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Visualized Treatment Objective(VTO)
Presented by: Dr. Shriya Murarka
Guided by: Dr. Sunita Shrivastav Ma’am
• Definition
• Types
1. Clinical VTO
2. Cephalometric VTO
3. Dental VTO
4. Surgical VTO
 Paper Surgery
 Digital VTO
• Summary
• Conclusion
• References
12/19/2020 2
• A treatment planning and communication aid that may be used to define the tooth
movements and / or surgical changes required to achieve the desired facial goals.
• Holdaway coined the term visualized treatment objectives.
• A visual treatment objective is like a blue print used in building a house.
• It is a visual plan to forecast the normal growth of the patient and the anticipated
influences of treatment, to establish the individual objectives that are to be achieved
for that patient.( Ricketts)
12/19/2020 3
Jacobson and Sadowsky have outlined the
accomplishments of VTO
1. Predicts growth over an estimated
treatment time, based on the
individual morphogenetic pattern.
2. Analyzes the soft tissue facial profile.
3. Graphically plans the best soft tissue
facial profile for the particular
4. Determines favorable incisor
repositioning, based on an “ideal”
projected soft tissue facial profile.
5. Assists in determining total arch
length discrepancy when taking into
account “cephalometric correction.”
6. Aids in determining between
extraction and non-extraction treatment.
7. Aids in deciding which teeth to
extract, if extractions are indicated.
8. Assists in planning treatment
9. Assists in deciding which cases are
more suited to surgical and/or surgical-
orthodontic correction.
10. It provides a visual goal or objective
for which to strive during treatment
12/19/2020Jacobson A, Sadowsky PL. A visualized treatment objective. J Clin Orthod 1980;14:554-71. 4
Advantages of the VTO
1. Establishment of specific treatment
2. Formulation of specific treatment
plan to reach treatment goals.
3. Assistance in making midtreatment
4. Assistance in determining if an ideal
treatment result is attainable
5. Enhancing communication between
patients and clinicians..
6. Allowing quantification of proposed
movements to reduce the difficulties in
planning a facial response to different
7. Allowing rapid comparisons of
different treatment options before
arriving at a final treatment plan.
Visual Treatment Objective: A Review. Indian Journal of Dental Advancements [Internet]. 2018 Sep 30 [cited 2020 Apr
13];10(3). Available from: 5
12/19/2020 6
Clinical Cephalometric
Non surgical
Paper surgery
Digital VTO
Clinical VTO
By Frankel
Clinical VTO
• This gives the operator an excellent clue to as
to whether the functional appliance that
postures the mandible forward will improve the
facial appearance and profile.
• Step 1: Habbitual occlusion
• Step 2 : posture the mandible forward into
correct sagittal relationship, reducing the
Orofacial Orthopedics with the functional Regulator; Frankel F, 7.2,53; 12/19/2020 8
If this clinical exercise makes the facial
balance look better, the functional
appliance will probably be beneficial.
The photograph taken can be used to
motivate the patient to an achievable
treatment goal.
12/19/2020 9
• If the profile is not improved by
forward mandibular positioning or is
actually made worse other forms of
treatment may probably be needed.
• Obviously a cursory visualization is
no substitute for cephalometric
analysis to determine the best
possible appliance.
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Cephalometric VTO • It is a cephalometric tracing
representing the changes that are
expected during treatment.
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Holdaway’s VTO
Ricketts’ VTO
Rickett’s VTO
It is presented in the following sequence
• Cranial base prediction
• Mandibular growth prediction
• Maxillary growth prediction
• Occlusal plane position
• Location of dentition
• Soft tissue of the face
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1) Cranial base prediction
• Place the tracing paper over the
original tracing.
• Starting at the CC point following
steps are used to construct the cranial
• Trace the basion nasion line. Grow the
nasion 1mm / year (grow for the
estimated amount of time). Grow
basion 1mm / year. Slide tracing back
so nasion coincide and trace nasion
back. Slide tracing forward so the
basion coincides and trace basion area
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2) Mandibular growth prediction :
• Construction of mandible in its new
position starts with the rotation of
• Rotation : Mandible either opens or closes
from the effects of mechanics used & with
facial pattern.
With mechanics :
• Convexity reduction – facial axis open 1 ̊̊
for 5mm
• Molar correction – facial axis open by 1 ̊
for 3 mm
• Overbite correction – facial axis open 1 ̊ for
• Cross bite correction – facial axis open by
1 ̊ to 1 ½ ̊
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• Now go to the original tracing
• Superimpose at basion along the
basion-nasion plane.
• Using Dc point rotate up at nasion to
open the bite and rotate down at
nasion to close the bite.
• This rotation depends on anticipated
treatment effects.
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Condylar axis and corpus axis growth
Trace the condylar axis, coronoid process
and condyle.
• On the condylar axis make mark 1mm
per year down from point DC.
• Slide the mark up to the basion nasion
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• Extend the condylar axis to the Xi
point, locating a new Xi point.
• With the old and new Xi points
coinciding, flare corpus axis, extend it
2mm per year forward of the old PM
point (PM point moves forward 2mm /
year in normal growth).
12/19/2020 17
Symphysis construction
• go to original tracing
• Slide back along the corpus axis
superimposing the new and old PM
• Trace the symphysis and draw in
mandibular plane.
• Construct the facial plane from NA to
• Construct a facial axis from CC to Gn.
(where facial plane and mandibular
plane cross)
12/19/2020 18
3) Maxillary growth prediction
• Return to original tracing
• To locate the new maxilla within the
face, superimpose at nasion along the
facial plane and divide the distance
between the original and new mentons
into third by drawing two marks.
12/19/2020 19
• To outline the body of maxilla,
superimpose mark # 1 (superior mark)
on the original menton along the facial
• Trace the palate (with exception of
point A).
12/19/2020 20
Point A change related to BA-NA
• Point A changes with various
mechanics (maximum change)
• Head gear - 8mm
• Class II elastics - 3mm
• Activator - 2mm
• Torque - 1-2 mm
• Class III elastics + 2to 3 mm
• Face mask + 2 to 4 mm
12/19/2020 21
As point A changes as a result of growth
and mechanics, Point A and a new APO
plane are drawn by following steps.
• Return to original tracing
• Point A altered distally with
treatment – for each mm of distal
movement. Point ‘A’ will drop ½ mm
12/19/2020 22
4)Occlusal Plane
• Superimpose mark # 2
on original menton and
facial plane, then
parallel mandibular
planes rotating at
• Construct a occlusal
plane (may tip 3 degrees
either way depending on
class II or class III
12/19/2020 23
5) Dentition
Lower incisor :
• it is placed in relation to the Symphysis of
mandible, the occlusal plane and APO plane
• Return to original tracing
• Superimpose on the corpus axis at PM.
Place a dot representing the tip of the lower
incisor ideal position which is 1mm above
the occlusal plane and 1mm in front of the
APO plane.
• Aligning over the original incisor outline
draw the lower incisor in final position. The
angle is at 22 ̊ at 1mm to the APO plane
and +1mm to the occlusal plane
• but the angle increases 2 ̊ with each mm of
12/19/2020 24
Lower molar :
• Without treatment, the lower molars
will erupt directly upwards to the new
occlusal plane.
• With treatment 1mm of molar
movement equals 2mm of arch length.
• Superimpose lower molar on the new
occlusal plane at the new molar
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Upper molar
• Return to original tracing
• Trace the upper molar in good class
I relationship to the lower molar by
using old molar as template.
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Upper incisors : place upper incisors in
good overbite
• Overbite position (2 ½mm of overbite
and overjet) with an interincisal angle
of 130 ̊̊ ± 10 .
• In open bite pattern, keep a greater
• In deep bite pattern, keep at a lesser
• Do this by using the original incisor as
12/19/2020 27
a) Nose
• Superimposed at nasion along facial
plane and palatal plane, the prediction
is moved back 1 mm/year along the
palatal plane, and the tip of the nose is
traced fading into bridge.
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6) Soft tissue tracing
• Superimpose along the facial plane at
occlusal plane.
• Divide the horizontal distance between
the original and new upper incisor tips
into thirds by using two marks.
• Soft tissue point ‘A’ remains at the same
relationship to point A as in the original
• superimpose new and old point A, and
make a mark at soft tissue point A.
• Keeping the occlusal planes parallel,
superimpose mark # 1 (posterior mark)
on the tip of original incisor slide
forwards by 2/3 rd. Trace the upper lip
connecting with point ‘A’.
12/19/2020 29
Lower lip, point B, soft tissue chin :
• In constructing the lower lip
• Bisect overjet and overbite of the
original tracing and mark a point.
• Then bisect the overjet and overbite of
the V.T.O. and mark the point.
• Superimpose interincisal points
keeping occlusal planes parallel and
trace lower lip and soft tissue B point.
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Completed tracing with superimposition
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12 sequential steps
Plane of reference is Sn plane
Step 1: Copying original tracing
a) The frontonasal area
b) The sella nasion line
c) The nasion point A line
• Step 2:
A) Superimpose SN line.
B) Move the tracing to show expected
growth. Copy the sella outline.
C) copy or change facial axis.
Holdaway, R. A. (1984). A soft-tissue cephalometric analysis and its use in orthodontic treatment planning. Part II. American
Journal of Orthodontics, 85(4), 279–293. doi:10.1016/0002-9416(84)90185-4
12/19/2020 32
Holdaway’s VTO
Step 3: Vertical growth of mandible
determining anterior facial height
a) Superimpose VTO tracing on SN
line.Move VTO SN line above
original SN
b) copy the anterior portion of the
mandible, including the symphysis
and anterior half of the lower border.
Also draw the soft-tissue chin
c) Copy the Downs mandibular plane
Step 4 : Anteroposterior growth of
mandible, determining the posterior
a) superimpose on the mandibular
plane and move the VT0 forward
until the original sella and the VT0
sella are in a vertical relation.
b) with the tracing in this position, copy
the gonial angle, the posterior
border, and the ramus.
c) superimpose on sella to complete the
12/19/2020 33
• Step 5: Maxilla and Lower nose
a) Superimpose the VTO NA line on the
original NA line and move the VTO up
until 40% of the total growth is
expressed above the SN line and 60%
below the mandible.
b) With the tracing in this position, copy
the maxilla to include the posterior
two thirds of the hard palate, PNS to
ANS to 3 mm below ANS.
c) with the tracing in this same position,
complete the nose outline around the
tip to the middle of the inferior surface.
• Step 6: Occlusal Plane
a) with the VT0 still superimposed on the
line NA, move the VT0 so that vertical
growth between the maxilla and the
mandible is expressed 50% above the
maxilla and 50% below the mandible.
b) with the tracing in this position, copy
the occlusal plan.
12/19/2020 34
Step 7: Lip contour
a) line up a straight-edge tangent to the
chin and angle it back to a point where
there is a 3 to 3.5 mm measurement to
the superior sulcus outline of the
original tracing and draw the H line to
b) with the tracing still superimposed on
the maxilla and line NA and using the
occlusal plane as a guide for the lip
embrasure, draw the upper lip from
the vermilion border to the embrasure.
Then from the point on the lower
border of the nose where its outline
stopped on the VTO, draw in the
superior sulcus area. This is a gradual
draping to the new vermilion border
Textbook of craniofacial growth; Shreedhar premkumar;Growth prediction;206 12/19/2020 35
Step 8: Upper incisor position
a) Lip strain
b) Upper lip change
c) Maxillary incisor rebound
12/19/2020 36
Step 9: Lower incisor position
• superimpose the VTO on the
mandibular plane and symphysis.
Using the template, reposition
the lower incisor to be in ideal
retention occlusion with the
maxillary incisor, using the
occlusal plane as a guide and by
tipping the tooth about the apex
unless bodily movement is needed
to improve the form of the inferior
sulcus area.
• Amount of lower incisor
Total discrepancy= (2*lower incisor
movement)+Crowding(calculated by
model analysis)
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Step 10: Lower molar position
With the tracing superimposed on the
mandibular plane and symphysis and
using the occlusal plane as a vertical
guide, draw the lower molar where it
must be to eliminate remaining space if
extractions must be part of the
treatment plan.
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Step 11: Upper molar position
• First, using the occlusal plane and the
lower first molar as a guide, with a
tooth template, position the upper first
molar in ideal Class I occlusion with
the lower first molar.
• Second, superimposing tracings on the
original NA line and the outline of the
maxilla, evaluate the extent of upper
molar movement.
12/19/2020 39
Step 12: Point A
• The position of Point A is assessed by
the best fit of the maxilla.
• Drastic change when bodily movement
of upper incisors or orthopedic
• Change is analysed and drawn
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Completed tracing
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Disadvantages of cephalometric VTO
• Only 2 Dimensions
• Growth behavior can be observed only relative to an arbitrarily chosen
point location and reference line
• Growth behavior of an individual differs greatly when studied by
different radiographic methods.
• Cephalic regions with little or no growth may appear to rotate or
translate with respect fixed reference point
• Incapable of correctly depicting time related changes of biologic shape or
of changes in location of shapes ; only anecdotal observations are
12/19/2020 42
Dental VTO
Dental VTO
• The dental V.T.O was designed to provide organized and simplified information
to help in diagnosis, treatment planning and extraction / non- extraction
• It should be used as a adjunct and not substitute for conventional
Cephalometric analysis.
• It takes little time to complete and occupies only a small part of the treatment
card. Dental V.T.O. provides specific information concerning the movements of
the midlines, canines and molars after desired incisor position has been
• It can be used for both orthodontic cases (using three charts) and surgical
cases (using five charts).
The Dental VTO: An Analysis of Orthodontic Tooth Movement
12/19/2020 44
3 charts for
orthodontic case
12/19/2020 45
12/19/2020 46
1. Midline-molar position
• Chart 1 : provided to record midline
and molar relationship. It is essential
that these factors be recorded with the
mandible in centric relation.
• Arrows are used to record the direction
of class II or class III molar
relationship and left or right midline
deviation. Midline deviations due to
functional side shifts are not recorded,
since they represent deviation from
centric relation. (CR)
12/19/2020 47
2. Lower arch discrepancy
Chart 2 :
• It records lower arch discrepancy in
two columns. The 3 to 3 column on the
left, for factors occurring from canine
to canine and the 7 to 7 column on
right ; for factors related to the entire
lower arch.
• Each column is further divided into
right and left sides.
12/19/2020 48
• Completed chart
• The decision was made for all 4 1st
premolar extraction.
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Chart 3 : Planning the
proposed dental movements
• provides specific information on the planned
movements of the midlines, canines and
• Lower midline correction : this is based on
the original lower dental midline position
recorded in chart 1.
• Lower canine movements : this is based on
the remaining discrepancy in chart 2. If
there is a negative value then the canine
should move to an equivalent amount. A
positive value requires a mesial movement of
the canine.
12/19/2020 50
• Lower premolar / molar space : this is
space gained in the premolar, molar area
by procedures like stripping, extraction,
expansion and distalization of molars.
• Lower first molar movements : this
movement is based on the required
movement of canine and available space
in premolar region.
• Upper first molar movement : the
planned movement in the upper arch is
based on the initial molar relationship
recorded in chart 1 and the movement
recorded for the lower molars. (This
calculation does not take into account
the growth changes)
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12/19/2020 52
Pre post
12/19/2020 53
Dental VTO for surgical case
• Midline molar position
• Lower arch discrepancy
• Proposed Lower arch dental
• Upper arch discrepancy
• Proposed Upper arch dental
Proposed Upper Arch Movement
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12/19/2020 55
Chart 1: Recording the initial position of molars and
12/19/2020 56
Chart 2: Recording
lower arch
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Chart 3: Planning the lower arch tooth movement
12/19/2020 58
Chart 4: Recording
upper arch
12/19/2020 59
Chart 5: Planning the upper arch tooth movement
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12/19/2020 64
Surgical VTO
• It was Wolford (1985) who used the VTO for surgical-orthodontic treatment
planning and coined the term Surgical Treatment Objective (STO).
Uses of an STO: (Taylor 1998)
Plan dental movements.
 Assess need for extractions
Plan mechanics.
Plan type of surgery and nature of osteotomies.
A basis for communication, informed consenting, splint construction.
Provides a reasonable prediction of soft tissue changes, that can provide a basis
for computer imaging.
Wolford, al STO prediction tracing. 1985 Mosby, St.Louis
Taylor, P. In ‘orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics’ Ch.
12/19/2020 66
The objective of treatment simulation is to allow the clinician to visualize and
manipulate the skeletal and dental structures, so to compare different treatment
• Paper surgery method has been in use for the past 20 years.
• Acetate tracings of skeletal structures are manually repositioned over the
original cephalometric tracing to simulate the proposed surgical movements.
• The post-treatment soft tissue outcome is established by using acceptable
guidelines for the ratio of soft to hard tissue changes.
12/19/2020 67
Class II case
Class II Division 1 malocclusion with
normognathic maxilla and retrognathic
mandible and horizontal growth pattern
with convex profile
Mandibular length short by 5mm.
12/19/2020 68
Tracing of maxilla
and mandible
12/19/2020 69
Correction by mandibular
12/19/2020 70
Class III case
• Angles’s class III malocclusion with
retrognathic maxilla and prognathic
mandible with horizontal growth
pattern and concave profile
• Mandibular length excess by 10 mm
with anteriorly positioned with saddle
angle of 116
• with normally positioned maxilla and
decreased length by 10 mm.
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Tracing of maxilla
12/19/2020 72
Tracing of mandible
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Maxillary advancement
and mandibular setback
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The major weaknesses of this technique is that:
• Variables in soft tissue thickness, tonicity, individual responses
• Differences in the surgeon’s manipulation will introduce
uncertainties that make soft tissue prediction more of an ‘art’ form.
• The ‘line drawing’ produced by this approach is an inadequate
means by which to portray the proposed result to the patient.
12/19/2020 75
Digital VTO
• Computerised diagnostic and planning software that produced a soft tissue profile ‘line
drawing’ as a result of manipulation of digitised structures of lateral cephalometric
• Using any of the commercially available programmes, the clinician can simulate
surgical movements on the screen and rapidly compare different treatment options.
• Hard copies can then be used as visual aids in treatment planning. This method of
prediction is no more accurate than manual predictions as the computer predictions are
based on the same guidelines and the resultant line drawing is still lacking in providing
a lifelike aesthetic representation.
12/19/2020 76
• Computerised diagnostic and planning
software that integrates video images
with the patient’s lateral cephalograph to
aid in planning and predicting surgical
orthodontic procedures
• Visualisation of facial changes is
enhanced as is patient/clinician
communication; alternative treatment
plans can be evaluated with ease, and
realistic patient expectations may be
Orthognathic Prediction Software
There are numerous programmes available
for the analyses and prediction of
orthognathic treatment:
• OPAL image version 2.2
• Dolphin imaging 10
• Dentofacial Planner 8.05
• Quick Ceph Image
• Computer assisted simulation system for
Orthognathic surgery (CASSOS)
12/19/2020 77
Advantages of digital imaging over other prediction
• The image facilitates communication between clinician and patient by
establishing visual treatment goals for orthodontics and surgery. By
involving the patient in the decision of treatment options, acceptance of
the treatment outcome should be improved.
• Valuable aid in treatment planing decisions by providing a maniputable
image for the orthodontist and surgeons to decide on the best soft tissue
outcome. This technique is also helpful on deciding the necessity of
adjunctive soft tissue procedures
12/19/2020 78
• In order to use a computer programme
to plan orthognathic treatment, the
radiograph needs to be digitised prior
to analysis. Two methods are described
1. Direct computer digitisation of the
The radiograph is placed onto a
digitising light box. Anatomical points
are entered into computer using a cursor
or electronic pen
2. Indirect computer digitisation of the
• Image is captured (scanned image or
true digital image) and stored on the
computer. Image displayed in
orthognathic programme and digitised
using a cursor.
12/19/2020 79
Case example for surgical
Extraoral Photos
Intraoral Photos
12/19/2020 82
12/19/2020 83
Cephalometric surgery
Manual method
Nemoceph Tracings
Pre Surgical VTO
• Jacobson A, Sadowsky PL. A visualized treatment objective. J Clin Orthod
• Visual Treatment Objective: A Review. Indian Journal of Dental Advancements
[Internet]. 2018 Sep 30 [cited 2020 Apr 13];10(3). Available from:
• William Arnet; Facial and dental planning for Orthodontists and Oral surgeons
12/19/2020 88
12/19/2020 89

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Visualized treatment objective(vto)

  • 1. Visualized Treatment Objective(VTO) Presented by: Dr. Shriya Murarka Guided by: Dr. Sunita Shrivastav Ma’am
  • 2. Content • Definition • Types 1. Clinical VTO 2. Cephalometric VTO 3. Dental VTO 4. Surgical VTO  Paper Surgery  Digital VTO • Summary • Conclusion • References 12/19/2020 2
  • 3. Introduction • A treatment planning and communication aid that may be used to define the tooth movements and / or surgical changes required to achieve the desired facial goals. • Holdaway coined the term visualized treatment objectives. • A visual treatment objective is like a blue print used in building a house. • It is a visual plan to forecast the normal growth of the patient and the anticipated influences of treatment, to establish the individual objectives that are to be achieved for that patient.( Ricketts) 12/19/2020 3
  • 4. Jacobson and Sadowsky have outlined the accomplishments of VTO 1. Predicts growth over an estimated treatment time, based on the individual morphogenetic pattern. 2. Analyzes the soft tissue facial profile. 3. Graphically plans the best soft tissue facial profile for the particular patient. 4. Determines favorable incisor repositioning, based on an “ideal” projected soft tissue facial profile. 5. Assists in determining total arch length discrepancy when taking into account “cephalometric correction.” 6. Aids in determining between extraction and non-extraction treatment. 7. Aids in deciding which teeth to extract, if extractions are indicated. 8. Assists in planning treatment mechanics. 9. Assists in deciding which cases are more suited to surgical and/or surgical- orthodontic correction. 10. It provides a visual goal or objective for which to strive during treatment 12/19/2020Jacobson A, Sadowsky PL. A visualized treatment objective. J Clin Orthod 1980;14:554-71. 4
  • 5. Advantages of the VTO 1. Establishment of specific treatment goals. 2. Formulation of specific treatment plan to reach treatment goals. 3. Assistance in making midtreatment correction. 4. Assistance in determining if an ideal treatment result is attainable orthodontically/surgically. 5. Enhancing communication between patients and clinicians.. 6. Allowing quantification of proposed movements to reduce the difficulties in planning a facial response to different movements 7. Allowing rapid comparisons of different treatment options before arriving at a final treatment plan. 12/19/2020 Visual Treatment Objective: A Review. Indian Journal of Dental Advancements [Internet]. 2018 Sep 30 [cited 2020 Apr 13];10(3). Available from: 5
  • 6. 12/19/2020 6 VTO Clinical Cephalometric Holdaway Rickett Dental Non surgical Surgical Surgical Paper surgery Digital VTO
  • 8. Clinical VTO • This gives the operator an excellent clue to as to whether the functional appliance that postures the mandible forward will improve the facial appearance and profile. • Step 1: Habbitual occlusion • Step 2 : posture the mandible forward into correct sagittal relationship, reducing the overjet Orofacial Orthopedics with the functional Regulator; Frankel F, 7.2,53; 12/19/2020 8
  • 9. If this clinical exercise makes the facial balance look better, the functional appliance will probably be beneficial. The photograph taken can be used to motivate the patient to an achievable treatment goal. 12/19/2020 9
  • 10. • If the profile is not improved by forward mandibular positioning or is actually made worse other forms of treatment may probably be needed. • Obviously a cursory visualization is no substitute for cephalometric analysis to determine the best possible appliance. 12/19/2020 10
  • 11. Cephalometric VTO • It is a cephalometric tracing representing the changes that are expected during treatment. 12/19/2020 11 Holdaway’s VTO •1957 Ricketts’ VTO •1984
  • 12. Rickett’s VTO It is presented in the following sequence • Cranial base prediction • Mandibular growth prediction • Maxillary growth prediction • Occlusal plane position • Location of dentition • Soft tissue of the face 12/19/2020 12
  • 13. 1) Cranial base prediction • Place the tracing paper over the original tracing. • Starting at the CC point following steps are used to construct the cranial base. • Trace the basion nasion line. Grow the nasion 1mm / year (grow for the estimated amount of time). Grow basion 1mm / year. Slide tracing back so nasion coincide and trace nasion back. Slide tracing forward so the basion coincides and trace basion area . 12/19/2020 13
  • 14. 2) Mandibular growth prediction : • Construction of mandible in its new position starts with the rotation of mandible. • Rotation : Mandible either opens or closes from the effects of mechanics used & with facial pattern. With mechanics : • Convexity reduction – facial axis open 1 ̊̊ for 5mm • Molar correction – facial axis open by 1 ̊ for 3 mm • Overbite correction – facial axis open 1 ̊ for 4mm • Cross bite correction – facial axis open by 1 ̊ to 1 ½ ̊ 12/19/2020 14
  • 15. • Now go to the original tracing • Superimpose at basion along the basion-nasion plane. • Using Dc point rotate up at nasion to open the bite and rotate down at nasion to close the bite. • This rotation depends on anticipated treatment effects. 12/19/2020 15
  • 16. Condylar axis and corpus axis growth Trace the condylar axis, coronoid process and condyle. • On the condylar axis make mark 1mm per year down from point DC. • Slide the mark up to the basion nasion line 12/19/2020 16
  • 17. • Extend the condylar axis to the Xi point, locating a new Xi point. • With the old and new Xi points coinciding, flare corpus axis, extend it 2mm per year forward of the old PM point (PM point moves forward 2mm / year in normal growth). 12/19/2020 17
  • 18. Symphysis construction • go to original tracing • Slide back along the corpus axis superimposing the new and old PM points. • Trace the symphysis and draw in mandibular plane. • Construct the facial plane from NA to PO. • Construct a facial axis from CC to Gn. (where facial plane and mandibular plane cross) 12/19/2020 18
  • 19. 3) Maxillary growth prediction • Return to original tracing • To locate the new maxilla within the face, superimpose at nasion along the facial plane and divide the distance between the original and new mentons into third by drawing two marks. 12/19/2020 19
  • 20. • To outline the body of maxilla, superimpose mark # 1 (superior mark) on the original menton along the facial plane • Trace the palate (with exception of point A). 12/19/2020 20
  • 21. Point A change related to BA-NA • Point A changes with various mechanics (maximum change) • Head gear - 8mm • Class II elastics - 3mm • Activator - 2mm • Torque - 1-2 mm • Class III elastics + 2to 3 mm • Face mask + 2 to 4 mm 12/19/2020 21
  • 22. As point A changes as a result of growth and mechanics, Point A and a new APO plane are drawn by following steps. • Return to original tracing • Point A altered distally with treatment – for each mm of distal movement. Point ‘A’ will drop ½ mm 12/19/2020 22
  • 23. 4)Occlusal Plane • Superimpose mark # 2 on original menton and facial plane, then parallel mandibular planes rotating at menton. • Construct a occlusal plane (may tip 3 degrees either way depending on class II or class III treatment) 12/19/2020 23
  • 24. 5) Dentition Lower incisor : • it is placed in relation to the Symphysis of mandible, the occlusal plane and APO plane • Return to original tracing • Superimpose on the corpus axis at PM. Place a dot representing the tip of the lower incisor ideal position which is 1mm above the occlusal plane and 1mm in front of the APO plane. • Aligning over the original incisor outline draw the lower incisor in final position. The angle is at 22 ̊ at 1mm to the APO plane and +1mm to the occlusal plane • but the angle increases 2 ̊ with each mm of compromise 12/19/2020 24
  • 25. Lower molar : • Without treatment, the lower molars will erupt directly upwards to the new occlusal plane. • With treatment 1mm of molar movement equals 2mm of arch length. • Superimpose lower molar on the new occlusal plane at the new molar position 12/19/2020 25
  • 26. Upper molar • Return to original tracing • Trace the upper molar in good class I relationship to the lower molar by using old molar as template. 12/19/2020 26
  • 27. Upper incisors : place upper incisors in good overbite • Overbite position (2 ½mm of overbite and overjet) with an interincisal angle of 130 ̊̊ ± 10 . • In open bite pattern, keep a greater angle • In deep bite pattern, keep at a lesser angle. • Do this by using the original incisor as template. 12/19/2020 27
  • 28. a) Nose • Superimposed at nasion along facial plane and palatal plane, the prediction is moved back 1 mm/year along the palatal plane, and the tip of the nose is traced fading into bridge. 12/19/2020 28 6) Soft tissue tracing
  • 29. • Superimpose along the facial plane at occlusal plane. • Divide the horizontal distance between the original and new upper incisor tips into thirds by using two marks. • Soft tissue point ‘A’ remains at the same relationship to point A as in the original tracing • superimpose new and old point A, and make a mark at soft tissue point A. • Keeping the occlusal planes parallel, superimpose mark # 1 (posterior mark) on the tip of original incisor slide forwards by 2/3 rd. Trace the upper lip connecting with point ‘A’. 12/19/2020 29
  • 30. Lower lip, point B, soft tissue chin : • In constructing the lower lip • Bisect overjet and overbite of the original tracing and mark a point. • Then bisect the overjet and overbite of the V.T.O. and mark the point. • Superimpose interincisal points keeping occlusal planes parallel and trace lower lip and soft tissue B point. 12/19/2020 30
  • 31. Completed tracing with superimposition 12/19/2020 31
  • 32. 12 sequential steps Plane of reference is Sn plane Step 1: Copying original tracing a) The frontonasal area b) The sella nasion line c) The nasion point A line • Step 2: A) Superimpose SN line. B) Move the tracing to show expected growth. Copy the sella outline. C) copy or change facial axis. Holdaway, R. A. (1984). A soft-tissue cephalometric analysis and its use in orthodontic treatment planning. Part II. American Journal of Orthodontics, 85(4), 279–293. doi:10.1016/0002-9416(84)90185-4 12/19/2020 32 Holdaway’s VTO
  • 33. Step 3: Vertical growth of mandible determining anterior facial height a) Superimpose VTO tracing on SN line.Move VTO SN line above original SN b) copy the anterior portion of the mandible, including the symphysis and anterior half of the lower border. Also draw the soft-tissue chin c) Copy the Downs mandibular plane Step 4 : Anteroposterior growth of mandible, determining the posterior border a) superimpose on the mandibular plane and move the VT0 forward until the original sella and the VT0 sella are in a vertical relation. b) with the tracing in this position, copy the gonial angle, the posterior border, and the ramus. c) superimpose on sella to complete the condyle. 12/19/2020 33
  • 34. • Step 5: Maxilla and Lower nose a) Superimpose the VTO NA line on the original NA line and move the VTO up until 40% of the total growth is expressed above the SN line and 60% below the mandible. b) With the tracing in this position, copy the maxilla to include the posterior two thirds of the hard palate, PNS to ANS to 3 mm below ANS. c) with the tracing in this same position, complete the nose outline around the tip to the middle of the inferior surface. • Step 6: Occlusal Plane a) with the VT0 still superimposed on the line NA, move the VT0 so that vertical growth between the maxilla and the mandible is expressed 50% above the maxilla and 50% below the mandible. b) with the tracing in this position, copy the occlusal plan. 12/19/2020 34
  • 35. Step 7: Lip contour a) line up a straight-edge tangent to the chin and angle it back to a point where there is a 3 to 3.5 mm measurement to the superior sulcus outline of the original tracing and draw the H line to this. b) with the tracing still superimposed on the maxilla and line NA and using the occlusal plane as a guide for the lip embrasure, draw the upper lip from the vermilion border to the embrasure. Then from the point on the lower border of the nose where its outline stopped on the VTO, draw in the superior sulcus area. This is a gradual draping to the new vermilion border outline. Textbook of craniofacial growth; Shreedhar premkumar;Growth prediction;206 12/19/2020 35
  • 36. Step 8: Upper incisor position a) Lip strain b) Upper lip change c) Maxillary incisor rebound 12/19/2020 36
  • 37. Step 9: Lower incisor position • superimpose the VTO on the mandibular plane and symphysis. Using the template, reposition the lower incisor to be in ideal retention occlusion with the maxillary incisor, using the occlusal plane as a guide and by tipping the tooth about the apex unless bodily movement is needed to improve the form of the inferior sulcus area. • Amount of lower incisor movement Total discrepancy= (2*lower incisor movement)+Crowding(calculated by model analysis) 12/19/2020 37
  • 38. Step 10: Lower molar position With the tracing superimposed on the mandibular plane and symphysis and using the occlusal plane as a vertical guide, draw the lower molar where it must be to eliminate remaining space if extractions must be part of the treatment plan. 12/19/2020 38
  • 39. Step 11: Upper molar position • First, using the occlusal plane and the lower first molar as a guide, with a tooth template, position the upper first molar in ideal Class I occlusion with the lower first molar. • Second, superimposing tracings on the original NA line and the outline of the maxilla, evaluate the extent of upper molar movement. 12/19/2020 39
  • 40. Step 12: Point A • The position of Point A is assessed by the best fit of the maxilla. • Drastic change when bodily movement of upper incisors or orthopedic appliance • Change is analysed and drawn 12/19/2020 40
  • 42. Disadvantages of cephalometric VTO • Only 2 Dimensions • Growth behavior can be observed only relative to an arbitrarily chosen point location and reference line • Growth behavior of an individual differs greatly when studied by different radiographic methods. • Cephalic regions with little or no growth may appear to rotate or translate with respect fixed reference point • Incapable of correctly depicting time related changes of biologic shape or of changes in location of shapes ; only anecdotal observations are possible 12/19/2020 42
  • 44. Dental VTO • The dental V.T.O was designed to provide organized and simplified information to help in diagnosis, treatment planning and extraction / non- extraction decision. • It should be used as a adjunct and not substitute for conventional Cephalometric analysis. • It takes little time to complete and occupies only a small part of the treatment card. Dental V.T.O. provides specific information concerning the movements of the midlines, canines and molars after desired incisor position has been established. • It can be used for both orthodontic cases (using three charts) and surgical cases (using five charts). The Dental VTO: An Analysis of Orthodontic Tooth Movement RICHARD P. McLAUGHLIN; JOHN C. BENNETT; JCO, July 1999 12/19/2020 44
  • 45. 3 charts for orthodontic case 12/19/2020 45
  • 47. 1. Midline-molar position • Chart 1 : provided to record midline and molar relationship. It is essential that these factors be recorded with the mandible in centric relation. • Arrows are used to record the direction of class II or class III molar relationship and left or right midline deviation. Midline deviations due to functional side shifts are not recorded, since they represent deviation from centric relation. (CR) 12/19/2020 47
  • 48. 2. Lower arch discrepancy Chart 2 : • It records lower arch discrepancy in two columns. The 3 to 3 column on the left, for factors occurring from canine to canine and the 7 to 7 column on right ; for factors related to the entire lower arch. • Each column is further divided into right and left sides. 12/19/2020 48
  • 49. • Completed chart • The decision was made for all 4 1st premolar extraction. 12/19/2020 49
  • 50. Chart 3 : Planning the proposed dental movements • provides specific information on the planned movements of the midlines, canines and molars. • Lower midline correction : this is based on the original lower dental midline position recorded in chart 1. • Lower canine movements : this is based on the remaining discrepancy in chart 2. If there is a negative value then the canine should move to an equivalent amount. A positive value requires a mesial movement of the canine. 12/19/2020 50
  • 51. • Lower premolar / molar space : this is space gained in the premolar, molar area by procedures like stripping, extraction, expansion and distalization of molars. • Lower first molar movements : this movement is based on the required movement of canine and available space in premolar region. • Upper first molar movement : the planned movement in the upper arch is based on the initial molar relationship recorded in chart 1 and the movement recorded for the lower molars. (This calculation does not take into account the growth changes) 12/19/2020 51
  • 54. Dental VTO for surgical case • Midline molar position • Lower arch discrepancy • Proposed Lower arch dental movements • Upper arch discrepancy • Proposed Upper arch dental movements Proposed Upper Arch Movement
  • 56. Chart 1: Recording the initial position of molars and canine 12/19/2020 56
  • 57. Chart 2: Recording lower arch discrepancy 12/19/2020 57
  • 58. Chart 3: Planning the lower arch tooth movement 12/19/2020 58
  • 59. Chart 4: Recording upper arch discrepancy 12/19/2020 59
  • 60. Chart 5: Planning the upper arch tooth movement 12/19/2020 60
  • 65. • It was Wolford (1985) who used the VTO for surgical-orthodontic treatment planning and coined the term Surgical Treatment Objective (STO). Uses of an STO: (Taylor 1998) Plan dental movements.  Assess need for extractions Plan mechanics. Plan type of surgery and nature of osteotomies. A basis for communication, informed consenting, splint construction. Provides a reasonable prediction of soft tissue changes, that can provide a basis for computer imaging. Wolford, al STO prediction tracing. 1985 Mosby, St.Louis Taylor, P. In ‘orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics’ Ch. 12/19/2020 66
  • 66. The objective of treatment simulation is to allow the clinician to visualize and manipulate the skeletal and dental structures, so to compare different treatment alternatives. • Paper surgery method has been in use for the past 20 years. • Acetate tracings of skeletal structures are manually repositioned over the original cephalometric tracing to simulate the proposed surgical movements. • The post-treatment soft tissue outcome is established by using acceptable guidelines for the ratio of soft to hard tissue changes. 12/19/2020 67
  • 67. Class II case Class II Division 1 malocclusion with normognathic maxilla and retrognathic mandible and horizontal growth pattern with convex profile Mandibular length short by 5mm. 12/19/2020 68
  • 68. Tracing of maxilla and mandible 12/19/2020 69
  • 70. Class III case • Angles’s class III malocclusion with retrognathic maxilla and prognathic mandible with horizontal growth pattern and concave profile • Mandibular length excess by 10 mm with anteriorly positioned with saddle angle of 116 • with normally positioned maxilla and decreased length by 10 mm. 12/19/2020 71
  • 73. Maxillary advancement and mandibular setback planning 12/19/2020 74
  • 74. The major weaknesses of this technique is that: • Variables in soft tissue thickness, tonicity, individual responses • Differences in the surgeon’s manipulation will introduce uncertainties that make soft tissue prediction more of an ‘art’ form. • The ‘line drawing’ produced by this approach is an inadequate means by which to portray the proposed result to the patient. 12/19/2020 75
  • 75. Digital VTO • Computerised diagnostic and planning software that produced a soft tissue profile ‘line drawing’ as a result of manipulation of digitised structures of lateral cephalometric radiographs. • Using any of the commercially available programmes, the clinician can simulate surgical movements on the screen and rapidly compare different treatment options. • Hard copies can then be used as visual aids in treatment planning. This method of prediction is no more accurate than manual predictions as the computer predictions are based on the same guidelines and the resultant line drawing is still lacking in providing a lifelike aesthetic representation. 12/19/2020 76
  • 76. • Computerised diagnostic and planning software that integrates video images with the patient’s lateral cephalograph to aid in planning and predicting surgical orthodontic procedures (Videocephalometrics). • Visualisation of facial changes is enhanced as is patient/clinician communication; alternative treatment plans can be evaluated with ease, and realistic patient expectations may be achieved Orthognathic Prediction Software There are numerous programmes available for the analyses and prediction of orthognathic treatment: • OPAL image version 2.2 • Dolphin imaging 10 • Dentofacial Planner 8.05 • Quick Ceph Image • Computer assisted simulation system for Orthognathic surgery (CASSOS) • NEMOCEPH 12/19/2020 77
  • 77. Advantages of digital imaging over other prediction techniques • The image facilitates communication between clinician and patient by establishing visual treatment goals for orthodontics and surgery. By involving the patient in the decision of treatment options, acceptance of the treatment outcome should be improved. • Valuable aid in treatment planing decisions by providing a maniputable image for the orthodontist and surgeons to decide on the best soft tissue outcome. This technique is also helpful on deciding the necessity of adjunctive soft tissue procedures 12/19/2020 78
  • 78. • In order to use a computer programme to plan orthognathic treatment, the radiograph needs to be digitised prior to analysis. Two methods are described 1. Direct computer digitisation of the radiograph: The radiograph is placed onto a digitising light box. Anatomical points are entered into computer using a cursor or electronic pen 2. Indirect computer digitisation of the radiograph: • Image is captured (scanned image or true digital image) and stored on the computer. Image displayed in orthognathic programme and digitised using a cursor. 12/19/2020 79
  • 79. Case example for surgical planning 12/19/202080
  • 87. References • Jacobson A, Sadowsky PL. A visualized treatment objective. J Clin Orthod 1980;14:554-71. • Visual Treatment Objective: A Review. Indian Journal of Dental Advancements [Internet]. 2018 Sep 30 [cited 2020 Apr 13];10(3). Available from: • William Arnet; Facial and dental planning for Orthodontists and Oral surgeons 12/19/2020 88

Editor's Notes

  1. First the patient is asked to swallow and then lick the lips and relax. • Then the patient is instructed to close the teeth in habitual occlusion, again licking the lips first and then to keep the teeth tightly together and lips relaxed. • These two profile relationships are carefully studied and may be photographed to obtain an instant print.
  2. a treatment prediction technique that provides both accurate diagnostic information required for treatment planning and a realistic simulation of the aesthetic outcome is needed to maximize the chances of patient satisfaction.
  3. There are advantages to using the indirect method: • Digital storage of radiographs allows easy access when required Use of magnification, alteration of brightness and contrast allow more detailed visualisation of the image
  4. 8mm of sagittal advancement done and genioplasty of 1.5mm done Maxi incisors retracted by 3.5mm, inclination correction of 15 degrees Mand incisors retracted by 1mm, inclination correction by 2 degrees