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Leader in continuing dental education
The term visual (or visualized) treatment
objective (VTO) was coined to communicate the
planning of treatment for any orthodontic
Procedure based primarily on cephalometrics,
the purpose of which is to establish a balanced
profile and pleasing facial aesthetics and to
evaluate the orthodontic correction necessary to
achieve this goal.
V.T.O. is thus a dynamic cephalometric analysis
which takes into account both growth and
biomechanics, thus achieving its aim of being a
Visualized Treatment Objective.
It outlines a goal from the inception of treatment
and may be usefully employed in monitoring
growth and treatment progress.
It is like a blue print used in building the
It enables development of alternative
treatment plans.
Term V.T.O. was coined by Holdaway.
V.T.O. accomplishes the following:
1. Predicts growth over an estimated treatment
time, based on the individual morphogenetic
2. Analyzes the soft tissue facial profile.
3. Graphically plans the best soft tissue facial
profile for the particular patient.
4. Determines favourable incisor repositioning,
based on an "ideal" projected soft tissue facial
5. Assists in determining total arch length
discrepancy when taking into account
"cephalometric correction".
6. Aids in determining between extraction and
nonextraction treatment.
7. Aids in deciding which teeth to extract, if
extractions are indicated.
8. Assists in planning treatment mechanics.
Rickett’s VTO
Ricketts stated that all treatment planning
constituted some type of prediction.
He suggested estimating the amount of change
that should occur by predicting the possibilities
of tooth movement & facial change.
He called his method of prediction a ‘dynamic
synthesis’ in which craniofacial growth & tooth
movement were predicted.
Also allowed for a forecast of the integumental
Basic planes and points
Cranial base prediction
Mandibular growth prediction
Maxillary prediction
Occlusal plane prediction
Soft tissue
Cranial base prediction
Trace the Basion-Nasion plane.
Grow Nasion & Basion 1mm (average
normal growth) for 2 years.
Mandibular growth prediction
Rotation & lengthening
Rotation – From the effects of mechanics used
& facial pattern
Direction of effective growth is determined
The mandibular plane is influenced accordingly
Lengtheningcondyle-1 mm/yr
body -2 mm/yr
Superimpose at
Rotate ‘up’ at
Nasion to
Open the bite.
Rotate ‘down’close the
Condylar axis and corpus axis growth
Symphysis construction
Maxillary prediction
1/3 rd of total facial ht increase is due to
upper face Ht increase.
Pt A is influenced by tooth movement
treatment mechanics is given consideration
while relocating it
Superimpose point
On original menton
Facial plane.
Trace palate
Point A changes
Occlusal plane position
Superimpose mark
on original
Facial plane.
Parallel mandibular
Rotating at menton
Lower incisor position
Placed in relation to symphysis of
Ideal position – 22° at +1mm to A Po
plane, +1mm to occlusal plane.
Angle increases 2° with each mm of
forward compromise.
superimpose corpus
axis at PM.
Place incisor at ideal
Mandibular molar
Superimpose the
lower molar on the
new occlusal plane.
Maxillary molar
Traced in good class
1 position to lower
Maxillary incisor
Place in good
overbite overjet
position. Interincisal
Soft tissue -Nose
Superimpose at Nasion
along facial plane. Trace
bridge of nose.
Then superimpose at
ANS along palatal plane.
Moving prediction back
1mm/yr along palatal
plane, trace tip of nose
fading into bridge.
Soft tissue point A and Upper lip
Soft tissue point A
remains in same
relation to Point A as
in the original tracing
Superimpose new &
old bony point A and
make a mark at soft
tissue point A.
Divide distance between ‘original’ & ‘new’ incisors into
Keeping occlusal
planes parallel,
superimpose mark 1
on tip of original
incisor. Trace upper
lip connecting with
point A.
Soft tissue – Lower lip, point B, soft tissue
interincisal points,
keeping occlusal
planes parallel. Trace
lower lip & soft tissue
point B
Completed VTO
1st check point :
Basion-Nasion at CC
point –
to evaluate facial axis
change, chin growth,
upper molar position.
Area 2 – Basion
Nasion at Nasion.
To evaluate maxillary
Area 3 – Corpus axis
at PM.

To evaluate lower
incisors and molars
Area 4 – Palate at
To evaluate upper
molars and incisors.
Area 5 – Esthetic
plane at the
intersection with
occlusal plane.
To evaluate soft
Holdaway’s VTO
Holdaway VTO emphasizes soft tissue profile balance.
Main difference with Ricketts – Holdaway predicted soft
tissue profile first, then the position of maxillary incisors.
He believed that the mandibular incisor could not be
rigidly fixed to any anatomical landmark such as A-Pog
Instead , the mandibular incisors should be placed
relative to maxillary incisors where adequate lip support
had been established.
Growth of the cranio-facial skeleton is predicted
for the estimated treatment time, and the soft
tissue profile between the nose and the chin
arranged to create an “ideal” facial profile for the
individual patient
Maxillary and mandibular incisors are
repositioned to eliminate lip strain

Allowance is made for probable post treatment
“incisor rebound”.
Maxillary teeth are positioned first, and
then lower incisors are repositioned to be
in harmony with the upper incisors

Following the repositioning of the
mandibular incisors, the resultant arch
length discrepancy may be calculated to
determine whether or not teeth should be
1 Basion-Nasion line
(Ba N).
2. Line Nasion to point
3. The Frankfort
horizontal plane
4. The Occlusal plane.
5. Downs mandibular
6. The facial axis
7. Holdaway'S line
8. The facial plane
draw frontonasal
area, line Ba-N and
line N-A
OBJECTIVE : To express
growth in the frontonasal
area over a two-year
Super impose on line
BaN and move the VTO
until there is 1.5 mm
growth in the fronto nasal
Holding the VTO tracing
in the position copy the
Ricketts facial axis
OBJECTIVE : To express
growth in a vertical
direction in the mandible,
and to draw the anterior
portion of the mandible,
soft tissue chin and the
mandibular plane of
Superimpose the
VTO facial axis along
the original facial axis.
Move the VTO
tracing upwards so
that the VTO Ba-N
line is above the
original Ba-N line,
the distance between
these lines should be
three times the
amount of growth
expressed in the
frontonasal area
OBJECTIVE : To express
growth in a horizontal
direction in the mandible
and draw the posterior
border of the mandible.
Superimpose on
mandibular plane and
Move the VTO forward
until the original and VTO
foramen rotundae are
vertically aligned
OBJECTIVE : To locate
and draw the maxilla, and
lower half of the nose
Super impose the VTO
N-A line on the original
NA line and move the
VTO up until the vertical
growth is expressed
above the Ba-N line and
below the mandibular
plane is in the ratio of
With the V.T.0. tracing in this position copy the
maxilla to include posterior 2/3 of hard palate,
PNS to ANS to 2mm below the ANS.
With the V.T.0. in the same position, draw the
new nose up to the middle of the inferior surface
of the nose.
Estimated growth usually parallels the contour of
the old nose in this area. Average nose growth is
1mm per year
OBJECTIVE : To locate
and draw the occlusal
With the VTO
superimposed on line
NA, move the VTO
tracing so that the
vertical growth between
the maxilla and the
mandible is expressed
as being 50% above the
maxilla and 50% below
the mandible
Generally occlusal plane is located 3mm
below the lip embrasure. This permits the
lower lip to envelop lower1/3rd of upper
incisor teeth.
If cant of occlusal plane in original tracing
is correct then this should be maintained.
OBJECTIVE : TO determine the soft tissue
lip contour using the Holdaway line
When there is a uniform distribution of the soft
tissues in the profile and the upper lip is of
average length, and where the cant of the H line
is not adversely affected by excessive facial
convexity or concavity, the depth of the soft
tissue subnasale measured to the H line is most
ideal at 5 mm.
A range of 3 to 7 mm allows one to maintain
type with short and/or thin lips and long and/or
thick lips.
Also use of the vertical line from Frankfort
plane to the vermilion border of the upper
lip, which is ideal at 3 mm with a range
from 1 to 4 mm – Superior sulcus depth.
To find the point along the lower border of
the nose outline at which the new H line
will intersect it, both perspectives are
Superimpose on N-A & VTO maxillary and draw
a line up a straight-edge tangent to the chin and
angle it back to a point where there is a 3 to 3.5
mm measurement to the superior sulcus outline
of the original tracing and draw the H line to this.
As one redrapes the superior sulcus area to the
new tip of the upper lip point, a 5 mm superior
sulcus depth develops almost automatically
Use of the Jacobson-Sadowsky lip-contour
template is recommended.
Second, with the tracing still superimposed on
the maxilla and line N-A and using the occlusal
plane as a guide for the lip embrasure, draw the
upper lip from the vermilion border to the
Then from the point on the lower border of the
nose where its outline stopped on the VTO, draw
in the superior sulcus area. This is a gradual
draping to the new vermilion border outline.
Third, superimpose on line NA and the occlusal
Form the lower lip, remembering that from 1
mm behind the H line to 2 mm anterior can be
excellent, depending on variations of thickness
of the two lips.
Again, most cases will fall on the H line or within
0.5 mm of it.
Objective – To relocate Maxillary central
Lip Strain - in well-balanced soft tissue profiles
the distance along a horizontal line extending
between a point 3mm below the original point A
to the point where the line crosses the upper lip
is within 1mm of the distance between the labial
surface of the maxillary incisor to the tip of the
upper lip.
Should the lower measurement be less than
within 1mm of the upper measurement, then lip
strain is said to exist.
To eliminate lip strain where it exists the
upper incisor is moved back to allow the
aforementioned readings to be within
1mm of each other.
Where no lip strain exists retraction of the
maxillary incisors allows the upper lip to
move backwards an equal amount, i.e. lip
and incisors maintain a 1:1 ratio.
Maxillary Incisor Rebound— Generally,
during posttreatment maxillary incisors
tend to move labially 0.5mm in Class I
cases and 1.5mm in Class 11 cases. This
is referred to as "Incisor Rebound".
Superimpose the V.T.0. tracing on the N-A
line and the maxilla and trace in the
maxillary incisor, taking cognisance of the
amount it is to be repositioned.
The axial inclination of this tooth is judged
and the occlusal plane is used to locate it
vertically. The tip of the maxillary incisor
touches the occlusal plane.
OBJECTIVE : to reposition lower incisor and
calculate resultant arch length change
judge the position of
the lower incisor
To calculate lower arch
length change,
superimpose tracing on
mandibular plane and
register on symphysis.
Measure the distance
between old and new
incisor position and
double this
measurement to
determine total arch
length discrepancy
OBJECTIVE : To reposition lower first molar, use the
plaster casts to determine arch length discrepancy due to
crowding and/or rotation.
OBJECTIVE : To reposition maxillary first molar
Using the occlusal plane and lower first molar as a guide
draw the maxillary first molar in good Class I occlusion with
the lower first molar
OBJECTIVE : To complete art work
ANS to upper incisor
Anterior portion of hard palate
Lower alveolus lingually and labially
Proposed by Richard P. McLaughlin & John C.
Bennett. (JCO 1999).
Designed to provide organized and simplified
information to help in diagnosis, treatment
planning, and the extraction/nonextraction
It should be used as an adjunct to, but not a
substitute for, conventional cephalometric
It takes little time to complete and
occupies only a small part of the treatment
Progress can be checked by referring to
the dental VTO at the patient’s regular
adjustment appointments.
Consists of 3 charts :
Chart 1 records the
initial midline and first
molar positions with
the mandible in
centric relation.
Chart 2 measures the lower arch
discrepancy, similarly to the Steiner
analysis. The four primary factors in each
case are:
1. Space required for relief of crowding,
measured from canine to midline and from
first molar to midline on each side.
2. Space required for the desired
correction of protrusion or retrusion of the
mandibular incisors.
3. Space required for
leveling the curve of
4 .Space required for midline correction.
Four secondary factors that can sometimes
provide additional space are listed, if applicable,
below the primary chart:
1. Additional space from interproximal enamel
2. Additional space from uprighting or distal
movement of mandibular first molars.
3. Additional space from buccal
uprighting of mandibular canines and
posterior teeth.
4. Additional leeway or “E” space.
The primary & secondary factors are added
together at the bottom of the chart to
determine the total lower arch discrepancy
from canine to midline and from first molar
to midline on each side.
Chart 3 records the
anticipated treatment
change in terms of
dental movements of
the first molars,
canines, and midline.
Case Report
12 year old male
presented with a
Class II skeletal
Molar relation were
4mm Class II on right
side, 3.5mm Class II
on left.
Lower dental midline
was deviated 1mm to
The mandibular arch showed 3mm of
crowding on the right side, all mesial to the
right canine.
Therefore, the amount of crowding from first
molar to midline was the same as the
amount from canine to midline.
The curve of Spee was about 2mm at its deepest
Steiner suggested that leveling a 2mm curve of
Spee would advance the incisors 1mm, thus
requiring 1mm of space per side for the leveling
Because the lower midline was deviated
1mm to the right, the midline correction would
require 1mm of space on the left side and provide
1mm of space on the right.
The mandibular incisors were inclined forward
(97° to the mandibular plane) and were
6mm in front of the APo line.
Without extractions,the incisors would either
remain in this position or, more likely, be
advanced farther.
With extractions, the incisors could be retracted.
Therefore, the decision was made to extract the
four first premolars and retract the mandibular
incisors 2mm.
Extraction of four first
premolars – produces
7mm space.
As total discrepancy
in lower arch
5mm/side, mandibular
canines needed to be
retracted 5mm into
the extraction sites.
Mandibular molars could be moved only
2mm. This demonstrated a need for
moderate anchorage control in mandibular
A mandibular lingual arch could be
considered during 3mm of canine
Mandibular midline
needed to be moved
1mm to right.
4 possible methods of Class II molar correction
in growing patient :
a. Mesial movement of the mandibular first
molars (in this case, 2mm per side).
b. Distal movement of the maxillary first molars.
This is difficult in the presence of developing
maxillary second and third molars, but it can
be achieved.
c. Limiting forward maxillary skeletal development,

or retracting the maxilla. Because such
changes are difficult to isolate, it is debatable
how much is skeletal (above the palatal plane)
and how much is dentoalveolar (below the
palatal plane).
Nasion normally grows forward
about 1mm a year relative to sella, while A point
may be maintained or retracted relative to its
original position.
d. Forward mandibular rotation. This can
occur in two ways:
1) Mandibular growth. The direction of
overall facial growth is critical to the “expression”
of mandibular growth.
With more vertical patterns, there is less forward
expression of mandibular growth and hence less
interarch dental change.
2) Limiting vertical maxillary development.
Although sizable claims have been made
for this method, it is difficult to significantly
influence the normal vertical development
of the facial complex.
Even a small limitation can greatly
enhance a Class II correction.
In the present case, the
molar relationship on the
right side was 4mm Class
II, and since 2mm could
be corrected by mesial
movement of the
mandibular molar, an
additional 2mm of
correction was required.
On the left side, an
additional 1.5mm of
correction was needed.
A palatal bar & a combination high-pull &
cervical pull headgear were used to
preserve maxillary anchorage.
Taking into account the
2mm distal movement
of the maxillary right molar
and the 1.5mm
distal movement of the
maxillary left molar, the
canines would have to be
moved 9mm on the
right and 8.5mm on the left
to close the 7mm
extraction spaces.
A functional appliance could also have
been considered before fixed appliance therapy.
A good response to the functional appliance
might have reduced the amount of maxillary
anchorage support needed later. Extractions
would still have been required after the functional
phase, assuming incisor retraction was still a
treatment objective.
TOMAC: An Orthognathic
treatment planning system.
Proposed by Tony G. McCollum in 2001.
It is a surgical-orthodontic treatment
planning & prediction system designed to
identify the best possible soft tissue profile
by testing the effects of various
orthodontic & surgical options.
In the TOMAC VTO, the soft tissue goals are
traced in first, and the hard tissues are then
adapted based on known soft to hard tissue
The TOMAC VTO is constructed in three stages:
test, presurgical-orthodontic, and surgical.
The essential underlying principle is that the
soft-tissue profile is changed first, setting a goal
toward which hard-tissue changes are adapted.
Test VTO
– This is where the various orthodontic and
surgical options are tested and the optimum
combination is visualized.
– In the anteroposterior plane, the facial contour
angle (FCA) is changed to the chosen ideal.
Facial Contour Angle
The facial contour angle (FCA) is
highly relevant to the analysis
because it measures the convexity or
concavity of the face .
This angle is
formed by
tangents to
glabella and
at subnasale.
Line from glabella to
subnasale – Upper
facial contour plane.
Line from subnasale
to pogonion – Lower
facial contour plane.
The acute angle between
these planes is the facial
contour angle, which
describes the degree of
discrepancy of the total
Normal value – according
to Burstone is -11º ± 3º.
Varies according to facial type, with
leptoproscopic (long face) individuals
tending to be more convex, around -16°,
euryproscopic (short face) patients
tending to have more acute angles : -7°.
– The upper and lower jaws, or both, are traced
in their new positions according to the softtissue reactions to surgical movements, and
the teeth are then decompensated
– The incisor movements are measured and
reconciled with arch-length discrepancies and
with the physiological positions of the teeth in
the alveolar bone.
– In the vertical plane, the key is the position of
the maxillary incisor in relation to the relaxed
upper lip.
– The maxillary incisors are moved vertically on
the tracing, if necessary, into their ideal
positions relative to the upper lip, and the
mandible is autorotated so that the correct
vertical relationship of the maxillary and
mandibular incisors is obtained.
– The new Facial Contour Angle is measured
and compared with the chosen ideal Facial
Contour Angle .
– Appropriate anteroposterior jaw movements
are then effected to obtain the ideal total
– The teeth are decompensated into positions
most favorable to the desired surgical
changes, keeping in mind arch-length
discrepancies and physiological positions in
the alveolar bone.
– The incisor movements required to
accomplish the skeletal changes are
measured for use in the presurgical VTO.
Presurgical-Orthodontic VTO
– This is constructed from the information in the
test VTO.
– Any necessary incisor decompensations,
molar adjustments, and soft-tissue changes
become the orthodontic objectives prior to the
surgical procedure.
Surgical VTO
– The surgical VTO is constructed over the
presurgical VTO, with the surgical cuts
diagramed on the tracings of the jaws. The
simulated surgical movements are governed
by the decompensated positions of the

– The soft-tissue profile is then drawn according
to the expected soft-tissue/hard-tissue ratios
of movement
Test VTO _- Hard & Soft tissues that will not
change after surgery
Mandibular structures after advancement
Incisor decompensation
needed to achieve best
Presurgical-Orthodontic VTO
– Construct a new VTO
to reflect the
movements that will be
needed to allow
surgery to create the
ideal (or nearest to
ideal) profile.
– Bite opening or
closing is measured by
the change in
angulation of the line
from condylion to
It is important to draw in the softtissue changes that will occur as a
result of any orthodontic
Surgical VTO
Lew et al (1998) took a sample of 34 growing
Class II patients to assess the reliability of
manual & computer generated VTOs when
compared with actual treatment results.
Skeletal, dental & soft tissue measurements
were performed on the VTO & the posttreatment
Both methods were accurate when predicting
skeletal changes that occurred during treatment.
For soft tissue prediction, only slight difference
was seen with the computer being slightly more
Both methods were moderately successful in
forecasting dental alterations during treatment.
Overall the prediction tracings were accurate to
only a moderate degree, with marked individual
variation evident throughout the sample.
Inadequacies of VTO
1) Use of average growth increments in
growth prediction.
2) The use of existing morphological traits
to predict future growth events.
3) The fallibility of presenting VTO
analysis as an exact representation of the
treatment outcome.
VTO can be helpful as a diagnostic &
treatment planning aid and as a reference
throughout treatment.
It is also useful in making extraction non
extraction decision.
With soft tissue responses to hard tissue
movements better understood than in
past, these & other influential factors could
be incorporated into computerized
technology, using multiple regression
equations to provide extremely accurate
treatment planning information.
1) Ricketts R.M. : Planning treatment on the
basis of the facial pattern and an estimate of its
growth. Angle Orthod 1957;27;14-37.
2) Ricketts R.M. : Cephalometric synthesis : An
exercise instating objectives & planning
treatment with tracings of head roentgenogram.
AJO 1960;46;647-673.
3) Holdaway RA : A soft tissue cephalometric
analysis and its use in orthodontic treatment
planning. Part 1. AJO 1983;84;1-28.
4) Holdaway RA : A soft tissue cephalometric
analysis and its use in orthodontic treatment
planning. Part II. AJO , 1984;85;279-293.
5) Jacobson A, Sadowsky PL : A visualized
treatment objective. JCO 1980;14;554-571.
6) Tony G. McCollum : TOMAC : An
orthognathic treatment planning system. Part 1 –
Soft tissue analysis. JCO 2001;35(6) ; 356-364.
7) Tony G. McCollum : TOMAC : An
orthognathic treatment planning system. Part 2
VTO construction in the horizontal dimension.
JCO 2001, 35 (7); 434-443.
8) Tony G. McCollum : TOMAC : An
orthognathic treatment planning system. Part 3
VTO construction in the vertical dimension. JCO
2001, 35 (8); 479-490.
9)Richard P McLaughlin, John C. Bennett : The
Dental VTO : An analysis of orthodontic tooth
movement. JCO 1999,33(7) ; 394-403.
10) Lew B. Sample,Lionel Sadowsky, Edwin
Bradley : An evaluation of 2 VTO methods.
Angle Orthod 1998;68(5);401-408.
11) Roberts M Ricketts, Ruel W Bench, Carl F
Gugino, james J Hilgers, Robert J Schullof :
Bioprogressive Therapy. Rocky
Montain/Orthodontics. 1980. page- 35-54.
Thank you
Leader in continuing dental education

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Visualised treatment objective /certified fixed orthodontic courses by Indian dental academy

  • 1. VISUAL TREATMENT OBJECTIVE INDIAN DENTAL ACADEMY Leader in continuing dental education
  • 2. The term visual (or visualized) treatment objective (VTO) was coined to communicate the planning of treatment for any orthodontic problem. Procedure based primarily on cephalometrics, the purpose of which is to establish a balanced profile and pleasing facial aesthetics and to evaluate the orthodontic correction necessary to achieve this goal.
  • 3. V.T.O. is thus a dynamic cephalometric analysis which takes into account both growth and biomechanics, thus achieving its aim of being a Visualized Treatment Objective. It outlines a goal from the inception of treatment and may be usefully employed in monitoring growth and treatment progress.
  • 4. It is like a blue print used in building the house. It enables development of alternative treatment plans. Term V.T.O. was coined by Holdaway.
  • 5. V.T.O. accomplishes the following: 1. Predicts growth over an estimated treatment time, based on the individual morphogenetic pattern. 2. Analyzes the soft tissue facial profile. 3. Graphically plans the best soft tissue facial profile for the particular patient. 4. Determines favourable incisor repositioning, based on an "ideal" projected soft tissue facial profile.
  • 6. 5. Assists in determining total arch length discrepancy when taking into account "cephalometric correction". 6. Aids in determining between extraction and nonextraction treatment. 7. Aids in deciding which teeth to extract, if extractions are indicated. 8. Assists in planning treatment mechanics.
  • 7. Rickett’s VTO Ricketts stated that all treatment planning constituted some type of prediction. He suggested estimating the amount of change that should occur by predicting the possibilities of tooth movement & facial change. He called his method of prediction a ‘dynamic synthesis’ in which craniofacial growth & tooth movement were predicted. Also allowed for a forecast of the integumental profile.
  • 8. Basic planes and points
  • 12. SEQUENCE Cranial base prediction Mandibular growth prediction Maxillary prediction Occlusal plane prediction Dentition Soft tissue
  • 13. Cranial base prediction Trace the Basion-Nasion plane. Grow Nasion & Basion 1mm (average normal growth) for 2 years.
  • 15. Mandibular growth prediction Rotation & lengthening Rotation – From the effects of mechanics used & facial pattern Direction of effective growth is determined The mandibular plane is influenced accordingly Lengtheningcondyle-1 mm/yr body -2 mm/yr
  • 17. Superimpose at Ba. Rotate ‘up’ at Nasion to Open the bite. Rotate ‘down’close the bite.
  • 18. Condylar axis and corpus axis growth
  • 21. Maxillary prediction 1/3 rd of total facial ht increase is due to upper face Ht increase. Pt A is influenced by tooth movement treatment mechanics is given consideration while relocating it
  • 24. Superimpose point 1 On original menton & Facial plane. Trace palate
  • 28. Occlusal plane position Superimpose mark 2 on original menton, Facial plane. Parallel mandibular planes Rotating at menton
  • 30. Lower incisor position Placed in relation to symphysis of mandible. Ideal position – 22° at +1mm to A Po plane, +1mm to occlusal plane. Angle increases 2° with each mm of forward compromise.
  • 31. superimpose corpus axis at PM. Place incisor at ideal position.
  • 33. Mandibular molar Superimpose the lower molar on the new occlusal plane.
  • 34. Maxillary molar Traced in good class 1 position to lower molar.
  • 35. Maxillary incisor Place in good overbite overjet position. Interincisal angle-130°.
  • 37. Soft tissue -Nose Superimpose at Nasion along facial plane. Trace bridge of nose. Then superimpose at ANS along palatal plane. Moving prediction back 1mm/yr along palatal plane, trace tip of nose fading into bridge.
  • 38. Soft tissue point A and Upper lip Soft tissue point A remains in same relation to Point A as in the original tracing Superimpose new & old bony point A and make a mark at soft tissue point A.
  • 39. Divide distance between ‘original’ & ‘new’ incisors into Thirds.
  • 40. Keeping occlusal planes parallel, superimpose mark 1 on tip of original incisor. Trace upper lip connecting with point A.
  • 41. Soft tissue – Lower lip, point B, soft tissue chin
  • 42. Superimpose interincisal points, keeping occlusal planes parallel. Trace lower lip & soft tissue point B
  • 45. Superimpositions 1st check point : Basion-Nasion at CC point – to evaluate facial axis change, chin growth, upper molar position.
  • 46. Area 2 – Basion Nasion at Nasion. To evaluate maxillary change.
  • 47. Area 3 – Corpus axis at PM. To evaluate lower incisors and molars
  • 48. Area 4 – Palate at ANS. To evaluate upper molars and incisors.
  • 49. Area 5 – Esthetic plane at the intersection with occlusal plane. To evaluate soft tissue.
  • 50. Holdaway’s VTO Holdaway VTO emphasizes soft tissue profile balance. Main difference with Ricketts – Holdaway predicted soft tissue profile first, then the position of maxillary incisors. He believed that the mandibular incisor could not be rigidly fixed to any anatomical landmark such as A-Pog line. Instead , the mandibular incisors should be placed relative to maxillary incisors where adequate lip support had been established.
  • 51. Growth of the cranio-facial skeleton is predicted for the estimated treatment time, and the soft tissue profile between the nose and the chin arranged to create an “ideal” facial profile for the individual patient Maxillary and mandibular incisors are repositioned to eliminate lip strain Allowance is made for probable post treatment “incisor rebound”.
  • 52. Maxillary teeth are positioned first, and then lower incisors are repositioned to be in harmony with the upper incisors Following the repositioning of the mandibular incisors, the resultant arch length discrepancy may be calculated to determine whether or not teeth should be extracted.
  • 53. 1 Basion-Nasion line (Ba N). 2. Line Nasion to point A. 3. The Frankfort horizontal plane 4. The Occlusal plane. 5. Downs mandibular plane. 6. The facial axis 7. Holdaway'S line 8. The facial plane
  • 54. OBJECTIVE : To draw frontonasal area, line Ba-N and line N-A
  • 55. OBJECTIVE : To express growth in the frontonasal area over a two-year period. Super impose on line BaN and move the VTO until there is 1.5 mm growth in the fronto nasal area Holding the VTO tracing in the position copy the Ricketts facial axis
  • 56. OBJECTIVE : To express growth in a vertical direction in the mandible, and to draw the anterior portion of the mandible, soft tissue chin and the mandibular plane of Downs
  • 57. Superimpose the VTO facial axis along the original facial axis. Move the VTO tracing upwards so that the VTO Ba-N line is above the original Ba-N line, the distance between these lines should be three times the amount of growth expressed in the frontonasal area
  • 59. OBJECTIVE : To express growth in a horizontal direction in the mandible and draw the posterior border of the mandible. Superimpose on mandibular plane and Move the VTO forward until the original and VTO foramen rotundae are vertically aligned
  • 61. OBJECTIVE : To locate and draw the maxilla, and lower half of the nose Super impose the VTO N-A line on the original NA line and move the VTO up until the vertical growth is expressed above the Ba-N line and below the mandibular plane is in the ratio of 40:60
  • 62. With the V.T.0. tracing in this position copy the maxilla to include posterior 2/3 of hard palate, PNS to ANS to 2mm below the ANS. With the V.T.0. in the same position, draw the new nose up to the middle of the inferior surface of the nose. Estimated growth usually parallels the contour of the old nose in this area. Average nose growth is 1mm per year
  • 64. OBJECTIVE : To locate and draw the occlusal plane With the VTO superimposed on line NA, move the VTO tracing so that the vertical growth between the maxilla and the mandible is expressed as being 50% above the maxilla and 50% below the mandible
  • 66. Generally occlusal plane is located 3mm below the lip embrasure. This permits the lower lip to envelop lower1/3rd of upper incisor teeth. If cant of occlusal plane in original tracing is correct then this should be maintained.
  • 67. OBJECTIVE : TO determine the soft tissue lip contour using the Holdaway line When there is a uniform distribution of the soft tissues in the profile and the upper lip is of average length, and where the cant of the H line is not adversely affected by excessive facial convexity or concavity, the depth of the soft tissue subnasale measured to the H line is most ideal at 5 mm. A range of 3 to 7 mm allows one to maintain type with short and/or thin lips and long and/or thick lips.
  • 69. Also use of the vertical line from Frankfort plane to the vermilion border of the upper lip, which is ideal at 3 mm with a range from 1 to 4 mm – Superior sulcus depth. To find the point along the lower border of the nose outline at which the new H line will intersect it, both perspectives are used.
  • 71. Superimpose on N-A & VTO maxillary and draw a line up a straight-edge tangent to the chin and angle it back to a point where there is a 3 to 3.5 mm measurement to the superior sulcus outline of the original tracing and draw the H line to this. As one redrapes the superior sulcus area to the new tip of the upper lip point, a 5 mm superior sulcus depth develops almost automatically
  • 73. Use of the Jacobson-Sadowsky lip-contour template is recommended. Second, with the tracing still superimposed on the maxilla and line N-A and using the occlusal plane as a guide for the lip embrasure, draw the upper lip from the vermilion border to the embrasure. Then from the point on the lower border of the nose where its outline stopped on the VTO, draw in the superior sulcus area. This is a gradual draping to the new vermilion border outline.
  • 75. Third, superimpose on line NA and the occlusal plane. Form the lower lip, remembering that from 1 mm behind the H line to 2 mm anterior can be excellent, depending on variations of thickness of the two lips. Again, most cases will fall on the H line or within 0.5 mm of it.
  • 77. Objective – To relocate Maxillary central incisor Lip Strain - in well-balanced soft tissue profiles the distance along a horizontal line extending between a point 3mm below the original point A to the point where the line crosses the upper lip is within 1mm of the distance between the labial surface of the maxillary incisor to the tip of the upper lip. Should the lower measurement be less than within 1mm of the upper measurement, then lip strain is said to exist.
  • 80. To eliminate lip strain where it exists the upper incisor is moved back to allow the aforementioned readings to be within 1mm of each other. Where no lip strain exists retraction of the maxillary incisors allows the upper lip to move backwards an equal amount, i.e. lip and incisors maintain a 1:1 ratio.
  • 81. Maxillary Incisor Rebound— Generally, during posttreatment maxillary incisors tend to move labially 0.5mm in Class I cases and 1.5mm in Class 11 cases. This is referred to as "Incisor Rebound".
  • 82. Superimpose the V.T.0. tracing on the N-A line and the maxilla and trace in the maxillary incisor, taking cognisance of the amount it is to be repositioned. The axial inclination of this tooth is judged and the occlusal plane is used to locate it vertically. The tip of the maxillary incisor touches the occlusal plane.
  • 84. OBJECTIVE : to reposition lower incisor and calculate resultant arch length change judge the position of the lower incisor To calculate lower arch length change, superimpose tracing on mandibular plane and register on symphysis. Measure the distance between old and new incisor position and double this measurement to determine total arch length discrepancy
  • 86. OBJECTIVE : To reposition lower first molar, use the plaster casts to determine arch length discrepancy due to crowding and/or rotation.
  • 87. OBJECTIVE : To reposition maxillary first molar Using the occlusal plane and lower first molar as a guide draw the maxillary first molar in good Class I occlusion with the lower first molar
  • 88. OBJECTIVE : To complete art work ANS to upper incisor Anterior portion of hard palate Lower alveolus lingually and labially
  • 89. DENTAL V.T.O. Proposed by Richard P. McLaughlin & John C. Bennett. (JCO 1999). Designed to provide organized and simplified information to help in diagnosis, treatment planning, and the extraction/nonextraction decision. It should be used as an adjunct to, but not a substitute for, conventional cephalometric analyses.
  • 90. It takes little time to complete and occupies only a small part of the treatment card. Progress can be checked by referring to the dental VTO at the patient’s regular adjustment appointments.
  • 91. Consists of 3 charts : Chart 1 records the initial midline and first molar positions with the mandible in centric relation.
  • 92. Chart 2 measures the lower arch discrepancy, similarly to the Steiner analysis. The four primary factors in each case are: 1. Space required for relief of crowding, measured from canine to midline and from first molar to midline on each side. 2. Space required for the desired correction of protrusion or retrusion of the mandibular incisors.
  • 93. 3. Space required for leveling the curve of Spee.
  • 94. 4 .Space required for midline correction. Four secondary factors that can sometimes provide additional space are listed, if applicable, below the primary chart: 1. Additional space from interproximal enamel reduction. 2. Additional space from uprighting or distal movement of mandibular first molars.
  • 95. 3. Additional space from buccal uprighting of mandibular canines and posterior teeth. 4. Additional leeway or “E” space.
  • 97. The primary & secondary factors are added together at the bottom of the chart to determine the total lower arch discrepancy from canine to midline and from first molar to midline on each side.
  • 98. Chart 3 records the anticipated treatment change in terms of dental movements of the first molars, canines, and midline.
  • 99. Case Report 12 year old male presented with a Class II skeletal pattern. Molar relation were 4mm Class II on right side, 3.5mm Class II on left. Lower dental midline was deviated 1mm to right.
  • 100. The mandibular arch showed 3mm of crowding on the right side, all mesial to the right canine. Therefore, the amount of crowding from first molar to midline was the same as the amount from canine to midline.
  • 101. The curve of Spee was about 2mm at its deepest point. Steiner suggested that leveling a 2mm curve of Spee would advance the incisors 1mm, thus requiring 1mm of space per side for the leveling process. Because the lower midline was deviated 1mm to the right, the midline correction would require 1mm of space on the left side and provide 1mm of space on the right.
  • 102. The mandibular incisors were inclined forward (97° to the mandibular plane) and were 6mm in front of the APo line. Without extractions,the incisors would either remain in this position or, more likely, be advanced farther. With extractions, the incisors could be retracted. Therefore, the decision was made to extract the four first premolars and retract the mandibular incisors 2mm.
  • 104. Extraction of four first premolars – produces 7mm space.
  • 105. As total discrepancy in lower arch 5mm/side, mandibular canines needed to be retracted 5mm into the extraction sites.
  • 106. Mandibular molars could be moved only 2mm. This demonstrated a need for moderate anchorage control in mandibular arch. A mandibular lingual arch could be considered during 3mm of canine extraction.
  • 107. Mandibular midline needed to be moved 1mm to right.
  • 108. 4 possible methods of Class II molar correction in growing patient : a. Mesial movement of the mandibular first molars (in this case, 2mm per side). b. Distal movement of the maxillary first molars. This is difficult in the presence of developing maxillary second and third molars, but it can be achieved.
  • 109. c. Limiting forward maxillary skeletal development, or retracting the maxilla. Because such changes are difficult to isolate, it is debatable how much is skeletal (above the palatal plane) and how much is dentoalveolar (below the palatal plane). Nasion normally grows forward about 1mm a year relative to sella, while A point may be maintained or retracted relative to its original position.
  • 110. d. Forward mandibular rotation. This can occur in two ways: 1) Mandibular growth. The direction of overall facial growth is critical to the “expression” of mandibular growth. With more vertical patterns, there is less forward expression of mandibular growth and hence less interarch dental change.
  • 111. 2) Limiting vertical maxillary development. Although sizable claims have been made for this method, it is difficult to significantly influence the normal vertical development of the facial complex. Even a small limitation can greatly enhance a Class II correction.
  • 112. In the present case, the molar relationship on the right side was 4mm Class II, and since 2mm could be corrected by mesial movement of the mandibular molar, an additional 2mm of correction was required. On the left side, an additional 1.5mm of correction was needed.
  • 113. A palatal bar & a combination high-pull & cervical pull headgear were used to preserve maxillary anchorage.
  • 114. Taking into account the 2mm distal movement of the maxillary right molar and the 1.5mm distal movement of the maxillary left molar, the canines would have to be moved 9mm on the right and 8.5mm on the left to close the 7mm extraction spaces.
  • 116. A functional appliance could also have been considered before fixed appliance therapy. A good response to the functional appliance might have reduced the amount of maxillary anchorage support needed later. Extractions would still have been required after the functional phase, assuming incisor retraction was still a treatment objective.
  • 117. TOMAC: An Orthognathic treatment planning system. Proposed by Tony G. McCollum in 2001. It is a surgical-orthodontic treatment planning & prediction system designed to identify the best possible soft tissue profile by testing the effects of various orthodontic & surgical options.
  • 118. In the TOMAC VTO, the soft tissue goals are traced in first, and the hard tissues are then adapted based on known soft to hard tissue responses. The TOMAC VTO is constructed in three stages: test, presurgical-orthodontic, and surgical. The essential underlying principle is that the soft-tissue profile is changed first, setting a goal toward which hard-tissue changes are adapted.
  • 119. Test VTO – This is where the various orthodontic and surgical options are tested and the optimum combination is visualized. – In the anteroposterior plane, the facial contour angle (FCA) is changed to the chosen ideal.
  • 120. Facial Contour Angle The facial contour angle (FCA) is highly relevant to the analysis because it measures the convexity or concavity of the face .
  • 121. This angle is formed by tangents to glabella and soft-tissue pogonion, intersecting at subnasale.
  • 122. Line from glabella to subnasale – Upper facial contour plane. Line from subnasale to pogonion – Lower facial contour plane.
  • 123. The acute angle between these planes is the facial contour angle, which describes the degree of anteroposterior discrepancy of the total face. Normal value – according to Burstone is -11º ± 3º.
  • 124. Varies according to facial type, with leptoproscopic (long face) individuals tending to be more convex, around -16°, euryproscopic (short face) patients tending to have more acute angles : -7°.
  • 125. – The upper and lower jaws, or both, are traced in their new positions according to the softtissue reactions to surgical movements, and the teeth are then decompensated accordingly. – The incisor movements are measured and reconciled with arch-length discrepancies and with the physiological positions of the teeth in the alveolar bone.
  • 126. – In the vertical plane, the key is the position of the maxillary incisor in relation to the relaxed upper lip. – The maxillary incisors are moved vertically on the tracing, if necessary, into their ideal positions relative to the upper lip, and the mandible is autorotated so that the correct vertical relationship of the maxillary and mandibular incisors is obtained.
  • 127. – The new Facial Contour Angle is measured and compared with the chosen ideal Facial Contour Angle . – Appropriate anteroposterior jaw movements are then effected to obtain the ideal total profile.
  • 128. – The teeth are decompensated into positions most favorable to the desired surgical changes, keeping in mind arch-length discrepancies and physiological positions in the alveolar bone. – The incisor movements required to accomplish the skeletal changes are measured for use in the presurgical VTO.
  • 129. Presurgical-Orthodontic VTO – This is constructed from the information in the test VTO. – Any necessary incisor decompensations, molar adjustments, and soft-tissue changes become the orthodontic objectives prior to the surgical procedure.
  • 130. Surgical VTO – The surgical VTO is constructed over the presurgical VTO, with the surgical cuts diagramed on the tracings of the jaws. The simulated surgical movements are governed by the decompensated positions of the incisors. – The soft-tissue profile is then drawn according to the expected soft-tissue/hard-tissue ratios of movement
  • 132. Test VTO _- Hard & Soft tissues that will not change after surgery
  • 133. Mandibular structures after advancement
  • 134. Incisor decompensation needed to achieve best profile.
  • 135. Presurgical-Orthodontic VTO – Construct a new VTO to reflect the orthodontic movements that will be needed to allow surgery to create the ideal (or nearest to ideal) profile. – Bite opening or closing is measured by the change in angulation of the line from condylion to gnathion.
  • 136. It is important to draw in the softtissue changes that will occur as a result of any orthodontic decompensation
  • 138. Lew et al (1998) took a sample of 34 growing Class II patients to assess the reliability of manual & computer generated VTOs when compared with actual treatment results. Skeletal, dental & soft tissue measurements were performed on the VTO & the posttreatment changes. Both methods were accurate when predicting skeletal changes that occurred during treatment.
  • 139. For soft tissue prediction, only slight difference was seen with the computer being slightly more accurate. Both methods were moderately successful in forecasting dental alterations during treatment. Overall the prediction tracings were accurate to only a moderate degree, with marked individual variation evident throughout the sample.
  • 140. Inadequacies of VTO 1) Use of average growth increments in growth prediction. 2) The use of existing morphological traits to predict future growth events. 3) The fallibility of presenting VTO analysis as an exact representation of the treatment outcome.
  • 141. Conclusion VTO can be helpful as a diagnostic & treatment planning aid and as a reference throughout treatment. It is also useful in making extraction non extraction decision.
  • 142. With soft tissue responses to hard tissue movements better understood than in past, these & other influential factors could be incorporated into computerized technology, using multiple regression equations to provide extremely accurate treatment planning information.
  • 143. References 1) Ricketts R.M. : Planning treatment on the basis of the facial pattern and an estimate of its growth. Angle Orthod 1957;27;14-37. 2) Ricketts R.M. : Cephalometric synthesis : An exercise instating objectives & planning treatment with tracings of head roentgenogram. AJO 1960;46;647-673. 3) Holdaway RA : A soft tissue cephalometric analysis and its use in orthodontic treatment planning. Part 1. AJO 1983;84;1-28.
  • 144. 4) Holdaway RA : A soft tissue cephalometric analysis and its use in orthodontic treatment planning. Part II. AJO , 1984;85;279-293. 5) Jacobson A, Sadowsky PL : A visualized treatment objective. JCO 1980;14;554-571. 6) Tony G. McCollum : TOMAC : An orthognathic treatment planning system. Part 1 – Soft tissue analysis. JCO 2001;35(6) ; 356-364.
  • 145. 7) Tony G. McCollum : TOMAC : An orthognathic treatment planning system. Part 2 VTO construction in the horizontal dimension. JCO 2001, 35 (7); 434-443. 8) Tony G. McCollum : TOMAC : An orthognathic treatment planning system. Part 3 VTO construction in the vertical dimension. JCO 2001, 35 (8); 479-490. 9)Richard P McLaughlin, John C. Bennett : The Dental VTO : An analysis of orthodontic tooth movement. JCO 1999,33(7) ; 394-403.
  • 146. 10) Lew B. Sample,Lionel Sadowsky, Edwin Bradley : An evaluation of 2 VTO methods. Angle Orthod 1998;68(5);401-408. 11) Roberts M Ricketts, Ruel W Bench, Carl F Gugino, james J Hilgers, Robert J Schullof : Bioprogressive Therapy. Rocky Montain/Orthodontics. 1980. page- 35-54.
  • 147. Thank you Leader in continuing dental education