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Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries:
A 2010 CARL / ABRC Libraries Survey
Phase 1 Data : Preliminary Results
Dean Giustini / UBC Biomedical Branch Librarian / November 9th
, 2010
This research was partly funded by a CARL / ABRC Research in Librarianship Grant
Executive Summary
This preliminary report presents raw phase I data of a two-part national survey of academic
librarians entitled ‘Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: CARL/ABRC Survey,
2010’. Distribution of this raw data is done in a spirit of open scholarship and enquiry – much
like the phenomena of the social web itself (or academic library 2.0.)
If you or your colleagues require any additional data and do not want to wait for our final report
due out in early 2011, contact Where information captured was seen to
identify respondents (or their libraries), this information was removed from the results.
Important points:
• The survey data is derived from ~400 respondents across Canada who completed our
survey during the 31 day period from Friday, October 08, 2010 to Monday, November
08, 2010. (A French version of the survey ran from October 20 to November 8, 2010)
• In total, 400 surveys [in English] and 60 [in French] were completed. The French
responses are not included in these aggregated results at this time. Stay tuned.
• According to 2008 CARL statistics (see References), there are currently 1316 academic
librarians working within CARL / ABRC designated libraries. With 400 completed surveys,
this puts our response rate for the English version at ~30%.
• A number of survey responses (~20) were not counted in the final response rates
because they were incomplete or because the respondents did not currently work at a
CARL / ABRC library (or did not indicate that they did).
• A detailed narrative analyses of this survey data will be forthcoming in early 2011
• Note that CARL / ABRC has recently published a list of competencies for academic
librarians that includes social media. (See references on pg. 4.)
Some preliminary findings:
• About 68% of Canadian academic librarians responding to our CARL / ABRC survey use a
range of desktop, laptop and handheld computers between 6 to 9 hours daily (pg. 3)
• 68% of the Canadian academic librarians responding said they have more than a
working knowledge or advanced knowledge of social media (pg. 5)
• Social media tools such as collaborative writing wikis & Google Docs (92%), blogs (96%),
RSS feeds (76%), video-sharing (79%), social networking sites (76%) are used most-often
• Some respondents said tools such as Twitter and Second Life are never used (46% and
90% respectively)
• See the rich information shared about the use of social media tools in the comments
section pgs. 13-26 and again on pgs. 42-48 of this document
• On page 48, social media was rated in importance for the following library activities:
o announcing library events - 90% said social media was either ‘important’ or
‘very important’ for this activity
o communicating directly with students - 89% said social media was either
‘important’ or ‘very important’ for this activity
o marketing the library - 87% said social media was either ‘important’ or ‘very
important’ for this activity
o promoting workshops - 85% said social media was either ‘important’ or ‘very
important’ for this activity
o for fundraising - 53% said social media was either ‘important’ or ‘very
important’ for this activity
o strategic goals - 54% said social media was either ‘important’ or ‘very
important’ for this activity
• On page 71, respondents were asked to indicate how much of a priority the following
statements were to them:
o Librarians should have basic knowledge of social media - 77% of those
responding said this was either a ‘high’ or ‘very high’ priority
o Librarians should know how social media fits with scholarly communication -
75% of those responding said this was either a ‘high’ or ‘very high’ priority
o Librarians should be aware of pros/cons of social media - 84% of those
responding said this was either a ‘high’ or ‘very high’ priority
o Each library should have a social media librarian - 23% of those responding said
this was either a ‘high’ or ‘very high’ priority
o Librarians should be able to advise faculty - 61% of those responding said this
was either a ‘high’ or ‘very high’ priority
• On page 92, respondents were asked to indicate how accurate the following statements
were to them:
o My library supports use of social media - 80% of those responding said this was
either a ‘somewhat accurate’ or ‘accurate’
o I want to deepen my knowledge of social media - 77% of those responding said
this was either a ‘somewhat accurate’ or ‘accurate’
o I am ready to try new things in my use of social media - 80% of those
responding said this was either a ‘somewhat accurate’ or ‘accurate’
Some salient quotes:
• “…I use blogs to keep current with developments in the field of librarianship, as well as
other news and interests that may benefit my work. I use instant messaging for chat
reference / research assistance; Twitter for library communications and to keep up with
twitter feeds of other libraries and persons / things of interest. RSS for same purposes as
blogs. Social networking to make professional connections and to maintain library
pages. Video to promote library services. Wikis - to facilitate collaboration /sharing /
communication in working groups…”
• “…I'm a web development librarian and feel that some of these services (Twitter/
Facebook/ Blogs) [can be used] as services to get our library news and events out into
the world. I also use some of these services personally throughout the day as well…”
• “…the use and usefulness [of social media] varies depending on whether they are being
used for distributing information, receiving information or conducting synchronous
communication. Application is also a factor determining perceived usefulness. In other
words, while participating in an online course, social networking can be used as a means
of communication among participants whereas among colleagues on a taskforce the
work can be created and communicated via a wiki…”
• “… I think ALL librarians should know how to manage social media. I do not see how you
can be an effective and efficient academic librarian if you just have "some basic
knowledge of the major social media tools" and just one person in a workplace in the
social media tools "knowledge holder"…
Finally, you can see ‘overall impressions’ of social media of survey respondents on pgs. 117-131.
Some of you may be interested in cross-tabulations of this data e.g., how many librarians at one
university responded in a certain way. Look for this information in our final report.
Dean Giustini
UBC Biomedical Branch Librarian
November 8th
, 2010
• Aharony N. Web 2.0 use by librarians. Library & Information Science Research 2009;
• Bejune M, Ronan J. Association of Research Libraries. Spec Kit 304. "Social software in
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• CARL / ABRC. Statistics.
• CARL / ABRC. Core competencies for 21st Century CARL librarians, October 2010
• Chan HHR. Murdoch University Library: A Web 2.0 Journey. Murdoch University Library,
Western Australia. ALSR 2010: Conference towards Future Possibilities.
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• Chu M, Nalani M. The problems and potential of MySpace and Facebook usage in
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• Giustini D, Wright MD. Twitter: an introduction to microblogging for health librarians.
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implications. Journal of Academic Librarianship; Jul2009 35 4 324-331.
Please see additional information about this project here:
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries 2010
1a) Which of the following computer devices do you regularly use to access the web in your
work as an academic librarian? [check all that apply]
1b) On an average library workday in the past month, how many hours did you spend each day doing
work on computers and mobile devices? [e.g., browsing, doing e-mail, searching, reading, writing]
2) Where would you put yourself in terms of your social media knowledge on the following list
from 'no knowledge' through to 'a lot of knowledge'?
a) Blogs (reading or writing posts) (Frequency of use )
b) Instant messaging (Meebo, GoogleTalk) (Frequency of
use )
c) Microblogging (e.g., Twitter, Yammer) (Frequency of use )
d) RSS Aggregators (e.g., Bloglines, iGoogle) (Frequency of use )
e) Social networking (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn) (Frequency of use )
f) Videosharing (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) (Frequency of use )
g) Wikis (e.g., PBWorks, Wikipedia) (Frequency of use )
a) Blogs (reading or writing posts) ( Perceived usefulness)
b) Instant messaging (Meebo, GoogleTalk) ( Perceived
c) Microblogging (e.g., Twitter, Yammer) ( Perceived
d) RSS Aggregators (e.g., Bloglines, iGoogle) ( Perceived
e) Social networking (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn) ( Perceived usefulness)
f) Videosharing (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) ( Perceived
g) Wikis (e.g., PBWorks, Wikipedia) ( Perceived usefulness)
3.1) Among the specific tools you currently use above (e.g., Meebo, Twitter, YouTube),
describe briefly below how you use them in your work. (Or, proceed to next question)
I use Twitter every day, blogs and wikis.
Library blog also updates to Twitter feed - send news updates regularly to our Twitter followers,
and also is on main page of library website
I use twitter to get news but, honestly, rarely discover work related information I wouldn't see
through "traditional" media. Social networking tools are useful for being social but I haven't
found a way to use them to engage with students. RSS feeds are good idea in theory but it is still
difficult not to be overwhelmed with the amount of information in my account.
I don’t [use these tools] .. I prefer more established content
I twitter on behalf of our library; we just started a few weeks ago. I also use meebo on my
find information quickly in Wikipedia
Wikis for project collaboration - keeping drafts and resources in one place for everyone to
access. Facebook is interesting - many of us at work are "friends" and though we don't really use
it specifically for work, we do announce work-related milestones and give and receive positive
feedback to each other. It is a great way to get to know each other a bit better, which I think has
helped us work together face-to-face.
Blogs, Twitter, Google Reader: keeping up with trends and important articles. YouTube: I
occasionally watch videos relevant to the subject areas I'm responsible for (eg a video on
pyrosequencing the other day), or videos created by other depts at the university. Facebook: I
get a bit of professional news this way but use it for personal purposes. Meebo: In the near
future I will be providing chat reference via Meebo. Wikis: I use the HLWIKI Canada extensively.
Students in my liaison areas can use Meebo chat to ask me questions - this has been useful. We
have a library Twitter and Facebook account that we use frequently, and our help videos are very
popular on youtube.
RSS aggregators: to collect blog postings relevant to my work in a single location
Share YouTube videos of relevance with staff, students
Mainly to communicate and share information/resources with other librarians in my
organization, and also generally for research and to keep up to date with trends in our
YouTube - get help on how to search a database; find good examples to post to my research
websites or to use in instruction. RSS (email alerts actually) - keep up on LIS lit. and save to
RefWorks or delicious
I have meebo widgets embedded in my subject guides, and am logged in daily while at work. We
also use Meebo as the library's "Ask a Librarian" tool.
We use PBworks to host our reference wiki. We keep reports, presentations, meeting agendas
and FAQs on the wiki.
Watching videos on Youtube of past conferences. I keep my own research blog.
Use YoutTube videos to make presentations more interesting, illustrate concepts, etc. Use
Facebook to connect with other medical librarians. Use IM to connect with students. Use Google
Reader to keep track of publications and blogs. Tried using Google Docs and Wikis for work-
related documents, but found no one was checking them or updating them other than me, so I
abandoned them.
following colleagues, friends. keeping up with areas of interest in the field
My library has a blog and Twitter feed to keep students on top of what's happening in the library
and to "talk" with them.We re-post videos that relate to their coursework on our LibGuides.
Meebo for chat reference; blogs for library news/events (and I read library & tech blogs regularly
to keep up to date), rss feeds every day to keep up to date (plus we have some on the library
web site for new content alerts, and I teach sessions for faculty/students on how to use/set up
rss feeds), Facebook sometimes for discussions with a group of students I supervise (they do
instruction), video sharing for instruction videos, our Intranet is a wiki & we use it for information
sharing & group collaboration
to follow information themes of interest or importance and to comment and question for
Blogs - to keep current with developments in the field of librarianship, as well as other news and
interests that may benefit my work. Instant messaging - for chat reference / research assistance.
Twitter - for library communications and to keep up with twitter feeds of other libraries and
persons / things of interest. RSS - for same purposes as blogs. Social networking - to make
professional connections and to maintain library pages. Video - to promote library services. Wikis
- to facilitate collaboration/sharing/communication in working groups.
Blogs and Twitter = follow certain sites/people that relate to my work or professional interests
Meebo = have a widget on my research guide and use it to communicate with students RSS =
receive updates from journal table of contents Videosharing = use it to help students understand
concepts (information literacy, etc.) Wikis = we use several internal wikis (SharePoint) at work for
committe work, projects, groups, etc.
Monitor to keep up with trends.
I use them to gather information about trends, issues, best practices. I post public service
announcements on various media to highlight what our branch library is doing.
1. Blog used as a means of interacting with clients re complaints/suggestions. 2. Wiki used for
dissemination of general staff information -- used mostly in a static rather than interactive
manner. 3. wikis used for management of committee communications.
Use RSS Aggregators to stay current in areas of interest. Use the library blog to promote library
news and events. We have an IM reference service.
use a blog to post instructional material (i.e. PDF's of presentation slides - provides one-stop for
my users, as well as an archive of my instruction). The blog software that I use is mandated by
the institution I work at.
I post an App of the Week to our Library's Facebook and Twitter pages as well as the latest news
from the Library. I just constructed those pages in September 2010. I use Skype and MSN to meet
with colleagues at our other location 15 hours away. I have our collections and Evergreen blog
connected to my RSS feeds which helps me keep up with information from my colleagues who
manage those blogs. We use Sharepoint, vs. PBWorks for ex. This is a school wide tool and I use
it to share information and documents related to our Equipment Booking program as staff tend
to look there vs. our website. I share videos on our website via Camtasia. While I can post them
to YouTube the quality is so poor I have yet to. They appear much better on our website.
Instant messaging I use sometimes for reference services. YouTube I check for other libraries'
instruction videos, and for our university's instruction videos. Wikipedia I sometimes use for my
own reference in digital matters. I read some professional blogs, like Steven's Lighthouse, to stay
Wikis have become extremely useful to me. We are putting all our documentation up on wikis
and also using them to record notes and brainstorming from various teams and projects.
Put out our news on a blog and cross-post to twitter and facebook. Use Google Reader to view
RSS feeds to which I subscribe. Have created Wikis in the past. Use IM at work everyday to stay in
touch with work colleagues. We have [SNIP] affiliated hospital libraries and it is often easier to
IM them.
Mostly to contact other librarians within my institution
I use twitter to keep up to date with trends in academic libraries, technology, and medicine.
GTalk used constantly to communicate with colleagues; RSS aggregators so I can scan the blogs
and pick what I need to read immediately; don't have much professional use for FB or twitter;
wikis are used both for projects and as information resources
Blogs are written for students, communicating skills which progress with them throughout the
school year (e.g. September blogs about navigating library site, October blogs about navigating
specific databases)
Read library-related blogs. Our library has a Facebook page but I don't think it's particularly
useful; I use Facebook personally but not for work. RSS is good for new materials in my subject
areas as well as updates on blogs I watch. YouTube is good for finding videos but haven't shared
my own.
I use these tools when I'm looking for ideas for training or lately for an all-day retreat we're
putting on for librarians and I need articles, video, etc.
I don't personally use Twitter for work, so I said "never", but my library does have a Twitter feed
which I think is useful. Similarly for videosharing - I rarely use this at work, but some of my
colleagues do and I think there's a lot of potential there.
I use a chat program for virtual reference. I also use Jing to make videos that I share with
individuals or post on my subject guide pages.
Wiki for procedures, Blog for updates to procedure and policy, Facebook for contact with others
outside my library.
I manage a library Twitter account so I tweet library news etc. I am in the process of creating a
Facebook page for my liaison areas.
Use Meebo to do IM at work, YouTube in teaching, RSS feeds to keep updated and Wikis &
Googledocs to work on projects
Twitter is great for breaking library trends / very uptodate info and great for following
conferences that you are both attending or cannot attend.
use them for collections, to follow conferences when i can't attend, references to new digital
projects and academic programs, to get news and information, for networking, for finding out
about everything basically
I've used wikis to collaborate on a working group with librarians from other institutions; blogs
can be very useful for keeping up to date on current issues; LinkedIn has relevance for raising
awareness of my role and experience.
YouTube: finding videos on *how* to do things Wiki: finding quick definitions
primarily for online and in-person reference service personal use as well
I have a chat widget embedded in my LibGuides and I also provide my contact information for
google talk and MSN. Twitter I use to promote events at our university, library, articles that our
professors have published, to pass on things that I fine interesting or just to simply let people
know what kind of day I'm having. I like to embed YouTube videos on my LibGuides and I tend to
change the videos monthly. Several associations that I belong to have a blog as our web
presence. When I was a student intern at another university I created a departmental wiki for a
library department to use as their procedure and policy manual. Two years later it is still being
Blogs - to share information about classes and assignments with other librarians working on the
same reference desk. IM - to provide back up for a student librarian working on the reference
desk and to provide IM reference.
Blogs - sharing information and thoughts and staying abreast of others thoughts/insights Wikis -
shared work Social networking - networking Instant messaging - communicating during meetings
etc. quick answer RSS - staying up to date on current issues
IM chat for reference service, twitter for keeping up with service issues related to im chat,
youtube - review other location uses
I use wikis (PBWorks) to jointly create documents for national committees I'm on. I use social
networking (Facebook) to answer reference questions and (LinkedIn) to network with colleagues.
I use Twitter to keep up on certain topics similar to RSS feeds. I use blogs for committees at
I use blogs, RSS, and microblogging to keep up to date with work trends. I use instant messaging
and Facebook to keep up with colleagues, who often comment on work in their status, or who
organize social events through Facebook (which usually turn into talking about work at least part
of the time). I maintain several pages on a divisional wiki for use by my colleagues and consider it
an integral part of my job.
Catch up on other librarian's problems and sometimes solutions to common problems.
-use wikis to work collaboratively planning a conference with others not in the same city -use
blog postings to communicate library news with patrons -use IM to provide reference service
-use rss feeds to keep current with library and research news
About once a week total
Blogs and Wikis: news and events pages, general intranet pages, internal documentation, shared
Meebo/IM - passive. Wait for students to ask questions. Facebook - push library-related
information out. Videosharing - still rather passive. Have made a few videos but have not
advertised much. For instruction, rather than promotion.
to keep up with discussions, new ideas and standards, e.g. RDA; to learn from other people how
to solve problems we share, e.g., in our ILS
Twitter - subject specific news aggregator; GoogleReader - Rss Aggregator
We are investigating the use of YouTube to broadcast instructional and tour videos -- and also to
review the videos produced by other libraries.
Blogs - keep up with what's out there in library world Meebo/MSN chat - chat with students,
answer ref questions FB - use all the time but not for work purposes
post videos - share resources - teach
Current awareness, communicating to differing audiences with varying styles/interests, novelty
Blogs: maintain a work related blog, also follow others through RSS aggregator. Wikis:
collaborate for work or committee related purposes from time to time.
Love using them. I find them visually interesting and I like the immediacy of them. ie., There's an
event taking place this evening, want to attend?
Use Meebo on course pages: great to connect to students. ScreenJelly/Toaster etc. are critical
tools in email and Meebo reference, plus on course pages Blogs haven't worked out as well for
me as a way of pushing info out to faculty and students. Faculty in my subject areas don't use
RSS in their work, apparently.
Reference queries, current awareness
We use Meebo for chat reference. We blog from time to time about new resources or new
events in our library.
a) I highlight new books, upcoming events, new e-resources and changes to e-resource
interfaces. b) Skype to chat with professors who are away on sabbatical and who require
reference assistance. g) Wikis as part of classroom instruction (where students contribute to
I use different types of tools to communicate with specific populations within my academic
environment. The undergraduate student population likes (pun intended) Facebook so I use it to
promote library resources, but the graduate students seem to prefer the "more formal" blog
approach to receiving information about the library and library resources.
Blogs: to communicate with folks who work on the combined ref desk; Facebook: to find and
post material (links/youtube videos) relevant to art librarianship; wikis: in my library instruction
I update events in our library through our Facebook page, which also updates our twitter page.
We download our videos on YouTube and link to them on our website
I use Meebo to do reference work & communicate with clients. I use Twitter to answer
occasional reference questions, but mostly to communicate with other librarians. I use blogs/RSS
feeds to stay au courant. Some students communicate with me through facebook. YouTube is
mostly about my work with library instructional videos.
I read blogs for professional development and to keep up-to-date. I use an in-house wiki for
collaborative document sharing.
I occasionally use blog posts for information related to librarianship or in answering a reference
question. I do not actively contribute to any blogs. I use instant messaging as part of the
provincial Askaway service, but not in my personal work interaction with on campus
students/faculty. I use Bloglines as an RSS aggregator of journal/news feeds from professional
journals/databases. I use Wikipedia to the extent that I teach students how to evaluate it and to
gain basic level information on topics. I don't contribute to Wikipedia.
Meebo is used to connect with students in a easy, fast, informal way. I add the Meebo widget to
my course pages and my contact page. YouTube is used to post short videos. For example, short
instruction segments (how-to's) and I was also involved with a few short videos of students
explaining to students about how to do research at the library.
meebo for virtual reference connected to IL courses blogs -- for prof dev and I use blogs posts for
my IL notes twitter: prof dev & library outreach
Meebo we use to provide IM reference, we have a library blog to promote services, we produce
our own captivate videos and we use jing at the reference desk and I use RSS feeds for current
I do not use many of the above tools for contact with students (while I have a Meebo account,
the students do not choose to use it). I tend to use them for organization, networking and
professional development.
I use Facebook to communicate with other librarians and often check library web sites on
Use blogs to promote library services. Use wikis for web content creation and management,
instructional purposes.
Blogs: I read other librarians' posts and contribute comments. IM: My students contact me by IM
and I chat with colleagues about work. Twitter: I have a twitter account but I mostly find it useful
for ideas and colleagues. Last year 100% of medical students in my school did NOT use twitter
(survey). This year I have one student follower. RSS: I use it twice per month to check the new
book feeds from other libraries. Facebook: I do not use it professionally, only personally.
YouTube: I watch videos and share good videos with others (do not post my own professionally).
Wikis: used fairly extensively professionally for collaboration with colleagues.
Research questions, share information, solve issues
Announce new datasets, titles, software available, new maps, news items, etc.
Sources of information to assist with work
I have a blog (linked to from my library's homepage) on which I write brief entries related to
books, library resources/services, book-related events, etc., in many cases highlighting books in
our collection. Our Reference & Research Services department has a wiki where we share lots of
information among the librarians in the department (instruction schedules, meeting minutes,
handouts, etc.).
Mostly use them to search for useful content to my work, sometimes to share content and
sometimes to communicate about my work.
There are several subject-specific blogs which I follow daily in order to keep abreast of
developments in the discipline, particularly new publications which I should be purchasing for
the library collection.
use wikis for committee work that includes members outside my library (w.g. in other depts at
my institution or in other libraries in the province/country)
-wiki to organize course content, minutes -Google Reader to follow librarianship subscriptions
-I'm responsible for posting current events to our website using WordPress
Staying aware of things
Blogs -- current events, keeping in touch with the library community IM -- regular chat reference
shift Microblogging -- tweets from our library account Facebook -- keeping in touch Wikis -- use
wikipedia regularly I also use Flickr, Facebook, Youtube, and others in my teaching.
Use our library blog as our primary communication tool for our users.
Facebook - keeping patrons and colleagues informed. RSS aggregators - keeping myself informed
(not much time to use it though)
I use wikis and blogs at work (for information sharing and news). The rest I use at home.
I do have my own blog, but I don't use it much.
YouTube - getting ideas for marketing
I post news items on occasion.
Use blogs to review current trends in librarianship and in my subject responsibilities. Use
Youtube to distribute instructional videos/screencasts
Use RSS aggregators to monitor news items to create in-house summaries. Look at videosharing
items that are specific to legal research/database use
using Twitter as a continuous environmental scan for both librarianship and legal topics
google chat - to talk to colleagues at other libraries google docs - to collaborate on work projects
RSS - to read professional/technical blogs FB - to network, see what key opinion leaders are
SharePoint Wiki for library procedures
RSS feed readers -- keeping up to date on literature, reading tips from other librarians. Instant
messaging for virtual reference only. I don't really use social networking -- just add people when
they ask to be added to my network. Wikis I use sometimes when working with colleagues on a
contribute to a blog and read others periodically lots in the RSS reader but I never think of
checking it. Bloglines is toast as of Nov1 Use both videosharing tools to learn how to use
software or find how to videos for students or my teaching or libguides. May send in answer to a
ref question. Get ideas for my instruction classes. Wikipedia - mentioned in most BI classes with
warning not to cite it. Use it to understand terminology in a reference question or new grad
student or prof's area of research
News blogs on the website; PBWorks to share documents.
to keep up with trends in librarianship, technology, higher education and news/current events.
I maintain a blog, and view blogs. I view YouTube videos and Twitter feeds.
Use YouTube to review content on various topics
My library's reference division keeps a reference blog that I read daily. Some of the liaison
librarians create course wikis for specific course assignments that are very useful to use when
helping the students do research for their assignments. I do not use IM sites for work but I am
using IM when on AskAway. I sometimes show students how to use RSS when teaching or
helping students search article databases.
Blogs = learning what others in the field are doing, current awareness; Social networking =
personal, social contact with colleagues; Videosharing = sources of videos for training and
instruction; Wikis = quick ref eg Wikipedia, intra-library communication, I also setup and manage
wikis for class instruction and assignments
I read postings on some library blogs when I have time, for ideas. I use wikis for information
shared by others, (Wikipedia for quick reference, library wikis for library stuff). Occasionally
someone sends me a link to YouTube that is job related.
Use Meebo for chat reference; works well but not used by users. Use blogs and videosharing for
my own professional development, also webinars. Wiki used for global health work; very
successful, although not as effective at encouraging collaboration as hoped.
PBWorks to collaborate on projects with librarians at McGill and across Canada. I read blogs to
keep up with trends and news in the field.
a) committee notes & minutes, current awareness b) Meebo for live chat with users and Pidgin
for internal IM among staff c) read our twitter account d) current awareness, subscribe to library
feeds e) recreational use, networking f) instruction g) committee minutes and notes.
Blogs: push information to target audience & public IM: communicaton w/ peers & patrons
Microblogging: Information / resource gathering, sharing, marketing, collaborations,
bookmarking, tracking Social Networking: Information / resource gathering, sharing, marketing,
Videosharing: Tutorials, training, presentations, playlists, blogfodder Wikis: Training, information
collation, collaboration
I'm a web development librarian... some of these services (twitter/facebook/blogs) I use as
services to get our library news and events out into the world. i also use some of these services
personally throughout the day as well.
Blogs for staying current. Social networking (FB) for pushing out library related events and
information. Videosharing (screencasting?) for instruction -- almost exclusive form for instruction
(or is provided to augment in class teaching).
Mostly follow one specific law/library blog; also use Meebo to provide reference service
Meebo for chat reference. Wikipedia for quick factual information.
wikis are used frequently as an internal communication device for working groups, etc. at our
institution. blogs are also used to communicate with staff and the wider university community
about library initiatives.
Meebo chat reference service as well as personal chats with friends/colleagues; wikis for
committees; twitter for promoting library and library events; facebook for keeping in touch with
library school friends and colleagues
we have meebo installed on our home page. we use it for reference services. it doesn't get used
heavily, only a few times a month. we maintain a facebook and twitter account which we post
information. not too many subscribers, difficult to know how useful these things are to our users.
we link to some information videos on youtube. i subscribe to some blogs in my RSS reader. I feel
it is an easy way to keep current on trends.
FaceBook to promote Library events, new acquisitions, and highlights of our Special Collections.
Blogs - I write a weekly e-publication and use law blogs for material.
Blogs: we use them as part of our library website, and I read them for the ideas. I also keep one
tracking my own experiences with new tools. We use Meebo for virtual reference, and we use IM
for interlibrary communication. I also use it to keep in touch with colleagues. I use facebook a bit,
but mostly when someone sends me a message or invites me to something. Not really an active
user, but there are a lot of librarians there, so I don't leave. We make a lot of video as part of our
work. We show faculty how to accomplish certain key tasks via screencast, and we communicate
a fair bit via video, so we make a lot of use of youtube. We screencast errors to send them on to
our colleagues on the main campus as well.
Meebo and Twitter: answering reference questions. RSS Agregators: teach students and profs
how to use RSS feeds to track journal articles. Facebook: to communicate with students and
answer reference questions.
Use IM to chat with colleagues instead of sending email; use Meebo for our public IM chat
service at the library; use library Twitter account for user feedback (suggestions) and to push out
notices/information; use blogs and bloglines more for keeping up to date in my field and
Use and usefulness varies depending on whether they are being used for distributing
information, receiving information or conducting synchronous communication. Application is
also a factor determining perceived usefulness. In other words, while participating in an online
course, social networking can be used as a means of communication among participants whereas
among colleagues on a taskforce the work can be created and communicated via a wiki.
- reading and posting on blogs - using RSS for current awareness - use of YouTube for teaching -
Wikis mainly used for collaborative writing with colleagues on projects
Meebo is the library's tool for chat ref. I use Google Reader for my RSS feed to keep up on
professional issues. I use Facebook to network. I use PBWorks to host a couple of professional
I use blogs and RSS feeds to keep up to date with what is going on in the academic world and
library world. Videos are a great way to share presentations and wikis are used for collaboration
at work.
Meebo and Twitter are used as virtual reference tools, to supplement our regular chat feature.
I use Meebo to chat with my clients, as well as fellow librarians. I use Twitter to tweetn library
events, interesting library facts, etc. I use iGoogle to follow blogs, and social networking to
display library events, and keep in contact with librarians and other clients.
basically for keeping up with trends in my areas of interest
-multiple wikis for different aspects of work (eg reference wiki, Information literacy wiki, branch
library wiki) -I Tweet for the library - primarily push info (e.g. events, workshops) but also post
interesting news. Also feed suggestion box blog to twitter. - I use videos in library workshops and
I've created videos to show co-workers new tools.
Gaining and sharing information
Meebo box embedded in research guide; twitter for library
eForums on cataloguing and technical services issues
Post videos I create to YouTube. Use GoogleTalk to communicate with colleagues at our two
reference positions.
I am teaching an online information literacy course, we have a Meebo widget on our page for
chat. Our library has a Twitter account that we use to update our users about news, events, etc.
It is streamed onto our home page. We use wikis for planning various library
events/documenting committee activities.
Current awareness (saved search alerts, monitoring news in blogs)
i have a couple of RSS feeds, we have a few library blogs that we read to keep up with news.
YouTube is more for fun, though it has potential; occasionally i'll look up a library video.
I'm looking for relevant information from other libraries to compare against internal library
knowledge and positions.
-keeping informed on what is going on in the field -spreading awareness to a wider community
Meebo is used on our Reference Desk. Other social networking sites I use more for personal
We use MSN for virtual reference and I contribute to a professional association blog. We use
PBWorks to manage many aspects of the library, and have several on the go.
YouTube - creation of instructional technology videos. Wikis - meeting agendas, collaborative
project documents. Blogs - getting a sense of opinions on different issues. Instant messaging,
social networking - keeping in touch with colleagues and others.
we use Meebo to facilitate our online chat with a librarian reference service. Uptake has
continually grown in the last couple years. We use facebook and Twitter to let patrons know
about new resources/services, etc. I read blogs to keep up with developments in the field.
answer reference questions, post relevant information
Meebo - library's IM service to patrons Yammer - communication tool used to share project and
committee updates in my place of work RSS daily news from Open Access News feed - to keep up
to date in this area Facebook - updates re. library events at place of work and in wider library
community; also has a social function - to keep in contact with colleagues YouTube - some of our
instructional videos are posted on YouTube. Also, I view lectures and fun projects from other
libraries on YouTube Wikis - we use one to keep track of policy, contact and calendar information
for our regional instant messaging reference service
Content production, delivery, and consumption.
I use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn as a means of gathering information about my donors and
users (current and potential)and for research about my field of performing arts
as necessary. Every use is different.
I blog news about the library and other medical information sources. I use RSS to keep up to date
on trends in technology, libraries and medicine. I answer reference questions that come in via
Instant Messaging. I use Wikis to collaborate on documents.
We use to use Meebo for our chat reference service, but now we use Live Help for AskON's
blogs -- reading blogs to keep up do date instant messaging for reference purpose rss agregators
- TOC, News (I keppe up to date in certain fields and send news to researchers and faculty
I use Meebo widgets with an invitation to ask me questions in my library resource/subject guides
and stay logged in during work hours. I'm more of a Twitter voyeur than a participant, using it
only to follow other librarians and academic library news, as well as science & technology news
(I'm in a SciTech library).
The major tools we use in our office are a staff wiki for recording and sharing information, and
Twitter for posting updates about our library services.
we tweet coming events and items of interest, new resources; we keep a blog for desk staff of
policies/procedures; I use FB for personal stuff incl video sharing, not work; we keep a bunch of
wikis for recording policy/procedures changes library-wide, which I find less useful.
Blogs for staying up-to-date, (E.G.) Catalogablog Shushie IM, people aren't usually on, useless
Twitter,too much dross, gimme some meat, not soyfill RSS, best thing since sliced bread, one
place to look, too bad Bloglines is down now Facebook, too much info YouTube, cool, but not
fitting my jobWikis, love them, like BatchLoad, it's great to share knowledge
- IM for answering reference questions - Blogs/ RSS/ Twitter to keep up with the field and gain
new information - Videos for library instruction (as much as possible) - Wikis are used as
reference when I don’t know something or I look for a good resource
Go on university Facebbok page to help confused students, who'd rather ask a peer than
someone who works at the uni...
RSS aggregators provided an excellent way to quickly identify newsworthy developments in areas
of interest
Keep up to date & post library news using blogs; post queries, commentaries during conferences
using Twitter; keeping up to date using iGoogle; have closed down the library Facebook page;
use wikis to document groupwork
I use b) to provide Chat reference service. Some of our reference support information (e.g.
passwords, helpful hints, etc) are available via a staff wiki.
Frequently use Wikis to gather information and share information.
Blogs & RSS feeds -- keeping up-to-date Instant messaging -- reference Wikis -- collaboration with
colleagues for research or projects
To keep current and to keep in touch with my colleagues.
blogs - use to track some great thinkers in library-land - use to track important issues like
Blogs - collect ideas, keep current with what is happening in community IM - connect with other
people in my library system AND chat reference Twitter - ask questions, keep current RSS -
gather my blogs; search, share, star Facebook - pictures and news Videosharing - promotion of
libraries, videos for my patrons Wikis - use only when I have to :/ mostly internal wikis
IM, in particular, helps me connect quickly to colleagues to address immediate issues. We also
use it to share reference questions from the front-line staff to the librarians. I use Twitter to
follow trends, and blogs to read specifics.
- use wikipedia to teach - would like to see more use of twitter or facebook or youtube but for
useful things and not fluff or show
Our library staffs reference hours using Meebo. I use twitter to follow development in OA /
Schol. Publishing. I contribute to a number of blogs that serve our library users.
-As an archivist, I use Wikipedia to update researchers about location of archival fonds -I also
post on my Twitter feed about new archival photos added to our IDR -I've posted on Twitter
about elements in our exhibit that was getting low traffic - our stats instantly doubled. -I know
videosharing could be useful for outreach and educational purposes but it is difficult to find the
time, develop the skills on top of all my other work. -Our blog has been useful to create an online
space to promote a physical event in-house or give attention to a topic, collection, that "doesn't
quite fit" in our wider scope of outreach. Especially events/acquisitions that don't warrant a
press release or full blown exhibit.
Twitter feed feeds onto our home page. Also have a library blog that feeds onto our home page.
Read RSS feeds in my Outlook account - it has an RSS aggregator.
we use blogs and wikis to document work we are doing, share documents, minutes, working
papers, procedures, etc. we use instant messaging to communicate amongst ourselves at work,
and to answer research help questions. we use facebook to publicize conferences and raise
awareness on issues, as well as to network with colleagues. YouTube is a great place to share
teaching materials.
Post a weekly blog for our website, post/read Facebook daily, read RSS feeds, post to the
Library's Twitter feed.
I use Twitter daily to post resources in my field. Follower number is low and not necessarily from
my University.
Exploring social media for creation of digital collections/virtual exhibits & in working
collaboratively with large teams geographically dispersed
Meebo is used for some chat reference. GoogleTalk was used during a project when we did not
have access to a telephone and needed to replicate real time conversation
Primarily as teaching tools
I use a meebo chat widget to allow students to access me from our LibGuides. I regularly blog my
own research, and read many blogs (through igoogle) about library issues and my own research
areas. And what would we do without the love/hate relationship with Wikipedia!
I use twitter to push my services to my target users.
I use wikis to communicate with others working academic libraries and to track developments in
the project i am involved with.
I sometime use YouTube to share video tutorials that I create for IL purposes, and occasionally
share librarianship-related content through Facebook, though the latter is rarely with a
substantial network of library colleagues.
Wikipedia - reference work Yammer - communication on various library issues Youtube - Some
library tutorials
keeping current on news and trends. Mostly as a user, not a contributor.
work on a Livehelp chat service twice a week; use blogs for news and updating myself in my field;
wikis for sharing files and instructions
post youtube video on facebook and blog twitter every day use meebo for online reference every
University is using YouTube channel more for video content. Switching some online tutorials to
YouTube/Vimeo content. Meebo for online chat reference, GoogleTalk for web team discussions
(help at point of need from team members across campus. Facebook for networking with other
librarians, not students.
Use RSS feeds to keep aware of faculty publications, new trends in subject areas, new trends in
scholarship, etc. We use blogs (posting to) to keep in touch with faculty. I read blogs in my
subject areas to keep up to date with current trends. I use IM as a point of contact/ref tool for
Twitter - to post news on library web site; blogs to keep up to date with issues, e.g., copyright;
wikis - to find information and to share information with other staff.
I use the above tools primarily for professional development (help identify trends, reports, new
projects, etc) and for professional communication (blogs, twitter, etc)
I have a meebo account so that students can chat online with me in my office. It is rarely used by
Facebook & blog (Facebook links to blog) for library Facebook presence and communication of
library tips/services
Meebo - used for chat reference service
We use a wiki for internal library communication. I usually read blogs when I'm researching a
particular topic.
PIDGIN once a week for virtual reference shift. Check a specific blog from time to time, when
necessary. View YouTube from time to time when someone sends out an interesting link.
Current awareness, information literacy instruction and liaison to client groups
We have a wiki that serves as a memory tool for the IT team. I consult RSS for new trends.
Mostly professional communication - blogs to monitor commentary in my research field as well
as current practices, instant messaging for colleague questions and discussion, aggregators
(academic articles), facebook for networking with professionals, wikis - depends on the group
Meebo: chat with students
I have RSS feeds for a number of blogs that I find useful and try to check these daily. I use
Facebook at work both to keep in touch socially with friends and with colleagues at other
institutions. I used to maintain a wiki for a research course - now most of the information has
been moved to a LibGuide and a CMS (course management system). (I preferred the wiki!) I
opened a Twitter account about a year ago, but don't update very often, and rarely for work-
related purposes; while that was the original intention, my institution doesn't have a set policy or
"space" for official Twitter feeds, but I have found it very useful for getting interesting/timely
information from other Twitterers!
I use instant messaging to determine if a colleague is available to talk (either by phone or chat). I
use twitter to announce project progress to colleagues. I use my Google reader as a means of
keeping up on trends in the library profession.
Internal wiki to post progress on projects
Blogs: don't have time to write or comment on external blogs. I write content for the library's
blog. Students expect IM/Meebo/instantaneous response. This is an important service provided
by others in the library.
Frequency of use
h) Collaborative writing (e.g., GoogleDocs, wikis) (Frequency of use )
i) Photo-sharing (e.g., Flickr, Picasa) (Frequency of use )
j) Powerpoint-sharing (e.g., SlideShare, Prezi) (Frequency of use )
k) Social bookmarks (e.g., Delicious, Connotea) (Frequency of use )
l) Social cataloguing (e.g., LibraryThing) (Frequency of use )
m) Virtual worlds (e.g., Second Life, other) (Frequency of use )
n) Web file-sharing services (e.g, Dropbox, LiveMesh) (Frequency of use )
h) Collaborative writing (e.g., GoogleDocs, wikis) (Perceived
usefulness )
i) Photo-sharing (e.g., Flickr, Picasa) (Perceived usefulness )
j) Powerpoint-sharing (e.g., SlideShare, Prezi) (Perceived
usefulness )
k) Social bookmarks (e.g., Delicious, Connotea) (Perceived usefulness )
l) Social cataloguing (e.g., LibraryThing) (Perceived usefulness )
m) Virtual worlds (e.g., Second Life, other) (Perceived usefulness )
n) Web file-sharing services (e.g, Dropbox, LiveMesh) (Perceived
usefulness )
3.2) Among the specific tools you currently use above (e.g., Delicious, Flickr, SlideShare),
describe briefly below how you use them in your work. (Or, proceed to next question)
3.2) Among the specific tools you currently use above (e.g., Delicious, Flickr, SlideShare),
describe briefly below how you use them in your work. (Or, proceed to next question)
Dropbox for accessing files from home; GoogleDocs for collaboration.
I love, love, love Dropbox. I store all my files there. Googledocs is handy but when I've tried to
use it with collaborators, they find it unfamiliar so we usually revert to using Word. Flickr is good
for finding and storing photos. And I also couldn't do my job without my delicious account. I use
it to catalog information on the web and to access frequently used sites.
I hate that the ipad does not manage docs better ... getting dropbox setup was a pain and while i
love the ipad for play .... i get much more work done on my computer
delicious: a way for reference team to share resources slideshare: as a browser, not a truly
contributing member (such a lurker)
GoogleDocs: we use this for a collaborative reference project. Photosharing and Social
cataloguing: I use these kinds of tools (Picasa, GoodReads) in my personal life but not
professionally. SlideShare: I use this often but wish it were iPhone-friendly, since I often want to
view things on it during my off hours. Delicious: I used this years ago but now I use Twitter more
for this purpose - if I read an article I like and want to remember, I tweet it.
Google Docs for sharing files with colleagues that require collaboration
I mainly use collaborative writing tools for committee work.
Picasa - photos of Library interiors to share with colleagues/research group Delicious - save user
guides, tutorials, research, podcasts Slides share - find good slides for class presentations Google
Docs - edit documents
I have used Slideshare to access presentations although I have never posted any of my own
Flickr used to find images for illustrating presentations or web pages, as well as for answering ref
questions. Tried using google docs, but it only works if your co-workers use it too. I have viewed
Slideshare presentations, but never upload my own. (I would rather use our school's AV
department to make a professional quality video that embeds slides in my own presentation
with my video/voice). Never used second life or library thing but I've heard others do.
Use SlideShare to mount PP on LibGuides.
I use delicious most (for sharing resources with students and colleagues, and for myself). We
have a wiki as an Intranet and do some collaborative work there (but it is a bit clunky to use), and
I've used Google Sites as a collaborative group workspace for some consortial groups (worked
better than our mediawiki). I personally don't do much photo sharing or social cataloguing at
work, and we don't do anything where I work with virtual worlds. We do share documents (e.g.
powerpoint) sometimes using things like Slideshare but I prefer to use options that are more
accessible for people with disabilities so don't use it a lot.
useful for committee and teamwork.
GoogleDocs - sharing documents with other librarians (mostly with librarians at other
institutions, as we have other ways of sharing documents within our library). Flickr - for
communications purposes (such as to communicate/document progress during renovation
projects). Social bookmarks - for maintaining links of professional interest. We dabbled with the
idea of using social bookmarking for our subject guides, but haven't done this yet. Second Life - I
explored Second Life to see if it would be valuable for my library. I didn't think it was worth the
time investment.
Delicious = bookmark useful websites in my subject area and faculty publications. Pull in the RSS
feed from Delicious into my subject guide. DropBox = helping to teach a course at a library school
and dropbox is used to share the Powerpoint slides developed for each class.
My use of Delicious has really decreased in the last year. Twitter is up. RSS feeds are dropping off
(i.e., fewer blog postings found), but I still depend on it. Viewing mobile Slideshare is limited --
better viewed on a larger screen if slides are dense with text (which is typical). but since I'm more
on my iphone, I might not choose to view mobilized slideshows.
I primarily use Google Docs with my colleagues who I am working on projects with. I also
organize my bookmarks with Diigo primarily for personal use related to my work.
Sometimes use Flickr and other photo-sharing sites to get copyright-free or Creative Commons
images for presentations or LibGuides. Use PowerPoint sharing to view professional
presentations I was unable to get to, or to review those that I was.
I like to consult recent ppt presentations on slideshare to keep up to date both with content and
also to see which presentations i find most effective (how they're organized; how they look...)
use Delicious to keep track of all my bookmarks so I can access them anywhere; use GDocs to
share docs with colleagues; same with Prezi; use LibraryThing occassionally but far less than I did
a few years ago; use Dropbox for sharing big files with myself from machine to machine (ie MARC
records I work on at home and then load to system at work)
I use Google Docs and file-sharing services primarily for my work-related research, particularly
with co-investigators who are at different institutions. Google Docs has also been useful for some
collaborative writing among colleagues in my unit.
I have shared PP and Prezi files with colleagues to show them how I use them or how I teach
classes. I use Dropbox a lot to share files between members of working groups/task forces and
my professional association executive.
Some of my colleagues share using Google Docs & Slideshare so I'll view their work using those
GoogleDocs and wikis for projects with other staff/librarians Delicious bookmarking
Google docs is great for group work and collaborative working / writing projects.
use images and video on subject pages in the library websites, on my blog, use bookmarks to
keep track of good online resources
Delicious I use for keeping track of websites that I might find useful. In the past I have shared my
folders with partners if we were doing collaborative work.
googledocs - multi institutional collaborative groups virtual worlds -s econd life - networking File
sharing - international collaborations
Wikis are part of my everyday work. My colleague and I are starting a photo-sharing site to
connect libraries in our province. I am more on the receiving end of powerpoint sharing.
-I used to use Google docs on a daily basis when working on a paper collaboratively with
colleagues in another province, VERY useful tool
Dropbox is great for working away from one's office (e.g. at various reference desks, home, etc.)
Also used to collaborate with colleagues - we set up folders and place readings in them.
Our team of 10 librarians uses Google Docs to write our annual plan.
teaching - sharing information - sharing resources - collaborative work is important
Have used delicious, social cataloguing tools more in the past; no time to continue
Collaborative writing/Web file-sharing: used to collaborate with colleagues Social bookmarks:
use to keep track of research
using document sharing is useful for larg-ish groups especially at a distance (ie, national
committee) but are tedious to track changes, the back and forth, etc.
h) I use google docs to collaborate in paper writing with colleagues and google spreadsheet and
google notebook for keeping track of orders and requests, sharing with coworkers and users as
appropriate. i) I use picasa to upload pictures that I want to use via my blog, and also to share
photos from library events.
It can be very handy to snap a photo - upload to flicker, and then send the link to colleagues,
when trying to identify a work...particularly since our listserv rejects attachments.
GoogleDocs: to share documents and edit them with my colleagues;
we have a local web file-sharing tool at our institution. I can share files to anyone from different
committees, units, (including non-library ones).Flickr - especially the creative commons photos
are great for Power Point presentations and website developments.
Collaborative writing & cloud file sharing = work with a few colleagues. The rest are not used.
I use Google Docs for most of my productivity needs. I use MS Office only when I have to. I use
delicious for remembering my bookmarks, but not really with the intention of sharing them with
others. Flickr is for my personal use.
use Delicious to keep track of important/interesting things I read (work related)
Occasionally committees that I am on have found it useful to use GoogleDocs or a Wiki to track
information. For my day to day file management I have remote access through my institution to
files and email - and don't have a need for an alternate system.
Flickr allows me to find images that I can use under Creative Commons license for course pages,
web pages, powerpoints, and various instruction materials. It is extremely useful!
delicious i use as my everyday citation manager google docs for doc preparation of all types
Google docs are great for committee work
We use delicious for our bookmarks and we have made them available/share them with students
I use dropbox to manage my personal work between home and the office as well as for large files
I cannot email to others.
I get Power-point presentations from other colleagues if I missed the presentation or did not go
to a conference.
GoogleDocs for collaborative project work. Slideshare to share presentations around project
work we do. Dropbox to work with files remotely.
google docs and wikis - sharing files, collaboratively improving a document, working as a
committee - things that evolve over time. Photo sharing - don't really use it professionally but I
can see how some would. Delicious - mostly for my own use but it's nice to see what others have
(I use my lists in WorldCat the same way, and also to share with my students). LibraryThing I use
personally but I can see how some would use it professionally. Virtual Worlds are BS and I am
tired of people trying to make them a thing. Web file-sharing devices are necessary with small
inboxes/file limits.
I used Flickr once to upload a photo of a display and then add notes identifying the books. I was
inspired to do this while doing an online course for library staff on Web 2.0, but I never got
around to using it again. I have a LibraryThing account because I felt I ought to know about it,
and enjoy using it to keep track of the books I read (not the books I own) -- which is for fun, not
work-related. I did not check off Second Life as the only time I've used it was as part of the Web
2.0 online course I took.
Collaborative writing tools have been quite useful in the past - especially when working with
people outside my home library (we have other internal collaborative tools that we use internally
like Sharepoint that allow us to share and collaboratively create content). I use Flickr every now
and then to find useful content but I never share (I'm a horrible photographer!) and have only
"used" Prezi once.
Delicious to compile and tag recommended health sciences websites; GoogleDocs to co-write
papers with authors from elsewhere
Google Docs -- have used for compiling reports/committee work Flickr -- use CC photos for
signage and instruction Prezi -- have tried it out but never presented with it Delicious -- use it to
store links LibraryThing -- use it more for my home library
Google Docs - working on shared documents Delicious - keeping bookmarks and sharing them
File sharing - file sharing!
I work in 2 special libraries. Access to Second Life, Facebook, Flickr is restricted in-house.
I use a combination of Read-It-Later and Delicious to track things of interest; Delicious is more of
permanent storage RIL a quick reminder of things I want to check out later
GoogleDocs has been useful for writing group reports arising from committee work.
delicious to save websites instead of bookmarking them. Accesible from anywhere and can link
to other's related web docs Flikr and Picasa - save library interior photos from my camera. Easy
to share with committee or library admin to illustrate ideas for renovations etc. Slideshare - ideas
for teaching specific tools or concepts GoogleDocs - edit documents from the library association
council which I am on. Info Desk Wiki - retrieve 'local knowledge' and recommend additions.
GoogleDocs to share documents, but it never worked properly.
To collaborate with colleagues easily, to access my work easily when I am not at work.
Google docs is useful for collaborative writing and statistics.
Post presentations or lectures to slideshare
Powerpoint presentations and other teaching materials created by librarians at my work are
made available on our staff intranet.
Collaborative writing = potentially valuable but too buggy to be reliable; Photosharing = source of
images for teaching; Virtual worlds = have investigated thoroughly but not useful for my
specialty; Web file sharing = very useful in the absence of library solutions for ftp to students
GoogleDocs proved useful in working with a group of staff from different universities -- within
my own school we have internal collaborative methods. I have relatively little contact with the
public, which seems to be where the greater use of social media lie.
I was probably an early adopter of collaborative writing tools - too early, perhaps - technical
issues rendered them ineffective, although have successfully used PBWiki with a research team
to good effect. Others, still need to see more evidence of effectiveness.
Writing: collaboration, filesharing, presentations, Photosharing: reference question support,
marketing, local color, documentation, training Bookmarks: library guides, rss feeds Virtual
Worlds: classes, outreach, webinars, presentations, collaboration, teaching, learning, personal
We use sharepoint as internal document management, and for a few internal forms which
initiate workflows. i use flickr creative commons licensed content for presentations, same with
powerpoint sharing and file sharing.
GoogleDocs for an OLA project with librarians at various locations - but I have been unable to
access the shared folders, a known bug that I have not been able to solve
The cloud is essential for collaborative writing, for the mobile office. We have a server I have
access to remotely as well. I've used Delicious to keep track of independent publisher for
collection development (foreign language in particular)
Web file sharing services rarely to share large files with others.
I use dropbox all the time to synch my files with my home computer so that I can easily work
from home.
I've collaborated on research with colleagues from other institutions using Google Docs. I use
drop box to sink files with various computers. (iphone, home, work)
I use google docs all the time. Most of my work docs are in there; it's the easiest way to share
documents with my supervisor and colleagues. It's my go-to word processor. We have a wiki for
work that I consult probably 3 or 4 times a week. The library has a flickr feed of authorized
pictures, but I use flickr a lot to find CC licensed pictures I can use in presentations. I know I
should use bookmarking tools, and I see their value, but again it's one of those things that needs
more forethought on my part to use effectively. We have our professional development
collection in librarything, so I use it occasionally. I have built in second life and find it an
incredible canvas for communicating things that are impossible to communicate otherwise, so
for that I remain loyal to virtual worlds, but I don't really hang out there. Just build. I use dropbox
on occasion, but honestly google docs is filling that gap more and more lately.
Google Docs: to share documents among colleagues. Photo sharing: through facebook--to
provide some more interesting content on our facebook page. Prezi: to make presentations
(from time to time--use powerpoint more). Delicious: to organize and categorize the sources that
I need to check when ordering books.
Use google docs when writing reports/materials with colleagues; use flickr account to store all
library photos from events, etc.; use dropbox to share large files (e.g. prepping for a conference
with colleagues far away)
- delicious for sharing resources with students and colleagues - collaborative writing tools used v.
often for group writing with colleagues
Photosharing works for marketing purposes and sharing marketing ideas across institutions. I use
wikis for cross-institutional collaboration and reports.
I use GoogleDocs to work on shared documents with colleagues.
Have a Delicious account to keep track of sites related to open access. Use Flickr to upload
photos of events that occur in the library. Used a wiki to prepare a submission for an agency
application, which required wide input.
I used GoogleDocs for a project with an external library organization. It was cumbersome and
involved some learning (I know Word well and don't like to waste time learning something like it,
when it works fine for me.)
Use to share information internally /externally. Some use is for teaching at MLIS level.
Google docs and power point have very practical uses
I use Flickr for personal reasons, but not for work.
I use GoogleDocs for many group projects at work, and we maintain a Delicious account for key
weblinks for students. I use Dropbox to access my documents at home.
Collaborative writing - good for sharing and developing project and policy documents; Photo-
sharing - good for presentations; Powerpoint sharing - good for sharing information and
presentations; Dropbox - sharing large files with faculty, librarians, and other project
I use Delicious as I feel it is easy to group my preferred websites.
working on a paper/chapter with colleagues both at the institution and in other geographic
GoogleDocs - to create a spreadsheet for a volunteer service task undertaken for the library
alumni community Delicious - collect bookmarks to websites related to academic subject
specialist areas
When working on group projects or projcts that need editing/feedback from my peers
I use GoogleDocs all the time for collaborative editing and project work. I post all of my
instructional presentation files to SlideShare.
In our library department, we have a professional reading collection which I have catalogued
using Library Thing.
Delicious connotea i used for finding sometime "hard to find" reference and to bookmark
Collaborative writing is great for research projects or other co-authored work.
See previous comment re: wiki
Occasionally use Google Docs for collaborative editing/document creation - sometimes even in
real time over the phone when we can't get togteher in person I use photosharing mainly for non
work, once in a while we use it to show the hawks in the trees outside the library.
Social life was a memory suck disaster and I deleted from all 3 of my computers Web file-sharing,
still too iffy for access and slow
Collaborate writing : to work on project and documents with colleagues Powerpoint-sharing: to
get ideas for my teaching Social bookmarks: I use Delicious but not the social aspect of it.
collaborative writing via wikis is an invaluable tool
posting files and comments on group projects
I LOVE dropbox and now use it as my primary file storage.
Collaborative writing -- collaboration with colleagues Photo-sharing -- collection development;
employee engagement Web-file sharing -- collaboration with colleagues
To collaborate with colleagues.
Collab writing - good, but we also use an internal file sharing network, so not always necessary
Photo & ppt sharing - see above Social bookmarks - where I collect bookmarks; don't often go to
other people's bookmarks (once/mo) Dropbox - use for bringing work home and for association
work (related to job but not "my job")
Collaborative writing - very useful... untill the excel sheet crashes/can't be downloaded and then
you're fracked. Photo-sharing... does posting archival photos on our IDR count? If so : very very
useful. Dropbox : I use our university's equivalent almost everyday to deliver research requests
and scanned images : very very helpful and keeps costs down.
Have used Prezi for presentations, use Flickr for uploading photos of library and events. Have
used wiki to plan events/documents in collaboration with colleagues. Have a Delicious account
on a particular topic to share with colleagues
I discovered Prezi last summer and have begun to use it for presentations that can be best taught
through concept mapping.
I've used GoogleDocs to collaborate on an article writing project with a colleague before.
Bookmarking new sites in my subject areas.
We have an internal file share service which is very useful. I don't use the other very much
Use the university filedrop server to send/receive large files. Love it!
I use Google Docs for collaborative reports. We use it in the division to share and annotate
collections spreadsheets.
Google docs to share meeting notes and agendas etc. with other staff; occasionally Flickr for
images for library advertising, etc.; Delicious for sharing web sites with other staff.
Google docs is great for note taking and for sharing docs. Powerpoint is a useful, if not overused,
instructional tool. Flickr is great for helping those ppt shows to be more interesting. Delicious
allows me to access my online docs/research easily from anywhere. Dropbox is great when
working between computers.
I use Delicious to supplement my Subject Guide pages.
For searching and screening information. Which specific tools are not really matter as long as
whatever is the information I am interested in is being offered.
A colleague has put material on Flickr which is useful for my subject area.
I use Google Doc to share documents with co-workers. I use Flickr for my two children
GoogleDocs and Dropbox are used frequently in my collaborative research projects
I have used all of these tools, other than virtual words and web file-sharing services, to some
degree but more on a personal basis than as an academic librarian. I have an ongoing project
where we made some use of GoogleDocs, but more for easy file-sharing than collaborative
writing. In the future, I'd like to use GoogleDocs more in its intended manner. I use PowerPoint
all the time but never an official sharing program - I make my PowerPoints available after all
training sessions, simply in PPS format (on a Virtual Campus webspace).
I use Delicious daily to find favourite locations and to tag useful tools. I use Dropbox daily to have
key working files available on my desktop or mobile devices.
4) How important do you think it is for your library [now or in the future] to use social media
for the following activities? [e.g., to have 'digital presence' and use interactive tools]
a) Announcing upcoming library events (4) How important do you think it is for your library
[now or in the future] to use social media for the following activities? [e.g., to have 'digital
presence' and use interactive tools])
b) Communicating directly with students and faculty(4) How important do you think it is for
your library [now or in the future] to use social media for the following activities? [e.g., to
have 'digital presence' and use interactive tools])
c) Fundraising for library programs & services(4) How important do you think it is for your
library [now or in the future] to use social media for the following activities? [e.g., to have
'digital presence' and use interactive tools])
d) Helping to reach strategic goals or objectives for your library(4) How important do you
think it is for your library [now or in the future] to use social media for the following
activities? [e.g., to have 'digital presence' and use interactive tools])
e) Marketing your library's services and programs(4) How important do you think it is for your
library [now or in the future] to use social media for the following activities? [e.g., to have
'digital presence' and use interactive tools])
f) Promoting workshops offered by your library(4) How important do you think it is for your
library [now or in the future] to use social media for the following activities? [e.g., to have
'digital presence' and use interactive tools])
Which tools are used / might be used?
Which tools are used / might be used?
Twitter and blogs
Twitter, blog, document sharing
It's hard to know how effective any of these tools are for communicating with users and as a
marketing tool. Our library has a twitter account and several facebook accounts. I don't see much
(actually I've never seen any) engagement between our users and our profiles in these social
media tools. It's hard to know if that's because users don't want to communicate/engage with us
on these platforms or if it's because we're not using them to effectively communicate/engage
with our users and as a result they don't engage with us.
Important ... is a stretch ... more like "an option among many"
Let them have and do their thing, on their things, without invading their territory. They can come
to our spaces (webpages) for information about us.
Twitter, our Library's blogs
Twitter for last minute updates of workshops, Facebook for events.
RSS feeds Wikis IM/SMS messaging
Twitter, facebook, blog, wiki
I plan to make my Library's resources and services available through mobile devices, and better
utilize social media to communicate with users.
We currently have a facebook page for our library....I don't believe students actually use it.
RSS feed. Facebook. A marketing plan!
Facebook, blogs, IM (for communicating with students), BBM
Blogs, Twitter, library Facebook page
blogs, social networks, microblogging, Youtube
We use Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube primarily.
-The library keeps two blogs: a suggestion blog and a "what's new" blog. -The library is also on
Twitter and (it's an extension of the "what's new" blog, with a few more
announcements than the "what's new"). -The library also uses RSS to disseminate the "new
books by subject" feeds. -I also use a blog on my subject guide to announce interesting
events/research/news in my subject area.
Citation citing sites could be promoted more.
Currently, Facebook, Twitter, Sharepoint and our website.
Facebook pages, Twitter.
facebook, blogs
Most of the social networking tools already mentioned in the survey
YouTube & Twitter are currently being used by the library.
Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Rss Feeds
twitter, facebook
anything, really - depends where your clients are
Facebook, RSS feeds from library website
Facebook Twitter Announcements on library home page
Twitter, facebook, etc.
we use facebook and twitter as well as individual librarian blogs to advertise our services, people
and events.
Our unit has a Facebook page. Updates/promos are posted once a week.
Twitter, Facebook
facebook or blogs
any of the previous that are stable and can be incorporated into the branch's routines
blogs, twitter, video sites, pretty well anything original or creative - i think the creativity is more
important that the platform
wikis and blogs in particular.
email, facebook, rss feeds, library blog, flikr
Our library currently currently has a twiiter account and a facebook account. Faculty members
use yammer for discussion.
Blogs, social networking tools, You Tube
Blogs Facebook YouTube Maybe Twitter but only to a limited segment that actually uses it WIKIs
- for collaborative projects
facebook, twitter
Library would have to supply handhelds to staff, a major money concern.
-was thinking mostly of our news and events blog
Facebook, Twitter, Web pages (in conjunction with RSS feeds)
RSS feed, blogs, email, website, etc.
Although I haven't used yet, I can see the usefulness of a twitter feed on various websites to
keep intended audience up to date Blogs (although have to get the intended audience to read
a and f are asking virtually the same thing.
social networking sites (eg FB), slide share, you tube, google doc's, skype, google voice, file
sharing apps, itunes,
whatever works - and these are constantly evolving
We seem to use blogs primarily to promote workshops, etc., but I know some librarians here also
have a Twitter account.
could use a variety of them. Facebook for sure.
Twitter, Facebook, blogs, Youtube, Flicr, Piccasso, google docs, (are already in use), but might
want to use LinkedIn, and make an effort for more coordinated use of tools like YouTube, Google
Docs, Slide share, etc.
We have an RSS feed on our 'branch' Library homepage; I suspect the Facebook page for our
library gets more "viewings" (or my personal one).
Yammer, Facebook, Blogs
Web pages, blog, Facebook and Twitter. Plus mass email to specific groups.
Twitter, Facebook and RSS News feeds have proven to be the best ones- although some
undergraduate students have recently told us that in-person announcements about programs,
workshops and services are stillthe most effective! In particular the blackboard/whiteboard!
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
For announcing library events I think our webpage and formal campus advertising venues are
more appropriate and effective at reaching the campus (student/faculty) audience. To
communicate directly with faculty and students I think personal (liaison) and institutional
(committee-level) relationships are more important than social media - for direct
communication, advertising of events, communicating strategic directions and marketig. For
example I send a two page PDF newsletter by email directly to all faculty members in my liaison
areas three times a year. I additionally send them event information. Campus wide committee
involvement elevates the library, librarians, and librarian work to the level of importance that it
deserves within an academic institution - I don't think facebook serves this purpose, and may in
fact detract from it.
Blogs & RSS - for promotion of classes, workshops and other events in the library. Meebo for
connecting directly with students, faculty and the public. Wikis for storing data for reuse in
websites and as a reference source.
blogs, twitter, facebook
opt in to receive text messages from the library and producing videos would be useful marketing
I think every little bit of promotion counts even if it only reaches a small population.
The more coordinated use of select tools would be useful in our context for marketing.
Twitter, facebook, sites people visit for local content (if your town or city has a popular blog, etc.)
Blogs are used for promotion of events/announcements of new resources; however, it is not
easy to assess whether people were paying attention to it or not.
Twitter, Facebook, Blogs
Facebook, twitter, RSS news feeds, youtube I know we use right now for some of these purposes.
I'm not sure what else might be used now or in the future - we have a marketing team and I'm
not on it!
blogs, twitter, facebook, rss feeds
Even if advertising a particular library event doesn't draw in a larger crowd, it still reminds people
that the library exists and is available when they need it.
Twitter, Facebook
Wordpress to announce workshops; Wordpress with comments turned on for
acquisition/resource feedback.
We use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and our library news blog.
Facebook, Twitter, blogs,
blogs, twitter
Twitter/blogs, etc., could be used for promoting library instruction, etc.
I chose neutral because I don't think any of the ones on the previous screen could be used this
way unless the library is paying the media owner to place ads whenever someon from my
university accesses the social media. Facebook is not a good tool for promo and marketing. Its
content is more personal.
Intend to try some of these, but our Virtual Services Librarian is on mat leave right now and no
time to explore myself -- I can bearly keep up with current communication modes!
Twitter is used for promotional events.
My library uses its website for announcing news, upcoming events, library services and workshop
promotion. We use several blogs (Piping Up, Scholarly Publishing News) to communicate with
faculty and students, announce events and receive feedback. We could use LibraryThing to make
our catalogue more interactive.
Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin could be useful. SecondLife has been tried and is not
It's hard to say if the popularity of Twitter and Facebook will continue -- the future may lie with
apps for iPhones and other portable devices instead.
Chat reference via QuestionPoint has been bad - technical problems / slow response make it
painful to provide services via this tool. Wiki collaboration is the one tool that I find valuable.
RSS feeds, twitter, web site, Youtube for videos, Camtasia for online tutorials
twitter to aggregate RSS feed of library news/events... a blogger blog to connect folks with
information about some of our services.
Twitter and FB.
the Library website, Twitter and Facebook
We have s small (800) select group of members using our library. Many are older, and email
seems to work best.
Facebook, Twitter, blogs, remote access apps.
twitter, blogs, facebook (although I'm not about libraries using facebook because I'm not sure
that students really want to communicate with libraries in this way - facebook is seen as a cool
space to interact with your friends and not so much a place where you communicate with the
library. I could be wrong about this though...)
Twitter; RSS on webpage; Facebook announcements/event pages
twitter, facebook.
FaceBook is used extensively.
Library blog - we currently have a Wordpress recent books blog. Too busy updating our current
web page to a CMS as well as using the university's Blackboard function -- both used to
communicate with our communities of users -- to look at social media. Once we have completed
our current projects we can look at social media. It is a question of time & staff.
We have a twitter feed, which sits on the front of our website and feeds to digital signage. I have
more ideas about the kinds of content that should go there. the difficulties there are getting
people to commit to using it, not the tech itself. It gets attention, it does its thing.
Facebook, Twitter.
library news and events blog syndicate on homepage, twitter account, staff newsletter blog,
flickr account
It depends. My sense is that for marketing and promotion we need to make use of these tools in
the hope of "catching" the attention of our intended audience. However, I believe that these
anticipatory recipients of our messages are very diverse in their use and uptake of the social
media tools available to them.
- blogs, twitter, yammer youtube
Facebook, Twitter
Blogs on library sites
Facebook and Twitter.
twitter, facebook, blogs
Twitter, Facebook, Meebo, YouTube.
twitter, facebook,
facebook, twitter
We use Twitter & Library has 2 blogs Some librarians feed their Delicious accoutns onto
their subject guides We've advertised on Facebook (though we don't have a fan or group page)
We're using Facebook, Twitter and wikis. I'm not directly involved.
blog; facebook; twitter
Library blog, Twitter, Flickr
there is not option in this question to say that it's OK to use some tools some of the time.
Entering people's social media space can backfire, e.g. if may be OK to market via RSS but not
Blogs, Wikis, Facebook.
all of these things are already done using the library website and email, but it can't hurt to try a
variety of ways to raise awareness...
Plasma screens in buildings, Facebook presence, screencasting and YouTube videos
Blogs, wikis, PowerPoint presentation (prezi), YouTube (and other alternatives), Drupal modules,
Google docs, etc.
Facebook and Twitter are currently used.
facebook, twitter, meebo
Facebook, Twitter, IM, blog
blog facebook
Facebook, Twitter
Blogs, RSS feeds, Facebook, Twitter
Our library has a marketing librarian who actively uses social media, such as Twitter, to promote
the Library in a wide variety of ways.
Right now none! I suggested using Facebook but ....
We use Twitter for most of our 'marketing' activities as well as dedicated listservs to inform
other librarians about events and changes to services.
It's just part of a large group of communications tools and methods that we need to incorporate
into any marketing plan.
Simple tools. Donors tend to be older. they don't tweet much. E-mail is still the tipping point app.
My mom is 85 and she e-mails, but you won't get a dime out of her from a wiki. Who's your
audience? The students for certain purposes and donors for others, faculty for others, and don't
forget about staff communication.
Facebook (social networking) Twitter
We use twitter & facebook to announce library events, new services, new additions to web page,
promote workshops. We use a blog to post info of use to desk staff. We use IM to respond to
library queries.
Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, not very familiar with other tools
Postings in learning management systems. Twitter and Facebook would be useful if there were
more uptake of our Twitter and Facebook presence by our users.
IM< Twitter, blog.
rss facebook twitter
Twitter, Facebook, scrolling news items on library homepage, Posterous blog are all used.
Facebook is probably the most useful for this, followed by Twitter.
Prefer personal contacts (visits, telephone calls, e-mails) with faculty, students and donors. Social
media seems a passive way to convey information.
whatever students use
Twitter : for info-tainment, to keep stats healthy. Also helpful to tap into current events quickly
to plug our own programs (i.e. When Rohinton Mistry's book got banned at his alma mater, we
were able to post on twitter linking the story back to our finding aid of his papers). Blogs : for
more substantial events Online exhibits : for more developed content.
Facebook might be used. Twitter is used.
RSS feeds, blogs, Facebook, Twitter
Facebook, Twitter.
Email and posters is still likely more effective.
If the strategic plan calls for it, it will be looked at and done.
there are very few students or faculty following our twitter feeds and other social media
initiatives. mostly other libraries or other campus groups are following. Students have flat out
told me that they think it is inappropriate for us to be in thier social spaces.
Twitter, IM
Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, wikis, blogs, IM, Flickr
Using newsfeeds and blogging. Maybe twitter.
Facebook; blogs, twitter
It's not about the tools, it's about the messages. Library signage, listservs, emails, presentations,
etc. are all just as effective as social media. It's not about the technology. It's about the message
and the service.
We're using some of these things now, but my research with faculty and students indicates
they're not reading what we're putting out.
Blogs, RSS feeds
Twitter, blogs, other RSS feeds.
All the tools previously mentioned: twitter, facebook, blogs, wikis....
Most faculty still only use email. Students send text messages,so perhaps social media is a better
fit. You need to ask students directly.
FB ads, twitter
mobile phone apps
Blogs, twitter
Facebook I think
I have seen Twitter used to great effect for this sort of thing. Email and posters are the main
ways we do this sort of thing right now - probably not the most effective.
Posterous, in-house news and events software, twitter and facebook.
I use e-mail to target specific groups for promoting workshops.
Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, RSS from library web site are currently used by the library.
5) How likely are you to want to adopt social media (now or in the future) in order to take
advantage of the following benefits in your work?
b) Creating new knowledge objects (e.g., video, audio, online tutorials)(5) How likely are you
to want to adopt social media (now or in the future) in order to take advantage of the
following benefits in your work?)
c) Downloading free, open source software (as opposed to buying software)(5) How likely are
you to want to adopt social media (now or in the future) in order to take advantage of the
following benefits in your work?)
d) Peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing of information, anytime(5) How likely are you to want to adopt
social media (now or in the future) in order to take advantage of the following benefits in your
e) Learning new information skills (e.g., media literacy)(5) How likely are you to want to adopt
social media (now or in the future) in order to take advantage of the following benefits in your
f) The "Network Effect" (networking with other librarians, building contacts)(5) How likely are
you to want to adopt social media (now or in the future) in order to take advantage of the
following benefits in your work?)
I prefer meeting people face to face
I'm interested in the use of social media but either don't know much about a specific 'tool' (ie:
cloud computing) or am hesitant that believe that students want us in their social media.
I am not allowed to download software on my work computer.
Already doing many of these things. I use OpenOffice and other free software exclusively at
home. Much of my reluctance to use other products at work stems from no one making a damn
decision about which technology to use, so everyone is using something different. Social media
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
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Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey
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Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL ABRC Libraries Survey

  • 1. Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: A 2010 CARL / ABRC Libraries Survey Phase 1 Data : Preliminary Results 1 Dean Giustini / UBC Biomedical Branch Librarian / November 9th , 2010 This research was partly funded by a CARL / ABRC Research in Librarianship Grant
  • 2. Executive Summary This preliminary report presents raw phase I data of a two-part national survey of academic librarians entitled ‘Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries: CARL/ABRC Survey, 2010’. Distribution of this raw data is done in a spirit of open scholarship and enquiry – much like the phenomena of the social web itself (or academic library 2.0.) If you or your colleagues require any additional data and do not want to wait for our final report due out in early 2011, contact Where information captured was seen to identify respondents (or their libraries), this information was removed from the results. Important points: • The survey data is derived from ~400 respondents across Canada who completed our survey during the 31 day period from Friday, October 08, 2010 to Monday, November 08, 2010. (A French version of the survey ran from October 20 to November 8, 2010) • In total, 400 surveys [in English] and 60 [in French] were completed. The French responses are not included in these aggregated results at this time. Stay tuned. • According to 2008 CARL statistics (see References), there are currently 1316 academic librarians working within CARL / ABRC designated libraries. With 400 completed surveys, this puts our response rate for the English version at ~30%. • A number of survey responses (~20) were not counted in the final response rates because they were incomplete or because the respondents did not currently work at a CARL / ABRC library (or did not indicate that they did). • A detailed narrative analyses of this survey data will be forthcoming in early 2011 • Note that CARL / ABRC has recently published a list of competencies for academic librarians that includes social media. (See references on pg. 4.) Some preliminary findings: • About 68% of Canadian academic librarians responding to our CARL / ABRC survey use a range of desktop, laptop and handheld computers between 6 to 9 hours daily (pg. 3) • 68% of the Canadian academic librarians responding said they have more than a working knowledge or advanced knowledge of social media (pg. 5) 2
  • 3. • Social media tools such as collaborative writing wikis & Google Docs (92%), blogs (96%), RSS feeds (76%), video-sharing (79%), social networking sites (76%) are used most-often • Some respondents said tools such as Twitter and Second Life are never used (46% and 90% respectively) • See the rich information shared about the use of social media tools in the comments section pgs. 13-26 and again on pgs. 42-48 of this document • On page 48, social media was rated in importance for the following library activities: o announcing library events - 90% said social media was either ‘important’ or ‘very important’ for this activity o communicating directly with students - 89% said social media was either ‘important’ or ‘very important’ for this activity o marketing the library - 87% said social media was either ‘important’ or ‘very important’ for this activity o promoting workshops - 85% said social media was either ‘important’ or ‘very important’ for this activity o for fundraising - 53% said social media was either ‘important’ or ‘very important’ for this activity o strategic goals - 54% said social media was either ‘important’ or ‘very important’ for this activity • On page 71, respondents were asked to indicate how much of a priority the following statements were to them: o Librarians should have basic knowledge of social media - 77% of those responding said this was either a ‘high’ or ‘very high’ priority o Librarians should know how social media fits with scholarly communication - 75% of those responding said this was either a ‘high’ or ‘very high’ priority o Librarians should be aware of pros/cons of social media - 84% of those responding said this was either a ‘high’ or ‘very high’ priority o Each library should have a social media librarian - 23% of those responding said this was either a ‘high’ or ‘very high’ priority o Librarians should be able to advise faculty - 61% of those responding said this was either a ‘high’ or ‘very high’ priority 3
  • 4. • On page 92, respondents were asked to indicate how accurate the following statements were to them: o My library supports use of social media - 80% of those responding said this was either a ‘somewhat accurate’ or ‘accurate’ o I want to deepen my knowledge of social media - 77% of those responding said this was either a ‘somewhat accurate’ or ‘accurate’ o I am ready to try new things in my use of social media - 80% of those responding said this was either a ‘somewhat accurate’ or ‘accurate’ Some salient quotes: • “…I use blogs to keep current with developments in the field of librarianship, as well as other news and interests that may benefit my work. I use instant messaging for chat reference / research assistance; Twitter for library communications and to keep up with twitter feeds of other libraries and persons / things of interest. RSS for same purposes as blogs. Social networking to make professional connections and to maintain library pages. Video to promote library services. Wikis - to facilitate collaboration /sharing / communication in working groups…” • “…I'm a web development librarian and feel that some of these services (Twitter/ Facebook/ Blogs) [can be used] as services to get our library news and events out into the world. I also use some of these services personally throughout the day as well…” • “…the use and usefulness [of social media] varies depending on whether they are being used for distributing information, receiving information or conducting synchronous communication. Application is also a factor determining perceived usefulness. In other words, while participating in an online course, social networking can be used as a means of communication among participants whereas among colleagues on a taskforce the work can be created and communicated via a wiki…” • “… I think ALL librarians should know how to manage social media. I do not see how you can be an effective and efficient academic librarian if you just have "some basic knowledge of the major social media tools" and just one person in a workplace in the social media tools "knowledge holder"… Finally, you can see ‘overall impressions’ of social media of survey respondents on pgs. 117-131. Some of you may be interested in cross-tabulations of this data e.g., how many librarians at one university responded in a certain way. Look for this information in our final report. Dean Giustini UBC Biomedical Branch Librarian November 8th , 2010 4
  • 5. References • Aharony N. Web 2.0 use by librarians. Library & Information Science Research 2009; 31(1):29-37. • Bejune M, Ronan J. Association of Research Libraries. Spec Kit 304. "Social software in libraries". July 2008. • Bronstein J, Aharony N. Views and Dreams: A Delphi Investigation into Library 2.0 Applications. Journal of Web Librarianship 2009;3(2): 89-109. • CARL / ABRC. Statistics. • CARL / ABRC. Core competencies for 21st Century CARL librarians, October 2010 • Chan HHR. Murdoch University Library: A Web 2.0 Journey. Murdoch University Library, Western Australia. ALSR 2010: Conference towards Future Possibilities. • [Charnigo L, Barnett-Ellis P. Checking Out the impact of a digital trend on academic libraries. Information Technology and Libraries 2007;26, (1): 23-34.] • Chawner B. Spectators, not players: information managers' use of web 2.0 in New Zealand. Electronic Library 2008;26(5): 630-649. • [Chu SK. Using wikis in academic libraries. Journal of Academic Librarianship March 2009; 35(2):170-176.] • Chu M, Nalani M. The problems and potential of MySpace and Facebook usage in academic libraries. Internet Reference Services Quarterly 2008 13(1):69-85. • Connell RS. Academic libraries, Facebook and MySpace, and student outreach: a survey of student opinion. portal: Libraries and the Academy 2009 9(1):25–36. • Conole G. "Disruptive Technologies or New Pedagogical Possibilities". Eduserv Foundation Symposium 2008 - Grainne Conole. • Couper M. Whither the web: web 2.0 and the changing world of web surveys. • Creswell, J. W. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. California: Sage. • [Draper L, Turnage M. Blogmania: blog use in academic libraries. Internet Reference Services Quarterly. 2008;13(1):15-55.] • Giustini D, Wright MD. Twitter: an introduction to microblogging for health librarians. JCHLA/JABSC 30, 1, Winter 2009 • [Greenhow C. Social scholarship: applying social networking technologies to research practices. Knowledge Quest, Mar/Apr2009, 37(4):42-47.] • Habib M. Toward academic library 2.0: development and application of a library 2.0 methodology. Thesis, 2008. see concept models • Hendrix, D., et. al. Use of Facebook in academic health sciences libraries. J Med Libr Assoc 2009;97(1):44-7. • Kelly, B. (2008). Web 2.0: Addressing the barriers to implementation in a library context. Bath, UK: University of Bath, UKOLN. • KnowledgeWorks Foundation (2006). 2006-2016 map of future forces affecting education. Palo Alto, CA: Institute for the Future and KnowledgeWorks Foundation. Available at: • Kroski E. The social tools of web 2.0: opportunities for academic libraries. Choice 2007;44(12):2011-21. • Lenhart A. Twitterpated: mobile Americans increasingly take to tweeting. Pew Internet & American Life Project. 2009 5
  • 6. • Linh NC. A survey of the application of Web 2.0 in Australasian university libraries. Library Review 2008 • Murphy J, Moulaison H. Social networking literacy competencies for librarians: exploring considerations and engaging participation. Contributed Paper, ACRL 14th National Conference, Pushing the Edge: Explore, Engage, Extend March 14, 2009. and his paper. • [Powell RR. Basic research methods for librarians. Contemporary studies in information management, policy, and services. Information Management Policies and Services Series. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1997.] • Putnam LL. Professional writing and publishing: resources for librarians. College & Research Libraries News April 2009;70(4). • [Rea LM. Designing and conducting survey research: a comprehensive guide. Jossey- Bass, 1997.] • [Rogers CR. Social media, libraries, and web 2.0: how American libraries are using new tools for public relations and to attract new users. German Library Association Annual Conference May 2009] • Secker J. LASSIE: Libraries and Social Software in Education. "Case Study 5:Libraries and Facebook" January 2008. University of London Centre for Distance Education Teaching and Research Awards. • [Stephens M. The pragmatic biblioblogger: examining the motivations and observations of early adopter librarian bloggers. Internet Reference Services Quarterly. 2008;13(4):311-345] • Tripathi M, Kumar S. Use of Web 2.0 tools in academic libraries: a reconnaissance of the international landscape. International Information & Library Review [serial online]. September 2010;42(3):195-207. • Xu C, Ouyang F, Chu H. The academic library meets web 2.0: applications and implications. Journal of Academic Librarianship; Jul2009 35 4 324-331. Please see additional information about this project here: 6
  • 7. Using Social Media in Canadian Academic Libraries 2010 1a) Which of the following computer devices do you regularly use to access the web in your work as an academic librarian? [check all that apply] 1b) On an average library workday in the past month, how many hours did you spend each day doing work on computers and mobile devices? [e.g., browsing, doing e-mail, searching, reading, writing] 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. 2) Where would you put yourself in terms of your social media knowledge on the following list from 'no knowledge' through to 'a lot of knowledge'? 9
  • 10. a) Blogs (reading or writing posts) (Frequency of use ) b) Instant messaging (Meebo, GoogleTalk) (Frequency of use ) 10
  • 11. c) Microblogging (e.g., Twitter, Yammer) (Frequency of use ) d) RSS Aggregators (e.g., Bloglines, iGoogle) (Frequency of use ) 11
  • 12. e) Social networking (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn) (Frequency of use ) f) Videosharing (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) (Frequency of use ) 12
  • 13. g) Wikis (e.g., PBWorks, Wikipedia) (Frequency of use ) a) Blogs (reading or writing posts) ( Perceived usefulness) b) Instant messaging (Meebo, GoogleTalk) ( Perceived usefulness) 13
  • 14. c) Microblogging (e.g., Twitter, Yammer) ( Perceived usefulness) d) RSS Aggregators (e.g., Bloglines, iGoogle) ( Perceived usefulness) 14
  • 15. e) Social networking (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn) ( Perceived usefulness) f) Videosharing (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) ( Perceived 15
  • 16. usefulness) g) Wikis (e.g., PBWorks, Wikipedia) ( Perceived usefulness) 16
  • 17. 3.1) Among the specific tools you currently use above (e.g., Meebo, Twitter, YouTube), describe briefly below how you use them in your work. (Or, proceed to next question) I use Twitter every day, blogs and wikis. Library blog also updates to Twitter feed - send news updates regularly to our Twitter followers, and also is on main page of library website I use twitter to get news but, honestly, rarely discover work related information I wouldn't see through "traditional" media. Social networking tools are useful for being social but I haven't found a way to use them to engage with students. RSS feeds are good idea in theory but it is still difficult not to be overwhelmed with the amount of information in my account. I don’t [use these tools] .. I prefer more established content I twitter on behalf of our library; we just started a few weeks ago. I also use meebo on my libguides. find information quickly in Wikipedia Wikis for project collaboration - keeping drafts and resources in one place for everyone to access. Facebook is interesting - many of us at work are "friends" and though we don't really use it specifically for work, we do announce work-related milestones and give and receive positive feedback to each other. It is a great way to get to know each other a bit better, which I think has helped us work together face-to-face. Blogs, Twitter, Google Reader: keeping up with trends and important articles. YouTube: I occasionally watch videos relevant to the subject areas I'm responsible for (eg a video on pyrosequencing the other day), or videos created by other depts at the university. Facebook: I get a bit of professional news this way but use it for personal purposes. Meebo: In the near future I will be providing chat reference via Meebo. Wikis: I use the HLWIKI Canada extensively. Students in my liaison areas can use Meebo chat to ask me questions - this has been useful. We have a library Twitter and Facebook account that we use frequently, and our help videos are very popular on youtube. RSS aggregators: to collect blog postings relevant to my work in a single location Share YouTube videos of relevance with staff, students Mainly to communicate and share information/resources with other librarians in my organization, and also generally for research and to keep up to date with trends in our profession. YouTube - get help on how to search a database; find good examples to post to my research websites or to use in instruction. RSS (email alerts actually) - keep up on LIS lit. and save to RefWorks or delicious I have meebo widgets embedded in my subject guides, and am logged in daily while at work. We also use Meebo as the library's "Ask a Librarian" tool. We use PBworks to host our reference wiki. We keep reports, presentations, meeting agendas and FAQs on the wiki. 17
  • 18. Watching videos on Youtube of past conferences. I keep my own research blog. Use YoutTube videos to make presentations more interesting, illustrate concepts, etc. Use Facebook to connect with other medical librarians. Use IM to connect with students. Use Google Reader to keep track of publications and blogs. Tried using Google Docs and Wikis for work- related documents, but found no one was checking them or updating them other than me, so I abandoned them. following colleagues, friends. keeping up with areas of interest in the field My library has a blog and Twitter feed to keep students on top of what's happening in the library and to "talk" with them.We re-post videos that relate to their coursework on our LibGuides. Meebo for chat reference; blogs for library news/events (and I read library & tech blogs regularly to keep up to date), rss feeds every day to keep up to date (plus we have some on the library web site for new content alerts, and I teach sessions for faculty/students on how to use/set up rss feeds), Facebook sometimes for discussions with a group of students I supervise (they do instruction), video sharing for instruction videos, our Intranet is a wiki & we use it for information sharing & group collaboration to follow information themes of interest or importance and to comment and question for clarification/understanding. Blogs - to keep current with developments in the field of librarianship, as well as other news and interests that may benefit my work. Instant messaging - for chat reference / research assistance. Twitter - for library communications and to keep up with twitter feeds of other libraries and persons / things of interest. RSS - for same purposes as blogs. Social networking - to make professional connections and to maintain library pages. Video - to promote library services. Wikis - to facilitate collaboration/sharing/communication in working groups. Blogs and Twitter = follow certain sites/people that relate to my work or professional interests Meebo = have a widget on my research guide and use it to communicate with students RSS = receive updates from journal table of contents Videosharing = use it to help students understand concepts (information literacy, etc.) Wikis = we use several internal wikis (SharePoint) at work for committe work, projects, groups, etc. Monitor to keep up with trends. I use them to gather information about trends, issues, best practices. I post public service announcements on various media to highlight what our branch library is doing. 1. Blog used as a means of interacting with clients re complaints/suggestions. 2. Wiki used for dissemination of general staff information -- used mostly in a static rather than interactive manner. 3. wikis used for management of committee communications. Use RSS Aggregators to stay current in areas of interest. Use the library blog to promote library news and events. We have an IM reference service. use a blog to post instructional material (i.e. PDF's of presentation slides - provides one-stop for my users, as well as an archive of my instruction). The blog software that I use is mandated by the institution I work at. I post an App of the Week to our Library's Facebook and Twitter pages as well as the latest news 18
  • 19. from the Library. I just constructed those pages in September 2010. I use Skype and MSN to meet with colleagues at our other location 15 hours away. I have our collections and Evergreen blog connected to my RSS feeds which helps me keep up with information from my colleagues who manage those blogs. We use Sharepoint, vs. PBWorks for ex. This is a school wide tool and I use it to share information and documents related to our Equipment Booking program as staff tend to look there vs. our website. I share videos on our website via Camtasia. While I can post them to YouTube the quality is so poor I have yet to. They appear much better on our website. Instant messaging I use sometimes for reference services. YouTube I check for other libraries' instruction videos, and for our university's instruction videos. Wikipedia I sometimes use for my own reference in digital matters. I read some professional blogs, like Steven's Lighthouse, to stay up-to-date. Wikis have become extremely useful to me. We are putting all our documentation up on wikis and also using them to record notes and brainstorming from various teams and projects. Put out our news on a blog and cross-post to twitter and facebook. Use Google Reader to view RSS feeds to which I subscribe. Have created Wikis in the past. Use IM at work everyday to stay in touch with work colleagues. We have [SNIP] affiliated hospital libraries and it is often easier to IM them. Mostly to contact other librarians within my institution I use twitter to keep up to date with trends in academic libraries, technology, and medicine. GTalk used constantly to communicate with colleagues; RSS aggregators so I can scan the blogs and pick what I need to read immediately; don't have much professional use for FB or twitter; wikis are used both for projects and as information resources Blogs are written for students, communicating skills which progress with them throughout the school year (e.g. September blogs about navigating library site, October blogs about navigating specific databases) Read library-related blogs. Our library has a Facebook page but I don't think it's particularly useful; I use Facebook personally but not for work. RSS is good for new materials in my subject areas as well as updates on blogs I watch. YouTube is good for finding videos but haven't shared my own. I use these tools when I'm looking for ideas for training or lately for an all-day retreat we're putting on for librarians and I need articles, video, etc. I don't personally use Twitter for work, so I said "never", but my library does have a Twitter feed which I think is useful. Similarly for videosharing - I rarely use this at work, but some of my colleagues do and I think there's a lot of potential there. I use a chat program for virtual reference. I also use Jing to make videos that I share with individuals or post on my subject guide pages. Wiki for procedures, Blog for updates to procedure and policy, Facebook for contact with others outside my library. I manage a library Twitter account so I tweet library news etc. I am in the process of creating a Facebook page for my liaison areas. 19
  • 20. Use Meebo to do IM at work, YouTube in teaching, RSS feeds to keep updated and Wikis & Googledocs to work on projects Twitter is great for breaking library trends / very uptodate info and great for following conferences that you are both attending or cannot attend. use them for collections, to follow conferences when i can't attend, references to new digital projects and academic programs, to get news and information, for networking, for finding out about everything basically I've used wikis to collaborate on a working group with librarians from other institutions; blogs can be very useful for keeping up to date on current issues; LinkedIn has relevance for raising awareness of my role and experience. YouTube: finding videos on *how* to do things Wiki: finding quick definitions primarily for online and in-person reference service personal use as well I have a chat widget embedded in my LibGuides and I also provide my contact information for google talk and MSN. Twitter I use to promote events at our university, library, articles that our professors have published, to pass on things that I fine interesting or just to simply let people know what kind of day I'm having. I like to embed YouTube videos on my LibGuides and I tend to change the videos monthly. Several associations that I belong to have a blog as our web presence. When I was a student intern at another university I created a departmental wiki for a library department to use as their procedure and policy manual. Two years later it is still being updated. Blogs - to share information about classes and assignments with other librarians working on the same reference desk. IM - to provide back up for a student librarian working on the reference desk and to provide IM reference. Blogs - sharing information and thoughts and staying abreast of others thoughts/insights Wikis - shared work Social networking - networking Instant messaging - communicating during meetings etc. quick answer RSS - staying up to date on current issues IM chat for reference service, twitter for keeping up with service issues related to im chat, youtube - review other location uses I use wikis (PBWorks) to jointly create documents for national committees I'm on. I use social networking (Facebook) to answer reference questions and (LinkedIn) to network with colleagues. I use Twitter to keep up on certain topics similar to RSS feeds. I use blogs for committees at work. I use blogs, RSS, and microblogging to keep up to date with work trends. I use instant messaging and Facebook to keep up with colleagues, who often comment on work in their status, or who organize social events through Facebook (which usually turn into talking about work at least part of the time). I maintain several pages on a divisional wiki for use by my colleagues and consider it an integral part of my job. Catch up on other librarian's problems and sometimes solutions to common problems. -use wikis to work collaboratively planning a conference with others not in the same city -use blog postings to communicate library news with patrons -use IM to provide reference service 20
  • 21. -use rss feeds to keep current with library and research news About once a week total Blogs and Wikis: news and events pages, general intranet pages, internal documentation, shared documentation Meebo/IM - passive. Wait for students to ask questions. Facebook - push library-related information out. Videosharing - still rather passive. Have made a few videos but have not advertised much. For instruction, rather than promotion. to keep up with discussions, new ideas and standards, e.g. RDA; to learn from other people how to solve problems we share, e.g., in our ILS Twitter - subject specific news aggregator; GoogleReader - Rss Aggregator We are investigating the use of YouTube to broadcast instructional and tour videos -- and also to review the videos produced by other libraries. Blogs - keep up with what's out there in library world Meebo/MSN chat - chat with students, answer ref questions FB - use all the time but not for work purposes post videos - share resources - teach Current awareness, communicating to differing audiences with varying styles/interests, novelty Blogs: maintain a work related blog, also follow others through RSS aggregator. Wikis: collaborate for work or committee related purposes from time to time. Love using them. I find them visually interesting and I like the immediacy of them. ie., There's an event taking place this evening, want to attend? Use Meebo on course pages: great to connect to students. ScreenJelly/Toaster etc. are critical tools in email and Meebo reference, plus on course pages Blogs haven't worked out as well for me as a way of pushing info out to faculty and students. Faculty in my subject areas don't use RSS in their work, apparently. Reference queries, current awareness We use Meebo for chat reference. We blog from time to time about new resources or new events in our library. a) I highlight new books, upcoming events, new e-resources and changes to e-resource interfaces. b) Skype to chat with professors who are away on sabbatical and who require reference assistance. g) Wikis as part of classroom instruction (where students contribute to wiki) I use different types of tools to communicate with specific populations within my academic environment. The undergraduate student population likes (pun intended) Facebook so I use it to promote library resources, but the graduate students seem to prefer the "more formal" blog approach to receiving information about the library and library resources. Blogs: to communicate with folks who work on the combined ref desk; Facebook: to find and post material (links/youtube videos) relevant to art librarianship; wikis: in my library instruction classes 21
  • 22. I update events in our library through our Facebook page, which also updates our twitter page. We download our videos on YouTube and link to them on our website I use Meebo to do reference work & communicate with clients. I use Twitter to answer occasional reference questions, but mostly to communicate with other librarians. I use blogs/RSS feeds to stay au courant. Some students communicate with me through facebook. YouTube is mostly about my work with library instructional videos. I read blogs for professional development and to keep up-to-date. I use an in-house wiki for collaborative document sharing. I occasionally use blog posts for information related to librarianship or in answering a reference question. I do not actively contribute to any blogs. I use instant messaging as part of the provincial Askaway service, but not in my personal work interaction with on campus students/faculty. I use Bloglines as an RSS aggregator of journal/news feeds from professional journals/databases. I use Wikipedia to the extent that I teach students how to evaluate it and to gain basic level information on topics. I don't contribute to Wikipedia. Meebo is used to connect with students in a easy, fast, informal way. I add the Meebo widget to my course pages and my contact page. YouTube is used to post short videos. For example, short instruction segments (how-to's) and I was also involved with a few short videos of students explaining to students about how to do research at the library. meebo for virtual reference connected to IL courses blogs -- for prof dev and I use blogs posts for my IL notes twitter: prof dev & library outreach Meebo we use to provide IM reference, we have a library blog to promote services, we produce our own captivate videos and we use jing at the reference desk and I use RSS feeds for current awareness I do not use many of the above tools for contact with students (while I have a Meebo account, the students do not choose to use it). I tend to use them for organization, networking and professional development. I use Facebook to communicate with other librarians and often check library web sites on Facebook. Use blogs to promote library services. Use wikis for web content creation and management, instructional purposes. Blogs: I read other librarians' posts and contribute comments. IM: My students contact me by IM and I chat with colleagues about work. Twitter: I have a twitter account but I mostly find it useful for ideas and colleagues. Last year 100% of medical students in my school did NOT use twitter (survey). This year I have one student follower. RSS: I use it twice per month to check the new book feeds from other libraries. Facebook: I do not use it professionally, only personally. YouTube: I watch videos and share good videos with others (do not post my own professionally). Wikis: used fairly extensively professionally for collaboration with colleagues. Research questions, share information, solve issues Announce new datasets, titles, software available, new maps, news items, etc. Sources of information to assist with work 22
  • 23. I have a blog (linked to from my library's homepage) on which I write brief entries related to books, library resources/services, book-related events, etc., in many cases highlighting books in our collection. Our Reference & Research Services department has a wiki where we share lots of information among the librarians in the department (instruction schedules, meeting minutes, handouts, etc.). Mostly use them to search for useful content to my work, sometimes to share content and sometimes to communicate about my work. There are several subject-specific blogs which I follow daily in order to keep abreast of developments in the discipline, particularly new publications which I should be purchasing for the library collection. use wikis for committee work that includes members outside my library (w.g. in other depts at my institution or in other libraries in the province/country) -wiki to organize course content, minutes -Google Reader to follow librarianship subscriptions -I'm responsible for posting current events to our website using WordPress Staying aware of things Blogs -- current events, keeping in touch with the library community IM -- regular chat reference shift Microblogging -- tweets from our library account Facebook -- keeping in touch Wikis -- use wikipedia regularly I also use Flickr, Facebook, Youtube, and others in my teaching. Use our library blog as our primary communication tool for our users. Facebook - keeping patrons and colleagues informed. RSS aggregators - keeping myself informed (not much time to use it though) I use wikis and blogs at work (for information sharing and news). The rest I use at home. I do have my own blog, but I don't use it much. YouTube - getting ideas for marketing I post news items on occasion. Use blogs to review current trends in librarianship and in my subject responsibilities. Use Youtube to distribute instructional videos/screencasts Use RSS aggregators to monitor news items to create in-house summaries. Look at videosharing items that are specific to legal research/database use using Twitter as a continuous environmental scan for both librarianship and legal topics google chat - to talk to colleagues at other libraries google docs - to collaborate on work projects RSS - to read professional/technical blogs FB - to network, see what key opinion leaders are thinking/doing/reading SharePoint Wiki for library procedures RSS feed readers -- keeping up to date on literature, reading tips from other librarians. Instant messaging for virtual reference only. I don't really use social networking -- just add people when they ask to be added to my network. Wikis I use sometimes when working with colleagues on a 23
  • 24. project. contribute to a blog and read others periodically lots in the RSS reader but I never think of checking it. Bloglines is toast as of Nov1 Use both videosharing tools to learn how to use software or find how to videos for students or my teaching or libguides. May send in answer to a ref question. Get ideas for my instruction classes. Wikipedia - mentioned in most BI classes with warning not to cite it. Use it to understand terminology in a reference question or new grad student or prof's area of research News blogs on the website; PBWorks to share documents. to keep up with trends in librarianship, technology, higher education and news/current events. I maintain a blog, and view blogs. I view YouTube videos and Twitter feeds. Use YouTube to review content on various topics My library's reference division keeps a reference blog that I read daily. Some of the liaison librarians create course wikis for specific course assignments that are very useful to use when helping the students do research for their assignments. I do not use IM sites for work but I am using IM when on AskAway. I sometimes show students how to use RSS when teaching or helping students search article databases. Blogs = learning what others in the field are doing, current awareness; Social networking = personal, social contact with colleagues; Videosharing = sources of videos for training and instruction; Wikis = quick ref eg Wikipedia, intra-library communication, I also setup and manage wikis for class instruction and assignments I read postings on some library blogs when I have time, for ideas. I use wikis for information shared by others, (Wikipedia for quick reference, library wikis for library stuff). Occasionally someone sends me a link to YouTube that is job related. Use Meebo for chat reference; works well but not used by users. Use blogs and videosharing for my own professional development, also webinars. Wiki used for global health work; very successful, although not as effective at encouraging collaboration as hoped. PBWorks to collaborate on projects with librarians at McGill and across Canada. I read blogs to keep up with trends and news in the field. a) committee notes & minutes, current awareness b) Meebo for live chat with users and Pidgin for internal IM among staff c) read our twitter account d) current awareness, subscribe to library feeds e) recreational use, networking f) instruction g) committee minutes and notes. Blogs: push information to target audience & public IM: communicaton w/ peers & patrons Microblogging: Information / resource gathering, sharing, marketing, collaborations, bookmarking, tracking Social Networking: Information / resource gathering, sharing, marketing, Videosharing: Tutorials, training, presentations, playlists, blogfodder Wikis: Training, information collation, collaboration I'm a web development librarian... some of these services (twitter/facebook/blogs) I use as services to get our library news and events out into the world. i also use some of these services personally throughout the day as well. Blogs for staying current. Social networking (FB) for pushing out library related events and 24
  • 25. information. Videosharing (screencasting?) for instruction -- almost exclusive form for instruction (or is provided to augment in class teaching). Mostly follow one specific law/library blog; also use Meebo to provide reference service Meebo for chat reference. Wikipedia for quick factual information. wikis are used frequently as an internal communication device for working groups, etc. at our institution. blogs are also used to communicate with staff and the wider university community about library initiatives. Meebo chat reference service as well as personal chats with friends/colleagues; wikis for committees; twitter for promoting library and library events; facebook for keeping in touch with library school friends and colleagues we have meebo installed on our home page. we use it for reference services. it doesn't get used heavily, only a few times a month. we maintain a facebook and twitter account which we post information. not too many subscribers, difficult to know how useful these things are to our users. we link to some information videos on youtube. i subscribe to some blogs in my RSS reader. I feel it is an easy way to keep current on trends. FaceBook to promote Library events, new acquisitions, and highlights of our Special Collections. Blogs - I write a weekly e-publication and use law blogs for material. Blogs: we use them as part of our library website, and I read them for the ideas. I also keep one tracking my own experiences with new tools. We use Meebo for virtual reference, and we use IM for interlibrary communication. I also use it to keep in touch with colleagues. I use facebook a bit, but mostly when someone sends me a message or invites me to something. Not really an active user, but there are a lot of librarians there, so I don't leave. We make a lot of video as part of our work. We show faculty how to accomplish certain key tasks via screencast, and we communicate a fair bit via video, so we make a lot of use of youtube. We screencast errors to send them on to our colleagues on the main campus as well. Meebo and Twitter: answering reference questions. RSS Agregators: teach students and profs how to use RSS feeds to track journal articles. Facebook: to communicate with students and answer reference questions. Use IM to chat with colleagues instead of sending email; use Meebo for our public IM chat service at the library; use library Twitter account for user feedback (suggestions) and to push out notices/information; use blogs and bloglines more for keeping up to date in my field and research; Use and usefulness varies depending on whether they are being used for distributing information, receiving information or conducting synchronous communication. Application is also a factor determining perceived usefulness. In other words, while participating in an online course, social networking can be used as a means of communication among participants whereas among colleagues on a taskforce the work can be created and communicated via a wiki. - reading and posting on blogs - using RSS for current awareness - use of YouTube for teaching - Wikis mainly used for collaborative writing with colleagues on projects Meebo is the library's tool for chat ref. I use Google Reader for my RSS feed to keep up on 25
  • 26. professional issues. I use Facebook to network. I use PBWorks to host a couple of professional wikis. I use blogs and RSS feeds to keep up to date with what is going on in the academic world and library world. Videos are a great way to share presentations and wikis are used for collaboration at work. Meebo and Twitter are used as virtual reference tools, to supplement our regular chat feature. I use Meebo to chat with my clients, as well as fellow librarians. I use Twitter to tweetn library events, interesting library facts, etc. I use iGoogle to follow blogs, and social networking to display library events, and keep in contact with librarians and other clients. basically for keeping up with trends in my areas of interest -multiple wikis for different aspects of work (eg reference wiki, Information literacy wiki, branch library wiki) -I Tweet for the library - primarily push info (e.g. events, workshops) but also post interesting news. Also feed suggestion box blog to twitter. - I use videos in library workshops and I've created videos to show co-workers new tools. Gaining and sharing information Meebo box embedded in research guide; twitter for library eForums on cataloguing and technical services issues Post videos I create to YouTube. Use GoogleTalk to communicate with colleagues at our two reference positions. I am teaching an online information literacy course, we have a Meebo widget on our page for chat. Our library has a Twitter account that we use to update our users about news, events, etc. It is streamed onto our home page. We use wikis for planning various library events/documenting committee activities. Current awareness (saved search alerts, monitoring news in blogs) i have a couple of RSS feeds, we have a few library blogs that we read to keep up with news. YouTube is more for fun, though it has potential; occasionally i'll look up a library video. I'm looking for relevant information from other libraries to compare against internal library knowledge and positions. -keeping informed on what is going on in the field -spreading awareness to a wider community Meebo is used on our Reference Desk. Other social networking sites I use more for personal reasons. We use MSN for virtual reference and I contribute to a professional association blog. We use PBWorks to manage many aspects of the library, and have several on the go. YouTube - creation of instructional technology videos. Wikis - meeting agendas, collaborative project documents. Blogs - getting a sense of opinions on different issues. Instant messaging, social networking - keeping in touch with colleagues and others. we use Meebo to facilitate our online chat with a librarian reference service. Uptake has 26
  • 27. continually grown in the last couple years. We use facebook and Twitter to let patrons know about new resources/services, etc. I read blogs to keep up with developments in the field. answer reference questions, post relevant information Meebo - library's IM service to patrons Yammer - communication tool used to share project and committee updates in my place of work RSS daily news from Open Access News feed - to keep up to date in this area Facebook - updates re. library events at place of work and in wider library community; also has a social function - to keep in contact with colleagues YouTube - some of our instructional videos are posted on YouTube. Also, I view lectures and fun projects from other libraries on YouTube Wikis - we use one to keep track of policy, contact and calendar information for our regional instant messaging reference service Content production, delivery, and consumption. I use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn as a means of gathering information about my donors and users (current and potential)and for research about my field of performing arts as necessary. Every use is different. I blog news about the library and other medical information sources. I use RSS to keep up to date on trends in technology, libraries and medicine. I answer reference questions that come in via Instant Messaging. I use Wikis to collaborate on documents. We use to use Meebo for our chat reference service, but now we use Live Help for AskON's service. blogs -- reading blogs to keep up do date instant messaging for reference purpose rss agregators - TOC, News (I keppe up to date in certain fields and send news to researchers and faculty I use Meebo widgets with an invitation to ask me questions in my library resource/subject guides and stay logged in during work hours. I'm more of a Twitter voyeur than a participant, using it only to follow other librarians and academic library news, as well as science & technology news (I'm in a SciTech library). The major tools we use in our office are a staff wiki for recording and sharing information, and Twitter for posting updates about our library services. we tweet coming events and items of interest, new resources; we keep a blog for desk staff of policies/procedures; I use FB for personal stuff incl video sharing, not work; we keep a bunch of wikis for recording policy/procedures changes library-wide, which I find less useful. Blogs for staying up-to-date, (E.G.) Catalogablog Shushie IM, people aren't usually on, useless Twitter,too much dross, gimme some meat, not soyfill RSS, best thing since sliced bread, one place to look, too bad Bloglines is down now Facebook, too much info YouTube, cool, but not fitting my jobWikis, love them, like BatchLoad, it's great to share knowledge - IM for answering reference questions - Blogs/ RSS/ Twitter to keep up with the field and gain new information - Videos for library instruction (as much as possible) - Wikis are used as reference when I don’t know something or I look for a good resource Go on university Facebbok page to help confused students, who'd rather ask a peer than someone who works at the uni... 27
  • 28. RSS aggregators provided an excellent way to quickly identify newsworthy developments in areas of interest Keep up to date & post library news using blogs; post queries, commentaries during conferences using Twitter; keeping up to date using iGoogle; have closed down the library Facebook page; use wikis to document groupwork I use b) to provide Chat reference service. Some of our reference support information (e.g. passwords, helpful hints, etc) are available via a staff wiki. Frequently use Wikis to gather information and share information. Blogs & RSS feeds -- keeping up-to-date Instant messaging -- reference Wikis -- collaboration with colleagues for research or projects To keep current and to keep in touch with my colleagues. blogs - use to track some great thinkers in library-land - use to track important issues like copyright Blogs - collect ideas, keep current with what is happening in community IM - connect with other people in my library system AND chat reference Twitter - ask questions, keep current RSS - gather my blogs; search, share, star Facebook - pictures and news Videosharing - promotion of libraries, videos for my patrons Wikis - use only when I have to :/ mostly internal wikis IM, in particular, helps me connect quickly to colleagues to address immediate issues. We also use it to share reference questions from the front-line staff to the librarians. I use Twitter to follow trends, and blogs to read specifics. - use wikipedia to teach - would like to see more use of twitter or facebook or youtube but for useful things and not fluff or show Our library staffs reference hours using Meebo. I use twitter to follow development in OA / Schol. Publishing. I contribute to a number of blogs that serve our library users. -As an archivist, I use Wikipedia to update researchers about location of archival fonds -I also post on my Twitter feed about new archival photos added to our IDR -I've posted on Twitter about elements in our exhibit that was getting low traffic - our stats instantly doubled. -I know videosharing could be useful for outreach and educational purposes but it is difficult to find the time, develop the skills on top of all my other work. -Our blog has been useful to create an online space to promote a physical event in-house or give attention to a topic, collection, that "doesn't quite fit" in our wider scope of outreach. Especially events/acquisitions that don't warrant a press release or full blown exhibit. Twitter feed feeds onto our home page. Also have a library blog that feeds onto our home page. Read RSS feeds in my Outlook account - it has an RSS aggregator. we use blogs and wikis to document work we are doing, share documents, minutes, working papers, procedures, etc. we use instant messaging to communicate amongst ourselves at work, and to answer research help questions. we use facebook to publicize conferences and raise awareness on issues, as well as to network with colleagues. YouTube is a great place to share teaching materials. Post a weekly blog for our website, post/read Facebook daily, read RSS feeds, post to the 28
  • 29. Library's Twitter feed. I use Twitter daily to post resources in my field. Follower number is low and not necessarily from my University. Exploring social media for creation of digital collections/virtual exhibits & in working collaboratively with large teams geographically dispersed Meebo is used for some chat reference. GoogleTalk was used during a project when we did not have access to a telephone and needed to replicate real time conversation Primarily as teaching tools I use a meebo chat widget to allow students to access me from our LibGuides. I regularly blog my own research, and read many blogs (through igoogle) about library issues and my own research areas. And what would we do without the love/hate relationship with Wikipedia! I use twitter to push my services to my target users. I use wikis to communicate with others working academic libraries and to track developments in the project i am involved with. I sometime use YouTube to share video tutorials that I create for IL purposes, and occasionally share librarianship-related content through Facebook, though the latter is rarely with a substantial network of library colleagues. Wikipedia - reference work Yammer - communication on various library issues Youtube - Some library tutorials keeping current on news and trends. Mostly as a user, not a contributor. work on a Livehelp chat service twice a week; use blogs for news and updating myself in my field; wikis for sharing files and instructions post youtube video on facebook and blog twitter every day use meebo for online reference every day University is using YouTube channel more for video content. Switching some online tutorials to YouTube/Vimeo content. Meebo for online chat reference, GoogleTalk for web team discussions (help at point of need from team members across campus. Facebook for networking with other librarians, not students. Use RSS feeds to keep aware of faculty publications, new trends in subject areas, new trends in scholarship, etc. We use blogs (posting to) to keep in touch with faculty. I read blogs in my subject areas to keep up to date with current trends. I use IM as a point of contact/ref tool for patrons. Twitter - to post news on library web site; blogs to keep up to date with issues, e.g., copyright; wikis - to find information and to share information with other staff. I use the above tools primarily for professional development (help identify trends, reports, new projects, etc) and for professional communication (blogs, twitter, etc) I have a meebo account so that students can chat online with me in my office. It is rarely used by them. 29
  • 30. Facebook & blog (Facebook links to blog) for library Facebook presence and communication of library tips/services Meebo - used for chat reference service We use a wiki for internal library communication. I usually read blogs when I'm researching a particular topic. PIDGIN once a week for virtual reference shift. Check a specific blog from time to time, when necessary. View YouTube from time to time when someone sends out an interesting link. Current awareness, information literacy instruction and liaison to client groups We have a wiki that serves as a memory tool for the IT team. I consult RSS for new trends. Mostly professional communication - blogs to monitor commentary in my research field as well as current practices, instant messaging for colleague questions and discussion, aggregators (academic articles), facebook for networking with professionals, wikis - depends on the group Meebo: chat with students I have RSS feeds for a number of blogs that I find useful and try to check these daily. I use Facebook at work both to keep in touch socially with friends and with colleagues at other institutions. I used to maintain a wiki for a research course - now most of the information has been moved to a LibGuide and a CMS (course management system). (I preferred the wiki!) I opened a Twitter account about a year ago, but don't update very often, and rarely for work- related purposes; while that was the original intention, my institution doesn't have a set policy or "space" for official Twitter feeds, but I have found it very useful for getting interesting/timely information from other Twitterers! I use instant messaging to determine if a colleague is available to talk (either by phone or chat). I use twitter to announce project progress to colleagues. I use my Google reader as a means of keeping up on trends in the library profession. Internal wiki to post progress on projects Blogs: don't have time to write or comment on external blogs. I write content for the library's blog. Students expect IM/Meebo/instantaneous response. This is an important service provided by others in the library. Frequency of use 30
  • 31. h) Collaborative writing (e.g., GoogleDocs, wikis) (Frequency of use ) i) Photo-sharing (e.g., Flickr, Picasa) (Frequency of use ) 31
  • 32. j) Powerpoint-sharing (e.g., SlideShare, Prezi) (Frequency of use ) 32
  • 33. k) Social bookmarks (e.g., Delicious, Connotea) (Frequency of use ) 33
  • 34. l) Social cataloguing (e.g., LibraryThing) (Frequency of use ) 34
  • 35. m) Virtual worlds (e.g., Second Life, other) (Frequency of use ) 35
  • 36. n) Web file-sharing services (e.g, Dropbox, LiveMesh) (Frequency of use ) 36
  • 37. h) Collaborative writing (e.g., GoogleDocs, wikis) (Perceived usefulness ) 37
  • 38. i) Photo-sharing (e.g., Flickr, Picasa) (Perceived usefulness ) 38
  • 39. j) Powerpoint-sharing (e.g., SlideShare, Prezi) (Perceived usefulness ) 39
  • 40. k) Social bookmarks (e.g., Delicious, Connotea) (Perceived usefulness ) 40
  • 41. l) Social cataloguing (e.g., LibraryThing) (Perceived usefulness ) 41
  • 42. m) Virtual worlds (e.g., Second Life, other) (Perceived usefulness ) 42
  • 43. n) Web file-sharing services (e.g, Dropbox, LiveMesh) (Perceived usefulness ) 43
  • 44. 3.2) Among the specific tools you currently use above (e.g., Delicious, Flickr, SlideShare), describe briefly below how you use them in your work. (Or, proceed to next question) 44
  • 45. 3.2) Among the specific tools you currently use above (e.g., Delicious, Flickr, SlideShare), describe briefly below how you use them in your work. (Or, proceed to next question) Dropbox for accessing files from home; GoogleDocs for collaboration. I love, love, love Dropbox. I store all my files there. Googledocs is handy but when I've tried to use it with collaborators, they find it unfamiliar so we usually revert to using Word. Flickr is good for finding and storing photos. And I also couldn't do my job without my delicious account. I use it to catalog information on the web and to access frequently used sites. I hate that the ipad does not manage docs better ... getting dropbox setup was a pain and while i love the ipad for play .... i get much more work done on my computer delicious: a way for reference team to share resources slideshare: as a browser, not a truly contributing member (such a lurker) GoogleDocs: we use this for a collaborative reference project. Photosharing and Social cataloguing: I use these kinds of tools (Picasa, GoodReads) in my personal life but not professionally. SlideShare: I use this often but wish it were iPhone-friendly, since I often want to view things on it during my off hours. Delicious: I used this years ago but now I use Twitter more for this purpose - if I read an article I like and want to remember, I tweet it. Google Docs for sharing files with colleagues that require collaboration I mainly use collaborative writing tools for committee work. Picasa - photos of Library interiors to share with colleagues/research group Delicious - save user guides, tutorials, research, podcasts Slides share - find good slides for class presentations Google Docs - edit documents I have used Slideshare to access presentations although I have never posted any of my own presentations. Flickr used to find images for illustrating presentations or web pages, as well as for answering ref questions. Tried using google docs, but it only works if your co-workers use it too. I have viewed Slideshare presentations, but never upload my own. (I would rather use our school's AV department to make a professional quality video that embeds slides in my own presentation with my video/voice). Never used second life or library thing but I've heard others do. Use SlideShare to mount PP on LibGuides. I use delicious most (for sharing resources with students and colleagues, and for myself). We have a wiki as an Intranet and do some collaborative work there (but it is a bit clunky to use), and I've used Google Sites as a collaborative group workspace for some consortial groups (worked better than our mediawiki). I personally don't do much photo sharing or social cataloguing at work, and we don't do anything where I work with virtual worlds. We do share documents (e.g. powerpoint) sometimes using things like Slideshare but I prefer to use options that are more accessible for people with disabilities so don't use it a lot. useful for committee and teamwork. GoogleDocs - sharing documents with other librarians (mostly with librarians at other institutions, as we have other ways of sharing documents within our library). Flickr - for 45
  • 46. communications purposes (such as to communicate/document progress during renovation projects). Social bookmarks - for maintaining links of professional interest. We dabbled with the idea of using social bookmarking for our subject guides, but haven't done this yet. Second Life - I explored Second Life to see if it would be valuable for my library. I didn't think it was worth the time investment. Delicious = bookmark useful websites in my subject area and faculty publications. Pull in the RSS feed from Delicious into my subject guide. DropBox = helping to teach a course at a library school and dropbox is used to share the Powerpoint slides developed for each class. My use of Delicious has really decreased in the last year. Twitter is up. RSS feeds are dropping off (i.e., fewer blog postings found), but I still depend on it. Viewing mobile Slideshare is limited -- better viewed on a larger screen if slides are dense with text (which is typical). but since I'm more on my iphone, I might not choose to view mobilized slideshows. I primarily use Google Docs with my colleagues who I am working on projects with. I also organize my bookmarks with Diigo primarily for personal use related to my work. Sometimes use Flickr and other photo-sharing sites to get copyright-free or Creative Commons images for presentations or LibGuides. Use PowerPoint sharing to view professional presentations I was unable to get to, or to review those that I was. I like to consult recent ppt presentations on slideshare to keep up to date both with content and also to see which presentations i find most effective (how they're organized; how they look...) use Delicious to keep track of all my bookmarks so I can access them anywhere; use GDocs to share docs with colleagues; same with Prezi; use LibraryThing occassionally but far less than I did a few years ago; use Dropbox for sharing big files with myself from machine to machine (ie MARC records I work on at home and then load to system at work) I use Google Docs and file-sharing services primarily for my work-related research, particularly with co-investigators who are at different institutions. Google Docs has also been useful for some collaborative writing among colleagues in my unit. I have shared PP and Prezi files with colleagues to show them how I use them or how I teach classes. I use Dropbox a lot to share files between members of working groups/task forces and my professional association executive. Some of my colleagues share using Google Docs & Slideshare so I'll view their work using those tools. GoogleDocs and wikis for projects with other staff/librarians Delicious bookmarking Google docs is great for group work and collaborative working / writing projects. use images and video on subject pages in the library websites, on my blog, use bookmarks to keep track of good online resources Delicious I use for keeping track of websites that I might find useful. In the past I have shared my folders with partners if we were doing collaborative work. googledocs - multi institutional collaborative groups virtual worlds -s econd life - networking File sharing - international collaborations 46
  • 47. Wikis are part of my everyday work. My colleague and I are starting a photo-sharing site to connect libraries in our province. I am more on the receiving end of powerpoint sharing. -I used to use Google docs on a daily basis when working on a paper collaboratively with colleagues in another province, VERY useful tool Dropbox is great for working away from one's office (e.g. at various reference desks, home, etc.) Also used to collaborate with colleagues - we set up folders and place readings in them. Our team of 10 librarians uses Google Docs to write our annual plan. teaching - sharing information - sharing resources - collaborative work is important Have used delicious, social cataloguing tools more in the past; no time to continue Collaborative writing/Web file-sharing: used to collaborate with colleagues Social bookmarks: use to keep track of research using document sharing is useful for larg-ish groups especially at a distance (ie, national committee) but are tedious to track changes, the back and forth, etc. h) I use google docs to collaborate in paper writing with colleagues and google spreadsheet and google notebook for keeping track of orders and requests, sharing with coworkers and users as appropriate. i) I use picasa to upload pictures that I want to use via my blog, and also to share photos from library events. It can be very handy to snap a photo - upload to flicker, and then send the link to colleagues, when trying to identify a work...particularly since our listserv rejects attachments. GoogleDocs: to share documents and edit them with my colleagues; we have a local web file-sharing tool at our institution. I can share files to anyone from different committees, units, (including non-library ones).Flickr - especially the creative commons photos are great for Power Point presentations and website developments. Collaborative writing & cloud file sharing = work with a few colleagues. The rest are not used. I use Google Docs for most of my productivity needs. I use MS Office only when I have to. I use delicious for remembering my bookmarks, but not really with the intention of sharing them with others. Flickr is for my personal use. use Delicious to keep track of important/interesting things I read (work related) Occasionally committees that I am on have found it useful to use GoogleDocs or a Wiki to track information. For my day to day file management I have remote access through my institution to files and email - and don't have a need for an alternate system. Flickr allows me to find images that I can use under Creative Commons license for course pages, web pages, powerpoints, and various instruction materials. It is extremely useful! delicious i use as my everyday citation manager google docs for doc preparation of all types Google docs are great for committee work We use delicious for our bookmarks and we have made them available/share them with students 47
  • 48. I use dropbox to manage my personal work between home and the office as well as for large files I cannot email to others. I get Power-point presentations from other colleagues if I missed the presentation or did not go to a conference. GoogleDocs for collaborative project work. Slideshare to share presentations around project work we do. Dropbox to work with files remotely. google docs and wikis - sharing files, collaboratively improving a document, working as a committee - things that evolve over time. Photo sharing - don't really use it professionally but I can see how some would. Delicious - mostly for my own use but it's nice to see what others have (I use my lists in WorldCat the same way, and also to share with my students). LibraryThing I use personally but I can see how some would use it professionally. Virtual Worlds are BS and I am tired of people trying to make them a thing. Web file-sharing devices are necessary with small inboxes/file limits. I used Flickr once to upload a photo of a display and then add notes identifying the books. I was inspired to do this while doing an online course for library staff on Web 2.0, but I never got around to using it again. I have a LibraryThing account because I felt I ought to know about it, and enjoy using it to keep track of the books I read (not the books I own) -- which is for fun, not work-related. I did not check off Second Life as the only time I've used it was as part of the Web 2.0 online course I took. Collaborative writing tools have been quite useful in the past - especially when working with people outside my home library (we have other internal collaborative tools that we use internally like Sharepoint that allow us to share and collaboratively create content). I use Flickr every now and then to find useful content but I never share (I'm a horrible photographer!) and have only "used" Prezi once. Delicious to compile and tag recommended health sciences websites; GoogleDocs to co-write papers with authors from elsewhere Google Docs -- have used for compiling reports/committee work Flickr -- use CC photos for signage and instruction Prezi -- have tried it out but never presented with it Delicious -- use it to store links LibraryThing -- use it more for my home library Google Docs - working on shared documents Delicious - keeping bookmarks and sharing them File sharing - file sharing! I work in 2 special libraries. Access to Second Life, Facebook, Flickr is restricted in-house. I use a combination of Read-It-Later and Delicious to track things of interest; Delicious is more of permanent storage RIL a quick reminder of things I want to check out later GoogleDocs has been useful for writing group reports arising from committee work. delicious to save websites instead of bookmarking them. Accesible from anywhere and can link to other's related web docs Flikr and Picasa - save library interior photos from my camera. Easy to share with committee or library admin to illustrate ideas for renovations etc. Slideshare - ideas for teaching specific tools or concepts GoogleDocs - edit documents from the library association council which I am on. Info Desk Wiki - retrieve 'local knowledge' and recommend additions. 48
  • 49. GoogleDocs to share documents, but it never worked properly. To collaborate with colleagues easily, to access my work easily when I am not at work. Google docs is useful for collaborative writing and statistics. Post presentations or lectures to slideshare Powerpoint presentations and other teaching materials created by librarians at my work are made available on our staff intranet. Collaborative writing = potentially valuable but too buggy to be reliable; Photosharing = source of images for teaching; Virtual worlds = have investigated thoroughly but not useful for my specialty; Web file sharing = very useful in the absence of library solutions for ftp to students GoogleDocs proved useful in working with a group of staff from different universities -- within my own school we have internal collaborative methods. I have relatively little contact with the public, which seems to be where the greater use of social media lie. I was probably an early adopter of collaborative writing tools - too early, perhaps - technical issues rendered them ineffective, although have successfully used PBWiki with a research team to good effect. Others, still need to see more evidence of effectiveness. Writing: collaboration, filesharing, presentations, Photosharing: reference question support, marketing, local color, documentation, training Bookmarks: library guides, rss feeds Virtual Worlds: classes, outreach, webinars, presentations, collaboration, teaching, learning, personal networks We use sharepoint as internal document management, and for a few internal forms which initiate workflows. i use flickr creative commons licensed content for presentations, same with powerpoint sharing and file sharing. GoogleDocs for an OLA project with librarians at various locations - but I have been unable to access the shared folders, a known bug that I have not been able to solve The cloud is essential for collaborative writing, for the mobile office. We have a server I have access to remotely as well. I've used Delicious to keep track of independent publisher for collection development (foreign language in particular) Web file sharing services rarely to share large files with others. I use dropbox all the time to synch my files with my home computer so that I can easily work from home. I've collaborated on research with colleagues from other institutions using Google Docs. I use drop box to sink files with various computers. (iphone, home, work) I use google docs all the time. Most of my work docs are in there; it's the easiest way to share documents with my supervisor and colleagues. It's my go-to word processor. We have a wiki for work that I consult probably 3 or 4 times a week. The library has a flickr feed of authorized pictures, but I use flickr a lot to find CC licensed pictures I can use in presentations. I know I should use bookmarking tools, and I see their value, but again it's one of those things that needs more forethought on my part to use effectively. We have our professional development collection in librarything, so I use it occasionally. I have built in second life and find it an 49
  • 50. incredible canvas for communicating things that are impossible to communicate otherwise, so for that I remain loyal to virtual worlds, but I don't really hang out there. Just build. I use dropbox on occasion, but honestly google docs is filling that gap more and more lately. Google Docs: to share documents among colleagues. Photo sharing: through facebook--to provide some more interesting content on our facebook page. Prezi: to make presentations (from time to time--use powerpoint more). Delicious: to organize and categorize the sources that I need to check when ordering books. Use google docs when writing reports/materials with colleagues; use flickr account to store all library photos from events, etc.; use dropbox to share large files (e.g. prepping for a conference with colleagues far away) - delicious for sharing resources with students and colleagues - collaborative writing tools used v. often for group writing with colleagues Photosharing works for marketing purposes and sharing marketing ideas across institutions. I use wikis for cross-institutional collaboration and reports. I use GoogleDocs to work on shared documents with colleagues. Have a Delicious account to keep track of sites related to open access. Use Flickr to upload photos of events that occur in the library. Used a wiki to prepare a submission for an agency application, which required wide input. I used GoogleDocs for a project with an external library organization. It was cumbersome and involved some learning (I know Word well and don't like to waste time learning something like it, when it works fine for me.) Use to share information internally /externally. Some use is for teaching at MLIS level. Google docs and power point have very practical uses I use Flickr for personal reasons, but not for work. I use GoogleDocs for many group projects at work, and we maintain a Delicious account for key weblinks for students. I use Dropbox to access my documents at home. Collaborative writing - good for sharing and developing project and policy documents; Photo- sharing - good for presentations; Powerpoint sharing - good for sharing information and presentations; Dropbox - sharing large files with faculty, librarians, and other project collaborators. I use Delicious as I feel it is easy to group my preferred websites. working on a paper/chapter with colleagues both at the institution and in other geographic locations. GoogleDocs - to create a spreadsheet for a volunteer service task undertaken for the library alumni community Delicious - collect bookmarks to websites related to academic subject specialist areas When working on group projects or projcts that need editing/feedback from my peers I use GoogleDocs all the time for collaborative editing and project work. I post all of my 50
  • 51. instructional presentation files to SlideShare. In our library department, we have a professional reading collection which I have catalogued using Library Thing. Delicious connotea i used for finding sometime "hard to find" reference and to bookmark Collaborative writing is great for research projects or other co-authored work. See previous comment re: wiki Occasionally use Google Docs for collaborative editing/document creation - sometimes even in real time over the phone when we can't get togteher in person I use photosharing mainly for non work, once in a while we use it to show the hawks in the trees outside the library. Social life was a memory suck disaster and I deleted from all 3 of my computers Web file-sharing, still too iffy for access and slow Collaborate writing : to work on project and documents with colleagues Powerpoint-sharing: to get ideas for my teaching Social bookmarks: I use Delicious but not the social aspect of it. collaborative writing via wikis is an invaluable tool posting files and comments on group projects I LOVE dropbox and now use it as my primary file storage. Collaborative writing -- collaboration with colleagues Photo-sharing -- collection development; employee engagement Web-file sharing -- collaboration with colleagues To collaborate with colleagues. Collab writing - good, but we also use an internal file sharing network, so not always necessary Photo & ppt sharing - see above Social bookmarks - where I collect bookmarks; don't often go to other people's bookmarks (once/mo) Dropbox - use for bringing work home and for association work (related to job but not "my job") Collaborative writing - very useful... untill the excel sheet crashes/can't be downloaded and then you're fracked. Photo-sharing... does posting archival photos on our IDR count? If so : very very useful. Dropbox : I use our university's equivalent almost everyday to deliver research requests and scanned images : very very helpful and keeps costs down. Have used Prezi for presentations, use Flickr for uploading photos of library and events. Have used wiki to plan events/documents in collaboration with colleagues. Have a Delicious account on a particular topic to share with colleagues I discovered Prezi last summer and have begun to use it for presentations that can be best taught through concept mapping. I've used GoogleDocs to collaborate on an article writing project with a colleague before. Bookmarking new sites in my subject areas. We have an internal file share service which is very useful. I don't use the other very much Use the university filedrop server to send/receive large files. Love it! 51
  • 52. I use Google Docs for collaborative reports. We use it in the division to share and annotate collections spreadsheets. Google docs to share meeting notes and agendas etc. with other staff; occasionally Flickr for images for library advertising, etc.; Delicious for sharing web sites with other staff. Google docs is great for note taking and for sharing docs. Powerpoint is a useful, if not overused, instructional tool. Flickr is great for helping those ppt shows to be more interesting. Delicious allows me to access my online docs/research easily from anywhere. Dropbox is great when working between computers. I use Delicious to supplement my Subject Guide pages. For searching and screening information. Which specific tools are not really matter as long as whatever is the information I am interested in is being offered. A colleague has put material on Flickr which is useful for my subject area. I use Google Doc to share documents with co-workers. I use Flickr for my two children GoogleDocs and Dropbox are used frequently in my collaborative research projects I have used all of these tools, other than virtual words and web file-sharing services, to some degree but more on a personal basis than as an academic librarian. I have an ongoing project where we made some use of GoogleDocs, but more for easy file-sharing than collaborative writing. In the future, I'd like to use GoogleDocs more in its intended manner. I use PowerPoint all the time but never an official sharing program - I make my PowerPoints available after all training sessions, simply in PPS format (on a Virtual Campus webspace). I use Delicious daily to find favourite locations and to tag useful tools. I use Dropbox daily to have key working files available on my desktop or mobile devices. 4) How important do you think it is for your library [now or in the future] to use social media for the following activities? [e.g., to have 'digital presence' and use interactive tools] 52
  • 53. a) Announcing upcoming library events (4) How important do you think it is for your library [now or in the future] to use social media for the following activities? [e.g., to have 'digital presence' and use interactive tools]) 53
  • 54. b) Communicating directly with students and faculty(4) How important do you think it is for your library [now or in the future] to use social media for the following activities? [e.g., to have 'digital presence' and use interactive tools]) 54
  • 55. c) Fundraising for library programs & services(4) How important do you think it is for your library [now or in the future] to use social media for the following activities? [e.g., to have 'digital presence' and use interactive tools]) 55
  • 56. d) Helping to reach strategic goals or objectives for your library(4) How important do you think it is for your library [now or in the future] to use social media for the following activities? [e.g., to have 'digital presence' and use interactive tools]) 56
  • 57. e) Marketing your library's services and programs(4) How important do you think it is for your library [now or in the future] to use social media for the following activities? [e.g., to have 'digital presence' and use interactive tools]) 57
  • 58. f) Promoting workshops offered by your library(4) How important do you think it is for your library [now or in the future] to use social media for the following activities? [e.g., to have 'digital presence' and use interactive tools]) 58
  • 59. Which tools are used / might be used? Which tools are used / might be used? Twitter and blogs Twitter, blog, document sharing It's hard to know how effective any of these tools are for communicating with users and as a marketing tool. Our library has a twitter account and several facebook accounts. I don't see much (actually I've never seen any) engagement between our users and our profiles in these social media tools. It's hard to know if that's because users don't want to communicate/engage with us on these platforms or if it's because we're not using them to effectively communicate/engage with our users and as a result they don't engage with us. Important ... is a stretch ... more like "an option among many" twitter! Let them have and do their thing, on their things, without invading their territory. They can come to our spaces (webpages) for information about us. 59
  • 60. Twitter, our Library's blogs Twitter for last minute updates of workshops, Facebook for events. RSS feeds Wikis IM/SMS messaging Twitter, facebook, blog, wiki I plan to make my Library's resources and services available through mobile devices, and better utilize social media to communicate with users. Meebo We currently have a facebook page for our library....I don't believe students actually use it. RSS feed. Facebook. A marketing plan! Facebook, blogs, IM (for communicating with students), BBM Blogs, Twitter, library Facebook page blogs, social networks, microblogging, Youtube We use Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube primarily. -The library keeps two blogs: a suggestion blog and a "what's new" blog. -The library is also on Twitter and (it's an extension of the "what's new" blog, with a few more announcements than the "what's new"). -The library also uses RSS to disseminate the "new books by subject" feeds. -I also use a blog on my subject guide to announce interesting events/research/news in my subject area. Citation citing sites could be promoted more. Currently, Facebook, Twitter, Sharepoint and our website. Facebook pages, Twitter. facebook, blogs Most of the social networking tools already mentioned in the survey YouTube & Twitter are currently being used by the library. Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Rss Feeds twitter, facebook anything, really - depends where your clients are Facebook Facebook, RSS feeds from library website Facebook Twitter Announcements on library home page Twitter, facebook, etc. we use facebook and twitter as well as individual librarian blogs to advertise our services, people and events. 60
  • 61. Our unit has a Facebook page. Updates/promos are posted once a week. Twitter, Facebook facebook or blogs any of the previous that are stable and can be incorporated into the branch's routines Twitter blogs, twitter, video sites, pretty well anything original or creative - i think the creativity is more important that the platform wikis and blogs in particular. email, facebook, rss feeds, library blog, flikr blogs Our library currently currently has a twiiter account and a facebook account. Faculty members use yammer for discussion. Blogs, social networking tools, You Tube Blogs Facebook YouTube Maybe Twitter but only to a limited segment that actually uses it WIKIs - for collaborative projects facebook, twitter Library would have to supply handhelds to staff, a major money concern. -was thinking mostly of our news and events blog Facebook, Twitter, Web pages (in conjunction with RSS feeds) RSS feed, blogs, email, website, etc. Although I haven't used yet, I can see the usefulness of a twitter feed on various websites to keep intended audience up to date Blogs (although have to get the intended audience to read them) a and f are asking virtually the same thing. social networking sites (eg FB), slide share, you tube, google doc's, skype, google voice, file sharing apps, itunes, whatever works - and these are constantly evolving We seem to use blogs primarily to promote workshops, etc., but I know some librarians here also have a Twitter account. could use a variety of them. Facebook for sure. Facebook Twitter, Facebook, blogs, Youtube, Flicr, Piccasso, google docs, (are already in use), but might want to use LinkedIn, and make an effort for more coordinated use of tools like YouTube, Google Docs, Slide share, etc. 61
  • 62. Blogs We have an RSS feed on our 'branch' Library homepage; I suspect the Facebook page for our library gets more "viewings" (or my personal one). Yammer, Facebook, Blogs Web pages, blog, Facebook and Twitter. Plus mass email to specific groups. Blogs Twitter, Facebook and RSS News feeds have proven to be the best ones- although some undergraduate students have recently told us that in-person announcements about programs, workshops and services are stillthe most effective! In particular the blackboard/whiteboard! Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Blogs For announcing library events I think our webpage and formal campus advertising venues are more appropriate and effective at reaching the campus (student/faculty) audience. To communicate directly with faculty and students I think personal (liaison) and institutional (committee-level) relationships are more important than social media - for direct communication, advertising of events, communicating strategic directions and marketig. For example I send a two page PDF newsletter by email directly to all faculty members in my liaison areas three times a year. I additionally send them event information. Campus wide committee involvement elevates the library, librarians, and librarian work to the level of importance that it deserves within an academic institution - I don't think facebook serves this purpose, and may in fact detract from it. Blogs & RSS - for promotion of classes, workshops and other events in the library. Meebo for connecting directly with students, faculty and the public. Wikis for storing data for reuse in websites and as a reference source. blogs, twitter, facebook opt in to receive text messages from the library and producing videos would be useful marketing tools I think every little bit of promotion counts even if it only reaches a small population. The more coordinated use of select tools would be useful in our context for marketing. Twitter, facebook, sites people visit for local content (if your town or city has a popular blog, etc.) Blogs are used for promotion of events/announcements of new resources; however, it is not easy to assess whether people were paying attention to it or not. Twitter, Facebook, Blogs Facebook, twitter, RSS news feeds, youtube I know we use right now for some of these purposes. I'm not sure what else might be used now or in the future - we have a marketing team and I'm not on it! blogs, twitter, facebook, rss feeds 62
  • 63. Even if advertising a particular library event doesn't draw in a larger crowd, it still reminds people that the library exists and is available when they need it. Twitter, Facebook Wordpress to announce workshops; Wordpress with comments turned on for acquisition/resource feedback. We use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and our library news blog. Facebook Facebook, Twitter, blogs, blogs, twitter Twitter/blogs, etc., could be used for promoting library instruction, etc. I chose neutral because I don't think any of the ones on the previous screen could be used this way unless the library is paying the media owner to place ads whenever someon from my university accesses the social media. Facebook is not a good tool for promo and marketing. Its content is more personal. Intend to try some of these, but our Virtual Services Librarian is on mat leave right now and no time to explore myself -- I can bearly keep up with current communication modes! Twitter is used for promotional events. My library uses its website for announcing news, upcoming events, library services and workshop promotion. We use several blogs (Piping Up, Scholarly Publishing News) to communicate with faculty and students, announce events and receive feedback. We could use LibraryThing to make our catalogue more interactive. Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin could be useful. SecondLife has been tried and is not worthwhile. It's hard to say if the popularity of Twitter and Facebook will continue -- the future may lie with apps for iPhones and other portable devices instead. Chat reference via QuestionPoint has been bad - technical problems / slow response make it painful to provide services via this tool. Wiki collaboration is the one tool that I find valuable. RSS feeds, twitter, web site, Youtube for videos, Camtasia for online tutorials twitter to aggregate RSS feed of library news/events... a blogger blog to connect folks with information about some of our services. Twitter and FB. the Library website, Twitter and Facebook We have s small (800) select group of members using our library. Many are older, and email seems to work best. Facebook, Twitter, blogs, remote access apps. twitter, blogs, facebook (although I'm not about libraries using facebook because I'm not sure 63
  • 64. that students really want to communicate with libraries in this way - facebook is seen as a cool space to interact with your friends and not so much a place where you communicate with the library. I could be wrong about this though...) Twitter; RSS on webpage; Facebook announcements/event pages twitter, facebook. FaceBook is used extensively. Library blog - we currently have a Wordpress recent books blog. Too busy updating our current web page to a CMS as well as using the university's Blackboard function -- both used to communicate with our communities of users -- to look at social media. Once we have completed our current projects we can look at social media. It is a question of time & staff. We have a twitter feed, which sits on the front of our website and feeds to digital signage. I have more ideas about the kinds of content that should go there. the difficulties there are getting people to commit to using it, not the tech itself. It gets attention, it does its thing. Facebook, Twitter. a,b,e,f library news and events blog syndicate on homepage, twitter account, staff newsletter blog, flickr account It depends. My sense is that for marketing and promotion we need to make use of these tools in the hope of "catching" the attention of our intended audience. However, I believe that these anticipatory recipients of our messages are very diverse in their use and uptake of the social media tools available to them. - blogs, twitter, yammer youtube Facebook, Twitter Blogs on library sites Facebook and Twitter. twitter, facebook, blogs Twitter, Facebook, Meebo, YouTube. twitter, facebook, facebook, twitter We use Twitter & Library has 2 blogs Some librarians feed their Delicious accoutns onto their subject guides We've advertised on Facebook (though we don't have a fan or group page) Twitter We're using Facebook, Twitter and wikis. I'm not directly involved. blog; facebook; twitter Library blog, Twitter, Flickr 64
  • 65. there is not option in this question to say that it's OK to use some tools some of the time. Entering people's social media space can backfire, e.g. if may be OK to market via RSS but not Facebook. Blogs, Wikis, Facebook. all of these things are already done using the library website and email, but it can't hurt to try a variety of ways to raise awareness... Plasma screens in buildings, Facebook presence, screencasting and YouTube videos Blogs, wikis, PowerPoint presentation (prezi), YouTube (and other alternatives), Drupal modules, Google docs, etc. Facebook and Twitter are currently used. facebook, twitter, meebo Facebook, Twitter, IM, blog blog facebook Facebook, Twitter Blogs, RSS feeds, Facebook, Twitter Our library has a marketing librarian who actively uses social media, such as Twitter, to promote the Library in a wide variety of ways. Right now none! I suggested using Facebook but .... We use Twitter for most of our 'marketing' activities as well as dedicated listservs to inform other librarians about events and changes to services. It's just part of a large group of communications tools and methods that we need to incorporate into any marketing plan. Simple tools. Donors tend to be older. they don't tweet much. E-mail is still the tipping point app. My mom is 85 and she e-mails, but you won't get a dime out of her from a wiki. Who's your audience? The students for certain purposes and donors for others, faculty for others, and don't forget about staff communication. Facebook (social networking) Twitter We use twitter & facebook to announce library events, new services, new additions to web page, promote workshops. We use a blog to post info of use to desk staff. We use IM to respond to library queries. Facebook Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, not very familiar with other tools Postings in learning management systems. Twitter and Facebook would be useful if there were more uptake of our Twitter and Facebook presence by our users. IM< Twitter, blog. 65
  • 66. rss facebook twitter Twitter, Facebook, scrolling news items on library homepage, Posterous blog are all used. Facebook is probably the most useful for this, followed by Twitter. Prefer personal contacts (visits, telephone calls, e-mails) with faculty, students and donors. Social media seems a passive way to convey information. whatever students use Twitter : for info-tainment, to keep stats healthy. Also helpful to tap into current events quickly to plug our own programs (i.e. When Rohinton Mistry's book got banned at his alma mater, we were able to post on twitter linking the story back to our finding aid of his papers). Blogs : for more substantial events Online exhibits : for more developed content. Facebook might be used. Twitter is used. RSS feeds, blogs, Facebook, Twitter Facebook, Twitter. Email and posters is still likely more effective. If the strategic plan calls for it, it will be looked at and done. blogs there are very few students or faculty following our twitter feeds and other social media initiatives. mostly other libraries or other campus groups are following. Students have flat out told me that they think it is inappropriate for us to be in thier social spaces. Twitter, IM Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, wikis, blogs, IM, Flickr Using newsfeeds and blogging. Maybe twitter. twitter Facebook; blogs, twitter It's not about the tools, it's about the messages. Library signage, listservs, emails, presentations, etc. are all just as effective as social media. It's not about the technology. It's about the message and the service. We're using some of these things now, but my research with faculty and students indicates they're not reading what we're putting out. Blogs, RSS feeds Twitter, blogs, other RSS feeds. All the tools previously mentioned: twitter, facebook, blogs, wikis.... Most faculty still only use email. Students send text messages,so perhaps social media is a better fit. You need to ask students directly. 66
  • 67. Facebook FB ads, twitter mobile phone apps Blogs, twitter Facebook I think I have seen Twitter used to great effect for this sort of thing. Email and posters are the main ways we do this sort of thing right now - probably not the most effective. Posterous, in-house news and events software, twitter and facebook. I use e-mail to target specific groups for promoting workshops. Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, RSS from library web site are currently used by the library. 5) How likely are you to want to adopt social media (now or in the future) in order to take advantage of the following benefits in your work? 67
  • 68. b) Creating new knowledge objects (e.g., video, audio, online tutorials)(5) How likely are you to want to adopt social media (now or in the future) in order to take advantage of the following benefits in your work?) 68
  • 69. c) Downloading free, open source software (as opposed to buying software)(5) How likely are you to want to adopt social media (now or in the future) in order to take advantage of the following benefits in your work?) 69
  • 70. d) Peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing of information, anytime(5) How likely are you to want to adopt social media (now or in the future) in order to take advantage of the following benefits in your work?) 70
  • 71. e) Learning new information skills (e.g., media literacy)(5) How likely are you to want to adopt social media (now or in the future) in order to take advantage of the following benefits in your work?) 71
  • 72. f) The "Network Effect" (networking with other librarians, building contacts)(5) How likely are you to want to adopt social media (now or in the future) in order to take advantage of the following benefits in your work?) 72
  • 73. Comments: Comments: I prefer meeting people face to face I'm interested in the use of social media but either don't know much about a specific 'tool' (ie: cloud computing) or am hesitant that believe that students want us in their social media. I am not allowed to download software on my work computer. Already doing many of these things. I use OpenOffice and other free software exclusively at home. Much of my reluctance to use other products at work stems from no one making a damn decision about which technology to use, so everyone is using something different. Social media 73