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USA – A huge danger to Humanity
0 – Introduction
1 – Without an economy, there is no thriving military power
2 - US military proliferation on the planet
2.1 - East and Oceania
2.2 – Europe
2.3 - Middle East
2.4 – Africa
2.5 – America
3 – USA, a fated evildoer
+++++++ ||||| +++++++
0 - Introduction
The US defeat in the face of the inability to include Ukraine in its NATO clearly shows
the limits of its aggressive installation on the borders of Europe. Putin is not Yeltsin, the
Russia of today is not the chaos of 1990, and yet the great global challenge to the US
comes more from China than from Russia, with a more geographically restricted
political and commercial deployment.
Without the conquest of Ukraine, little remains for NATO expansion. Neutral Sweden
and Finland may see the Ukrainian defeat as a warning not to get involved in a
decaying entity; how can you think of the fear of an expansionist Russia. Poor little
Moldova, to be included in NATO, would reveal this decadence even more – it would
be a leftover and not a feast; more relevant would be the passage into Russia's orbit
from the north shore of the Black Sea, including Odessa. As for Georgia and Armenia,
the political orbit around Russia seems to be consolidated, especially after the current
experience with Ukraine.
NATO may have reached the limit of its expansion, consolidating the US supremacy in
Europe, which continues to show itself incapable of generating strategic autonomy
even in the face of a Russia full of weapons but with a population equivalent to about
¼ of the inhabitants of Europe. Biden's intellectual poverty with his curses, the
irrelevance of von der Leyen, added to the insecurity of the crude Stoltenberg, are
trump cards for NATO's adversaries; we are still hearing the laughter of Putin and Xi… 4/4/2022 2
1 – Without an economy, there is no thriving military power
The USA is the only country that has military installations in the various corners of the
planet, (below we present an incomplete summary of these installations) assuming, as a
divine right, to put all Humanity in order and to intervene where it sees fit to safeguard
their interests or to harm competition. The USA assumes itself as a global gendarmerie
body, with prerogatives of intervention and policing of the planet and Humanity.
The USA as a creation of “white Protestants” who fled the European wars and, after
freeing themselves from the greatest power of the 18th century (England), soon
generated several flaws from messianic religiosities from which they have not yet freed
themselves. They freed themselves from England but enslaved millions of Africans, on a
scale never seen in other areas of slavery, soon presenting in their first president
(Washington) the profile of an owner of thousands of slaves. And they established a
racist hierarchy that classifies the population into “wasps” (white, Anglo-American and
Protestants), without prejudice to the unusual presentation of presidents outside this
profile - the Catholic Kennedy and the black Obama1
However, the symbolic descendants of the first settlers were decimating the native
peoples, keeping even today, some tens of thousands, poor and confined, to show to
tourists. The territorial expansion of the USA took place in the 19th century – Louisiana
in 1803 (a territory of 2 M km2, far beyond the current state of Louisiana and purchased
from Napoleonic France); purchase from Florida to Spain in 1819 and from Alaska to
the Russian Tsar (1867). Meanwhile, wars of conquest followed one another – in 1845,
the entire huge Mexican territory north of the Rio Grande; war against Spain in 1898 -
with Cuba soon transformed into an autonomous republic - and brothel - dependent
until the 60s - in addition to Puerto Rico and the Philippines. The Hawaiian archipelago
was also added in 1898 and part of the Samoa archipelago in 1900, in a colonial form.
Intervention in the European War of 1914/18 opened new horizons for US power, at the
same time it announced the decline of Great Britain, much more evident after the
Second European War, with the dismantling of its colonial empire and the decline of
the pound. in the face of the greater power of the dollar (and, later, the euro and the
Chinese renminbi). The entry and then the exit of Great Britain from the EU revealed the
country's incapacity vis-à-vis Germany and France or even to resolve the issue of
Northern Ireland and, or an eventual independence from Scotland. Great Britain, with
Norway, Holland and Portugal are the European countries that, without external threats
“Black skin, white mask” as told by Franz Fanon 4/4/2022 3
given their location in western Europe, are the most faithful members of NATO; in
contrast to Ireland which, on the same western edge of Europe, keeps itself out of that
aggressive US instrument.
The EU, clearly led by the economic power of Germany – the only European country
with a deployment beyond the regional framework – has been proving incapable of
putting itself outside of US suzerainty, both politically and militarily, with the closure of
NATO. , as a (falsely) plural instrument. This inability reveals Europe as a continent that
is reduced to an Asian peninsula, dominated by a decaying empire (USA).
2 - US military proliferation on the planet
With notable exceptions – China, Russia, India – there are few countries where the US
will hardly be able to intervene militarily; the current situation in Ukraine reveals its
limits of intervention. The remaining countries accept, to a greater or lesser degree, the
multifaceted intervention of the USA, the great promoter of wars and conflicts of the
last century; especially after the dismantling of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. These
interventions can either be presented directly by General Pentagon, or by entities,
which show themselves as sergeants under the orders of that one.
The list of these interventions is very long, it began a few years after the foundation of
the country as a sovereign state and the victims accumulate, in cemeteries, in refugee
camps or, as possible forced emigrants. At the base, since the 19th century, the
arrogance of a country that considers itself chosen by the gods to define what suits it
or, by itself allowed to other peoples, has been maintained.
A possible distribution of US military installations, by country and year of installation, is
briefly disclosed below. We do not use the designation military base, as it comprises a
complex and conspicuous military device, knowing that, in fact, there are many
installations that have, above all, a role in the logistics of the Pentagon2
. And, it is
believed, there will be unreferenced, secret installations, in an unknown number; the
Empire does not play games...
2.1 - East and Oceania
As can be seen in the tables below, it is in the East and Oceania that the largest number
of installations listed here are found (40% of the total). Japan is the main point of
support for the US in the region and it became its main base after the US occupation in
The used source of “Lists of U.S. Military Bases Abroad, 1776-2021” is organized by David Vine from the Antropology
Departament of The American University Digitak Research Archive, 2021 4/4/2022 4
World War II. As an archipelago, Japan has no land borders and, focusing on the
current moment, has a thriving economy and is very close to China, the current pet
enemy of the US, Japan has divided Korea even closer than China. , including dozens of
US installations (51) in the southern part since the 1950s, in addition to the presence of
the mysterious and intractable Kim dynasty in the northern half of the peninsula, well-
armed for any US intervention. To the north of Japan, there is the extensive coast of the
Russian Far East, as far as the Bering Strait, including Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands; and,
appearing on the eastern side, the coast of Alaska, US territory.
On the other hand, both Russia and China have shown interest in a maritime route
connecting Europe through the Arctic, thus adding a third corridor to the already
traditional route through the Indian Ocean and the Suez in addition to the Silk Road,
two major land routes , whose operation is expected for the next year.
In the same region, the number of installations in US territory should be noted – Guam,
Johnston Atoll and Marianas do Norte (38 installations); in addition to the 14 located in
small nation-states (Marshall Islands and Palau) and the ones mentioned in the
Philippines (14) which in fact seem not to have existed since 1992. The country's
animosity with China over the dispute over the ownership of some islets is used by the
US to display its war arsenal; an arsenal that also seeks to guarantee the security of the
island of Formosa, a Chinese territory that escaped incorporation into the People's
Republic of China in 1949; and only recognized in its autonomy by less than twenty
Australia, the US companion in the war in Vietnam, is currently part of the Ankus with
the US and the decadent Great Britain - whose presence in the area appears as an
appendix of the US - and makes us forget that Prime Minister Wilson, in the 1970s of
the 20th century pointed to the abandonment of the British military presence east of
In this context, Great Britain still retains sovereignty over the island of Diego Garcia –
leased to the US and from where, years ago, the US heavy bombers that ravaged
Afghanistan; and what the English pompously call the British Indian Ocean Territory.
Note also the crime committed by Great Britain in ceding the island to the US, after
exiling its entire population to Mauritius.
It should be noted that in the East the vast majority of US installations were set up until
1950, shortly after World War II; and, in the 1950s, the volume of installations in South
Korea and Japan is dominant. From the 1960s onwards, the appearance of warrior
installations is much more sparse and focuses (still… coincidentally…) on South Korea;
and, already in the present century, in the Philippines. The object of this military siege
has a name, China. 4/4/2022 5
Oriente e Oceania
Austrália 6 3 1 2
Cambodja 1 1
Coreia do Sul 51 2 39 4 4 2
Filipinas 8 5 3
Guam (EUA) 33 31 2
Japão 86 68 17 1
Johnston Atoll (EUA) 1 1
Marianas do Norte,
Ilhas (EUA)
4 2 1 1
Marshall, Ilhas 11 11
Palau 3 1 2
Total 204 115 58 8 3 4 1 6 7 2
2.2 - Europe
The second most populated region of US military installations is Europe, where there
are 175. Among these, 60% are located in Germany and Italy, key scenarios for US
intervention in World War II. The first, the main enemy, was, and is, the industrial heart
of Western Europe, the most populous country with the most diversified foreign
market; and further, with coastal areas in the North Sea and the Baltic. For its part, Italy,
also defeated and occupied during World War II, is the center of the Mediterranean,
just like ancient Rome. The so-called socialist countries together comprise 26
installations, all of them - excluding the “Little Guantanamo” (Kosovo) - which emerged
in this century, after the end of the Warsaw Pact and the savage dismantling of
País/ território Total < 1950
> 2010
Alemanha 76 42 27 1 1 1 4
1 1
Bélgica 9 8 1
Bulgária 4 4
Chipre 1 1
Eslováquia 2 2
Espanha 2 2
Estónia 1 1
Georgia 1 1
Grécia 6 6
Hungria 2 1 1
Irlanda 1 1
Islândia 2 1 1
Itália 29 26 2 1
Kosovo 1 1
Letónia 1 1
Lituânia 1 1
Luxemburgo 1 1
Noruega 7 6 1
5 1 4
Polónia 4 4 4/4/2022 6
Portugal 9 9
Roménia 9 4 5
Total 175 51 57 22 0 7 1 11 22 4
2.3 - Middle East
The Middle East has been an area heavily harassed by the US and its European
counterparts in several wars, manipulating the region's countries and their political
classes or taking advantage of their rivalries and animosities. On the one hand are the
wealthy Gulf monarchies (almost all), a political form consolidated on top of immense
energy resources and poor immigrants treated like animals; monarchies that would
have disappeared if, in the 1930s, Westerners had not discovered these hydrocarbon
Afghanistan has no oil but the strategic position of being between Central Asia, Shia
Iran (in an essentially Sunni Islamic world) and Pakistan, a country that separates West
Asia from Hindustan. Although with poor visibility on a map, particular relevance has
been given to the Wakhan corridor, which allows a direct connection between China
and Gwadar, the Pakistani port on the Sea of Oman. Afghanistan was never colonized
by Westerners who tried; the British were defeated twice in the 19th century, the
Soviets sank in disaster in the 1980s, followed by the Americans who recently left the
country in disarray after twenty years of war.
Iran was also never colonized, taking advantage of the dispute between Russians and
British in the 19th century. The US, in the 1980s, encouraged a military intervention in
Iran by Saddam Hussein's Iraq (Iranian Khuzestan has a lot… oil); and suffered the
humiliation of having their embassy in Iran occupied by students for more than a year,
in addition to the military brilliance of leaving the wrecked remains of their planes -
which were to intervene in the embassy - in a desert area, revealing their own military
negligence. This humiliation, more than forty years later, is a wound that the US keeps…
bleeding; clogged by sanctions and threats.
País/ território Total
Médio Oriente
Afeganistão 8 2 1 5
Arábia Saudita 10 4 2 2 2
Bahrein 8 7 1
Entidade Sionista 6 1 3 1 1
Iraque 7 7
Jordânia 2 2
Kuwait 10 7 3
Oman 6 5 1
Qatar 3 2 1
Síria 4 4
Total 64 7 4 2 1 7 13 10 15 5 4/4/2022 7
From the 1990s onwards, 38 new US military installations appeared in the region, with
particular visibility in Kuwait, invaded by Saddam's Iraq, which claimed to have the right
to its former province, occupied by Great Britain between 1919 and 1961.
After 1990, the US decided to spread its warrior installations across the region. In
Afghanistan (in 2022, abandoned after 20 years of war); in Saudi Arabia (always fearful
of Iran) and Syria, the object of programmed devastation by ISIS, a user of US weapons,
paid for by Saudi Arabia. It is also noted the presence of US installations in Qatar and
Oman, alarmed by the conflicts in the Gulf region. Finally, a reference to the Zionist
entity and the occupier of Palestine, the safest area for the US, but the main threat to
peace in the region, with military capabilities far beyond those present in other
countries in the region; and far beyond your region of installation.
2.4 - Africa
Africa, for the US, has only gained geopolitical interest in recent times. In 2007, based in
Stuttgart, he created Africom, revealing his distance from the continent and its people;
perhaps trying to stay away from Africans… far from having a “wasp” profile. After the
departure of the former colonial powers, Africans focused on their political
independence and, on the other hand, the USA did not give much importance to Africa,
as seen in the chapter on the delayed independence of the Portuguese colonies.
Multinationals began to dialogue directly with African oligarchies, which tend to be
As can be seen below, US military installations in Africa emerged in the current century
with the passage, in Djibouti, of the Champ Lemonier base, from France to the US; the
country, due to its strategic location (the Bab el Mandeb is nearby), is also home to
“democratically” Chinese, Japanese and Italian installations.
After 2010, the situation changed, with 18 new installations being mentioned, with
emphasis on the Sahel region – Chad, Mali and Niger, with 8 situations; and where
confrontations develop, in a context of banditry that affects how many Africans are
raped and robbed, in their quest to reach the Mediterranean, Libya, above all. In the
meantime, in the same period, 5 installations have appeared in Somalia.
País/ território Total
Botswana 1 1
Burkina Faso 1 1
Camarões 2 2
Chade 1 1
Diego Garcia (GB) 1 1
Djibouti 2 1 1
Egipto 1 1
Gabão 1 1
Mali 1 1 4/4/2022 8
Níger 6 6
Quénia 3 2 1
Senegal 2 2
Somália 5 5
27 1 0 0 1 0 2 5 18 0
2.5 - America
The distribution of US installations on the American continent is essentially centered
(59%) in Puerto Rico – a US territory – and dates back to the period following World
War II; and there are three installations to be registered in the territory of two European
Taking into account the proximity of Latin American countries to the powerful USA, as
well as its mobile military power, it is possible to avoid a greater presence of fixed
installations, compared to what is happening on the rest of the planet. History shows
the extent of their direct interference and coups d'état awarded to the oligarchies of
Latin American countries in order to maintain their supervision of the continent. And
that is why Cuba remains under particular attention and with relative isolation – since
the 60s – by the US, whose territory is just tens of kilometers from the island.
Venezuela, which also got off the track set up by the US, remains subject to the typical
limitations of the tutelary intervener in the lives of the peoples of the region.
A decadência dos EUA incrementa a insegurança no mundo tornando o país mais
atento à concorrência pelo acesso/controlo dos recursos do planeta; e, mais agressivo,
na sua disputa pela supremacia global, sobretudo perante a China, com uma população
quatro vezes superior, com um quadro político estável e uma economia florescente,
onde não é possível o surgimento de líderes tão medíocres como George W. Bush,
Trump or Biden.
País/território Total <
Aruba (P Baixos) 1 1
Bahamas 1 1
Canadá 1 1
Chile 1 1
Cuba 1 1
Curaçao (P Baixos) 1 1
El Salvador 1 1
Groenlândia (Dinam.) 1 1
Honduras 2 1 1
Panamá 5 5
Peru 2 2
Porto Rico (EUA) 24 20 1 1 1 1
41 23 1 2 1 3 0 9 1 1 4/4/2022 9
3 – USA, a fated evildoer
The American continent has always been taken as protected by the USA, which, in the
first decades of its independence from England, took advantage of the financial
difficulties of the French Republic to buy a huge territory called Louisiana (many times
larger than the current state with that name. ); a territory that was the scene of the
disproportionate hunting of bison and indigenous peoples of various tribes, many of
which are extinct. In the same era, expansion reached, particularly the Spanish colonial
possessions in Central America, the Caribbean and the huge Mexican territory that
stretched along almost the entire Pacific coast north of the Rio Grande, beyond Texas
and Florida. In 1898, Spain is expelled from the Americas by the USA, approximately
four hundred years after the arrival of Columbus.
In the mid-19th century, the US intervened in China, Japan, Korea, Argentina, Uruguay,
Nicaragua, Paraguay, Colombia, Panama, Libya, the Ottoman Empire, the Ivory Coast,
the islands Fiji, among other places, always presenting themselves as defenders of
American lives and interests.
Between the end of the 19th century and World War I, armed interventions took place
in Egypt, Syria, Ethiopia, Morocco, Cuba, Honduras, Colombia, Panama, Argentina, Haiti,
the Republic of Dominican Republic, Chile, Brazil, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, Korea,
China, Samoa, Hawaii.
After the declaration of war on the central European empires, in 1917, the USA became
involved, in the following three years, in the defense of the consulate in Vladivostok,
with 7000 men in a Russia in the middle of civil war. And in 1918/20 another 5000 were
with western allies in Arkhangelsk. All this in the context of the development in the
transition from the Russian monarchy to the Republic of Soviets.
After World War I, muscle interventions in Spanish-speaking America took place again;
Cuba (1917/22), Mexico with three incursions in 1918 and six in 1919, in addition to
Panama, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua. And also in Europe, in Dalmatia, in
Constantinople (1919) or, in defence of US interests against Turkish nationalists in
Smyrna (1922). In the 1920s, interventions in China can be seen in 1922/25, always with
heroic marines defending foreigners in large Chinese cities; with less care for the
natives… something common in people so marked by racism. The Englishman Houston
Chamberlain spent time in the USA before coming to indoctrinate the Nazis in the
defense of a superior race; at that time, in the USA, people were sterilized that
“intelligency” defined as ugly or stupid.
In the 1930s, the lucky ones intervened by the marines were Cubans and Chinese. In
1940, the US occupied, in agreement with Great Britain, the possessions of the latter in 4/4/2022 10
the North Atlantic, to avoid a German intervention and received destroyers as payment;
the same happened with the Dutch colony of Surinam (rich in bauxite), as in Greenland
and Iceland, Danish colonies.
In 1941, with the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the US war with Japan was inaugurated;
followed by the declaration of war on Europe, on Germany and its allies; in the end,
there was the partial occupation of Germany, Austria and the whole of Japan, a
exhausted country that surrendered unconditionally after being victimized by two
criminal atomic attacks (1945) on an unarmed population. A little later, the war in Korea
(1950/53) involved 300,000 Americans, among whom 36,600 were killed, and the
country has remained divided ever since.
Shortly after (1955) the intervention in Vietnam began, smoothly, with a few advisors
who, in 1964, were already 21,000; and that should be framed in the SEATO military
alliance. In 1975, the Americans left Indochina after having involved 543,000 soldiers
(Americans, South Koreans, Australians) and leaving in the Mekong Delta, as a souvenir,
the infestation with Agent Orange. The escape from Saigon of desperate acolytes
clinging to helicopter trains was recently repeated in Kabul, but on a smaller scale. Still
in Indochina, Laos and Thailand, the US troops intervened less to establish their model
than to fight competition from the Soviets and Chinese.
The muscular interventions took place in Egypt, in the context of the Suez crisis, in
1956, in support of the Zionists and, two years later, the famous marines intervened in
Lebanon. Cuba, abandoning its vocation as a brothel for its northern neighbor, has
been banned since the 1960s.
Also in the 1960s, the US made its debut in black Africa with a logistical involvement in
Congo (ex-Belgian). On the other side of the Atlantic, in 1964, the US helped the fascist
military in Brazil… just as it now supports the Nazi battalions in Ukraine; which was
followed, the following year, by the landing of 20,000 soldiers in the Dominican
Republic to quell the revolt of the locals.
In the 1980's – and to shorten such a long list – the USA fills itself with glory by
invading the small island of Grenada and Panama; and, in conflicts with Libya,
Honduras, Chad, Iran, pushing Saddam's Iraq into a long and bloody war with Iran… a
country that continues to generate a lot of heartburn in Washington.
In 1990, the intrusion into the Middle East accelerated after his friend Saddam –
without prior authorization – invaded Kuwait, resulting in immense punishment for
Iraqis during the decade. Then, with the implosion of the USSR came the intervention in
the Balkans, with the ignition of hostilities of religious origin, blessed by Pope Woytyla;
hence the successive division of the territory of the former Yugoslavia into small 4/4/2022 11
identity nuclei, with special emphasis on the US bombing of Belgrade for more than 70
days, which not even the Chinese embassy escaped.
Still in the 1990s, the marines landed in Somalia to leave shortly afterward, with the
whole world watching the humiliation of American corpses dragged by the Somalis.
This time, God, distracted, was not on the right side, fraternized with the Somalis.
This list of US interventions across the planet ends here; its volume is measured by
hundreds. However, the strengthening of China, its connection with Russia, the creation
of the SCO – Shanghai Cooperation Organization, constitutes a bloc where the US
cannot intervene; and which will certainly be followed by a loss of dominance of the
dollar, the main US export.
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  • 1. 4/4/2022 1 USA – A huge danger to Humanity 0 – Introduction 1 – Without an economy, there is no thriving military power 2 - US military proliferation on the planet 2.1 - East and Oceania 2.2 – Europe 2.3 - Middle East 2.4 – Africa 2.5 – America 3 – USA, a fated evildoer +++++++ ||||| +++++++ 0 - Introduction The US defeat in the face of the inability to include Ukraine in its NATO clearly shows the limits of its aggressive installation on the borders of Europe. Putin is not Yeltsin, the Russia of today is not the chaos of 1990, and yet the great global challenge to the US comes more from China than from Russia, with a more geographically restricted political and commercial deployment. Without the conquest of Ukraine, little remains for NATO expansion. Neutral Sweden and Finland may see the Ukrainian defeat as a warning not to get involved in a decaying entity; how can you think of the fear of an expansionist Russia. Poor little Moldova, to be included in NATO, would reveal this decadence even more – it would be a leftover and not a feast; more relevant would be the passage into Russia's orbit from the north shore of the Black Sea, including Odessa. As for Georgia and Armenia, the political orbit around Russia seems to be consolidated, especially after the current experience with Ukraine. NATO may have reached the limit of its expansion, consolidating the US supremacy in Europe, which continues to show itself incapable of generating strategic autonomy even in the face of a Russia full of weapons but with a population equivalent to about ¼ of the inhabitants of Europe. Biden's intellectual poverty with his curses, the irrelevance of von der Leyen, added to the insecurity of the crude Stoltenberg, are trump cards for NATO's adversaries; we are still hearing the laughter of Putin and Xi…
  • 2. 4/4/2022 2 1 – Without an economy, there is no thriving military power The USA is the only country that has military installations in the various corners of the planet, (below we present an incomplete summary of these installations) assuming, as a divine right, to put all Humanity in order and to intervene where it sees fit to safeguard their interests or to harm competition. The USA assumes itself as a global gendarmerie body, with prerogatives of intervention and policing of the planet and Humanity. The USA as a creation of “white Protestants” who fled the European wars and, after freeing themselves from the greatest power of the 18th century (England), soon generated several flaws from messianic religiosities from which they have not yet freed themselves. They freed themselves from England but enslaved millions of Africans, on a scale never seen in other areas of slavery, soon presenting in their first president (Washington) the profile of an owner of thousands of slaves. And they established a racist hierarchy that classifies the population into “wasps” (white, Anglo-American and Protestants), without prejudice to the unusual presentation of presidents outside this profile - the Catholic Kennedy and the black Obama1 . However, the symbolic descendants of the first settlers were decimating the native peoples, keeping even today, some tens of thousands, poor and confined, to show to tourists. The territorial expansion of the USA took place in the 19th century – Louisiana in 1803 (a territory of 2 M km2, far beyond the current state of Louisiana and purchased from Napoleonic France); purchase from Florida to Spain in 1819 and from Alaska to the Russian Tsar (1867). Meanwhile, wars of conquest followed one another – in 1845, the entire huge Mexican territory north of the Rio Grande; war against Spain in 1898 - with Cuba soon transformed into an autonomous republic - and brothel - dependent until the 60s - in addition to Puerto Rico and the Philippines. The Hawaiian archipelago was also added in 1898 and part of the Samoa archipelago in 1900, in a colonial form. Intervention in the European War of 1914/18 opened new horizons for US power, at the same time it announced the decline of Great Britain, much more evident after the Second European War, with the dismantling of its colonial empire and the decline of the pound. in the face of the greater power of the dollar (and, later, the euro and the Chinese renminbi). The entry and then the exit of Great Britain from the EU revealed the country's incapacity vis-à-vis Germany and France or even to resolve the issue of Northern Ireland and, or an eventual independence from Scotland. Great Britain, with Norway, Holland and Portugal are the European countries that, without external threats 1 “Black skin, white mask” as told by Franz Fanon
  • 3. 4/4/2022 3 given their location in western Europe, are the most faithful members of NATO; in contrast to Ireland which, on the same western edge of Europe, keeps itself out of that aggressive US instrument. The EU, clearly led by the economic power of Germany – the only European country with a deployment beyond the regional framework – has been proving incapable of putting itself outside of US suzerainty, both politically and militarily, with the closure of NATO. , as a (falsely) plural instrument. This inability reveals Europe as a continent that is reduced to an Asian peninsula, dominated by a decaying empire (USA). 2 - US military proliferation on the planet With notable exceptions – China, Russia, India – there are few countries where the US will hardly be able to intervene militarily; the current situation in Ukraine reveals its limits of intervention. The remaining countries accept, to a greater or lesser degree, the multifaceted intervention of the USA, the great promoter of wars and conflicts of the last century; especially after the dismantling of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. These interventions can either be presented directly by General Pentagon, or by entities, which show themselves as sergeants under the orders of that one. The list of these interventions is very long, it began a few years after the foundation of the country as a sovereign state and the victims accumulate, in cemeteries, in refugee camps or, as possible forced emigrants. At the base, since the 19th century, the arrogance of a country that considers itself chosen by the gods to define what suits it or, by itself allowed to other peoples, has been maintained. A possible distribution of US military installations, by country and year of installation, is briefly disclosed below. We do not use the designation military base, as it comprises a complex and conspicuous military device, knowing that, in fact, there are many installations that have, above all, a role in the logistics of the Pentagon2 . And, it is believed, there will be unreferenced, secret installations, in an unknown number; the Empire does not play games... 2.1 - East and Oceania As can be seen in the tables below, it is in the East and Oceania that the largest number of installations listed here are found (40% of the total). Japan is the main point of support for the US in the region and it became its main base after the US occupation in 2 The used source of “Lists of U.S. Military Bases Abroad, 1776-2021” is organized by David Vine from the Antropology Departament of The American University Digitak Research Archive, 2021
  • 4. 4/4/2022 4 World War II. As an archipelago, Japan has no land borders and, focusing on the current moment, has a thriving economy and is very close to China, the current pet enemy of the US, Japan has divided Korea even closer than China. , including dozens of US installations (51) in the southern part since the 1950s, in addition to the presence of the mysterious and intractable Kim dynasty in the northern half of the peninsula, well- armed for any US intervention. To the north of Japan, there is the extensive coast of the Russian Far East, as far as the Bering Strait, including Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands; and, appearing on the eastern side, the coast of Alaska, US territory. On the other hand, both Russia and China have shown interest in a maritime route connecting Europe through the Arctic, thus adding a third corridor to the already traditional route through the Indian Ocean and the Suez in addition to the Silk Road, two major land routes , whose operation is expected for the next year. In the same region, the number of installations in US territory should be noted – Guam, Johnston Atoll and Marianas do Norte (38 installations); in addition to the 14 located in small nation-states (Marshall Islands and Palau) and the ones mentioned in the Philippines (14) which in fact seem not to have existed since 1992. The country's animosity with China over the dispute over the ownership of some islets is used by the US to display its war arsenal; an arsenal that also seeks to guarantee the security of the island of Formosa, a Chinese territory that escaped incorporation into the People's Republic of China in 1949; and only recognized in its autonomy by less than twenty countries. Australia, the US companion in the war in Vietnam, is currently part of the Ankus with the US and the decadent Great Britain - whose presence in the area appears as an appendix of the US - and makes us forget that Prime Minister Wilson, in the 1970s of the 20th century pointed to the abandonment of the British military presence east of Suez. In this context, Great Britain still retains sovereignty over the island of Diego Garcia – leased to the US and from where, years ago, the US heavy bombers that ravaged Afghanistan; and what the English pompously call the British Indian Ocean Territory. Note also the crime committed by Great Britain in ceding the island to the US, after exiling its entire population to Mauritius. It should be noted that in the East the vast majority of US installations were set up until 1950, shortly after World War II; and, in the 1950s, the volume of installations in South Korea and Japan is dominant. From the 1960s onwards, the appearance of warrior installations is much more sparse and focuses (still… coincidentally…) on South Korea; and, already in the present century, in the Philippines. The object of this military siege has a name, China.
  • 5. 4/4/2022 5 País/território Tota l < 1950 1950 /59 1960 /69 1970 /79 1980 /89 1990 /99 2000 /09 > 201 0 Desc onh Oriente e Oceania Austrália 6 3 1 2 Cambodja 1 1 Coreia do Sul 51 2 39 4 4 2 Filipinas 8 5 3 Guam (EUA) 33 31 2 Japão 86 68 17 1 Johnston Atoll (EUA) 1 1 Marianas do Norte, Ilhas (EUA) 4 2 1 1 Marshall, Ilhas 11 11 Palau 3 1 2 Total 204 115 58 8 3 4 1 6 7 2 2.2 - Europe The second most populated region of US military installations is Europe, where there are 175. Among these, 60% are located in Germany and Italy, key scenarios for US intervention in World War II. The first, the main enemy, was, and is, the industrial heart of Western Europe, the most populous country with the most diversified foreign market; and further, with coastal areas in the North Sea and the Baltic. For its part, Italy, also defeated and occupied during World War II, is the center of the Mediterranean, just like ancient Rome. The so-called socialist countries together comprise 26 installations, all of them - excluding the “Little Guantanamo” (Kosovo) - which emerged in this century, after the end of the Warsaw Pact and the savage dismantling of Yugoslavia. País/ território Total < 1950 1950/5 9 1960/6 9 1970/7 9 1980/8 9 1990/9 9 2000/0 9 > 2010 Descon h Europa Alemanha 76 42 27 1 1 1 4 Ascensão (GB) 1 1 Bélgica 9 8 1 Bulgária 4 4 Chipre 1 1 Eslováquia 2 2 Espanha 2 2 Estónia 1 1 Georgia 1 1 Grécia 6 6 Hungria 2 1 1 Irlanda 1 1 Islândia 2 1 1 Itália 29 26 2 1 Kosovo 1 1 Letónia 1 1 Lituânia 1 1 Luxemburgo 1 1 Noruega 7 6 1 Países Baixos 5 1 4 Polónia 4 4
  • 6. 4/4/2022 6 Portugal 9 9 Roménia 9 4 5 Total 175 51 57 22 0 7 1 11 22 4 2.3 - Middle East The Middle East has been an area heavily harassed by the US and its European counterparts in several wars, manipulating the region's countries and their political classes or taking advantage of their rivalries and animosities. On the one hand are the wealthy Gulf monarchies (almost all), a political form consolidated on top of immense energy resources and poor immigrants treated like animals; monarchies that would have disappeared if, in the 1930s, Westerners had not discovered these hydrocarbon sheets. Afghanistan has no oil but the strategic position of being between Central Asia, Shia Iran (in an essentially Sunni Islamic world) and Pakistan, a country that separates West Asia from Hindustan. Although with poor visibility on a map, particular relevance has been given to the Wakhan corridor, which allows a direct connection between China and Gwadar, the Pakistani port on the Sea of Oman. Afghanistan was never colonized by Westerners who tried; the British were defeated twice in the 19th century, the Soviets sank in disaster in the 1980s, followed by the Americans who recently left the country in disarray after twenty years of war. Iran was also never colonized, taking advantage of the dispute between Russians and British in the 19th century. The US, in the 1980s, encouraged a military intervention in Iran by Saddam Hussein's Iraq (Iranian Khuzestan has a lot… oil); and suffered the humiliation of having their embassy in Iran occupied by students for more than a year, in addition to the military brilliance of leaving the wrecked remains of their planes - which were to intervene in the embassy - in a desert area, revealing their own military negligence. This humiliation, more than forty years later, is a wound that the US keeps… bleeding; clogged by sanctions and threats. País/ território Total < 1950 1950 /59 1960 /69 1970 /79 1980 /89 1990 /99 2000 /09 > 2010 Desco nh Médio Oriente Afeganistão 8 2 1 5 Arábia Saudita 10 4 2 2 2 Bahrein 8 7 1 Entidade Sionista 6 1 3 1 1 Iraque 7 7 Jordânia 2 2 Kuwait 10 7 3 Oman 6 5 1 Qatar 3 2 1 Síria 4 4 Total 64 7 4 2 1 7 13 10 15 5
  • 7. 4/4/2022 7 From the 1990s onwards, 38 new US military installations appeared in the region, with particular visibility in Kuwait, invaded by Saddam's Iraq, which claimed to have the right to its former province, occupied by Great Britain between 1919 and 1961. After 1990, the US decided to spread its warrior installations across the region. In Afghanistan (in 2022, abandoned after 20 years of war); in Saudi Arabia (always fearful of Iran) and Syria, the object of programmed devastation by ISIS, a user of US weapons, paid for by Saudi Arabia. It is also noted the presence of US installations in Qatar and Oman, alarmed by the conflicts in the Gulf region. Finally, a reference to the Zionist entity and the occupier of Palestine, the safest area for the US, but the main threat to peace in the region, with military capabilities far beyond those present in other countries in the region; and far beyond your region of installation. 2.4 - Africa Africa, for the US, has only gained geopolitical interest in recent times. In 2007, based in Stuttgart, he created Africom, revealing his distance from the continent and its people; perhaps trying to stay away from Africans… far from having a “wasp” profile. After the departure of the former colonial powers, Africans focused on their political independence and, on the other hand, the USA did not give much importance to Africa, as seen in the chapter on the delayed independence of the Portuguese colonies. Multinationals began to dialogue directly with African oligarchies, which tend to be kleptocratic. As can be seen below, US military installations in Africa emerged in the current century with the passage, in Djibouti, of the Champ Lemonier base, from France to the US; the country, due to its strategic location (the Bab el Mandeb is nearby), is also home to “democratically” Chinese, Japanese and Italian installations. After 2010, the situation changed, with 18 new installations being mentioned, with emphasis on the Sahel region – Chad, Mali and Niger, with 8 situations; and where confrontations develop, in a context of banditry that affects how many Africans are raped and robbed, in their quest to reach the Mediterranean, Libya, above all. In the meantime, in the same period, 5 installations have appeared in Somalia. País/ território Total < 1950 1950 /59 1960 /69 1970 /79 1980 /89 1990 /99 2000 /09 > 2010 Descon h África Botswana 1 1 Burkina Faso 1 1 Camarões 2 2 Chade 1 1 Diego Garcia (GB) 1 1 Djibouti 2 1 1 Egipto 1 1 Gabão 1 1 Mali 1 1
  • 8. 4/4/2022 8 Níger 6 6 Quénia 3 2 1 Senegal 2 2 Somália 5 5 27 1 0 0 1 0 2 5 18 0 2.5 - America The distribution of US installations on the American continent is essentially centered (59%) in Puerto Rico – a US territory – and dates back to the period following World War II; and there are three installations to be registered in the territory of two European powers. Taking into account the proximity of Latin American countries to the powerful USA, as well as its mobile military power, it is possible to avoid a greater presence of fixed installations, compared to what is happening on the rest of the planet. History shows the extent of their direct interference and coups d'état awarded to the oligarchies of Latin American countries in order to maintain their supervision of the continent. And that is why Cuba remains under particular attention and with relative isolation – since the 60s – by the US, whose territory is just tens of kilometers from the island. Venezuela, which also got off the track set up by the US, remains subject to the typical limitations of the tutelary intervener in the lives of the peoples of the region. A decadência dos EUA incrementa a insegurança no mundo tornando o país mais atento à concorrência pelo acesso/controlo dos recursos do planeta; e, mais agressivo, na sua disputa pela supremacia global, sobretudo perante a China, com uma população quatro vezes superior, com um quadro político estável e uma economia florescente, onde não é possível o surgimento de líderes tão medíocres como George W. Bush, Trump or Biden. País/território Total < 1950 1950 /59 1960 /69 1970 /79 1980 /89 1990 /99 2000 /09 > 2010 Desc onh América Aruba (P Baixos) 1 1 Bahamas 1 1 Canadá 1 1 Chile 1 1 Cuba 1 1 Curaçao (P Baixos) 1 1 El Salvador 1 1 Groenlândia (Dinam.) 1 1 Honduras 2 1 1 Panamá 5 5 Peru 2 2 Porto Rico (EUA) 24 20 1 1 1 1 41 23 1 2 1 3 0 9 1 1
  • 9. 4/4/2022 9 3 – USA, a fated evildoer The American continent has always been taken as protected by the USA, which, in the first decades of its independence from England, took advantage of the financial difficulties of the French Republic to buy a huge territory called Louisiana (many times larger than the current state with that name. ); a territory that was the scene of the disproportionate hunting of bison and indigenous peoples of various tribes, many of which are extinct. In the same era, expansion reached, particularly the Spanish colonial possessions in Central America, the Caribbean and the huge Mexican territory that stretched along almost the entire Pacific coast north of the Rio Grande, beyond Texas and Florida. In 1898, Spain is expelled from the Americas by the USA, approximately four hundred years after the arrival of Columbus. In the mid-19th century, the US intervened in China, Japan, Korea, Argentina, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Colombia, Panama, Libya, the Ottoman Empire, the Ivory Coast, the islands Fiji, among other places, always presenting themselves as defenders of American lives and interests. Between the end of the 19th century and World War I, armed interventions took place in Egypt, Syria, Ethiopia, Morocco, Cuba, Honduras, Colombia, Panama, Argentina, Haiti, the Republic of Dominican Republic, Chile, Brazil, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, Korea, China, Samoa, Hawaii. After the declaration of war on the central European empires, in 1917, the USA became involved, in the following three years, in the defense of the consulate in Vladivostok, with 7000 men in a Russia in the middle of civil war. And in 1918/20 another 5000 were with western allies in Arkhangelsk. All this in the context of the development in the transition from the Russian monarchy to the Republic of Soviets. After World War I, muscle interventions in Spanish-speaking America took place again; Cuba (1917/22), Mexico with three incursions in 1918 and six in 1919, in addition to Panama, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua. And also in Europe, in Dalmatia, in Constantinople (1919) or, in defence of US interests against Turkish nationalists in Smyrna (1922). In the 1920s, interventions in China can be seen in 1922/25, always with heroic marines defending foreigners in large Chinese cities; with less care for the natives… something common in people so marked by racism. The Englishman Houston Chamberlain spent time in the USA before coming to indoctrinate the Nazis in the defense of a superior race; at that time, in the USA, people were sterilized that “intelligency” defined as ugly or stupid. In the 1930s, the lucky ones intervened by the marines were Cubans and Chinese. In 1940, the US occupied, in agreement with Great Britain, the possessions of the latter in
  • 10. 4/4/2022 10 the North Atlantic, to avoid a German intervention and received destroyers as payment; the same happened with the Dutch colony of Surinam (rich in bauxite), as in Greenland and Iceland, Danish colonies. In 1941, with the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the US war with Japan was inaugurated; followed by the declaration of war on Europe, on Germany and its allies; in the end, there was the partial occupation of Germany, Austria and the whole of Japan, a exhausted country that surrendered unconditionally after being victimized by two criminal atomic attacks (1945) on an unarmed population. A little later, the war in Korea (1950/53) involved 300,000 Americans, among whom 36,600 were killed, and the country has remained divided ever since. Shortly after (1955) the intervention in Vietnam began, smoothly, with a few advisors who, in 1964, were already 21,000; and that should be framed in the SEATO military alliance. In 1975, the Americans left Indochina after having involved 543,000 soldiers (Americans, South Koreans, Australians) and leaving in the Mekong Delta, as a souvenir, the infestation with Agent Orange. The escape from Saigon of desperate acolytes clinging to helicopter trains was recently repeated in Kabul, but on a smaller scale. Still in Indochina, Laos and Thailand, the US troops intervened less to establish their model than to fight competition from the Soviets and Chinese. The muscular interventions took place in Egypt, in the context of the Suez crisis, in 1956, in support of the Zionists and, two years later, the famous marines intervened in Lebanon. Cuba, abandoning its vocation as a brothel for its northern neighbor, has been banned since the 1960s. Also in the 1960s, the US made its debut in black Africa with a logistical involvement in Congo (ex-Belgian). On the other side of the Atlantic, in 1964, the US helped the fascist military in Brazil… just as it now supports the Nazi battalions in Ukraine; which was followed, the following year, by the landing of 20,000 soldiers in the Dominican Republic to quell the revolt of the locals. In the 1980's – and to shorten such a long list – the USA fills itself with glory by invading the small island of Grenada and Panama; and, in conflicts with Libya, Honduras, Chad, Iran, pushing Saddam's Iraq into a long and bloody war with Iran… a country that continues to generate a lot of heartburn in Washington. In 1990, the intrusion into the Middle East accelerated after his friend Saddam – without prior authorization – invaded Kuwait, resulting in immense punishment for Iraqis during the decade. Then, with the implosion of the USSR came the intervention in the Balkans, with the ignition of hostilities of religious origin, blessed by Pope Woytyla; hence the successive division of the territory of the former Yugoslavia into small
  • 11. 4/4/2022 11 identity nuclei, with special emphasis on the US bombing of Belgrade for more than 70 days, which not even the Chinese embassy escaped. Still in the 1990s, the marines landed in Somalia to leave shortly afterward, with the whole world watching the humiliation of American corpses dragged by the Somalis. This time, God, distracted, was not on the right side, fraternized with the Somalis. This list of US interventions across the planet ends here; its volume is measured by hundreds. However, the strengthening of China, its connection with Russia, the creation of the SCO – Shanghai Cooperation Organization, constitutes a bloc where the US cannot intervene; and which will certainly be followed by a loss of dominance of the dollar, the main US export. This and other texts at: