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Pay it forward . . .
2014 Annual Report
From Our President . . .
Kính thưa Quý vị,
Trước hết chúng tôi thay mặt Hội Đồng Quản Trị, ban tổ chức, nhân viên điều hành và tập thể thiện nguyện viên Hội Người Việt
Illinois xin hân hoan chào đón và kính gởi đến Quý vị lời chào trân trọng nhất. Chúng tôi cũng xin chân thành cám ơn Quý vị đã dành
thời giờ quý báu đến tham dự và cổ vũ cho buổi Dạ Tiệc Thường Niên đêm nay, một truyền thống mà Hội Người Việt đã duy trì liên tục
trong 38 năm qua. Thưa Quý vị, như đã ước hẹn, hàng năm cứ vào thời khắc này, khi tiết trời bắt đầu báo hiệu một mùa Đông, chúng tôi
lại được vinh dự tiếp đón Quý vị trong bầu không khí giao hòa đầm ấm tại hội trường trang trọng này để chia sẻ quá trình sinh hoạt của
Hội trong năm qua.
Lời ước hẹn ấy hôm nay đã trở về, cho chúng ta cơ hội hạnh ngộ để ôn lại kỷ niệm, để chia sẻ buồn vui trong mạch sống nơi đất
khách quê người. Cuộc hành trình trải dài gần bốn mươi năm thăng trầm của Hội Người Việt, điều hiển nhiên là nhờ vào tâm huyết và
bàn tay của chính Quý vị đã dày công vun bồi để giờ đây chúng tôi đang tự hào tiếp tục kế thừa. Nghĩa cử chung lòng chung sức đó là
vốn quý, là tài sản vô giá cần được thăng hoa tạo điều kiện nâng đỡ những người thật sự cần quan tâm để họ tìm thấy tương lai và hy
vọng trong cuộc sống mới. Chúng tôi tin rằng sự tiếp tay hỗ trợ của Quý vị sẽ tác động lớn lao đến tinh
thần nỗ lực sáng tạo trong việc điều hành, và sẽ mang lại những thành quả khả quan xứng đáng trong
tương lai. Tinh thần tương trợ quý báu đó cũng là trục xoay chính mở ra cánh cửa thành công trong sứ
mệnh phục vụ cộng đồng, phù hợp kế hoạch mà Hội đã đề ra kể từ khi thành lập vào năm 1976.
Trong ý hướng đó, chủ đề được chọn cho đêm Dạ Tiệc Thường Niên năm nay là "Pay It Forward”.
Chúng tôi muốn nói đến sự đền đáp tiếp nối trong đời sống và lòng biết ơn. Khi chúng ta nhận được sự
giúp đỡ của tha nhân, chúng ta không quên trợ giúp người khác. Ý thức và cảm nhận được ý nghĩa
quan trọng mang đậm tính nhân văn đó, chúng tôi cảm thấy cần phải làm nhiều hơn nữa nhằm duy trì và
phát triển tốt công tác phục vụ xã hội, trọng trách mà chúng tôi xem như bổn phận thiêng liêng để xây
dựng cộng đồng ngày một vững mạnh. Chúng tôi cũng mong ước đón nhận thêm nữa sự đóng góp về
nhiều mặt từ Quý vị để Hội tiếp tục thăng tiến lên một tầm cao mới. Sự đa dạng trong cách suy nghĩ và
đóng góp ý kiến sẽ tác động tích cực đến cách thức phát triển và sức sáng tạo trong công việc phục vụ
xã hội, kiện toàn tổ chức.
Kính thưa Quý vị, một lần nữa, xin chân thành tri ân đến tất cả Quý vị đại diện các Hội Đoàn, Quý
cơ quan truyền thông báo chí, Quý ân nhân, Quý tân khách, các thành viên Hội Đồng Quản Trị, nhân
viên điều hành và các bạn thiện nguyện viên đã hỗ trợ thời gian, công sức để sự kiện trọng đại này được
thành công tốt đẹp. Kính chúc Quý vị một buổi tối an bình và hạnh phúc.
Rất trân trọng,
Bs. Hoàng Đức Hiền
Chủ Tịch Hội Đồng Quản Trị Hội Người Việt Illinois
Pay it
From our CEO . . .
Dear Friends,
As I reflect on the year just ended and the many ways the Vietnamese Association of Illinois (VAI) has opened its doors to people
in need, a quote comes to mind by Mahatma Gandhi…”the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” At the
VAI, we try very hard to follow this example with gentle care, opening our arms and our hearts to every human need.
This year, I have marveled at how tirelessly our staff and volunteers undertake their work. They embrace with great care those
with disadvantages. Further, they wisely develop and implement solutions. I am truly blessed to work with a remarkable team determined
to give back and pay it forward. The VAI staff, board members, and volunteers are comprised of individuals with a rich history of service.
In fact, most of our staff and board members are former refugees themselves.
This year, VAI saw a great need for senior services. Our staff provided over 120,000 hours of in-home care to over 170 seniors.
Most importantly, our staff prides itself on quality work to all clients. Our Adjustment Department
saw an increase in need and served over 900 clients from all parts of the world. Our Health Program
initiatives don't just educate our clients, but also partner with historic academic institutions such as
Northwestern University and the Lurie Cancer Center to resolve healthcare issues.
Through our ongoing partnerships and evolving programs, we dedicate ourselves to examining
the current landscape, understanding the perceptions, and stopping the cycle of continuing health
afflictions before they pass on to the next generation. I am truly excited to see our Health Initiative
grow and serve more individuals and families.
To those who have given their time, talent, and treasures we are eternally grateful for the hope
we shared together in 2014. Together we served thousands of lives…paying it forward one heart, one
life, one individual at a time.
With sincere gratitude,
Paul H. Luu
Chief Executive Officer
t forward . . .
136 Homemakers
179 Clients
123,158 Hours
of in-home care
to provide in-home
care to the agency’s
senior constituents.
VAI Homemakers
assist senior citizens
by providing them
with the assistance
necessary to remain in their homes and enjoy
their golden years.
VAI employs 136 Homemakers and in Fiscal Year
2014, the agency provided 123,158 hours of in-
home care to its 179 clients.
Fiscal Year 2014 was a successful year for VAI’s
YOUTH PROGRAM, which increased its
enrollment from the previous year. Most of our
participants maintained high marks in school.
Three students received the ASIAN AMERICAN
VAI’s SUMMER PROGRAM enrolled 105
students, who learned English, Math, and Life
Skills with the help of our 32 dedicated Youth
Instructors from AFTER SCHOOL MATTERS.
But the VAI SUMMER PROGRAM is not just
about work; it’s also about play. Our field trips
included fun at:
In total, VAI served over 200 kids. We would
like to thank the volunteers who supported
VAI’s YOUTH PROGRAM with over 3,900
hours in FY14.
VAI offers a range
of services for youth,
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
. . . helps immigrants, refugees, and asylees
acclimate to life in America.
enrollees through the naturalization process.
We help with the paperwork, and
communicate directly with the U.S.
on behalf of qualified immigrants.
PROJECT provides education and assistance
to immigrant communities on obtaining
public benefits. 
Cultural and Linguistic Barriers
Citizenship Workshops 160
U.S.C.I.S. Forms 437
S.N.A.P., Medicare, Medicaid,
Social Security, Counseling
Telephone Conversations Interpreted 9
Face-to-Face Conversations Interpreted 60
Written Documents Translated 216
Many clients from our Community
Care and Adjustment programs also
enroll in our Adult Education
courses, demonstrating VAI’s
holistic approach to its services.
In Fiscal Year 2014, we updated our
curricula and intensified volunteer
recruitment, allowing us to serve
more clients and exceed our goals.
We added three new courses:
1. Advanced Reading
2. United States History
3. American Pop Culture
Volunteers are an integral part of
this program. A majority provided
at least forty-five hours of services
this year.
Over 90% of our students increased
their literacy level after 60 hours of
instruction. 25 out of 27 students
passed the citizenship examination.
Grant Goal Achievement
80 Adult Learners
50 Volunteers
129 Adult Learners
80 Volunteers
NEW AMERICANS INITIATIVE 125 Adult Learners 151 Adult Learners
I.C.C.B. -- E.L. / CIVICS 60 Adult Learners 74 Adult Learners
I.C.C.B. -- E.S.L. 35 Adult Learners 55 Adult Learners
quality learning
opportunities to:
Caheri Aguilar
Emily Balentin
Sergio Balino
Araceli Barragan
Kiara Brooks
Deana Buchanan
Lydia Byrne
Suzanne Cafouros
Vivian Cao
Annie Cauhij
Bristol Cave
Kieu Che
Brittany Chiu
Theavuth Chourb
Cari Coleman
Matthias Cooke
Collin Cousineas
Montana Crady
Joanna Daloisio
Sally Dao
Connor Daulny
Shannon Davenport
Therenz Escobar
Scott Everson
Dayana Feeney
James Feulut
Carl Galasek
Corey Gilbert
Katie Graham
Kaitlyn Guare
Charles Harper
Tira Hepker
Nathan Huynh
Nick Inzeo
Carey Jennette
Christine Kausal
Bob Kazel
Beau Keda
Colleen Keefe
Jennifer Komorowski
Michael Kosmala
Allton Kumontoy
Minh Lam
Lindsey Landis
Seung Lee
Mary Leonard
Alexandra Lobenhere
Silvia Lopez
Henry Luu
Kevin Luu
Peter Lyon
Dao Mac
Kevin Mai
Don Malkemes
Karla Maradiaga
Mohammed Matariel
Kevin Mathews
Will McChesney
Dominique McClay
Patrick McNamara
Dan Moore
Ashley Mueller
Cheuk Ne
Anthony Nguyen
Jenny Nguyen
Minh Nguyen
Rosie Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Thinh Nguyen
Trung Nguyen
Tuong Nguyen
Vung Nguyen
Julia Nikol
Mackenzie Nolan
Eli Orenstein
John Park
Jack Pember
DeShawn Peterson
Eden Pham
Helen Pham
Kevin Pham
Lin Pham
Lynda Pham
Tuan Pham
Kong Phan
Nga Phan
Alyssa Pilac
Elizabeth Quirk
Regina Ramos
Briana Rhode
Callen Ruij
Priya Shah
Linda Sherfick
Jennifer Shine
Greg Silva
Soryane Song
Suvat Soni
Megan Spauldin
Alexander Spirovski
Rachel Spitzer
Stephanie Stock
Avidan Tabak
Carmen Tataru-Espinal
Alex Taylor
Francesca Tencza
William Thomas
Hoa Tran
Joanne Tran
Susan Tran
Tina Tran
Kevin Trieu
Vincent Trieu
Tay Trong
Charlie Tu
Alex Ukgrogen
Mallory Ursul
Jessica Vilaythong
Ashleigh Wiatowski
. . . helps immigrants and refugees achieve
self-sufficiency through job placement
services, vocational education, and working
with other social agencies for job training.
During Fiscal Year 2014, our part-time
Employment Specialist:
• Worked with 110 clients
• Developed 60 resumés
• Placed 10 people in jobs
He also assisted clients with:
• Computer literacy
• Unemployment benefits
• T.A.N.F.
(Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
In F.Y. 15, we will work with a variety of
Voluntary Refugee Resettlement Agencies
and Mutual Aid Associations to extend our
services to the current influx of refugees from
the Middle East, North Africa and Asia.
forward . . .
This service aims to improve the longterm health of
refugee families by developing appropriate health
education materials and by offering instruction and
support through regular health fairs and health
In April 2014, VAI began a partnership with the
COMMUNITY GRANT to design and execute a
BREAST CANCER SERIES to the VAI community.
The goal of this project is to provide at least 150
Vietnamese women with a learning experience that
will support healthier behavior choices regarding
breast cancer prevention, including:
• a healthy diet
• an active lifestyle
• early screening
Pay it
spent $2,369,121 serving people, up $171,253 from the previous year.
Ninety-one cents ($0.91) of every dollar spent, or $2,155,682, went
toward program services. The remainder was accounted for by
management and general expenses of $119,144, by fundraising costs of
$21,281 and by parking lot expenses of $73,014.
Approximately eighty-nine percent (89%) of these expenditures was
funded by public and other operating support received during the year.
Total public support--both operation and non-operation--was
$2,407,157, an increase of $34,886 in 2014. It was comprised of $123,277
of general contributions, $12,833 gifts in kind, and $2,271,047 of
allocations from city, corporations and similar funding organizations.
Government Grants 2,260,599
Private Contributions 10,448
Parking Lot 69,570
Monthly Magazine 34,097
Other Income 19,610
For Every Dollar Spent
Program Services = 91%
Administration = 5%
Parking Lot = 3%
Resource Development = 1%
Program ServicesProgram Services
Counseling & Information 25,000
Employment 9,890
Youth 59,132
Health 15,902
Senior 1,963,117
Literacy 44,347
Magazine 38,294
Total Program Services ExpensesTotal Program Services Expenses 2,155,682
Supporting ServicesSupporting Services
General Management
& Administration 119,144
Resource development 21,281
Total Supporting Services ExpensesTotal Supporting Services Expenses 140,425
Other ExpensesOther Expenses
Parking Lot 73,014
Net Income 38,036
Net Assets -- Beginning of Year 1,839,702
Naeem Ali
Oanh Cao
Vinh Cao
Phuc Cong
Chinh Dang
Cuong Dang
Kiana Dang
Anh Dao
Thai Dao
Le Dinh
Tien Dinh
Tran Dip
Dania Dissi
Dinh Do
Kevin Do
Kieu Doa
Linh Do
Thanh Do
Danh Doan
Mui Gian
Minh Chau Ha
Mytruc Haisler
Sonny Hang
Hanin Hindi
Stephanie Harris
Thay Hoang
Ann Huynh
Phi Huynh
Philip Huynh
Phuong Huynh
Abdel Karaju
Hlum Ksor
Minh Ksorha
Celine Lam
Hen Lam
Oanh Lam
Thanh Lam
Bich Le
Hanh Le
Nghia Le
Nhu Le
Oak Le
Thomas Le
Tung Le
Min Lo
Cam Luong
Chi Luu
Diep Luu
Hato Luu
Nhan Luu
Phat Luu
Ronda Murrar
Thuy Ngo
Be Nguyen
Bichhan Nguyen
Can Nguyen
Christine Nguyen
Dao Nguyen
Dieu Nguyen
Hanh Nguyen
Khanh Nguyen
Kiet Nguyen
Lan Nguyen
Lieu Nguyen
Loc Nguyen
Ly Nguyen
Lynn Nguyen
Lynn Nguyen
Ngoc Nguyen
Ngon Nguyen
Nguyen Nguyen
Nhan Nguyen
Nhuong Nguyen
Nuong Nguyen
Oanh Nguyen
Phung Nguyen
Phung Nguyen
Tam Nguyen
Than Nguyen
Thoi Nguyen
Thu Nguyen
Thu Nguyen
Tinh Nguyen
Tom Nguyen
Tony Nguyen
Truc Nguyen
Xuan Nguyen
Mohammad Noufel
Martha Olague
Hanh Pham
Hong Pham
Khanh Pham
Nhuyen Pham
Nicole Pham
Tam Pham
Thao Pham
Vinh Pham
Emmy Phan
Lan Phan
Anh Phu
Vinh Phuong
Nhi Quach
Linda Quan
Phom Roo
Zelimir Stakic
Ieman Rostom
Trinh Ta
Hy Tan
Nguyet Tat
Lu Tong
Hoa Tram
Anna Tran
Huong Tran
Jennifer Tran
Julie Tran
Sang Tran
Thanh Tran
Thu Tran
Tong Trieu
Chinh Trinh
Cuong Trinh
Huy Trinh
Van Trinh
Loan Truong
Loi Truong
Phung Truong
Ha Tu
Hong Tuong
Muoi Van
Diem Vo
Thuy Vo
Tin Vu
Muon Vu
Duoc Vuong
Lynn Wen
Shana Yeh
Dr. Hien Hoang
Dr. Hy Dang
VP Of Internal Affairs
Dr. Hoang Vu
VP Of External Affairs
Ms. Loan T. Nguyen
Mr. Michael Nguyen
Financial Chair
Dr. Karen Washington
Mr. Bryan Esenberg
Caheri Aguilar
Taif Alshakir
Jalal Belsifar
Shara Chau
Van Duong
Gerardo Fernandez
Francis Khuc
Dennis Morales
Demi Le
Hung Le
Paul Luu
Dung Nguyen
Larry Pande
Nga Phan
Homer Potts
Watfa Razik
Greg Silva
Hanh Tran
Le Phuong Tran
Thao Vo
Vietnamese Association of Illinois
5110 N. Broadway St.
Chicago, IL 60640-3004
ph. (773) 728-3700
fx. (773) 728-0497

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VAI 2014 Annual Report

  • 1. Pay it forward . . . VIETNAMESE ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS 2014 Annual Report
  • 2. From Our President . . . Kính thưa Quý vị, Trước hết chúng tôi thay mặt Hội Đồng Quản Trị, ban tổ chức, nhân viên điều hành và tập thể thiện nguyện viên Hội Người Việt Illinois xin hân hoan chào đón và kính gởi đến Quý vị lời chào trân trọng nhất. Chúng tôi cũng xin chân thành cám ơn Quý vị đã dành thời giờ quý báu đến tham dự và cổ vũ cho buổi Dạ Tiệc Thường Niên đêm nay, một truyền thống mà Hội Người Việt đã duy trì liên tục trong 38 năm qua. Thưa Quý vị, như đã ước hẹn, hàng năm cứ vào thời khắc này, khi tiết trời bắt đầu báo hiệu một mùa Đông, chúng tôi lại được vinh dự tiếp đón Quý vị trong bầu không khí giao hòa đầm ấm tại hội trường trang trọng này để chia sẻ quá trình sinh hoạt của Hội trong năm qua. Lời ước hẹn ấy hôm nay đã trở về, cho chúng ta cơ hội hạnh ngộ để ôn lại kỷ niệm, để chia sẻ buồn vui trong mạch sống nơi đất khách quê người. Cuộc hành trình trải dài gần bốn mươi năm thăng trầm của Hội Người Việt, điều hiển nhiên là nhờ vào tâm huyết và bàn tay của chính Quý vị đã dày công vun bồi để giờ đây chúng tôi đang tự hào tiếp tục kế thừa. Nghĩa cử chung lòng chung sức đó là vốn quý, là tài sản vô giá cần được thăng hoa tạo điều kiện nâng đỡ những người thật sự cần quan tâm để họ tìm thấy tương lai và hy vọng trong cuộc sống mới. Chúng tôi tin rằng sự tiếp tay hỗ trợ của Quý vị sẽ tác động lớn lao đến tinh thần nỗ lực sáng tạo trong việc điều hành, và sẽ mang lại những thành quả khả quan xứng đáng trong tương lai. Tinh thần tương trợ quý báu đó cũng là trục xoay chính mở ra cánh cửa thành công trong sứ mệnh phục vụ cộng đồng, phù hợp kế hoạch mà Hội đã đề ra kể từ khi thành lập vào năm 1976. Trong ý hướng đó, chủ đề được chọn cho đêm Dạ Tiệc Thường Niên năm nay là "Pay It Forward”. Chúng tôi muốn nói đến sự đền đáp tiếp nối trong đời sống và lòng biết ơn. Khi chúng ta nhận được sự giúp đỡ của tha nhân, chúng ta không quên trợ giúp người khác. Ý thức và cảm nhận được ý nghĩa quan trọng mang đậm tính nhân văn đó, chúng tôi cảm thấy cần phải làm nhiều hơn nữa nhằm duy trì và phát triển tốt công tác phục vụ xã hội, trọng trách mà chúng tôi xem như bổn phận thiêng liêng để xây dựng cộng đồng ngày một vững mạnh. Chúng tôi cũng mong ước đón nhận thêm nữa sự đóng góp về nhiều mặt từ Quý vị để Hội tiếp tục thăng tiến lên một tầm cao mới. Sự đa dạng trong cách suy nghĩ và đóng góp ý kiến sẽ tác động tích cực đến cách thức phát triển và sức sáng tạo trong công việc phục vụ xã hội, kiện toàn tổ chức. Kính thưa Quý vị, một lần nữa, xin chân thành tri ân đến tất cả Quý vị đại diện các Hội Đoàn, Quý cơ quan truyền thông báo chí, Quý ân nhân, Quý tân khách, các thành viên Hội Đồng Quản Trị, nhân viên điều hành và các bạn thiện nguyện viên đã hỗ trợ thời gian, công sức để sự kiện trọng đại này được thành công tốt đẹp. Kính chúc Quý vị một buổi tối an bình và hạnh phúc. Rất trân trọng, Bs. Hoàng Đức Hiền Chủ Tịch Hội Đồng Quản Trị Hội Người Việt Illinois Pay it
  • 3. From our CEO . . . Dear Friends, As I reflect on the year just ended and the many ways the Vietnamese Association of Illinois (VAI) has opened its doors to people in need, a quote comes to mind by Mahatma Gandhi…”the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” At the VAI, we try very hard to follow this example with gentle care, opening our arms and our hearts to every human need. This year, I have marveled at how tirelessly our staff and volunteers undertake their work. They embrace with great care those with disadvantages. Further, they wisely develop and implement solutions. I am truly blessed to work with a remarkable team determined to give back and pay it forward. The VAI staff, board members, and volunteers are comprised of individuals with a rich history of service. In fact, most of our staff and board members are former refugees themselves. This year, VAI saw a great need for senior services. Our staff provided over 120,000 hours of in-home care to over 170 seniors. Most importantly, our staff prides itself on quality work to all clients. Our Adjustment Department saw an increase in need and served over 900 clients from all parts of the world. Our Health Program initiatives don't just educate our clients, but also partner with historic academic institutions such as Northwestern University and the Lurie Cancer Center to resolve healthcare issues. Through our ongoing partnerships and evolving programs, we dedicate ourselves to examining the current landscape, understanding the perceptions, and stopping the cycle of continuing health afflictions before they pass on to the next generation. I am truly excited to see our Health Initiative grow and serve more individuals and families. To those who have given their time, talent, and treasures we are eternally grateful for the hope we shared together in 2014. Together we served thousands of lives…paying it forward one heart, one life, one individual at a time. With sincere gratitude, Paul H. Luu Chief Executive Officer t forward . . .
  • 5. 136 Homemakers + 179 Clients = 123,158 Hours of in-home care COMMUNITY CARE PROGRAM (CCP) VAI’s COMMUNITY CARE PROGRAM is funded through the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT ON AGING to provide in-home care to the agency’s senior constituents. VAI Homemakers assist senior citizens by providing them with the assistance necessary to remain in their homes and enjoy their golden years. VAI employs 136 Homemakers and in Fiscal Year 2014, the agency provided 123,158 hours of in- home care to its 179 clients.
  • 6. YOUTH PROGRAM Fiscal Year 2014 was a successful year for VAI’s YOUTH PROGRAM, which increased its enrollment from the previous year. Most of our participants maintained high marks in school. Three students received the ASIAN AMERICAN YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARD from the STATE OF ILLINOIS COMPTROLLER. VAI’s SUMMER PROGRAM enrolled 105 students, who learned English, Math, and Life Skills with the help of our 32 dedicated Youth Instructors from AFTER SCHOOL MATTERS. But the VAI SUMMER PROGRAM is not just about work; it’s also about play. Our field trips included fun at: •LINCOLN PARK ZOO •CHICAGO CHILDREN'S MUSEUM •FOSTER BEACH •WAVELAND BOWL •CHUCK E. CHEESE In total, VAI served over 200 kids. We would like to thank the volunteers who supported VAI’s YOUTH PROGRAM with over 3,900 hours in FY14. VAI offers a range of services for youth, including: TUTORING COMPUTER LITERACY PERSONAL MENTORING LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CULTURAL / RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES
  • 7. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM . . . . . . helps immigrants, refugees, and asylees acclimate to life in America. Our CITIZENSHIP PROGRAM guides enrollees through the naturalization process. We help with the paperwork, and communicate directly with the U.S. CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION SERVICE on behalf of qualified immigrants. VAI’s OUTREACH AND INTERPRETATION PROJECT provides education and assistance to immigrant communities on obtaining public benefits.  OVERCOMING Cultural and Linguistic Barriers ACCOMPLISHMENTS At a GlanceACCOMPLISHMENTS At a Glance IMMIGRATION SERVICES People Served Citizenship Workshops 160 U.S.C.I.S. Forms 437 SOCIAL BENEFITS People Served S.N.A.P., Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Counseling 35 TRANSLATION & INTERPRETATION People Served Telephone Conversations Interpreted 9 Face-to-Face Conversations Interpreted 60 Written Documents Translated 216
  • 8. ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM Many clients from our Community Care and Adjustment programs also enroll in our Adult Education courses, demonstrating VAI’s holistic approach to its services. In Fiscal Year 2014, we updated our curricula and intensified volunteer recruitment, allowing us to serve more clients and exceed our goals. We added three new courses: 1. Advanced Reading 2. United States History 3. American Pop Culture Volunteers are an integral part of this program. A majority provided at least forty-five hours of services this year. Over 90% of our students increased their literacy level after 60 hours of instruction. 25 out of 27 students passed the citizenship examination. Grant Goal Achievement ADULT VOLUNTEER LITERACY 80 Adult Learners 50 Volunteers 129 Adult Learners 80 Volunteers NEW AMERICANS INITIATIVE 125 Adult Learners 151 Adult Learners I.C.C.B. -- E.L. / CIVICS 60 Adult Learners 74 Adult Learners I.C.C.B. -- E.S.L. 35 Adult Learners 55 Adult Learners I.C.C.B. = ILLINOISLLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARDBOARD Providing quality learning opportunities to: IMMIGRANTS REFUGEES ASYLEES
  • 9. "LET US THINK OF EDUCATION AS THE MEANS OF DEVELOPING OUR GREATEST ABILITIES, BECAUSE IN EACH OF US THERE IS A PRIVATE HOPE AND DREAM WHICH, FULFILLED, CAN BE TRANSLATED INTO BENEFIT FOR EVERYONE AND GREATER STRENGTH FOR OUR NATION." JOHN F. KENNEDY Pay it VAI VOLUNTEERS Caheri Aguilar Emily Balentin Sergio Balino Araceli Barragan Kiara Brooks Deana Buchanan Lydia Byrne Suzanne Cafouros Vivian Cao Annie Cauhij Bristol Cave Kieu Che Brittany Chiu Theavuth Chourb Cari Coleman Matthias Cooke Collin Cousineas Montana Crady Joanna Daloisio Sally Dao Connor Daulny Shannon Davenport Therenz Escobar Scott Everson Dayana Feeney James Feulut Carl Galasek Corey Gilbert Katie Graham Kaitlyn Guare Charles Harper Tira Hepker Nathan Huynh Nick Inzeo Carey Jennette Christine Kausal Bob Kazel Beau Keda Colleen Keefe Jennifer Komorowski Michael Kosmala Allton Kumontoy Minh Lam Lindsey Landis Seung Lee Mary Leonard Alexandra Lobenhere Silvia Lopez Henry Luu Kevin Luu Peter Lyon Dao Mac Kevin Mai Don Malkemes Karla Maradiaga Mohammed Matariel Kevin Mathews Will McChesney Dominique McClay Patrick McNamara Dan Moore Ashley Mueller Cheuk Ne Anthony Nguyen Jenny Nguyen Minh Nguyen Rosie Nguyen Thao Nguyen Thinh Nguyen Trung Nguyen Tuong Nguyen Vung Nguyen Julia Nikol Mackenzie Nolan Eli Orenstein John Park Jack Pember DeShawn Peterson Eden Pham Helen Pham Kevin Pham Lin Pham Lynda Pham Tuan Pham Kong Phan Nga Phan Alyssa Pilac Elizabeth Quirk Regina Ramos Briana Rhode Callen Ruij Priya Shah Linda Sherfick Jennifer Shine Greg Silva Soryane Song Suvat Soni Megan Spauldin Alexander Spirovski Rachel Spitzer Stephanie Stock Avidan Tabak Carmen Tataru-Espinal Alex Taylor Francesca Tencza William Thomas Hoa Tran Joanne Tran Susan Tran Tina Tran Kevin Trieu Vincent Trieu Tay Trong Charlie Tu Alex Ukgrogen Mallory Ursul Jessica Vilaythong Ashleigh Wiatowski
  • 10. EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM . . . . . . helps immigrants and refugees achieve self-sufficiency through job placement services, vocational education, and working with other social agencies for job training. During Fiscal Year 2014, our part-time Employment Specialist: • Worked with 110 clients • Developed 60 resumés • Placed 10 people in jobs He also assisted clients with: • Computer literacy • Unemployment benefits • T.A.N.F. (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) In F.Y. 15, we will work with a variety of Voluntary Refugee Resettlement Agencies and Mutual Aid Associations to extend our services to the current influx of refugees from the Middle East, North Africa and Asia. forward . . .
  • 11. HEALTH PROGRAM This service aims to improve the longterm health of refugee families by developing appropriate health education materials and by offering instruction and support through regular health fairs and health screenings. In April 2014, VAI began a partnership with the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH through a CAROLYN ADAMS TICKET FOR THE CURE COMMUNITY GRANT to design and execute a BREAST CANCER SERIES to the VAI community. The goal of this project is to provide at least 150 Vietnamese women with a learning experience that will support healthier behavior choices regarding breast cancer prevention, including: • a healthy diet • an active lifestyle • early screening Pay it
  • 12. 2014FINANCIAL SUMMARY During fiscal year 2014, the VIETNAMESE ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS spent $2,369,121 serving people, up $171,253 from the previous year. Ninety-one cents ($0.91) of every dollar spent, or $2,155,682, went toward program services. The remainder was accounted for by management and general expenses of $119,144, by fundraising costs of $21,281 and by parking lot expenses of $73,014. Approximately eighty-nine percent (89%) of these expenditures was funded by public and other operating support received during the year. Total public support--both operation and non-operation--was $2,407,157, an increase of $34,886 in 2014. It was comprised of $123,277 of general contributions, $12,833 gifts in kind, and $2,271,047 of allocations from city, corporations and similar funding organizations.
  • 13. REVENUESREVENUESREVENUES Government Grants 2,260,599 Private Contributions 10,448 Fundraising 12,833 Parking Lot 69,570 Monthly Magazine 34,097 Other Income 19,610 TOTAL REVENUESTOTAL REVENUES 2,407,157 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 135 91 For Every Dollar Spent Program Services = 91% Administration = 5% Parking Lot = 3% Resource Development = 1%
  • 14. EXPENSESEXPENSESEXPENSESEXPENSES Program ServicesProgram Services Counseling & Information 25,000 Employment 9,890 Youth 59,132 Health 15,902 Senior 1,963,117 Literacy 44,347 Magazine 38,294 Total Program Services ExpensesTotal Program Services Expenses 2,155,682 Supporting ServicesSupporting Services General Management & Administration 119,144 Resource development 21,281 Total Supporting Services ExpensesTotal Supporting Services Expenses 140,425 Other ExpensesOther Expenses Parking Lot 73,014 TOTAL EXPENSESTOTAL EXPENSESTOTAL EXPENSES 2,369,121 Net Income 38,036 Net Assets -- Beginning of Year 1,839,702 NET ASSETS -- END OF YEAR 1,877,738
  • 15. Naeem Ali Oanh Cao Vinh Cao Phuc Cong Chinh Dang Cuong Dang Kiana Dang Anh Dao Thai Dao Le Dinh Tien Dinh Tran Dip Dania Dissi Dinh Do Kevin Do Kieu Doa Linh Do Thanh Do Danh Doan Mui Gian Minh Chau Ha Mytruc Haisler Sonny Hang Hanin Hindi Stephanie Harris Thay Hoang Ann Huynh Phi Huynh Philip Huynh Phuong Huynh Abdel Karaju Hlum Ksor Minh Ksorha Celine Lam Hen Lam Oanh Lam Thanh Lam Bich Le Hanh Le Nghia Le Nhu Le Oak Le Thomas Le Tung Le Min Lo Cam Luong Chi Luu Diep Luu Hato Luu Nhan Luu Phat Luu Ronda Murrar Thuy Ngo Be Nguyen Bichhan Nguyen Can Nguyen Christine Nguyen Dao Nguyen Dieu Nguyen Hanh Nguyen Khanh Nguyen Kiet Nguyen Lan Nguyen Lieu Nguyen Loc Nguyen Ly Nguyen Lynn Nguyen Lynn Nguyen Ngoc Nguyen Ngon Nguyen Nguyen Nguyen Nhan Nguyen Nhuong Nguyen Nuong Nguyen Oanh Nguyen Phung Nguyen Phung Nguyen Tam Nguyen Than Nguyen Thoi Nguyen Thu Nguyen Thu Nguyen Tinh Nguyen Tom Nguyen Tony Nguyen Truc Nguyen Xuan Nguyen Mohammad Noufel Martha Olague Hanh Pham Hong Pham Khanh Pham Nhuyen Pham Nicole Pham Tam Pham Thao Pham Vinh Pham Emmy Phan Lan Phan Anh Phu Vinh Phuong Nhi Quach Linda Quan Phom Roo Zelimir Stakic Ieman Rostom Trinh Ta Hy Tan Nguyet Tat Lu Tong Hoa Tram Anna Tran Huong Tran Jennifer Tran Julie Tran Sang Tran Thanh Tran Thu Tran Tong Trieu Chinh Trinh Cuong Trinh Huy Trinh Van Trinh Loan Truong Loi Truong Phung Truong Ha Tu Hong Tuong Muoi Van Diem Vo Thuy Vo Tin Vu Muon Vu Duoc Vuong Lynn Wen Shana Yeh CCP HOMEMAKERS Dr. Hien Hoang President Dr. Hy Dang VP Of Internal Affairs Dr. Hoang Vu VP Of External Affairs Ms. Loan T. Nguyen Secretary Mr. Michael Nguyen Financial Chair Dr. Karen Washington Mr. Bryan Esenberg BOARD OF DIRECTORS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Caheri Aguilar Taif Alshakir Jalal Belsifar Shara Chau Van Duong Gerardo Fernandez Francis Khuc Dennis Morales Demi Le Hung Le Paul Luu Dung Nguyen Larry Pande Nga Phan Homer Potts Watfa Razik Greg Silva Hanh Tran Le Phuong Tran Thao Vo
  • 16. Vietnamese Association of Illinois 5110 N. Broadway St. Chicago, IL 60640-3004 ph. (773) 728-3700 fx. (773) 728-0497 website: email: