Greece kingdom including Crete. This would have given the Dorian's access to the
ruins of the Knossos Palace from the Minoan civilization.
One of the most notable contributions of Minoans was their unique column design. This column was
different to the Greek columns as it was wider at the bottom than the top. It was suggested by
Adams that the columns of Knossos were installed in this direction to ensure the trees didn't take
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The Architecture Elements Of Roman And Roman Architecture
Italy was founded on 21April 753 BC by two brothers, Romulus and Remus. Rome has been a
dominant empire throughout the age of time and its influence on the modern world is still in
manifest. One of the major driving forces that aided the Romans in maintaining their power was the
phenomenal architectural principles that their structures possessed throughout the city of Rome. The
Romans applied three elements in which was used in order to perfect various elements such as their
architectural structures, concrete, vaults and arch's. Rome was recognized for more than just their
achievements as a city, but they were also acknowledged for being founders of additional big cities
such as London and Paris in which elevated to their levels of dominance and power.
Ancient Rome leaders who were strongly engaged with architecture as a form of political and urban
art, include: Augustus (27 BCE–14 CE), Tiberius (14–37), Caligula (37–41), Claudius (41–54),
Nero (54–68), Vespasian (69–79), Titus (79–81), Domitian (81–96), Trajan (98–117), Hadrian (117–
138), Antoninus Pius (138–161), Marcus Aurelius (161–180), Caracalla ... Show more content on ...
The construction materials and methods that were used by romans are concrete and true arch
whereas the Greeks would make use of post, lintel and marble. The preferred architectural orders in
which the Romans would make use of were Corinthian and in comparison the Greeks would make
use of Doric and ionic orders in their buildings. The most famous temples that were built by the
Greeks and Romans was The Parthenon, in which was dedicated to Athena, located in Athens and
The Pantheon in which was dedicated to all the gods situated in the city of Rome. In the Parthenon
ceremonies were held outside of the Greek temple, whereas in The Pantheon ceremonies were held
on the inside of the
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Modern Architecture And Ancient Greece
Rules of proportion in Architecture and Ancient Greece
Proportion is the essence of architecture, and its roots can be traced back to even the ancient
Egyptian times. The first recorded information about the theories of proportion comes from
Pythagoras's studies on geometry, ratio and the musical scale. This knowledge has been further
explored in relation to proportions of things found in nature, such as the discovery of the golden
ratio, and the modulation of the parts that make up the human body. This knowledge is documented
in Vitruvius's treatice, De Architectura, which contains valuable information about how architecture
was perceived in these ancient times. His ideas of the ideal proportions of greek temples, and its
relationship to the modular system of the human body is most evident in the flawless harmony of
parts that make up the Parthenon.
In the mid–5th century BC Pythagoras studied the Greek string instruments, called the lyre and he
discovered that two strings with the same length, tension and thickness will sound the same. When
the strings are at different lengths, they will most likely sound bad (or dissonant). However, he
discovered certain string lengths that were different from one another, but they sounded good (or
consonant) when played together. For example when he halved one string, he realised that the notes
sounded the same, but at different pitches. This was the discovery of the octave, or diapason, and
can be represented as a ratio of 1:2.
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Impact Of Roman Architecture On Modern Architecture
How has Roman architecture affected us today in terms of modern architecture? Table of content:
Table of Contents
Introduction: 3
Review of Literature: 4
Methodology and Presentation of Findings: 11
Processing of Findings: 13
Conclusion: 15
Bibliography: 16
Appendix: 17
The purpose of this ORTO is to illustrate the extend to which Roman architecture, from the late 2nd
centaury BC to the 4th century AD, had an influence and effect of modern western architecture.
Therefore the aims of my ORTO are as follows:
Gathering information regarding Roman architecture, from the aforementioned time period,
providing both background as well as references to Roman architecture.
Providing information of the Romans' building innovations ... Show more content on ...
This resulted in and innovative constructions utilising both pre existing techniques as well as new
ones, which the Romans had devised. This lead to a new outlook on design expressed in the creation
of new architectural structures such as arches, amphitheatres and improvements on pre existing
structures such as granaries and residential housing areas. The already–existing structures that the
Greeks had invented, the Romans later both improved upon and changed and decorated in different
ways. Such as the changes made to Corinthian column making it more decorative. This lead to the
invention of the composite capital, which was a mixture of both the Ionic and Corinthian columns,
maintain the base and frame of the Ionic with the decorative acanthus leaves of the Corinthian. This
in term led to the redesign of the Doric column creation the Tuscan
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The History of Greek Architecture Essays
The History of Greek Architecture
The architecture of ancient Greece is represented by buildings in the sanctuaries and cities of
mainland Greece, the Aegean islands, southern
Italy and Sicily, and the Ionian coast of Turkey. Monumental Greek architecture began in the archaic
period, flourished through the classical and Hellenistic periods, and saw the first of many revivals
during the
Roman Empire. The roots of Greek architecture lie in the tradition of local
Bronze Age house and palaces. The following paper will cover the basic forms of Greek
One of the many types of Greek building structures was Sacred
Architecture. The Greeks conceived of their gods in human form, as
anthropomorphic ... Show more content on ...
This era brought about the introduction of both the Doric and Ionic Orders.
The Doric Order, which originated around 400 BCE brought rise to a whole new type of building
technique and style. In the archaic temples, stone gradually started to replace wood, and some of the
structural details of the early buildings appear to have been copied in stone. At Thermon, in
northwestern Greece, a succession of buildings from the Last Bronze Age throughout the sixth
century BCE show the evolution of the Doric temple from a hall shaped like a hairpin to a long
rectangular building with a porch at either end and surrounded by columns. The temple of Hera at
Olympia, built about 600 BCE, had wooden columns that were gradually replaced by stone ones,
probably as votive gifts. The variety of column and capital shapes illustrates the evolution of the
Doric order. The earliest columns had a heavy, bulging profile, and their capitals were broad and
During the archaic period, limestone became the standard building material for foundations, steps,
walls, columns, and Doric entablature. Building such as the famous Temple of Aphaia on Aegina
illustrate the dramatic influence of the Doric order.
White the Doric order became the standard for mainland Greece, the
Ionian colonies in the eastern Aegean were developing a very different system of columns and
entablature based on Egyptian and Near Eastern architecture. The tall slender columns, low
entablature, and
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Analyzing Sandro Botticelli's The Birth Of Venus
The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli was painted between 1482 and 1485 (UFFIZI, n.d.).
Commissioned by the Medici family, it depicts Venus floating on a seashell. To her right is
Zephyrus, God of Winds, with Aura. To her left is Horae, Goddess of the Seasons, waiting to receive
her with a flower embroidered robe. In the Roman myth, Venus was conceived when the god Uranus
was castrated by his son Titan Cronus and his severed genitals fertilized the sea. The scene in The
Birth of Venus depicts the moment that Venus emerges from the sea in a seashell and lands at
Paphos in Cyprus. For the painting, Botticelli was inspired by a few verses of poetry by humanist
and Renaissance poet, Agnolo Poliziano, which describe the myth of Venus' birth (Corsini, 1998,
p.5). The direct inspiration from a piece of Renaissance poetry, another form of art, relates to how
similar ideas and formal organizations existed in both architecture and the allied arts of the Italian
Renaissance. The verses read: A young woman ... Show more content on ...
In his design of Villa Barbaro, Palladio utilized ratios that correspond to harmonic proportions.
During the Renaissance, the harmonic proportions of the eye and ear were considered part of the
same divine and universal design (Mitrovic, 2004, p.83). In Villa Barbaro, all but one room used
harmonic proportions associated with Palladio's favourite room ratios – 1:1, 3:4, 2:3, 3:5, 3:2, 1:2
(Howard & Longair, 1982, p. 118). Therefore, the perfect geometry of the rooms combined with the
use of harmonic proportions contributed to the harmony of Villa Barbaro. The Birth of Venus,
however, achieves unity through the use of balance and a clear relationship between figures. This
creates a unified composition as all the parts of the image work together to create the whole.
Harmony is not to be confused with unity. Harmony applies to Villa Barbaro as it is a composition
of many similar
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Early Renaissance Vs. Renaissance Architecture
Early Renaissance architecture began in the early years from 1400–1500. During this era, classicism
played a huge role in architectural ideas as well as religious, secularization, and humanist
influences. This differed architecture from that time period to later mannerist architecture.
Mannerism derived from late renaissance architecture and continued through the early Baroque era
in the years 1520–1600. The influences that changed the views on early architecture were the Sack
of Rome, the Copernican model of the universe, and the Protestant Reformation. The view in
architecture during these two time periods were quite different yet contained similarities due to the
emerging work that was inspired from early renaissance and into later mannerism.
"The spirit of their revolutionary painting, sculpture, and architecture arose from the new
Renaissance worldview of humanism (and its accompanying condition of secularization), which
celebrated rationality and individuality and mankind's ability to make an act upon empirical
observations of the physical world. Humanist scholars and artists recovered Classical Greek and
Roman texts,including Vitruvius's De architectura, and aspired to create a modern world rivaling
that of the ancients." (pg. 287)
Early Renaissance means rebirth, in this case rebirth of Greek and Roman culture. The traditional
views of the Renaissance emerged as a result of the fall of Constantinople in 1453. If the fall of
Constantinople would not have occurred,
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Industrialization During The Late Abraham Lincoln
America is the great exception where people can be born of humble origins and rise to the top to
become the next Abraham Lincoln (Pettengill). However, in the Early Republic things began to
change and industrialization created a huge gap between the rich and the poor and made it hard to
rise to the top. Industrialization changed America from an agricultural country to one based on
manufacturing goods and services. This change created advancement and expansion for the nation
as a whole. Industrialization was very helpful to the economy but was an impediment for the
working class, like Sam Patch. In the book, Sam Patch by Paul E. Johnson, it is evident how
industrialization restricted the freedom of the working–class and increased the great divide between
the rich and the poor.
The industrial revolution limited the amount of jobs available and created many unskilled labor jobs.
Free labor economy made it possible for skilled workers to make money by independently selling
their products. Industrial engineers found a way to build machines that were faster, more powerful,
more efficient and more reliable than the human muscle. As seen in "The American System of
Manufacturers," Joseph Whitworth stated, "the laboring class are comparatively few in number, but
this is counter balanced by, and indeed may be regarded as one of the chief causes of, the eagerness
with which they call in the aid of machinery in almost every department of industry"(Whitworth
226) This machinery slowly
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Vitruvian Man Essay

  • 1. Vitruvian Man Essay Between 1300–1400 The Renaissance was born. During this time period, there was differnet types of cultures and arts and architecture developed in this time period. The style of painting, sculpture and decorative arts identified with the Renaissance emerged in Italy in the late 15th century. It reached Zenith in the late 15th and early 26th centuries, in the work of italian masters. Such as, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello. During the Renaissance, Da Vinci did more than painting, he studied various topics such as anatomy, geology, botany, hydraulics and flight. The Vitruvian Man(Italian: Le proporzioni del corpo umano secondo vitruvio, which is translated to "the proportions of the human body according to Vitruvius). In ... Show more content on ... I learned that you can make on picture and it can be a combination of different pictures and different angles. I also learned that different people have different opinions their concept of the Vitruvius theory. I found out that doctors and other businesses has their own opinion on Vitruvian Man, how orthopedics sees the The Vitruvian Man jumping for joy. Doctor Mark Williams sees it the triangle in the picture as science and medicine. I never really thought The Vitruvian can be so different to different people, I just saw it as a man in a square also in a ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Comparing Ancient Greek Architecture, Doric, And... As the saying goes, great art is mad with its own loveliness. Over the decades, Greek–inspired architecture has been seen all over the world. Ideas are often borrowed while constructing buildings, monuments, and even houses. Greeks mostly used wood, limestone, unbaked bricks, terracotta and metal for construction. Most architecture were inspired by religion, politics, and form of recreation. Of all designs from Greek architecture three of them have withstood the test of time and their application can be seen today. They include Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian order. However, each order is distinct from the other and one cannot differentiate unless trained. This paper will look at Doric and Corinthian orders while comparing and contrasting them. It will also trace their prevalence and popularity throughout history. Doric style of architecture has been the most famous. It is used all over the world today. It is found in Parthenon and Acropolis and can be distinguished from other orders as it has vertical column and a plain roof. Colonies of south Italy and Sicily have also used it. Doric order is, however, the simplest. Roman Doric is the most common form today. This column consists of around capital which has a narrow neckband. It has a shaft that may be plain or fluted and normally rest on a base. Its entablature is structured to have a distinctive frieze with triglyphs which are an upright projecting grooved panel. This triglyph is normally set in line with each column. There ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Definition Of True Beauty Essay Tyler Bennett Professor Chad Brodbeck ENC 1101 Composition 1 31 October 2017 True Beauty When asked to describe beauty, one's initial response is to comment on physical attributes such as hair, eyes, and facial structure. Rarely will the answer entail traits such as selflessness and intelligence. Merriam Webster defines beauty as "the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit." Inner and outer beauty stimulates the mind in some way. Many believe physical attributes define beauty, yet one cannot exemplify true beauty without the harmony of personality, interaction, and physical attributes. Architecturally speaking, Vitruvius emphasizes that "Order is the balanced adjustment of the details of the work separately, and as to the whole, the arrangement of the proportion with a view to a symmetrical result" (Vitruvius 26–27). Vitruvius was a Roman architect who wrote the book De architectura, which many architects used for their own work in Rome. As seen in his works, symmetry appears often. Another philosopher, who goes by the name of Plotinus, asserts that: "Almost everyone declares that the symmetry of parts towards each other and towards a whole, with, besides, a certain charm of colour, constitutes the beauty recognized by the eye, that in visible things, as indeed in all else, universally, the beautiful thing is essentially symmetrical, patterned." (Plotinus 21 [Ennead 1.6]) Plotinus ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Influence Of Thomas Jefferson's Monticello Thomas Jefferson´s Monticello Thomas Jefferson once said that "Architecture is my delight, and putting up and pulling down, one of my favorite amusements." He spent much of his life "putting up and pulling down," most notably during the forty–year construction of the Monticello. Influenced by his readings of ancient and modern architectural writings, Jefferson gleaned the best from both his readings and from his observations in Europe, creating his own personal style of architecture, a mix of Neoclassicism's Roman temples, and Palladian villa. Partly, because of Jefferson's influence, our federal buildings set an American precedent for the neoclassical style. Jefferson's admiration for neoclassical style went so far as to design ... Show more content on ... (figure four, shown with West Portico) Jefferson's bedroom sized at 18' 7" x 13' 5"; ceiling 18' 8" has an Ionic order to it. The friezes were influenced by classical antiques. (figure five, left) The Cabinet measures 18' 6" x 11' 10"; ceiling 10' 0". This room has been influenced by the Ionic style. (figure five, right) There are a total of forty–three rooms in the entire structure: thirty three are in the house itself (cellar, twelve; first floor, eleven; second floor, six; third floor four); four in the pavilions; and six under the South Terrace. The stable and carriage bays under the North Terrace are not included in these totals. The first design of the Monticello had fourteen rooms total (cellar, six; first floor, five; second floor, three). The overall dimensions of the building are 110' long, 87' 9" wide (to outer faces of porticoes), 44' 7" high (to oculus of dome). The heights of the different rooms vary, but as examples, the North Octagonal Room is 9' 10" Vs the Entrance Hall which is 18' 6". There are thirteen skylights (oculus plus twelve.) The oculus was used in Greek architecture not only for light but for religious ceremonies and a monitor of the sun. The entire house is about 11,000 square feet. However this is including all the modern additions. Only one–third of the window glass remains. Brief Chronology of ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Importance Of The Temple Of Heaven Architecture is something we are observing, living and being in relation every day. However, it seems that we may only consider the modern architectures constructed nowadays but forget the importance to appreciate those ancient architectures, especially those ancient Chinese architectures we should be proud of. In this essay, Temple of Heaven in Beijing is going to be discussed and evaluated. According to Your Beijing China Travel Guide, a famous website introducing different tourist spots in Beijing to foreigners, the Temple of Heaven is now located in the Chongwen District, Beijing. It was where emperors of the Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644) and Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911) held the Heaven Worship Ceremony. It was first built in 1420 was enlarged and rebuilt during the reigns of the Ming emperor Jiajing and the Qing emperor Qianlong (Your Beijing ... Show more content on ... It is actually the Temple of Heaven in the practical sense. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the emperors would offer sacrifice here to the Heaven on the day of the Winter Solstice in every year. Imperial Vault of Heaven was constructed along the middle axis, locating at the north of the Altar to Heaven. It is the place housing the Gods' tablets to be used at the Heaven Worship Ceremony. It is famous for the surrounding Echo Wall, and also the Three Echo Stones and the Dialogue Stone, which are all utilizing the theory of sound wave, showing the intelligence of constructions. Crossing the Danbi Bridge from the Imperial Vault of Heaven, the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is presented. It is a big palace with round roof and three layers of eaves, where the emperor held the worship ceremonies to pray for good weather and abundant harvests. It is the earliest building of the Temple of Heaven. It is a complex consisting of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests and the Altar for Grain ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Architechture of Fredericton: Ionic and Corinthian Orders As evidenced by many of its historic buildings, Fredericton was greatly influenced by the neoclassical architectural period that swept Europe and North America during the 18th century (Young 1982, 10). This period was marked by an influx of buildings designed to reflect the architecture of ancient Greece and Rome (Faulkner 2009, Neo–classical architecture). It grew from the burgeoning interest in classical antiquities and antiquarianism, a movement led by Englishmen such as Lord Elgin and William Stukeley, which marked the 1700s (Greene and Moore 2010, 16, 38). While the style did not come to Canada until the late part of the 18th century, it quickly became a dominate form of choice for both public and private buildings and Fredericton is an excellent example of this (Young 1982, 10). Typical attributes of neoclassical architecture include columns fabricated from wood or stone, wide friezes and pediments above the doorways (Harris 2006, Neoclassical style). Each of the three Greek orders, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian, are well represented. However, this paper will deal with the Ionic and Corinthian orders only and their presence in the city of Fredericton. Both the Ionic and Corinthian orders became highly popular and surpassed their Doric counterpart by continuing into the Roman period (Gates 2010, 220). Before the Corinthian order however, the Ionic order started to become well–established by 550 BC (Lawrence 1957, 131). It emerged from Asia Minor and spread to mainland ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Established Rules For The Doric And Corinthian Orders... In Book 4, Vitruvius writes on the established rules for the Doric and Corinthian orders, and explains the differences and peculiarities. Chapter I: The Origins of the Three Orders, and the Proportions of the Corinthian Capital In chapter 1, Vitruvius writes of the proportions of the Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian columns and the similarities and differences. The three architectural order by its capital are Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. Corinthian columns, apart from in their capitals that has the same proportions as in the Ionic order, but the height of the capitals taller than the Ionic capitals that give it a slimmer appearance. In Corinthian style two thirds are added capitals, that gives a slender appearance to the length of the columns. Corinthian columns are composed either of the Doric proportions or uses the Ionic, and the Corinthian order does not have any peculiar arrangement for its cornices or other ornaments. The Corinthian order may be arranged with a frieze decorated with sculptures that is accompanied with dentils and coronae. The Corinthian order may include mutules in the coronae and guttae with the architraves as the triglyph system of the Doric style or as the Ionic style. Doric was the first to have rules for their symmetry to tolerate large sums of weight, and also to a satisfactory appearance of beauty. They measured a man 's foot and compared this with his height, finding that the foot was one sixth of the height, and they applied the same principle ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Greek Amphitheaters A man strolls down a barren road, his eye catches a glimpse of a majestic column. While approaching the grand column, he is amazed by its architectural beauty. The stone is carved into remarkable designs. Mighty aqueducts hover over him sending chills down his spine. The roar of the crowd in the nearby theater startles him from his peaceful stroll. Those architecture elements can be found all around our world today. Greek architecture has dramatically influenced modern day architecture by the use of columns, theaters, and public structures. Greek architects invented several different styles of columns; the simplest column, called the Doric column, is used throughout architecture today. "In the Doric Order, the column shaft is simple ... Show more content on ... Hygiene was of high importance to the Greeks so their communities provided public bath houses. "Aqueducts provided the water to the public baths, the baths were heated and cooled, dirty water was replaced with clean water, and exercise and massage rooms were available" (Wesley). Modern day bathhouses which we refer to as spas are really similar to Ancient Greece bathhouses. Spas today provide a variety of different styles of baths, exercise rooms, and message therapy (Wesley). Bathhouses have been in the world throughout the ages. Greek bathhouses continue to influence us to this day. Modern day architecture has been immensely influenced by the use of public structures, theaters, and columns once developed by the Greeks. The influence of Greek architecture has made the impossible possible, throughout our world today. As the man awakes from his daydream his is amazed by the impressive architectural elements. The elements in his dream are scattered throughout society today. The majestic columns, mighty aqueducts, and roaring theaters in within blocks of his home. The influence of the Greek architecture has shaped the world he lives ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Taking a Look at the Renaissance Renaissance is a generally accepted name for the era of great change in culture, art, and architecture which took place in the fifteenth–and sixteenth–century Italy, and then left its mark on the culture of the whole of Europe. During the Renaissance there was a significant shift of universally recognized values. They began to appreciate and recognize the creative possibilities of a human mind, which entailed a lot of consequences. One of them was the spectacular development of the architecture, and the new role of architecture and the architect in society. New forms of secular buildings such as villas, palaces, houses and town halls were exemplified, but most of building activity was centered on sacred buildings like the famed Tempietto by Donatano Bramante. Tempietto is a prime example of Renaissance architecture because not only it represents key characteristics like the simplicity of the composition, symmetry within structure, but it also resurrects precedents of Christian and pagan origin which were a baseline for many designs during that period. For many reasons the Renaissance began in Italy. In addition to the fact that there existed a rich artistic tradition, Italy was the richest country in Europe at that time. Cities were in bloom, rich merchants and bankers wanted to glorify their names ordering portraits, building magnificent palaces, decorating family chapels. And although the mere presence of such a generous patronage did not have to guarantee the creation of ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Disadvantages Of Leon Battista Alberti Leon Battista Alberti was an Italian modeler, artist, linguist, priest, rationalist, renaissance humanist polymath in the early 1400′s. He is celebrated for composing "De picture" a treastise on point of view drawings, "De Statua" a article on figure lastly "De Re Aedificatoria" (Art of building) created on works of renowned Roman architect Vitruvius' Ten Books on Architecture. However inquiries emerge in perusing Alberti: since ornamentation as a methodology is done on the whole work, and decoration as a result of the procedure is a piece of the entire, how might he be able to have considered adornment separate from the excellence of the entirety? On the off chance that excellence is independent in that nothing can be included or taken away without disadvantage, in what capacity can decoration that is "connected or extra" be outstanding? ... Show more content on ... Like Vitruvius, Leon Battista Alberti (A.d. 1404–1472), a draftsman whose On The Art of Building in Ten Books had an extraordinary impact on all expressions of the human experience in the Renaissance, considered decoration as something extra or connected: "...ornament may be characterized as a manifestation of assistant light and supplement to excellence. From this it tails, I accept, that excellence is some intrinsic property, to be suffused all through the group of that which may be called wonderful; while decoration, instead of being inalienable, has the character of something appended or extra." But he is foremost on account of his meaning of magnificence, which he considered target: "When you make judgments on magnificence, you don't take after insignificant extravagant, yet the workings of a contemplated staff that is inherent in the psyche." De re Aedificatoria (The Art of Building) is subdivided into ten books and incorporates: Book One: Lineaments Book Two: ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Piazza d'Italia as an Example of Postmodern Architecture... Piazza d'Italia as an Example of Postmodern Architecture A public place incorporated into a larger commercial complex, the fountain of the Piazza d'Italia occupies a circular area off center of the development, which consists of buildings and open–air corridors planted with trees. The fountain is set on a ground of concentric circles in brick and masonry, and is composed of a raised contour relief of the boot of Italy and a construction of several staggered, interconnected facades following the lines of the circles. Each facade incorporates one of the five Classical Orders in various materials, including marble, stainless steel, artificial lighting and water. The facades are one side of the space and the whole is surrounded by a ring of ... Show more content on ... The Tuscan columns, for example, are fully covered in polished stainless steel and their moldings and curves have been abstracted to a minimum of flat, conic and cylindrical shapes, striping away the entasis (5). The Tuscan architrave carries square panels of water jets which Moore's memoirs refer to as "wetopes" (6). The horizontal molding bounding the echinus of several stainless steel capitals were made of rings of neon lights. The Doric colonnade has no physical shafts, only cylindrical streams of pellucid water. Whilte it has the rounded echinus and and abacus, the shaft is only suggested by the water. Some of the composite columns have angular, stylized stainless steel capitals. These had no echinus moldings, simple scrolls for volutes ancanthus leaves merely suggested by triangles and were sprayed by more small jets of water. In their flutes, florid carved fillets were replaced with geysers. These composite columns had the appropriate half–circle flutes on the shaft, and fairly complete moldings at that top and bottom of the shaft. The Ionic columns possessed the simpler and more fluid Greek volutes and had the base and echinus convex molding. The alternately concave and convex moldings at the foot of the Ionic columns were in style of Roman examples. In fact, streams of water were placed everywhere: on the Doric architrave, the Ionic entablature, almost every pedestal, and the ridges of the Italian peninsula. Even two roundels ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Roman Architecture : The Rise And Fall Of Roman Architecture The Rise and Fall of Roman Architecture It's 70 A.D and the streets of Rome are busy. Construction workers are hard at work building a place of slaughter and game. Brick by brick the arches are made, and the details of Corinthian architecture are carven into the cold, hard stone. Vespasian and Titus stand in front of their work, admiring the sophisticated amphitheater of Italy. The Colosseum is just one of the vast amounts of Roman projects still intact and cherished by people of the world. Romans used different styles of arches, vaults, and columns to create famous buildings like the Colosseum and Pantheon. The Romans influenced many other types of architecture and built the basis of most classic architecture. One of the Roman's most well–known feature is their use of arches. The Romans use semicircular arches, a tall arch with half of a perfect circle incorporated into it, which were first designed into drains and gates around the cities until they were on almost every single building in the empire. They used these arches in many of their buildings; however, they weren't the ones to first use these arches. Egyptians, Greeks, and Mesopotamians used arches long before the they did (Calliope). Yet, the Romans incorporated the arch into numerous buildings and monuments while the others used them rarely: they made the arch well–known. Also, the Romans used two different types of vaults in their arcades and hallways. Barrel vaults were common to see in the empire. This ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Roman architecture was responsible for developing many... Roman architecture was responsible for developing many different building styles and techniques and the creation of various new ones. Ancient Rome expanded quickly from a small town (founded in 753bc) situated on the Tiber River, to an empire with one fifth of the world's population under its control. This displayed the strength that they possessed, and the control of many different cultures led to the acquisition of a range of typologies. The result of the architectural influence of other nations (mainly the Greeks and the Etruscans) led to many great masterpieces of art and building design. The Romans took many pre–existing ideals and developed them into new technologies and ways of living; architecture is just one of these developments. ... Show more content on ... The Greeks started building corbelled arches and creating arch shaped voussoirs. These worked well, however, they did not discover the strength or span the distances that the Romans were able to. The widest known Greek archway spans only 7.35m, whereas the Romans built many great triumphal arches to emphasise their power in victory. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio wrote about the qualities a successful arch should entail, these were: "utility, strength and aesthetics" (Vitruvius, M., 1914). He wanted them to be built according to anthropometrics; symmetry and proportions of the human body. The full potential of the arch was reached when the Romans discovered the impressive compressive strength of the arch, meaning that they could span greater distances and create great heights using these new found qualities. Some of the most notable uses of the arch can be seen through Aqueducts, vast interiors and in, potentially, the most famous arched building; the Roman Colosseum. The Roman Colosseum is a four story tall amphitheatre which was able to seat up to 50,000 spectators. The first three stories contained stone benches and the top gallery was created with wooden bleachers for women, children and people of lower classes. In this instance, the Roman use of the arch was a major transformation from its prior use by the Greeks, allowing them to create visually stunning and solidly constructed masterpieces. This was ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Ancient Roman Architecture And Humanism The time of the Renaissance was a period when old ideas and techniques were brought back to the surface. Ancient Rome helped frame architecture in the Early Renaissance, in comparison will be discussing three buildings in Italy that were influenced by classical heritage. I will discuss is a town house identified as the Palazzo Rucellai, built by Leon Battista Alberti in Florence, Italy. Alberti was known to be a humanist, which was a belief that Greeks and Romans practiced. (Dr. Beth Harris and David Zucker "Alberti, Palazzo Rucellai"). It was believed that humans and their lives were more, or just as important as the Gods. Humanists also believed that God(s) made humans with a specific talent. According to the dictionary Humanism sparked interest in a system in which human interests, values, and dignity were becoming a central motif for artisans. This building was an important commission that Alberti had completed for a wealthy merchant family known as the Rucellais, and was built after the wealthy Medici family built their palazzo. According to Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker, Alberti wrote multiple books. One of those books was titled The Architecture of Leon Battista Alberti Ten Books on Architecture, and was considered the most important book of architecture after the famous Ten Books on Architecture written by the ancient Roman Vitruvius. Using Vitruvius vocabulary of ancient Roman architecture, Alberti used it in a self–conscious way to proclaim its ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Greek Architecture Symbolism Ancient Greek architecture was very intricately made and well thought out. The Greeks used different methods and reasonings behind their architecture because they made sure that their pieces were exquisitely made to represent the things they thought were important. They valued their Gods and their worship of the Gods. It was important for them to always represent or have symbolic meaning behind all of their architectural designs. There are many hidden symbols that are involved in Greek architecture like trees, trophies, leaves, hair, and sacrifices to name a few. Greek architecture includes these hidden symbols to worship Gods, and to represent culture in their pieces. First, Greek architecture was mainly created to give respect to Gods and create worship areas for the Gods. Representing and respecting Greek Gods appropriately was considered important to the Greek people during this time. A very early Greek architectural example of showing respect towards the Gods, was when trees were used as the first temples as a place of worship. As expressed by Pliny, "The Trees formed the first temples of the Gods." (Pliny). Trees held a valuable position to the Greeks because they were classified as sacred and even representational to certain Gods. The Greeks believed that trees had relation to certain Gods. For example, The God Zeus's sacred tree was the oak tree, while, the olive tree was the Goddess Athena's sacred tree. The olive tree was the first temple for Athena, which was ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Nude Kenneth Clark Analysis The first chapter in Kenneth Clark's The Nude makes a powerful assertion about "the nude" as a symbol of the classical tradition. As opposed to a naked image, the nude (at least in its academic context) lacks the discomfort associated with a naked body. Instead in the classical era, the nude portrayed the ideal body – one which embodied the sensuality of human form, the rationality of mathematics, and the divinity of God in relation to man. In this way the nude became a key development in the classical era and then again in the Renaissance period as an expression of how a human ought to live; of an ideal human condition and – even more importantly – an ideal human form. Clark's argument delineates the manner in which the nude developed in its form throughout the history of art, pointing out its seemingly dynamic nature and its relation to the values of the societies in which it prevailed as an art form. He points out that despite some "curious transformations, [the nude] remains our chief link with the classic disciplines" (2). It appears that the nude as an art form carries a much deeper significance than the nude as a human form. Rather than just a depiction or replica of one's body, the nude takes into account an idealistic version of what a body ought to be. But what exactly is this idealistic form, and how has it changed in its representation? Clark demonstrates that the nude has changed in its manifestations, particularly among three periods: The Classical era; the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Lego Movie Analysis Harvarinder Sidhu CHV–2O0–D Ms.Bains November 29th, 2017 Lego Movie Leadership Styles Lord business is the complete opposite of President Business. Lord Business is a very evil and selfish leader. Lord Business wants to take over the world himself and the leadership style he portrays is Dictatorship. Dictatorship is when one person has all of the power which Lords Business did have. In the movie "Lego Movie" Lord Business displays the dictatorship leadership style because of when head had faked the election to rig the voting, he told his slaves to destroy Vitruvius, and when he had covered everyone with Kragle even when nobody liked or agreed with him. Firstly, When Lord Business had the voting election, he had rigged the voting machines ... Show more content on ... That shows that Lord Business displayed a dictatorship because he has all of the power and can use or abuse it any way he wants too. In conclusion, Lord Business shows that he displayed the dictatorship because he had rigged the voting elections to go in his favour, when he gave to order to his slaves to destroy Vitruvius, and when he had use Kragle on everyone even though everyone disagreed with him. Master Builders were a small group of people who always worked well as a unit and always had input from everyone in their group when they made any decisions as a team. In the "Lego Movie" the Master Builders displayed a direct democracy because when they were making a plan to destroy Lord Business, when everyone agreed with Batman to go underwater, and when everyone had voted that Emit was the "Special". Firstly, when the Master Builders made a plan to destroy Lord Business this displays a direct democracy leadership because while they were making their plan they all started to contribute to take part in making the plan and take their roles as a team to shut down Lord Business. This shows direct democracy because the decision to take Sidhu 3 down Lord Business was a team decision and everyone agreed with the idea to take down Lord Business. The Master Builders making a plan to take down Lord Business did ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Spolia In Ancient Rome "Reuse, reduce, recycle" – a slogan coined in our era of attempting to reduce waste – captures the zeitgeist of the late Roman antiquity in the form of the radical – and controversial – practice of spolia. The growing presence of spolia – the practice of reusing remains from ruined buildings – in the urban landscape of late classical Rome derived from the decline of ancient Rome in the 3rd century. This practice continued through the Middle Ages, with a more apparent presence in the twelfth century, and then declined during Italian Renaissance when artistic practice was crucial to the resurgence of classical tradition. Spolia, meaning "spoils" or anything being "stripped" from someone or something in Latin, had many negative connotations due ... Show more content on ... First and foremost, the aesthetics of spolia were greatly desired. Spolia would have been crafted during the Roman antiquity, a period in which Rome culturally flourished. After the decline and eventual fall of Rome, the work produced and displayed during the antiquity was seen to be the key to re–establish the greatness of Rome. During the crisis of supply in the 3rd century, it was impossible for Rome to source the materials needed for their lavish and ambitious constructions. Spolia, although controversial and deemed unfavourable at the time, provided a solution to the problematic situation. Roman column displays exist only to be seen and without such columns, buildings would be seen to have had little classical stature; they highlighted not only the advanced expertise of Rome but also placed Rome as the leader of classical culture. Bases and capitals were aesthetic symbols of the period of transition. Guidelines for aesthetic colonnades were created by Vitruvius, the Roman author, who organised them into three groupings (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) which would portray a certain ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Three Characteristics Of Order And Architecture In... In general, 'Order' is divided into three parts: the capital, the column, and the base. Each 'Order' does not only have its special form and decoration, column diameter also is the standard dimension that to form the proportion of column height and pillar even the size of the whole building. It is easily identified by means of the proportions and profiles and different aesthetic details as well. Greece like to use Order even they know Arches because the technique is easy and the space is comfortable to suit the human regular activities. Moreover, Greece people make the Order perfect and criterion that can't change or edit so still look good and beautiful even 'copy and paste' in different building. Although Roman use the Arches to build the large building, it didn't eliminate the Order. In addition, it continues to be widely used in architecture today ... Show more content on ... The column has 24 grooves and specific entablature which is curved tapering in the column shaft. The entablature is the part of the roof that leans on top of the column and composed of the architrave, frieze and cornice. It is unlike the Doric Order that the Ionic column is erected on a base that separating the column to the platform of the building. In chapter four of" Ten Books on Architecture" told that 'when they desired to construct a temple to Diana in a new style of beauty, they translated these footprints into terms characteristic of the slenderness of women, and thus first made a column the thickness of which was only one eighth of its height, so that it might have a taller look. At the foot they substituted the base in place of a shoe; in the capital they placed the volutes, hanging down at the right and left like curly ringlets, and ornamented its front with cymatia and with festoons of fruit arranged in place of hair, while they brought the flutes down the whole shaft, falling like the folds in the robes worn by ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. What Is The Beatifying Impact Of Roman Architecture The Beatifying Impact of Ornaments in Roman Architecture & its Elimination in Neoclassicism Different historical eras have influenced the work and theories of architects. Architects who were present in critical eras in history have shaped and defined aspects of art and science. The Renaissance age, for instance, have reshaped arts such as painting, architecture, and literature. Architecture, mainly, displayed the coherent bondage between art and science. It has revived the legacy of the Roman architecture and emphasized its classical architecture. The effect of the Roman architecture or what is known as traditional architecture was adopted by neoclassical architects namely Jean–Nicolas–Louis Durand. Further, Renaissance architects have also ... Show more content on ... However, the legacy provided by humanism cannot be dissipated because of industrialism. Renaissance and Roman architecture have displayed genius beautiful works as the result of efforts of architects who had vision of art and science combined. The exclusion of art from architecture, as reinforced by Durand, has removed the beauty and harmony elements that were present in older eras. Yet the Renaissance style places emphasis on symmetry, proportion, geometry and the regularity of parts as they are demonstrated in the architecture of classical antiquity and in particular ancient Roman architecture, of which many examples remained. Orderly arrangements of columns, pilasters and lintels, as well as the use of semicircular arches, hemispherical domes, niches and aedicule provided the beautiful attractive elements in architecture that was highly regarded in Palladio's work yet almost very absent in Durand's. As a result, the renaissance architecture, influenced by Palladio and Alberti, has been the result of tremendous work and effort passed on by these architects as they worked on every element of architecture in order to produce art and science rather than science alone. For instance, Villa Rotanda , Palazzo Rucellai and many other beautiful roman temples that have high regard in architecture are the result of the beauty harmonious elements and presence of the decorative art known as ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Diverse Nature Requires a Corresponding Diverse Environment Just by the sound of it, it seems so easy to understand that a population that is of diverse nature definitely requires a corresponding diverse environment upon which it can thrive and succeed. This philosophy rules out the whole idea as to why architects are continuing to come up with one size fits all design environments. The question is as to whether their main intention is to create and or trying to ensure equality. But as already set, the society is composed of a diverse population, which is a reason enough as to why diverse architectural designs are important for the masses. Critics may attribute this trend to the notion that methods of construction as well as the costs associated with diverse designs, alongside the respective site restrictions tend to make the diverse environment to become infeasible both economically as well as physically. On the contrary in this view, this way of thinking only makes it difficult for the designers to understand the manner in which the diverse populations are affected by the buildings. It is with this regard that throughout the historical variation that has been continuously posed by the significantly philosophical problem by those seeking the objective truths concerning designs with respect to the entire aspect of life in general. Looking at Plato's philosophy on design, he tried to prioritize as well as bring to the understanding, the objective truths, depending on what he found to be the relative as well as his subjective ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Architecture Of The Italian Renaissance Theatre architecture in Italy was most exciting during the Italian Renaissance. So we are going to look at the architecture of three very important theatres from the Italian Renaissance and see how they not only influenced each other but also how they have influenced the architecture of theatres today. We are going to start in Vicenza, Italy with the Teatro Olimpico, make our way over to Sabbioneta, Italy to the Teatro all 'antica and then end up in Parma, Italy where the Teatro Farnese is located. Not only is Teatro Olimpico the oldest surviving Rennaissance theatre but it was one of the first permanent theatres to be constructed during the Italian Renaissance. The architect, Andrea Palladio was a student of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio who inspired Palladio's design for the theatre. In his article The Influence of Vitruvius on Theatre Architecture, Donald C. Mullin explains that Vitruvius "wrote his treatise De Architectura Libri Decem in the year 20 B.C.". His treatise contains a variation of information on Greek and Roman buildings, along with instructions for the planning and design of military camps, cities, and structures both large (aqueducts, buildings, baths, harbors) and small (machines, measuring devices, instruments). People think that this was the first book on architectural theory, as well as a huge cause of Classical Architecture. Which is exactly what Palladio wanted to convey in his design. He was asked by the Olympic Academy of Vicenza to design this ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Ancient Greek And Greek Architecture A COMPARISON OF ANCIENT GREEK AND ROMAN TEMPLE ARCHITECTURE Ancient Greek architecture dates from around 800 BCE when the site of Delphi first obtained a religious significance. The architecture of Ancient Greece has influenced the architecture of the past two millennia most significantly that of Ancient Rome (Hemingway, 2003). Greek architecture influenced Roman architecture in extensive ways, giving that the Romans adopted and incorporated many Greek methods and elements into their own practice. Although the Romans were inspired by the Greek there are still many differences in their architecture most noticeably through materiality. Although the Greeks constructed many types of buildings the most recognisable "Greek" structure is the temple. (Becker, 2015) As stated by Coleen Hemingway in an article for the Metropolitan Museum of Art " the Greek temple best exemplifies the aims and methods of Greek Architecture". Whilst exploring such architecture it is necessary to examine the mentality, religious beliefs and driving forces of each civilization. According to Stierlin "Unlike the Greek temple, essentially a structure for the play of light and shade, with little interior space accommodating a small sanctuary, Roman builders typically used arches, vaults, matching domes ... Show more content on ... Although the Romans were influenced and used parts of what the Greeks had previously designed and established, they quickly adopted new techniques combined with the existing techniques to construct a whole new range of architectural structures. In this style the Romans added to the Greek Corinthian columns making them even more decorative. The Romans also created their own column style known as the Composite Capital which was a combination of the volute from the Ionic order and the acanthus design from the Corinthian. (Cartwright, ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Achievements Of Ancient Greek Architecture In ancient Greece, architecture was one of the most important aspects that they had. The architecture was important because it was one of the ways the Greeks contributed to their world. Also, that some of their designs are still here today, like the Athenian Acropolis, a sign that the Greek architecture was influential. Three architectural achievements that the Greeks had were; the Columns, the Archimedean Screw, and the Pulleys. Each of these aspects still affects our world today. These developments in Greek architecture, have a lasting impact on our world. Let's first look at the importance of the columns. Columns were used to decorate the facade of buildings and support the upper structure of buildings. So, the columns reduce the amount of extra weight from the top to overweigh the structure. Throughout ancient history, and even today columns are still used for the purpose to have an extra element to buildings. On page 219 in paragraph one, it states that "the ancient Greeks created some of the most beautiful structures from; religious temples and statues to large outdoor arenas and government buildings." "However, the Greeks built their most sacred buildings on the Athenian Acropolis, made from a hard limestone called marble. The quote explains the importance of sacred buildings to the ancient Greeks. Another thing is that on page 221 on the first caption, it states that "the temple of Athena Nike in Athens is one of the most famous Ionic buildings in the world. It's ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Lego Movie Analysis In the movie "The Lego Movie" there are many different morals and points of perspective to be taken out of the movie. The topic of this essay is, how does The Lego Movie demonstrate that those in a role of leadership can have the power to rule in positive or negative or positive ways. This prompt will be shown with evidence from the movie focusing on some certain characters. The characters that will be focused on are Emmet, President Business and Vitruvius. President business is a perfect example of the fact that having a leadership role can give someone the chance and power to rule in a positive or negative way. As a president he had a lot of power. He abused this right. He used his power for his own gain to get things how he wanted them to be. With the amount of power that he had he was able to cover all this up and make sure nobody knew. This is evidence of how having a leadership role can give anyone the chance to make a positive or negative impact. This example is of someone in a leadership role making a negative impact on the people and lives around him. In the speech he gave on the television of all the citizens he says things like "I am the president of the octan cooperates and the world." He is showing the world his power so that they don't question him but also so that they can't. In the movie "The Lego Movie" the character President Business abuses his power as president. He uses his power in a negative way and for his own personal deeds. He wants the world to ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Renaissance: Cultural Bridge Between The Middle Ages The Renaissance was a period in European history, from the 14th century to the 17th century, regarding as the cultural bridge between the middle ages and modern ages. The Renaissance began first in the italian states. These city–states had wealth from commerce and trade that was present in the middle ages. Venice was known for its transportation in the silk road and the spice trade. Many merchants from India and China came in helping to bring along new ideas. The style of painting, sculpture and decorative arts identified with the Renaissance emerged in Italy in the late 15th century; it reached its Zenith in the late 15th and early 26th centuries, in the work of italian masters. Such as, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. Leonardo ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Comparison Of Le Corbusier And Vitruvius Although Le Corbusier and Vitruvius had important and crucial statements, I find that Vitruvius' claims made more sense and is clearly more intensified that Le Corbusier's minor statements. Vitruvius influenced the entire field of architecture and design by his statements, and not just by words. We can see the results of Vitruvius claims and drawings in buildings and temples and not just in words. His statements were put to life by the buildings that he was inspired to assume his claims. On the other hand, we can notice that Le Corbusier's statements, although important, they did not leave a huge influence in the field of scale. The 'Modular' has not actually replaced the inch–and– foot and the metric system. Till now the problems of unit conversion still exist, and the claims of abolishing these obstacles were not fully set. For instance, the circle of Vitruvius is way more ... Show more content on ... Both used the human body as a scale reference for their ideas. In the Vitruvius's geometry, the human body was used inside a circle and a square, and was also used as the main reference factor for architecture of temples. The temples were projections of the human body in architecture. Le Corbusier also used the human body as a reference for the measuring unit the "Modular". The human height determines the values of the 'Modular" just like it determines and influences the design and architecture of temples in Vitruvius's case. Both Vitruvius and Le Corbusier analyzed the human body and established a relation between its parts, which was shown in both their drawings, 'Vitruvius' circle' and 'Drawing of the proportioning system of Le Modular''. We can clearly notice that the two are extremely similar in the way of representing the human body taking into consideration its height and its ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Architectural Outline Vitruvius Augustus saw Rome as a downtrodden city in comparison to the Empire and he wanted to make life better for the citizens. Working with Vitruvius resulted in On Architecture; architectural standards for planning, design, materials, etc. used to improve the city. One of the first things they did was build a 40–mile aqueduct that brought water to the city center. After establishing a water system, he turned his attention to the housing situation. Augustus felt the houses were too small but knew there was no way to make them bigger. This realization resulted in restoration of temples and beautiful outdoor spaces. He felt this would get people out of their homes and give them something to do. The above examples mimic modern society and public services we receive. We all have city water; water that flows through aqueducts before it comes into our homes. We also have an assortment of parks across the USA; everything from your neighborhood park to national parks like Mt. Rushmore. But I think I found the most similarity between cultures in the architectural outline ... Show more content on ... Augustus wanted the people to like him, if he made life good they would like them and in turn would be loyal. Our public works are ran by budgets, not whether or not the official wants the people to like them. And there's never enough money so public work improvements have to be prioritized with a completion date that could be several years away. In addition, there are cities in the US who don't have drinkable water in their homes. In today's society this is unacceptable. But the government officials who should have been overseeing this and fixed this swept it under the rug. That is until word got out. Augustus was able to build the aqueduct in what I can tell 1 year, yet Flint has been going almost 3 years with poisonous water and repaires haven't quite started. In fact, they don't expect it to be completed until 2019 – 5 ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Vitruvius Impact On Modern Architecture The film proposal is for a small, artistic, Indie drama film. The movie is directed towards future architects just like Vitruvius' writing. The film would copy the message in De Architectura and tell about the importance of Architects and what an Architect should know. It would be a movie that professors require first year architecture students to watch. It would be educational and provide an entertaining way to learn about the impact of architecture on society. 3. The movie takes place in 12 AD Rome and in 2016 at the University of Cincinnati. 12 AD is a time that Vitruvius would have been alive and Augustus would have been emperor. It's a time before De Architectura was completed so that the lessons Vitruvius learns in the modern world could influence the collection of writing. This will help preserve the modern thoughts on architecture in classical times and push forth innovation years in advance. This plays on the fact that Vitruvius' writings were conservative at the time and his dislike of ... Show more content on ... The film plays off of this and the plot consists of convincing him to not be so conservative. We are dependent almost solely on his own writing to know what he was like as a person. The film takes place only a few years before his death and he is depicted as old and wise. De architectura had little significance at it's time of writing but with his new understanding on contemporary architecture it would become very popular and not be lost for hundreds of years like it was. To modernize the literature I have Vitruvius apply his theories to modern times. The genre of the original text was not a drama, but anything can be made into a narrative. To do that there is a lot of other dialogue besides just direct quotes from Vitruvius' writing. It would be a boring film to just watch a series of lectures so there needed to be entertaining elements of time travel, violence, stealing, competition, ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Frank Lloyd Wright And Le Corbusier This ratio 1:1.61,occurs over and over again in nature. It is found in everything from the shape of our universe, the structure of clouds, and the even the proportions of the human body. People have put it into everything from mathematics, to artwork, and music, fractal dimensions have been calculated to be used frequently for Frank Lloyd Wright's and Le Corbusier's buildings. It can be found that both architects use the method of increasingly smaller rectangular grids. Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings display a self–similar characteristic over a wide range of scales. However for this specific project, Wright was following the brilliant example of his teacher, Louis Sullivan.By contrast, Le Corbusier's architecture displays a characteristic over ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Who Is Vitruvius A Positive Leader Vitruvius has a positive role in the film 'the Lego movie.' Vitruvius plays the role of positive leader as he tries to enlighten the world around him. Vitruvius first appears at the start when the film shows villain of the movie and one of the main heroes that demonstrate an important role in the movie. When Vitruvius next appears in the middle of the movie it shows that he is the man to go to, to learn how to be a master builder. Wild–Style states in the movie how 'he is the only man that would know how to help them.' The directors' Phil and Christopher both showed 'how The Lego Movie demonstrate[s] that those in a role of leadership can have the power to rule in positive or negative ways?' This sentence can be related back to Vitruvius as ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Ancient Greek Column Designs Have the Greeks used imitation in their column design, if so what could the Greeks have imitated to create the columns? If imitation has effected the design of the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian columns, how is this change seen? What relationships can be seen between the human body and the Ancient Greek columns? This essay will initially look at the period prior to 620 BC to see if there is any evidence to suggest that the ancient Greeks may have imitated another civilizations designs to create the three architectural orders that Vitruvius wrote about in his Ten Books of Architecture. The next part of this essay will look at each of the three columns to discuss their virtues in relation to proportionality, structure and visual imitation. The oldest of the ancient Greek classical orders is the Doric order. The creation of the Doric order has been traced back to the ancient Greek Dorian tribe. It has been written by Anderson that after the Dorian tribe took control of the Peloponnesos area of Greece in 1100 BC they then expanded into every part of Greece kingdom including Crete. This would have given the Dorian's access to the ruins of the Knossos Palace from the Minoan civilization. One of the most notable contributions of Minoans was their unique column design. This column was different to the Greek columns as it was wider at the bottom than the top. It was suggested by Adams that the columns of Knossos were installed in this direction to ensure the trees didn't take root. ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Architecture Elements Of Roman And Roman Architecture Italy was founded on 21April 753 BC by two brothers, Romulus and Remus. Rome has been a dominant empire throughout the age of time and its influence on the modern world is still in manifest. One of the major driving forces that aided the Romans in maintaining their power was the phenomenal architectural principles that their structures possessed throughout the city of Rome. The Romans applied three elements in which was used in order to perfect various elements such as their architectural structures, concrete, vaults and arch's. Rome was recognized for more than just their achievements as a city, but they were also acknowledged for being founders of additional big cities such as London and Paris in which elevated to their levels of dominance and power. Ancient Rome leaders who were strongly engaged with architecture as a form of political and urban art, include: Augustus (27 BCE–14 CE), Tiberius (14–37), Caligula (37–41), Claudius (41–54), Nero (54–68), Vespasian (69–79), Titus (79–81), Domitian (81–96), Trajan (98–117), Hadrian (117– 138), Antoninus Pius (138–161), Marcus Aurelius (161–180), Caracalla ... Show more content on ... The construction materials and methods that were used by romans are concrete and true arch whereas the Greeks would make use of post, lintel and marble. The preferred architectural orders in which the Romans would make use of were Corinthian and in comparison the Greeks would make use of Doric and ionic orders in their buildings. The most famous temples that were built by the Greeks and Romans was The Parthenon, in which was dedicated to Athena, located in Athens and The Pantheon in which was dedicated to all the gods situated in the city of Rome. In the Parthenon ceremonies were held outside of the Greek temple, whereas in The Pantheon ceremonies were held on the inside of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Modern Architecture And Ancient Greece Rules of proportion in Architecture and Ancient Greece Proportion is the essence of architecture, and its roots can be traced back to even the ancient Egyptian times. The first recorded information about the theories of proportion comes from Pythagoras's studies on geometry, ratio and the musical scale. This knowledge has been further explored in relation to proportions of things found in nature, such as the discovery of the golden ratio, and the modulation of the parts that make up the human body. This knowledge is documented in Vitruvius's treatice, De Architectura, which contains valuable information about how architecture was perceived in these ancient times. His ideas of the ideal proportions of greek temples, and its relationship to the modular system of the human body is most evident in the flawless harmony of parts that make up the Parthenon. In the mid–5th century BC Pythagoras studied the Greek string instruments, called the lyre and he discovered that two strings with the same length, tension and thickness will sound the same. When the strings are at different lengths, they will most likely sound bad (or dissonant). However, he discovered certain string lengths that were different from one another, but they sounded good (or consonant) when played together. For example when he halved one string, he realised that the notes sounded the same, but at different pitches. This was the discovery of the octave, or diapason, and can be represented as a ratio of 1:2. ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Impact Of Roman Architecture On Modern Architecture How has Roman architecture affected us today in terms of modern architecture? Table of content: Table of Contents Introduction: 3 Review of Literature: 4 Methodology and Presentation of Findings: 11 Processing of Findings: 13 Conclusion: 15 Bibliography: 16 Appendix: 17 Introduction: The purpose of this ORTO is to illustrate the extend to which Roman architecture, from the late 2nd centaury BC to the 4th century AD, had an influence and effect of modern western architecture. Therefore the aims of my ORTO are as follows: Gathering information regarding Roman architecture, from the aforementioned time period, providing both background as well as references to Roman architecture. Providing information of the Romans' building innovations ... Show more content on ... This resulted in and innovative constructions utilising both pre existing techniques as well as new ones, which the Romans had devised. This lead to a new outlook on design expressed in the creation of new architectural structures such as arches, amphitheatres and improvements on pre existing structures such as granaries and residential housing areas. The already–existing structures that the Greeks had invented, the Romans later both improved upon and changed and decorated in different ways. Such as the changes made to Corinthian column making it more decorative. This lead to the invention of the composite capital, which was a mixture of both the Ionic and Corinthian columns, maintain the base and frame of the Ionic with the decorative acanthus leaves of the Corinthian. This in term led to the redesign of the Doric column creation the Tuscan ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The History of Greek Architecture Essays The History of Greek Architecture The architecture of ancient Greece is represented by buildings in the sanctuaries and cities of mainland Greece, the Aegean islands, southern Italy and Sicily, and the Ionian coast of Turkey. Monumental Greek architecture began in the archaic period, flourished through the classical and Hellenistic periods, and saw the first of many revivals during the Roman Empire. The roots of Greek architecture lie in the tradition of local Bronze Age house and palaces. The following paper will cover the basic forms of Greek architecture. One of the many types of Greek building structures was Sacred Architecture. The Greeks conceived of their gods in human form, as anthropomorphic ... Show more content on ... This era brought about the introduction of both the Doric and Ionic Orders. The Doric Order, which originated around 400 BCE brought rise to a whole new type of building technique and style. In the archaic temples, stone gradually started to replace wood, and some of the structural details of the early buildings appear to have been copied in stone. At Thermon, in northwestern Greece, a succession of buildings from the Last Bronze Age throughout the sixth century BCE show the evolution of the Doric temple from a hall shaped like a hairpin to a long rectangular building with a porch at either end and surrounded by columns. The temple of Hera at Olympia, built about 600 BCE, had wooden columns that were gradually replaced by stone ones, probably as votive gifts. The variety of column and capital shapes illustrates the evolution of the Doric order. The earliest columns had a heavy, bulging profile, and their capitals were broad and low. During the archaic period, limestone became the standard building material for foundations, steps, walls, columns, and Doric entablature. Building such as the famous Temple of Aphaia on Aegina illustrate the dramatic influence of the Doric order. White the Doric order became the standard for mainland Greece, the Ionian colonies in the eastern Aegean were developing a very different system of columns and entablature based on Egyptian and Near Eastern architecture. The tall slender columns, low entablature, and
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  • 74. Analyzing Sandro Botticelli's The Birth Of Venus Introduction The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli was painted between 1482 and 1485 (UFFIZI, n.d.). Commissioned by the Medici family, it depicts Venus floating on a seashell. To her right is Zephyrus, God of Winds, with Aura. To her left is Horae, Goddess of the Seasons, waiting to receive her with a flower embroidered robe. In the Roman myth, Venus was conceived when the god Uranus was castrated by his son Titan Cronus and his severed genitals fertilized the sea. The scene in The Birth of Venus depicts the moment that Venus emerges from the sea in a seashell and lands at Paphos in Cyprus. For the painting, Botticelli was inspired by a few verses of poetry by humanist and Renaissance poet, Agnolo Poliziano, which describe the myth of Venus' birth (Corsini, 1998, p.5). The direct inspiration from a piece of Renaissance poetry, another form of art, relates to how similar ideas and formal organizations existed in both architecture and the allied arts of the Italian Renaissance. The verses read: A young woman ... Show more content on ... In his design of Villa Barbaro, Palladio utilized ratios that correspond to harmonic proportions. During the Renaissance, the harmonic proportions of the eye and ear were considered part of the same divine and universal design (Mitrovic, 2004, p.83). In Villa Barbaro, all but one room used harmonic proportions associated with Palladio's favourite room ratios – 1:1, 3:4, 2:3, 3:5, 3:2, 1:2 (Howard & Longair, 1982, p. 118). Therefore, the perfect geometry of the rooms combined with the use of harmonic proportions contributed to the harmony of Villa Barbaro. The Birth of Venus, however, achieves unity through the use of balance and a clear relationship between figures. This creates a unified composition as all the parts of the image work together to create the whole. Harmony is not to be confused with unity. Harmony applies to Villa Barbaro as it is a composition of many similar ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Early Renaissance Vs. Renaissance Architecture Early Renaissance architecture began in the early years from 1400–1500. During this era, classicism played a huge role in architectural ideas as well as religious, secularization, and humanist influences. This differed architecture from that time period to later mannerist architecture. Mannerism derived from late renaissance architecture and continued through the early Baroque era in the years 1520–1600. The influences that changed the views on early architecture were the Sack of Rome, the Copernican model of the universe, and the Protestant Reformation. The view in architecture during these two time periods were quite different yet contained similarities due to the emerging work that was inspired from early renaissance and into later mannerism. "The spirit of their revolutionary painting, sculpture, and architecture arose from the new Renaissance worldview of humanism (and its accompanying condition of secularization), which celebrated rationality and individuality and mankind's ability to make an act upon empirical observations of the physical world. Humanist scholars and artists recovered Classical Greek and Roman texts,including Vitruvius's De architectura, and aspired to create a modern world rivaling that of the ancients." (pg. 287) Early Renaissance means rebirth, in this case rebirth of Greek and Roman culture. The traditional views of the Renaissance emerged as a result of the fall of Constantinople in 1453. If the fall of Constantinople would not have occurred, ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Industrialization During The Late Abraham Lincoln America is the great exception where people can be born of humble origins and rise to the top to become the next Abraham Lincoln (Pettengill). However, in the Early Republic things began to change and industrialization created a huge gap between the rich and the poor and made it hard to rise to the top. Industrialization changed America from an agricultural country to one based on manufacturing goods and services. This change created advancement and expansion for the nation as a whole. Industrialization was very helpful to the economy but was an impediment for the working class, like Sam Patch. In the book, Sam Patch by Paul E. Johnson, it is evident how industrialization restricted the freedom of the working–class and increased the great divide between the rich and the poor. The industrial revolution limited the amount of jobs available and created many unskilled labor jobs. Free labor economy made it possible for skilled workers to make money by independently selling their products. Industrial engineers found a way to build machines that were faster, more powerful, more efficient and more reliable than the human muscle. As seen in "The American System of Manufacturers," Joseph Whitworth stated, "the laboring class are comparatively few in number, but this is counter balanced by, and indeed may be regarded as one of the chief causes of, the eagerness with which they call in the aid of machinery in almost every department of industry"(Whitworth 226) This machinery slowly ... Get more on ...