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‫جاسم‬ ‫ثجيل‬ ‫مرتضى‬
student preparation
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani
‫سبحاني‬ ‫فاطمه‬.‫د‬
The main cause of vitiligo
Symptoms o
Vitiligo varies to include the following types
Treatment with devices (PUVA)
Narrow beam UV therapy
Laser therapy
Surgery treatment
Second, decolorization therapy
?Is vitiligo hereditary
?Is vitiligo contagious
Pharmaceuticals related to vitiligo
New ways to grow skin to treat vitiligo
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University
(Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
The skin diseases prevalent in the world, speci
cally known as the demise of the natural color of
the skin in the form of clear white spots in the skin, and may be as extensive as it may be in one
spots that make up vitiligo are caused by the loss of colored cells that produce melanin
which are found mainly naturally in the skin, hair follicles, mouth (i.e. lips), eyes (eye. color) and ,
.some of the central nerve parts
The quantity and quality of melanin cells are the de
ning element of skin, hair and eye color that
Vitiligo is a chromosomal abnormality caused by the collapse of melanocytes, which produce
pigment in the skin, mucous membranes (tissues that line the inside the mouth, nose, and sexual
and exit areas), and the retina (the inner layer of the eyeball). As a result of the destruction of these
cells, white patches appear on di
erent parts of the skin on the body. Even hair that grows in the
ected areas usually whitens
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University
(Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
The main cause of vitiligo
is unknown, but doctors believe it is an autoimmune disease that a
ects the body's immune system,
destroying certain cells, and one of the causes of vitiligo can be other medical conditions such as
.Hashimoto's disease, an immune disorder that a
ects the thyroid gland
?Are the types of vitiligo
There are several types of vitiligo, and each type depends on the area where the white spots appear, and
:how widespread they are. Vitiligo types may include one of the following
Generalized Vitiligo: It is the most common type, and occurs when white spots appear, almost all over the
Segmental Vitiligo: Which Occurs When Vitiligo Is Conv
ned To One Area Of The Body, Such As The Face Or
.Focal Vitiligo: It is a mild vitiligo, as it occurs when white appears as one spot, and does not spread
Trichrome Vitiligo: It occurs when there is a densely colored area, followed by a lighter area, followed by
.plain-colored skin
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences
and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
The true cause of vitigo is not yet known, but the combination of important elements such as immune,
.genetic and neurological elements may cause most cases strongly
Most patients reported the onset of vitiligo after a severe solar burn, and others linked the onset of their
observation of the disease to a psychological or emotional problem they experienced, such as after the
.death of a loved one, a divorce, a tragic accident of a car or other human tragedy
It is currently commonly believed that vitiligo patients have colored cells that have a natural genetic
predisposition to vanishing and disappear, and that this fading occurs with a purely neuroimm immune
The cause of vitiligo is unknown, but doctors and researchers have several di
erent theories. One theory is
that infected individuals have developed antibodies that break down tamperm cells in their bodies. Another
theory says Qatmin cells self-destruct. Finally, some medical reports have stated that conditions such as
.sunburn or emotional crises cause vitiligo; however, these reports have not been scienti
cally proven true
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences
and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
Symptoms of vitiligo
Individuals who develop vitiligo will usually notice white patches (depigmentation) on the skin. These
patches are more common in parts of the body exposed to the sun, such as hands, feet, arms, face, lips.
.Other areas where vitiligo appears are the underarms and around the mouth, eyes, navel, and genitals
In addition to white skin patches, a
ected individuals may experience symptoms of premature graying of
scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and beard. Black individuals may notice a loss of color inside their mouths
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences
and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
The onset of vitiligo
can also be slow, as it can spread over years, and may spread very quickly in other people, and it should be
.noted that the prevalence of white spots may be related to people's physical and emotional stress
:Vitiligo varies to include the following types
.Terminal: Places of injury: Lips - limbs - genitals
use: Includes most of the body - removing the primary color from the entire body in some cases
: One side of the body follows the proliferation of super
cial nerves, and is very limited
.Macular degeneration: limited - only in several areas of the body
.Fixed: It is the state that you settled on for more than a year
Köppner's condition disease: Vitiligo spots appear in the places of various wounds and injuries and this
.indicates the active condition of the disease
.Haema: A white aura surrounding a colored mole – it may be a sign of the onset of the disease
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and
Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
Treatment of vitiligo depends on the type a
ected by the patient. Macular vitiligo, for example, is considered the easiest
:type to treat and the peripheral type is the most di
cult, and there are two methods of treatment
Color retrieval
Color removal
First, color retrieval therapy
.The color is restored in two ways: either with medication or by surgery
:Medication for vitigo is relatively low prevalence
Topical treatment: Steroid creams (cortisone) that must be taken under medical supervision to choose the right type of
.them and reduce their side e
ects as much as possible
An example of topical drugs is also the prescribing of sooralene compounds with exposure to the sun or ultraviolet A
rays, and the drug can be given in the form of a solution that is applied fat to the a
ected area and then exposed to the
.sun or A rays either this or that
These drugs make the skin sensitive to ultraviolet radiation in general, and burns may occur and bubbles may form if
.sun exposure or ultraviolet radiation is too much
.Other topical therapies: pseudoctalis and is still under research
As well as vitamin D paint as an adjunct to the success of radiation therapy (sun or ultraviolet)
There is some research conducted in 2008 that led to the discovery of a new drug for vitiligo in Cuba
extracted from the human placenta, which is a drug discovered before, but now it has been developed in the
form of a lotion called (Melagenina Plus). The patient dispenses with infrared sessions, etc. The study stated
that it gives a better result to people
Area of the a
ected area
.The chronological age of the patient's infection with this disease
.Depending on the location of the a
ected places in the body
The correct application of Al-Ula
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and
Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
Treatment with devices (PUVA)
Soralen is taken in the form of oral pills and after two hours the patient should be exposed to A rays with
.PUVA device and it is necessary to continue exposure to these rays 2-3 times a week
The drug soralin induces colored cells to move to the places of infection and then produce melanin
.again. The response of patients to this treatment varies, but about 75% of patients respond to it well
After 2-3 weeks of starting treatment, the condition appears to the patient worse than it was due to
natural tanning of the skin and the increase in color contrast between it and the areas a
ected by vitiligo,
but with time, the gradual return of color to the skin begins and the appearance of improvement begins
.over the days
The patient should apply a solar insulator of 15 or more after treatment, and it is reused after swimming
and sweating as well, and special sunglasses should be applied to protect the eye during the exposure
.period and the rest of the treatment day
It may be used with PUVA antioxidant therapy as some studies have proven to have a role in
.repigmentation in some cases
A study published in the journal Dermatologic Clinics showed the e
ectiveness of phototherapy for
vitiguity, its lack of mixing and side e
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and
Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
Narrow beam UV therapy
It is a modern treatment and is exposed to narrow ultraviolet B rays and leads to the condition of the
.disease to be
ne-tuned and improved
It is by exposing the patient to B rays for a number of seconds at the beginning of the treatment session and
.then gradually increases as determined by the doctor in charge of the case
Pills are not required as in the case of A-ray therapy and sunglasses are required only during the treatment
Treatment is on sessions (three sessions per week) and improvement is observed after 15-20 sessions on
.However, the treatment period may extend to several months depending on the level of condition
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and
Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
Laser therapy
.There is a laser excimer recently and it treats limited areas but faster
Surgery treatment
They are relatively recent and take place in cases that do not respond to drug treatments and in limited vitiligo and
their results are limited and relapse is possible. Surgery treatment is followed in cases of persistent vitiligo and
:there are several methods
.Tattoos for some limited cases that do not respond well to other treatments
Transplantation of hair immunizations in order to contain hair follicles on more colored cells, but the use of this
.particular method limits the appearance of hair in non-hairy areas
A copsy is about taking many small graftings from areas of healthy skin and placing them in the areas of the
ected skin
.Skin grafts in several ways, the best of which is suction (bubbles) as they often leave no traces
Autologous chromosomal cell transplantation
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and
Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
Second, decolorization therapy
If the vitiligo patient has more than 50% of the visible areas and the patient does not want to recolor, the color
.can be removed with a special cream
.The color is removed at 90-95% of patients over a period of one year or more
Treatment is
ne, but sometimes there may be hypersensitivity or non-response to the drug and then
.treatment should be discontinued immediately if allergy paints are not of use
.After decolorization, the patient should use sunscreen paints for life and avoid exposure to excess sunlight
Autologous chromosomal cell transplantation
It is the latest surgical treatment method for vitiligo globally where vitamin cells are separated and
.concentrated in the laboratory before being replanted in the a
ected area
.This operation is performed in regular clinics (without hospital stays, it takes only about 3 hours
It is worth mentioning that the treatment began in this way in America at Yale University and was then
developed by the Swedish scientist Mats Olson with a medical team in speci
c places of the world, including
.from the Arab countries and Saudi Arabia, to name a few
?Is vitiligo hereditary
Vitiligo in the family may be transmitted through genetics
because genes play an important role in developing it, and about 30% of people with vitiligo have at least one
relative as well. However, the disease does not necessarily have to be transmitted from parents to children
?Is vitiligo contagious
Vitiligo is a non-communicable disease
it is not transmitted from one person to another by any means, it is a painless disease, and has no signi
cant ,
health consequences, yet it can have consequences for the patient's psyche
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and
Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
Pharmaceuticals related to vitiligo
Amoydin, amedine
The demonic vinegar
Retinol, Royal Jelly
‫األميدين‬ ،‫األمويدين‬
‫أوكساالني‬ ‫تري‬
‫الشيطانية‬ ‫الخلة‬
‫جيلي‬ ‫رويال‬ ، ‫ريتينول‬
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and
Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
New ways to grow skin to treat vitiligo
In this study, 28 patients with vitiligo, aged between 18-60 years, underwent keratinocyte melanocyte
transplantation. The procedure was performed 36 times, and the researchers tracked the results of 29 of them.
.The duration of the operation ranged from 30 minutes to 2 hours
.The patient is discharged from the hospital on the same day
During the process, melanocytes are taken from healthy skin areas and then separated to form a mixture of
skin cells, which is later placed in the area of
skin to be treated
The treated area, which is about the size of an average credit card, is covered with an adhesive backing made .
.especially for this procedure
This study was conducted in collaboration between Henry Ford Hospital and the National Vitiligo Center in
.Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Read more on the medical website
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and
Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
There is no way to prevent vitiligo;
But awareness of the signs is the most important component of addressing the problem.
Instructions for people with vitiligo:
• Protect the skin from the sun by wearing protective clothing and using sunblock.
• Avoid using private tanning beds.
• Reducing stress and tension and working on psychological stability.
• Avoid exposure to certain chemicals eg in the
eld of work.
• Avoid using unlicensed creams and mixtures.
• Staying away from testing treatment based on the experiences of others.
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and
Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
by Rabbi Ken Spiro, Retrieved ,.‫مشني‬ ‫باك‬ ‫واي‬ ‫موقع‬ ‫على‬ July 2014 20 ‫محفوظة‬ ‫نسخة‬History Crash Course #36: Timeline: From Abraham to Destruction of the Temple ^
.‫مشني‬ ‫باك‬ ‫واي‬ ‫موقع‬ ‫على‬ 2017 ‫نوفمبر‬ 08 ‫محفوظة‬ ‫نسخة‬ .2010-08-19
.2015 ‫أبريل‬ 22 ‫بتاريخ‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫اطلع‬ .2015 ‫أبريل‬ 30 ‫في‬ ‫األصل‬ ‫من‬ ‫مؤرشف‬ .Vitiligo Causes". Mayoclinic" .(2014 ‫مايو‬ 15) Staff، Mayo Clinic ^
.New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. 2007. ISBN 978-0-07-146690-5. OCLC 154751587 .(7th .‫)ط‬ Vitiligo". Fitzpatrick's dermatology in general medicine .72" ^
.Hamzavi، Iltefat H. (2020-01). "Phototherapy for Vitiligo". Dermatologic Clinics. 38 (1): 55–62. doi:10.1016/j.det.2019.08.005. ISSN 1558-0520. PMID 31753192 ‫؛‬Zubair، Raheel ^
.2021 ‫يونيو‬ 9 ‫في‬ ‫األصل‬ ‫من‬ ‫مؤرشف‬
.08-06-2021 ‫بتاريخ‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫اطلع‬ .09-06-2021 ‫في‬ ‫األصل‬ ‫من‬ ‫مؤرشف‬ .‫ناو‬ ‫جمال‬ ."‫وبعدها‬ ‫العملية‬ ‫قبل‬ ‫صور‬ ،‫وإيجابيات‬ ‫سلبيات‬ ،‫التحضيرات‬ ،‫األنواع‬ ،‫التكلفة‬ :‫البهاق‬ ‫"عالج‬ ^
Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and
Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim
.Medicine Net. Vitiligo (Skin Fading). Retrieved on the 24th of February, 2022 [1]
Melissa Conrad Stöppler. Vitiligo and Loss of Skin Color. Retrieved on the 24th of February, [2]
.Erica Roth. What Is Vitiligo? Retrieved on the 24th of February, 2022 [3]
.Cleveland Clinic. Vitiligo. Retrieved on the 24th of February, 2022 [4]
.National Health Services NHS .Vitiligo. Retrieved on the 24th of February, 2022 [5]

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Vitiligo مرتضى ثجيل جاسم (1).pdf

  • 1. ‫جاسم‬ ‫ثجيل‬ ‫مرتضى‬ 39912330489256 Vitiligo student preparation Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani ‫سبحاني‬ ‫فاطمه‬.‫د‬ VITILIGO ١
  • 2. Contents Introduction The main cause of vitiligo Pathogens Symptoms o f vitiligo Vitiligo varies to include the following types Treatment Treatment with devices (PUVA) Narrow beam UV therapy Laser therapy Surgery treatment Second, decolorization therapy ?Is vitiligo hereditary ?Is vitiligo contagious Pharmaceuticals related to vitiligo New ways to grow skin to treat vitiligo Sources Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim ٢
  • 3. The skin diseases prevalent in the world, speci fi cally known as the demise of the natural color of the skin in the form of clear white spots in the skin, and may be as extensive as it may be in one place spots that make up vitiligo are caused by the loss of colored cells that produce melanin which are found mainly naturally in the skin, hair follicles, mouth (i.e. lips), eyes (eye. color) and , .some of the central nerve parts The quantity and quality of melanin cells are the de fi ning element of skin, hair and eye color that Vitiligo is a chromosomal abnormality caused by the collapse of melanocytes, which produce pigment in the skin, mucous membranes (tissues that line the inside the mouth, nose, and sexual and exit areas), and the retina (the inner layer of the eyeball). As a result of the destruction of these cells, white patches appear on di ff erent parts of the skin on the body. Even hair that grows in the a ff ected areas usually whitens Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim Introduction ٣
  • 4. The main cause of vitiligo is unknown, but doctors believe it is an autoimmune disease that a ff ects the body's immune system, destroying certain cells, and one of the causes of vitiligo can be other medical conditions such as .Hashimoto's disease, an immune disorder that a ff ects the thyroid gland ?Are the types of vitiligo There are several types of vitiligo, and each type depends on the area where the white spots appear, and :how widespread they are. Vitiligo types may include one of the following Generalized Vitiligo: It is the most common type, and occurs when white spots appear, almost all over the .body Segmental Vitiligo: Which Occurs When Vitiligo Is Conv fi ned To One Area Of The Body, Such As The Face Or .Hand .Focal Vitiligo: It is a mild vitiligo, as it occurs when white appears as one spot, and does not spread Trichrome Vitiligo: It occurs when there is a densely colored area, followed by a lighter area, followed by .plain-colored skin Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim ٤
  • 5. Pathogens Justice The true cause of vitigo is not yet known, but the combination of important elements such as immune, .genetic and neurological elements may cause most cases strongly Most patients reported the onset of vitiligo after a severe solar burn, and others linked the onset of their observation of the disease to a psychological or emotional problem they experienced, such as after the .death of a loved one, a divorce, a tragic accident of a car or other human tragedy It is currently commonly believed that vitiligo patients have colored cells that have a natural genetic predisposition to vanishing and disappear, and that this fading occurs with a purely neuroimm immune .mechanism The cause of vitiligo is unknown, but doctors and researchers have several di ff erent theories. One theory is that infected individuals have developed antibodies that break down tamperm cells in their bodies. Another theory says Qatmin cells self-destruct. Finally, some medical reports have stated that conditions such as .sunburn or emotional crises cause vitiligo; however, these reports have not been scienti fi cally proven true Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim ٥
  • 6. Symptoms of vitiligo Individuals who develop vitiligo will usually notice white patches (depigmentation) on the skin. These patches are more common in parts of the body exposed to the sun, such as hands, feet, arms, face, lips. .Other areas where vitiligo appears are the underarms and around the mouth, eyes, navel, and genitals In addition to white skin patches, a ff ected individuals may experience symptoms of premature graying of scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and beard. Black individuals may notice a loss of color inside their mouths Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim The onset of vitiligo can also be slow, as it can spread over years, and may spread very quickly in other people, and it should be .noted that the prevalence of white spots may be related to people's physical and emotional stress ٦
  • 7. :Vitiligo varies to include the following types .Terminal: Places of injury: Lips - limbs - genitals .Di ff use: Includes most of the body - removing the primary color from the entire body in some cases .Cut-o ff : One side of the body follows the proliferation of super fi cial nerves, and is very limited .Macular degeneration: limited - only in several areas of the body .Fixed: It is the state that you settled on for more than a year Köppner's condition disease: Vitiligo spots appear in the places of various wounds and injuries and this .indicates the active condition of the disease .Haema: A white aura surrounding a colored mole – it may be a sign of the onset of the disease Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim ٧
  • 8. Treatment Treatment of vitiligo depends on the type a ff ected by the patient. Macular vitiligo, for example, is considered the easiest :type to treat and the peripheral type is the most di ffi cult, and there are two methods of treatment Color retrieval Color removal First, color retrieval therapy .The color is restored in two ways: either with medication or by surgery :Medication for vitigo is relatively low prevalence Topical treatment: Steroid creams (cortisone) that must be taken under medical supervision to choose the right type of .them and reduce their side e ff ects as much as possible An example of topical drugs is also the prescribing of sooralene compounds with exposure to the sun or ultraviolet A rays, and the drug can be given in the form of a solution that is applied fat to the a ff ected area and then exposed to the .sun or A rays either this or that These drugs make the skin sensitive to ultraviolet radiation in general, and burns may occur and bubbles may form if .sun exposure or ultraviolet radiation is too much ٨
  • 9. .Other topical therapies: pseudoctalis and is still under research As well as vitamin D paint as an adjunct to the success of radiation therapy (sun or ultraviolet) There is some research conducted in 2008 that led to the discovery of a new drug for vitiligo in Cuba extracted from the human placenta, which is a drug discovered before, but now it has been developed in the form of a lotion called (Melagenina Plus). The patient dispenses with infrared sessions, etc. The study stated that it gives a better result to people .Age .Race Area of the a ff ected area .The chronological age of the patient's infection with this disease .Depending on the location of the a ff ected places in the body The correct application of Al-Ula Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim ٩
  • 10. Treatment with devices (PUVA) Soralen is taken in the form of oral pills and after two hours the patient should be exposed to A rays with .PUVA device and it is necessary to continue exposure to these rays 2-3 times a week The drug soralin induces colored cells to move to the places of infection and then produce melanin .again. The response of patients to this treatment varies, but about 75% of patients respond to it well After 2-3 weeks of starting treatment, the condition appears to the patient worse than it was due to natural tanning of the skin and the increase in color contrast between it and the areas a ff ected by vitiligo, but with time, the gradual return of color to the skin begins and the appearance of improvement begins .over the days The patient should apply a solar insulator of 15 or more after treatment, and it is reused after swimming and sweating as well, and special sunglasses should be applied to protect the eye during the exposure .period and the rest of the treatment day It may be used with PUVA antioxidant therapy as some studies have proven to have a role in .repigmentation in some cases A study published in the journal Dermatologic Clinics showed the e ff ectiveness of phototherapy for vitiguity, its lack of mixing and side e ff ects Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim ١٠
  • 11. Narrow beam UV therapy It is a modern treatment and is exposed to narrow ultraviolet B rays and leads to the condition of the .disease to be fi ne-tuned and improved It is by exposing the patient to B rays for a number of seconds at the beginning of the treatment session and .then gradually increases as determined by the doctor in charge of the case Pills are not required as in the case of A-ray therapy and sunglasses are required only during the treatment .session Treatment is on sessions (three sessions per week) and improvement is observed after 15-20 sessions on .average .However, the treatment period may extend to several months depending on the level of condition Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim ١١
  • 12. Laser therapy .There is a laser excimer recently and it treats limited areas but faster Surgery treatment They are relatively recent and take place in cases that do not respond to drug treatments and in limited vitiligo and their results are limited and relapse is possible. Surgery treatment is followed in cases of persistent vitiligo and :there are several methods .Tattoos for some limited cases that do not respond well to other treatments Transplantation of hair immunizations in order to contain hair follicles on more colored cells, but the use of this .particular method limits the appearance of hair in non-hairy areas A copsy is about taking many small graftings from areas of healthy skin and placing them in the areas of the .a ff ected skin .Skin grafts in several ways, the best of which is suction (bubbles) as they often leave no traces Autologous chromosomal cell transplantation Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim ١٢
  • 13. Second, decolorization therapy If the vitiligo patient has more than 50% of the visible areas and the patient does not want to recolor, the color .can be removed with a special cream .The color is removed at 90-95% of patients over a period of one year or more Treatment is fi ne, but sometimes there may be hypersensitivity or non-response to the drug and then .treatment should be discontinued immediately if allergy paints are not of use .After decolorization, the patient should use sunscreen paints for life and avoid exposure to excess sunlight Autologous chromosomal cell transplantation It is the latest surgical treatment method for vitiligo globally where vitamin cells are separated and .concentrated in the laboratory before being replanted in the a ff ected area .This operation is performed in regular clinics (without hospital stays, it takes only about 3 hours It is worth mentioning that the treatment began in this way in America at Yale University and was then developed by the Swedish scientist Mats Olson with a medical team in speci fi c places of the world, including .from the Arab countries and Saudi Arabia, to name a few ١٣
  • 14. ?Is vitiligo hereditary Vitiligo in the family may be transmitted through genetics because genes play an important role in developing it, and about 30% of people with vitiligo have at least one relative as well. However, the disease does not necessarily have to be transmitted from parents to children .directly ?Is vitiligo contagious Vitiligo is a non-communicable disease it is not transmitted from one person to another by any means, it is a painless disease, and has no signi fi cant , health consequences, yet it can have consequences for the patient's psyche Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim ١٤
  • 15. Pharmaceuticals related to vitiligo Methoxalene Amedin Amoydin, amedine Al-Khalin Tri-oxalin The demonic vinegar Retinol, Royal Jelly ‫ميثوكسالني‬ ‫االمويدين‬ ‫األميدين‬ ،‫األمويدين‬ ‫الخلني‬ ‫أوكساالني‬ ‫تري‬ ‫الشيطانية‬ ‫الخلة‬ ‫جيلي‬ ‫رويال‬ ، ‫ريتينول‬ Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim ١٥
  • 16. New ways to grow skin to treat vitiligo In this study, 28 patients with vitiligo, aged between 18-60 years, underwent keratinocyte melanocyte transplantation. The procedure was performed 36 times, and the researchers tracked the results of 29 of them. .The duration of the operation ranged from 30 minutes to 2 hours .The patient is discharged from the hospital on the same day During the process, melanocytes are taken from healthy skin areas and then separated to form a mixture of skin cells, which is later placed in the area of ​​ skin to be treated The treated area, which is about the size of an average credit card, is covered with an adhesive backing made . .especially for this procedure This study was conducted in collaboration between Henry Ford Hospital and the National Vitiligo Center in .Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Read more on the medical website Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim ١٦
  • 17. protection: There is no way to prevent vitiligo; But awareness of the signs is the most important component of addressing the problem. Instructions for people with vitiligo: • Protect the skin from the sun by wearing protective clothing and using sunblock. • Avoid using private tanning beds. • Reducing stress and tension and working on psychological stability. • Avoid exposure to certain chemicals eg in the fi eld of work. • Avoid using unlicensed creams and mixtures. • Staying away from testing treatment based on the experiences of others. Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim ١٧
  • 18. ‫ﻋﺪل‬ .1 by Rabbi Ken Spiro, Retrieved ,.‫مشني‬ ‫باك‬ ‫واي‬ ‫موقع‬ ‫على‬ July 2014 20 ‫محفوظة‬ ‫نسخة‬History Crash Course #36: Timeline: From Abraham to Destruction of the Temple ^ .‫مشني‬ ‫باك‬ ‫واي‬ ‫موقع‬ ‫على‬ 2017 ‫نوفمبر‬ 08 ‫محفوظة‬ ‫نسخة‬ .2010-08-19 .2 .2015 ‫أبريل‬ 22 ‫بتاريخ‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫اطلع‬ .2015 ‫أبريل‬ 30 ‫في‬ ‫األصل‬ ‫من‬ ‫مؤرشف‬ .Vitiligo Causes". Mayoclinic" .(2014 ‫مايو‬ 15) Staff، Mayo Clinic ^ .3 .New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. 2007. ISBN 978-0-07-146690-5. OCLC 154751587 .(7th .‫)ط‬ Vitiligo". Fitzpatrick's dermatology in general medicine .72" ^ .4 .Hamzavi، Iltefat H. (2020-01). "Phototherapy for Vitiligo". Dermatologic Clinics. 38 (1): 55–62. doi:10.1016/j.det.2019.08.005. ISSN 1558-0520. PMID 31753192 ‫؛‬Zubair، Raheel ^ .2021 ‫يونيو‬ 9 ‫في‬ ‫األصل‬ ‫من‬ ‫مؤرشف‬ .5 .08-06-2021 ‫بتاريخ‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫اطلع‬ .09-06-2021 ‫في‬ ‫األصل‬ ‫من‬ ‫مؤرشف‬ .‫ناو‬ ‫جمال‬ ."‫وبعدها‬ ‫العملية‬ ‫قبل‬ ‫صور‬ ،‫وإيجابيات‬ ‫سلبيات‬ ،‫التحضيرات‬ ،‫األنواع‬ ،‫التكلفة‬ :‫البهاق‬ ‫"عالج‬ ^ Under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Sobhani, Professor of Immunology, Azad University (Sciences and Investigations), and prepared by the student, Mortada Thajeel Jassim Sources .Medicine Net. Vitiligo (Skin Fading). Retrieved on the 24th of February, 2022 [1] Melissa Conrad Stöppler. Vitiligo and Loss of Skin Color. Retrieved on the 24th of February, [2] .2022 .Erica Roth. What Is Vitiligo? Retrieved on the 24th of February, 2022 [3] .Cleveland Clinic. Vitiligo. Retrieved on the 24th of February, 2022 [4] .National Health Services NHS .Vitiligo. Retrieved on the 24th of February, 2022 [5] ١٨