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Brandon Lambert
This template PowerPoint presentation
includes all the relevant elements you
should cover for a practical project. It
is not exhaustive, but provides some
guidance on stages, types of planning
and documents you should be
assembling. This is not a one size fits
all document, you will need to amend,
rejig and add/subtract sections
depending on what you are making.
Add more pages to each section
where necessary [you should be doing
Add visuals as you see necessary.
This document will be added to as you
progress through the pre-production
Delete this slide when complete
Idea Generation and Research
Use section to track your process of of generating ideas.
List and discuss the styles, techniques and conventions
that you have identified in your research. Explore how
you could approach the project using different methods
You can add any extra info you think is relevant, images,
mind maps, etc
For quick mind maps you could use
Make sure you assess the viability of ideas as well as the
potential for them creatively.
I am going to approach this project with an open mind,
in the past I have limited myself in terms of creativity I
put into my work, for example, I have never
experimented with any voice over content or anything
like that. I think this project is a good starting point for
me to experiment more.
I think the format and subject matter of my product I
have chosen to use this leaves me with much room for
experimentation with different editing styles and
techniques. I aim to maintain a specific visual aesthetic
that will require visually dark color editing techniques, I
will adjust the hue of certain clips to fit into this chosen
aesthetic. I also plan to use different intro templates, I
want my documentary to open up with a visually pleasing
intro template scene to introduce the podcast.
Due to the diversity and contrast within my chosen topic
of discussion in my documentary, there are quite a lot of
different genre conventions for me to include and take
advantage of in my production. For example the clothing
style itself is a genre convention as its consistently used
within this sub genre of music/fashion. Another genre
convention I will be addressing in my product is the
match between music and fashion, there is a maintained
style that is portrayed across not only the underground
music industry but the underground fashion industry as
well, the artists within the underground seem to like to
keep a consistent theme even in two totally different
aspects of their self image.
ary ideas
As for editing I would like to
include a lot of artistic
techniques. Maybe use some
interesting transitions between
clips to give off an entertaining
feel. I would also like to
include the technique of
sectioning my production
work, I will make clear the
current topic of conversation
by sectioning and potentially
including a title card of sorts
to introduce each section.
Since my production is focused on
music and fashion I was thinking of
maybe gathering footage in some
clothing stores and maybe some
music equipment stores also. I
attended a show a couple of months
ago as well, the footage gathered
there would work perfectly for my
I think it would also be a
good idea to interview
someone who is educated on
the subject matter of my
documentary, this way their
input will be genuine and
well informed,
5 opportunities of your ideas
•Will be able to accuratley portray an industry I am
passionate about, at the same time debunk any
misconceptions/disingenuous statements or opinions.
•Can experiment with different editing styles to match the
diverse visual aesthetics of my chosen industry.
•A chance to further explore a topic I have been involved
with and interested in for a long time.
•Can educate others that seem interested in the topics I
will be discussing.
•Will be able to gain valuable insight into creating and
distributing a product of the documentary style.
5 restrictions to your ideas
•Documentary is only allowed to be a maximum of 5 minutes
so might not be able to include everything I wished to talk
•Don’t have access to a professional microphone so audio
may be slightly lacking in quality.
•Chosen quite a defined sub genre of music/fashion to
document so I am quite limited in terms of the topics I can
•The specific fashion designers I plan to discuss in my
documentary maintained an anonymous online identity in
terms of the personal information they reveal, so might not
be a great variety of information on the fashion designers
•Will be hard maintaining an aesthetic theme throughout my
Why this idea? Why this format? What skills do you have
that support this and what are you looking forward to
exploring more.
I have chosen this idea because the topic is something I
am very passionate about, I think if there is a genuine
interest in any subject matter of an informational
product, the final piece of work will be better because of
that. I think my current knowledge of the topic I have
chose will support me as I wont need to spend as much
time on research, instead I can use that time to perfect
my idea and explore different visual outlooks. I am
heavily looking forward to seeing how I manage to
portray the visuaol aesthetic of such a diverse industry in
a single product.
What do you want to make, reference the look, style and
type of project. This could be a synopsis of the piece and
some visual reference points. Reference content and the
themes you are wanting to explore and resources that
might help you to achieve your aims.
I will be making a documentary style educational
tape discussing a wide variety of different aspects of the
underground music/fashion industry. The documentary
will adopt a dark, modern stylistic aesthetic which will
feature a lot of artistic editing techniques, I think this will
accurately display the themes and creative aesthetics
within the inudstry. The background footage will be of
real life examples of certain fashion items, underground
music related footage and an interview of an
underground artist. This footage will be coupled with
underground songs and a voice over discussing the
TASK 2 Pre-production
You need to assess the viability of your production and
investigate what is required to enable you to make it.
Much of this task is hypothetical, which means you will
need to investigate standard costings for such a
production and apply these to your planned production
considering which equipment you would need and
resources, etc
Resources to support this are on Teams.
Delete the questions on each slide and insert your
Summary of intended production: I am going to make an
educational documentary that focuses on relaying certain
important information while simultaneously conveying
the chosen subject matter in a realistic and genuine way.
The documentary's subject matter will be the
underground music/fashion scene, I hope for my final
product to be an enjoyable yet informative documentary
that utilizes to its advantage interesting and artistic
editing techniques. I also hope for the format and how I
have laid out the different portions of the product to be
of high quality. Equipment requirements include access
to a windows computer, premiere pro and cap cut on my
iPhone, these things will allow me to edit and finalize my
You need to identify locations and plan a recce.
What are the limitations and risks, eg distance, access, cost,
weather? How will you manage this?
I will be filming a portion of my production in Flannels, as it
sells and displays some of the clothing brands I shall be
discussing in documentary, the only risk I can think of for
Flannels is not being allowed to film inside, distance isn’t an
issue, its 1 bus journey away for me and my collaborator.
Cost is free as I own a bus pass and weather isn’t an issue
either as the location is in doors. Another location that will
feature in my product is the electric ballroom, I attended a
show there a couple of months ago, the footage I gathered
there is a great representation of some of the social events
of the underground music scene. The rest of the footage
will be filmed around town, not necessarily anywhere
specific, just out in public, since this portion of production
footage gathering will be outside weather could cause some
problems, if so we can just gather footage on another day.
My equipment requirements are pretty simple, all I need
is my iPhone to gather some of the footage and also edit
a portion of the documentary. I also need access to a
windows computer that has premiere pro, I will use this to
piece together my footage and make sure the individual
clips are cut together well, college can provide this.
Where will you edit your video? Do you need any other
specialist facilities…?
I will edit work at college using premiere pro, I will also
edit some other of my work at home using cap cut on my
CREW: What is you team? Who is in it? What are each
team members strengths/weaknesses? When are they
CAST: Do you need any external performers? When are
they available? Cost implications? Will you have to feed
them? Transport them?
Other personnel? Is anyone else helping you? Models?
Contributors? Interviewees?
My team consists of me and my interviewee/collaborator
Alfie Horwell, as for his strengths and weaknesses I think
his knowledge on the subject matter I have chosen in my
documentary is a great strengths as he can inform me
and help me out with my product since he is so
knowledgeable on it, he is also a creative individual and
good at editing which should come in handy. As for a
weakness I would probably say time management, but
this shouldn’t be a problem since one of my strengths is
time management, at least when it comes to gathering
production material. As for my weaknesses I think
sometimes I lack motivation and settling for an ok
product when I know I could make a good product if I
put in a bit more effort. Availability is mostly on
Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays after college, which
conveniently applies to me as well.
Since the subject matter I will be discussing in my
documentary is heavily related to fashion, the costumes
the cast and interviewees will be wearing will be of the
same style/visual aesthetic of the fashion I will be talking
about. As for consumables and props there wont be any
intentional props included, there may be some in the
background however.
TASK 3.1 Creative or Visual
This section is concerned with the visual/creative
planning of your production. This is WHAT you want to
You should use this section to develop what is it going to
look/sound like and establish what the visual design is
and the desired sequence.
It is important that you ‘pre-visualise’ the project before
you make it; it will make filming and production a more
streamlined process.
The following tasks should be part of your visual
planning, including:
 Pre-visualisation and concept boards
 Storyboarding
 Shot list
 Flat plans
 Colour plans
Tool for exploring the direction and visuals
Provides inspiration and information for the “look & feel”
Presents key moments in your video
A means to sketch/plan ideas
Information on colour/lighting
Defining the “mise-en-scene”
Include as much here as you like, but keep it relevant to the
production, the following slides have been left blank for you
to approach in your own way, add more as you need to
Extension suggestion: edit a short sequence of clips that
have inspired or influenced your video [similar to this:
My concept board is an accumulation of certain images
that accurately portray the visual aesthetic of my
documentary and also some of the subjects I shall be
discussing in my production work. For example, my
concept board features images of certain underground
artists that fit within the sub genre of music/fashion the
documentary aims to educate on. One of the images in
my concept board is a photograph of a Rick Owens shoe
collection, Rick Owens is a famous fashion designer who's
clothing is heavily involved and showcased throughout
my chosen industry. Including all of these images in my
concept board creates an early stages visual
representation of what I hope my final product to look
like, I shall use it as a reference to look back on whenever
I need a visual reminder.
Breakdown your project into its basic sections and apply
broad visual and creative ideas to each section.
You can use this as the master template for your
production, then add more shots/pages, etc to each
section when you develop your full sequenced plan and
planned outcomes.
You should create a slide showing all the sections of the
project, then add a slide for each section with timings,
what happens visually and in terms of audio, page layout
aim to have as much specific detail as possible.
The structure of the project and method of doing this is
dictated by the type of project.
The intro will be a compilation of clips and little
snippets, it will act to inform the consumer of a general
idea of what the documentary is about. The intro will
feature multiple clips of the different styles I shall be
discussing in the documentary and also certain music. I
was also thinking I could potentially include a title card
and implement a name for the podcast and maybe even
an advertisement poster for it.
In the 'informative section' I will be discussing some
fashion designers, showing some of their designs and
just including general education on the designers
themselves and their companies/brands. I will also apply
this same formula to the music related portions of this
The interview section is pretty self explanatory, I will be
interviewing someone who is heavily involved within the
underground music/fashion industry. I will be asking for
their opinions on the industry as a whole and also asking
for their input and advice for people who maybe want to
get into the scene but don’t know how to. The
interviewee himself is an artist who is very interested
with fashion also so his input and answers are coming
from an established within the industry point of view,
which I think is an important aspect.
Your shot list should contain the sequential breakdown
of what you need to shoot for your video
It should work in partnership with your storyboard
It will be your working document when you film
It should contain the shot number, scene number, shot
description, framing and action you will see
It should also have information on performers in the
scene and other props, etc
Shot list template is on Teams.
Intro shots- In the intro I will include mostly shots that
preview different upcoming parts of the documentary,
for example, different shots from the interview section
and informative section.
Informative section- The informative section is meant to
educate on the topic of the documentary, this being
underground fashion and music, because of this the shot
list for this section will just include lots of footage
featuring different related pieces of clothing, music
related footage like from shows and similar events.
Interview section- In the interview section, the shot list is
extremely simply, it will just include one shot of the
interviewee, although I will apply some editing
techniques and effects to make it more interesting.
Your storyboard should bring your idea to life
Provide an idea of the sequencing of you video
Provides a basis for production visually
Remember, each frame should be as the camera frames it
Suggested online storyboard creators are:
 [very complicated]
 [allows you to insert your own images]
Alternatively, hand draw or photograph your storyboard and
scan or copy to insert it onto your slides
There are lots of tips collected together on Blackboard!
Remember, video production is a multi-sensory medium,
do not forget your audio planning, whether this is for
spoken dialogue, VO/narration, sound effect or
soundtrack. This needs detailed planning, linking to
sequencing and sourcing/creating.
In terms of audio I plan to implement a diverse selection
of audio techniques. For example because the topic of
discussion within my documentary is heavily focused on
underground music, I will be inputting multiple
tracks that fit within that genre, I think this will work well
if I use it at the right times. For dialogue during the
interview section I will use an audio Technica at2020
USB, the sound quality this microphone provides is of
decent quality so I think it will work well, especially with
some tweaks to make sure it sounds as good as
TASK 3.2 Organisational
If the visual and creative planning is the WHAT of the
production, organisational planning the WHO, WHAT,
WHERE, WHEN and WHY of the production.
This is the functional planning for the project, applying
common sense and organisation to your creative ideas.
Include names, contact info, and defined roles at
difference stages of production, using a table is
The entire production group will consist of me and Alfie
Horwell, I will be handling the camera and gathering all
of the footage I need, Alfie will be the one featuring in
the clips, he is also the one who ill be interviewing, he is
heavily involved within the industry which I will be
discussing in the documentary so I think this will be a
good decision. Contact info for Alfie is 07400 012040.
Information and images of your location[s] for filming
You should have address details, clearance/premissions
for filming, recce photos and floorplans [including
camera, equipment and cast/crew layouts]
Where possible, have a plan B fallback location option
Assess each location for any issues and suggest
Most of if not all of my footage used in my production
will be shot in town, as for specific locations I plan to
gather some clips at the minster, inside flannels and
other clothing stores, I have chosen these clothing store
locations as they showcase some of the subject matters I
will be discussing in the documentary. As for the minster
I have chosen to gather footage there as it conforms and
accurately portrays the ‘Destroy Lonely’ aesthetic, this
being church type establishments which have a certain
visual aesthetic. There are a few potential issues with
these locations, in terms of the clothing stores, some
may not allow any filming inside the store, I'm sure if I
ask nicely they will allow me however, if not I can also
change the store in which I record to one that will allow
me. If worse comes to worse and I cant find a single
clothing store that will let me record inside I can just
resort to gathering all of my footage outside. I don't
think there are any potential issues with filming at the
Risk Assess each separate filming location using the
table in the camera H&S PP on Teams kit booking as a
starting point.
Completing a generic filming assessment would be a
start, then you can add specialist/site specific risks as
you progress your production
Remember, a Risk Assessment is an ongoing document,
you should evaluate if anything changes in production
and when you put control measures in place
You should add the table to each call sheet for each
I don’t think there are any serious risks involved when
gathering my production footage in the locations I have
assigned myself, the place is very public, open and a safe
place, the only real risks I can identify is bad weather,
rain could interfere with gathering footage or could
damage some of the equipment I will be using.
Things go wrong
Your contingency plan is there to give you a backup or to
minimise the effect on production
You should consider the following areas: Technical,
Location, Personnel and Organisational areas [about 5
potential issues for each]
Use the form in pre-production folder on Blackboard
I have created an effective contingency plan in case
anything goes wrong with my production work. For
example, if I loose any footage or cannot gather the
footage I need, I have created a folder in my personal
OneDrive that contains footage from past projects that I
can potentially use if it comes to that. I have also
downloaded premiere pro onto my home computer so
that if for some reason on a particular day I cannot make
it into college I can work from home and make sure I
don’t fall behind. In terms of location and personnel and
location I have backups that I can use for production if
there are any last minute changes of plan.
Your schedule should budget a total of 10 hours for
production, that is for the filming and editing of your
You should plan when you’re filming and how you intend
to use the in class days on your timetable/class schedule
I will be gathering all of the footage I will be using for my
production after college days, this is because the bus me
and my collaborator take home after college goes
straight through town, meaning we can get off and start
filming right away since town is the location I have
decided to film at. Editing my production work however
will almost fully be done inside college, I have specifically
allocated certain time frames for each part of my
production work, this is so that I can make sure to finish
on time, I have decided to give myself 1 week to gather
any footage for my work and 2 weeks for editing. Any
time I still have left after this will be spent on perfecting
and double checking my work.
Any place you film and anyone you use in the filming of
your video must have a completed form
Blank forms are on Blackboard for you to complete and
insert here

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Video Planning Guide

  • 2. GUIDANC E This template PowerPoint presentation includes all the relevant elements you should cover for a practical project. It is not exhaustive, but provides some guidance on stages, types of planning and documents you should be assembling. This is not a one size fits all document, you will need to amend, rejig and add/subtract sections depending on what you are making. Add more pages to each section where necessary [you should be doing this!] Add visuals as you see necessary. This document will be added to as you progress through the pre-production phase. Delete this slide when complete
  • 3. TASK 1 Idea Generation and Research
  • 4. RESEARCH & IDEA GENERATION Use section to track your process of of generating ideas. List and discuss the styles, techniques and conventions that you have identified in your research. Explore how you could approach the project using different methods You can add any extra info you think is relevant, images, mind maps, etc For quick mind maps you could use Make sure you assess the viability of ideas as well as the potential for them creatively.
  • 5. POTENTIAL APPROACHES I am going to approach this project with an open mind, in the past I have limited myself in terms of creativity I put into my work, for example, I have never experimented with any voice over content or anything like that. I think this project is a good starting point for me to experiment more.
  • 6. POTENTIAL TECHNIQUES TO USE I think the format and subject matter of my product I have chosen to use this leaves me with much room for experimentation with different editing styles and techniques. I aim to maintain a specific visual aesthetic that will require visually dark color editing techniques, I will adjust the hue of certain clips to fit into this chosen aesthetic. I also plan to use different intro templates, I want my documentary to open up with a visually pleasing intro template scene to introduce the podcast.
  • 7. CONVENTIONS OF YOUR CHOSEN FORMAT/GENRE YOU ARE WORKING TO Due to the diversity and contrast within my chosen topic of discussion in my documentary, there are quite a lot of different genre conventions for me to include and take advantage of in my production. For example the clothing style itself is a genre convention as its consistently used within this sub genre of music/fashion. Another genre convention I will be addressing in my product is the match between music and fashion, there is a maintained style that is portrayed across not only the underground music industry but the underground fashion industry as well, the artists within the underground seem to like to keep a consistent theme even in two totally different aspects of their self image.
  • 8. MIND MAP OF IDE [SUMMARY OF ID Document ary ideas As for editing I would like to include a lot of artistic techniques. Maybe use some interesting transitions between clips to give off an entertaining feel. I would also like to include the technique of sectioning my production work, I will make clear the current topic of conversation by sectioning and potentially including a title card of sorts to introduce each section. Since my production is focused on music and fashion I was thinking of maybe gathering footage in some clothing stores and maybe some music equipment stores also. I attended a show a couple of months ago as well, the footage gathered there would work perfectly for my work. I think it would also be a good idea to interview someone who is educated on the subject matter of my documentary, this way their input will be genuine and well informed,
  • 9. SUMMARY 5 opportunities of your ideas •Will be able to accuratley portray an industry I am passionate about, at the same time debunk any misconceptions/disingenuous statements or opinions. •Can experiment with different editing styles to match the diverse visual aesthetics of my chosen industry. •A chance to further explore a topic I have been involved with and interested in for a long time. •Can educate others that seem interested in the topics I will be discussing. •Will be able to gain valuable insight into creating and distributing a product of the documentary style.
  • 10. SUMMARY 5 restrictions to your ideas •Documentary is only allowed to be a maximum of 5 minutes so might not be able to include everything I wished to talk about. •Don’t have access to a professional microphone so audio may be slightly lacking in quality. •Chosen quite a defined sub genre of music/fashion to document so I am quite limited in terms of the topics I can discuss. •The specific fashion designers I plan to discuss in my documentary maintained an anonymous online identity in terms of the personal information they reveal, so might not be a great variety of information on the fashion designers themselves. •Will be hard maintaining an aesthetic theme throughout my
  • 11. FINAL IDEA – RATIONALE Why this idea? Why this format? What skills do you have that support this and what are you looking forward to exploring more. I have chosen this idea because the topic is something I am very passionate about, I think if there is a genuine interest in any subject matter of an informational product, the final piece of work will be better because of that. I think my current knowledge of the topic I have chose will support me as I wont need to spend as much time on research, instead I can use that time to perfect my idea and explore different visual outlooks. I am heavily looking forward to seeing how I manage to portray the visuaol aesthetic of such a diverse industry in a single product.
  • 12. FINAL IDEA – CREATIVE CONCEPT What do you want to make, reference the look, style and type of project. This could be a synopsis of the piece and some visual reference points. Reference content and the themes you are wanting to explore and resources that might help you to achieve your aims. I will be making a documentary style educational tape discussing a wide variety of different aspects of the underground music/fashion industry. The documentary will adopt a dark, modern stylistic aesthetic which will feature a lot of artistic editing techniques, I think this will accurately display the themes and creative aesthetics within the inudstry. The background footage will be of real life examples of certain fashion items, underground music related footage and an interview of an underground artist. This footage will be coupled with underground songs and a voice over discussing the topics.
  • 14. GUIDANCE: PRE-PRODUCTION ASSESSMENT You need to assess the viability of your production and investigate what is required to enable you to make it. Much of this task is hypothetical, which means you will need to investigate standard costings for such a production and apply these to your planned production considering which equipment you would need and resources, etc Resources to support this are on Teams. Delete the questions on each slide and insert your responses
  • 15. TITLE OF PRODUCTION/PRODUCTION OUTLINE Summary of intended production: I am going to make an educational documentary that focuses on relaying certain important information while simultaneously conveying the chosen subject matter in a realistic and genuine way. The documentary's subject matter will be the underground music/fashion scene, I hope for my final product to be an enjoyable yet informative documentary that utilizes to its advantage interesting and artistic editing techniques. I also hope for the format and how I have laid out the different portions of the product to be of high quality. Equipment requirements include access to a windows computer, premiere pro and cap cut on my iPhone, these things will allow me to edit and finalize my work.
  • 16. LOCATIONS You need to identify locations and plan a recce. What are the limitations and risks, eg distance, access, cost, weather? How will you manage this? I will be filming a portion of my production in Flannels, as it sells and displays some of the clothing brands I shall be discussing in documentary, the only risk I can think of for Flannels is not being allowed to film inside, distance isn’t an issue, its 1 bus journey away for me and my collaborator. Cost is free as I own a bus pass and weather isn’t an issue either as the location is in doors. Another location that will feature in my product is the electric ballroom, I attended a show there a couple of months ago, the footage I gathered there is a great representation of some of the social events of the underground music scene. The rest of the footage will be filmed around town, not necessarily anywhere specific, just out in public, since this portion of production footage gathering will be outside weather could cause some problems, if so we can just gather footage on another day.
  • 17. EQUIPMENT My equipment requirements are pretty simple, all I need is my iPhone to gather some of the footage and also edit a portion of the documentary. I also need access to a windows computer that has premiere pro, I will use this to piece together my footage and make sure the individual clips are cut together well, college can provide this.
  • 18. FACILITIES Where will you edit your video? Do you need any other specialist facilities…? I will edit work at college using premiere pro, I will also edit some other of my work at home using cap cut on my phone.
  • 19. PERSONNEL CREW: What is you team? Who is in it? What are each team members strengths/weaknesses? When are they available? CAST: Do you need any external performers? When are they available? Cost implications? Will you have to feed them? Transport them? Other personnel? Is anyone else helping you? Models? Contributors? Interviewees?
  • 20. PERSONNEL My team consists of me and my interviewee/collaborator Alfie Horwell, as for his strengths and weaknesses I think his knowledge on the subject matter I have chosen in my documentary is a great strengths as he can inform me and help me out with my product since he is so knowledgeable on it, he is also a creative individual and good at editing which should come in handy. As for a weakness I would probably say time management, but this shouldn’t be a problem since one of my strengths is time management, at least when it comes to gathering production material. As for my weaknesses I think sometimes I lack motivation and settling for an ok product when I know I could make a good product if I put in a bit more effort. Availability is mostly on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays after college, which conveniently applies to me as well.
  • 21. PROPS/COSTUME/CONSUMAB LES/ETC Since the subject matter I will be discussing in my documentary is heavily related to fashion, the costumes the cast and interviewees will be wearing will be of the same style/visual aesthetic of the fashion I will be talking about. As for consumables and props there wont be any intentional props included, there may be some in the background however.
  • 22. TASK 3.1 Creative or Visual Planning
  • 23. PRE-PRODUCTION: VISUAL PLANNING This section is concerned with the visual/creative planning of your production. This is WHAT you want to make You should use this section to develop what is it going to look/sound like and establish what the visual design is and the desired sequence. It is important that you ‘pre-visualise’ the project before you make it; it will make filming and production a more streamlined process. The following tasks should be part of your visual planning, including:  Pre-visualisation and concept boards  Storyboarding  Shot list  Flat plans  Colour plans
  • 24. PRE- VISUALISATION/CONCEPT BOARDS Tool for exploring the direction and visuals Provides inspiration and information for the “look & feel” Presents key moments in your video A means to sketch/plan ideas Information on colour/lighting Defining the “mise-en-scene” Include as much here as you like, but keep it relevant to the production, the following slides have been left blank for you to approach in your own way, add more as you need to Extension suggestion: edit a short sequence of clips that have inspired or influenced your video [similar to this: hunger-games-might-be-better-than-the-real-movie]
  • 26. CONCEPT BOARD DISCUSSION/EXPLANATION My concept board is an accumulation of certain images that accurately portray the visual aesthetic of my documentary and also some of the subjects I shall be discussing in my production work. For example, my concept board features images of certain underground artists that fit within the sub genre of music/fashion the documentary aims to educate on. One of the images in my concept board is a photograph of a Rick Owens shoe collection, Rick Owens is a famous fashion designer who's clothing is heavily involved and showcased throughout my chosen industry. Including all of these images in my concept board creates an early stages visual representation of what I hope my final product to look like, I shall use it as a reference to look back on whenever I need a visual reminder.
  • 27. STRUCTURAL BREAKDOWN/PLANNING Breakdown your project into its basic sections and apply broad visual and creative ideas to each section. You can use this as the master template for your production, then add more shots/pages, etc to each section when you develop your full sequenced plan and planned outcomes. You should create a slide showing all the sections of the project, then add a slide for each section with timings, what happens visually and in terms of audio, page layout aim to have as much specific detail as possible. The structure of the project and method of doing this is dictated by the type of project.
  • 28. INTRO The intro will be a compilation of clips and little snippets, it will act to inform the consumer of a general idea of what the documentary is about. The intro will feature multiple clips of the different styles I shall be discussing in the documentary and also certain music. I was also thinking I could potentially include a title card and implement a name for the podcast and maybe even an advertisement poster for it.
  • 29. INFORMATIVE SECTION In the 'informative section' I will be discussing some fashion designers, showing some of their designs and just including general education on the designers themselves and their companies/brands. I will also apply this same formula to the music related portions of this section.
  • 30. INTERVIEW SECTION The interview section is pretty self explanatory, I will be interviewing someone who is heavily involved within the underground music/fashion industry. I will be asking for their opinions on the industry as a whole and also asking for their input and advice for people who maybe want to get into the scene but don’t know how to. The interviewee himself is an artist who is very interested with fashion also so his input and answers are coming from an established within the industry point of view, which I think is an important aspect.
  • 31. SHOT LIST - VIDEO Your shot list should contain the sequential breakdown of what you need to shoot for your video It should work in partnership with your storyboard It will be your working document when you film It should contain the shot number, scene number, shot description, framing and action you will see It should also have information on performers in the scene and other props, etc Shot list template is on Teams.
  • 32. SHOT LIST Intro shots- In the intro I will include mostly shots that preview different upcoming parts of the documentary, for example, different shots from the interview section and informative section. Informative section- The informative section is meant to educate on the topic of the documentary, this being underground fashion and music, because of this the shot list for this section will just include lots of footage featuring different related pieces of clothing, music related footage like from shows and similar events. Interview section- In the interview section, the shot list is extremely simply, it will just include one shot of the interviewee, although I will apply some editing techniques and effects to make it more interesting.
  • 33. STORYBOARDING - VIDEO Your storyboard should bring your idea to life Provide an idea of the sequencing of you video Provides a basis for production visually Remember, each frame should be as the camera frames it Suggested online storyboard creators are:   [very complicated]  [allows you to insert your own images] Alternatively, hand draw or photograph your storyboard and scan or copy to insert it onto your slides There are lots of tips collected together on Blackboard!
  • 35. AUDIO AND OTHER PLANNING Remember, video production is a multi-sensory medium, do not forget your audio planning, whether this is for spoken dialogue, VO/narration, sound effect or soundtrack. This needs detailed planning, linking to sequencing and sourcing/creating. In terms of audio I plan to implement a diverse selection of audio techniques. For example because the topic of discussion within my documentary is heavily focused on underground music, I will be inputting multiple tracks that fit within that genre, I think this will work well if I use it at the right times. For dialogue during the interview section I will use an audio Technica at2020 USB, the sound quality this microphone provides is of decent quality so I think it will work well, especially with some tweaks to make sure it sounds as good as possible.
  • 37. ORGANISATIONAL PLANNING If the visual and creative planning is the WHAT of the production, organisational planning the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHY of the production. This is the functional planning for the project, applying common sense and organisation to your creative ideas.
  • 38. PRODUCTION GROUP INFO Include names, contact info, and defined roles at difference stages of production, using a table is suggested The entire production group will consist of me and Alfie Horwell, I will be handling the camera and gathering all of the footage I need, Alfie will be the one featuring in the clips, he is also the one who ill be interviewing, he is heavily involved within the industry which I will be discussing in the documentary so I think this will be a good decision. Contact info for Alfie is 07400 012040.
  • 39. LOCATION INFORMATION Information and images of your location[s] for filming You should have address details, clearance/premissions for filming, recce photos and floorplans [including camera, equipment and cast/crew layouts] Where possible, have a plan B fallback location option Assess each location for any issues and suggest solutions
  • 40. LOCATIONS Most of if not all of my footage used in my production will be shot in town, as for specific locations I plan to gather some clips at the minster, inside flannels and other clothing stores, I have chosen these clothing store locations as they showcase some of the subject matters I will be discussing in the documentary. As for the minster I have chosen to gather footage there as it conforms and accurately portrays the ‘Destroy Lonely’ aesthetic, this being church type establishments which have a certain visual aesthetic. There are a few potential issues with these locations, in terms of the clothing stores, some may not allow any filming inside the store, I'm sure if I ask nicely they will allow me however, if not I can also change the store in which I record to one that will allow me. If worse comes to worse and I cant find a single clothing store that will let me record inside I can just resort to gathering all of my footage outside. I don't think there are any potential issues with filming at the
  • 41.
  • 42. RISK ASSESSMENT Risk Assess each separate filming location using the table in the camera H&S PP on Teams kit booking as a starting point. Completing a generic filming assessment would be a start, then you can add specialist/site specific risks as you progress your production Remember, a Risk Assessment is an ongoing document, you should evaluate if anything changes in production and when you put control measures in place You should add the table to each call sheet for each location
  • 43. RISK ASSESSMENT I don’t think there are any serious risks involved when gathering my production footage in the locations I have assigned myself, the place is very public, open and a safe place, the only real risks I can identify is bad weather, rain could interfere with gathering footage or could damage some of the equipment I will be using.
  • 44. CONTINGENCY PLANNING Things go wrong Your contingency plan is there to give you a backup or to minimise the effect on production You should consider the following areas: Technical, Location, Personnel and Organisational areas [about 5 potential issues for each] Use the form in pre-production folder on Blackboard
  • 45. CONTINGENCY PLAN I have created an effective contingency plan in case anything goes wrong with my production work. For example, if I loose any footage or cannot gather the footage I need, I have created a folder in my personal OneDrive that contains footage from past projects that I can potentially use if it comes to that. I have also downloaded premiere pro onto my home computer so that if for some reason on a particular day I cannot make it into college I can work from home and make sure I don’t fall behind. In terms of location and personnel and location I have backups that I can use for production if there are any last minute changes of plan.
  • 46. PRODUCTION SCHEDULE Your schedule should budget a total of 10 hours for production, that is for the filming and editing of your project. You should plan when you’re filming and how you intend to use the in class days on your timetable/class schedule
  • 47. SCHEDULE I will be gathering all of the footage I will be using for my production after college days, this is because the bus me and my collaborator take home after college goes straight through town, meaning we can get off and start filming right away since town is the location I have decided to film at. Editing my production work however will almost fully be done inside college, I have specifically allocated certain time frames for each part of my production work, this is so that I can make sure to finish on time, I have decided to give myself 1 week to gather any footage for my work and 2 weeks for editing. Any time I still have left after this will be spent on perfecting and double checking my work.
  • 48. CLEARANCE AND PERMISSIONS Any place you film and anyone you use in the filming of your video must have a completed form Blank forms are on Blackboard for you to complete and insert here