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Social Media Background Slide 3
Youtube: Purpose Slide 4
Content Slide 5
Target User/Membership Slide 6
Sources of Revenue Slide 7 & 8
Legal and Ethical Issues Slide 9
Positive and Negative
Slide 10 &
Advertising Slide 12
Viral Marketing Slide 13
Product/ Service Reviews Slide 14 &
Snapchat: Purpose Slide 16
Content Slide 17
Target User/Membership Slide 18
Sources of Revenue Slide 19 &
Legal and Ethical Issues Slide 21
Positive and Negative
Slide 22 &
Advertising Slide 24
Viral Marketing Slide 25
Product/ Service Reviews Slide 26
Instagram: Purpose Slide 27
Content Slide 28
Target User/Membership Slide 29
Sources of Revenue Slide 30 & 31
Legal and Ethical Issues Slide 32
Positive and Negative Effects Slide 33
Advertising Slide 34
Viral Marketing Slide 35
Product/ Service Reviews Slide 36
Conclusion Slide 37
Youtube Snapchat Instagram
A American video-sharing website
where its headquarters are based
in San Bruno, California. Founded
on February 14th in 2005 and an
Acquisition date of 13 November
A multimedia messaging app
Which was created by Evan
Spiegel, Bobby Murphy and Reggie
Brown (Stanford University
Students) who launched the app in
September of 2011 in 22 different
A social network that is used for
sharing videos and photos. With its
ownership company of Facebook;
Instagram was created by Kevin
Systrom and Mike Krieger in
October 6th 2010 which then won
the ‘Shorty Award for Apps’
Social Media Background
With the wide range of, video ideas for instance; vlogs, music videos, “Not Clickbait” etc. the public is then
consumed to the content which then results in many subscribing to the person’s channel. From a study by Phil
Nottingham, he found out that 0.72% of viewers of Youtube channels with URLs in the description were able to
click through to the linked site. Therefore, he came to the conclusion that trying to get through to a linked sit,
Youtube may not understand what the consumer is looking for. However, 99.28% of viewers watch video after
video and move on with their daily livelihood.
In addition, the purpose is not only multiple videos but a social networking site where a consumer can upload to
a setup account and present their content to the public. As this is a social networking as grown in publicity since
the launched in November of 2006, a youtube video with a high viral potential can be funny/ amazing, and if you
have a series of videos that may teach/ entertain the target market the goal will be to gain more subscribers
through the purposes of communicating with other people on a global scale, have the right to share appropriate
information with followers and friends and also make new friends.
In relation to having a video series, the content of that Youtube account must be consistent, in which to provide
more attraction and entertainment.
What is known as the CMS account (Content Management System) is a method to manage the youtube content
and its workflow, with the collaboration of other CMS accounts. The main idea of having a CMS account is to
present businesses in all shapes and sizes to therefore provide a powerful meaning of maintaining the website
Furthermore, to attract and maintain his or her attention, this can depend of the logic behind the youtube’s
ranking system and videos with a higher ranking with more likely gain more subscribers however the seven
main points to have a successful youtube channel is:
1. Don’t waste time to try and beat the system
2. Know your audience
3. Be clear and provide a suitable reason to stay
4. Plan ahead
5. Have energy
6. Take risks
7. Pay attention to Headlines and Descriptions
As a result of this, the Youtube channel will increase
in publicity as the video ranking will be higher as more
channels will be released causing more subscribers to
connect with, as well as other social channels such as
blogs, audio clips and visual advertising.
Target User/Membership
This can depend on the Youtube content and what the main purpose of that Youtube account may be. Research
has shown that public audiences on mobile have 20% higher ad recall lift and a 50% higher brand awareness lift
and relative campaigns only use demographic audiences. In addition, the idea of CAA (Custom Affinity
Audiences) the social networking app allows advertisers to target people with the basis of what they search.
They also have amped up the Platform’s Personalisation Capabilities with the creation of the new tool ‘Director
Mix’; to create different versions of the same creative tailored for different audiences.
In addition, the Youtube company has also launched the new tool known as the; Video Ad Sequencing tool and
this allows advertising businesses to advertise their product: along with the new feature where advertisers can
link ad creativeness and help consumers by knowing what they are looking for.
Sources of Revenue
Enable AdSense for
Youtube on your
Upload a Video and Promote Get Paid The Bottom Line
Enable ‘Account
Monetization’, this then
requires the
acceptance of
youtube’s advertising
guidelines and a
connection to an
AdSense account for
payment. Finally,
enabling ads on
youtube results in a
45/55 split where
google gets 45% and
the creator gets 55% of
video advertisements.
Create and edit videos using editing
programs, such as Adobe Premier or
Apple’s iMovies. To promote your
content, use other social networking
accounts, for example Instagram or
Tumblr; mainly using other digital
outlets equals more views meaning
more money in your pocket. Research
has shown that in 2013, the average
CPM (cost per thousand) for Youtube
was $7.60 CPM and the average
income for each content creator was
$7.60 per every thousand views: videos
that earn higher/lower than the average
rate, depends on the content.
After linking your AdSense
account with your Youtube
account, you will receive
credit for each video’s
monthly revenue. After
accumulating $100 in
earnings, Google will issue
a payment to your bank
account. However, if you
live in the US and earn
more that $600 per year,
then Google will issue a
1099 form (different types of
compensation/ income; not
wage or salary).
Any individuals and
businesses make millions
through Youtube advertising,
however, there can be risks of
using a platform controlled by
another company. Google can
take a 45% cut of revenue
from youtube advertising. AS
youtube is the world’s second
largest audience and having
Google handle the most labor
intensive of building an
advertising network that could
outweigh costs risks.
Sources of Revenue (continued)
The industry term that represents revenue per thousand views.
In the year 2013, the average income for each content creator was $7.60 per thousand views. For instance, a
video with 500 views would have roughly earned $3.80. Youtubers can make 1-5$ per 1000 views and big
Youtuber who get millions of views per month from US&UK can earn 5$ per 1000 views
How much money can you make per 1000 views on Youtube?
A website that has a average of 100,000 views can earn about $10,000 = $10 per 100 views
This is mainly noticed through the advertisement of:
- Banners: Website banners or advertising banners are a form of World Wide Web delivery by an
advertising server.
- Corporate pages: Also known as “Corporate Media” is the mass media production, distribution and
ownership and funding of an advertisement that is dominated by corporations and their CEOs.
- Impression Advertising: Content of online advertising that is taken from the source. Although, whether or
not the ad is clicked onto account; each time the ad is fetched, is accounted as an impression.
- Pay-per-click advertising: where an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, where an
advertisers pays the publishers for a website for a network of websites when the ad is then clicked.
All users are promoted to agree with the terms and conditions upon registering to become a user on their site.
With the freedom of uploading videos, there can be legal issues of what is copyrighted and what is not.
Although Youtube does not have any policies that prohibit the upload of copyrighted videos as sometimes they
cannot be stopped or get caught, yet however “flag” a video. Usually, any Copyrighted videos will be taken down
if the user violates these terms, as users are given the freedom as to what videos can upload and watch; this
website promotes the ‘First Amendment of the US Constitution’
Furthermore, any video that relates to religion could cause tension among many users because they are
allowed to comment and reply to videos with their own opinions would be a problem, yet Youtube has installed
the option of disabling; comments, ratings and replies from the users decision.
Other key points that relate to legal and ethical issues when it comes to social interaction through other social
networking sites can consist of: whether the information given is libel, relation to if content follows copyright,
rules in privacy and the authority of intellectual property rights. Although there are other problems in relation
to this such as when presenting information, the content shown can be misrepresentation may offend people
through impersonating someone for the objective to advertise a product.
Legal & Ethical Issues
Positive and Negative Effects
Positive Effects Negative Effects
● About 80% of viewers are from outside the U.S. which suggests
that, Youtube is a international social network for uploading and
viewing videos.
● The website can be accessed in 76 languages; this amount covers
95% of the internet population around the world.
● Hundreds of Youtube videos are shared on other social networks
such as Twitter; this connotes that different social networks
collaborate to increase in popularity
● Youtube is the 3rd most viewed website, alongside Google and
● Only 10% of videos can be viewed in HD
● Paid for advertising (Questionnaires, Sponsored links)
● Promotional campaigns, e.g. short reports and “free” how-to guides
● Online messaging distribution; for instance Hotmail adding
promotions to their headline and footers.
● Free online gaming: new stories/ features, best bits/ highlights
● TV advertising: Increasing brand awareness
● Influence on personal recommendations for someone to purchase a
service or product(s)
● Over a two year period, the increase in growth that users would
spend time on Youtube as grown to 60%
● An average of 40 minutes a day is the percentage that users spend
time watching video after video on Youtube
● More than 50% of viewer watch Youtube from their mobile devices.
● The freedom of uploading content is that this can be offensive or
harmful to other people and can cause disagreements and arguing
in the comment
Positive and Negative Effects (continued)
Though this social network is visualised as a video-sharing website, the impact it has on our society today has
grown more during the last ten years. Originally, Youtube was seen as an influencing website with some videos
made to entertain; many videos with advices and people seeking help (such as beauty tutorials and makeup
hot-to’s) have increased in recent years Alongside many face “Beauty Guru’s, for instance, Zoella, Meredith
Foster and RclBeauty101 who convey information, tips, DIY’s, expectations v.s reality, outfit ideas etc. The
effect of Youtube on the U.S has also given people the opportunity to upload music videos/ covers or other
original content, in the hopes that they may get discovered by companies and business; which results in
collaborations and sponsors.
Many Youtubers upload videos without the thought of how many views, comments, like or subscribers they will
get; although, many post amusing but unnecessary thumbnails to entertain the viewer, for instance, ‘Not
Clickbait’ or ‘*GONE WRONG*’ these can be misunderstood or misinterpreted.
In addition, publicly posting about worldwide related topics such as, shooting can result in the debate between
the positive and negative impact in the viewer: the positive effect being applauding the video, and the negative
effect being, the unnecessary commenting that target people in the video, this then causes the effect of
cyberbullying and arguments.
Finally, the influence of Youtube has had a both positive and negative effect on its target audience as uploads of
videos opinions based on events or other topics from the users’ perspective, their viewers can like or agree with
the video content and some may be inspired without the thought if it is positive or negative.
Benefits of Advertising on Youtube
Every month, more than 1 billion people spend more than 6 billion hours on Youtube by which more that half
watch on their mobile devices. However, there are some benefits in the advertising community for Youtube, for
instance; one of the benefits of video ads is that this enables the advertisers to,
Connect with the audience, as advertisers can connect with potential customers in a different memorable way,
as it is aimed to be personal by explaining a product or service to an aimed target audience
Reaching the right audience, based on what the consumer watches, the company is able to advertise a
product or a service that relate to that topic due to the demographic or an indication of a specific keyword.
Creating a video campaign in a short amount of time, as new members sign up to create an account on
Youtube allows the user to create, upload and entertain/ advertise.
Measure the success, by knowing the aimed target audience, ‘Google Ads’ allows the user to track the number
of views, the cost of the product and the budgeting details.
Youtube and Audience engagement
The unique video access, and sharing promotes a larger youtube viewing community as sight, sound and
motion promote the involvement of the content to its customer in a different for of media. The idea of discovery
and engagement through commenting and liking is that the ad with be promoted via youtube. Youtube creators
can understand the amount of views through Youtube Analytics and therefore, this drives the creator to invest
deeper and larger based on their target audience.
Viral Marketing
With its main objective on increasing brand awareness through the replication process which would then result
in the indication of advertisement in digital marketing. The social platform of Youtube is that viral videos become
viral is through the sharing of them; mainly in the form of videos, but also in the form of games, software, images
and messaging. For the company, their main goal is to create content that would appeal to their aimed target
market with a large potential and can easily be spread through individuals.
About 75% of the world’s population that go onto social networks Facebook, Twitter and Youtube spend more
time of the social website more than spent on emails.
Secrets of Viral Marketing
1. Creating viral videos are not easy; many viral videos are created with no special lighting, no props and
only use a home video camera and these can be created and uploaded in less than a day.
2. Less is more; not forcing the concept to fit the product, as the goal is for the product to fit the concept.
3. Behind the numbers; more than 1000 Youtube videos are uploaded everyday. Not typically based on
waiting for the numbers to grow as to make a video go viral, one has to create a buzz through, other social
networking sites, friends: A successful campaign can take a lot of work.
4. Release simultaneously; With the idea of viral marketing, videos must be posted a certain number of times
per week: videos should not be seen as a television as the viewer may los interest.
5. Shocking Headline; Intriguing titles that may or may not relate to the video can be amusing to the viewer
which will result in the questioning of ‘Did that actually happen?’
Product/ Service Reviews
Product Reviews
● The female gender are more
interested in the beauty genre
of Youtube, with makeup
advertisement through
sponsors and collaborations
and skin care products.
● Women users watch beauty
videos between the 50-90%
on average.
● Whereas the men are drawn
more towards the gaming and
virtual enjoyment as well as
the fun of sponsors and
● Although, on the male gender
side, men watch no less than
the average of 86-95%
Product/ Service Reviews
Service Reviews
● Besides Gender, the Youtube company is a decade old.
● From the large audience and great age division with 81.2% of users live in the U.S.
● In March of the year 2015, 31.8 million Youtube users were between the ages of 18 and 24 and 98.3% live
in the U.S.
● Users roughly spend an average of 10 hours with 15 minutes on each site.
● The platform itself has attracted about 19.4 million users and visitors above the age of 65 and about 74%
of Internet users in that demo; spending an average of 3 hours and 45 minutes of using video live-
streaming services.
● Advertisers, beauty and style are Google preferred, and for Youtube this category being very popular as
reached a high amount of 582 million monthly views.
● Channel such as the Beauty and Lifestyle have attracted the youthful generation; 17% ages of 13 to 17,
40% ages 18 to 25 and 16% ages 25 to 34.
● Service reviews that also feature cute pets and animals have a large gender split as well as attract an
audience of all ages. However mainly very attractive in men ranged 18 to 34; 30%.
● Only 24% of women and attracted this type of cute animals category as they are more appealed in the
makeup tutorials.
A popular mobile app, which allows the consumer to send videos and pictures that will
self destruct after a set time of a person viewing them. Globally, Snapchat is also a
fun messaging app, that can be available on Android or iOS. The core concept of this
app is that pictures and videos are only available for a short time before they become
inaccessible; therefore the idea of temporary nature of the app is to encourage a more
natural flow of interaction.
In addition, the developers of Snapchat are a public popular camera company called
Snap, by which they create hardware for instance the Snapchat Spectacles. Finally, it
was originally, focused on private person-to-person photo sharing; and now the
development of short videos, live video chats, messaging and Bitmojis, due to its main
purpose about instant communication through photos and videos that can be sent and
received through your mobile phone.
No longer a platform for the teenage demographic because roughly half of the users
that sign up are over the age of 25. The content of Snapchat Stories are complications
of images and short video snaps, that can be viewed for 24 hours with a beginning,
middle and end, rather than an assortment of standalone images or videos. In
addition, the content of Snapchat was that stories could be downloaded, saved or
archived; as well as they can be re-posted onto another channel, for instance,
Instagram. Any content can be saved into ‘Memories’ where the user can repost
images and videos that they have posted previously as they have saved them and the
content also disappears after 24 hours; for this reason is that the social media
professionals generally avoid using the memories feature unless they are able to
share them within the 24 hour limit.
Furthermore, snapchat users are allowed to design an image with overlays; also
referred to as Geofilters which can then encourage followers to amp up their brand on
other social networks: even though studies have shown that are quite expensive to
launch, they are actually quite inexpensive as this can depend on the amount of space
that the consumer would like the given filter to be available with.
Overall, the main content Snapchat us that when the user takes photos and uses the
wide range of selfies lense and photo filters that are trendy as well as decorating
images with stickers and drawings.
Target User/Membership
As studies have shown, as well as the images presented convey that in
America, over 30% of consumers that sign up to a Snapchat account are
over the age of 25 and roughly 20% of consumers are between the ages
of 12 t 17, therefore this results in the fast growing demographic.
Although, other studies have shown that with the evolution of the
Snapchat community, half of the social network app users are on
Snapchat every day as the improvement and introduction of the
smartphone is given to the public audience within the range of 13 and
However: ‘Snapchat knows that user attention is the number 1 KPI for
their business, if they leave Snapchat and move over to Instagram
stories they will lose user attention’ which results in advertisers losing
income from what they earn for their business.
Given the advantage of meeting new people and making new friends
through the online chat service as well as being able to view friends
stories and see their location, has resulted in the increase in the
popularity of using this social media app.
Sources of Revenue
A project that was made in Stanford in 2011 by Evan Spiegel came up with that
idea that the mobile app will permanently delete photos and texts after opening
them; even though his classmates though that it was a terrible idea until roughly
seven years later, the company came up with the official name of Snap Inc. and
became one of the hottest apps in the social network; and research has shown
that, ‘One of the hottest social media apps, the kind that feels comfortable turning
down a $3 billion offer from Facebook Inc.(FB).’
● The company went public with a market cap of $24 billion in March 2017,
significantly more than Twitter's market cap, which was at $11 billion at the
time. The price of the stock soared to $24 per share and pushed its market
cap to $33 billion on the day after its IPO. After the IPO, Mr Spiegel
received a stock rewards of more than 37 million shares of Snap stock,
worth around $640 million at the end of the year, which granted him the
best-paid CEO of 2017.
● As of August 7, 2018, Snapchat has a market cap of $16.9 billion.
In addition, not only Youtube advertises a wide variety of services and products,
but also Snapchat, through the varying and updates of new topics and
subscriptions that would relate to a consumers interest.
Sources of Revenue
The ‘Black Hole’ Cranking up the Ad Engine Core Features of Snapchat
Before its launch in March of 2017,
some thought that the Snapchat
company was profitable; however,
Gawker published a leaked
statement upon the income that
was 11 months prior to November
2014. This statement showed that
company generated a revenue of
$3.1 million and the bottom line
stood at -$128.4 million.
The re/code reported that Snapchat
was aiming for between $300-$500
million in the year 2016, yet
however had a hit of $100 million
revenue in October the year before.
As the social network is appealed to
18-34 year old demographic; ‘The
company says it reaches 41% of
this cohort in the U.S. every day in
2016’. Snapchat then had a 30% of
ad revenue; and Re/code reported
in October that the company
wanted to pay the partners on
upfront license fees, advertising and
With the agreement of Snapchat
users to send and receive texts,
photos and videos (Snaps) the user
is also allowed to choose private
and direct conversations or publicly
display content on their ‘Stories’.
Unlike other social networking apps,
the idea that Snapchat can delete
private snaps immediately after
opening them or after 24 hours.
Legal and Ethical Issues
Legal Issues Ethical Issues
● Potential problems such as sharing images that
are rude, offensive or sexualised breach the
‘State and Commonwealth legalisation that carry
serious legal consequences.
● Taking, sending or saving images can constitute
child pornography offences and can result in
long term legal ramifications on a child’s future.
● In addition, if these images become public, they
can result in school bullying and harassment.
● Extreme importance to the parents/ carers
should be aware of the issues associated with
● Sexting: However, with ethical problems of the
younger generation signing up to Snapchat, this
gives them the opportunity to ‘sext’ other people.
● There is a high risk of Cyber Stalking to send
pictures without their consent, as such the user
content is open to the public against the users
● Cyber bullying is a high risk, due to the sending
of embarrassing pictures of other people to each
● Privacy Breach: Pictures, Stories and Videos
that are stored on receivers’; the receiver can
screenshot images and chats.
Positive and Negative Effects
Ranked as the second worst social platform for teenage mental health and therefore an unhealthy
teenage lifestyle.
Positive Effects
● Benefiting the company, Snapchat is ranked as the most popular social media networking site for
● Teenagers have less social pressure as snaps and videos can disappear after a set period of time
● Artistic expression - this allows users to have fun with filters, sticker and draw with the drawing pen tool
● Bonding with friends - similar to having a face-to-face conversation which then results in a closer
bonding experience
● Telling stories - through the users snapchat story, their followers are able to visually see from the users’
● Users have the chance to create and store memories based on certain events which after a 1-year time
period a story of all the photos and videos they took 1-year ago are created, which the user can post if
they want to.
● Instant messaging - users can communicate easily with their peers if they are connected to wifi or if the
mobile data is on.
Positive and Negative Effects
Negative Effects
● Below the age of 25, the average number of minutes that users spend on Snapchat is 40 minutes a day
(this is greater than instagram on a similar demographic).
● Users visit snapchat at least 20 time throughout the day per day.
● The younger generation (16-24) user the internet as a social networking site to communicate with others.
● Described as more addictive than alcohol or smoking.
● Snapchat has daily users due to the introduction of ‘Streaks’
● Streaks can be a high concern in the hierarchy of friendship; as some teens can be disappointed if they
drop a streak with someone. “The more you cannot leave one day without being on social media, the
more your identity gets wrapped up in it [and] the more likely it’s going to have negative effects,”. A
big part of Snapchat Streaking is that it has become one identity and also their social appearance
by suggesting how well they communicate with others
● Share usernames and passwords with friends and with strangers
● Causes such as; anxiety, lack of sleep, cyberbullying and how people see them as a person (eg.
body image, change in personality)
Starting with sponsored posted with geofilters to reality posts, shoppable products and the latest news.
With the large price range, from £6 to £400,000+, from advertisement brands and publishers, the Snapchat
company has reached over 191 million daily active users, in which about 12 million are situated in the UK; users
spend an average of 30 minutes over more looking at other people stories or posting their own content onto the
social networking platform every day.
In the beginning of 2018, 8% of market advertisers would use Snapchat to sell their product, and now it is
predicted that more than 72% of markets would use Snapchat to branch out to their audiences in the upcoming
12 months.
● ‘By comparison, 94% of marketers are using Facebook, 66% Instagram, 62% Twitter, 56% LinkedIn, 50%
YouTube and 26% Pinterest.’
● ‘Global revenue grew by more than 50% to $230.7m in the first quarter of 2018, but user growth did take a hit,
rising by just 2% during the first three months of the year, compared to 5% during the last quarter of 2017.’
The growth in the marketing ad revenues, the company is on track to reach £100 million+ in the UK’s ad
revenue; a prediction of £108 million for the Snapchat ad revenue in 2019.
Viral Marketing
The statistics that research shows is that, 150,000,000 people around the world use the app on a daily
basis, with over 10 billion videos watched daily, users aged 41% 18-35 are located in the U.S and more than
half of new users signing up are over the age of 25
Although the company’s app does not get large amounts of traffic every day the effectiveness of the app is
relatively high. The Ad platform did a tracking on emotional responses and surveys, the results were interesting;
- There was more visual attention (more than double) than Facebook ads
- 1.5 times more visual attention than Instagram ads
- 1.3 times more effective than Youtube.
Marketing Plan
Having direct messaging, this gives a more personal approach and therefore this increases engagement and
The marketing plan has introduced ideas as to how the company became so successful
- Behind-the-scene footage
- Real-time news and updates
- Mini-tutorial (short instructional content)
- Product reviews
Sending content
Only having the two main types of content: Snaps and Stories
Snaps being single pictures or videos that last up to 10 seconds long each.
Stories are basically, a series/ collection of pictures and videos that can be viewed multiple times over a 24 hour
Product/ Service Reviews
As Snapchat is a popular social networking app,
there have been many good reviews about the
service and the products that are advertised on
Research has also shown that many of the
younger demographic sign up for a account at the
beginning of their teenage years.
A social networking app , made for sharing photos and videos from you mobile phone. The design is
quite similar to Facebook and Twitter where everyone is able to create an account and profile and post
new feed.
Research has shown that Instagram is a more simplified Facebook social network; with the emphasis of
mobile use and visual sharing, where everyone can interact with other uses on Instagram through:
following, liking, commenting, tagging and dms.
Using Instagram as a Social Network
● Accounts can be create to visually see, ‘Followers’,who they are ‘Following’ and how many ‘Posts’
they have made. As well as ‘Publicly’ or ‘Privately’ upholding their account where they user can
approve as to who can be able to see them.
Filters and Editing posts
● With more than 20 instagram, filters which can be applied to both photos and videos and apply
editing effects for instance; brightness, contrast and structure.
● Posting can be through both taking and selecting from an album where video lengths can be up to
1 minute.
Viewing and Publishing
● As the latest launch of the ‘Instagram Stories’ feature (secondary feed) where the users can see
the posts of those they are following as well as their own.
● These stories can last up to 24 hours (similar to Snapchat) and can access the camera by wiping
Mainly the content as to be relevant and interesting to an aimed target
audience but also needs to look good. As well as a highly visually appealing
platform with eye-catching and engaging content; and a cool aesthetic to
promote a digital product, for example; clothes, food and technology.
For a successful instagram account some people include/ follow a system of:
1. Create content using templates; Creation of pre-designed templates
where a user can twerk with minimal effort.
2. Find high-quality stock images; Making unique ones can be
customized by adding text overlays, filters, icons and borders.
3. Repost content from brands; A pretty good and quite popular job is to
produce content that an aimed target can be interested in; the benefit is
that there is nothing wrong with reposting brands similar to yours as
long as permission is given and receive proper credit.
4. Collaborate with influencers; If the user wants more control over feed
and have a consistent flow, the user can work with other influencers,
which then results in the opportunity to expand the audience and gain
more followers. Mainly collaborations are of makeup brands such as:
TooFaced and Benefit Cosmetics. Some micro-influencers can have
between 10,000 - 50,000
Target User/Membership
The graph presented in the bottom right side shows the table of the ‘Distribution of Instagram users in the United
States as of December 2016, by age group’
The statistics show that, near the end of 2016, there were 25.2% of U.S. users aged between 25-34 were on
Instagram and only 20.6% of users aged between 17-24 were active on Instagram.
Research has shown that: ‘The photo sharing app reported 200
million daily active and 700 million monthly active users worldwide
in April 2017. In 2016, survey data of U.S. internet users shows
that 38 percent of female and 26 percent of male online users in
the United States were using the app.’
Sources of Revenue
How does Instagram make money?
The company did not commence of making a revenue until the year of 2013, when they proposed the revenue
would be based on their sponsored advertising; which was similar to the idea that Facebook had. These new
improvements helped the company increase in revenue as they aimed to make Instagram a easy and
entertaining social network for the public. For instance in:
Early October 2013 - The company introduced the involvement of including advertising.
December 12th 2013 - Introduction to ‘Direct Messaging’ (Dms) to send pictures/ videos to specific people
Early August 2016 - Presentation of the idea ‘Instagram Stories’, where the user could see other people stories
as well as view and post their own images/ videos, and these could last up to 24 hours.
Mid November 2016 - Live Video Chat allow a user to broadcast themselves and interact with their followers for
a maximum duration of 1 hour.
Mid February 2017 - Idea of Carousel, which enable the user to post a maximum of 10 pictures and videos within
the same post.
March 20th 2018 - Launch the idea of Shopping on instagram, by tagging other businesses/ companies on their
June 21st 2018 - Introduction to IGTV; a mobile app that is similar to Youtube; this is a standalone vertical
application where the user can upload 10 minute videos or up to 1 hour if you are verified.
Sources of Revenue (continued)
The table shown in the bottom right corner, shows the: ‘Worldwide mobile internet advertising revenue of
Instagram from 2015 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)’.
This connotes the data of the worldwide revenue of Instagram over a three year period; and the estimated
revenue of the mobile network advertising revenue was predicted to reach about $6.84 billion U.S. dollars,
which was higher than in 2016 with $1.86 billion U.S. dollars
The company’s revenue has increased over the year course as more users over the ages of 25 have applied
for an account and users over the age of 17 who have also applied for an account have increased
the profitable income for the social networking company and
therefore, the overall advantage that due to the improvement
and introduction of new features on the app; advertisers are
able to advertise and sell their product internationally
through the social networking app.
Legal and Ethical Issues
Research has shown that in the social community their have been problems of students being involved with
teachers on social media apps such as; Instagram and Facebook. This problem has resulted in the loss of jobs
or jail because students have searched for their teachers on the website; yet teachers and students should not
be on their social media account during school hours.
This problem does not reflect well on the school district as there have been cases that involve teenagers and
teachers chatting and adding each other on the internet which resulted in the disruption and concern of staff
members and parents. Instagram has included new terms that users under that age of 18 must imply their
agreement that a parent or legal guardian has read the terms and conditions and agreed with them.
Positive and Negative Effects
Instagram is relatively known for its addictiveness of fitness, travel and photo-perfect moment.
This discontent suggested that social media was contributing to mental-health problems like anxiety, depression
and insomnia, one of the main problems being body image and self-esteem towards younger people.
With more than 700 million instagram users, this social network has had the greatest negative effect. The
negative effect has impacted 1 ½ thousand people between 14-24, alongside the other popular social networks
there have been positive and negative effects on one’s health.
Some users have described Instagram has having negative effects on
their body image as well as the feeling of anxiety. Mainly girls compare
themselves with fitness models and skinny girls, but mostly unrealistic
images that have been Photoshopped.
“Instagram easily makes girls and women feel as if their bodies aren’t good
enough as people add filters and edit their pictures in order for them to look
This statement connote that the physical appearance of women engages the
theory of the “Female Gaze” (Laura Mulvey) where they are pressured to look
and dress a specific way to be accepted and admired by today’s society.
Having millions of daily users, Instagrams appears to be the perfect place or
businesses to reach customers as they include the use of stunning imagery,
motivational videos and live streaming. Also, Instagram influencers are able to create
and produce a creative content which is then aimed to a large targeted audience, this
would therefore increase the advertising rates.
Many Instagram influencers mostly post images and videos with the involvement of
sponsored products, this idea then promotes advertisers to use many influencers to
promote their business through a social networking site.
Reviewing and sharing the experience of a product helps a brand get noticed and
promote their business.
Creating a New Revenue Stream
If it would be tagging items/ the company account in bios, uploading a short vlog or
simply a pretty picture, advertisers become aware of the high influence that this can
have by which they encourage customers to purchase their products.
Brand Advocates
Instagram influencers are seen as reliable and more relatable than celebrities in the
promotion of a product, because they have an easier connection with their millions of
Instant Results
Every post reaches millions of people, and the idea of ‘Influencer Marketing’ can
deliver instant results as a sponsored post can leave a great impact on brands.
Viral Marketing
With the average of 800 million monthly users, this suggests the powerfulness of
the social network as a marketing platform.
For advertisers, it is a prime place to promote products/ businesses by
connecting with their customers of their target market. Viral marketing consists of;
Instagram hashtags
Users can upload an image or a video with a branded hashtag, this then appears
in a gallery where others users images have used the same hashtag.
Instagram Sweepstakes
Other than hashtags, this is a good way to advertise a brand to their target
market. A sweepstake page features information about a contest where on can
collect prizes. Through Instagram stories, this can inform followers about the
sweepstakes with a call-to-action aimed directly to them.
Instagram Ads
Some businesses can be successful and they want to give their contestants a
possible chance of succeeding, some businesses invest time and money into:
Instagram Ads.
Post Product Photos
Marketing in the simplest way, consisting of photos of the product
in combination with great photography and anchoring captions.
Product/ Service Reviews
From this website, there have been
many good reviews about how the
app and the service the company
As shown, many people have rated
the app as a useful source of
interaction and communication as
well as connote one’s interest about
a topic.
Overall, from this unit I decided to research and analyse my three social media networks of; Snapchat,
Instagram and Youtube. I wanted to focus on the seven main features that I have analysed for each
The main reason as to why I had to research, understand and analyse three social media networks was to
help me understand what would be relevant and appropriate for when I plan and create my own social
media website. I decided to study, Youtube, Snapchat and Instagram as I understand that these three
social networks in my opinion are anchored towards a young/ middle aged generation and also the
advantage for advertisers to advertise their product.
Finally, after researching and understanding that there can be positive and negative effects popular social
media networks and exploring the advertising upon the different commercial ideas to understand the
popularity that many social networks.

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Unit 35: LO1

  • 1.
  • 2. Contents Social Media Background Slide 3 Youtube: Purpose Slide 4 Content Slide 5 Target User/Membership Slide 6 Sources of Revenue Slide 7 & 8 Legal and Ethical Issues Slide 9 Positive and Negative Effects Slide 10 & 11 Advertising Slide 12 Viral Marketing Slide 13 Product/ Service Reviews Slide 14 & 15 Snapchat: Purpose Slide 16 Content Slide 17 Target User/Membership Slide 18 Sources of Revenue Slide 19 & 20 Legal and Ethical Issues Slide 21 Positive and Negative Effects Slide 22 & 23 Advertising Slide 24 Viral Marketing Slide 25 Product/ Service Reviews Slide 26 Instagram: Purpose Slide 27 Content Slide 28 Target User/Membership Slide 29 Sources of Revenue Slide 30 & 31 Legal and Ethical Issues Slide 32 Positive and Negative Effects Slide 33 Advertising Slide 34 Viral Marketing Slide 35 Product/ Service Reviews Slide 36 Conclusion Slide 37
  • 3. Youtube Snapchat Instagram A American video-sharing website where its headquarters are based in San Bruno, California. Founded on February 14th in 2005 and an Acquisition date of 13 November 2006 A multimedia messaging app Which was created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown (Stanford University Students) who launched the app in September of 2011 in 22 different languages. A social network that is used for sharing videos and photos. With its ownership company of Facebook; Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 6th 2010 which then won the ‘Shorty Award for Apps’ nGB814GB814&oq=Yotube+&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2519j0j 7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on 814GB814&ei=mjSaW4XlDseUgQadjp2QAg&q=snapc hat&oq=snapcha&gs_l=psy- ab.3.1.35i39k1j0i67k1l4j0i131i67k1j0i67k1l3j0i131k1.28 934.30862.0.32267. .64.psy- ab..0.7.462...0.0.3FtwJhBaTMs&safe=active&ssui=on 814&ei=uzSaW8_rFKnOgAbGwaOIDA&q=Instagram&oq=Inst agram&gs_l=psy- ab.3..0i131i67k1l3j0i67k1l5j0j0i67k1.44941.47460.0.47760.10 . ab..3.7.1151.6..35i39k1j0i131k1.264.LRj9AJhIbzQ&safe=activ e&ssui=on Social Media Background
  • 4. Purpose With the wide range of, video ideas for instance; vlogs, music videos, “Not Clickbait” etc. the public is then consumed to the content which then results in many subscribing to the person’s channel. From a study by Phil Nottingham, he found out that 0.72% of viewers of Youtube channels with URLs in the description were able to click through to the linked site. Therefore, he came to the conclusion that trying to get through to a linked sit, Youtube may not understand what the consumer is looking for. However, 99.28% of viewers watch video after video and move on with their daily livelihood. In addition, the purpose is not only multiple videos but a social networking site where a consumer can upload to a setup account and present their content to the public. As this is a social networking as grown in publicity since the launched in November of 2006, a youtube video with a high viral potential can be funny/ amazing, and if you have a series of videos that may teach/ entertain the target market the goal will be to gain more subscribers through the purposes of communicating with other people on a global scale, have the right to share appropriate information with followers and friends and also make new friends.
  • 5. Content In relation to having a video series, the content of that Youtube account must be consistent, in which to provide more attraction and entertainment. What is known as the CMS account (Content Management System) is a method to manage the youtube content and its workflow, with the collaboration of other CMS accounts. The main idea of having a CMS account is to present businesses in all shapes and sizes to therefore provide a powerful meaning of maintaining the website content Furthermore, to attract and maintain his or her attention, this can depend of the logic behind the youtube’s ranking system and videos with a higher ranking with more likely gain more subscribers however the seven main points to have a successful youtube channel is: 1. Don’t waste time to try and beat the system 2. Know your audience 3. Be clear and provide a suitable reason to stay 4. Plan ahead 5. Have energy 6. Take risks 7. Pay attention to Headlines and Descriptions As a result of this, the Youtube channel will increase in publicity as the video ranking will be higher as more channels will be released causing more subscribers to connect with, as well as other social channels such as blogs, audio clips and visual advertising.
  • 6. Target User/Membership This can depend on the Youtube content and what the main purpose of that Youtube account may be. Research has shown that public audiences on mobile have 20% higher ad recall lift and a 50% higher brand awareness lift and relative campaigns only use demographic audiences. In addition, the idea of CAA (Custom Affinity Audiences) the social networking app allows advertisers to target people with the basis of what they search. They also have amped up the Platform’s Personalisation Capabilities with the creation of the new tool ‘Director Mix’; to create different versions of the same creative tailored for different audiences. In addition, the Youtube company has also launched the new tool known as the; Video Ad Sequencing tool and this allows advertising businesses to advertise their product: along with the new feature where advertisers can link ad creativeness and help consumers by knowing what they are looking for.
  • 7. Sources of Revenue Enable AdSense for Youtube on your account Upload a Video and Promote Get Paid The Bottom Line Enable ‘Account Monetization’, this then requires the acceptance of youtube’s advertising guidelines and a connection to an AdSense account for payment. Finally, enabling ads on youtube results in a 45/55 split where google gets 45% and the creator gets 55% of video advertisements. Create and edit videos using editing programs, such as Adobe Premier or Apple’s iMovies. To promote your content, use other social networking accounts, for example Instagram or Tumblr; mainly using other digital outlets equals more views meaning more money in your pocket. Research has shown that in 2013, the average CPM (cost per thousand) for Youtube was $7.60 CPM and the average income for each content creator was $7.60 per every thousand views: videos that earn higher/lower than the average rate, depends on the content. After linking your AdSense account with your Youtube account, you will receive credit for each video’s monthly revenue. After accumulating $100 in earnings, Google will issue a payment to your bank account. However, if you live in the US and earn more that $600 per year, then Google will issue a 1099 form (different types of non-employee compensation/ income; not wage or salary). Any individuals and businesses make millions through Youtube advertising, however, there can be risks of using a platform controlled by another company. Google can take a 45% cut of revenue from youtube advertising. AS youtube is the world’s second largest audience and having Google handle the most labor intensive of building an advertising network that could outweigh costs risks.
  • 8. Sources of Revenue (continued) The industry term that represents revenue per thousand views. In the year 2013, the average income for each content creator was $7.60 per thousand views. For instance, a video with 500 views would have roughly earned $3.80. Youtubers can make 1-5$ per 1000 views and big Youtuber who get millions of views per month from US&UK can earn 5$ per 1000 views How much money can you make per 1000 views on Youtube? A website that has a average of 100,000 views can earn about $10,000 = $10 per 100 views This is mainly noticed through the advertisement of: - Banners: Website banners or advertising banners are a form of World Wide Web delivery by an advertising server. - Corporate pages: Also known as “Corporate Media” is the mass media production, distribution and ownership and funding of an advertisement that is dominated by corporations and their CEOs. - Impression Advertising: Content of online advertising that is taken from the source. Although, whether or not the ad is clicked onto account; each time the ad is fetched, is accounted as an impression. - Pay-per-click advertising: where an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, where an advertisers pays the publishers for a website for a network of websites when the ad is then clicked.
  • 9. All users are promoted to agree with the terms and conditions upon registering to become a user on their site. With the freedom of uploading videos, there can be legal issues of what is copyrighted and what is not. Although Youtube does not have any policies that prohibit the upload of copyrighted videos as sometimes they cannot be stopped or get caught, yet however “flag” a video. Usually, any Copyrighted videos will be taken down if the user violates these terms, as users are given the freedom as to what videos can upload and watch; this website promotes the ‘First Amendment of the US Constitution’ Furthermore, any video that relates to religion could cause tension among many users because they are allowed to comment and reply to videos with their own opinions would be a problem, yet Youtube has installed the option of disabling; comments, ratings and replies from the users decision. Other key points that relate to legal and ethical issues when it comes to social interaction through other social networking sites can consist of: whether the information given is libel, relation to if content follows copyright, rules in privacy and the authority of intellectual property rights. Although there are other problems in relation to this such as when presenting information, the content shown can be misrepresentation may offend people through impersonating someone for the objective to advertise a product. Legal & Ethical Issues
  • 10. Positive and Negative Effects Positive Effects Negative Effects ● About 80% of viewers are from outside the U.S. which suggests that, Youtube is a international social network for uploading and viewing videos. ● The website can be accessed in 76 languages; this amount covers 95% of the internet population around the world. ● Hundreds of Youtube videos are shared on other social networks such as Twitter; this connotes that different social networks collaborate to increase in popularity ● Youtube is the 3rd most viewed website, alongside Google and Facebook. ● Only 10% of videos can be viewed in HD ● Paid for advertising (Questionnaires, Sponsored links) ● Promotional campaigns, e.g. short reports and “free” how-to guides ● Online messaging distribution; for instance Hotmail adding promotions to their headline and footers. ● Free online gaming: new stories/ features, best bits/ highlights ● TV advertising: Increasing brand awareness ● Influence on personal recommendations for someone to purchase a service or product(s) ● Over a two year period, the increase in growth that users would spend time on Youtube as grown to 60% ● An average of 40 minutes a day is the percentage that users spend time watching video after video on Youtube ● More than 50% of viewer watch Youtube from their mobile devices. ● The freedom of uploading content is that this can be offensive or harmful to other people and can cause disagreements and arguing in the comment
  • 11. Positive and Negative Effects (continued) Though this social network is visualised as a video-sharing website, the impact it has on our society today has grown more during the last ten years. Originally, Youtube was seen as an influencing website with some videos made to entertain; many videos with advices and people seeking help (such as beauty tutorials and makeup hot-to’s) have increased in recent years Alongside many face “Beauty Guru’s, for instance, Zoella, Meredith Foster and RclBeauty101 who convey information, tips, DIY’s, expectations v.s reality, outfit ideas etc. The effect of Youtube on the U.S has also given people the opportunity to upload music videos/ covers or other original content, in the hopes that they may get discovered by companies and business; which results in collaborations and sponsors. Many Youtubers upload videos without the thought of how many views, comments, like or subscribers they will get; although, many post amusing but unnecessary thumbnails to entertain the viewer, for instance, ‘Not Clickbait’ or ‘*GONE WRONG*’ these can be misunderstood or misinterpreted. In addition, publicly posting about worldwide related topics such as, shooting can result in the debate between the positive and negative impact in the viewer: the positive effect being applauding the video, and the negative effect being, the unnecessary commenting that target people in the video, this then causes the effect of cyberbullying and arguments. Finally, the influence of Youtube has had a both positive and negative effect on its target audience as uploads of videos opinions based on events or other topics from the users’ perspective, their viewers can like or agree with the video content and some may be inspired without the thought if it is positive or negative.
  • 12. Advertising Benefits of Advertising on Youtube Every month, more than 1 billion people spend more than 6 billion hours on Youtube by which more that half watch on their mobile devices. However, there are some benefits in the advertising community for Youtube, for instance; one of the benefits of video ads is that this enables the advertisers to, Connect with the audience, as advertisers can connect with potential customers in a different memorable way, as it is aimed to be personal by explaining a product or service to an aimed target audience Reaching the right audience, based on what the consumer watches, the company is able to advertise a product or a service that relate to that topic due to the demographic or an indication of a specific keyword. Creating a video campaign in a short amount of time, as new members sign up to create an account on Youtube allows the user to create, upload and entertain/ advertise. Measure the success, by knowing the aimed target audience, ‘Google Ads’ allows the user to track the number of views, the cost of the product and the budgeting details. Youtube and Audience engagement The unique video access, and sharing promotes a larger youtube viewing community as sight, sound and motion promote the involvement of the content to its customer in a different for of media. The idea of discovery and engagement through commenting and liking is that the ad with be promoted via youtube. Youtube creators can understand the amount of views through Youtube Analytics and therefore, this drives the creator to invest deeper and larger based on their target audience.
  • 13. Viral Marketing With its main objective on increasing brand awareness through the replication process which would then result in the indication of advertisement in digital marketing. The social platform of Youtube is that viral videos become viral is through the sharing of them; mainly in the form of videos, but also in the form of games, software, images and messaging. For the company, their main goal is to create content that would appeal to their aimed target market with a large potential and can easily be spread through individuals. About 75% of the world’s population that go onto social networks Facebook, Twitter and Youtube spend more time of the social website more than spent on emails. Secrets of Viral Marketing 1. Creating viral videos are not easy; many viral videos are created with no special lighting, no props and only use a home video camera and these can be created and uploaded in less than a day. 2. Less is more; not forcing the concept to fit the product, as the goal is for the product to fit the concept. 3. Behind the numbers; more than 1000 Youtube videos are uploaded everyday. Not typically based on waiting for the numbers to grow as to make a video go viral, one has to create a buzz through, other social networking sites, friends: A successful campaign can take a lot of work. 4. Release simultaneously; With the idea of viral marketing, videos must be posted a certain number of times per week: videos should not be seen as a television as the viewer may los interest. 5. Shocking Headline; Intriguing titles that may or may not relate to the video can be amusing to the viewer which will result in the questioning of ‘Did that actually happen?’
  • 14. Product/ Service Reviews Product Reviews ● The female gender are more interested in the beauty genre of Youtube, with makeup advertisement through sponsors and collaborations and skin care products. ● Women users watch beauty videos between the 50-90% on average. ● Whereas the men are drawn more towards the gaming and virtual enjoyment as well as the fun of sponsors and reviews. ● Although, on the male gender side, men watch no less than the average of 86-95%
  • 15. Product/ Service Reviews (continued) Service Reviews ● Besides Gender, the Youtube company is a decade old. ● From the large audience and great age division with 81.2% of users live in the U.S. ● In March of the year 2015, 31.8 million Youtube users were between the ages of 18 and 24 and 98.3% live in the U.S. ● Users roughly spend an average of 10 hours with 15 minutes on each site. ● The platform itself has attracted about 19.4 million users and visitors above the age of 65 and about 74% of Internet users in that demo; spending an average of 3 hours and 45 minutes of using video live- streaming services. ● Advertisers, beauty and style are Google preferred, and for Youtube this category being very popular as reached a high amount of 582 million monthly views. ● Channel such as the Beauty and Lifestyle have attracted the youthful generation; 17% ages of 13 to 17, 40% ages 18 to 25 and 16% ages 25 to 34. ● Service reviews that also feature cute pets and animals have a large gender split as well as attract an audience of all ages. However mainly very attractive in men ranged 18 to 34; 30%. ● Only 24% of women and attracted this type of cute animals category as they are more appealed in the makeup tutorials.
  • 16. Purpose A popular mobile app, which allows the consumer to send videos and pictures that will self destruct after a set time of a person viewing them. Globally, Snapchat is also a fun messaging app, that can be available on Android or iOS. The core concept of this app is that pictures and videos are only available for a short time before they become inaccessible; therefore the idea of temporary nature of the app is to encourage a more natural flow of interaction. In addition, the developers of Snapchat are a public popular camera company called Snap, by which they create hardware for instance the Snapchat Spectacles. Finally, it was originally, focused on private person-to-person photo sharing; and now the development of short videos, live video chats, messaging and Bitmojis, due to its main purpose about instant communication through photos and videos that can be sent and received through your mobile phone.
  • 17. Content No longer a platform for the teenage demographic because roughly half of the users that sign up are over the age of 25. The content of Snapchat Stories are complications of images and short video snaps, that can be viewed for 24 hours with a beginning, middle and end, rather than an assortment of standalone images or videos. In addition, the content of Snapchat was that stories could be downloaded, saved or archived; as well as they can be re-posted onto another channel, for instance, Instagram. Any content can be saved into ‘Memories’ where the user can repost images and videos that they have posted previously as they have saved them and the content also disappears after 24 hours; for this reason is that the social media professionals generally avoid using the memories feature unless they are able to share them within the 24 hour limit. Furthermore, snapchat users are allowed to design an image with overlays; also referred to as Geofilters which can then encourage followers to amp up their brand on other social networks: even though studies have shown that are quite expensive to launch, they are actually quite inexpensive as this can depend on the amount of space that the consumer would like the given filter to be available with. Overall, the main content Snapchat us that when the user takes photos and uses the wide range of selfies lense and photo filters that are trendy as well as decorating images with stickers and drawings.
  • 18. Target User/Membership As studies have shown, as well as the images presented convey that in America, over 30% of consumers that sign up to a Snapchat account are over the age of 25 and roughly 20% of consumers are between the ages of 12 t 17, therefore this results in the fast growing demographic. Although, other studies have shown that with the evolution of the Snapchat community, half of the social network app users are on Snapchat every day as the improvement and introduction of the smartphone is given to the public audience within the range of 13 and 34. However: ‘Snapchat knows that user attention is the number 1 KPI for their business, if they leave Snapchat and move over to Instagram stories they will lose user attention’ which results in advertisers losing income from what they earn for their business. Given the advantage of meeting new people and making new friends through the online chat service as well as being able to view friends stories and see their location, has resulted in the increase in the popularity of using this social media app.
  • 19. Sources of Revenue A project that was made in Stanford in 2011 by Evan Spiegel came up with that idea that the mobile app will permanently delete photos and texts after opening them; even though his classmates though that it was a terrible idea until roughly seven years later, the company came up with the official name of Snap Inc. and became one of the hottest apps in the social network; and research has shown that, ‘One of the hottest social media apps, the kind that feels comfortable turning down a $3 billion offer from Facebook Inc.(FB).’ ● The company went public with a market cap of $24 billion in March 2017, significantly more than Twitter's market cap, which was at $11 billion at the time. The price of the stock soared to $24 per share and pushed its market cap to $33 billion on the day after its IPO. After the IPO, Mr Spiegel received a stock rewards of more than 37 million shares of Snap stock, worth around $640 million at the end of the year, which granted him the best-paid CEO of 2017. ● As of August 7, 2018, Snapchat has a market cap of $16.9 billion. In addition, not only Youtube advertises a wide variety of services and products, but also Snapchat, through the varying and updates of new topics and subscriptions that would relate to a consumers interest.
  • 20. Sources of Revenue (continued) The ‘Black Hole’ Cranking up the Ad Engine Core Features of Snapchat Before its launch in March of 2017, some thought that the Snapchat company was profitable; however, Gawker published a leaked statement upon the income that was 11 months prior to November 2014. This statement showed that company generated a revenue of $3.1 million and the bottom line stood at -$128.4 million. The re/code reported that Snapchat was aiming for between $300-$500 million in the year 2016, yet however had a hit of $100 million revenue in October the year before. As the social network is appealed to 18-34 year old demographic; ‘The company says it reaches 41% of this cohort in the U.S. every day in 2016’. Snapchat then had a 30% of ad revenue; and Re/code reported in October that the company wanted to pay the partners on upfront license fees, advertising and selling. With the agreement of Snapchat users to send and receive texts, photos and videos (Snaps) the user is also allowed to choose private and direct conversations or publicly display content on their ‘Stories’. Unlike other social networking apps, the idea that Snapchat can delete private snaps immediately after opening them or after 24 hours.
  • 21. Legal and Ethical Issues Legal Issues Ethical Issues ● Potential problems such as sharing images that are rude, offensive or sexualised breach the ‘State and Commonwealth legalisation that carry serious legal consequences. ● Taking, sending or saving images can constitute child pornography offences and can result in long term legal ramifications on a child’s future. ● In addition, if these images become public, they can result in school bullying and harassment. ● Extreme importance to the parents/ carers should be aware of the issues associated with this. ● Sexting: However, with ethical problems of the younger generation signing up to Snapchat, this gives them the opportunity to ‘sext’ other people. ● There is a high risk of Cyber Stalking to send pictures without their consent, as such the user content is open to the public against the users decisions. ● Cyber bullying is a high risk, due to the sending of embarrassing pictures of other people to each other. ● Privacy Breach: Pictures, Stories and Videos that are stored on receivers’; the receiver can screenshot images and chats.
  • 22. Positive and Negative Effects Ranked as the second worst social platform for teenage mental health and therefore an unhealthy teenage lifestyle. Positive Effects ● Benefiting the company, Snapchat is ranked as the most popular social media networking site for teenagers. ● Teenagers have less social pressure as snaps and videos can disappear after a set period of time ● Artistic expression - this allows users to have fun with filters, sticker and draw with the drawing pen tool ● Bonding with friends - similar to having a face-to-face conversation which then results in a closer bonding experience ● Telling stories - through the users snapchat story, their followers are able to visually see from the users’ perspective. ● Users have the chance to create and store memories based on certain events which after a 1-year time period a story of all the photos and videos they took 1-year ago are created, which the user can post if they want to. ● Instant messaging - users can communicate easily with their peers if they are connected to wifi or if the mobile data is on.
  • 23. Positive and Negative Effects (continued) Negative Effects ● Below the age of 25, the average number of minutes that users spend on Snapchat is 40 minutes a day (this is greater than instagram on a similar demographic). ● Users visit snapchat at least 20 time throughout the day per day. ● The younger generation (16-24) user the internet as a social networking site to communicate with others. ● Described as more addictive than alcohol or smoking. ● Snapchat has daily users due to the introduction of ‘Streaks’ ● Streaks can be a high concern in the hierarchy of friendship; as some teens can be disappointed if they drop a streak with someone. “The more you cannot leave one day without being on social media, the more your identity gets wrapped up in it [and] the more likely it’s going to have negative effects,”. A big part of Snapchat Streaking is that it has become one identity and also their social appearance by suggesting how well they communicate with others ● Share usernames and passwords with friends and with strangers ● Causes such as; anxiety, lack of sleep, cyberbullying and how people see them as a person (eg. body image, change in personality)
  • 24. Advertising Starting with sponsored posted with geofilters to reality posts, shoppable products and the latest news. With the large price range, from £6 to £400,000+, from advertisement brands and publishers, the Snapchat company has reached over 191 million daily active users, in which about 12 million are situated in the UK; users spend an average of 30 minutes over more looking at other people stories or posting their own content onto the social networking platform every day. In the beginning of 2018, 8% of market advertisers would use Snapchat to sell their product, and now it is predicted that more than 72% of markets would use Snapchat to branch out to their audiences in the upcoming 12 months. ● ‘By comparison, 94% of marketers are using Facebook, 66% Instagram, 62% Twitter, 56% LinkedIn, 50% YouTube and 26% Pinterest.’ ● ‘Global revenue grew by more than 50% to $230.7m in the first quarter of 2018, but user growth did take a hit, rising by just 2% during the first three months of the year, compared to 5% during the last quarter of 2017.’ The growth in the marketing ad revenues, the company is on track to reach £100 million+ in the UK’s ad revenue; a prediction of £108 million for the Snapchat ad revenue in 2019.
  • 25. Viral Marketing The statistics that research shows is that, 150,000,000 people around the world use the app on a daily basis, with over 10 billion videos watched daily, users aged 41% 18-35 are located in the U.S and more than half of new users signing up are over the age of 25 Although the company’s app does not get large amounts of traffic every day the effectiveness of the app is relatively high. The Ad platform did a tracking on emotional responses and surveys, the results were interesting; - There was more visual attention (more than double) than Facebook ads - 1.5 times more visual attention than Instagram ads - 1.3 times more effective than Youtube. Marketing Plan Having direct messaging, this gives a more personal approach and therefore this increases engagement and response The marketing plan has introduced ideas as to how the company became so successful - Behind-the-scene footage - Real-time news and updates - Mini-tutorial (short instructional content) - Product reviews Sending content Only having the two main types of content: Snaps and Stories Snaps being single pictures or videos that last up to 10 seconds long each. Stories are basically, a series/ collection of pictures and videos that can be viewed multiple times over a 24 hour period.
  • 26. Product/ Service Reviews As Snapchat is a popular social networking app, there have been many good reviews about the service and the products that are advertised on Snapchat. Research has also shown that many of the younger demographic sign up for a account at the beginning of their teenage years.
  • 27. Purpose A social networking app , made for sharing photos and videos from you mobile phone. The design is quite similar to Facebook and Twitter where everyone is able to create an account and profile and post new feed. Research has shown that Instagram is a more simplified Facebook social network; with the emphasis of mobile use and visual sharing, where everyone can interact with other uses on Instagram through: following, liking, commenting, tagging and dms. Using Instagram as a Social Network ● Accounts can be create to visually see, ‘Followers’,who they are ‘Following’ and how many ‘Posts’ they have made. As well as ‘Publicly’ or ‘Privately’ upholding their account where they user can approve as to who can be able to see them. Filters and Editing posts ● With more than 20 instagram, filters which can be applied to both photos and videos and apply editing effects for instance; brightness, contrast and structure. ● Posting can be through both taking and selecting from an album where video lengths can be up to 1 minute. Viewing and Publishing ● As the latest launch of the ‘Instagram Stories’ feature (secondary feed) where the users can see the posts of those they are following as well as their own. ● These stories can last up to 24 hours (similar to Snapchat) and can access the camera by wiping left.
  • 28. Content Mainly the content as to be relevant and interesting to an aimed target audience but also needs to look good. As well as a highly visually appealing platform with eye-catching and engaging content; and a cool aesthetic to promote a digital product, for example; clothes, food and technology. For a successful instagram account some people include/ follow a system of: 1. Create content using templates; Creation of pre-designed templates where a user can twerk with minimal effort. 2. Find high-quality stock images; Making unique ones can be customized by adding text overlays, filters, icons and borders. 3. Repost content from brands; A pretty good and quite popular job is to produce content that an aimed target can be interested in; the benefit is that there is nothing wrong with reposting brands similar to yours as long as permission is given and receive proper credit. 4. Collaborate with influencers; If the user wants more control over feed and have a consistent flow, the user can work with other influencers, which then results in the opportunity to expand the audience and gain more followers. Mainly collaborations are of makeup brands such as: TooFaced and Benefit Cosmetics. Some micro-influencers can have between 10,000 - 50,000
  • 29. Target User/Membership The graph presented in the bottom right side shows the table of the ‘Distribution of Instagram users in the United States as of December 2016, by age group’ The statistics show that, near the end of 2016, there were 25.2% of U.S. users aged between 25-34 were on Instagram and only 20.6% of users aged between 17-24 were active on Instagram. Research has shown that: ‘The photo sharing app reported 200 million daily active and 700 million monthly active users worldwide in April 2017. In 2016, survey data of U.S. internet users shows that 38 percent of female and 26 percent of male online users in the United States were using the app.’
  • 30. Sources of Revenue How does Instagram make money? The company did not commence of making a revenue until the year of 2013, when they proposed the revenue would be based on their sponsored advertising; which was similar to the idea that Facebook had. These new improvements helped the company increase in revenue as they aimed to make Instagram a easy and entertaining social network for the public. For instance in: Early October 2013 - The company introduced the involvement of including advertising. December 12th 2013 - Introduction to ‘Direct Messaging’ (Dms) to send pictures/ videos to specific people Early August 2016 - Presentation of the idea ‘Instagram Stories’, where the user could see other people stories as well as view and post their own images/ videos, and these could last up to 24 hours. Mid November 2016 - Live Video Chat allow a user to broadcast themselves and interact with their followers for a maximum duration of 1 hour. Mid February 2017 - Idea of Carousel, which enable the user to post a maximum of 10 pictures and videos within the same post. March 20th 2018 - Launch the idea of Shopping on instagram, by tagging other businesses/ companies on their posts. June 21st 2018 - Introduction to IGTV; a mobile app that is similar to Youtube; this is a standalone vertical application where the user can upload 10 minute videos or up to 1 hour if you are verified.
  • 31. Sources of Revenue (continued) The table shown in the bottom right corner, shows the: ‘Worldwide mobile internet advertising revenue of Instagram from 2015 to 2018 (in billion U.S. dollars)’. This connotes the data of the worldwide revenue of Instagram over a three year period; and the estimated revenue of the mobile network advertising revenue was predicted to reach about $6.84 billion U.S. dollars, which was higher than in 2016 with $1.86 billion U.S. dollars The company’s revenue has increased over the year course as more users over the ages of 25 have applied for an account and users over the age of 17 who have also applied for an account have increased the profitable income for the social networking company and therefore, the overall advantage that due to the improvement and introduction of new features on the app; advertisers are able to advertise and sell their product internationally through the social networking app.
  • 32. Legal and Ethical Issues Research has shown that in the social community their have been problems of students being involved with teachers on social media apps such as; Instagram and Facebook. This problem has resulted in the loss of jobs or jail because students have searched for their teachers on the website; yet teachers and students should not be on their social media account during school hours. This problem does not reflect well on the school district as there have been cases that involve teenagers and teachers chatting and adding each other on the internet which resulted in the disruption and concern of staff members and parents. Instagram has included new terms that users under that age of 18 must imply their agreement that a parent or legal guardian has read the terms and conditions and agreed with them.
  • 33. Positive and Negative Effects Instagram is relatively known for its addictiveness of fitness, travel and photo-perfect moment. This discontent suggested that social media was contributing to mental-health problems like anxiety, depression and insomnia, one of the main problems being body image and self-esteem towards younger people. With more than 700 million instagram users, this social network has had the greatest negative effect. The negative effect has impacted 1 ½ thousand people between 14-24, alongside the other popular social networks there have been positive and negative effects on one’s health. Some users have described Instagram has having negative effects on their body image as well as the feeling of anxiety. Mainly girls compare themselves with fitness models and skinny girls, but mostly unrealistic images that have been Photoshopped. “Instagram easily makes girls and women feel as if their bodies aren’t good enough as people add filters and edit their pictures in order for them to look ‘perfect.'” This statement connote that the physical appearance of women engages the theory of the “Female Gaze” (Laura Mulvey) where they are pressured to look and dress a specific way to be accepted and admired by today’s society.
  • 34. Advertising Having millions of daily users, Instagrams appears to be the perfect place or businesses to reach customers as they include the use of stunning imagery, motivational videos and live streaming. Also, Instagram influencers are able to create and produce a creative content which is then aimed to a large targeted audience, this would therefore increase the advertising rates. Many Instagram influencers mostly post images and videos with the involvement of sponsored products, this idea then promotes advertisers to use many influencers to promote their business through a social networking site. Reviewing and sharing the experience of a product helps a brand get noticed and promote their business. Creating a New Revenue Stream If it would be tagging items/ the company account in bios, uploading a short vlog or simply a pretty picture, advertisers become aware of the high influence that this can have by which they encourage customers to purchase their products. Brand Advocates Instagram influencers are seen as reliable and more relatable than celebrities in the promotion of a product, because they have an easier connection with their millions of followers. Instant Results Every post reaches millions of people, and the idea of ‘Influencer Marketing’ can deliver instant results as a sponsored post can leave a great impact on brands.
  • 35. Viral Marketing With the average of 800 million monthly users, this suggests the powerfulness of the social network as a marketing platform. For advertisers, it is a prime place to promote products/ businesses by connecting with their customers of their target market. Viral marketing consists of; Instagram hashtags Users can upload an image or a video with a branded hashtag, this then appears in a gallery where others users images have used the same hashtag. Instagram Sweepstakes Other than hashtags, this is a good way to advertise a brand to their target market. A sweepstake page features information about a contest where on can collect prizes. Through Instagram stories, this can inform followers about the sweepstakes with a call-to-action aimed directly to them. Instagram Ads Some businesses can be successful and they want to give their contestants a possible chance of succeeding, some businesses invest time and money into: Instagram Ads. Post Product Photos Marketing in the simplest way, consisting of photos of the product in combination with great photography and anchoring captions.
  • 36. Product/ Service Reviews From this website, there have been many good reviews about how the app and the service the company provides. As shown, many people have rated the app as a useful source of interaction and communication as well as connote one’s interest about a topic.
  • 37. Conclusion Overall, from this unit I decided to research and analyse my three social media networks of; Snapchat, Instagram and Youtube. I wanted to focus on the seven main features that I have analysed for each media. The main reason as to why I had to research, understand and analyse three social media networks was to help me understand what would be relevant and appropriate for when I plan and create my own social media website. I decided to study, Youtube, Snapchat and Instagram as I understand that these three social networks in my opinion are anchored towards a young/ middle aged generation and also the advantage for advertisers to advertise their product. Finally, after researching and understanding that there can be positive and negative effects popular social media networks and exploring the advertising upon the different commercial ideas to understand the popularity that many social networks.